TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIA2V, PORTLAND, MAY 21, 1916. 11 FOR SALE. Automobile Wanted, WANT slightly aisvd 5 -pass, car, late model. 6-cyUnder, electric lights and starter; will trade furnishtd &-roum beach cottage at fcunset Beach, Wash., on N. P. R. K. Has fireplace and ideally located at station; value. $luuu, and clear; rentals during bummer, $ 100; taxes $3. Owner, C. b. Arnold, Aurora, Oregon. $300 FIRST mortgage on 20 acres of bench land within 3uu yards of paved road and within 2 miles thriving town of Wood land, Wash.; trade for good auto; mort gage paat due but soed. AK tu0. Ore gonlan. JklY 7-room modern home, built-in conven iences. Leased 1 year, paying 7 per cet on investment, clear of incumbrance, to exchange for good auto. Balance can run 3 years. Phone- Mr, Hageman. Bdwy or Tabor 6S73. WH. AUTO DEALEK, or anyone who would exchange new or same as new light i pass. car for clear 0 acres of fir timber, containing ouO cords of wood. 2 miles from ' best town in Yamhill County Phone East HAVE f irat-clasa acreage, lots or furniture to trade for good auto, or take auto as part payment; only here few days. See xny agent, BADLEY, 621 Yeon Bldg. Main 481. A LIGHT two or four-passenger car, nothing older than 1913, on payments; Hupp pre ferred. Balfour Apartments, apt. lu, 1103 Belmont. i'OK SALE One air-cooled Kelley engine In Al condition. Sell cheap or will trade on light car or runabout. AP 078, Ore goniin. feMALL car; will give new typewriter and some cash first payment. balance In monthly payments. AD 0-4. Oregonian. WAN T o-passenjrtr auto, late Dodge or Bulck, for hioh-grade player piano and some cash. B Cu2, Oregonian, 1 WANT to trade my gold watch and dia mond for a Ford in good condition. AH 62;t, Oregonian. 4 BAY VIEW lots, Astoria, Or., value $500, for automobile. Call or address 2003 Dixon st. EXCHANGE Driving mare, buggy and har ness, some money for light automobile. ' K i;i2, Oregonian. Al GOLD BONDS, bearing T per cent in terest, payable in September, for good auto up to $7ut. Tabor 57Q3 after Sunday. EXCHANGE $1000 lot, improvements paid, for late model auto. Dodge or Buick class. Y 007, Oregonian. 6-PASS. CAR for timber claim In northern California. W. B., Camas, Wash., P. O. 437. WANT good automobile, have $1500 equity, 5-room modern bungaiow, in walking dis tance, mortgage $1200. AJ" 024, Oregonian. CALIFORNIA, $750 equity, lot, Berkeley, for auto or property here. AJ ooo, Ore gonian. fcMALL car worth $04)0; give $250 cash and $800 equity house and lot worth $t00, rented. T 023, Oregonian. WANT Ford body, late model, touring or roadster; must be good and cheap for cash. Call Sell. 400. WANTED 5-pass. Ford car in good repair, for Chalmers light delivery car. Phone East 507 or B 1507, 4 to 6 P. M. WANT used auto for equity in bungalow, rented for $14. Col. 18S. WANTED 6-cylinder. 1916 automobile; give full details. AR 022, Oregonian. WANTED 1914 and '15Fordtourins body. Pheal, 260 E. 45th st. Ibou EQUITY In trade lor auto. good vacant property, AO 604, Oregonian. fcPOT cash for a Ford car. 1045. 1199 Haight ave. Call Woodlawn WANTED Late model A-l, 5-pass. auto for $1000, clear Rose City lot- Tabor 5Q99. TRADE beach cottage of 3 rooms for good auto. 1595 Olln st. WANT automobile, will give vacant lot near carilne. AJ 622, Oregonian. WANTED Ford touring, good running. Call Sunday, northwest cor. 14th s,iid Couch. LOT in Oregon City, value $400, trade for auto. Main 8251. At'TO wanted In exchange for acreage in Malheur County. N 624, Oregonian. Auto Tires and Accessories. fiOMETHIXO good Forde auto soap and finish; nothing better; ask for sample. Forde Products Sales Co.. 89 Grand ave. SFLITDORP magneto with barrel coll, good condition. Apply Bilton Service Station, 404 Davis. Automobiles for Hire. $1 25 PER HOUR 3910 6-cvIinder auto; $1 per hour, 1916 Ford. Marshall 149. 1016 DODGE. $1.25 per hour, touring, calling and shopping. Main 7435. $1.25 HOUR Hup., special rates by day; full camping outfit. Woodlawn 3307. KING (8) AUTO for hire, $1.25 per hour. Phone Marshall 2350, A 29S3. way or anywhere. East 4755. AUTOS without drivers for hire. Long & Silva, 462 Hawthorneaye. Phone E. 6840. 181 6MAXWELL7 $ 1 .23 per "hour ; 1915Ford, $1 per hour. Main 5336. A 6271. FOR a -clean, first-class touring car and a careful competent driver. Main f378. 7-PASSEN'GER Cadillac, anywhere. any time. $1-50 per hour. Woodlawn 3307. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. 101R 6-H. P. Indian, kick starter, good aF new, -$165. 7-H. P. 1914 Twin Pope, lamp and Pres to, $110. 1914 9-H. P. two-speed Dayton, fully equipped. A-l shape. $165. 1915 3-speed Excelsior, equipped, just like new, will thoroughly guarantee, $225. 1913 9-H. P. Dayton, equipped, good con dition, $115. fee the Dayton Motor Bike, new 116 8-speed Dayton now on display. DAYTON CYCLE, CO., 23 0 Broadway. H . P. EXCELPrOR, fully equipped, $33. 4 H. P. EXCELSIOR, $40. 4 H. P. THOR. $50- 7 II. P. INDIAN, $100. Bargains in used machines of all makes on essy terms EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand Avenue. Agencv for HARLEY-DAVIDSON. FLY ING MERKEL and Miami Power Bicycle. BARGAINS IN L'SED MACHINES. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. 1914 Excelsior, good condition, equipped, $140. 3915 Excelsior, 3-speed. equipped, $200. 1916 Excelsior, 3-spced, equipped, $225. 1 915 Indian, 3-speed. equipped, $2 J 3. Dealer in Indian motorcycles. H. LYSTUL. The Motorcycle Man. Indian Motorcycles, Supplies and Repairing. 4hS Union Ave. N.t corner Sacramento St. Phone East 6977. YOUR chance to buy a new motorcycle at half price and your own terms. H. L. KEATS AUTO COMPANY, Broadway at Burnside. Gasoline ISo per gallon. Idi u ipi PV twin a.noH 1rt 1913 DAYTON, 'twin. 9 . H. P., fuV.y equipped and overhauled. $100. 1013 Sinirie EXCELSIOR. $50. 1913 TWIN HARLEY, fully equipped; R. H. BLOCKER. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th. . TWIN MERKEL. 1912 model, chain drive, tandem, 3916 license, in perfect running condition; am leaving town, so must sell at once, no reasonable orter reiusea : also good bicycle. 3 i:i E. 8th st. South. WANTED -Second-hand two and three-speed H an ey-Davidson motcrcvclep. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 4-1 Grand Avenue. MOTORCYCLE at a bareain: 3912 Tndlan 4-H. P.. tine condition; light and tandem; $45. Call Sunday up to 1 P. M. 620 East stark. TWIN Excelsior, tandem seat, PreB to-lite, piecdometer whistle, n?w tires, four in ner tubes; $115. 109 11th su Call after ronday. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. 1935 H.-D.. in first-class condition. Ad- nresy Kretl HecKer, 47 K. Broadway, city. E-N-CELSlOR lyio; good tires speed ometer, tanoem; gooa worKing oraer; um: also motorcyclinsr suit. $12. H. G.. 912 Division TtKCyCLE3, perfect condition, terms if 1 opirea: open evenings, sunaays to to 12. Indian Ajrnncy. wis -Ja. Main ti.v,. FOR SALE 1915 Harley. fully equipped run 2000 miles, passenger sidecar; all gooa condition; $Jiu; terms. Main 203, GOOD second-hand motorcycles and bicycle for sale cheap ; terms on motorcycles, 14i, banoy oivd. Tabor 2";7. EXCELSIOR twin 7. equipped and in extra good connmon, H-o, $jo casn, montn Tabor a-s-. DAYTON two-speed twin. $150; very pow erful: complete equipment. Covey Moto: :ar ( o. .nam n4-. lfMft 3-SPEED big-valve Excelsior, equipped: used very little; $225. Ccncord st. fullv 1246 BICYCLES and motorcycles bought and sold. R. H. Blocker, 276 Taylor, corner 4th. 7-H. P. 1914 INDIAN. 