The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 14, 1916, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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Thomas M.Hurlburt
Method of Raising Funds at
Oregon City Meeting Unique.
Incomes, Inheritances and Mu
nitions to Bear Burden of v
i Preparedness Cost.
Exemption Limit for Incomes Will
Xot Be Lowered Shipping Bill
May Be Disposed Of With
Brief General Debate.
WASHINGTON. May 13. Taxes on
incomes, inheritances and war muni
tion will be depended on to pay for the
preparedness programme, Chairman
Kitchin. of the House ways and means
committee, said tonight after a confer
ence with Secretary McAdoo. The plan
has the support, Mr. Kitchin said, of
President "Wilson.
What amount will have to be raised
cannot be determined until the Navy
and Army bills are completed.. Mem
bers of the ways and means committee
will begin work on this problem as
quickly as possible, however. Other
than a decision not to lower the present
exemption limit for incomes, $3000 for
unmarried and $4000 for married men,
none of the details of the tax. plan
have been worked out.
Plans for imposing stamp taxes on
manufactured tobacco, liquors, beer,
gasoline and other articles, Mr. Kitchin
f;aid, had been definitely abandoned. He
declared the plan of taxation decided
on would affect only those best able
to pay the levy, falling exclusively on
the wealthy and on foreign nations en
gaged in war. ,
The big preparedness revenue meas
ures will not be introduced in Congress
until after the conventions. Between
now and that time the speeding-up
campaign inaugurated recently will be
continued with a view to disposing of
other business by early July, if possible.
Another step toward carrying out the
programme was made today , when a
rule on the shipping bill was intro
duced. It would provide for five hours'
general debate on the bill and one
hour's debate on the rule itself. Lead
ers hope to dispose of the bill within
two days. Mr. McAdoo, who is partic
ularly interested in the shipping bill,
urged today that it be brought up in
the House as quickly as possible, and
Mr. Kitchin advised him that it would
be reached Tuesday, and that all other
business save that of calendar Wednes
day would be set aside for it.
Some Berry Growers Place Loss at
50 Per Cent of Crop.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. May 13. (Spe
cial.) Whie the total damage to the
strawberry crop of the Hood River
Valley will be comparatively small,
growers whose places lie in depressions
known as frost pockets will suffer
heavily from the frosts that have pre
vailed on the past three nights. Some
growers report this damage as high
as 50 per cent.
MelvUle Foley, a West Side berry
grower, reports that his 10-acre tract
will be cut short by 200 crates.
fContimied From First Pftge.
The reason why the email farmer's
profits are diminishing is because it is
so expensive to market in small quan
"The state should establish a great
.public market here in Portland. It
should be large enough to handle the
entire output of Oregon agriculture.
"with special railroad terminals in con
nection with rt. It should be equipped
with drying rooms, with provisions for
grading, sorting, canning and like de
vices which are necessary to the ban
dling of agricultural products.
Here the small farmer could ship
his produce and the state could market
it for him in large quantities cheaply
end efficiently so that he might obtain
his rightful returns.
llranch Markets Planned.
"'Similar markets should be cstab
lished in every considerable town of
the state, but all should be under the
direction of the main market at Port
land, which could best handle the plans
for seeking the more distant foreign
and domestic markets which would buy
in quantity."
ine wonting men do not favor a
consolidation of labor commissions into
I a State Labor Commission, according
to C. 2d. Rynerson, editor of the Port
land Labor Press, who spoke on th
subject of proposed- legislation along
inese lines.
"A majority of the working people
or tne state want tne power of en
forcing the labor laws left in the hands
.or the Labor Commissioners."-he said.
The conference will close tomorrow
with a final meeting at S o'clock. Dr.
' 3lax Pearson Cushinir will crive a re
t.cital on the Olds' Memorial Organ
. fl-fter which there will be reports by
J the resolutions committee and a, report
. of the California Conference of Social
Agencies by Dr. V". T. Foster, president
ot Reori Colleere.
