lO TTTTC STTVTAT OREGOXTAN. PORTLATTO. APRIL 1G, 1916. TODAY, BEING PALM SUNDAY, IS BEGHSfNITsTG OF HOLY WEEK Roman Catholic and Episcopal Churches Are to Have Special Observance and Services Will Be Held at Baker Theater. - THIS is ralm Sunday the last Sun day before Kaster, the beginning of Holy week. In all the Koman Catholic and Episcopal churches the week will be observed with strict sol emnity. In many other churches there will be Kpe-oial service. The blv-a:;in of the palms will be an important ceremony today. These are distributed to the faithful. . Beinninsr tomorrow, a series of noon-day meetings will be held in the Bak'-r Theater under the auspices df the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. These meetings will last only half an hour. Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner will have charge of the firt-t meeting. Monflay at noon. The Tuesday meeting will be Addressed by the Kv. Thomas Jenkins, of St. David's Kptscopul church. The speakers for the remainder of the week will be; Wednesday The Rev. O. W. Taylor, Thursday The Rev. J. E- M. Simp son. Friday The very Rev. II.. M. Kara ey. Saturday Bishop Sumner. The general public Js invited. Many business m-n and women who cannot get to the regular church services will iiveil themHiwa of this opportunity. .Last year the meetings were well at tended, the addresses were all in teresting and the singing- was excel lent. J. Dimmick Taylor, evangelist, left yesterday for an extended trip to the Katt, where he will attend the Northern lapiit convention In Minneapolis and hold several meetings in Minnesota, and WiocousLn. Following is part of the official mes mkc of Lis hop Sumner to the clergy and laity of the Kplscopal iiocese of Oregon as announced in the Oregon Churchman: l-nt has been marked with rro ing ln-t-r-jt and atfndanr at divine services ifirouhoiii ln uijct.-e. On the wtioic, 1 t niriK that most of the communicants of m rhurch have gfyen up pronounced social fum-turna t' mark the, Lenten season. It ! must t-e a louict: of rer-i to many tnat all ! bvs ii'it (lout- fK. tVrr.Hp another Lent f wtn bring a till (cr-atr number who re- SM--t ti-o i.t'lMnif and practice of the ctiurch an1 urui-r their liie Cor these 40 ia accordingly. Thfm hjic been f " vr rMuctn that the C'-rgy 'i(fl' late at marriages tiuring Lent. Vhe numf.T iiai b--o jcrallf yinjriy small. hl.-h iii'lit at s that mjt people untl-r-nd liiii L- n t in a penitential seiion and liot a faiwui for weddings. I rnn''t betn 10 PxprM my pronal irra'itutlo to I'.ishop How- for his hard work in t re Cic-e i.i the interest of mist-tons. ip w am K rt constantly in action and was iwas villiHB to Kive on e more RiidrM uJierevw r waf. sent. I tried to spare hlrn an mtif-h ait possible, hut It was difficult. j-r every parish and minion In the diocese was anxiou t har him. I nm ni;i'-ii en-ouraad M- the outlook for students at St. Helen's Hall n-xt year. I am ni-Kini; t.i. -o-oerat of the rirry li y-urinj larcer iiumuer. and already v. Ei-'iinp result. Thf trust es of St. Helen's If all, together ir r. th i-t-r Superior, looked ov r tne T-uiWllne of port hind Acaiiimj, wliich is lo he rlofd thin year, with a view to a pofiyiSLa uf by St. Helen's Hall. It waf unanimously jcldd tlial lor many reasons thf I nlldlnKS would not lnd themselves to our nurpose. The matter baa Lern dropped, tnrcf'ir-. I ilo not know when I have heard more seholar'v antl Intensely interesting addresses thsn those fclv-n by the dean at the 4m rathdra; on Kriday and Sunday nights dur ing Kent. I doubt if a rarer treat couM be found In an y ni-tropjlt tan ch nrch. T hose who are missing them are undergoing a distinct loan. The 2!th annual ronvpntion of the T!piscopal -litirrhej of the Orepron dio fis will he hll May 24 and 23 in St. Stophen'8 jro-Cathedral. The Ho.e City Park Churrh. Korty fifth and Hancock streets. Rev. J. M. fkinner. pastor, will hold special pre-3-aster servi-e. today. I'assion week rvici will be hell Tuesday, Wednes day. Thursday and Friday nihtd at 7:30. Cm Tuesday nijrht Itev. Mr. Botidinot Seelcy will deliver the mes iaire. On Wednesday nisht Rev. Charles T. Haves will p-ive a steropticon lecturfe on "The Life of Christ." Mrs. Helen White Evans will sing. On Thursday nisrht the Rev. Harry Templeton. of "Vancouver, will speak and Mrs. Henry McQuade will sincr "Help Me to I'ray." by Tosi. and "Calvary." by Rodney. Kriday nipht C. X. Wonacoit will irive his illustrated locture on The Passion Play, and Mrs. J. C. Simmons will siner. On Easter Sunday morning the church hoir. under the leadership of Mrs. Keemster. will pive special Easter music and at nipht they will prlve the iirinnal Easfr musical programme. This morning the pastor will preach on the "Triumphal Entry." The choir will give special music. On Easter Sun day the pa.