3 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, POISTIiAND, kpRIL' 16, 1916. BELGIAN CARDINAL SAYS GOD IS GUIDE Reply to German Governor Ad mits No Duty to Obey Unjust Demands. HOMAGE PAID TO FORCE Mercier Ieclares Atrocious Crimes Suffered by Belgians Were Xot Uenonnced to World Without Reflection. BHL'JSSELS. via London, April 14 Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium, has sent a reply to the letter of Gen eral von Biasing', Governor-General in the occupied portions of Belgium, pro testing' against statements in. the Len ten pastoral of the cardinal, and -warn ing the prelate that he must cease his . ailctred political activity. The cardi nal's letter says: "Allow ua, even smitten as we are . by admiration before the warlike pomp surrounding us and the brilliant staff, which, like King Saul, you have at tached to your person, nevertheless to retain our liberty of Judgment. "We shall follow the teaching ? the noble successor of St. Peter, his holi ness. Leo XIII. In his encyclical he Instructed us for obeying the civil authorities when they give orders man . lfestly contrary to the natural divine law. if anyone distinctly finds himself faced with the alternative of breaking the commands of God or those of a Prince he must follow the precepts of Jesus Christ. It is better to obey God than man. Itenpct ot Dae Injoatlce. ""Excellency, your authority cannot be exercised except in accordance witb Justice. Kcce in jusltitia regnabit rex (Bhold. in Justice the King will reign). "When a Prince casts aside Justice we no longer owe him either obedience, respect or loyalty. Placed by the will of God on the archieplscopal throne of JIalines. we are only answerable to our conscience, and. If in the discharge of our holy off ice we are obliged to raise our voice, we believe ourselves to be following the teachings of our divine matter. "We render unto Caesar those things which are Caesar's." for we pay you the silent homage due to strength, but we keep closed to your encroachments the sacred domain of our conscience, the last refuse of the oppressed. "It was not, your excellency may be ure, without deep reflection that we denounced to the world the evils with which our brothers and sisters are overwhelmed frightful evils, indeed, atrocious crimes, the tragic horror of which cold reason refuses to admit. Cries of People Heard "But had we not done so we should not have felt ourselves worthy to be the successor of the apostles who con verted the Belgian Gaul nor the spir itual son of those who by their labors made illustrious the See of Malinea, of which the liberty of Louvain formed the purest Jewel the inestimable, price less treasure. 'Alii Iaboravcrant et vim in Iabores - ccrum introistic' In the almost fatal position in which our people are plunged, we made our voice heard and hoped that our thoughts would be pon dered on by you. But a. Prince shall have thoughts worthy of a Prince and shall keep his authority over the chiefs of his people. "Belgian, we have heard the cries of orrow tf our people; patriot, we have sought to heal the wounds of our coun try: bishop, we have denounced crimes committed against our innocent priests. held by Archduke Joseph Ferdinand, the enemy's artillery was active. "Italian front. The artillery duels continued, insofar as the weather per nutted. The Austro-Hungarlans cap tured an Italian position at Mrzllvrh and repulsed their counter attacks. The Italians suffered heavy Josses. "Our artillery vigorously shelled the Italian positions at Plitsch and Hon tebra. Attempts by Italian troops in the Sugpna sector to occupy our post tions on the heights of Movaledo failed. On the Ponale road our troops evacuat ed a defensive position south of Sper one. In the Adamello sector Alpini oc cupied the Dosson-IMgenova ridge. Aq Italian attack against Monte Boerluzzo, south of Stilfser, failed." I'Vench. PARIS. April IS. The text of today's official statement Is: "North of Roye a reconnaissance on the part of the enemy who were en deavoring to occupy our trenches in the region of Parvillers was dispersed by our fire. "There was no infantry fighting last night anywhere In the Verdun region West of the Meuse there has been a fairly spirited bombardment of our po sitions between the wood of Malan court and Hill NO. 304. Our batteries evidenced