THE SUNDAY OISEGOXIAX, -PORTLAND, JUNE 18, 191G. 11 FOR SALE. Automobiles FRETE DEMONSTRATION ON GOOD USED CARS. , Terms to responsible parties. FRED DUXDEE, . MOTOR CAR Rl AIRING AND MACHINE WORKS. Main 253S. A 2658. 175 Jefferson St., Between Chapman and Nartllla Sea. . Antomobile- Wanted. WANT AUTO. Have 10 acres 33 miles east of Portland, Mt Hood auto road, good ground, small house. Price $350. AO 654. Oregonlan. MUST have an automobile, a Dodge prefer able, not later than 1915 model, or new Ford Si-passenger, for my property in - South Portland, 2 lots. corner. Mrs. Brunzel. 2U5 5th sve, Oakland, Cal. -WILL. pay some cash and elegant new $300 talking machine outnt, either Victrola. Grafanola or Edison Diamond Disc, for 115 five-passengeer Ford. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. DOUBLE tread puncture proof tires made from your worn tires; cemented and lock etitohed. Prices lowest. Keller Harness Co.. 49 X. 6th st. WANT 5-passenger auto, value about $1000, for which I will give 4-room furnished cottage (running water) and 2 lots at the beach. Address X. oii7, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, "responsible party will rent touring car without driver 1 week ; give name machine and rental. AM ol5. ure gonlan. TV ILL trade clear lots, well located, ciose to carline, selling at $700, for 5-passenger auto; would prefer Dodge or Buick. W. F. Schooley. 612 Main St.. Oregon City. Or. TWO bungalows, rented, for country hotel or small Improved acreage; might con sider automobile; also clear lots for auto. Tabor 150U, or P 607, Oregonlan. HEAL. EQUITY in house and lot or acreage, clear of incumbrance, in White Salmon, Lyle district, to exchange for auto. AM 650, Oregonian. , NEW Seaside cottage, free of incumbrance, or city lots for good high-class 5-passen- ' ger car. Call Monday. 1177 E. Burnslde. Tabor 4335. WANTED 1015 or 1916 roadster or touring car. Price not over $1000. Will pay. $30U cash, balance city property. Phone Main 5236, or call 417 Cham of Com. bldg. WlL.Lt pay pot cash for light car, starter, electric lights, late model Buick or Dodge preferred; must be cheap. 133 4th st. "WANTED To n-uy Ford automobiles on terms; will give owner steady job driv ing same. Call Main 484. 271 Taylor st. 1'REK and clear 5-room bungalow for good auto ; prefe 5-pasiengtr. Elliott, OOl Northwest bldg. t-PASSENGER FORD wanted as part pay ment on nice 3-room bungalow; price H50.- Call East 2t::l. ; WANTED Automobile in good repair for clear lots; prefer a Ford, Desk No. 1, 2G7 H Oak st. HIGHEST caah prices paid for Fords, Bulckg or any other make of cars. Sandy Road Oarage. 24th and Sandy. East 7762. AUTOMOBILE wanted In exchange for acre age in Malueui- County, near Vale. K 654, Oregonian. WANTED Portable garage, will pay cash, must be bargain, state size and price in first letter. Y t;:t7, Oregonlan. WILL. PAY CASK FOR FORDS. H. O. Pr:K. GARAGE. 1063 Hawthorne ave. WILL pay cash for late model used 5-pae-senger car; Dodge preferred. L 655, Ore gonian. WANTED Ford car, 1916 model. " In ex change for $400 diamond. AB 654, Orego nian. W ANTED Late model automobile. $250; 5-passenger. Adolph Mathes, 101)2 Corbett s treet. SPOT ca?h for good 5-passenger auto mobile; give particulars, price. T 642, Ore gor. ian. 1200 EQUITY in four-room house, close in on East Side, to trade for late model automobile. Phone B 3019. HAVE about $300 epot cash to pay for late model, S-passenper car; will deal with owner only. AD 6B2, Oregonlan. W'ANT small auto in exchange for 20 -icres of good irrigable alfalfa or fruit land. AK 6-11. Oregonian. WANT a Ford roadster or 5-passenger; must be cheap. W 652, Oregonlan. BE RK EL'S $ 1 05 meat slicer. $65; roll top desk and ;hafr. $150: other furniture for auto. Main 57S5. Ask for Hall. WANTED Late model light 5-pass, auto, self-starter and electric lights, spot cash; must be cheap. P 660, Oregonlan. FOR TRADE $500 equity in 50x100 corner, E. St. Johns, bal. to pay $250, for auto mobile. F 652, Oregonian. "WANT to exchange good home in Oregon town, value $2500, unincumbered, for good car. Phone owner. East 4551. WANTED Th best automobile that $300 cash will buy; state year. S 662, Orego nlan. PR IV ATE party will pay cash for late model automobile; full particulars. AB 6."i0. Oregonian. To EXCHANGE I-ots at Fiavel. Or., for Ford or light machine. Cail Main 7956, or write G 657, Oregonian. WANT to buy light 5-passenger auto; no Junk; give description, price and terms. i 577, Oregonian. WANTED Automobile to exchange or trade lot, tree incumbrances, -d ana bandy. P 656, Oregonian. ' Al MINING stock for auto ; no rattletraps considered. Call Zio Alisky bldg. WANT 2-passenger auto for lots or equity m nouse. ornce uroaaway m. FINE beach lot for used automobile. X 656, Oregonian. WANTED Dodge or light car for my Ford una Kosa city lot. jviam os-iu. $450 .I.N" NOTES to trade for automobile. C. J. Culllson, 20j H Morrison st. 6M ALL roadster body wanted. Ford. East 4175. I preferably A BARGAIN 5-paseenger Buick, 3Sth st. N. Woodlawn 4106. WANTED Second-hand Ford delivery body. 255 Union ave. Phone East 103. $450 LAW library to trade for auto in good condition. AV am. oregonian. GOOSENECK wagon to exchange for Ford. 248 Pine st. " :; WILL pay cash for light 5-passenger auto; must be a bargain. r 570, Oregonian. TWO lots in Irvlngton for Ford or light car. Call Eajt 7405. ( WANTED A used Ford roadster. R 666, iegonlan. WANT 5-passenger auto: give model make. price and terms, aiain qju. Auto Tires and Accessories, FIRST-CLASS auto truck body for 14 or 2 ton truck, for sale cheap. Green Transfer Co.. 125 Front st. ONE-GALLON Bowser pump, good as new. Y 650. Oregonlan. Automobiles for Hire. HIGHWAY TRIPS $1.50 each half day, or $2 each all day; children free; nearly new Hup and 7-pass. Csdillac. Woodlawn 3307 or Main 783. BIG. easy-riding Wlnton Six, highway, ML Hood, outing parties- careful driver; reas onable rates. M. 26.9. Res.. Tabor 5740. 1816 BIG SIX touring $1.25 per hour. 1016 Ford $1 per hour. Marshall 149. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY and other trips very reasonaoie. aiarsnau yoil. 1916 DODGE $1.25 per hour, touring, calling and shopping. Main 7435. 1 . tVTOS without driver for hire. Long & S:lva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone hi. 6840. KING tS AUTO for hire, $1.25 per hour. Phone Marshall 2350. A 29S3. 5-PASS. Overland, anywhere reasonable. Phone Sellwood 198. FOR HIRE 7-pas. Hudson car; careful, experienced driver. Main 5376. Mot ore j ciee. H A K1.E Y-D AVIDSON 1912 twin tandem, light, etc; good condition; cheap. Wood lawa 558. FOR SALE Cheap, two-speed Indian, fuli equipped: call today; 544 E. Ash. Phone East 117. Idl4 TW1 N" Pope, equipped, fine condition, $125; owner leaving city. 1157 . Morrison at. Tabor 7143. - VERY FINE typewriter. nearly new, to trade on motorcycle. Might pay some cash. BC 002. Oregon ?an. L SHIPMENT of new 116 4-cylinder Hen dersons has arrived ; call for demons tra t ton. Dayton C 'e Co.. 21 0 B road w a y . 