The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 07, 1916, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 42

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11 - .I 'g? o-ier ccvr Ausrr s?5 rap I. iJ V J
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(Continued From Page 3. I . ' "" -
as follows: Ciladys iioore, Jouiee ;
Thomtfs, Georg-ie lrvinf. Mary Stanton,
Harriet Sheasgreene, Madeline Brown,
Hedwig BleeR, Mildred Groves, Marion
Stokes, Irving Niles. Charlie Parker,
Art Mahoney. Carl Stebinper, Leonard
Oliver, H, M. Roberts and Thomas Aut
zen. The patronesses are M rs. W. N.
Gatens, Mrs. C. M. McKelllps, Mrs. B. F.
Irvine and Mrs. Dow V. Walker.
Oregon Assembly No. 1, Artisans, will
eriva their next ODen meetine In honor
of -Master Artisan Frank D'Arcy and
Mrs. D Arcy Thursday niKht, May 11,
at V. O. W". Hall. S:30 P. M.
A joint committee from the Assem
bly and Cadet Club has been selected
to take charge of the event. Commit
tee: Mrs. C. M. Darling:. Mrs. F. K.
Ozier, Mrs. Mary Kyle, Miss Norma
Hummel and A. L. Crawford, of the
Assembly, and the Cadet's committee is
Anna Hoffman. Case! a Lane, Georjjina
Jones. Lena Esch and Lilly Lipskey.
There will be four door prizes and
prizes for the card scorers, under tne
direction of W. H. Hummel. Music by
the Artisan orchestra.
A costume dance, which is to be
griven next Tuesday nigrht. is the next
event on the social calendar of the
Rowing: Club. This affair will be
stag-ed as usual at the clubhouse, foot
of Ivon street.
There will be no masking: and those
attending are requested to wear fancy
dress costumes, or come attired in a
grarb representing: some character. The
club's orchestra, which has been fur
nishing: the music for all the dances
given at the club this Winter, has been
engaged for the balance of the seasou.
During" the past month the members
of th Annex and Actives of the Port
land Social Turn Verein have been re
hearsing1 foj" the annuai vaudeville en
tertainment which is to be given May
21 at the Deutsche Haus, on Thir
teenth near Main streets. A number
of novel 'stunts' are to be introduced
and Professor Genserowski has full
charge of the entertainment.
Winslow Meade Circle, Ladies of the
Grand Army of the Republic, will give
a BOO card party in room 525 Court
house tomorrow afternoon. May 8. from
2 to 6. All are cordially invited. The
hostesses for the afternoon will be
Mesdames Whelden, Weeterberg. Pol
lock, Scherer, Mizen and Zimmerman.
A musical recital and dance will be
given by the Utopian Carol Society
Friday ' night. May 12, at the Audi
torium, 20b Third street. A pleasing
programme has been arranged. Re
freshments will be served.
The Women's Catholic Order of For
esters will give a party and dance
Tuesday niht. May 9. at Columbus
Club Hall. Morris street near Williams
avenue. There will be cards and dan
cing. .
A dancing and card party will be
given Thursday, May 9, by Marie
Stuart Court No. 506 in Columbus Hall,
Williams avenue and Morris street. A
silk quilt will be raffled. Fefresh
ments will be served.
Oregon Hose Camp, Royal Neighbors
of America, will hold an open meeting
next Wednesday night, May-JO, at their
hafl, 854 Fifth street. 'They will en
tertain with cards and dancing.
St Philip Kerf's Church Society will
give a benefit card party and dance on
Tuesday night, at the church hall at 8
o'clock. Dancing will follow the con
clusion of the card games.
Security Council No. 236, Knights
and Ladies of Security, will give a
stepping party Monday niht. May 8.
at Oddfellows Hall, KlUingsworth and
Alblna avenues.
parents of the bride and bridegroom
and a few intimate friends of the fami
lies, preceding the ceremony M iss
Helen Fromme sang "I Love You
Truly." She was accompanied on the
piano by Miss Ruth Deering. The
bride, escorted by her father, entered
to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding
march and took her place in the center
of a beautiful bower of white roses
and lilies of the valley. She wore a
gown of white crepe meteor and a long
tulle veil and carried a shower bouquet
of orchids and lilies of the valley. Her
only jewel was a handsome pearl neck
lace. After the wedding an elaborate re
ception was held and hosts of friends of
the bride and bridegroom extended
their congratulations. The Misses Mil
dred Lawrence, Olive Zimmerman,
Klizabeth Hush, Gertrude Cooley and
Mrs. William B. Lay ton assisted In
serving ref rethnients.
