THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, FOKTLAXD, - JUtY ' 23, 1916.' ADVERTISING . Cleanses Sweetens TUIKOUIH "' I IIINIIIHIIW I md mill iiiiiHtivti A Most Efficient Antiseptic c Kncvm Power Hit um Htittt '"hi ll1''.'; BvtlteV ,!"ll 'L't I' Mm . ; xWfe No Conscientious Druggist Wants to Be Responsible for Poison Accidents Carbolic acid, bichloride of mercury tablets, corrosive sub limate, iodine, etc., are deadly poisons, and every time a drug gist bands a bottle of these poisons over his counter be is tak ing chances of spreading death among children and others who do Dot understand how to use these dangerous poisons which now should, be discarded. Cm i A discovered In the University of Minnesota by Prof. H..C. Caret while head of the department of Medical Chemistry and Toxi cology, has revolutionized the use of antiseptics and germi cides. . . Insist that your druggist substitute Benetol for all of those deadly, dangerous poisons whenever you order an antiseptic or germicide. Benetol is in itself entirely beneficial to use either externally or internally as directed, yet Is more powerful antl- 1 septlcally than any other antiseptic or germicide you have ever used, doing all and more than the" deadly, dangerous poisons can, without their dangers. THE WORD "REVOLUTIONIZE;" IS A STRONG WORD, but we shall need to use it to describe to you what Benetol is doing in the antiseptic and germicidal world, for Benetol is literally revolutionizing the use of antiseptics and germicides. Not only Is it displacing the strong and dangerous poisons heretofore used as antiseptics and germicides, such as carbolic acid, bichloride of mercury, corrosive sublimate, iodine, etc, but it is also displacing the weak, and practically worthless so called antiseptics sold under the name of hydrogen peroxide, and many others of similar character which are widely ad vertised. THE IT. S. GOVERNMENT TEST, (shown In Bulletin No. 82, Page 39, U. S. Health Service Hygienic Laboratory) shows that Benetol is 123 as effective against germ dangers as car bolic acid. Upon results shown as figured in the same Bulletin, No. 83, 'the antiseptic value of Benetol is more than 2600 greater than the-most widely advertised hydrogen peroxide, or the best known throat gargle and mouth wash. If then upon this showing hydrogen peroxide is an Anti septic, WHAT MUST BENETOL BE? . WHILE BENETOL IS A GERM KILLING AND HEALING AGENT it does not profess to be a cure-all. but the fact that germs or bacteria are the cause of all contagious diseases and infection makes it very plain that its field of usefulness is almost unlimited. Doctors have found Benetol an invaluable aid in the treatment of some of the worst diseases. MTOoms of Germs Taken Throttj'L tlse Tt Is conceded by scientific investigators that fully 90 of sll diseases and death is caused by germs. Millions of germs infest the whole skin. The mouth and nose are the breeding places fr the germs we pick up; hence Benetol. because it is non-poisonous, beneficial to use either externally or internally, harmless as salt, has a wide scope to cover in the treatment of contagious diseases and infection. . i It is the germs we breathe through 'the mouth and nose which cause diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping-cough, typhoid fever, dysentery and other epidemic diseases. You can fortify yourself and family against these terrible ills by gargling and washing the mouth and nasal passages as directed. Benetol will stop the germ breeding. Many contagious diseases and infection enter the body by way of the skin when cut or bruised. Kill every germ in the pores of the body hjc using y Benetol in the bath. Benetol is highly recommended by physi cians for the bath. One Minneapolis physician recommends Benetol in the proportion of 3 oz. to a bath tub of hot water for relieving rheurnatism, and claims to have had wonderful success. Benetol gives remarkable results in the treatment of any kind of sore throat the truth is it knocks tonsilitis in twenty-Tour hours. There is nothing that acts as quickly on this disease" as Benetol. - Benetol is of especial value to have in the home because It Is one of the best and quickest healing agents for Xll kinds of burns, cuts, wounds, old sores, and works wonderful results in destroying boils. Benetol is. therefore, revolutionizing the use of antiseptics and germicides, , is displacing carbolic acid, bichloride of mercury, corrosive"sublimate. iodine, lysol, hydro gen, peroxide, listerine, and all similar bodies which either have small value as antiseptics or possess poisonous properties which render them dangerous to use and unsafe to have in the home. FVotct-Yourself From Germs a.nd Germ Infliction By putting from one tablespoonful to 3 oz. of. Benetol In your bath, according to the condition of your skin, gargle your throat every morning with a Benetol solution consisting of It to 15 drops to a glass of warm water, use Benetol in solution consisting of 1 to 3 drops in glass douche full of warm water for clearing out the nasal passages, protect every cut, wound, bruise, burn, insect bite, or eyen small scratches with Benetol. It is not that the little scratch is dangerous. Infection is what you must guard against. Germs, dirt and. foreign matter are all working against you when you have a scratch, sore or wound. Bathe the wound in Benetol solution. Kjll the germs and the- wound will heal. - Benetol being a scientific laboratory product is for the well as much as for the sick. It is a safe, powerful