The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 16, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 34

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I- urnu- bed A purtmpnti.
m. fUir ft.. Cor. Washington. beautifully situat? 5-roora
froi.t MpiiuticLt, : soon. Bleeping
pore nill pir;ment, Lac ft --lor
Zoom . re I trances rtquireU. Ma.isha.1 -30.
A lwLii THAT id
1 -.let
p-u'.ir iOtb. tod cAiOion fit,
v. . . 1 Known
cf hitn tat Standing
A hje of (UltiU,
o:; !ur: And
Fifth and Columbia Ft.
Tlv iri.-.utpr to Meier A Frank
tore; good urroririiinr; strictly modern
'J. and 3-r'jom r-urnisa. d apartments. 1
feuttdde. win Frecn i!:.on and balconies.
L I u rn 7 h cd A iiartmfnt .
l'i' n ar. I H .ncx-k. Among the Iinrsl I rvi;.i;:n ; f::ie 5-room apa.rt-
ra.-n-.3, UM'a c.-.i f .oors. tile batn, meant
leie, ::-::. c lirrp! i- gjS rai:t-'e, privat
f ror.t por n, sle-pint'-porch, janitor serv
ice; 0(.i . c k tj
I". E. Uo'a rr.aa A- "Jo,, -72 Stark Bt.
Mam 3"2;. A 1-31.
Eout:.vct corrwr 2Jtu and Lovejoy sta ;
fine iofAi.on, c.cse to carline, new and
r.iudern. Lret-clas In every respect. 3 and
. 4 ro-jjnj; oet oX service. Phono
19:h and C'oucii iti. Marshall -30-i. Mod
m ne lu;l'-iii? ; 2, 3, 4-roora unfur
nished apa-t:iit-r.u with shower bath and
very Cvntnli:nce.
Li'.nj E A PARTM EXTii
25t:i ai.-i .NurturuiJ.
Flx lar'. outride ruoma; hat, water,
phone, janitor, i - lon-'e i-x.-at im ; ruii-ccd
rf ti'ji-i; r.e-.v "-?e- i i:.g p rcg. M-iin -p'S.
E. -lull and Ash.
Thre rooms and bath, new, clean, quiet,
convt-nituti, oo &t iP2. Call at Apt. No.
2 today.
CL'.KI.IA Al'Aii'i'AuCNT., 7H U..n Un
f jriiisr;'- 1 o-ro-jrii a p a.r t men: w, w;:h bal
cony, 4 22.5't,. oilier, 4-i. OiiO furnished
a t It.
fcHEFFIEED APTS., 27o Broadwav S. One
4 -room unrurni&hed first-floor corner apt.;
separate bear-join ar.d ail ped in liv uig
roo.n ; ery a iiranin. Main 25C'ij, A 314 J.
iToT-WATEi: heated, new, 4, 5 ruonia and
bream fast-room ; sleeping porch
and C'lnv-r.kncj; broad "Verandas; iiard
uo'"! I. oors; $25. tVoo'iiattn loS.
fcTEVENS Most fwii:foriaiii apts. In ini
c;i ; :x lar-e cutMdc, sunny rooms; plenty
of It it. hot water. phoi;e. iront, back and
Sleeping i orcr.-a. Tui Northrup t. nr. LMth,
I'.O.T up-to-ii;iie U-ru'im apt. In city; litrht
ai-.iL .ury; pr.vat piioii--. rjnl oiily $15
i.p- v.-:: : k:rif tiitlancB. L55 Cliupniun, cor
Ti r M;.!.
i ; i. !,NT --t'K'tii pi ri'-t iy uio'i-rn a pa r t
m :its; n.w t ri'JK t-uil l:n; outsid'J, Imht
a.-. J a r ioorr;a; r-rii on: $ 1 " p-r m-mtn.
T1:-1 : ii.:;:in , f :i r ; m : . t .-. :;",." Chapman.
A I A i:
.;.:.-:nTS Private bath.
. ru." fttjtsi-i! rooms, fine vi-w ;
9 1 'i per month. M. K. Lev, 0U5
t l M M Eli ra; ; .". 4 rooms, hardwood
iur, wa.kiD distance. Portnotnaii, -uu
-roo:n apt. with sun porch and den, also
S wi'h p.epinit porch. Main 3.VS.
K A PT H;h and Ciay sis. Hand.
9 ur. f ;irn is ii--d u p.irt:n n t s fir renns
li.o:t t-r:ant only. Tel. Marshall r,.0.'t.
IOVKii APARTMENTS, 3 and 4 rooms, un
f .jrn.h-'d. brick building. 915 and $ld.
3' I'- v-r st Marshall 4338.
n and 4 -r..tru a
a:-t . a I modern convenl
(l.ataace. Ma.n 1 1 'J J.
" walking
At E A PARTM KNTS, 2 tth anil Northrup.
-roi-Ti nioi!.;r'i apart rn-r.tfl. Marfhali lOT'..
-; i n. MON DE One mo-lern 0-room apt.,
." h Pr:i- rs. Nob It 111. Main .151.
COi.EE'iE. rn.s., Jo; 4 rma., Close
i:.. i an 1 "ok.-t-v 555 a.
Tii.-. MAC!.!.'
Par-?, iiht.
I ' i ii. 1' I t and Klan-Ior
. U rms.. reaa. M 7516. A 2474
Iri.; AME::PAN. 1:1st ar.d John "on a, 4,
r.-onn, reasonable. Mar-hall
'i-- p'
out rooms;
r.-. Mar. 17"'
f p.
Find E. A-U; l;ir;) 5-rooni,
h ir.
I 1 -.oors ; Muy i.
j. k-i: r a ! a HT.ri: nts a i:e the
T"y a .-o (.....ii., lnwinlly, o-i t ward !
M"I:a LLV. A'.. botii piiont-s.
' .' 'lev : ( r. nil O Ut M.t stj : I . ( ;
'i'KI' Tf-V M jiEHN; 3 rionn, un'ui
1, $'V."f'; 4 r ;io; fur
i - i at and :;7.5.. ll'EAI, I.O:.
Ti' '. i " T ' aa ri. r... cor. King. SEE
Ti: i:.d T'-I'AV.
1CQ Vifcta tve., r:tar li'td and WahlrtFfon;
lars;?. attract! e, snuny outsPie room;
private tai"oi:ies. modern. uptrior serv
ice, unsurpassed view, walking distance.
Furnished or I nfurnl-hed.
All lorat.ons, all sizes, ail prlres.
Ma?n UU1.. A 2015.
Free auto moid. e fcervlct. Phone tor ap-
El''K KAiiTi-'oIUi ."1 and 4-room apart
ments, t urnished or uiifurmihl.
c Itra n, with KOO'i -t ice, sle'-pi" A Io re h .-,
front, .Ieator. pnorics; r-r.t very
r: -i -ir..e-. Ju7 N. -lt. i'honu Marshall
T-arpept, mo.-it homeliKe. high - clans
apartments In city; t urnined and unfur
tjjUfd; eiecp.n? p jrch; waiktns distance.
Furnished arid UTfurnine-l '2, 3 and 4
Toom ; rn ''Jerate rates, good service.
y- A E M E N T APARTMENT tTrlClAL,, iiarsuail Jy01-yu4. "V" car lst
and Irving.
Lucretla st., near 23d ar.d Washington
ts., from 2 to 5-roora apts., most modern
apt -hoii-e, with Ist-class service; rents
rtaaonaole ; ref. rei i red. M g r.. Mar. 151 3.
A N D 3-room furnished apartments, SJO
ar. l $25.
ii and 4-ronm unfurnished apart-m-ng,
$li;.50 to fr,. inquire 7 N. ir.tii.
3 roms. furni-h-'d or r.ut. modern; no
chi l'i r- n ; rtlertuteu ; walking dwtance.
i-; , ; i'o7
ii E BL'l.n A ViaTA, 12th and Harrison;
strictly modern, a. 1 outside apartments;
Ideal loca: on, references. Phone Main
lo'i and i'.',2.
iSKNrKLD if-rik) 14th and E Stark.
Mf-l'-rn and 4-rom furniHhd or un-
I'm itMtiel. I'rivate l hone; outride rooms,
o ii-t : r'-fon.itd-; refer-rn eH.
.iit'. i.KONAi'.i ',-roorii auarimeijts, tur
t.. '.! rr; ca.l from 1 6
!'. E. Main.
'KNI.-H E & ui res of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at
HI1: K! Iincsworth ave. ; .low rent, close
to ' ir. PhoM W-wdiawn 1 07.
1N'-UAVI-? APTS.. 54 Kir. t. 3 and 4; h ish c.a.j; r- : ort- r. Main 'J'-5S.
irlt.'r.L'ITii 3 and 4-room apts.. very re
t,:.a:.e. 7PJ Wain., opp. I'Ud. Main i!34.
