12 THE SUNDAY OREGONTAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 1G, 1916. fob .t.r.. FKLLIXa OUT rrnml-1:;- nd rr.P'-hinrry and pupr"p at kiriun .ri Ca t iron i-uilcy. box-". rivry. :-huf.;iis, any sized, at 1 ; ceutB l:our1 iron, flat Iron, I-bcanw. bolt.1, nut.-., sltcl lion, 1 cent per puuiid. PIPE PIPE PIPE '--inch pipe, pur foot ............ - c 1 -to'jh p:pe, per foot 3'ie 1-2-tach pipe, per foot 6 c 2Vi-inch pipe, per foot ........... .10 c -inch pipe, per ffoot !c lU-ir.ch pipe, per foot ............ 2ijc 2 -inch pipe, per foot ............ 7 c 3 -loch pipe, per foot ............ .13 c All kinds valvca and fitting at bargain prices. Several 60Od pumps at bargain rrices. 1 54x11 toiler ... 1 6x11 boiler . . . 1 upright lo-U. P. , . $ 'Jo Thousands of other bargains In the econd-hand machinery line. Buy now, as tnis la a rare chance to get this class f goods at EUCh prices. Front and Ciranl 6t3 I'oriland, Or. i,h-AD WOOL, lead pip'-, tlieet i.ad, marine cneines 3u 11. P. n-am ensrac, 4 11. I. oras havi, pullr;.s. s.-ail. .Machinery rc- ;JoitTHWEST LEAD MACHINERY CO. di i r iujh oi and accMrrics; BAR HER FIXTLitba and CMAJi:; easy Pmrus THE liliL NaWICK - HALlvt-COLLLNDBR CO . 45-4 fifth ft. JF u rt'-sire to hear a reaiiy wonderful Instrument, come in anj listen to the new j'-.ion (iiamfpixi djsc pnonor.iph; no nee cls to ci ai.L't; th- records are ind r true t lb; ra.sy iimenis. Hvatl Taik.ng Ma chine Co.. 00o Alder st. ft WING- MACHINES 20O slightly ue! sewing machines, all makes, w:.l be cloned cut. Dropued, $0 and. up; box tops, 2 and up s. . Siegd. two stores, 3b3 Alder st. and -12 .l'.'T xt. fchWI.Wi MA'"HlMia of a. I niahea sold for Ice's . no a rftnt h employed ; Oid niachln-i tak-.-n in e j-- hanne; macnlnt-i rented. i per mon lb. Maciniio tin porluin, I'.) 3d. RcMf Taylor. Main 0431, A 3010. JWEW iinoifc'im, inlaid. reKUarly $1.25 yd., P-ci-i a.i tl.l wtek, 79c. Printed lln o.fum, nest grace, nsuiar'.y Mir. special for tirce cays, 0c yd. r'c.dtlcia Furm tijr Co.. -:. Grand av-e. ELECT "RIO stove, 1-boie rhitc, cost $10, Bell for Mi. Electric prill, co-t $10. for $4. Eo.tri-- hot water urn, 'ost 51-. for $4. Hot water urn. B O::.". Oregonian. tji; S A F.ne navy-blue s n;c smi Norfo.k uil. brand r.ew ; whito Chilton are.- ; uIJ rose and t rench o.ue? evening K-.n; l.tet models; a I tjas than ha.f ;.r.-. Ir.iu.re Ma:n ii.'i.'E4. Ji.'. -.Sew I-ift" e:ecir:c vibrator for ,i lit'; No. -A Eiistman tanit-ra f --I ;..". i l l b-t wt-en 1 and 3 I. M. ai.y tiiiie Aloi;da at ot N . In. aw VI. ki A K jur't re. ived iarge f Lipmeiit of l.tt..-jt i-t its tir.i f ofio and ntrol.'m !-.' i.i I t mm. iiyatt Talrttn M.ichinw . ... ;,V Aid-r. IVAili.lA iiL I-b.S licit cactus arid peony :.-., .'i.i . t pri'.t. r w i.i c-x.nany tt '!.-n bu.ir- r rameil arKl.ea. tli ' ttii-f-r of Cri.rii'-r e. O--' A K Juil.N.- t..e fl'-nsc, 70S Oilman lar-t ass'irtm-nt of p. nay . ".nc to 4-'c UuZt'U. i'iioaea. Mar--n7 A 14o. i; w..d 4 um'.'-s from nt.i:l.n, frv.ijl.t l.O.'i Cord to 1'oft- ... r.; ; n-.fii.il nancri for man with Ci't i'mci-t L'j iianaiti. i-L 7-0, Ortoniac. Hl'iH'rT cah price raid for rillea and iioi; urid, (.anicras. kouakX and 1. bc Li-iii.ii. s-. a ana etcr.ai ed. iiof'i Iriu' ! f am-rn K x. :..t i. f, 0 . Main S'.l. lLANTS i-fr airJcn. boxes, tubs, set up; ija::u.ni? Cj.t r. T j, .'''; ; taar.as, g i.i.l to . ijrf, l-r-r.rii.tls taeap. I'fderaon, 41'J xncouver av-nti. I'uHTAKlK fjAilAOciS. houati. hunting cjb.r.s. cfcUKtn-:iOues, ou'lsneda, etc. J!i;.iit.t.!; Ci'i';r-,i Una Co., 04 Hood el. Main 1 I'jT it-jid-nctt piipn-?. Wdin. fcAFKS .w and 5:cond-hand. Your old ian in extiianKt-; terms. Xorr.s Sale & Co . loo d st. H 'l.l.-Tfi' d---k, tlat-top desk, bookkeeper t:.-!- k, I . r. y eaoiriets, ale ao.nets and ci.a.r, a.i f:n &cae. 11 i'arjt gt. 47 V.V ii 1 iCTi K.S l.on. ca.med fruits. jliis, pre;rivs and P" K-c-s; a!s liavliand cUaa e. 4-'. trttu U 111 o lr you war.t cedar posts, any size or length, ca.t it-s Wood Tie and i'ole wo., Mair. 7 T '7. BAKiiAlNi In unredeemed suns and r oivers; all mak-; cbeap. Ht-aar eg ard' s, 7 j s M a!n St.. Vancouver. W ah. iiL'KiiANK ee;-l pot;itoei. 7." si-ks ra is d on n.w land; tik tttf-ii. all at $l.-.t a satk. K W 0-foot can; r-friri' rutini? fhuwease, jdate tr t-:.- top. ? lj; io. 1 computing yt-ni; jl, W. -7 Vancouver, Waa. PL.MN1 LAK as ratine, upriKi't oven, ued 2 montrs; p: ie $ 1 "v bi J V luiams ave. 1'hone Woodiawn lav?. SITT--5 pr-sd. cents; dry- leaned. 5 1 O0. Irnqj" Tailrm5 Co., 3u'j Stark. Croad w ay .".14. HAVfi us make you a suit for $10.00 down and the b.ilan ? $."i.mi a month. L'n.que Ti.Ior.n? Co., c"0 .-lark, bet. 0th and bin. WII.I sarr:fioe my boauiiful diamond ear rings LO.t.i.u $o0 f.or -e. A D 01J, Ore- F"rnan. CA il RtGIaTKUS, slightly used ; our prices prf iower. Cash K-i;ter Kxchane, 3",1 W a s hi n ij'on s t. Main J. KIK''TKIO washing machine. Marsn-Weils, used oi.ly ii months, for b.iif pru-e. M. ki. Calf f. 040 lii.ants ave. Last t417. i-L.i-.cT 1: 10 motors for t-aie, trade or rent; exi.ert r.painns- Walker Electric Works. 41i iiurns'-ie s:. Broad'vay or A ''.74, i'u H HALl or j-nt Lot-L':n and hoisting er..Les, a 1 i kinils machinery, rails, cars. lia:l way i;Mu:i'ient Co.. 7'i 1st. Main 2ot;3. VE rr.t you Ktilwrn phonograph and IS record s o;. montn for .;.."'. iiyatt Talk- :rn? Mc h .n Co., .",4j Aidtf r. 'I:i:NCil rargr 'Z owns, in pood condition, f. ; .', ; a snap if taken n on, e. James M c A:ams, 4oi Wasmnnton st- i-"Ft. SALE Sma'! Diamond rin-. hand- a r e 1 -1 1 : n , J d. A o 0-'., Or - o n i a n. 1'IA MBiNO supplier at wholesale prices, r-tark I'avts Co., '2 1 "J HI st. Main 7f7. X, 'r K I bicy (. ies and motorcvcles bought and s d. It. H. ll Qi ker. Tay.or, cor. 4:h. li;-AKINi lze apple tree. Ooc each, Mitca : ; Nurjiery. T oma. Wash. .V"J r-L!XKaa CA KlS, 5uc. P.oy Cur i r-.r: tery. :;d St.. cor. Taylor. ALASKA iiai; A .Icnk Co.. l': Front. pas h:jf.".--it pri- In nk :i I K : r. '! . M. 4'-- CA.-H ri(Ai-r. safes aad store fixtures. HK h fe -l Hros.. ljt an l Vam; ill. Zti M A''H!N.-:kY bought, sold an -Pre:. ai red. N. W. Lei-1 Ma.-ilt.ery Co . XI 1 Kront st. jf; T.otir. teo I'i'KMr r i -'. r-afonaNie ti-7 'i inn r'. M:!r-"lall 4'. 4. IiAV'r; a iim:N-l amount of Al fir cord . o' d f -r ta.f. ta.-t 71o. Cl'Mf'T.KTK vub-anizinir ou'flt; ir..-t $ ' r t r i l, a t.irjain. A . 'r ir -n ..i n. C H K P i oaj'T brak bfey- . ti.- t- -.a-s c n';l"i "P; j,od as r-w. Ti"-nr 0I,4. p il y-KI-K o- ira-;-. on ! u r-. -y or' s o'jl.1 or.j or-- . .-l. Tt or I-o-v 4'.'i -llih av S. h! h'.f O r '.- f.iin, ..ik t ;l I.L C"-o stov. koocI as r .. $7. j7 F;- n ! iTw. W. .,-j lawn :iT70. f'.r S It. j;re-n iruiritf ("avl h!d. riKAI'TlKI'b -ljf'r ir- -nnn-! ri r for caie -riRp; r-'nc f t. 1M l'. i. ftr IO A. M. CA s r.- :i nr. i burners, lare oven, U kitii. SAI-K '.iiejy, E'liion movins p:ctars ir. tc h : f i! n. 12- n ar A Idr. O-'- & 3-bu.-fier o.1 sto. and f-; Ilns ironm . . . i - . ; . e a p . V o 4, I ; n w n ."i 4 i ' . FOR SALE. l iscellrtnetu-. CH A HCOAL-lin.-d Alaska refrigerator, 60 jound.-t 'ap.i'ity, worth new $1-0, used only hhort time; will tak'1 $ " on p:iy-na-nts of per month: f refriKerator. 7 ; li rffntj'Tator, ?"t ; $ no rel'ri tserator. white enameled, $lo.0o. EDWARDS COM PANT, Fif t ii and Oak Stu. "A Ciood Place to Trade." sKW i.; MAf'MlXKS Whe ler .S: Wil.n, ; Sini?' r. -7..".i: new Koal, $10: White, $10; La i.j, 1 ti.On ; New iiome. $ 1 - ; Fa oiite, $17.0)t; National Aut.. t-'O; Miune Mila, -14 ; Will iniettf. 