The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 21, 1916, Section One, Image 1

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80 Pages
Section One
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Beveridge Has 1021 Lead
in 333 Precincts.
Tucker Safe Over Davis and
Tazwell Beats Cleeton.
Muck's Lead Is Big.
Alderson Tates Long Margin
Over McCormick; Kavan
augh Is Successful.
"Ith returns complete from all but
42 of tba 276 precincts in Multnomah
County at 10 o'cIock last night, the de
feat of John B. Coffey for the Repub
lican nomination for County Cleric by
Joseph W. Beveridge, was certain.
Beverldge's lead was then 1021 votes
of a total of nearly 34,000 cast. He
was increasing the margin.
All doubt as to other closely con
tested nominations had also been
(cleared up.
Aldcmon Secnu Victor.
W. C. Alderson was 971 votes ahead
f Elmer S. McCormick for the Repub
lican nomination for County School Su
perintendent. For Circuit Judge of Department No.
3, Robert Tucker had increased his
lead over "W. M. Davis for the Republi
can nomination to 3539 votes.
C. N. McArthur will be renominated
for Representative in Congress by a
plurality of at least 6000 votes over A.
W. Lafferty, second In the race. "With
cnly 42 precincts to hear from, Mr
Arthur's lead was E518.
Tuwell and Petersen Win.
George Tazwell had a more than safe
margin of 1225 votes over Thomas J.
Cleeton, incumbent, for the Republican
nomination for County Judge.
Mark W. Petersen also was safely
ahead of Andy Weinberger, incumbent,
for the Republican nomination for Con.
stable. His lead was 702 votes.
Senate and Home Winners Show.
For Slate Senator, five to nominate.
The leading five were, in order of their
vote: Gus C. Moser, Conrad P. Olson,
S. B. Huston, A. W. Orton and Robert
S. Farrell. About 1000 votes behind.
Dr. H. M. Patton and C. W. Hodson
were contesting for runner-up honors.
For State Representative, 12 to nom.
Inate. The 12 in the lead, in order of
their vote, were: John M. Mann, D. C.
Lewis. K. K. Kubli. Herbert Gordon,
Plowden Stott. Hamilton F. Corbett,
Arthur C. Callan. L. C. Mackay. O.
Laurgaard. E. J. Goode. George T. Wll
lett and Stephen A. Matthieu.
Clarke High Runner-up.
Virgil I Clarke and John R. Latou
rette were runners-up. Clarke was 683
votes behind Willett and Latourette
was 505 votes behind Clarke.
For County Commissioner A. a.
Muck will have close to a. majority of
all votes cast when the final returns
are In. At 10 o'clock he had widened
the gap between himself and W. L.
Llghtner. up for renomination, to 4749.
Bart and Hotchklas Win.
The two representing this Congres
sional District in the Republican Na
tional Convention will be Ralph W.
Hoyt and Clarence R. Hotchkiss. The
latter waa nearly 1500 votes ahead of
David M. Dunne, his nearest opponent,
on nearly complete returns.
Multnomah County gave the follow
ing four candidates for Delegate-at-
(Concluded. on Page 12. Column 1.)
Three hundred and sixty-five com
plete precincts ont of 375 in Multnomah
Buricn 3,635
Cummins 7,762
Hushes 11,:01
Hughes' lead, 12,229.
Lafferty .11,534
Llttlefield 8.134
McArthur ..18,123
Mr Arthur's lead, 6589.
' Secretary of State
Moores 15,004
Olcott 19,925
Oleott's lead. 4231.
Circuit JadKc, Department o. 1
Hume 629
Kavanaugh 17,837
Wright 13,-'7S
KavanauKh'a lead, 4B59.
Circnlt Judge, Department No. 3
Davis 12,912
Maghers 3,707
Thompson 3J47
Tucker 17,046
Tucker's lead, 4134.
District Attorney
Evans , 26,208
McCue .. 10,507
Evans' lead, 15,612.
County Judge
Cleeton 17,681
Tax well 18,875
Taswell's lead, 1194.
County Commissioner
Llghtner 11,901
Muck 16,179
Stayton 2,656
Steele . '. 6,766
muck's lead, 4278.
Hurlburt . i 23,447
Stevens 12,697
Hurlburt'a lead, 10,750.
County Clerk
Be verldge 19,637
Coffey 18,299
Ueverldge's lead, 1338.
