THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 7, 1016. XO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. "WE KNOW "WHAT THESE ARE. THEY AliE WORTH IN VEST i GAT1NU. Five-stpry brick building, mod era, with good income, completely fnrnlsned aud newly renovated; price 75,0OO. clear. 90x1 0O, close In, East Side cor ner, fine location, unimproved; price $5u,00u, mortgage. $15,ouO. Three-Btory frame building on the "West Side; Income, line location; j-rice $lb,O0O, clear. 20 acree on the East Side, all Im proved and In a high state of cul tivation, modern buildings, leased; price $22,xh, clear. AYJU combine all of the above for a cfl-j-l stock or wheat ranch up to $uo,juh. or one piece of good city property to same amount. Store and apartment building, close In, west corner, completely furnished, showing better than 6 per cent net on the price asked, $75, 000; will exchange for ranch to $jO, 4)00 or will take city property that Las an Income. 1230 acres right at the railroad In the Willamette Valley, com pletely equipped; several sets of buildings; now run as a stock farm, but is a very fine subdivision propo sition; price $45,ou, clear; will take Portland business property up to $70,000. 80 acres, all lncultlvatlon, right town in Willamette Valley; good family orchard, good 10-room house, complete sut of buildings, 1-1 dairy cows, l Jersey bull, 4 young heif ers, 5 horses, all machinery; price 412.500; will exchange for good Portland property to $10,000. Fxrchange department Oregon Home Bunders, Oliver K. Jeffery, pres. liJSO Northwestern Bank Building. WELL, LOCATED FARM TRADES. Every offering personally inspected. 25 acres, m miles good town with high, chool and Rood roads; comfortable 6 room house, hoi and cold water, new barn hold 14 head; 20 acres good bottom silt Janrl; 100 young bearing fruit trefs, plenty berries, farm toois Included, $4500: take Portland home to J5O0O, bal. time. acrr-s that Is a real home to suit the moot particular; 20- acres in cultivation fine soi!. balance pasture; flrst-clasB build ings, well painted, lawn and pretty hedge round noun, farmlly orchard, water piped to house and barn; team. 2 cows chickens wagon, buggy, mower, rake, plows harness' incubator, furniture: SGbUO: &50OO Portland home. balance terms. 40 acres: a beautiful farm, 89 acres un er plow; 34 now in croo; 2 miles from ood valley twwn; good schools; land sec ond to none; good fences, best of build ings, gas engine runs washing machine and separator ; JRonn ; farm clear of in cumbrance; take $4000 Portland home. 80-acro dairy farm, including 12 cat tle, team, farm machinery and all the crops included: 0 acres cultivated, part is timothy meadow; 15 acres pasture, with Jiving water; 5 acres timber, close to Port land and school; modern house and good Darn; $0000; Portland property for half. D. M'CYIESXEY, Title & Trust Bldg. ' WANTED-CLEAR LOTS. $4500 7-Room House. New 7-room modern home in UIRET.HURST on large lot. close to cariine, that is a bargain and won t Inst long; large living-room and artistic dining-room, modern kWohen. four bedrooms, full bnse rnent and furnace. Interior finished In white enamel and natural wood with large fireplace. Can tnk clear lot as part payment and will an i or you wnn car if von a r in the market for a rpa l i nm& rargain. Stark fit. MR. CLARKE, 270 4 Alain 1700 W AN T HD PORTLA N D TTO Will exchange separately or bunch the inruia, wnicn are all free of iiauiiiuiuncB. JHlgUt amount: 120 a., fully stocked assume small and equipped, 4 miiea uamas, $suoo. 200 a., SOIIie StOCk. bulldinir fi nrf emiln. xnent, $10,000. 100 a.. fullV FtOPkPrt n-n t very detail, on Estacada, $15,000. BE.LL & KUHNHAUSEN. f40 Morgai organ. ' $ 99$$$9$$($ Wheat and stock ranches should ap any. man tnat haa a"y brains. Wheat hovering around $1 per bushel and prospect of the best crops ever known c.ot a wheat farm. If you have clear Income property. 1 -will sell you ft good milieu nu give you crop payments. See O. P. H ulse. -HARTMAN & THOMPSON or. tn ana Ktark.) 140 ACRES. 50 acres bottom land. 70 acres bench land; house and barn, good trout creek runs through farm; spring can be iwped to the house; in fine location in the Y Ularnetto Valley. An Ideal stock ranch, which I will sell for $5000, or trade for a choice piece of acreage on electric line not too far out. or might consider good, substantial town property. Se me for particulars at 512 Piatt bldg. RANCH, 121 ACRES. FOR PORTLAND HOME. Jn Clackamas Co.. 4u ml rninn. ome cult'd land and pasture; bal. timber 7i, -rt-ouui j. uu'i corus of cedar on the place, salable at $3.23 a cord; 4-rm hous... barn and outbldgs; $5000; mtg. vni . -; v ortiana Home same -new ej, tui tark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON- CITY PROPERTY WANTED We have hiany fine, equipped, stock, oairv and what rrt -i r-h -.. .mm 4.o.O0O; mostly clear of incumbrance, to exchange for good Income property; our farms are all No. 1 and your property must also be; no junk wanted UKlisisl & KE1NHARDT, t 316 Board of Trade Bldg. hpnrrr 1 k e.xchanRe for fruIt ranch. , ' Home, i -d-ncre, with electric lights Frut. berries, chicken- i',wu ; - "tx"Mea Vle,w of Valley and Mountains. Multnomah, on Oregon Elec mm r xjiT V on Fourth-st. line. J. it. 1DS-ACRK fa 1 nn. 11 f i 1 a.- ii 1,1 ir . fine Luiklinca. .WA - .""'"1?""' oprlnRs and well. Located In nno t .... Portland. ....... .g .i.-iriccB not tar from Will t.enn.iB and good vacant property on 'frwau'S' Fr patticula call ciuuansa ro income at SI,E or exchanKe. 220 acre? lno cult" ?-Ll'"h';"'.",?!'.e',a- cleared; fine water) on county road "J " misa uarn . crtrtrl nnth . oc begs, all Improvements a cows, una team it $IS,ii0: 35 mIT. from Portland. For iiifnrman'nn A lunibla SI. 5 ACHES, all cultivated v r mostly p: chickens, niostly prunes, house, barn-. 8 row-. hr.i-W etc. Pri.A - .... 1 . . v , mis. ilVVJ ouv iu "omsaie V- on mjiI road. 802 Lumbermens bldg'. 40 ACRES. 23 cultivated, good buildings. Price sartftn , -. well stocked, ir iHMk1" 8raaM home ln Portland r 4 la- -auaua. JtuT Cham ber of Commerce. t i a-ii exonanee mnrtdrn R-i-n. x.t m f15fDtVe' nted. value $4000, mortgage $-000. ior up-to-date printing outfit or ?T" VV Annur vv . Lawrence, 1 Mo Market street, Salem, Or. FURNITURE TO TRADE i r, fr lotS-,or acreage: first-class and " v w rooms. bldg. Badley, 621 Yeon 4UAC.KKS close In, 0-r. house, on cariine. ... minutes out. 54i00: will tsU pit,. ?Hy f"raU "r art- Empire lnv. Co 401 Bd. of Trade. l2i EQC1TT In attractive modern bun fa-n, uaSe, nawmorne district? mnn. gnsre ?lt0O: ior ciear lots or land. AO 54. Oregonian. MUST f.inir l w-room rimih a fi-JT. room new bungalow. What hav you to ft!!,T.rh &ie r trade- 6284, First . loia 111 restricted district for equity -room nonse on E. Main street, near fZK , ivB. wvwt 3 year. X' K . liC inn i.vVr0om. modern suburban home, i -"uii tun water. ?re -' uu- at have you ? Main 7332. AAKuxu list or city and farm property for ...... " " caiuiikc u l ine r enr nr Empire In v. Co.. 40I Hoard of Trade. P.lUV,' o .