Miss Heisjsler is popular in the
younger set. She is a member of the
University of Oregon chapter of the
Delta Gamma sorority, and has spent
the greater part of her life In Portland.
i -
Frocks with all the Style
touches characteristic of this
shop. Afternoon frocks, call
ing, evening and dancing
frocks, and clever street
dresses. Secured and offered
at the following tempting
figures- briefly.
MUm Evelyn Violet Prix.
Miss Kvelyn Violet Prag. eld
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Prag, of S61 Northrup street,
entertained oil Easter Monday
with a birthnay party. The
rooms were decorated prettily
with Spring flowers, a color
scheme of violet and white being
carried out. The afternoon was
parsed In music and dancing.
One Lot
In thU lot
worth up to
One Lot
In thl. lot
worth up
One Lot
In thU lot
worth up
One Lot
In thl. lot
worth u
!: m ntA
Two Lots of Suits
Specially Priced
$24.50 $36.50
Special Coat Values
White. Navy, Plaids, Checks, Silk
and Sport. Some worth up to $25
and $30 at $13.50
The guests wrre: The Mmr.ea . I Miss Claire Oakea. She will be vel-
ctood at attention. A lively march wag
played. The color bearers entered,
carrying; a huge American flag'. Patri
otic Instructor Sara Heustis, in a brief
speech, presented Old Glory to the Ben
Butler Post. The eyes of the veterans
filled with tears as with fitting; remarks
the commander and patriotic instructor
of the post accepted the beautiful new
flag. The singing: of "America" closed
the ceremonies and the comrades re
turned to their own hall to place their
new flap. Gertrude E. Woodward in
vited all members of Ben Butler Corps
Post to spend the day. May 17, at her
home, 1249 Denver avenue. Take St.
Johns car to Denver avenue, go three
blocks north.
The Past Matrons' Club of Camelia
Chapter had a deligrhtful afternoon
Thursday as the guest of Mrs. A. H.
frrega at the home of her mother, Mrs.
M.'E. Ritter. at 295 Tillamook street.
The rooms were loveiy with snowball
and bleedinsr heart plants. Five hun
dred -was the diversion of the after
noon, honors going to Mrs. R. L. Al
5rich. Refreshments, were served.
Members present were: Mrs. L. M.
Davis, Mrs. F. A. Watts, Mrs. C. W.
Miller. Mrs. W. 8. Cutler. Mrs. F. A
Van Kirk, Mrs. R. L. Aldrich, Mrs. I. T.
Mason, Mrs. A. E. Poulsen, Mrs. Charles
Pye. Special guests. Mrs. Jennie Rhine
hart, past grand matron. Order Eastern
Star. Miss Coral Vankirk. The club
will meet June 1 with Mrs. Lawrence
Phillips, 456 ' East Fourteenth street
One of the smartest affairs of the
season was the May day dancing party
given by the Asorah Delphlans at the
Hotel Benson Monday night. Among the
special features was the Maypole bal
let, in which 25 little girls took part.
Little Miss Marguerite Levitt, a tal
ented pupil of Miss Alice Brown, danced
the "Honey. Bee" and responded with
The Scarf D'ance" as an- encore.
Another enjoyable specialty was the
exhibition of toe dancing given by
Miss Brown.
About 150 people enjoyed this very
novel affair.
For the pleasure of her house guest,
Mrs. Homer Fern, of Stevenson,' Wash.,
who Is spending a few days in the city,
Mrs. Anita Morton Holland entertained
with. 600 Thursday night. Miss Rlva
Funk (bride-elect) won Jiifrh honors, streets, Tuesday night. May 9.
Wild flowers adorned the rooms. After
a dainty supper the guests were favored
with a group of solos by Miss Ada
Friedmann and Miss Helen O'Herron.
Orphia Temple, No. 18, Pythian
Sisters, initiated several candidates
Thursday night. Appropriate speeches
were made by the new members. Owing
to the campaign recently formed, this
temple is rapidly increasing its mem
bership. Arrangements were made Concerning
the trip to Aurora, Or.. Wednesday,
May 10, when a district convention will
be held. Orphia Temple will exemplify
the teamwork. After lodge session
light refreshments were served. Mrs.
