, 11 FOR SALE. Motorcycle. Do not Fall to see race at Rose City peed way May 80. Factory riders will be here to compete. WE STILL HAVE A FEW MOTORCYCLES. $25 AND UP. We will give three months' guarantee cn any machine sold. We have several used machines which we have taken In on new ones, consisting of Harleya. Indian, Thor, Dayton. Merkel and Excelsior; all have been thoroughly overhauled and will be sold at sacrifice to move them quickly; 3 months' guar antee. Distributors for Harley-Davldeon motor cycles; tith carload Just received. Largest exclusive dealers in the state. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO. Agents for the Harley-Davidson. Largest Exclusive Motorcycle Dealers in the City. USED MOTORCYCLES. 1915 5 H. P. Indian, kick starter, good as new, (it5. 7 H. P.. iyi Twin Pope, lamp and Prea- to. $110. 1614 9 H. P. two-speed Dayton, fully quipped, Al shape, $165. . . . 1113 H. P. Dayton, equipped, good condition. $115. 7 H P., 114 Excelsior, equipped. $123. A shipment of 1016 4-cylinder Hender sons will arrive Monday. Call and see them. See the Dayton Motor Bike, new 1916 8-speed Dayton now on display. DAYTON" CYCLE CO., 10 Broadway. 1915 2-SPEBD Dayton, like new $185. 1914 Dayton, equipped. $125. 1912 Indian, equipped. $W0. 1914 Reading, single and tandem, $75. 1911 Thor, $25. 1U11 Jefferson, $126. Terms to suit. INDIAN AGENCY, Main 6130. 273 8d St. T-H. P. EXCEPTOR, fully equipped. $85. 4-H. P. FACBLSIOR, $40. 4-H. P. 'LHOR. $jO. 7-H. P. INDIAN. $100. Bargains in used machines of all makes OO easy terms, EAST SIUE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 CJrand Avenue. Agency for HAKLEY-DAVIDSON, FLY ING MERKLE and Miami Power Bicycle. 4-CYLINDER Pope motorcycle in Al repair model 1.- 13, for sale at a bargain. 401 Board of Trade. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE LANTERN SLIDES, SCENIC, COMIC. FIVE CENTS EACH. SET ORCH ESTRA BELLS, PROFESSIONAL MOV ING PICTURE CAMERA. VOIGTLAN DER LENS. RELIABLE, 66 BROAD WAY. BEAUTIFUL 12-foot floor showcase, marble base, heavy plate glass all around: cost originally $150; for sale at a bargain; also three 6-foot cases, one 4-foot floor case, 4-foot cigar caae very cheap. 440 K. Burnside. $75 PORTABLE hotel range, with 22x24 ln. oven. French top, slightly used, 45. $10 cash, S5 monthly. EDWARDS FURNITURE COMPANY, 82 Fifth St., Cor. Oak. f.OMK tn and hear the new wonderful Edi son dJamond-dlBC phonograph; no needles to change; large BtocK jjust received; easy payments. ilyatt Tain lug Aiacmne uo 3a0 Alder. SEWING MACHINES of all makes sold for less ; no agents employed ; old machines taken In exchange; machines rented, $2 per month. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431. A 362H. WILT. ell a. beautiful Oriental ruir 0x6, splendid bargain for cash, or trade for diamond. R. S. Hayes, Seaside, Or., or J 0, uregonlan. shotgun, cost $145; sell for $80; show pat terns of 33U -no, a or ro. o snot. G 622, Oregonian. FOUR National cash registers, one Oliver typewriter. No. 5; counters, shelving and two electric fans, ror sale very cneap. 440 E. Burnside. GARDEN HOSE: 60 feet Goodyear unklnk able "Hippo," i-inch. year old, good for 9; cost new 20c, half price. 36 Kings bury Apts., Mam oi37. $17.50 BUYS nearly new visible typewriter, standard keyboard: if you can use a ma chine do not overlook this. 418 Gregontaa blag. PFANSTIEL. 4-cy Under, vibrating coll in good shape; also S valves for motor smaller than 4x4. Have no use for them. Address Box 374, city. Leave phone No. FOR SALE Showcases, platform scales, steam table, candy furnace, electric fan, cheese cutter, moving picture machine. J-'!J 1st, near Aider. PHONOGRAPH, records, cabinet, auto robe, oriole, canned fruit, empty cans, patent oil can, all for bale at great sacrifice. East 43K4. 44U hi. lotn st. in . 6TEREOPT1CON, with arc light and reo stat; good condition; $12.00. H 626, Oregonian. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. 8-A Special; regular $03.75, will sell for X4i. Main uW4. RACYCLE Pa(emuker, regular $60, scarcely used , condition perfect and looks like new; $2. Phone Tabor 411H5. ONE good cash register, showcases, 1 extra fine large icebox, for sale cheap. 405 E. Burnside. Open all day Sunday. MJW HOME sewing machine, $12; fine or der. 375 E. 47th st. Phone Mon Broad way 2202. TALKING MACHINE, hornless, mahogany rase, $15, with about 20 records. 383 Russell st., Apt. 1. HAVE a large collection of foreign and U. b. used and unused postage stamps to dls pose of. BD 627, Oregonian. IK YOU are looking for an Irving ton home at $3000 less than it cost to build two years ago. call owner Monday. Main OOO. POSTAGE STAMPS bought and sold. 30S McKay bldg., 102 V 3d st. Main 1004 Mar. 3713. TWO meat blocks, . one slicing machine, one eheesecutter, electric coffee mill, for sale at a sacrifice. 440 j. Burnside. DIAMOND r- -K., perfect, fine color, orig inal price $l-o, at bargain. G 32, Ore gonian. OFFICE desk, banker's roll top. sanitary nose, quarter-sawed oiik, o. .Alain oio3 Main 0U.3. $25, $33 AND $43 slightly used talking ma chines, special this week $0. Hyatt Talk ing Aiacnioe jo., ij;v Aiaer. FOR SALE Cabinet for motion picture ef fects, complete, cheap. H. Bateman. 1241 Minnesota ave. Phone Woodlawn 4347. ONE four-section Macey filing case. J15 cash. ED WARDS FURNITURE COMPANY, 82 Fifth St., Cor. Oa k. SACRIFICE diamond ring, value $225, for $135. Stone lively blue-white, lady's set ting. X 6.11. Oregonian. GLASS aquarium, 10x18 Inches, 12 high : also castle and fish. H price. Call at 470 Main St., Mrs. C. G. Sheppard. FOR SALE New Eastman kodak, 6x3 spe cial post card size; Cook lens. AK 640, Oregonian. f 'MOVING picture machines bought, sold, ex changed. repaired. P. Sabo, 351 Wash. UNDERWOOD rotary duplicator, like new, $1S, terms If necessary. Main 3S63 8-A GRAFLIX Good as new, $35. Oregonian. E 634, SNAP $18: electric sweeper-, cost $39; good as new. Call 651 Pittock block. $2.V BUYS complete soda fountain outfit worth $500. AE 029, Oregonian. $300 SODA fountain for sale at a bargain If taken Monday. 440 E. Burnside. $200 REFRIGERATOR for sale. This Is a bargain; $50 takes it. 440 E. Burnside. "WILTON rug. double mahogany desk, table. map, typewriter desk. 2i:s i Henry bldg. COMPLETE sot mahogany office furniture; cost $325; for $160. 520 Selling bldg. WANTED to rent 200-ton scow and 25-H. P. gasoline tug. Phone Broadway 121. A 3339. FOR SALE cheap, a good Underwood type writer. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. CUT flowers for decoration" Monday and Tuesday. E. C.Monnlch, 234 Yamhill st. BxT VIEW earners. ( jerz Dapor F. 6.8 lens, compound shutter. No. 2. Call Tabor T58. FOR SALE 2 swarms Italian Corsican bees $3eacn. 140 Syracuse st. FOR SALE CHEAP.liew bicycle; has ,een ridden IP miles, xxi k. Ash. FOR SALE Old lumber, cheap. 1 roy Woodlawn FOR SALE No. 8 cook stove, first-class condition and cheap. 7ft2 Commercial st. FOR SALE A good office safe. Apply Mon dny inati Broadway. N E W beautiful homemade ra rug cheap. Woodlawn 451 ; rail Monday. 