The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 14, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 38

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Young Japanese Skipper Ends
Difficult Trip Across.
Vessel Heads Into Blow for 12
Hours 'Willi Disabled Steering
Gear Sulphur and Hard
wood Come Off Here.
?aptain M. Miyake is years of
age and has been in command of ves two years, but being one of the
youngest skippers in the Nipponese
merchant marine does not detract from
his ability to handle the Japanese
steamer Mayachi JIaru. which reached
municipal dock No. 2 at 1 o'clock yes
terday morning, after a voyage or
days from Otaru to the Columbia River.
Soon after getting away from the
Japanese coast, the ship ran into a
blow and the rods of the steering gear
are said to have carried away. The
heavy sea running made it impossible
to restore the connections aft. The
break occurred when the ship was
headed into the sea, so for 12 hours
Captain Miyake steamed her at full
epeed into the teeth of the blow, so
held on fairly well. Repairs were made
the following day, but the event is
credited with having lost about two
days on the voyage.
Captain Miyake says that Japanese
nhipyards have been going to their full
capacity, but when he left the other
side a shortage of steel was apparent,
shipments from the United States not
having been received regularly. With
the Tanama Canal open, it is expected
more vessels laden with steel will be
sent from New York via that route.
The Mayachi Maru was formerly the
Tami Maru, and was sold shortly be
fore starting to load at Otaru, hence
the change of name. Mayachi is said to
be a word originally coined by the
Ainu race, at one time powerful in
Japan, but now reduced to a total of
20.000 persons, cared for by the gov
ernment on reservations in Northen
Japan. They :re of larger stature and
fairer skin than the Japanese. It was
not after the tribe that the steamer
was named, but for the Mayachi mine.
Which her owners control.
It was decided yesterday to work
overtime on the steamer today as well
as tomorrow night, so as to discharge
3.000.000 feet of hardwood and 500 tons
of sulphur and 1200 tons of sulphur
will then be put off at dock No. 3. St.
Johns. The ship proceeds from Port
land to Seattle and there will be loaded
for Vladivostok under charter to James
Oriffiths & Sons.
y.......... .................................................................. ..t
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Permanent Portland-Alaska
Service Proposed.
few day, ihouch not at
Increase Indicated in destruction ot
Vessels This Year.
rata published by the New York
Journal of Commerce bearing on mart
time losses duo to the European con
flict, covering1 vessels destroyed be
tween August 1. 1914, and May 1, 1916
place the total at approximately 2,
462.259 gross tons.
The rate of destruction is held to
have increased in 1916, as compared
vith previous periods. The losses are
distributed as follows:
Allied Shipping Destroyed.
tlross tons.
. llH).2so
Or.-at Britain
Total fjross tons l,917,lbl
Neutral hipping Iestroyed.
Nation Gross tons.
Norway 147.T.S0
JiulUnd bJ.61i,t
Itenmark 4u.t.3
Rwenea ::7'.Mi
; rtce lo.('l
Hpain 14..'.,0
united States 10,
From what was an unsightly collection of rocks, dirt and broken plankH a few years apo, the foot of
Stark street has been improved through the efforts of harbor authorities until today it is the most sightly place
on the waterfront. The municipal landing originally built by the Commission of Public Dorks in 1913 was a
one-story structure with a slip leading to a float for the accommodation of small vessels and pleasure craft.
A second story was started last year and recently completed, it being occupied by the Commission as its head.
riuarters. The former waiting-rooms below have been changed to include comfort stations and space allot
ted the Harbormaster's office improved. The approach is being beautified by the Bureau of Parks and is
officially known as MulVy Park, named in honor of F. . Mulkey, first chairman of the Commission.
are properly spaced on a five-day
schedule full cargoes will be in order.
The Bear had less than her usual num
ber of passengers, but in spite of her
reputation as a rainmaker, her de
parture was featured by clear skies
and prospects of a bon voyage to the
Bear State.
Travelers View Two Jtivers on Way
to Flavel for Owan Trip.
It was a jolly crowd of passengers
to leave the North Bank depot' yester
day on the Great Northern Pacific
steamer train to connect with the fleet
turbiner Great Northern at Flavel.
More than 100 were in the party and
the run along the Willamette and Co
lumbia rivers, favored by most delight
ful weather, was enjoyable.