3fl9 East Washington. East 3716. B 2560. WANT to rent motorcycle for month; reference. PJS21, Oregonian. 1913 HARLEY twin, fully equipped, cash or terms. Phone East i&iz. FOK S ALE. Motorcycles. Do not fail to see races at Rose City speedway May 30. Factory riders will be here to compete. "WE STILL. HAVE A FEW MOTORCYCLES, $25 AND TIP. will give a three months' on any machine sold. guarantee We have several used machines which we have taken in on new ones, consisting of Harleys, Indian, Thor, Dayton, Merkel and Excelsior; all have been thoroughly overhauled and will be sold at sacrifice to move them quickly ; 3 months' guar antee Distributors for Harley-Davidson motor cycles; 0th carload will arrive May 20. Largest exclusive dealers in the state. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO. Agents for the Harley-Davidson. Largest Exclusive Motorcycle Dealers in the City. 103 6 HA RLE Y, electric, fully equipped, taken in on new Power Plus; for sale cheap. is14 two-speed Indian, fully equipped, $165. 5-H. P. Reading, $75, with tandem. Brand new 1914 electric Indian, $200. Second-hand bicycles also. INDIAN AGENCY, 273 Third St. Miscellaneous. COMPLETE TOILETS. $11. We sell bathroom outfits, kitchen sinks, range boilers, gas water heaters, pipe fit tings, direct to you at 15 per cent less than wholesale prices to the plumbers and save you bis; money on your plumbing bills. Let us submit our figures before you decide on your plumbing work ; at tractive prices for laying sewers; our estimates are free and all our work if guaranteed. NORTHWEST PIPE 187 Front St. CO., Main 5631. PIPE PIPE PIPE. We have black and galvanized pipe from inch to 12 Inch. Also big stock from 5 inch to 12 inch- at bargain prices. We have ail kinds of plum bint; supplies. PORTLAND PIPE .SHOP. Main 6325. 2! Front st. CA?h registers, slightly used, reduced prices; second-hand and rebul) t National cash registers low priced, eflsv monthly paym'U. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 352-354 Burnside St., cor. 8th. Phone Broadway 1816. FOR SALE Wholesale house quitting: Safe, steel filing cases, desks, typewriters, ulc tograph, comptometer, trucks, bill of lad ing machine, stencil machine, billing ma chine, sample trunks. 428 Flanders street. Phone Broadway 0105. 25 DROPHEAD sewing machines, complete, with attachments, in good sewing order, $8 to $25; sewing machines re-nted $2 per month machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. B 307. East 2359. FOR SALE Bevel plate glass door, size 3x 8, P. & P. Corbin brass latch, hinges to match; size of glass 2x6, with 1-inch bevel ; in first-class condition ; price $20 f. o. b. Hiilsboro. Address Box 62, Hills boro, Or. PIPE Second-hand and new, black and gal vanized, any amount of any size. Get our prices and we'll get your order. M. Barde & Sons. The House of a Million Bargains. Main and Friak ata. SEWING MACHINES of all makes sold for less; no a cents employed ; old machines taken in exchange ; machines rented. $2 per month. Sewing Machine Emporium, i-.o 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3G20. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads. $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. S. S. Slegel, two stores, 383 Alder st. and 242 Alder st. BILLIARD tables, new and second-hand, and accessories; barber fixtures and chairs, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Colionder Co., 46-48 Cth st HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and Biiotpuns, cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's Camera Exchange, S5 ad st. Main 3581. PORTABLE garages, houses hunting cabins, chicken-houses, woodsheds, etc Millmade Construction Co. 544 Hood t-' Main 1367 Residence phone Wdln. 3615. SHOWCASES, furniture, phonographs, rec ords, novlng-plcture machines; every thing, bought, sold and exchanged. 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4495. $17. 50 BUYS nearly new visible typewriter. standard keyboard; if you can use a ma chine do not overlook this. 418 Oregonian blag. SUITS pressed, 35c ; dry or steam cleaned l. ny pay more ? Autos call every where. Unique Tailoring Co., 300 Stark, Broadway 514. i ELECTRIC light cabinet. complete with rhair. elobes. otc. ; also library table, 2!x 72 inches; value $85; a bargain at $3U. Ad dress AV 192, Oregonian. CASH REGISTERS, National, sold on monthly payments; liberal discount for cash. Hochfeld Bros., 1st and Yamhill sts. STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE One 8-foot showcase shelving, one counter. HO Hawthorne ave. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re volvers; all makes; cheap. Beauregard's. 708 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. CASH REGISTERS, sliphtly used; our.prlces r lower. egiier Lxcnunge, d3-i?s Washington st. Main to. FOR SALE or trade, a flrt-class gas range with hiKh oven lor cook stove. AG 604, Oreconian. FOR SALE or rent Logging and hoisting t-npinos. all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 7(i 1st. Main 2H6:i. FOR SALE Steam-table. 8 ft.. w4thr coun ter and 3-gal. coffee urn; all In good con dition. 585 Overton st. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trad- or rent; expert repairing. alker Electric Works, 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5t!74. FOK SALE 100O lbs. popcorn, first-class conniticn. dry, not shelled. C. G. riaep pard. 47o Main st. Marshall 5278. FOR SALE Offi furniture complete. typewriter and desk. Call room 520 Sell IriR bldg GIRLS FAIRY bcycle with coaster brake. in first-class condition. inquire 402 Washington st. v THREE roll-top desks. 1 flat desk. 1 book keepers chairs and filing cabinets. Ul Park st. FOR SALE Tapestry Brussels rug in good condition, $S; also folding Ko-cart, $14.50, will sell for $15. 1291 E. 12th N. WANTED To sell a beautiful 2-k. diamond ring, platinum crown; cost $u50, for $200. O 610, Oregonian. ROOSEVELT'S Big Game; Century Ency clopedia; world s oreat tJ lassies, OO vols, reasonable. 273 14th st. STOCK of second-hand sectional bookcases in'new condition: will sell at a sacrifice. Call at once. 735 Morgan bldg. BACKS PACER I C. Smith typewriter, $30; No. t t Edison rotary mimeograph, $30. P. H. Gerrells. 460 17th St. SPECIAL 15 chrysanthemums or IS mixed flower plants, postpaid, iioc ; both, 55c J no. C. Swaner, Berkeley, Cal. TWO pool tables, fully equipped; good new; cneap. wooaiawn 2Vio. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 8d st. Main 797. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. V.". 