14 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 9, 191G. FOB RENT. Flats. W F.ST SIDE tt room, newly kalsomined flats, fine neighborhood, near new Couch School: furnace, fireplace, every conven ience. See them today. 72:1'. Kearney $25.00 72 j Karnev - $22.50 Call at 104 Second St. IIODER.V 5-room flat. sleeping-porch, lire place, nice lawn, steam heat and water furnished; rent free tr May 1 for perma nent tenant. West Side. Call Main :44K, fort-noon or after i evening. Will furnish if desired. UM-'STALLV desirable 5-room flat, sleeping.-porch, fireplace, furnace, newly cal somined; :i4 1',' Montgomery, on Broad May, West Side. 1 block south Lincoln H ; l; h School. Phone todny Main -417. Furniliej Flat. IiKFlNKD woman. employed, will share beautifully furnished 5-room flat with 2 or 3 business girls or couple; piano, sdeep i iig-porh. Vietrola ; wa Iking distance, "Went Side; reasonable. (C. S. preferred.) Marshall 1O07. HI-' 48, jrPKonian. ' CHAK.MIM-iLV appointed 5-room flat, aieep i ii v-porch, piano, all comforts; walking distance, West Side ; adults. .C. S. prc f erred.) Marshall 1007. AM 4SS, Ore gon inn. FrtiXISfiKD flat, 4 large outside rooms, ia rg sleeping porch, bath. f;as i ange, v. Hf-r. fruit in season, Jj-1-- Cali at 7 '. H. i urnsidc. X I ' E L Y furnished private flat, sleeping porch, walking distance, one block to tar; no small children. 1(14 E. 12th fit, or. Re I n u nt . i FULLY furnished flat. Including player pi ;i no heat, phono. w:ttnr and garbage re nmval. Call East 47QS. KI HiA VTIA furnished 4-room flat; mod en and complete; isth and Love joy sts. Vain 44P2. . MCKLV furnished t li roe-room flat, modern, heat, phone furnished. 661 East Washing ton. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 5r.l Davnport St., cor. patton road; 4-room furnishei lowef flat, very cheat i . P lion e T a b o 752. MX -ROOM flat, furnished, good; 2d and Relmont. Strictly modern. J a coo Haas, 71 r Deknm bids. fe-EOoM upper comer furnished flat, all outside rooms. ii: K. Madison st. Phono East 2" 4. - ( I ITIMSHKD 4-room modern flat, sleeping porch, lawn, garden, half block f rum car. Tabor 5H24. M'O 1 ER .N well-f urn is hod. choice location, easy ' walking, block from Lincoln High w ay. Main 55s 1. NEWLY furnished 4-room flat, private bath and phone, low rent. East 712S. ROOMS, new, modern, clean, sleep ing porcti. 572' Mill. Main f44i. C-RoOM furnished flat, strictly modern, reasonable to ihe right party. Tabor 14S4. J tpl'lIX. cosv, 4-room f!at, near Steel bridge; 2S Ross. I'hone Woodlawn 1850. 4-Jit'OM bath. :; m.fiorn. Dutch kitchen, private Ross, 2 blocks Rdy. bridge. $10. $10 4-room sunny Ha i , 4 t2 Rodney. Ka?t 40'.. walking distance. M-JW inod' in -l-room furnished flat; one un 1 urn i. died ; reasonable. 2s l j p.orth wiek. ELKOANT LY furnished, steam heat, water. phono included. lNOXorth 2od. Mar. 2045. sTfi 4 'rtOOM S. phone, light, water, piano. walking u is t a n Hast ;t;!io. Hoii-r-keepinu; Rooms $2.75 vef:k up - suites. spi-k and con venience : sing - Compf tely furnished pan, laige. light; every S2 up. Desirable peo tTare. The Cadillac, M. pit- only. Sa x .Koch n'i nisr Id. near Jefferson. MAKE THE "F- I'SHMA RK" YOLK HOMK Cm plot el v f urn i sued outside rooms, va Iking distance. , five gas. lights, heat, water, $lt moiuh up; brick building. 5tij z Wash ington. NICE suite of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, at 244 Klilinga wortii a ve., cor. Vancouver. Low rent, i'hone Woodlawn 1907. 11 i E HEAVER. 1 2 ill and Marsliall, fur nished for housekeeping ; gas range, eiec tric lights, hot water, baths. laundry tree; $S numtli ob-an place. I'lioiie A 4,Vi". t.NUKU new management. liay City Hotel; nice, clean I. K. rooms $1.50 and up; also transient. IS'P.. Fourth St. CLE AX. comfortable, fully furnished suite, boht location, wc-ekiy, $UI a month. MarshalilG4.4Ri V Wash.. cor. lit h.et. 3 N i CE convenient iy located housekeeping rooms, rent 1 2 month. 2ti X. 20 th at., r Wash in gun. Til E LL'.l"URA, 220 11th t. Housekeep-i:ig-rooms and other rooms ; i easouable ; board if desired. 401 LAST MORRISON -Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apt a. Reasonable. THE Cm I LM AN, 142 1st St.- Fur. II. X. rooms for bachelors and families 1 wk. up. $2.:. WREK, single H. K. apts.. furnished. Breden bldg. 2."iU VWash.. cor. 3d , KOOM. steam heat, electric lights, bed linen, gas. f 2 week up. 4 io roiuinbia. X" I RN ISH E r housekeeping rooms, central. vers eheap. 22.'I 1 1'ine. cor. 1st. ilouHekeepinfi I.HtniM in Private Family. TWO large front housekeeping rooms with all modern conveniences; Katonable. 4U4 Taylor. Marshall 4430. -.'! FL'ltMSHED II. K. rooms; private bath, free heat and light, gas or electric if de sired. Rose City car to 7LI Sandy blvd. NICELY furnished housekeeping-room, on lt floor sleeping-room ; reasonable. 1 41 i:;th st. KKIi f urn isiieu housekeeping rooms: rca fron a ble rent. Walking tiistance. 21 E. ir.ih it. U rooms with sleeping porch, f u 11 view C.rtJand Heights. 471 Chapman St. Main r.l'.tO. TWO r. ice iare front rooms, free cooking gas. bat h, jihi.ne. call Sunday and even inns. iuti 14lh st. 'i H REE furnished housekeeping rooms, al ciive, cas, bath, choice location. 1 24 N. T.Uh s'. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $i; free giLs. light and .wood. Main I'.oTit. OiK'i Joiin o ri . Lli;HT furnished and housekeeping rooins, electric lights, bath : St .-." week up. 1 I Stanton si., near Mississippi ave. PAVE searchinj i-f. K. suiies. couple. New Newly renovated furnished light and clean; suitable for management. ilfni1.. 4lh SL KMAUj II. K. room. $1.r per week, gas. elect ric ligh i furnished ; suitable for woman employed. 4t5 Main st. FOR RENT Furnish'' and basemem. u o housekeeping rooms 13 th st. CONNECTING rooms, gas, electricity, new yl miiivai ed, $12. :is E. 1st st. N. .y s - . O 2 - K O O M suite furnished. 412 Clay. ' RXIPHED sice ping-room nnd hotisekeep in g ; S I .' and up. an4 Flanders. T Wo rooms and bath, on I'ark, iicaL and cheap. Marsliall 4.".. - X ICE light housekeeping rooms, very close in. lv Park st. Fl iiST floor, f ron t sinte, ? 1 1 month; also S-room suite, 11. ."u 14th. TWO large, well-f urnished rooms; central, in ode in. i7 t Alder, corner 14tii. XL'RN'iSlfED housekeeping rooms reason able. 74i Mississippi ave. ij;i4 MuKRiON, suite 2 or 3 rooms, com pletely furnished, close in ; both phones. FKoNT apartment of rooms in private home, cheap, i'hone East i i 4 r 1 . j 2d. FURNISHED H. K rooms en suite SS, $10 and $14. 49i Davis. Main 2293. L K A SON AH LK housekeeping rooms, with bath and telephone. Marshall 74 3. 1LE ASA NT room, with use of kitchen, for lady, employed. 77u '- Johnson. fcUlTE, free gas. bai h and phone, $1.' week and tip. 3 SJ Hoiladay. T V( housekeeping rooms; Phone Main i;7'ui. iUi Everett st. FX FURNISH ED housekeeping rent. IhS St. Clair st. rooms for CLEAN and sunny apt. for two, private home. ard. jr,r 11th, near Main. ONE housekeeping room, $.".r,0; 2 basement, S7 ; gas. phone, electricity. U49 12th. LOV ELY, large H. K. rooms, both, phones, large, phady yard. $2..,p wk. :;s7 1st. FLEAS AX T, quiet batching rooms. $L."0 week. Large yard. 3S7 1st. OR 3 rooms, furnished nr not. In Irving ton home; ref. East 322ft. TWO H . K. rooms Avith kitchenette ; $2.7." up. 370 12th. TWO neatly furnished H. K. rooms: gas, bath, phone, electricity. Sou Montgomery. TWO rooms pnrlor floor, sleeping porch if desired; very convenient. 