K LA nT" II R S "'5 - ro o ttTsl sTuntur$Z'70.
Fr.n. .5 mon t h M a i i M'". 1.
EX A R M.S. 1 i. n a
3 roo:ns. reasor.a;.
E. M rr.rt -ii 2 and
i.iodem :rvlre.
AND 5-ro. ti r" i tp. rorr.-r Ce eiand and
a I ' r .i . 1 ' I' vet n l a ve.
"n I 4."1- J.fTer.on,. i;ear
M mo..era fit, 177 'Ir-tn ave., near
P. -k. M. A l7t.
-I :! rrtod.-rn trid f-roont fiat. TJth and
M . r) - .p. 44 .V:!l. .M nn 4'H.t.
a-td bar h 731 IJ t
I M-.n 27t.
--, rnod
0 er ton.
ii r a le,
O-i... in f ,i, an'i H ii. M..iii
.vuii, ovl E. llta st. East Vv3. I
i'l "V 4 -r "t'M fa, i ' n t m. w -ml and aj
r .- . --.-p-- p,,r. n. .'.; Market st.
- 1 ' f.'-or-. i. TO K. Ma-Jr m.
f .t. f. r. i.o'i.Vn"
'.-.k. or. :..r.t..!:o.-,n.
EST SIDE 1 room, newly kalsomlned
f ars fitif neighborhood, near new Couch
Scf.ool, furnace, flrtpiace, every conven
1 no-. .SVe th'-rn today.
7J3, Karny J25.00
1 1 kt a rney iJ-.aO
Call at 14 Second St.
Several (lat.i at to 1 -J on East Side.
iiMt. ffvn Uii:iiiT-M walk of Morrison
n Mi :i'n bridir"?!. ST. fHA R EES
l.aN'I' L'"4 Morrison Marr.a!l 4.1.
EEAI IIKLLLY located duplex corner flat,
modern. accee:ule to business and
ch urches; half month's rent free to de-
.rabie permanent tenant. Owner, (ki lUtb
st. N., bet. la :a and Everett.
$ 1 w .'o IN M.I: I I NCI water, modern C-room
upper, furna'e, fireplace. lutch kitchen,
etc. ; East li th and lavis. i'itone Wood
law n 4373-
R vM HOP.- E N'-w ly tinil ; two lots,
all kind fruit, lowers and. pla foi
jraiden; low rent. phone Tabor 24v3, C-
N It Hil.U lower fiat, 5 rooms, niatd's
room, fireplace, f urnae. pas ranife, h rd
v. noil floor.. Corner l.'5th and Northrup
A pply K75 Northrup t.
$:. ."., inciudiiK water, modern 4-rooin upper
flat, new.y tinted. aduitM. O.'I';. Karl at.,
J'!L T l""urd auto and S. P. fariiuy. SelL
&-ROOM f la t. Very niod'-rn, K las-enc losed
s.e p. r.i; j.or h. steam-heated, hot water.
liri.!ji,'. iar m yard. Kearney St., Dear
-41 b. Phone Ma:n P041.
M O U E RN V L AT. $ 1 S. oA
Irwnirton, Rioadway car, waiklng: distant-.
Gordon. E. tith and E. ii roadway.
-i:OO.M fiat, f-team heat and phone in
cluded, just tinted throughout, 3 blocks
Jun off l;h and asn. lny uire 87 N.
15th street.
i-RO M, uj'per, nl'-fpiug and livin? porch,
tirt pjace. una ranf.-; well arranKed ; ex
: i n t location. 71 E. 25th, near Haw
t norm.
G(Ol 4-room fiat, plenty of steam heat, liot
water. liRht and fresh air. Iu51 E. Moiri
en. cor. 35ili st.
SIX roomed flat for rent, 2t;. Nartilla at.,
eoriier West Madison, 2 blocks south of
Mulinonmh Club.
5-itOt'.M Eat. unf urnithe! ; all outmde rooms,
n wiy t ii, ted and yarn is bed, steam heat
and j i n i tor serviee. .,;i ; lis. in st.
FOL'R rooms and bath, $10; 454 Jarrabee
frt.. n-ar E road way Lridye. liiquire
rtk tt.
nb-ri t clean and modern 4-rooin
-1 J-n t lorn t ion ; 1 eft ear service,
""ll-uvn PJJ1. lV;v'i: Mallory a v.
il :KR.V, 5-roorn, furnace, veranda. Holmes
disapr. earing b.d. gas range, linoieurn. 324
K. Juth N. V, I. swank. M. IOhx. E 14S.
5 IlOOM?, we-11 located. fin condii ion ;
bookcases, phone, water, garbage. East
ATT KACTI E and strictly modern .Vroiim
rower Hat : pood neinl-.borhood. close In.
253East 17th t. Phone East 1315.
$10 A MONTH. 4 rooms, desirable location,
close to .school and carline. Ogden, lu7
Snaver. Wood lawn 202.
LESI RARER 4-room Hat.
rcodei n, heat and w ater
-3d -st.. W . or . car.
Javier st. ;
low rent. Take
, rent $12. 17S. Commercial st. ; will
pt pain ting building for rent. East
4 144.
IRlX(jTON 5 rooms and sleeping porch,
modern, lower corner flat; will build gar
aire. ;;.U East 13: h North. East 4o7.
STKAM-H E TEL 5 rooms. ba k porcii. .
ct-ilent cetitral Io at ion ; low rate to good
'"ant; adults. 501 Couch St.
SIX roms and bath, modern, upper, oak
floors, front and back porch, steam heat
ntl water fnrn:shed. 3u7 11th St.. apt. A.
G-RnM flat, desirable, choice neiEhbor
h ood. mode rn con v - n lences ; newly tin ted.
1 Main, near KIiik st.
lluia.AUAY Addition. 5-room corner Hat,
new Iy renovated ; walking distance, near
2 cariinm. 412'-. Wumo st. East 3H5.
lurnhbrd Hats.
5-room. nicely furnished lower flat,
rut-li kitch.-n. b.nii, eiecti ic lights, Kan, yanl. rt es. p. nty of liKht. piano,
rent ineiudej both phone--?, water and gar-ba-!'";
22 p-.r in. nth.
4 -room, nieely-furni.-hed upper flat, both
p'lon.-s. water. Karb.iKe. larwo yard. ruft-M ;
vr niontii; ai- flat for per mo.
Apply Krtl.f- Logun Co., llo l'ltli t. Phone
1 '.I Kjr- (' u ;i y J 1 1 :i.
L N I l. ALI.i d eiiabl" 5-i oorn. sle-pi ng
porch. f 1: eplai e. f urnacv-, ne wly
niined; also 3-rooin Ti'it completelv fur
i. if I ied, k it chne tte, i; taping porcb. private
bath. fir.e homes. fine people. no chil
dren; tte fiats are -ry attra- tive. close
in. W-t Sid'. 311 Mom Koniery, on
Jiroadway. I' t,.:ay and Sundav, Main
41. s. Monday Man lolO. R. N. Warnock.
owner. 2"7 Henry b;dg.
4 EARi'E rouins aad sun poicb. new, Ht;ht
ari.i a.ij-v. nice law n, fine ritdg h borlnrod :
s J 5. ia.l ud ir - ir heat, water, tas range. !';:
Fr ot yt., Raneroft Height. Mar. 3;7s.
Li-if m M flat, beautifully furnished, s ! ; -ing-porch.
piano, wash trays, private bath,
waikl.g dibtance, call aTtei noons. 3o7 Van
c mi t-r ave.
V ILL rent my home, a n icely furnished,
smelly modern tl-rynm fiat. Indt-fmiilv,
very reasonable to reliable people, sutt :-i
limont. Tabor 11HI.
MOIER.V t-:i furnished lower 5 rooms and
upper cor. ti-room unfurnished flat, walk
ing tiian'.'f; cbxse o school. Hith and
Mam I72S.
NEU", ni'lein 4-room furnished flat; one
u ii f -I rm.i.ied . reasonable. fci. iiorih
WMk st.
C-KUUM upper corner f urnisned I la:, ail
outside rooms; 6.13 E. Madison ft. i'honu
E ; it 51 r,5.
T WO modern 5-room f la ts, yard. 2 carl In es.
,15 MiiMa-ukee fct., rent $12. X'hone Sell
wood E. 'EP i I f S A LEY nice furnished private
f at, walking distance, l block to car. 104
E . 1 2 1 h, corner ! rnont.
COMPLETELY furnished, steam heat, water
phone, included. 1 VJ North 23d Marshall
XI 'EL Y furnished flat, 5 room.4, mode. n ;
east front ; balcony ; pleasant location ;
wa iking distance. 2.' Larrabee st.
