' 8 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 2f 1916. MANY ACTIVITIES MAKE UP STUDENT LIFE IN PORTLAND Class Parties and Business Crowd Calendar Honor Rolls Compiled by Enterprising Principals Show Increase. Purple and Gold Chosen by Feb. '17 Class at Jefferson. Midwinter Seniors Plannlns for 'ComliiK-Ouf Party Weather Bureau Katabllfibed Senior "Prom" to lie Held Soon ew Notes of Interest. BY JOHN W. KENNEDY. f"pHE February, '17, class held a litely JL meeting last Wednesday, when they chose their clas colors, and also Bot tled other business. After two hours of argument, the members decided to adopt purple and gold as the official class colors. The lavender sweet pea was adopted as the class flower. The February class is establishing a precedent In adopting an official class yell and also a class song. A committee consisting of Hubert Girtord. chair man: Lloyd Miller. John D. Kennedy, Harry Ccon and Gordon Giebisch, wa appointed to collect a number of suit able veils to choose from. Another committee, consisting of Ethel "Wheeler, chairman: Olive Stark. Helen Catton and Florence Kerr, was appointed to make a collection of suitable class ton?s. The class pins have arrived and will e given out this week by Loyd Carter, chairman of the pin committee. It is planned to have a "coming out day, when every member will receive his pin and conspicuously display it. As a method of raising funds to en tertain the June, '16, class, the Febru arv class is planning a country fair, which will be held in the gymnasium. The fair committee is composed of Paul Goodwin. chairman: with Thomas Christinas and Ben Schiewe, assistants. The members of the Naemphi Club njoyed an interesting talk by, Miss Young, of the faculty, last Tuesday. Miss Young was in Brussels when the liuropean war broke out and was also there for three months after Brussels Was occupied , by the Germans. A big feature that the science de partment has developed, is the weather bureau, which is under the supervision of Miss Bennett. About 150 students took the t6t of the department to de termine the forecasters. The eight highest were chosen, and they were: Charles Weber. George Van Deurs. Ralph Mount, Wilbur Philips, Arthur Mack. Ruth Elzroth, Evadena Hager and Lorenta Prest. This committee In vestigates the weather instruments on the roof every noon an then forecasts the weather for the following day. The June. '16. class is ndw busy planning the "senior prom." A com mittee, consisting of James Jensen chairman; Annamay Bronaugh. Harold Copeland and Verna Barker, was ap pointed to look after the details of the promenade. The June class also adopt ed its official motto, which is: "Yv e will either find a way, or make one." 'Resolved. That the girls should es cort the boys to all social functions during Leap Year" was the question decided bv the members of Pi Delta Ep silon at their recent meeting. The af firmative was represented by Thomas Christmas. Jack Adams and John Ten-I brook while the negative side was up held bv Charles Weber. Morton Hager and William Bolger. The debate was won bv the negative. The PI Delts officially challenged the Zetas to a debate, which will be open to the entire student body, on the ques tion. "Resolved. That man has accom plished more toward the tiplift of hu manity than woman." The Pi Delts will be represented by Gus Hixon. Wilbur Carl and Nate Bessel. The Zetas will uphold man's side, while the Pi Delts will uphold the woman's side of the question. This debate will be held next Thursday. The Scientific Club held its get acquainted party on Friday, March 24, at the home of Sol Rose. The evening was spent in dancing and playing cards. Those present were the Misses Connors, Wooton. Llebo. Hill, Jackman. Bushnell. , Stark, Williams. Stewart, Moody. Schroeder, Ditto, Rogers. Wheel er, Marshall, Anderson. Thompson, Ha ven. Whalley and Palmer, and Messrs. Harlow. Blanchard. Wiggins. Davis, Brous. HIU. Sorenson, Kelly. Whalley, Weston. Doyle, Biersdorf, Smith, Rose, Liebo. Palmer, Zollars. Thayer. Ten brook, Stemler, Rau, Bolger. Goldberg. Kyle. Miller. Lind and McDonald. An entertaining programme was given before the members of the club last Tuesday. The programme consist ed of a piano solo by