0o5 Flanders st. SLIT of 4 well-furnished, modern rooms, piano, yard, etc No. o'. E. :oth st. N. ONLY 52.T.O a week. 2 cosy housekeeping rooms, everything furnished. 22! 1 2th st. ?S Large pleasant front room with kitch enette: lad ies only. 2SS 3 4th st. "W ELfv furnished front housekeeping room, most reasonable. 2!4 J ef ferson. 2-KOOM finB front suite, very reasonable. 272 Montgomery. Walking distance. CLEAN, pleasant room, use of kjtchen, heat, bath, phone, laundry. Main 1G0. 'J AND 3 large, modern IL K. rooms, first floor, private entrance. 42f Main st. FURNISH ED housekeepi nff rooms, steam heat, running water, $2. 147 13th st. n I-TRN I SI i ED H. K. ROOf? Hath . phone, elect., gas range. fi-l E. Morrison. TWO desirable suites H. K. rooms, reason able. C.tO E, Burnslde st. XH'ETY furnished housekeeping room; heat, saa and ciecuicity. Hi-J J.fXersou FOR RENT. iiousekeepLpg Koomg in Private Family. -i OUTSIDE housekeeping rooms, large parlor, new Wilton velour rug. heating stove, for $5; davenport, gas light, water, privato entrance; all for $1 1. Phono Woodlawn 4 S tt . LPI'ER FLAT of ! rooms, all fixed for housekeeping; small home, modern; party can more than make rent by renting out; a snap; will go quick; apartment rented now; S 2 5 . Woodlawn 4 ." ; ; ; . l- Mo. 3 large unfurnished room suite, 1 st floor, including carpets, gas stove, electric II glits. ba tits. phone, laundry, ehoiue location, walking distance. t X. 21nt st.. near Washington st. carline. IX" refined home, large, pretty sleeping porch, with 2 rooms newly furnished, light, cheerful, homey; every convenience, pleasant surroundings, walking distance; couple. 4r.& Hall. CLEAN furnished 2-room apts.. very rea sonable rent; yard, etc.. beautiful view; 1 with sleeping porch April 12; walking dis tance location. East tlth st. South. Sell wood .73.". LA I V A LOX E would rent three f urnished rooms and alcove to nice couple or ladies; rent reasonaole. 440 - East Hurnside St., next Masonic bldg. CLEAN', furnished kitchen for light house keeping and sleeping porch, each for 91 a week; for both '..i a month. Call after 4 P. M., rS7 E. Morrison. ' TWO large front If. K. rooms and kitchen ette; steam heat," electric lights, walking distance ; reasonable. Call mornings or evenings. .Main 2 '. 1 6. THREE v-ry nitre basement rooms, gas. elec tric lights. running water. closet and phone ; rent reasonable. 271 llonlgomerj st reef. TWO good, furnished rooms, no carfare, free phone, light, etc. 270 Williams. East ."t7!7. TWO newly furnished H. K. rooms; all con veniences. $10 a month, no carfare. Phone Main 7323. VrJ North 10th str TWO or t hnee fine furnished housekeeping rooms, private bath, sleeping porch, hot wa ter heat, close in. East O.'iKl. $1 TO 2.." a week ; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phono. East 003 i. 4o; Vancouver, near Itroadway. WIDOW with nice 7-room home will rent lower floor to adults, $13. 031) E. 30th. Richmond car. 4 LAKGE furnished front rooms with nice yard, clow? in, $5 a month. 403 E. An- Keny, cor. juth st. OX E f urn ishnd housekeepi n room, with kit eli e net to; private, family, 43 Broad- $20 Three-room a pa rtmont. private bath, private phone, electric light, steam hea t. yard- emidren welcome. .!.'. North 2-d. 1 and 2-RO M h. k. suites, kitchenette, modern; also basement, h. k., $1.2." up. x, j 7th st. THREE clean, furnished, h. k. rooms; electricity, phone ind water included. 127 East J tlth st., nea r Morrison. 1 1 Ol'SEK EE PI NT, moms, $2 to $.1 per week ; sleeping rooms, $ 1.23 per week. ZfQ Jef -ferson. BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeeping suite : modern ; Su minor rates ; also singie housekeeping rooms. 381 17th. MIDDLE-AGED" lady 'wilT ren t 2-3f Or nish ed H. K . rooms to refined couple. 44! E. 12th North. Irvlngton lirl SEK E EPI NO rooms with kit ehenet te ; also 2-room tent-house; free phone, lights, heat. OO X. 21 si si. 2 LOWER rooms, sleeping poicH. pantry, $lo month; sink, gas range, free elec tricity, phone, bath. 302 4th. XEATLY furnished or unfurnished II. I moms. private entrance; adults.' S'-il Francis ave. Phon Sl 1 wood 1 73. U-itUuM modern house, 432S 43th ave. S. E 5:10.00 3-room cottage, si E. 40th st s.oo 0-room house, 10j! E. Grant st 32.m S-room. house, 34."'..i Hassalo st 12. 3n 5-rooiu cottage 3:il E. Market st.... i . 0i 7-room house, 347 Front at .00 5 -room house, 4 13 1:. Pth st . . 8 . J0 THE I,AWRENE COMPANY, 171 4th ST. Main 0!13. A 2M3. FOR RENT Rose City Park, S rooms; hardwot'd floors, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, sleep ins -porch, dining-porch, linoleum, ranjr. 1 ur n a f-o, lawn, roses, small fruit, screens, shades; $23. Woodlawn U4f. S 1 o 5 - R OO M: c o 1 1 a gel rn odor ni near M t . Kcot t car : lawn, with choice roses and bearing fruit trees; garden already plant ed; rent payments may apply on purchase if desired. Tabor 127!. MODERN 3-room cottaqe in good condi tion, 440 Ross st., near Broadway bridge, $12.30. including water. Call forenoons. East 3012. -ROOM Xob Hill, near New Couch School; rent reasonable. Phone morning Main 373. FOR RENT 3-room house, modern ; large garde 11 and chicken yard : lots of fruit ; r n e block of car. Main 3331. FOR RENT 7 rooms, with bath, modern; H;t;: Albina ave.; key at 1 0v Mississippi a ve. ; rent reasonable. MODE It X 13-room house, walking d istance, 431 West Park ; very desirable house and location. Main $41 1. FOR RENT West Side. 3 -room cottage, nice jiard, walking distance. 330 Clay st. Cail r,3 Clay. NO. 4200 TfiTH ST. S. E. $3, 0 rooms, modern, about acre. Smith -Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. G-ROOM house and screen hous 20x70. hot w-iiler. heat and electricity; $13 a month. I'hone Sellwood 3JSS. rPLENDl D G-room home to lease ; hot wji ter heat furnished ; everything clean, r.r.o E. Arh MAY or June, Irvington resblence to club of men or 'women; housekeeper on premises. East 4722. $10 Modern. 3-rm. cottage, newly tinted, 1 block south of Alberta on E. 27th st. Main 1302. Mon. MODERN !-room house. furnace heat, steeping porch, good location, cheap rent. 7ss E. Taylor st. Key next door. ATTRACTIVE modern G-room house, newly tinted, Rood 1 oca t Ion ; near enr : n Ice yard ; $1 Woodla w n 420. 7 so Williams. 13-ROOM modern house. 34G College. Phone Marshall 3HR. FOR ROSE CITY PARK houses s-e Hubbell & Son, 32d and Sandy. Tabor 21G1. G-ROOM modern house, centrally located, rent reasonable to right party. .10:t 11th. MODERN" R-room house, close in ; conveni ent for 2 families. East 4379. FOR RENT Neat cottage, cheap. Wood lawn 3403. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL SPECIALIST, 301 PANAMA BUILDING. IRVINGTON PROPERTY OUR SPECIALTY. NECHAUSEN & CO. MAIN S078. PORTLAND H EIGHTS Desirable 8-room house; modern, fine cond it ion. Main 328. -ROOM house. basement. garden. P h o n e Wood! a w n 700. SIX-ROOM hosuse, newly renovated. 252 Market street; walking distance. 5-ROOM house, one block to car, $G per rruonth. 