3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURER EXPLAINS HIS DOCTRINE Clarence W. Chadwick Declares New Conception of Mind Is Revolutionizing Religious Thought of World. THE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIE D, 191G. BY CLARENCE W. CHADWICK. C. S. B. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, the first Church, of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Christian Science! A Religion of Right Thin kins. THERE are no other two words In the human vocabulary which are attracting more thoughtful atten tion throughout the world today than Christianity and. Science. Some still seriously object to any intimate asso ciation of these words, but may it not be that the present world-wide inter est in the subject of Christian Science is due to the fact that Mrs. Eddy was the one in this age to discover the scientific unity between Christianity and Science? Prior to her discovery there seemed to be very little in common between them. By many they were looked upon as polar opposites. Mrs. Edety through spiritual discernment brought m these iriistermed positive and negative poles together, and, behold, a light whose resplendent rays are penetrating to the four corners of the globe! It is the purpose of this lecture to tell you something of the mission of a religion of right ideas known in this age as Christian Science, and presented to the world in its text-book. "Science and Health. With Key to the Scrip tures," by Mary Baker Eddy. World Called One of Thought. In the evolution of human thinking Jt is becoming more and more evident that we live in a thought world. What ever confronts us must be of mental procurement else there could be no mental or conscious recognition of it. "What does the eye behold but a mental Image pictured on the retina? We see thoughts because we think them. Things are thoughts and thoughts arc things. Divest human existence of all thought and there would be noth ing left to see. hear, touch, taste or smell. Without thought there would be nothing to think or to talk about. If there is no sound where there is no one to hear it, pound must be mental. If there is no sight, touch, taste or smell in the absence of any mind or mentality, then sight, touch, taste and smell are mental, not ma terial. Everything cognizable to the senses Is a manifestation of thought. A game of baseball is an exhibition of thought. Divest it of all thought and there would be no hall game. The Twentieth Century Limited going at full speed is a manifestation of thought. An aero plane in flight is thought in motion. Without thought it could never have been invented. The architect thinks his 40-story building before committing it to paper. The finished structure ready for occupancy is but objectified liuman thought. And so on throughout the entire round of human existence we can cognize nothing outside of the realm of thought, "livery Effect Mental Phenomenon." It was in the year 1866 that Mrs. Kddy made the all-important discovery that "all causation was mind, and every effect a mental phenomenon" (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 24). By mind she means not the carnal or ' mortal mind wrich "is enmity against God," but one infinite supreme creative governing intelligence of the universe, eternal and unchangeable. This is the mind that the great apostle referred to when he said; "Let this mind be in yon, which was also in Christ Jesus." This is the mind that Jesus employed to heal the sick and sinful, to still the tempest and to raise the dead. He re ferred to it as "my Father and your Father." . . . "my God and your God." This mind is the "us" mentioned In Genesis i:26: "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our like ness." This was the mind revealed to Moses when he was instructed to "say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you." It is this clear-cut conception of mind as elucidated by Mrs. Eddy that is changing the religious thought of the whole world. Not since the days of Jesua and his apostles has any Chris tian denomination except Christian Science said to its followers: "'There is one infinite all-good mind which is the creator of man and the universe, and this mind is God, or Spirit, who is "of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity.' This mind is omnipotence, omnipresence and om niscience', infinite and indivisible, there fore never in nor of matter. The real man is the image and likeness of this infinite mind, spiritual and perfect now." Sick Are Made Well. It seems almost needless, to say that the reception of this enlarged concept or right idea of mind by the world has already resulted in the healing of nu merous cases of insanity, has restored incorrigibles. has resurrected the feeble minded, has healed inveterate sin and abnormal temperamental traits and conquered depraved appetites. "There are also many other things which" mind hath done, "the which. Jf they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be. written." Since there is one infinite mind or Intelligence this, mind must be the first and only cause. To admit any other cause, then, would be equivalent to ad mitting more than one God, which would be breaking the first great com mandment. And since God is infinite good, he could not cause anything un like good. As the scriptures plainly state it: "God saw everything that he hsid made, and, behold. It was very good." If Christian people woud accept and hold