1yai1 & Vachinery Co., .'ill Front st. WE buy Junk pnd hardware of 'all descrip tions, xain uo. ow r root. 4-FOOT slab and cordwood prices reduced until .Tune 1. Alhina f uel Co., East 1R2. LOOM, stove, sewing machine for sale. ;;7th ave. S. E. FOR SALE Lord's Code of Oregon also ia l, iui.3 ana isnj session jaws. Main 824. NEW popcorn you want it. crispette machine. Quick If uornur 4tn ana baimon sts. TWO chairs. 5 stands for sale at 403 E. Mor ripon St. FOR SALE Second-hand books., ders st. - SURVEYING instruments and outfit, tran sit, level, etc. -call room 5i selling bld. NEW silk crepe Japanese kimono, price, Monday. 2736 14th Bt. $25 BABY CAB for sale; $9.50. st. North. 570 E. 43d 5x7 VIEW camera. Coera Dagor F. 68 lens, compound shutter. No. 2. Call Tabor 558 FOR SALE .Furnished tenthouse at Oswego Lake. trice Jfo. rnone x aoor dW4. WANTED Good tennis racquet. Tabor 535 Call Monday. ONE logging engine. 9 by- 10 Washington. Address jiauie tteeo. jjinnion, or. FOR SALE Bargain, Smith hand concrete mixer. 1 G- 604, Oregonian. . NEW Tuxsdo suit, full satin lined, cheap. Apt. 4QQ. 3S6 3d s WHO wants a $ 65 Warner SDeedometer. chain and all. $15"? AR 625, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL stock. Mam Persian kittens from prize r45o. Box 22. Hillsdale. Or. 5x7 VIEW camera, complete outlR; will sac r!f:ce. East 17 4 . Wm. Stern. ON E fold in? po-cart. Just like new, cheap. 347 E. 7th X. ROLL-TOP desk. $13; flat-top desk, $7.50; also chairs, table, filing cabinet. 107 2d. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. CABL13 CABLE and more cable at these 'prices. . 10c ft. 1 , 12c ft. 1. 20c ft. 1H. 23c ft. . c ft. , 7c ft. H, 6c ft. , PIPES -PIPE PIPE, at prices that bring the business. to 14-lnv any quantity. Machinery Rebuilt machinery, any kind, for the mill, logger or anybody "wanting any kind of machlne'ry. Ralls, car wheels, etc., any size, from " 8 lb. to SO. -lb. special. 114-yard "Western" dump carts, each. And anything else anybody wants. Sea Barde first it pays. iJ. BARDE & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains. 240-244 Front t. $25 COMPLETE TOILETS, $12. We sell bathroom outfits, kitchen sinks, range boilers, gas water heaters, pipe fit tings, direct to you at 13 per cent less than wholesale prices to the plumbers and save you big money on your plumbing bills. Let us submit our figures before you decide on your plumbing work; at tractive prices for laying sewers; our estimates are free and ail our work is guaranteed. . NORTHWEST PIPE CO. 187 Front St. ' Main 5631. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Big stock of black and galvanized pipe f rem -inch to 8-inch; all kind plumb ing supplies, Hargain prices. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 209 FRONT ST. Main 6325. TENTS TENTS TENTS. Campers take notice! Now is the time to prepare for a Summer outing. Feld ctein carries a full line of new and second-hand tents and sells them cheaper than they can be bought wholesale. Come and get our prices to satisfy yourself. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 90 Grand Ave. FREE. $3 ripping attachment given away with every sale of a machine for this week only; 35 second-hand sewing machines to select from, $5 up; also the best of new machines cf all makes at factory prices; all machines guaranteed; terms if neces sary. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 yd st. Main 94 3 X. A 802ft. MALLEABLE GARLAND RANGE, aa good as new, with a first-class water back, with high warming closet: 18-inch oven. This is a standard made range, "The "World's Bent." Has warming; oven below. We are offering this Tange, which cost when new $75 reduced to $35 for this week. Feldateln Furniture Co., 88 Grand ave. FOR RENT OR SALE. MARION 30 STEAM SHOVEL. Revolving type. Hoisting engines, pile drivers, derricks, concrete mixers, pumps, machinery and equipment of all kinds. STANDARD MACHINERY CO., 46 2d st. We rent, buy, sell. COMPLETE RESTAURANT OUTFIT, Including gas range, double oven, wood and coal range. tables, chairs, dishes, steam table, counter, etc. Can be bought cheap. GEVURT2 FURNITURE CO., 185 1S7 1st st. TWO ALADDIN LAMPS. One never used; $18 medioul volume. new electric toaster; No. 8 kodak, will sell any at a bargain for cash or trade for child's bath tub, nursery chair, lawn mower, dahlias and gladiolus bulbs or chickens. Phone Woodlawn 2152. 317 Willamette blvd. - OUR repair department paint houses, builds Barn sea, sleeping porcnes, rencn doors, fireplaces, kalsoinlnes and papers rooms, paints roof and guarantees everything. WHY experiment ? OREGON HOME BUILDERS, Oliver K. Jeffcry, Pres. 1 330 North western Bank BIdgr FOR SALE AT SOUTHEAST CORNER 1"TH AND EVERETT STS. 1 double, flat oak desk and desk chair. 1 platform scales Fairbanks.) 1 Remington typewriter. 2 oak cabinet files. SODA WATER fountain outfit; 5-ft. marble top counter, cooler box, lu syrup bottles, silver plated draft arm, block tin con nections. Price $50. Inquire Gaston Drug Store, Gaston, Or. 6-H. P. A C. MOTOR. 8-ft. . windmill 9-in. swing spar lathe. Morgan box nailing ma chines, marine engines, emery stand, ma chinery repairing. Northwest Lead & Machinery Co., 811 Front st. BEAUTIFUL diamond, size karat and half, and 16th pure white; cost $375; for quick saxe wiii tane ou. ar 508, ore gotiian. FOR SALE Rudor rattan baby carriage, cost $2., will sell for $5; Sabv tender, cost $5. will sell for $1.50. 1353 E. 30th at. N. Alberta car. COMPLETE double office cvtflt. Rolltop desk, flat-top desk. 4 armchairs. 2 swivel chairs, settee, all solid oak; fireproof safe, etc. 310 Lumber Exchange. ABOUT 50 yards of high-grade inlaid lino leum, used about two mont hs ; cost new $1.75 yard ; price now 75c per yard. ;evuriz rurnnure t'o., jh,i-is7 1st st. PHOTOGRAPHING OUTFIT. High-graoe 8xlO camera with Turn er ne ion anasugma lens, come developing equipment; a bargain. R 623, Oregonian. FOR SALE Brand-new 6x7 View camera, complete with 2 lenses, shutters, 5 extra holders, case, etc.; cost $110, and $35 takes It. AN 2i, oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE 0-drawer National register; also 4-wire cash carrier. Smith & Co., 404 K. Burnside. GOOD Edison phonograph and 100 records $0.50. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. SPLENDID Eastman 5x4 $23 camera, $12.50. down and $5 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 350 Alder. ONE 5-foot f.oor candy cas. one Dayton computing scale, at a oar gain; can today 203 Jefferson st. FIHST-CLASS disc talking machine, only $7.50. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Second-hand bricks. 3O00 or Broadway 2703. Call Main GIRL'S bicycle. Just like nw. $18. Joe's Bicycle Repair ihop, 2W Taylor st. FOR SALE 1 bench drill. 1 emery stand pulleys, belting and shafting. Tabor 573. FOR SALE 9x12 rug for $10. 1225 Mon tana ave., or phone Woodlawn 3143. NEW Vulcan gas Woodlawn 3024. FOR SALE Cook Commercial st. range for sale. Call stove with cotl. FOR SALE $40 wicker baby carriage, good as new. 510. Kasi ww. FOR SALE Jewel gas stove, bargain, origi nal cost 9-0. r'none t,. wji. $12.; ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner in first-class condition ior ov. .cast z.nm. FOR SALE Twin Oriole basket, price $5. GI ES marine reverse gear and 4-cylinder aputaori magneto. auo tL.. Aiorrison. $450 DIAMOND ring for once. At 193 Broadway. $250 If sold a ONE office desk. S-drawer, cheap. 