-i rv. i . V. r, - v Linpqua alloy, on i-fruwaj. tor city property or Ciear acres ii oregonian. VERY choice 60x135 feet. East Tavlor Bt best neighborhood; at great bargain fifrO, Oregon ;an. riEDMONT, eOUltV 11M7 Hniht t-a adapref erred, or sacrifice for cash. Owner LwL IT x ln P ast S-dc home and Studehake car to trade for lv-15 Dodge or Buick ma -iiOOM house, good condition, to trndrt f, lots lose In: please stare where lots are IL.L. taKe modern nouse, acreage or ranch as vAuiiHTiKe ior union avenue In come. Appiy or :. union ave. EXCHANGE Portland property for a Chi cago lot. Aggress .viaryland ave. TO KXCHAKGR -Grocery, a good one, furm. Call 100 llth. eU Jiortlu TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE S-22, apartment prop erty, 3-story brick, 02 rooms, strictly modern in every sense of word; nice large yard; rentals $55l to $"4"X pr month; ail furnished; smail operating expenses; nice- - ly located. .Price $5u.uu0. incumbrance $1200. FOR EXCHANGE G-17. 120- acres, 3 miles west Irving station on S. P. R. Xt. and O. E. R, R., 75 or i0 acres in culti vation, balance pasture and no wasw land; no hills, no timbep. large lu-room house, large barn, other buildings, on good road; t miles from Eugene; with place goes 4 horses, 7 cuwfl, 4 yearling heifers, 4 caiv-Es, 1 bull. 5 doz. chickens, wagon, harness, im plements, etc.; price 412. ooo. incumbrance $55uo; 7 per cent five years. FOR EXCHANGE B-2L S15 acres, 7 mites from Roseburg, 15o in cultivation, all cleared practicably, well fenced wiu woven wire, nog and sheep tight; fine two story residence, two good barns and all other outbuildings ; lu-acre young prune orchard in bearing; o0 acres fine timber, soil is heavy b.ack soil very rich; on good road ; full set of machinery and tools goes with place; stock is ti horses, 9 cows. 10 heifers 1 bull, 15 hogs, including 3 tows with pigs first of June, 1 Duroc boar. Price for all ; incumbrance $04UU. Tako smaller ranch; submit offer. Is ORTH WESTERN EXCHANGE, Room 0 Beckwith Bldg. Eugene, or. FARM. STOCK. EQUIPMENT. An opportunity for you to trade your Portland property for one of the best dairy and stock farms In the Willamttte Valley. X'lSh? acres first-class productive land : 1 20 acres in croo. 3o more nearly ready for plow, balance open pasture, well,) watered; woven-wire fences; modern aairy barn and full ranch house, pressure water system, 19 utTTcu cows, 20 head young stock, team, hogs, chitker.s, goats, com plete set machinery, nearly new, on rock road, daily milk route; SG.ouo. M. ilc Chesney. U"3 Title & Trust bldg. F6R SALE SUMMER HOTEL. Attractive hotel business; acres, cot tages, tents, beautiful views, fine fishing, near R. R. ; operated 6 years; all com plete in furnishings, team of horses, car riage, cow, chickens, farm tools; ground Ai-raneeri art isticall v. tennis court : 11 retr- ular boarders at present; -spent over $O0ut on this d ace. but coniDeJlea to sacrixice $8000; terms. See Mr. Rohrbough, 209 bUr-HARTMA & THOMPSON $12,000 WILLIAMS ave. business cor. In come, for unimproved stock ranch, valley. 920,000 brick buisinc-ss blk., acreage, etc., near Port., for $11, 5w equity. 40 acres overlooking Sandy River, $4500, 1 92000 equity for something clear. $1".000 apt. -house, $28,000 equity' trade. Houses, farms, bldgs., etc., for exchange. CHAS. RINGLER &. CO., 22S Henry Bldg. SALE OR EXCHANGE. 150 acres, about 50 in cultivation, 2,000, OOo feet of good fir timber, family or chard, large house and barn, outbuildings, horses, cows, machinery, crop in ; beauti fully ltuated; good soil, fine place for a home. Will sell on terms of $5o00 cash or exchange for new flat building or in come property In Portland. Mary E. Lent, 524 Northwestern Bank bldg. TO exchange, first-class commercial hotel in coimlry town, daing good business, electric lights, hot and cold water, good furniture, Including a piano, one auto mobile, cement walks, one block from depot. Want an Improved farm, preferably . In Western Oregon or Montana, value $11, 000. Address AV 123, Oregonian. SO A. FOR SALE or trade, 3'i A. in best of aultivation, good fruit, good improve ments, 35 mi. from Portland, station 2 mi.; 18 head cows, heifers and bull ; team mares, complete equipment for farming and dairying; well and spring; $1000; would take sinalle place to around $4oOO; terms ; no aye 11 1. G 540, Oregonian. CLEAR East Side residence property, value $f?Uuo, consisting of three houses and one vacant lot, to exchange for farm of 50 or 60 acres; at least 4U acres must be in cultivation. with good improvements, within 5 or (k miles of Portland ; give full description in first letter. .N 5S3. Oregonian. ON E-FOl'RTH BLOCK Good apartment or residence site; one-fourth block, fine ware house site; small houses on all sides; Vancouver, Wash.; 8-room modern house, three blocks from school and car. Port land; total valuation $15,000; will trade for su bur oan or farm property. M 0S2, Oregonian. AN exceptional o poor tun ity: a money saver; jooxlbo leet; a-rooni residence, has: Taylor t. ; (a little farm); majestic wal nut, almond, cherry, holly and other fruits, roses, hedge and barn or garage; income property; will sell or exchange. P fSl, Oregonian. 0 ACRES at Tonqnin station, value $4000; will trade c I ei r for c 1 t-a r house and 1 t or lots in restricted d intrict have several other pieces of aoieasja close in for trade. E. ZiM MKRL1, SC2 Lumbermeus bldg. FOR SALE or trade, bungalow, 6 rooms, al most new; car two biocks; take id iand or lot and shack, clear; would take $liMn) cash for $1W0 equity, mtg. $Ouu; 7 per cent; in trade must have as:0o cash; give ful information. Owner, 7S2U tJ2d ave. S. E. IF you have any good property to exchapge. iiner city or country, give us a cuance ; we make good. Don't be afraid your property is too large; the bigger the better. AYRES & SMITH. 501 Northwest Bldg. $4O0O MTG. $1000. 5 rooms and 3 ai:res of good cleared land at Wilson station; will trade for small house. ERNEST ZIMMERLI, 802 Lumbermens Bldg. STOCK FARM FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 440 acres, in Idaho; 270 hay, balance pasture; free water right: $40 per acre; mortgage $-000; want Coast property. See Badley, 021 Yeon bldg. EASTERN OREGON land and city property to trade ior property in or near Portland. Eugene. Corvallis, Albany, Willamette Val ley or Van co u v e r, W as h. W hat h a v e y o u '! Give full description and price In first letter. Address owner, AV 1-io, Oregonian WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of improved city, farm and income pr mertles ; no inflated values considered. CALLAN &r KASER, 722-''4 Yeon Bldg. WHAT have you t offer f-r 100 acres un improved land Malheur County. Oregon ? E V Sec. 8, Tp. 30. R. 37 12., value $1000. Fret from incumbrance. AN Oso. Ore gonian. 