to this Idea of infinite good they would quickly and effectively dispose of the problem of evil. It may be easier for the so-called Adam man to admit the power and presence of evil because he sees it through the material senses, but the sole consolation of the Christian is the joy that comes to him because he knows through spiritual tense that God. good, is omnipotent and omnipresent. Knowledge of God Available. It is possible for every human being to gain this practical knowledge of God. We call it practical because it can be proved in every-day experience. To know that there is one infinite spir itual cause affords a basis for scien tific demonstration. To believe in many causes absolutely incapacitates one for proving the omnipotence of good. To admit a real cause for evil would give it a foundation in fact, would endow it with power and place mankind at its mercy. Because Christian Science is the pospl of good to the world, its mis sion is to implant in human conscious ness the idea of one infinite all-good cause which never . created evil nor suffered it to exist for some wise pur pose, as is so often asserted. Jesus was a man of ideas. He was the perfect example of a thinking man. The basis of his wonderful healing works and his incomparable reasoning and logic was this very idea of perfect spiritual causation. And it must be come ours before we can follow in Ilis mental footsteps. The contempla tion of imperfect, thought models will never bring health, happiness or holi ness into human consciousness. Guess ing as to the nature of God and his heavenly kingdom never enables one to define good or to overcome evil. Faith without works is simply guess ing, not knowing, and guessing will never usher anyone into the spiritual kingdom of "righteousness, and peace, and joy in the holy ghost." Creation Is Considered. Many of us can no doubt recall our childish concept of creation, when first reading the book of Genesis, bow we tried to picture a primeval chaotic state where there was no light and no created thing in existence, and that later, God (to us the then great un known) said "Let there be light; and there was light." Could we then have paused to ask ourselves who or what is God? we might have been spared many unneces sary experiences in later years, but most of us did not pause, but listless ly accepted the superficial belief that there was a time when God was alone; and not until the advent of Christian Science did we awaken from this ma terial dream to find out the real na ture of God and his spiritual creation, co-existent with him. Reasoning from cause to effect in the light of Chris tian Science, thinking persons are quite ready to admit that creation, in order to be a truthful, accurate, per fect expression of infinite mind, must be wholly menta. If there are any skeptics to whom this subject may seem vague or in tangible, let them grasp the meaning of the word "idea" as applied to God's creation and they will find something far more tangible and real than any thing which they have cognized through the physical senses. Christian Science makes it indubitably clear to us that mind finds expression, not through mortal or human thoughts, but through its own perfect spiritual thoughts or ideas. Unless there was a time when mind was without expres sion, there never was a time when these ideas did not exist. When this point is grasped it will explain the meaning of a "finished" or "ended" creation, mentioned in Genesis. Human thought approaches this sub ject by slow stages, and those who have erroneously confused the two diamet rically opposite accounts of creation in the first and second chapters of Gene 6is will do well to study that most helpful and illuminating chapter in "Science and Health" which deals with this much misunderstood subject. Ideas Are Defined. Ideas are not the visionary imagin ings of the human mind. "My thoughts are not your tjioughts '. . saith the Lord." God's thoughts are reflec tions, expressions or manifestations of his own nature. They are divine re alities. As rays of light from the sun, they reflect but do not absorb the na ture or being of God. They are inde structible, therefore eternal. Human thoughts are transitory, de structible, unreal. They are "not of the Father" but "of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever." No idea of God will ever be lost, because it alone obeys the will of God. Mortal thoughts dis obey the divine will and are consumed as"chaff. The world at large classifies ideas as both good and evil, while Christian Sci ence lifts them to the level of God's thoughts, thus making them divine only. The Christian Scientist has ceased to use the word idea in any lower sense than the spiritual and until others see the importance of following his example they will fail to distin guish between God's thoughts and thoughts supposed to originate in the brain, and which always were and al ways will be devoid of healing power. The ability to make this distinction is what enabled Mrs. Eddy to explain to the world the modus operandi of Chris tian healing. ... Idea Are "World's "Warriors. It has been well said that "ideas are the great warriors of the world." They have fought and won its greatest bat tles. All the good and great things in htiman history have been achieved through the leadership of some grand idea. A divine idea" is always the har binger of justice and right. Because it is always clothed with authority and power to