tulaiernify! Th
Word of Words
It S Trrltfen into life's expectations that
motherhood is the one sublime accom
plishment. And If
there is anrtbiDg-, nq
matter how simple,
how apparently trivial
it may seem, if it can
bid, help, assist or in
any way comfort the
expectant mother. It Is
a blessing. And snch
Is remedy called
'Mother's Friend"
"la You apply It over the
Btomacn muscles, it is
WilFUl!'- er-lly ruBDea on the
-XlSff.k.fl surface, and makes
this relieves the strain on ligaments, natural
expansion takes place without undue effect
upon the, nerves. And as the time ap
proaches, the mind has gono through a pe
riod of repose, of gentle expectancy, and
this has an unquestioned influence upon the
ruture child. That this is true is evidenced
by the fact that three fenerations jt mothers
-have used and recommended "Mother's
Friend." Ask your nearest drutnrist for a
bottle of this splendid remedy, lie will get
it for you. And then write to Bradfleld Reg
ulator Co-, 40T Lamar BId Atlanta, Ga,
for a most interesting book of information
to prospective mothers. It is mailed free,
fV'xits todayt.It ia a book you yill enjoys
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Proposal for Government by
Executive Council Made.
British Commander Reviews and
Publicly Thanks tlie Auxiliary
Troojs, AVlio Fought Bravely
to Suppress the Rebellion.
BXJBLIX, via London. May 13. Pre
mier Asquith's visit to Dublinas far as
is ascertainable tonight, has been con
fined to frequent conferences with the
civil and military officials.
The suggestion, unofficially circu
lated, regarding the possibility of the
formation of an Irish executive council
for the management of'the government
of Ireland until the. end of the war ap
pears to have made a good impression
in Ireland. There has been much dis
cussion of the subject in all quarters.
but no confirmation of such a move
ment has been given by officials.
Kellef to the tension in Ireland was
noted today when Oeneral Maxwell,
commander of the British forces, pub
licly reviewed and thanked the auxil
iary troops, who fought for the gov
ernment against the rebels. Lady Vim
borne, wife of the ex-Lord Lieutenant,
and Premier Asquith accompanied Gen
eral Maxwell at the review. The Pre
mier declined to respond to enthusiastic
calls for a speech.
General Maxwell's address was an
expression of gratitude to the officers'
training corps which held Trinity Col
lege and guarded the Bank of Ireland,
both of -whiejv have become strong po
sitions for the rebels; to the veterans'
corps, which lost many men when the
rebels attacked them Easter Monday,
when they marched unarmed into Dub
lin, and to drivers and attendants on
the ambulances, who worked night and
day succoring soldiers, civilians and
rebels, without discrimination. He also
praised the nurses, doctors, postmen,
policemen and telegraphers, who, he
said, "most nobly responded to the call
of duty and performed many acts of
great heroism."
W ith Nominations Made, Presidency la
Centering Interest Lively Gath
ering; Marks Contest.
Corvallis, May 13. (Special.) College
politics are boiling at O. A. C Follow
ing the nominations of student-body of
ficers for next year, last week there
developed one of the most exciting
campaign periods of recent years. The
center of the contests is the race for
the position of president of the student
assembly between Arthur Fertig, of
Astoria, and J. D. McKay, of Portland.
But slightly less exciting is the race
for editor of the Barometer, the col
lege semi-weekly newspaper, for which
position James O'Xeil. of Chippewa
I- alls. Wis., and Paul Doty, of Pasadena
Cal., are supported by apparently
evenly matcned groups or admirers.
In the contest for president of the
assembly Mr. Fertig is supported by
the present student-body officers,
while Mr. McKay, a sophomore, who by
Summer school work will be a senior
next year, is supported by the under
classmen. At a special campaign mass
meeting yesterday certain supporters of
McKay accused a senior honor society
of working to control the elections to
the offices. Warm words ensued and
the meeting was hastily adjourned by
President G. R. Hoerner.
The election was to be held today,
but the absence of a large number of
the students from the campus caused
Photos copyright by Underwood.
Lewis Vernon Harconrt and His Chil
dren. The Right Hon. Lewis Vernon Har
court, who is to be Secretary for Ire
land, succeeding Augustin BirYell. late
ly resigned, is a leader of the Liberal
party in Parliament and was formerly
First Commissioner of Works in the
British CaMnet. Mr. Harcourt married
Miss Mary Ethel Burns, daughter of
the late Walter Burns, of New York,
and a cousin of J. P. Morgan. In 1899.
and now has four children. Mr. Har
court refused for many years to enter
Parliament on his own account until
the retirement from political life of his
father. Sir William Vernon Harcourt.
The Harcourts are favored personages
at the English Court, and Mrs. Har
court Is a close friend of Queen Alex
andra. Mr. Harcourt has three girls
and one boy, whose pictures are shown
President Hoerner to postpone the elec
tion in spite of great pressure exerted
to have the polling at the scheduled
time. The election is now slated for
Tuesday afternoon.
