The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 11, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 30

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14tlt and Johnson streets,
i U. S. Government Employment Office
1 Co-operating.
t Stenographer, 25 to 30; out of town.
Con st raction company.
Shipping clerks; must nave box factory
experience. .
Bookkeeper for lumber mill and office.
Billing clerk, railway experience; must
know billing machine.
Farm hands and milkers.
Section men.
Millyard men.
Kate-net Betters.
.Bridge painters, out of town.
Laborers, local plant, $2.
Cordwood cutlers.
Marl In 1st!.
Saw filers. , .
Cun uee another 100 berry pickers, to
hiii nut at trr-'
No fee chaiged. i
Main 3555 A o62-t.
EARN $100 weekly managing clean, legiti
mate mall-order business. We furnish ev
erything. Right party need not worry
about capital. Splendid chance for Intelli
gent, employed person to control Indepen
dent business on profit-sharing basis, be
ginning in spare time evenings at home.
Particulars free. Opportunities Exchange,
Buffalo, N. Y.
AKMATL'RE winder. $3.25; bookkeeper;
millwright; sawyer; filer; planer helper;
. shay engineer; invoice clerk, $100; track
foreman ; stationary engineer; fireman;
( loaderman & loco, engineer; ibr. Inspector
, & buyer, $100; iron moulder, 42c; Corliss
engineer; salesman; purmp engineer (sand);
' bookkeeper & stenog. ; also other. Write
Mack s, Little Kock, Ark.
WANTED A capable and ambitious young
man, with knowledge of stenography
who is willing to start at nominal sal-
ry tn.i work his way to remunerative and
responsible position. This offer comes
from a large, well-known, Nationally or
ganized corporation and carries with it
opportunities limited only by effort ex
erted. R 016, Oregonian.
FOUR MILLWRIGHTS. $4 a day; 2 machin
ists, sawmill work, $4 a day. Pacific Em
ployment Co., 2d and Burnside. Open all
day Sunday.
ANTED High-class partner for estab
lished real estate, loan and insurance busi
ness. References given and required.
110 10th St., Pittock Block.
il I ; ST LER S $20 to $30 made weekly dis
tributing circulars, samples, tacking signs,
etc Advertisers National Agency, JJept.
907. Chicago.
Help Wanted Agents.
l'OUR opportunity Is right here to estaolish
a business of your own. We finance you
on the biggest money-making line of
Aluminum Utensils and Specialties in
America. We are original manufacturers
of Aluminum Ware. Our sales plan en
ables yu to call on customers by appoint
ment only. Our men are cleaning up $40
to $10O a week. Free sales course teaches
you. Big Agents' monthly magazine free.
J f you are strong enough to stand prosper
ity, sena ns a. puim iouuy anu aui -your
choice of territory. Dlv. 232. Amer
ican Aluminum Mfg, Co., Lemon t. 111.
Lancaster av., Philadelphia, Pa. Gart-
( side's Iron Rust Soap (trade-mark, print
and copyright registered in the U. S
Patent Office) removes iron ruBt, ink and
all unwashable stains from clothing, mar
ble, etc. Good seller, big margins, agents
i wanted. Th-e original. 25c a tube. Beware
of infringements and the penalty for
making, selling and using an Infringed
a rticle.
EARN $t0O weekly managing clean, legiti
mate mail-order business; we furnish ev
erything; right party need not worry about
, capital; splendid chance for intelligent,
, employed person to control independent
. j business on profit-sharing basis, beginning
spare time evenings at home. Particulars
free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo,
N. Y.
ATTENTION Will pay $1000 reward if our
Home Butter Merger fails to merge one
pint of milk into one pound of butter in
two minutes, sweeter than creamery but
ter. Demonstrators and general agents
wanted. Salary or commission. Write for
illustrated circulars and addresses of 10U0
users. Wonderful invention. Family But
ter Merger Company, Washington, U. C.
VOOU territory open for experienced office
specialty salesmen to sell the J W rapid
envelope sealer. a handsome, perfect,
labor-saving machine; best enevelope
sealer ever made; sells at sight; price $5;
write for particulars. JW Mfg. Co., 110
W. 34th St., New York.
6TA RT you In business, furnishing every
thing ; men, women, $30 to $20tK weekly
operating "New System Specialty Candy
Factories" home, small room, anywhere;
no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime;
booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box S, East
Orange. N. J.
ANY live, wide-awake man or woman can
.make a net profit of $50 a week selling
our line. Write for our free booklet,
"How Brown Gets the Business." for par
ticulars The Stocks Co., Dept. 1. t18
Chamber of Commerce bldg., Los Angeles,
ELL rich-looking imported 3x0S rugs $1
each; Carter. Tenn., sold 115 4 days, profit
$57 ; you can do same ; write for sample
offer selling plan ; exclusive territory ;
sample rug by parcel post, prepaid, 9Sc.
Kon-Don, importer, Stonington, Me.
MEXICAN diamonds, exactly resemble gen
uine; same rainbow fire; stand tests; sell
at sight; live agents wanted; profits $50
weekly up. Write sampe case offer free.
Mexican Diamond Importing Co., Box
A 24, Las Cruces, N. Mex.
LARGE manufacturer wants representatives
to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for
free samples. Madison M'ills, 090 Broad
way, New Y'ork City.
AGENTS New proposition just out. Does
away with extra tire on automobile. Write
. quick for details. The Fred H. Rhode
Company, 1168 Potrero ave,, San Fran
cisco, Cal.
,VE can give steady and profitable em
ployment to a few more responsible, ener
getic canvassers. For details or terms and
territory address Oregon Nursery Com
pany, Qrenco, Or.
$15 MADE first day by Applegate with
Shomoscope. Miss Spencer $:j first hour.
Big profits. universal demand. Write
quick. Shomoscope Mfg. Co., 540 West
13th st., Kansas City, Mo
AUTO WASHING bugbear of every automo
bile owner; sell Lightning Cleanser, new
wonder auto wash; no soap or water; big,
. easy money; details free. Lightning Mfg.
Co.. Dept. 2. Cincinnati.
6NA P this winner now Brand new, big
field, live workers, . immediately, j00 per
cent prints, repeats sure, particulars free.
Marshalf Contracting Co., 3588 First, San
Diego, Cal.
SENSATIONAL eas saver saves 30 vearlv
fits every gas range; wonderful demon
stration: costs 20c, sells 50c; agents get
ting rich. Americart Gas Reduction Co.,
i ra.isponanon ounuing, enicago.
FREE catalogue, samples, new goods, u.ulck
Jtaies, rug jiroiits, matte . to Gaily,
no experience, worms greatest specialties
Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell, Chicago!
JUST look here, agents! Brand new seller.
i00 per cent profits, repeats sure: nine out
of 10 buy; unlimited field; get busy, write
xoaay. jvuii particulars free. Millson Co.
Dept. C. 1710 13th ave.. Seattle, Wash.
JCEW line of specialties; strong repeater;
is h"hub iur live agents; sens to horn
and offices; money back guarantee
Gladstone, Or.
RET-HOT seller. 100 live Worker- wntrl
now, hurry, you can't afford to miss this
chance; bit; money; full particulars free.
Aimer Lampoeu kjo., .Box 403, Oakland,
OPPORTUNITY of a life-time; co-operate
with us on a money-making proposition
Particulars free. The Western Merchan-
w u'mg -u., pox jjo, oncordia, Kan.