great activity along this part of the front, particularly west of Cor- beaux wood and at various points along the Forges Brook. "Bast of the Meuse and In the Woevre there have been intermittent bombard ments. "In the Vosges there have been en- PARIS GIVES PROOF German Version Held Admis sion in Sussex Case. TIME AND PLACE CITED Xo Other Vessel Reported Sunk: in Channel Prisoners I'rora Sis ter Submarine Said to Have Confirmed the Details. PARIS. April 15. Inquiries of the Ministry of Marino concerning the cir cumstances of the attack on the steam ship Sussex have developed precise in formation which has been given to The Associated Press from authentic sources in the following statement: This information is not based on suppositions or probabilities, and in VERDUN SALIENT TAKEN BY GERMANS. is)1 &'iicS- f- BRABANT T- LAHORtoooRT SteVdr The Dotted Line Indicates the Front as It Existed Before the Last Ger man Attack! the Heavy Black Line the Positions to "Which the trench Withdrew. counters between patrols. A reconnais sance on the part of the enemy was checked by our fire at a point south of Sainte Marle-aux-Mines." HOQUIAM SEEKS CITY PARK Protest Is Made Against Sale Timber on School Tract. of Official War Reports German. T3ERLIX. via London, April 15. The JD text of the official statement, is sued at German army headquarters to day, said: "Western front. A strong English advance against our crater positions outh of St- Elol. Belgium, was com pletely repulsed after a hand grenade engagement. "In the Argonne and east of that re gion there were lively local artillery and mine duels. "On the left bank of the Meuse. enemy attacks against our positions on Zead Man's Hill, south of thn Rni Ha rvt- beaux and in the Bois des Cumieres tould only be carried by a few bat talions against Dead Man's Hill. "The attacking enemy waves broke down with the heaviest losses before our lines. ine lew men who pene trated our trenches were killed in hand-to-hand fighting. "On the right bank of the Meuse and on the Woevre Plain, the fighting activ ity chiefly wan limited to violent artil lery duels. Two weak enemy hand grenade attacks southwest of Fort Douaumont failed. "Eastern theater. Attempts made by the Russians yesterday to deliver local attacks northwest of Dvinsk were unsuccessful." HOQUIAM, Wash., April 15. (Spe cial.) A protest has been filed with State Land Commissioner Savldge by the City Commission of Hoquiam against the sale of the timber on a tract of 320 acres of school land ad Joining the north, city limits, and which it is proposed to turn into a public park. An informal protest already has been made and a formal protest in the form of a resolution will be filed at once. The land is heavily timbered and has been soueht as a Dark by many in Hoquiam for a number of years. Four years ago a bill was passed by the State Legislature permitting the city to lease the land for 9t years for park purposes, but this was held to con flict witb the Federal laws. WHALING FLEET PREPARES Hoquiam Company Is Xow Having Vessels Overhauled. HOQUIAM. Wash.. April 13. (Spe cial.) Whaling operations at the South Bay plant of the American-Pacific Com nanv. near here, will be resumed May 1. according to announcement Just made by the manager? Captain Le Mar quand. The plant will operate its full fleet of four steam whalers this year, nd with a fair season expects a catch this year comparing with the record one of 340 of last season. The company's whalers Aberdeen Westport. and Moran, are now at the Chilman shipyards in this city under irointr overhauling, general repairs and painting. As soon as there is room for her. the Paterson will be brought up from the station and go on the ways for overhauling. CHARLES L. THRASHER DIES Austrian. TiERLrN. April 15. by wireless to Say vllle. N". Y. The text of the official Austrian statement, received here to- .ilay. is: "Russian front. Russian artillery actively shelled our positions on the lower Stripa. along the Dneister and northeast of Czernowitz. Near the .mouth of the lower Stripa and southeast of Bugzaz there were lively engage ments for advanced positions, some of which are still in progress. The occu pants of one trench which formed a salient were thrown Ciack to the main positions. "Northeast of Jawlovice the enemy en tered an advanced position, but was ejected immediately by a counter at tack. One Russian officer, three en figns and 10i men were captured. An Austro-Hungarian detachment by a surprise attack occupied an advanced Russian position on the road between Bugzaz and Crortkow. On the front Albany Railroad Man Says Climbing My Iaet Hill." 