878 Mon tana ave. FIKEPKOOr safe. 3x2x23, good as new at a bargain. 310 Lumber Exchange. DENTAL BC 601, CHAIR Oregon!: and cabinet. reasonable, TYPEWRITER DESK. $6; oak table, oak d e sk. safe, letter file. 66 Broadway. L. R. A.. Current Law and many text books like new, cheap. R. T. King. Kelso, Wash Vi-H. P. ilO-volt single phase C perfect condition : $25. P11. 2f BAKERY outfit for sale or trade. 5f0 5th st FURNITURE WAXTKD. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays the best price for your Turn uu re. o- ist, Aiatu ijt. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr WBhhur", V r 47SS. WANTED to buy Cash for the furniture of residence. AH 624, Oregonian. FtJRNITrRE WANTED. PPOT CASH FOR TOUR FURNITURBL 2VS First. KLINE'S. 203 First. MAIN S0. i A phone call will bring the buyer with the money. We buy and sell everything for the house; no lot too small or too big for us. WE PAY THE BBST PRICES. GEVURTZ buys your furniture, staves, rugs, carpets, organs, etc. We pay the highest cash prices for th above house hold goods. phone and our buyer will call at once. Oevurts Furniture Store, 207 lot between Taylor and Salmon. Phone Marshall 5P7. REMEMBER, I pay a g-ood price for uMd furniture, quick deal. See J. H. Nash. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg., or phoue Main 6129. 1 iNtiii a lot of second-hand furniture and carpets to ship out of town; can pay more than Portland secondhand dealers. Phons J. WALKER. Main 4773. IE, sell our rurnituro to th n Co. Math 8501. 211 1st st Auctioi WILL pay hlichest prices and spot cash for good used furniture, rugs. etc. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment, phone Main 57; J. C. PEDERSEX. WILL PAY CASH FOR , SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2567. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for eecond-hand furniture, household goods. 51 N. 3d. Broadway 119. RANGE and several all-cotton or floss mattresses wanted. Marshall 73. d FURNITURE wanted. Main HK4. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, CLEAN UP TOUR JUNK AND BRTNO IT TO J. LEVE. 186 COLUMBIA STREET. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICKS, A3 FOLLOWS: Clean copper wire 220 per lb. Light copper llc per lb. Huavy red brass, clean 17c per lb. Heavy yellow brass, clean. . . .13HC per lb. LlKht brass, clean lie per lb. Pewter 24c per lb. Aluminum 33c per lb. Lead 5c per lb. Taa lead per lu. Ztno Mixed rairs . . . . .loo per lb. 1 i c per lb. 7c per lb. No. 1 rubber shoes, cleitii. No. 2 rubber shoes, clean Bicycle tires No. 1 auto tires . . .4c per lb. . 2 VsC per lb. .5 VjC per lb. No. 2 and wornout auto tires. . .3c per lb. Solid tires, free from Iron and hard back 3cperlb. Tinfoil 20c per lb. Sof white rubber water bags. . Sc per lb. Black rubber . t 2o per lb. Pure rum tubes, clean 21o per lb. No. 2 tubes, clean 0o per lb. Block tintype 86o per lb. We don't buy from peddlers or Junk dealers. We pay the highest cash market prices at all times. Why? Because having good facilities for handling our materials and Belling East in carload lots exclusively enable us to pay bettef prices than any of our competitors. $1.75 PER BOOK FOR S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS. WILL BUY ANY QUANTITY. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland, Or. W A N T ED SECO N D-H AN D CLOTH ES. We pay the highest price for ladies and gents' cast-off clothing, bicycles and everything In merchandise, call us up. We need it and pay for It. GIX)BE STORE, 285 FIRST. Mai n 2oS0. M aln 203O. WANTED Second-hand 300 to 400-kwt. gonerator, supply a zo-cycie singie-pnase A. C current at 4S0 volts, and direct 1 connected to and driven by a 2-cy Under oil engine. Must be in good order and a bargaiu. State where can be seen aud lowest price. AL 622, Oregonian. LET me tell you how to make your vacant lot, logsed-ofr land, oia burned or swamp land yield big revenue. Something new. Stamped, addressed envelope brings par ticulars. McCoy, 201 Stock Exchauge bldg.. 170 3d st. LEVIN HDW. & FURN. CO., 21 Front st. We buy, sell, all klnus or housenoia goods, furniture, carpets and ranges, restaurant outfits, hardware, including tools of any description ; also trunks, valises, suitcases, guns, rifles. Main 1072, A 7174 WILL pay cash for 10 or 15 horse-power second-nana vertical ooiiur, mufc lw com plete and guaranteed to stand 100 lb. working pressure. State price, make and full particulars in first letter. AR 500, Oregonian. WE pay highest prices for metals, rubber. auto tire, macninery, Deitmg. ALASKA BAG & METAL CO.,. 173 Front St., Cor. Yamhill. Main 8232. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. $5.0 and up tor secona-nana suns, auo pays more for clothing and shoes. J. Meyer, the reliable buyer. Phone Marshall 1229. 220 Madison. GR CRMAN wl:i pay you astonishingly good prices f"r your rugs, meiai ana omer junk;'also for second-hand furniture and men's clothing. Marshall 3861k SECOND-HAND CL TH I NO BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. AVe pay highest price for all kind of clot bins, shoes, etc. Call Main 4776. 247 Front st. M D1UM-Si,ED incubator and brooders; must be stanaaru mafc.e. goou conamon ard cheap; give full particulars. Lock Box 6. Barlow. Or, WANTED Second-hand platform or com bined pan and platform scale; must he a bargalu und in good order. AL 023, Ore gonian. WANTED Good 4-cycle engine, suitable for Installation- in motorboat. .i-horsepower or over. Ans. giving description and price. AO 622. Oregonian. DON'T give your goons away; 10,0'K) useful articles to traoe, or pay casn. i-o r irai, near Alder Main 44i5. WANTED Set of used golf clubs. Must be in pood condition, wttn or wxtnout bag. Phone Marshall 22S. buV" WANTED Macninery. pipe. etc. we buy or dismantle old plants van our junk aept. for your junk. M. Barde & Sons. Main and Front s t s. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. n . m. ficaenng, mfg. jeweler. 21B Oregonian bldg. HIGHEST '-cash market prices paid at all times ror scrap metai, ruooer, maniua rope. J. Leve. 1S6 Columbia, Main 51H8. HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes ana an Kinus oi carpenter tools. Main 4402. H. Cohen. 273 Front st. CASH for old teeth; highest prices; prompt remittance; mail to sterling uental sup ply. 613 Market st., San Francisco. WANTED 60-cycIe, 22i0-volt.. 3 phase, 25 to 35 K. W. generator; must bo in A-l condition. Box 4S3 Forest Grove. WANTED To buy 2 green trading stamp books, $1 eacn. al osu, uregonian. WANTED Cigar store or stock of cigars; must be nargain. au oib. orrgonian. W A NTED National cash register. 