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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1916)
THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX, PORTXAND, JUNE "4, 1910. i3 OFFICIAL ROSE FESTIVAL PROGRAMS AT THIS STORE ONLY DISTRIBUTED FREE ON 5TH AND 9TH FLOORS $50 BOHN SYPHON RE FRIGERATOR FREE to whoever submits to us in writing the "Ten Best Reasons Why a Bohn Syphon Refrigerator Should Be in Every Home." Contest closes June 10. Sixth Floor. A Lunch That Is Satisfying is served here daily in our Priscilla Tea Room, Men's Grill and Bakery Lunch on the ninth floor; Cafeteria and Model Soda Fountain in Basement (direct Alder-st. en trance). Henry Lawrence Southwick Recitals will be given in our Auditorium Monday, June 12 to Friday, June 16, at 3 P. M. Auspices Portland Shakespeare Study Club. Tickets for course 75c Bookstore, Base ment Balcony. FURS STORED IN OUR SAFETY VAULTS are protected against fire, theft, moths and loss. Perfect refrigeration from our own ice-making plant on the premises. Phono us or drop a card. Furs Received 4th Fir. The- QjjALtty" StcJrjs- op- Portland riAK. .Sixth. "Hm i lmyirat. " June White Days and Summer Requirements Here 20 Wool Summer Suits ATimely Sale The Season's Most Favored Fabrics and Styles A sale that makes it well worth your while to buy a Summer suit now. Weights and styles that are practical and serviceable all Summer long. Suits that are splendid values at the regular prices at deep reductions for this sale. See them Monday morning. $19.50 to $22.50 Suits $15.00 $25.00 Novelty Suits $19.50 $27.50 to $29.50 Suits $2250 $32.50 to $35.00 Suits $26.50 $37.50 to $39.50 Suits $29.50 $42.50 to $48.50 Suits $33.50 New Arrivals in Dresses! A large shipment just unpacked and shown for the first time! Voile, Tissue, Crepe, Batiste, Nets and Organdies in the new full skirt, corded in hoop effect. Dainty,' flowered styles and combinations of stripes and plain materials. All the daintiest tub frocks for all occasions. Moder ately priced $5.85 to $65. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor Wonderful Blouses At Exactly Off $12.50 to $25 Models Included tin F - uv VC Scores of lovely Georgettes trimmed in various lovely ways. Some have large collars, and show dainty pin tuck trimmings others filet lace and hand-embroidered garnishing beaded and colored embroidered blouses. Also lovely soft lace blouses in a splendid array of models. $6.50 to $8 Crepe and Silk Blouses at $4.95 Charming Georgette crepe, pussy, willow and crepe de chine blouses. Every one a new, up-to-date model, in dressy and smart tailored styles. Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. $15 to $50 Imported HATS at V4 OFF A SPECIAL LOT Chic and unusual millinery that is bound to please the most fastidious, in c 1 u d ing distinctive and exclusive im ported dress and tai lored models. We're giving our clientele tomorrow an unusu ally early - in - the - season "bargain." ALL IMPORTED UNTRIMMED HATS LESS 4 Such a splendid variety to select from hats selling regularly $4 to $12. Milans, Milan Hemps and Leghorns. A vast assortment of shapes, black and myriads of seasonable colors. Hat Shop, Fourth Floor. $4000 Worth Finest Novelty 3 Jewelry at Wholesale Prices! Your Choice of Any Piece at About Half and Less Than Half the Regular Retail Price ISMbwwmw mmmmmma hmmmmmbmbb nwmwmmbmhM mm mmmtm A wonderful sale! One of the largest and most re liable importers in this country saw his supply of foreign novelties curtailed by the war. . He soon found himself unable to fill orders and so recalled all sample lines. We have been fortunate enough to secure this great pur chase at fifty cents and less on the dollar and the articles are here now for your selection at the same reductions ! For June graduates, for brides, for gifts of all sorts and for your own personal use, you will find this sale