AGENT& 1 ou will make a dIr- mistake to
y pi any - nKfiivy proposition before get
tine ours. Address Div. 432, American
jMuminum .mtk. to., Lemont, III.
f'-w-f ne not caKes; brand new Ironing
wax; perfumes clothes; clamps on iron
ing Douro; asoestos iron rest; working
outfit 5c.
OUR wash in machine sella evrv hA
$1.50. profit $1. Bolster made $1000 prof
it- inuiuii. i m uiv- rranK Ailg. Co.,
fcfc.L.lj men s. ladies raincoats, cheapest
prices; golden opportunity, make big
money; outfit free. Amerl-Europeah
ivgiinj.Fn. li t su. jproaaway, .New York
WANTED State distributors. new Ford
self-starter: retails $10: vour nrir srt-
exclusive contract. Manufacturer, Box
- ieii uu, Alien.
sells to every man; write for particulars
at territory open. Endle:
Necktie Co., Dept D. Kansas City. Mo
60O PER CENT profit. Free samples gold
n;n:is - "i mure, onice, windows.
Anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co.
-.-; i . L iarK, men go.
LIVE agent wanted in each nonntv h,
die our 15 household Inventions; samples
urn I shed active workers; particulars free.
... . ... mi umii vo., iincon. or.
AU E KTISERS r.c word pays your adver
nsemeni 100 mommy magazines. par
ticulars free. Empire Advertising Syn-
jst.v UAMfc cigar stores, barber shops,
etc. ; easy, big seller; particulars free
ncil LWI1, IS. J,
ings. Good pay
n r,m CI. nov Oil - i
w- vjiBiuuer 01 com
AGENTS wanted. Rush in now. 100 live
a Ken is wanieti. l tj oer cent nmr t. Art.
dress Myrtle Supply House, 5S0 40th ave.
WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy coi
Tin mnt-tt Q01 XnI n T-. tit J
LADIES wanted to take orders for Summer
article, easy sener. uj rsortn west bldg,
IIelp Wanted Salesmen.
NIAN, LIVE sideline salesman, $2000 to $3000 in
come assured placing celebrated Chicago
popular-priced tailoring line towns of 500
to 1500. Men making territory monthly;
no advances; commission only; state ter
ritory, experience, references, present con
nections. S. Decker, toil Van Buren, Chi
cago. TWO specialty salesmen, part or full time,
to sell service contract to retail mer-
rhn nts Interest nil lines of trade: sales
men's commisisons average $300 to $5O0
f)er month ; give references ; state travel
ng experience, territory desired. Address
the Mercantile Alliance, Iowa City, la.
SALESMEN wanted; energetic, reliable men
wanted to represent one or tne oiaesi
nurseries on the Pacific Coast. A com
plete line of fruit trees, smalt fruits and
ornamentals. Liberal commissions. Cash
advanced on orders.
COMPETENT salesmen or merchants pre
ferred by well-rated Cleveland concern to
?ell merchants greatest specialty of day;
$:i00 to $500 per month; commissions
paid weekly; state experience. O. J. Rin
gle, general manager, Station C, Cleve
land, o.
EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big
pay. Write for large list ot openings ot
tering opportunities to earn from $100 to
$500 a month while you learn. Address
nearest office. Dept. 311. National Sales
men's Training Association, Chicago, New
York. San Francisco.
MEN, from $1500 to $3000 yearly, call manu
facturers, wholesalers, retailers. Banners,
doctors; $25 weekly advance; exclusive
territory; experience helpful, not essen
tial; pay each week; rare opportunity;
write promptly. H. O. Jones. Secty., 751
Schwind bldg., Dayton, Ohio.
WANTED Responsible men with Ford cars
to demonstrate and sell dealers and car
owners patented cooling system; rapid
seller; good proposition and exclusive ter
ritory to right parties. The Auxiliary
Cooler Co.. Inc., Station A, Seattle, Wash.
STOCK salesman, men or women; must be
reliable; to sell established honest dusi
ness. Plenty good letters from satisfied
customers. Will pay good price to right
parties. Call forenoons, 21 Union avenue.
City. C. J. Helm.
LARGE corporation has several . vacancies
in fales department. Capable men, per
manent connection assured ; remuneration
better than offered elsewhere. Experience
not absolutely necessary; references re
quired. 21-23 S. Grand ave., Portland.
TRAVELING salesmen Your clothes made
to measure without cost for placing tailor,
ing lines featuring six Bpecial prices; no
extra charges with merchants. Write par
ticulars. J. W. Jones. 510 Mid City Bank,
SALESMAN to sell best-known temperance
annus on market; can be sold in dry ter
ritory; excellent position for full time
or side line men ; commission contract ;
$40 per week for expenses. Sales Manager,
2Q9 Houser bldg.. Sc. Louis, Mo.
MOVING PICTURE " player photographic
pennants, wholesalers, bakers, theaters,
merchants, etc., give away, increase sales;
complete samples, Victrola covers, table
mats, doilies, etc.; cost $4. Write infor
mation. Jaeger Mfg. Co.. Chicago.
SALESMEN Permanency, continual ad
vance as ability warrants: short trips;
man foi each Oregon and Idaho; progres
sive's future; one specialty; references re
quired. Mfrs.. 1070a Quebec ave., Cleve
land, Ohio
SALESMAN for general mercantile trade In
ureon to sen a new proposition or merit;
vacancy now : attractive commission con
tract; $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F.
Bixler Co., wholesale jeweler, 22C-24
Car! in bldg., Cleveland, O.
SELL general trade Pacific territory, va
cancy june u. .ew mercnandising
commission contract. $35 weeklv expenses
Established llk)0. Continental Jewelry Co.
62-24 Continertal bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.
VACANCY June 35, old house, permanent
position, cover Oregon, staple line, sold
exceptional terms; high commission, $35
weekly advance. Sales Manager, 70 Suite,
800 Woodward. Detroit
LIVE sideline ; something new ; nine min
utes' time pays $9; pocket samples;
prompt commissions; state territory cov
ered. El wood Mfg. Co., 1118 Michigan,
TO HANDLE our vending machines, chew
ing gum, otner confections, commission
basis only, all or part time; exclusive
territory; send references. Chic-Mint Gum
Company, Wilmington, Del
AN experienced salesman. Portland terri
tory; please write giving experience' and
full qualifications in first letter. Ad-
aress jenogg loasted Corn r lake Co.,
oeame, vvasn.
SA LESM AN to call on grocers", general
stores and confectioners in small country
towns; 25 per cent commission. $40 weekly
-drawing account. Crown Cider Co., Dept.
4. 50'J Chestnut. St. Louis Mo.
SPECIALTY salesman to sell "our line.
smau country towns; salary and commis
sion. With Weeklv eYIeUM allnua T-,r
Arlette Fruit Products Co., 509 Chestnut
C- L. IjOUIS, 31 o.
SALES MANAGER; something new: hnsd-
ness necessity; retails $5 to $100; enor
mous profits; no competition- exclusive
territory; free samples. Sayers Co., 450
wainwrigPt, yt. Louis.
&AL,t.AiA to sell our check protector; it
mm is to every person who writes a check
circulars and information free; sample
, ierr Jfllg. I.O., 1 Z COItOn bldg.,
Toledo, O.
wajn r two live salesman to sell accident
and health insurance for the oldest com
pany in the business. 629 Railway Ex-
MANUFACTURER'S agency for automobile
accessories wants traveling salesman to
carry eitner run or side line. Tabor 00.10.