and positive germ destroyer. - THE BENETOL PREPARATIONS ARE THE VERY BEST REMEDIES for the purpose for which they are 'intended and recommended because of the non-poisonous, quick healing and available, hygienic antiseptic and germicidal value given by Benetol; the Government-tested, most effective quick-healing, modern, non-poisonous antiseptic and germicide. Kep Beneio! in the House.' .It's Safe The great drawback in keeping the strong, poisonous anti septics in he house for emergencies has been the danger of" poisoning. Children will get hold of things and carbolic acid and bichloride of mercury tablets are dangerous for trtem to handle. Kven adults often make serious mistakes with such poisons. With Benetol It is different. Large doses taken In ternally by mistake have proven beneficial rather than harm ful. Benetol is safe to have around where there are children. It cannot hurt them. Don't be afraid of Benetol. It has been proven to be harmless in every-Instance and does all the work that the dangerous poisons can do, better and quicker with absolute safety. 25c BOo, 91.00 and 2.00 Bottles. lii'-?!:' 111! m 'Ml-:!;' stiiiVf! fttUti Scientific Dentifrice Very Por.erful in Antiseptic VALUE Mim rnmij tin I tt Mill MMn aft tut n mum. ts tia Benetol Tooth Cream The first, dental necessity ever offered to the public that is a real destroyer of germs by actual test. This cream will give the utmost satisfaction be cause it is antiseptically of the highest officiency compared with other tooth creams and pastes, owing to the fact that it contains Benetol to equal 7.25 phenol content. No other cream possesses the available hygienic, antiseptic or germicidal value that this 'does because it is impossible to get the same effect from any other antiseptic or germicide of the same power that is not poisonous. The daily use of Benetol Tooth Cream in conjunction with Benetol itself as a mouth wash and morning gargle will act as an antiseptic and germicide, deodorizing and purifying.the breath, preserving the teeth, checking the causes of pyor rhea, bleeding and receding gums, and decay of the teeth. It makes the teeth white and lustrous, gives a refreshing taste and keeps the mouth in good, healthy condition, destroying disease germs which are taken through the nose and mouth. - . 25c the Package i 5 ! I ; (VAGlHAL) 0,t-JV ! ;;$;:!: "' : ,.i mill : ..... ... 11 II II. I ,tt t ' I' It tuttl l III'" ...... Benetol Suppositories for Women A POSITIVE BOON TO WOMANKIND No disease is so common to women as Leucor rhoea, or Whites. There is none that is so generally dreaded. Nearly every woman knows its danger. " A FEW TREATMENTS WILL HANDLE ANY - ORDINARY CASE. THESE SUPPOSITORIES ARE SUPERB FOR TREATMENT OF DISEASES PECULIAR "TO WOMEN. Vulvitis, Vaginitis, Cervicitis, or Any Infection in the Genito-Urinary Tract. The use of the Benetol "Doucheln the treatment of all diseases peculiar to women is extensively pre scribed by physicians and cannot be too highly rec ommended. The douche used in connection with these suppositories will give the most gratifying results. The usual strengths' prescribed by physi cians range from a teaspoonfiil per pint to teaspoon ful per quart. Teaspoonful per quart of warm water is most commonly used. . WARNING!!; In preparing the douche do not use'the dangerous poisons, or' the disagreeable smelling: kind, such as carbolic acid, corrosive sublimate; bichloride of mer cury tablets and (some others which are heavily ad vertised for douches, but are ill-smelling and also poisonous marked in the label with the skull and cross bones. " .; , , '". .' Throw out the poisons the labels which indicate death with a sign of the skull and cross bones. Before Benetol was discovered women ran ter rible chances by using ' dangerous prisons for douches. Instances are known where women have been dangerously burned with carbolic acid, causing abscesses and blood-poisoning. . Now women ieed have no fear of poison or burns if they will use. Benetol as a douche, because it is better in every way than any other antiseptic The disagreeable odor of some, as well as the terrible danger from poisons and burns by 'having carbolic acid or bi chloride of mercury tablets in and about the house, are done -away with, when Benetol is employed, be cause it is non-poisonous, leaves no disagreeable odor and is absolutely safe in the hands of children, who cannot be poisoned through mistakes. Benetol Suppositories for women sold in two sizes. " 50c, $1.00 Size'Packages Th'E SENET0L COMPANY MINNtAPOUlS o.a-A. Benetol Ointment (Unguentum-Benetolis.) . Far Superior to Any Ointment or Salve Ever Offered With Germicidal, Antiseptic, Disinfecting, Deodorizing and Healing Properties. ITS RESULTS ARE SO SPEEDY AS TO BE IN STANTLY NOTICEABLE. Most scientifically prepared by high chemical skill . from standard grade products only. Contains no lard. . This is the only Ointment made which posi tively contains Benetol, the powerful yet safe and dependable antiseptic and germicide. No other Oint ment is just as good. For the Complexion. Apply very small quantity to face and rub it in thoroughly. Bad complexions are caused by germs lodging in the pores. The ointment is the only salve that will kill them, and heal their lacerations. TO ACTORS: A positive revelation, used on face after removal of make-up. It will surprise you by its healing power. Best known application for. use upon chapped skin or lips, burns, eruptions, for piles (with suppositor ies), rash, sunburn, eczema, pimples, salt rheum, poison