a source of great helpfulness and almost infinite saving possibilities. f , Exclusive Novelties One of a Kind Hat pins of unique carving bar pins and brooches, set with rhine stones and colored semi-precious stones La Vallieres of silver, with the most artistic stones and settings pendant some in dainty filigree, oth ers in artistic "craft" effects etched glass in cameo effects, white or colors, the newest Parisian novelty jet bracelets, necklaces and strings of beads amber, pearls, genuine Whitby jet, Oriental pins, jade pins and r drops gunmetal mesh bags in all styles and sizes; wrist watches off enamel, gold and gunmetal; jewelry in infinite variety and endless array at about half price and less. In Nine Groups for Your Convenience Arranged according to selling price for easy selection, in groups on the counters. Remember, no two pieces exactly alike so early shopping is desirable for first choice. ' I! A ! 50c to $ 1.00 Pieces, 350. 1.00 to $ 1.75 Pieces, 690. 1.75 to $ 3.00 Pieces, .$1.10. 3.00 to $ 5.00 Pieces. $1.08. $ 5.00 to $ 8.00 Pieces, $2.98. $ 8.50 to $10.00 Pieces, .$;J.08. $10.00 to $15.00 Pieces, $5.40. $16.50 to $21.50 Pieces, $8.08. $22.50 to $27.50 Pieces, $12.40. SEE BIG DISPLAY IN OUR FIFTH-STREET WINDOW Jewelry Shop. Main Floor. i H & If Tomorrow Begins the Last Six Days of Our June White Sale Meier & Frank's Annual June White Sale always fulfills the expectations of Portland women. It is launched at a time when housewives are replenishing their household stores and personal wardrobes and just in time for the June bride's linen chest and trousseau needs. We prepared for the sale care fully; we searched the markets for the best at the most reasonable prices and here are our efforts spread before you in snowy heaps plain, neat garments, or elaborately beruf fled, lace trimmed and ribbon festooned as you please. Two particularly attractive . lots are: LOVELY GOWNS AT 98c All are new we can give you only an idea of the charm and prettiness of these gowns. Soft nainsook, dain tily lac.e trimmed, with insets, ribbon run headings and other furbishings dear to the hearts of women. HANDSOME GOWNS $1.39 This assortment is particularly at tractive, embracing a very large va riety of gowns, some in Empire, oth ers slip-over style. Soft, good-quality materials, lovely trimmings of lace, embroidery and ribbon. Other Undermuslins at These Prices Envelope Chemise 59c, 79c, 98c, $1.29, $1.59, $1.98, $2.59 to $3.95. Gowns 59c, 79c, 98c, $1.29, $1.59, $1.98, $2.49 to $3.95. Corset Covers, with and ' without sleeves 29c, 39c, 59c, 79c, 98c. Gowns, with Kindergarten Stitch 98c, $1.29 -and $1.59. Petticoats, new flared 98c, $1.27, $1.47, $1.98, $2.29 to $4.95. Drawers, good styles 29c, 49c, 69c, 98c. Undermuslin Shop.Thlrd Floor. 59c, Heaps of Embroideries and Laces Reduced 35c-65c SKIRTINGS, 250 5000 yards have just arrived. All new est designs, some small and neat, others elaborate and showy, many finished with well-made filet and Venise edging, and a few convent edges. Big value at, the yard 25c. 85c-$1.25 Laces, 490 Lovely shadow, filet, era quelle and Point de Paris and dainty imitation Duchesse laces filmy and new, for mak ing Summer and dancing frocks. Range of widths 12 to 27 inches. Yard 490. $1.25-$2 FLOUNCING, 980 Exquisitely soft voile flouncing, white with colored embroidered designs, all new and novel, and unusually harmoni ous combinations. 40 inches wide. Five yards makes the loveliest kind of a frock. $1.25-$1.50 Baby Embroid ery, small designs on sheer lawn, ruffled or hemmed edges, 25 inches wide, yard 980. 25c-30c Embroidered Matched Baby Sets, cambric and nainsook, handloom em broidered insertions and edges, 190. 85c Baby Embroidery, dainty patterns, ruffled edges with beading above, 25 inches wide, reduced to, yard 590. 