40 ACRES, 1 H miles to railroad. Crook County; house, barn and irrigation and 5 room uncaiow in Portland for a house In Portland. Woodlawn 25S3. 0G1 E. 2Slh Ft. N. 13 ACRES on S. P. Electric. 13c fare; all fenced with woven wire field fence; want city property; will assume; no Inflated values considered ; owners only. Y 587, Oregonian. OWNER will take wood 5-room house. Rose City or Sunny side preierred, part pay ment on modern 6-room house, sleeping porch, corner East 18th and Ankeny. Phone East ?515. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow; sleeping porch; on oodward ave., near 3Mh, and lot on Broadway, near S5th. for 0 or 7 room house in Irvington or Alameda Park; owners only. Tabor 2024. INCOME property; Oakland. Cal for Ore gon, mortgage iUOU, at per cent. Address 717 E. 7Gth st. X., Port land. Phone Tabor 0S3S. HOUSE and two lota for sale cheap, or ex change for lot as payment and assume; $-00 mortgage; rest terms, 6 per cent. W 5S2, Oregonian. TO exchange for auto, 25 acres oyster bed iand in v inapa Jay, near iay Center, Washington; no incumbrance. Phone Ta bor r03u. I HAVE 6 houses, all new. to trade for farm; I want to trade with owner. Phone Sell wood 2 473 or E. E. Hackett. 5SOG 40th at. S. E., Portland, Or. 25 ACRES oyster bed land ln Willapa Bay, near Bay Center, Wash., no Incumbrance, for acreage or lota near Portland, or what have you ? Phone Tabor 0030. LOT , block Council Crest Park, exchange for &an r rancisco property. Address for Information. Mrs. Sewali, 603 Skitter st., San Francisco, Cal. EXCHANGE Corner lot, ml. Navy-vard. City of Bremerton, Wash., free and clear, for cottage and lot or what ha e you ? Owner. M Orego n i s n . 8 ROOMS. furnace. improvements paid. Sumner, near Button ; equity $350; auto or acreage ; might assume. K 5S7, Ore gonian 2 GOOD Willamette Valley farms. Eugene district, in exchanpe for Portland prop erty, or will consider good stock of mer-J chandlse. Sej Oehler, 515 Yeon bldg. 160 ACRES well located. Willamette Valley; all In crop; pood soil; will consider Income Portand property $10,000 to $20,000. A. KL. HILL. 419 Henry Bag. 2 hi ACRES, all Improved, near city limits. 10c fare, 5-room house, price $jpoo; will take clear city lots for part. Call 6-' Stock Exchange bldg. Maiu 6765. 40 ACRES of White Salmon fruit land, well watered, to trade for lots. Phone Tabor 1200.- WILL trade practically new Ftske tire. 37 In on Underwood typewriter. No. 5, and pay difference. AK 57, Oregonian. SWELL home, corner. East Side. 100x100, for lots or hous3. West Side: $7500, mort gage $1S0. V 582, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, SO acres timber. Call Main 5S. KENTON district, lots for acreage Oregon City line. AV 5S3, Oregonian. IO ACRES. . $1000 equity, for something clear. Owner. Woodlawn 2375. STOK nd gram ranch, fully enu;pr""d ; J. 4.10 acres. I'ti-jphoa owiiur. M.ia 63L TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. We have a large listing of very attractive properties for exchange open to your careful investigation. Client with close-in quarter block; price 925.0UO, incumbrance only SoOUO. Also modern flat building. Nob Hill district, for clear Valley farm. Party with property and securities to amount of $12,"(tu, incumbrance only Saooo, fur suburban acreage. Client with modern 4-flat build ing, on N E. corner East 14th aud Madison sta., wants home up to 97000. Many properties of merit. Come In and let us concentrate your holdings. Many fine properties in down town realty can be secured at this time. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor, .Henry Bldg. 4 (OR) iS D E S I R (GLEN WOOD PARK) ABLE LOTS NEAR SCHOOL. CAR AND CITY PARK. I STREET BONDS ALL PAID). PRICE TODAY, SALE, TIME OR EX CHANGE, 9450. 'LOTS WORTH fdnO TO 97U0. MAKE OFFER. WOULD ASSUME OR PAY SMALL. CASH DIFFERENCE. WANT STOCK GROUP: R I ES. OR WHAT H A V E TOU ? ADDRESS PATTERSON, OWN ER, 201 SELLING BLDG. 00-ACRE STOCKED DAIRY FARM On beautiful small river, fine fisaing and hunting; 40 acres under cult.; 7-rm. house, large barn and silo; good soil, water piped to buildings, 4 horses, hogs, 5o head of cattle, all farm Implements, abundance of fine pasture adjoining. Cream check runs $100 per month; price $12,ouu.: mtg. 92500; long time ; take equity 9U00O in clear city income property. See S. Hewey, 209 Stark, at -HARTSIAN & THOMPSON BY OWNER. Five acres at station, Oregon City line, SO minutes out, all under cultivation, 7 room housie, 5 rooms plastered, with fur niture If desired, electric lighted, barn chicken-horse, horse, co . etc. ; price $00i, mortgage $2:100, baiance trade for farm or city property, on trms, or might divide Jn acres. What have you? Main 912. 25 ACRES, a.11 lu cultivation, 8 acres prunes, good bldg., t cows, i! hordes, all -implements, lu miles S. E. of Salem, on car line. Price $."(.-iio. 7 acres. 15 miles on electric station, all In cultivation, U-acre orchard, bldg. cost $2500. 0-room modern house. Pri'-e $4oo. W. BT. Seitz & Co., olO Spalding bldg. Main 65S4. " OWNER MT7ST SACRIFICE. 4-ri0 acres of irrigated alfaifa land, water right fuliy paid ; 2 houses, barns, out buildings and some stock; will sacrifice $r,5,000 equity for $30,000; prefer city property, but what have you to oftVr? You are dealing with owner. AH 0S8, Ore gonian. , WHEAT LAND FOR HARDWARE. Oo acres of the best wheat land ln Canada; every foot tillable; 5 miles from railway station; the owner is an old mer chant and will exchange this land on baais of $20 per acre for hardware stock. N EI I, AN & PARK H I L L, 303 Stock Kxehanse Bldg. STOCK AND WHEAT RANCHES. With or without equipment and stock; exclusive list of first-class properties; any size, many of them personally inspected by us. L". S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. OUT Yeon Bldg. SO ACRES. Located in Clark Co., Wash., all fenced. new improvements, running water, good pasture, some timber. iu acres under cult Want bungalow to $40oo. cash or mtg. for balance. Price $..'Mt. Clear. CALLAN & KASER I'll Yeon bldg. 51-ROOM modtrrn hotel, Washington st., completely furnished, cost Sio.oou: r-nt reasonable; this place will stand closest Investigation, goou location and a money maker: will trade for a good farm; value $-000. or cash; $4300. Apply Krcbs-Logus o.. ii;i ivt n st. .;n ACRES. CLARKI3 COUNTY. "Wash. ; all cultivated ; good set buildings. on roLK roati, o miles rmm ancouver fine black loam soil, no rock: cooii nlace: price $i;hu0; take house up 10 $4000, bal- uiice ume. JACOB HAAS. Dekura Bldg. EXCHANGE OR SALE Beautiful iiO-acre larm; 'ly under lush state of cultiva tion; all stocked completely: fine country home ; 1,000,000 feet timber; exchs nge for good home in Portland, or cash; t-aay terms "Ivi-n. 11. M., box 7, R. D., War ren, urtgon. ABSOLUTELY modern, unincumbered and well-located $.0oo Portland residence exchanse for lu to 20 acres reasonably close to roriiar.ti. SAMUEL DO A K. 122 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 20", ACRES. LINCOLN COUNTY. C lose to railroad ani station; fc( acres cultivated; lots pasture, well stocked, good buildings; wiil exchange for city or close in acreage propertv; this It good. JACOB HAAS. Dekum Bldg. IMPROVED FARM WANTED, of not less than 40 acres, stocked and equipped, near gooff town and railroad ; will give as part payment modern bun galow. Price $4000. mtg. $00. CALLAN & KASER 722 Yeon Mdg. WANT FARM. Have two good city properties value $Ckou, street improvements paid ; will take from 20 acres up to 00 acres im proved; am not particular about location, but want near seiiool. o ".".", Oregoninn. 