14 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, fORTLAND, MAY 28, 191U. Bt'SINESSJ OPrORTrMTIKS. FOR SALE. Theater in downtown district: cash re quired, $10,000. Address A 626, Oregonian. WE KTSED MORE CAPITAL. And offer an unusual opportunity for some good live man who has a little : money to join with us and be active in the business; a good, clean manufactur ing proposition in every sense of the word. Address AB 579, Oregonlan. FLOUR MILL SACRIFICE. IX "HEART OF WHEAT BELT." '3TLLY EQUIPPED. READY TO RUN. EO H T UN E FO R ON E OR T WO LIVE MEN. OX ACCOUNT OTHER LOSSES AND ON ACCOUNT FORECLOSURE, WILL SELL EQUITY AT POSITIVE BARGAIN. - HEH OWNER. ADDRESS 1 62S, ORBGOXIAK .BIG OPPORTUNITY For sale, one of the . . finest commercial evaporating plants in the state, at Cottage Grove, on the S. Pacific; new 2-story bldg., 54x80 feet, plenty of ground, clear of Incumbrance; controls large territory; good for ware bouse or commission business; bright prospects. Price $8000, half down, bal , ance easy terms; may consider some clear property. Address owner, P. 1. Rust, " "Eugene, Or. WELL-EQUIPPED machine and general re- - pair shop doing good business; lathe, welding outfit, blacksmith tools, one block from business center of Salem; some stock on hand; rent $35 per month; price $1500, .' lialf cash; also sawmill In Marion County, : in full operation; donkey engine, with 6,000,000 feet of timber contracted for; .- price complete $.T000, $1000- down, terms - on balance. Address E. C. Derick, Sa lem, Or. MILLINERY STORE FOR SALE An up- to-date millinery stock and fixtures, oc cupying half of dry goods store at 4252 . Fremont ave. ; rent $15 month ; steam heat; a good paying proposition for a '. .. -woman who can do her own trimming; very reasonable terms- to responsible party. F'or further Information, address Mrs. - Eakln, 3417 39th ave. S. W Seattle, Wash. BAKERY WITHOUT COMPETITION. Located In a popular Summer resort town with about 120O permanent popula "'' tion ; no other bakery anywhere near the -place; strictly cash business and big prof its ; sales from $S0O to $000 per month ..and can be increased; $1500 cash required. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. GET your share of prosperity; fortunes now being made; get In business for your- self with our help and factory privileges; home, all or spare time; no canvassing; experience unnecessary; write today, free : Ijook, "Mail Order Success." pease Man ufacturing Co., Inc.. Dept. C-64. 08 . Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. HOTEL FOR RENT. Country hotel of 14 rooms, new, partly furnished, beautiful view of Columbia; 60 miles from Portland, on new Washington Highway; can be made to pay well; low T'2nt to reliable couple. Hammond Mort gage Co., 424 C. of C. WANT A LIVE BUSINESS MAN. " To manage for Eastern owners a high class pear orchard and berry property on ' Shasta Route, Rogue River Valley. He must become Interested with property ; nnie:ht accept other good realty or cash. Address V 506, Oregonlan. FOR SALE pR TRADE Best paying sub urban theater In- the city; 560 seats, no - competition, easy terms, interest or 'all; will trade for clear real estate, or small cash payment, balance can be paid out of business. See Mr. McKern, 241 Stark. BARBERS, attention! I must leave for the - East on or about June 10; will sell my 3-chair shop at a great sacrifice; no rea sonable offer refused. S. E. Moss, corner West Park and Stark sts.. facing Washing . ton ; also 5 rooms of furniture, 25c on the dollar. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Owner wants a reliable partner to help him ; can t de pend on hired he Id: will guarantee good profits to energetic man: duties are easily learned, and a small investment required. can room 2U Morgan bldg. itulABLK manufatcurer wants capable ousiness man, open oitice, manage sales men , liberal contract ; $200 to $700 cap ital necessary- possibilities unlimited: ex peni.es paid to Chicago if accepted. Man- j'Ker, j.a j-.ytt.on mag., jnicago. GROCERY STORE, established for 6 years, doing good trade, over $2000 monthly; in voice about $4U00; East Side, good dis trict; part cash, or will trade for residence property. See Mr. Blumenthal, at . HART MAX & THOMPSON WILL, sell my own cigar, tobacco, magazine. confectionery ice cream, fruit and soda . fountain business; long established, long lease, rent reasonable, good location, high class, dignified and weighted with qual ity; worth $0000. J 602. oregonlan. HE LIABLE manufacturer wants capable ousinesa man to open orrice and manage Salesmen; liberal contract; $200 to $iO0 capital necessary: possibilities unlimited: xpenees paid to Chicago if accepted. Maa ager, i2 Lytton blug., ciycago. W'ANTKD A reliable partner to help in store selling flowers, plants, etc. ; can .make good profits and a small Invest inent required. Call room 329 Morgan Diag. Oj K-HALF Interest In gen. mdse. business -of $10,000 in Willamette- Valley for sale "to some young fellow that would like to go to work in a good business. Address vW 2-2T, oregonian. FOR 1 SALE Barber shop In live country 4')wn: old stand do in good business: est $100; will take $650; part time if -v antca ; investigate. a a ax ess av 210, uregonian, . IF you are looking for an up-to-date, clean etock of general merchandise, stock and iixiuros valued at $3500, . doing a good business, in a good little town, address A v 224, uregonian. OIL COMPANY offers 10 for l chance: quick results ; proven territory ; experi enced management; details free. The V. S. A. Oil Co., 10O1 Union Bank bldg.. t-ittsDurg, ra. POOL. HALL In new town In Willamette Valley; excellent location lor barber; own cr going East ; will sell at sacrifice. Ad cress w. r . Clpra, Alvadore, Ore on, or C. Oehler. 53 ieon bidg. STEAM LAUNDRY Completely eauiDDed in Western Washington city fine terri tory; a bargain, $3oo0, half cash, balance easy terms. Address AV 22s, Uregonian LIGHT groceries, confectionery, etc. This is a good little store with living-rooms and a good cash trade, and will sell rjieap. uau room i2y Morgan bldg. ATTRACTIVE and busy restaurant for sale at $2oO if taken before June 1. or worth $000 iu trade ; sickness In family reason soiling, rnone iast o-u. FOR SALE In Astoria, fine billiard Dar Kr; main . block; cheap rent; long lease; new equipment, doing a good business; jrms. iu t3;t, uregonian. SNAP. J Tillamook beach hotel for sale or trade. oy owner. x. -L. v anrsortwick, Kockaway PAlKTXER wanted at once; good .money . proposition; $"0o for interest ; splendid prospects; unique proposition ; can bear u. vestlgation. BP b3, Oregonlan.- GOOD BUSINESS FOR TRADE. $1000 cash and $4000 good property taken, $5000 grocery and meat market. Mr. Deforest, i:o woara 01 xraae Diig. CREAMERY BUSINESS Have opening fo energetic man in this solid business, now clearing $400 mon in. (Jail room J-i Mor gan bldg. "oALOON," best proposition In state; $850 ci.sh. Address faiiver iving Bar, Park City t a n. $205 CASH, motorcycle or roadster, gets business paying $100 per mo.; good WH Lniette Valley town. AV 225, Oregonian. l:KHTAURANT I'avinc SI 50 Der month :$ut $15; big sacrifice If taken this wvek. 3 02 Gi and ave. ADVERTISE 25 words 1O0 monthly mag amines, $1.25; write for list. F. L. Miller, Syracuse, X. 1. IBLACKSM ITH shoo for rent or will take - partner in for half of business, about $300 required. 