carry out the purpose of the divine will, it always has succeeded and always will succeed in, its holy mission. The only sense of ability or power to accomplish anything worth while comes to us through some idea of God, not through any human thought. The ability to do right is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God expressed through holy thought. Then it is not self-evident that hu manity's greatest need is to grasp the thoughts or ideas of God? Need we wonder at the injunction of Scripture: "Acquaint now thyself with him (God) DEWOLF HOPPER, JR., IS REGULAR MOVIE ACTOR Son Puts One Over on Illustrious Dad in Fact That He Showed No Camera Fright on His First Experience in the Studio. IT SEEMS altogether likely that De Wolf Hopper, Jr., Is the youngest motion-picture actor now at work. At the age of 10 months he is taking part In "Sunshine Dad," a comedy in which his famous papa has the title role. Hopper. Jr., had something on his parent the very first day he went to work in the Triangle fine arts studios. Ilk. w 1 - and be at peace"? If we know not the thoughts that God is eternally think in. "thoughts of peace and not of evil," could we claim any very Intimate rela tionship with him? Would we feel thoroughly acquainted with some friend none of whose thoughts was ever known to us? Mission Is Pointed Out. This then Is the primary mission of Christian Science, to acquaint human ity with God through the medium of right ideas. Not through any human thought, belief, theory or opinion can the approach to God be made. "The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." In other words, the true idea of God alone can reveal the nature of the Father. Would anyone attempt to ascertain the nature of the sun except through the rays of light which proceed from it? "No man cometh unto the Father but, by me." the Master declared. Could -anything be more plainly stated? Relatively speaking a divine Idea never sailed upon a smooth sea. False human nature opposes it at every step. This nature is naturally unprogressive and intolerant. There is nothing more distasteful to the evil one than spirit ual facts, since facts are ideas which always reveal the truth concerning evil. The only opponent of spiritual truth is the mortal or fleshly mind, the so called good and evil mind of mortal. A divine idea is unintelligible to this mind. It would be inconsistent for this so-called, mind not to oppose its concept of truth. Is it any wonder, then, that Jesus said to his followers: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself"? Unquestionably the carnal mind was the self referred to in this passage. This mind, laden with the traditions of men, strangled by maliie, envy and hatred, torn with bitter contentions and strife, and forever hampered and limited by its unchristian belief In matter and evil, must experience a change of heart before surrendering its opposition to spirituality. Many Converted to Cannes Christian Science is here to bring about this change of heart, and the scene of transformation is already ac tive and widespread. Thousands who at one time were bitterly opposed to Christian Science have in their extrem ity gone to it for help, have received their healing and are now among its most ardent advocates. Here Is tangible proof of the unreality of what la termed opposition to truth. Is it not the height of inconsistency to call ourselves the children of God and then to claim relationship with five physical senses which constantly dis obey his laws? Surely there is some thing wrong in the human order of things, and the sooner humanity looks within to discover what it is that would crucify the Christ, truth, the sooner will it awaken to know God aright, and to prove by demonstration that love "thinketh no evil." Christian Scientists are a great deal more interested in the subject of health than in disease. They have found out that the right idea of health when in telligently presented to humanity is far more contagious than the thought of disease. They do not believe in getting sick and then having to become profi cient in a knowledge of disease before learning how to be well. They have learned that health is the normal condi tion of man in Christian Science and that disease is a mistake of the human mind to be corrected by a right under standing of health as an attribute of God. Disease Is Belief. They are fully convinced through the teaching and practice of Christian Sci ence that a negative or human knowl edge of disease never has healed and never will heal anyone, but that a posi tive or demonstrable knowledge of the truth enables one to overcome belief in disease. When 'belief in it is destroyed there is no longer any disease to be healed. One's belief in the power, pres ence and reality of disease can never bring surcease from suffering. Recourse to a higher state of con sciousness is man's only remedy for disease or sin. And how shall this be attained? Only through the aceptanee and adoption of some idea of truth, which transcends human knowledge. Truly saith the psalmist: "The entrance of thy words giveth light." God's words are expressions of the nature of God He didn't show a trace of camera fright. Father Hopper had suffered from a serious attack when he first faced the lens. But later young Hop per fell down terribly in his part and came near losing his job. He seemed to fail to realize that he was acting in a sparkling, snappy comedy and played his role as