Frompt connections were made with
the biff liner near the mouth of the
Columbia and she passed onto a smooth
sea with a prentle breeze from the
northwest, ideal conditions beiner her
lot as she headed for the California
coast and established her steady Dace
to make the Golden Gate on scheduled
time. The Great Northern had aboard
1203 tons of freight, in the shipments
beinsj tar, gunnies, cereals, wire, box
yhooks, paper and canned salmon. The
Northern Pacific, her sistership, is due
back in service soon and when the
Great Northern is sent to the yard for
a short time both will be on the run
and the express service of last Sum
mer resumed.
Total gross tons 318.702
Teutonic Shipping Destroyed.
Nation Gross tons.
riertnany lt5.0O
1 urkey l.s.l.'.O
.Austria-Hungary la. 240
Total gross tons
A1j.VSK.-V coast pilot
Uritisli Steamer I'liotinia Four Days
Out of Callao for Columbia,
Sailing from Callao May 10 the Brit
ish steamer Photinia is on the way
here to load part of a lot of ties stacked
at Kalama for delivery at London, they
having been ordered last year in the
interest of the British government-
There are two orders at Kalama, the
ties having been assembled there frm
other points on the river, and the Pho
tinia cannot take both, so a second
steamer is to follow. The Photinia's
cargo will be dispatched by the Pacific
Export Lumber Company.
The British steamer St. Veronica,
which sailed March 12. was the last tie
carrier in river and when material now
cut is floated it is not thought addi
tional purchases will be made before
the end of the war, unless it should be
prolonged until next year.
Government Issues Xew Publication
In Interest of Navigators.
The Urited States Coast and Geodetic
Survey has issued a Coast Pilot that
will doubtless be a boon to Alaskan
shipping. This book, containing 303
pages, including indexes, covers the
waters of the coast of Alaska from
Yakutat Bay to the Arctic Ocean, the
various groups of islands along the
south side of the Alaska Peninsula,
the Aleutian Islands, Prince William
Sound, Cook Inlet, Bristol Bay and
various other indentations.
The volume is intended to be used
as a supplement to the Alaskan charts.
In it are contained minute directions
for the navigation of Alaskan waters,
giving information as to the currents.
waning direction and special features
as to the waters of particular local
ities, ihe book is sold for 50 cents,
me cost of paper and printing. It can
be ordered from the superintendent of
the United States Coast and Geodetic
Survey. Washington, D. C, making re
mittance by postal money order.
Multnomah County Has Work Done
at Plant of Joseph Supple.
Repairs to the Yellow Stack steamer
Grahamona having been arranged for
by the Multnomah County Commis
sioners, the vessel having been dam
aged when the Morrison-street bridge
draw swung against her Monday night,
she was shifted to Supple's yard yes
terday from Taylor-street dock and the
rehabilitation begun.
Matt Welch, county superintendent of
bridges, will be in charge as the rep
resentative of the county and Captain
A. W. Graham, manager of the Yellow
Stack fleet, will look after the work
for the company. Mr. Supple is to
handle the job on a day-labor basis,
and efforts will be put forth to hasten
it so the vessel may be available for
service without delay. She was badly
raked on the starboard side, the draw
striking the purser's office and sweep
ing through the superstructure, tear
ing out partitions, hog posts and the
upper deck.
At I liat. "Big Three" Steamer Is
Dispatched with 2300 Tons.
Though there were S300 tons of com
modifies stowed beneath her hatches
when she sailed yesterday afternoon,
it was the smallest cargo the steamer
Bear has taken from Portland for Cali
fornia ports in a year. The reason for
the vessel not being crammed to ca
pacity was the fact the steamer Rose
City sailed Wednesday, a place being
made for her on the sailing card so
she could get back in line after hav
ing been laid up since January 1.
The liner Beaver, due Tuesday, sails
Friday and now that all of the vessels
Chamber to Urge Immediate Action
to Prevent Suspension of Work.
Action will be taken by the Chamber
of Commerce in directing the attention
of the Oregon delegation at Washing
ton to the danger of operations on the
north jetty being suspended next month
unless the rivers and harbors bill is
News that a shutdown is contem
plated June 15 because funds on hand
will not carry the project beyond that
date, and at the same time leave money
for maintaining the dredge Chinook on
the entrance channel work until Octo
ber, caused considerable discussion yes
terday. Not only the jetty's advance
ment, but other improvements will be
retarded if Congress does not act im
Summer Season Causes Renewed In
terest in Excursions.
Good weather has revived inquirie
as to excursions and today is expected
to witness the largest crowd so far
this season aboard the propeller Georg-
iana, when she pulls away from Wash
ington-street dock for Astoria this
The O.-w. R. & N. steamer Harvest
Queen made her first Saturday night
trip of the season last night and today
the schedule of trains on the North
Beach road will change to permit Sun
day visitors to reach there.