1 AV 222, uregonian. GROCERY and confectionery stores. v living-rooms, from $175 up. MASTERS. 607 PIttock Block. FOR SALE Delicatessen and grocery doing a good business: nne apartment-nouse dis trict 0114 asnington st Jil'SY dairy lunch cn Washington street. moderate equipment, low rent, long estao Iisheu, no opposition, owner, Main 012 (JItOCERY and confectionery, soda foun tain, across ft om large school ; 3 living rooms, i'-ast ni. HAVE bargains for right party In a ear- age., good location, now filled; very small capital required. AJ o!. uregonian. $l0m TO invest in mercantile business wher .1 i2'.. Oregonian. in 1 vv VTOWX bi.liard room, good location low rent, nice business; good tobacco 1 r ule, V 626, Oregonlan. CASH If you want to sell your property cr1 bnsin"a!c, or patent for cash, write K. O. List, Minneapolis, Mino . BrSIN'Ess OI'POKltMTIEg. FREE RENT. FREE WATER, FREE LIGHT. A most eexcellent location for a meat market, feed and produce, cleaner and presser, billiard parlor; in a fine cement building. thickly settled neighborhood, main thoroughfare. Will give free ret until business is established to a satisfac tory tenant. For full Information. Stanley S. Thomp son Co.. owners, 2b7Vi Washington st Main 3044 PARTXER -WANTED. If you are looking for an opening for mdses business, we have it ; owner of a general store located in a good town on the coast wants a responsible partner with experience to take 1-3 or interest ana full charge of the business; stock invoice about $750; this is -a good opening for the right man ; no trade will be consid ered. Jordan & Oarbade, 232 h Wash, st. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. . You. can do it and lay up big money If you can handle the best confectionery, ci gur, news, soft drink stand in best depot location in Portland. Be sure' and see this. BADLEY, 621 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE General store 40 miles from Portland. Xew 2-story building, cost $2o00. Stock invoices about $1700, 100 feet from depot. Including 2 1-2 acres land. Trade es tablished. Sawmills opening in vicinity. A good chance. Terms. Write 1107 E. 18th st. X., Portland, Or. FOR SALE Big sacrifice, rug weaving fac tory, only one on Coos Bay, doing fine business; forced to sell for personal reas ons; $3 to $7 per day easily cleared; chance of lifetime for man and wife; meet owner, Mrs. Preston, Sun. or Mon. at Imperial Hotel; price "very low. POOL HALL with soft drink bar attached. candies, cigars and tobacco, furniture and fixtures Included; total value about $4000. Will sell for $2200, and might take light automobile as part of the purchase price, bal. cash. Inquire John H. Gibson, 112 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OK SALE 5-ton capacity Ice plant, cold storage and creamery combined; good, prosperous dairying country; plant is in full operation; object In selling, owner has other business occupying all his lime. Prlry $16.00o. cash, balunce in trade. a Address C. M. May, Prosser, Wash. PLEASE 1 INVESTIGATE THIS To sell, ac eickness, shoe and harness repair count shop. Invoice about $400, latest machin ery, splendid trade established ; best ref erences. Write G. W. Matthews, Los Molinos, Cal. ' GROCERY If you want a nice little biz of this kind look this up. Clean stock, good fixtures, good building, cash trade, no deliverv, good location, all for f 1350. Xo trade. Mt. Scott car to Clark's station. See owner. GROCERY, confectionery, soft drinks; - 8 living rooms connecting; no dead stock ; good trade; rent $S; price $2750 or will invoice. Address owner, AR t2&, Orego nian. LOOK THIS UP. $25 for a business established, sure of cash returns every day ; live man can make good money. Call P. M., today at 204 E. 2feth st. N. or evenings after 6:30. PLUMBING shop on Grays Harbor; well equipped ; Invoice $500, $100 cash will handle ; everybody busy on the harbor; rent $20; good location. Act quick. Ad dress 509 W., Curtis st , Aberdeen Wash. RETAIL milk and cheese business, all ma chinery, wagons, autos, etc. Good oppor tunity for one or more partners. A thor ough investigation will be welcomed. Price $4000. See Capes, 401 Board of Trade. STOCK and fixtures for sale, in good town in Ida no, surrounding country' to araw from ; specialty store ladies' and misses' wearing apparel n ith established trade. Address P. O, box 1004, Spokane. Wash. 30-ACRE dairy ranch, fully equipped, 12- room nouse, norses ana wagons, 4 acres 01 orchard, balance in crops. 5 miles from Portland. Price $2000. Terms. Millership. 431 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE YOU $10,000 IN CASH? If ao. I have an extra fine, legitimate business proposition. See me at once, as this will not keep. Big money in this. F. FULTON, 021 Yeon bldg. FOKD AGENCY for sale, in center of best iarming county near Portland ; last year a business paid 103 per cent on the invest ment: will sell at invoice; strictly cash. AN 627. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE business; chanee for a good man as partner; owner will flmw ou the business is very ' profitable ; $850 required. Call 24SM Stark st. FOR SALE Greenhouses containing SOOO sq. ft. of glass; modern 7-rocm house and 6 lots. Sell all or separate. It 020, Ore gonian. , . MULTIGRAPHIXO plant, apt. in connection. uiearing over 1 00 mo. above expenses. Will invoice $90O. Called East. -Sacrifice. Millership, 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a cash grocery doing good business ; will sell for S&OO it taken in the next 10 days. Call Columbia SI or see J. F. Glllmore. St, Johns. FOR REXT Concrete garage; splendid lo cation, room for 40 cars; storage more than pay rent; paying repair shop; stock for sale. M GUO, Uregonian, FOR SALE cheap, state-right feature, good condition ; u reels, 4 states, lots of ad vertising ; beautiful velvet banner. Part cash. Address AV 230, Oregonian. APT.-HOUSE. 31 apts. in 1. 2. 3-room sultei uentrauy located, clearing mo. above an expenses, fart casn ana trade. Aimer ship, 431 Chamber of Commerce. GROCERY STORE In fine residence district, for sale; doing $2o00 month business; own er leaving city, will sell ; Invoice about $3000. Call 24S Stark st. RESTAURANT for sale, cheap by owner; centrally located and doing good business. Will stand closest Investigation. C 027, Oregonian. MO VINO picture theater, fully eauinned ; good location; going East; sacrifice $300 down, $300 easy terms. Apply HO Broad way, CIGAR stand, poolroom and soda fountain. will give away for $(5, including stock ana iixtures; must leave city at once. 314 Burnslde St.. corner 6th. FOR SALE Confectionery store, living picture show, See Brower, rooms; $1000 will handle; $700; player piano. $500. St. Helens, Or. GROCERY, confectionery, school supplies. clearing io mo. aoove an expenses, upp, school; with 5 living-rooms. Bargain. Mil lership, 431 Chamber of Commerce. CONFECTIONERY, bakery goods, light gro cery, apartment-nouse trade; account sick neso in family owner will sacrifice. Call 248fc Stark st. WANTED Will give a half Interest in good paying hotel, centrally located, to a man with $100 cash. BF 627, Orego nian. MOVING PICTURE THEATER for cash or trade for real estate. East Side, close In. Call, between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., at ho oak st. ON ACCOUNT of my wife's health will sac rifice our furniture and half interest whole sale produce business, with salary, at 1 bargain. 