15 Furnished 4 -room modern Mat. sieep
ing porch, lawn, garden, haif block from
car. Tabor 3324.
fc I ' N N Y 1 D E 3 and 4-room modern apt.-.,
desirable, location, reasonable. Phone Ta
bor J MI.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 5K1 bavenport t.(
cor. I'arton road ; 4 -room burnished lower
flat, very cheap. Phone Tabor tt-7."2.
MODERN, cosy. 4-room flat. near Steel
brid e ; 2CS Ross. Phone Woodlaw n 1 S59.
3-Ii i M modern flats, $13 and $TT! 723
Cltnton. Mr. 4. Seaman.
TWu-IiooM furnished liat. private entrance,
f rep Hunts and phone. s'j E. hth N.
4-i:o M sunny corner flat. $15; walking dis
tance; 412 Rodney. East 4sitl.
$-' 5 ROOM S. new. modern, clean, sleep
irg porch. 572 Mill. Mam t447.
4-ROOM furnished flat; no children. Call
Tabor ln!7.
Housekeeping ICooms.
NICE suite of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping
room, partly furnished, at 214'i Kiilmgs
wort h ave., cor. Vancouver. ixw rent.
I'hor.e Woodlmvn 1!j7.
THE HEAYEU! 12th ami Marshall! fuT
n isheu for housekeeping ; gas range elec-
trie lights hot water, baths, laundry free;
$H montlt- up; clean place. Phone A 4 500.
OL'TS t UK ROOM c-team heat! elect ric
liKht. linens. as; $2.25 Week. 4 13 Co
Inrntia st.
THE LEN l0 it A, 225 11th st.. n-Hr Salmon;
H. K. rooms en suite or single; board if
FL RN l.-'H EI hou.-- keeping rooms, modern
conveniences; walking u.etance. 5G4 Flan-
ON E 3-room suite u ; t h private bath. 2
room suite and ore s i njrle room for rent
reasonable. 4!rJ K. iiurnsfd. East 7154
$2 50 WEEK, single H. K. apts.. furnished.
Rroetien b;!?.. 253 Washington, cor. 3d.
4ol EAST MORRISON Furnished one and
two-room housekeeping apts. - Reasonaole.
THE1 onMANi-12;lsT st. Fur." H K
rooms f'r baebej. r3 ,,nd familial 1 k. up.
PRIVATE bath, toilet. fre liirht. phone, H.
K. apart nicrits ; i::.5n wk. 'J-f 12th.
F I ' R V 1 .-' H E D and housekeeping room, $1 50
and up. 3 ".: i 1 Yamhill.
ll.uM-kerping It'mmi In Priate Family.
T V furnished h. k. suiter, desirable loca
t; n. reason abb-. i;:Q k. Iturnide.
1" v or tlrt' fiiim furn:sh-d or not. in
Irvh'i'ton hom-; i eferem-es. East 321; d.
2 FI HM-'H ED houseke.-ping room - free 7-P.ooM Hul'oil Larue .ir,i and fruit;
gis. I.ght. v.-ood. M.rn 337i. .." Johnson. William ave Marshall 1 H2.
2 i:orKl;N' hou-ek-epiiig rooms! rTI con- Mt'iiEP.N ii-room bouse, newly tinted; rent
enieiie "js Lirralnc st. 7S2 I. Couch. Phopf East 2Q".
i:u WHEELER 3 rooms! 1-etw een Rrond- 6-ROOM house $750 cash, no agents. 4C20
w -iv arid S'.-e! bridge. Ens; 3 s 1 ; fllst S. E. M t. Scott car.
-E-IN hoiis.-keeplnis rooms. I.."0
Marshail 4"
:;-!!(" if ftirntbed h. k. room.-, pantry; $17
Ever. it. n -i04:;.
' E. I'ht Koti-wkeeping rooms, cry close
i I Park s.-
i-I'M I Kll
d ucr ion : $2. 2- room f i ont ; n Ice.
ett. $1. '72 Montgomery.
$2 7".; sl-eplng room $1
Ii3 Holladay.
FI'f'.NIHKI bi:sekeepimr room. $2 week ;
f.".in be it. 147 lltrh. n-ar Alder.
$ LAR'IE. pleasant front room with kitch
en "tte ; iHdl'-s on iy. 2s 11th st.
t PLETEL V frrTttshd -roi!ii ini.- for
couples. uod bai.h, I2. 4th, it.
House-kccpinc Koom? In Private hamlly.
AND 3 outside sunny furnished house
keeping rooms, new W ilton rug. new
linoieurn, newly renovated; gas. electricity,
free phone, bath, all for $s and $11; pri
vate entrance, large porch. Wood lawn
453 d.
UPPER FLAT of 1 rooms, all fixed for
housekeeping; swll home, modern; party
can more than make rent by rniin out;
a snap ; wilt go quick; apartment rented
now; $20. Woodlawn 4530.
$15 MO. Unfurnished, 3 larse room apart
ment. Including carpets, gas stove, electric
lights, water, batns, pnone, laundry;
cnoico location ; walking distance. bu X.
2lst st.
LAUV has large home; wishes to rent 2
large h. k. rooms to lady ; bat h. laundry,
every convenience, walking distance. -11
Halsey, cor. Larrabee ; ref. exchanged.
'1 ii 1: UK turnished housekeeping rooms;
sleeping porch, piano, phone; three blocks
east end P. road way bridge. 402 Ross,
corner Dixon.
Hoi E KEE PI NO rooms. private family.
Every convenience. Piano, large lawn,
flowers. Across street from park. Wood
lawn 42 (,;.
3-KOOM apartments, furnished. private
bath, private phone, electric light, steam
heat, ard ; children welcome. lb-J North
23d st.
UOHi, ch erf '1 1 basement housekeeping
room, elect ricity. gas plate, water, toilet ;
workingmen preferred; $0 month, 123
N. 23d st.
ROOMS and kit hen, on first floor, nicely
furnished and pleasant ; price reasonable ;
also one Inrgt room and kitchen, on first
fioo.. private entrance. 314 Columbia.
NICELY furnished room in a mod-rn steam
heated flat, faeintr park. No other room
ers. Marshall 441.
ELDERLY lady will rent 2 or 3 furnished
H. K. rooms, refined, quiet couple. 4i'J E.
1 .Ith N.. 1 rvlnpton.
$1 TO $2.50aweek; furnished H. K. rooms;
freo heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 3U.
4ot Vancouver, near Broadway.
WIDOW" with nice 7-room home will rent
lower floor to adults, $15. o3'J E. 30th.
Richmond car
TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms,
opposite Christian Science Church. 5U4
Everett st. Main G703.
3 NICELY furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; rent reasonable. 515 2oth, Portland
Heights. Phone Main 7 o 1 7.
317 MARKET Nicely furnished H. K. rooms.
just across from. Lincoln High, u minutes
walk to Meier 6c Frank's, phone Mar. 720.
TWO large front housekeeping room wit h
all modern conveniences; reasonable. 4W4'
Ta y lo r. M a rs h a 11 4410.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
with bath, close in. West Side, ciean, light,
sightly and private. 4ol 3d st.
$13 THREE clean, furnished h. k. rooms;
electricity, phone and water included. 127
East lIth st., near Morrison.
TWO newly fumbhe.I housekeeping rooms,
facing the street ; heat, light, phone ; rent
$15. 41 Ella st.
ON E and two rooms for housekeeping, ne-v
and modern; reasonable; central. 474
Alder st.. cor. 14th.
llol SEKEEPINO ROOMS. $2 to $3 per
week ; sleping rooms. $ 1.23 per week. 500
Jefferson st.
3 LA ROE. neatly furnished rooms, light
housekeeping; bath; nice home; adults.
2i E. 47th st. S.. Hawthorne ave.
TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms; rea
sonable rent; walking distance. 21 E.
15th st.
TWO or ;lir- furnished housekeeping rooms,
upstairs, 5; first floor, $10; modern. 037
E. 07th st. X.
PLEASANT room with use of kitchen, for
lady employed ; home privileges. 77o ,a
FURNISH EI) housekeeping rooms, modern,
ground floor; excellent location; walking
dislaiire ; reasonable, i'4 E. 1 1 th. K. 30'.5.
FURNISHED housekeeping or sleeping
rooms ; two-room tent house. Walking dis
tance. i;o N. 2!st.
FR 'NT H. K. ROtiM. with kitchenette and
str.k; largo H. K. room, first floor, heat,
ph. me. bath free. I'ws 13th.
$11 THREE fuiBished H. K. rooms, private
bath and entrance. Woodiawn luS3. Iu37
Clove land ave.
