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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1916)
TIIE SUNDAY OREROXIAK, PORTLAND, JTTNE 4, 1916. DAILY METEOBOLOGICAt REPORT. Maximum temperature. 75 degrees; mini mum. 50 degrees. River reading, 8 A. SI., 14.5 feet: change in last 21 hours, none. Total rainfall (3 P. M. to 5 P. M.). none; total since September 1, 1913, 5t.71 Inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 4:2.34 inches; excess of rainfall since September, P.o7 'nches. Total sunshine. 12 hours 5 min utes; possible sunshine, 15 hours 36 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) 5 P. M., 80. 06 inches. Relative humidity at noon 39 per cent. THE WEATHER. vV ind Stat o STATION Baker , Hoise Hoston ......... t'aisary ......... Chicago ........ Colfax JJenver ......... les Moines . . . . lJuluth Kureka lalveaton Helena Jacksonville Kansas City I. os Angeles .... Marshrield ...... Medford Minneapolis .... Montreal ....... New Orleans ... New York North Head North Yakilrta .. Omaha Pendleton ...... I'hoenix ........ Pocatello ....... Portland ...... Itoseburg ....... Sacramento fct. Louis ....... Halt Lake San F.'anclsco . . Keattle Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island . . Walla Walla. Washington .... Winnipeg ....... 7410. 001. . Clear 70 0.00 10 W Clear Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy 7;u.l0i. .SE 70 0.00 l-i!NV 74iO.H10(W 7:t'o.O0 ..IS 740.0il . .E 7lj;0.0010j.sW 700.021S W 54 0.00ilO:N 84 0.0Oil4jS 70 0.0O 12W 80 0.0OI14 SW Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear SiM.IKlpUlNW Cloudy Clear Cloudy Mi. 0.00 . . SW JU,O.UO1U'NW js4;o.ooi . . w 7J0.OOI10IW Clear Cloudy 6Ji0.2010iS tcioudy 9210.00! . .SW 6Sj0.0li'30!NW 54!Q.OO 2JINW 82 0.00 .. 80,0.01 . . SW 8310.00! . . I W pt. cloudy taln ClouSy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear as;o.ooiio;sw Clear .o.oou ,w ICIear .0.0010NWiClear 800.001. .INW Clear Clear Clear 78,0.00)12 S 74i0.00. .SW r40.0018N Clear Cloudy ,0. 00-30 eo;0.oo . . 72,0.02112 o.ool. . .-2j0.00il2 82!0.00l . . W SW SW w s Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 10.02 Itij KW 68 0.0016lW ciouay WEATHER CONDITIONS. A well-defined disturbance is central over New Mexico and the barometer is falling overywnere over the Rocky Mountain states. Tho barometer continues relatively high along the North Pacific Coast and relatively low over the upper Mississippi Valley and the upper St. Lawrence Valley. Showers and thunder storms have occurred in most of the Northern states east of the Missis sippi River and local rains have fallen in Northern Washington and British Columbia. It is warmer in Eastern Oregon, Southeast ern Washington, Idaho ana Montana. Conditions are favorable for generally fair weather in this district Sunday, with west erly winds. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, northwesterly winds. Oregon Fair, northwesterly winds. Washington Fair south, unsettled and oc casionally threatening north portion, west erly winds. Idaho Probably fair. E. A. BEALS. Forecaster. AVcslport .May Get Cannery. ABERDEEN, Wash., Juno 3. (Spe cial.) Plans to establish a creamery and cannery near Westport will be started shortly at a meeting of mem bers of the South Side Betterment Association. The companies, if or ganized, probably will be co-operative concerns. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Dally and Sunday. Per Line. One time lie fcame ad two consecutive times. .... ...22a same ad three consecutive times ...MOe feame ad six of seven consecutive tunes. 6M The above rates apply to advertisements user "New Today" and aU other classifica tion, except the following-j frituimtiuns Wanted Male. bltuationa Wanted Female. isr Kent Rooms Private Families'. Boara ana itoora Private Families. Housekeeping- Uoomi Private Families. Rate on the above classifications is 1 cents a line each insertion. liie Oregon ian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber of either t 'tone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whwttter subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of pa uient of tele puone advertisements. "Situation Wsnted" and "Personal" advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for "Furni ture for bale," "Business Opportunities." "Rooming-Houses" and "Wanted to Kent." On "charge advertisements charges will be based on the number of lines appearing; in tue paper, regardless of the number ol words iu each line. Minimum charge, two lines. Advertisements to receive proper classi fication must be In The Oregonian oil ire before 8:45 o'clock at night, except Satur day. Closing hour for The Sunday uro onian will be 1:X0 o'clock Saturday night. The olfice will be open until 10 o'clock P. .M. as usual, and all ads received toe lilts for proper classification will be run under the heading "Too l.ate to Classify." Telephones: Main 7070. A. 6095. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 574 BELMONT ST. Phones, East 1423, B 2515, Open Day and Night. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small amimals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring: pet may commun'cate with us. MEETING NOTICES. RACER In this cltv June 2. 1918. Dennis Racer, late of 3943 31st st. A Civil War veteran of Company I, 19th Infantry, Iowa. Member of Gorden Granger Post No. 43. G. A. R. E. A. Dutton, Adjutant, and Edward Coover, Commander of post. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday) at 10 A.M. 'at P. R. Lerch undertaking nar- lor. Friends and comrades in- 1 it.rl TntAmAn. Park Cemetery. EUREKA COUNCIL, NO. 204, K. AND L. OF S. At home meeting Monday even ing, June 5. L. R. Alder man will give address on progress In public schools, illustrated with lantern slides: dancing afterwards. 'r members urged to be pres ent. TENT 67, QUEEN ELIZABETH REVIEW 24. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF THE MAC CABEES, will give a Joint "500" party Mon day evening. East 6th and Alder, Oddfel lows Hall. Nice prizes; everybody welcome. Admission 15c. THE MACCABEES. Portland Tent. No. 1. will hold a review at their hall, 409 Alder street, on Thursday evening. June 8. There will be no card party and dance. GEORGE D. BAKER, R. K. THE LADIES' AID SOCIETY will give a chicken dinner at 225 Fifth street, opposite the Courthouse. June 8, from 11 A. M to IX P. M. Price 3oc. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 sixth st. WP.'jPiWtjalsj in. T r- mnm'i, rrtnnmsur i 1-irmHlrnmirmimiism- FOR SALE By Owner Cash or Trade Strictly Modern 4-flat Apartment Building; Income $100 per Month. Located on a large sightly corner in Walnut Park, one block from best carline in the city. This is a good business chance. See Portland Piano Tuning, Repairing and Mf g, Co. 216 Hawthorne Avenue, Phone East 1072 h directory la for the Information we ouiercnt Hues of business which the rs5?,zrjrK. ""nation wnich cannot b phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCOBmox PLEATING. K. tTEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord till. nl.., .. .. . . - . . UULLUll. X.ICU , ....... orders. 2iis pittock block. Broauway lODtf. PLEATlNt. heaistltchlng, buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Co.. 65 fr, 5th. H'dWy 20U0. ASSAVtKS ANO ANALVSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. W. J. MAKKHM. Probate, real estate, min ing and corporation Jaw; abstracts and titles examined, written opinions furnished. J434 Northwestern Bank bids. Main 748. GRaUAJI, BECKETT He COOPER General practice; abstracts examined. tS01-3 Piatt olds. Phone Main 5SS9. CANCEK. M. JONES, M. 13. CANCER TREATED. Ollhi Alberta at. Woodiawn 4100. CARPET WEAVER. FI.I FF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North west Rug Co..lbS E. 6th. Both phones. CELLfLOID BUTTONS. BADGES. -THSJ IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY,"" 387 Washington st. Main Six and A 1204. CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and William, Jr.. Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 301! Gerllnger bldg., southwest - corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Hill. Office Fliedner Mrs. M. D. Main 3473. gjggpfBACTIC PHYSICIANS, SUCCESSFUL, with many so-called incurable cases; 31 adjustments, 15. West Side Macleay bldg. East Side Sanitarium. 731 Hawthorne. Dr. McMahon. Main 205. COLLECTION AGENCY. J-ETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collection, no charge. Established 1900. CIVIL. ENGINEER. A. U RICHARDSON, 321 Henry bldg. Phone Main 5676. DANCING. HEATH'S SCHOOL- Lessons daily; class Fri eve., 8 to 10. 100 2d St., bet. Wash. and Stark. Main 3205. Lessons. 25c. MULKEY BLDG., 2d and Morrison 10 les sons. S5; classes Mon.. Fri. eve. Mar. 313. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist: glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. CasBeday. 517 Dekum bldg., 3d & Wo. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO HAT CLEANING. PANAMA HATS cleaned. blocked, 73c; straws, felts, 50c : guaranteed. 