103t East Lincoln. PHOTO GALLERY, complete, clearing $100 mo. win iaK9 partner. ii;t reauireti, Money secured. Millership, 431 Chamber 01 commerce. CHANCE for active man as partner In of- rice duties, snow stores, list property, etc. Owner will show can make good wages. particulars stars: st. POOLROOM Good location; doing dandy Dusmess; owner must Jeave; win sacriiice seil or trade. Call t15 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Grocery and bakery, full set of bakery tools, norse ana wagon. Main y44o. 42 x. 24th st. BAKERY, home restaurant and store build ing, with living rooms, in country village. y-nr casn. oaj. easy, .naerie, 021 Yeon. FOR SALE Tailor, cleaning and pressing snop, suouroan town, clearing average $24 week; no competition. AP 630, Oregonlan. UP-TO-DATE dental office and practice for B&ie at a great sacrince : leaving city on account of sickness. A E 627, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT, Al location, good trade: will accept any fair offer in the next three days, ap 626, uregonian. FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixture; In voice $250; some trade; no agents. Main 181. $350 1ST MTG. Will exchange for rooming house, or what have you 7 Millership. 4a 1 j nam Der 01 commerce. PARTNER wanted for marketing chemical automobile necessities. Box Si, Oakl.ind. Or. GOOD CASH GROCERY Centrally located receipts $65 day; cheap rent; price $1050. can room 010 eweuana Diag. FOR RENT, new garage. 482 Williams ave. about ready, fine location and up to date. Apply owner, aiu Morrison. CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream parlor lor saie cneap oy owner, a t, ure gontan. MILLINERY store at sacrifice if taken by the first of month. Party called from city, have to go. m uy, uregonian. NICE grocery, well located, doing cash business; price $1000; cheap rent. J. B. Ruley Co., J28 Chamber of Commerce. UNDERTAKING AND FURNITURE business for sale. Inquire Undertaken, Woodland, Wash. CONFECTIONERY on Wash. st. ; Just the thing for man and wife or two women; price Is right. Call 615 Swetland bldg. WE LL equipped meat market, doing about $2500 business per 'month, sale or lease. AV Oregonian. GARAGE, fully equipped, clearing $150 mo. Millership, 431 Chamber of Commerce. THREE MORTGAGES for grocery store. Mr. Long. 431 Chamber of Commeroe BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 75-H. P. SAWMILL In operation, fully equipped, and 2 donkey engines, with 164 acres of land and lo.OOO.OOO ft. yellow fir on It. 15.000,000 ft. adjoining can be bought at (1 per 1000 stumpage. Land when logged off will make good dairy farm. Shipping at present by rail and water all Xo. 2 and better, selling balance -to local trade. Will trade for city or farm property. KREBS-LOGUS CO.. 110 TENTH ST. PITTOCK BLOCK). FOR SALE, the formula and business of th Frultola Company, formerly of Portland; a good paying business that can be car ried on with a small capital. Anyone in terested can write me at Albany, Or., c meet me at the Oregon Hotel in Portland Sunday or Monday, the 26th or 2ith. J. J. Barrett, administrator. A RELIABLE manufacturer wants general sales manager to establish office and man age salesmen; liberal contract: ?3o0 to $7o0 capital necessary; money-makin possibllkies unlimited; will pay expenses to Chicago If vou are man we want. Sec retary, 101 2 Republic bldg.. Chicago. FOR SALE or exchange, grocery and bakery', IO minutes' walk to Courthouse; value- $11,000, including property, busi ness, stock, furniture, piano, auto, rough mixer and all tools, two buildings; for sale or trade for improved Ohio or Mich igan property. M 0-26, Oregonlan. LIGHT MANUFACTURING Have opening for an energetic man in a growing busi ness; requires a small investment, which will be secured, and can clear $5 day, and owner agrees to teoch you the busi ness. Call room 32 Morgan bldg SODA PLANT FOR SALE Located In city of 12,000; well-established business; fully equipped; latest machinery complete; auto truck; exclusive bottler's right for Hires and Coca Cola. Owner "wishes to retire. Write Gray, McLean & Percy, Portland. Or. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established ' real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL. Sec'y, 202 Henry Hide. FOR RENT Own two store buildings and residences in two country town. Either or both towns are good locations for business for a live merchant. If you are looking for a business location write- the owner. N. Selig. FalU City, Or. AN ENGINEER with a record for successful industrial and business development de sires partner with capital. Prefer one with selling and executive ability, but will ac cept silent partner. Your most searching investigation is invited. B 632. Oregonian. WANTED An Idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent 7 protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth; write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent." Randolph & Co., Dept. S80, Washington. D. C. COME IN. GET ACQUAINTED. Tell me your wants. I have stores, rooming and apL-houses, hotels, cleaning and dyeing; ALL KINDS. MASTERS. 607 PITTOCK BLOCK. PARTNER wanted for an old-established office business; experience not necsseary beyond ability toneet customers and show them places listed for sale, etc.; will pay good profits to energetic man. Particu lars room 320 Morgan uldg. PATENTS Write for list of patent buyers and inventions wanted; $1,000,000 in prizes offered for inventions. Send sketch for free opinion as to patentability; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans Jk Co., 642 Ninth. Washington, D. C. WILL sell my own cigar, tobacco, magazine. confectionery, ice cream, iruit ana uu fountain business ; long established, long lease, lent reasonable, good location, hlgn class, ulgnified and weighted with value. V M6, Uregonian. CONFECTIONERY. LUNCHES. ETC. A splendid cash business lor man and wile; can easily clear $ 1O0 month after all your expenses are paid, and open to your closest investigation. Call room 321) Mor gan bldg. $1800 TAKES STOCK, FIXTURES. Lot and building, 4 living-rooms, located near school and good residence district. Terms. Would take some Montana prop erty. MASTERS, 607 PITTOCK BLOCK. WANTED Parties to take over sawmill proposition located in S. w. Washington; tn limited timber and good shipping facili ties; big local trade. Address AV 210. Oregonian. HOTEL West Side, near Courthouse, doing good buslnecs; value $0000; will exchange for city or farm property. See Mr. Blu menthal. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON JUST the place for man and wife; $50 buys H Interest in A-l restaurant; up-to-date equipment, cheap rent; party to be man aver; no loaiers wanted. Call Broadway 8. GENERAL store for sale at 90c on the dol lar; been established for 17 years; want to retire; stock invoice about $20,00; located in prosperous dairy country. Address AV 973, Oregon is n. A SOLID GROCERY Rare opening for en ergetic man; don t need to invest one dol lar until you are sure the sales average $90 day and good profits. Cull room 32U Morgan bldg. PROSPEROUS weekly; only paper in best town 01 jwo people in eastern Uregon; business, grosses about $3600; nets about $2500 a year; price $2O0O (half its real value); no terms. Box 0, Joseph, Or. LIGHT manufacturing; have opening for energetic man; can clear $5 day; requires very little money, which will be secured, and owner agrees to teach you the busi ness. Call 329 Morgan bldg. ONLY confectionery in live town of 1800; tmitioiisuea ia years ; owner w lanes to retire; sacrifice for cash or will trade for property not -requiring attention. "E 631, Oregonlan. CASH STORE Have opening for energetic man, satisfied to make $25 week; will be some outside work and very little money is required. Call room 329 Mor gan bldg. CAWH GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN. Apt.