-tor will give a special Jiastcr message. Dr. W. W. Touncson has outlined a Passion week programme for Rose 'ity Park Methodist Church. At 9:15 A. M. today the i-urday school will have a decision service. At 11 o'clock the sermon will be on "The Sovereijrnty of the Cross." At 4:30 there will be a vesper service. For each evening at 7:30 o'clock there is a special topic leading up to Easter. . -Stainers "Crucifixion" will be plven Jt the Kirst Methodist Episcopal Church tonipht. by th quartot and vested chorus of 50 voices. For weeks the chorus has been diligently at work under the direction of Hartridge O. "Wliipp ajid its appearance tonicht will be its first in the rendition of a com plete work of the character and class of "The Crucifixion." Assisting: the chorus will he the fol lowing prominent soloists: Mi6S Goldie Peterson, soprano; Miss Alice Juston. contralto: Xorman A. Hoose. tenor and Mr. Whlpp. baritone, with Miss (iiadvs B. Morgan at the organ. This concert will take the place of the regular preaching service. In the morning, the pastor. Dr. Frank U Loveland. will have as his subject. "Crowns for Those Who Fail." On the night of April 20. Tr. Love land will give the last in his series of 1-nten addresses on "The feven Last Words of Christ." His topic will be "My Spirit." At this service, the church ouartet will sing "The Seven Last Words" (Mercadante), under the direc tion of Mr. Hoose. Waverly Heights Congregational pastor. Rev. A. C. Moses, will con duct special evangelistic meetings, preaching each night at 7:30. April 17 to 21 inclusive. At the concluding meeting Friday night the choir will -ing Stainer's "Crucifixion." under the leadership of W. F. Downing. Dr. J. r. Corby, of the Church of Oood Tidings. I'niversalist, will conduct Suniiay afternoon services at the Old People's Home. East Thirty-third and bandy boulevard, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. A Kilpack will sing. A banquet followed by an excellent programme will be given by the Deaconess Aid Society of Mount Tabor Methodist Church in the church dining room on Wednesday night. April 26, be- ginning at 6:30 o'clock. This enter tainment will be given for the benefit of the Portland Deaconesses Home. The price of admission for the entire even ing will be small. The Rose City Park Methodist Sun day school held their monthly supper and workers' meeting Tuesday night pnd 20 were present. Today is "Every Member Present Sunday." There are 381 enrolled in this school at the present time and it is expected that this will re the record Sunday Xor the year in attendance. peer jctjS CEL&- . 2plppE i - "ITZTTIr"" " 1,1 vv-, rip,...., m . , L1 ,WIWIV t JW .,.,, ,iM,,J,M, Jjm f : w.-f--lMftv'.'---f-T, -- rwn- --(rn . w.i r. rt iMnr wmim m imittttimt-Mtccwi.-ii m ir 1 Jf ''' ' rfwii ift-w ...vwXwv B ...w.o .-.-.-.,-f,,..- i-n-(l-nW-f r-ai-Vi-fliWvnfn iTifrn iw---v-YirtffliiiiYra Vi'ti VrtiVtf.ifif i'n'fTi liwiriiirtttfift'-'rrtw rnflnnlr', I ; ,.,.,,.,..,,,.,.,., .wy. . ...... bi,.,, ,,, ' mii , , ps '! .V" 'V r ' - i;j , c-i s;-.. ia. ,y r, - ?' ! A SWK , .' I, .: ... I if O J , . . . . - ? j fejcc-' ' --- -. , 4' f ry4 ' ' " ' S ' ' ' ' ' ' .. . .yl --:.-.:.-.-.v.-.w. ::.::.:o:ftvv...-..: .- . -Ae.' " " "7""""'1 ' 1,11 " LL"',' 'LJJJ'" V" ,J' 1 J ' 1 L I JOHWil Ml . lU ..-.J ) M I II I U III L III ---.--IJIIJM00l ,ll,,!,,',,l-,.l1J,,l,l'".,'V'Jfy.-.;'.J. WWMflW CHUlIt OK ST. DAVIDS UIMSl'Ol'AL CHLRCH. Photo by Fershin's Studio. i " i ' I " " Decision Services Are to Be Held This Week. Klrat Christian Church Will Have Meeting Kant Mubt. Baptism lie las; Announced for Wednesday. D' ECISIOX Services at the First Christian church will be the pro gramme this week, beginning this morning. There will be three invita tions extended, th first being in the Sunday School at S:4j. Rev. George Darsic will speak on "A Text foriPalm Sunday''at 11 o'clock. His theme at 7:30 will be "The Beginning Point," At the morning service the quartet will sing. "Palm Branches," (P.rucke) and Mrs. G. F. Alexander, "Some Day the Silver Chords Will Break.". At night, the quartet will sing. "Hark. Hark My Soul" (Ambrose), and Mr. An derson, "I Think When 1 i It-ad That Sweet Story of Old." There will b scrvics each night this week at 7:30. Clarence Sprague will lead the congregational music, supported by a large chorus choir. Mrs. O. F. Alexander will have the direc tion of the special music. Rev. George Darsie will preach. Following is the programme: Decision Night, Monday, Sermon. "A Matter of Choice"; bass tolo, Walter Hardwig. Young