THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUT.T 9. 1916. CHURCH SERVICES GO ON DURING THE VACATION SEASON Music, Lectures and Sermons by Visiting Ministers Provided in Absence of Pastors. 10 CHURCH vacation time Is on in Portland. Many pastors are absent for their Summer recreation in the for their Summer recreation in the Kast, on mountain or fishing trips, and some are devoting the season to preaching- and giving Bible lectures about the state. Visiting pastors are supplying many pulpits and a few of the churches have dispensed with evening or morn ing services. Some of the Catholic Churches have intermitted their . high mass for the month. Several well known Eastern minis ters, who have come Wes; for their vacations, will pass through Portland. Arrangements are being made by vari ous Portland churches to have some of these ministers hold services and give lectures while in the city. The first to come is Dr. Henry C. liisner, of Knox--ville. Tenn. Another item of interest is the ex pected arrival of Tr. M. S. Hughes, Methodist bishop of Oregon, who is winding up . his affairs at Pasadena, Cal. Bishop Hughes is giving a number of lectures at great civic gatherings in California and will be in Portland July 25. Many ministers are announcing ser mon series on topics of vital interest during the Summer, and evening serv ices have become regular musical and ong services in a number of the churches. "The Uncommon Meaning of Life," as expressed by George Kliot's poem. "Stradivarius," will be given as the second of the series of evening sermons by Dr. John H. Boyd, at the First Pres byterian Church. Midsummer communion service and baptism of children will take place at the morning service, when Dr. Boyd will give a sacramental address. As the Uiird of the series of evening ser mons on famou religious poems. Dr. Boyd vill give "Life Interpreted . in Terms of Failure," as suggested by Kobert Browning's "Rabbi Ben Ezra." Members of the congregation are in vited to remain for the after-service meeting in the chapel, when the ser mon will be explained in detail. A solemn requiem mass for the men who died in the Irish uprisings will be celebrated at St.. Rose's parish this morning at 10:30. Irish societies of the city will attend the service in mass. Rev. Father J. M. O'Farrell will be celebrant, and .Rev. Father Edward J. Conaty will deliver the panegyric. Farewell Sermon to Be Given This Morning. Iter. M. C. ennen-Eiu5holm Will Leav TblM Week for New Field la California. REV. M. C. JENSEN-ENGHOLM will give his farewell sermon to his congregation at Bethany Congrega tional Church this morning. He has been pastor there since October, 1912, and has a wide circle of friends in Portland. His call to another field has caused regret among his parish ioners. He will leave with his wife, sons, Samuel, Daniel and Joseph, and daughter Miss Mamie, early this week for Haywtrd, Cal. r ' Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the First Free Methodist Church, East Ninth and East Mill streets, will preach a special sermon this morning on "The Trinity of Christian Virtues." This sermon is the first of a seres that Rev. Mr. Reers will preach. Various phases of Christian life and experi ence will be discussed from a scriptural standpoint during this series. Mr. Beers will preach in the evening also. Special music will be furnished for both these servces. Soldiers to Get Copies of Gospel of St. John. First Presbyterlnn Church. Women Put Gift In Kaon Kit Sent to Iloya on Mexican llorder. EACH soldier wro receives a kit made by the Woman's Association of the First Presbyterian Church will also re ceive a small vest-pocket copy of the gospel of John, which the workers will place in each kit, as a gift from their association. They will meet Tuesday at the church to finish the shipment of kits, which will be sent immediately to the boys at the border. Room A, of the church house will be open from 10 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. All women interested in the work are in .vited to meet with the Presbyterian women and help. Any -one who wishes to purchase a kit to send to friends in the Army may secure one by paying the cost of the material used in making it. Centenary Methodist Pastor Leaves on Tour. Dr. T. W. Lane Will Speak at Va - rloii Cities in Oregon and Wash ington. DR. T. W. LANE, pastor of the Cen tenary Methodist Episcopal Church will leave tonight at 12 o'clock for a sojourn of Oregon and Washington. Dr. Lane will give Bible study lectures at Chelan, Wash., Salem, Or., and Epworth Heights, near Redondo Beach. Dr. Lane will be gone until early Au gust, and will speak at numerous towns and cities. His lectures on "Scripture Teachings will be given at several cities where he has been requested to go. During Dr. Lane's absence varlou pastors will occupy his pulpit. This morning and evening Dr. M. H. Marvin, of the Pacific Coast Advocate, will give sermons. Next Sunday Rev. G. W. Hop kins, Oregon field secretary of the con ference claimants' endowment fund will have charge. Rev. L. JC. Richardson arrived in Portland yesterday after an absence of two months, during which he visited in the East and attended the General Conference at Atlantic City as commis sioner from the Portland Presbyterian churches. Dr. Richardson is pastor of