6oe. 351 H Washington st. WE buy and sell rvew and second-hand sult- c ascs and t ru n ks. main iwu. a. hi. WANTED Cash register, showcases, 1st and Yamhill. Main 46. ' WANT 0x12 rug or larger, Brussels or vel vet. Marshall auots. $1.75 PER BOOK or 17Hc per 100 for S. A H . st am ps. iio . w . iann diur. faPOT CASH FOR TIRES AND OLD METAL. Auto Wrecking Co., 271 Front. M. 19;;. WILL pay fair price for second-hand cloth ing and shoes Call Broadway 1S-S6. WANTED Used Underwood typewriter, late model; state price. E 601. Oregonian. WANTED Moll-top office desk; must be a bargain. 428 Lbr. Lxch. bldg. WANTED Second-hand bricks. Telephone Woodlawn 734. . ALASKA Bag & Junk Co.. 233 Front, pays highest prices Junk allkinds. M. 4686. WANTED Single set of driving harness. 622. Oregonian. WANTED Irish mall cart for boy, reasona ble. Call Se.lwood 2121. SPOT CASH paid for phonographs and rec , ords. 12S 1st., near Alder. Main 4405. GAS range nnd water heater In No. ditlon. C 601, Oregonian. WANTED The best rug that $10 cash will buy. AO 576. Oregonian. H 1 t H cST cash prices for d lamonds. old gold, silver, platinum. Golden"s. 167 1st st. W ANTED-jr-Second-hand candy tools. GlA, Oregonian WANTED Common Inch. 48-50 IsL black pipe, ft -4 to 2 CASH paid for all kinds of stoves. Main 4405. 128 First, near Alder. HELP WANTED MALE, FA K M -HAND '-Must be Kood milker; $40 per month and -board. Ah. Q24, Oregonian. GOOD teamster for plowing. AK 625, Ore gonian. AGENTS wanted; Washington. big money. Call 542 EXPERIENCED janitor and wife; must un- oerstand oil bus! ness; $50. East MM. WANTED Tpb ms or auto to haul lumber Apply 270 6th. Sunrtny or Monday. W A NTED Janitor (single man for apart-ment-hoUBJ. Apply A 1644 or Mar, 2o00 HELP WtMED MALE. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson sts. U. S. Government Employment Office co-operating. WILL WANT SEVERAL HUNDRED MEN THE FIRST OF THE WEEK. SEE US FOR A JOB. Delivery boys. Boys for local factory. office boy. about 16, references. Farm hands. Milkers. Hopyard laborers. 30 section men. 5 section .men on Coast, $1.75. 25 machinists, out of town, open shop, $3 to 3.75. r0 logging road laborers, top pay. Lumber yard laborers, various localities. Lumber scaler. All-uround sawmill men. Jobs every where. Wages the best. Cordwood cutters. Expert lumber piler, Scandinavian, $3. BEKRY PICKERS WUU start shipping out berry pickers and packers Tuesday. Can ue 60u more men, women and chil dren for the work. Be sure and register Monday If you want to get in ou the urst assignment. , THE LARGEST EMPLOYERS OF LA BOR IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST GET MEN FROM THIS OFFICE. THE HE ARE ALWAYS JOBS TO BE HAD AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THEM. NO FEES ARE CHARGED. Main S555. A 5024. WE are operating our factory and can use 4 more men mechanically in clined that are looking for steady work and a chance to work; wa want men that can invest from $0000 to $1000 and you get a share of the profits and good wages. For particulars call room 724 North western Bank bldg;. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Jay and night classes; training In re pairing, driving and machine work,, In cldlng forge. In the, B ha per, drlllpfeas. etc.; time unlimited. Securopass at Edu cational office Y. M. C. A. bldg.. to Inspect our shops and methods. COM PETE. NT CHAUFFJST'RS AND MECHANICS SUP PLIED. Tuition fee includes MEMBER HHIP IN Y. M C. A. and its EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT, use f 60-ft. swim ming pool, shower taths, gymnasium, etc ANY Intelligent person, either sex, of good ed ucation and business ability ; must be ablo to handle correspondence and writs good business letter; an opportunity to start a small but prolltable mail order business In our own home or office; good for $HK a-week when established; can be managed in spare time, evenings, or as a side tins at first; grows rapidly; send for particulars. Heacock Co., S07 Heacock bhlg.. Lockport. N. Y. GARTSIDE S IRON RUST SOAP CO., 400 Lancaster ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Garc side's Iron Rust Sonp (trade-mark, print and copyright registered in the L. S. 'Patent Office removes iron rust. Ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, mar ble, etc. Good seller, big margins, agents wanted. Tho original. 25c a tube. Beware of infringements and the penalty for making, selling and using- an infringed art i civ. WHY swelter this Summer? Enjoy cool sea breeies at a Summer resort and prenare for business positions at the Astoria Busi ness College a very unusual, expert school of shorthand. penmanship and business; won nrst prize in 1015 O. G. A. International shorthand contest; won GreKK pennant: work on exhibition at the ' World's Fair; students uniformly success ful. Send for beautiful free catalogue. EMPLOYME-TniTEpXRTENTY. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment In com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the Employment Secre tary. To non-members a special member ship is Issued, costing $5 per annum, glvlne service of the department for a - year two months' full privileges and re fund of membership fee if. satisfactory em ployment is not secured. LEARN AUTO TRADE In most modem school on Coast. Cou rr.es practical nnd complete; expert supervision; time unlim ited; reasonable rotes. Will help you earn your living while learning. Catalogue free. National School of Enelneering (Es tablished IWCi), Los Angeles. WANTED Young man to learn a good manuf HCturing business; must be willing to begin in office and work his way up through all Its branches. Address in own handwriting, stating ags, etc. X 603, Ore jronicn. ' WANTED An experienced clothing and fur nishing salesman; must be able to write cards and trim windows; state age, ex-porb-nce, whet her married or single and salary expected; must furnish references. AV 201. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Jobbing or machinery Iron molders, H hours, $4 minimum, steady work to good men; union shop; no trouble. Apply by letter or In person to Carl Smith, JV2( Fremont st.. San Francisco, CaL LOGGING camp timekeeper, single. $60 per month and board. App! y In writing, stat ing age. experience and references; start work May 25. Big Creek Logging Co., Knnppn, Or. SECRET SERVICE American, traveling and foreign; reliable' persons interested may send confidential personal particu lars to district secretary. Asiatic Pacific Aw'iicy, San Francisco, Cal. CALIFORNIA, 200 motion picture com panies; eay to write plnys: highest prices; no shool; we revise, sell; send for free de tails. Photoplay Bureau, 335 sta. C, Los Angeles. AGENTS You csn make b!c money; an easy selling proposition :- rellnble, estsb lisbed business; big commissions: only ex perienced solicitors need apply. 80 Grand ave. W A XTED Man and wife, Swiss, German or Scotch, for fnrm work. Woman for house work; must be good cook and have refer ence. Call 411 Commercial block Monday morning for interview. Msln 751, A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make monev selling our hardy, guaranted orna mental and fruit stock: rash weekly; part x peii?e provided. Washington Nursery "o., Topp-nl .. Wash. WHITE SALMON s t ra wherry picking aea' son opens up about June 1; a large n urn- , ber of pickers and packers wanted; should have your own camping outfit. Apply to Fruit growers' Union. White Salmon, Wash. WANTED A bright young man to art s salesman and to do collecting; must be alive and clean cut; small salary to start. AT 625, Oregonian. BOYS wanted, with wheels and motorcycles; must be over 10 years of age; steady work, good pay; chance for advancement. L. A. Molienhour, 253 Oak ax. TAKK engineering course, steam, gas, auto or electrical : courses to suit all ; work done helps pay tuition. Seattle Engineer ing School, Roy St.. Seattle. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, 420-431 BELMONT ST. TOT'R WORK HELPS PAY THTTftN. STUD E XT S EARN BOARD, ROOM. AUENTS Men. women, write for greatest proposition to sell new line labor-saving household specialties. Mincke Co., Al hambra, Cal. STEADY emp., good wages, day and night classes; few months learning: profitable. Watchmaking, Engraving, Optical School, 218 Commonwealth bld;.. 6th and Ankeny. FREE SAM PLK No-splash water strainers ell themselves, no talking, experience un necessary. Profits big. Send 2c (mailing cost O. w. union r liter jq., j. y. i i'ST!.KR3 $2n to $30 made weekly dis tributing circulars, samples, tanking signs. etc. Advertisers National Agency, Dept. M-H7. cnicago. AGENTS New game for clear stores, bar ber shops : easy, big seller. Particulars free. United Pnlesboard Co., Trenton, N. J. GOOD waiter wanted: one that understands all-round restaurant work. Apply at once. lOO West I'arK. MEN to qualify fur firemen and brakemsn; beginners paid $10O monthly. Railway, care Oregonian. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINGS COL-j-r.jfc. Day and night classes. Special Sum. mer rates. Alisky bldg., 3d ird Morrison. BOY wanted; bright boy. 16 to IS years old; must be goori at rigurea and neat writer. HAZELWOOD CO., Front and Ankeny. WANTED Two young men as news agents to work on pnsspngcr trains: cash bond required. Apply at 16IMfr N. 6th St. EXPERIENCED special edition men, capable of Kitting big buslners; dally paper. Clyde Agon ey. Eat. 3 800. Stock Ex. bldg. MEYER. THE TAILOR, pays more for second-band f nits. $3 and up. 229 Madison at. Marshall 129. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE). Uncalled for mits. $3.50 up. " ORPfTF-UM CLEANERS. Sfl.t Stark, cor. Park HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL! 44!S HAWTHORNE AVE. TUITION $25 UNTIL JCNS 1. " A DCOX AUTO SCHOOL, ' 2i0, 11TH. NEAR JEFFERSON" ST. WORK YOUR; WAY THROUGH. WANTED Boy In food factory. $6. Steadv. One living with parents preferred. State age. etc. R Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter to take excellent Rnckawnv Beach lot ss part payment on - some work. D 00. Oregonian. WANTED First-class farm hand who knows how to handle cows and milk. Apply 916 Journal bldg-. WANTED Young married man to handle a delivery route in city; cash bond required. AH 621, Oregonian. WANTED Man and team to do grading in country. O 624, Oregonian. Y NTED Apprentice to learn trade. Henry Funk Auto Co.. machinist 20 Co urn. PHOTO agents, somethine new: extra crm m!s?inn paid. Samny ptudlo. Royal bldg.- WANT to buy a few sllghtTy worn ma"s clothes. 105 W. Park st. Broadway 1713. HELP WANTED MALE. DIMENSION mill operator, filer sawyer, foreman, millwright, $125; bookkeeper, stenographer, wholesale grocery ; stenog rapher, railroad experience; blacksmith, $ lw; machinist, 42c : amateur w inder, $3.25; engineer, fireman, lbr. inspectors and buyers, $100; exp.; also other high ciass openings; if you are tradesman, get mth us. Mack s, Little Rock, Ark. AGGRESSIVE young man of pleasing per sonality, financially responsible to handle on strictly commission basis agency for country's largest manufacturer of paper drinking cups and allied lines. This Is high-class proposition with excellent fu ture; no Investment required. Address, Francis H. Robinson. Imperial Hotel. TKA V EL! N salesman (drugs t, hdw. lbr. buyer, $lu0 and expenses; eilh-crpian, mold eriuan. s.3; sawmill engineer, top salary ; operating millwright. $125; dimension mill operator; cabinet makr. car repairer, $3 ; stenographer and bookkeeper; if you are t ra desman, mechanical or clerical, write. Mack's. Little Rock, Ark. WA NT ED A bright appearing young man anxious to learn bookkeeping and office work; willing to start at beginning with high-grade wholesale and retttll firm; one with some business college schooling pre ferred. Reply by ietter in own hand writ ing. A D Q2ft. Oregonian. WANTED Stickerman able to make knives and set up machines for moulding pat terns. Also keep up saws for four-inch " band sip saw. Must be good man. Steady work at good wages for rint party. Palmer Lumber dt Mfg. Co., Chehalls, Wash." GEN ERA L agents who can secure services of at least lO to 30 sub-agents, take orders men's made-tomeasure suits, overcoats, $12. 50 and $15; liberal proposition to right man; write, giving full particulars, refer ences. Phoenix Tailoring Co., lau Mercer st.. New York City. WANTED Man to invest very small amount with prospect of excellent returns; must be able to travel in one of the following status: Wyoming, Colorado, ftah, North Dukota, Idaho, Arizona. AK 6oO, Orego nian. $15 To $30 per month extra money to any employed person without Interfering with regular work ; no selling, no canvassing ; positively no investment; unemployed need not apply. The Yassar Silver Co., luL S. 5th ave-.. Chicago. BLACKSMITH and auto repair man, to start business for himself on most traveled road near Portlnnd. in thickly-settled fartn- lnr district. Rent $10 month. Shop and living-room. McCoy, 201 Stock Exchange, 17 3d st. tXi'EKl ENCED salesman and window trimmer for men's furnishing specialty store, a steady position for the rig lit party. GOLDBERG'S DOLLAR SHIRT SHOP 323 Pike street, Seattle, Wash. WANTED, clean man or woman with J 200 cash. Salary S4" with board and security. Another with $1"00. clerkship, salary $75 and security. Permanent places for re liable workers. McCoy, 20 1 Mock Ex change bldg., 170 3d. AID LTJ AT ED man of pleasing address conductor for party touring. Alaska; leave fcieatue June 14. returning July 21; sti expenses paid, but no salury; recommenda tions. Address, for interview, K 605, , Oregonian. LiHJAL veneral ft gen is for large magazine proposition In Walla Walla and Chehalts. Waeh. ; also in Astoria, TUlamook and The Dalles, Or. Apply 208 Abington bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Union painter. general all round experienced man. Six months steady work at scale here $4.50 day. ref erences. Address Chas. li. Hefferlin, Livingston. Mont. WANTED Two well-dressed young men, 25 to 30 years of age, with selling ability, for special work in Portland and vicinity. Apply 2o.h Lumber Exchange, from 10 to 12 Monday. WANTED -Yooung lawyer experienced In Oregon procedure ; salary and good pros pect : alve references and Qualifications li application: must be college man. AE 62". Oregonian. WANTED Honest strong boy, age 16 to 18, to work in grocery store and deliver; one who understands horses and lives at home. Answer lu own hand writ ing. giving ad dress and home. AR 6n., Oregonian. 