50x100 LOT, 0-room modern furnished house, pantry, bath, full cement basement. 3 blocks from cariine, bearing fruit trv?es "and garden; will exchange for 1015 Ford auto mobile as part payment, remainder as rent. AM 504, Oregonian. WILL TRADE equity in $2500, 3-rm., mod-ern-to-minute bungalow, for used auto mobile, piano or pood household furniture to value about $5on; bal. on house $15M, 2 years. A B Oregonian. EXCELLENT TRADES. Farms, city property and business op portunities, one for the other; no hot-nir propositions considered. F. Fuchs, 41:0 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade good ft-room hoouse, lot 80x100, Mt. Scott cariine; mortgage $1200; will trade equity for grocery store or stock without store. Richanbach & Co., fclo Lewis bldg. WILLEXCHANC.E Improved farm, good community, for acreage or city property. Owner, B. Siiuonson, route 2, Ridgeiieid, Wash. TO EXCHANGE Good htufe, 5 lots, 0xl0O, in Oregon City, for C-rojm house and lot in Portland; must be clear of incumbrance; value $ 1 7'H. Call 140 Atnsworth ave. 11 ACRES, near good town, house, barn and orchard, all in cultivation, clear; price $3tNm; want timber or bungalow. Parker, tf!7 Board of Trade bldg. TWO GOOD Willamette farms Eugene dis- xrict in exenange ior Portland property, cr will consider good stock of merchan dise O. Oehler. 515 Yeon bldg. HAVE 2 fine stock ranches, one $40,000 the other $50,000; both clear of incumbrance; want good city Income property in ex change. Fulton, 621 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE or exchange A nice new. mod ern 5-room bungalow ln walking distance of Reed Collepe and S. P, carshops. W. J. Oilstrap, St. Johns. WANTED. RESIDENCE IN EASTERN OR Miit!Ie Western live factory town up to $:'.vi'0 for my clear residence here. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. SAN JOSE modem 0-room house and lot for Portland property, no agents. Address 300 East 434 st. North. $40.00 $Uv ll..ak fortiana property, income yr., to trade for dairy ranch. 027 Chamber of Commerce, IRVINGTON HOME 7 rooms. sleeping porch; one block car, for Irvington lot or other property. East 4722. HOUSES, clear and mortgaged, to trade for timber; no wildcats considered. L 5aT, Oregonian. 5 ACRES Wisconsin farm land, near town, Ii0. clear. Want clear property here. AH ."tl, Oregonian. $20O0 EQUITY In $4150 2-tory houme to trade for Irvington lot, or equivalent equltj' in bungalow. A 5S5, Oregonian. NEW ROSE CITY Bl'NGA LO W. Tak lot for equity. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. WILL trade house In Spokane for Portland property. Marshall 2505. HIGH-CLASS auto, excellent condition, for clear real estate. Woodlawn 253. WANT equity house, close In. for houee and Hnd. clear. 41 Lew la bldg. EQUITY 10 acres. Ka'ama. for cows. H. Paulson, American Hotel, Vancouver. $6no CLEAR LOT to trade for equity ln home. 927 Chamber of Commerce. MY EQUITY 5-room. bungalow for sale or trade. Tanoriit.i. iii3 Oregon st. 10 ACRSS, Tacoma, clear, for house; assume $100. 401 Lewis b:t!g. GOOD acreage, clear cf mortgage, cheap, to iraae xor ncuse ana 101. .Main j'.,o. -ROOM plastered house suburban acrnge. -jh ). for email vVz bldg. 40n-AC RE farm to trade for city property. 310 Lumber Exchange b'.dg. ili..D'-.UN r.-room house. Hawthorne district. TO EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE. bTOCkED and equipped wheat ranch, over acres, about one-half in grain; good buildings and well; price fluo.ooO;' con sider Valley farm or city property from 900,000 to $oA),ooo, balance easy terms. Over 4000 acres wheat land, about 1000 acres In wheat; spring and well ou land; price l0.w; consiuer other good prop erty to 975.0UO. 220O-acre wheat ranch, 00 in -wheat; good and buildings, stock and ma chinery; price 960. 000; want Valley farm $ to $40. 000, remainder crop payments If uesired. 1 COO-acre wheat ranch, POO In wheat: good well, fair buildings; price $40,oou; take other good property to $25,0oo; best of terms on balance. Income property In Portland, fSS.OOO; want Valley furm, with stock and equip ment, up to f tiu.voo. , Ls K. Moure. 317 Board of Trade ' GOOD JLUCH WANTED FOR MODERN HOME "PICK-UP" IN RICH- J1U.NU FORCED TO SELL. NITY. TOUR OPPORTU- A CORNER IN BEST PART OF RICH- .DISTRICT." "CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES." SO CANNOT OCCUPY THIS ' BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN HOME; 7 ROOMS, BATH. LARGE CLOSETS, MAHoGANi' BUILT IN BUFFET. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. FURNACE, FRUIT THE ES. L A W N - E 'PT A i OM. PLETE DESIRABLE HOME (NOT BUILT Ort SAbi-J), AND IS WORTH 97'NMJ. TERMS REASON A BLE. OR SEE TH IS A N LI -MAKE OFFER FOR EXCHANUK. 1 1 8 5 E A S T C L I N TO X t'ORXKH : i K T i f (RICHMOND CARt. CALL PATTERSON, - 1 - . CI-I,l-Vi lt L. J Vjx . ou ALKta ssuoo, mortgage 12500. 8 years at b per cent; 40 acres in cultivation. 40 Meres pasture j.u acres or wnicn is goou timoer, several corus or fine wood, all extra good soil, no rock or gravel; es nearly level ; good house and barn ; other outbuijuinga; good water, running water in pasture, on corner of county road. 1 mile from store, church, school. 10 miles from Vancouver; will trade for smail place near ewoerg or Vancouver property. 40 acres $0000. mortcace $3300 now due, 25 acres in cultivation. 15 acres good stump pasture, all extra good land, lies level, fair house, barn and outbuildings, orchard, good water, Miced and cross- fenced, county read, 1 mile from chool, 32 miles Vancouver; will trade for vacant lots or dwellinc: must have little money to reduce murtgage; vomeoue can gvt good aeai out or tins party. AT Kl.NsUX tk NICHOLS, till Main St.. Vancouver. Wash FOR TKADK. 0OO acres of Eastern uregon land. 4U0 In crop. I'.iH) fc-ummer fallow, good build inz and water, to trade for valley farm. .o, all in wheat, good buitdi.ig and water, in Eastern Oregon, to trade for valley farm. r.'Xj acres In Eastern Oregon. 30O In' wheat, pood bnild:ug and- water, with sto.