1&3 4 2-SPEED 4-cylinder Henderson in Al" condition ; new tires, fully equipped. $175. Wosdlawn 741 week days. Main 240S. DANDY motorcycle side car, new tire, price only $15. $5 down, $5 monthly. E B Hyatt, S50 Alder. BiOYt'LES and motorcycles bought and sold. R. H. Blocker. 271 Taylor, corner 4 1 h. TWIN INDIAN Good condition, completely q u 1 p p oil. $ 1 -V T abor 3 1 i 2 . SIDE CAR, 1916. practically new, $50 cash Main 2417. 351 First st. MOTORCYCLE side car cheap; owner going East. Cell Tabor 5732. 9 S-NAfr" in C. moiorcycie. a o. 1 con- o. it ion. v. x i , urtgonian. 2-PPED 1P14 motorcycle, fully equipped vry clieap. Eat j5-iu &sk uc iiucji FOR SALE. .Motorcycle MOTORCYCLES. $25.00 UP. RIDE A BARLEY. We have several used machines which, we have taken In on new one, consisting of Harley, Indian, Thor, Dayton, Merkel and Excelsior; all having been thoroughly over hauled and will be sold at sacrifice to move them, quickly; 3 months' guarantee. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO., 209 4th St. Agents for the Harley-Davldson. Largest Exclusive Motorcycle Deal ers in the City. 1914 EX.. Dream tandem. Prestbllte, whistle, speedometer; machine looks like new; $25 worth of new parts in engine: price $135 31)15 3-speed Indian, fully equipped.. 140 lit 13 Monarch, fully equipped 60 1W3 Eagle, with tandem CO iyi3 single Ex.. new cylinder and piston, perfect condition 55 - And other good buys. R. H. BLOCKER, 276 Taylor. 3014 2-speed Indian, fully equipped. 1914 Indian, brand new. 1014 Dayton in good condition. 114 Jefferson, fully equipped. 111 Thor. single. t 3114 Reading, with tandem. 1!13 Yale, good running .order. All the above at reduced prices. Koi . la your chance to pick a bargain. X INDIAN AGENCY. Main 6139. 273 M St. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES OF ALL MAKES, ON EASY TERMS. T II, p. INDIAN, equipped $ O.OO 7 II. P. EXCELSIOR, equipped .$100.00 8 H. P., 2-speed HARLEY-DAV-IDSON. fully equipped. $150.00 7 H. P. 3-speed EXCELSIOR, fully equipped $185.00 4 H. P. machines, $10 down and $5 per month. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., AGENCY FOR H ARLE Y-D AVIDSON, FLYING MERKEL AND MIAMI POWER BICYCLES. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. MERKEL, fully equipped $100 J TAR LEY-DAVIDSON, equipped 125 EXCELSIOR, equipped 115 Dealer in Ir.dhm Motorcycles. H LYS'IM L, T'.ie Motorcycle Man. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING. 488 Union Ave. N., Corner Sacramento St Phone East 6977. OUR stoek of used motorcycles Is one of the largest In this city and consists of all makes and models; prices are lowest and our terms as reasonable . as any; It will pay you to call and investigate be fore you buy. DAYTON CYCLE CO, 210 Broadway. WILL exchange fine new Victrola, Grafa nola or Edison for first-class motorcycle. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder ?EADIN"G-STANDARD, ful'y equipped, $1 Jo terms. Covey. Motor Car Co.. 21st and Wash. BRAND new $.10 motorcycle presto tank, ".uv. i... p. nyati, aoV Alder. 13 H.-D., cheap for cash. D tandem, over. hauled. East 7S12. MlNoelliineou. SECTION book case, 62 volumes, new, Bal zac. Eugene Sue, Hugo, Egyptian History by Masfero, ,classics, Greek and Latin. Phone Marshall 8379 INDIAN motorcycle, 7-horsepower twin, 1913 model. perfect running order, fully equipped. $75. 567 E. Davis st. Phone E. FOR SALE All kinds of used decics, tables, counters, chairs, filing cabinets, safes, solid wall bookcases, etc. KILHAM sJA'YJkPTJO CO.,0th4Oak. $17.50 BUYS nearly new visible ty writer, standard keyboard; if you can use a ma chine do not overlook this. 418 Oregonian bldg. MOVING-PICTURE machines bought Bold, exchanged and repaired. P. Sabo," , V'ahlnton. U-CH1CKEN portable coop and netting; also steel plow cultivator and grindstone at a bargain. 3g9 Glenn ave. Tabor SACRIFICE $225 diamond rlner for $145 If taken before Thursday evening. AG 653, Oregonian. NEW revised Encyclopaedic -dictionary spt of 12, leather bound ; pafi $05. will sell cheap. 350 fra Alder St., room 16. 17-JEWEL Waltham, latest colonial series, 25-year case, bargain, $T7.50. Frallch, 41 Front st. , LARGE safe, same as new, cost over $300, sell for $200. Pacific States Electric Oo., 5th and Davis. FOR SALE New water power washers, cedar tubs, guaranteed; a bargain at $6. Portland Model Works. 142 2d st. BARBER SHOP, complete, or any article wanted ; cash register, mirrors. AH 661, Oregonlan. SPLENDID $35 violin only $15, $5 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. S5Q Alder. SS-NOTE mahoeanv niano nlaver benrTi and 25 music rolls: will sell for $2oO on easy terms. Apply 2S5 Morrison st. ALMOST NEW, Dayton computing scales, $75, late-model Dayton meat thrasher $40, other futures cheap. Sell. 1811. FOR SALE, cheap, a diamond cluster dinner ring ana aiamona broocn. K. oo3, Orego nlan. SIX yards broadcloth. American TtnntT rose shade, very reasonable. Phon Main WJll. FOR SALE Good gas range, child's Iron eea, chickens cneap. ieo Pacific st. M V car. $70 NATIONAL cash register, total adder. good condition, at bargain. AC 651, Ore- Kunivn, WE rent you hornless Edison phonograph and 18 records for $3.50 monthly. Hyatt laiKing juacniDA to., oou Alder. GOOD bicycle, good tires, coaster brake. i3.)w. o aown, j mommy, xl.. a. riyatt, 350 A!der K1.XDERGARTEN outfit and eaulnment: must sacrifice at once, leaving city. Phone r.ast unr. EDISON Diamond Disc, $30 machine: spe cial terms. $5 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt a aiKioR jiaciune uj oo Aiaer. DIAMOND ring, original cost $123; sell at Dargain. $io. au o3, Oregonlan. CH EAP transit and engineer's wye leveL i. c. a ii. nomo v aney, w asn. FOR SALE Bicycle and boy's saddle. Phone East GARDEN HOSE for less. Winks, 470 Wash street. FOR SALE Oriole with drop back and storm rooe. f none laoor z4,' Monday. CHERRIES on tree, 3 cents pound. 11 Ev bZa south. NEW sanitary cot and mattress, reasonable. East 7749. FOR SALE New style, reclining back. Ori ole gooasicei, ii. j. a oor DOUBLE cylinder 3x4 air compressor cheap. nmz rsorth l&tn. 25.0i0 SHEETS toilet paper, $1, Wash. st. Winks, 470 WALL TENT. 10x12. 10-oz., 15. 5414 48th ave. S. E. Phone Sellwood. 