1 WILL pay any honest man up to $-'0 monthly part of spare time; no canvass ing; m capital ; w rite touay. uorhies. Desk 152. omaha. Neb. WANTED Man with sawmill and logging outfit to move and cut 30,oo0,0o on contract. McCoy. 201 Stock Exchange -hiiUg.. 17V Third. WANTED Youns man to buy my scholar ship to best watchmaking school in the West; will sell cheap. J. K. Leander, room 61S. Y. M. C. A. CI TV salesman, familiar with auto accesso ries: party to furnish own auto; state ave, experience and salary expected. Answer In own handwriting. R 621, Oregonian. WANT E L -Good carpenter to build cottage at beach and accept property in small town for lubur. Address Nehalem Com pany. Wheeler, Or. MAKE 'money writing stories or articles bij pay; send for free booklet, "Opportun ity." United Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco. TWO or three men, $ 1 cord, split and saw furnished for boro. Or.. Route 4, cut DMH cords wood, pile ftoc cord; power luc cord. Write Hills- box 1S. SALESMAN, one having some knowledge of u raiting and general machine shop prac tice preferred. John Wood Iron Works, ;! K. Abler st. SMALL portion of time of first-class book keeper to write up corporation - books; resident of Mt. Pcott district preferred AO 621, Oregonian. WANTED Flying machine, concessions. , attractions or amusements, for celebra tion July 3d and 4th. Add res a Sec re t ar y Commercial Club, II ills boro. Oregon. LA KN good money u rltl ng names, ad (iresses. spare time; no canvassing: partlc n'ars stamp. Ci. C. Smith. Little Rock. Ark. SOLICITORS for city and country; high- class article ; big commission; rest seller also good side line. 7ol Swetland bldg. CASH 1 Kit and bKkke-per for largo office must be w-ll qualified ; :ive full detaiia ns lo experience. A P Oregonian. lloL'SEMAN w anted, one experienced in tending apt.; single man preferred. Wels- iey :nnn, r.. i owi n . ami x-tei mon i. DESIRE to get In Job printing business and need a pressman partner. AR 50 7, Ore gonian. A CHRISTIAN man and wife to look after business end of a mission; rent iree. A J Hi3, Oregoniim. TWO men, with $25. go camp, work In harvest, go man. with me In car, etc. R 020. Ore LKTK T IV K Secret service, inexperienced applicants everywhere: write. Bertillon Institute. Baltimore bldg., Chicago. WANTED Night boys. 18 years or over, $43 rer month: dav bovs. in or over. .S pe month. Apply Western Union. 3d and Oak. FI K ST-CLA SS coat maker wa nted : union bill. $l.tv end up. Address Anders k Nettelblsd. Aberdeen, Wash. CANVASSER to work among farmers, tree salesman preferred, something new. Lasy, McCov, -201 Stock Exchnnge bldg., 170 3d SHOEMAKER Reliable, who can take care of shop. Address A V DM. Oregonian. BOOKER, to sell and rent local films. Call today. 807 U psnur st. SPINNERS and weavers wanted' at Oregon City Woolen auifa. ureyon uy. MAN and wife, no children, work on small farm, hox urenco, ur. BAR BER wanted, steady Job. street. 203 Morrison WANTED Boy to ness; no salary. karn automobile bus! 717 Hawthorne ave. WANT good all-around cook. The Restaurant. 510 Union ave. X. SING LE man for hotel janitor; must hav references. E fi03, Oregonian. WANTED 2 bldg. shop. first-class barbers. Morgan MEN to solicit real estate listings ; pay. H32 Chamber of Commerce. good WHY be without work? You can make $10 week start. .Morgan omg. HOTEL elevator man; must speak plain and have experience, tit- oo, uregonian. WANT man to do painting fo lot. BC Ongonlan. good cheap WANTED A competent bushelman for ex tra work. K. 03, oregonian. MORE men for detectives; experience un necessary; big pay. "Box 443p, Akron, O. CABINET-MAKER wanted. Apply Pareliu Mfg. Co., sou Multnomah st. Help Wanted Agents. FRE E catalogue, samples, rew goods, qulc sales,- big profits, make $5 to $2-"V rtall; no experience, world's greatest specialtiei fruver Co.. Jackson & Campbell. Chicago, W ANTED State distributors, new Ford self atarter. retails $10. your price $.". elusive contract. Manufacturer, box 1-4, Detroit. Mich. MAKE CO per cent profit; sell guarantee home remedies: sample, particulars free. Bpnewell Medicine to,, station j, uetrol Mich. SNAPPIEST seller out today; grab .now, unlimited field, big profits, repeats sure, hurry, full particulars free. Ivy Sales Co.. Emeryville. -Col. SU0 PER CENT PROFIT Free sampl trold-sizn letters for store, office win dows; anyone ran put on. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. 10O MONEY making business plans formulae free. Address Agents' Busines: T ulblcr. ynm Indiana ave.. vnicaso, 1 1 1 AGENTS make ?4 to $S a day selling ou household necessities. Willis-Bert Co.. 17 Melrose, Seattle, W ash. WHY fell inferior? Our hospital policy col no more. 301 if oar a oi Trade bldg. MELV WANTET MALE. Help Wanted Agents. MEN WITH FORD CARS To demonstrate only Ford starter posi tively Kauraniced to spin motor over to compressions, past two ignition points; neve r falls to start any car startable by crank; women operate easily; positive au tomatic release in case of backfire; noth ing to get out of order; requires no mechanic to attach ; stock on 30 days' credit; get your profit: then pay us; write for agency proposition and sample on 30 das trial. Auto Starter Co., t4tj Alad din bldg.. 303 N. Haistcd. Chicago. MIGHTY repeat money-making marvel; S men order 47.620 packages first 16 days; Kalomlce revolutionizes clothes wasning Ideas: $ I0o weekly repeat-order business; abolishes rubbing, washboards, washing mar hies; $Kkk guarantee ; absolutely harmless; Kalomlte works wonders; wom en astounded no experience necessary ; creait ovorw nelining proof. LViuituJne Corporation. Dept. 513, 215 W. -uperiur st., Chicago. W. W. WALLS of Michigan, sold $lt3 worth of "iv.1 aluminum cooking utensils and specialties iu one day's work last week; 1 rot it $V; W. A. Smith. W. V., sold more than $ JOO worth In 3 days; profit $lo; others cleaning up ; you can. too; low prices sell our new specialties on sight; get in on this quick and secure choice of territory. Div. 4H, American Aluminum M f c. Co.. Lemont, 111. HAVE a splendid proposition to make to agents or canvassers who are willing to earn $3 a day and over; pay 50O per cent profit on article that looks and is worth $2, but you can sell It for o0c every other home you call on. This article never be fore offered by canvassers and I will give exctuslve territory to first applicants. Ad dress Post office Drawer 70. Buffalo. N. Y. BiO SUMMER SELLER Something new; concentrated soft drinks; Just add water; delicious drinks in a Jiffy: popular for homo, picnics, parties, socials, etc. ; small packages ; carry in pocket ; enormous de mand; agents makluc $6 to $12 a day; outfit fre to workers; Just a postal to day. E. M. Feltman, sales manager. 4So5 3d st.. Cincinnati, O. KVEKYBODY buying aluminum cooking utensils: we have the only cleanser on the market to keep them bright and clean; every housewife will buy our Alumo polish on siKht; . per cent profit: we will not sell to dealers ; write quick for exclusive agency. Div. RtH3, Amer ican Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. 