SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 12 Dramatic, Automobile and. Moving Pictures VOL. XXXV. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY 3IORNING. MAY 14, .191G. NO. 20. In This Sale We Quote No Comparative Prices In Every Instance the Sale Price Is Greatly Below Those Obtainable Elsewhere, and Much Less Than We Have Ever Sold the Same Articles in Our Own Store Prices Will Positively Hold Good for MONDAY ONLY! No Phone Orders Filled. No C O. D. Orders Filled. No Approvals in This Sale. Special Window Displays of Sports Apparel The modes sponsored by the creators of women's and misses sports apparel are now pre sented here in an elaborate exhibition. The entire sweep of our Fifth-street windows presents a special exhibit of these fascinating modes. A Sports Section On the Third Floor Our patrons are invited to view for the first time this wonderful collection of sports ap parel, which was specially secured by our buyers on a recent trip to New York. Georgette Crepe In plain colors and novelty figured patterns. Quality ex ceptional. Full 40 inches wide. $1.65 First Floor BIGELOW WILTON Rugs Size 36x63 inches In Great Assortment $5.00 Fifth Floor Fancy Bordered Curtain Scrims and Marquisettes 36 to 40 inches wide Special, yard 20c Fifth Floor General Purpose and Steamer Trunks The most important of' fer ever made in Portland on trunks of this fine con struction. $9.45 Seventh Floor. C. B. a la Spirite Corsets Three Models For Summer Wear. Of Fancy Pompadour Materials. $1.59 Fourth Floor Yard Wide Black Silk Taffeta Extra Quality Chiffon Finish $1.25 First Floor Men's Imported Silk Embroidered Four-in-hands Large flowing ends and easy slip band. 50c First Floor 100 New Trimmed Hats Mid-season styles not one ever shown before. Milan hemp, sailor shapes, with straight or rolling brims. All White Shapes With White Trimmings $3.45 Third Floor. Serge and Poplin Dresses (For Women) All-wool materials, in black, navy, Copenhagen, reseda, tan, black and white shepherd checks. The Price in This Instance Is Less Than the Maker's Cost on Every Garment $6.95 Third Floor. Women's Nightgowns Of Windsor crepe, in pink, white and flowered designs. Of longcloth and batiste in white and flesh tint. In a Wonderful Assortment of New Models 88c Foarth Kloor. Two New Models Women's Sport Sweaters All Wool) Plain Colors and Blazier Stripes Byron and Franklin Collars With Long Knit Sashes to Match $4.50 Third Floor. Novelty Silk and Crepe de Chine Dresses For Misses and Small Women Many Models Combined With Georgette Crepe and Laces In Navy, Copenhagen, Rose, Green, Bisque and Gray $12.45 Fourth Floor. Fine Austrian and Theodore Haviland, Limoges China 100-Piece Dinner Sets Hard to Obtain at Any Price Of Austrian China $13.95 Of Austrian China $29.95 Of Austrian China $32.50 Of Theodore Haviland China $19.95 Sixth Kloor. Klosfit Taffeta and Jersey Top Petticoats In black, navy, emerald, hunters" green, purple and changeable effects. A limited assortment. $3.95 Third Floor. 56-Inch Extra Quality Cream Serge and Cream Cheviot . 98c ecortd Floor Best Quality Yard Wide White Golfine Narrow Cord 55c econd Floor Full Size Marseilles Patterns Satin Finish Bed Spreads Scalloped edge, cut corners $2.95 Second Floor. Bacmo WASHABLE Gloves (Glace) Pique sewn, 1 -clasp, self or contrasting stitch ing, in white, ivory and oak shades. 