The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 21, 1916, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Europe Fighting Out Questions
New World Is Trying to
v Xo Settle in Peace.
.Question for Every Man and Every
Ration Is: "What Are You Co
in to Do AVitli Your Power?"
President Tells Carolinans,
CHARLOTTE, N. C, May 20. Presi
dent Wilson today addressed a crowd
estimated at more than 10.000. gathered
here for the 141st anniversary of the
signing of the Mecklenburg Declara
tion of Independence.
"I have come back for a brief visit
to the region dear to my heart," said
the President. "I do not know whether
I can interpret for you the spirit of
this occasion. It is necessary to realize
Just what we celebrate. There were
only 3.000.000 people in this nation
when it became Independent. . Now
there are 100,000.000 people. There have
been changes, but we have the same
elements. What I want to impress on
you is that we have always been in
the making. Among the men who
founded this Nation there was a great
passion for human liberty.
Too Much Emphasis on Riches.
"This Nation has devoted itself al
most too nruch to material things. There
have been other nations Just as rich
as the United. States. We must think
of what we are going to do with our
wealth and our prosperity.
"America did not come out of the
South and it did not come out of New
England. It came out of the Middle
States, where there was a mixture of
different races."
The President spoke of the European
"What are the elements of this war?"
he asked. "Europe is fighting out in
war the questions we are fighting out
In peace. As the processes of communi
cation have grown better nations and
peoples have grown closer together.
Men can now learn more about each
other, so that now the melting pot is
bigger than America. It is as big as
the world. See, then, what a new world
we have come into.
New Age Seems Dawning.
"Here in America we have tried to
pet the example of peace by keeping
together. Isn't it the sign and dawn
of a new age that the one thing new
on which the world is about to fall back
is the moral judgment of mankind."
The President said he hoped the
United States, after the European war.
would be able to lift up a symbol of
the "still, small voice of humanity."
"Here in America." the President con
tinued, "we have tried to set the ex
ample of bringing all the world to
gether upon terms of liberty and co
operation and peace. Now the world
outside of America has felt the forces
of America; felt the forces of free
dom, the forces of common aspiration,
the forces that bring every man and
every nation face to face with this
question: 'What are you going to do
with your power? Are you going to
translate it into force, or are you going
to translate it into peace and the satis
faction of society?' "
After the President's address Gov
ernor Manning, of South Carolina, pre
sented Mrs. Wilson with a loving cup
at a luncheon given in honor of the
President and members of his party.
Idaho Man Bound Over; Father
Wins Kidnaped Boy.
GKANGEVILLE. Idaho. May 20.
(Special.) Ray Prettyman. of Stltes,
was bound over today to the District
Court in $300 bonds on a charge of
burglarizing a warehouse at Stitea.
Sheriff Yates has left for Denver,
Colo., to bring back Everett Anderson,
who is charged with being an accom
plice. District Judge Stoel, of Lewiston,
rendered a decision in favor of Jasper
Warren, the father of Geoffrey Warren,
the boy who was kidnaped by a wom
an who was supposed to be his mother
liere last April. Since that time the
boy has been in the orphans' home at
Lewiston, awaiting the decision of the
Ir. Carl Doner, or Willamette, De
livers Hood River Address.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. May 20. (Spe
cial.) "Have you voted?" is a question
that has not been asked here today any
more times than "Did you pass?" To
day marks the close of the city schools,
and from little tots in the primary
grades to the seniors of the high school'
the question of examinations has been
uppermost in the minds of pupils.
The closing programme of commence
ment week was given tonight, when the
55 members of the class of 1916 of the
high school were awarded their .di
plomas by Frank A. Cram, chairman of
the City School Board. The commence
ment address was delivered by Dr. Carl
Doney. president of Willamette Uni
versity. - .
Southwestern Washington Display
Expected to Be Better.
CHEHALIS, Wash.. May 20. (Spe
cial.) Premium lists are out for the
1916 Southwest Washington Fair. All
indications point to a better exhibit in
poultry and livestock than ever before,
as a number of outside stockmen have
signified their intention of making
Department superintendents are:
Livestock, H. W. A. Tramm; fruits.
vegetables and grains. F.- A. Degeler
culinary, Mrs. M. A. Waring; flowers
and plants. Mrs. A. J. Dong; art. Mrs,
Oscar Nelson; textile and needlework,
Mrs. P. F. Wilson; educational, A. C.