The steamer Bailey Gatzert was
shifted to the Standard mill dock yes
terday, where her painting is being fin
ished and she goes into service June l.
making the excursion run from Port
land to Stevenson daily.
Pnjret Sound Interests Open Negoti
ations for Change, but Com
mercial Forces Here
. Fight for Retention.
When the Columbia Contract Com
pany transports the last of an order for
S.000.000 feet of lumber placed by the
Government with the Kagle Lumber
Company for delivery at Anchorage. It
is proposed to make permanent the
barge service between Portland and
The company is loading the first two
barges at Inman-Poulsen's mill and
they will be started north in a few
days, followed by two others. The tugs
Samson and Henry J. Kiddle will tow
two of the fleet at a time and such
dispatch is planned that the lumber
contract will be closed before the Alas
ka season Is half over.
Tuget Sound lumber interests have
opened negotiations with the Columbia
Contract Company to have the tugs and
barges operate from there to Alaska
when the last lumber Is moved from
here, but commercial interests have
stepped into tluj field and propose to
retain the fleet In the Portland trade,
making a stronger bid for lumber busi
ness and adding steel and similar com-
so lower for
a rapid rate.
Marconi Wireless Reports.
(All poollteeae repealed at ft I. M. May 13
ttnlr otherie 4lelKnale4l.)
Utnoe. tn Kiinitmo tor Honolulu, tHVj
m t from San t'ra.ncli-o. v- v.".
I'uscn. Honolulu for Sott!-. h'J irtllva
from !'! KlTtry. Wey 1.
Tt.omait. l!!i Krati-i!-. for Mml'i, lr.l
mt! from San Kmin-lm-o, v.iy 1.
;eo"Klu. Ililo for seu Kminio. TTI
ml fi fr.iu Sun Kmncleo.. Uiv ll.
Hyarlrs Honolulu f-r San Kran-is-. IIS
ml!-it from San Kranrlwo. noon. Ma
Illlontan, .'M't for Honolulu. miles
from (. vlatlcry. Mat- 1-
Ohlna. Orient tor san Kranrlwo, 13.2
miles from san Francisco. liv 11.
I.urllnc. Honolulu for San Kraiu laco. 1127
mtia from San Krancl-o. May 12.
Atlia. Kaliulul for San TrUro, t45 tnllra
from San l'o.lro. May 12.
Sherman. Manila for san 000
m!!a from San KTanclsco, May 12.
Willamette. San fr'rani-laco tor Pan I'cdro.
ft F" Inl Plnoa.
President, pan Krmrtr-lsoo for Victoria. 104
miles north of San Kronrlsoo.
Topeka. rTureka for san Krancisco, seven
ml'es smith of Point Arena.
Wapeme. rortland for San Francisco. S5
miles a-iuth of Hlunta Itecf.
Ijiieaa, Kl Segundo for Seattle. Ml miles
from Seanle.
lty of in. Pan Francisco for Ratboa.
fiO miles soutn of San Kranrlseo.
Hreaknater. Sn Frant-lsro for Sunta Rar
bara. mtlea west of Santa Barbara.
.Moriett. t-ine rarxo t.i, namo ior Klcn.
mon1. 4i mites south l.ichtehlp.
c.ovrmor. Victoria for San Francisco. r.O
miie south of Blanco.
Yos.'mlt. S.iu Kraneisro for Craya liar
bor. rtn nilles sou!li of B'.anro.
Ormce lollar. Taroma for San Pedro. ".S3
ntl!es nnr'h of San Francisco.
Porter. Monterey In tow. Point Orient for
reatlle. 244 mil" from Point Orient.
KI Sccttndo. Klr-hmonrl for Seattle, 2!6
miles north of Iticr-moml. Northern, Flavel for San Francisco. runes south or t olumMa Htver.
t'ororiHiio. Sun Francisco for Aberdeen, off
Columbia i:iver.
for duty as flasrship and tender 0$ the modities to the freight handled.
Geo. Wm Klder and Breakwater Were
Made by Same Concern aa Snip
That Turned Turtle.
In the destruction of a vessel at sea
the concern of the general public Is
chiefly centered on the loss of life.
Mariners, while as deeply interested
that feature, especially wtien old
shipmates are thought aboard, are
prone to hark back to the history
of the vessel, as they did the other day
relative to the loss of the steamer Roa
noke off the California coast, when
bound from Kan Francisco for South
ern waters.