ivy, dandruff, and all itching diseases of the skin and scalp. Use After Shaving. After applying hot towel rub in a little ointment, finish with hot toweL Dry and powder if desired. This will prevent barber's itch and similar infections. Have jTour barber use it. 25c, 50c, $1.00 sizes. RECTAL SUPPOSITORIES i . t tMIt Benetol Rectal Suppositories There is NO SURER Treatment Than Benetol For PILES, HEMORRHOIDS AND RECTAL FISTULAE. Diseases of the Rectum or lower opening of the Bowel produce much agony, and are often very stub born. . These suppositories, used as directed, will con vince you as no talk can. , THERE IS NOTHING "JUST AS GOOD" , ' as These Suppositories - Because None Other of the Kind Contain BENETOL. These Rectal Suppositories are recommended by physicians as the most effective treatment for piles or hemorrhoids, rectal fistulae sinuses and other dis eases of the rectum used in conjunction with Ben etol Ointment remarkable and most satisfactory re sults are secured. 50c the package. r l! Mi' t lii)! ! li! Hilt Scientific Preparation for Relief of lha Muccus MO rn sillUJiuntiimw Benetol Catarrh Jelly Absolutely Without Equal. Pleasant and Effective. The Only Antiseptic and Germicidal Catarrhal Jelly . Ever Offered. The powerful antiseptic activity and healing qualities of the contained Benetol makes this jelly of highest efficiency for use in Nasal passages and of unique and positively beneficial value in the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh, Cold and Hay Fever. Affords an excellent antiseptic dressing for small wounds or infected surfaces when other Benetol preparations are not available. 23c the Package m 4L ; - ill " 11 i Benetol Powder for the Skin For the treatment of eczema, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, Up sores, poison ivy, pimples, scabies, sores, ulcers, cuts,' bruises, burns, wounds and other skin abrasions.- It is most efficient in the treatment of rashes, itch and other eruptions of the skin caused by local action of germs, animal parasites, and espe-" cially if infection induces moist local conditions. It also does away with perspiration odors, and is a won derful relief for tired, aching feet. . Safe, and Harmless far If sad Woacn, Children and B&&a' In Benetol Powder we find the true principle of Bkin treatment. Applied in dry form to a moist lesion or diseased tissue, its influence is confined to just the infected area and not to the healthy skin texture. Under these conditions the normal functions of the skin rapidly gain the ascendency over abnormal conditions. Capillary action is resumed. The disease-breeding areas are cleared. The directions for using Benetol Powder for the skin are very simple and are contained on the label which is on the package. . It is not a talcum powder, and there is nothing just as good. It is prepared from a special formula under the direction of Prof. H. C. Carel, the discov erer of Benetol. 25c the Package. Try This Treatment and Recommend It To Others SPECIAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE BENETOL TREATMENT As a. means of effecting; a permanent and positive recovery from indigestion, gas on the stomach, lower bowel troubles, gastritis, catarrh of the stomach, ulcerated stomach, stomach sore -throat, grip, biliousness, ptomaine poisoning and all resultant or similar ailments. Fr SlMiach r Bowel TrvaWlrs, take i drops" in H a-lass of hot water, in the morning- upon first arising. Same after breakfast, dinner (or lunch) and supper and again at, bedtime. This should be gradually in creased to from 10 to 20 drops per time. for Grip, Sore Threat. Teaal litis. Hearaeaesa, Ete.. make a Benetol solution by adding 20 drops of Benetol to a glass of hot water. Keep this at hand and gargle frequently, swallowing a llUle each time. For severe cases spray with a solution of a teaspoonful of Benetol to a glass of hot water, or touch the sorest spots with pure Benetol applied by twisting a little ab sorbent cotton at the end of a small stick or pencil. Fer Ptossalae Pelsealag take teaspoonful of Ben ' etol in glass of hot water. If vomiting occurs, repeat the dose until retained by stomach. Tske thorough cathartic, and. if violent, send for a physician. After pain ceases, continue with 10 drops of Benetol to a 'glass of hot water five times dally and keep bowels open with any good cathartic Bfetet Benetol is not a cathartic If you have been depending upon pills or any form of purgative, it will be necessary for you to continue with some form of cathartic for a short while until Benetol can have a chance to right the wrong you have been doing your self. After a short while you will not require any more false stimulants for the bowels. (We would suggest the use of carbonated citrate of magnesia as a temporary cathartic during the few days required for Benetol to show definite results.) X Benetol is a wonderful stimulant to tail the organs of digestion and may be used at any and all times with never falling delightful results. After you feel that a few weeks of the Benetol Treatment has ef fected a cure for your troubles, it will be an excellent practice for you to continue taking 12 to IS drops in a. glass of hot water every morning. This will keep your entire system antiseptically clean and fortified against germ diseases. For any desired information regarding Benetol preparations, address THE BENETOL COMPANY - Benetol Building MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Preserve tills page for reference. It rhajr be trie means of saving lives;