Canterbury; bees, honey and apiary
products, J. B. Espy; dairy. C. B. An
rterson; better babies, Mrs. J. M.
Elbert Bede to Be Orator May 30.
(Special.) Arrangements for the ob
nervation of Memorial day have been
completed by . Appomattox Post. G. A.
It. In the forenoon there will be a
parade to the cemetery, where exer
cises will be held. In the afternoon
there will be a programme at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. Elbert
Bede will deliver the address of the
& .-
A ML -'
Photo by Bain News Service.
Melville E. Stone has just been re-el ected general manager of the Asso
ciated Press. He has held the posltlo n since 1893. Mr. Stone has been edi
tor of several papers, and was one of the founders of that successful journal,
the Chicago News. His re-election is considered to have been brought about
on merit.
Mauna Loa's Lava Fountains
Suddenly More Active.
Observer Sets Out in Auto to View
Eruption, Which Recalls Seeming
Miracle When Streams Di
vided at Call of Princess.
HONOLULU. T. II.. May 20. Streams
of lava are flowing from the volcano
of Mauna Loa. on the Island of Hawaii.
according to reports received here to
day. Immense clouds of steam and
volcanic smoke are rising 20,000 feet in
the air.
The eruption is apparently on the
West Side of the mountain. No fires
are visible from below, however.
Professor Thomas A. Jaggar. Jr., of
the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, who is director in charge of
the Kilauea volcano observatory, has
started in an automobile, for Mauna
Loa to investigate the reports of flow
ing lava. If Mauna Loa is actually
in eruption, the phenomenon is re
garded as important.
Lava Fountains Store Frequent.
Lava activity In the lire pit ot
Kilauea is unusually great and the
lava fountains that continually burst
from the lake of fire are of greater
frequency than usual, but there have
been no spectacular eruptions.
Kilauea. known locally as Hawaii's
tame volcano," is situated on the
eastern slope of Mauna Loa at an alti
tude of 4400 feet. It is one of the
largest active volcanoes in the world,
the crater being nearly nine miles in
circumference. The actual fire, how
ever, is confined to the pit of Halemau-
mau (the house of lire). about a
quarter of a -mile in diameter and sev
eral hundred feet below the rim of the
big crater which in former days was
itself a seething cauldron.
Violent Eruption Remembered.
Within the memory of many persons
living here Kilauea erupted with great
violence, sending a great river of
molten lava down the mountain in the
direction of Hilo, the chief city of the
island and the second city of the group.
It seemed inevitable that Hilo would
be destroyed. Princess Ruth, reputed
among the natives to have great in
fluence with Pelee, ' goddess of fire,
hurried to Hilo, knelt in front of the
moving stream of fire and prayed to
the goddess to spare the city.
Miraculously, it seemed to the
natives, the" river of fire split and the
resulting twin streams passed to right
and left. The lava came to within
half a -mile of Hilo.
Since that time, the crater has never
overflowed, though frequently the fire
pit is brimful.
The territorial government a few
years ago constructed an automobile
road to the volcano.
Council Trying to Get Away Prom
Sprinkling Expense.
HOQUIAM, Wash., May 20. (Spe
cial.) Tests of an oil emulsion for the
graveled streets of Hoquiam as a Sum
mer dressing to keep down the dust are
to be made soon and if successful It is
probable all of this class of streets of
the city will be treated with oil. Thus
far oil never has been used on Hoquiam
streets, though in several of the North
west cities it has been used.
Hoquiam has about 75 blocks of
gravel surfaced streets. Recently com
plaint of the dust nuisance along these
streets began to be made to the city
authorities. The cost of sprinkling
would be considerable, and the City
Commission is casting about for a
method by which this expense can be
Pasco Adjusts Lighting Trouble,
PASCO. Wash., May 20. (Special.)
The controversy that has existed be
tween the city of Pasco and the Paciflo
Power & Light Company since Feb
ruary. 1915, has been settled by the
power company agreeing to substitute
at its own expense incandescent lights
of 100-candlepower in place of the arc
lights now used and to place the same
at points designated by the City Coun
ciL As a result of the agreement which
has been reached the cost to the city
of maintaining its lighting system will
be reduced $900 a year. During the
past two years the City Council hae
made a reduction of $2200 a year In
lighting expenses.
Carr Tries Insanity Plea.