W AN TbD High-class solicitors for real
estate ana insurance. Krebs-Logus Com
pany, 110 10th St., Pittock block.
ENERGETIC salesman, visit schools: 100
salary, liberal commission. R. fO. Evans &
with a car and some Ben
partner. Phone East 76!0
ing ability as a
STEADY, honest woman, "partly encased,
can have good home In exchange for
uerviue morning ana evening. 2tK Lin
coin st.
WANT middle-aged woman; no objection
to cmidren, as housekeeper for country.
xt. o-, uregonian.
W OMAN for general housework, family of
tnree. inquire oso hi. Alder Sunday,
10 4th st. Monday.
COUNTRY girl wanted for general house
work, help with children; no washing
Call 451 E. 24th st. N. ,
EXPERIENCED nursemaid for 4Vs-year-old
ooy anu to assist in second work; ref
erences. 340 10th st.
WANTED An experienced second girl. 634
vv asuu tsi.
LADY wishes refined lady to share apart
ment. Marshall 32S9.
WANTED Typist,
with some experience;
Apply Oregon Laundry.
good, at ligures.
YOUNG girl for housework ; small family.
Phone East T752 before 2 P. M.
ELDERLY lady, care of home of two adults.
inquire ioi uariieia ave.
WANTED A cheerful competent girl to do
housework. 551 E. 2!st st. N.. near Knott.
WANTED At once, housekeeper in country
AQqresa c. m. Jiauey, sandy. Or.
GIRL for housework, small family, no cook
ing. Apply Monday, 573 E. 8th st. North
Gl RL for general housework, good home
iaoor 4yo.
HIGH-SCHOOL girl to assist with house
work at the beach. , 450 E. 17th et. N
GIRL for general housework. o41 6th,
tween Hall and Lincoln.
LADY to learn beauty culture; good propo
sitlon. 307 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework. Call
between 2 and 5, 29 E. 22d.
A-No. 1 BOOKKEEPER and stenographer,
$75 month. 301 N. W. Bank bldg.
SCANDINAVIAN or German girl for gen
eral housework. 53 Ella street. Main 9467
PRIVATE home for children, any age; 13
years" experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2102.
Typewriting. $5 mo. 2fi 14th. Main 3803.
GIRL for general housework. Phone between
and 1 P. M., Tabor 4766.
WANT a girl for general housework. Main
A GIRL for genera! housework, 2 in family,
Apply 65 North 21st st.
GIRL for light housework,
st. North.
503 East 48th
W- NT ED Cook for farm;
C 640, Oregonian.
near Vancouver.
WILL give room for services on switch
board. Ansonla Hotel, 124 14th st.
WANTED Experienced girl
housework. 2S1 N. 24th st.
for general
WANTED Cook and second girl. Apply 503
21st st., Portland Heights. City references.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework; $30. Call East 2802.
WANTED Middle-aged lady
city. O 618, Oregonian.
ROOM rent free for doing little chamber
work dally. Apply 231 fr N. 23d st.
WANTED Good girl for general housew
ork I
in family of four; wages $25, Tabor 41.
services' of two thoroughly emperiencea
glove saleswomen, references required. Ap
ply Fupt.'s office, Monday, between W
and 10.
Steady work and good pay. Apply Gar
ment Factory, Oregon City Woolen Mill.
Oregon City.
services of an experienced comptometer
operator, references required. Apply
Supt.'a office, Monday, between 9 and i0.
YOUNG woman, strong, experienced and
willing, as good plain cook and household
helper in a large family out of town.
Wages $10 per week, no laundry; must
contract for all Summer stay. AV 281.
Oregonian. -
PROSPERITY to every ambitious woman ;
l show you in eight simple lessons now
to make money at home: also how to re
duce -the high cost of living; no agency
work. Particulars free. F. lnke, o-b
Pine st., San Francisco. Cal.
WANTED Teacher or other interested in
child question to interview mothers on a
plan of home training for children; very
interesting work and good pay to the right
party. Apply room 25, Ainsworth bldg.,
267 Oak -st.
WANTED Competent, respectable young
Catholic woman as housekeeper and cook;
a good position to partv taking" interest in
this work; give address for interview.
J. R., Box 4, N. P. Depot, Central! a. Wash.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men is now located at room 303 new po
lice Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance given to women and girls
Interview confidential.
CHRISTIAN, B07 Central ave., Newark. New
Jersey, offers ladies everywhere chance to
earn money home with their brains; par
ticulars, send self -addressed stamped en
velope. WANTED Ladies everywhere to mail cir
culars; notmng more; make to -o
weekly; no capital needed; we supply cir
culars. Address Dixie Mailing Co.. Dept.
34, '24 Victoria st., Jacksonville. Fla.
$18 WEEK, expenses advanced, women to
travel, appoint agents, concentratea ioou
flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co.,
Como rldg., Chicago.
FULL-TIME salary $15, selling guaranteed
nosiery to wearer; 2oc an nour spare time;
permanent: experience unnecessary. Wear
proof Hosiery, Norristown, Pa.
WANTED German or Swedish girl for
general housework ; must be good cook ;
. references required. Inquire Monday 228
Union ave. N. Phone C 1234 or East 21.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem-
I'UB'.i Hie uia sen uea-iers, o 10 hc
week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Company, Dept. 51 1, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED A competent maid for general
housework. Small family. References re
quired. Address 875 Overton, or call Mar.
HUNDREDS Government . positions open to
women, 570 month; write immeaiateiy.
free list Franklin Institute, Dept. 703-O,
Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED A girl 16 to 20 years old to
assist with light housework and care of
children; $10 per month. Call 322 E. 47th.
near Hawthorne.
WANTED Head waitress for first-class ho
tel dining-room ; state experience and last
places of employment ; give full particu
lars in lirst letter. W G20, Oregonian.
WANTED A cook with good references for
Doth cooking ana cnaracter; no general
housework- Scotch girl preferred. Tel.
Sellwood 780.
GIRL for light housework and care of two
children wanted by business woman, iiooa
home and wages. Call Sunday, 805 E. 28th
N., Broadway car.
EXPERIENCED typewriter biller; must un
derstand operating vahl adding attach
ment Remington machine. Answer AJ
61 , Oregonian.
COMPETENT girl to cook and do the gen
eral housework In family or two aauits ;
must have personal reference. Phone East
WANTED Women or man and wife for
light janitor work each morn, in exchange
for H. K. apts. 360 East Morrison bt.
'AL 616, Oregonian.
W A NT ED Neat competent woman, general
housework; must be good cook. Call,
Sunday and Monday, between 9 and 12,
S-Uvood 1212.
GIRL or woman for light housework in
small home for family of two. Home
privileges. Good plain cook. $10 a mo.
East 3055.
COUNTRY hotel cook $40, lunchroom cook
$S a week, second girl $25, waitress out
$25, housekeeper $20, kitchen helper $20.
Hansen's. 345 Washington st.
EXPERIENCED woman for general house
work. Apply 829 Kearney. Morning if
WILL give a good home cheap to lady
for light service? Sunday and evenings.
Tabor 5127.
G1KL for house work and assist with cook
ing. Christian Selene family. Apply 685
K. Couch.
EXPERIENCED finishers on waists
gowns, ' with long shop experience,
WOMAN to keep house for working couple,
care for 3-vear. girl, good home, $10 mo
2S6 E, Buffalo st.