-k and machinery, to trade for valley farm. J. C. GILBERT, 415 Third Street. MfMinn ville. Or. SNAP $$ SNAP THIS $$ 320 acres, 5(1 mi. from Portland, $10 this is ioKKed-off land. 160 acres wheat land, ln Eastern Ore gon, 2o per acre. 100 acres timber, 3,000.000 ft. timber, $15 per acre. 12-rm. house in Portland. $."nn. I will exchange any or all of the above properties for small farm or elf ar city property, net quick. :see O. i , Hulse, HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) DAN D little r0-ncre farm. 34 miles out on electric, and U s for rent. i acres, improved Willamette River nnttom; cheapest thing on the market Clear. uanay stock farm, 120 acres, some timber and wood; sawmill lavuut handy to everything: clear. Want Portland ; will consider outside; might assume. McDon ald. 515 Cor belt bldg., Portland. Main U73. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 20 acres land, near Medford. J. SIMON BROS., 131-133 1st St. WILL TRADE 120 acres, Clarke Co., Wash., IS In culti vation, bal. ln timber; 3-room house, barn, ch:ck-n-houpe. famiiy orchard; $4(Kio, in cumbrance $Ri00 ; will trade equity for city property. Richanbacu & Co., bio Lewis bh'g. 6 NET income on $12,0o, new, 3-st'iy concrete apartment building. mortgage for $oono. Will trade equity of $7no fur clear lots in Laurelhourwt, Rose City Park, Irvington, Alameda Park or in other re stricted district. FRANK L. M'GCTRE. 414 Ablngton Bldg. Main TOflS. FOR EXCHANGE. Want $:-iO,Guo to $.o,tff o 'of clear rltv or country to complete $15o,0i0 pool t- pur chase Cix.iO acpi-a fine, clear, irrigated, rive. bottom land, no wnste. In Arizona; rt-ady to subdivide; email buyers waiting, loo per cent profit. Address box loo Wood burn. Or. HAVE several dandy tracts in Bella Vis' overlooking Columbia. for good houre equities or clear lota. When bridge is completed Just .JO minutes from Portland. Submit propositions to ERNEST WELLS, 1234 N. W. Bank Bldg., Main 4750. I HAVE several extra good and well-located Iarms oi about bO acres each, improved, stocked and equipped, that I am author ized to exehange on a low cash ba.ila for aemraoie orti;t nn propertv. SAMUEL DOA K. ir- Northwestern Bank Bldg. OVER 80O acres near Eugene; all ln culti vation and in crop; rented now; dpot. warehouse store, school, plenty other buildings on place: fine water: what have you for my equity of $0s.'K'O? Cannoi handle, tako anything near its value; w il assume A F, Oregonian. EXCHANGE OR SALE 30 acres on Spring water auto road, 21 miies irora city o er na r cultivated crop; good Duiidmgs. team, cows, wagons and lots implements; this is good; get IUil U'-IHIIS. JACOB HAAS. Dekum Bldg. CLEAR lots and acreage to trade for 0- room modern bungalow; will assume mortgage and might put In some cash for good trade. Parker, 017 Board of i r-iue unig. SWELL FRONT STREET LOT. Submit what you have to offer up to sin, wo. ttai. mtg. V, ill give exception ally fine deal to Ciose immediately. Smith Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. CALIFORNIA-OREGON properties of all kinds and sizes for In terchange. See or write us. U. S MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 607 Yeon Bldg. $5700 57 acres ln a high state of cult! vation, mne irom uriggs station; no rock, no gravel; will trade for clear city property. uoe a. Aicb.eun& de tow Chamber of Commerce. A BEAUTIFUL, laryo 4-room bungalow- must be disposed of at once; what have you to trade on first payment, balance iiKfl rent. lutn. .Marshall 12S. FOR SALE or trade, 120 acres, 40 miles from Minneapolis, Minnesota. 5 miles irora good town; fair improvements, good lunu. aj 000, vregonian. laoor 752. WILL EXCHANGE Portland residence, large lot, value $4000 small mortgage, for un incumbered land or timber. AB 582, Ore gonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE for farm. 6 fine lots, -roora house, bearing fruits, garden auto-Dam. 1 nomason, 41st St. W. car. WILL exchange line large 8-room. a:i mod ern nome, ciose in on tint bide, for im proved acreage, well located, close to Port land. AO 5sJ. Oregonian. APARTMENT-HOUSE, West Side. $10,500 would, take house and. lot In exchansre. For particulars, see S. S. Prentiss, 505 Corbett bldg. WANT A GOOD LOT. House. Unln ave. and Dektrm; cash equity of $1000 for lot of same value. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. TWO CLEAR LOTS, $M00 en h, to trnde for 7 Chamber of small house ana lot. i- Commerce. STRICTLY modern, beautiful furniture, ga cement garage, fruit trees, rost s. corner Int. for acreage. F 50?. .Oregonian. ACRES, cultivated. 2 miles from Mult nomah station, for house equity. M 54 Oregonian. NEAV YORK CITY suburban home. $5000; want Portland property. n; 5S6, Orego nian. 6TORE lid g. with living rooms, clear, and up to $1000 cash for home; preferred R. C. Park. Sell. 317. 7-ROOM. wa! distance. Eaut Side, for clear lot. acreage ; owner. AF 584, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or trade by owner. 4n acres on Yaquina Grove. Mr. C, H. Davis, Toledo, Oregon. $1400 EQUITY wanted. " trade f-r land, auto or Phone Marshall 5479. -room house to chat have you? 40 ACRES of White Salmon fruit land, well watered, to trade for lots. Phoue Tabor 1200. $2000 MODERN home, rt rooms. 1 blk. to enr, f u II lot. to trride for acreage or lots t27 Chamber ui. Comuerct. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FARMS. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 23f acres near Rroadacres, one of finest places in the valley ; Iw In cultivation, balance timber; Z creek som tine bottom land and beaverdam; Mae 10-room house, other buildings good and everything ' first class; 4 horea. 10 Jersey cows. 2o Puree hos-., full equipment; cash price $100 per ncre; will take smaller place as part pay ment, balance on ume. IOO acres within H ml! of Mt Anre; all in cultivation ; good buildings, electric lighted; 12 acres hops, 6 horses, 22 head dairy stock, iiO hogs, all farm tools; price $1:2. 500; will take small farm or ctiy prop erty to $ 15,0oo. balance "J per cent. 20 acres on Camas Prairie; fine bay and dairy ranch; 00 acres In timothy, 70 in grain, good buildings. 7 horses. 5 cows, all machinery needed; price $24,000; will take small place near Portland to $20,000. 100 acres near North Plains; a money making place, with stock and tools; price S-.xxiO; win take house in Portland to $5000. LT7EDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. RENT MONEY" WILL BUY THIS. "BUNGALOW BARGAIN (WASCO ST., HOLLADAY ADDITION. FIRST -CLASS CONDITION. NEARLY NfciW, ,1 KIHIMS AP H A 1 11. VW'M'.n BUILT-IN BUFFET. ETC. MY PRICE $27SO. (SOLD LAST YEAR ON CON TRACT. -tV. YOUR OWN" TERMS. cMAIX CASH PAYMENT. OR CONSIDER r A I !( TI'. A I K. MAKE f t. H. A I DRESS OWNER, WM. PATTERSON. 2ul SF.LLINO BLDG. EVERY ONE A COOD EXCHANGE. Good 7-room house, modern, corner 70x Irto, cement walks, $27.10; easy terms, or lane ciear mt- wort h 10110 for eouitv 7-room house, fireplace, close In. $40: easy terms; micht trade for good farm wr,:i some equipment. S-rnom modern house. Wert Side, walk Inn distance: $7K; trade for few acres in suburte. or farm. 0 beautiful lots in suburbs, $1S00; trade ior sniaii larm. M'OOY. 201 Stock El Bids.. 170 Third. HIGHWAY COUNTRY HOME BARGAIN. One of the finest country homes up the Columbia Highway; 7 large rooms. 