WENATCHEB, Wash.. May 20.
(Special.) Insanity is the defense used
by Harry M. Carr, formerly of Leaven
worth, now of Spokane, iu his answer
filed in the Superior Court at Spokane
to the suit of Mrs. Emily Franklin and
her minor children to collect J40.000
damages for the death of their husband
and father. Carr also asserts in his
answer that Franklin was a moral per
vert and therefore of no value to his
family. Carr shot and killed Franklin
in the courtroom at Cashmere Decem
ber 7, 1914, while Franklin was being
tried on a serious charge. Carr was
acquitted as temporarily insane when
he did the shooting.
Programme Arranged for State Ses
sion June 9 and 10.
The annual meeting of the Oregon
Osteopathic Association will be held
June 9 and . 10 in the Morgan building.
The following subjects will be pre
sented: "Psychosis," by Dr. V. V. Le
wea'ux"; "Osteopathic Treatment of
Flat Foot," by Dr. D. D. Young, of Mc
Mlcnville; "Catarrhal Deafness," by
Dr. R. B. Northrup, followed by a dis
cussion by Dr. H. A. Bashor; Dr. L. H.
Howland gives "Etiology and Preven
tative Treatment of Cancer"; Dr. W.
W. Howard, of Medford, "Influenza";
"Physical Examination and Diagnosis."
by Dr. R. W. Walton, of .Salem ; "Anes
thesia During Labor," by Dr. J. H.
Styles, and "Innominate Lesions," by
Dr. Gertrude Gates, followed by a dis
cussion by Dr. H. P. Bloxham.
Dr. C. A. Penga will conduct a ques
tion box on Friday.
Company Is rorined for Manufac
ture of Loganberry Juice.
ALBANY. Or... May 20 (Special.) A
plant for the manufacture of logan
berry juice will be erected iu Albany
this Summer. To equip and operate the
plant, the Albany Juice Company was
Incorporated by articles filed yester
day. The incorporators are George C.
Brown, of Portland, who is at the head
of the enterprise: George Taylor, of
this city, and L. M. Curl, Mayor of Al
bany. The capital stock of the com
pany is $20,000.
The company plans to lease a build
ing in which to operate this year and
possibly next, and expects to build, a
structure on a site of Its own after
that time. It is planned to have the
plant ready for operation so that it
can hatidle this year's crop.
Port Orford to Have Annual Cele
bration In August.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. May 20. (Spe
cial.) Residents of Port Orford have
started their organization for the an
nual Agate carnival, which will be
held in August. This carnival has be
come a popu.'ar celebration in Curry
County and furnishes a meeting place
each year for residents of the county,
from the California state line to Lang
lois, when they talk over matters of
public policy, visit and renew acquaint
ance and enjoy a rest and good time
of two or three days. '
Many persons from other portions
of the state make an annual pilgrim
age to the Coast section when the
carnival is given.
Aberdeen Chooses Orator.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. May 20. (Spe
cial.) Attorney F. W. Loomis has been
selected as Decoration day orator and
Captain H. A. Comeau as marshal of
the day, and other Memorial day prep
arations have been advancing rapidly.
An elaborate musical programme is
being prepared and arrangements have
been made for a larger and better pa
rade than usual. In this the militia
and military organizations of the city
will participate, as well as the Boy
Scouts, school children and several of
the lodges.
Alkali in Soap
Bad for. the Hair
Soap should be used very carefully, if
you want to keep your hair looking its
best. Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle,
and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is just
ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which
is pure and greaseless). and Is better
than the most expensive soap or any
thing else you can use.
One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply
moisten the hair with water and rub it
in. It makes an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, which rinses out easily,
removing every particle of dust, dirt,
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves
the scalp soft, and the hair fine and
Bllky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy
to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at
any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a
few ounces will supply every member
of the family for months. Adv.
Astute Politicians, However,
Fear Colonel's Chances if
Deadlock Continues.
Leaders Understand Justice Would
Accept Nomination if Tendered.
South Not to Cut Figure as
Great as Formerly.
WASHINGTON. May 20. In spite of
the belief of Republican political lead
ers that the Presidential nomination
will go either to Associate Justice
Hughes or Colonel Roosevelt, the fa
vorite sonji have by no means aban
doned hope.