GIRL for general housework; pleasant
home; light work; wages $20 per mo. T
637. Oregonian.
RAPID and accurate stenographer; one with,
law experience preferred. Salary $40.
K 645, Oregonian.
Sanitary Beauty Parlors ' College for ladies
onlv; make yourself independent with good
trade. 4',0-412 Dekum bldg,, 3d and Wash.
dividual Instructions, start any date.
602 Orpheum bldg. Positions securea.
COOK, for family of four; wages $40. Ap
ply at Woman's Exchange, Tuesday, be
tween 11 and 12.
WOMAN bookkeeper. State experience and
salary expected. Permanent. D 644, Ore
STENOGRAPHER State experience and sal
ary expected. Permanent for right party.
A 642, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Phone East 2767. or call 759 Halsey St.,
Broadway car, near 22d st.
I WANT a lady in every town to represent
me; reference required, M 638, Orego
nian. WANTED Refined, capable vo m a n for re
sponsible position. Viavi Company, 423
Pittock block. 385 Washington.
GIRL WANTED to help with housework.
344 E. luth st. South. Call Sunday after
noon. WANTED Two waitresses for out of town.
$10 per week. Apply Hotel employ era
Ass'n. 604 Buchanan bldg.
STENOG K A PH ER Will pay small salary
and allow all public work. Call 506 Stock
Exchange. Monday.
HOUSEKEEPER in widower's home; no ob
jetion to child under 2 years of age. C
644, Oregonian.
SINGLE woman, good character, desires lady
to share expenses, rent Home near cen
tral Library; references. T 615, Oregonian
WAITERS, Eastern Oregon, $25 per month
and found. r are advanced. Pacific Em
ployment Co., 2d and Burnside st.
GIRT, for chamber work and to assist in
dining-room work at dinner hour. Call
Monday forenoon at 201 utn t.
WANTED 25 salesladies;
Monday morning. 4th
H4 4th st.
apply first thing
fat. Dept. Store,
WANTED An experienced housemaid: must
De gooa cook. AiarBnau .-11.
STRONG, bright young man desires posl-
tion as page, French, German; age 24;
two years in service of greatest dancer of
Eunpe and 9 months for well-known
actress. AV 2t2. Oregonian.
MISS DECKER'S Private Business Col
legs. Day and night classes. Special Sum
mer rates. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison.
and women to learn the barber trade free
ot charge in 8 -weeks: position secured;
pay while learning. 36-38 N. 2d st.
and women to learn the barber trade.
Summer rates; tools free; paid while learn
ing. Write for catalogue. 2d and Burnside.
MAN and wife as gardener and cook on
suburban place; good wages for competent
help. Apply at Woman's Exchange, Tues
day, between 31 and 12.
WANTED Bookkeeper, one familiar with
stenography preferred. Answer in own
handwriting, stating age, experience and
salary expected. R 641, Oregonian.
women to learn the barber trade In a
weeks; positions guaranteed. 233 Madison.
WANTED Forewoman or foreman who has
practical experience In overall and shirt
factory. B 624, Oregonian.
JANITOR wanted for apartment ; rent ;
light work ; man and wife preferred.
2o E. 13th st.
PIANO player wanted for road show.
Multer Hotel. 6th and Burnside. -
STENOGRAPHIC course. Miss Ostbye's
School, 2 months. 211 Stock Exchange bldg.
THOUSANDS U. 8. Government positions
open to men. women, $75 to $150 month;
vacations; common education sufficient.
Write Immediately free list positions now
obtainable. Franklin Institute, floor 4,
Rochester, N. Y.
$15 WEEKLY, permanent position each lo
cality, making and copying daily sum
mary of all instrument suits filed for rec
ord; fic postage for application, etc. West
ern Rating Bureau. Miami, Okla.
TUTORING in grammar school subjects
during the Summer, 30c an hour. Phone
Woodiawn 2321.
WANTED Names men, 18 to 45, wishing to
become Portland mail carriers; commence
$67 month. A V 917, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Free Empt. Bureau. Mn. 2191. A
1670. Jap. Ass'n of Or., 218 Henry bldg.
Booh keepers and Clerks.
14th and Johnson Ets.
Salesmen, office men, clerks, mechanics,
farm hands, housemen, cooks, mill men,
loggers, laborers, etc.
No fee charged employer or employe.
Out-of-town orders given prompt atten
tion. Main 3555, A 5624.
POSITION wanted by executive whose ex
perience particularly equips him for ad
vanced responsibilities in such positions
as auditor, office manager, manager of
credits and collections, correspondent or
secretary; thorough knowledge of account
iiijp practices and administration : highest
local references. F 01S. Oregonian.
POSITION by married man, experienced in
bookkeeping, accounting and general of
fice work; steady, thoroughly reliable;
best references as to character and abil
ity. East C445 "
ENERGETIC married man wishes office po
sition. Experienced cashier, bookkeeper
and general office work. First-class refer
ences furnished. M 618. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or ac
countant; young man, lots of experience
and best of references. Address AV
26S. Oregonian.
BY YOUNG man with knowledge of book
keeping, clerical position; salary no ob
ject until I establish my worth. AP 61o,
BOOKKEEPER and office man, many years'
experience, wishes position; best of refer
ences, of long standing ; absolutely de
pendable; salary open. AJJ541, Oregonian.
RELIABLE young man wanta position, rail
road or commercial office. Good penman,
rapid, local experience. B 621. Oregonian.
A-l GROCERY CLERK, best of references.
AP 614, Oregonian. -
RELIABLE young - man, married, desires
position as chauffeur with private famlly
or individual; college training, typist and
stenographer, capable of arranging and
executing details of extended tours. For
merly chauffeur in Government service.
References of high meriL Address AV
261), Oregonian
BOYS ftrraduatinir this week from hitch
school want permanent positions as book
keepers, stenographers, general office
helpers or in some line of business where
there Is opportunity of advancement. Also
a number of younger boys desire vacation
work. Fnone jenerson nign cicnooi em
ployment bureau, Woodlawn 3175.
ANYONE wanting a mechanical engineer in
steam hoisting or clamshell, also pipe fit
ter," handy man In every line ; will take
anvthine to nrove m v ability: best of city
references. Call Sellwood 1888 and ask for
MAN and wife want situation, dairy or farm
work: foreman's 1ob preferred: best of
reference. Apply Gilman Hotel, 142 First
St.. room 43. Write, phone or call Main
FARM foreman, married, exp. and capable;
can hand 1 a men ana maxe tne Dusine:
pay; prefer stock or hog ranch; salary,
and share, or would rent stocked ranch.
S 619. Oregonian.
w A TPH M akfr and ieweler. married
wants place at trade or wnere experience
will be of value; small town preferred;
5 years In present place; salary $21).
Address AV 20".. Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants work on suburban
nlace or small farm: understands garaen
Ing. cows and poultry; will help in house
work. AK 610. Oregonian.
rniPKTF:T erade or track foreman would
1 k work witn lOKKin company.
furnish 20 to 30 men. Address AN 617
CHAUFFEUR, with 5 years experience
wishes position witn private larauj, nave
good reierences ana win uo own reniuj,
Phone Marshall auu. room
with nm hxrid whiflh will f urnlsfi me
steady position. My Instrument is cornet.
B 620, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR Refined Christian young
man Hpsirr nosit ion as cnaui ieur mr pri
ate family; can take care of car; highest
references. Woodiawn 42Z.