She was what the shipping fraternity
term a John Hoach ship. That is, a
vessel constructed by the now famous
shipbuilder, whowe pioneer yard at
Chester, Pa., was the birthplace of some
of the best-known vessels on the At
lantic and Pacific. S?he was launched
1882 and even her machinery was
turned out by the Roach force.
The steamer Geo. W. fc-Ider, fleet-
mate of the Koanoke and now in serv
ice on . the run from San Francisco
south, is also a product of the Roach
yard, being built in ISM. while the
steamer Breakwater, flying the same
flag and operating between Portland
and San Die.go, was launched by John
Koach in 1SS0.
Other vessels known here, the Rose
City, of the "Big Three"' line: the Kan
sas City, formerly in that service and
now operated by the Alaska Steamship
Company; the Yucatan, owned by the
North Pacific interests which have the
Roanoke and operate the Klder and
Breakwater, were built at Chester, Pa.
but not by the Roach corporation.
Recently the New lork Marine Jour
nal printed the following concerning
the Geo. V. Klder:
"She was originally built for the Old
Dominion Steamship Company by John
Roach at Chester, Pa., and is at the
present time 41! years old. She was
considered one of the best of her class
at that time, while her 42 years' serv
ice, a large part of it on the Pacific
Coast, proves it. This was one of the
many staunch vessels that this late
eminent shipbuilder constructed, and It
can be said without fear of contradic
tion that none of the large fleet of
steamers that he built, when this fa
mous yard was In the height of pros
perity, was ever lost through struc
tural weakness."
submarine flotilla stationed there.
Seventy-four men of all ratings left
by train tonight for San Francisco to
complete the crew of the cruiser Al
bany, in accordance with orders
crived after the vessel steamed .south
with only a reserve complement aboard.
Seattle Shipyard to Build More.
SKATTLE, Wash., May 12. The
Washington Shipping Corporation,
which has two wooden ships on the
ways at the Puget Sound Bridge Ac
Dredping Company's shipyard, today
authorized the construction of two
more vessels .similar to those building.
They will be 2500-ton schooners.
equipped with auxiliary power and will
be designed to carry 1,500.000 feet of
The operation of the Large line places
no burden on Portlanders other than
supplying business, the Columbia Con- I Corvallls, May 13. (Special.) That the
ProfrRDor LrnU .dvlea tamwerM That
Yll I' roper Care Iteplantlaie
la I nneeesaary.
Youths Are Held Pending In
vestigation of Property.
ICulcs as to Equipment on Vessels
Being Tested Is Insisted On.
As regulations of the Federal Steam
boat Inspection Service provide for
seagoing barges being scrutinized to
ascertain if specified equipment Is
aboard. United States Inspectors Ed
wards and Wynn will inspect barges of
the Columbia Contract Company tomor
row that are to be used in the Portland-Alaska
trade. The annual inspec
tion of the steamer Nestor has also
been ordered..
The inspectors are insisting on new
rules being obeyed in the matter of
licensed officers testing the entire
steering gear on vessels where they
are employed, also whistles and tele
graph or other means of communica
tion between bridges and pilothouse
with engine-rooms. The tests must be
made at least weekly, and the dates
and conditions of the gear noted in a
After Repairs New Flagship of Sub
marines Will Go to Honolulu.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 12. Orders
were received at the Puget Sou-nd
Navy-yard canceling the two months'
cruise of the cruiser St. Louis, which
was to have begun May 22, so that re
pairs can be completed by July 15, when
the St. Louis will be sent to Honolulu
Movements or Vessels.
PORTLAND. Mav i:t. Sailed Steamers
Bear, rot ian IVdro via a.a If raucix:o;
Noithlanu, for can trancisco.
Astoria, May 13 SaiUd at 8 A. M.
British bark Invernarry, for Azores for or'
dtr. Failed at 2:ui V, . buamer ; rest
.Northern, for San Francusco. Arrived
-:40 I. M. Uacoline choonr Mir cut:, from
1 .vast port?.
San Fianciaco, May l.'l. Sailed at mid
rtiftht Steamers Aicatraz. fur Portland ;
Breakwater, from Portland and way port
lor fcan Uiego via way ports. Arrived 1
7 A. M. and sailed Slcamera Santa. Ba
bata and ilamette, from Portland fur San
Pedro. Arrived at 4 P. M. Steamer Btt
ver. from San Pedro for Portland. May 1
Arrived at 6 P. M. Steam, r F. A. Kil
burn. from San DIko add way ports for
Portland via way ports; at II I. M . . steam
tr Hose City, from Portland for San l-dro.