the Kenilworth Church and will speak at ootn services today. He was accom panied East by his family, who re turned with him. Rev. Abraham Vereide, pastor of the Vancouver Norwegian-Danish Method 1st Episcopal, Church, returned early in the week from a lecture tour In Montana. For two weeks the Portland pastor has been speaking to congrega tions in Montana and conducted suc cessful meetings. He will speak from his own pulpit this morning and at tonight's service. Dr. Frank L. Loveland, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, will give the second of his series of ser mons on "Undesirable Citizens of Ore gon" tonight, taking as his special topic. "Undesirable Grumblers." The regular morning services will be held. Miss LoDesca Loveland will sing Mac dougall's "Jesus. Lover of My Soul" at the morning service and "With Verdure Clad." from Haydn's Oratorio of the Creation. Rev. Walter Lee Alrheart, assistant pastor, will meet the young people at the Epworth League service "The Rev. J. Carl Ghormley, formerly of the Montavilla. Christian Church, has accepted a call from the Rodney-avenue Christian Church. .Another pastor will be called to fill the vacancy In Montavilla. m Dr. Luther R. Dyott. pastor of the First Congregational Church. will preach In his pulpit every Sunday morning and evening during July. To day at 7:45 o'clock he will deliver a sermon on "Loyalty." Some of the questions answered will be: ""Are American proverbially lacking in loy alty?" "Are we required to be loyal when our leaders make mistakes?" "Are women usually more loyal in the af fairs of love and in domestic relations than men?" "What is real loyalty, who should have It, and why?" In the morn ing Dr. Dyott will deal with "The Greatest fJeed of All." Mr. Bralnerd will play the organ and Mrs. Marx will be the soloist during July. Eastern Evangelist Speaks at White Temple Today. Dr. Henry Clay Rlaner, Known as Eloquent Preacher, Will Give Morning and Evening; Sermons. DR. HENRY CLAY RISNER,. an eloquent and well known evange list, of Knoxvllle, Tcnn., will speak at both services at the White Temple (First Baptist Church), todayj ur. msner win give Americas Su preme Need" In the morning and will speak on, 'The Message of My Life" in the evening. Dr. Risner is known throughout America both as a literary man and a forceful speaker. His topics are al ways on popular themes, and his ideas run In a modern vein. Dr. Risner's lectures on various poets and poetry have been given at many of the leading universities. From time to time he has spoken at Emerson Col lege of Oratory in Boston, and at the University of Chicago. He is just go ing East from a three weeks' lecture tour In California. Dr. Risner's visit to Portland came as a surprise and his lectures are sure to be unusual, as he ranks among the foremost of evangelistic speakers. The Rev. Frank James, pastor of the Woodstock Methodist Church, Wood stock avenue and Forty-fourth street. South East, who has been absent from the city for several weeks on account of illness, has returned and will'preach at both, of the services on Sunday. m Rev. L F. Stephens will speak at the First Christian Church, corner. Park and Columbia streets,, today. At the morning service the quartet will sing "God Is Love" (Shelley) and there will be a baritone solo. "The Voice of God's Creation" (Evans), by W. Hardwick. In the evening the quartet will sing "Now the Day Is Over" (Barnby). New Home Is Present to Pas ' tor's Wife. Pleasant Surprise Given Mrs. E. O. Otto at Cove on Return From VlMit. COVE. Or., July 8. (Special.) When Mrs. E. O. Otto, wife of the mis sionary of the Grand Ronde Baptist Association, returned to Cove after a month s visit in Alamosa, Colo., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lahr maan, her welcome by the members of Calvary Church, of which her husband is pastor, was an agreeable surprise. The handsome residence property ad joining the church had been purchased and was presented to her in place of the more distant parsonage. Mrs. Otto's mother accompanied her home to visit during the Summer. A sacred concert will be given at the service of Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church, corner East Fifty-fifth and Belmont streets, tonight at 7:45 o'clock. Some of the best known sacred songs will be sung and an organ offertory "Appear Thou Light Divine," will be given. Noted Man to Speak at Campmeeting Here. Elder John W. Rnsfaton, of Los An rli to Have Leadinir Part In Latter-Day Snlnta' Reorganised Church Reunion. ELDER JOHN W. RUSHTON. of Los Angeles, will be the principal speaker at the camp reunion of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints, beginning July 21, at 66. Everett street. Other prominent speakers and leaders In the church will also participate in the meetings, which will continue for 10 days. Mr. Rushton is considered one of the ablest speakers in the church and has charge for his church of the South- y a Elder John W. Rashton, Who Will S pea it at Campmeeting in Port f land. western District of the United States and Hawaii. He was formerly in charsre of the wofk of his church in the British Isles and la4er held promi nent positions in the United States pre vious to being sent to Los Angeles. Mr. Rushton will speak at the even ing sessions of the camp meeting. Some of the best Sunday school workers of the Reorganized Church will have charge of day , sessions. Good music will also be provided. M. H. Cook, presiding elder of the Portland district, will be associated with Mr. Rushton in the meetings. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints, is not asso ciated In any way with the Utah Mor mons, according to Mr. Cook. Calvary Presbyterian Sunday school and give an illustrated talk on Other Wise Man." PORTLAXU MIMSTERS TAKE X V SUMMER SERVICES., held'its annual picnic Friday at Penin sula Park. After luncheon games and sports were indulged In to the enjoy ment of all. The clergy of St. Mark's parish (Episcopal) will give an entertain ment and social evening at the resi dence of Miss Percival, 646 Mo'ntgomery Drive,' Portland Heights, on Tuesday evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Several persons well known in musical - circles will be heard. Mrs. Clyde Aitchison, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Denton, Mrs. Johns, Mr. Crowthers, Mr. Thielhorn. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Staples and Thomas Dobson being on the programme. CENTRALIA. Wash., July 8. (Spe cial.) New officers have been elected as follows by the Christian Endeavor Society -of the Christian Chflrch: War ren Dickey, president; Miss Myrtle Lo gan, vice-president; Perry McCleary. secretary; Orman Allison, treasurer; Zelma Thorne, organist, and Mrs. O. C. Nordlund, chorister. Sunday Church Services. ADVENT. Advent- Christian. 43S Second street. nar Hall street Rev. J. 8. Lucas. paator. Preaching. - lO:a0; Sunday school. 12: Loyal Workers. 6:80 preaching-, 7:30; prayer meet ing. U'nursday evening, 7:30. ADVANCED THOUGHT. Spiritual Temple, corner Sixth and Mont gomery streets Services Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Tuesday evening at s o'clock. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; 'special music. Public cordially Invited. Temple of Universal Fellowship Rev. J. H. Dickey, pastor. Service at Eleventh street., corner Columbia, at 7:45 P. U.. ; occult lessens on the Bible, followed by answering questions. ADYKXT1STS. (Services of this denomination are held on Saturday.) Montaviiia. East Eighteenth and Everett J. F. Beatty, local eiaer. eabbatu school, 10; preaching. 11; Y. P. meeting. 4: prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:3': Helping Hand Society. 1 :80 Tuesday. Lenta. Ninety-fourth ' sr-et and Flfty Mgbn avenue Southeast 1. J. Chitwood. local elder, babbath school. 1U; preachlne. U; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, ii. St. Johns. Central avenue and Charles ton street S. D. Hurlburt. local elder. Sab- CUL'BCU NOTICES DCS THURS DAY. All church announcements and notices must reacn the editorial rooms of The Oregonian before 4:au o'clock Thursday, if they are to ap pear in the Sunday paper. &th achool, 10; preaching. 11; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening. 8. Mount Taoor. Kast Bixtietn and Belmont C. J. Cum minus, pastor. Pbbaiti school. 1U; preaching;. 11; grayer meeting. Wednesday 4 veiling. 7 :45. Alblna (German). Skid more and Mallory A. C. Schweitser, local elder. Sabbath school. 10:30; preaching. 11:10, aunaay evening special services. S; prayer meeting. Wednes day evening, 7:45. Scandinavian. Thirty-ninth avenue and Eixcy-secend street Klder O. K. Sandnes, pastor. Sabbath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening. 1 :45. Tabernacle. West Side, Knights or- Pythias Hall, Eleventh and Alder streets eider la. W. CaUin, pastor. sabbath achool, lv; preacning. 11; Saturday evening, .Bible study at 7;li; young people's meeting at a P. at. Central, Kast tieventb and Everett Elder P. C. Haj waro, pastor. Sabbatn school, 10; preacning. 11 ; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, 7 :U to :i0; l oung People's Society, Friday eveuing, 7:43; Sun day evening services. 7 ASSOCIATED BIBLE 8TLDEXTS. Associated Bible Students. Christen sen's Hall, Kieventh and Yamhill streets 3 P. M., discourse by A. A. Yerex, subject, "Chris tian Keciprocity" ; 4:30 p. M.. praise and testimony service; 8 P. M., public lecture by A. V. .Bailey, subject, "Cause, Effect and Sequel to the World War." BAPTIST. First (White Temple), Twelfth and Tay lor streets U:50, Bible school, classes for all ages; 11 and 7 A-, preaching by Rev. Henry Clay Risner; themes, "America's Su preme Need" and "The Message of My Life"; 6:30, B. Y. P. U. liast Side, Kast Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev. W. r. Shank, pastor. lo. Sunday school ; 1 1, preaching by the pas tor; theme. "Christ, the World's Outcast" ; r"My. B. P. Y. V.; 7:3u. preaching by the pastor; theme. "The Sin That Hurts." Olencoe. last Forty-fifth and Main streets Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. U:4o. Sunday school ; 11, preaching by the pas tor; theme, "Rest in Jehovah"; 7, B. Y. P, LT-; f 8, ' preaching by the pastor; theme, "Keeping Friends With One's Self." Grace, Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor. 10, Sunday school ; 11, preaching by the pastor; theme, "Keeping the Faith" ; 7, B. Y. P. V.; 8, preaching by the pastor; theme. ''An Old Love Stoy." Glencoe, Fast Forty-fifth and Main streets Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. 