1 ! H AI'FFECR Japanese, many years' ex
perience, caret ui driver, do own repairing.
wants oosition in iiiivaie iaiiwij. m.
vTHST.ri.ASf? eardener. florist, hortlcultur
1st and landscape gardener; first-class
references, wants position. M 62u, Ore
ORCHARD I ST and gardener wants a place
where conscientious, capable service wn
be appreciated; can take charge. AN 615,
JAPANESE couple wish position private
family; man first-class cook, wue second
work ; have good references. Main
A 1560.
ELDERLY man of good habits, handy In
garden work and house cleaning, also
handy with automobile, wants work. Ad
dress J. Schoger, 65S E. 8th L
YOITNii married man' with successful sell
ing experience desires position with rena
me concern. vv wins iu icm 11 tuo uuoiuooo,
V 618. Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND pastry cook wants position,
Hotel or caieteria; -o- yrs,- experience, n,
Hoffman, Tetton Hotel.
POSITION by engineer, steam, electric and
refrigeration, in or out of city ; Al ref
erences. X 620, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man. good habits, handy around
house and garden, wants job, city or coun
ry. Address AH bit, uregonian.
REGISTERED pharmacist wants position
1 5 year experience; A-l references. R
619, Oregonian.
MAN and 15-year son want place on dairy
farm; capable of managing. T O.'tO, Ore-
go:, ian.
CARPENTER Jobbing, remodeling, screens
made to order. Shop d-7 -Ju st- Main
3505. V
APPRENTICE printer. 1 14 years' expe
rience, would like position il Job printing
office. V 00 a. oregonian.
COOKS Man, good cook and baker; wife
helper, want work. Apt. 1, 86 N. 15th at.
Main 3641.
RELIABLE single man wants light work
for the Summer; would leave city ; ages
no object. G 610, oregonian.
GARDEN ER wishes situation in private
family; best of references. Address Gar
dener 146 17th st. N.
BOY, 17. wants work In garage; not afraid
to work ; references furnished. L 016,
MARRIED man. 35. familiar with White
and Federal trucks, wants job driving; ref
erences. J 644, Oregonian.
TIMEKEEPER, Ry exp., wants work; pre
fer camp ; age 30; sober and industrious.
R e f erences. Q 617. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, violinist, desires location in
theater; double on slide; best reierences;
non-union. T 617, Oregonian.
PAINTING, papering, tinting, day or con
tract. Phone Sunday or evenings. Main
67 J.
A-l BICYCLE and motorcycle repair man
wants position; no objection to leaving
town. AD 615. Oregonian.
A r- IFTH TERM high school boy would
like some kind of work during vacation.
S 642. Oregonian.
BOY. 17. would like work in country dur
ing vacation. S 643. Oregonian.
SHINGLER Old and new roofs shingled
reasonable. Woodiawn 2732.
K ALSO MINING, painting, plaster-patching,
reasonable. Woodiawn 2400.
MAN wants painting, tinting, h o user clean
ing: any kind work. Marshall 27fi.
FOR painting ani kalsomlnlng call Broad
way 1634 and save money.
CARPENTER, concrete work, painting, tint
ing, shingling, remodeling. Sellwood 1W3.
WANTED Work, lawn, garden. lot clear
ing, odd jobs. Call Sellwood 1458.
HOUSEWORK wanted by Japanese.
YOUNG MAN wants bus work dairy lunch,
steady. F 619, Oregonian.
MACHINIST, first-class lathe hand, wants
sady position. D 636. Oregonian.
MARRIED man, 35. wants steady position;
Al references. Woodiawn 2491.
STATIONARY steam engineer wants steady
work. AN 618, Oregonian. r
INSIDE wireman, 12 years' experience; will
leave town. AM 614, Oregonian.
COLORED man, SO. wishes work, porter or
janitor, or anything. AN 613. Oregonian.
WANTED Position salesman, good line on
commission. Phone Marshall 442. Apt. 6.
Itookkeepera mnJ Stenographer.
POSITION by first-class bookkeeper and
ca shier . can take full charge of office.
N oil, uregonian.
Bookkeeper and SiMiuiraphrra.
YOUNG woman used to meeting public
would like clerical or office work; can use
typewriter; some shorthand ; or operate
private switchboard. Temporary or per
manent. p 035, Oregonian.
HIGHLY educated oung woman, with best
or references, wishes position in doctors
office or as office asMstart: typist; willing
to "sub all or part of Summer months.
Address W617, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, be
ginner, some experience, wishes position:
willing to start with small salary. Call
Monday. Main 324.
YOUNG lady wants position, as stenographer
or general office work; references. Wood
lawn 44SS, or write M 6'tO. Oregonian.
fOUN'G lady stenographer desires position,
beginner, good appearance, fast typist.
AD 612. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants home
rn evenings. stenographic or copy
work. Call Tabor 4801.
AN efficient setnographer. bookkeeper and
i-iiBiiier wisnes a poeition; references.
Phone Main 0058.
rOL'NG lady wants office work; experienced
comptometer. Address BO 613, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants
position lnexchange. K 640, Oregon's n.
.LL kinds of sewing, first-class work, suits,
flresses. Tailor-made skirts. East 6502.
637 E. 1 1 th st. N.
TAILORED corsets made strictly to meas
ure, reasonaoie. to tout ngures specialty.
Marshall 644.
FANCY waists, dresses, evening gowns a
speoialty; also remodeling and alterations.
M tin 2115. 363 Yamhill St.
FIRST 5 suits made for $6 each. Main 2115.
oj lamou: st-
FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by
meoay. fDone Tabor 6017.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloresa
win sew by the day. Phone E. 76t.
DRESSMAKING, tailoring. party gowna
Montgomery. Main 7434.
JJIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring.
COTTAGE HOSPITAL, 1234 E. Morrison st.
.Mcaicai, maternity and convalescent pa
tients received; rheumatic patients given
special treatments; trained nurses on'y In
attendance; surroundings very congenial.
Terms $10 and 15 per week. Tabor 2687.
YOUNG LA DY desires position as nurse
maid or governess. Is willing to leave
city If desired. Can give and will expect
good rererences. f none Tabor 65?4.
EASTERN trained nurse has room" tor a
few more cases in her private home,
obstetrics preferred. Phone East 4O0O.
GRADUATE nurse wishes to care for in
valid or any case; 1 o a week. Phone
Tabor 70b'd
PRACTICAL nurse, wishing maternity
work or day work. Mr, Hill, Marshall 64
PRACTICAL nurse wishes cases of any kind.
References. Call Monday. East 3851.
LADY of ability who has 6-year-old girl
would like place as housekeeper; has some
knowledge of domestic science ; would
work for small salary for a good home.
1 MOOT OIK)!t.
A WoMAN who has taken a course in do
mestlc science and is good cook and
housekeeper would work for smalt
wages for business wotnun, widower or
racneior. F 61o. Oregonian.
ELDERLY woman, competent housekeeper,
would like work where there is no woman
"boss" country preferred. L. A. W., box
16 j. Oswego. Or.
LADY desires position as housekeeper for
widower or bachelor in home of refine
ment and culture: city or suburban; no in-
cumorances.. h !;(, oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wtlh small boy de
sires nouseKeeping tor couple or men. or
smau motneriess home, woodiawn 11 00.
H Bit, Oregonian
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower or bachelor by widow, country
preferred. Call at 345 Ji 1st st. South.