-house district, West Side. Will invoice. MASTERS. 607 PITTOCK BLOCK. $550. Good country store, doing good cash business; near school; good living-rooms; rent $10. AV 203, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Grocery, confectionery and res taurant doinK a nice cash business in a booming town across from blc school Col- umbia 180, . 8-ROOM modern home with garage, walk ing distance; bargain at $tV0; will trade for a stock of men's clothing, shoes or furnishings; information 221 Morrison st. FOR SALE Saloon, most desirable location and business in Honolulu. Owner wishes to retire. Terms cash. Jas. E "Thompson. Bethel st.. Honolulu. T. H. FOR SALE Best small bakery In the city. Good business, well established, cheap rent, close In, West Side. G 608 Orego nlan. $MH Grocery; sai $30 per day; all cash trade; Washington-street location; rent $20 per month. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. IRUG BTORE -Popular store in good dis trlct; expenses light: chance to get 1 iiuiiiey-maKinK ousiness right; owner wisnes to retire. Alain 0276. $1800 CASH buys long-established grocery ui'BiiiesB. Bin a 11 expense; no rent; near targe scnooi; comrortaoie living rooms; an easy living. 6S3 Powell st.. Portland. TAILOR shop for sale - cheao on nrrmmt my health; good location for tailoring and viuLuiug. .t.. Aiuer Bl. $175 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. LI vjng-rooms. West Side ; rent $S MASTERS, 607 PITTOCK BLOCK. $100 will buy exclusive business, guaranteed to pay ho per cent; bright woman can handle as well as man. 6o3 Panama bldg. h OR SALE 2-chalr barber shop working 2 men; pays wen; price $100; fine location. N 5y0, Oregonlan. wiiii ai i ul,u nu 10 ana 200 you can get Into business that pays. B 634, Orego nian. BARGAIN Fully equipped market, $oo casn, or traae xor real estate. AV 218 Oregorlan. CIGAR, confectionery, poolhall; fine loe tiort; good business; for clear lot and casn. fenwooa .soo. . ONE of the oldest and best established clean ins and pressing shops in the city, cheap 101 casn. An o, uregonian. FOR SALE Boarding-house, doine fine busi ' ness; will bear Investigation, For particu lars pnone a iuoj.. 2-CH A.TR barber shop, furniture of 4 rooms, garden, fruit, berries, cheap rent; a bar gain. Call 736 Alberta st. $173 CASH, light groceries, lunches, con fectionery, 2 furnished living-rooms, rent $XO 1802 K. 11th st. Sellwood 213. PARTNER wanted at once, restaurant and delicatessen, half share $65. 734 Alberta street. RESTAURANT for sale or trade. What have you? De Rose. 04 E. 79th st. Tabor 62(. FOR SALE Pool hall, fine location, doing good business, hws Aioerta st. FOR SALE Bakery fixtures, good location, cheap rent. Box IRS Vader. Or. CLEANING, pressing business; long est. ; fine location, Phone woooiawn 2422: BAKERY for rent, fully equipped, old estab lished. 340 Front, near Auditorium.' BARBER rent $10. ihop with housekeeping rooms; 1415 vwinams ave. FOR SALE 3-hair barber shop, hotel shop; terms. w, r. fttewari, niiisooro, .ir. CONFECTIONERY, 9-room house, transfer point; part trad. Owner. 214 I nion N. PAYING restauianron Third tt., near new Auditorium. HQ Oregonian BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WAX SPECIAL SERVICE. 312-814 Fenton Bldg. We offer today these personally In vestigated propositions -which we guar antee to n as represented. They are real xnony-makers: , Auto garage, repair shop and acces sories, good town of ll.OOo, actually doing about $2250 monthly lusiness; illness com pells owner to sell;' $1750 cash, balance eay term; no trades. $2000 takes the best subnrban grocery we have ever Investigated ; now doing $1400 monthly business; high-class, paying trade; all cash, no grades. $900 cash, $S0O balance on easy terms; meat market; only one In good Valley town ; thm includes building and all con tents. - , PASSENGER AND FREIGHT BOAT. BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. Carries 300 passengers, besides freight. Capacity is 125 tons. 151 feet long. First class machinery. Including electric light plant. Upper part of boat all new. Hull in good condition. Oil burner. Cost $60, 000. WILL SELL FOR $7500. See pic ture at my office. F. FULTON. 621 Teon bldg. BARBERS, ATTENTION. Have the most attractive opening in the West; $1200 can buy you $1800 worth of furniture and equipment and an old estab lished going business netting over $200 per month. Let's show you. BADLEY, 621 Yeon Bldg. PERISCOPE. THE SUBMARINE'S EYE. Lateet and most novel show attraction; Interests young and old alike; exclusive territory assigned to purchasers; an oppor tunity to do a nice business with small Investment. Phone Tabor 3588 Sunday from 10 to - for appointment and demonstration. , $150 PER MONTH NET. On nice, clean, dignified business In North Yakima, Washington; no special knowledge required; old established ousi ness; $2500 will handle it, part down. BADLEY, 621 Yeon Bldg. BAKERY for sale in a good Valley town of 1000; a good location and a good ter ritory to draw from; only one in town and can be had for a little money, as I want to go East; just the place for a good DBKer witn little ca.pii.ai. sn.ii dress Jerry P. Shea. Mt. Angel, Or. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. Good hotel business in orosoerous Bend. Or., for $700; everything full; clear profit never less than $150 per month. Owner must quit Immediately. LUEDDEMAXX COMPANY, ? 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE LANTERN SLIDES, SCEXIC, COMIC. FIVE CENTS EACH. StT UHCH ESTRA BELLS, PROFESSIOXAL MOV ING PICTURE CAMERA. VOIGTLAN- DER LENS. RELIABLE. 66 BROAD WAY. MAN with $5000 cash for interest In local mfg. company, inc., and take office of secretary-treasurer; proven staple article; no competition and big demand. Answer in own handwriting. References t changed. AF 633, Oregonlan. MINING engineer (graduate Columbl School of Mines), just returned from Southern Oregon; have option on valuable placer ground, partly equipped ; want In dividual or company to finance for 55 per .cent interest. AL. 627, uregonian. $20,000 buys a Interest In a business clearing over $23,000 per year. This is one of the best propositions in the state. Party wanted who can devote hl time. Ad dress AD 600, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH SHOP. Well-equipped shop in good outside Ore gon town and 6-room house, on good-sized piece of ground. price $ou. iomg about $3000 business every year. F. FULTON. 