'I'm A LB ANT, Or.. April 15. (Special.) Charles L. Thrasher, a resident of Al bany and vicinity for the past live years, died today in St. Mary's Hospital hero at the age of 53 years. He had been Hi some time, and underwent -an operation recently. "1 am climbing the last hill." Mr. Thrasher remarked last night, using a railroad expression. Ho was a railroad man most of his life, at one time being master mechanic of the shops at Fort Scott, Kan. He was born in Illinois and resided most of his life in that state and Kansas. He was a member of the Masonic fra ternity. He is survived by a widow and two daughters. Iodine Itoad Taps Kich Country. ABERDEEN. Wash.,' April 15. (Spe cial.) Approximately 200 men are be ing employed eight miles west of here building a logging railroad into a rich timber area, owned by the Wynooche Timber Company, of which F. H. Lamb, of Honuiam. is the bead. About a mile of track so far has been laid. The timber to be tapped recently was purchased by this company, and the new concern, n is ssaiu, wui u uj'u vl the largest in the county. The track now being built is a spur to the North ern Pacific road. that it differs from the statement of Herr von Jagow (German Foreign Min ister.) The facts have been established by a great number of witnesses whose names are known, including the cap tain of the Sussex. "They establish that the command er of the submarine could not have been Ignorant that he was attacking a channel steamer making regular serv ice between France and England. The route of these steamers differs from that of other merchantmen and is per fectly known to all sailors. Perry Route Well Known. "Moreover, the route between Dieppe and Folkestone is essentially the route of channel steamers, which make the Journey at a fixed time, and the Sus sex was passing by the regular route at the regular time. The commander of the submarine therefore knew he was dealing with a regular channel steamer, and It was clearly a premedi tated attack against an unarmed chan nel boat without the least warning. "It should be remarked that Herr von Jagow admits that a German subma rine sank a steamer at 3:45 o'clock and this hour is the German equivalent of 2:50. when the Sussex was attacked. Moreover, Herr von Jagow by his de scription In fact describes the place and hour when the Susaex was struck. "It is Impossible to believe in a co incidence whereby two ships exactly alike should be struck at the same hour and the same place. Furthermore, no report of any other steamers being struck at that time and place has been received in France or England. AdmlsMlon Veiled by Denial. "Herr von JagoWs description is therefore, a synical admission of the torpedoing of the Sussex under a thin veil of denial. "The torpedoing of the Sussex is con firmed by the sailors of a German sub marine which was destroyed a few days after the Sussex attack. These wit nesses seemed to think the entire af fair was known, so they had no hesi tation in confirming all details of the torpedoing of the Sussex by their sis ter submarine which cruised in the same locality. "Summarizing the information ob tained by the ministry of marine makes certain, first, that the Captain and other witnesses saw the track of a torpedo and the Captain maneuvered his ship to avoid the danger, which es tablishes tho moral conviction that th Sussex was torpedoed: second. fr. . , i. u i v. a, uciiiian lurpeao zound on the Sussex add material proof to the moral conviction; third, the testimony of prisoners from tho German sub marine corroborates completely both the moral conviction and the material proof, entahli-hing the case, so fjr as Prance doubt." is concerned. beyond any $2000 INJURY SUIT LOST Assistant Land Commissioner Fails to Get Damages for Accident. ABERDEEN, Wash.. April 15. (Spe cial.) The Jury in the damage suit of W. W. Hopkins, of Olympia, As sistant State Land Commissioner, against the Copalis Lumber Company for $2000 damages returned a verdict for the defendant today. The plaintiff alleged he sustained