The past week in Washington has
been noteworthy for the negotiations
which have been in progress among the
representatives of the men chosen in
various states. These negotiations have
paved the way to a combination de
signed to eliminate the jurist, now that,
in their opinion, Mr. Roosevelt seema
to be out of the running.
Favorite Sons Hope for Deadlock.
It is believed by the "favorite sons"
that if a deadlock can be brought
about in the Republican convention a
dark horse will be selected. It is their
hope in case such a situation is pro
duced to agree among themselves as to
the one that shall receive the support
of all.
It is a beautiful programme, but the
astute Republican politicians do not
believe it can possibly succeed. As a
matter of fact, a deadlock is the thing
these men most desire to avoid. Such
a condition, they insist, would result
in the certain nomination of Colonel
Roosevelt. Unlike tHje "favorite sons,"
they do not for a moment look on the
Colonel as down and out. They know
that at least one-third of the delegates
will cast -theirballot for the ex-President
if the opportunity arises, and it is
possible that a couple of hundred of
others would follow their example and
thus Roosevelt would be nominated.
Hnghea Maintain Silence.
The associate justice preserves his
Sphinx-like silence, and those close to
him declare he will make no statement
as to his intentions except in case the
nomination should be tendered to him.
It was reported several -days ago that
ex-President Taft had said, following
a talk with Mr. Hughes, that the latter
undoubtedly would accept. This is the
understanding Of all the leaders in
Washington, but they deny that they
authorized Mr. Taft to sound the asso
ciate justice. They do not expect to
use Mr. Taft in the nomination cam
paign. although if Mr. Hughes should
be nominated he undoubtedly will take
the stump in behalf of the nominee.
The delegates from the South are not
looking with any degree of. favor on
the nomination of Mr. Hughes. They
want a man to be nominated and elected
President who would consider their
claims for patronage. The records of
Mr. Hughes as Governor of New Tork
is not such as to promise that they will
receive much consideration in the way
of jobs. It is this. fact, which, it is
declared, will be helpful to the nomina
tion of Colonel Roosevelt or one of the
favorite sons.
South to Be Leu Prominent.
A prominent Republican leader, how
ever, said today that the Southern dele
gates would not cut the figure in the
convention they have in the past. - He
insisted the North and West would do
the nominating and the South would
have to trail along.
In spite of this view it is significant
that determined efforts are being made
to line up the Southern delegates for
this or that candidate. Various agents
have been traveling through the South
holding conferences with National
Committeemen in that region, making
promises of what will be done for them
in return for their support. This ac-
Take Hood's Sarsaparllla, the Old Re
liable Spring Tonic.
Don't let the idea that you may feel
better In a day or two prevent you
from getting a bottle of Hocd'a Sarsa
parllla today from any drug store and
starting at once on the road to health
and strength.
YtvB yotrr blood Is Impure and im
poverished it lacka vitality, your diges
tion 1b Imperfect, your appetite is poor,
and all the functions ot your body are
Hood's Sarsaparllla is a wonderful
blood tonic It will build you up quick
er than any other medicine. It gives
strength to do and power to endure. It
is the old standard tried and true all-the-year-round
blood purifier and en
richer, tonio and appetizer. Nothing else
acta like it. for nothing else has the
same formula or ingredients. Be sura
to ask for Hood's; insist on having It.
A Logical and Sure
Dyspepsia Treatment
During the past two or three years
reports have frequently appeared in
the press concerning the remarkable
value of blsurated magnesia as an ant
acid; and its ability to promote normal,
healthy digestion by preventing food
fermentation and neutralizing danger
ous stomcb. acid has often been demon
strated. Until recently druggists could
supply bisurated magnesia in powder
form only, from one or two teaspoon
fuls of which, taken in a little water
after meals, almost Instantly stops all
fermentation and neutralizes acid, but
sufferers from stomach trouble can
now obtain a 6 -grain tablet which com
bines all the valuable antacid proper
ties of the ordinary blsurated magne
sia in a very convenient form. This
new tablet of blsurated magnesia can
now be had of druggists everywhere
and many physicians are already pre
scribing them Instead of the powder
form. Adv.
Superfluous Hair
A unouth, balrlfss akin always fol
lows the use of Demoianu It will
not Injure or discolor the skin, la
easily applied and removes super
fluous hair or fuzs In two minutes,
a single application sufficing un
less the hair Is unusually thick.