3724 40 ave. S. E. FOR RENT 10-room house. Corbett and Vermont sis. Marshall 4G!4. FOR RENT 0 rooms, bath and gas, $8 a month. 834 Corbett st. MODERN G-room house, Phono E. 7017. 877 E. Burnside. CLEAN, modern, 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, gas water h eater, yard. 734 E. Main. $14 CLEAN", 3-room house. 3 03 st., corner Washintrton. East East 20th 3 3 30. $30 S-room house. modern conveniences. West Side Xob Hill. Marshall 3013. $S MONTH 0 rooms. Phone E. G10G. 1281 Corbett st. G. G. ROTIRER. COLLECTOR OP RENTS 301 PAXAMA BUILDING. MODERN houpes in Albina and Mnntavllla cheap; garden and fruit. East 4030. GOOD 7-room house. 227 Skfflmnre st.. rent $13. 01 R Pittoek block. Broadway 31 73. G-ROOM house, strict I v modern, $10 Phone Wdln. 197. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, newly tinted. $14. Phone Wdln. 307. $10 3-ROOM house, bath, good! condition, wn Iking distance. East 0004. $S 3 ROOMS, West Side, walking distance. Inquire. 323 Clay st. COTTAGE with 3lots. all kinds of fruit, Fulton Park. Marshall 3430. MODERN G-room house. 174 E. 13th st., be tween Belmont and Taylor; $25. GOOD 3-room house; three lots; fruit and berries; corner cnrline. loot e. 7th. X. IRVINGTON COTTAGE 3 rooms and hath; $10. E. Qth st. X., corner Broadway. 4-ROOM modern bnnealow. $7. ML Tabor Altamend car, 2116 E. Alder st. G-ROOM correr house, $7. 23" East 39th ; good location. 4-ROOM buncalow. furnished attic, cellar. IIOR East 21st North. SIX rooms, yard, fruit, $12. 40 Shaver st. East 4003. COTTAGE. Sunnyside. ?R.30; wired, gas 1043 E. Alder. 314. Oregonlan. Main 3302. 3-KOM BUNGALOW Newly tinted, pood lawn; $10 month. ItilO Ef. Davis. 3-ROOM COTTAGE Newly tinted: $11. 320 E. 10th st. R. M. cars. SEVERAL homes for rent: 7 and S rooms. East 273. W. H. Herdman. GOOD G-room house; nice yard ; Halsey at, near Williams ave.; $1;. East 3181. MOPER N HOUSE Six rooms, perfect con dition; walking distance, phone E 217U. r O ft K V. XT. Phone Mar. 40no, a 6101. V MEIER & FRANK!' RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. Private owners, for best and quickest results, should list with us houses, flats, apartments, etc., for rent. We are in a position to brinp such before the greatest number of people in the shortest time. The service is FREE to ail no charge or obligation. HOUSES. $40 0 rooms. 3:l Yamhill st. 2."5 10 rooms. 114 X. 18th St., near Hoyt. .13 7 rooms. 42l E. Burnside st. $13 3 rooms. 331 Overton St.. nr. 10th. $12 0 rooms, 433 E. m!i st., corner Caruthers; nb-e yard. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 "Wilcox Bldg. Main S6. FOR RENT. Desirable 7-room modern house, 114 Hazelfern Place. Laurclhurst; 3 O0 feet from trolley; best home environment. Rent only $3 to reliable tenant. Key at Laurelhurst Tract oflice, 3'Jth and Ulisan sts. Tabor 3433. $10 WILL rent G-room modern house, 1 block, from car and stores, at Woodlawn. 44S Liberty s. OTTO .Si HARK SOX REALTY CO., 4 J 3 Chamber oi Commerce Bldg. . WALNUT PARK.. Very convenient modern 7-room horn In t his beautiful section : nice lawn and shade trees; three T.edrooms, sleeping porch, fireplace: $3. A. H B J R ii ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank hldg. Marsliall 4114. A 411. LARGE, modern house, newly done over; best local ion. West Side ; south exposure ; 2 baths, 3 tireplaces, large closets, partly furnished: $73 month for 1 year or longer. Main232S: FOR RENT If you are looking for a neat home. 0 rooms, with all modern improve media, nice yard, fine neighborhood, cen tral location, low rent to desirable tenant call at 747 E. Burnside st. fr key. 4- ROOM house 011 'lay st. ; plumbing, gas, electric lights; $S.G0. Another across from Jefferson High School, $0. with water. OSBORNE, OQ Ki'bnrrsworth Ave. Oil 4TH, $7.30. Small cottage, nut modern, near Caruth ers st. A flat. 440 7th. 3-r.. modern, $17. 5u. We pay water. E UW ARDS COM P A X Y. 5th a n d O a k. MODERN home, eost over Ssooo, livintr rooni 13'j, din in it-room ICxlb, mahog any finish. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch ; near Laurelhurst Park ; rent $33. Fred A. Jacobs Co., lo4 3th .st. G-ROOM cottage, good condition, KS1 banriy boulevard, $10; modern furnished flat, $22.5o. 13 E. Ankeny st. Other fiats and houses $10 up. 3S0 E. Ankeny. East 1017 FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, $10; 7-room house, $17; on good carlines and In good repair. H. C. Thompson, 824 Morgan bldg. Ala in 2i33. Fit EE STORAGE Household "ooda stored free; expert movers, packers nd shippers. Manning Warehouse fc Transfer Co., Uta . and Hoyt sts., Broadway 703. $15 5-room modern cottase. newly kalso mlned; 2 lots; car one block; or will rent partly furnished. 14b Willamette blvd, be tween Gay and Denver. 5- ROOM house containing 4 housekeeping apts.; fine location. large yard, cheap rem ; all or part of f urn it tire tor sa le at less thnn half cost. 105 20th, cor. Fiandevs. -2.5U G-R iOM BUNG A LOW, 1 1 00 Knott st., near E. 37th; furnace, lireplacc, h.ira wooil floors; lot 54 x 1 uo. J. J. Oeder, 1 rand ave. at E. Ankeny SAVE carfare; clean, comfortable G-room house, 2 blocks south of east end of Broad way bridtt; free garage. 113 McMillen st. East 0711. FOR RENT 3-room bungalow, 411 Skid more. iiea r Otli ; $ . i net mi i n water, elec trieity and gas. Take Woodlawn car. Wood. 3 4O0. X E AT 5-room modern bungalow, fine ehade t rees and garden spot ; house No. 1230 E. 21t h st. X. $15 per month. I'hone East 2012. $lo 5-ROOM cottage: modern; near ML Seott car; lawn, ea.rde.11; rent payments may apply on purchase) if desired. Tabor 127.. 1 R V I N GTOX Strictly modern lo-room, beautiful and substantial; hot water heat ing; aw ay below cost. Phone owner, E. 2141. 4- ROOM bunra lo w, 30. Baluwin st.. 1 block to Peninsular School. per month, in c I mi in K- water. Woodlawn 4331 or Mar shall 12H4. 0 MODERN", clean rooms at 072 E. Starkst7; gas range and hot water heater, laundry trays arid stove in cement basement, i'hone E.4 43 1. 5- ROOM cottage in good condition, 120 East 2'H h. 1 block S. S. car; rent on! v $1 2.5U. Maiu82i. tl-ROOM house, "arize grounds, close in. 234 East 3d st. X.. cor. Multnomah; rent omy $3'i. Main S421. lb-ROOM modern home, parage, lot 1 h 1 0, niee yard with fruit trees, 170 E. ISth, n-a r Belmont. S a ry hall S3 8-ROOM housv. modern. line yard' and fruit t rees. 7. Ha wt borne ave., $2.50. Tabor C7 4(. GOOD house. with lots of ground ; tako I'ortland Heigh ts car to Hewitt Station, walk to store, inquire. Kent $'J. MODERN 5-room cottage, n ice yard, 10 minutes' walk from I'. O. 542 Broadway, w esL iae. $10 GOOD COTTAGE; gas. hath, good con dition: li7: l.'ifli. A unl v 4t... MuntL'nmprv. around crner. MODERN 5-room bungalow ; paved street, 2 blocks Laurelhurst Park ; Sunnyside car ; $ 12. PS4 E. Washing ton. Phone East G0JJ. FoK RENT or for sale, my modern 7-room home, with garage. E. J. Hobberger, 348 Fargo st. $-2 MODERN iiix-roum house, sleeping porch and hot water heat. 743 E. Yam hill. E 5323. 8-KOuM house, all built in modern con veniences, one block to car, 3u minutes out. 124 E. 31st North. -KOOM modern house, 24 th near Love joy ; nice law n, roses. 'and uyn i Walton. 