Men's Night. Tuesday. Sermon. "The Reasonableness of Religion." Quartet, and contralto solo by Miss Mabel Orton, "Some Day May Be Too Late." Baptism Night. Wednesday, Sermon, "What Is to Hinder?" or "Baptism What It Is, and What It Is For." Solo by Mrs. . F. Alexander, "I Shall See My Saviour's Face." Young Women's Night, Thursday. Sermon. "Mary and Martha." Quartet. "Behold I Stand at the Door." Junior Night. Friday. Illustrated ser mon on "CTandlcs." Solo by Mrs. A. E. Braden, "Somewhere, Sometime." The special services will close Easter with a sermon at 11 A. M.. on "Who Shatl Roll Away the Stone?" and a C:mtata at 7:30 p. M.. by the quartet, "The Lord of Light j.nd Love." Last Sayings of Our Savior, Topic for Good Friday. Clasa of 14 Prepared for Confirma tion at St. J a men' Lutheran Church by Itev. J. Allen Leas. GOOD FRIDAY services will be held at St, James' Lutheran Church next Friday at 8 P. M. The choir will ren der several appropriate" numbers and Rev. J. Allen Leas will speak on the "Seven Last Sayings of Our Lord." Preparatory services will also be held and communion administered to those who cannot come on Eastern Sunday morning. This morning- a class of 16 young people will be confirmed at St. James' Lutheran Church. West Park and Jef ferson streets. Some of these young people have been attending class during the last year, while a large number will continue next year, thus having two full seasons of instruction before confirmation. Be sides the weekly lectures, devotions and heart-to-heart talks. much written work is done. This year more than 300 questions-covering the whole field of elementary religious instruction were answered in writing and many Scrip ture references committed. The cate chumen is always urged the neces sity of a familiarity with the Bible and a working knowledge of its contents. Rev. Mr. Leas says that he was much pleased to have a request from the entire class of catechumens of last year to come to communion in a body at this Easter season. The request was granted. Mrs. T. M. Hurlbtirt was hostess on Thursday for a benefit tea for the Aid Society of Immanuel Ltheran Church. The afternoon was a decided success. Pastor's Unique Invitation Is Filling His Church. IlrV. George Kdward Uirli Will Preach Tonight on "Oregon Klnga" at Highland Congregational. R1 EV. GEORGE EDWARD LEWIS. the new pastor of the Highland Congregational Church, at Prescott and Sixth streets, near Union avenue, is taking up his work with vim and en ergy. Recently he got out a card that attracted widespread interest and in answer he is drawing large congrega gatlons. Here are some extracts from his invitation: "Something for everybody. All wel come. Dogs not wanted. Bring the babies. A few seats free if you find them empty." Tonight at 7:30 o'clock Mr. Lewis will preach on "Oregon Kings." He Is a former evangelist, but has been in charge of large Eastern churches. The thirty-first annual convention of the Oregon State Sunday School As sociation will be held in The Dalles, April 27-29, in the First Methodist Chiirch. Prominent speakers frori all parts of the state will participate. Thooe who waul to arrange tor the Harvard plan of entertainment should write to Mrs. R. H. Weber. The Dalles. For the Palm Sunday vesper service at the V. W. C. A., today at 4:30 o'clock, Charles X. Wonacott. of the Y. M. C. A.. will give a stereopticon talk on the "Passion Play of Oberammergau." As an introduction. Mr. Wonacoit will tell of his own experiences when he at tended the miracle play. J. W. Palmer will sing "The Palms." All vesper services are free and every girl it, most welcome. Come and stay to the social hour at 5:30 o'clock, is the invitation. "Can a Thinking Man Accept the Ideals of a Free Catholic Church?" will be Rev. W. 1. Eliot's theme this morn ing at 11 o'clock at the Church of Our Father. At the vesper service at 5 1'. M. Mr. Eliot will speak upon "Slack ers and Enlisters in the Holy War." A public lecture is announced for Thursday evening, April 20, at 8 o'clock in the chapel, on "The History of the First Unitarian Church of . Portland." A service will be hold in the chapel on Good Friday evening at 8 o'clock. First Universalist Church to Hold Rally Today. U(nbllbmcnt of Church Seven Years Ao Will U Observed and Imnrea le Ceremonies Recalled. A RALLY and double anniversary service will be held this morning at the First Universalist Church. Broadway and East Twenty-fourth street. Seven years ago a company of worshipers gathered under the noble firs which then covered the site of the present beautiful church, and with im pressive ceremonies broke ground for the new ediiice. Rev. W. H. MeOlauflin. genera.1 su