285 Wash., near 4th; 88 3d. near Stark; 44 3d. M. 7020 MATTRESS MAKING. And feather renovating. Phone East 0874. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main S3. A 2153. MUSICAL. Emrw "iS1!1.8!?11' vlolin teacher, pupil Sevcllc. .mici u:us. a 31BU. Marshall lo2. BC?.gZMZll$-.B.JA TEACHER OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. YOUR EYES fitted with best lenses, gold-filled mounts. 1 50 up; torics. $2.50 up- .. uu i i i onocais SA.OU p; lenses duplicated; mail orders. -DR. J. P. MEREDITH, 328 Washington St. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 208 2d St. AUTO SPRINGS MANUFACTURING. .LAMER SPRING co "EE: in stock. 15th and Couch. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage 6t Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery a- Cont., Inc. 11th and Everett. GRAIN MERCHANTS. HOLSKR. Bi.ard of Trade bldg. GROCERS. CO.. 67-75 Fourth St. WADHAMS t HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 6S-55 Front St. HIDES, WOOL. CASCABA BARK. KAH.N BROS.. 1U1 Front st. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sts. SIEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 '.4 5th St. DEED. THROOP In this city, June 2. Anna May Throop, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herrel C. Throop. Funeral notice later. Remains at the parlors of Miller & Tracey, Washington at Ella street. FUNERAL NOTICES. HESSONG At the family residence, Steele avenue and Twenty-eighth street South east. June 3, Jacob Hessong. member of H-pe Lodge. No. 1. A. O. U. W..'aged 83 years, 5 months. 9 days, beloved husband of Sarar- M. Hessong. father of P. Hessong and Mrt L. J. Kelly. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held nt Holman's Funeral Parlors, Third and Salmon streets, at 10 A. M. tomor row (Monday). June 0. Interment Mult- nomaa Cemetery. FORTIER In this city, June 2, Ezeb A Fortier, late of S13 Jvy St., aged 57 Tears, beloved father of 'Mrs. J. C. Boyle, Mrs. T. F. O'Mara. Freeman A., Reuben. Ca milla, Albert and Oliver Fortier. The -remains will be sent on the 6:30 A. M. train tomorrow (Monday) June 5, to St. Paul. Or., where services will be held at 0:30 A. M and interment made. Remains at A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. VOIGHT The funeral services of the late August Carl Voight will be held from the St. Paul Lutheran Church, 124 Clinton St., at 2 P. M. Monday. June 5. Friends invited. Interment Rose City Park Ceme tery. The remains will be at the chapel of the F. S. Dunning Inc., East Side funeral directors, 414 East Alder, until the day of services. GORSLINE June 2, Frances T. Gorsllne. be loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reed and sister of Martha and William Gorsline and C. Alexander Reed. Funeral will take place at Union Cemetery to morrow (Monday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rainier papers please copy. Arrangement in care of Miller & Tracey. NICKLATJS la this city. June 2, Mrs. Gar net Brimhal Nicklaus. of 251 Broadway, age 23 yean 11 months, 22 days. Friends invited ta funeral services, which will be at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Third and Salmou streets, at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow (Morcay). Jun 5. Interment Riverview Cemetery. LAW At Alice Arms, B. C, May 29, 1916, Mary Ethel Law, age 44 years. The fu neral services took place at 4 P. M. yes terday -at Mt. Scott Park Cemetery Cre matorium. Incineration followed. ' HAWKINS In Alaska. May 25. Fred Hawkins, age 52 years. The private fu neral services will be held at the grave side at 10:30 A. M. tomorrow (Monday). Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. of the public, to srlvo aa far as posslbls average person may find occasion to found hare will be -jladly furnished by OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. SAVE YOUR Correctly titled glasses, gold xiueu mo'untings as low as S1.5U; "quality and service the titmt rhu w (Goodman. Optometrist. 209 Morrison St. Main 2124. PATENTS. PATENTS that protect and pay; advice and books free; highest references, beat re sults, promptness assured; send sketch or model for search. Watson E. Coleman, patent lawyer. .24 F St.. Washington. D. C. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 001 liekura bldg. PICTURE FRAMING. ASHFORP. 