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping. 272
Madison, cor. 4th, fronting park. Tran
sients t-olicited. Fannie W'aeheadorf.
ONE and 2-room h. k. suite, modern j arfco
l' i semen t 4i. k., near Washington. Si X.
T ' front downstairs h. k. rooms. ath,
gas. range, idione ; $S50 month 440 E.
NICE cosy home. 2 rooms, sleeping porch,
light, heat and water furnished. I 'hone
East 0040.
Ii E A i "TI FU LEY furnished housekeeping
suite, modern. Summer rates; also single
housekeeping rooms. IM 17th st.
LA ROE H. K. rooms, large grounds, bath, 3s7 1st. cor. Montgomery.
4ds YAMHILL. Furnished and uni urnislied
h k. roiiiM.
ONE h. k. room with kit-henette, one single
rom $l.5 up. 7o l2tl.
TWO verv large - modern front h. k. rooms,
12 and $14. 421 Slam.
ONE hous. keeping. $5.50 month; 2 basement
rooinf, 7; phone, electricity. 34 ! 12th st.
L-AiMK JO(i'm. $1.50 week: gas. cook stove,
f ree el-et ricity. phone, ba t n. 3'.2 4th st.
TW - Ro M suit, south front, rent reason
a bl. ;7 Otisan st.. near 21st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath and
phone. phone Marshall 743.
PORTLAND HEIOHTS 2 rooms. with
sleeping porch, close in. Main Mt57.
Fl RST floor front suitft $10 month ; also
3-room suite $11. 350 14th.
Fl'RNISHED housekeeping suite, cosy. . lean.
wa'king distance, reasonable. 13 E. 7th Ft.
$b-$lo FURNISHEll H. K.
phone, elect., gas range.
RO iMS Rath,
5 1 E. Morrison.
FRONT i part ment of 3 rooms in prlva te
home, cheap. Phone East H451. 200 E. 23d.
J. J. Oeder. real estate and rentals.
ir ind ave. and E. A n keny.
Foit RENT 7-rcom house which has never
been occupied; In good locality; 1 1 04
Division ; $2". Phone Tabor 71 13.
0-ROOM cottage, good condition and clean;
water, gas heater, ranpe. bath, linoleum.
373 13th. Phone Mar. 452S.
STRICTLY modern 5 -room cottage with
slc-ping porch; walking distance, with or
without garage. East 5744.
5-ROOM modern bungalow, Waverleigh
Heights, 54 1 E. 35th. near Clinton; key
at 5' 3. phone Rroadway 2310. week days.
h- RoO M modern house, 515 Marsha !! St.,
(heap to desir.ible and steady tenants.
Main 2474, or call Marshall st.
REAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow; furnace, fire
place, hartrwood f 1 oors. Rose City Park ;
rent $ 20. P h one M h n 1 1 24 32.
HAWTHORNE Modern 0-room bungalow,
built-in effects, with range; clean and weil
kept; $20. 322 E. 47th st.
5-RooM modern, clean house, block Al
lien a car ; stationary tubs. I'ooy 7t n
st. X.
HAVE decided to rent our home; a snap
for right party. 1231 E. Taylor, near 41st.
Tabor 130U.
MoOERN d3-room house. 431 West Park.
Main S41 1.
1RYINOTON bungalow cottage, 5 rooms and
bath, nice lawn. $ 1T. East 35.
4- ROOM modern bungalow, first -class con
dition; $14. Phono Woodlawn 117.
0- H OM modern house, newly remodeled ;
$10. Phone Woodlawn 11)7.
PORTLAND HE Kill TS S-room bungalow,
new and modern; fine view. Main 2171.
M- DM R N rooms, nearly new ; walking
itanc. Phone E;ist 2170. momincs.
7-RO'M modern corner house, 340 College.
Phone Mar. 3iS.
MOOERN 5-room cottage, close in. Inquire
112 E. 11th. cof. E. Alder. Phone E. 5702.
$7 0 ROOMS. West Side, walking distance.
Inquire 525 Clayst.
IRVINOTON property a specialty. Neuhau
sen & Co. Main S07.
i Ro MS and bath ; 223 X". 17lh St.; $lo
i nj i:ire t a K st.
li-rioOM and 0-room house with sleeping
por h. Ca'l 1 N. 17th Kt.
FOR RENT M odern s-iuom house. West
Side. 5'! Montgomery.
RENT S-room. 4"0 T.arrflhe st. ; toilet, bath.
upstairs and down. East 321 !.
FOR KENT Modern 0-room house. ;. E.
pith st. N., I'tt. Davis nnd Everett.
3) l, LA RR A REE. one and two-room house
keeping apts.. reasonable.
H-P.OOM modern hon.e. rei;t $25. 57'
ta l?on.
LA URET.HU R ST. t-rm. modern. $2-1.
(HAS. RTNOLER. 31Q Ry. Ex.
FOR RENT Modern 0-rooni house. E.
and Ash. Phone E. 5300.
MODERN 0 rooms, west half double house;
fireplace, furnace: destrab'e. 734 E. Main.
lo I ' E. Davis .-I . modern 3 -room cot ta ge,
nice IaAU. Scllwood 2152.
HOUSES, at all prices, come here.
HOUPEOWNERS If you desire to secure
desirable tenants, list your properties
with us.
$12 4-room modern bungalow.
$20 jroorn modern bungalow, in
splendid condition.
2o 7-room home, furnace, hardwood
floors, fireplace.
$30 0-room modern ; one bedroom and
bath downstairs, fireplace, furnace, hurd
wood floors, sleeping porches.
'5 S-room modern house, Ladd Add.
$35 Large home, Irving ton, partly fur
nished. RENTAL DEPT.
Mar. 371 S. a 0291.
1330 Xorthweseern Bank Building.
Barn; large piece of ground, $7.
5- room modern cottage, $7.50.
7-room modern house with lot 80x
loo, one block from car, $10.
413 Cham, of Commerce BIdg.
0-room bungalow, Westmoreland $13
7- room modern house. Walnut Park... $23
8- room house, E. lth St.; good $20
5-room cottage, Sellwood car $10
4 rooms, E. 30th. S. Hawthorne $ 8
5 -rooms. Skid more st. ; good plumbing. $ 5
A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern
Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 1.
Beautiful, new, modern house, charming
and complete in every detail; select street
and neighbors; magnificent view; tenant
must be responsible and refined; yearlv
lease $35 per mo.; garage. Appointment
by phone. Tabor 3!S4.
A little cottage, 011 4th. $17.50 a month
with water; flat, 440 Broadway, modern,
key at 455 Bdwy. Will do anything within
reason to get steady tenants.
Modern colonial home, 15 rooms, large
grounds, centrally located. East Side; suit
aide for private sanitarium, maternity
home or exclusive apartments ; terms to
responsible party. Phone owner, Main 211
STRICTLY modern G-room house, located
on corner E. 33d and E. Market, one block
from Hawthorne car. Fine yard, shade
trees, etc. I, oca ted midst splendid homes.
Rent $18. E. X'.. Hyatt, 350 Alder. Main
000 or Tabor 073.
SIX-ROOOM modern house, large hath room,
kitchen, two toilets, oak floors, full ce
ment basement with furnace and wash
trays, gas range and water heater. 224
Olerm avenue, between two carliues. Tabor
4'KKi,jaf ter2:30 Hunday ; references.
$12 MODERN 5-room house on lot 100x100;
large yard and garden, fruit trees, elec
tric lights, ga-i and telephone; two blocks
fiom carline. at liH2 Berkeley st., Ports
mouth. owner. East O2o.
OoOD, modern 7-room house. Walnut Park
La wn, shade trees, sleeping-porch. In
liist-class condition. $25. A. H. BIRRELL
CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. .Mar
shall 4114, A 4118.
NEW S-room house with basement, gas,
electricity, flowers, corner iot, 030 30th
fct. S. E., Woodstock car, $10. Phone Main
7M0, 204 Columbia st.
N EA R Portland Heights car. nice house
with lots of ground, berry bushes, chicken and park; rent cheap. Phone Mar
shall 5210.
$2n 0-KOO.U bungalow, 1100 Knott St.,
near 37th, furnace, fireplace, hardwood
floors; lot 54x1 no. J. J. Oeder. Grand
ave. and E . Ankeny.
FREE STORAGE Household goods stored
free; -expert movers, packers and shippers.
Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co.,. 0th
and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703.
j- ROOM modern home, coiner, 300 Skid
more : freshly renovated, line car service,
1 block Williams ave. Rent $10, includ
ing water. Call Owner. Miin or A 2131.