515 Cham. Com. 5-ROOM house, 14 'JO Missouri ave.; nice gar den spot, 2 lots, near carline; water lur nishea; $5.50 per month. Phone East G7lS. 7- ii.uOM modern house, very desira" $15 to reliable people. 145 K. 27th st.Wl'hone East 13oh. 8- ROOM modern house for rent. 505 Mar shall St.; nico yard with flowers, in ulw Couch School district. Inquire Main 2474. NEW 4-room cottage, small fruit, shrubbery, flowers and garden space fur rent very cheap. I'hone Marshall 570. IKVIXGTON -Many beautiful homes. $25, $30, $35. $45, 75. R. T. Street, Irvington agent. TWO new, modern houses, 5-0 rooms, walk ing distance. 5b 5 E. bth South ; rent rea sonable. 5-ROOM house, newly tinted, 2 lots, all kinds fruit, flowers and place for warden ; low rent. Phono Tabor 24S3. C 1013. SEVEN-ROOM house in Irvington; west sleeping porch, ti replace, wit h or without garage. Telephone East 4473. A CLEAN bun galow ; good yard, ave. Woodlawn 3943. MODERN 6-room house, 5b0 Belmont, bet. 14th and 13th; walking distance. East 5314. For RENT, $10; 4-room cottage. 3:4 East 34th st. Tabor 5104. FbK REXT Modern S-room hoe. 5o'j Montgomery st.. West Side. S-ROOM house, near Jfferson High School. $15; with garage, $18. 210 Humboldt at. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, Port land Heights. Main 0371. PC riT LA N D HEIGHTS 5-room cottage largo yard, fruit. Mar. 4425. COTTAGE. 124 North 17th. near Glisan; key h8 North 30th st. $15 NICE, clean, ti-room house, 10 th and East Couch. East 2401. MODERN S-room house. 3D0 San Rafael, near Union, close in. East 1085. FRESH, modern, 4-room. bungalow, $14. Woodlawn IO5 315 MAIN ST. Electricity; $25; 7 rooms. Portland Trust Co. XOB HILL modern. Marshall, near l4th. Phone Main 3193. rooms, FINE modern 10-room house, close in; key A. B. Stembach & Co.. G15 Corbett bldg. 8-ROOM modern rtiouse, 712 Lovejoy near 22d. Inquire 13Q 0th. Main 627K. MODERN 8-room house. 300 San Rafael, near Union, close In. East 1085. 6-ROOM modern cottape, S. E. Phone Tabor 624. 7411 55th ave. $12 MODERN 4-room cottage. East 10 th and. Sandy. East 2301. GOOD 5-room cottage, $10. ,'IOS'A loth, near c my. west r-iae; a minutes waiK. FOil RENT Good G-room house, i-,42 East Ash, $12. MODERN six-room house, walking distance Phone East 5300. MODERN G-room house; sleeping porch. E. 7th and Weidlcr. Apply 320 7th st. X. FOR REXT 6-room modern house on East 7th. Inquire 445 Oregon st. $i ROSE CITY" PARK: 5-room bungalow; furnace ; near car. Tabor Go. r 2121. $25 LAURELHURST modern home. CHAS I.lXuLLi- & (JO X.-iiway .,, FOB REXT. $30 Eight-room modern house; fireplace, f ui nace, hardwood floors, walking distance. $18 Five-room modern bungalow, in splendid condition, 15 minutes from town. We have the best listings in the city nnd get the call froii tho most select rent ers. . THE OP EG OX H O M E B I r T L D E RS . 1330 X, W. Bank Bldg. A. H. BIRREEL CO. G-room bun it alow, Westmoreland $15 -room house. Walnut 1'ark 25 rooms. Skid more si.; good plumbing. 5 5 rooms, Sellwood carline .? lo N rooms, E. !t h St., close in; good 2o 4 rooms. E. ;;uh. near Hawthorne S A. H. BIRKELL CO., 17 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 41 IS. IRVINGTON- :hoice HOME. 711 thompson street. rooms, modern throughout. OARAOE. $5; I'iR.lKR LESSEE MOV ING I N TO H O M E K EC EXT L V P U R CHASED. K. BUR KIT T. 2ot SELLING BLDG. 7w HOUSES FOR REXT. Monday we open a free rental dept. with a list of over 7i0 desirable houses in everv section of the city, ranging' from $4 to S!mi per month. This serviee is absolutely free. EDWARDS FURNITURE CO.. Fifth and Oak. I OR RENT Attractive bungalow, on Port land Heights: large garden, trees, shrub bery, roses, etc.; 1' blocks from carline; rent reasonable to responsible part v ac count owner leaving city: would rent with option of purchase. Te, Marshall lOOd. Address Lingerlong.723 Pat ton road. 4-ROOM house, good as noir, .V block from car. at St. Johns. $7 per month; 0-room house, right at Arleta station. 150 feet Iroin car. rent $7. See owner. J. H. 5p'p ' Chaniher pf Commerce. Main FOR RENT Good 7-room house with 4 lots near.y all kinds of fruit, enough to pav one-third of rent if taken care of- good chicken runs; cood barn; convenient to good store. Inquire at Xo. 1 East 03d at. N. - nuim a Hiior ivrio. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY. 3 IOI E. DAVIS ST.. LAURELHTTRST. ROOMS. MODERN. GARAGE a 11 i 1 11 u it u 301 PANAMA BLDG. $ 1 " ROOMS, clean and modern 205 E 7t5th st. X. Garden with strawberries, rhu barb, bush berries, etc.: larpe poreb. fjre-Place-woodlift. fruit closet, etc. Xice lawn and roses; snap f.,r steady tenant. Owner, I OR RENT, $12 a month, to small family m w-!, tako especially good care of well-built 4-room modern bungalow West Side, walking d istance. or will sUl on p.mfl.!lpa'inonls' $2400, 6 percent interest. s ;30. Oretjonian. MOUNT TABOR Beautiful new modorn house. very con venience, select street and neighbors: will please the motet fastidious; early lease to refined, responsible tenant; $35 per month. 1 hone for appointment Tabor 3084 1 ( KM.-HKU or unfurnished countrv home nea r I'ortland ; ! rooms, all conveniences, barn and outbuildings. largo grounds, all kinds of fruit, rose garden, etc. X 405, Qregonian. MODERN S-room houso for rent at a reason able nriee ; has fireplace, furna e. Irrgn poreb ; the rooms are all In first-class ?-dl,n und eiiSy talking tlistancc. call 4 l.t llth st. TO a couple only. Irvington residence of G efecunf tv rnvni.AIi c . 1 uum.-", ", years lease. Renting dept. HAUTMAN &, THOMPSON ny- ir ani sstark. MODERN' 5-room. gns. rlectrleitv, furnace, hot water heater, china closet and. seats built-in, fine chandeliers, screened win dow's; beautiful view. 02 E. OSth. Mount i abor car; $15. 5-ROOM M ODER X UOTT GE ' J?.JI,VXI,,R STREET, WOODLAWN. SI0. flrep.ace, wash travs. electric, gas. SlTl t tl-Wn iron ir fn STns.r 1 XEW bungalow, modern, perfect condition furnished or unfurnished Call Sunday vrT, Uf A M- to 7 K M- 70" -at G5tl block north Rose City car. 1 0 COM , dean, newly tinted 4-room hunsaIiA new, electric fixtures, gas. bath, reduced rent,; 1 block Lnion ave; Wood- lawn, Albertacars. N J J 4o2 Fremont si FREE RKXTAL INFORMATION CALL FOR OUR COMPLETE LISTING. Houses, apts., every part ciiv; lady in e, large. Smith - V a goner Co., Stock Ex. WHY LOOK FOR HOUSES? We" have them furnisneo and unfurnished. East and West sfdes; also store buildings. De Rose OlS Chamber of Commerce. LARGE corner house, good attic andbase mint rnodern conveniences, yard, execl lent nVighborhond ; walking distance 333 12th st. Key at 331 FUh st. 0-ROOM holism nnd parage, price $10; paved street, 4 blocks from Irvington car 135 E. llth st. North, near Present t. Phone Wood lawn 3520. 5 ROOMS, modern, barn, chicken house two lots, garden planted. $12 50. furnished ; $10 unfurnished; also 3 other houses S5 to $7. E. W. Elrod, Lents. Tabor 14-1S. $S MONTH -Old 3-room house. HiOxloo lot Sellwood ; heaps of fruit trees: splendid place for family with children. Call LAURELHURST home of 0 rooms and sleep ing porch, with all modern tullt-in ron venienees. at 121'. E. Flanders. Phone East n5T. Col fAGE, 4 rooms, modern; chicken-house, some fruit, near car. Inquire 073O fiui ave. S E. Ml. Scott car, Fremont station. FO R RENT Modern S-room house. East 2th a nd East Taylor. For part iculars I'hone B 154S up to 12 o'clock Sunday. H ROOMS. Irvington, strictly modern throughout, garage, piano, victrola $45 M r. Kulmhausen, Main 2827. 