111. AMAZING new invention : marvelous add ing machine: retails $7..o; alds, subtracts, multiplies; does work of $lNm machine; 5- ear guaran tee; offices. tores, factories buy from one to dozen: immense profit; eery demonstration Fells; write quick; exel uslve territory. Dept. F-17S. Calcu lutor Sf les Co., ;rand Kapids. Mich. .hi territory open for experienced office specialty salesmen to sell the J W rapid envelope sealer. a handsome, perfect, labor-saving machine : best enevelope sealer ever made; sells at sipht; price $": write for particulars. JW Mfg. Co., 110 W. B4th st.. New York. START you in business, furnishing every thing; men. women, $no to weekly operating "New System Specialty Candy Factories,' home, small room, anywhere; r.o cnnasslng; opportunity lifetime; book let free Ragsdale Co., Box t, Last Orange. N. J. EARN i0 weeklv selling our side line. harvest hats, general and clothing stores; retails 1 "c to ."iOc: samples 13 lbs. ; Mon tana. Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Colorado. Llano. Caradine Harvest Hat Co., 14.4 Washington. St. Louis, Mo. DISTRICT representative wanted; new auto device just patented, warrante thorough Investigation ; a c ha nee seldom offered ; exclusive territorv. Wm. H. Powers Auto Specialty Mfg. Co., 440 New York bldg., Seattle, Wash. MEXICAN DIAMONDS. exactly resemble genuine; SAME RAINBOW FIRE ; stand tests; sell at sight; LIVE agents wanted; profits $"0 WEEKLY up; sample case of fer FREE, MEXICAN DIAMOND IM PORTING CO.. Box A 21. Las Cruces. N. M. AGENTS, salesmen, selling mearine apparel and other merchandise direct to customers will be given an opportunity to add to their Income by representing a large manufacturing concern; write immediately. lerk. l."12, .l'r Broadwav. New York. AGENTS WANTED "Nonolio" $1000 body polish; talk of automobile row; stays brilliant: Ml? repeater; big" profits; se cure territory: big sample mailed. l."e. or full quarts prepaid $L Damon Specialty ".. I.na Angeles. WILL $120 month with automobile fur nished free Interest you? Answer quick ; secure valuable agency; guaranteed auto necessities ; tremendous sellers ; quick re peaters ; remarkable money-makers. H. Havlmrn Co, 1 S l N. Dearborn, Chicago. ALTO washing Is bugbear of every auto mobile owner; sen lightning cleanser, new wonder auto wash; no soap or water; big. easy money. Del ails free. Lightning Mtg. Co.. dept. 5r. Cincinnati. WANTED Men with established territory and trade, clothiers, gents turn., hatters, to sell my Panama hats, side line, com mission. Leo GalltzswL 210 W. Van Buren Ft.. Chicago, 111. WANTED Man with Ford, capable han dling territory for new Ford timer; sells on sight ; has no equal ; price foc ; write for particulars and sample. Dow Mfg. Co.. I. os Angeles. Cal. CAN make, big money, easy, hurry, write to day, orami new ller, big profits. lt0 per cent profits, free particulars. Ship-on Mercantile Agency. "14 Eureka, ban Fran cisco, Cl. WANTED Agents in all sections for our lull assortment al clean, reliable nursery stock; demand is Increasing. Attractive terms. O KEG ON NURSERY CO.. Orence, Or. TF.ACREHS, ATTENTION Do you want to Increase your Income during tne bummer mont bs 7 Communicate with E. N. strong. Agency Supervisor Oregon Life, Port land. Or. LIVE agents wanted for high-grade sp- il;ty ; demonstration Invariably results Iri sale ; write for free booklet on salesman ship. Kasinussen. loO Robinson ave.. Or el en. Utah, sell every family lth a tary tne "comry convert ha in mock for the Imme or -auto : every call a sale. Wilrld Sales Co., Los Anc-les. bT ART LING big offer for live agents, get in now, unlimited Held. ih per cert . profits, hurry, free particulars. Walsh. Supply House. 70 Pine ave.. Long; Beach, Cal. WONDER FI " L money-making proposition : new invention; slant seller; splendid earn ings. Security Pockelbook Co., 101 W. 4-d st.. New York. LLLS like h t cake ; new laundry a Fer fumes clothes with lasting violet per ume; work In g outfit rc; new offer. Per fume Gloss. i:i Water st.. New York. BEATS Et ALL Brand new seller, unlim ited field. per cent prottts, repeats sure, partlculara free, write today. H. L. Mansfield. Hot M, Mnntesano, Wah. Help anted salesmen. TRAVELING SALESMEN Your clothes made to measure wiinour cosi ior piacuiff tailoring lines featuring six special prices, no extra charges, with merchants; write for partlculara. J. W. Jones, bio1 Mid City Hank. Chicago. TO sell best -known temperance drinks on the market ; can bo sold ary territory ; excellent position for full time or side line men ; commission contract ; $40 per week for expenses. al-s:nanager, -0 Houser bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. CAN you create sales-boosting plans and sell merchandise to carry out those plansT If so. our proposition will interest you ; libe rnl commission ; weekly ad van res; bis selliirc' season now on. Pales Director, U 4 TiS Jack son blvd.. C h lea go. SALES MGR.; something new; business1 necessity; retails $; to $luu; enormous) profits, no competition, exc. territory. fr samples, bay era Co., 450 Wainwright, bt. Louis. BRAND new top-notch advertising specialty; orkin good reiler: Mberal commission ; sells all size towns: look u up. then write. C. EC Ertckson & Co., Des Moines. Iowa. RESPONSIBLE. Investment $"Jt to $luuo. Superior punrhl check and menu hold ers. Advertising features. Opportunities unlimited. Income perpetual. standard Chack & Menu Co., Chicago. UFFORTUNITY to make big money sell ing stoi es; wonderful selling article used bv everyone: sells on sight; particulars, sample. Sales Manager, O. D. P. Co., :V1 St. I'uul, Baltimore, Md. EXCELLENT permanent position open June 1, capable salesman, Oregon, staple line for general retail trade: liberal commis sions; $oa weekly advance. Rice Company, 7"J1 Williams bldg., Detroit. TO call on grocers, confectioners, small general' stores and. country towns : 7 per cent commission. $40 weekly drawing; account. Crown Cider Company. U07 s. Commercial st. St. Louis Mo., dept. 4. TO sell our check protector; It sells to every fterson who writes a check ; circulars and, nformation free. Sample 'jnc. Terry Mfg, Co, 122 Colton bldg.. Toledo, O WANT ED Two live wire salesmen ; none but hustlers need apply; big money for right men; call between S and t or 4 :3 to 5 :.!. 620 Railway Exchanpe. OUR MEN earn four to fifteen thousand dollars. Cheap men mt considered. Ref erences first letter confidential. Strictly eomrnisslon. AV liI. Oregonian. E snie iiue: something new; p minutes" time pays $., pocket s-ni5ies; prompt commissions; state territory covered. El wood Mfg. .Co., Ill Michigan. Chicago. WANTED An experienced salesman to se'l motor truck. Koehring Machine Co., 204 Hawthorne ave. BEST selling side line on the market for salesman calling on the grocery trade. city or countr.-; repeater. Ca: 1 i .iUITOKS fr oil motii'V Do- . i ins uanif'.: first - class solicitors; ; t'lusT be hustler. American ".. M Broad way. GROCERY and hardware salesmen, exclusive or aide line. 514 Henry bldg. r