FOR JtENT Cheap, 4-room house; two lots,
all set to hearing fruit ; at 72o Linn ave.,
Scllwood; see it today: write U22 E. 30t
N. Phone Woodlawn 3530.
BEAUTIFUL home. Rose City Park, for rent
unfurnished; garage, 2 sleeping porches,
ga rd en. lino view, $30. 1314 Alameda
i 1 0 DAN DY newly tinted bungalow, clean,
close in, one block Union ave. Ba th, gas,
. electricity. Call 402 Fremont st. Al
berta or Woodlawn car.
SAVE carfare. Clean, comfortable six-room
house, two blocks south of east end Broad
way bridge. 103 McMillun street. East
o i :tl.
A DESIRABLE 0-room house with all mod
ern improvements in best residence dis
trict. 23Q E. Main. Call at 1 7 1 E. Main.
FOR RENT -Neat 6-room cottage, on car
line, in business section Sunny si de, $12.50.
517 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
ATTRACT I V E house, nine rooms, best loca
tion. West Side, reasonable rent. Tele
phone Main 3l;3.
5-ROOM BUNGALOW, corner E. 30th and
Mam sts.; rent $12 per month. Call
Ma.n or A 2240.
TWO bungalows Westmoreland district; $10
and $14. Columbia Realty Investment
C impany. 617 Board of Trade bldg.
W A LKI NO distance 4 rooms modern ; only
fine yard, large fruit trees. Main
ONLY $12.50 for modern 5-room house;
one. block from car, 1100 Northwestern
Bank bldg.
FOR RENT 7-room modern houses at Hol
laday and E. 0th et. Nort h ; beautiful lo
cation: strictly modern. Call East ltftS.
FOR RENT 3-room bungalow. 413 Skid
more ; electricity and gas. $7, including
water. Wdln or A lberta oa r. Wd in 1 400.
5 -RooM bungalow, modern, fireplace, gas,
hot water heater, 1 block from car. 8it
K. Morrison. Phone. East ti3?5.
0-ROOM house and greenhouse 20x70 ; hot
water hea t and eiectrici ty ; $ 13 month ;
close to car. Se 1 1 wood 1 'SS.
MC'DFRN 5-room bungalow; paved street, 2
blocks Laurel hurst Park ; Sunny side cur;
$12. 10S4 E. Washington. Phone East 05.1O.
COTTAGE of 4 large rooms. 2 lots. barn, rent
$5. 7ol 5 431 ave. Hazel wild Station, on
Mt. Scott line. Key v. t 00J5 43d ave.
5-ROOM cottage, nice yard, with garden
space ; West Sid." walking dista nee. 530
Clay st. Call
MODERN o-room cottage, close in. Inquire
112 E. 11th, corner E. Alder. Phone East
LOOK this up before furnishing your house;
bet furniture 5-room house $120; rent $10
per month. 304 Col lege st. Marshall 4755.
MODERN 0-room house. 7S4 East Taylor
st., furnace, sleeping porch; an ideal home,
tlieap rent. Key next doer.
LAU RELHl RST ti rooms, sleeping porch,
buit-iu modern conveniences: a lovely
Tip me, HMO E. Flanders. East 2O50.
Mt IjERN 8-room house in f irst-clas con I i
tion ; has fireplace, furnace, large porch
and reasonable rent, (.'ail 445 1 1 tn St.
6 ROOMS, modern improvements, rent to
painter exchange for work. Marshall 4440.
5 ROOMS, modei n, $15; also 5 rooms and
bath, $12. Sellwood 517.
s u. ACR E. 5-room cottage; fruit, gar
den ; 5c fa re. Main 3072. 3'tf Venn bid g.
5!'5 M A I N ST. Electricity ; $25 ; 7 rooms.
Portland Trust Co.
DES 1 R A BLE houses and flats in all parts
of city. Stout investment Co., Main 5120.
8-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near
22.1. Inquire 130 0th. Main 6278.
GOO D 7-room house, 227 Skid more st.. rent
$15. 618 Pittock block. Broadway 5175.
MODERN 8-room house. 300 San Rafael,
near Union, close In. East 3083.
MODERN' nine-room home. lawn. 101 East
10th, cor. Belmont. East 5O0O.
$20 H AWTHORNE AVE., new, modern,
7-room house, 3 bedrooms. Tabor 4070
5-ROOM cottaee, newly katsomined. close
in. place for garden. Sellwood 2152.
$12 MODERN 4-room cottage,
and Sand v. East 231.
East l'.Uh
rooms, gas, electrt :Uy ;
u'i r. r. i c i i i . w i wvjii.d, f-, -'
wall: in g distance. Phone Ea.t 8.
ROSE CITY 5-room bungalow, haj block
to car. Tabor sis. C 212 1.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5-room cottage.
large yard, fruit. Mat. 4425.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, Port
land Heights. Main 0871.
;LEAN, 5-room house. 103 East 20th
corner Washington. East 5350;
ROOMS, modern: ft'JO Paclfi
agent. 512 Piatt bldg
$ 1 5. See
MODERN O-7-oorn hues.. slepiiir porch; ex
cellent condition. Apply at 32ft 7th st. N
SEV EN-ROOM modern house. 130S East
14lh st. North.
N E W 0-room bungalow ; furnace, fireplace.
2 E - Franklin, cor. 2 s i h .
MODERN 5-roum cottage, reasonable, line
location. Phone Sellwood 7 S.
COTTAGE. HI43 E. Alder, $8.50. Wired, gas.
stores, park. 514 Oregon in n. Main 3312.
8- ROOM house, mod- rn eon ven iences, West
Side. N'oh Hill. Marshall 3013.
j OER N 0-room house in Stinnj side ; rea
sonable; good condition. !14S E. Taylor.
N E W LY repaired O-room hous". 1 .07 Hoyt
st . : $ 1 2. Oo month .
MODERN 0-room house. 877 E. Burn side.
Phone E. 7017.
$: 5-ROOM house, partly furnished. J2NH
Grand ve. N.
5-ROOM mod4-" bungalow fcOo E. 7th st.
Phone Marshall 40h0, A 01O1.
Private owners who have their prop
erties listed with an agent can list here at
the same time without any charge or ob
ligation whatsoever, where you get the
best and quickest results, as we are in a
position to bring your houses, apartments
and flats before the greatest number o
people in the shortest time.
A the present time we have many more
calls for houses than we can fill, as is
usual in the Spring.
Real estate agents are invited to take
advantage of this offer.
Seventh Floor. Fifth St.
8-room modern house, fireplace, furnace,
built-in fixtures, large lot, $ 1 5.
5-room modern house. lo4 U E. Grant,
near Marguerite ave., $11.
171 4th St.
M. 61U5. A 2S15.
$40 9 rooms, 301 Yamhill st., near 10th.
$25 10 rooms. 144 N. ISth St., near Hoyt;
suitable for housekeeping apartments.
$15 7 rooms, 42j E. BurnsiUe at., near
E. 7th st. .
$15 5 rooms. 551 Overton st., near 16th.
$12 0 rooms. 453 E. 8th St., corner
Caruthers; nice yard.
404 Wilcox bldg. Main SOUP,
2 TO 5 P. M. SUNDAY.
One of the most beautiful homes on
East Side. Southeast corner of 21st st. and
Hawthorne ave. Property just sold for
$25,ouo to non-resident. Place never been
rented. Will lease.
510 Lewis bldg. Main 2081.
$30 IRVINGTOX 7-R. Mod. 520 E. lGth N.
near Brazee.
on car ; beautiful view.
$20 7-R. Mod. "hi Y'ork St.
FRANK: L. McGUIRE. Abin gton B ldg.
6-ROOM completely furnished, with tent
sleeping-porch. fireplace, furnace, gas
ranKs?, water heater, piano, one block, from
Hawthoi no ave. on 53d street; will lease
for one year, rent $30, Including water; no
children. Tabor 513.
MOOKRX 0-room house; walking distance;
northeast corner E. Broad w ay and ic
toria; gas heater and furnace; newly fln-ish-d
throughout and very desirable; rent
i easonalde to good tenant. Phone Mar
shall 2504.
FOR. KENT Will rent my home, Alameda
Pari; district, furnished or unfurnished,
to responsible tenant, reasonable; hot
water; fine shade and roses, Wood
lawn 240. .
FOR RENT House, 0 rooms, excellent con
dition, modern conveniences; fine neigh
borhood ; central ; nice yard ; lo w rent to
desirable tenant. Call 747 H. Burnslde
st., corner E. 22d.
$1S PER MONTH, 5-room modern bunga
low. Hawthorne district ; if you pay two
months' rent in advance will give lease.
Krehs Logus Co., 110 10th. est. Broadway
21 10.
x E W. modern, 5-r oom, fine surround
ings, garden; rent may apply on purchase;
2-room house with garden planted, $4. Mt.
Scott line, 30 minutes, 5 cents. Tabor
1 270.