517.0'); laniai'U8, $1"; Mmiir-ota, 7 ; riirm't-r, $J-.00; White, ; New Home. 1 ( ; Aviator. JJ.0O. Old in a hiites taken in exciiaii ue. Terms II (j Hired. S-wing Mrichine Kiiipr.riuni, ltn .",d., ntur Taylor. MaiaJMiii. A ;'-'. 2of TEXT?, all riz-s, new, po below factory pnets. Mail orders promptly. We fill them riiht. FELhSTEr.V FCRNITI'KE CO., Lstabi.Hhed since l'.07, N"-'.i4 ijrand ae. CA.-M r-L'!Ts, Klttiotly used, reduced prices; M-cond-lianil and rebuilt. National cash rcitist.-is by pri.-ed, easv monthly pavm'ts. NATIONAL, CASH i t E O 1 S T E i 4 CO., 0J-1'"'4 iurii.-i'!e. st., cor. bth. I'honc bruulway 1 1 G. O v 1 tt-iit. 14xJit, us d only 1J das. cont $J'J. "i!l fa II at $1 Monday only. 00 cook Flows, and tip. FE1.PSTEIN 1TKNITT;KE CO.. -! 4 Grand a eJ 1"01. SPEC! A LS In printing Envelopes, t-tatc-in lit- fti-.; $- ikt 1M,; luo letterhead and 1'0 one'op printed with name and nddr-s.- $1; ft-tmples. .Main itox 0--lort!ai:d. HE IN IEIE.N DK.NT Work for your-If; my 00 formulas for 00 cents worth $00 ; ln clu'iin two preservatives, wail i-apcr clean r. etc. . 13. Crary. East lth ft.. Miiford, Or. ri.V A P ;-nt'H ci arffm. recount rue ted crner jid, surrounded by 1J lino diamoinis; cost $7.'.; will tell for one-half. AK Oil-, Ore gon tan. DENTIST cabinet, good as new, cost $60 $10 only. 8S-JI Grand avenue. HRMHKK WAXTKD. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE. 20S First. KLINE'S. 08 First. MAIN 30D. A phono call will bring the buyer with the money. We buy and seil everything for tho house; 1x0 lot too biuall or too big for us. WE PAY THE BEST TRICES. LEVIN HDW. F.I R.V. CO., 221 Front St. We buy, c.l, all kinds of household goodn, f 11 mi; urv. car net a and ranses. rest aura it outfits, hardware. mW'iuir.K tools of any ciescript fou ; a fo trunks, valls"s, cultcasea, guns, r.fi- a. Main !m72, A 7174. MIsil KUUNITURE CO.. 184 FJrsu Main 07'.. D4 Firat. Call on us and net our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis po i n g of game. I NEED .1 lot of teuond-hand furniture and cari-ets to ship out of town; can pay more than Portland fe.-ond-h a nd dealers. Phone J. WALK E ft. MAIN 4 773. WANT furniture up to fyim va!u in x har.ee for beach lot at Neahkahnie. pi. on" C -Jin:. WILL PAY CASH FOR K 'ON I f-il A M H' H .-EHOLD OOODS. PH'NE main A it.07. W N T EI I landoinj mahogany dinins; ror.m f'irnttiire: must be a bargain. Mar-f.-n.'i 00 4"-. i.'Al.I. M.: 1 ha i 1 1 :f you w ant best cash prtres for used furniture. OWL FI KXITUKE CO. pays best rtrlce for y -oir fiiriiiitiie. jo 4 it. Main 407. ilfcl UI Auctfo s-ll vour furniture to the -Ford . M nn S;C.l. 21 1 1st st. Wi EL pa y cash for e-ond -h a nd furniture. L'oi t'-cori'l pt. M.iHfall 473. WILL p.-y ?". for 0 or o rooms of furniture. Aldei st. MCST liave used furniture, any quantity; pay cash. M. ii. t'ulif, East 0417. WAXTKI) I1S( KIX.WKOIS. JUNK. JUNK. JUNK. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICKS for all kinds of metal, rubber, auto tires. machlner, pip-, beilinp. plumbing sup pile, burnt plants, plants wrecked and (j!inant rd; makes no difference what it la. big or smai., gtt our estimation befors ou sell; e can pay more, we aeil direct In carload lots. ALASKA HAG A. METAL CO. 175 Front St., Cor. X mhlil. Main 8232. W A NT ED S E- ,'u D- HAND C LOTH E.-5. We pay the highst price for ladles and gnats' cast-off clot hi rig, bicycles a ad vcrytninif :ti tnerclmuJe. Call us up. We need it and pay for It. GI.OUK POitE. FI R-ST. Main lpoo. Main 20M0. Ci J Hit WOOl W A N TED. Want ca - I..itl. about I'O coins, of flrst r!ass 11 r t.-i-i wood, F. O. Ii. Prt land ; givf full parti:u.ars and priee. Writ to 0-", Oreironian. WANTED 1 ti-ft. floor snowcasc: 1 5-ft. f.oor ciar case; 1 large refrigTator. about 4 it. by i ft. Give lull Oex ription and hc?t price for cauii, Aduress AV bll. re von ian. bECOND-H AND CLOTHIXO BUYER J. Meyer, the tailor, pays you more for ciothing and jiiuci It-liable iu er. Caii M are h a.i, 'JJ'J Mad ison st. $1 YOUR watch repaired, no matter how baciy broken, $1 ; all war k Kuaranteed. huW A ii D JEW ELK V CO., 03 Ota SU, correr Srark. Bring thia ad. WANTED Some-one t buy rny l'.1t Chal mers roadster to-lay ; perfect m-t ha n u-ai condition and f:rst-clas tires, lor $1!0. Tabor 4"bo. t E O N I - H A N D CLOTHING BUYERS. H O N est D E A L. We pay hi k hest price for all k nds of loth in g. shoes, etc. Call Main 4 771, 147 Front st. iii'iittl.-T ( ash prh'fs for d fa moruls, old gold. silver, platinum, antique Jewelry, pa-.n th k-:. St M.-k Exi-hant-'e bi.li-., jd anil Yan.i.iit. Main .':'i.V Will call WILL take) nervous patients and treat them in my no me ; : y i aonable ; gradual e praeiUion-r. Wi:l treat ail diseases. Phono East 471-'. WAN I E I Grand ' at in-r's mahogany clock Z 1. Oregon ian. HIGH E.ST prices paid for second - hand clothes, shoes and all kinds of carpenter tools. Main 4'. H. Coiien, 273 Front at. WA N T ED A Sf'-ond-hand water heater, 1 on bio co: 1 Humphrey preferred. I 'hone Marshall T-'O. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and hiph -grade ore. II. M Pickering, Tti f g. jeweler. 218 Oregon ian bldg. W A X i'KI 4-foot cinar cae for counter, offif-e desk, stenographer's table and chair. W 02t, oregonian. W A N T E D G or, d second-hand re v rse gear for 1 - H. P. engine. 1 007 W an h burn t., St. Johns car. WILL exeha litre liew I h 0110 kt.'i ph for irint iu. iiyatt Talking Machinu Co., a.'.o Al ier. RAG.S anJ other Junk which s em worthless to you will t ring good money. Phoue us. Marshall w;o. Wul'l.D l:Ui to buy a mult iplo drawer Na tional cah re w !., r for can. Hyatt Taik in k Machine c o.. :;Oo Aiir. WANTED Cub btars at me Oaks Pnrk. I lione Sellwood Zl.lt 1. or call at office Oak Park. WE buy a!l kinds of phonograph record Main 44:i0. 12t First, near Alder. 1 WILL pay tempting prices for second-hand i-l'-ir.in. Mar. hail n "... W A NT E i Natiffitl cash register, ti. 301 'j Washington st. ALASKA Bag & Jur.k Co.. 23 Front, pays h ighegt prices Juii k all kinds. M. 4486. WILL PAY cash for S. & H. green trading earnp llu Northwestern Hank bldg. W" A N TED "ash r-rister. showcase. 1st and Yamnill. Mam 8S6. WE buy a--d s-li new a-iU se ond-hnnd uit-cast-s and. trunl- h. Maiw :m7 Z. A 7174. WANTED S-foot floor showcase. 44 Grand a- .-. East l"oo. TENT w anted, about lx 14. v ilii fly ; give pr e-, condition. A E 01?, Oregonian. WILL nor.) small emo'int of f u rniture for u.- or b-drooni s t. Tabor 2411. WE kalsomlne rooms for $2.50; guaranteed f JO'i houf paintirg work East bU2. WANTED 2-! - hand don key engine, about 7-'e. i,'-r. I-., mil nor'). Or. WAX i"KI A piitiii.- sliow with small stage. hiAi.K a::d oll- niiit; must ixt first -cass arid birain. AG- 47. (n-Rori(in. W A N T E 1 ' To buv i o!jil..ni's; F-it.hs made I , o r.i r. .v. 1 E Yfi nihil!. E 171 0. WA.vrKD i'iaiiorm sale.t. lnuirt room G, WAN i'i-.n Hdt'I k cimng-roo tn. table, 1 easoi;iil-. Eat 4 '..!. WANTED To buv a f-w grod soda tanks. K 0 11. Or-''on ; n. WANTED A hoV b.rw-I.-; mul be in good f.i tp-. AE 027. 'T-gonian. WA N'TED Mandolirt, hanjo, ' xylophone, z.t-.