4 -ROO mTious E AN DBARX. $7. l2S Central ave.. St. Johns. Smlth Wa goner Co., Stock Ex. -D AXD Hawthorne, 8 rooms, modern, piano, tine furniture, $33. Td. Broadway HOUSES, FLATS AND STORES. - J. J. Oeder. real tate and rentals. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. FOR REXT, $14 per month, new, modern G-room house, lbtf East Lincoln at. Haw thorne car. 8-ROOM house, 509 Main st., $2h 5-room house. 5'.1 East 0th, $10. Phone Broadway 5503. Fuminhed Houew. WANTED Widow, without children, to rent my house furnished and board me in pa -ment; referent es. M 501, OreRonlan. LARGE 8-room house, partly f urnLshed or without, large lawn. with or without parage. Apply forenoons. 503 First st. MODERN bungalow home, all hardwood fin ished, Mt. Tabor, adults only; rent $38. Marshall 400 or Main 5110. CLOSE In, modern 6-room house, completely furnished, including piano, $30. 247 E. 14th. East C441. FURNISHED G-room modern home.- fire place, fruit, flowers, choice location, 1 year. East 0411 mornings. OAK GROVE 5-room modern bungalow, furnished, and one acre. 52S, ore- gonian. COMPLETELY" furnished Irvington home for rent for $30 for 0 months. I'hone Ta bor 4550 Monday. $25 FOR furnished 6-room cement block house at 440 54th, Rose City Park. Hubbell fe Son. MODERN home, 6 roomB and sleeping porch, walking distance, reasonable. 2S5 Will iams ave. 3 ROOM S. private bat h. phone, water, $1 2 and $14. 514 W E, 21st st. Phone Sell wood 2. N E ATLY f urn i shed 5-room bungalow. 111 E. Mill. Hawthorne car. Tabor GS50. FURN. 3-i m. house. $5.50 month. Mt. Scott car. Fir. sta., 484 70th st. Ft" RX I S 1 1 ED house for 1 t o 2 years. JRl 3 a month. Call after 3 P. M. 047 Belmont. 3-ROOM house, $8.50 per month. 1008 i. 2th st. North. Alberta car. 5-ROOM cottage, furnished, $15. or board o-w ner : references. Phone Tabor 3028. ROOMS, well furnished home: choice resl aence district ; nice ground. Tabor 227. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, Hawthorne dlstrict.Main G490. PICTURESQUE 5-r. bungalow, W. Side, 15 min. walk, near cor. Main 1135. FIVlf rooms, nicely located. Call forenoon. DuS E, Couch. MODERN 5-ronm bungalow, furnished for rent, $10. 132S E. 20th st. North. $12 MT. SCO T T car to 6 2d st. Xo. 4320; adults only. LAURELHURST Modern furnished home. CHAS. RIXGLER & CO.. 31 6 Ry. Ex. $1 0 5-room cottage, 4 blocks Broadway bridge. -i: '.0 Ros s. E a s t4 00. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, house, well furnished. attractive 7-room Marshall 277. El" RN ISH ED, unfurnished, modern G-roora h use . M aln 0070. 1 207 X. W . B a n kb I d g . MODERN 7-room bungalow, beautiful loca tion, references required ; $25. Tabor 110. COSY 5-room modern cottage, all conven iences. SS carline. Tabor 5124. FT" RN I SHED cottage, gas and electric! t v. 201 Benton St.. near Bwdy. bridge; $12. NEAT, attractive 5-room bungalow, walking distance, fully furnished, $20. East 3411. WEST SIDE, clean, cosy G-room furnished cottage, yard; reasonable. Main 12So. vv 1--LL-FI" RX ISH IH home. 05th st., Rose FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. rio CORBETT. -:cr. Hooker, opposite new Failing School. 8-room house, furnished or unfurnished, bath, gas. Ruud heater, furnace, fireplace, nice yard ; $35 per month furnished or $30 unfurnished ; ref erences exchanged. I nquire Donald Wood ward, 304 Second rear Stark, or tele phone ownr. Fast 3421. SUBURBAN HOME. Bungalow, 0 rooms, fine condition. Fu!l modern; furnace. fireplace. Bull Run water, all knds fruit and flowers, beau tiful mountain and river views, furnisned with piano. $.to. unfurnished $25. Main 32,4. MODERN 3-room house, 2 large lots, 1 fenced for chickens, good chicken house, roses, berries, garden up, half block from car; rent $H; to one who buys new fur niture, chickens. ..-to. worth $2o0, for $115. H 403. oiegonian 3-K iOM bungalow . completely furnished, nice yard, witii trees and bushes: elee trb lights. gas and water furnished: SJ.50. Phone Tabor lOUt or call 2-2 E. 44th st.. 1 block north of Hawthorne ave. '1 ED.MONT 115 Rodney ave., cor. Kil 1 in gs worth ; S rooms. newly papered, painted; carpets, bedding renovated; roses, trees, beautiful lawn ; 2 full sets plumb ing, garage, cheap rent right party ; fur nace, fireplace. WI LL rent my beautiful P-room residence to responsible- people without children for six months; mahogany and oak finish, ele gantly furnished ; hardwood floors. Turk ish rugs, piano, steam heat, hot water free; rent 75; walking distance. East 3151. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room suite. 2 bedrooms, private bath, fireplace, modern home, phone, gus. electricity, hoat fur nished ; reasonable to clean, careful ten ants: rloso 111. . V4 North 10th. corner Flanders. t BEAUTIFVl home of 0 rooms, completely furnished; bath, sleeping porch, etc.. hard wood floors; west edgo of Laurelhurst ; references exchanged ; prefer to lease. Kat 1331. 555 TAYLOR, near 17th 5-room, finely fur nisncd flat, Circassian walnut and fumed oak furniture, piano, garage; rent $31; also 4-room furnished flat, piano; rent $22..V references. Call after lo A. M. IRVINGTON Modern house of 0 rooms and sleeping porch, very attractively furnished, including grand piano; living-room 2S ft. Lease for one year to responsible tenant. References exchanged. A F 403, Qregonian. 140 LOWXSDAI.E-ST., opposite old Lincoln High School, 10-room house, partially fur nished, $53. See owner. 211 Lownsdale, or tel. M. 1013. -ROOM modern w?M furnished bungalow and garage; all kinds of fruit; good gar den 111 ; $15 month. 1814 i. Davis fct., near 7oth. "MV" car. LADV. alone, away often, would like lady to share artistically furnished flat, sleep ing porch, law 11. Companionship more. X 505, Oregon ian. LADY employed will rent modern home, furnished complete, for room and board; piano, 2 adults. Call Sunday after 2 321 i2 Holladav. WA or IJ car. . ATTRACTIVELY furnished home. S rooms and sleeping porch; I'ortland Heights. 2 blocks from car; G mouths or longer. Main 2M04. A BEAUTIFUL residence 011 Northrup st.. n;ar 24th. completely furnished, $li per month; has central heating, 2 baths. Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 104 ;tn st. $i:o Completely furnished. 4-room bungalow, suitable for couple; one-year lease; garage; paved street, trees, roses, largo yard. E. 3lsi and Main. Tabor 350. FOR REXT Xieeiy furnished 5-room house, chap ; nice, shady home, place ; garden and water free. Cai. 00th ave. and b7ih st. S. E. . $1G. INCLUDING wider, 5-room cottaue; wood and gas range, laundry trays. 17;: E. 35th. Marshall 450G. 5-ROOM house, water, gns, 4 lots, berries, chicken yard; furnished or unfurnished, r.'.cjp cd pt. S. E. 1 1 5-ROOM modern cottage, part ly fur nished; good neighborhood; near Mt. Scott car; lawn, garden. Tabor J270. 11 EDMONT S rooms, sleeping porch, fur nished or unfurnished, modern. Phone Woodlawn 2703. $J5 7 ROOMS. 