816 Northwest bldg.. Oth & Wash PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and Yorst sts. Main 34tu PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. PLUMBING and heating; H. L. Bruce has returned. Pleased to meet my friends; appreciate new ones. Before you buy your plumbing and heating material . call up Main 2407. Office 501 Gerllnger bldg. So licit your Jobbing. All work guaranteed. PRINTING. " KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. mgr. Printing and linotyping, loo4 Front il, corner Stark. Main or A 1418. RAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGS. Ingrains, Brussels, Smyrnas, Axminsters, rag rugs, all sizes, mail orders prompt; booklet WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-56 Union ave. N. East 6516, B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 404 Wilcox bid. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 621 Yeon. BENEDICT BROS., tfao Hawthorne avenue. STAMP DEALERS. COLUMBIA STAMP CO. Main 7580. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING). For a limited time In order to fill our modern brick warehouse, located in the heart of the city. Expert packing and moving. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 44-46 East 6th St. N. Phones, East 3849. East 3867. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household good specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 5U6. A 1906 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner 13th Telephone Main 68 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest in surance rates in - the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 769L VETERINARY SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. S i VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 11. Catalogue free. C. Keane, pres ident. 1812 Market St., San Francisco. WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD, blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 3890. SLABWOOD, DRY AND GREEN. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. Mn. 554d. A 2116 MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WEIN HARD'S GOLDEN AMBER NECTAR. Henry Welnhard Plant. 13tu and iJurnuiae. Phone Main 72. A 1172. PLAIN AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis s.J. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSE.V & CO.. 2d and Taylor PIPE. PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front IL PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. PDIMTIMR VV.BAL.TES AND COMPANY inillllllU First & Oak Stn. S'.aln 183, A 1185 PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EYERDIXG A FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAFETY RAZOR" HONIN'61 AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO.. 180 4th. SASH. DOORS AND-GLASST W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st. FUNERAL NOTICES. SALZMANN At the residence, 13S4 Ala meda drive, June 2, Emille Lippmann Salzmann, aged 48 years; beloved wife of O'to Salzmann, and mother of William. Clara, Otto, Jr., Louise and Eleanor Salzmann. Remains at the parlors of Miller & Tracey, Washington at Ella street, until tomorrow tMonday), 1PM. Services will be held at 2 P. M. at Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner Sal mon and Chapman. Interment Rose City Cemetery. MURPHY In this city. June 3. Frances M. Murphy, aged 38 years, husband of Emma Murpny. -of Pendleton. Oregon. The re mains wM be forwarded this (Sunday) uofin?, June 4, by J. p. Finley & Son to Pendleton. Oregon, where services will be held. Interment at Walla Walla, Wash. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Tears of Experience Enable This Firm to Give You PERFECT SERVICE This modern establishment, with Its conveniences. Including a se cluded driveway, insures abso lute privacy, causing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant, J. P. FINLEY & SON The Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Montgomery" at Fifth. Main 9, A 1599. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 187T. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507, A 1511. PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICE FOB LESS $150 $15 FUNERAL FOR MILER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Lady Assistant Washington at Ella st.. bet. 20th and 21st. Main 2UU1, A 7 St, 5. West tilde. DUNNING A McENTEE. funeral dlrecto-s, Broadway and Pine. Phone Broadway JJO, A 4558. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets Lad, attendant. East 7S1. B 1SS8. ER1CSON Residence Undertaking parlors 12th and Morrison sis. Main 6133. A 2233. BREEZE & SNOOK. Sunnyslde Parlors Auto hearse. 