2719. FOR SALE 10,500 good postcards. Mj offer. Phone Tabor 1120. MERCURY Make offer for 60 pounds. AD :i.7, oregonian. EI-iECTRlC signs, new and second-hand. 24-9 Stark st. Main N45. FINE roll-top desk. $15; office clock, $3 plumber s vise, a. wan tetarit st. CHERRIES for sale oh the tree, 4c a pound, Stvl ban j-taiaei. . BUGGY HARNESS, almost new. Will sell cheap. Call room B29 Morgan bldg. CROQUET et. 23 left, 60c to $2.2. Snap. winKs. . asn. st. S POZ. Mason fruit jars, like nerw, cheap, los e. 74tn. Montavina ear. FOR SALE , price $10. -A new Ruud water heater, Inquire Marshall 1345. ISO-LOAF' Hllbert oven for sale. Alblm Home Bakery. Phone wood lawn 172. FOR SALE Cheap, sheetmetal bench, tools. East 291, room 413. VICTROLA. diamond ring barcain. SS3 Russell St., and apt. piano at l. .SPLENDID Vose upright piano. $155; pay per montn. i-tt 4tn st. 500 KEEN K UTTER pocket knives just re reived. wmKS. 4iu w asn. st. FOR SALE One porch iwlnp. Icebox, bed room rup. one ornss pru. r-ae; ..u, AUTOMATIC adjustable dress fqxm, cheap. nnO A loer si., room iT. SQUARE piano, suitable for beach or coun try house. $35. Phone Main 7539. AN Australian cockatoo. Jnqulre 1115 East " Lincoln s,. or pnone Tfoor aatw. BEAUTIFUL new braided bfbwn silk suit fr cost of materials. Main .y 03. IsiW WAuie feaskei las aUw 4 Taoor FOB 6ALE. M isceTln neon. A.LASKA JUNK Dealers in CO.. IRON AND STEEL, RELAY InO RAILS, CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY. Our stock of .second-hand pipe is most I complete. Any sizo desired, any quantity. This stock is in first-class condition and guaranteed. HOSE BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL 60.000 ft H-lnch and Si-inch garden hose. This Is all brand-new material and I priced to sell. 60 feet -Inch NEW ntSE, $2.50. 50 feet k-inch HOSE. $3. A comDlete stock of new and second- band leather belting. Any width desired I cut to lengtn. Also - r RUBBEROID ROOFTNO, GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING DOORS AND WINDOWS SECOND-HAND PLUM B I NX GOODS TENTS, ALL SIZES 20 SETS HARNESS 1500 TETW CROSSCUT SAWS ETC. ETC. ETC. This Stork la fill nr1rrt tn- nnlrlr We Invite your inspection and solicit your ALASKA. JUNK CO., 201 Front St. Main 4110. PIPB. PIPE. PIPE, eizes 2 to 6 inches, at very low pricea. COMPLETE TOILETS, $12. We sell bathroom outfits, kitchen sinks, range boilers, gas water heaters, pipe lu tings, direct to you io per cent less and save you - big money on your plumbing us. iei ua suomit our figures beiore j" aeoiue on your plumbing work ; at- ii auuve prices ior laying lewpfS; our es timates are rree ana all our work is guar, an Lee d. NORTHWEST PIPE CO.. 187 Front St. Main 6631. QUIT SWATTING. We make paint and hand non rusting screens; phone our repair department. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS,. OLIVER K. JEFFERT, President? Main 371S, A C291. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! .rsracK and galvanized pipe, second- iiuno new, rrom three-eiphths to 12 inch. o C.' ?iHc: JH lnchk 6c: Inch, 8c; 2 inrh. ik- ; y u. Inch. 20c; 4!i inch. 35c; 6 inch, fine- ni.,mMnn ..' n I 2C0 Front St. Main 6325. FOUR Mikado pool tables Two showcasoa, 6-foot. 4x8. Two N. R. cash registers Wall cise Refrigerator. 1015 Overland, lit 14 Ford. Woodlawn 2673, bet. 30 and 3 K oalk MlBcellaneous ri1--1,". 8to,k ready for shipment. 4.10 Z 1 ivw tons &o-ib. and 56-lb. rails. Numerous other sizes. 'Contractors equipment or all kinds Second-hand pipe Metal 2itt North Point t?Tsaa Fran cisco, Cal. FOR RENT OR SALE? MARION oU STEAM SHOVEL. .Revolving type. Hoisting engines, pile drivers, derricks, concrete mixers, pumps, machinery and cu-.puitiu or nil Kill dg STANDARD MACHINERY CO., 46 2d sc. ' We rent, buy, sell. Afrt registers, lightly used. reduced prices; second-hnd and rebuilt National .TSiSier iow p.ricea, easy monthly payments. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 352-354 Burnslde St., Cor. 8th. jr Liu 11 a uruaaway loltt. mi.mjmil.ij, latne, centrifugal pump, gas Bieam engines, box nailing lua- NORTH WEST LEAD & MACHINERY COMPANY, 811 Front Street, to uuot'H hA L pewlng machines, complete. w mi an acumen ts. in good sewing order. $8 to $25; sewing machines rented $2 per month; machines cleaned and repaired. L. R. Pten, 152 Grand ave. B 3J07. awipr MACHINES 200 slightly used mnrnmes. an maices. will be closed out. oropneat'a $o and uj; box tops $2 and up. S. S. Siegel, two stores. 3S3 Alder m. nuu -- Aiuer ex.. SEWING MACHINES of all makes sold for it-bo, Uv asenis employed; old machines taken in exchange; machines rented, $2 ?e month. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d. near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3628. WILL dispose of lot of used sewing ma- cnines singers. New Homes, - Domestics! auu gooa many otner makes, all guaran teed, for $5 each. 349 Morrison Phone Main 1645. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Now is the iime ior planting late potatoes. We have .liiu sacKs lirst-cia-sa seed Burbankg for sale, phone Main 7005, or call or write 2 "2 Alder st.. Portland. W. S. Hurst St Co PIPE Second-hand and new, black and gal- an amount or any size. Get our prices and we'll get your order. M. Barde I : -sons, tne Mouse or a Million Bargains. illGH EST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's camera r-xenange, bs aa st. Main ilubl. PORTABLE garages, houses. hunting cabins, chicken-houses, woodsheds, tc. MUiraaaf construction co t44 Hood st Main 1 117. Residence phone Wdln. 3015 CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices w asningion st. iiain out), FOR SALE SO tons 2 ."-lb. relay rails, flrst- ciasa cguuiuua. utuiiiguaui iroa., uryta Wash. ELECTRIC motors for- sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. W alker Electric Works, u $urnsioe st. crosoway or a ooie. FOR SALE or rent Logging and hoisting I engines; on Kinas mactiinery, rails, cars, i Railway Equipment Co., 70 1st. Main 2JG3. I FOR SALE cheap. Seneca, camera with com- I piete outnt. Aiso new nute. pnone seii- wooa mio. MARINERS Sextant chart chest and full lino deep-sea cnarts ail oceans. Price is very low. call 24SH Stark st. ESTABLISHED printing office in city. 8 platen presses; a o;g eacrnice. will lease or rent. W GSl. Oregonlan. CASH REGISTtKS. national sold on I montmy payments; i:oerai aiscoajnt tor i cash. Hochfeld Bros.. 1st and Yan.hill sts FURNISHED tenth ouse for sale, walking distance, west blue; xiowers ana garden. X 550, oregonian FOR PALE Comotometer. $135. Edison dic taphone. f4D. utner oxiice supplies, rnone iiroaaway oioo. A SACRIFICE Hunting preserve, duck lake, electric line, near Portland. - adjoin ing exclusive gun club. AF 661. Oregonian. REFRIGERATOR Good condition. Inside box measurement ooxsoxz. Price $1. East ttis. S450 LAW BOOKS. L. R. A. and many text- booKs, i:kb new, cneap. a v oio, ore gonian. WIR-EIjESS receiving set, complete; all in- strumenta inclosed in mahogany case. WAj;TED Hay cutter and wire for poultry Tabor .i.tflZ. yard, also tent fly 20x20. J 658. Orego- Ti KAl'TIF 1'L three-stone diamond rins. Gypsy setting, cost $125; first offer takes H. AJ boa, oregonian. 