Francis Towsey. . recitation by Dorothy Smith entitled "A Friday Afternoon In a Country School," a talk on the "Fundamental Motive of the Scientific Club." by Lewis Kelly, the club's first president. The programme was concluded by Charles Weber with a talk on "The Geology of Oregon." The members of Jefferson's cham pionship soccer team held a candy sale lat Thursday noon, when they cleared a tidy little sum, which will go toward the purchasing of sweaters for the team. The gymnasium girls furnished the candy for the Bale. Mr. Bittner has received a model for the new hockey letter, which was Just granted to the hockey players. It. con sists of a three-inch block "J" with a miniature hockey club placed diagonal ly across the "J." Two Important elections were held last week, when Danny Williams was elected captain of basketball for next reason. Kenneth Hastings was elected captain of baseball for the present sea son. The Camera Club took a pleasant hike yesterday, when the members went up the Germantown road and over Into the Tualatin Valley. The March issue of the Spectrum ap peared last Tuesday. The cover design bv Alice Rarlck was made up of three colors and was a good emblem of Spring. The Forum was well entertained last Monday, when ex-Municipal Judge Ste venson gave a talk before the members - of the club on the workings of the Municipal Court. A talk on the "Recall" was given by Mary Wolcott. ... The Technical Club has finally de cided as to where it will go for its hike during the Easter vacation. The mem bers will go to Cascade Locks, leaving Portland on Wednesday night. From the Locks, they will hike down to Multnomah Falls, where they will start to climb Larch Mountain. A commit tee consisting of E. F. Young. Carl C. Appelgren, F. Appelgren, Hastings. Oifford. Backstrand, Beacky, E. Young. McEachern. and Madden, was appointed to look after the details of the hike. Kendall Young, Wilbur Carl and Curtis McKinney were appointed to prepare a programme for each night before the campfire. In order to insure perfect safety, the club decided to bar firearms on the entire trip. The annual low Jinx of the club will be. held in the gymnasium next Satur day night. Peninsula School Notes. The new lawn which was planted last Fall Is growing rapidly. Window boxes have also been made for the front windows of the school. They are be ing taken care of by committees from each room. This will help greatly to Improve the looks of the building. Miss Menssdorf for. of the Branch Li invited tho .upper, ejrade classes to the library and. gives them splendid instructions as to the manner of looking up books; Miss Studly's and Mrs. Van Horn's rooms went Monday and Miss Lucas' and Mrs. Black's are to go next Monday. All the children enjoyed the time spent at the library. as was shown by their close attention. The teachers and purile expressed their appreciation of the work being done by Miss Meussdorf fer. The circulating exhibition of pictures belonging to the school district is now being displayed: Miss Eliot is taking the rooms one at a time. Mrs. Dunlap Is also visiting the school. The rooms which received the pen nants for the best attendance for last month were Miss Studly's In the upper grades with a percentage of 97.6. and in the primary grades. Miss Bollam a, with a percentage of 96.5. The Peninsula baseball team played Ocklcy Green team In a practice game Tuesday. They were defeated. 11 to 12. Polytechnic Boys' News BY RAYMOND HILL. THE architectural students attended an interesting lecture at the Mu seum of Art last Monday, night by C. R. Ashbee. of London, on the "Modern Aesthetic Movements in Their Rela tions to Life." The first social event of the Boston Faculty Club was held last Saturday night, when a dinner party was given at the Hazelwood. About 25 members with their families attended, the party. The February '17 class held another social at the girls" school Friday night, March 24. This party was given by the girls. Light refreshments were served, after which the students enjoyed them selves with dancing. This party is the first for several months at which the students were allowed to dance. But the heartstrings of Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Grahame were