School Superintendent
Alderson 11,079
McCormick 10,020
Stafford 3,207
Whitney 6,966
Wright '. 3,860
Alderson's lead, 1059.
Request for Peace Must Be Direct
From Adversaries.
PARIS, May 20. The Temps, discuss
ing the Pope's reported conciliatory
steps in the German-American, crisis,
"Germany's falsehood that she has
twice offered to make peace was denied
at Nancy by President Poincaire. who
confirmed the purpose of the French
government to accept no other peace
than that which the entente allies im
pose on their enemies.
"These categorioal declarations should
close the door to interventionists who
do not transmit direct propositions from
our adversaries. It must be under
stood that they put an end to all ten
dencies of benevolent mediation."
Campaign Headquarters Soon to Be
Opened in Chicago.
CHICAGO. May 20 Campaign head
quarters will be opened in Chicago by
several of "favorite sons" candidates
for the Republican nomination for
President before the end of next week,
and by May 25 it is expected the fight
for delegate votes will be on in earnest.
Among the candidates who are ex
pected to open Headquarters here in
the next f :w days are: Ellhu Rcot.
Charles W. Fairbanks. Theodore E.
Burton. Senator Weeks, Senator Cum
mins. Senator Sherman. Senator La
Follette, and T. Coleman Du Pont.
Man Who Disappeared Almost on
Eve of Marriage Found.
NEW "FORK. May 20. Dr. Freeman
Stanlslau O'Brien, who vanished early
this week from Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,al
most on the eve of his marriage, was
found today in a sanitarium here.
His disappearance is attributed io
sudden loss of memory caused by a fall
from an automobile.
rWhC. -k iM & " rji 2-
Briton Says Pledges
Will Be Kept.
No Desire Felt to Destroy
"United, Free' Germany."
Entente Declared Desirous of Seeing
End or AVar Only Under Condi
tions That Will Prevent
Its Recurrence.
(Comipondence of the Chicago Dally Ne.
Copyright. 1016, by the Bally News. y
Special Cable.)
LONDON, May 13. The Rt. Hon. Sir
Edward Grey, K. G.. M. P.. Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs, talking with
the writer at luncheon in the states
man's London home, on April 10. said
substantially this:
"Prussian tyranny over Western Eu
rope, including these Islands, our peo
ple will not stand. The pledges given
by Mr. Asqulth as regards the restora
tion of Belgium and Serbia shall be
kept. We have signed a pact to make
peace only in concert with our allies.
This pact. I need not say, we shall
honor strictly and to the end.
Free Europe Is Desire.
"What we and our allies are fighting
for is a free Europe. We want Europe
free not only from the domination of
one nationality by another, but from
hectoring diplomacy and the peril of
war;. free from the constant rattling of
the sword in the scabbard and from the
perpetual . talk of shining armor and
war lords.
"In fact." added Sir Edward re
flectively, "we feel that we are fight
ing for equal rights, for law. Justice
and peace, and for civilization through
out the world, as against brute force
which knows no restraint and no
To interview 'Sir .Edward Grey, one
hardly need say, is "a unique privilege
and honor. This came to me after many
months of battling with the imme
morial prejudice of the British public
man of nigh responsibility against the
journalist as a journalist.
prey Never Interviewed Before.
It is a fact, I believe, that Sir Ed
ward, one of the greatest figures in
the world war and one of the most
famous men in modern political history,
never was interviewed in a Journalistic
sense before. It is also true, I think,
that in the long annals of the British
Foreign Office this is the first instance
in which Its chief has consented to
speak to his fellow men through the
mediumshlp of a correspondent.
What is the most amazing fact about
this man to my mind Is that the Ger
mans regard him as the Mephlstopheles
of Faust, of Armageddon, scoffing,
sardonic, crafty and fiendish. One of
their appellations for him Is "Satan."
They feign to believe, and possibly
they do believe, that his main object in
life has been to brew trouble, to bring
about war and especially to effect the
strangulation or asphyxiation of Ger
many. This of a man of the most
civilized type, broad of vision, nurtured
in liberalism, a fly-fisherman, a tamer
of birds and squirrels and a lifelong
protagonist of peace.
Sir Edward Always Serious.
Sir Edward's age Is 54. His figure is
tall and ample but not excessively
heavy. His head and face are large.
He has a fresh complexion. Is clean
shaven and his eyes, sky-blue in color.
are singularly mild, but without the
(Concluded on Pace 6. Column 8.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
degrees; minimum. 48 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; westerly wind..