Endownment Conference to Be Held in
Connection With Commencement
Whn Seven Finish.
EUGENE, Or., May 13. (Special.)
Governor Withycombe will be one of
the speakers at the first session of the
Eugene Bible University endownment
conference at the First Christian
Church in Eugene, tomorrow night.
The university is striving to obtain an
endowment of $250,000. James J. Hill
has pledged toO.000 toward this sum,
on condition that the school raise the
additional sum of $200,000. Approxi
mately $160,000 of this amount has
been subscribed. The date by which
the endownment must be raised, if the
Hill gift is to be obtained, is May 30.
Beginning feunday night, a whirlwind
campaign for subscriptions is to be
The endownment conference is to be
held in connection with the commence
ment exercises at the Bible University,
which will continue throughout the
The graduates of the school this year
are: Classical ministerial course. Eli
jah Volmer Stivers: classical Biblical
course. Ora Kllsworth Ames. Willarvl
LeRoy Hayes, Earl Emery Fleisch
mann. Maude Estella Whipple; Eng
lish ministerial course, Elizabeth Ware
normal Bible course, Hylah Nancy
Will Help Road Cause.
MONMOUTH, Or.. May 13 (Special.)
Now that the effect of the storm, and
especially of the heavy frost of the mid
die of the week, is observed, it is found
the damage in the immediate vicinity
of Monmouth is very small. Prunes,
the big crop, were not harmed. Cherry
trees were damaged on sides exposed.
but there will be all the fruit the trees
can develop. Pears were not hurt.
Walnuts were damaged, but there will
be a fair crop. Apples and small fruits
did not suffer.
Anacortes Appropriation Too Late.
ington. May 13. The Secretary of War
today favorably recommended to Con
gress the appropriation of $84,000 for
improving the tiaroor at Anacortes.
Wash. The report probably is too late
to justify an appropriation In the pend
ing river and harbor bill, and will have
to He over a year.
Clara Louise Kellogg Dead.
NEW HARTFORD. Conn., May 13.
Clara Louise Kellogg, a prima donna
of the American operatic stage be
fore her marriage to Carl Strakosch In
1SS7, died at her home, Elpstone, today
after a year a illness.
Second-Degree Verdict Found
Against Hazeldell Slayer.
YoutJi WUo Shot Cncle at Close of
Christmas Day Celebration, Dur
ing Which Much Liquor Was
Consumed, Weeps a t Trial.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 13. (Spe
cial.) "Guilty of murder in the second
degree," was the verdict of the Jury
today In the case against Charles
Meyer, 27 years old, who shot and killed
his uncle, John Kramer. 67 years old,
Christmas night, in front of his home a
Hazeldell. The minimum penalty for
this crime is ten years. Sentence has
not been passed.
The case went to loo Jury at 1
o'clock last night, and at 11 o'clock.
not having come to a decision, the
retired. At 9 A. M. today the verdic
was reached. Meyer, when standing to
hear his fate, was perceptibly nervous.
He said nothing and walked silent
back to his cell.
A party was held at the Peter Krame
home Christmas day while the owne
was away visiting relatives and consid
erable liquor was drunk.
Several young men had their sweet
hearts at the party during the after
noon and evening and all remained un
til the party broke up in a row whe
Edward Kramer scuffled with Mrs.
Charles A. Meyer, Convicted of
M order In Second Degree at
Lillian Abbott, who went to the party
with Meyer.
Mrs. Abbott testified that . Edward
Kramer had called her many vile name
and had attempted to stab her and fih
felt certain he was going to kill he
and would have done so had not Meye
come to her rescue with a double-ba
relied shotgun. Meyer first shot Kd
ward Kramer, his cousin, in the le
and then shot John Kramer in tlie hea
Meyer alleged that Edward had a kni
and that John Kramer had a revolve
and a club, and he shot them in self
When telling his story on the wltne
stand, Meyer broke down and had diffi
culty In relating the incidents leadln
up to the tragedy.
The case was tried before Judge R. 1
Back and required four days to com
plete. J. O. Blair, County Attorney
was assisted by W. E. Yates in the
prosecution, and Justin L. Sutherland
defended Meyer,
f . :
: V " 1
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A lA.. L,....i
L. Farrett, of Xewberf, Elected
President of Group One of the
State Association Promi
nent Speakers Heard.