touched by the pleadings of the February '17 "waifs" for "Just one little - glide across the old gym floor." The boys' class held a meeting last Thursday noon, at which they talked over the plans of a theater party that will be given within a ehort time. The question of selecting part ners Is a baffling one, owing to the fact that the class is not balanced as to the sexes. The baseball prospects are beginning to loom before the students at Benson. Abjut 20 men are out for practice, each confident of making the team, which will be coached by Mr. Moss, head coach, and Mr. Oliver Wendel Holms. Reuben Neswold has been .elected man ager of the "Tech" nine, while "Jimmle" Mills was chosen captain. Many visitors have toured the dif ferent shops the last week. Among them were Mrs. G. H. Williams and Mr. C. Mack. Mrs. B. Cogswell, of the Parent-Teacher Association, and Mrs. Mills, of Tacoma. Wednesday Linn Coovert and Mr. Heller, of the Naval Militia, visited the school and talked over the plans of forming a marine company from the Benson Polytechnic School. The students are looking with favor on the plan and last Thursday night 10 of the "Tech" boys were pres ent at the meeting on the Boston.- THE MARCH HOFFMAN. I Mae Ionald, Principal. Glenn Moore Thelma Senor Linnie Shaw Dale 1-taird. Elvali Malian Mainline Calhoun Alice Saunders Clifford Greenstreet Gilbert Harmon Vearl HoweUl John Herkini Robert Leedjr Esther Mahaa Katie Bresney Peter Larin Gertrude Eberlsen James Blohm Hattle Jones Charles Thayer Sara Yullum Otto Hansen Edith Johnson Ethel Elirstrom George Crulkshank Hasel Bennett Leonard Costello Florence Mahsn Norman Nllsen Louise Wittenberg Arthur Weding Pearl Vrooman Zelma Arnelt Edward Bennett Marian Cook Elijah Brown Ruth Costello Isaac Isaacs Arlcta Forest Orvllle Meese Lorene Hill Herbert Rickert Lucile Lawrence Ernest Thiese Evelyn Ward Katie Beal Frederick Harklna Dorothy timber Helen Hanson Bernice Llllle Alene Glass Mary Rice Helen Ninan Wayne Montondon Juel H use h v Clinton Mahan flarecne Nickel Thornby Williams Mildred Thayer Mary P. Ten Eyck . Helen Vail Helen Zevely i.e Rov Hall Byron Leedy Iiennie Jessup 5 Mary Louise Cochran Homer Scnor Dorothy Shearer Rachel Kine Rente Polwartb. Marararet Vail Lillian Wolf Florence Bell Vera Smith Rowland Button i Marvin Peterson Uovd Jarvis Mayme Cook Lewis Randall Hazel Morehead civde Stevens Lucile Shaw Frank Baser Insrvar Jullum Nard Tedrow Inabelle Simpson Charles Noehlert Luclle Meese Annie Dee Chinnard Lorene Calhoun Louise Davis Martha Illso Luclle Petit Helen Rider Grace Steward Fay Ward HIGHLAND. Charles H. Boyd, Principal, ' Jerome Clark Walter Anderson Alexander Welzel Beatrice Lewton Gladys Clausen Dorothy Dotv Dorothy Davis Bernice Gellerman Cheridah Hawkins Frances Meier Edna Maud Parker Eusene Braman Olendon Cowley Orvilie Kofold Harold Van Atta Raymond Cox Leona Flier Elizabeth Hynd Neola Otto Dulcle Peterson Jeanette Whitney Francis Young 3eortre Nickolson Grace Plrlcoe Winifred Grutsclv Nellie Frcdericksen Harriet Polls Augusta Reilor l.uella Elliott Frank Et-eensperger Wallic Hughes Clifford Cox Charlie Laird Frances Hoven Dorothy Ressler Marie Schtek A lga Jorgensen Srure Johnson Hazel Goldeen Doris Linton ' Dorothea Markell Fern Naylor Luella Sharp Grace Dyer GwendoH-n Clark Hope Cloud Minnie Smith Robert Hynd Kenneth Braman Hazel Hiilme Margaret Wright Elizabeth Gropp Paul Sintoad Alice Haines Berths Taylor Luclle Braman .Tames Young Elsa Eggensperger Helen McAfee Mary Alexander Christina Johns Randal Parker Esther Wright Edith Whltelock Christel Nlckles KERNH. Mr". A. E. Watson, Principal. Hazel Lystrup Eliza Older Erna Cavanagh Delphlne Rubensteln. Bernice Reed Helen Smith Doris Wiley Harold Rice Lewis Palmer Wade Strowger Walter Hansen Elaine Horn Charles Penfield Helen Manary Robert Brandon Mary MrKlnnon Paul Osman Gladys Probst Carl Becker Gertrude Elliot EIrose Butterworth Lillian Hansen T.eola Guesas Rov Probst Tuullkkt Ta.1unen Ellzaheth FInsel Edna Clayton Dorthv Rice William Moody Anna Karlson Eugene Swlnt Katherine Cole Katherine Kcho Marjorl Hoar ' Evelyn Probst Muriel Withers Marion Reld Jovle Dahl Josephine Smith Mildred Johnson Margaret Reese Walter Johnson George IJnvllle Fave Crxcknell Eyvor