17-JEWEL Waltham. latest Colonial series, 25-year case, bargain. $17.50. Frallch. 41 Front st. - THREE roll-too desks. 1 flat desk. 1 book keeper's chair aud filing cabinets. Ul Park st. BARGAINS In unredeemed guns and vol vers; all make; cheap. Beauregard's. 708 Main si.. v ancou ver. w asn. POSTAGE stamps bought and sold. SOS I McKay bldg.. 2 third st. Mar. 3795. pLI'rHTXG supplies at wholesale prices, j StarK-Davis oo., ziz aa si. atain iVi. i a OH INERT bought, sold 4i"nd repaired. V. Lead A Machinery Co.. 311 Front st. TWO pool cables, fully equipped. 4', Woodlawn Ti15. FURNITURE, sewing machine, cook stove. piano, books, etc. e-.'u k. a at. n. $110 BUY9 diamond earrings that cost! $140 four years ago. Tabor 3SS. FUR Nl fVR E of private home "must be sold this week. 500 East 14:h North. CRISFETTE machine, rotary popper, c-lec- FOR SALE. M bcellaneous. SECOND-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES. PUMPS, ETC. ALL GUARANTEED- AS REPRESENTED. SPECIAL. 40 H. P. $150 RAILS, CARS, ETC. x 8 lb. to 80 lb. relaying rails in stock. Special 8 lb. now rails, $40 ton. PULLEY. GEARS. SHAFTING. ETC. The largest stock on the Coast. SPECIAL Pulleys, SUo pound. CABLE FOR LOGGING. ETC. Special , 10V&C ft. Special 1, 12Hc foot. Special 1H. 17 He "foot. 8peclal--lfc, 27c foot. And anything made of Iron ,v for anybody. BEE BARDE FIRST. IT PATH. M. BARDE! A SONS, Tho House of a Million Bargains. 240-244 Front Street. FOR SALE The following electrical sup- piles: U5 floi assorted shades ana ttaiu, 20 assorted bonis, 10O latest design fix tures, bowls and brackets: large stock of wire, loom, batteries, bells, pull sockets. ky sockets, flush recep tables, gas burn era. mantle, fuse plugs, rosettes, etc ; large amount of finished shower plates, chain and fixture parts. The above ma terial together with city license, estab lished place of business, fixtures, etc., can he bought at less than factory prices. or win sell any part of above. non Woodlawn S7U1 or write AF C55, Orego- 1 nian. EDISON Come In and hear the new won derful $250 Ed ison Diamond Disc phono- fraph; no needlea to change; the official aboratory model; price $250; special terms. S25 down. $10 monthly: new mod els Juft received. Hyatt Talking Machine 1 uo., Aider. " FENCE POSTS. Red cedar posts, good quality, any size. 7 feet long; can ship any amount up to carioan; prices quoted on application. BIG CREEK LOGGING CO., Khappa, Or. FOR SALE very reasonable by the O.-W. it. &. n. -0. the following sewing ma chines: 1 Frankly n. 1 Kenwood. 1 Minne sota. See J. H. Hinkle, room AOS Wells- Fargo bldg. Phone Broadway 4500. AUTOMATIC 7ITHER in nerfeet condition. -witn metal music sneets. w nat nave you i to trade? Woodlawn 21 7 e &0o Mon- rani ate. COME In and get the new Stewart hornless talklnsr machine, only o.50, a down, i i monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., aau Aiaer. FOR SALE -hole cook stove with coll;! first-cla5s condition and good baker. ib. I Commercial st. FURNITURE WANTED. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE. 105 First. - KLINE'S 20a First. " MAIN A phone call will bring the buyer with the money. We buy and sell everytiilna for the house; no lot too small or too bi ior us, - WE PAY THE BEST PRICES. GEVURTZ buys your furniture, stoves. rugs, carpets, organs, etc. We pay the highest cash prices for household goods Phone and our buyer will call at once. Gevurta Furniture Store, 207 1st. between Taylor and Saimun. Phone Marshall J&bl. j LEVIN HDW. & FURN. CO., 221 Front St. We buy, sell all kinds or nousenom gooas. furniture, carpets and ranges, restaurant outfits: hardware, lncluaina tools of ao description; also trunks, va.ise. aultcaaes. guns, rilles. Main 90 2. A 14. WILL pay highest prices and spot cash for goou usea larnuure, rugs, u. tention and courteous treatment. Phone Main 57Ga. J. C. Peterson. I need a lot of second-hand furniture and carpets to snip out 01 lown; can py uiwt e than Portland second-band dealers. Phone J. Walker. Main 4773. I WANT good second-hand furniture, cai- pets, ranges, etc.; J. wiu pay cau. MARSHALL 5SL ' Wrt-L PAY CASH FOR FECOND-H AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 25tt7. wTHK-fiT -pn n- v. paid I for second-band furniture. household LpayTny honeit man up to ISO month goods, blk N. ad. btoadway im. ly for parl of 8pare time. No canvassing. RE WISE, sell sour furniture to the Ford I Auction oo. .Main wui, iuj. lust. OWL FURNITURE CO. payaAthe best price I for your furniture. 204 1st. Main 4o27. WE want good second-hand furniture and will pay the price. Marshalllb22. HIGHEST caah price paid for household goods, stoves, ranges. Main 44U5. lS 1st. WANTED-1 Second-hand furniture. Phone Woodlawn a76 mornings. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call aif. asnourn. war. oa. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Lowest cash price and guaran tees on 0 to aa-ti. tr. gas or on eiiBiuc also on 5 to 10-H. P. gas or oil engine. 10 to 25-KW. generator, either 125. or 220 volts direct current or 20, 440. 1100 or 2300-volt 3-pbase 00-cycle alteruatlns, 20-440-volt alternator preferred. Small power pumps. AV B14, Oregonian. fu'.-nvn - H i VI) PLOTHIVO WANTED J MEYciK, lilt- i Aii.un, rAa i AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HC PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. i t-l' CALL MARSHALL la. X2i MADISON STREET - . CONCESSIONS TO LEASE. Merry-go-rounds swings, etc., at Mult nomah Station; old-time Fourth of July celebration from July 1 to 4. W. D. Cook. Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric Railway WE pay highest prices for metaia, ruoDe auto tires, macninery, nemos. ALASKA BAG A METAL CO, 170 Front St., Cor. YamhllL Main 8232. ' e a. TT urrmmn tesdlnv ItllllDI. 11UU 1. W Bank Diag., pays muro i.iti . j - i Hutchinson v--o. uoes iur i. WANTED Slightly used jewing machines. library table, dining laoie, cnain, mirrun and rugs; give full description and price.) A K oregonian. WILL exchange new talking machine for at beach. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., ! S50 Aider. WANTED to buy 2d band dougn mixer and o'.ner oaKers niscumerj. iak" Bakery. 294 Russell St., Portland. WANTED Machinery, pipe, etc.We buy or dismantle oia plants. n uur juu. ucv. for your JutiK. &u uarue ec auun. main WANTED A young or trained hunting dog; a good home in country. na; nave ju, and price? AL 058, Oregonlan. WANTED Merry-go-round Will huv. rent. or concede space at carnival, write r-. . or concede space at car Eagles. La Grande, Or. CASH for i ill kind of COUPONS, tobacco 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main taes, etc, 937. wiTn Second-hand clothes: honest ... .11 kind. ViothinV Mhai. est nric etc. Call Main 247 Front st. TOP, windshield, fenders or steering post ior lulu ora. a- jjin"-ii, lu uiu i Washington sts.. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Small drop-top typewriter desk and chair; oak unisn. btate price ana give telephone number. G 05t. Oregonlan. WANTED Your diamonds to sell on com mission. 245 14 Aiaer it., du a ana - Main lt02. WANTED Five thousand f I rat-class cow- kale plants at once. Address box O, estport. Or. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. . M. Pickering, Mfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonian bldg. WE buy and sell new and second-hand suit cases and trunks. Mam uuij, a if. NATIONAL geographic masaifhes, any year. E. Bidden, iinquist notei, city. ROLL-TOP office desk, must be reasonable and in good confli tion. at am KALSOMINE BRUSH. Phone Main 7410, A. M. EXPERIENCED woodsaw man wanU to rent woodsaw for season. East 6619. WILL pay $10 o"h for high side oven gas range. Tabor 4u7l. WANTED National caah 6'"3. 3.'1 Was h Inton ,su register. Male GROCERY or cigar and confec. stock and fixtures. loS N. otn. Broaaway a,.. CONVALESCENT wishing special diet, pure air, B . e epins p'jri-:;. real. x auui uuju. OLD false teeth bought. Send or write R. Uhler. 321 Hcwes bidg.. San Francisco. WANTED Cash regis tors. showcases. 1st arc! YrtTTihni Main SSG V A.M-i) Aa ciectrle l&n. cheap, Maui WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY . Junk Second-hand roods. CALL OCR SECOND-HAND DEPART MENT. Makes no difference what It Is, Big or Small, Machinery. Pipe. Belting and anything. M. BARD; & SONS. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. 24l-2-14 Front St. Main 663. A 1663. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR SLITS $7.50. H I 1H EST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS SLITS. SHOES AM EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 20S0. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2UeU, FOR YEARS IN BUSINESS. -25 FIRST ST.. NEAR JfcFFKKSON. HELP WANTED MALE, W ANTED Ambitious. red-blooded men bookkeepers, bank clerks, stenographers, accountants and engineers to prepare for wonderful opportunities soou to are Jo Mexico, Central and South, America, to w inch Spanish Is the key. The Interna tional Correspondence Schools have de vised the best, easiest and Quickest way known to the educational world to learn a foreign language. For particular, cail 815 Oak st., .A. M. to 9 P. M. WANTED High school graduates, unable to afford a college course, to prepare for successful careers th roust h spare time, studv of Drac ileal vocational training of fered by International Corresponoenci bchools. An 1-C-S course is the neat, easiest and quickest way to increased ef ficiency rapid promotion and high al aries. Special rates to high school grad uates. Cali 815 Oak St.. A. M. to 9 P. M. ENGINEERS for stationary, locomotive shav, loader and sand pump (top salaries, bookkeeper, stenoa raphe r. salesman, ln- rnia !rir i ort Bawr filer, (ortman. $100; lumber- buyer and Inspector. $100; ' man, helpers, blacksmith, millwright, iron moulder e: imnur winder. So.axX Also others. If you are a sawmill man write Mack s. Little hocK, Ara. A Ttrn ATTTftMOBTI.R REPAIR MAX. MUST BE FIRST-CLASS, ALL AROUND MECHANIC: NONE OTHER NEED APPLY. APPLY TO bHOP FORE MAN MONDAY MORNING. EAST FIRST 4fe EAST MORRISON 6TS, $1000 CASH will put you' on the road to wtaiin 11 you join me in uis j uu poultry business : room for lust 0 fam- i;i- In this m.i.tom and ahlentlfiO COlonv: all city conveniences; best of schools and car service; deed to a home. Interest In a luriFA hiijcuiDX. anil rr nlovmint for all. For full particulars address owner, JioS Hoyt st.. Portland. Or. EARN $100 weekly managing clean legiti mate mall order business. v e iumisu everything. Right party need not worry about caoltai: Snlendld chance for Intel ligent, employed person o control Inde pendent business o profit-sharing bafia. beginning spare tune evenings at homo. Particular free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. i. WANTED Boom man; married man pre- ferred; by the day or per thousand -feet Wanted A 10 or 12-horsepower launch strong frame and in good condition; muet ha r-U n n - nn that has been used : mi ve address end phone number. Answer to 422 Aortn western uinx diue., ruiunuu, vi. SALESMAN, energetic, neat, not over 85, with avertts ability but honest worker, Portland and vicinity, on high-grade spe cialty. 208 Lumber Exchange bldg., 7:30 to 9 A. M. and after 5 P. M. Monday and Tuesday. ds chanlcs: take course In steam, i or elec- ltlon ; free catalogue from Seattle En gineering School, Hoy St., tseaiue, TOrxrt man with sorrm exnertence book' keeping and use of typewriter, four or live monins, moaeraie air a,nu unni expenses; answer in own nana writing, stating references. E g4-, Oregonian. A REAL magazine man. Call 8 to ft A. M. and 4 to 5 P. M-, 2o8 Ablngton bldg. DRT'O lerk who understands fountain. State salary and give references, all in first letter. Two or more months. Camas Pharmacy, Jjamas, VN as 11. WANTED A cood elevator man for offl hniidine-- mnnt know how to take care of elevator machlrfcsry ; give address. X 654, Oregonian. , vavks hiKh.ri.iM men desiring salaried do sktlons. United States. Soutlu Central America, any foreign country. Write par tlculars. P. N. A. Co., Los Angeles. MEN sell guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Salary $24. full time; 50c hour spare time. Permanent- Ktoerlenc unnecessary. In terna t' Mills, Dept. 37, Norristown, Pa. fiTKAhY eniD.. rood wmfL dav and nigh classes: few months learning ; profitable. Watchmaking. E naravln. Optical School 218 Commonwealth, bldg., 6th and Ankeny. TTTRTT.FRfl 120 to 30 tnida WeeklT dls trlbutlnr circulars, samples, tacking signs, etc. Advertisers National Agency, Dept. C-12. Chicago. no capital, writ tooay. voornies, ue 152. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Housekeeper for home. 2 In family, near Portland, o, oregonian. ENERGETIC boys, living near parks, or going to beach resort, rrTake loo during vacation ; particulars C 652. Oregonlan. MAN who will do kalsomlnltag and painting in spare time for rent of pleasant 3-rooni apartment. T04 Lovejoy at. BECOME a detective. Inexperienced appli cants everywhere, write. Bertlllon Secret Service Institute, Chicago. "EARN $1- weekly writing names, addresses, spare time, no canvassing. Particulars stamp. G. C. Smith. Little Rock. Ark. DENTIST wanted. Good experienced opera tor. High salary. Electro Dental Parlors, Ticoma. Wash. FIRST-CLASS brassworker wanted for bank and office fixtures. State experience and positions held. AE 6rt4. Oregonlan. HOTEL night clerk; must have experience and referent : leave phone No. and ad dress. AE G7 Oregonian. If asv or boy to work for board and room mornings and evenings. Call Tabor 735 or 5 E. 74th st. BOY to help with chores and general light farm work; must be good worker. Apply 72Q E, S3dst. mornings. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 445 Hawthorne Ave. Reduced prices until July 1st Onlys INVESTIGATE OUR SYSTEM AND PRICKS ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 2J 11TH AND JEFFERSON. HAVE a new proposition to clear land of stumps cheap, write to D. j. ontroger( box 155. Woodbnrn. Or. 1 lio ROUGHLY experienced tool and dye maker. Hotpoint Elec trio Heating Co., Ontario. Cal. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats, $46 per month and board. Apply Wash- 1 n gton-st. dock. w a TEn Washlnrton license barber steany Job. 805 Washington at., Vancouver, wain. NEAT appearing young man to demonstrate and sell dealers. 613 Dekura bldg., 9 le i z a, JS- FI RT-CLASS sender man to take charge Berlin sannera; sd.ou. viaisop uiii iom pany. Aatorla, Or. WANTED July 1. 200 loganberry pickers register now. L. H. Roberta, route 7. box H7, Salem, or. BAKERS helper wanted by A. F. Anderson. Seavlew Wash. Write and atate salary expected. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. TTnealled-for suits. S3. 50 UD. ORPHFT M CLEANERS. 35S Stark, cor. Park ww.yj wanted to work on river ateamboats. $45 per month and board. Apply Wash- lngton-st. aoca. 'WANTED Boy. to .ell. t grounds Call at 11 o'clock this morning at grounds. WANTED Wringer man. Palace Laundry Co., East mtn ana tveretj1 WANTED A Job boy to keep house for 4 young fellows. AK t55. oregonian. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paal. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. A FEW slightly worn men's suits for sale at bargain prices. 105 W. Park st. BOY with motorcycle or wheel apply S24 stark st. m WANTED Loganberry pickers; for particu lars address Ben H. Hawkins. Brooks. Or. AGENTS to sell building sites in a new Summer resort on the So. Pac. Mar. 164. WANTED Upholsterers, steady work. Car man Mfg. Co, 1214 Macadam.- EXPERIENCED night clerk for local hotel; state former experience, w wi, oregonian. WANTED Six millwrights, e-oung. Hoqulam Lumber & Shingle Co.. Hoqulam. Wash. WANTED Two good bench men. Kin Sash. Door t Lor, oo.. pogane. vs asn. BOY to work on farm, 15 years old. 70S E. Sth st. seliwooa n . I PERSON for cleaning In jjmall hotel few hours every day. T2 Mafllson. WANT contractor to take lot for part pay ment bullamg a nouse. ian j a nor SALESMAN with car; good propealtion. AD 65&. oregonian. WANTED Single man for general farm work, 3 cows. Answer av B04, oregonian. I TWO boys to work short hours for their meals. Leighton's, 127 Broadway. BAKERY helper wanted, Albina Home B a k ery. 767 Misslssip pi ave. GOOD place for shoe repair shop for rent; Investigate. Tabor 3SS. 3B9 Glenn ave. UOX lla wheel. Apply 4J-0 Alder su HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. THE) BIO OFFICE. THE RELIABLE OFFICE. WE GET THE JOBS WE GET THE MEN. WANTED TODAY Hook tenders, 'rigging men. chasers, sniper. knot t era. swampers. engineers. Bremen, jrriedrlvcr men and firemen, fall ers, buck era, wjjistle boys, etc., etc. Track men, log- R. R.. $2 DO: graders, log R R.. $2 50; section men and other labor too numerous to mention here. Band resawyer. $3 BO; millwrights, close to Portland. $3. AO: planer feeder (sixer . se boss her today. $:t; edgermsn, $3: ratchet setter. $a; offbearer. $2.75; mill hands. $2.5o up; married men foe saw mills and yards, $2.25 to $2.75. ' 10 yardmen, fare 10c, $2.25 to $2.1-10 wr dar: vardman Rin Inter. Astoria, Bridal Veil. Klickitat, north. west. Night and pastry eook. Bend. Or.. $17.50 per wk; second cook, city, $50; dinner cook, ajo; dishwashers, waiters, bnnwbnvs Vm1 Ihnni nnrl .1 n r. II w A . ister. We can use you In rufUursatg and uowim every a ay. . FREE FARE: EAST FREE FARE. We ship 'east on tha O.-W. R. N. Ry. oriage gings, section gangs, extra gangs. .etc r tttuhi FAK. - Farm hand a ml lk era. dalrvmen. mar. rled couples for farm and dairy work. going wages. OPEN, TODAY OPEN TODAY ALL DAY. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. BIO, NEW QUARTERS. SECOND STREET AT BURNSIDE. PURLIO EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14 th and Johnson Streets. U. S. Government Hmployment Office Co-operating. LOGANBERRY PICKERS. We have Jobs for 400 loganberry rckera. work to begin about July Registrations for this work will be accepted at once and those reg istering will be placed in order of same. Season promises to last 0 weeks, and pay Is such that good wages can be made. Camping out fit will be required. Men. women and children wanted. Register at 14th and Johnson, or at Women's Department, City Hall. Can place eeveral farmhands and milk ers. Laborers for local plant. Millmen. fcdferman. lardmen. Setters. Log caul era, etc. ALL JOBS ARFJ FREE. Largest employment office in Northwest. T. M. C. A. AUTO MOBIL A SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training In re pairing, driving and machine work, in cluding forge, lathe, shaper. drlilpress, etc. ; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational office Y. M. C. A. bldg. to inspect our shops and methods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUP PLIED, Tuition fee Includes JJKMBER SHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and its EMPLOY- MEM DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swlm mlng pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. ANY Intelligent person, either sex, of good education and business ability ; must be able to handle correspondence and write good business letter; an opportunity to start a small but profitable mail order business In your own home or office; good for $100 a week when established; can bt managed In spare time, evenings, or as a side line at first; grows rapidly: send for particulars. Heacock Co., Su Heacock bldg.. Lock port, N. Y. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A Young men seeking employment In com mercial, ciericai'or tecnmcai lines are in vited to consult the Employment Secre tary. To non-members a special member ship is issued, costing $. per annum giving service of the department for a year two months' fuil privileges and re fund of membership fee. it satisfactory employment is not secured. WANTED AMBITIOUS MEN. LEARN AUTOMOBILE TRADE In reliable and practical school. Our new home is Hie most modern and best equipped in United States. We help students earn living while learning. Send for free catalogue and low rates. National School of En gineering. (.Established l05).Los Angela WANTED Bght, energetic. technically educated man. preferably with lumber ex perience, to assist in Installing efficiency methods in lumber plant; give experience and education and full Information in first letter, also small photograph; state how soon can report for work and salary expected. E 055. Oregonian. GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF ; SPEND pi M Mb. K (ANU 1-AL1. OL X DOORS; $2irt WILL GET YOIT MA CHINE. FEATURE FILM. WE TEACH YOU HOW TO BECOME TktAVKLIN. FHOWMAN. RELIABLE, 60 BROAD WAY. BOOKKEEPER First-class accountant, who understand! retail narnware uujineM, ommendations from reliable panie abso lutely necessury. State salary. Vacancy In Eastern Oregon. Address AV 2f4. Ore gonian. HUSTLING, reliable salesman for tea and cofre route in tni citv ana several iuw outside points. Bond and references re quired. Liberal offer; opportunity to ad vance. Apply Grand Union Tea. Co., 44S Washington at FIRST-CLASS Jobbing or machinery Iron moiders, nouns, minimum, steauy work So good men; union shop; no trouble. Apply by letter or In person to Carl Smith. Z-0 Fremont St., San Francisco. CaL SECRET SERVICE. America, traveling for eign, immediate opportunities, juicers, also Inexperienced persons. Preparation where necessary by leading world's expert. Asiatic Pacific Agency. San Francisco. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our naray guars aieeu or namental ana rruit biock ; en --.j part ex perse provided. Washington Nur aery Co.. Toppenlsh, Waah. t'OO STARTS YOU IN SHOW BUSINESS 1J MrrLl 1 yu a v n i . . i ' r r. .-v - TI'RK FILMS. TISACH YOU OPERAT ING. GO IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. 61 BROADWAY. MEN wanted with gasoline saw to cut In. 4-foot lengths fir timber from 10 cords tO HU" Coras, Bl eor ree-; pru-w . cents for each cord. Apply James George, Yamhill, Or. WANTED Single man about 30 who can do hard work or pack goods, capable of keeping account stock. Give phone num ber experience, references. R ooh. Orego nian. W ANTE D Bo y over !. with wheels. rH v wnrU rnnd uvi ch ances for vancement ; must be neat-apparing : good opportunities for right boys. L. A. MO.lee hour. 253 Oak st. MnviVd PICTURE ROAD SHOWS OUT FlTTF.D. FEATURE FILMS FOR SALE OPE RATING TAUGHT. KKLIABLE FILM. rt BROADWAY. WANTED Two - boys, between 18 and 20, with wheels; steady work, good psy guar anteed. Call Monday, L. A. Mollenhour, Oak st bRiVFR for a-ton truck, married man pre- fetTed; reference required. Apply ware house, SOUtnwest. corner c. -u iuq ihiu hi:i, 8 o'clock Monday morning. xi i hi -l a xi WANT ED '.lo cornet. sllJ trombone, baritone. E-"at clarinet and others. J. Rushton. lnjo Dublin St., West minster, B. C, Cana.ia OFFICE manager wanted ; must loan em ployer l.ioou; Simple r".i estate sccuriiy. Steady position; no fake. R 654, Ore- gontan. wr a vTKll StenoaraDher and bookkwr, work not difficult and oould be handled by beginner. eiate age anm tmiary ex pected. Moore Launnry Co., Hillsboro. Cr BOOKKEEPER Good opportunity In whole sale house for young man not over SO; applications most state age and refer ence. AS 653, Oregonian. - ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen, brakemen, $120 monthly; experience un necessary. Railway. Oregonlan. BERBERS The wild herd strop; help you shave better. Jacob Miller Barber Supply Co.. 2S2 8d. YOU can make money with an electric candy floss machine. For particulars In quire at 225 N. 2sd at. WANTED Steady, reliable man with $150 , and services ; wages $30 weekly ; handle own money. 422 Morrison, room 3. CLEANER and dyer We have a good proposition tor a man to start busincsj for himself. AO 655, Oregonian. WANTED Young roan who wish- to learn auto trade; must be willing worker; op portunity for right man. F GH0. Oregonlan. ELSRLY gentlemen wanted to selr ma cpine shops; useful article. 403 North west bldg. WANTED Someone to contract to bsu; lumber with truck. Koehrlng Machine Co., 2.".4 Hawthorne ave. SALESMAN To travel out of Portland and appoint agents; also city salesman. 7"i Swetland bldg. MAN waited to take care of groum.s and help wHh hoi'fework; private family. Ad dress AM 5l, Oregonian. WANT man and wife, without children. Tnr dairy rn-h. Innilre 2'5 Stark st. 1'bone Main 4?i or East 4741. OREHOM AT 'TO PTHOOU 4 2U-S1 TtET.MONT ST. TUITION UNE.-liAi-F IliL JULY 1ST, HKLP WANTED MALE, Help Wanted Agents. YOUR opportunity is right here to establish a business of your own. We flnsnce you on biggest money-making line of aluminum cooking utensi.s and specialties id Amer We are original manufacturers of ta:ura!num ware. Our saies plan enable you to call on customers by appointment only. Our men are cleaning up $40 to $10 a week. Free sales course teaches you. Big agents' monthiy magazine free. If you are strong enough to stand prosperity, end us a postal todav and secure your choice of territory. Div. 232. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. lit OARTSIDKS IRON RUST SOAP CO- 40M Lancaster ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. vGart sides Iron Huit Soap (Trade-Mark, Print and Copyright registered in the V. S. Patent Office) removes Iron rust. Ink and all un washable stains from clothing, marble, etc Good seller, big margins, , a icen is wanted. The original jje a tube. Heware of infringements and the penalty for mating, selling and using an infringed article. DELICIOUS eoft drinks In concentrated form. Always ready; Just add water; eco nomical, asolute.y pure. Every houses icife wants them: 1 different kind. Knormous demand ; big Siimmer sellers; mony comes easy. 5 other popular priced, fast-selling household necessities. We furnish free outfits. Write today now. American Products Co., 4tC$ Amer ico bldg.. Cincinnati o. ATTENTION will pay $1000 reward tf eur Home Butter Merger falls to merge one pint of milk Into one pound of butter la two minutes, sweeter than creamery bar ter. Demonstrators and central agents wanted. Salary or commission. Write fo- Illustrated circulars and address of 10OO ust-rs. Wonderlul invention. Family But-t-r Merger Company. W ashing ton. D. C. EARN $100 weekly managing clean leglti niate mall order business. We furnish ery thluff. Kiht party need not worry about capital. Splendid chance for Intel- n Kent, employed person to control Inde pendent business on profit-sharing basis, beginning spare time evenings at horn Particular free. Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y. LMAZIN'G. new Invention, marvelous add ing machine, adtls, subtracts, multiplies. Does work $2vo machine. Retail $7.