perintendent of Universalist churches, gave the address. and was as sisted by Dr. Lewis, Dr. T. L. Eliot and Dr. J. D. Corby. A picture of those taking part in the ceremonies now hangs in the parlor of the church. Special features in connection with this celebration, will be a musical pro gramme under the direction of George Upthegrove and A. Humphreys, the organist, assisted by severa.1 vocalists. At this Palm Sunday service, the spiritual message of the Universalist pastor is always one of joy and good cheer and Dr. Corby has selected a message for the day particularly up lifting and inspiring. Arrangements to take a photograph of the congrega tion and Sunday school have been made, and pictures of many of the classes will be made for the permanent records of this growing church. Itev. Mr. McGlaul'lin. the general superintendent of the Universalist churches, was a visitor to the Church of Good Tidings last week. He ex pressed himself as gratified at the fine results shown and counseled with the board regarding the extension work contemplated by the denomination along the Coast. Last Sunday G. C. Spokesfield. one of the laymen of the church, gave a stirring talk on the "Value and Im portance of Church Membership." and the pastor gave the invitation for other members for the class of new members for Easter. w Services will be held every night this week in Central Methodist Church, Van couver avenue and Fargo street. Rev. C. C. Rarick will speak this morning, giving an appropriate Palm Sunday ser mon on the "Triumphal Entry." Rev. C. C. Rarick went' to Centralia during the week to visit his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Althauser. PASTOR OF IRVIXGTON METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND HIS WIFE, WHO WILL ENTER NEW FIELD SUNDAY. A ) v f X i ' Wy - tMMi,iffltti.i M, m.-mm it, v , """lfVajaana-s''"T Rev. S. A. Danford. formerly distrl ct superintendent of Bismarck and of Fargo districts in North Dakota, and p rominent In Methodism, will take charge of the newly formed Methodis t church which will occupy the old premises of the Westminster Presbyte rian Church at East Tenth and Weid ler streets. . Mrs. Danford. who is an active worker in church societies, will assist her husband in inaugurating the work in the new field. The Methodist Church hus obtained an option on the property and the deal will probably be closed within a short time. Dom J. Zan to Sing "The Palms" Today at Church. Itev. John II. lloyd Will Preach on "Old Tblrstn and New - Satisfac tions" at First Presbyterian Edifice. EASTER First Pn WEEK opens at the resbyterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, with special Palm Sunday services at 10:30 A. M. today. The pastor. Dr. John II. Boyd, will preach on "Old Thirsts and New Satisfactions." and the choir will give special music appropriate to the day, the anthem, "The Entrance Into Jeru salem." and a baritone solo by Dom J. Zan, "The Palms." . At the evening service. 7:30 o'cTock, the pastor will preach on "Ought a Religious Man Join the Church?" Every evening during the week "Spe cial Services of -Memory" will be held in the chapel at 7:45 o'clock, in prepa ration for the coming Easter day. A series of intimate talks will be given by the pastor concerning the "Last Hours of J.esus." with a number ot specially interesting features, leading up to the commemoration of Good Fri day, in the rendition of the cantata, "The Triumph of the Cross." by the chorus, under the direction of E. Mald wyn Evans. The entire programme of the week points toward the Easter day. with its regular EasteY Sunday service in the morning and a service of song at 7:30 P. M, The culmination of the Easter season will come in. the gigantic after noon meeting, at 4 o'clock, when a class of more than 150 persons will be received into church membership. Par ents will bring their children to be baptized at this service, and the sacra ment of the Lord's Supper will be ob served This afternoon service of con secration and memory is an annual day of rejoicing in the First Presbyterian Church, and marks the climax of the year's activities. Scandinavians Will Close Re vival Services Today. Rev. J. Wllman Stavney 'Will Have Charge of Last of Services in Series. rpllE final meeting of the revival JL series for . the nine Scandinavian churches will be held at the Swedish Tabernacle, Seventeenth and Glisan streets, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. J. Wllman, of the Swedish Methodist Church, will be the speaker and Rev. J. A. Stavney. of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, will have charge of the service. Two choirs will sing. This service a three weeks' revival the