-r. Phone Main f.S.14. W N'T ED Standard piano; must be cheap P A N ' . E want -d n t Marshall 7S i'iiloM, binocular wanted. AN 000, Oregonian. HELP H'ANTHD MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 220-222-224 Couch tit.. Corner 1st- FOR JOBS OR MEN. SEE US FIRST. WANTED AT ONCE FOR MILL. 10 rough carpenters for large lumber company up North, $2.00 per day and up, according to ability. Mill and yard men, north, south, east and west, going wages. Party w anted by larxe sawmill to take contract to handle lumber on sort ng chains. Ratchet setter, $.'.. Carriage rider, fiM'O and $2.0o. Rip sawywr. box factory, JJ.OO up. Cut-off sawyer, $2.00. Air trim nierrnan. Edgeiman. 4. 2 machinists for lumber company, fare advanced. 2 car loadeis, $2.00. Buil-cook, logging com pany, $2.0o. We have a steauy call for ull kinds of skilled and unskilled help for sawmills. IN THE WOODS. Camp blacksmith, $3.73. Buckera, $3. fallers, choker-setters, ripging men. Donkt.y drivers, w his tie boys, etc. New oruers every hour. ON THE FARM If you follow farm or dairy work, give us a call, it will be to your interest. We want ri t;h t now FIFTY men for ranch work. Milkers. $:i0 to $40 per month and board. General farm hands. $:i0 to $30, with board. Choreinen, hopyard men, go ing waees. We also need several good wood -cullers at prices that make it Worth your while to gel busy. GRAYS HARBOR, WASHINGTON. We are the official representatives of one of the larpr-st lumber concerns in the Northwest, located in the Grays Harbor cou 11 1 ry. No matter whether you are. the 11105 1 skilled man in your line or whether ou ar just starting in and wish to learn I he lumber business, we can place you. See our .Mr. Haw kins today and Monday morning in regard to this. WE ADVANCE YOUR FARE AND HAUL YOUR BAGGAGE TO THE DEPOT Fit EE. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, CORNER FIRST AND COUCH STS. WANTED 5 men merhanicall y Inclined, thai aro handy with tools, to work In the la rfcesi "auto I'artory on t he Pacific Coast ; good wapeii and a shar of the profits; Applicants for ihiM position must invest $'ioi. All In vest men ts secured. Call Mnn dav, or write. Desk M. 724 Northwestern Hank bldg. . 1. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and nipht classes; training in re pairing, driving and machine work, in cluding fori;p, la t he. shaper, drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational office Y. M. C. A. bid?., to Inspect our shops and methods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUP PLIED. Tuition fee includes MEMBER SHIP IN Y. M. C. A., and its EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT, uao of OO-ft. swim ming pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. STO"K MANX wanted by larpp automobile concern, position out of town: salary $70, chance for advancement; applicant must invest $ 1 0oo in company which is secured and draws pood dividends. Call 724 North western Bank bldg. EARN $ 1 on week v man air in g clean lepiti mae mail-order business; we furnish everything ; right pa rty need not worry about capital; splendid chance for ln teUipent, employed person to control ind1 pe i.ient busins on profit-sharing basis, ln';:lni!liiK tpare time, evenincs at home; pa r ten lars 1 r. e. Opportunities; Exchange, Moffalo. N. Y. MANAGERS wauled. $0m) quickly made, by good men; life opportunity; clean, taking proposition involving stork and bond sell lnp and the furnishing of money 1 erect buildings; commission only to start, valary and commission later. Address, stating experience. Sc retai, Room 4'id, 15 Beaver street, N c W York. LEA EN AUTO TRADE in most modern sw-liool on Coast. I'ourrPB practical Hnd complete; expert supervision; time unlim ited; reasoTiab.e rates. Will help you earn your living while learning. Catalogue f re.-. National School of Engineering . Es tablished P. mi," , Jyos Anneles. BOi K K E E PE R. $l'Kt; planer foreman. ir cular filer and foreman; millwright, $P"0; band f I i -r and foreman ; en k im-ers, saw vers; timekeeper and bill clerk; accountant and estimator (mili: hoisting enKiueer. "'"; aLo other uprnings. Mack's, Little Itoek. Ark. lo EKNMENT positions in postoflice, rail way mail and ot her branches are good ; prepare for " 'exams' under former I". R. civil service secretary-examiner; booklet H --'0 f ree : w ri te t 'day. F'at terson Civil Service School. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man who wishes to learn the automobile business; must know some thing about bookkeopii'K and also operate a typewriter. me who ran drive a car preferred. Answer giving references and experience, V 043. Oreponiari. WANTED 2 brftrht younp men, of nat appearance and sePlng ability, for an ex ceptional and lucrative proposition; sal ary or commission. Call Sunday after noon b-tween 1 and 3 o'clock, lo-y Abing ton bids. SuLU'ITOR wanted. Competent to meet business men. One familiar with printing trade preferred. Address in own hand writing with references. AE 041, Ode gonian. EX( 'EPT1" N A L opportun ity for man be tween a?e 20 and 4o with larpo financial corporation. Only man of education and high moral character need apply. AE 040, Oreponian. Yol'NG man, IS to 22 ears dl, to learn the wholesale hardware bus 1 11 ess ; retail experience preferred; good chance for ad vancement. Apply quickly. AD 4!'.';, Or con ia n. SPLENDID carer open to pood inecha nics ; pract ial courses in all bra riches of en pine rin ; work lie Ins pay tuition ; Illus-ti-il. d cat aloe ue from Seattle Englneer irig S'-hool. Hoy st., Seattle. YOUNG man with some ability and aptitude for solicitor desiring a permanent connec tion wit ii sui stantial organization with prospects for satisfactory and permanent results. Call 2o2 Rothchild Iddp. WANTED Man and wife on farm. Must be absolutely reliable and experienced; wife to assist In house. Give full particulars and wages. Box 22S. Ore iron City. Or.- VERY competent peneral farm hand, sinpie. muf furnish blankets; w apes $30 and board. Give age and references. AO 343. Or ponfan. FLUNKEY, experienced, country home, wash d ishes. scrub, some cookinp ; must have blankets; w apes $'b and board ; give age, experience. AO 04 2, Oregon ian. MOVING Picture operator; evening work and Sunday rnatlnee. State experience, salary expected and give references. AF O.'J."!, ftreirimian. MAN" ami teams for steady farm work. Call 012 Royal bid p., corn er Morrison and Broadway. Sunday, 2 P. M. or Monday 9 A. M. WANTED Good honest, reliable man to as sist gentleman in house and parden; ref erences required. Apply .Mondiv. Third and Coueh sis. Ask for Mr. Descamps. 2 HIGH-CLASS solicitors for country terri tory; excellent specialty line, IOO per cent commission. 8 ',4 Chamber of Commerce 01 1 p. 1 WILL pay any honest man up to $00 monthly for part of spare time; no can vassing: no capital; write todav. Voorhles I e;.K 1 02, Om a ha. Neb ST E A D Y em p., pood w a ges. day and nipht riacni's ; rew monins learninp; profitable Watchmaking. E 11 graving. Optical School, 21 Commonwealth bldg., Oth and Ankeny. MAN who understands care of lawnand garden and can put in two days a week during the Summer; suburban; close In, Oswego line. AH 020, Oregon ian. HUSTLERS $2rt to $30 made weekly dis tributing circulars, samples, tacking fdirns, etc. Advertisers National Apency, Dept. G TO, Chicago. M A I 15 M ON 17 Y writ ini; stories or art irk-s ; lip pay; free booklet tells how. Address 1 Mited Press S nd ica f e, San Francisco. ASH and door machine man : no would-hes wanted. all ton a v. Haw thorn e Bracket Co.. IOO.