Konm a A. After 11 o'clock A. M.
NEAT, capable housekeeper; position
wanted, city, country or oeacn; wages rea
sonable; where two daughters, 9 and l:
can be kept. AC 616, oregonian.
WANTED A position to care for elderly
woman or cmidren; wining to assist with
nousework ; Christian science rami I v pre
ferred. Phone Woodiawn 2171, C 20O6.
WANTED Refined. mlddle-aued lady
housekeeper; reliable; one who needs
home more than wages. Call East 82:12
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower by capable middle-aged widow.
ALttii), oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes housekeeping
for widower in country. Eastern Oregon or
ashington. AM 612, Oregonian.
NEAT, refined lady. 30, good cook, wishes
position as housekeeper. R 643, Ore
WIDOW with 2 daughters would like posi
tion as nouseKeeper ror gentleman, coun
try or city. P 61i. Oregonian.
W ANTED By middle-aged widow, position
as nouseKeeper jn wiaower s nome; no ob-
jections to one cniid. T 616, Oregonian.
WIDOW wlrh little girl three years old
wishes position as housekeeper. Cull iar
RELIABLE girl desires position In m
family, cook or gen. ; able to take
charge. AP 611, Oregonian.
FI RST-OLASS mot her. housekeeper, desires
position. t teii wood -Tir4.
THOROUGHLY competent, reliable, middle
aged American would like cooking, coun
try or camp; best reference, o 637, Ore
COMPETENT young American would like
c-nmp or harvest cooking. X 63S, Orego
COMPETENT, mlddleaged woman wants
general houesework; good cook. G bo 3,
WOM AN. refined, desires place in family
good treatment, where they do not pro-
iess any religion. r:ast 1ti.1i.
THOROUGHLY competent cook desires em
ployment in private family. G 621, Ore
YOUNG colored woman
Call Wdln 3020,
wants day work.
COMPETENT woman with boy 7 wants
piace for both. AL 614, Oregonian.
C0L0RED girl wishes light work mornings.
Tabor 2146.
YOUNG woman, college graduate, desires
''employment during Summer months. Tu
toring or work as governess or companion
pre 1 erred. cry oest or reierences. au
dress W 616, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady pianist wishes position as ac
companist, moving picture player or
demonstrator lor music store. Columbia
RELI A BLE woman, German, wants upstairs
work ; sews nicely ; attentive In illness
spe.-iks several languages; references. Main
REFINED widow. 35. with daughters 16-1&,
would take charge of grocery, con fee
tlonery or hotel; out of town considered,
M 61V. Oregonian.
HIGH SCHOOL students desire employmen
as saleswomen, cas mer, tutoring, care
children and sewing. Phone East 435
between A. M . and noon MondsFy.
BY YOUNG lady teacher, employed, position
as companion and to help some in part
payment ior room ana board. At? tjis,
A FRESHMAN high-school girl, not good
wnn cnuuren or nuusiworK, wants em
pioyment. a u 010, oregonian.
WANTED, by middle-aged woman, conk In
In country hotel or ranch. Call Broadwa
a.u. ai reierences.
EXPERIENCED woman will tutor in En
lish, algebra, latin or any grade subjects,
uoc an nour. o.i. urfnonian.
NEAT, refined, capable woman, past 50. de.
sires light work In small family; small
alary. Mrs. H. S. Parker, Dallas. Or.
WANT ED A position as a companion tot
eiderly person or invalid. D 50, Ore
gonian. REFINED young lady, some experience In
dentist's office, desires position. It bl 1 ,
EXP. private waitress would like to work
In restaurant. L 612, Oregonian.
EXP. second girl wishes position- speaks
German and French. AF 619, Oregonian.
WILL care for children during dav, or
coach in achonlwork. A 641. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED manicurist desires -position.
Main iWTS.
WOMAN wants work by the hour cleaning
washing, ironing. Telephone East 405.
PRIVATE lessons In English tT grown peo
ple. Eastern teacher. B 638, Oregonan.
RELIABLE, experienced laundress " wants
work. West Side preferred. Woodiawn 465).
LACE CURTAINS hand laundered. All work
guaranteed. Sellwood 801.
PIANO lessons at your home If desired;
professional teacher. Sellwood 2274.
LACE curtnlnse done: 12 years' experience
Tabor 5933. Mrs. Scott.
WANTED Day work Monday and Tuesday;
good cook and laundress. Tabor 4723.
SCANDINAVIAN woman wants washing
Ironing and cleaning. Marshall 2541.
CulA)RKU woman, washing, ironing or any
kind day work. Broadway a : l !V .
WOMAN would like place In grocery store
or will do day work. Phone Tabor GS17.
WOMAN wishes work, day or hour. Main
M lacellaneoua.
Women's Department. City HalL
Reliable, competent help. any line,
promptly supplied. Stenographers, book
. keepers, clerks, housekeepers, domestics.
day workers, etc. Marshall 4100. A 4125.
G1KIS graduating this week from high
school desire permanent positions as ste
nographers, bookkeepers, general office or
store helpers; a few others want om
vacation work. Phone Jefferson High
School Employment Bureau. Wdln. 317."
KINDERGARTEN teacher would like posi
tion as nursery governess or would care
for children during absence from city of
parents; would leave citv; best references,
300 E. 32d st. South, or BF 618, Oregonian.
COLLEGE graduate, young, experience as
teacher, desires board and room in nice
home in exchange for tutoring, in or out
of town. 403 V 12th st. Phone Marshall
WANTED Position as pianist In orchestra.
nance, caieteria or movie ; cance pre
ferred. Tabor 42S7.
BY permanent tenant ; modern house, 6 or
more rooms, corner large 101, booi
neighborhood ; not over $2. per month,
to occupy July 1. Give description, loca
tion and your phone. S 638, Oregonian.
WANTED Six-room furnished house by
clergyman s iaituly, for summer monins,
within walking distance. AC 613, Orego
nian. WANTED To rent 5-room bungalow in Irv
ing ton or Holladay district or nearoy;
must be modern: state rent In reply; best
references given. AE 635. Oregonian.
WANT to rent 4 or 5-room modern bunga
low in restricted district; Rose city i'iirn
preferred. Bell. East 2-1 or Main 2S2i.
WANTED by physician, lease of furnished
nouse ior year, preieraoiy un .u(as
0 rooms. 1 1 oo 31 org an Dtug., sa
WANTED Six or seven-room furnished or
unfurnished house, preferably irvington.
East 600.
WANTED, by good tenant, modern 6-room
nouse. garage, grounus ; opi ion puituaw ,
no children. V tt-to, oregooian.
w a vt Tt...irn i Fi viviiTOK home: raraice
furnished or unfurnished : reierences, J
fTiH. Oregonian.
B v i-tf in.ri rnuni schoolteachers, no chil
dren, nouse uurms ouiumri mmi
care and iu montniy. i. uienuuiau.
FOUR or five-room furnished bungalow with
bath, within 23 minutes nue. is o. ore
WEST SIDE, fi-room modern flat. Nob Hill
dlst.; must be reasonable; give particulars.
K 61 it, Oregonian
W .-NTED By oung couple for Summer,
furnished house or apartment: state loca
tion and rent. T 644, Oregonian.
5-ROOM bungalow, Irvington or Rossmere
district; give particulars, j. o-u, vjjcru
WILL exchange carpentry, building, paint
ing for house or flat lease. K o-. ore
FURNISHED cottage or H. K. rooms in nice
location, near woods. J 62. oregonian.