100x100 corner, ell furnished, piano, lots of fruit, berries, etc. Smith Wagoner Co.. Slock Ex. $7 FOR furnished G-room house, large gar den spot vpaded. some fruit trees. Mount Scott car to Tremont. I'hone East 141. FU RN ISH E D G-room modern house, piano, $20 mo. S2G E. Caruthers. Phone Sell wood 152. m 11 FURNISHED rooms, ! outside rooms, 3 blocks from Washington st. Rent rea pona ble. E. 6325. NEATLY furnished bungalow for $15. or 2 big front rooms for $10. 1441 Broadway. 1 lose City Park. TO REXT !-room house, fully furnished; piano, etc.: can rereut 5 rooms; rent $22. u0 a month. Marshall 4037. MoD ERN 4-room furnished house, 1 acre of ground, $14. See Step, agent, Firland station. FO R R E NT 6-room furnished house, 575 E. 3 7i h st. N., nea r coriu-r 37 th and Hroadway. Call Tabor 3;to. 5-ROOM, finely furnished ; piano, laundry, choice fruit, flowers. garden, etc ; $ 1 v block Worm la awn ear. 14s 1 Winona. IRVINGTON Part of furnished house, 3 rooins. on carline ; $30 ; no children. East 43S4 in A. M. or after 6 P. M. A FURNISHED 3-room 2-story house, clean ami close iu. West bide. Inquire. 50 Clay. Rent, $17. ATTRACTIVE 4-room furnished house, cel lar, attic, gas; rent $17. U E. 22d X. East 3171. COMPLETELY furnished. modern G-room bouse. pia:u; fine !o atinn. 1 block from M t. Tal.or car. Phone Tabor 2222. WELL furnished modern bungalow. 7 rooms, ti replace, sleeping porch, irvington, $40. S 5it0, Oreeonian. FU RN IS H ED houso for Summer. 8 rooms. Irvington, close to Broadway car; suitable for boarding-house ; cheap. East ltfOS. 0-ROoM furnished house, modern, electric lights and water furnished. $17. 47 9 E. 1 ot h st. South. Broadway 427 or E. 5235. FOR RENT- Six-room furnished house, two lots. Kern Park district; $15; 2S chickens for sale. labor 4.21. Fl VE-ROOM bungalow. R. C. Park, fur nished, rented 2U, for late model 5-pass. or roadster. AK i0,. oregonlan. A 5-ROOM modern bungalow at 1439 E. Lin- coin st.. $is. Phone Main ilOO. Si! miner Reports. THE Lombard place at Gearhart. completely furnished ? xcept linen and silverware, op posite hotel site, facing on ocean ; 8 bed rooms, 3 baths and toilets, living-room, d i nin g-room, kitchen and laundry ; will lease for entire season. ,pp:y u. i. .om 'bard. 250V 3d st. Main 5002. THERE is pr;i.it building activity at Gear- hart "Ry-t lie-Sea." Splendid Summer hcmes aggregating at least $20,000 under construction. The time to buy your beach location is while hard-times prices prevail. Gearhart Park Co., 100H 4th St. ATT Ii ACT I VE accommodations at Walker's Ocean View Cottage, Gearhart, also Ty berg's rooms and restaurant ; golf links in fine condition; cottages for rent. 10oi 4 til st. FOR REXT Modern 6-room cottage, fur nished, f aciug ocean, fireplace, porches, bath, beautirul view. Call mornings. Sell wood 333. TWO well-furnished cottages for season . electric lights, hot and cold water; on Til lamook Beach, Saltair station. East 2130. C 2373. FURNISHED house at Gearhart; modern improvement for the season. Marshall SEASIDE For sale, furnished cottage, full lot; bargain, $050, terms. Tabor GolG. FOR RENT STORES. FREE RENT. FREE WATER. FREE LIGHTS. Free rent for grocer, cleaner, g-eneral merchandise, barber, pool room, delica tessen, etc., until business established. Fine storerooms, pi ate -glass fronts, con crete building on carline: thickly settled locality; splendid business possibilities. See us for full Information. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., Rothchild bldg.. Phono Main 3G44. 287 V Washington st. A 2052. STORE FOR RENT corner store; size about 4Sx45 feet: ' all plate glass front; full size cement basement, f) feet high ; for rent cheap ; splendid location for first-class drug store, in resblence dls t r i c t. Address H 1573, Oregon! a n . FIRST-CLASS location for hardware or furniture or both in new brick building at 1 st an-' Division st. Rent only $20. S e owner. J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 51 29 MODERN brick storeroom, suitable for gen eral store. living-room upstairs, or suit able for lodging-house ; low rent. A. M. Elam. Milton. Or. ENTIRE third-floor loft, about 50x100, on Fifth st., opposite Meier & Frank Co.; re duced to $75 per month. Apply Roberts Bros.. 3d and Morrison. Fl N E loca tion for meat market, I'ortland. Good opening. Brick building, modern front. Rent $15. Wax Special Service. 312 Fento n bid tz. STORE ROOM for rent, on corner of E. 33d and Broadway: also warehouse 25x110 at same location. Call East 1336 or C 24'io, IN wholesale district. 74 First st.. corner ot OaK 3-story brick. 25x100, low rent, fix tures for sale. Apply on premises. $20 STORE. 200 3d st., near Jefferson; IbJ-Ou, ioldiii Xrout, . FOR RENT. Offices. PARTY" to share 3-suite combination, phono and stenographer ; cheap rent ; a Iso fur nished private office. $10. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. FOR REXI Rooms lor offices or muaica: fetudlo SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., Cth and Morrison Sts. WELL-FURNISHED private office. alsa desk room. $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desrt room reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. ONE-HALF of furnished office to rent. W. H. WEBB. 0"5 Yeon Hldg. Main 4013. DESK ROOM and som busi nrf s for fire insurance agent ; ground floor, 3u6 Oak st. PART ft desirable ground floor office, low rent. 3o0 Oak st. Very TO LET Office rooms; a good location for professional business. 21 X. 3d. TO LEASK, M1LW AUKIE. OR. For lease, new brick fiteproof sarace with fully equipped ma chine shop; this place was built exclusive ly for ro'it. Phone Milwaukie 98. RESPONSIBLE parties; 20-room hotel be iiiK erected; big money -makor; patronage guaranteed. EC 504. Ore son ian. WILL build on loth, near Morrison for garaee. printing plant, film exchange, etc. 20s stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. THREE lofts. 30x83. In heart of retail dis trict; steam heat, elect no o leva tor, cheap. Apply to owners. 3 " 8 McKay hldg. Bl'SINFSS OPIH)RTlMTlFS. :3 PER CENT PROFIT ASSURED. STAPLE MERCHANDISE (GREAT DEMAND). XOT NOT "A N EX PE RT M E N T," "OVER-DONE." FACTORY EQUIPPED. READY FOR OPERATION. NEED ONE OR TWO ACTIVE .MEN WITH ?GH0d TO $10,O"0 OPERATING CAPITAL (TO BE CALLED FOR AS NEEDED. HANDLE YOUR OWN MONEY; 51 PER ' ' E N T OF STOCK CONTROL TO RIGHT MAN. CAN DOUBLE YOU R MONEY THIS YEAR. HANK REFERENCES GIVEN AND REQUIRED. A DD RES S O W X E R . AN 504. OREGONTAN. CO I A M n I A li E AC II will be the bi nKest a tt ruction In t he Northwest, this Summer ; every th in g t here to attract the pb-a sure-seeker ; step lively a nd arra nee for your con session now-; w-e have pot som bi opportunities for live wires; invesiicato at nncr and Ket the cream. Columbia Beach Amusement Co., .1. G. VoRle. Kcneral managi r. Ou Ha chana n Block. FOR SALE Best modern ly equipped flour mill. 1 50-barrel ca paeit y, cood loca T ion In Valley town, and a money making plant ; one-third cash, balance on tim at low rate of interest; can ht paid for from. toe proceeds of null; would consider a reasonable amount of income city or farm property as part pnvinont; this is a splen did opportunity. For particulais address .1. If. llollister, 20n E. 4tst. CLEAN, up-to-date stock; of general mer chandise. Short distance from Portland on ra i 1 roa d. A good busi ness in a gooj community ; $2 I On, cash only. V 507. Ore Konia n FURN ITU RE finisher or cabinet-maker