021 Yeon bldg. OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERIENCED GROCERY MAN with $1100 in cash. Call in and talk it over. Columbia Realty In vestment Company, 017 Board of Trade Diag, BAKERY doing fine trade; good delivery and equipment for baking, Dutch oven; reason, disagreement of partners; $5oO any kind of reasonable terms If taken im mediately. Houlton Bakery, iriouiton. or, $4504) AXD services takes 1 -8 Interest; have plant ana equipment; witn neip ana capi tal. money-maker; money secured; invest! gate. Owner, AM 630, Oregonian. PARTNER with small means to open photo studio in heart of city ; experience not essential; will give references. AC 637, Oregonian. EGG and dairy products route In connection with store, good location, compact route Call Woodlawn 135 for further informa tion. MOVING PICTURE ROAD SHOWS OUT FITTED : FEATl RE FILMS FOR SALE OPERATING TAUGHT. RELIABLE. 66 BROADWAY. TAILOR SHOP for men and ladles in con nection cleaning and pressing ; good busi ness. Sell for half what should get. T Oregonian. BLACKSMITH shop. home. everything cheap: must sell. Marshall 5448. 002 De- kum bldg. ONE of the best butter stores on market cheap if taken at once. Owner, 271 Yam hill. v a I'U A KLK invention for sale, lease or royalty covering auto brakes. Ltndhorst, 701 Central bldg.. Seattle. DON'T WORRY. We can sell, trade or buy anvthlng. MILLERSHIP, 431 CHAM. OF COM. PARTNER for brokerage business; splendid proposition for the right man. lership, 431 Chamber Commerce. See MLU BARGAIN In restaurant and delicatessen on Washington st. Owner will sacrifice. Call 248 Stark st. 4-KEEL feature, starring Henry WalthaH also 2 -reel cnariie tnapnn; sood oppor tunity for road work. K 032, Oregonian CHANCE of lifetime for man with money the only business of its kind in county Mg money. 420 Main st. Call for Mr. B. 3 MORTGAGES for grocery store. Mr. Long, 4S1 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. I WANT to buy an automobile garage will put in some money for an interest in same. Address me at AK 60, Ore gonian. WE buy stocks of shoes, clothing, dry goods. groceries, hardware, etc., in small or large lots. 131-133 4th. Main 2V57. WANTED To buy an abstract business. Wrrite A. E. Saxey, 550 W. Grand ave., Pomona. Cal., giving particulars. WILL buy gen. mdse. business, good rural location preferred : give location and fui particulars. Address AV 235, Oregonian. WANTED A general stock of merchandise irom $10,000 to sto.ow. J. E. rarnnam, Pixley. Cal. WANTED Newspaper and lob plant; giv. full particulars, lowest cash price or terms. s ejy, uregonian. al A - ana wire, reliable, wish to rent or manage completely furnished hotel, city or country. i'non j 201 YOUNG woman wants to purchase half In terest in established small business; state particulars. II t33, Oregonlan. WE buy general merchandise or shoe stocks, any size; cash. D 302, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. CASH OR TRADE. H. K. APARTMENTS, HOTELS. ROOMING-HOUSES. MASTERS. 607 PITTOCK BLOCK. CASH OR TRADE. One and two-room housekeeping, steam heat, electric light, no furnace, heat and water included in rent; no commission ; must be sold. Owner, T 633, Oregonian. HAVE 12 rooms of fine furniture, good lo cation, full of roomers, cheap rent ; wii: trade for apartment-house, 2-" to 40 rooms. Will assume or pay cash difference. 163 W. Park st. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 524 N W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. DO you want & fine home and $35 be sides? Reasons for selling. See the house and vou 11 buy. Inquire at 123 14th. cor. Wash. 14 COMPLETELY furnished H. K. rooms, all full, cheap rent, good location : fur nace hat. nlcn yard; best bargain for cash. Main 4985. 14 ROOMS of high-grade furniture; water in rooms, piano and sewing machine in cluded: modern house, cheap rent; $430 for quick sale. Call 163 14 W. Park st. T.3-ROOM APT. -HOUSE." WEST SIDE. One of the beet locations. Terms. MASTERS, COT PITTOCK BLOCK. FOR RENT or sale; furnished rooming house, centrally located; Astoria, Or. D. H. Welch, Astoria. FU RN ITURE in ft-room house; possession; terms: rent $12.30; tion. Marshall 2763. $50 gives good loca- BEST chance for hotel opening In Washing ton; will sell an interest or whole, H. L S.. rare Hotel Centralia, Centraii a. Wash. GOOD-PAYING hotel for sale or trade. For Information write P. O. box 76. Cherry Grove, Or. HOTEl, FOR FIRST MORTGAGE. Will trade i0 rooms, first class. MASTERS. 607 PITTOCK! BLOCK. HAVE 2S and 36-room roomlng-houes downtown. Will trade for house and lot. Call lOtS W. Park st. , $500 MORTGAGE for dce-ln rooming house. Mr, .Long. 431 Chamber of Com. ROOMlNXi-HOL'SES. HOTEL BARGAIN. 65 ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. INCOME ;00 PER MONTH RENT $175. MODERN BUILDING. WEST SIDE. PRICE OF FURNISHINGS $350O. $15H CAjSH. BALANCE TO SUIT. R1TTE R, LOW BADE FO REST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. 15 ROOMS, all newly furnished; lovely lo- cction, large yara witn roses ana nmue trees; this must be sold regardless of price ; owner has other business which requires all his time; worth $700; will sac riiice for $375. terms or discount for cash; you must at quick. Call bS loth. APARTMENT-HOUSE SACRIFICE. 16 2 and 3-room apartments, good fur niture, hot and cold water; cheap rent: few minutes walk from P. O. ; sold for SI60O five months ago; for quick action, $700; f350 will handle. See HALL. 512-13 Panama Bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL FOR SALE BY OWNER. Doing a business of $100 per day; write us; investigate: a full report will be furnished upon request. Address AV 211, Oregonian. IS ROOMS. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED. too Casn nanaies it; mis is mouuj m a king board-house, doing a business of $4O0 per month; rent $70; beat, water and all repairs Included. Mr. De For est, 207 Board o f Trad e bid g. $300 MORTGAGE for close-In roomlng- nouse. Mr. uong, -i;si . tnamoer 01 "LOST AND FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, j-.ignx Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the 1st and Alder-st. station, Marshall 6100, A 6131: May 25 14 umbrellas, 1 pennant, 2 books, 2 lunch boexs, 2 purses, 1 leather bag. 2 baskets. 1 brass roller. 0 packages, 1 flashlight, 3 grips. 1 thimble, 1 can oil, 1 pin. .FOLLOWING articles were found on tne cars of the Portland Railway, J-igni Power Company and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station: Marshall 6100. A 6131: May 6 4 umbrellas, 2 lunch boxes, baby shoe, 11 packages, book car tickets, 2 books, purse, hand grip, eyeglass case, ball glove, grip, mug, tnimble. NIGHT MAN Reward requested in letter paid, no Questions asked if mortgages taken May IS from North 10th st are re turned to party who lost same. AO 627. Oregonlan. LOST An abstract of title to land in Klickitat County, Wash. Finder piease end to American National Bank, HUla boro. Or., and receive reward. LOST In Portland Monday, envelope con taining checks Finder return to l-aua rffc Tllton Bonk or notify Aaron Fox, Trout dale, and receive reward. PEA EL and platinum pin, basket shape, lost dp t ween 10 tn ana j onnson and Meier A Frank store. Johnson st. Reward if returned to 61 1 WANTED Information recovery of hunting case watch ; lettering E. D. S." ; goiu chain, with Royal Arch charm; reward. J 625. Oregonian. STRAYED Friday evening, from SSth and Thompson sis., Drownisn rea t-ersian wi, $3 reward for return or information lead ing to return, 4S0 East 3Sth gt. North. LOST d-ady's gold Elgin watch, hunting case, initials c. X. C, and 100. Piease return to 721 Weldlor or call East 4154. Reward. irisT PiirM twn S5 void niecea some ftll ver, pair gold-rlmmea glasses, on xamniii at 2d. Call Tabor f2. POT;nt Pocketbook with money. Owner call and prove property, pay ior au. uoo Hawthorne. Alex arbasrt. LOST Thundav nicht. near Helllg The ater, string of pearl beads, liewara. iast SHOO. l.nsT vunrLt Vindba. contain Ins $7 end jewelry, in Public Market Saturday. May 2; rewarn. ijnone tniwonn m-h. . LOST R. R. ticket to Watertown, Maes. Phone Tabor 5170. Reward LOST Friday, a pearl and emerald pin; reward $3. Phone East 4456. SPECIAL NOTICK- XropoMala Invited. X THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT UF UREGON. In the matter of Ida Beston, bankrupt. Notice U hereby itiven that the under signed, temporary receiver of the above nritifd estate, will receive sealed bids for all of the millinery goods, finding and f if t intra of tttn lnVntOrV ValUB OI siiiM. 