Neither smarts nor disfigures and
does not stimulate the growth of
new hair. emosant Is guaranteed
to give entire satisfaction. Generous
trial size postpaid In plain wrapper,
for 2Sc, or Jitrge Jar, perfumed. 50c
or any druggist can obtain either
package for you. If he hasn't It In
stocK. r.snenroit cncmicai Dona
tories. Portsnd, Or.
counts for the roseate view the "fa
vorite sons" take of their situation.
Here are the claims of the favorite
Candidate Xeler't.'Candldate DeleCts.
Weeks -'23, Burton .......... 92
Sherman loulf alrbanka ........ 91
Cummins Ill La Kollette 21
Root 10, Scattering 171
Among the scattering are included
the delegates who are predisposed to
Hughes and Roosevelt. It is evident
the first ballot will not give a choice,
nor probably the second ballot. It will
be the third ballot which is expected
to result in the nomination. The friends
of all the "favorite sons" express con
fidence that their delegates will stick
to them to the last, and this is par
ticularly true of the managers for
Senator Weeks.
Fairbanks Not Negligible.
There has been a great deal of talk
about the Vice-Presidential situation.
It is suggested that if Mr. Hughes
should get the nomination the conven
tion would be wise to tender the Vice
Presidency to Charles W. Fairbanks, of
Indiana, who performed the duties of
this office with ability during the Ad
ministration of Mr. Roosevelt. Mr.
Fairbanks, however, will not be by any
means a negligible quantity in connec
tion with the Presidential nomination.
He will have the backing of Indiana
other stAtfiA And Spnntnr Penrose, under I
certain circumstances, might cast the
vote of the majority of Pennsylvania's
delegates for the Hoosler statesman.
There will be no contest over the
Presidency in the Democratic party,
and from the way things seem to be
going there promises to be no contest
to speak of over the Vice-Presidency.
The understanding in Washington is
that Vice-President Marshall is thor
oughly acceptable to Mr.. Wilson as, his
running mate.
Dr. Dyott to Address Graduating
Class at O. A. C.
Corvallis. May 20. (Special.) Dr.
Luther R. Dyott. pastor of the First
Congregational Church of Portland, will
deliver the baccalaureate address to the
graduating class of the Oregon Agri
cultural class on June 4, it was an
nounced today.
The commencement exercises will be
gin June 2 with the annual banquet
given by the women of the department
of physical education. In the evening
the graduation recital by members of
the graduating class in the school of
music will be held. Saturday, June 3,
will be Alumni day. The graduation
exercises will be June 6.
Forest Grove Pastor Resigns.
FOREST GROVE. Or.. May 20. (Spe
cial.) Rev. J. Francis Ashley, who has
been pastor of the Christian Church in
this city for three years, has resigned
and will remove to Rossvllle. I1U, where
he has been called.
Worth $22
on Sale This
Week Only
Velvet Rugs Always Beautiful
The patterns are Oriental, floral and conventional the colors brown, green, tan and red. Moreover, in
the quality that we show here they are economical. These rugs are so beautifully woven and finished and
the yarns so good to begin with that the result is a durable as well as handsome rug. We want to im
press it upon you that the price we quote here on rich velvets is extra special for this grade.
Edwards' easy terms make it quite convenient for those who haven't the ready money; at the same
time enable you to make a great saving on prices. In fact, when you take advantage of this offer, yoa
have just made $8.05 for yourself
This Great Rug Sale Is the Outcome of Our
Months ago, anticipating the ultimate rise in prices of wools and dyes, we bought an enormous quantity
of these Rugs at a surprisingly low price. Now we are prepared to save you that extra high price that yoa
would otherwise have to pay, offering to our customers, as usual, the best their money can buy.
Large Enough for Your Biggest Room
Edwards has found through years
These ruga are 9x11 feet, a
Send SO Cents Additional for Packing in Burlap
fend for your rujr now you can't help but be pleased with one of these. The patterns are all very
new, the quality tfood and the price down to bedrock.
The same low price and easy terms are offered to you no matter where you live or what vou do.
Have you one of our beautiful catalogues on homo outfits? If not send for yours today. It's free.
light Carpet
Idaho Governor Will Seek
Thomas R. 1 lamer, Who Served One
Term in Congress, and ex-Govcr-nor.
Haines Are Most Recent
BOISE, Idaho, May 20. (Special.)
The successful gubernatorial candidate
at the Republican primaries will have
Governor Alexander as his opponent.