102(1 Belmont. Tab. 123S. B 252 MR AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu- neral service, E. 8vth and Cilisan. Tab. 4313, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. S. DUNXINQ, INC East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East 52. B 2523. A- R. ZELLER & CO.. 892 WILLIAMS AVSL East li68, C 1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. R. T. BYRNES. Williams and Knott. East 1115. C 1943. Lady attendant. 6KKWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Ciay. M. 4152. A 2321. Laay attendant. FLORISTS. MARTiN & FORBES CO., florists, 34T V, jshingtor. Main 2691, A 26k. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A 1S05. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. GCSTAVE J. E U RK H ARDT. 112 23d PHONE MAIN UK5, A 3603. Floral designs, cut flowers and ferns. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7213, A 3121, Sell lng bldg.. 6th and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S3 Washington St.. bet -ith and 3th. Main- 5102. A llil. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 264-26S 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8364. Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. EULAtlblNG GRANITE COJ THIRD AT MADISON STrVfVt NEW TODAT. NON-RESIDENT OFFERS THE FOLLOWING Second and Clay Sts. 100 BY 100 FEET, Southeast Corner, Dtrectly Opposite Auditorium Site. Fifth and Everett Sts. 100 BV 1O0 FEET. S. W. Corner, Three-Story Brick Building- Occupies Inside 30 by 100 Feet, Corner Practically Vacant. Sherlock Avenue Trackage AIL BLOCKS 2 ANIJ 4, BOURNE'S AUDITION. Immediately Adjoining- Holdings of Pacific Hardware & Steel Co.. Twenty-Second and Nicolai Streets. Glenhaven Park ALL OF LOT 16. "CONTAINING FIVE ACRES, Facing- on Tillamook Street, Between Kast Seventy-Fourth and East Seventy-Sixth Streets. Cornell Road FORTY ACRES OF LAM) AT INTER SECTION OF CORNELL. AND Gt'BSEIt ROADS, Sec. 36, T. 1 N., R. 1 W. WAKEFIELD, FRIES 8 CO. 85 FOURTH ST. NEW CREMATORIUM AT MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY None more modern or costly In America; equipped with the most recent and sclentlflo method of incineration, a beau tiful chapel and Columbarium. MOUNT SCOTT PARK, only cemetery in Oregon with chapel on the grounds. The originator and always the lead er of high-class cemetery and crematorium service In Port land. A visit there will readily convince you of this. "Its beauty singularly appropriate; Its care peculiarly auggeatlv of affection and memory. Large, PernsMttss. FarklKie. Terms reasonable; prices no higher. Call superintendent, day or night. Both telephones. - PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESIDENCE SITE 100x130 FEET View overlooking city cannot be obstructed, between Hall street and Heights Terrace, adjoining beautiful homes. See us for price GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON NEW, MODERN BARGAINS 042 TWENTIETH 6 FIFTEENTH, seven rooms and jtavees; 720 TWENTY-SECOND, six rowms and garage. Each house lias two fireplaces and eleeping-porch. Materials bought be fore rise. See them today. MAl'TZ BUILDING COMPANY. TERMS. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. LARGE LOANS SPECIAL RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. . .7-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114, A- 4118. WANTED IMPROVED FARM SEAR PORTLAND, UP TO mo,ooo, In exchange for business corner, with income. Price $40,000. no encumbrance. GODEfARD A WIEDRICK, 5T43 Stark Street. Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli: MONEY FOR FARMERS At Current Rates. COME IX AND TALK WITH US or Write. Bankers MortgaKe Corporation. Capital S5O0.OOO. Title & Trut Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. niiimimimiiiiiiimimiiuimimiimiii MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at b Private Funds at 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 North-western Bank Bldsj. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Onr Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS, FARM AND CITY LOANS. 80 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. DLGOUDEYCO G y LOANS :ir ON MORTGAGE SECURITY NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDINQ AUCTION SALE OF FINE HOUSE FURNISHINGS AT RESIDENCE, TUESDAY NEXT. 2 P. M. 10.18 EAST LINCOLN STREET. J, Iv. GKKEU, AlCIIO.MiEli. EH ESS k2 NEWTODAV. Auction Sales At Wilson's Auction Mouse 16-8 FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON. REGULAR SALESDAYS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT lO A. M. MONDAY'S SALE Includes round and square dining tables, dining chairs, rockers, couches, iron beds, springs, mattresses, bedding, pillows, several good dressers, chiffoniers, wardrobes, carpets, rugs, gas ranges and other ef fects consigned for positive sale. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY will find our salesrooms full with a good gen eral assortment of second-haiM goods. Attend our sales and save money. Our Private Sale Department Offers Buyers an Opportunity to Purchase High-Grade Furniture room - size rugs, "MJeile," Malleable and other good makes of STEEL RANGES, A. B., Acorn. Garlnnd, New Process and other GAS HANGESx in fact, almost anything you need. Also a good line of OFFICE FURNITURE Including ROLL-TOP. FLAT-TOP, TYPEWRITER AND BOOKKEEPERS' DESKS, Revolving Chairs, Etc. All GoodM Sold at Private Sale Are Good as New, Fully Guaranteed and Delivered. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE 173 SECOND ST.. NE AR MORRISON. Main 2032. BANKRUPT STOCKS SOLD AT WHOLESALE COST. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, ELECTRIC FIXTURES. TOOLS. PAINTS, W ALL I A I" E ft. AND OTHER MERCHANDISE. Don't Buy Until You See What We Have. We Know We Can Save You Money. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STORE FIXTURES and EQUIPMENTS CASH REGISTERS. SCALES, SHOW CASES. SAFES, ETC. J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. Special Auction Sale ON Tuesday Next at 2 P. M. AT OCR SALESROOMS, 166-S FIRST STREET, Spring and Summer MILLINERY We shall sell the stock from MISS ALEXANDER'S, oil Williams avenue; also the balance of the stock from the BRUCE HAT SHOP, formerly on Alder street, comprising TRIMMED and UN HATS, the very latest styles, sport hats, ribbons, flowers and trimmings of all kinds. Don't fail to attend this sale, as the above stocks mu.t positively be closed out. Sale TUESDAY at 2 P. M. J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale Tuesday 10 A. M. 191 SECOND STREET Between Yamhill and Taylor Sts. There has been consigned to us for this sale a varied assortment of par lor, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen furniture, comprising, in part, parlor chairs, tables, writing desks, uphol stered settee, couches, etc., rugs and carpets, massive oak sideboard, service buffet, china closet, extension tables and chairs, very fine oak library -table, pictpres. portieres, mirrors, a very fine mahogany chiffonier In Colonial de sign, mahogany, oak and birdseye maple dressers, brass and iron beds, modern springs, silk floss mattress, kitchen requisites, etc. NOTE For retail selling through the week we especially call your attention to our stock, which comprises roll-top office desks, steel ranges, comprising Buck's, Quick Meal and others: gus ranges, cook stoves, computing scales, show cases, refrigerators, pianos, or gans, pianolas and other goods too numerous to mention. FORD AUCTION CO. OUR NEXT SALE FRIDAY. 2 P. M., AT 191 SECOND STREET. MAIN SU5I. Best Bargain in West Side Apartment Site If in the market, let us submit this close-in, high-class property at a fraction of its value. 722 Yeon Bldg. $30,000 For Interest in Ship Yard ROOM FOR TWELVE SHIPS. Reference Furnished and Required. Addrexn E Al.t. Orrsronlan. Edortgage Loans AT REASONABLE RATES ON CITY PROPERTY. GEO. KNIGHT CLARK 20S LEWIS BUILDING. To Close Estate ALL OR PART OF R5 ACRES VIEW PROPERTY. St. Helena Road, Near Linnton. A tinap. 160 ACRES NEAR SCAPPOOSE. 912.50 AN ACRE. R 1120. TABOR 187. GREAT SACRIFICE. Fine Apartment Site CORNER CHAPMAN AND YAMHILL. ' 70 x VS. Owner compelled to sell regardless of value. Refused $15,000 some time ago. Buy it for $10,000 or make an ofrer. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 2-13 Stark St.' Garden Home Bargain Five Acres. Improved. Running Water. Good House. At Harden Home. NEW TODAY. VIS ESTABLISHED 1S92. WE HAVE RECEIVED THE FUR NISHINGS OF TWO VERY FINE HOMES. WITH INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE OWNERS TO SELL THE SAME AT AUCTION AT . BAKER'S AUCTIOX HOUSE ON TUESDAY NEXT Two upright pianos, good tone and standard makes; davenports, library tables, leather-seat rockers, couches, lace curtains and portieres, oil paint ings and pictures, brass candlesticks, tapestries, mahogany rockers, hall seat and mirror, several sets of books, vel vet and Axminster rugs in various sizes, body Brussels carpets, uphol stered parlor suite of three pieces, with loose cushions; very massive brass bed with upholstered spring mattress, very elaborate Circassian walnut dresser and chiffonier, with large French plate mirrors, with table, rocker and chair en suite; Vernis Martin beds, best springs, silk floss and other mattresses, pillows and bedding, oak and enameled dressers and chiffoniers, quartered oak dining-room suite, viz., 48-inch pedes tal table, set of chairs and buffet in wax finish; also another set in golden oak, glassware, steel ranges, gas ranges, tireless cooker, kitchen cabinet, utensils, garden hose, tools and many other lots. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. The above goods are now on view at our salesrooms, 166-168 Park street. Kindly call tomorrow and inspect this fine lot of furnishings. You will find them well worthy of your most careful attention If furnishing. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT lO A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall have another large lot of good household furnishings to offer you. These goods can bo seen on Wednesday afternoon. SALE AT lO A. M. ON THURSDAY N EXT. We Have Roll-Top Desk. City and County Maps for Private Sale. WE PAY CASH FOR GOOD SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. BOTH PHONES. W. C. BAKER & W. II. DEAN. Furnltnre Dealers and Auctioneers. 166 - 168 Park St. Phones Main 3.133 and A 2567. IRVINGTON'S !!!BUY!!! New Corner Home CENTER OF IRVINGTON ON BEST STREET. Fireproof construction. Solid mar liogany. oak and ivory rooms. All tile baths. $10,000 CLEAR. TERMS. HOOO BELOW COST YEAR AGO. Original owner must vacate. A perfect jewel in artistic design and beauty. If you can see the genu ine when you look, then just look at this once. Price $50,000 FIXE TRACT OF ACREAGE FOR SUBDIVISION into small tracts. Lies very sightly. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. Half mile to car. Might consider one-half in clear income city property. JNO. H. GIBSON 912 CHAMBER of COMMERCE RIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIBIII SS INSURANCE S 2 MAN WANTED 2 A prominent fire insurance general agent, recently review ing the situation in Portland, pronounced this opening the most promising opportunity for a young man in this territory. If you are desirous of affiliat ing with a well-known firm of brokers, where your returns will be fully commensurate with ability shown, write O 643. Ore gonian. All replies treated con fidentially. D $25,000 BUYS AN INTEREST IN A MANUFAC TURING BISINESS THAT WILL SHOW VERY LARGE PROFITS. and. in addition, will include half in terest in a large stock ranch. This is one of the best money-making propo sitions in Oregon. Party must be able to devote his time. For personal inter view address AM 63H. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESIDENCE SL'PItOl'XDED BY BEAUTIFUL HOMES. MAC1N1K1CEVT SWEEPING VIEW. SOLID (".ROUND. LIVINC - ROOM. MAHOGANY KIN.H. OAK DINING - ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN. HARDWOOD FLOORS. 3 BED ROOMS. SLEPPINO PORCH. UARAOK.' PRICE AND TERMS VERY REASONABLE. K H. LEWIS. 4 LEWIS BLDG. Hospitals and Sanitariums, Attention I have a large residence, especially adapted to hospital purposes, on West Side, close in; must be seen to be ap preciated. Will lease at right price to responsible parties. OWNER. Marshall SIHM). PRI NK ORCHARD -.1 s-res. ?ol l-urlnic ivi-orti. lance drying capacity, sbundant water supply, welis. F""-lns. brfik. niotlst house miu! hum. i-tc. : about 15 acres grain and garden land. r acrK pasture, lu acres noon Ut. total tv acres: rock road, telephone line, rural route, near store, school and church. Box oSti. Portland. Or. OrcgonDfc HORTtiAGE LOANS en improved city prop. rtr at Lownt Kates. 1T Corbett Bids.. Fifth A Morrison Sts. Kl Phone East 4 -SO for appoint- U lnelgnsBSBsjsnrBBsssnnunssBnj0 FV TODAY. I Are You Paying Rent? We have an attrac tive 7-room bunga low on East Broadway, complete in every detail, including garage that can be had at a bargain, with exceptionally low terms $250 cash, balance $25 per month, including interest. The Malone 0. Hutchins Co. MOUSE EXPERTS. 307-8 HENRY BUILDING. Main 75li Choice Income Property For Exchange Located near heart of retail district, well improved and a good revenue producer. Price $161,500. Mortgage on same running for 5 years at 5'2. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. GROUND FLOOR. HENRY BLDG. 6 Oiolr I-an of VlQvOOO an rp On Inprorrd Baiincw Property 4r tor 1 m prove-mon t Purpaiw), 9. . LiiatUJdB, S4X oi-u- .Uefc, RKAf. KSTAlfi. lor aie litp. 7:0 PARKROSfi TRACT. $30 DOWN. 0; Sanly blvtl., a.!i p;tved. cemtnt side walks, water paid, tl.tmly builUuijc fciic. lots of ground, fre from rock. Terms, tee Mr. Hickman, branch ofTico. Hai tnxau A: Thorn Tnu 45th and shindy. Tabor iH6S. C I'lJl. 54 FEKT VIlH. 45T1I ST.. KOS1C CITY PARK. First vacant lot north of Hraief St. Kat front, tinny nire llr tr's. I'rice f77."