12 and fixtures In the sum of $210 at the office of A. M. Cannon. Referee in RankruDtcv. 36 Northwestern Bank building. Portland. Oregon, at the hour of 12 o'clock M. on the lst day of May, A. D. 1016. Said stock and fixtures may be inspected at 355 Morrison stret. Port- lann, Oregon, and tne inventory conuu-u nt thA nffie of thn undersigned. 011 Fen ton bul'ding. Portland, Oregon. All bids mitut h nn-nmnanietl hv a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount offered. The rieht is reserved to reject any and all bids submitted. H. W. SITTON Temporary Receiver. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 27th day of May, 1916J STATE OF OREGON. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. The Oregon State Board of Control will receive sealed bids on June 15. 1116, at 2 P. M.. for furnishing supplies to the various state' institutions; consisting of dry goods, clothing, furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, paints, oils, stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc., for the semi-annual period ending De cember 31. 1016 Specifications and schedules will be furnished upon applica tion to the Secretary at Salem, uregon, also from the Industries and Manufactures Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of the whole amount of bid, payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, to be held as a guarantee of the faithful per formance of the contract. The Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. GOODWIN. Secretary. OREGON STATE BOARD fF CONTROL. BIDS FOR JETTY CONSTRUCTION. The Port of Umpqua of Gardiner, Or , Invite sealed bids for the construction of a north Jetty at the mouth of the Umpqua River; said jetty to be built strictly in ac cordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file with the secretary of the Port of Umpqua. Gardiner, Or.; bids to be opened at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of said port at Gardiner. Or., July 3. 1916. at 8 o'clock P. M.; each bid to be accompanied by a certified check of $2300 as an assurance that the bidder will enter into a format contract with bonds as may be required. The Port reserves the right to reject any or U bids. Dated at Gardiner, Or., this 16th day of May. 1U16. PORT OP UMPQUA. By J. P. Christie, See. FINANCIAL, QUICK LOAN SERVICE. $200,000 CASH READY. $2C0 TO $.")0oi ON FIRST MORTGAGE. 7-S PER CENT; WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY! LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. EQUITIES IN ESTATES, ETC., UPON LIBERAL TERMS. " IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US T5P. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., 200 SELLING BLDG. IF you own Butte property, let us handle your rentals; we can also loan your money at the highest rate of interest with best security; references Silver Bow National Bank. Sarles & Girroir, 336 IMioentx bldg. REQUIRE small capital to develop hone mine on my land, dust from which has proved by test to be an excellent polish for precious metals. Have good propo sition to offer. Address E. F. C. Wil lard. Wash. WILL exchange my one-half life Interest in improved $60,000 Portland property for bonded monthly Income; needs one to co operate in active management; well lo cated. AG 631, Oregonian. " MONEY LOANED. 4 Residence property 6 to 8 Pr cent. Business property 6 to 6 per cent. Farm property 7 to 8 per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 71 t Pittock blk. We buy mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BONO & MORTGAGE CO., bO 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. WE Pfly the highest cash price for com mercial paper and securities. Main 1242. 2i'2 McKay bldg. Home Installment Co. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's Interest in contracts purchased ; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE Mortgage, $2300. on $3000 Pied mont home, 7 Ptr cent. 3 years. Phone Woodlawn 294. MORTGAGE !oann. notes, contracts, mtga Lewis A Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. purcnasea. $1000 TO loan at 7 per cent; city or coun try property. Whalley, 512 McKay bldg. ACCOMMODATION loans made on first elas securities. CIS Pittock block. Stocks and KodIm. BANK stock for sale cheap, below par; act quick ; I must have money. Tabor I64. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE WANS, 6 LOUIS .SALOMON A and CO.. PER CENT. ::oo oak st. HAVE $600 and No agents. G $1000 to loan at 634. Oregonian. 7 per cent. MO RTGAGE LOANS, Improved city erty. and 7 per csnt East 632$, KIAXCLU Money to Loan on Real fctt. OUR METHOD OF ASSISTING YOU FINANCIALLY IS UNSURPASSED. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BE REPAID ON MONTHLY BASIS IF YOU NEED. AND WILL TAKE A LIFE IN SURANCE 1VLICY THROUGH US (IN KlftST-CLASS. ULD-LINE COMPANIES) AND THE FIRST YEARS PREMIUM IS PAID BY US. WE CHARGE O.N L 1" 7 PER CENT. B. & P. SECURITIES CO.. 2u SELLING BLDG. OUR i-Ttailment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 30 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 :or 00 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes, EQUITABLE SAV GS & LOAN ASSN"., 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. r$10.00O TO LOAN, AND 8 PER CENT. (NO ATTORNEY FEE.) NO DELAY. CITY OR FARM. WILL DIVIDE AMOUNTS OVER $500. ADDRESS OWNER, C. EPPINGER. 1CK BOX 222. . PO RTLA N D. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6H. Any amount from $1500 up at this low rate on good residence property. Prompt action and attractive terms to borrower. CLARK. KENDALL & CO., 206-206 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 143. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANK MAKES MORTGAGE LOANS ON improved City Property. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Sixth and Morrison Sts. w , MONEY TO LOAN 2??tt fMPROVEU REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO.. 202 Stevens Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL & CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A -41 18. MORTGAGE LOAN. Any amount on improved city and farm property; will consider good build ing loans. mr THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, M. 61M5. 171 4th St. A 2815. GOOD supply of money to loan on Improved Portland realty at 6 to 7 per cent. Farm loans 7 and S per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d St., near Stark. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS Has money to loan on Improved city and farm properties. OLIVER K. JEFFERY. Pre TO LOAN $500. $S0O. $1000, $1200, $1500, $20oo, $2000 and $3o0o on Improved city property at 7 per cent. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. Portland property or valley farm loans. Make low rates on good security. H. L. ARCH ER, 404 Northwestern Bk. bldg. iH AND 7 PER CENT MONEY for farm and city loans; no delays; no commis sions. The Devereaux Mortgage Company, 607 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. MORTGAGE LOANS WANTED. $6000. at 6U, Irvlngton residence. $5uoo at 7, West Side residence. SM ITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange. WOULD like to make few loans on good Portland property or valley farms; will make low raw; money now available. H L. Archer, 404 Northwestern Bank bldg. $200. $50O. $ 1 5X TO LO AN; $ 20O0 ; easj terms. Evans & Co., 2 06 Ger linger bldg. 2d and Alder. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. 60 4th st.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LO A N S IN ANY A MO U N T UKKUU.N INV. 6t MORTGAGE CO.. INC., Stock Exchange bldg., ad and Yamhill. $70,000 PRIVATE funds for well improved Portland property or going farm at 6 per t. vr 1 pr ceii 1. u o 1. uregonian. SE E us today for loans on improved clt property, o to per cent; $200 and "rI'nrs-Mui ton Co., b25 Yeon bldg. 500 FIRST time; will Oregonian. mortgage, well secured, short give liberal discount. AL 000. mon E 1 to loan on cit y or farm PROPERTY. WILL CALL IK INTEREST ED. Pnone Tabor 262t. FARM MONEY I have money to loan ou pood improved farms; amounts from $2300 up. A F 63. Uregonian. $200 OR part; must be first-class real es tate security ; 7 per cent; private money. 1 620. Orespnian. ISi M k L'lAT E LOANS, any amount city, farms, low interest. Dubois, 723 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE First mortgage, $,"Vo, 7 cent, on land near city; big discount. lewi hldg. per 410 $100,000 farms AT 7 per cent on choice Oregon or city property : fire insurance. M'KENZIB & CO.. 615 Gerllnger bldg. UNLIMITED Eastern funds, 5 to 7 per cent, citv and farm property POOLE Y A CO., 312 Board of Trade Bldg. $2'Mk TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rate. W. G. Beck, 314-313-316 Falling bldg. Phone Main 3107 WE BUY BONDS AND MORTGAGES. OREGON INVESTMENT Ac MTG CO.. Suite 2Q2. 170 Third St. $3600 TO loan at 7 per cent on good real estate security; private money no com mlsHlon. P 627, Oregonian. $1000 AND $3000 to loarTon improved prop erty. Call Broadway 401. $200. $3r.O. $!H)0, German & Co., ' $120o, $lsoo. Fred W. 32 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN, $3500 or less, improved cily or farm property. AP 218, Oregonlan. MONEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W H. Seitz. 310 Spalding. Main 6:S4. MONEY to loan at 7 per cent, city or farm F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. MONKY for medium-sized loans, private funds. 7 and 8 per rent. Main 3 033. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding, 313 Chamber of Commerce. $uOO UP TO $4010 to loan on city property or farm or acreage. Tabor 400. $200, $3M, $lon, EASY TERMS; mortgages bought. Evans & Co., 2Qt Gerllnger bldg. $10O0. $1500 and upwards to loan; no cim- mission. Deshon & Hawk. Main 1166. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. -24 Cham, of Com. Money to Loun Chattels and Salaries. SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motorcycles, automobiles, diamonds, storage receipts, etc. t33 loans pay bark $ 3.30 per month 50 loans pay back $ 5.0O per month $ 73 loans pay back $ 7.50 per month $1m loans pay back $10.o per month $2w loans pay back $2n.oo per month $300 loans pay Lack $25.00 per mouth With interest at legal rates. Loans can be paid up at any time. No delay; all business strictly confidential. Licensed by state. Both phones. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 311 Dekum, 3d and Washington. LEGAL R ATE3 on household goods; no brokerage or commission charges; state license. Geo. Uarvel. Phone East 1173. MONEY th. loan on diamonds. Jewelrv, legal rate; all articles held 1 yr. ; established since 1SSS. Du n Ma rx , gs3 Washington. Loans Wanted. WANT 5ouo private money for term of years, tirst-class realty security; pay no . commission. AH 62!, Oregonian. WANT $3."."0 five ears at 6 per cent on firnt mortgage; property worth $13,u00. C 2ti, Oregonian. WANTED A $2000 loan on a gilt-edge Hawthorne ave. Income; uo commission. Tabor 3111. WANTED $1000 first mortgas-e. 7 per cent, no commission; first-class risk; city home. AD 62. Oregonian. WANT $254)0. S-room modern house, large corner lot. garage, close In, East Bide BF tW. Oregonian. WANT $30nn. 7 per cent, serurltv value, 12.O00. 1171 Minnesota ave. Phone Wood lawn 2437. . WANTED $6K, corner on Willamette- blvd. Zella Gossett. 7 West Killings worth ave, WANT $1400 on Al security. Est Side, 15 minutes out. BD 637. Oregonian. $2650. MODERN Alameda homo, from pri vate party, 7 per cent. O 621. Oregonian. $80O ON MODERN bungalow at 8 per cent; no agents. G good inca t ion, Ui 3 , Oregonian. $14O0, 8 per cent, on new, modern bungalow, from principal. E ant 632K. WANTED, from a private party, a loan of $10to, best of security. C 6:;.1, Oregonian. $1000 WANTED on 5-aere home. 3 years, value $3000. L 507, Oregonian. TRADE 20 acrea for a modern boarding or rooming-house. Main 833 1. WANTED $20 Joan, good security. Glv p hone. M 5!' 5. O re g o n i a n . $30O. 3 TRS 8 pr rent. Olympia property, viue 10.ioo. K 6:t3. Oregonian. WANT $ 1 3ou on business corner and store worth $50o0. BD 636. Oregonlan. WANT $2250. 7 no brokernge. per AD n. on "rootn house; tl.i.S. Orononian. WANT $150o Wan, improved rl t y property : ao brokerage; owner. AD 63a Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. Lottos Wanted. $6500 On ISo-acre dairy ranch, situated on Columbia Highway. Columbia Coun ty; loo clear; house, barn and outbuildings; first mortgage, 8 per ctrtt; value $20.00o. 2o2 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. Marshall 205. $2200 On 6oxlut pressed brick modern. bungalow worth $550O; first mort gage, 6 per cent. 2u2 tock Ex- change bide, 3d and Yamhill sta. Marshall 1V5. $1200 On first mortgage. 8 per cent, full lot. double flat, on 21st, near Di vision ; valuo $35M). 202 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill fets. Marshall 205. $1000 On section of timber near Tilla mook, carrying 26,000, 00u feet of first-t-rowth timber valued at $5O,0 o; first mortgage. S per cent. OREGON INVESTMENT MTG E. CO., Marshall 205. B. LEE PAGET. $12,000 at 7 per cent 6-room East Port land house. $2O0o at 8 per cent S-roora strictly modern Mt. Tabor residence $3500 at 7 per cent 10ix:oo-foot business corner and two-story building $S0OO at 7 per cent 1200-acre ranch in Yamhill County . B. LEE PAGET. Main 235V. 304 Falllnar Bldg. MORTGAGE FOR SALE. $6?50 first mortgage on tine dairy farm of 215 acres on Columbia River, on paved highway: value of farm $13,000; owned by reliable party; interest alwavs paid promptly; mortgage due March lo-l2l; will give new morteage direct if wanted. For further particulars write Lock Box 15H. Vamhtll, Or. . THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS Alwajs has good applications for loans on file. OLIVER K. JEFFERY. Pre. Marshall 3718. A 6201. Northwestern Bank Building. CHOICE MORTGAGE LOAN APPLICA TIONS First-class securltv, 7 and Se, OREGON i.W. Ac MORTGAGE CO.. INC., Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sU. MARSHALL 25. A 4144. WANTED Loan $1400 for 5 years at 4 per cent on w et Side property that is worth today $10,000: income from this property is $.0 monthly; will pay no brokers' fees. 63o. Oregonian. IF,you have ;in0 to $1000 to loan at 8 to 1V Per cent on good first mortgages, let ue know. We have a number of applications, toe A. Mc Ken 11 a & Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce. 2..00 WANTED at S per cent. 3 vears. on - houses, one occupied bv owner, other rented; six lots, near carhoune-; are mod ern ; full ins. ; good title. AD 634 Ore gonian. 