San Pedro. May 13. Arrivt d at A. 3
Steamer Daisy, from Columbia Kiver. May
12. Sailed Steamers Shasta and fc.dgar IL
vance. ior Co umma Kiver.
Seattle. Wash.. May 13. Arrived Admiral
Dewey, from San Krancisro; Alameda, from
Southwestern A las k a ; J orit-rson. Santa An
from Southeastern Alaiska; Hawaii Maru
(Japanese, fiom Hongkong; Aroline. Irom
Southwestern Alaska. Saiied V. S. Coast
Guard Cutter Bear, for Nomo,
San Francisco. May ill. Arrived Steam
era Adeline Smith. Fulton, from Coos Bay,
Admiral Schley, from Seattle; Willamette,
Santa Barbara, from Aatorla; Newport, from
Balboa; enterprise, front mio ; iv .amain
from Gua mas ; Jim Butler, from Puget
Sound. Sailed Steamers ii. Linaiuer,
fur Aberdeen ; President, for Seattle; banta
Rita, for Valparaiso.
Tocopilla. May 12. Arrived Steamer Bel
rid it p. from Port San Luis.
Shanghai. May PJ. Arrived Steamer
Canada Maru. from Seattle.
Arica. May 12. Arrived Steamer Co-
; lumbift from sr.n Francisco.
Valparaiso. iiay 11. aiieu steamer
Curasao, for san Franciaco.
Shimonosekl. May 1 1. fallen steamer.
Kaifuku Maru. from ladivostok for Ta
co mii-
Yokohama. way 11. i-aiiea steamer
Khilzunka Maru for Seattle.
Antofagasta, May i. hauea steamer
Coalinea. for Port San Luis.
Tacoma. wash.. May 1 .. Arrivea nance
Ft James. from southwestern A!ak
steamer Aroline. from sout n w est ern AiasKa.
Sailed Steamer Kumi Maru (Japanese. Tor
Yokohama.; William li. Murphy, tor ban
Francisco. .
Xotlee to Mariners.
Navigation aid changes, as set forth
in the latest bulletin of the Bureau of
Lighthouses, include the following in
the Seventeenth Lighthouse District:
Coos Pay Com Bay bridge fog signal
established at center of draw span of
bridge, .IS feet above the water, a bell
struck by machinery, on stroke every 10
seconds; maintained by th Southern Pacific
WUiapa. Bay Johnson Hpht established,
fixed red of IO candlepower. 12 fet above
water on white croisarm on un pain ted pile
In 12 feet of water.
Columbia Kiver. above mouth of Willam
ette Hlver Mulllpan beacon established, on
unpainted tiiree-plle dolphin. In 17 feet of
water with white square targets 20 feet
above water; to mark end of submerged
Puet sound. Ich passage Point Glover
fras buoy 1, established May 10, in about
six fathoms of water, 2,A yards 101 H de
grees from present position of point Glover
buov 1- which v.-ill then be discontinued.
The cas booy will be cylindrical, with
skelet-m superstructure, and will show 1
f LiHhlnK white light every three seconds
flash 0.3 second duration, of TO candle-
power, 10 feet above water.
Vessels Entered Yesterday.
Gasoline schooner Delia, general cargo.
rrom 1 lavei.
Japanese steamer Maychl Maru. cargo of
sulpher and lumber, from Hakodate.
Vessels Cleared Yesterday.
Gasoline schooner Delia, general cargo.
ior cioveraaie.
American steamer Bear, general cargo.
for san fearo via san 1- ranc.sco.
tract Company having its own equip
ment and caring for Its maintenance.
The trade and commerce bureau of the
Chamber of Commerce is in touch with
considerable freight to be moved north
and is endeavoring to have at least a
portion of the rail orders of the Lnited
State. Steel Products Company handled
Portland. Working rails onto and
from barges can be done much more
quickly than when stowed in the hold
of a steamer, while the barges can be
shifted at Anchorage, where convenient.
without regard to the depth of water.
The first of the lumber order is be
ing furnished from the Inman-Poulsen
plant, owing to cert-!n rate conditions
on the line of tho Pacific navigation
Company, where the Kagle Lumber
Company Is located, and changes to
be made tomorrow will permit ship
ment from there to the river, where the
lumber will go aboard the barges.
Steamer Schedule.
P. A. Kilburn. . .
t;reat Northern.
HrenK water. ....
Hobo City
F. A. Kilburn. .
Great Northern
Breakwater. .. .
Hose City
Wapama. .....
Willamette. .. .