WOULD like cottage in nice neighborhood,
116. Tabor 4o3o.
FURNISHED 5-room house wanted : can
furnish, best of reference. Tabor J-Ss.
UPPER, heated flat. porches.
rioor. tnone Aiar. owoj.
WANT to rent store: by old established
jewelry store, a lease on iu to irum
T 1 . 1 ; w i:7 Ore
gon lan.
Room With. Board.
YOL'NG man of good habits would like
board nnrl room witn private panisn iam
lly who have no small children. H 639,
WANTED Place In nice family for high
school girl during vacation; good with
children, competent. Phone Main 4
W ANT Summer home, country, for two chll
rirn s : Rt&te terms and full particu
lara first letter. Add. AL 615. Oregonian.
BOARD and room in private family by
couple with 2 .small children. Would like
sleeping porch and lawn. Phone Mar. ouuj
nnmn on farm for ladv and three chil
dren under U years; state terms. A J 610,
BOARD In the country for mother and two
boys. July and August; must De reason
able. 602 Schuyler.
WANTED Room and board In country by
mother and two sons. Must be strictly
private and reasonable. AJ 620, Oregonian
RiOM AND BOARD in modern Irvington
home or refined family. J n... oregoniHn
MAN with a 7-ear-old girl wants room and
board in private lanmy. -, urKi
Furnished Rooms.
FURNISHED ROOMS for young men in all
parts of the lty. also in 1. ai. . a. duiiu
inn epectallv desirable during the Sum
mer; ilreploof. telephone in each room,
shower baths, fi.u to per wee., in.
eluding full association membership prlv
iit-iri-m. frvmnuslum. swimming pool, hand
ball court and manv other club privileges.
Full information at Y. M. C. A. business
office, or telephone Main 1 ut.. A
Kn.i boinA comforts tr TOURIST HOTE
nioderu conveniences: reduced rate ; Iron
rooms. $3 week and up ; oOc, 75c and $
ner dav : r.o extra charge for two in
room: tourist trade solicited. Morrison
and First sts.
Park and Morrison.
Trtutlfnl furnished rooms, with or with
out bath, hot aur 24 hours. Phone In
every room; elevator service, special rates
to steady roomers.
12th and Morrison Pts.
American Plan Residence Hotel Suites,
single rooms; excellent table. Phone Muin
14 1 .
STOPPING a wek or so in Portland? Take
one of our big. cool rooms at a weekly
rate surni isinKl v. low. Every accommoila
tion. and SEKVK'E. Hotel Vernon, 10U
12th. n-ar Washington.
HOT I ": I. O C K L E Y.
Morrison St.. at 10th REDUCED RATES,
50c day up; weekly. $2.50 up; running
water, free phones and batns; steam neat.
Clean, cool, comfortable rooms,
per week; fi per month and up.
Jtat noc. 75c. $1 flay; permanen
guests. 12.50 wek up; for choice suites
witn connecting hatha, $20, f2 month.
1 mc. well furnished outside rooms, h
e. watir. individual phones, public or pri
vaie baths each rni. 3 w k. up; 7oc day up,
HOTEL CORDOVA 269 11th et. Strlctl
modt-rn; private bathsi en suite; rooms 3
up. JAain vii. a o.
NTCFT.V furnished front room, walking dis
tance, both phones, reasonable. 4U1: u iid
st. Th; Warrenton. Main 7771.
HOTEL EATON, West Park, corner Mor
rison, comfortable rooms, convenient lo
cation, moderate rates, from $15 month up.
Comfortable and convenient.
modern, cl'
n; 50c up. 44 ad. Bdy. 4M
Maxwell Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern, use
of parlor; real home. $i ou up. ai.
EXCELLENT modern rooms, reputable brie
hotel. $6 mo. to desirable tenants. E. 84!
AKMlNil'S Hotel. 410 S Morrison, Cor.
m odern" outside room. 12. "O w eek
N ICE. clean rooms, very reasonable.
Washington, cor. 15th! Main 1070.
Kurnitihed Rooms in Private Family.
n -rasa NT room, walking distance, r,
East Side Library; no other roomers. 12:
E. 12th. E, otS4l
BEAVTIFL'I. ROOM Newly furnished
larice. excellent location, modern flat
references. Main MOt.
$1 WEEK Largo front room, clean, modern,
:H5 Cable st., nr. Chapman and Mill sts.
Marshall 822.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room,
suitable for lady or gentleman. 2U minutes
to central part of city; car line. Sell. bbl.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In pood
home; references ; Nob Hill. 7.;s Johnson.
ATTRACTIVE front room in nice home. 54
Lucretia st-. nr. 23d and Wash. Mar. rtOitrt.
IRVINGTON beautiful rooms fireplace new
home. 1 blks to I or H car. East 4 1.
LOVELY room. Nob HU1,
reference. Main 374i).
garage If desired;
WELL furnished sleeping-room, with hoi
and cold water. 128 N. HUh st.
NICE front room in modern home for gen
tieman. 2 week. Call Mar. 771.
HANDSOMELY furnished front room for
woman; reasonable. 434 loth st.
ATTRACTIVE, newly furnished rooms.
blocks from Helllg Theater. 2t7 Broad'
BRIGHT, airy, clean room $1.25 week;
plae, close in. 2'.5 10th.
PLEASANT, clean, sleeping rooms (1.50 and
$2 a week. 307 6th st. Main 3 ;it5.
N ICE furnished room for rent,
st.. Alberta. Woodiawn 1572.
1019 10th
CLEAN furnished sleeping porch $1.25 a
week. CS7 E. Morrison. East 511.
$1.50 PER week, cool, quiet rooms, gentle
men employed preferred. 475 Main sc.
Lidd ave.. Ladd's
wtlh board, block from
Aud. East 4S42.
1 WO young 1
good family.
ad leu to board and
Call Tabor 113L
Furnihed Rooms in Private Family.
A SWELL room with sleeping porch, a large
Kitchen ana pantry, u. screened porcn lor
breakfast and lunchroom, a beautiful yard
and fruit; will rent for a length of time to
good parties: 1 have a. large house, on'.y
two in family. Phone Tabor 4215 after 1
P. M. Sunday.
AM taking four young business people inio
my home; have room lor two more; oeau
tiful, large, sunny room, excellent mais.
reasonable rate ; newly furnished through
out; references. Sixteenth St.. uear
LADY alone has 2 clean homelike rooms-
modern conveniences. t month up, W est
Side; 10 minutes walk; working men;
ladies employed ; board optional. F 617,
LARGE furnished room In apartment-house.
northern exposure, residence section. est
Side, ten minutes walk from Postof (ice.
$12 month. Call Monday Main ToOl or
-5-H- ,
WOMAN teacher will share furnished flat
for Summer with congenial woma n. or
rent room to one or two giris, cheap. 126
N. 23d.
NEATLY furnished room with sleeping
porch and running water, private and
very reasonable 745 Hoyt Ft.; meals at
the Campbell Hotel. Marshall 475X -
WILL exchange with refined woman or
couple rent of large furnished living-room
and kitchen for lot or acreage. H tiS.
itf Just furnished, beautiful front room to
refined man or business woman. 4lO cai
rn on.