$7 02S Central ave.. St. Johns. Also
chicken-house. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock
TWO modern bungalows, 5 and G rooms,
$lu and $12; vacant lot for garden;
chicken-house; three blocks from Myrtle
Station. Tabor 2t23 or Woodlawn 10S0.
Houses, apts., every part city; lady In
charge. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex.
ASSORTMENT of garden stuff now growing;
pretty lawn with roses, large porch; clean,
modern 7-room house, quite new; only $12.
Main 3500. East 0201.
$10 G-ROOM house and garage, paved
street, four blocks from Irvingtoci car.
035 E. 1 1 th st. N., near Pre'scott. Phone
Woodlawn 352(5.
ATTRACTIVE, modern, O-room house, ne w
lv tinted, mar car. nice yard, good loca
tion, $18. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn
4 2d.
TWO fine modern houses. 5 and 0 rooms.
walking distance. 585 E. Sth, near Ells-
w on h. Rent reasonable.
.rnOOM plastered cottage. 50xlOO yard. $4
a month. 4.U 4 41st ave. S. E., owner.
Marshall looo.
$13 4-room, new bungalow in Alhr-i ta ;
most complete and a ttractive ; not for
sale if rented. Owny 5500. res. East 0201.
5-Room mod ern bun i: a low ; Dutch k itchen, Ii'i-ge ground and fruit trees,
water: 11.5u. Tabor 010.
5-ROOM modern cottage, clean, 1 block to
car. 140 WlllameLtc boulevard, bet. Gay
and' Denver.
SPLENDID O-room home to lease; hot-water
heat furnished from central plant; pa
ruge, everything clean. 500 E. Afh. E. 2K t.
We handle your rentals for $1.50 per
year. 332 Chamber of Commerce.
4 liOOMS, modern, ciean, good locality, near
car; chicken-house, fruit. 073O 50th ave.
S. E. Tremont station, Mt. Scott car.
4-ROOM bungalow. 300 Baldwin st.. 2 blocks
Peninsula School. $lo mo., including water.
Mar. 12K4. Large yanl and basement.
GOOD 0-room house, nice yard, 2ti'J Halsey
st. : $10. Rhone E. 1 1M.
Jr urnif.iie-1 Houses.
FUR N IS H ED 5-r om modern bungalow,
beautiful view.' nice lawn and flowers; $ 1 S.
No children. 1328 E. 20th st. North.
MODERN 4-room house, furnished, $15 per
mor tii ; no children or dogs. phone Ta
bor ooso.
FU I N I SI t E D 0-room modern house ; piano ;
S2 month: 820 E. Caruthers. Phone
Sellwood 152.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, rooms, furnished
or unfurnished : bargain rent. Main 5450,
East 340 1 , residence.
NICELY furnished house, near Sunnyside
ch r; law n. ropes, fruit trees ; rent cheap.
1 330 E. Taylor.
FOR RENT Tiuce 5-room modern houses,
furnished. $ 1 5, or unfurnished. $11; Ken
ton Addition. Call at 151 W. Winchell st.
5-ROoM furnished, modern house, newly
furnished, close in : $ 1 i . 417 Kusseil st.
R r o a d way 427 or E a st 32 3 5.
M iUKRX 5-room cottage furnished. very
reasonable. 727 CI i nton ; key at 725 Clin
ton, w
MODERN bungalow home, all hardwood fin
ished, Mt. tabor, adults only; rent $38.
Marshall 100 or Main 3110.
S-ROOM nicely furnished house; reasonable;
larje yard : walking distance ; Holladay 's
Addition. Phone East 10 !.
4- ROOM bungalow, modern, furnished new
and classy; good neighborhood; near
Mont a villa carline. 284 E. 73d N.
FREE rent of bungalow; hardwood floors,
partiv furnished, for my board and room.
H 532, O re gonlan.
CONVENIENT, smalt furnished house, for
rent, with nice lawn and garden. Mt. Scott
car. Call Tabor 5110.
6-ROOM furnished cottage for rent ; lots of
fruit and garden ; 1 block from W. W.
car, on E. 32d st. Phone Sell. 2354.
8-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished;
, piano; near Compton graded and Jel'terson
High School. 7!'S Borthwick st.
HANDSOMELY furnished home of 8 rooms,
hardwood Honrs, hot water heat, fine lawn,
garage. O. W. Bryan. 5rO Cham, of Com.
5- ROOM furnished cottage, electric lights,
$12 a month. Call Sunday. V4 7 Belmont.
$10 MONTH Furnished . 4-room house, 2
acres land, near Montavl'la. Tabor 3207.
$1 k 3-room house, close in. 301 Sacramento
?t. Key next door.
FOR RENT 10-rocm house, Corbet t
Vermont sts. Tel. Marshall 40O4.
5- ROOM bunqalow
to good tenants.
with nice vard, cheap
Tel. Woodlawn 1304.
ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow,
n ished. Phone Tabor 2032.
m ui t h.
HOUSE Partly
East 5407.
furnished ;
HA R D WOOD floors. Turkish rugs, piano,
mahogany furniture, $00. Marshall 6070.
FURNISHED cottage for rent.
Main 3315.
Fast Side.
FURNISHED, unfurnished, modern 6-room
1 ouse. Main 0170. 3201 X. W. Bank bldg
HOUSE of 7 rooms, furnished; 367 6th st.
Apply 503 next door, forenoons.
WHOLE lower floor, 6 rooms and bath, on
Pnrk. Marshall 4558.
5- ROOM modern cottage, complete, newly
tinted, reasonable; adults. Tabor 5124.
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room house, $20
per mont h. Phone M a in 22' id.
FU RN ISH ED 3-room house. $5 per month.
Mt. Scott car. Firland Station. 4-S04 7th st.
10 R RENT Furn ished cottage South Port-
lnd. 1317 Corbett st.
j I ;t 4 - ROOM cot t age, furnished ; yard. 52(1
Market, --or, 10th st.
W I LTj '.EASE an a ttractive home in very
desirable residence district. Tabor 227.
LEA N 5 - room cot I age, four blocks 11 road -wav
briege; 515; 430 Ross. East 4S0H.
4-ROOM f n rm shed : garden. lawn, good lo
cathm. Phone Thor 5109.
PICTURESQUE 5-r. nunc alow. W. Side, close
in. Mar. 3843. P to 12 aft. Sun. beau, view
4 ROOMS, partly furnished. $7. 543 4th st.
I urniHheU Houses.
ONE of prettiest and most convenient 5
room houses in Clock's Addition, near
Franklin High School; very nicely and
tastily furnished, strictly modern with
fireplace. Dutch kitchen and a cosy and
handy break fast -room, attic, floored base
ment with laundry trays and stove ; good
steel range, 2-burner gas plate with oven,
gas heater for bath and bedrooms; garden
spot, and phone in house. Satisfactory
price to satisfactory people. Call Sunday
afternoon 33u 55th st. S. E.
715 CORBETT, '.-or. Hooker, opposite new
Failing School, 8-room house, furnished
or unfurnished, bath. gas. Ruud heater,
furnace, fi-'eplace, nice yard: $35 per
month fUNiished or $30 unfurnished ; ref
erence s exchang-ed. Inquire Donald Wood
ward, HO Second rear Stark, or tele
phone owner. East 3421.
stricted district, a pnetty five-room bun
galow, conveniences, cleanliness and fur
nishings will please "people of good taste
and, refinement ; rent secondary to desir
able and established tenant. 881 Easd
Franklin st: eet ; 15 minutes. W. S. car.
WI LL rent my beautiful 9-room residence
to responsible people without children for
six months; mahogany and oak linish, ele
gantly furnished; hardwood floors. Turk
ish rugs, piano, steam heat and hot water
free; rent $75; walking distance E. 5151.
MOD ERN S-room house. completely fur
nished; piano, library 3000 books, beauti
ful grouds. loses, fruit, etc. : yean or
longer; walking distance; iKi E. 14th st.
East 4444.
S-ROOM bungalow, completely furnished,
nice yard, with trees and bushes; elec
tric lights, gas and water furnished;
$22.50. Phone Tabor 1H10 or call 252 E.
4th st., 1 block north of Hawhorne ave.
COMPLETELY furnished, modern, 7-room
house, finest location in Irvington; will
lease if desired ; piano, fireplace, lawn
and roses; $40. Call GSo Schuyler st.
Phone East 2550.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished home for rent
in Irvington, 6 rooms and reception hall,
perfect condition : 6 months $55, I year
$45 ; references given and required. 4 OS
E. Broadway, near Vth.
4 rooms, 1 block from station, com
pletely furnished ; big yard with fruit
t rees and chicken corral ; will rent very
reasonable to right party. Tabor 2735.