4-FOOT oak nookkeeplng desk, good con rt Irion. In q u i re 711 Dekum bldg. Main 4frfl. FOR, SALE CHEAP Com plete assortment fiX carnival novelties, 12 1st, near Aldu. FOR SALE. Sp seel la n foot. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 68 Grand e., im oucring special inducements tor this week in all lines. We give a few quotations of the prices which we are making: IRON BED, from 75c and tip. BRASS BED. 2-inch post. $7.60. DRESSER wiLh bevel mirror, 3 drawers, $4-50. REFRIGERATOR, in perfect order. $4. OAK EXTENSION TABLE, as good as new. $8. ROLL-TOP DESK, sanitary, 43-lnch, gft.MJ. FLAT-TOP DESK, sanitary base, 52 Inch, drawers on both sides, $l5v STEEL RAXGES, $10.00 and up. We also carry a full line of tents In all s.zes. which w are selling for less than they can be purchased wholesale. Give us a trial and be convinced that Feldstcin Furilture Stsjre is the cheapest place In the city to buy your good. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., b& Grand Ave. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. Sizes 2 to 6 inches, at very low prices COMPLETE TOILET3, $12. We sell bathroom outfits.1 kitchen sinks, range boilers, gas water beaters. - pipe fittings, direct to you at 13 per cent less than wholesale price to the plumbers and save you big money on your plumbing bills. Let us submit our figures before you decide on your plumbing work ; at tractive prices for laying sewers; our estimates are free and all our work is guaranteed. . NORTHWEST PIPE CO. 3 87 Front St. Main 5631.' ALMOST ALL GONE.. Out of four cars this Is all that's left. WIRE ROPE. Second-hand plow steel cable at less than half price. 7500 feet 1-in. 6-strend plow steel. 6000, feet lH-in. 6-strand plow steel. IrtOO feet 14 -In.- 6-strand. plow steel. 50OO feet 1-in. fl-strand plow steeL STANDARD CONSTRUCTION. RIGHT LAY. Inspection preferred before shipment. Prices quoted on request. CHAIN CHAIN OF ALL GRADES. We have a big stock at the old prices). F. B. MALLORY COMPANY, 235-37 Pine St., Portland, Oregon. FOR RENT OR SALE. MARION 30 STEAM SHOVEL, Revolving type. Hoisting engines, pile drivers, derricks, cones ete mixers, pumps, machinery and equipment of all kinds. STANDARD MACHINERY CO.. 46 2d st. We rent, buy, sell. CASH registers, slightly used, reduced prices; secona-nana ana reoullt National, cam registers low priced, easy monthly paym'ts. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 3G2-3'4 Burnside St., cor. 8th. Phone Broadway 1816. 1 COMPLETE poolroom outfit, consisting of a pool tables, 1 billiard table, fireproof safe, cash register, clock, card tables, chairs, lighting plant, etc.; will sell cheap for cash,; might consider a trade. Answer XX 6uO,Oresonian. 25 DROPHE1D sewing machines, complete. wim auactimen is, in gooa sewing oraer, $8 to $20; sewing machines rented $2 per month ; machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steon, . lo2 Grand ave. li oo07. East 2300. bh v EN late-style drop-head sewing ma chines on sale Monday, $12 and up; 4 ro tary White and 1 rotary Standard, 1 ro tary Singer a nd 1 New Home. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 4U2 Washington. PIPE! Second-hand and new, black and gal vanized, any amount or any size, (jet our prices and wel'll get your order. M. Barde v eona. ine Mouse oi a Million iiargains, Main and Front sts. J110 ELECTRIC rotary washer, used short nme lor aemonstrating, $iu casn, so monin. EDWARDS FURNITURE COMPANY, fe2 Fifth St., Cor. Oak. 8-FT. WINDMILL, 9-inch swing lathe. Sears automoDiie o t. f. a. J. motor: marine, gas and steam engines. Machinery repair ing. .oruweat Ltau ft Machinery Co., 311 Front. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, ail makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $a and up; box tops, $2 and up. S. S. Siegel, two stores, 383 Alder et. and 242 Alder su BILLIARD tables, new and second-hand. and accessories; barber fixtures and chairs, easy payments. The Drunswlck-Balke- Coliender Co., 46-4$ 5th st. $140 J UDD electric washing machine, used only 30 hours; owner moved where there is no electricity; sacrifice at $S7.5o. Main sob2. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns, cameras. kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's Camera E x c ha n g e ,b o 3d st. Ma 1 n 3obl. SLlTi pressed 3 cents; dry or steam cleaned. SI: no other nrm in the city wi give ou these prices. Unique Tailoring jo.t autf, &tarK. uroaaway 014. BOY'S 2o-inch bicycle, new tires, $15. Girl's Dicycie. just like new. sis. isoy's bicycle, $12. Joe's Bicycle Repair Shop, 266 Tay lor st. WILL .sell a beautiful Oriental rug 6x6, splendid bargain for cash, or trade for diamond. R. s, Hayes, .Seaside, Or., or $14 HEAVY office arm chair, three only. 90 eacn. EDWARDS FURNITURE COMPANY, 62 Fifth St., Cor. Oak. M'CASKEY credit register, four-drawer Na tional casn register, electric operated ; Dayton scale, toffee grinder, cheese cut ter, 2 roll-ton desks, inquire 174 First st PORTABLE garages, houses, hunting caoins, cuicaen-nouses, wooasneai, etc Mi 11 made Construction Co., &44 Hood st. Main lie7. Residence phone Wdln. 3015. $42.50 TYPE Dunmore electric section car pet cleaner, almost new, left with us to sell; owner needs cash; only $21.50. Main FOR SALE New device for rupture; do away with truss; trial Plapao and 48-page duok. iree. vvriie fiapao DiOCK 44 i, St. L,OUlS, AlO. , THREE roll-top desks 1 flat desk, 1 book keeper's chair and tiling cabinets. yi parit et. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re- vol vers; all makes; cheap. Beauregard's, i us Mam sz.. Vancouver, wasn. SPECIAL 15 chrysanthemums or 15 mixed flower . plants, postpaid, 30c; both, Gic J no. C. Swaner, 'Berkeley, Cal. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower, uasa itegisior jxenange, 3ul i $160 GROCERY fixtures. about $35 in stock. Rickey, &304 4oth st. VS car 10 o3d ave. tUK SAJ-Ji-rCentury -dictionary and CyelO' pedia; 10 volumes, chtup for cash. Marshall 230T. FOR SALE 24-XL P. marine gas engine, complete with shaft, wheel, etc. Good as new. 70 1st st. Main 3o3. 75 PAIRS ball-bearing skates, slightly used In good order, at yery low price. 273 ront. cash Kbiiiai iiiKS. .jsationai. sola on monthly payments; liberal discount for cash. Hochfeid Ijros., 1st and Yam lull at; LADY, leaving, wiahes to sell set fine china, gold band, acid etched, cheap, AC j.v, uregonian. . - - , ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 414 turs.siae su xroaawajr or A 0074. FOR SALE McCormack mower and hay rake 4n- good condition, cheap. B 2133 AR FOR SALE or renf Logging and hoisting eiigmea. i uniua maguinery, ra I IB, cars, Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 2303. FOR SALE of steel. -Contractor's utfit and 500 lbs 1001 - W. 10th st., Vancouver, i'UK or exenange, uaoiitz Ceior kng and camera, 5x7. Gauar, 10.6 Milwajikla st. TWO- pool tables, fully eq ulpped ; good as new, cneap. vv ooaiawn zuio. ROLL-TOP desk, $15; fiat-top desk, $7.50; also cnalrs, table, filing cabinet, 107 2d. LITTLE Witch Vacuum Cleaners 70 cents each. 328 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE 1 bench drill. 1 emery stand pulleys, belting and shafting. Tabor 67a. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices Stark-Davis Co., 212 ad st. Main 797. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired" N W. Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front at. WE buy junk and hardware of all descrip tions. Main 2020. 261 Front. 4-FOOT slab and cordwood prices reduced until June 1. Alblna Fuel Co. East 182. ROLL-TOP office desk and chair, good J condition, $17.50. Broadway 10tf7. A 23u. BALLBEARING lawn mower $3.73. cost S.Tt; pertect condition. Tabor 2102." COSY kitchen. 2 rockers, one flreleas cooker, 4 kitchen chairs. Call E. 7718. Monday. GOOD heater and gas range for sale cheap. Call 545 E. 31th st. 300 SHARES of Oregon Home Builders' stock at 3c per share A 620, Oregonian. 50 SACKS small Burbank seed polatoes at $1 pr hundred. Phone Sell wood 154. 140 n KAV Eastman, 3 x4 V kodak, plate or film, cost $". H 30. Oregonian. A NO. 1 bicycle, cheap, new vitallo tires, fully equipped. 467 E. Pine st. FOR SALE Second-hand- brick. Marsha!? 34 . 0N inaut laycUe for sale Call fast 4216, FOR SALE. MiM'ellaneous. CABLE CABLE, and more cable at these prices. lotio ft. 1 . 12cft. 1. 22c fL 1. 27c ft. 4. 9c ft. mo ft. 6c tU PIPE PIPE PIPE. AT PRICES THAT BRING THE BUSI NESS. to 14-in., any quantity. Machinery Rebuilt machinery, any kind, for the mill, logger or anybody wanting any kind of machinery. Rails, car wheels, etc., any size, from S-lb. to SO-lb. SPECIAL. fH-yard MWestern" dump carts, $25 each. And anything- else anybody wants. Se Barde first it pays. M. BARDE & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains, 240-244 Front St. ELECTRIC BATH CABINET. White enamel, brass trimmings, com- ?lete with 4$ globes, chair, etc., $S5 value or $30. Address K 620, Oregonian. FURXITCKK WANTED. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE. 208 First. KLINE 3. 20 First. MAIN 3u9. A phone call will bring the buyer with the mjney. We buy and sell everytnlng for the house; no lot too small or too big for us. WE PAY THE BEST PRICES. GEVURTZ buys your furniture, stoves. rugs, carpets, organs, etc. W e pay the liiyliest cash prices for the above house hold goods. Phone and our buyer will call at once. Gevurtz Furniture Store, 207 1st, between Taylor and Salmon. Phone Marshall 587. I NEED a lot of second-hand furniture and carpets to ship out of town; can pay mere than portiand second-hand deaiers. Phone J. WALKER, Main 4773. WILL pay highest prices and spot cash for good uaea zurnitui e. rugs, etc. frouipt at tention and courteous treatment. Phone Main 5708. J. C. PEOERSEN. I WANT good second-hand furniture, car pets, ranges, etc.; 1 win pay casn. MARSHALL 5ntl. WILI, PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2567. ' HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand furniture, household goods. 61 & N. 3d. Broadway 119. BE WISE, sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 85&1. 211 1st st. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays the best price for your fttrniture. 04 1st Main 407. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call sa.r: wasnourn. aiar. ti. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. ' J. MEYER, THE TAILOR. PAY'S $U FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAY'S YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER CALL MARSHALL 122U. . 229 MADISON ST. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHE3. We py the highest price for ladies' and gents' castoff clothing, men's suits, $6 and up. Everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and pay for it. GLOBE STORE, 215 FIRST. Main 20&0. - Main 20 SO. LEVIN HDW. &. FURN. CO., 221 Front st. W e buy. sell, all kinds of household goods. furniture, carpets and ranges, restaurant outfits ; hardware, including toos of any description; also trunks, valises, suitcases, guns, rifles. Main iKJT2, A 7174. WE pay highest prices for metals, rubber, ALASKA BAG & METAL CO., 175 Front St., Cor. YamhilL Main b232. ENCYCLOPEDIA WANTED. Encyclopedia Bi itannica wanted : 11th edition, thin paper, good condition; must be very reasonauie. Address is oho, ore gonian, advising price and particulars. T , A W M O W ER WAN TED. Ballbearing machine; must be in good condition and cneap; particulars, u o-t. Oregonian. w 'T K 1 Second-nand clothes; honest deal We pay $6 for men's suits and highest prices for all Kinds ciotning. snoes, etc Call Main 47"Ttf r ront st. WANTED Machinery, pipe, etc. We buy or dismantle old plants, call our junk dept. for your Junk. M Barde A. Sons. Main and Front sts. I WILL pay cash for your piano. Phone Main 1433 or A-l23, or call on Mr. Fos ter. 151 4th st. HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes and all kinds of carpenter tools. Main 480H. Cohen, 273 Front st. HOl'SK KEEFE RS Trade your worn-out aiumlnum on new aluminum cooking uten sils. Write H- 681 Karl, city. WANTED Hornless phonograph and rec ords; cash paid. Main 44U5. 128 1st, near Alder. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, rn f g. Jeweler, 218 Oregon! an hid sz SPECIAL buyer of ladies second-hand clothes, fancy dresses especially. Broad way 8132. S. & H. green trading stamps. -1100 N". W. Bank bldg., pays more than the S perry -Hutchinson Co. does for your stamps. WANTED good trout rod and reel; jnust be in first-class condition and price must be right. X 632, Oregonian. WANTED Good French plate glass mirror; state size, price and give phone number. X 633, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES BOUGHT. K OLD, RENTED. It E LI AB LE. 00 BROADWAY. WANTED Work for two-ton truck, furni ture moving or work by the day or month. Eclipse Wood sawing Co. East 3 IS. WOODBURN will celebrate Fourth of July. Attractions wanted. Correspond with P. A. Li vesley, secretary TINNERS' TOOLS and machines. What have you and what price? F 635, Ore gonian. BICYCLE wanted ; give price ; roller chain preferred. G 631, Oregonian. WANTED Showcases, store and office fix tures. Main 4495. 129 1st. near Alder. WANT to trade for small donkey engine. Allen. 810 Oak. Broad. 123. WANTED Cash register, and Yamhiil. Main 4S86. showcases. 1st SPOT CASH FOR TIRES AND OLD METAL. Auto Wrecking Co . 271 Front. M. l3tf. ALASKA Bag & Junk Co.. 235 Front, pays highest prices junk all kinds M. 460. WANTED Prest-o-Lite. rifle, shotgun, bi cycle; will trade or pay cash. 12S 1st. WANTED National cash register. Main 60S. 351 Washington st. WE buy and sell new and sfrond-hand suit cases ana irunKs. .vain to. a -uh, DIAMOND, 1 Vs karats or larger; give weight, color, price. W 507, OreKonlan. WANTED "B" Presto tank. Roberts Motor Park and Flankers sts. Car Co., WANTED A first-class hemstitching ma chine. Main 2ib., a 4&y. HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum. Golden's. 167 1st st. MEDIUM -SIZED cream separator; must be in good order. Tabor 42U3. WANTED 50 to 100 acks potatoes for seed ; state price. E OUil, Oregonian. WANTED Goat harness and wagon, single or double. Tel. Sell. 101. WANTED Postcard camera. Call Monday morning. 84 Broadway. 6-10 WANTED 1 Bosch high-tension magneto. D. U. Ford, 303" Ross st. Phone Eat 6i60. WA-NTED Best Oriental rug that $25 will buy. M t30, Oregonian. FOOT-POWER lathe; must be cheap; state price. T 620, Oregonian. OLD false teeth bought. Send or write R. Uhler. 