--- East Madison. WANT to make arra n gement s for us of 5 pass. auto while tnkinp scenes. Continental Photo Players, 8l7 Upshur st. HANDY man and wife to improve house and p rounds for rent of furnished rooms. jfci .V.4. ( reponlan. EN PKRIEXTED book I'nlq tie proposit ion. p"nian bldg. salesmen wanted. Call at 200 Ore- 01 NO man bookkeeper or hiph school graduate, for position In mill office, at St. Jlm. T 037. Oregonlan. good man w anted to handle restaurant t rade with small a mount of monev good thing. X 041. Oreponlan. Man and wife, cook and helper, for hotel out of town. Apply TO A. M. todav. Hotel Employes' Ass'n. flQ4 Rnnhnnsn bldg. MAN and w Ife to take charge of stocked, equipped ranch; sala shares. Cn II at .r'.! Morpa n i.M g id wife to take charge of SO-acre n ranch : salary and FPEE The Portland Barber College will tench you the trad free; pa v vou while pT-plnc: experienced Instructor" ti32 2d. WANTED Man for Montana : h tv weekly. $2oO required. 400 Morrison. Room 0. WANTED Men to cut cordwood. about r0O c rds. 12 miles from Portland. (all 420 M orriOii. GOOD man with $3'M can pet half interest in business; will pay over J100 month. T 543, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. YOU CAN be your own boss and make $1 per hour or more. Wre will show you "now to get into the automobile body-finishing business for yourself, and soon have other men working for you. With Luster all, the wonderful auto body finish, you can refinish from 1 to 2 old cars per day, and get from $0 to $20 per car. It i honorable, pleasant, healthful profitable work, and the field Is practically unlimit ed. Every customer brings new ones. Com plete Lusterall outfit delivered anywhere In the United States, sufficient for four cars, for $1. H will positively renew fac tory finish on any make or color car. The luster will outlast the original ; will- not collect dust ; is not affected by rain ; will nt check or crack ; makes 4-year-old cars look like new. Guaranteed not to in jure the finest finish. Send today; be first in your locality to take advantage 01 tnis big opportunity. i.uterati vom pany, sole ow ners American rights. Hoi lin ps worth bldg., Los Angeles. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER wanted must leave town for large manufacturing company; salary $.0 to start, chance for rapid advancement to the ripht party: ap plieants for this position must become in- leresi ea in tne company ; $iOoi req uircd. -a,ii i-i ortnwestern BanK Didg. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. 1 ouup men seeking employment 111 com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the Employment secre tary. To non-members a special member sin u Is Issued. cos tine 0 oer annum. giving service of the department for a ear two months luil privileges and re tuna or membersnlp ree ii satisfactory em ployment is not secured. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Come upstairs, men, and savo money on your new suit. $20 men's suits for $14.70 ; $20 mej,'i suits for $1S.70. Jimmy Dunn, .M0-ltf-17 Oregoniau bldg. Elevator to 3d noor. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Great er opportunities ; large salaries; send 0oc tor booklet iy lornier executive dowi t here describing actual condi t ions, sal arles, etc. ; names and addresses large corporations employing Americans; pet in toucn wun tneai. Aanress c x -s. a Bureau. 110 2st ave., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Manager gen. merchandise store, small valley town; $2't"0 investment re quired; good opportunity for right man; honest hustler more essential than great experience. Write or inquire room 21 Hotel central, a4 Aider Ft., i'ortiand, in even ings and Sunday A. M. I MADE $.00,000 in fie jears with a small mad order business; began as a side line with. $u; made $1U,0U0 lirst year; I will snow you how to do the work ; no ca n vassing. Send for free booklet; tells how Heacock, Box 2oj4, Lockport. N. Y. WINDOW trimmer who wants to double his efficiency to write me about my special rftVp of set of display idea sheets; only the one set at 011 -third its original cost ; a ureat bargain. Address V iii, Oiego nian. W A NTE D Good auto mechanic, one who is well acquainted v it h cit v trade. will give you half interest in my own pa rage, no money required, but good man a, once. oive name and address, expe rience and references. X e4-, Oregon tan W ANTED A F E W E X P E R I E N CED WAEKS ON KNOW EES LOOMS; ".'U MACHIXKIIY A N IJ GOOD PAY APPLY GOLDEN STATE WOOLEN M ILLS. L NG BEACH. CA L., GIVING ALI r I ' A 1 I ON S. WE NEED one or two good solicitors; must oe earnest worKers ; live insurance and book agents will be. g i ven a preference. Remuneration will be governed by ability to produce results. A pply it :00 to 12. u 31 o n a w K mug. SALESMEN We have some territory open yet in Orepon, Washington, California, Ne vada and Idaho: bip commission paid on a 1 asr-sel ling a rti le d irect to consumer irom lactoiy. Jaeger Mlg. Co., 701 Swet land bldg. Dl ST'R ICT 'rnanapers wanted for Oregon and vafcnincion territory jor tne West Coast San Kl'ilnrlsi'n I.il'. Iniirnnci. I 'om no n r Exceptional opportunities. Ci! II or write . fiew a i 1, .vi -ciiinp oifig. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our handy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock ; cash weekly ; part c-vfeoae jiuv lueu. asuingtoo ursery y o. . 1 oj-peinBii, v asn. DENTIST WANTED FOR HONOLULU. Must be experienced operator; elderly man preferred ; honest and sober; refer ences us to character anil ability required Address AV Pop. Oregonian. WE want a manager for a downtown grow- "O .......I. -iil.lUHlf, MUSIlieD, Willi ROOU profits, staple daily demand goods ; small investment required. Factory 113 Killings- WAN TED Experienced corporation pro moter ; must be in position to finance self None others will be considered. A-l proposition. Answer must give full de tail s. r u4 1 , oregonian. YOU can learn to be an OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST. The De Keyser Institute of Optometry, Columbia bldg. Day and evening classes and instruction by cor- SECRET SERVICE Officers, also Inexperi enced persons, prepared for superior lor- eiKn aim Ainrncan wotk by leading ot- ficially indorsed world's expert. Asiatii Pacific Agency. San Francisco. ANT elderly man. all round helper on two-acre farm; work for board and room. Call Monday, apt. 103 Tudor Arms, Huh SALESMAN to call on physlcia ns ; estab lished tradi ; expenses and commission ; stage age; also one for outside city. P. 0 box 111, Philadelphia. WANTED Names of high-class men desir ing salaried positions in South America. Postage for app.hation and particulars. N. Ac A. Co., box 1424. Los Angeles. CHOICE opening to get In real estate busi- ne-ts rigPi at small cost; new downtown office. Address Advertiser, care Box 3. Ar let a Station, City. WANTED A reliable man to soil our at tiactlve old line health and accident pol icies. Portland and vicinity. Call mornings. I. C Cunningham. 0u0 Journal bide-. WE want several good live solicitors; steadv work and promotion to those who qual ify for higher positions. Jewel Tea Co., 21 Grand ave. 1 Y O well-dressed young men, 20 to 30 sears 01 age, witn selling experience pre ferred, work' in Portland and vicinity. 