..Sn DieKO
. . Ils Angeles. . , .
..Kan Francisco..
......Sun uiKo. . . . . .
L Angeles. . . .
...... An teles. . . .
8. F. to L. A
...... San Francisco. .
S. F. to U A. . .
.San Iieu-o. ....
.San Francisco. .
Angeles. . . ,
. i-in Francisco. .
. San 1'leRO
, I.oB Angeles. . . ,
. San I ie,i o. ....
.san Dleito
Lo Angeles. ..
. May
. May 1
. May 1
.May :
..May :
..May 10
. May
. May
. May
. May
. May
. May
. May
. May
. May
Xeun From Northwest Ports.
severe, weather conditions of January
and February and the sudden changes
In temperature at that time is the
cause for the widespread early drop
of pear and prunes w-hich has been
reported on trees under 8 years of age,
is the opinion of Professor C. 1. Lcwl8,
head of the division of horticulture
of the Oregon Agricultural College, 1
who during the pat two weeks has
received hundreds of inquiries regard
ing the abnormal fruit drop and gen
eral lack of thrift among the orchards
of the Willamette Valley. The cherry
crop in abnormal, nut it is still too
early to judge the effect of the Winter
Injury upon the apple crop, according
to Professor Lewis.
Professor 1-ewis has informed the
growers who state that their trees are
affected not only to the extent of
dropping the fruit, but to defoliation
and apparent 1 of life, that the in
Jury in not isuff iciently severe to Jus
tify tearing out the young trees, and
that the trees will probably recover,
especially if good care is given the
orchards, including careful noil treatment.
rofessor Lewis says that the recent
unusual Spring weather came too late
to affect the pear and prune crop and
that unusually favorable conditions
marked the blooming and pollination
'The Winter injury Is most severe
in regions affected by drought and Is
especially noticeable upon shallow
soils and those soils having poor drain
age, and tn orchards suffering from
lack of cultivation, said Professor
Lewis. "These conditions are always
apparent In the East, where injury is
f renuent, Althouah the crop will be
light this year, gooa care win urinK
the trees into a healthy condition
Kribi.c I 1 cc Cnrtain. Kus and
Other Articles Are Iix-overed at
Home of Laborer Stores
Are Missinsr ixHi.
The discoverv of an expensive lot of
rugs, lace curtains, jardinieres and pic
tures in the home of Kobert Christien-
sen. 1 S Walker street, yesieraay lea
to the arrest of younic Chrinliensen by
Detectives Hellyer, Tackaberry, Cole
man and Snow. The young man and a
close friend of his. James Chamberlain.
aged 0 years, will he held pending the
investigation of Christiensen'a ownership.
Christieiisen. who is only C2 years old.
has been living at 7S" Walker street
with his 20-year-ld wife for more than
a year. Mrs. Christlensen told the
police that she did not know how her
husband acquired the interior decora
tions, and the officers are Inclined to
believe that the woman thought Chrls
licnscn acquired the property honestly.
Police Aaaert Theft Reeorrf.
The detectives have been trailing
ChriMiensen for three weeks. Jle has
a bad record, they say. and is alleged
to be out under parole from a sentence
for larceny. The police suspected him
a f ter reports of burglaries came to
headquarters from the St. Johns district.
The whereabouts of the young man
at the time that several mysterious at
tacks were made on Albert Gautier,
IS Berkeley street, will be investigat
ed also.
The police went to Christiensen's
home to search the premises early yes
terday morning. lie did not respond
to their knocks on the door, so the of
ficers boosted Detective Snow up to a
garret window. The detective -ffected
entrance, and was crawling down
hrough a hole In the ceiling of the at
ic when Christlensen opened the rear
00 r of the house and admitted Dctcc-
ive Hellyer.
Klels C urtains Are KnnBd.
Mrs. Christlensen was absent. The
pol ice h tin ted the premises until noon
or the valuable goods reported to be
here. The floors were covered with ex
pensive rugs. Kxpensive pictures hung
on the walls. The windows were hung
with valuable lace curtains and the
whole building was decorated In a man
ner becoming the residence of a wealthy
man. Christ ienser is a carpenter.
ome valuable goods were located be-
ween the ceiling of the lower rooms
and t he floor of t he second story.
Mrs. ChriMiensen returned shortly
before the police took her husband to
nil. She bore the shock bravely.
Value IMaeed at ftHOO.
Chamberlain was arrested last night
as he was returning from me St. Johns
tunnel, where he works, to his home at
Dekum avenue and tlreeley street.