&0. Five-year guarantee. Offices, stores, fac tories, buy one to dosen. A very demon stration sella Write quick exclusive ter ritory, trial offer s Dept. O 101. Calcn lator Sa-es Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. HURRY! Sell Gaao-Tonlc. mystery of rno toniom. Kqusii gasoline 3c per gallon. Eliminates carbon. lol!ar an hour profit. Salts guaranteed. Be are of Imitators! Gaso-Tonic stands alone. Has no equal. Chemists baffled at its composition. De tails free. The White Mfg. Co., Dept. 4U. Cincinnati. O. CANVASSERS, street men. either sex. does $1H to $25 weekly Independence Interest JouT Combination of red-hot sellers. Brand-new sales plan. Exceptional op portunity for beginners. Sample case. In structions free. Write toduy, blonaker Salts Co., &4S, 82 Leader bldg., Cleve land, O. START you In business, furnishing every thing; men. women. $30 to $200 weekly operating "'New System Specialty Candy Factories" home, small room anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime; book let free. Kagsdale Co.. Box 6., East Orange. N. J. MKX 1C AN DIAMONDS. exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow Are; stand tests; s-11 at sight; live agents wanted; profits $."k weekly up; write sample cae offer free. Mexican Dlamona Importing Co., box A lio. Las Cruces, N. Mex. GET DAVIS" latest proposition; best yet; $13 ' dally cinch. No matter how many times have answered my advertisements last 20 ears write agam. First come, first served. Davla, Dept. 5, 59 W. Lako, Chicago. AGENTS and salesmen, I have secret for mulas for manufacturing line of special ties, over COOVe profit; goods sold to stores, garages and families, etc. ; $5 to $1 e starts you. Write for particulars and where I can see you. M 052, Oregonlan.. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists skirt, direct to homes. Write for free aampies. Madison Mills, 590 Broad way. New York C i t y. AOEXTC make T.O0 per cent prolit eelUng "novelty sign cards'; merchants buy 10 to ltK on sight; b varieties, catalogue tree. Sullivan Co., 1234 W. Van Buren u, Chi cago. lit COUNTY, city agents, to sell Ideal Motor t ueL increases mileage, prevents car bon. Liberal commission to agents. Get territory now going Ideal Mfg. - Co., Sabina. Ohio. WE can give steady and profitable em ployment to a lew more responsiDte. ener getic canvassers. For details or terms and territory address Oregon Nursery Com pany. Orenco. Or. 15 MADE ftrst day by Applegate wltb ?nomof cope. Aiisa spencer j iirst, nugi. Big pro! its. universal demand. Write quick. Shoinoscope Mfg. Co., 540 West Lith st., Kansas City Mo. AGENTS We heve a wonderful proposi tion: earn $5 to $15 a day and get in business for yourself; Me surprise awaits you; particulars free. M. J. Pauly ea Co., box 11H7, Los Angeie. Cal. AUTO WASH J VG Is bugbear every automo bile owner. Sell Lightning Cleanser, new wonder a to wanh. No soap or water. Big. easy mnnev. Details free. Lightning Mf Co.. Dept. 2S. Cincinnati, O. BE SUCCESSFUL SALESMAN Canvasser Mncuiine protects and help! you ; real magasine pages; three months' trial subscription. 2uc. Canvassers' Magazine. South Whitley, 1 n d. FREE catalog samps. new good, quick . sales, big profits, make 5 to,0 oaliy. no experience, world's greatest specialties. Cruver Co.. Jackson and Campbell, Chi cago, 111. ANY intelligent man or woman can make a pron t oi --o a n-K sm .ing our une. r res booklet, "How Brown Gets the Business.' Stocks Co., Dept. 1. CIS Chamber of Com merce, Los Angelea. LARGE manufacturer wants a Rent a to sell made to measure raincoats direct to cus tom era Che pest pricea Big profits, on: fit free. Standard Raincoat Co., 3tf3 Rroadway, New York. 50 FER CENT profit; free samples gold slcn letters for store and office windows. Anvone can put on. Metaliic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago FAST-SELLING household neceeauiea, 150 commission for sal-a agents, county or state territory. U-NE-CO MFG. CO., S51 Russell St. ADVERTISERS 5c a word pays for your advertisement 10O monthly raagaslne. l ftrticulars free. Empire Advertising Syn dicate. Chicago. AGENTS You mill make a big mistake te accept any agency proposition before get ting ours. Address Div. 432. American. Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. 111. OPPORTUNITY of a life-time; co-operate with us on a mor.ey-maklng proposition. Particular f re-e. The Western Merchan dising Co.. box 41ft, Concordia. Kan. LTv"Eagcnt wanted In each county to han dle our 15 household Inventions; sample furnished active workers: particulars free. K. H. Corcoran Co., IrrJpon. OY. EX PEB1KXCKU real estate man. free of fice rnt, etc.; we enn use you. Call at our office Monday. 452 Chamber of Com , merce. ( . LEARN about i,roflt supplying perfume to families bv addressing Leftler Jk Co, 75 "Walton. St. Louts. Mo GOCD live proposition: steady worn; Dig pay: bo us good snjes ny estaunsnea DuiinfH Inquire So Grand ave. TO sell household and office specialty of merit: aend for partlcnlara. Central Sales (. om'iany, Rolnbei k. Ioa. FIVE good apents for fast selling article: handsome profits. See Hollis, 504 Sewatd Hotel. Monday morning. NEW GAME Cigar stores, barber ahopa, etc Easv. big seller. Particulars free. United Sa'.eyboard Co., Trenton. N. J. WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy cosi no more. SOI Hoard of Trade bldg. Help Wanted Salesmen. SIDE LIVE Largest concern country plac ing high-class salesboards only. Can use more good men. Commission $5 to $16 each order. Chicago Diamond Importing; Co.. 220 S. State st.. Chicago. 111. 5 I.E3MEN To sell our check protector. It slls to every person who write a check. Circulars and information free. Sample 2r,r Terry Mfg Co., 122 COltoo bldg., To letto. O. - WANTED Salesmen, do you want to make monev? Handle our line of washable dust less specialties; they sell themselves; lr0 per c-nt profit. Busklrt Specialties, 242 Van Ness, an rrancisco. . S A L E s m'f. Sl i v e sfde line; something new. Nine minutes" time pays $9. I'ocket sam ples. Prompt commissions. State terri tory covered. Elwood Mfg. Co., 111S Michigan. Chicago. BEST punch board deals on earth ; brand new consignment; $" commission on order, repeats. Cld reliable. Grove Mfg. Co. 2 5 J 2 Cot tage Grov e, Chica g o. S A iTe S M E N to handle lnterchangeab'e bIkhs: newest outfit on the market. All merchants want them. 100 per cent profit. Interchangeable Sign Coy Lew is ton, Idaho. SATjEFMEN to carry quick-selling side line to merchants. Rig commission paid oa receipt of orders. Samples free. Stat territory. Patent Novelty Co.. Fulton. Ul. WA NT ED Several aalesmen to cover Western states; the proposition Is talarh elnss and cail for high-class men. boS Yenn b'.tlg. " SAT.ESM A N owning car to cover 11 coun tie phout Portland: permanent business. Address Fording. Congress Hotel, Port land. iKTfMTT nud rouutry Chune, live bustling city U5 Stock Ex-