wanted io take halt" interest m a steadily increasing repair business, no one but a bustler or good all round man need apply. A li T.oo, Oreironian. TALK WITH HOWARD, 514 McKay bldg.; I wi II show you a mach ine that you cun make money on : no Lb in ir on the market like it; absolutely new; some capital rejuimd for state rights. OTHER eyes judge your attire. We furnish suitH expressing latest style and individual lines at very little, if any, more cost than readymades. There is no comparison. T. B. Snyder Co. IF YOU have $I0,00 to $25.0uo to invest I can show you where you can make 25 per cent and you handle your money. No n g'n ts need answor. A M 5 00, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted In good paying business, lady or man with small amount of money, cashier and attend 01": ice. Call 480 i Washington st. CONFECTIONERY and pocket billiards; every thin g up to date ; est abl i shed 10 yea rs ; will give terms. A I Aim, Ore gonian. WELL-ESTABLISHED transfer and ex press line, fully equipped for general transfer work; well lined-tip rverydav business: $501. Mondn v. 31 o Lumber Ex. SPLENDID new Portland man ufaet urinp: en terprise needs $1500 for equipment. Con traots waiting. Good stcurity. Salaried po sii ion. V 4Q 5,. Oregom.in. BEST rnil'inery store in town c;m-be bought a t very low price ; best loca tion : party sii-k and can't b in the store; must sell. AB 404. Oresonian. GOOD proposition for partner in monev making manufacturing business. Little capiun and services required. For inter view, X 400, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Gave other place, cannot handle, fine business, near jutn and washintrton. ('all and look it over. Address AG 50I, Orrgonian. AUTO repair shop, a small place, but doing good ousiness; will take active young man as partner; only $300 necessarv. Call 24.S Stark st. G EX. MDSE. stock, bldgs., etc.. $5nn; take part I'ortland property, house, ete. Gar age. wood, Ooal business t rxehanee. CHAS. RIXGLER & CO.. 310 Ry. Ex. MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS . a n t s a pa rt ner willing to leave Port land ; can make larKe profits and small investment required. (."all room ."20 M mean bblp. SUBURBAN bakery and confectionery, old establishment nnd money maker; can be bought very reasonable, good location. H 500, Oregon ian. 4100 ACRES, 55 miles from Portland; good road: investigate this. MILLERS HIP, 724 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE or rent. 1 - cha ir bar her shop sawmill town. Write W. F. Stewart. Hllls- boro. Or. Mo Yl XG !: TU RE SHOW at a bargain: best of reasons for selling. Y" 51S. Ore gonlan. CONFECTIONERY, lunch, tobacco and Ice cream store ; first-class. money-making place. MiiwauKie waiting-room. SMALL modern cafeteria, established, doing goo a DUFiness; oest equipment. Owner, Main 5727. CASH if you want to sell your property or nus mess, or pa ten t. for cash, write ti. U. List. .Minneapolis, Minn. PARTNER for good business; must have $150 and services; more the man than the money, call ti . s wetland bldg. BARBER shop, owner leaving city; cheap rent; old location; pood business; terms or cheap for cash. Barbers' Union. TAIIORING und cleaning business in mill town ; good trade ; sick ness cause of sell Ing ; terms Address A V s:7. Oregonlan. MEAT MARKET for ale : a fine location and doing good business ; a bargain. E -t04, oregonlan. DRESSMAKING shop for sale. West Side. good location, price reasonable ; cheap rent. AG 4: 1 . oregonlan. FL RX ITU RE of 9-room house to exchange for confectionery, tlxtures and stock. Mar shall 4037. CONFECTIONERY, cigars. Groceries, lunch room, 0-room house, good location. 214 Lnion is. PARTNER WANTED for a repair shop frood pay and only $173 required. Call room 32"0 Morgan hldg. LONG-ESTABLISHED suburban grocer v building, lot, stock, all $2000 cash. Tabor 3o. UNENCUMBERED real estate and cash for grocerv store. MILLERSH IP. 724 Cham, of Com. POOL HA LL in new town in Willamette Valley ; excellent location for barber. C. Oehler, 013 loon bldg. WOULD like to hear from oarty thatwants to buy paying restaurant ; no agents. D 527, Qregonian. BARGAIN Stock of stamped linens, art goods, etc.; enouerh to open needle craft shop. Tabor 5334. WILL trade bo tor boa t and fully equipped barber shop for a city lot worth $70u. BE 5n. Oregon ian. RESTAURANT, A-T location, paying $150 a month. Some cash, balance in trade; in vestigate this. L 527. Oregonlan. PRINTING outfit, worth Jl-Vio, good as new. for $5i4. Odgers. 21 Yeon bid c. DESK ROOM and some business for fire In surance asent, ground floor, 300 Oak st. RESTAURANT ntblg saeri fi low- rent; good place for business. L'nl Morrison. HAVE blacksmith shop, very cheap; com plete tools. 3fi2 Dokum bldg. CAN p?ace unlimited funds at 7 per cent. See me. C 500, Oregonlan. WOITLD like grocery stock. Wiil trade cre aee and pay part cash. D t;. Oregonian. FOR SALE Snap in meat market. Address ;s. isenmn st. tor miormation BARKERS One-ehalr shop for sale. In quire Kee'er'sBarber Supply Co.. 1L'1 Sd. FOR SALE Small steam laundrv cheap If taken at once. AV S02, Orr gonian. GOOD pax tn? suburban bakerv. brick oven", fnr 4ti. Oriyers. (521 Yeon Mdi? Fl t 1 - l.ASs lO'-tilion fir g nera ! iH'i ii:- Uibe lor rent, suburb, call WoocU&wa 20J04 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. STEAM I. A UN DRY . . . . . tuy. Esiii;.sh-a r-is ..mi -,. .-0. 1 1. ; busin si. G..o.; 1 ...sou I or eei I . u : . -i -ph-tely cqut nped wit h modern liifii hi u: . Seu us about in. a a'. tneet Tax lea b company lu Washington y of 22,om popuia Lion. Only one in ci: . Owmr js making goo 1 money but is p-; -tin olo and wants to let ire-. Will stand 1 11 vest igat m tt; $35.ott hardware stock in East'-r:i nsbinuton. doing good business. exchange for good Imiui iMiid. Must weli locate-1, worth :it- mane at-ked. HIOl UHi:tCU!Ilteretl; S15oo rasb( balance terms, buys men's fur 11 is ill tti; store and t a iho-in q estabiish Uielit: Hireice JiOU; Oi egon. Fine local ioti for miO marked Prtrt 1h nd: Brick building: Rem i 1 a; If you want to bur or sell st nek of ere h and It et write M?: Alt ties titles con fidential: WAX STECJAL SERVICE, t 1 3-01 4 Fen ten Hid : HOTEL LOCATION; Splendid location for a hotel at Ever green, pew town on Columbia v- Xehaient River R. It. SeTen iosiiiK ea mts i;'' tqienlns bp Oil tiie roiui. Lompiiio slu.;s ond o'her beMdquarters faciiities will l'i located there. Applications now ia for locations tor buroer shop, butcher sno;. Poi tnd bi I Hard -romi; W o ave a ;so i:--KotlattiiH With parties to put in a neiiyi.il merchandise store with not ies than $15, bt'O stock ..f tnods. This is the ou.y tjn.i 011 tlie entire Ho mtles ef road, i'he town U iiott being piati-d mi trill be put ea . tne nunk. t- 113 soon M? the rad is hi -lusted unti rt-.id it- regular tim s-rrritt, i km aire t'uUMHIA NKHLEM RIVER li. U. m Ptistoffic", Westport, Or. D I N J - G - R O O M A N I R EST A I " RAN T I-Oil RENT Furuisi.ed hoi"l o t nin 5 -roo 1 n ei ti restaurant in koIu eountry town. J J to 2i regului boarders, s-hmi ttaiisient and corn ni e re i a i I raw ( g-.iti biu bi ,im i moi: a equipnienti clctrlo iufhtsi $:b per niontb; furnish lues, wa;-r find iigbt and R ing rooms ilniudedi imiy re.potiPib.e, fcApeii ruee.i persons neei appiy i must i -aov to take charge m i- w ua s ; will be in Pottiatid Snttuay, Address AV s.l. rata i );-, n tllll aau arrange for intervjw. FOR S A l.EU"F LL EST A R f. I Sl ilH7 GE N ,M DS E. Ii L S 1 N ESS. Wl 1 k1 i w 1 it : ei ect in good bnsinef p ; a fine sb'iv, ( ican-.t pto.