COMPLETELY" furnished 4-room suite; two
bedrooms, private bath, fireplace, modern
home; phone, gas, electricity, heat fur
nished ; reasonable to clean, careful ten
ants; close in. l4 N. 10th, cor Flanders.
NICELY furnished 0-room house, with fire
place and sleeping porch, on East Burn
sido near 2Uth; fruit, flowers and garden
place. Call Marshall 2310 or A 5725.
10-ROOM furni&hed house, on Broadway
carline, quarter block, beautiful yard,
garage, 3 firepiaocs. two bathrooms, sleep
ing porch, rent $75. Phono East 0291).
& ROOMS, beautifully furnished, with piano,
nice yard, roeta ; must be sjen to be ap
preciated ; rent reasonable. 4U2 North 21st
st. Phone Broadway 1733, Mrs. Calone.
COMPLETELY furnished 0-room modern
house; fireplace; choice location; lawn,
fruit trees and flowers. East 04 11 morn
ing. A MODERN, 0-room house, three bedrooms,
weli furnished in every respect, in bes
residence district. 915 E. Main. Call at
0 17 Mi E. Main.
ATTRACTIVE 4-room furnished house, new
ly kalsomined; gas, basement, attic; rent
$17; 9 E. 22d st. N. Phone, mornings,
East 3471.
A-l condition; 0-room modern bunga
low, furnished ; open for inspection today
from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. 7o5 E. 05th N.
ADULTS only, nicely furnished 0-room
house, girage. nice lawn; will lease to re
sponsible people, references exchanged.
54 E. Madison. East 50 7 O.
$-5 ST R I CT L Y m odern home, every con
venience, six rooms and sleeping porch ;
walking distance; tastily furnished. 285
Wiliiams ave.
MODERN 6-room house, completely fur
nished, piano. line location. 1 block from
Sunnyside car. Phone Tabor 1435. House
No. 1075 E. Yamhill st.
MY Irvington home of 8 rooms and garage,
furnished or unfurnished. $35 furnished o
$25 unfurnished without garage. Phone G.
A. Cobb (owner). Main 9052. Tabor 2353.
Close in. West Side, phone, best district.
Fine rooms. Lets than Summer rates.
Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex.
SE V EN- ROOM house in I rvlngton, fur
nished or unfurn ished ; garage, sleeping
porch, fireplace; will rent for live or six
months. Call E ast 4 173.
MODERN 5-room house, furnished. $12.50:
other houses, partly furnished, $5 to $7,
with water. E. W. Eirod, Lents. Tabor
APRIL 25. will have modern 7-room bun
galow, well furnished, all conveniences,
fireplace; Irvington; $40. B 531, Ore
gonian. LEAVING town for 2 months, will rent my
beautiful 0-room Irvington bungalow, fur
nished, to desirable party; verv reason
able. Phone East 4097.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished home. S rooms
and sleeping porch ; Port land Heights, 2
blocks irom car; 6 months or longer. Main
2d. 14.
Fl" RN ISH ED modern bungalow, 2 lots, gar
den planted, fruit, sleeping porch, piano
ON30 Woodstock ave., M t. Scott car, Tre
mont. 4-ROOM furnished house, walking distance,
in dud ing piano. $ 1 8 per in on th. Upton,
432 Cham, of Com,
IRVINGTON Part of furnished house. 5
rooms, on carline; $30; no children. East
43S4 in A. M. or after 6 P. M.
$20 COM Pl.HTKLV furnished 4 -room bun
galow ; garage , j ard. i rees ; one year ; 248
J I. 3 1 st st .. near Main. Tabor 35s t;.
MODERN, luxuriously furnished residence,
best district Portland Heights; walking
distance. AR 510. Oregoiiian.
FOR RENT .Furnished house, largo, light
rooms. Phone Marshall 3451.
Miiimicr Resorts.
FOR RENT New 5-room bungalow with
fireplace, close to ocean, either by the
month or season, beauti t'ul beach. Write
E. G. KanWII. Manzanita, Or.
FO R RENT or leas-, completelv furnished
wv hotc, finest location on Cannon
Beach. Call 3sl Yamhill st.. near W.
Pai k.
FOR RENT Neah-kah-nl Mountain,
mod ern 0-room cot ta ge, furn ished, facing
ocean; fireplace, porches, bath, beautiful
t ell mornings. sellwood 333,
FURNISHED house at Gearhart for season:
all modern improvements. Phone Mar
shall 3705.
FOR RENT for Muy, modern, completely
furnished cot ta ge on the ridge at Gear
hart. Main 4782.
BURN HA M cot tage. Seaside; modeii?! bat h,
fireplace, completely furnished. Main 3170.
F I RST 3 mon t hs free rent for cleaner a nd
presser, mca t ma rket, barber shop, dry
goods and general mere hand isc ; tine la rge
store rooms, new concrete building on. car
line: well populated locality; free gas
light and free water during entire lease;
long or short leases: large picture theater
now in this building draws trade for
stores. Stanley S. Thompson Co., 2u2 Roth
child bldg.
Will remodel store at Front and Madi
son in connection with 3nii-room hotel.
This is a busy transfer poin t and close to
suburban depots. Exceptionally good open
ing for live restaurant man. Reasonable
A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern
Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S.
STORE FOR RENT Corner store; size
about 48x45 feet; all plate glass front,
full size cement basement. 9 feet high;
for rent cheap; splendid location for
first-class drug store, in residence dis
trict. Address H 1573. Oregonian.
i I O O D SA IAJ . l7STO RES. "
On Jefferson St.. rear Front. Busy dis
trict, suburban and city carlincs, brick
building, very low ren t. See
A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Nor th western
Ban k bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118.
Get our list of downtown business loca
tions. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Ex.
GOOD location for grocery and market ;
shelving, counter, 1 i ve living rooms. 1 193
E. Sierman.
FOR RENT Good locution for restaurant
or con feet i oner y st ore, AD t , Oregon ian
Fine coiner grocery location. Woodlawn
1 1 U.
32 ltf.
FU RN ISH ED privat- office in connection
with suite of law offices at most desirable
corner location in city; telephone, light,
good IIbrar. outside windows, etc.; also
desh room . reasonable rents: suitable for
real estate. cont ractor, manufacturer's
b irent. broker or t he li ke. L 5 14. Ore
gonian. FOR RENT -ooras for orfices or musical
0th and Morrison Sts.
WELL- FURNISH ED private office. also
desk room, $5 and $7 723 Cham, of Com.
DESK, use both phones, stenog rap'her ; $To
per month. 22 Wilcox bldg.
ONE-HALF of furn ished office to rnt
W. H. WEBB. fiii5 Yron .'4 Id jr. Main 4313.
GEARHART for Seaside; will give 5 lois tor
a cottage at Seaside. Phono Main 0140.
OFFICES $7 up Furnished office desk
room reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg.
OFFICE: upace. ground floor, 1st and Taylor.
Portland Transfer "o.. Main 3S."5.
OFFICE room with use of extra room, in
cluding phone. 100 McKay bldg.
DESK room and some business for fire
I insurance mau. 332 Chamber Commerce.
BLACKS M ITH and auto, rcpa ir shop, good
place for tilling statioh. On Base l,:ne
(hard surfaced) road, in midst of lino
farming district, ti miles from center of
Portland. Living rooms and garden ground.
Rent $ln monthly. McCoy, 201 Stock Ex
. change bldg.. 17d 3d.
MORRISON AND SECOND, northwest cor
ner, two lots, two-storv building; ail Mor
rison bridge. Hawthorne bridge and Fuifm
cars come lo this corner; other continual
traffic on both streets; count the pedes
trians. Will lease for term of years, rent
reasonable. Miss Ray, 205 14th st. Muift
' 4878, A 0G2S.
15TH and Glisan, loOxloo corner, long lease,
or will improve to suit tenant. Owner, 412
Oregonian bldg.
PAYING restaurant close to shop3 employ
ing 750 ; price $450, terms.
IS H. K.. rooms, nicely furnished, all
full; $350. Bargain.
20 acres, building, tools, cow, to lease,
$125 year; fine for dairy.
Grocery near school; 5 rooms, rent $15;
big candy and soda trade ; lix lures, $225 ;
invoice stock, about $30o.
Best dairy in city, 300-qt. route ; plenty
pasture; $1000, terms; nice house and
buildings to rent, $15.
11 acres, good buildings on fine rond in
Yamhill; value $2uo0; will trade for gro
cery tO $12M.
WENT WORTH. 431 Cham, of Con l;
The Oak Bar saloon in the town of
Dunsmuir, Cat. This taloon is one of the b.t
in the town close to the S. P. uepot. Duns
muir is the headquarters of the Shaqra,
"Division, large shops and a large semi
monthly payroll; also the center of all the
Canyon summer lesorts. Number of th
saloons m town limited to eight; cause of
selling, the owner having leased the largo
Weed Hotel in l iie tow n, can not run two
places. For particulars, write to
THOS. TORE MAN. Dunsmuir. fa!.