if he were portray ing a Supreme Court Judge who had just lost a golf match. v ; - . t V ' " ' ' ' - or good and It is through these Ideas that all the enlightenment of the ages has come. The entrance of sick or sin ful beliefs Into human consciousness only hinders the recognition of God's thoughts. The present widespread interest In' spiritual things is solely due to the transforming influence of the true Idea of God as voiced to the world In Chris tian Science. This idea is the harbinger of health, strength and happiness. It has no knowledge of disease or suffer ing; to Impart. Light Dispels Darkness. The absence of light, wtiich we call darkness, is dispelled the moment the light is allowed to enter. Just so with disease. It also Is dissipated the mo ment the right Idea of health is al lowed to dominate human conscious ness. Whatever is corrective or re formatory must emanate from God. One human belief will not correct another. One sin will not correct another sin. A lesser evil cannot do away with a greater one. No human mistake' can correct another mistake. It Is a mistake to believe In the actuality of anything which does not emanate from God. If sickness and suffering are of God, Jesus would not have healed them. Nor could Christian Science heal them to day If they are a part of the divine consciousness. The right idea or con ception of God reveals them as human mistakes or errors of mortal thinking, and only as the Christ mind is put on and the carnal or mortal mind put off can sueh mistakes be corrected or de stroyed. In other words, Christ is the one and only savior of mankind and Christ Is the true reflection of God who Is infinite Life, Truth and Love. Because Christian Scientists under stand the divinity of the Christ they are enabled to heal the sick and reform the sinner. Disease Knowledge Not Asked. No wonder Solomon said "Get wis dom; and with all thy getting get un derstanding." Jesus did not advise us to acquire a. knowledge of disease in order to heal disease. He did not coun sel his followers to study medical works in order to cope intelligently with the Ills of the flesh. He did not .say to study what the world says about sin in order to avoid its experience. What did he say? This. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousnes," which is equivalent to saying, "Seek ye first the spiritual understanding of God and his right thoughts or ideas." Christian Science has come to open the door of consciousness to receive this understanding of God and to apply it to the correction of every human mistake. Before Christian Science came, who of us, regardless of our re ligious convictions, knew how to cor rect the belief in sickness or suffer ing? Did we not rather hasten to mag nify Its seeming presence by voicing the belief to all with, whom we came in contact? Did we not ally ourselves on the side of physical sense by admit ting that we had the ailment, that it actually belonged to us? And did we not often send for the trusted family doc tor, who invariably confirmed our fears? And what next? AVhy. he then went to work to prove both to himself and to his patient that the so-called ailment didn't really belong to him after all? Had it been a part of the real man he would have been obliged to have It forever. Mental Poise Is Aim. How do we deal with this subject in Christian Science? We agree to disa gree with the very first approach of disease in any form, recognizing such approach as the temnter suBrtrestinir life and intelligence in matter and a power apart from God. We strive to maintain a mental poise on the side of harmonious being by contending for the reality and supremacy of spiritual ex istence. We seldom voice error to anyone. This enables us to magnify good and to minlzime evil, and by ac knowledging God's omnipotence and omnipresence we soon experience a normal state of mind and body. By working through the understanding in stead of blind belief, we lose our false sense of discord and thought is uplift ed and purified. We are that much nearer the kingdom of heaven. Under all forms of material and er roneous -mental treatment thought is left buried in the belief of life in mat ter, hand in hand with the admission that we not only had. the disease but that we may have it again. Christian Science enables us to see that the be lief in disease is what needed treat ment and not the real man. As this is spiritually understood we are enabled to declare intelligently and without fear of contradiction that as God s children we never really had the dis ease and never can have it. It is this perception of Christian metaphysics that makes it possible for humanity to escape "from the bondage of corrup tion into the glorious liberty of the children of God." He alone can call this teaching Im practical who has not accepted and pfoved It true In demonstration. Freedom Is Birthright. We cannot bring out In our lives anything above our highest concept of God. If this concept makes God out to be the author and sender of disease it is perfectly consistent for us to have disease. We could not even want to get rid of it if we honestly thought that God sent it. Christian Science makes it clear to us that we do not know the true meaning of freedom un til we learn how to conquer the ills for which a mistaken sense of God is di rectly responsible. Man's birthright is entire freedom from bondage of every description. There is therefore a law operative to bring this about and