0:45, Sunday school ; 11 preaching by the pastor; 7, n. Y. P. U.; 8, preaching by Rev. O. C Wright, D. I. Calvary, East Eighth and Grant streets 10, Sunn ay school ; 11, preaching by Rev. D. I. Proper, I). D., of Omaha, Neb.; 0;4U. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:43, evening service. Bwedish-Flnnlsh Baptist Mission meets at 7:45 In the lower White Temple. Twif to and Taylor streets. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor, 10, Eunuay school; 11 and 7:30, preaching by the pastor; 6:30. B. Y. P. U. University Park, Flske and Irew streets Rev. C L. Haakett. pastor. 9:50, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preaching by the pas r; 630. B. Y. P. U- Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Ma get i. pastor. Services. 11 ar.d ft; Sunday school. 12:30. First German, Fourth and Mill streets Rev. Jacob Pratt, paator. i:45. Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preachina by the pastor. Second German, Morris and Rodney W:45, Sunday school; preaching services. 11 and S; B. Y. P. U T Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tlb bc'ts streets Rev. Francisco Sannella, pas toi. 10, Sunday school; i0:8O. short ser mott for English-speaking people; 11, preach ing service; 7, pastor's circle (prayer service- , d r eac h in g sev ice The Young Men s Cass H. Y. M. C of the Highland Baptist Church. East Sixth and Alberta treat, meets at 9:45 A, M. Sunday. Goodwill M ission. Fifteenth and Boise s tree La 3, address. CATHOLIC. Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis street; Rev. E. V. O'Hara, Mass, 6, 7:15. 8:30 0:4s; high mass, 11; evening service, 7:45. if mm WORK AND GIVE" IMQIE - St. Lawrence, Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. C. Hughes. Mass, 6, &:30; Liga mass. lo:30. evening service. 7:fl0. , St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler streets Rev. . P. Murphy. Mass. S; high mass, 10:Si; evening service. 7 :30. St. Francis. Kast Eleventh and Oak strets Rev. J. H. Black. Mass. 6, 8, ; high maaa. 10:30; evening service. 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. Mass, tt. 8. V; high mass. 10:30; evening ervica. 7:30. Holy Roaary, East Third and Clackamas Rev. C. J. Olson. Mass, 6. 7. s, 9; hign mass, 11; evening service. 7:30. The Madeline, East Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou Rev. U. F. Thompson. -Mass. 7 :30. v; high mass, 10:80; evening service, 7:45. St. Andrews, East Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. T. Klernan. Mass. . higa mass. 10:30; evening serrice, 7 :30. Ascension, East Yamhill and East Seventy sixth Franciscan FatLera Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; evening, 7:30. Blessed Sacrament, Marland avenue and Blanaena street Rev. B. V. Keilv. Mass. ; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and ; Vancouver avenue Rev. K. H. Miller. Mass. 6, e; high mass. 10::o; evening service, 7 :30. Holy Cross, 774 Bo wdolo street Rev. C. Raymond. Mass, 8; high mass. 10:3u; ven Lns; be r vice, 7:30. Sacred Heart, East Eleventh and Center Rev. Q. Robt. Mass. 8; nxgh mass, 10:30, evening service. 7 :30. St. Agatha. East Fifteenth and Miller Rev. J. Cumnilfky. Mass, b; high mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:34 t. Joseph (German), Flrteenth and Couch streets Rev. B. Durrer. Mass. 8; big a mass, 10:30; evening service. 7 :30 St. Clare's, Capitol HI.. Franciscan Fathers, Rev. Fatner Modestua Low mass, 7:30; high mass and benedicltion. ;a0; ser mun at both masses. St. Stanislaus ( Italian). Maryland avenue and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. Mathew. Mass. 6; high mass. 10:3e; evening service. 7:30. St. Peter's, Lents Rev. P. Buetfcen. Mass. 6; high mass, 10:30: evaning service, 7:30. Su elements. Smith and Newton streets Rev. C. Smith. Mass, 8; high mass. lu:30: veMng service, 7:20. St. Charles'. Thirty-fourth and " Kllllngs worth Rev. G. Sniderhorn. Mass. ; higtt mass. 10;3O; cvenlna service, 7:30. St. Rose's. Fifty-third and Alameda streets Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, pastor. Masse. 8 and 10 A. M.; evening devotion. 7:30. St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers; M- J. Balestra. S. J., pastor Low mass. 8:30; high mass. 10:30; evening ervlte. 7:80. St. Gtephfn's. comer Fast Forty-second and Taylor streets Rev. Warren A. Waltt. pastor. Sundays, holy mass at 6. 8:30 and 10:30 A. M.; roaary, sermon and benedic tion, 7:30 P. M. ; instruction la Christian doctrine given at school every school day. St. Philip Nerl. East Sixteenth and Hick, ory Rev. W. J. Cartwrlght, Mass.. 7:30, . high mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:3o. St. Ignatius. S-lO Forty-third street East. Jesuit Fathers Father William J. Beeney. rector. Mass, 6:30, 8, 9:15, 10:30; evening service, 7:80. CHRISTIAN. First. Park and Columbia streets Rev. Harold H. Griffith, pastor. Bible achool. 9:45 A. M. ; preachins. 11 A. M. and 7:45. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:45 P. M. Woodlawn. corner East Seventh and Lib erty streets W. L. Mlllinger, minister. Blbte school, 9:40; morning worship. 11: Chrlstiau Endeavor. 6:30 ; evening service. 7:30. Advent Christian. 43a -Second street, near Hall street Rev. J. S. Lucas, pastor. Serv ices, preaching, 10:80 o'clock; Sunday achool, 12, and Loyal Workers, 6:So ; preach. ng. 7:80 o'clock; prayer meeting. Thursday. 