JEWELRY STORE Money maker, estab
lished 12 years, modern equ i pine nt, main
street Port land, rent $00, w ith or wit h out
stock ; positively s;ua re proposition, good
living assured for steady man; other inter
ests couse helling; $1250 or $15,000, ac
cording to stock; may consider exchange
of real estate or acreage. Never offered
before. A P 54 1 , Oregonian.
WANT reliable, activo party to take charge
of mortgage loan department of . sta fl
ushed business; must bavo $5000 cash to
invest, which carries third interest in
business. Investment pays 2o per cent
dividend per annum, oayalih quarterly.
No salaries drawn by other active otliceis.
References required. T 540, Oregonian.
1 5-room building, including nicely fur
nished 2-chair barber shop. bat :i and
toilet ; shoe shop and Ii ing-room on
ground floor : 12 stai is : income nearly
$4mi month; $200 profit; rent 5o month;
I rice $ 1 250 cash ; no trade. Bad Icy, 021
Yon iddg.
FOR SALE Cash grucer.v. oM established
corner, one of the best stands in 1 1 us
down town dlst rict ; fine location for cut
price store; no competition; rent very
cheap slock at invoice, fixtures at your
i.wn price: fine opportunity lor live' wire.
RC 154, Oregonian.
A GOO D stock of moi cha nuise, consist m g
principally of groceries, and an up-to-dalo
bakery in connection therewith, for any
one looking for a good permanent hushies.
This is a rare opportunity. Stock and
fixtures about $ltlH.H); rent reasonable. J . V.
PIPE, A 1 ban y Or.
FO R SALE Ti a nsfer and fuel busi uee-s i u
one of the b'.si towns in Washington;
equipment consists of horse-drawn and
motor vehicles; good reasons for selling;
will require an i n vestmen t of $1 2.Mu to
$l5,0iMi. part cash; will bear inspection.
Addivss AV 9ns. Oregonian.
Live up-to-date town, about 30 miles
from Portland, doing good business ; no
dead stock, all staple; no clothing or ex
pensive lad ies' ready-made c lot hi ng. A V
!t44, Oregonian
BILLIARD HALL. 3 billiard, 3 pool tablet.
2 wall cases, 3 showcases, cues, ivory and
composition balls, racks, card tables,
c'.iairs. ct c. cigars, tobacco and ca nd ;
cot $30on; at baruai n. G. C. Wiiistanlcy .
t rustee, t dympia, Wash .
BIG q uick money-ma king pict ures for t Ii e
home, new I'vid, easy t learn; outfit, in
structions for making. showing selling
$5u: make double thai monthly; exclusive
t erntorv For pa rt i ' u I a rs. 11 on toe. r.t ph Co.,
818 Florida Life, Jackson vi 1 le. Fla.
AN old established ba kery, 7 cars in busi
ness, best residence district in city; siork.
fixtures, horse, wagon, bread and paltry
route : good trade; e very th ing com pi etc ;
$!mmi. Owner retiring lo a stock ranch. Y
54 5, Oregonian.
WANTED An assistant hits in ess manager
capable of investing $2ono in a business
proposi t ion of i ea I meri t ; references e -changed.
This Is a rare opportunity. AL
5o7, Oregonian.
WANTED A young man of good -h a ra .t :
to control an auto specialty; e.c!us(e ter
ritory; send references in firt leuer. Ad
dress Factory Branch, room 20 1 Balboa
bldg.. Sa n Francisco.
Coi'NT'iY groeery and baker; sales for
V.H.'i $12. 'Ho; fine equipment; At location;
low rent ; price about $7"m; $15nii ca-h,
balance good trade. Call Badb-y, CUl
Yron bldg.
SUBURBAN GROCERY for sab -, has living
rooms; this is a desirable place ; best
re;:sons for sale; price $375. Call 21'
St i'.rk st.
FOR SALE li interest in paying busjness
for $5W, best of references ami reason lor
selling. Main 2o4l, Sunday, in to 12; Mon
day. O to 8 P. M.
HAVE the l.fst deposi t of ciay in t hi
West for making paving brick, tile, rt-.;
Hhis is worth investigating. L 341, Orc
gomaii. FOR SALE by owner, small cannery on good
harbor in Washington for canning razor
clams, salmon ami crabs. .V V" 013, ore
gonian. o vV i- li posit i el
Sell his -e!usi,.
$ (on mon t h I v ; t lie
s.'.; this Monday.
.iviiiu and vv' must
it in k place : . lea ri n
iailv crowds pi-.iy,. it ;
tilgers, ;21 W-m bldg.
CON FECI" I ON ER Y, cigars, light groceries,
etc.: fine stoiv; with living rooms; cheap
rent ; close to school ; a bargain,
owner, 720 Alberta.
POOLEOI IM -floor-
sell ehr;tp.
s. almost new ; ground
has ood t rade ; will
;i5 Swetland hid.
FA I! I'NKl; want.d; auto repair business, do
ing about SJii day; verv low rein: teis
can he handled for $-too. Call 2 4 s v. starU.
SKILLED florist wants p.
in ea ns for flower stand,
lorn t ion ; references. N
r : n er w: .1 s m a I
Fine down-low i
"3S. Oregonian.
SToi'K sab-sinaii, capable and experienced,
wishes to become ( iM'iit'ri"cl with going,
corpora t i on. AM 53o. lregon ht n.
FOR S A LE 5-cha if harber shoo. ,nu-ji av
oid f urnit lire . first - el ass furn it ore. A d -dress
3 12 Stark st., Portland. Al '.. Haenr.
32-ROOM A PA RT M E N'T- i "r.-c fimto. "7771
sc.; or trade for hoiie and l"t or ram h.
Cull room 01 .'. S et land htdg
WE have one of the
confectioneries on
finest and best
Washington st
1.2 1 Yeoi, 1 Idu
pay in y
or '.dear property. i.
PARTNER for pood offiee business: man
wanted more than the money; should -lear
Moo month. 'all ti 13 Swetland hide.
G ROC ER Y. with living rooms, yard for
chickens; good lo-ntion, steady hnslues;
building. Block. lot; all $2tHjQ. Tabor 3032.
FOR SALE Uncle. Sam oil stock. 5uio
shares, subject to withdrawal without
notice. T. .1. Cough lin, Ed g rt on. Kan.
FOR SALE 25 M. saw in ill. 20 mile; from
Portland ; ch n be bought for less than
f i rst cost. A R 520, Oregon ian.
DAIRY 4hO-ojt. route; auto oelivery: ion-side;-
partner. Millership, 724 Chamber of
Com merce.
CASH "ti want to sell your proper! v
or business or patent f" cash, write R,
G. List. Minneapolis. Minn.
BARBER SHOP. $ t 00 ; butcher shop. $ 1 on ;
grocery stocks from $3..i to $3oo. 507
Williams a ve. East 3505.
WANTED Man for Montana: s.iinv
weekly. $2oo required. P'it Morrison.
Room 5.
STO RES, hotels, houses and fa - ins : rent,
trade or sP. De Rose, 018 Chamber of
Commerce bldg.
SM A LL lunchroom. depot
business. Broad w a y 1 7!' 1 .
HALF interest in gai
than money. N 53t
:i ge ; man wanted ire
, Oregon ia n.
CHEAP for uick sale, neat meat market;
steady trade. R 333. Oregonian.
2'ni A K 5f'.J. On
v 1,! iiood ii e tow u ot
good location, very cheap.
24 N. Oi h.
WANT meat market at 073 Albina ave.; rent
low. AD 520. Oregonian.
GENERAL men hand
corner on Petiinsu I.
store for rei
Woodlaw n 2
ON I Y m M liner-v In town of 1 200 at a bar
gain Address v!-'iroil!anj
B K'KK Y fn good live town of 2'HtO neat
'Portland. A K 327. Oregonian.
GARAGE Owner w ins partner. good
rliHin-e for good repairman. 2"4 E. 34th sr.
RKST m VNT outfit, used only 0 months; $5i MR .will take $Rmi. Tabor 12 1 3.
wTl V.USA LE cash bus in ess for sale ;
i.a a monin. i .ii.i. ui is'Miidii,
sacrl f ice for $ (do ; other
r. AH 345. Oregonian.
ii ess. i w v
RESTAURANT outfit for sale. 104 N. 15th.
Call Monday.
Y. groceries, cigars, lunch,
214 I n ion a ve. N. Owner.
It-room house
ptipCoRN wagon fur sab?. Call at 3oi Burn
bide st. Monday.