It can be said now with assurance that
the state's chief executive will be a
candidate to succeed himself, and will
have no opposition at the primaries.
Having remained out of the factional
fight within his party over the re-election
of National Committeeman Rob
ert H. Elder. Governor Alexander has
the support of the rank anu tile.
The name of Thomas R. Ilamer, of
St. Anthony, the Republican party
orator in Idaho, is being linked here
this week, with the Republican guber
natorial race. Mr. Hamer was in the
state's capital. He said his mission
was one of "private business." Asked
when he expected to announce his can
didacy for Governor he merely smiled
and jokingly remarked be did not
know. But there is more to the pos
sibility of Colonel Hamer entering
than a laugh. It is known that he has
been urged by leaders in the south
east to get into the primary race.
Cover lias Seen Kept.
Since his one term In the House of
Representatives, after which he was
defeated, by Burton L. French. Colonel
Hamer has remained, "under cover."
politically speaking. He became a
much-talked-of figure at the Twin
Falls state convention last Fall, when
he succeeded the temporary chairman,
Frederick C. Randall, of Lewiston. who
became ill. and delivered one of the
most stirring addresses he ever made
in Idaho. That feat may have brought
out the reports and rumors he may en
ter the gubernatorial race.
John M. Haines, of Boise, ex-Governor,
who was defeated at the last gen
eral election to succeed himself, may
also decide soon that he must get into
the race for the Republican nomina
tion for Governor. Mr. Haines lias
been patiently waiting to see what
kind of a situation developed. It is
said there are enough candidates in
"i '"
1 nQD)
Will Bring One
to Your Home
3 Then 50
of experience that a
c- r t many roonm
size which may be used to good advantage in either square or oblong rooms.
Member The Greater Portland Associatioi
the field to suit him and. he will there
fore enter, splitting the field.
The Republican party last election
lost no other candidate than the head
of the ticket on account of the de
falcations in the Treasurer's office, al
though several of them, including the
present Lieutenant-Governor and Attorney-General,
had close calls. The
greatest mistake Mr. Haines was held
to have made was in allowing the fa
mous Ramstedt report on the treasury
to be suppressed, and to this was
blamed his defeat two years ago.
Captain Davis Active.
Captain E. G. Davis, candidate tor
the Republican gubernatorial nomina
tion, made answer this week to the
persistent reports that have been re
peatedly published to the effect that
he might have to drop out of the race
because the War Department would
call in for active service all officers
on the reserve list on account of dis
ability. "I want to say that if the time ever
comes when the country needs my
services they will be tendered and Con
gress will not be under the necessity
of passing a law to make them avail
able. I should regard myself as a poor
kinvi of patriot if I did not hold i
duty to my country as higher than any
personal ambition I might entertain."
The prospects of the lion and the
lamb lying down together in Idaho
look excellent for the "Borah special''
to Chicago, carrying the Republican
and Bull Moose delegates to the Windy
City, is assured..
Lumberman Prominent on Pacific
Coast Succumbs at Hoquiam.
HOQUIAM. Wash.. May 20. (Special.)
Robert F. Lytle. one of the most
prominent lumbermen of the Pacific
Coast, died at his apartments here early
this morning after an illness ot about
a month. Death was due to heat
Mr. Lytle was one of the pioneer lum
bermen of the Grays Harbor district
and the principal owner of extensive
mill Interests in this city. Besides his
widow and daughter, he is survived by
a sister, Mrs. J. H. Parker, of Tacomi,
and three nieces, Mrs. H. W. Bale. o.f
Hoquiam; Miss Edith Prater, who makes
her home with the family, and Miss
Phoebe Parker, of Tacoma.
Wasco Returns Announced.
WASCO. Or.. May 20. (Special.)
The election results from the two pre
cincts here are as follows: For Presi
dent on the Republican ticket. Hughes
SO, Cummins 4S. Burton 15. Roosevelt
4. Woodrow Wilson I; Vice-President.
Webster 97, Borah 1; Secretary of State,
Olcott 107, Moores 56; Public Service
Commissioner, Corrie 47, Wright S7,
Rust 32, Service 9.
On the Democratic ticket Wilson re
ceived 6S votes for President: Vice
President, Marshall 47, Major 18: Sec
retary of State. Olcott 27. Blakcly 11,
Moores 2.
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