7. Rodney Avenue, corner Roaney avenue and Knott street Bible school at 0:4o; H. T. Larson, superintendent ; morning serv ice, 11 A. M., subject, "Immovable Things of tho Kingdom"; Y. P. S. C. E.. tt:4,. P. Fay Johnston, president ; evening service, s P. M., subject. "A Life Worthy the Gospel." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, First, Everett, between Eighteenth ' and Nineteenth streets Services, 11 and H; subject of lesson sermon, 'Sacrament' ; Sunday school, 0:45 and 11 ; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Second, East Sixth street and Holladay avenue Services. 11 and b; subject of 1h son sermon. "Sacrament"; Sunday school, I :-.; Wednesday evening meeting at K. Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services, 11 and .S; suhject of lesson ser mon, "Sacrament; Sunday school, 11 and 12:15; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services. 11 and S ; su-bject of les son sermon, "Sacrament"; Sunday school, 0:45 and 3 1 ; Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Fifth, Myrtle Park Station Services. 11 A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon, "Sacra ment": Sunday school. 0:3O and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Christian Science Society. Holbrook block. St. Johns Services, 11; subject of lesson sermon. "Sacrament" ; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. CONGREGATIONAL. First, Park and Madison Dr. Duther R. Dyott, pastor. 11 A. M.. "A Life Full of God";. 7:45, "loyalty"; Bible school. :5o. Waverly Heights. Woodward avenue at East Thirty-third street Rev. A. C MoRen. minister. 11, "To Him That Hath Shall Be Given": 7:45. "The Right Way to start"; t:45. Sunday school; 7, Y. P. S. ; 7:30 Thursday, i rayer meeting. Pilgrim. Shaver street and Missouri ave- A MODEL PRIMARY DEPARTMENT OF A SUNDAY SCHOOL IS SHOWN BY THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. , r 1 1 1 - TWENTY LITTLE TOTS nue Rev W. C. Kan trier, minister. 9:45 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M., communion service: 3 P. m.. Junior Endeavor; 7 P. M.. Y. P. P. C. E. ; S P. M-. atereoptlcon lec ture. "Remote 1'la.ces In the Phiiippiue Islands.' Sunnyside, East Taylor and East Thirty second streets. Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D., pae- l0r. ervicea at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Sunday school, 10 A. M. Junior Chnstiau Endeavor, 3 P. M. Intermediate Christian r-ndeavor, 4:15 P. M. Senior Christian En deavor. 6:3o P. M. Subjects of sermons .Morning, A Call for Modern Prophets" evening, "The Friendship of Jesus Christ." Pilgrim, Shaver street and Missouri ave nue. Rev. w. C. Kantner, minister. At U:45 a. M.. Sunday achool : 11 A. M., "As the Stars"; 7 P. M.. Y. P. S. c. E. : 8 P. M.. siereoptlcon .views, with address. DIVINE SCIENCE. First. 131 Twelfth street Rev. T. M. ! Mlnard. pastor. Services, 11 A. M. ; Bible clas. Tuesday, 2 p. M.; study class. Thursday. 8 P. M. KPISCOPAU Pro-Cathedral of St. Stepnen the Martyr. : Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. L : M. Ramsey, clean. Holy communion, 7:45; Sunday achool, lu; moruuig service. 11; serv ice tor colored people. 3; evening service. 745. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. Lr, A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, 8. 11 and 8: Sunday school, :4T: Good l-'i-lownip Society, panau nouae, Niuciucuta and Ltavia streets. 7 to 7 :o. Church of St. Michael and All Angela, Broadway and iast Forty-third street North. Sermon, 11; holy communion first Sunday, 11; third Sunday. 7:30 Grace Memorial, Weldler and East Seven teenth streets North Kev. Oswald W. Tay lor, vicar. Holy communion. 8, excepting on first Sunday In the montn; morning prayer and sermon. 11; Suuuay auuool, 10. 2io evening service. St. Matthews. Corbett and Bancroft streets Rev. W . A. M. Brae a. vicar. 8nn- ta chooi lu v. M. , ser v ana seruioa, 11 A. M. Ail Saints, Twenty-fifth and Savler streets Auni j ttoitooi, o . luuruiug pr t r hu sermon, 11; celebration of the woly com munion the first Sunday in the month at 11 and the third Buua.y at 8. Good aiiepnerd, uranam street and Van cou er aveuUe iev. Jonu Dawson, recto, i. i.u i. ftdiiiul. . . -f - . xjwa'111.. wc v icu. A i 4tAnp s rvlce. 7:30. St, Paul's. Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tnor. vicar. Holy communion, first Sun day of month. 8: evening prayer and ser mon, 4. except tne first Sunday of month. Su John's, Mllwaukle Rev. John D. Kice. vicar. 8, holy communion, except on rirsi Sunday of month ; li, Sunday school; 1 L. morma-f prayer; 7 :3o, evening prayer; iio.y communion, first Sunday of inonta. bt John's, b-11 wood Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. Prayer 3; noly com in union, e:3u, first Sunday of month. Church of Out bavlor. Woodstock. East Forty-firet street and Sixtieth avenue Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Sunday school, jo A. M.; service atd sermon at li A, M. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good Samaritan Hospital Holy communion, 7 A. M. ; even song. 7:15. St. Anditwi. Hereford street, opposite Portsmouth School Archdeacon Chambers In charge. Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; service and sermon. 11 JK.. M. St. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall streets. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev. J. G. Hatton. associate. Summer services. 7:30 A. M., Holy Eucharist ; 10: 15. matins: 11. Holy Eucharist and sermon. Week-days. Holy Eucharist daily at 7.3U A. M. aud at U also on boiy days. St. David's, Helmont and East Twelfth street. Rr v. Thomas Jen kin, rector. 7:, 0:3O and 11 A. M., sermon, text from Juugcs 21 :25; 7 :30, organ recital, service and ser mon, "The Treasure and the PearL" EVANGELICAL. The Swedish Evangelical Free Church.S corner of Missouri avenue and Sumner atreet H. G. ltodine. paator. Sunday school. 9:45. preaching, 11 A. M. ; young people's meeting, 6:45; preaching. 8 P. M. First German, corner Tenth and Clay streets G F. Lieming, Sr.. pastor Sunday school at 0:30 A. M. : preaching service by the pastor at 10:45 A. M. ; Young People's Society service at 7 P. M.. and preaching by the pastor at 8 P. M. Tiird Reform, Lents W. G. Llenkaemper. pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; preach, ing service at 11 A. M. ; catechetical clams. Saturday at 10 A. M. t Norwegian Danish, Sumner and East Twenty-thii d at reet North Morton Olsen, pastor. Services Sunday at 11 A. 51. and 7:30 P. M. : Sunday School at 10; Ttoung Feop.e' meeting at 6:0; prayer meeting. Wednesday at 6, FREE METHODIST. Central. Fifty-fifth and East FT.ande.-s streets W. N. Cof fe. pastor. Preaching, 11 and 8: Sunday school. 9:45; prayer meet- liitf, Thursday S P. M. LTTER DAY SAINTS, Reorganized. East Seventy-sixth and Irv ing streets. Preaching at 11 A. M. and S P. M. M. II. Cook, presiding elder for the Portland District, will speak. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. ; Young People's meeting at 6:30 P. M. LUTHERAN. Bethel Free. Stuben Hall. Ivy and Will lama streets Rev. J. A. St a ley. minister Preaching at 11 A. U. and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school. lO A. U West Side Norwegian Lutheran. Four teenth and Davis streets Wllhelm Petter son. pastor. English services, first and third Sunda of each month at 11 A. M.. and second and fourth Sundays at S P. M. . Norw egian services first and third Sundays of each month at 8 P. M.. and second fourth ai n Sundays at 11 A. M. ; Sunday school 10 A M. ; English and Norwegian M ' 1. " " -'vw '- AND THEIR TEACHERS IX THEIR Club tho third Monday at 8 P. M. : Y. P. S., Tues lay evening; English Bible class. Friday evenings; vesper service at 5 P. M. each Sunday In the hall on the corner of Fifteenth and Alberta Trinity German (Missouri Synod). Will lams and Graham avenues J. A. Rim bach, pastor. Services. 10:13 A. M. ; Sunday school, 0:15 A. M. : no evening services. Bethany Danish. T'nion avenue North and Morris street. M. C. Jensen -bins-holm, paa tor. Services 11 and 8: Young Peonies meeting. Tueday.8 P. M. St. Paul a German Caat Twelfth near Clinton street. V. Krause, pastor. German and English Sunday achool. 9:30 A. M. : services. 10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Bible les son and Young People's meeting, Thursday, 8 P. M. German grammar school daily from to 12 A. M. St. James English. West Park and Jef ferson streets. J. Allen Leas. B. -D., pastor. services at u a. m vn Borvi.- in termitted. Sunday school at 10 A, M. ! METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Woodlawn. East Tenth and Highland Rev aL,ou1s Thomas. pastor. Morning, Myst dries' ; evening, "Our Enemies"; Sun day school. 10 A. M. ; Epworth League, 7 P. M. ; prayer service. Thursday evening. Centenary, East Pine end East Ninth streets Rev. M. H. Marvin, of tne Pacific Christian Advocate. will preach. Morning ubject, "The Hidden Sackcloth"; evening subject. "The Debt We Owe. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish, cor ner Skid more street and Vancouver venua Rev. Abraham Vereide, pastor. Services at 10:45 A. M. and 8 P. M.; subject, morn ing, "Christianity's Greatest Proof"; even inyr. "The Sunshine of Religion." Taylor Street Regular morning service every Sunday. lo:jo A. M-, in the hall at lH Fourth street. Woodstock. Woodstock avenue and Forty fourth atreet Southeast Rev..- Frank James, pastor. Sunday school. 10; 11:15, class meeting; Epworth League; 11 and 7:45. sermons by the pastor; mid-week prayer service. Thursday. 8 P. M. Rose City Park. Sandy boulevard and East .Fifty-eighth street North William Wallace Youngson, minister. Sunday school, W:4o; 11. "Tho Soul's Unpaid Debts"; 7 to 8, vesper song service. fliount Tabor, East Stark and Sixty-first streets. E. Olin Eidridge. pastor. Services Sunday as follows: Prcarhimr 1 1 xc a P. M. Subjects Morning, "Spiritual Weap ons ; evening, "Right Thinking." Sunday school, 1:45 A. M. Epworth League. Bible study and social service, 7 P. M. Prayer and praise service. Thursday evening. 8 o'clock; theme. "Modern Christian Activity." German. Rodney avenue and Stanton street T. A. Schumann, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 A. M. ; services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Epworth League. 7:13 P. M. Lincoln. East Fifty-second and Lincoln streets Rev. O, Q. Haley, pastor. Sunday school at 1:30. Preaching service at 10:80 and 8. First Norwegian-Danish, corner Eighteenth and Hoyt O. T. Fields, pastor. Morning services at 11 and evening services at 8. Young People's meeting every Tuesday evening at a; prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 Sunnyside. corner East Yamhill and East Thirty-fifth streets R. Elmer Smith, paa tor. Sunday acnool, W:50 A. M.; preach Id p. 11 A. M.; Epwot-th League. 