Carlson Pr. Wheaton Harold Keltle Llla Kara rod t WOODSTOCK. A. J. Prideauz, Principal. Arthur Lyons Anna Luehs Alberta larson Cecil Daniel Daniel Skinner George Foerster Helen Hammond Harold Hatvorsen Lucile Muzzy Grace Mathews Lenore Pellltter Hortenso Blnderup Aileen PelMtier Thorsteln Thorp l-auri Miller Marguerite Oerling Naomi Wiley Jennie Horner Kenneth Appleman Minnie I'nderwood. Tonemary Williams Donald Goetz Emma I.uehs Homer Martin Clarence Hansberger CAPITOL HILL. Emma W. lliandford. Principal. Inez Porter Agnes McGuire Chester Pnafford Haxet Purrell Mildred Baxter IrvinVoihl Gertrude McGuire John Stern'orlnk -- LUliau sieinurink Washington High School BY MILDRED WEEKS. WEDNESDAY morning, at the regn lar einging assembly, the . "Wash ington High School Junior," or the pu pils from Stephens Annex, were present in assembly for the first time. There are more than 90 freshmen registered in the annex, and by the spirit and enthusiasm displayed Wednesday morn ing, they prove that they have as much interest in the school as the "regulars." Three of the freshmen girls had com posed two songs, one sung to the tune of "Sweet and Low" and the other to the tune of "Old Kentucky Home." These songs were sung by the fresh men and led by their yell leader. Wayne Young. The chant was also given, and "Washington, My Washing ton" .sung by the Stephens pupils alone, led by their yell leader: and also by the whole school, led by Charles Wells and Wayne Young. April 19 and 20 are the dates on which the June class play, "A Mid summer Night's Dream," will be pre sented. "Find a Way or Make a Way" is the motto for the February, '17. class, and is an appropriate manner of describing the feeling which exists in the class. Pins-have also been chosen. They arc a raised W, mounted on the M and S. and are finished in either dull or bright gold. The "February. "17." is below the W. The class colors are violet and gold. A "get-acquainted party" is being planned for next Friday by Charles Struhe, William Banks and Marv Maddox. Washington was agreeably enter tained Friday afternoon by the Girls' Glee Club of Pacific University. The glee club is under the direction of F. T. Chapman. - Saturday afternoon. March 26. the Neahkahnians held their new-member Invitation party at the home of Florence Tenneson, in Mount Tabor. The in itiation "stunts" of the new members were comical. Dancing, after which sherbet and cake were served, took up the afternoon. The Neahkahnians present were: Ruth Deihl, Eunice Cowgill. Irene Reynolds, Janet Daniel, Gertrude Cowgill, Dolly Lychnich, Elvira Thurlow, Mona Bryan Mildred Lauderdale. Dorothy Netll, Alma Scharpf, Emma Garbade, Marian Weiss, Gretta Mooberry, Epther Peter son, Helen Duck, Ruth Elton. Mar guerite Nadeau, Jeanette Snedeker, Miriam Hilton. 'Helen Gloss. Eudora Cowan, Lula Giles. Helen Calbreath, Mary Maddox. Mildred Weeks and Flor ence Tenneson. Dean Collins, of The Oregonian, spoke in the Neahkahnie meeting Wednesday afternoon. J. F. Johnston, history instructor, also spoke on "Why I Like to Get My Name in the Papers." Much interest is being shown among the freshmen over the party for fresh men and girls, which the Phrenodlkens and Neahkahnians win. give Wednesday afternoon, April 5. in the gymnasium. The committee from the Phrenos to work 1n co-operation with the Neah kahnians is:- Esther Peterson (chair man). Florence Deane. Elizabeth Sin gleton. Those from Neahkahnie are: ROLL OF HONOR FOR THE PORTLAND GRADE SCHOOLS TERWILI.IGKR. O. K. Dlnn-lddle. principal. Ethel Buttz Raljjh Benolst Nina. Fuller Israel Bod way Eva Salvy Martfr-d Vengeler Elva Walker M lid red M iller Rosie Mermelstein Gladys I.uinwalt Henry Hendrlcksoa John Anderson Arnold Kampfer .Steve Ilossie Arthur McCarthy Josephine Best Arthur Petrie Marv Giehreieh Edwin Putlo Myrtle Walker Jilchard Woodward Marion Harris 'lielen Benoist Grace Zimmerman Letha Buttz Carl Henrickson Alvlna.Ns.Kel John Hopfinger Dolories O Neil Harry Hohman Lfni Shadkin ErneM. Hohman Wesley Clegg Harry I.iebreich Richard Pakorny Oscar Martin George Zimmerman Garnet Sprague Beryl Gilbert Mary Kanarv Newell Davenport George Howard Esmond Harris Emll Kefsky Francis Hopfineer Israel Meraher Robert Orth Jrene Vette Fred Walker