Christian Scien tists are striving to live in conformity to this "perfect law of liberty." They nave not yet reached the goal of per fection, but they are breaking up their fallow ground, making it ready for the seeds of the Father's planting and they are grateful for his spiritual blessings already received. We are duty bound to possess what God gives alike to all his children. This is accomplished by making active use of what we are already conscious of having. It is what one does with one's wealth that makes one wealthy. The mere hoarding of material riches too often makes one1 a pauper Instead of a prince in the sight of God. Belief In the multiplication table would never make a mathematician. The use or ap plication of it would. Mere belief In God does not make a Christian. The application of his power to overcome evil does make a Christian. Believing in love neither makes us loving or lovable, nor does it bestow upon us the right of possession of any of God'a blessings, but love expressed in thought and action gives us spiritual dominion, which is the only real freedom. Quoting a poem from the Christian Science Journal, entitled "Freedom" (March, 1915): When I have bowed my vsry thought to thine. wTim I can see with inner light dlvtne That alt thou art is here and now and mine Then I am free. When I above all sin and passion rise. And thought with thee is raised unto the skies. And trustingly my hand within thine lies Then I am gre. When I can see thy will la best for me. And Joyfully resign my will to thee. And sek no lova hut thine Ah, tenderly Then life will prove Indeed That I am free. Science Healinaj Interests. The world today is deeply interested In the subject of healing. Suffering hu manity is looking in every direction for surcease from pain. Usually as a last resort it turns to Christian Science and through the open door of compassion ate love it finds its way into that haven of rest and. peace which is above mor tal ken. The beneficent influence of Christian Science is far-reaching. "It blesses him who gives and him who takes." It is no respecter of persons or ailments. It appeals to all classes of people, bidding them awakan from- the day dream of life in matter. Those who listen to its message of "on earth peace, good will toward men," experience moral and physical healing. It is plain to the student of Christian Science that the direct effects of wrong thinking upon the body, such as the in dulgence of malice, anger, hatred and revenge, cannot be healed either by drug or. knife. The root of the trouble is not visible in any physical manifes tation, but lies hidden in the dark re cesses of mortal consciousness. In this consciousness must we grapple with every mortal belief, theory, opin ion and suggestion and silence its self assumed right to existence, before real healing can be accomplished. Only through mental surgery. in other words, do we make practical use of the ounce of prevention. Drugging the poor innocent body to correct the effects of sinful thought is little else than try ing to erase a shadow on the wall with out interfering with that which is re sponsible for the shadow. Moral Fault Assailed. Christian Science deals directly with the moral fault in the treatment of disease. If one is receptive to the true idea of God, ready and willing to be shown how to change his habits of thought, this idea will quickly supplant a multitude of erroneous theories and opinions and often bring Immediate re lief from suffering. When anxious hu man thought is thus removed from the body one catches a practical glimpse of what is meant by being "absent from the body" and. "present with the Lord." The greatest Teform movement on earth totlay is Christian Science heal ing, because it means the coming of Christ to human consciousness. One who honestly approaches Christian Science, even as a remedy for some so called physical ailment, will meet with the greatest surprise of his life. Self ishly thinking that he would be satis lied with bodily healing, he is amazed to find himself face to face with in finite blessings immediately available. With the exuberance of newly kindled joy he is wont to exclaim: "It is too good to be true!" But he very soon realizes that he is but awakening to the truth of hi being, that man in the image and likeness of infinite mind is the natural recipient of all good. It must therefore be seen that Chris tian Science healing is no impractical or theoretical vagary of the human mind. On the contrary, it means trans formation of the body by the renewing of the mind. It means the mental re adjustment of every human condition. It is one's only passport to happiness and success. It means conformity to law and order, the ability to think and to do as God would have one think and do. Physical Healing Secondary. When brought face to face with the goodness and grandeur of infinite mind the thought of physical healing pales into Insignificance. But as an essential of Christian development and progress, as an awakening from a material to. a spiritual sense, its importance cannot be overestimated. Regardless of race or creed, one must experience and under stand the Christ healing before one can find one's way into "the secret place of the Most High." As Jesus plainly stated it: "If I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God has come upon you." (Luke xi:20). Christ could not come to one without making known his healing presence. His coming is not a