Grace Wheeler, captainof the team, is
working hard to get it in uniform
order and has called the team to drill
Monday afternoon at 2:30 in the hall.
Mrs. Nellie Woods Adams entertained
the K. P. W. Club with a well-appointed
luncheon and . May party at her
home on Eugene street Tuesday. A
color scheme of lavender, green and
white was used throughout the spa
cious rooms. The diversions of the
afternoon were greatly enjoyed by the
22 women present.
The Woodlarks are looking forward
with pleasure to their May dancing
party to be given at Murlark's Ball
room, Saturday. The following com
mittee has charge of the arrange
ments: Lucy Dake, Cecil Farry. Elis
abeth Bowe, Hattie Larson, Laura
Llngaas. Nancie Huntly, Gladys Apple
gate, Hilda Johnson, Rose Buckley,
Veronica White, Claude Kemp, Warren
Kohlman, Jack Sammons, Fred Mun
son, Walter Westman, Al Klees, Quin
cy Muntzel, Willtam Land, Gordon
Bye and Thomas Dempsey.
Patrons and patronesses are: Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Woodward, Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Healy and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shaw.
The parishioners of St. Lawrence
Church will give their annual Easter
supper, to be followed by an entertain
ment and dance, in the St. Lawrence
Assembly Hall, Third and Sherman
Mrs. W. J. Smith is general chairma.
Following are the patronesses for the
dance: Mrs. Frank Kiernan, Mrs.'T. E.
Hulme. Mrs. W. P. Lillis. Mrs. Charles
Feldman. Mrs. M. A. Smith. Mrs. J. F.
D. Wrinkle and Mrs. P. J. O'DonnelL
The proceeds are for the benefit of
the church.
The Portland O. A. C. Club's shirt
waist party is looked forward to with
pleasure by members and friends. It
will be held Wednesday evening in the
Murlark Ballroom. The committee is
Peters- Vanee
An informal wedding took place
Sunday night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Vance, when thtir daugh
ter. Miss Eva Vance, became the brino
of Leslie M. Peters.
Miss Vance, an unusually attractive
girl, came to Portland from Tacoiiia
four years ago and has a lnrse circle
of friends here, many of whom were
present at the wedding.
The ceremony was held In the sit
ting-room, which was a bower of white
lilacs, dogwood and ferns. A preen and
white altar was erected In one corner
of the room. The dining -room, hvre
refreshments were served, was deco
rated with pink garlands and apple
Miss Vance, wore a gown of Ivory
taffeta with a silk lace waist embel
lished with pearls and chiffon. Hr
veil of filmy net was fashioned into a
cap and hung to the hem of the Kown.
It was held with a wreath of orpnse
blossoms. The bridal bouquet was a
shower of bride rcses. She also wore
beautiful pearl sunburst, the gift of
the bridegroom.
Miss Madellno Vance, thj younger
sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.
Her dress was a pale green accordion
uleated silk, covered with a net drape.
She carried pink sweet peas.
Little Miss Carroll Anderson, in a
dainty white hand-embroidered dress
was flower girl.
Before the ceremony Miss Bessie Lee
sang. "Beloved. 'Tls Morn," by Ayl-
ward. Miss Nettie Lock at the piano
Afyss Roxanna Wonrmelsdorf. violinist
accompanied oy ner. sister, .hiss n.rr-
nice Wommelsdorf, played Mendels
sohn's, wedding march and durinir the
ceremony "Humoresquo" (Dvorak).
Later in the evening she played "Po
manze, by Laurence.
The bridegroom was attended by Roy
Meckley. The Rev. Hutchinson, of Ihe
Piedmont Presbyterian Church, per
formed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Peters will make their
home In Berkeley, Cal.
Keller-IIelHNler N'nptLal.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R.
Heissler, 750 East Davis street, was
the scene of a beautiful home wedding
on Thursday evening. when Clara
Betty, the attractive daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Heissler was Joined In wed
lock to Dr. William C. Keller, son of
Mrs. Amelia Keller. Both families are
old-time residents of Portland.
Rev. August Krause read the mar
riage service In the presence of the
Agnes and Mildred Kennedy
I-enh Frledenthal. C. Sheasgreen,
Klizabeth Hume, Rae Dellar,
Elizabeth Dellar, Margaret Gem
mell, Violet lawyer, Helen O'Don
nell and Ieona Prag. Assisting
at the tables were Mrs. R. S.