85c-$1.25 Dress Flouncing, 27-inch lawn flouncing and 38-inch organdie flouncing. Yard 590. Embroidery Shop, Main Floor. $9 Moravian Damask Cloths at $7.48 Soft ivory finished linen, of an extra heavy weight, in exquisite designs. The war prohibits this linen being duplicated at almost double the money hence the wonder of these reductions. $9 72x72-inch cloths, S7.48. $11 72x90-inch Cloths, S9.48. $13 72xl08-inch Cloths, S10.87. $14 90x90-inch Cloths, 11.55. $19 72xl44-inch Cloths, 15.40. $13 Napkins to match, 26x26-inch, dozen, S10. $3.75 Irish Linen Table Cloths, $2.98 Pure Irish linen of a very firm heavy quality. In regularly woven patterns. No napkins to match these cloths, which accounts for the splendid reductions. $3.75 70x70-inch cloths reduced to $2.98. $4.25 72x88 Cloths $3.48 $4.75 72x106 Cloths, $3.98 $1.00 Linen Lunch Cloths, 600 Hemstitched, soft-finished linen cloths, size 36x36 inches. $1.50 Table Cloths, $1 Mercerized cloths, soft finish and heavy quality that will wear and launder well. Hemstitched on four sides. Size 60x60 inches. $1.50 Table Damask, $1 Pure linen table damask, spot, stripe and floral designs, 70 inches wide. ' $4 Napkins to match, 22x22-inch, the dozen $3.50. $2.50 Breakfast Cloths, $1.98 Pure linen natural color (tan) with pretty woven designs in white. Hemmed ready for use. Size 63x63 inches. Very good quality. Linen Shop, 2d Floor. Our Entire Stock of Cut Glass at 1-5 OFF! Cu Glass for Wedding and Graduation Gifts 20 off any piece in our unusually complete and large assortments ! From the tiniest comport to the largest punch bowl there's a worth-while underprice tomorrow to make gift-selecting a pleasure. And in addition to this big reduction on all cut glass here's a list of Extra Special Reductions on Cut Glass! $1.25 Cut Glass Handled Nappy, 890. $1.25 Cut Glass 5-inch Un- handled Nappy, 880. Individual Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling tops, pair, 790. $3 Cut Glass Oil Cruets, reduced to $2.29. $3 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer, pair $2.29. $6 Cut Glass Orange Bowl, oblong shape, $4.68. $6 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer, pair $4.59. 75c Cut Glass Mustard Pot, now 590. $4 Cut Glass 8-inch Berry Bowl, $2.98. $1 Cut Glass 5-inch Un- handled Nappy, 740. $2.25 Cut Glass Handled Nappy, $1.68. $1.50 Cut Glass Vase, 6 inch height, $1.14. $3.75 Cut Glass Vase, re duced to $2.79. $8 Dozen Cut Glass Water Tumblers, dozen $5.99 Large Size Salt and Pep per Shakers, glass tops, pair, 780. Basement. Fifth Street. Festival Flags and Pennants! Everybody will want flags, pennants, runners, bunting, etc for Rose Festival Decorations here's the place to get themt Every kind of a flag silks, muslins, buntinette, wool, from the pin-on lapel to largest staff size. Rose pennants and novelties. Runners, trimming novelties for store fronts and homes made to order. Fifth Floor, Sixth St. $2-$2.75 Curtains at $1.45 $1-$1.S5 Curtains 79c New scrim curtains trimmed in a variety of pretty styles with insertions, edgings, wide and narrow laces. Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. 5000 YARDS NEW LINOLEUM IN A SALE! In view of present market conditions and threatened further advances in prices, these two fine lots of linoleum should be snapped up quickly tomorrow by thrifty buyers. Printed Linoleum 53c Excellent grade in a large assortment of colors. Special tomorrow. Inlaid Linoleum at 79c Special quality in a wonderful variety of ' desirable new patterns. Included are light blue and white, gray and white, brown and tan colorings. Seventh Floor, Fifth St. Stop .Winding DO BETTER, EASIER, QUICKER sewing icith an ELDREDGE TWO-SPOOL Bobbinless Rotary Sewing Machine. Sew direct from two spools of thread one above, the other below. 10c will place this QUEEN of sewing machines in your home by joining the M. & F. THRIFT CLUB. Come in arid let us explain this ex ceptional offer to you. Second Floor, Fifth Street