'u iiioining, 05 mmuer rxenange-. WANTED Single man for general farm work on fruit ranch ; must be good hand with team and a hustler. A R 040, ore gonian. U AN1 ED Married man with no children or a single man to work on fruit farm must understand general farming; slate wages. Address iJ,p ..44, Oregonian. MEN to qualify for traffic managers; earn from $ 10 to $3U0 rer montli : on lv n m. bltious men who are looking for a future iieu uppiy. au -in, ore p una :i. AUTOMOBILE man for Eastern Oregon town; must be expert on carburetor, maa-- neto and -starting and ljghting systems; no tuners meu appiy. Al o4.i, Oregonian. G A R A G E O W N E R S. WHEN IN NEED OF HELP CALL MARSHALL 40- ;o. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. U P H 0 1 T E R E K S WANTED; steady em ployment to first-class mechanics at good . wages. Continental Beddiifg Mfg. Co., 1030 Bryant St., San Francisco. Cal. MAN somewhat familiar with printing to sen article useu oy an .for t land grocers and butchers; liberal commission. AB all, oregonian. WANTED Man with motorcycle guaranteed $00 a month ; can make more delivering packapes. 13 N. 12th, corner Burnside, at once. W ANTED Linotype operator ami all-round printer who is willing to do everything In a country office ; stead y sit. to the right man. AV H31. Qreponian. MUSICIANS and actors' slide tuba clarinet, tent show. Wire Chas. G. Helton, Col fax. Wash. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen, brakemen, $120 monthly; experience un necessary. Railway, Oregonian. WANTED A foreman for a small wood pulp mill; must thoroughly understand the business. Address A V 931, Oregonian. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 2G 11TH, NEAR JEFFERSON ST. WORK YOUR WAY THROUGH. WANTED Ooort man and wife on ranc'h": must understand funning ; references re quired. AO r31, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 10 to is. to work on dairy farm in and out of town. Call 7lO E. 33d and Powell. WHY NOT DRESS UP? Uncalled-for men's Spring suits, $3.50 up. Orpheum Cleaners. 300 Siark, cor. Park. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 44 0 HAWTHOK N K AVE. Students earn board, room while learning. GROCERY clerk, experienced; must be fast worker and not afraid of hard work. AB 52d, Oregonlan. MEYER, the Tf.ilor. pays more for second- hand suits. $0 and up. 229 Madison st Marshall 122R WANT to buy a few slightly worn men's clothes. 105 W. Park Bt. Broadway 1713. PHOTO agents, something new ; extra com misslon paid. Sarony Studio, Royal bldg. iiSS DECKE R'S PRIVATE Business Col lege moved new Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. SHOEMAKER wanted. 1024 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Vest maker. Ray Barkhurst, 6th and Stark. EXPERIENCED solicitor. liberal commission paid. 240 Hawthorne. IF YOU are employed and would better your earning power, write V 528, Oregonlan, HELP WANTED MALE. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts, United State Government Employment Office Co-operating. WANTED MONDAY". 3 solicitors. Rippers. Choaker setters. Married men lor lumber mill. 50 1 ock quarry men. 10 farm hands and milkers. Married men for brick plant. 10 men for nursery. SPECIAL, 10 logging road laborers, $2.50; Bend, Or. NO FEES CHARGED. Main 3000. A 5624. $40 WEEKLY reporting names. Information. All or spare time; men, women; no so liciting ; capital unnecessary ; be repre sentative. National Information Exchange, box 1033, Omaha, Neb. CALIFORNIA, 200 motion picture companies. Easy to write plays ; highest prices; no school; we revise, sell; send for free de tails. Photoplay Bureau, 330 Sta. C, Los Angeles. ABSTRACTORS, if you aro looking for a position or an Interest in a business, an swer this at once. AN 539. Oregonian. TWO neat young men to solicit ; small wages and commission. Tabor 2024. Sun day. 10 to 12. WANTED Man to work on hop farm; good wapes. Phono Broadway 2119. Apply to day. Krebs. Taylor Co., 110, 10th St. loo FA M 1 LI ES for berry picking ; long sea son : near Portland. Public Employment Bureau. 14th and Johnson. YOUNG man for stock and learn t he busi ness; reference. Address AM 09, Orego n ian. BOY to sell candy in theater. 10 years old; 1 o'clock. 2ol Orpheum bldg. WANTED Stock cutter for printing house. Apply Kleisf Co., 100 No. 2d st. FEW good live solicitors, large remunera Uon, A-l proposition. Call 189 Adams sL. WA NTED Good auto machinist, familiar with all makes of cars. 749 1st st. MAN and wife wanted on farm; also single man. Call Tabor 0411 until noon. GOOD lot to trade for painting. K 031, Ore gonian. WA NTE D Boy w ith motorcycle or bicycle. Apply 410 Alder st. CONTRA TOR make alterations on house, take auto as payment. 749 E. 17th N. WANTED Men's used suits. Will pay $4.00 to $7.oo. Phone Main 0701 or Tabor 0:70. W A NTED Tv o iron molders a nd one ma eh inist. Call 417, Commercial Club bldg. A GOOD solicitor to tako orders. 402 East Washington si. Room 11. C ATM A K ER wanted. Room 403, Mer chants' Trust bldg. WAITER wanted. 230 First st . Help anted Agent h. WANTED Local agents to sell telephone equipment ; pood leads and good commis sion; men who know something about . tek'phone Installation can make good money. Swcd ish-American Telephone M fg. Co.. dept. 20, 0230 Ravens wood ave., Chi cago. DRESSY, clever men and women to call on telephone users and demonstrate and soli a device every phone user will buy in two minutes. Big money for clever people who know how to secure an audi ence. Sample 20 cents. Phone-Mega Mfg. Co.. j0 Roe hklg.. St. Louis, Mo. SEIL Wash. clean ; dissolve d irt. abolishes rubbing ; won gold medal In actual tests; only w ashing preparation using steam bubble principle; bigger profits; more value; pa rt ic n lars Ji te. WashcWan Co., 1 24 Morgan st ., Boon vi lie. Mo. A 1-cEX'T 1 tost card will put you In touch with an Jvi a week proposition selling aluminum utensils and specialties direct to the consumer; don't let 1 cent stand be tween you and prosperity. Div. 4bS9 American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont. 111. MEXICAN diamonds, exactly resemble genu ine; same rainbow fire, stand tests ; so 11 at sipht ; live agents wanted ; profits $ week ly up; write sample case offer f ree. Mexican Diamond Importing ' Co., Box A-1. Las Cruces, N." Mex. START YOU in business, furnishing every thing: men, women: $30 to $20n weekly operating "new specialty candy factories"; home, small room anywhere; no canvass ing. Opportunit y lifetime ; booklet free. Ragsdale Co. box S, East Orange, N. J. SPRING sensation! Eleven-piece toilet ar ticle selling like blazes. $1; $1 carving st free: enormous profits; tremendous hits; Eng le made $01 first week ; write quick. Pierce Co., 02O pierce bldg., Chicago. LITTLE giant lift and force pump, saves plumbers' bills; removes stoppages waste pipe; absolute monopoly; fix you for life; write for new agents' plan. J. E. Kennedy. 