321 Hewes bldg., San Francisco. WANTED Bass viol and clarinet player lor orchestra. w ooaiawn 3i'a. WANTED One or two large second-hand trunks. Tabor 5911. WANTED Gas water heater, also Mnin 4495, 128 1st. near Alder. WITjL exchange new Grafonola or records "f or carpenter work. 4L". Washington s height, color, price,. T preoa'lan give HELP WANTED MALE. PACTFIO EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, THE BIQ OFFICE THE BIO OFFICE THE PLACE TO GO FOR JOBS OR MEN WE WANT AT ONCE. Skyline engineer $3.75, skldrond engi neer $3, loading engineer $3.25, 10 buck en $3 and $3.23, 2 piledriver men $3.&o, 2 deckmen for piledriver $3.50. 3 flunkies $35. 2 knotters $2..0. 3 donkey firemen $2.50. 2 wood splitters $2.30, 2 sitidroad laborers $2.50, rigging men $2.75 to $3.25. Barkers, snipers, whistle boys, fallers, men of all kinds, either skilled or unskilled, wanted for woods work. Call early. Open all day Sunday. Two ed germ en $3, bull cook $33, marker on chain $3.50, lumber handlers $2..V. 25 mill and yardmen at from $2.25 to $2.75, millwright $4, carriage rider $2.50. We are constantly receiving calls by phone, wire and wireless for capable mlH and yard men, both skilled and unskilled. Man to drill and blast rock $2.75 per day. Dishwashers, in and out f the city, at from $1 per day to $40 per month. Cooks needed for camps, mills, hotels, restaurants and for rail and boat service. If you are a cook, waiter, pantryman. diflhwasher, porter or - follow culinary work of any kind see our Mr. Carr. Men -wanted for hopyard work at from $l.li5 per day with board and up. Milk ers $35 to $45, farm hands $3u to $40. We can use 00 good farm hands, milkers, choremen, hopyard and orchard work. Strawberry picking starts this week, and we can place you. We have a special order for 3 young fellows to weed onions. Job will last till July 4. Call Sunday or early Monday morning. By special arrangement we are enabled to advance fare to a good many of the sawmill jobs. If you are looking for a steady Job come in and see us. If you are & little shy on coin we can. help you out. A large lumber manufacturing concern on Grays Harbor has wired us to secure them a few steady men for general work, and has authorized us to advance fares to suitable men. Drop in and see us about this. WE ARB OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. FOR JOBS OR MEN SEE TJS FIRST. PACTFIO EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. IRON MOULDER 41c. engineer, planer fore- io ii. (Ji&uar mourner, sj; extra sawyer and setter, stenographer and bookkeeper, traveling salesmen (drug line, lumber buyer, $100. expenses; Invoice cierk $100; circular filer, foreman. $100; wagon stock sawyer, $4; also others; get with us. Mack's, Little Rock, Ark. LEAKN AUTO TRADE in most moovrn school on Coast. Courses practical and complete; expert superWion: time unllm- ited; reasonab.e rates. Will help you earn your living while learning. Catalogue free. National School of Engineering (.Es tabllshed li03) Lo" Angeles. BLACKSMITH wanted Competent, 1I arouild smith for country shop, good val ley town, steady employment for right man, no boozers or floaters need answer Married man preferred. State age, expe rience and wages expected. Address AV, 212. Oregonian. MEN'S SUIT BARGAINS. Always $20 value suits for $14.75. at Jimmy Dunn's Upstairs Store. All ready to wear. ' No high-rent profit. Oregonian building, third floor. THREE live wire salesmen with best ref erences and bond, to sell teas, coffees, Dim-en, firaci, etc., 10 me consumer; -oid reliable concern offers opportunity to auvance lu ngni parties; nocral salary and j u 11 1 in 1H41UU. v&.pp.y at gonian. once. T ti'J, Ore- GENERAL AGENTS who can secure services at least 10 to 30 subagents take orders for men's made to measure suits ' over coats, $12.50 and $ir. Liberal proposi tion to right man. Write giving- full par ticulars, references. Phoenix Tailoring Co.. l'.tO Mercer, New York city. WANTED 3 young men between ages 18 and 21 to do advertising work for large corporation in city; after being experienced will travel on road ; must be neat-appearing. Call before U Monday A. M palace Hutel. Mr. Cushman. ElOHT berry-pickers wanted ; good place, association prices; fare &Oc. Buckers, $3.25; donkey fireman. $2.50, close In; kitchen be!per, $40 and board; railroad laborers, J-'-OO a day. Call 2-iil Couch st. Broadway 1T331. A 2161. FIVE young men fcr steady positions tak ing orders In this territory; no experlenc or cash required. Farmers preferred; must be over 21 and single. G. H. Gelllam. Greslam, Or. WILL Gl V E man good room and board in exchange for services morning and t-cniug. Must be neat, sober 1 nd re liable; private home, two in family. 203 Lincoln. LIVE BIDE LINE, something new; nine minutej' time pays $9. Pocket samples. Prompt commissions. Estate territory cov ered. Elwood Mfg. Co., 1118 Michigan, Chi- cago. CARPENTERS Secure county rights to sell the only nail set clip; prevents flying or slipping when struck a glancing biow ; sells on sight; 10c; big money made. B-I Eapt Davis. - NAME AND ADDRESS, of every ambitious man in Portland vicinity who is interested In reading law, spare time only : splendid opportunity. M. G. Miles, Manhattan bldg., Chicago. USE YOUR SPARE time to build up a mall order business of your own. We help you start for a share In profits: 27 opportuni ties. Particulars free. Opportunities Ex change, Buffalo, N. Y! MOVING PICTl'RE ROAD SHOWS OUT , FITTED; FEATURE FILMS FOR SALE. OPERATING TAUGHT. RELIABLE. 60 BROADWAY. WANTED A young man desirous of study ing pharmacy or medicine to clerk in drug store In small town. Inquire AV 220, Ore gonian. WILL PAY any honest man up to. $30 monthly part of spare -time; no canvass ing. No caoltal. Write today. Voorhies, Desk 152, Omaha, Neb. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, i 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. . TUITION $25 UN T I L J U N 3 FI RST ONLY. WANTED Practical dairy lunch manager; must come well recommended and fur nish bond; good salary to right man; give full details. Y 632, Oregonian. EARN $20 WEEKLY writing names, ad dresses, spare time, no canvassing. Par ticulars, stamp. G. C. Smith. Little Rock, Arkansas. LEARN COLLECT MONEY Good Incomt, ciuick results. Instructive booklet. "Skill ful Collecting," free. Collectors' Associa- tion. 50 Ankrum. Newark. Ohio. SALESMEN wanted; all telephone users nee-1 ane; increases the receiving power ; profit luu per cent; sena ior particulars. Mappan Co., box 247. Portland, Or. - WANTED Experienced man to take charge of excelsior plant; give experience, and state amount of salary expected. Apply P. O. box 1507, Tacoma, Wash. STEADY emp., good wages, day and night classes; few snonthi learning; profitable. Watchmaking. Engraving. Optical bchool, 218 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. W ANTED Doy with some farm experience and good habits ; state w ages wanted. K. E. Watts. Hlllsboro, Or. WANTED 2 young men to travel with manager; gooa proposition to rignt man. Room 501 Panama bldg. A. MAN or toy to do light work moniii and evt-ning ror room ana noara. tan Tabor 735. WANTED Partsier with $300 to Join me in starting sausage lactory ; outcner pre ferred. AD Oregonian WANTED Toung man about 18 to work in small country grocery; room ana ooara, small salary. H 5H8. Oregonian. WANTED Window trimmer who under stands cigar and candy trimming. T tkiJ, Oregonian. DETECTIVE Secret service, inexperienced applicants everywhere. Bertillon Insti tute. Baltimore bldg., Chicago. ADCOX AVTO SCHOOL, 206 -11TH, NEAR JEFFERSON" ST. WORK YOUR WAX THROUGH. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; lib eral commisslonj to the rinht man. See manager, 401-8 Board of Trade bldg. SALESMAN WANTED Absolutely new arti cle; no competition; big commission. 7ol y wetland bldg WANTED First-class meatcutter . and to buy fixtures for meat market. Wood lawn 2H2S. C 1215. FINE positions, South America. The Inter national Journal, Denver, helps you; loc copy. $o00 CASH required ; honest man for hon est cash business; only single American. IX 3:?, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED collector and get new busi ness on commission; bond required. R W4. Oregonian. WANTED Married man on dairy farm; houe furnished. J. N. Miller, Clatskanle. Oregon. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL the school of practical experience; special Summer rates. 420-31 Belmont. HOY of good habltsever 11 on small farm, light work; fair salary. Write or see J. R. Smith. Orenco, Or. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEAnN MOVING PICTURE OPERATING, NIGHT AND DAY LESSONS T.fl BROADWAY. ' Dalles, IxupoUa&t, Lane & ui.toafc HKLP WANTED MALE, PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th and Johnson Sts. TJ. & Government Employment Off lco WANTED MONDAY. 10 messenger boys. I levator boy, local hotel. Boys with bicycle. , Young man tu learn woodworking trade. Flunkey boy. Young man. housework, $20. Man and wife, dairy farm, milker and housekeeper. Farm hands and milkers, v Cord wood cutters. $1 to $1-25. Mill men and yard men. JOBS OF ALL KINDS. SPECIAL Six coul miners, permanent work, top money. 15 machinists, $3 to $3.75, open shop, out of city. . i Toung man to learn telegraph oper ating. ' BERRTFICKERS. We will want looO berrypickers for the Hood River district and White Salmon to ship out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. All those who have registered for the work pleas report at once to this office. Men. women and children wanted. Season lasts about four weeks. Increased prices for picking this year. SPECIAL Sawyer. $3. Ratchet setter. $1.60. Timber man and lumber piler, $1.50. Board goes with these jobs. Phone Maid 3240 Sunday morning for interview. NO FEE JOBS F1UE. Main 85.V. A 5624. SALESMAN First-class grocery specialty salesman for well-known specialty firm, resident Portland, not under 30; one who hss worked Oregon and Washington states' territory for at least last 2 years; must be aggresHlve plugger and producer, with good references; all replies to be con sidered; must state age length of service with previous employers, salary required, home address and telephone number; all replies will be considered June 2, Ad drers AL 577. Oregonian. n T. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training in re pairing, driving and machine work, in cluding forge, lathe, siiaper, drillpress. etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational nffim v. m rv a. bide to Inspect our shops and methods. COMPETENT CHAV FFEURS AN D M ECH AN ICS SUP PLIED. Tuition fee includes MEMBER SHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and Us EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swim rn in jr pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. ANY IntMIfcronr nrann ItVr . of COOd education and business Ability ; must tre sble to Handle correspondence and write good business letter; an opportunity to start a small bat profitable mall order butiinrM in vnir own hnm or Office: good for $100 a week when established; can be managed in spare time, evenings, or as a side line at first; grows rapidly; send for particulars. Heacock Co 807 Heacock bldg., Lockport, N. Y. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are In vited to consult the Employment Secre tary. To non-members a special uiemoor shin la iftniipri roptinir 5 ter annum, giving service of the department for a year two months' run privileges anu re fund of membership fee if satisfactory employment is not secured. WHY swelter this Summer1? Enjoy cool sea bre?xs at a Summer reyort and prepare for business positions at the Astoria Busi ness College a very unusual, expert school of shorthand, penmansTilp and , business ; won nrst prise in 1915 O. G. A. international shorthand contest; won llreKe uennant: work on exhibition at the World's Fair; students uniformly success- lui. t-ond for beautiful xree catalogue, 200 ACRES, fine young apple orchard. In White Salmon Valley, wants a man who loves treos: must know how to prune; fine opportunity for Intelligent young man who can show ability in . orenara worn Talk with Geo. F. Felts. 001 and Q02 Dekum bldg., who knows of this oppor tunity. WAN'TKJ) A Brood bov who wants a good home, between the age of Id and 2o or olaer who is usd to ranch work and , ill become a partner with me ; no capi ta.: reuulred. but must rurnisti references. Write for particulars to Box 15. Odell, Or. A YOUNG man with a bicycle or motor cycle -can obtain a full course at Y. M. C. A. auto school for doing errands and rendering small services. Room l 1. Ja, C. A. bldg. Main 706o. v FIRST-CLAPS jobbing or machinery iron molders, 8 hours, $1 minimum, steady unrk tn rood mtn: union shoo: no trouble. Apply by letter or in person to Carl Smith. S20 Fremont St., dan r rancmco. SPLENDID career open to good mechanics; practical count-i in a.l brancnes 01 en ginee.riug; work helps pay tuition; lllus trated catalogue from Seattle Engineer ing School. Roy St.. Seattle SECRET SERVICE, American, traveling for eign. Immediate opportunities. Officers. aUo Inexperienced persons. Preparation where necessary by leading world s expert. Asiatic Pacific Agency, tan r rancisco. WANTED Names of men desiring positions with mining companies, wanting connec tions with American corporations In South America. Postage for particulars. P. N. & A. Co., Los Aiigelis. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money sellina our hardy, guaranteed, or namental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expense provided. Washington Nur sery to., A OlHiemnii. i ivp. orrantm mn nr women, handle guar' nnt.m! nr i n 1 1 v. wanted in every home, i office and bsf automobile owner. Good nmrit. The Charles Scott Co., box 3o3, Portland. Or. W A .Vi'ED Thoroughly competent manager for piano department soon to do openeu. State ace. experience, references saiary expected and line of pianos handled. Ad rirt-ss AV 2UH, Oregonian A PERSON with a successful record' In vmnnihin and office management must be able to Invest some capital. B :;2. Oregonian. WANTED Flying machine, concessions, attractions or amusements. for celebra' tioa July 3d and 4th. Address Secretary, Commercial Club, Hlllsboro. Oregon. SPEC I AL OFKER. MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY. ADCOX Al'TO SCHOOL, 2W 11TH ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. RELIABLE, neat, strong man to work fo u.aef room and board on a small ranch Inquire Sub Oregonian bldg., bet. 10 and : Monday. ii rsTLKRS 420 to made weekly dis tributing circulars, samples, tacking signs, etc. Advertisers National Agency. Dept. C-11S, Chicago. SALESMAN Try handling our office and hmiAohAld aneeialtv: hlncti-class oronosltion. Write fr particulars. S. A. Papich, box 1M3, Portland, Or. m LIVE man wanted in manufacturing bus! ness: sond wages;- must loan $jno for few weeks; money secured. C t28. Ore ponlnn. W ANTKU Mechanical draftsman. expert enced in marine piping plans and general detail. State qualifications, aj o.t, ur gonlRn. WANTED Man capable of building and mflnuKlnr new sawmill : must be exle- rienced: give references. Address AV 220, Oregonian. WANTED Piano Dlayer that can sing; on who will make himself useful; salary sure, Apply by letter oniy. ciayton. Aiuer no tel. city. Vrive pflOIl UUUI ga. WANTED Bookkeeper capable of handlln books of wholesale house. Reply, giving business and personal reterences and stat ing experience. w o. uregontan. RRL1ARM! man with delivery car to sell and distribute goods to stores: guarantee $73; state asre, experience, reierencei, U'tO. OreKonlan. WAVTKn 2 vounsr men as news asents passenger trains. Cash bond required. Ap ply at mt . otn. WAITER WANTED Quick lunch counte man. steady Job. Apply Monday, room Chamber of Commerce bldg. wanted A man and wife to care for fur nished house and pay small .rent. Phone Woodlawn 38S0. r ;tv and country salesman for stationery, stamp goods and printing. S 630, Orego nian . i LOW man, general farm w ork, no milk ng. wages $2.5 day, board $5 week. Ad dress AV 20i. ureponian. w ANTED Stenographer, out-of-town osl tion. permanent; state salary expected Address oox av l-t, oregonian. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE. Uncalled for suits. 13 50 UD. OTtPHKt'M CLEANERS. 355 Stark, cor. Park v.it dnn't have to be an expert sales ma to woll our gopher gun; Investigate, i-'orde prmiiits t-aies o., aepi. i urana ave. WANTBD Steady boy, 17, to drive wago for grocery store; must nave re ie re nee A ppT y Snnd ay P. M., 10 K. 34th st. MEN to Qualify for fireman and brakemen beglnnrs paid $lot monthly. Railway, caro Oregonian. ONE telephone operator wanted from 6 t 11, evenings, for room; 7ii3 Wshingtoi street. MISS DEOKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COL LEGE Day and night classes. Special Sum mer rates. Ansay oiag.. aa ana .Morrison. WANTED Man with teams or auto trunk to take contract hauling crushed rocks. AO 62, uregonian. W A NTED Enerpetle young lawyer In law office; references require a, . ti28, urego man. YoUNG MAN to travel. Beginner consld ered. Stamp for particulars. Mart ship, Lewjston, luano. LOCAL HOTEL WANTS EXPERIENCE n.KRK: GOOD OPENING FOR AHT1V MAN OF ABILITY. W 626, OREGONIAN TWO more clean-cut special edition men good puDiicaxion. i:o biock iix. MEN' onlck for detectives: pxnrion unnecessary; big pay. Box 448P, Akron, O AliIi-'tU wauled U Ci HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Experienced counter man. Cosy Aatry .tinrn, otn ana ssnington sis. W A NT ED A good experienced tailor. A link y bid. WANTED Partner In a well established 167 H First. photoraph studio. $,(K. WANTED Man on farm to do milking and nanaie stcck. Apply om Journal bldg. WANT to buy a few slightly worn men's clothes. 103 W. Park st. Broadwsy 1713. WANTED Boy with wheel. Apply 41o Alder st. ANTED Grocery clerk. Larral-e' st. Call to Jay, 204 AKTY for selling nnd renting Industrial mm, an touuy. t;4 uppuur st. JANITOR services wanted n exchange for rent or 3-room apt. BD 6T1, Oregonian. WANT a man to take anencv for Ford starter. AP t27, Oregonian. Help Wsntetl Agents. GARTSIDE S IRON RUST SOAP CO., 4045 i.aiRii-r ve.. rriiiaueipn.a, r. uarc slde's Iron Rust Soap ttrade-mark, print and copyright registered in the U. a Patent Office) removes iron rust, ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, mar ble, fctc. Good seller, big margins, aprent wanted. The original. 25c a tube. Beware of infringements and the penalty for making, selling and using tn Infringed article. 1000 REWARD If this isn't great repeat uruor money malting opportunity; eight men order 47.620 packages first 16 days. Kalomlte Laundry Marvel revolutionizes clothes washing ideas; abolishes rubbing, washboards, washing machines. Absolute Iy harmless. Kalomlte works wonders; womea astounded. No experience neces sary. Credit granted. Get proof. Equit able Corporation, Desk 11, 215 Superior, Chicago. V- W. WALLS, of Michigan, sold $103 worth of "I8i2" aluminuum cookingrutensils and specialties in one days work last week. Profit 5. W. A. Smith, W. Va., sold more than $200 worth in 3 days, profit $lu0. Others cleaning up. You can -too. Low prices sell our new specialties on sight. Get In on this Quick and secur choice of territory. Dlv. 4040, American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. ill. HAVE splendid proposlNon to make to agents or canvassers who are willing to earn $5 a day and over; pay D00 per cent profit on article that looks and Is worth $2 but you can sell it for fioc in every other borne you call on. This article never before offered by canvassers and I will give exclusive territory to first applicants. Address Pos toff ice Drawer 70, -UuXiaio, N Y. 7 READ JUNE Canvassers' Mac urine Full particulars National organization of big manufacturers to protect canvassing sales men against license ordinances, frauds, etc. Mail order "fakes" exposed ; gen eral information vital interest to every salesman, real magazine ; 68 pages. Single copy 10 cents; three month' trial sub scription 20 cents. Canvassers Magazine, South Whitley, Indiana. LIU SUMMER SELLER Something new; concentrated soft drinks. Just add water; delicious drinks In Jiffy any time, any where. Big sellers for home, picnics, par ties, socials, etc. Guaranteed under pure rood laws, carry in pocket. Agents coin ing money $! to $12 day. Write free outfit offer today. American Products Co., 4S8 6d. Cincinnati. Ohio. EVERYBODY buying aluminum cooking utensils. e have the only cleanser on the market to keep thera bright and clean. Every housewife will buy our Aluino Polish on sight: CO ner cent profit. We will not sell to dealers. Write quick for exclusive agency. Dlv. 304o, American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. III. AMAZING new invention : marvelous adding machine: retails 7.50; adds, subtracts, multiplies; does work of $'2)0 machine; 0-year guarantee; offices, stores, factories buy from one to a dozen; immense profit; every demonstration sells. Write quick, exclusive territory. Dept. U. Calculator Sale Co., t.rand- Rapids. Mich. W A S H CLE A N smashing agents' profits rec ords; women, noteis, cares. iaunans ae lighted reorder buyers; lifetime business. Abolishes rubbing clothes. Only