theory but an actuality, an unavoidable, in controvertible, demonstrable fact, an active vitalizing prelude to all true spiritual attainment. It is the mission of Christian Science to overcome faith in so-called human antidotes and to point humanity to the one perfect everpresent antidote of divine love. Jesus prescribed one uni versal remedy for every human discord, whthe-r in the form of sin or sickness. He said: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." This meant something more than to pay him a personal visit, else his words are a mockery to present-day Christians. It means to gain an understanding of the Christ, truth, as the one and only Savior of mankind, and this is done only through a renew ing of the mind or consciousness of mortals. A mind laden with images of sin and disease has not experienced the coming of Christ. It may profess belief In God. but such belief fails to bring salvation or even surcease from suf fering. A spiritual glimpse of the eternal unity of God and of man In his image and likeness is the great burden-lifter of mankind. It brings a sense of peace, Joy and health that surpasses all hu man knowledge. It softens the disposi tion, chastens the affections, silences false rride and self-will, comforts the sorrowing, quenches false appetites and last, but not least, it does away with the evidence of disease. Thousands of witnesses in all parts of the world will testify under oath that Christian Science has healed them of so-called incurable diseases. There can be no in telligent denial of such testimony. The evidence is overwhelming that Chris tian healing is today an established fact' in the world. Mrs. Eddy's vision of the Christ not only healed her of the effects of a so- ? NOTED THF.OSOPHIST TO LEC J TtRG HERE. II t n t t m. i V." I. W. Rogers. Five public lectures or theo sophy and occultism will be given at Eilers Hall, beginning today at 3 P. M. The speaker will be L W. Rogers, of New York City, who is National lecturer for the Theosophical Society. He will lecture on "The Living Dead," "Reincarnation." "The Laws of Destiny," "Theosophy and the Bible" and "Lords of the Law." Mr. Rogers is an author and propaganda manager for the Theosophical Society iri the United States and Canada. called fatal accident, but enabled her to reach a purified mental height where she could spiritually discern the deep things of God and give them to the world. She named her discovery Chris tian Science. She was, to use her own, words, "only a scribe echoing the har monies of heaven in divine meta physics" (The First Church of Christ. Scientiist, and Miscellany, p. 115), con sequently she had no excuse to offer for inditing the pages of Science and Health. The world owes a profound debt of gratitude to this noble woman for what is contained in this unique book. There are many thousands who can testify that the Bible was a sealed book before Science and Health came to them. False Teaching Is Burden. Mrs. Eddy as the discoverer and founder of Christian Science fought the good fight ana bravely won her laurels. Her works which have fol lowed her have proved her one of the greatest and yet most humble of reli gious leaders and teachers. The world is burdened with false teaching. There is much concerning health and disease which is misleading in the extreme. It is the province of Christian Science to correct such teach ing by turning the thought of human ity to Christ Jesus as the sole author ity on all subjects essential to human paogress and happiness. Who could accuse Jesus of ever es tablishing a clinic? He paid little at tention to disease or its symptoms, but he constantly healed the sick by the spoken word, and he bade his follow ers do likewise. His ideals of life em braced no knowledge of disease as an entity or reality. His mission, as well as that of Christian Scfence, is to prove such knowledge unreal, a nonentity. This was not and cannot be done by human argument or reasoning. It re quires spiritual understanding, and ac cording to Scripture this understand ing is a "knowledge of the holy." or holy one. What would be thoTight of a watch maker who should establish a school for the purpose of teaching and study ing the subject of broken watches? In what way would such a course of study assist in the construction of a perfect watch? Would years of study of counterfeit j money enable one to detect a spurious bill sooner than could one who is thor oughly familiar with, the genuine bill? Would the musician who advocated a systematic study of discords ever suc ceed in bringing out a true sense of harmony to his pupils? Would the moralist who spent the most of his time in looking into vice and wickedness be enabled to impress his followers with a sense of purity and moral rectitude? Would not this negative research on his part tend to dim his perception of spirituality? It is "the pure in heart" who see God. Has anyone ever heard of a school of mathematics where mistakes in cal culation are specialized to the exclusion of the rule of exactness which alone enables one to correct such mistakes? What housewife would add to her skill in breadmaking who devoted her time and attention to analyzing and classifying different kinds of unpala table bread? Which engineer would you sooner tniBt to pilot you safely across moun tain and plain, the one whose thought is prone to dwell upon the possibility of accidents or the -one who is fear lessly and confidently resting in the