-k in 01.011, i'-ileiit lot-Btboi, not oft-n in sin 11 an "p . p'Otiiiilt v t.ru-rnl, been mr. lia rid i i i t biany pr; Hiui wish to cbne .c.-n(.a-tionj come and se )mr b tisi 10 js ; Hboi.r. $S((M casii i -quii ed for a interest. A V N.; i , OlYi.lllH 11. li EAUTI EUL. ri-to-daTe aml 1 1 v 1 ugh 1 y equipped nodi.. a piciura theater, bKfltd n piito'ii'l bi:inj38 Ptrfct la rpuni!ui iln; g "1,1 1'iifiiiii owner -wins into otnrr bupinei a l; opciimg for rl:ht pait; will Faern'ico for 55nu cash; bu-iness v.i',i bear eJofcwsv. la v h luauwii. A V b 1 , Oi o gonian. S. .MILL Tor aio, mill, macliinery, etc., can be in ope rut ion In ;i0 u-i ; .",ihh ft . daily ch pa ci iy ; 4.UOU.t'Oii f ee t 1 1111 er m cluded With in UI. mm tributary; a if o first-class t.e cuatiatd; would take InintKi- m part payment, l'or furiher par ticulars wril a lu v ,3 Linn t Cv., Kosu - bui g, or. I ) u v ( ; A NT ADDITION L C A IMTA 1 ; STOCK AND RON I J SSI ES Si '1.1 . U ! hn v i-v.ct twiiNi-. . pn vu t e luwsl-r. ; v.iil iMtusider tho wulo of lirl i ies on c.on- m issbui ; no pn hlb'ity ; con tule :u .a i ; w i:t hn vo you to 01 t er '.' , dd rcss u"pt. ii. e u;i b'hi. S5 Liberty New i o: a. A N O ITUIITI'NIT V, IN V EST jT; A 'I" E. " Wanted, a iimu to invent :'.ito fur .1 haP" Interest In a uud -p i uiitfiin.', wli statdished ; o5 Ui a t s in the city; I atu oinj; on the load and wai.t a pan nor to iook after the city business and be abie, u estimate work. R 401. urubOiiiun. FUK SALE A well -" t a b Ti 1 1 .; ,1 K o tZ mdse. I-u si ness ; u f i ne .stoic, eioa nosi tock 111 ( reou. 1:0 bet t r lo : t ion ;i n w at 1 c. Th io Is one et the ocst oS)ii tniMiics ever oi -lercd. U i,i ir.voi e :i;iotit 5-2T.oon. f ,u want a buaiiHi-s. r(im.: ami in'est;gate lai one. Aildrtss AV s-jj, mioman. UROCERY and co nice fixtures. $1 the farm ; will t 011 the farm as .ionory, clci 1 am aroint an;. thiiiL; i st ock. convince yourself mat t;.is In the city beior1 oii pav Riciia n bach v C. s 1 5 i.e JEWEL 1 lepa.i ; Y bus 'RE. s . f :ne loen t bu. :n tne West ; in- t' ot her bns:n- &s a t on cc. Aodress With In one of ;h voice S:uti; o w-jll sell for $1:: :24 E. !lii at. i'JlOTi HiKAi'll ELS : Exclusive ('hoi 01; . ,i ph li.u.i Is open .it The u.iKs Ainn 1 1 00 my s: ud ;o, ssp. 11 f: 1 1 1 v i y t one ss Tr. l. 1 l te iiia:;.i.r O.. Us A l'urt 1 j to;, . 11 t 1 1 , WANTED An -IlUpiu t ill i : : who pa i .'li in think somi Ideas t y may briiiK nu w ,.a ! t ! ; w rt ie i" and "How to lolpo D pi. for -Needed It. Oet You; Patent.-- );., liNJ, Wash i uk ton. D. i AX ESTABLISHED manufacturer wnis -t ate manager. ii it; h -c la ss article, snou u pay $7oc0 annua II. v ; $lho to i ."eo capi 11I pay -expeiides to Chhai ii oa are man we want. Sales -lunaer. lui Ite publicbldi;.,Cliicat;o. l'A TENTS Write for list of pa:-nt bu;.-r3 uuii invention.-, wanted; 1 iimiki 1-1 p:l.e oitci ed tor l nvt-11 1 lo-is. Send sKeteii 1 r e opinion as to pa t.?n t;i lm 1 1 ; ; our four books S'-n t free. Viet.tr J . E vans v. Co., J4J Nintn. Washington. D. C. t. A ETION. HLTTlbit He fore closing utnl t.r so-alied Interest In esialdisn-ti real vetate laibiuess. get auvUe oi i'ortland Ri-u.tv lUturtl PALL A. COWOILL, Sec. 202 Henry Bldg. A QUICK SNAP FOR THE RIGHT MAN. Kor Mile 5-i0.ui o m urn k building, m use., city home and iand v Eastern Ui f Kon. properly pa .n,- lo to 5o per cent; lU use of sc. 1 U.g, siclii.tiS. .Vui rcss .V V ts5s. Oiegonian. SPLENDID location 01 ftnall cash store; a. 1 1 fe! h . grucpries, coin c re a m . truu t and c 1 1 Wahington street, nioiiej - maker, sella ec t lonery. milk, iej ;ai; rent only $11 ;iuw:ng trade; price per inontii ; has M'JOO. Call llo Tenia fct. pitACTICAL sawmii: man anted ti operate 011 ph ares best sa mJl J i " ! mi ii m on Co lumbia River. i.l ii-Til .lo,uo,i working cajiitai. Special Height rates, economical piaiit; oflers to take entire output penu iuti. HE 5 ill, Oregon ian. i IT7tT:lmi-:n fx vkstigate! 50 rooms; best location in I'ortland; will s:a::d closest investigation; price $0ooo, $'jiMt cash to handle, or might take c;'ur piopert-. I'. Fuch.s. -12o Chamber of Com. Sll I Nl , LE MILL. 1 1 0,000 1 'A PARITY. ON" CO LI' M P. I A RIVER. 1-OOD Ct LNTRA' "i Ft 1 R CHEAP LOGS. T'Kl' E $5oo. HALE CASH. SEE US AT ONCE. HELL REAL ESTATE CO.. UlS RAILWAY" EXCHANGE. h 'im SALE .Mont -making kirLt-r shop with confectionery, pooi. bath and lum-ii counter 111 neA b-de tonldin. jiod. stnall town. o2 miles from I'ortland. Adures v.. M. CrilteiHien. H ubbard, reuon. FOR SALE New drug stork at invoice price, in Willamette Valley, in town ot" 25o : invoh ir.g at botw 'n 11 So.'jOo and fluoij; no ineumbianci. A V t-oii, Orego- i;;an. FOR S A LE Grocery store, doi t:g nico busi ness, in splendid location. Will sell at in voice and turn buyers eie,hty Al thirty-day customers and good drop-in trade. W 5Uo, O regonian. A 1 OLL'.M L I A River fishing outfit- first class IO H. 1. Campbell marine, drill rinht on cood drift, with net and boa. l:ui:sc, all complete, n-adv to fish. Address D. B. C-XRR. CAtHtOLLS, WASH. MA N LFACTL'R IN' company w ants sa 1 e and county agents, open office, niann'i salesmen; .50 to SIiwi weekly, new guarau-t-cd start- r l or Kurd cars ; prieo $ I -.. . Droford Suirter Co., Iietroit, Aii -li. MEAT M A I; KET for sale, doing a cah business; can make you the bett proposi tion in I'ortland. East evenings W ood 1 a w n 4 4 S. MINING Hecouio a partner in a develop ing company now forming: fine chiinn-i coppe r, quick si Ivor. gold. Room S. t'i ' 0th st., corner Oak. GROCERY and general moves. ?:ro to S::5nut good town ;, sawmill, jell, t ra.ie or lease ; drug store for sale; hotels, sell or I-ase. DeRose. 018 Cham, of Com. h!riK: FOR SALE Up-to-date stock of gooes. v'hlr.a. glassware, crockery and a ;t iod . fine location. Grants l ass. r. Au(in-s 1'. O. box GROCERY and corfectionry on Washington near 10.h st., $lloo; w.ll take used auto mobile as ja rt nnym.'i.t. liichanbach Co., S15 Lewi? hUig. CASH grocery, corner loca t ion. good street. East Side; noori tixtnres, clean stock, voo I trade; prico $450. Call my aoat, 24s Stark st. FC R SALE or trade, merry -go-round, perf to run. boo E. S.Emc : h century 40-t"'-ot t condition, rady sr. Trthor ttTlO. l.AI'NDP.V w e'i-equipped, pood-paying busi ness. Pa run in t'e.r a quick sale. Addrt A V C'l. Ortson.an. FOR SALE Bakery and restaurant fix tures; will S"I1 cheap, good location. Iiox 1 ;s, Nader. Wash. GROCERY ?r50 If 50M at or.ee; cle.nn. fresh stock, with nice lixturea; rent $7.."i0, with 1 ivin -rooms J 1 5. Phone Woodlawn 45. SMALL r sta urn n t very cheap; ig tra 1. -si cut trade; che;tp rent. 21 N. 'Vli st. ONLY mElinery in town of 12o at a bar gain Address W 42. Orconian FOR SALE G-ood live casri grocery at in voice. lent ricrht. Phone E. 770. PAYING pocerv. soda '-iPtain. lunchea, b-rgaia, Ush or t.rui-. uwuvi. mi-iit. ion 1 aii is tac best bu out v our lwoiii.v WiM bldg. i