The police say they obtained partial
confessions from each of the young
men. Some of the goods are m losing
from the Meier & Frank and Olds.
Wortman & King stores. It is said. A
$t5 camera is among the articles found
in the house. The police estimate the
value of all the goods found at $600.
GRAYS HARBOR. Wash.. May in. CSpe
rial.) The schooners Fearless and Kins
Cyrus passed out of the harbor too
lumber cargoes, both en route to Au.
The steamer Daisy Oartiby arrived
this morning and is loading at the Donovan
The schooner Expansion. 1O0 days out of
Sydney, for tirays Harbor, ia expected any I 31 RH,
time now.
FLORENCE, Or.. May 13. Spclal. The
schooner Ahwaneda arrived from Portland
at -4 F. M. The captain's report on the bar
shows 18 feet at low water, the best depth
ever obtained.
COOS BAY, May 13. (Special. ) Arriv
ing- from San Francisco today, the steam
schooner Hardy Is shipping lumber at the
iiuehner mill.
The gasoline schooner Roamer will sail
for KoRue Kiver tomorrow.
The steamer t-peed well arrived during last
night from Bandon and took on lumber at
the Smith mill and railroad dock.
The gasoline schooner Tillamook sailed
last night for Portland.
ASTORIA. Or., May 13. (Special.)
Carrying a cargo or lumber from Portland,
Crowd of ir00 Attend Celebration oa
I nlvemlty Campus at Salem.
Dances In Costume CVlven.
Or., May 13. (Special.) With ideal
weather, and a large crown, tne crown
ing of Miss Frances W. Oittens as May
auecn was held this afternoon. The
coronation was held before a crowd of
1500 people and in the coronal proces
slon were Oueen Frances I. James
the schooner Carrier Dove will sail Monday I Crowford. master of ceremonies; Laura
for Adelaide. Australia.
The gasoline schooner enterprise arrived
during the night from Tafl with a cargo of
lumber anu cheeie.
The British bark lnvergarry sailed today
to Azores for orders, with a cargo of grain
from Portland.
The steamer Great Northern sailed this
iTternoon for San Francisco with a full
cargo of freight and a fair liat of passen
A wireless message was received by the
Columbia Kiver Packers Association t nil
morning stating that the cannery ship St.
Nicholas, en route from this port for Nuih-
:ak Kiver, Alaska, passed through Unimak
Pass on May 12.
The gasoline schooner Mlrene arrived this
fternoon from Newport with freight for
The steam schooner Santa Monica is due
from isan Francisco to load lumber at West-
Ross and Florence Steeves as queen s
maids with Messrs Sparks, Avison,
Jones. Uanvlall Barber and Sandifur as
Miss Helen Wastel had been direct
Ing the dances in costume, with Miss
Esther Cox in charge 01 the music.
Roger "Duck" Lyon was manager of
the festival. The academy tub race
this afternoon was a ludicrous aiiair
with a number of the "preps" tasting
the cold water. The freshmen won the
annual tug of war from the sopho-
The freshmen put on their green cap
stunt tonight and this ended the wear
In K" of green caps for this year,
The campus was illuminated by elec
trie lights and 'the dances were held
on the grass In front of Eaton Hall.
Tides at Astoria Today.
High. I Low.
10:29 A. M. ..6 6 feet4:46 A. M. .
10:20 P. M. ...8.8 feeti 4:21 P. M. .
1.0 foot
.2.6 feet
Columbia Kiver Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, May 13. Condition of the
bar at ." I'. M. : Sea, smooth; wind, north
west 20 miles.
Marine Notes.
Getting to sea at last, after having been
here since March If 7, when she arrived
from Pernambuco. the British bark In
ve marry sailed at 8 o clock yesterday morn
Ing. grain laden for the United Kingdom,
and proceeds via the Axorea for orders.
The Inverlogie lacks 12 men to fill out
her crew, though he is loaded and other
wise ready to depart.
There were a fair number of passen
gers aboard tne steamer Aonniana when
she sailed last night for San Francisco on
her last trip for six months, she being
under engagement to ply between Puget
Sound and Alaaka for tnat period.
Making her third trip to Portland
load lumber for the California trade, tha
steamer Alcatrax sailed from San, Fran
cisco at midnight yesterday. She Is one
of the small carriers usually operated be-
Spirited HWIillnff lixpectcd Tomor
row at I'ort of I'mpqua Sale.
MA11SH FIELD. Or.. May 13. (Spe
cial.) The bidding for the :oo.uu
bond issue of the Port of l mpqua will
b ppirited next Monday, the date for
maktnir the sale. There are representa
tives on the ground from K.err tiros..