30 Fast 42d St.. New Y'ork. W A NT ED to double up with salesman working Willamette Valley and So. Oregon who has a small machine. I sell and. v. Call 900 Glenn ave. No. Sunday. Wood la wn 20-Id. SALESMEN WANTED Laces, embroideries, side line. 1 2 1 per cent commission ; samples ligh t : only men with trade now t raveling need apply. Merk, & Co., 41t3 Broad w a y , N e w Y o r k LA ROW MANUFACTURER wants represen tatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills. 500 Broadway, New Y'ork City. AGENTS Good income offered men an? wot n en selling our line of high-grade toflft preparations; not sold in stores; large profits. Lawrence Happcl, 447 Edd st., San Francisco, Cal. FORTRA-ITA GENTS Have all new things; opal portraits, pearl inlaid scenes, con vex glass; plenty convex glass. Independ ent portrait & Frame Co., 529-31 S. State st., Chicago. AG E NTS to handle new attractive Inter changeable window signs; makes any sign 13x21 inches ; merchants buy at sight ; send OUc f or sample ' sign. Interchange able Sign Co., Lewiston. Idaho. SENSATIONAL gas saver; saves $3 yearly; fits every pas range: costs 2oc. sells 0oc; agents getting rich on it. American Gas Red uctlon Co., Transportation bldg., Chi cago. ACT quick ; automobile gasoline going up; sell Gaso-Tonic ; equals gasoline 3c a gal lon ; eliminates carbon ; dollar an hour profit; sales guaranteed. White Mfg. Co., dept. 10. Cincinnati. O. AG I" NTS Housewives cannot run their homes without our Hne; write for Spring catalogue and samples. S. & S. Co., 4 18 w licox bldg., Los Angeles, cal. BOY and girl subscription agents, country and small town; popular farm paper; valu able premium ; good pay. Paul Sims, Sa lem. Or. AGENTS to handle a new specialty needed In every office ; large profits to hustlers ; repeat orders follow. Resilia Corporation, MarKet sr., san rrancisco. STH IXING offer; live workers, don't miss chance : big field ; full particulars free ; hurry, write now. Utility Mail Co., 127 7th ave. North. Seattle, Wash. WAXTE D Salesman who can invest $0oo and take charge of territory for sale of manufactured article of merit. Sullivan S U'ety Hook Co., 023 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED A professional sale-sman; only one who can make sales. Job-hunters don't waste your time. Big opportunity; plumbers' supplies. t otn. et. AG ENTS If you want big profit on new patented curtain rod, write tor irr-e sam ple. Home Curtain Rod Co., Box 1147, Providence, R. I. AGENTS make big money, become sales mgr. for nnr snmls: fast office seller: fine Drof- Its; particulars, sample free. One Dip Pen Co., 1 I laiiy rtecoru , ia 1 uniure, -vii. VRFR samnle. No-Splash wates strainers sell themselves ; ; no talking; experience unnecessary ; pronts nig; senu -:c 1 mailing cost). M. E. Union Filter Co., New Y'orK. 20i PER CENT PROFIT Household and store necessity; free sample; exclusive ter ritory, chapman Co., 200 D wight bldg., KHnsas City, Mo. 000 EU CENT PROFIT Free samples; gold letters for store, office windows; anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 430 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS, make $0 to $20 daily; no experi ence: free catalogue, samples; new goods; quick sales: big profits; world heaters. Cruver Co.. Jackson Campbell, Chicago. A DVERTISERS. 0c a word pays for ad vertisement in 100 monthly magazines; list free. Empire Advertising Syndicate, Chicago. EARN 1520 week writing names, addresses; no canvassfng; particulars stamp. G. C. Smith, Little Rock. Ark. SALESMEN and agents wanted; something new, good seller, big profits. Call 270 4th st. Phone Main S703. NEW POLISH PREPARATION Send 00c for package and proposition for a gents. ELECTRIC CHEMICAL CO., Elgin, Or. GET newest, quickest sellers direct from makers, full list rree. Nat 1 Agents ass n., 1 22 Michigan ave., Chicago. NEW laundry necessi ty, constant repeater ; 2"0 per cent pront; tree samples, tvouo Products Co.. Div. 10. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS wanted who are selling specialties for Ford cars direct to consumers. H. oJ. Oregonlan. AGENTS, loarn about profits supplying per fume to famines, by addressing ieirier & Co.. 739 Walton, St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS for coun.try and city to sell made- to-measure ciotnes ror ii.au. can - Northwestern Bank bldg. GENERAL AND LOCAL AGENTS Men and women, wanted in Oregon ann vvasning ton: salary or commission. 100 10th .st. WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. noara 01 1 rune oiap. FOUR experienced, capable and reliable agents wanted at once. 101 ss, -oa. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Agents. GARTSIDE'S Iron Rust Soap Co., 4004 Baa caster ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Garlside's Iron Rust Soap (Trade Mark, Print and Copyright registered in the U. S. Patent Office) removes iron rust, ink and all un- washable stains from ciothing, marble, etc. Good seller, big margins, agents wanted. The original, i5c a tube. Beware of in fringments and tho penalty lor makins. selling and using an infringed article. EARN $100 weekly managing clean, legiti mate mail-ore1 er business ; we furnish everything ; right party need not worry about capital; splendid chance for intelli gent, employed person to control inde pendent business on profit-sharing basis, beginning spare time, evenings at home; particulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y- LARGE manufacturer will establish repre sentative of good address and ability in proi itable business in home town ; con genial outdoor employment ; $00 to 100 per month; experience unnecessary; all or spare time; can establish valuable trade. For particulars address, Parker Mills, 27tstJ No. 12th S., Phila., Penna. CREDIT is good 00 da s; send name, ad dress ; receive 10 loc packages native herbs; 200 tablets for constipation, rheu matism, blood, liver, kid ueys, family use ; sell friends and neighbors; 30c each; keep 00c your, profit; remit 00c: unusual offer; don't miss it. ' Melrose Co., Dept. 108, Columbus, O. BIG PAYING BUSIXESS Energetic men everywhere for new mail order agency ; jobbing enterprise, article needed everywhere ; big quick cash sales every mail : good for $0o w oekly ; $ 1 00 sales campaign free; few dollars and serv ices starts steady business. Evans Com pany. 20 West 4 I'd st.. New York. AGENTS Hustler wanted in every county to soil our 10 up-l o-t he-minute household articles, women delighted, caper to buy; experience not newied: sell like hot cakes; samples furnished act ive workers ; gel busy. Write M. E. Murphy, box 030, Port land, Or. WILL $PJ monthly with office furnished, our expense, interest you? Would you like to ha e one of free automobiles w e furnish ? Become agent or d ist rict man ager, guaranteed auto necessities; tremen dous sei lers : remarkable money-makers. W. Kayburn Co., 1S1 N. Dearborn. Chicago. AGENTS Sell our new aluminum polish: only cleaner that really cleans aluminum utensils; 00 per cent profit; answer quick. Div. 30 10 A merican A lumiuum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. Help Wanted Salesmen. NATIONAL ALUMINUM WORKS desires to obtain a limited number of energetic and reliable men who mean business; our lini of 000 "Pot ter - Fault If ss" aluminum cook ing utensils is the highest grade ware on t lm ma rket ; f irt time h-avy, h igh-grade line offered small town merchants; re-orders assured from satisfied customers. We want exclusive and sid-aline men to seil sin a 11 town or city hardware, grocery and general stores. Att ractive assortments, special advertising plans, also open stock for ret a 11 and.j premium trade. Protected territory for exclusive sa Icemen ; non competing specials for