-. tec Mr. Wilson, br.tnch orl ice. Uartnin u A: Thompson, 40th and .Sandy. Tabor OMs, O BUILDERS' CHANCE. lOOrlOO, cor. Kresoott and ii rand ave.. all improvements In both streets, only 10 f -.-t from t'nion. Very best car service . t-r.ap price with improvements paid; (:uim. GODDAKD Ac WIEDKICK. -4ii tftatk Jlit CASH. $lo per month, buys a benutrful r.OxlOO ft. lot on William.- ve. ; tsliudc tr-?e, near school, car. etc ; idea 1 locn -ti for u lit t le none ; pri-e only 0o. THE UKUNO CO.. Main 174:.. -!7 i Oak st. IRVIXdTOX LOTS. Cheapest lota ever offered in Irving-ton : inside il'iO; extra larpe corner $li5ou,.ull street assessments paid in full. KILTON. t;M Yeon IUd. I HAVE U lots iu Wiiberton tract. I'oitlaiul. Or. near Kenton; would Lke to set at least .V per cent of what they coae me. Kor particulars write J. L, Cook. UriUa I Veil. Or. I R V I N 15 TO N H A R Vl A I X. Kast l"t th street, L it. north from Stanton, facing east. $1-50, improvement pa itl. i HUDDARD & WIEDRICK. -M:t Siark St LARUE, beautiful view homo site, only l- minutes' rule, Yst Shie. ftr only .;:(. $11 down and ." a month. The beet home site v.iluw iu the city. M. E. Let.-. 5o. Corbett bldg-. LOT r.HxlUO, fenced in. fruit trees bearinu. chicken ard and IT-room cottage; pri.--:t7 ."i or would trade for f urn it ure. - l."d Clackaniao st . M. V. Depot car. then port h over the O. R. X. tracks. UOSK CITY l'AKK. Good SO x loo lot on .VM st.. $:.7.Y Every thing in and paid for. Hit E. .""th ; N . Corner Sandy. Call after V. M. f.ondii. 0K s! 1. corner. ldtxH i. E. Mst mt . near Fremont. lux loo; fin lew corner, (rt-gjn Cit v car. near Mil waukic. TabT 1J. 1 11-0. " I'XIOX AVENTK 1MCKLT. 5ftx lOO. corner L nion a v J. and Morgan, "$lloy; site for store. GODDARD A- WIEDRICK. -M:: Stark St. LOT Montavllla. cais U Mocks. a;i a' t paid pric -0o. $ 1 o down, .." mom hl . inc. Interesu Owner, Haight, tan Francisco. I KVI.WITON C A R L I X E. 100x100, corner, price flood; subject t bonded lmprovemenis. GODDARD Ac W IEDRICK, t.4 Stnrk S PORTLAXD H ElOHTS Bin sacrifice, !ai view lot. central part of Heights; cheap est Rod lot and l, st good lot oa tno Helshtg. MalnJtMhl. PRICE$37.". Rose City Rark lot. E. 4tth at. X.. Dd ft. outh of Siskiyou ; east from, all improvements in, owner's sign on lot. owner. Main f'"-. A FOCll lots. East Portland; will cell vacant lots or build to suit. Two beach lot half j.rice. Ruy from owner. Room 4-7 V en able Hotel. $7 5 OOxlod coiner on East Broadway, near Roae Cltv park School. HITTER. LOWE & PH FOREST, i;oarci i raoe im?. TWO desirable S win ton lots, 5 and ?, blt-ck US, $o."o on eas v terms; bij? tiitcoun t for cash. Address X. Wl.ite. Springfield. Or. iltYINcTTOX, 50x100. east face, block of lrvinnrtoii Club. ; ? lo7 5; liens paid. BO CI .", Oregouuiu. HAVE -S lots In llicltinnd Park that I wlH sell for from Jm up. on easy termti. Applv ;M7 Pittock Mvk. TWO East "St'.i st. earline business lots, worth 40Kt. for J'Jooti ; all im prove, men is paid. Owner. AJ .".44, Oreponian. THREE lots on E. ".'.'Hi si., clear to tui for enuitv in house and l"t. I'hone .A.n dav. Palace Hotel, room "J1S. CHOICE location for bakery in IrviiiKton ; will exchange fir pood, f irt moriagt and cah. East -7:.. W. H. llrrumaii. $l."o CASH takes my $lono equity in modorn 4-room R. C. buncalow, bal. $l."t.".o. l;ko rent ; restrieted district. Mar. l.s. WILL eli $1.iO choice bm'.diiiir lot for i..o: E ;d. MUitU of Hawthuine. .MarsliaU 4114. $uOO LENTS half acre, west half lot block 3. Cad well-s Addition. Submit Humphry. " -' 7 StAry bldg., Los Angfl.'A SEVERAL .'10O. CmoJ district, paving all the way from center of cit. -70 per lot. A I- ."!!, .i eponian. SNAP Heirs sav sell ;;o niee level full Int. 1 toinlnp Grepory Hef cbts fr $:;.Mio. worth jr.O ti bt. "J03 Mohawk bld. 4imi BUYS eorner lot. Rose Ci y Park dis trict : improvement- l :id. Main 1mw. IH VINtiTOX corner lot. J i)t r will sacrifice inside or rost. J C1 1, Oregonian. 1V1N(.Ti X LOTS, H E A Dl " A RTE RS. XECHACSKX At 70:; LEWIS EI.Dii. IRVIXGTOX lot, "Jlst Ht JSOO, Uuna $:0 PC .l. oreconian. $Jod BUYS West Side Heights lot; beautiful view. Met uire. Main lotP. inoxioo FT.. !rxlnelonjark. but bat aain. W'oodlavi n 1 i. MIST sell this w-. I- on East Broad y. J7v. tci.wctd (