OREGON C1TT, Or.. May IS. (Spe-
ial.) Fifty staid and conservative
bankers of group one of the Oregon
State Bankers' Association, gathered
for luncheon at the Commercial Club.
were "held uo and robbed" at noon to
day by two masked highwaymen and
ttle Miss Winifred Ball, tne s-year-
ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Ball. The $30 or $40 raised by the
oldun will be used In the campaign of
Miss Rose Ur'egrove. Clackamas Coun-
candidate for Queen of the Portland
Rose Festival.
The programme of the third annual
convention of the group included sev-
ral of the most prominent men of this
ectlon of tJe state, and the bankers
declared that the meeting was the most
successful in the history of tho or
ganization. The convention was called to order
t 10:30 o'clock this morning by Leroy
Walker, president of the Bank of Com
merce of this city and chairman of the
group. Rev. J. K. Hawkins, of the
Methodist Church, delivered the Invo
cation, and O. D. Eby. president of the
Commercial Club, welcomed the vislt-
ng bankers. A. C. Shute, president of
the American National Bank of Hills
boro. responded.
Prominent Speakrrs Heard.
Among the speakers were: Dean W.
Morton, of the school of commerce of
the University of Oregon: Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye. authoress: Hector Mac
pherson, of the extension department
of the Oregon Agricultural College:
H. W?st vice-president of the Amer-
can Im.titute of Banking and Transit:
C. L. Smith, agriculturist of the Ore
gon-Washington Railroad & Navigation
Company, and A. P. Bateham. of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce.
Officers elected were: S. L. Parrett.
president United States National Bank,
Newberg. Or., chairman: J. A. Thorn-
burgh, president Forest Grove National
Bank. Forest Grove, Or., vice-chairman:
11. J. Evans, cashier First National
Bank, Canby. Or., treasurer: E. C. am
mons, assistant cashier Lumbermens
National Bank. Portland, secretary. The
other four members of the executive
committee will be appointed later by
Chairman Parrett.
Many Delegates Attend.
The delegates attending were:
X. TJ. Carocnter. nrBlritne r1tlxn Tlank
Portland: Lerov D. Walker. Drulilttil liank
of Commerce, Oregon City; E. C bammoaa.
assistant cashier Lumbermen! National
Bank. Portland- 8. I Parrett. president
united states National Bank. Newberit: t:
F. Bran ties, director Estacada State Bank:
W. o. Oalaway. cashier Washington County
Bank. Banks; John E. Bailey, vice-president
r orest Grove National Bank, Forest Grove
11. H. Newhall. uresident East Side Bank
of Portland: o. H. Vaughn, cashier Bmler
Bunking Company, Hood Itlver; ri. I- fctev-
ens. Bank of Commerce, Oregon City; A.
Jones, assistant cashier Klrst National
Bank. Portland; J. 8. Btrrel. cashier George
Vv. Bates S; Co., bankers. Portland; Chester
A. Vhltemore, Portland; John N. .d!er
en. cashier Peninsula National Bank.
Portland; Glen Thornburvh. of Korest
Grove; C. S. Loveiand. clearing-house
bank examiner. Portland: J. A.
Thomburch. President Forest Grove
National Bank. Forest Grove: J. T.
Burtchaell. assistant manager Bank of Cal-
nornia. Portland; E. L. Peterson, seere
tary Charles E. Walters at Co.. Portland
U. n. Alexander, prealdent Bank of bell-
wood. Portland: J. V. Burke, cashier Bank
or Kenton. Portland; w. H . W ood worth
president First National Bank. Newbers
Will T. Wright, vice-president Scandinavian-
American Bank. Portland: II. B. Evans.
cashier First National Bnk. Canby: Hector
Macpuorson. professor Oregon Agricultural
College. Corvallis; Charles 11. Caufleul. Bank
of Oregi.n City: V. C. Brock, assistant
cashier First National Bank. Hood River
H. A. Cenmand. State Bank. Canby: K. A.
Millar, cashier Bank of Gresham. Gresham
A. C. Shute. president American Nations
Bank. HIMsnoro: T. II. West. Lsdd Tlltou
Bank. Portland; Charles K. Walters.
president the Charles E. Walters c Co.