Patterson, Mrs. William Gem
mell and Mrs. Frank Janisburg.
corned by music lovers of this city.
Recent arrivals, at Hotel Mallory are
H. F. Steen. San Francisco; A. C. Frank.
San. Diego; Captain W. S. Gordon, Aa-
toria; Mr. and. Mrs. J. A. Brehany and
George Koehler. MInneapolla. Minn.
Mrs. T. Grant and Mrs. M. NeaL. Fargo,
N. L).
Stanford Dan Warnock, of thla city.
left ancouver. B. C, April 20 on the
Empress of Russia lor a three months
trip to the Orient. He will also visit
Dr. Keller is & member of the Atlas I the Philippine Islands and Honolulu.
Club, the Multnomah Aamateur Athleic returning by way of California to at-
Club, tho Portland Automobile Club and) tend the ban Diego fair. Miss Anna
other social clubs of Portland. The 1 Warnock accompanied her brother as
bride and bridegroom left for a two I far as Vancouver. B. C where she vla
weeks trip and will be at home to their I ited relatives and frlenda.
friends the latter part of this month
the local high school, has issued Its
volume for 191s. The staff includes
Fern Murphy, editor-ln-chlef : Elbert
Farlow, business manager, with Alice
Van der Slula. assistant, and Eunice
Orubb. artist.
in their new residence at 820 Mason I
street, Alameda I'ark.
ShuH. -Harnett.
Miss Mildred Barnett and Harry
Professor Carlos Alamrllo. popular
teacher of conversational Spanish, will
Shultz. both of Chehalis Wash., were advanced classes: Course. 5; private
lessons reasonable. Call room 411
Ellers bldg. Main 7082 A 3476. Adv.
1916 Follies Shirtwaist Dance Friday
eve., Chrlstensen'a Hall. Adv. ,
married at Vancouver. Wash., by the
Rev. 1. D. Benedict May I.
They were attended by their aunt and
uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Horace D. Jones,
Jr., of Portland, and Mrs. C A. Bar
nett, of Taconia,
After the marriage the wedding
party returned to the home of Mr and
Mrs. Jones, 708 Hoyt street. Portland
where a wedding supper was served.
Tne dining-room was prettily deco
rated- with sweet peas and bride roses.
Relatives and friends present were
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ryan, uncle and
aunt of the bride; Mra.,C. A. Barnett.
aunt of the bride: Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Beston. sitter of Mr. Shultz; Mr. and
Mrs. Horace D. Jones. Sr., Misses Mar-
Two Iajs of Patriotic Celebration
and Three of Sports Planned.
ELMA. Wash.. May 6. (Special.)
The Fourth of July celebration which
will be staged here for two days thia
gnret Barnett. Clair Nodine. Viola No- season and which will be the first for
dine, Arduth Iris Jones and Mr. aivd
Mrs. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Shulta expect to make
their home at Chehalis. V ash., and will
be at home to their friends after June 1
A pretty wedding took place on
Easter Sunday at 9:30 P. M. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gotham,
1182 Mixter street, when their daugh
ter, Mabel, was married to S. Arthur
Yeoman, of this city. Only close rela
tives and friends of .the families were
present. I PENDLETON. Or.. May . (Special.)
The bride wore a gown of Ivory I a real celebration of Memorial day
charmease with lace flouncing. She is the plan of the cemetery committee
carried a shower bouquet of bride's of the Pendleton City Council, which
roses, sweet peas and ferns. Miss Eval has been authorised to make prepare-
Gotham, sister of the bride, was brides-1 tlons for the observance of the day In
maid. Mark Yeoman was best man. I Pendleton this year. All stores will
and Miss Elva Yeoman played Lohen-lbe requested to close part of the day
several years Is to be managed by
George Avery, who has appointed sev
eral committees to aaslst him.
Besides the two days of real Fourth
of July celebration there win be three
days of baseball carnival. Horse racing
will be one of the chief features and
the committee on races will endeavor
to get some of the fastest anlmala on
the Coast here for tne two days.
Memorial Day to Be Observed.
7$hi5?J&!jt.&' &g34 .....
J 1 -"JwPW-w
-w " t
. - -a
-j !
grin's wed'lincr march.
Rev. Charles Harrison, of the West
moreland Methodist KpiscopaL .Church,
performed the ceremony. The young1
couple will make their home at lOSo1,
Hawthorne avenue.
Herf men -Outer wo Id.