injuries because -of the negligance of the lumber company's switching crew in not giving due warning of the ap proach of cars to the crossing. Hop kins' automobile was damaged. JESSE GOFF IS INDICTED Dynamiting Vish and Extorting 3Ioney Are Charged. PENDLETON. Or.. April 15. (SDe- cial.) The two remaining indictments returned a week ago were made public today when Jesse Goff was arraigned in the Circuit Court on the two charges. uorr is indicted with dynamiting fish in the John Day River and with ex torting money from Mrs. Maggie Wal ker, one of his neighbors. It Is as serted that he demanded $200 from her to refrain from prosecuting her boys. who entered his house. Goff's wife re cently filed suit here for divorce. MOOSE ASSERT PRINCIPLES Nomination of T. R. Hoped" to End Problems, Spokane Keynote SPOKANE. Wash.. April 15. (Soe- cial.) About 100 members of the Pro gressive party assembled at the Court house this R I'tprnnnn fry who frtK ably will be the last convention heldl here by the members of that party. They elected N. W. Durham permanent chairman, organized for the election oi delegates to the state convention to be held at Seattle May 1. and adopted a platform. "We trust that the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt at Chicago by the United Republican and Progressive parties will end for us the immediate political problems." said Mr. Durham in the keynote speech. "We also standi ready to renew the political movement of 1912." Two debates resulted in the) adoption of a platform favoring preparedness for war and sharply criticising the Wilson Administration -for failure to enforce alleged provisions of interna tional law. Kennewick Ready for Trade Visitors KENNEWICK, Wash., April 15. (.special.) Arrangements are being maae Dy tne commercial Club to en tertain the Portland trade excursion ists who will be In Kennewick April zi from 7 P. M. to 11:30 P. M. The entertainment committee is W. R Crawford, M. W. Mattecheck, J. M. Holmes, G. R. Bradshaw and J. J. Rudkln. Mail between two cities on ' a river in Colombia SOO miles apart will be carried by a light-draft, high-speed boat driven by serial propellers. Nights of Sleep vs; Mights of Agony Verdict Favors D. D. D. Tt Is foolish to He awake all the long Bight through with that intolerable itching caused by Eczema and await the coming of the day. D. D. D. Prescription Is made for you if yon are a sufferer. It will cool that hot. inflamed and itching skin, yon will be able to rest at nirht, awake la the morning refreshed and life will be worth living. We know it will do all these things, as we have testimonials from many suffer ers right among your neighbors. Try a bottle and you will not regret it. Come in today. Bf For 15 Tears jLLsw lhe Standard : . Skin Remedy Skldxnore Drug Company. Tho Owl Drug Company. MSCtru-blu wla 13 GRAHAMS " -g Jk M0$m IP s3PI The strengthening food value of 55 52$ choice Graham flour is found in its 5$ most delightful form in Tru-Blu Gra- 5 0 ham Crackers. They spell "Health" in 0 terms of crisp, tempting deliciousness. i GOOD lOc GOOD J TO EAT I a Package FOR YOU . g 1H TRU-BLU BISCUIT COMPANY Portland, Oregon Hundred Brass Sects One Worth 32 2. SO Go on Sale To morrow Morning at Edwards' for - Pay Only 351.25 Cash A Positive Bargain ncro is a orasg Dea lor tne main Bedroom 01 house The one In which you put your best furnish- ""s. tne one wnicn you try your best to make look beautiful and eleerant. There is a. e-rnnrtnf unH state iness and quality about this bed that is a joy to the eye Incidentally you save $10 on the price. No beda will be sold to other dealers. These luxurious Brass Beds have continuous posts two inches thick, solid brass husks on posts are three inches thick and 10 filling rods inch thick. They are beautifully finished in satin brass and guaran teed tarnish-proof ; have ball-beai-ing castors, and may be had in either three-quarter or full size. Made by the biggest and best fac tory in the world. You Pay Only 50 Cents Weekly We Have Looked After Your Interests We strive to erather into this store furniture that measures up to the standard of what it ouplit to be You, as buyer, need take no chances A low price never was. nor ever will be. a mark of doubtful oualitv of anything- you 'buy here For us to buy this bed today and sell at this price would