2 sleeping porches. 2 baths, hardwood floors, furnace heat, electrtn lights, la rice fire place; BtrUtly modern ; garage, chlcken houae: 2t area. hiith state of cultivation: worth $l.",ooO: take Portland property or sacrifice ior easn. i' rcgonian. HUNG A LOW tcj'iliy to exchange for lot or wnat nave you 7 A oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. STANDARD PLAYER PIANO. NEARLY NEW. BEAITIKl L BURL - WALNUT CASE. PERFECT ORDER; PIANO AND Ml ItJ nT 7..: CLKR TITLE SEE THIS: MAKE OFFER. CASH OR TERMS, !! W HA V HAVE YOU TO TRADE? W()n-U PREFER TI A.MO.N DS. MORT GAGE OR REAL ESTATE ('hVTKAOT. ADDRESS I'ATISON. OUM'K. 2 ELL- IN. BLDG. l'HO.NE EVENINGS, MAIN Jiif. D I A M ON D BP. OOT-II "SUNBURST," t-ET IN PLATINUM AND GOLD. COST $75; MUST BE SOLD. ALSO LADY'S DIAMOND RING (1 CARAT). COST $2."0. MAKE flTKR. (COXPIUKIt SOME TRADE.) ADD HEPS OWNER. A M :0;i. OREGON I A N. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR THIS? Splendid 2o-foot gas launch with cabin, cypress nun. fine condition, newly painted one of best ottats on river. P. O. Box 46a. WILT trude f.r livestock or farm tmide ments. furniture of 1 ( rooms in Nrth H 1 1 diptrict. ." roomH rented. Phone Marshall 4'.14. price FlbQ WILL sell or trade 5",' noundi water whit aiiaiia noney: any amount imm 60 pound up. MaKe 01: er. AV i-, Oregon inn. TRIPLICATE dnuble-plnte mirror, size giass. no ana lj iy t;t inches; trade fo: tailoring. rator 0-.3. , NEAR LA' new $50 Columbia phonograph and records for Oregonian. any thing of value. A 1 B E At " 1 1 I.OTS for pool table or motorcycle. -'i aoor aoui. BItANI nfw banjo. 50 nb-kel brackets; will ;rll or trade. AV 3 25, Oregonian. TO TRADE A Remington typewriter. 7. for a good bicycle. Tabor 2204. TO EXCHANGE Painting or tinting for ueniai wors. I'none iiarsnau Oir. WAXTED- Carienter work In exchange for dentlstry. c oregonian. $2n HAWAIIAN ukulele, koa wood have 30U? A 1 2 , Oregonian. FINE lady's pearl ring for camera ; size and make. AL 5b0. Oregonian. GOOD gold watch , will trade for good gents bicycle. X 54. oregonian. EXCHANGE my, speed bug for light flv pas. Washington st. GOOD piano, first payment on good auto mobile. Alter suuduy, 47 E. Aukeny EXCHANGE fln-a folding bed, floss mattreAS, rer oiner iurnnure. 001 riaisey. $22 WASHBURN guitar. Will trade cheap. A A" 1 27. Oregonian. FOR ft A I.E. Hornet, Vehicles, Harness, Etc FRA7.IKR A: M LE A N. ESTAB. 82 YEARS. l r.uemtana tneir business and are in position to furnish you with horses hi mules for all purposes. Draft, express, cnving ana tanri cnunKs: arait teams l hire; all f-ood workers and in fine snape. uur location always tne same, otn Taylor sis. Marshall 60O. FOR RALE 6 head of horses nd manes, weight from Bunt to i4oo lbs. ; some ha n esses and light delivery wagons; can buy these at a bargain. 23 Ru e-11 st. Take AVilUams-ai e. car to Russell, walk 2 blocks west, I . P. stables. TEAM of horses, steel grays, well matched, and heavy breeching harness. 2050 lbs,, and 8 years old; true as steel; for th-e one price of as 1 nave sold m ice wagons and have no further use for them. Sec the stable man at 285 Front st. and ask for the loo team. AUCTION! AUCTION! Horsea. mu'.es, vehicles,' harness, every Monday and Frlnay. IO A. M.. only strict lommierlon stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The Mcciel.and Horse Mule Co.. 240 Eawt 8th st. NICE 4-yr.-old black mare, standard bred. Bailey buggy and harness; hor dam has a record of 2:10; her sire has a record of 2 :to i ; she has never been tralne handoome and gentle. 2i0 E. 1 th st. 5-YEA R-OLD bay riding horse, weigh a bout 1 o.lo ; well trained, gentie, a beau tif ul. slender animal, intelligent, which am compelled to sacrifice for $05. Call Main for particulars. 10 HEAD of homes and mares, ran gin from 1000 to 1400 lbs., good workers 1 all harness, just out of hard work; must be sold to pay bills at the Acme Fuel Co.'a old barn. 212 Union ave. and Clay. FOR BALE One team of well-matched mares, 0 years old, weighing 8200 lbs.; 1 team of horses weighing I'iAJu lbs. 226 Rus aell st. LIGHT double team. Including brand new hsrnefta outfit with Studebaker wagon, must be told In a matter in which brothers can't agree In business. CO 2 Second at. $55 TAKM 1100-1. ranch horse that will do the work, also 1 top buggy, cheap, E. Stark at. TO SELL by Monday night, horse, saddle and bridle; f irst-ciaaa; cheap. Phone Ta bor 4S42. WANTED In good condition, folding hood juilky Phone Marshall 410. Basement, 209 Hall at. MATCHED pair of mares, good workers, double harness and wason, cheap. Dt E. Stark 8,t. Trial allowed. GOOD. true, sound team and harnesa, 2MX) lt)s.. for $ino. Raleigh St. Stables, 10th and Raleigh ats. STALLION for sale, good worker and good Tir breedings. $150. 1941 Division st. CARPENTER work or plumbing for team, harness and wagon. AF 52. Oregonian. CALL at 54 'I Front : wagons, bugtcls, har ness, all 'ze?, all prices ; must sell. -Horsea. wagons, buggies. E. 7th st. N. TEAM ?orrel mares wt 2400, $135. Pony $3. Woodyard. E. 8th and Madison. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. AV. .Towns-nd Co.. S?0 Front. Main 1571. DOGS 1 '.'. and horses clipped. 415 E East 147. TWO GOOD farm teams for sale cheap. ApplyGrand Ave Stables. 20 Grand av. 10 MARES. HORSES. BELL OR TR.aTdeI Also wagons.harness. 267 E. 8th. FOR SAIE One large saddle horse, weight 1150, sound and quiet. Columbia 242. FOR SALE cheap, single farm wagon. ; most new. 570 Front t- WANT best t-am ponies and harness $50 win uu). xv ttao, ureguoiBO. FOR SALE 1 horse and buggy. 39 W. Prea- cott et. GOOD 8-year-old mare and colt for aale reasonable. Call 204 Baker st.. cor. 3d. DEAD horsea and catCe taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. GOOD campii outfit. tam. FOR fcAI-K. Horiw-s, Veh!rle, Harness. Ktc. ICE pair of sorrel mares. 6 and T years. weignt 24UO. harness and wngon. r ine mare. 8 years, heavy in foal. $7o. Pair of small horses, On workers, harness and wagon. 