County returns nearly, complete ahow Coffey
loses: Mc Arthur's plurality 6000. Section
1. page 1.
Hughes majority la 1T,00. Section 1.
page 1.
Much of America's relief to Serbia misses
object through lack of system. Section 1.
page 4.
Sir Edward Orey says British have no desire
to destroy "free united Germany." Sec
tion 1. page 1.
President say Europe is fighting out Issues
America la trying to settle peacefully.
Bection 1, page 2.
Ship purchase bill passes House by party
vote. Section 2, page 16.
General Federation of Women'a Clubs ex
pected to bring 20.000 to New York. Sec
tion 1. page 3.
Republican favorite sons have hope of dead
lock; astute leaders wish to avoid dead
lock for fear of Roosevelt. Section 1.
page 2.
Oregon returns turn wavering onea to
Hughes. Section 1, page 1.
Prosecution to call student's sweetheart In
murder trial. Section 1. page 1.
Volcano of Mauna. Loa active. Section 1,
page 2.
Pacific Coast League results: Salt Lake
Portland game postponed, wet grounds;
Los Angeles 4, San Francisco 8; Vernon
5, Oakland 4. Section 2, page 2.
Bran fords and Baby Beavers clash today at
Vaughn Park. Section 2, page 6.
Matty pitches Olants to their tenth atraight
vlotory Section 2, page 3.
Interscholastlc track meet Is next Friday.
Section 2. page 1.
Jake Daubert and Trla Speaker are leading
batters Section 2, page 3.
Arizona is put on baseball map. Section 2,
page 6.
Rules given for correction of slice. Section
2. page 4.
Katz tennis tournament opens at Multnomah
Club. Section 2, page 6.
Indians badly beaten by Senators. Section
2. page 3.
First nine holes In municipal links may be
ready by Fall. Section 2. ipage 4. .
Big trap shoot is two weeks distant. Sec
tion 2, page 5. "
Oulsto and Brief are tied in horns run col
umn. Section 2, page 2.
Oregon defeats Washington on track. Sec
tion 2, page 8.
Grammar school swim to be Friday. Bec
tion 2. page 5.
Gulsto greatest living ball player, says Me
Credie. Section 2, page 2.
Oregon golfers may be under ban. Section
2. page 4.
Roller marathon to be run Juna 8. Section
2, page 6.
Pacific Northwest.
Governor Alexander to aeek re-election. Sec
tion 1. page 2.
Campaign to Improve fruit-marketing system
la proposed. Section 1. page 4.
StateUntversity graduates plan for great
commencement week. Section 1, page 7.
State University senior refuses to give out
age Information. Section 1. page 7.
Oregon Oddfellows meet at Roseburg this
week. Section 1, page 7.
Commercial and Marine.
Export demand for wheat in Northwestern
markets- - Section 2. . page 15.
Serious Kansas crop reports check wheat de
cline at Chicago. Section 2, page IS.
Wall Street stocks continue to advauce. Sec
tion 2, page 15.
Flurry in Reading feature of week In Wall
Street. Section 3. paga 18.
New 'Frtemu craft soon to be launched at
Hoquiara. Section 2. page 10.
Fourth steel steamer ordered here has name
designated. Section 2, paga 16.
Grain carrier Brlscomba Pa-k arrives at
Azores. Section 2. page 18.
Automobiles and Roads.
Motor Age copies scenic article from The
Oregonlan. Section 4. page 10.
Two new cars will appear In Portland. Sec
tion 4, page 6.
Two partlea of tourtsta from Far East ar
rive here. Section 4. page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
Oswald West probably will accept Prohibi
tion nomination. Section 1, pags 12.
Mrs. Vaughn, expert cook, to give another
series of demonstrations. Section 1,
page 13.
Portland Up-worth League elects cabinet. Sec
tion 1, page 5.
Prediction made that A. L. Mohler will make
Portland his home. Section 1, page 5.
Body of Miss Harris found in Columbia
Slough. Section 1, page 1.
Large partlea today search for Rlstmaa's
body. Section 1, page 10.
Sellwood carmen capture official and force
him to take outing. Section 1, page 10.
Queen Muriel's consort to be named toon.
Section 1. page 14.
Oral examinations of Reed seniors under
way. Section 1. page 14. '
Doctor Is arrested for removing red quaran
tine flag from house. Section 1, page 8.