Scandinavian people will complete series amon of Portland. The large choir of the Swedish Tabernacle will sing at the union revival service Friday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. A. Stavney, of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, will be the speaker This is the last meeting this week of this series among the nine Scandi navian churches of Portland. The choir of Immaculate Heart Church, Williams avenue and Stanton streets, under the direction of Mrs. Catherine Covach-Fredrich. will give Monestel's beautiful cantata, "Seven Last Words of Christ." this Palm Sun day night. The soloists will be Miss Zita Manning. Miss Esther Hogan, Scott Kent. F. Tomlinson and E. Louis Fredrich. Miss Ethel Mahony will pre side at the organ, and Miss Julia C. Burke will play as a violin solo "In flammatus Est." from Rossini's "Stabat Mater." Rev. Father Raymond will de liver a sermon on "Music." Following is the personnel of the choir: Misses Zlta Manning, Catherine Frainey, Marie Mapert, Mae Barr, Edna Halstead, Addie Thayer, Irene Bloch, Julie Blanc, Christie Desiata. Isabel Mur phy, Gertrude Hogan. Esther Ho gan. Scott Kent. Ed Darby. Jack Darby. E. J. McLaughlin, F. Tomlinson and K. Louis Fredrich. . In Pilgrim Congregational Church this morning an appropriate musical programme will be given by quartet, soloists and male chorus. On Easter the choir will give "The Easter King.' D. V. Poling will direct. At the regular church service of the Vernon Presbyterian Church tonight a dozen members will give their experi ences In personal work and their views of the results of the Spring campaign in Portland and Vernon. Communion services of the Vernon Presbyterian Church will be held Fri day evening, April 21. Reception of new members will take place Easter Sunday morning. It is expected that at least 20 and possibly over 40 will unite with the church at this service. Bishop Sumner Will Conduct Confirmation Today. Rev. J. E. II. Simpson Will Officiate at Oood Friday Services at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. B1 ISHOP WALTER T. SUMNER will preside at the 11 o'clock service at St. Mark's Episcopal Church this morn ing and will conduct the .confirmation. The blessing and distribution of the palms will be an important service. At tire Good Friday thpes hours' serv ice the rector, the Rev. J. E. H. Simp son, will conduct the three hours' serv ice. Bishop Sumner will conduct the con firmation at St. Stephen's pro-Cathe-orai tonight and he will preach the ser mon and officiate at the service on Easter morning in the pro-Cathedral. A class of 20 young people will bo confirmed at the Zioti Congregational Church, corner Ninth and Fremont streets, this Sunday morning. The names of those in the confirmation class are as follows: Alexander Lenhardt.' Emilie Schoes sler, Maria Miller, Paulina Pfenning, William Schlitt. Maria Julia Hopp. John Schlitt, Frieda Krieger. John Koch, Katie Knippel, Katie Miller. Christina Urbach, Elizabeth Aschenbrenner, Adolph Koehler. Lydia Swartz. Jacob Schmer. Jenny Maria Lind, Henry Al bert, William Herder and Anialia Krie ger. Vocal solos will be sung by Mrs. Judge Fred L. Olson, in addition to special music by the church choir and orchestra. Services will be conducted by Itev. John H. Hopp. pastor of the church, at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Passion week will be celebrated at Calvary Presbyterian Church, Eleventh and Clay streets. The Itev. Oliver S. baum will hold a service every even ing except Saturday in the chapel. . A sustained interest in the manifold activities of the Firt Congregational Church Is one of the encouraging facts in tne life of this gfat church. Dur ing the past week the following or ganizations have held successful meet ings: The Silver Circle, which met on Thursday with Mrs. T. S. Tbwnsend at her home in Laurelhurst; the League and Business Girls' Club, both meet ing in the church parlors on Tuesday. An especially interesting and enter tuining programme has been planned by the Romans Missionary Society for the annual thank-offering meeting, which is to be held on Wednesday, April 19. at 2 P. M., in the church par lors. Rev. A. J. Sullens, home mis sionary superintendent for Oregon and Idaho, will deliver the address and the quartet of the First Congregational Church will provide musical numbers, The Young People's Society is mak ing its plans for one of the most at tractive occasions given under its aus pices this year. This will be in the nature of a banquet. April 28, to be followed by a programme .interesting to young and old alike. The Lenten services on Thursday evening, at which time the pastor. Dr. Dyott. is