steam bubble cleaning process known; blows out grit ; saves clothes, labor. Dig profits. Sample, particulars, free. Washclean Co., auu W. 7th. Pittsburgh. Kan. rO)i territory open fur experienced office specialty salesmen to sell the JW rapid envelope sealer. a handsome. perfect, labor-saving machine : best enevelope sealer ever made; seKs at sight; price write for particulars. JW Mfg. Co., 110 A V. 34th st.. New York. START YOU BUSINESS, furnishing every thing! men. women $30 to $Jt0 weekly operating "New System Specialty Candy Factories," home, mail room, anywhere ; no canxaaflns. Opportunity lifetime; book let free. Ragsdale Co.. box b. East Ur ange, N. J. STATE. county agents. chance lifetime. Rain-Kote, remarkable, new preparllon renews, prese rvei, waterproofs and strengthens old automobile tops 5" per cent. Write, protected territory. Rain Kote, Hume-Mansur bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. BU KANSAS company will start ambitious people fast growing mall ordur business ; any locality; make :i000 yearly, spare time ; no canvassing, no experience; fur nish everything; new unique selling meth ods free. Eyestone, President, . a3 W. 7 th, Pittsburgh, Kansas. ANY live, wide-awake man or woman can make a net profit of lo a week selling our line. Write for our free booklet, "How Brown Gets the Business." for par ticulars. The Stocks Co., Dept. 1. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. WILL $120 month, automobile furnished tree, interest your Answer quick. secure valuable agency. Guaranteed auto neces sities. Tremendous sellers. Quick re peaters. Remarkable money makers. E. Ravburn Co.. 1K1 X. Dearborn. Chicago. AOENTS WANTED tfell the improved salt- shaker; keeps salt dry in any climate; best agenc pro posit Ion yet; particulars free; sample ."c. Eureka Novelty Co., Chattanooga, yenn. AGENTS WANTED Salesman for instant counterfeit coin detector; pocket slse; no competition; fine side line; approved by secret service agents. Glendale Sunply Com pany, Otendale. Cal. SALESMEN of proven ability to devote part or fun time to our proposition. unique, attract Ive, appeals to all lines of trade. Address the - Mercantile Alliance, Iowa City. Iowa. LATEST European sensation. Midget auto matic folding pocket ian ; woras iiko electric fan; weighs but few ounces; costs f0c, sell at slht, $1. Triumph Corpora tion. Transportation bldg., Chicago. "WILL PAY $100 monthly salary and ex penses. Don t worry auoui capital; ex penses advanced; experience unnecessary; salary sent weekly. Parrish Mfg. Co., Murphysboro, 111. AGENTS Don't wear a truss; do away with bands of steel and rubber mat cnare ana pinch. Write for free trial Plapao and 48-page book. Plapao Co.. block 437, St. Louis, Mo. USE YOUR SPARE time to build up a mall order business of your own. We help you start for a share in profits. 27 opportuni ties. Particulars free. Opportunities Ex rhange.' Buffalo. N. Y. . LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirt!, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists t skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 500 Broad- way. New icons city. AUTO washing Is bugbear every automobile owner; sell Lightning Cleanser, new won der auto wafh ; no soap or water; big easy money. Details free. Lighting Mfg. Co., dept. 28. Cincinnati. AGENTS New proposition Just out. Does awav with extra tire on automobile. Write quick for details. The Fred H. Rhoda Company. 1108 Potrero ave,. San Fran cisco, Cal. WE can give steady and profitable em ployment to a few mora responsible, ener getic canvassers. For details of terms and territory address Oregon Nursery Com pany. Orenco, Or. MAKE a year's salary in four months; pell t very family with a baby the "Comfy" convert hammock for the home or auto; every call a sale. Wllrid Sales Co., Los Anseles. AGEXTS make big money, become sales mgr. for our goods. Fast office seller; fine profit. Particulars and sample free. One Dip Pen Co., 731 Dally Record, Baltimore, mX 500 per cent profit. Free samples gold sign letters store, office windows. Anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. SNAPPIEST new seller out today, brand new 100 per cent profit, repeats sure; hurry, get in now, particulars free. Leraan Co., 334 Stockton. San Francisco, Cal. HELP-A-PHOXK; almost every telephone user buys one to three; sells $3; profit loo per cent. Giles Specialty Co., East Orange, N J. FREE SAMPLE No-splash water strainers sell themselves, no talking, experience un necessary. Profits big. Send 2c (.mailing cost) O. W. Union Filter Co.. N. Y. WANTED State d tatribu tors, new Ford self-starter; retails $10; your price $; exclusive contract. Manufacturer, box 1-4. Detroit, Mich. AGENTS Men. women, write for greatest proposition to sell new line labor-saving household specialties. Mlncke Co., Al ham bra, Cal. " FREE CATALOG, samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make $.1 to $-'5 dallv. no experience; world's greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson A Campbell. Chicago. BEST selling article evr Invented; $5 re turn for every $1 Invested. Address lock box 876. Astoria, Or. JeW RED HOT 191fl specialties; absolutely new; great side line; send references. Tolerton A Warfleld Co.. Sioux City. la. F O R BARGAINS in "Agents MftKazine." sgHnts goods read 2 issues 10c Agents HELP WAMr D M ILK. Url anted Agents. WHY sell Inferior? Our -hospital policy costs no morv 3QI Board of Trade bMg. Help; M anted lrmea. MEN WITH FORD CARS to demonstrate only Ford Marter posi tively guaranteed to spin motor over tw.o compressions, past two Ignition points. Never fans to start any car startable by crank. Women operate easily, positl e automatic release in case of backfire; nothing to get out of order; requires n mechanic to attach; stock ao days' credit; get your proiit, then pay us. Write for agency proposition, sample on 3 days' trial. Auto Starter Co.. Aladdin bldg., 103 N. IiaIsted,Chicaso. SALESMEN We want to add several men to our urbanization to fill vacancies mad possible by iho recent extension of our business and by consequent promotion of men from the ranks; prefer men who have had grocery, lauudry, baker, milk or order clerk experience, or who have sold house hold commodities ; liberal to producers ; no investment ; bond and references. Jewel T-d Co., Inc., -Jl t ;rand ave. TO iEL,L famous Myers line leather goods. memorandum books, diaries, met al signs, exclusive copyngnted art calendars, and most complete line of specialties ever offered. We pay straight salary or com mission or d rawing account to men of experience. We have reputation of being most progressive house in advertising spe cialty business. The Eiwood Myers Co., Springfield. Ohio. EXPERIENCED advertising salesman . to preaent strong, well-know u proposition to Oregon banks: hih-class manner; our men aveiai;e more than 1100 weekly; lib eral commission: souvenir salesmen save stamps Write full details your experience, confidential. Land is Christmas Savings Cluo Co., western otfice tilti Central tiav lnKS Dank bidg , Denver, Colo. BIO MONEY for salesmen making towns under loo.OOO