Justice May Be Named toArbitrji
TinnmlnftfAnil Tlezrinf r .
MINNEAPOLIS, May 20. Delegates
to the Northern Baptist Convention to
day cheered for two minutes when
President Shailer Mathews indicated
that he might appoint Justice Hughes,
of the United States Supreme Court,
as a member of the commission of 11
which will arbitrate differences of the
various Baptist organizations.
Decisive Result Has
; Tremendous Effect.
Fact Justice Was Not Candi
date Increases Force.
Democrats Correspondingly Gloomy
as Returns Are Read, Admitting
That Prospect of Wilson's
Defeat Has Increased.
ington, May 20. (Special.) Hughes'.
Presidential stock took a tremendous
Jump today when the returns from the
Oregon primary were received In Wash
ington. It is the prevailing belief among Re
publican leaders in Congress that the
showing he made in Oregon the only
showing he will be able to make be
fore the voters prior to the convention
at Chicago is so convincing and so
overwhelming as to leave no doubt as
to his strength and his availability.
Oregon Returns Turn Scale.
There was known to be among Re
publicans In Congress a general leaning
toward Hughes, but many who wavered
were awaiting the returns from Oregon
before committing themselves abso
lutely. Republicans from Pennsyl
vania and from other Eastern states
who recently have been home attend
ing primary elections came back to
Washington believing that Hughes
would roll up an early majority In
the Chicago convention without much
difficulty. If the Oregon result showed
he has retained his hold on the people.
The great lead by which Hughes
swept Oregon, in face of the fact that
he declined to sanction the use of his
name on the ballot, is accepted in Wash
ington as indication that he has the
popular spontaneous support of the
rank and file of the party.
Gloom Pervades Democracy.
As there is much Joy among Repub
licans over the Hughes victory in Ore
gon, there is correspondingly gloom
among Democrats, who express the fear
that the Oregon result foreshadows
Hughes nomination at. Chicago. Many
Democrats discussing the Oregon vote
today were frank enough to say that
Hughes Is the most dangerous man the
Republicans could name to oppose Wil
son. Such old-line Republicans as ex-Representative
Dwight. of New York, the
actual head. of the Root boom, in talk
ing to Republicans, said that Hughes
is the best campaigner, bar none, in the
Republican party, and If he can roll up
such a vote as he received in Oregon,
where he was not a candidate, and
where he objected even to the placing
of his name on the ticket, it would be
Idle to speculate on the vote he could
poll if he went before the country in
the Fall as the nominee and active can
didate of the Republican party.
Wilson's Defeat Believed In Sight.
In the light of the Oregon returns. It
is generally . admitted . that Hughes,
more than, any other man in the field,
can bring all elements of the Repub
lican party together in the Fall cam
paign, and any candidate who can do
this, on the face of the returns of 1912,
can beat Wilson.
The Oregon primary vote of Friday is
taken as the first and only important
beacon of the pre-conventlon campaign.
It Is the first and only time the voters
have .had an opportunity to register
their view of the man who has de-
(Concluded on Paga 8. Column 1.)
Mother Denies, Prisoner Protests
and Judge Hopes Letters Will
lie Kept Out of Case.
WACKEGAN, 111., May 20. Four men
were sworn into the Jury today in the
case of Will H. Orpet. the university
student charged with the murder of
his former sweetheart. Marion Lar
bert. They were gleaned from 400
veniremen examined since the trial be
gan before Judge Donnelly last Mon
Celeste Touker. to whom Orpet Is
engaged to be married, will be called
as a witness by the state. It was said.
"She will help to prove that Orpet
killed Miss -Lambert," said State's At'
torney Dady.
"She may be a witness, but she'll do
nothing of the sort," said Miss Youker'u
"Celeste to testify against me?" ex
claimed Orpet.- "That's all wrong."
Judge Donnelly said he waa sorry
Miss Touker had to be called.
"I also wish," said the Judge, "that
her letters to Orpet. and his to her.
could be kept out of the case. I have
read them, and they do not belong In
this case. They are the letters of a
pure-hearted woman to the man she
Ministerial Situation Said to Demand
Personal Attention.
LONDON. May 20. Emperor William
suddenly returned to Berlin today to
settle the ministerial crisis, according
to 'telegrams received from Berlin In
Amsterdam, says a Reuter's dispatch
from that city.