sideline. Dept. 3-S, National Al uminum Works. Elmira, N. Y . WANTED 10,000 yearly can easily be made by men acting as our exclusive rep. r--sentatives or distributors in their own and adjoining counties, selling farmers and dealers our newly patt-nlfd post less fence supporting systems; inquiries result ing advt rtising done, our expense, turned over to representatives and commissions paid on repeat orders; exclusive territory contract; parties financially responsible des. ring permanent business connections given preference ; state your experience and which counties in what state you desire. Carbo Corporation, Rand McNally bldg., Chicago. TEN salesmen wanted for Pacific North west: Eastern specialty concern, with in ternational reputation; exceptional money making opportunity; unlimited field; re muneration depends upon ability; must be able to furnish bond. Proposition strictly commission and absolutely 110 advanoes. Professional job hunters and curiosity seekers need not apply. State fully your ex perience and qualifications, with tele phone number, so sales ma nuger inn y reach you upon his arrival in city. AB 044. Oregonlan. SA EES MEN selling; restaurant, hotel, cafe, cigar, pool, drug, general store trade; do big business with new live pocket side line; merchants towns loo.OO-j and under want it; $0 commission each sale; no collecting; no expense or risk to merchant take back unsold gools. Can fie Id Mfg. 'o.. 2oS Si go I St., Chicago. 111. EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big pay; write for large list of openings of fering opportunities to earn from $tu0 to $0o t a month while you learn. Add ress. nearest office. Dept. 311. National sales men's Training A ssociation, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. OPPORTUNITY WITH BIG FUTURE. For salesman wishing to increase his income by establishing himself with well known automobile truck line. Prefer one who has had cash register or adding ma chine experience. Address AB 032, Ore gonian. SALESMAN for general mercantile trade, Oregon, to sell a new proposition of merit; vacancy now; attractive commission con tract, $30 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., wholesale jewelers, 220-10 Car lin bldg., Cleveland. O. -0-Y E AJH-OLD manufacturing corporation has opening for high-class specialty sales man, near-by territory; lino sells to better class of wholesalers and retailers ; a Ism banks ; state qualifications. Cruver Mfg. Co.. Chicago. SA EES MAN to call on grocers, general stores and confectioners in small country towns; 20 per cent commission. $40 weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Company, 207 S. Commercial st., St. Louis, Mo. dept. 4. VACANCY" May 1st ; experienced any line to sel 1 general trade Pacific territory ; unex celled specialty proposition. Commission contract. $30 weekly expenses. Conti nental Jewelrv Co.. 00-10 Continental bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. BRAN D new advertising specialty ; corkin' good, seller; liberal commission, promptly paid ; look us up, then writ us ; pocket sample. C. E. Erickson Ar Co., Des Moines. Ia., makers of "result producing quality lire." SALESMEN to sell our check protector; It sells to every person who writes a check ; circulars and information tree; sample lac. Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg., Toledo, Ohio. SALESMEN live side line ; something new ; 9 minutes time pays $9; pocket samples; prompt commissions. tttate territory cov ered. El wood Mfg. Co., 111S Michigan ave., Chicago. SAL ESM EN New wood finish changeable sign ; sells $1 retail ; every ad vertiser ; 200 per cent profit; any territory sells loud; write today. Currier Sales Co. M inneapolis. Minn. SALES MGR.. something new ; business ne cessity; retails $0 to $100; enormous profits; no competition; exc. territory free samples. Sayers Co.. 400 W'aiu wright St. Louis, EXCELLENT permanent position capable salesman to fill vacancy Oregon; staple line general retail trade liberal commis- sions; $30 weekly advance. Ralph H. lde, 0210 Williams bldg., Detroit. SIDELINE men. Strong features in out door signs. Season lasts until late Fall. Liberal commissions pa id weekly. Sign Dept., C. Felpanspan fc Co., Cincinnati, O. 'SIGN THAT'S DI FERE NT PRO Change able Bulletin Cabinets, outselling all; sam ples; good territory. Convex Signs, 10:1 X. Dearborn, Chicago. SALESMEN by responsible house; best punch board deal on market; brand new; con signment ; $ commission per order. Pan Mfg. Co., 374 20th st.. Chicago. MUST dispose of my $1000 equity in double house on Corbett st. ; balance can run bin g time. O 04 1 , Oregonian. AGENTS wanted to sell the Manning kero sene oil-gas producing burners; big money; exclusive territory. Apply 03 if. 0th st. EN EKGETIC salesman, visit schools ; $1 0O salary ; liberal commission. R. O, Evans a;- Co.. 1 1 no Wa bash a ve., Ch icago. ENERGETIC salesmana ge r ; attractive prop osition. M. G. J.. Box 332. Lewiston, Idaho. H E LP W A N T E 1 I'E.HA L E. WANT help 4 hrs. a day general housework and care of one child; $lo a mo. Girl In own home preferred. Near E. 10th and Broad way. AP 4fe4, Oregonian $18 WEEK, expenses advanced. Women, travel, appoint agents, concentrated food .flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., 721 Como bid?., Chicago. WANTED Good hairdresser, manicure; one who understands other branches of work. 408 Morrison &t. FREE manicure with a bottle of Rose Blush, the famous wrinkle astringent. Regular manicuring 23 cents. Marsh ail 204S. GOOD girl or woman to assist with general housework; good home; good wages. Call 800 Marshall st. LADIES learn beauty culture; evening class also. Reduced rates this month. 307 Northwest bldg.. Oth and Wash. sts. W A NTED Scotch or English girl for gen eral housework, plain cooking, good wages. 17f.4 E. Yrmhill. Tabor 10S1. LADIES to sell tube extracts and toilet 'preparations. Call 001 E. $h st. S. GIRL for general housework. 3S2 E. 12th st. N. Phone East 4 1 S7. YOU Nil woman for genera I housework ; Scandinavian preferred. Cail 270 N. 22d. GIRL for general housework in small family. 0S4 E. Taylor St., near r; I4tn. WANTED Nursemaid or schoolgirl to care for two small children. Apply OP4 Irving. t 1 niR with ability- talk. 9 to 12 Monday A. M. 340 Morgan bldg. HOUSEKEEPER Neat, unincumbered wom an, about 30. AP oi0, Oregonian, HELP WANTED IE MALE. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER wanted; must leave town for large manufacturing com pany ; salary $70 to start, chance lor rapid advancement to the right party; ap plicants for this position mut become in terested in the company ? $ looO required. Call 724 Northwestern Bank bidg. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Shorthand typewriting taught in x' the usual time. Tuition way below regular price. If jou are considering taking a course investigate this at once, since Spring term begins soon. MISS OSTBY'E'S SCHOOL 211 Stock Exch. bldg.. 3d-YamhilI. EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. Steady work and good pay. Apply Gar ment Factory, Oregou City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. WANTED Lady of ability, amiability and adaptability for high-class traveling pos ition with reliable concern; expenses guar anteed to right party; possibilities $40 weekly. Apply room 20 Alnswortii bldg., 207 Oak St.. between l and 0 P. M. MDOWER with three children wanU a good woman for housekeeper. I cannot pay very high wages, but 01 f r a. good home for right woman. Cal 1 Sunday, E. 1312, or 219 Payo st., cor. Gantenbcia ave. LA D 1 ES to have their old hats re modeled : blocking 50c, cleaning 0Oc, trimming 200 up; tiitt-ci.iss work guaranteed ; we gi o S. c H. green t lading sunup:;. Mack's Mil 1 inery, 012 Union ave.. near Russell. East 2iM. WANTED Few bright oung women of good character to learn nursing; best oc cupation open to women; openings every where at good salaries ; mai I application immediately. Read-Millor Co., Dept. O, Los Ansele-!. $20 T ) $ 10 extra monthly ; can easily earn. 1 his and not interfere with regular em ployment; not a penny to invest, no can vanning; pleasant work; permanent in come. Address Factory Service Co., 122 S. Michigan ave.. Chicago. MISS D E " K ER'S P R IV AT E BUSINESS COLLEGE Shorthand, typewriting, book keeping. English bra n1 lies ; PERSON A L ATTENTION. Day and night clashes. New A If sky bldg., ;;d and Morrison. WA N TED Practical iiut so with liospita I experience to work in hospital; stato experience, age, na tionalit , weight, height and wages expected. P. O. Box 004 Ti llamook. Or. In LES A LE firm v ants cirl to work in order depart m lit ; may first vv rite kf'f-r ab-'iit yourself, giving aue. experience, references, salary last received. B 1 P.1. : O egon ia n. MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo men is now located at room 3u3 new po lice Headquarters. Information, prot-ectio.i or assistance given to women and girls. Interview confidential. WOMEN" wantedrVull tlrn salary $10. sell ing guaranteed hosiery to wearer: 2""i an hour spare time; permanent; experi ence unnecessary. Wea rproof Hosiery , Norr'stown. Pa. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem onstrate ard sell dealers. $20 to $00 per week. Ra!iroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 011. Omaha, eh. HO USE KE E PERj rvf i "ned tidy, intelligent, w iuow wit h boy from 7 to 9 preferi -d, good home and nominal wages. B 03., Oregon ian. W A NTE D M iddle-a ged woman. Germ a 11 u t Swedish girl, small wages, good home for right one, one in family. .V M 030, Oro gon ian . STENOGRAPHER, office girl wanted, steady position, salary $110; chance to work up; must take working in t crest in business; $300 required. Write AP Oi'S, Oregonian. HU X I) REDS Government positions, open u women, $70 month. Write immed ia! el ; free list. Franklin Institute, dept. 703 O, Rochester, N. Y. l'KtvsRKSSlVB BUSINESSTW.4LEGE H77t shorriiand school; register now; positions waiting fi-r our stenographers. 30 1 North western Bank bid g. WHOLESALE firm wants Elliott - Either op erator; may first writvi letter about your self, giving age, experience, references, salary last received. BD 49 4, Oregonian. WRITE PIloTOPIA YS $20 to fitu ca.-ii"; 110 experience; we furnish book with lull instructions f;r $1; order now. todav. Western Dramatic Art "n.t Tacoma, Wash. W A N T E D ; ood girl f or general house work ; must be firM -class cook. phono East 21 or G 1234, or apply at lib Union ave. North. DEMONSTRATORS 3 for city, 1 Ior roa,i ; no experience necessary; good fay. call Monday between 9 and 12 or 1 and 3, 370 Taylor st, corner Park. GOOD home for elderly lady who will tako care of three children tind do housework in plain home; mother going away. l nor. C-204S. o OR 4 to do light, pleasant work in your own home. Call Tuesday between 9 and 11, 370 Taylor, corner Park. G i R L for light house w or k, count ry, $3 w e- k and transportation. A V 928, Ore gonian. GIR I j to do genera 1 housework and a ssist with ca.e of baby; $10 per month. Phone Tabor 2031, Monday. WANTED A neat lady to work in boarding-house for her and husband's room and board. Jit 1 - Kussell st. HOUSEKEEPER, not over 30 years old, one that needs home, by working man ; 3 ch i Idren. A. D. Gordon, Boise, Idaho. MAKE MONEY writing stories or articles; big pay; freo booklet tells how. Address United Press Svndieate, San Francisco. P 1 - A 1 N, .sensible 111 idd le-ag ed woman, cook - ing and housework, dairy farm, $10 month; permanent. AV 9:;.., oregonian. CH OK US Gl K LS Steady em plov mem ; no traveling. Apply Manager Casino Theater, 4lh and Burnside. EXPE K I EN'C ED g i ri for second work; ref erences required. Phone moriiingd. Mar shall 4121. WANTED Pupils in S. H. bookkeeping, dic tation; terms for next 3'J uas. 22S 3d it., room 34S. Main Ol.ilO, A 0271. GIRL to work for room and board, some wages; nice home, no cooking, no heavy washing. Tabor 4.9o. WANTED It (fined, capable woman for re sponsible position. .Viavl Company. 423 Pittock block. 30 Washington. A COMPETENT lady solicitor, one who a meet tiie best, people; good proposition. t39 Morgan bldg. LINOTYPE operator, lady; specify your abil ity and wages wanted, city. AE 029, ore go n i a n. GIRL for general house vv ork, wage ; Scandinavian or German preferred. Ma;a 52r?4. lolls Raleigh st reet. RE LI A BLE w oman us housekeeper a nd help care for invalid ; Catholic preferred. Plume East 400. WANTED Housekeeper, 3 small children. Apply 2000 East 43d. Take Richmond car. WILL share my home with business vvoiiian for companionship ; no cost 10 you. -Wi' 020, Oregonian. WAN"! ED Middle-aged lady as housekeeper on ranch; unincumbered widow preferred. Box 04, Wiiikck, Wash. INDIVIDUAL instructions; start any dait. iI:osd ale's Commercial School, 002 or p he um bldg. Positions secured. GiKL to work for room and board and go to school : d in ing -1 00m work 011 1 . 2ot lm.li st. Main p::M. A YOUNG girl for light housework, family of two; references. bOO Hancock St. Call morn ings. W ANTE D Names of men or women, IS or over, wishing U. S Govern men t posit Ions ; $70 month. Address AV 700, Oregonian. Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies only; make yourself Indepeiiden t with -good trade. 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Wubii. GOOD home, small wages, for girl 10 or over in exchange f or Ugh t services. 00 E. Oth., ML Tabor car, phone Tabor 003. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call at 340 E. l-'th N. WANTED An experienced second girl. Ap ply 240 N, 20 1 h, corner Marshall. WANTED ;irl for general housework. East 2 3 IP, C 114. LADY stenographer, familiar w ith lumber n referred AD 4SS. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework, small fanii ly. SI 0 East Main st reet. PRIVATE home for child re 11, any age ; 10 years experience. 71 4 Everett. Mar. 2101. WANT ED An experienced waitress. Apply 104 Fir st street. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Call 004 Hoy t st. GIRL for housework in flat, small family. 1 North rup. near 20th. EX PERIEN ED finishers, custom pantsl st. -ad y work , good pay. 1 2S 1 i 21, room 9. WAN TED Girl to atsist in housework. 8o2 Halsey. WANTED Waitress with some experience. Virginia Hill Hotel, A eSlS, Main 92S3. LA LY" to manage apartment-hous Oregonian. WOMAN to do chamber .work for husband's room and board. 010 N. 21st st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone East 0S3. GIRL for peiiera 1 housework ; w a pea $15; 110 washing. East 027n. 1 HPS. w oil; daily in exchange for II. K. roooi AE 4 SO, Oregonian. MISS " MATTING LY'S SCHOOL" Shorthand, Typewriting. $0 mo. 203 11th. Main 3383,