Denver: Carsten & Karlca. Seattle;
John K. Trice. Seattle, and the Lumber
men's Bank of Portland, besides others.
Bids were received May 1, but reject
ed, on the statement that they were.
too low. The prices for Monday a oiaa
are expected to be materially hither
than before, since the war scare, which
was attributed as the reason of lack of
bids, is over.
School Children In Grays Harbor
City Number 2 714.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. May 13. (Spe
cial.) With the Aberdeen school cen
sus not yet complete. 2714 names have
been secured which Is 54 more than
the number obtained last year. This
year's census will set a new record,
last year's census having been the best
up until that time.
The census canvass will be completed
by Monday nisr.c and probably will
show an increase of more than 100
name over last year.
Warden Broni Deelarea. However,
That OlRantle Supply Ia o Be
Expected All at Once.
A short run of salmon in Alaskan
waters with the fish cominir in one
tween the Golden Gate and Eureka In tha I gigantic brnoh is predicted as a result
"- .gfrwrwMPi MMinjj r. mi j.inai; wwJWt l J '.L 0- " t'&m 4
v&nxK tw v? TTr.v' y-rz s- r- r
ft WjTW-Wl
ry 1
- : .TIT,
imm t jiff "" IW 'l,a.W'A)lir
redwood fade.
On her Initial vorare since her overhaul
Ing- was undertaken January 1. the ateamer
Rou CUV. u-nicn leu nere ranraay ai-
ternoon. reached Pan Franclaco at It o'clock
Friday nla-ht. She aot out of the river
it 3 o clo-K Tnuraaay morn ins. so snowed
ner usual apeea. . .
There having been a slirht fall In the
freshet tn the Columbia, consequently leas
I-current, the steamer Mranger, or the Reg.
ulator Hue. will oe reiumea to tne port
land-Dalles service, leaving- here on time
tomorrow morning.
Colle-tor of Customs Burke has been In
of the late Winter in the Bering: Sea
district, according to a letter written
by Harry H. Brown, warden of the
Alaska fisheries service, to the Hureau
of Fisheries. Washington, D. C. and
which has been forwarded to the Alas
ka Tacific fisheries office in Portland.
The letter, which was sent from Bristol
Bay, bears the date of February 19.
It says in part:
"Conditions now point to the present
Winter running well over into the Sura-
ler In the Bering Sea regrlon. witn tne
n 7i r
t - -
formed from the Treasury Department that I opening1 of the salmon canning season
coming late. This win proauce & anon
run, with the fieh coming in one gigan
tic bunch, accordlne to the concensus
of opinion of all the old-timers of thia
Bristol Rav country.
"The Winter here has been unprece
dented for the long drastic period of
continued cold. I-ikely the amount of
recognition haa been riven S. Hill, of Port
land as honorary Consul-Oeneral of Bel
tium for Oregon. Washington and Idaho.
Fire drill conducted aboard the river
steamer Beaver yesteraay afternoon ty
Captain Vic Dagerstt-at was responsible for
the slumber of an intoxicated atransjer be
ing Interrupted, for when the deck hose
was started streams were airectea toward
the ouier dock platform at Couch atreet, Jre dumped nto Bering Sea when the
.hat sobered, ne aumuiy resented being
Fencing exhibitions were given yesterday
afternoon by the crew of the Japanese
steamer M-iyarhf 'Maru, at Dock o. i
foot of Washington street, and the sfrht
attracted attention even across to tha Weat
OreaJ exoorts from Portland for the week
ending yesterday were 22.47 bushels of
wheat and no. 107 ousneis or Dariey.
Further decrease in the stage of th
Willamette River was recorded yesterday
and ibe stream will probabr coatinua to
Soring breakup comes will be enor
lously greater tnan in any single sea
son heretofore ior quite a perioa 01
Ir. Rebec Win peak.
Dr. George Rebec will speak Friday,
May 1 9. in room H. Central Library,
at 8 P. M.. on "Socialism as a Phase
of the Conflict of Ideals." under the
auspices of the Intercollegiate Socialist.
FAR v 1 " -jgii--r
fithoiif lines
made by us cost no more
than Kryptoks made by
other opticians, but the
Kryptoks supplied by us
are better, being: finished
on specially made machines
and in the finest, most
completely equipped retail
optical factory in Portland.
. Besides, we do all the
work under one roof, from
the examination of your
eyes to the accurate fitting;
of the finished glasses.
209-10-11 Corbet t Bid?.
Fifth and Morrison