' His arrival was kept quiet, as the
Emperor wished to avoid the posslbil
lty of a demonstration. The Emperor is
not staying at the royal castle, but at
It is expected he will not remain
long in Berlin and will leave for the
Russian front after the crisis is over.
Executive's Secretary Not Told of
Destination on Motor Trip.
.Mayor Albee is off for a week's auto
mobile tour "somewhere in Oregon." He
and Mrs. Albee, without giving any no
tice of their Intentions in advance,
started out yesterday In their machine.
They did not let It be known even to
the Mayor's private secretary. Will
Warren, where they were going.
"Just going to ramble around," said
the Mayor to Mr. Warren. "We will
be back in a week." During his ab
sence Commissioner Daly will act as
Mayor ex-offlclo.
Men's Dress as Well as Woman's
Denounced by Church.
ELWOOD, Ind., May 20. The short
skirt and low-necked dress for women
and "sport" shirt for men were de
nounced as Immoral at today's session
of the General Conference of the Holi
ness Christian Church here.
An article of faith regarding dress,
made a part of the church discipline
for the ensuing four years, declares
that all members shall seek to dress
"plainly. isodaaUy and befitting a
Vienna Report Capture of 12,90 0
Prisoners and Many Guns.
VIENNA, via London. May 20. The
Italian forces have been ejected from
Colsanto (southeast of Roverto). ac
cording to the Austrian official state
ment Issued today. '
"Since the beginning of the Austrian
attack." the statement said, "we have
captured 257 officers, 12,900 men, 107
guns. 12 28-crntlmeter howitzers and
68 machine guns."
IN STATE 15,117
Approximately! 00,000
.Republicans Vote.
Total for Justice Is 60,000.
lowan 22,301 , Burton 91 29.
Roosevelt Gets Enough Backing to
Nominate Him; Ed Wright Is
Ahead In Eastern Oregon.
Rnchtel Is Nominated.
Out of a total of nearly 100.DOO Re
publican votes cast at Friday's state
wide primary election. Charles Evans
Hughes has received a clear majority
over all other Presidential candidates
of approximately 17.000 votes.
Mr. Justice Hughes has a plurality
of approximately 29.200 over Senator
Albert B. Cummins, of Iowa, the next
highest candidate.
Ex-Senator Burton, of Ohio, is run
ning third. Colonel Roosevelt has re
ceived only a scattering vote over the
state where his name was written in
by Republican admirers.
These estimates are made on the
baels of a 60 per cent vote of the state,
nearly 90 per cent of which has been
counted in Multnomah County and
more than 60 per cent in other counties.
It is also based on the assumption that
existing ratios will be continued in the .
final count..
Hughes' Majority 15,117.
Incomplete returns from 31 out of the
35 counties of the state give the fol
lowing figures on Republican candi
dates for President:
Hughes. 46,547.
Cummins. 22.301.
Burton. 9129.
The figures show, on incomplete re- .
turns, a lead for Justice Hughes over
Mr. Cummins of 24.246. and over the
combined vote of Cummins and Burton
of 15.117. The returns so far counted
Indicate that the total vote cast 'for
Justice Hughe has been upwards of
Wllsoa Vote lasslaisss.
President Wilson has received the
apparently unanimous nomination of
the Democratic electors. He had no
opposition. No other names have been
reported written in on the Democratic
Vice-President Marshall is an easy
victor over Governor Major, of Mis
souri, for the Democratic Vice-Presidential
indorsement. The Democrats
also have developed a contest over the "
election of delegates to their National
convention, both from the state at
large and from the several Congres
sional districts.
Colonel Roosevelt's name was writ
ten In on enough Progressive ballots
to give him the Indorsement of that
party In Oregon.
Ben W. Olcott. the present Secretary
of State, holds a big lead over Charles ,
B. Moores for the Republican nomina- v
tion for that office.
Olrott's Majority 18.0OO.
Using the same proportions as were
applied to the Presidential election the
majority of Mr. Olcott over Mr. Moores
will be approximately 16,000. The in
complete returns stand:
Olcott. 49.059; Moores, 36.930. Oleott's
present lead is 12.129.
It appears that while Fred Buchtel
will undoubtedly receive the nomination
for Public Service Commissioner fi the
Western Oregon district his majority
will be rolled up chiefly In Mulanomah
County. Outside of Multnomah, the two
are running neck and neck.
Upstate counties give Rurhtel 14.540.
VJontinued on aae 6. Oolumn 1.)