giving Bible readings, are well attended. Dr. Dyott is assisted by some of the best musical talent in the city. There will be special Palm Sunday services in the First Congregational Church today at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Dr. Dyott will deliver the sermons and the quartet will provide special music In addition to his regular services on Palm Sunday, Dr. Dyott will address the Young Men's Forum of the First Methodist Church at 12:30 P. M., his special theme being, "Christianity During and Following the Reforma tion." The East Side Christian Church will conduct a one-week evangelistic meet ing, beginning today. The music will be under the direction of Mrs. Maude Springer Watkins. The pastor; .A. L. Crim, who has devoted much time to evangelistic work, will speak each evert ing. General invitation to the public. Feast "of Passover Recalls Days of Oppression. Hebrews of Portland Are to Begin Obxervanee Tomorrow of Ordi nances - Heminding: - of Israel's Flight From Egypt. PORTLAND Jewish people are pre paring to celebrate the feast of Passover, which falls on the lath day of Nisan, corresponding this year with Tuesday, April IS. The celebration be gins tomorrow with sundown. The manner of its observance was deter mined largely by the biblical ordi nances concerning this feast. It is to 4 t EASTER MUSIC. Choirmasters are asked to send in Easter programmes typewrit ten, double spaced, by Wednes day. Address Easter Music, Ore gon ian. be observed for a. period of seven days. Those who cherish customs that orig inated after Bible times will keep the feast eight days. The ceremonials are such as are calculated to bring home the historical event which the feast commemorates, namely, the new-born freedom vouch safed to Israel after the long period of oppression endured under Egyptian tyranny. The eating of unleavened bread is enjoined a number of times in the bib Sunday Churck Services ADVANCED THOUGHT. FpirUual Tmple, corner sixth and Mont gomery streets- Services 'Tuesday utter noon at 'J:30 o'clock, Tuesday evening at S o'clock, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock ; sptcla.l music. Put lie cordially invited. Temple of Universal Kellowshlp Rev. J. It. Dickey, pastor. Service at illeventh street, corner Columbia, at 7 :4.i p. M. ; occult Wssons on the Bible, followed, by answering questions. ADVENT. Advent Christian. 4'iS Second street, near Hall street Rev. J. S. Lucas, pastor. Preaching. 10:o0: Sunday school, 12; Liyal Workers, 6::0; preaching. :A4J': prayer meet ing, Inursaay evening, i :oO. ADVENTIST5S. (Services of this denomination are held on Saturday.) Central. Kast Eleventh and Everett Elder p. C Haywanl. pastor. Sabbath school, JO p rea.cn ing, 1 1 ; prayer meeting. Wednesday CUL'HCH NOTICKS- DUE THURS DAY. All church announcements and notices must reach the editorial rooms of The Oregonian before 4 ::i0 o'clock Thursday, if th y are to ap pear in the Sunday paper. evening, 7:30 and 8:30; Y. K. S., Friday evening. 7:45. Muntavllla, East Eighteenth and Everett J. K. ittjatty, local eider. anoam bcoooi, 10; preaching, 11; Y. I, meeting, 4; prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7;3: Helping Hand Society, 1 :30 Tuesday. Lnts. Ninety-fourth street . and Klfty cignth avenue Southeast L. J. Chit wood. local elder. Sabbath school, 10; preaching, i.2; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, S. St Johns. Central avenue and Charles ton street E. I. Ilurlburt. locai elder, Sab- Vath school. 10; preaching. 11 ; prayer jieeting. Wednesday evening, 8. Mount Tabor, East Sixtieth and Belmont C. J. Cummlngs, pastor, saooatn pcnooi, iu; preaching. 11; prayer meeting. Wednesday tvening. 7:40. A I bin a (German). Skidmore and Mallory A. C. Schweitzer, local elder. Sabbath school, lu::0; preaching, 11:30; Sunday evening special services. 8; prayer meeting, Wednes day evening, 7:4o. Scandinavian. Thirty-ninth avenue and Sixty-second street Elder O. E. Sandnes, pastor. Sabbath school, 10; preaching. 11 ; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, 7 :45. Tabernacle. West Side, Knights of Pythias Hall, Eleventh and Alder streets Elder E. W. Catllu, pastor. Sabbath school, lo; preaching, 11; Saturday evening, Bible study at 7:30; young people's meeting at 8 P. M. ASOClATKD BIBLE STUDENTS. Meetings in Avnun Hall, " Thirteenth street, between Washington and. Burnside, today. 1:45 P. M.. M. Chandler and George Kawcett; 3 P. M., discourse by N. M. Lew ton; 4:S0 P. M.. praise and testimony meet ing; 7:80, public lecture by J. A. Bailey, topic, "The Path of the Just." BAPTIST. First. "White Temple, Twelfth and 'Tay lor streets U :30, Sunday school, classes for all ages; 11 and 7:iiu, preaching services; 6:13. B. Y. P. V. East Side, East Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10, Sun day scnool; 11. preaching by the pastor, theme, "The l.ctrtne of Justification: What Is It?" 6:15. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:H0, preaching, by Rev. J. M. Nelson, of Lrents. j Glencoe. East Forty-fifth and Main Rev. B. Waltz, pastor. 9:45, Bible school; 11, preaching Dy tne pastor, ineme, -pam ana the Pagans"; 6:15, B. Y. P. U.v. 7:30, preach ing by Rev. W. J. Beaven. Calvary. East Eighth and Grant streets Rev. Thomas Stephenson, pastor. 10. Bible school; 11 and 7:30, preaching by the pas tor; 6:30. B. Y. P. U. St. Johns Rev. B. P.. Borden, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; 11, preaching by Dr. C. A. Wooddy; 6:15, B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30, preaching by tne pastor. Tabernacle. East Forty-sixth and Holgate Rev. Walter Duff, acting pastor. 10. Sun day school; 11. preaching; 1, B. Y. P. U.; 7:30. preaching by tne pastor. . SwedishrFinnish Baptist Mission meets lical regulations touching the observ ance of the Passover feast. Unleavened bread is characterized as the "bread of affliction." and is also referred to in the Bible as the bread that was un leavened because of the enforced hasty departure from Egypt. In post-biblical times the earnest desire to keep the Injunctions most scrupulously led the teachers of Israel to enact laws, such as the use of special dishes that had been guarded from contact with leaven, and' reserved only for the Passover sea son. A charming and effective feature in the celebration of the feast is the spe cial Seder service around the festive family board on the first evening of the feast, to which the orthodox add a second evening. At this family service a special ritual known as the "Hasea--dah" is read. This ritual contains the story of the redemption from servitude, certain reflections inspired by the mem ories of old and certain psalms. This is followed by the festal meal, after which grace is recited. The service concludes with the reading of additional psalms, the recitation of prayers and the sins ing of time-honored hymns. To this home service stranger and homeless are cordially invited. On the table In front of him who presides over the meal are placed objects rem iniscent of the ancient service and servitude, such as bitter herbs, re minder of tho bitter lot of those who toiled in Egypt; a roast bone, calling to mind the ancient paschal lamb: a, roasted egg, memorial of the free-will offering that was brought in addition to the paschal lamb; parsley and thi bowl of salt water, symbolizing tho hyssop and its use in the first Pass over observed in Egypt, and a. confec tion of nuts and apples to represent tho clay which Israel worked into bricks. The recent Congregational meeting at the Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church was the largest ever before, attended. Reports from all the departments showed marked progress. The elders elected were William H. St. Clair. A. M. Beebe and C. A. Muir. The board of trustees consists of George Vath, E. M. Underwood. William E. Finzer. J. J. Kadderly. W. W. Porter and W. Cook. S. W. Lawrence was re elected superintendent of the Sunday school. Supper was served by the La dies' Aid Society. Special services will be held in Pied mont Presbyterian Church. Cleveland avenue and Jarrett street, during Pas sion week. These services begin today with special "Palm Sunday" pro gramme. In the evening the Firielli. Chapter of the Westminster Guild will have charge of the general service, providing some special feature, and the women will usher. Monday night will be Sunday school night. A special illustrated sermon will be given by Dr. Hutchison, and members of the school will have gen eral charge. Tuesday night the Wom an's Auxiliary will be responsible for some special features. Wednesday night the young women of the Pied mont Chapter will be in special evi dence. Thursday night the Altar Guild will have charge and provide special features. Friday night the Young Men's Club and the Christian Endeavor will rally the audience. All these services will titrike the evangelistic note leading up to the Easter rally. Interest is being devel oped in these meetings and gratifying results are confidently expected. All services begin at 8 o'clock and last one hour. Arrangements are in progress to pur chase a new organ for the Clatsop Plains Presbyterian Church, of which Rev. Alfred Bates is the pastor. Special music will be rendered by the. Warrenton choir at the evening service, 8 o'clock. Rev. Alfred Batea will give the. address. He is a former Portland pastor. at 7:4 in the lower White Temple, Twelfth, and Taylor streets. Grace, Monta villa Rev. H. T. Ca!h, pas tor. 0:45. Sunday school ; 1 1 and 7:30, preaohing services ; fi ; 3. B. Y. P. IT- Lenta Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 10, Sunday school : 11 and 7 :30, preaching by the pastor; :30. B. Y. P. U. Third, Vancouver avenue and Knott street Rev. W. J. Beaven, pastor. lcf Sunday school; 11 and 7:::0. preaching by the pastor; fi::0, B. Y. P. T lnversity Park. Fiske and Drew street Rev. C. L.. Basket t, pastor. 