be utterly Impossible. As usual, we bought them when prices were at bedrock. I Out-of-Town-Folks Send $ 1 Extra for Securely Packing 9750 . LIKE MEN, Have Character Appearance, Quality, Merit, Itesulta. lllllllllllllllllf Illlllllllllllllllllf 1I1IIJIIIH IIIIIIIII3IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIllIlllllIIIIIIIIIIHIi I PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL . I 1916 QUEEN CONTEST Good for One Vote Void After Saturday, April 22, 1916 E JSi ;rv,:' 'i m Organization . This coupon will count one vote when properly filled out E H and sent to Portland Eose Festival Contest Department, 337 ; Northwestern National Bank Building. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in package with number of votes written on top. Main 1430. EiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiB The first favorable impresMon made by Hood's Sarsaparllla is confirmed bv continued use. It is a harmonious com bination of compatible ingredients, per fect pharmaceuticaliy that is, it Is the finest product of most skillful phar macy. And In therapeutic value or power to cure it is one of the bt medicines America has ever produced. On the practical side, which of couse Is the most important to you. liood' Sarsaparllla for forty years has been demonstrating' its curative power .n re lieving complaints arising from Impure blood, low state of health, poor diges tion, inactive kidneys and liver. For your humors, or for rheumatism. weak stomach, loss 04 appetite, that tired feeling take HooVs Sarsaparllla. It will do you good. BEAUTIFUL JACOBEAN DINING ROOM SET Including Axminster Rug - - Unusually low price for a set of this quality and design. Chairs are of heavy box construction, with genuine leather slip seats. The table is exceedingly massive, yet graceful. Finished in the correct Jacobean brown, over genuine quarter-sawed oak.. The rug is 8:3x10:6 an Oriental design of Smith's Axminster. Sent to Your Home for $9.75 Cash Then $2.00 Weekly Artistic Ivory Set Infn? ' Fine , ECZEMA Alao Called Tetter. 8a It Rheum. Pruritus, aliik Crut. Mater Potion. Uecptna bain. Btc. I believe e-xem ran be cured to mtmr. I mMa Jujt wbat 1 say. C-U-R-K-r and If OT merely patched up to return again. Ht. member. I make tnls atatement after han dling nearly a halt million caaea of eczema and devotlCK 12 yeara of my life to its treat ment. 1 don't care what all you have uaed nor ho jt many doctora have told you tnai you could cot be cured. Ail I a sic la Jut a chance to prove my claim. If you write me TODAY I will aend you a FREE TRIAL of mild, soothlnr. guaranteed treatmnt that will surely convince you aa It baa me. If you are dlerusted and dlacouraced I dare you to a-lve me a chance to prove my claims. By writing me today I believe yon will enjoy m'w real comfort than you really thougat thla world held for you. Just try It. and I feel aura you will agree with me. US. J. E. CANXADAI. 1114 Court Uloca. bedaUa, Mo. References: Third .National Bask, 8e dalla. Mo, tend, this auUc lit sow. cJom uXXarar. One of the greatest values offered in many a day. Finished with five coats of enamel. French plate mirrors, wood drawer pulls the very latest bed room furniture The tap estry rujj a beautiful blue with Just a touch of pink size 8-3x10-6. Terms on Bedroom Set, $8.50 Cash, $1.50 Week ?i Mlf lilfifni 81.25 ehH rsi ZZi LIFE-TIME MISSION I$IS- 1 ifggfl ips n en Living Room Furniture aMH Indudin9 Axminster Rug v xvwxx. - sr-, i Kit tfl - i r. m mi X. X J 1 . v "V -w -w - I IXlt m sTl I II I sssssssaas ... .ssT aa m A B.1 14 aT K sW m sTJk leai. . sr 11 , , m i 1 sianawinaisssi m i.i ... . . . Free Rental ureau The old-fashioned method of trudging: from one real estate office to another, looking for lists of houses for rent, has been com pletely done away with, by Kdwards" Free' Rental Bureau We list over 700 houses of every sort and description There is no charge whatsoever for this service. $107 The very newest in living-room furniture correct in every detail. Hand some table with book-shelf ends. Comfortable bed davenport and auto leather seat arm chair and rocker. Also beautiful long pile Axminster rug the large size, 9x12 feet. The entire set exactly as pictured. 3 10.00 Cash and $2 Per Week A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE bnsaKJI OAK STREET; 5 wg.ymrratp