6:30 P. M..; peo ple's popular service. 7:45 P. M. ' First, Union avenue and Multnomah street W. J. Kenton, pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOCTH. First, Union avenue and Multnomah street W. J. tnton. pastor. Sunday school, 10; preaching. 11 and 7:30. NEW ClirRCH SOCIETY. New Church Society. Filers Hall, Broad way and Alder atreet Rev. Samuel Worces ter, pastor. 31 A. M.f subject. "How the Righteous Shall Flourish"; sacrament of the holy supper following morning service; Sunday school at 10:15.- PENTECOSTAL NAZARENE. Highland Park, 1H3 East Fourteenth street North Rev. J. G. Bringedahl, pastor. Sunday school at IS o'clock; preaching at 3. PR ESB YTERIA N. MIspah. Division and East Nineteenth streeta Rev. Harry Lds. castor. Morning worship, 11; evening. 7:80; Christian En deavor. 6:30 Sunday acaool, Ju; sermons. 11 A. M and 7:30 P. A. Central. East Pine and Thirteenth streets Preaching at l0:30, "Paying one's Debts"; 7:45. "The Price of Riberty"; Rev. Wallace H. Lre. president of- Albany College, will give both sermons; Sunday school at I'm o'clock; Y. P. S. C. 6:45 o'clock. Calvary, Eleventh and Clay streets Rev. SPANIARDS FIRST TO EXPLORE GOLD FIELDS Southerh Oregon Placers Yield Evidences of Presence of Early Adven turers Prior to Discovery of Columbia River by Captain Gray. GRANTS PA clal.) To there has RANTS PASS. Or.. July 8 (Spe- the student of history there has been forced another link In the chain of circumstances which goes to prove with well-ni&li In controvertible force that the begin nings of history in the State of Oregon were made by the Spaniards rather than the English or Americans and that Captain Grey (when he sailed Into the mouth of the Columbia In 1762) was a number of years later in point of discovery to the early Spanish ad venturers and fathers of the church. This interesting and highly reliable link Is found in the recent discovery In the sluice boxes of the Logan placer at AValdo. in this county, of a Spanish silver coin greatly corroded by time and the scarring of the elements, yet distinct enough in impress to show that it was minted in the year 1784. It is about the eUe of the American half dollar and bears upon its face the legend -Carolus 111. lel Oratia-1784.-On the obverse is the royal coat of arms encircled by the words "Km-linperator-llispanola et Ind." It is patent from the inscription that the coin .belongs to the reisn of Charles .111. Kinar and Emperor of Spain and the Inditis from the year 1759 to the year 1788. Upon the face of the coin are two heavy cuts which may have been re ceived from some steel or iron instru ment used in mining. Other Spnnlxh Articles Found. This coin is the third In a series of articles found In the Logan placers in the counse of deep gravel mining-op- 1 erations which establish beyond little cavil the far cry of Spanish adventur- Photo by Pershin Studio. SUNDAY SCHOOL ttOOM. ' Oliver R Baum, pastor, will preach. 10:T.0w "Th Fall of a Giant": 7:45. song service and sermon. "Cutting Down Fruit Trees"; Sunday school, noon; Christian Endeavor. 7 P. M. Mount Tabor, East Fifty-fifth and Bel mont streets Rev. William Graham Moore, pastor; Sabbath school, W:45 A. M-. K. W. Lawrence, superintendent: morning worship. 1 1 A. M.. communion service and recep tion of new member : J unior Christian Endeavor meeting. 5 p. m.; Intermediate and Senior Christian Endeavor prayer meet ing, 6:45 P. M. ; evening worship, sacred concert by the choir; mid-week service, T h ursd ay, S P. M. Vernon Nineteenth and Wygant streeta H. N. Mount, pastor. Sunday school at :45 A. M. : Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M : pubilo worship at 11 A. M., "The Journey of Life"; 8 P. M., "The Lost Sheep of the House of lsraei. Fourth, First and Oibbs streeta Henry O. Hanaon,, paator. le:3o A. M , communion service; 12, Sunday school; 6:30. Christian, Endeavor; 7:30 P. M. "Conclusion of tha Lord's Prayer." REFORMED. Flrs German, Twelfth and Clay O. Hafner, pastor. Services. 10:45 and 8 Sunday achool. :S0; Y. P. L.. 7. SPIRITUALIST. Church of the Soul. Auditorium Hall. Third and Salmon streets Rev. J. H. Lucad, pastor. Conference at 1 1 A. M. ; Sunday school at 1:30 P. M. ; mediums' meeting, lecture and demonstrations at 3 P. M. ; lecture and demonstration by Rev, Mag Hauffmaoi at 8 P. M. Temple, southeast corner Sixth and Mont gomery streets Address by Dr. Alzamon Ira Lucas, s P. M.. subject, "Reincarnation,' UNITARIAN. Church of Our Father, Broadway and. Yamhill street Rev. Thomas 1 Eliot, IK D.. minister emeritus; Rev. William G. Eliot. Jr.. minister. Services at 11 A. M. X sermon. "The Nation's Flag and the Law. Evening services are intermitted, UXIVERSALlciT. Church of the Good Tidings, Bast Twenty-fourth and Broadway Rev. F. T Swlt, minister. 11 A. M., "The Two-EdgeJ Sword"; Sunday school. 12 o'clock. UNITED BRETHREN. First, East Fifteenth and Morrison streets P. O. Bonebrake, pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. M.; preaching at II A. M, and, ft) P.- M. ; Endeavor at 7 P. M. Alberta. Twenty-seventn and Albert streets Clinton C Bell, pastor. Public wor ship. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sundar school, 10 A. M.; Y. P. S. C. L, 6:30 prayefi meeting. Tnursday. 8 P. M. Fourth. Sixty-ninth street and Stxty-eee-ond avenue Southeast. Tremont station J, E. Connor, pastor. Sermons. Jl A, M. and 7:45 P. M. ; ounuay sciiuoi, io v. wui tian Kndeavor. 6:45 P. M Third. Sixty-seventh street and Thirty second avenue Southeast. Herbert F. White, pastor. Sunday school. Id A. M. ; morning service, 11 A. M.; suoject. "Revelation of the Holy Spirit." J unior Christ tan Endea vor, 3 P. M. : Senior Christian Endeavor 7 P. M. ; preaching, 8 P. M., subject, "The Winning Side." United Brethren. 446 Jessup street. Pas tor, Rev. C. T. Carpenter. Preaching at It o'clock and at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at lo o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock UNITED EVANGELICAL, First, East Sixteenth and Poplar streets Rev. J. A. Goode. pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school. 8:50 A. M. ; K. L. C. E., 7 P. M. ; midweek prayer meeting. Thursday. 8 P. M. St. Johns A P. Lay ton. pastor, wilt preach both morning and evening. Sunday school at 10 A- M.; Christian Endeavor mC 6:30 P. M. ockley Green, Willamette boulevard and Gay street Rev. H. H. Farnham. pastor. Sunday school, li, preuchltiK. 11 and b. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Y. M- C. A.,. Sixth and Taylor streets IT. W. Stone, general secretary. Business men's Bible clas at 3:::u today. H. W. Stone, leader; th subject will be "Jesus and Faith." Pentecostal Nnxarene. H fphland Park Church K ev. S. I. Flow ei s, pastor. Preaching at 8 o'clock tonight ; Sunday school at lO A. M. "The Comforter' headquarters, renter of "Applied Christianity." Women's Exchange building, lisd Fifth street. Florence Craw ford, speaker. Topic. 11 X M., "The Moun tain and the Multitude"; 8 P. M., "The Un known Man." Bahal. 516 Eilera building. Service, 7:30 In the evening. ers into the Southern Oregon country. The first was a tiny gold crucifix which was found among a quantity of gold nuggets taken from the sluices of tha Logan mine in the early '50s and with the first invasion of the white man Into Josephine County. About the same time some- ancient tunnels which had filled with wash clay and gravel were discovered far below the surface levels in the wall of the gravel bank, which proveO beyond any doubt from the ag and nature- of the deposits that the ground had been mined 50 to 150 years before the operations of the early 'bifs. Some 14 years ago James Logan, the present owner of the mines, in com pany with his, fathe-r-in-law. in the course of placer mining discovered, greatly blackened by time and cor roded by placer wash, a pemlant made of copper and bearing on one side, en circling the head of a saint, the legend, in Latin, "Mater Dolorosa-Ora pro nobis." and on the tranrsverse side the Inscription, encircling a scene of the crucifixion. "Mort pour vous." The two ornaments and coin would Imply that some of the early Spanish fathers or their dependents during the mission period of Southern California history had adventurevi north as far aa the mouth of Rogue Kiver and thence inland up the Illinois Kiver to the Wal do country. SpanlardM Dincover Kncnt River. It is a fact well attested by the early logs and records of Spanish sea ad venturers that the mouth of Rogue River was discovered as early as the closing years of the 15th and opening years of the 16th centuries, for Ban croft and other earlier historians have cited .the reference to landings by Spanish sea explorers on the Orgon coast at a latitude of 42 degrees, which it practically the latitude of the mouth of Rogue River, and their records show a wide-mouthej river pouring a wealth of red waters into the ocean, which on account of its color could be traced for a mile or more into the Pacific. In fact It is an early tradition that Rogue Kiver was named by the Spaniards "Rouge" on account of .Its drainage of thousands of acres of red lands. Having accesei to these early logs ami records, as they unquestionably did. it woull have been an easy and fascinat ing Journey for later fathers of the church domiciled In California and. with the wanderlust in their veins to have followed along the coast In light draft ships to the mouth of Rogue River, up that stream by easy naviga tion to its confluence with the Illi nois and then overland to the gold fields of the Waldo Hills, for the bars and sand wash show gold over every mile of the way from the mouth of the Rogue to a point 100 miles inland. It Is a known fact that the Spanish eov ereigns of the 18th century were In satiable in their greed and lust for gold and sent their minions to every point of the Western globe where storied mines of great richness might be founf. To the student of historical begin nings these findings are full of great interest and eharm. and further dis coveries in the Waldo gold fields are anticipated which will add ever-increasing cum.ulative testimony to the early Spanish invasion of the Southren Oregon country years before the Co lumbia hal shown Its broad bosom to the eyes of a living white man. It rnpts rnris nearly $100 "O0 a year to care for the trees nn Its fftreety and boule vard and in its parks.- more thaa 1000 nr une bcius planted aanuMiiy. X