thought of safety and divine protec tion? Would a human parent be very liable to advise his child to make a special study of malice, envy, hatred and re venge as a preliminary to understand ing the nature of ever-present divine love? AVhy Kxcept Disease f Then why make an exception in the case of disease and Insist that it alone among the errors of the human mind shall be feared, studied, investigated, classified, discussed, diagnosed and published broadcast in the attempt to find health? Christian Science makes it very clear to the world that this is a very sure method of perpetuating dis ease and of eradicating one's true sense of health. Since this method has been in vogue diseases and fear have multiplied and suffering has increased. One of the first lessons of Christian Science is to reverse this barbarous habit of thinking, talking and herald ing the symptoms of disease. There is nothing more enervating and demoral izing than to magnify in thought some phase of evil which one would over come or destroy. Can the popular evil of so-called disease germs ever be eradicated without ceasing to fear it and without ceasing to hear, think and talk about such subjects? Every pro fessing Christian should know that the mental image of disease is one of his very worst enemies and that theChrrst or true idea of God comes to rid him of this enemy. He will then recognize Christian Science as his best friend and become a stanch advocate of health and an opponent of disease. He will study, think and talk about the thing he wishes to experience and not about Its opposite. There is a lesson for us all In the experience of the specialist who often succumbs to the very disease of which he has made a specialty. Many of us also know the effects of reading medi cal works. ' Why should humanity be loath to hear the truth about the action of wrong thought and to take the neces sary steps to correct it? Why should it be skeptical concerning the only possible means of protection from er roneous beliefs? Protection Not Human. Protection is divine, not human. The law of right is the only iaw of protec tion. Only an ignorance of God could tempt one who is doing wrong to ask for protection In his wrongdoing. Truth does not protect error, love does not protect hate. Right thought is no pro tection to wrong thought, but when mortals repent, change their mode of thinking, divine protection is near at hand. 'Man's inhumanity to man" Is all based upon a misunderstanding of God and man. Can such inhumanity be done away with without a correct idea or understanding of God? Indeed not! No more than could a mistake in computa tion be eliminated without a correct understanding of numeration. The right idea of love is the only remedy for fear or hate. The study "of a hundred vol umes of human dissertation on the sub ject of revenge would never overcome revenge. Whatever is inherently right, being a law unto Itself, is its own protection. Right thinking is right practice. Wrong thinking is wrong or malpractice. The one needs no protection, the other could not have it if it wanted it. If Christian Science practice is right and we know that it is right then no human legislation against it can avail anything, since there is and can be no law against the operation of God's law. A right Idea in action ex presses the power, law and dominion of Its principle. God. It needs no ex cuse for being about the Father's busi. ness. any more than does the sun for shining alike upon the just and the unjust. Hypnotism Not Employed. In deference to the world's ignorance of Christian metaphysics we speak of treatment and practitioner in Christian Science. Students of Christian Science who have experienced healing and re generation, who have made a thorough study of our leader's works and are loyal to her teachings, are in a position to prove to others their understanding of the Christ healing. Through what is known as treatment hundreds of per sons throughout the world are daily being healed in Christian Science. Such treatment is not the eroneous influence of any form of mesmerism or hypno tism, of one human mind over another, but is the activity of the Word of God in human consciousness. It is the mental approach or coming of the right idea of God. It is the proyer that knows, instead of believes, what constitutes the kingdom of God in man. Many who are sufficiently purified in thought and manner of living to ex press the right idea of treatment and who can devote their time to such work, are known as Christian Science practitioners. Their mission is not pri marily to effect physical healing, but to bring to humanity a scientific un derstanding of God and his "saving health." This right idea of health acts as a spiritual leaven, purging out of human . consciousness every erroneous or unholy thought. There is nothing more sacred than treatment in Christian Science, and the practitioner who lets God give the treatment is indeed a true follower of the Christ. The real work of the prac titioner is to purity his own conscious ness so that it may become a trans parency for truth to shine through. He arrogates no power to himself. He in dulges in no self-glorification. Ha judges no man. The practitioner is therefore no men tal freak or prodigy; he wins his lau rels through faithful systematic work. He knows that "to work is to pray" and that the only service is a service of love. His God-corrected mentality, constantly radiating truth and love, is a boon to any community. As a righc thinker his moral and spiritual censor ship of world conditions is constantly sifting the chaff from the wheat. Ho is constantly doing as he would be dona by and loving his neighbor as himself, in a word, minding his own business. Text-Book Is Key. Along with all great subjects. Chris tian Science has its text-book. Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. This book i.- indeed a spiritual key to the Bible and as such it has proved itself to be the Bible's best friend. It has opened up tha hidden spiritual or metaphysical mean ing of the Scriptures, has caused thou sands of persons to reverence the "book of books" as never before, to ponder and study its sacred pages from a pure sense of love for the truth, has greatly increased its sale and circulation, in. fact has made the Bible an indispensa ble companion in numberless homes in. all sections of the world. Despite all opposition to what tno world imagines Christian Science to be. the demand for Mrs. Eddy's book i constantly increasing and its inspired, healing message continues to bring joy and happiness into the lives of suffer ing humanity. In the words of one who has recently tasted the word: "I hava been studying Christian Science for nearly a year. Need I say that I have Just begun to live? I have burst the chrysalis of ignorance and doubt, of misunderstanding and fear and am. joyfully beholding the beauty of "a, new heaven and a new earth." My wholn plan of thought and action has been revolutionized. I have found health; but above and beyond that. I have found that peace which passeth all un derstanding." The silent influence of a, book that will accomplish such won derful results cannot be stopped by the frenzied attempts of malice or intoler ance. Careful Study Advised. Science and Health is making its apw peal to all humble-minded persons. Through a prayerful study of the book thousands are daily experiencing moral and physical healing and acquiring a. demonstrable understanding of truth. Little reason then why it should not appeal to all classes of people In their varied vocations. Some of the leading artists, actors, musicians, authors, pro fessors and scholars of the day will tell you that Science and Health is their daily companion and that they draw their inspiration from its sacred pages. Prominent business men the world over say the same thing. They will also de clare that their application of the prin cible of Christian Science has brought them their only success in business. Broad-minded ministers, physicians and lawyers and many more of tha world's best people are studying the Christian Science text-book, some open ly, others in the quiet of their homes. Thus the leaven of truth is at work, sometimes in directions where least expected. The Christian Science churches are constantly increasing in number and in membership and in this connection let it be remembered that the only pastor of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Is the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Results certainly prove that the Christian Science text-book is a scien tific presentation to the world of right ideas. These brave warriors of the mental realm will continue to "fight the good fight of faith" and to "lay hold on eternal life" until "the earth shall be Allied with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. ii.24). In the words of Abraham Lincoln: "Happy day when all appetites con trolled, all poisons subdued, all matter! subjected mind, all-conquering mind, shall live and move, the monarch oC the world. Glorious consummation!" CHICKENS TO BE SLEUTHS Minneapolis Detective AVants to Trace Grain Theft AVlth liens. MINNEAPOLIS. April 3. Waiting for the snow to melt so he can put to test a new theory in thief catching is what Deputy Sheriff Sam Holt is doing these days. Every hour of sun shine, he says, shortens the distance between him and a certain person under suspicion of stealing a sack of grain from a Brooklyn Center farmer. The loss of the sack was reported, early in the Winter. It had been taken in the night, the farmer said, for ho traced the suspected culprit half way across a field, only to lose the trail because of fresh snow. The start of the trail was easily discernible because there had been a leak in the bag and some of the grain had fallen out, leav ing telltale tracks, beside the foot prints. The abrupt ending of the trail in tha freshly fallen snow made further pur suit impossible, and the baffling case of the bag of grain was reported to the Sheriff's office. , "I'll get him in the Spring." Deputy Holt informed the complaining farmer. "It may take some time, but you let me know Just as soon as the snow is off the ground. I've got some chickens that will follow that trail, and they'll lay the crime right at the door of the wrongdoer." Cross Ulazes Sky Iligli. WOODBURY. N. J.. April 1. There was considerable excitement about this section all day over the appearance in the Western sky of a rainbow-colored cross, and Bible students have been searching for something that would enlighten them on the matter. The Book of Revelation has been scanned and ministers called -up, but up to. this time the sign has not been interpreted satisfactorily. The superstitious naturally foresee continued wars all over the world, and. within 1000 years, the end of the world. Those who saw it. as the sun came up. say it was a perfect cross of brilliant colors.