Coming- a a surprise to her many
friends was the weddinpr of Miss Flo
rence Osterwold to Charles Hertzen. of
Peep River, Wash., at the home of the
bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John l
Osterwold, 1006 Kmst Seventeenth
street North, on April 2$. Rev. Henry
Marcotte read the service In the pres
ence of immediate members of the
families only. After a short trip Mr. I
and Mrs. Hertzen will live at Deep
and automobile owners will be asked
to donate their cars for a parade In
the morning. Exercises will b held
under a tent.
Is That You, Gertrude?
Say, I have some interestina- news
for you. I waa in CHERRY'S beauti
ful atore yesterday afternoon, and
while looking- at other things the man
ager called my attention to a lot. O.
about 100, I guess, in all. of beautiful
silk poplin, gabardine and serge
dresses, which they are going to put on
sale Monday. They range in value
from $22.60 to $47.50, and they are go
ing to sell them from 15.95 to 12.75.
O. aay. but they are SOME VALUE.
Now, listen You had better go down
there tomorrow and look them over
and pick you two or three of them.
You haven't the money? O. well you
don't have to pay all when you get thm.
You can lust pay a part of It and the
balance you can arrange to pa'y in
Easy Payments, either by the week or
month. Yes, I'll go with you if you
want me to. Meet me at Tenth and
Wash, about 10 A. M. tomorrow. Sure
rlfrht there close, in the Plttock block.
S9-l Washington street. All right.
Ashland High School Book Out.
ASHLAND. Or.. May . (Special.)
The Roirue. the annual publleation of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schade an
nounce the enfrapement of their daugh
ter. Miss Anna Klizabeth. to William
Isensee, Jr. The wedding will be an
event of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Schade's son. Karl, last
week at Camas. Wash., married Miss
Kittv McKee, of Camas, and the young
people will make their home in that
Class and Individual Imtrirlloi Given
te Mothers lor tne tare ei naey.
Kqulpment and care of
nursery, bathing, cloth
ing, sleep, training and
general care.
Home life and training
for babies whose parents
wjsh to take vacations.
References and Rates Application.
Phone East 71M. 605 Weldler St.
Tan or Gray Buckskin Coats for
Golf, Horseback Riding1. Tennis on
cool days. Motoring- or Country Club.
They possess the rare combination
of easy comfort and practical use
and beauty.
K. S. ERVIN & CO.. Ltd.
Cnsteaa Clothing-.
Seeond Floor. Selllnn- Bids..
Sixth and Alder at.
Your Social
will be distinctlT
if ordered at
Third and Alder.
Left to Right. Above i Kmro Reed, Roy and Warren Hurlbnrt. Cedrle
Dobblna. Below i Helen Reed, Mao. Emma L. Heed, Olena Hurl
bnrt, Thelma Reed, Clay AValborn and Merle Heed.
Mrs. Emma L. Reed, of 349 Cook avenue, celebrated the reunion of
her family with a dinner party Sunday. It Is the first time in years
that Mrs. Reed and her grandchildren have been together.
Dr. r. H. Rand has fully recovered
from his serious Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Russell are domi
ciled in apartments at the Mallory.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wilson-have taken
apartments at the Nortonia Hotel.
Miss Celia Friendly has taken per
manent apartments at the Nortonia.
Mrs. Emma Conn, of Spokane, has
taken apartments at the Nortonia
Mrs. J. C. Butler, of Meskill. Wash.
Is visiting her mother. Mrs. F. M. Olds.
1225 First street.
Mrs. Louis Freedman left last week
to visit her 'daughter, Mrs. I. M. Bin-
nard, at Lewiston, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Boothby have ar
rived in Portland from Salt Lake City
and are at the Hotel Nortonia,
Mrs. Addie A. Gerst. of San Fran
cisco, is spending a month in the city
and is a guest at tne .Mallory.
Mrs. Mary Jane McDermott, of Low
ell. Mass.. is passing a few weeks in
this city as the guest of Mrs. Honora
O'Brien. 1192 East Taylor street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. OgJen, who
are in the Woodland cottage at Seaside,
had as house guests this week Mrs.
Mary E. Houck, grand matron of the
Eastern Star.
Mrs. Boothby is a graduate of the
New England Conservatory, a harpist
of unusual ability and a classmate of.
Dressmaking Establishment
Moved to 221 12th St, Corner Salmon
E. 7300
$1 .50
Herman Enka Prep.
B 1194