population, can take orders our goods easily, quickly. Merchant pays only for goods he selis, take buck what he doos not dispose of; $4 commission each order, commissions paid daily. Full details upon request. Write todav. Pioneer Nov eity Co.. UOd Wells, Chicago. $1000 MONTHLY guaranteed specialty ales men selling one outdoor electric sign dally. Enormous demand, absolutely new. Cell ing price third reguiar value. Exclusive protected territory. Free sample, carry sen sational road exhibition. Never done be fore What others are doing you can do. Flashtric tflgn Works, Chicago. LIVE sideline salesman, 2000 to S3000 in come assured placing celebrated Chicago popujnr-priced tailoring line, towns of o0 to 1 OuO. Men mukimr territory monthly. No advances. Commission only. State ter ritory, experience, references, present con nections, si. Decker, Van Buren, Chicago. WANTED A thoroughly experienced dry goods salesman; prefer one who has had training In general store ; must b fa miliar with handling and selling shoes, able to trim windows and write signs. Only sober and Industrious men need ap ply. Address AV 2S4t Oregonian. MEN from $1300 to $;0OO yearly to call manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, bankers, doctors; $-3 weekly advance; ex clusive territory ; experience helpful, not essential ; pay each week ; rare opportun ity; write promptlv. H. O. Jones, secy., 6JS Fchwind bldg., Dayton. Ohio. SALESMEN wanted; energetic, reliable men wanted to represent one of the oldest r urseries on the Pacific Con?t. A com plete line of fruit trees, small fruits and ornamentals. Liberal commissions. Cash advanced on orders. ALBANY NURSERIES. Albany. Or. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY, easy work, big pay ; write for large liwt of openings oitvriog opportunities to earn from $10 to $j0O a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 311. National Sales men's Training 'Association, Chicago, New York. San Francisco SALESMAN to sell best-known temperance druiks on market: can be sold dry terri tory; excellent position ; full time or side linn men : com in tiua contract ; $40 rr week lor expenses. Snlesmanagcr, Jo. llouser bid;?., St. I,o u I s. M o, FOR general mercantile trade. Oregon, to sell a new proposition of merit; vacancy June 1; attractive commission contract; $S5 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Rixler Co.. wholesale Jewelers, Carlin bldg. Cleveland. O. COM PET E.N T salesmen or merchants pre ferred, well ratfd Cleveland concern, to sell merchants greatest specialty tf day; $ iuO t $30 per month; commissions paid weekly: state experience. O. J. Ring e. Pen. Mgr., Station C. CleveUnd.O. CHIC AiiO Manufacturer wants calesmanager open office, manape salesmen. New big mouev maker, should clear $700 to $U. PMk annual! v, $;ioo to $ioOO finance, sc cording to territory. Secretary. 110 Man hattan bid g ..jc h ica go. m SIDELINE salesman acquainted with retail or wholesale cigar trade, sell new. highly successful utility. It you hn va established trade, snd won t shy at $10 day on the side, write Universal Mfg. Co., OS Locust. St. Louis. Mo. TRAVELING SALESMEN Your clothes made to measure without cost for placing tailoring lines featuring six special prices, no extra charge, with merchants. For par ticulars. J. W. Jones, old Mid City Bank, Chicago. " , WANTED Men with established territory and trade, clothiers, gents' furn., hatters, to sell my Panama hat, side line, com mission. Leo CiUltzswl. -10 W. Van Buren Ft., Chicago. III. SIDELINE Largest concern In - country, placing high-class saiesbuards only ; can uso more men. Commission $5 to $10 order. Chicago Diamond Importing Co., oO E. MadiHin, Chicago. .Ill- IRAVhMNd salesmen earn big money placing punch board assortments, con signment: no samp'es. Give territory, ref erence. Dept. V, Washington Sales Com pany, Chicago. SALESMANtocall on grocers, general stores and cuiifoctioners in binall country towns; per cent commission. weemy uh Ing account. Crown Cider Company, Ml P. Commercial, St. Douis, Mo., dept. 4. S LES MGR. Something new ; business necessity ; retails to $1; enormous profits: no competition; exc. territory ; tree samples: Sayers Co., 4."i0 Wainwright, St. Louis. SALESMEN with small capital to DacK up their ability can maae pL-nuttni-i ....w ticn with reliaoio L.oa Angeles nunu- fucturer; no triflers, Los Angelas. 205 W. 16i.li St., SALESMEN Five experienced sale? men to work this city on a new proposition Just being put on the market; we furnisti names prospective buyers. Call -Monday, lo to :;, 4ud Oregonian bldg. SALESMEN to sell our check protector. It sells to everv person who w rites a cheek; circulars and" information free; sample -0c Terry Mfg. Co., Col ton bldg.. Toledo, Ohio. i HI" ST LI 1 SA LESM F7N acquainted w Ith confectlonerv and cl;ar trade in Oregon; exclusive territory tor the man who qualifies. Oeneral Siilcs Agent. 1-143-5 p.ush Ft.. Fan Francisco. SPECIALTY salesman to sell our line in small countrv towns; salary and commis sion with weekly expense allowance. Ar ictto Fruit Produce Co.. 50u chestnut St., St. Louis. Mo. . EXPERIENCED drug specialty salesman, wholesale house ; excellent opportunity ; give experience, references and ability to lo WIDE-AWAKE salesmen or solicitors to sell new hlgh-grado article in great de mand; If you are not making $ to $10 a day it's your own fault. Call 109 4th st. WANTED Salesman to call on fruitgrowers w ith ea?v selling necessity; no capital re quired. Call room 103 Caples Hotel. Sunday P. M. or Monday AM. HI'IIl-CLASS Installment man. house-t-houf-e; no investment. Monday, & to 10. 4o. EUors told. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; lib eral commission to the right man. See manager. 401-43 Xioard f Trade bldg. HKLP WASTE! -1TMALE. W NTED Girl for general- housework and help care of infant bnby. Call Seliwood 147 Sunday A. M. or Monday. WANTED Olrl about 10 years old to tke care of child about '2 years old. "all Soil wood i:547 Sunday A. M. or Monday. WANTED At oiu'e, diii wig-room girl. Gorman preferred; wages from 16 to iS month, according toablity. Tabor t3S. W A N T E I A girl assist with housework. Call East lOstf. WANTED First -class custom ishers. PJSVi Ld St.. room i. pants nn- COI..oREI girl or woman for general house work, small family, easy place. Call Mon day. East WJd. EXPERIENCED cook, references required. Annlv mornings. 415 12th st. WANTED A girl or woman to run a hot.l on percentage or will rent. Wood. U. CONGENIAL young ludy to share room. Mnin 2rtim. WA NTED Schoolfr'.rl ; good home for light services.. Call Tabor Et2. t GIRL for general housework. 670 Lovejoy st. Main 3'33. WANTED Woman to help with housework and washing. 4118 E. Lincoln st. GIRL for" doing housework. Apply at once. 2S0 E. 33L GIRL wanted for general housework. Tabor 8M. WAITRESSES, hotel help, family help. 3.". $m, Howe's, room K5. 27 0 Washington. PRIVATE home for children, anv age; 1J year' experience. 71 4 Everett. Mar. 2162. HIGH SCHOOL clrl. good home aaaU wages. East 8529. WANTED Olrl. $1.Th day. Call Main S301 for references. GIRL- lor general bouQwor 101 24th v