200 ON MODERN HOUSE OF 0 ROOMS. FURNACE H EAT, OCCUPIED BY OWN ER; EOT 5xH0; I CATE l IN HFT HT OP RO-E CITY PARK; WANT PKI ATE MONEY. AD WO. OREGONIAN IF YOU HAVE money to loan, any amount, on good real estate, we can place It with out expense to you at 7 and 8 per cent. anduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Com. WANTED To borrow $;ooO tor 3 years, 7 per cent, on good modern income city pioperty valued over $U.o0O. Wm. C. Mc Clure. 414 Failing bldg. WANTED Loan $20O on good West Sld property, unincumbered and Improved vlue $12.0o: no bonus; win pay 6 per cnt. AH 625, Oregonian. $2-.oot LOAN at 7 per cent, first mortgage on $75.0m highly Improved Valley farm. KRELtS-LOGUS COMPWY 110 IOTH ST IP1TTUCK BLOCK). $;' WANTED at 8 per cent on Woodlawn More bulldlnsr valued at $6300. Hammond Mortgage Company. 424 Cham, of Com. FROM principal, J400. personal security; repay monthly installments. A J 626, Ore- WANTED $;r.OO on Improved income city . property; will pay S per cent. AJ 623. Urt-nontan. WANT $1S0O at 7 per cent on my own home slue $4 on: no brokers. Call Mr. Lowe! Marshall 6140. $3ihi Fl R.ST MORTGAGE. 7 per cent, gilt r" reai estate; wiii discount 10 per cent- Main lArt. WANT $I0o0 on a by owner. 720 Main 1161. modern home occupied. Cham, of Com. bldg. 1 WANT $r.ooo on well -improved corner; Income, $100; value $14.Uo. Call at 720 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 1166. WANTED $2."m at erty, valuo $6000. 8 per cent, city prop F. Kucha, 420 C of C PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch. 2 sen ll.M 24-iuch wavy switch, 3 sep 1.0ii All-around transformation .......... 1.4Jt Hairdressing, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 23c Hair re moved by electric neediu, switch made of combings, DOc We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 4O0-412 DeUum bldg., 3d and Washiugtou. Marshall 1702. INFORMATION wanted by" his mother of William Frelmaun born in Hamburg, lOoo. landed in Portland, Or., 1W12 on German sailboat Ostterbeck; last heard uf was In employ of butcher; anyone knowing his whereabouts piease notify his anxious mother. M. M.. care E. Winter. 210 West 14oth st.. New York. OIU3GOX HERNIA INSTITUTE Invites all rupture sufferers 10 call or write; special appliances lor individual re quirements. We bear the highest testi monial in America. Advice free. JOHNSON di UMBARGAR. Rupture Specialists, 411-412 Alisky Bldg., Portland. Or. MEN, are you weak or nervous? If o. don't waist timo and mony drugging yourself. Our marvelous combination nerve treat ment ia new and different; restores vigor and vitality. Guaranteed harmless. 1 n d urged by eminent ttpei-ia lists. Write now lor free particulars to Universal v itallty Co., Dept. 6, Box 3-6, Seattle, Wash. NLKSE who has attractive home on Powell Valley road, at Pleasant Home, will care f or invalid?, convalescent, elderly peo ple : large rooms; Jersey milk, fresh egKs, egetables, fruit in sua son ; best of care, reasonable. I 'hone Oresham 27 X 2. Gresh -am Or., R. 2. Box 74. Mrs. I. M. Th-omas. FEB VET & HAXEBL'T. leading wig and loupe makers ; finest stock h uman hair goods; ha lrd resiling, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combines mauo up to or der. 147 Broadway. Main 546. SI" PE R KLl'OPS hair, molts, etr., pcrma . iiontly removed, electric needle; estab lished TMG: piiyMi-jun'H ret elenee!. Spe IrVittUst ' lady ). 105 4th nt., corner Mor rison, room 22. Phone Marshall Ui4 3. UE6TO promptly relieves all forms of dys pepsia, heart burn, bloating, indigestion, acid fermentation and pain existing after ea tin jr. For ale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy, cor. 6th and Morrison. REV. MRS. J. C SEHORI. many years be fore tiie public, teaches business truth, health ; satisfaction guaran: eed ; circles every nipht at 8. 5-10 Taylor. Mar. 2674. SEND your birth date, also 10c stamps, for my new book, "Success ami lluw At tained." S. S. League, box 116, Los An (celef. Cal. You may be surprised. 'IK you have common sense have your horoscope cast." quotes Eila Wheeler Wil cox. Adams Astrological School, 350 i Morrison st. Write or call. Beet referents. ELECTRIO BATH CABINET. - White enamel, brass , trimmings, com plete with 4u globes, chair, etc.. $:s3 value for $30. AddretJ G 620, Oregoiiian. toOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual sci entist, 301 Tourney bldic.. 2d and Taylor. Marshall aoiKQuestiuuaVed., 8 P. M. ELECT R fJ" TREATMENT S for poor circula tion, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp, salt baths. 426 flay st. Main a-351 GERMAN TRAINED NURSE gives electria blankets and massage for rheumatism, etc, 256 11th st. Marshail 5033. Open Sunday. tMBRELLAsT all colors and styles; larg-eak stock ro-co verinjis ; new handles put 00. Meredl th's, 31 1 W aalii n g t o n U j7eV fife In elect ric and vibratory treat ments, facial, scalp and manicuring. 417 20 Northwestern Bank bldg. SPIRITUALISM liev. Mary A. Price; circle Tuesday. 2; W ed. and Sun.. 8 P. "M.; read ings daily. 202 Clay. Marshall 360. MRS STEVENS. 24 years In Portland; 20ta century science In palmistry taught; spirit ual readings dally. 375 Taylor st. fc'jTS Cured my daughter, simple discov ery; particulars free. Z. Lepso, m5 island ave!, Milwaukee, Wis. MRS. PCHAPPE teaches spiritual card read ins. GhH 3d st. Phone Marshall 3SH5. MANICURING for ladies aud gtDiItmsn. Room 22. 350 Alder et. NGUvVEGlAN trained nurse, formerly 2-8V 3d. moved to 3uS flat C. Main liHJ. ELLlTRIC treatments for rheumartsin. Room 215, 350 V Morrison St. . BLm"0KFI0 COMPOUND, Royal Tonic T abtets 504 Davis at. Ponc M a 1 n 23'.3. MOLES, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M D. Hilt. 420 Kliedner bldg. Main 34T3. R.O SEN A TAYLOR, masseuse and scaip spe cialist. T60 Park st. Marshall 31.i6, MAY card ANDREW? reading. teaches phrenology and Park st. Main 734. BEST place to- ruy, sell or exchange dia monds. Dtv'J'j. 313 Washington st. MM E. DOI.ORRIAS tearh.es phrenology and card reading daily. 3H7 Yamhill st. MADAME NONA teaches phrenology and card reading daily. 3!5 Yamhill, cor. 10th. MAY IRVIN facial .and seajp treatments. C'.'IH Morrison st.. room 30. SC A LP treatments and champootng. t50 ',i Morrison st. Office 22. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Room 215. 350 Morrison st. KXl'i 'K! i;N'KD -.'-p--J.. f.-alo specialise a:ij 'iia.:.'H 5-W Md. Main :iHiS. sh nin.i, 33c, ft to 6.30t 7v7 Koihcuild, b7U W&sn, at,