0 :0O, Sunday school ; 11 and 7 preaching by tho pas tor: 6:30. B. Y. P. U. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streeta Rev. vf. A. Magett, pastor. Services, 11 antf ; Sunday school. H'r.'iO. First German. Fourth and Mill streets Rev. Jacob Pratt, pastor. t:45. Sunday school; 11 and 7:30. prachins by the pastor. Second German, Morris and Rodney i:4."I, Sunday school: preaching services, 11 and 8; B. Y. P. V., 7 Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tih betts streets Rev. Krancisco Saiinlla, pan tor. 10, Sunday school ; 10 :3o, short ser mon for English-speaking people; 11, preach ing service; 7. pastor's circle (prayer serv ice ; 8. preaching service. The Young Men's Class (K. Y. AT. C of the Highland Baptist Church. Kast Sixth and Alberta streets, meets at 0:45 A. M. Sunday; al! young men are urged to attend. Goodwill Mission, Fifteenth and Boise streets u, address. CATHOLIC. Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets. Rev. E. V. O'Hara. Mass, a, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45; hich mass. 11: evening service, 7:45. St. Lawrence, Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. C. Hughes. Mass. . S:30; high mass. lO:30. evening service. 7:30. St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savter streets Rev. E. P. Murphy. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:3O; evening service, 7 ;:to. St. Francis', Eaft Eleventh and Oak strets Rev. J. H. Black. Mass. ti, H, 0; high mass. 10:30 ; evening service, 7 :.".(. Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams ave. nue and Stanton street Rev. w. A, Daly. Mass. , S. 9; high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:30. Holy Rosary. Fast Third and Clackamas . Rev. C. J. Olson. Mass. G. 7. 8. 9; higti mass, 1 1 ; evening service, 7:30. The Madeline. East Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou Rev. ";. K. Thompson. Maes. 7:"lO, 0; high mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:45. St. Andrews. East Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. T. Kiernan. Mass. 8; high mass. 10;:;0; evening service. 7:30. Ascension, East Yamhill and East Seventy sixth Franciscan Fathers. Mass. S; high mass, 10:ao; evening service, 7:.'M. Blessed Sacrament, Maryland avenue ami Blandena street Rev. B. V. Kelly. Mas, 8; hiKh mass. K :30; evening service, 7:30. Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and Vancouver avenue Rev. K. H. Miller. Mass. 6, 8; hiph mass, 10::o; evening service. 7:-'. St. Ignatius. 322V Forty-third street South east Jesuit Fathers. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7 :.. Holy Cross. 774 Bowrlyln street Rev. C. Raymond. Mass, g; high mass, 10:30; even ing t-ervice, 7:30. Sacred Heart, East Eleventh and Center Rev. G. Robl. Mass. 8; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. St. Agatha. East Fifteenth and Miller Rev. J. CummiFky. Mass. 8; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. St. Joseph (German Fifteenth and Coiicti streets Rev. B. Durrer. Mass. 8; high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7 :30 St. Clare's. f-aoUol Hill Franlsoe:n Fathers. Rev. Father Mod est us. Low mass. 7:30; high mass and benedicitlon, 9:20; ser mon at both masses. St. Stanislaus ( Italian i. Maryland avenue and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. Mathw, Mens. 8; high mass, 10:3O; evening service. 7 .30. St. Clements, Smith and Newton street Rev. C. smith. Mass, S; high mass, 10:30; " evening service, 7:0. St. Peter's. Lents Rev. P. Buetren. Mass, 8; high mass. 10::iO; evening service, 7:30. St. Charles. Thirty-fourth and Killinps worth Rev. G. Snlderhorn. Mass, 8; nig mass. 10:30; evening service, 7 :30. St. Roue's, Fifty-third and Alameda streets Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, pastor. Maes, 8 and 10 a. M. ; evening devotion, 7:30. St. Michael's -(Italian. Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers: M- J. Balestra. S. J., pastor. Low mass. 8 :.SO; high mass, 10 :30 ; evening service, 7 :30. St. r-teptu-n's. corner Fast Forty-second and Taylor streets Rev. Warren A. Waltt, (Concluded on Page 11 Columu .)