LOVELY furnished room, three windows.
every modern convenience, sleeping tent
If desired; rent begins June 23. 123 N. 23d
FINE location; large sitting-room, sleep
ing porcn, hot and cold water, con v.. ior
two gentlemen. 351 W. Park. Mar. 4215.
HE ACT I FULLY furnished front and back
parlor, single or tog otner, in modern tiai,
walking distance. Main 9425.
NICELY turnlshed rooms ; modern conve
niences, central, very reasonable. 404
Clay, near lOth,
NEWLY furnished rooms, sleeping-porch in
connection; hot and cold running water;
walking distance ; reasonable. Main 2tLt.
NICELY furnished rooms, bath. electric
lights, phone, all modern ; walking dis
tance. 515 Yamhill.
FOR KENT Good sleeping room for gentle
man; home privileges; can mornings ouiy;
158 E. GMsan st. East 7i2.
NICE modern front room in private family;
no other roomers; suitable for one or
two; close in. Marshall 2 154.
NICE room in widow's home, with all privi
leges; close in, cneap. l. t--s.
Booms With Hoard.
23d and Hovt- Phone Marshall S61.
23d and Washington, phone Main 7534.
American plan, on carlinc, 5 to 10 min
utes from business center. Attractive dining-rooms.
Resident rates to permanent
THE RUSH MORE HOTEL Residential, ele
gantly Xurulsbed. witn private Dam ana
phone; 10 minutes talk; transportation
every 2 or 3 minutes; $1 day, $20 month;
with board, $1.75 day. Marshall 5170.
?lQ Washington st.
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Phone Main 2S3, A 66S V
53 Ella Street
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table.
A 6211. Main 4611.
735-737 Hoyt st. Quiet residential hotel.
American plan; suites, single rooms. Ex
cellent table. A 1722. Main 3305.
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, double or
Hinc'e. steam heat, excellent table; very
moderate; 505 S Gllsan, between 17th' and
ISth. Marshall 24 38.
3S6 Montgomery St., South Parkway.
Walking distance, modern family hotel,
rates reasonable. Phone Main 37 S3.
Renovated und ready for business; popu
lar priced ; wonv-n cooks ; 3 blocks from
P. O., t:th and Madison. Owner manager.
TH E H AZEIj, S&5 3d st. Nicely furnished
rooms;' hot anu cold water, steam heat;
boai d ; home cooking reasonable.
CLEAN, cool rooms, double or single, with
board. home cooking. homelike plaoe.
walking distance. 261 13th Ft.-
ROOM and board for young women. $3 per
week; laundry, library and sewinc privi
leges; walking distance. Phone E. 4732.
HA XDSOM ELY furnished rooms, double or
single; excellent table; very moderate:
5171., ollsan. near 17th. Mar. 24 tS.
THE STRY K ER. 554 Couch, family hotel;
rooms, single -or en suite: reasonable rate.
ANNA LEWIS HALL, 510 Flanders, business
girls and students. $ to 5.75 we-K.
NICELY furnished rooms, with bourd; seep
ing porch. 320 11th st. Phone Main 331.
Room With Board In Private Family.
BEAUTIFUL rooms In a widow' home for
a few reliable men; hot and cold water
In rooms: sleeping porch; the best of
home cooking; just the place for those
looking for a comfortable home. AO 613,
YOU NG lad v ishes refined girl to share
large, beautifully furnished front room,
with porch, separate bed, dressers and
closet: excellent meals, home privileges,
good location. West side; $25 per month.
Marshall 24:tS.
WILL care for mental patients in beautiful
quiet suburban home; also board nursf s.
if such l needed; ideal place for any ;n
such need: have had experience in han
dling such cases. R 579. Oregonian.
LARGE, pleasant room for 1 or 2 younn
men, 2 meals, $lt n month npleco if i
occupy room or $1 S for 1 ; modern, home
privileges; use of piano and phone. Muin
72L 2f t 1 .It h st .
CONGENIAL gentleman may have room or
board and room for $" week : modern
conveniences, use of piano; Nob Hill, clos
to Wahincton ; widow's home. Phone
Marshall 34!M.'
WANTED Children to board at Hoo'.
River, Or., on farm ; opportunity to pivk
strawberries if wanted. Add res? or pb ne
Mrs. Lundy. 306 12th st. Phone Main0ill.
NEWLY furnished rooms in refined fami!.
hot and cold water in rooms: beautiful
Nob Hill district; sleeping porch; home
cooking. 735 Everett. Malu14St.
Fl N EST PLAC K in city to those hunting a
nice convenient home; excellent board,
good rooms; large yard and porch ; w dik
ing distance: investigate. :'.i;:t liHh st-
LARGE coiner front room for two or three
bo vs. breakfast and dinner served; reason
able, good home cooking, nice grounds and
sh.ide trees. H75 Flanders, corner 21st.
T WO large front rooms fwr rent, with
board, for $2 each during Summer
months; home privileges. East 2110. 5 ii
K. Couch.
LA RG E f ron t room ; modern home ; choice
location; close in; bre:kfast if desired;
reasonable. M.irshaTl 2424. 451 W. Park.
LIGHT, well-furnished rooms with board,
all conveniences of a home; shower bath,
good home cooking. 5'. Salmon.
PLESNT rooms with good board; home
cooking, home privileges; reasonab.e
rate s. 335 11th wt. Mar. 5464.
GOOD HOME In refined family for man and
wife or two Indies mploed. Wood
lawn 700.
FOR 2 business people who appreciate privi
leges of rctlned modern home; central.
Main 3702.
ROOM, with or without board, for gentle
men employed; homelike place. 6 2ttn
st. North. Marshall 713.
VERY desirable room with board for 1 or 2
gentlemen, all conveniences, centrally lo
tatnl. reasonable. 2'tl W. Park.
LARGE room, closet, fireplace, near bath,
excellent table; also small room. 515 Mor
rison. Marbhall 4123.
ROOM and board In private home, every
modern convenience: use of piano. 344
S a lmon st. M a i n 4 504
PLEA SA NT HOME with good board ; new.
modern home ; have to see to appreciate ,
reasonable. 34't College. Marshall 27'-.
WILL share my modern, cosy apartment
with lady; C. S. preferred. Phone Mai -
sh all l7i. t
LOVELY room with two meals, in Irving
ton home. Tiled bath and garage. Rea
sonable. East 5116
NICELY burnished room, excellent board, by
widow with no children. 422 Jefferson,
M ain 6740.
ATTRACTIVE front room, bath connecting;
modern. West Side, excellent board. Main
LADY having nice country home would care
for two girls over five years old. Box lt
Route 3. Boring, Or.
PORT. HTS. Walking distance, fine room
or suite of rooms and sleeping porch, suit
a b l e for 2 or 3. with bo a r d .Marshall oGin
TEACHER will give motherly rare to girl
of 5 to 10 years this Summer; $10 a month.
C 637. Oregonian.
WANT Summer home, country, for two chil
dren, S and !; state terms and full particu
lars fir-t letter. Add. AL 515. Oregonian.
BABIES and children to
special care. East 265.
board; mother's
WOULD board and care for little girl; teven
dollars month Jb30, Oregonian.
PLEASANT room and board In modern pri
vate home. East 3151. 774 E. Burnside.
LA H O K nlry. well-furnished rooms; running
v ater. board optional. 701 Irving.
M and board. Wot Side
fnw :tnee. 24S N. 20th.
close in, walk-
t-iNi furiiislM-U ro.m and good board; sulk
ing distance. 230 h N. 1MU sL