95c -First Floor Women's Pure Thread Kayser Silk Hosiery Black, Tan, Sky Quantity Limited 50c First Floor Stamped Pure Linen ' Huck Towels Size 20 by 36 inches. Hem stitched ends or ends stamped for scalloping. 35 Fifth Floor Best 25c Hot Lunch in Portland . Menu for Monday Cream of Tomato Soup, Roast "Veal or Minced Steak with Spaghetti, Potatoes, Relish, Bread, But ter, Hot Rolis. Tea, Coffee, Milk, Buttermilk, Choc olate. Basement. MONDAY $1.50 Sport lgj g StripePongee Extraordinary at this price. Imported silk, with green, rose and sport blue stripes. Diofmrot. MONDAY $1.50 Child's! ggc Sweaters for J A price less than wholesale. In gray and colors, fine, warm quality. Sizes 2 to 5 years. Basement. ' MONDAY 33-In. Imported) Pongee Silks fDC Extra quality, washes .per fectly and wears indefinitely. A remarkable sale. Basemen 4. MONDAY 35c Women's! 29 Corset. Qovers f Less than cost of materials. Several styles, trimmed with lace, embroidery and ribbon. Basement. MONDAY 45c to 60c I Curtain Nets) 23c Extraordinary less than the wholesale cost. Arabian color, bungalow patterns, to 50 inches Basement. MONDAY 89c $1.50 to $2.00 Curtains, Pair Nottingham and Swiss, plain and ruffled, also colored bor ders. White and Arabian. Basement. Where, you spend the least and get the mcst for it"' MONDAY 25c Figured Voiles, 36-Inch, 19c -Plain and fancy weaves, great variety of colored designs. 35c White Voiles and Crepes J 9c -27 to 40-inch. Large assortment of patterns. 35c White 32-Inch Striped Suitings 23c -Many patterns for skirts, suits, dresses, etc. ISc Standard 36-Inch Percales 12y2c -Light, medium and dark grounds excellent quality. 18c Playtime Suitings, 27-Inch, ISc -Best material for children's and women's apparel. 35c Voiles, 40-Inch, 30 Patterns, 23c -Newest stripes, figures and plaids, new colorings. Basement. MONDAY 36- Inch Navy Storm Serge, Special 47c 37- Inch Navy French Serge, Special 59c 40-Inch Navy Storm Serge, Special 69c 44-Inch Navy Storm Serge, Special 79c 48-lnch Navy Storm Serge, Special 89c -46-Inch Navy French Serge, Special 98c MONDAY $1.00 Wash Suits 29c 50c Wash Suits 25c Greatest sale ever offered. Great variety of styles, all sizes, 2Vi to 7 years. Basement. MONDAY Boys' Sports I oq Blouses for f ZyC Latest thing for boys 6 to 15 years blouses for less than mother can make them. Basement. MONDAY 12c 25c Women's Work Aprons Lowest prices ever quoted on extra quality percales, in light colors full size. Basement. 50 of the Smartest New Trimmed White Hats Go on Sale for the First Time Fine, smooth braids, trimmed with ribbon;:, flowers, novelties all shapes. Basement. Special $1.95 MONDAY Remarkab'e New Waists 1 69c New shipment, in white and colors. Over twenty new Sum mer styles all new. n Basement. MONDAY New Serge Skirts $2.95 Extraordinary skirts of all wool black or navy serge new est Summer models. Basement. MONDAY $1.25 Bolt g& Longcloth J Limit one bolt to customer. 10 yards, 3(5 inches wide, in each bolt extra fine. Basement. MONDAY 6c 10c Sanitary Napkins, Pkg. Famous Venus napkins for one day only at this extraordi nary price. Basement. MONDAY Sc Lenox Soap, 8 bars 25c 45c Aluminum Wash boards .' . .29c 20c Clothesline, 50 ft. lie Hardwood Clothespins, dozen -....7c 10c Pearline, 3 for. . ,19c 30c Sleeveboards . . .21c 80c Splint Clothes Basket for 59c $1.40 Ironing Boards 98c $1.25 Wash Benches 98c 25c Clothes Dryers.. 17c $5.00 Guaranteed Wring ers for $3.95 Basement