2 large work horses. One of the best stallions, lartv can drive, lota of class. standard bred and rvgietred. HRV tV X T T . W 1 VTIs AM 1 " I . S - "TNO OUT, AND THIS' STOCK WILL BE bOLD AT ONCE. M'CLELLAND HORSE A MULE CO., 40 K, bth SU AUCTION Horsea! Horses Horses! If In the market for any class of a horse or team, harness, w agon, saddle, don't mln our sale, a a u e have corr signments by people who must sell aud accent the hi eh. dollar bid. our 2o-hour trial clause protects toe. buyer. Mondaya 2 n'clock Thursdays. STAR HORSE SALES CO., SOS Front St. THE nicest matched team in the s:ate. young, genue and blocky bunt, lert tor sale at your own price. Gary Ice Co., 34th and East Yamhill sts. WANTED for lady's driving, use of horse. buggy, harness, in exchange lor care. iea and pasturage on 10 acres. R. 2, B. 22. Canby. Oregon. Pianos, Organs and Musi cal I nt nimfnti. A TALKING MACHINE. IF YOTT ARE LOOKING FOR A NEAV OR USED TALKING MACHINE AND RECORDS OR C A HI NETS. LOOK. OVER THIS LIST OF BARGAINS. AA'e absolutely guarantee each machine. They are in the beat of condition same as new. One dozen selections, your i pick, go with each outfit. Come ln immediately before all are gone. Mail orders given Immediate tention. Send lu $5 so we can h.d ma chine for you. Terms to suit yourself. Beautiful $200 mahogany large library tame type, now si4U. Magnificent do luxe model mahogany reitular $2oo. now only $140. A snap. Another $2oo f umed-ouk model. & little more Uted. but in oerfect condition. liegulur 5-UO weutlieied oak. first-class conditiuu. Late model $200 fumed-oak. couldn't tell from new. reduced -u imt cviil l:etcalar fMJ oak maehine. now only $40 Elegant onk 7U outfit, with cabinet to inatcli. now Sod complete. A .u Kood as new machine, with a new $50 latest push-button cabinet, exceptional price of s4t..o. iiiis in a bargain. Two $1hi table type you can t tell from new to. 50. CABINETS: Two mahogany now only $12.50. Two oak aud uiahoguuy $I.bO, now only $5. $.0 sectional book-case design record cabinet for only $J2 50. A'e have a number of other less ex pensive outfits In Talking Machines aud Cabinets that nave been cut in Hair. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, Talking Machine Dept.. 2d Floor. HALLET ft DAA'IS UDrighL walnut. line tone si.w Weber nlauo. Derfoct. mahogany case $3oo piano, new loo X2.r0 Ujklnr machine table with SAO in records, only 120 New piano for rent to responsible party sa.ftn per montn. $450 bterling piano, almost new ; party compelled by reverses lo give up alio paying $212. HAROLD S GILBERT. B64 Yamhill bt.. 1 b!o k south O. da ft King Not a wildcat or fake piano store, n Ing been connected w ith the piano busl neps in Portland for JO years. AVE AVILL CLOSE OUT TOMORROW: $1 $.'i5 phonograph at $1. 2 $45 phonograph at $0. 1 40 phonograph at $0 I $:i5 disc talking machine at $7.50. 1 $100 dlfc cabinet. 55. 1 $.5 phonograpti at $10. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th st. ..5 if.A. .i;.. s lo a l cash oia ana new monii v r i'-kitiiih. ii m- Bros.. lieinse. Ha Met Ac Dsis and Kn ratios closed out at once by Security M'TBKC Co.. lt.; St. $Ktu BEAUTIFUL grand upright plaer. on ear old. now L't .i : met- uprignt - pi an oniy $4u; electric piano, ano titer upright. $"7; must be sold at once. 254 Market a corner 3d st. FOR SALE A-l piano, U(ed only a fe vprkx: ell t a Imrrnin : r-rlce cash; HI health, leaving city. X 57. Ore gonlan. HAVE your irtano f.ti.ed. repaired or Mmiili .1 hv i.ur lire i estional men. P' land piano Tuuliu. Repairing & Mfg. Co 4t, ii aw t norno. i r.ast lor. FIT. Edison hornless Amberola. Ni. 2. 3 00 records: coat $175; prlct $74.50; $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., a0 Alder st. COLUMBIA O. S. mahog Favorite, nimhi used, and SI record e. $4." : $5 cam. I monthly. Bush 4k Lane Piano Co.. 12th and AA'ash. $oo BEAUTIFUL concert grand, mah anv case. luano. with mandolin and gut tar attnehmenta, fine conditiou. $5ou Plione Mur. ions. ALMOST new talking machine and good selection of records: must sell at once; bargain for someone. Call Main 54 room 422. HoiiART M. CAPLE. late style, almost new- cost $4ou; no reabonall offer refuse. 1. S- manager Earlton Apts, cor. Bussed Union avenue. EDISON Amberola hornless golden oak pho nograpn. with stand and one doz.n rec orda, J4.; $. cash, f-k monthly, jjush Lane I'iano Co.. 12th and Wash. BUNGALOAA" PIANO for sale; very reason able; good cond it ion ; excellent tone. O Tabor 5J0-.. Monday or Tuesday. VICTOR phonograph with wooden horn ai; records. $HS.5o; $5 cah, $'i monthly. Bus & Lane Piano Co., and v ash. GRAFANOLA $75 new grafanola this week special, $." down, $3.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. FIN E Walworth piano. Just like new ; cost $:50; price $15" ; $15 down. ?n monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 330 Alder at. $550 PIANO, fine standard make, $140 cash, leaving city. A 5S4, nian. bench. Ore go - FOR Tit ADE Large grafonola and rec ords for piano or player piano. AO 5a0, Oregonian. WANTED Piano stored free in exchange for use; boat care assured. Phone East K'7I. 4 tREK use of piano or player piano 24 years. See display adv. or Schwun piano Co.. Hi 4th st. FAMOUS ING. Jli REES VIOLINS" A LIS K Y BLDG. AND REPA1R- $45 CASH buys sn.all Boudoir Upright to morrow at Security Storage Co., !: 4th st. $55 CASH recur s $250 mahogany pianola player at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at. S1M CH ICKEP.UXG baby grand for $350. S45i AVashington, room 3. FOR SALE $.V0 auxetephone for $75. Columbia Graphophone CoM 42t-4:il AVnsh. $450 KIMBALL, right oak case, fine condi tion; oniy iiarsna.l FINK-TONED Wehr piano, ch eap for cash. oan -iu baat ism st. WILL pay cash for piano If real bargain. Phone East 7002. AV ANTED A u-'ed piano, cheap, Mur. 2074, Apt. 3. Call after T P. M. PLAYER PIANO. 6S-note. aell low bermi; mske offer. X 592, Oregonian, DECKER PIANO and av A'fetmla; good con dition; sell at bargain. AD 5S1. Oregonian. Fnrnitore for Sale. ARE YOU WISE? Do vou know Gevurtx Furniture Co carries the largest stock of siishtly used furniture in Portland? We dev.-tte half of KVpxIOO floor space In our four-story building for used furniture. AVe also hive the new stock of the Mergan-Atchley Fur niture bought by us at a trifle more than 50c on the dollar on sale at aimott half price. Hre la some Idea of prices on used goods: Good used cook stove $4.50 to f S 50 Good used ranges, standard makes. at $10.01 to $25.00 Good, used dreera 2 to 12 -.'- Good used buff eta $ .".O to $15. Oo Good used dining tables $3.5rt to 115 o.i Good used chairs 40c to J1.5-J Good used rockers 7'c to 4 5i Good used Iron beds 50c to $5.00 New Buck's gas and coal ranges almost half price. ( A'ery latent models New linnteums, regular 50c and 60c, spe .clal. 30c No matter how high class or inexpen sive f urn : ture you need. ee us and save money. We challenge competition. GEVCRTZ FURMTURE CO.. 15 to 11 First St., Between Yamhill and Taylor. Look tor Electric Sign. FINE, reliable U range, only $13. 0'bor au. rem sale. lurnimre for Sale. FURNITURE SPECLA.LS FOR THIS WEEK. Manufacturer a sample line of library tables at about ha:f regular price. Trices range from $-0o to $;.i5. fee some ef them In our show w indows. $5 Dufold davenport bed lu Spanish chase leather for 1 ; upright f uldtn g bed. cost $40, fir $15; Tuiki-Ii rocker m Boston leather. $10 ; Koiy kitchen cabinet. $7 .50; drop head New Home sewing machine, guar anteed, 12: refrigerators and ire chests, $. to $12 ; $75 Harmon combination, coal or wood nmye. used two months, for $.': Majestic fteel r:nge with (late attachment. $.iu; two good No. f cookstovvs, aid eru-h ; three-burner New Perfection oil cooktoe on legj. $0; Re liable steel range. $1H; Lorwin teel iaug, $-0; Jewel bus range, $5; Reliable s-s ra ii ge. $ 5 ; Acorn ran gee, $0 to $lo; gas w ater heaters. $4 and $5 ; all our t-tovos and ranges gunrauteed: Iron and brs bed, tJ lo; aU-metl bed springs, $2..Vi to $0; woven wire bed springs. 