Portland: w. j. Rlechers. cashier First Na
tlonal Bank. Tillamook: Gienn T. Staple
ton, cashier. Gaston btate Bank. Gaston
John R. Humphreys. cashier Bank
Commerce. Oregon City: M. D. Itourette,
vice-president First National Bank. Oregon
City; Percy caurield. Bank or Oregon City
Edgar H. Sensenich. cashier Northwestern
Nat:na1 Bank, Portland: Wilfrid P. Jones,
vice-president Northwestern National Bank,
Portland: Elmer K. Young, collection telle
T'nlted States National Bank. Portland: A.
B. Bateham. of Portland Chamber of Com
merce. and C. I Fmlth, agricultural
Oregon-Washington Railway & Navigation
company, Portland.
$30 Pension Granted to Widow.
SALEM. Or.. May 13. (Special.)
The State Industrial Accident Insur
ance Commission today set aside
$6849.38 in the accident fund to pay
the 30-a-month pension allowed t
the widow of Floyd A. Yates, who wa
killed at St. Johns April 25 while em
"TIZ" Is Grand for Aching:,
Swollen, Tender, Calloused
Feet or Corns.
TIT.' makes
my feet
Ah! what relief. No more tired feet
no more burning: feet; no more swollen,
achingr. tender, sweaty feer. Xo mors
soreness in corns, callouses, bunions,
No matter what ails your feet
what under the sun you've tried with
out getting; relief, just use "TIZ
"TIZ" is the only remedy that draw
out all the poisonous exudations which
puff up the feet. "TIZ" cures your foot
trouble so you 11 never limp or dra
up your face in pain. Tour shoes won'
seem tlKht and your feet will never,
never hurt or get sore and swolle
Think of it! no more foot misery.
more agony from corns, callouses or
Get a I5-eent box at any drug- store
or department store and get instant re
lief. Wear smaller shoes. Just once
try "TIZ." Oct a whole yeaf"" foot
comfort for only Za cents. Think of It
jr ; f
ti.wan.fnsi, i. - ...Ji in m si -- sat -vawn is a n irsi
Sheriff of Multnomah County
"One Good Term Deserves Another"
4 Paid AdTrrllarmnt.l
ployed by the Pt. Johns Lumber Com
pany. If Mrs. Yates does not remarry
and lives out the period of her life
expectancy the state will pay her a
otal of J13.141.
Water In Columbia Kier at Vancou
ver Is Receding.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 13. (Spe
cial.) The Columbia River is falling;
lowly after its dash up to 18 feet above
gero. The river is now about 1 reel.
Work on the bridge is not beinar de-
ayed by the water and the assembling;
of the four spans on the docks is beinar
rushed. They will be ready for float-
nc out some time the latter part of
America's flahTlee Meld a return of $20.-
OOOAtoo. douWe that of England.
him with trying to render . a real
He will show you that the Goodyear Tire
Saver Kit contains materials for making
road repairs when accidents occur.
He will test your wheel alignment; he
will suggest an Inside Protector if such
can add to the mileage of an old tire:
he "will recommend Goodyear Tire Putty
to fill tread cuts and prevent damage
from dirt and water.
He sells firs a tisf action in addition
to tires; he is not content until yon -era
fully and finally pleased.
( ( Sb3t Cf TVTJ j
.3 TIRE -i 3 AVER
- ' '-' jaiaSsSsaaaM-saajassM-l. j
vsi ia mwij m urn, 1 si I n wm'1.11 .. i, wbi." in. .11 ei 1 a isiai 111 1 1 111 isni 1
- - --1 I
Eczema Remedy
Dr. Holmes, the well-known skin special
ist, writes :
"I am convinced that the I. D. D. Pre
scription Is as much a specific for Eczema
ss quinine for malaria. 1 have been pre
scribing the D. D. D. remedy for years. "
This soothirr combination of oil of
wtntergTeen, Thymol, and other hs!!n)
Ingredients called I. P. D. Prescription
Is now a favorite remedy of skin special
ists for all skin diseases. It penetrates
the pores, gives Instant relief from the
most distressing Itch. Tts sooUunc oils
quickly heal the inflamed tissues.
Druggists are glad to recommend this
soothing, cooling liquid. 2."c. 60c and f 1.00.
Come to us and we will tell you more abont
this remarkable remedy. Your money hacic
unless the first bottle relieves you. I. I. D.'
Soap keeps your akin healthy. Ask afcout U.
Mrldmor Drug Cempsny.
The Owl Drug Company.
the Goodyear Ser
Station Dealer talks
about Goodyear
Accessories, credit