6ic to $1.5it; davenpx-rt bed $7.5o; kitchen treasures. $1.5o to $2.5o; is fold ing chairs, the $1 .50 kind, nearly new, or 75c each ; good used law n mow era and garden hoo, $1.5o to $.1; solid oak wardrobe. $S.5tt; room -size carpets and mg, $J.50 to $J0; dressers of all kinds, prices range from $5 to $25; chiffoniers, $5 to $15 ; f 25 Circassian walm-t drtsscrs for $15; dining-room suites. $15 to $4. including ti chairs, table, sideboard or buffet; library tables, good selection. $2.." to $14; roll-top deskn. $7.50 to $2 J ; Mor ris chairs. $;i.;.o to $-v5o; common chair. 5jc; dining chairs. 75c up: rockers. $1 to ..0, and lots f other bargains; come aud see theui. AVe furnish houses throughout with new or fine used furniture at above prices on easy payments, no Interest : no charges for delivery; for out-of-town customers we pack and delixer to denote and whnrvee free. Come and examine our large utock and get cur prices fust. A ETKKN SALVAGE CO. 501-5i Wafhingion. Cor. 17th St. Our New Location. Both Phones. SECOND-HAND house furnishings receivrd i u ruling ine int w eeK must g out immedlorely on account of needing the room for other goods. lour credit is sood : $25 four-burner Detroit Jewel gaa stove. 15: $27. 5U New Proce. lour-burner g range, iH..V; 25.oo New Process gas range, $15. (.O; cast ircn cook stove. $5 oo; $..k gasoline stove, two-burner. $;i 75- ore copper coil kii water heater, $;.5. con r.eot. d ; $5.ow Nor: h l oie reirl;craior. $J550; $1-2.50 refrigerator, whit enamel, I0 00; V'.uo co:iap.idc go-rart with hooo $i:t ..o collapsible go-cart, k.1 nh kei Unif h, 4.5t; $2 7.50 haii tree. $.1' ;,; JiV."' nalJ rce. ...50: f j oo ba!i tree for MMt.oo soTui nialMCiinv throe-piec par.or et. Sij(l,,.0 moUi mahog any thr.e-piece parlor set. $4D.o0: f-oni quarur-niwtd oak sanlturv f;at-top office desk. $r..'; three quartered oak re oU -lnS" office chair. $7 To c aeb ; thre $l-i.o ol.ire rm c!aiif. golden onk, $i.c0 each; i!"V rocker, $5.75: $4'- arm rocker. J i '? ; oo mc.l.oKany Arri chair, $7. 5m; $! 50 imitat.on bather s r:nc-etige couch ii'li3. h'i l ' ('; fN r" '-"on bed! f 1 ' lron t,0y - ,;-"t: $1-50 mantU led. 4 O; on ciresrr. $7.5; one Prince dresnr. til'-'; $15.1 hardwood drir. '''.; vx heavy m:;:fu dining chairs. t.j solid onk round dining table. quarter-Pawrd top. $14.1:.; bedroom stand". " cr J0'1 ! :": chiid'a iron crib. $, 5o: ro fiftv-poui.d t:f:ss mat. tr.-s., $;o(Mi, $;. feit maiire.-f. perfect 1 cean. looks almost ile n-w. $U,ox- enn ir" fe-pound et.k floss nxatfrea. ; combinst rrattrea ;i 7 1 ,rr,KCOT?ori" ,at 7:c 'a( ; carpet endii. anitable for ball and stair 25c, S5C and iK'c a ard. EDWARPS COVPANT A Good I'lnce to Trade Fifth and Oak. GIGANTIC FURNITURE SALE. FOR 1 0 DAA'S. BEGINNTNG MONDAY JAV.JH- K ARE OFFERING FUR: ,V,VRt?TOVES A ND A LI, HOuVS rxi?!'1 ORE AT SACRIFICE. I NHKARD-OF BARGAINS IV All. SItuRE' ANL CUND-HA) KIR. FEI.DSTEIX FURNITURE CO bH TO 14 GRAND AVE. ' ALMOST new Jacobean dining set consist ing of elegant 4s-inch top dining table and s:x beautiful chairs. Including carver to match; this fine bet Cot new $125 and has only been used one month and con signed to us to sell for 05; any o wlsh:ng something with real class at a bargain d tn t ov. r!oL.k this OEVl'ItTZ FURNITURE CO.. 1 5 to 31 First tt , Between Yamhill and Tavlor. FOR $10. SALE A xmi nstcr c-rpd, ll-6.x Axmlnstcr carpet. 11-fixll. $13 75. 0leAmful $55 Axmlnster rug, lO-CxlS, 0 large hotel drcffcrs. $3.75 each. New 570 combination gas and wood rang 5, J4,.5h. W e exrhanga furniture. fiEiSI.ER A,- DOR RES, 412 Hawthorne Ave.. Cor. E. 6 h . MONARCH malleable range; water front in rine condition. 18-inch oven, for $4ti. including pipe, plumbing and all delivery and other chargts. and monev back if not satisfied. .Many other bargains In new and second-hand stoves and range, a. I guaranteed. Mmh Furniture Co.. lb First st. AUCTION SALE TOMORROW. Monday. '2 I. M. Household goods. 4.3 A ashington st. Geer s Commission Auction Co. Note; If you have good furniture for sale, phone us, Main 75X7. 24x .2 FRENCH plate mirror, in ebonv frame, sold new for $05; a big bargain for $17 5u. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. Is5 to 191 First St. Between YamhUI and Taylor. OO-INCH M A HOG ANY ROLLTOP DESK for $5; many other bargains In used and new office furniture, cabinets, card indexes, swivel chairs, etc. AVe crate and Phtp to nearest di-pot free of charge, M ure Co., 1S4 First st. MAJESTIC ranc new, cost $."i isk ran g, in for S2J.5m. gas at ; achment, good as our price. $-15. Charter prime condition, cost $00. OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 First at. SIMMONS' FAMOUS ALL-STEEL SPRINGS AT LESS THAN COST. Go only 4-inch ris?r. l4-inru side rails, sanitiiry link. Regu'.ar J 5 5o for $2.75. Mitti Furniture Co.. 14 First st. RELIABLE gas range, has been used very little, A-l condition. 4 burners, side oven and broiler, white enamel grease tray, oAVL FURNJTURECO.,204 First at. FINE 42-inch A. B. gas range, elevated oven, cost recently $5s. for $17.50. Con nected, all charges Included; plain price tags on all our goods. Mlsh Furniture Co.. L4 First st. - FURNITURE of a six-room modern corner flat for sale, inducing piano; reasonable, walking d.itancc; good location. Addreu J 5&7, Or? soman. FURNITURE of 6-room f :at ; great bar gain; best loeatlon on West Side ; 1 bU-ck I rum Noi touiU. Hotel. i'hou Marshail 12ai. FURNITURE FOR SALE 5 rnomi; oak and bra.s bed and mahogany. Uaii. between 1 and 6 Sunday or Monday, 061 L. 17th at. N. COM It 1 NATION mat trehs. new fine art licking. n-E' r.o Tor . OWL FURNITURE CO.. 2u4 First Fl'RNITUKE of 5-room house for sale rea aonale. 577 L. 52d st., near Lincoln; Haw lliurne car. FOR RESTAURANT French j,ver.s. f;r.e condition, $7.50. range, two OWL FURNITURE CO.. "Jo4 First st. LEAVING c inuat sell furniture of 3 S7 N. 15th St., rooms, cheap f apt SO Ma n 1 &kli. ! 15. Got iu oak eixonsioii table Hiid chairs, $JO; good Majerttie rniige, $S5; oak pnn cefs dreser, $10.75. 11 Urand ae. $2.H FURNITURE, corner rooms; llat for rt r.t. $5. touth. lower Hat, mx uL'O Broadway SLIGHTLY used ref riga t iri ; wj have a lari ae'ect ior., from S2.50 up. O W L K U RN lTL'K L CO.. 2o4 First st. FURNITURE of 5 rooms, mahogany parlor sot and inno, alt or piece ; io agents, 15 K. U2d Ht. FURNITURE of 5 rooms j ing city. Tel. Mnrnhn 11 it sacrifice; leav- F URN I TURE of a it-room f:t. cheap for ca?h. 5 lT-t Ut.N . BEAUTIFUL waed oak i:brary table, bar gain. Marsh a. 1 57".;i, Heeler Apts. FURNITURE for Union ave. ra.e, house for BABY sulky. Ftel range. k !-: on ca rt. h eat 1 1 g sovr rrh ear. Tabor ort. SECOND-HAND houehoM furnuuie for sale cheap, f'ti" Front st. South. FOR SALE A Woodlawn 4."! rug; $S; .11 deliver. Call SPECIAL 1 214 1st SALE on linoleum; half price.