Irene Putlo Arvid Johnson Gladys Polivka, charlotte (. arswell Carllne Mater Feme Connolly Alice Schuitz -Belva Crane Arthur Hoeltz Pearl Cummlngs Bert Loop Marion Fried Elizabeth Anderson Lily Level Klla Pakornv EstherThomton Ernest Shepard Hilda Kefsky Fanny Lewis Norval Cumminga Isabelle Petrie AbeLevoff Julius Maier Moses Mesher Laura Orth Mabel Polivka Nellie Morrow Esther Pudio Vera spragnn Harriet Van Poucke Violet Webber HOLM AX. L. T. Roberta. Prlncipatf. Dorothea Lambert Lilly Hood Eileen THplett Rosalia Johns Beatrice Evman Bernice TruesdeTt Mary Pintrrich Ivonla Copeland Gertrude Peek Gertrude I.ldberg Luclle Schmidt Xevor Younger Thelma Wyncoop Kennel Frulti .Alwyn Peguin Clarence Lidberg; Horace Taylor Ruth Hann Burl Chester Rose McCaulev Helen Brineas Catherine Tierney Oscar Hodney Esther Finn Eunls Keizer Iney Mvers Evelyn Boody Kdwin Netibauer Georglna Wild lee Sugnet Hazel Jones ' Thelma Villa John Dickinson "Louise Blum Verna Kuivala . Frances Butarr Herbert Lange Madeliene Coffey Gladys Klnnear Jovce Ellsworth Henry Beck Louis Newman Ernest Boudy Ruth Stephenson George Finn Kenneth Stephenson Eskll Nelson Theodore Weiss HOLLA DAY. B. 15. Huchson, Principal. "Ruth Tuthlll Annette Rodman Edward Applegren Helen Tuthlll Murray Burn Eleanor Schwabs Edmund Jones Peter Kchwabe Dorothy Browne Paul Clark Vera Clark Cyrlll Gloyn Wade Newbegin Theodore Fryon. Purwsrrt Anderson Harry Coffin Gertrude Veit Helen Chambreau Frances Rice T- Clifford Snider Theodore Balllet Fred Blanchard Arthur Paelens leslle Kerns Moore Elmer Nan Parrlsh Violet Aekerman Leland Chapln Marie Oushard Ruby I.loyd Florence Nelson Catherine Spall Constancy Miller Marion Dwinell Oandace Paul Whitney Williams Dorothy &chas Alice Clark Elmer Brown Clara McQrath Claude Prichard Jack Freeman Marjorie Godby George Harned Maxine Hoopengarner "CENTRAL. D. T. Tan line. PrlrwIpaL Wilbur Markle Irene Clark Olga Hansen Edna Titus Gwendolyn Ptevens Wyima Wagner James Jower Kllr Vinson John Klein Stella Navel Clarence Johnson - Reva South Margaret Murdock Laura Haskell Morris Roach Helen Edmondson Charlotte Reed Gwendolyn Lindkvist Oscar McKinney Atirinne Newell George Wilson Robert Cnrrier Jrene Johnson Herbert En gstrom Jessie McNlven Margaret Adams lxla York Alfheld Martinson Clarence Gllstrap. Stephen McKee Lewis Clark Erma Ptirlntoa Rose Hathway Robert Burk Kathleen Markle Romayne Brand Willie Harbin Gladys Poe I.ouls Tormey Jacob Tolllfson Darrell Kellogg; Dorothy Rude Donald Tooley Blnoh Poe Claire Reeve Earl Lancaster Edna Martaln Francis Drinker HAWTHORNE. E. J. Hsdley. Principal. Lloyd Davles Russell Hauer -MaryClerln Margaret Watt Esther Warner Gertrude Ireland Leora. Cassady Lydia Patzel Evelyn Parker Helen Lawrence Francis U Pointe Kereir Anderson Mary E. Hallam Virginia Peck Eleanor Merriweather Harriett Catto Eugene Cushing Adelbert Gosswell Rowen Gale Theodore Madsen Florence Fuchs Kmily Cockett Faye Oswald clarence Hartman Louise Watt Francis I. nark Margaret West iab Blaxt 1 Miriam Hilton (chairman), Helen.Cal breath, Mary Gardner. The fifth period debating class was organized at a recent meeting. Fol lowing are the officers elected for this term: President. Hubert Barzee; vice president. George Black; secretary, Al bert Capps. The class Is under the direction of Mathew Linnehan, debat ing coach. The mock trial, conducted by the two debating societies, was postponed because of Clean-up day. It will be given on Friday, April 7. Three terms ago the freshmen girls organized a class. Today this class, with the exception of 16 members, is still existing. These third-terra girls feel that they have profited much by the comradeship fostered by the organ, ization. Last Monday they again met in a reunion party In the gymnasium. Lois Brady. Mona Bryan and Ethel Burns joined the committee to provide the entertainment, which consisted of dancing and games. Light refresh ments were served. Tills week's programme of the French Club was much enjoyed. Remey Cox gave a talk on French literature; Har old Burnett, a graduate, and member of the club, gave a review of Anatole France: Gilbert Benson, also a gradu ate, compared the French traits and easterns with those of other nations. An Important number of the pro gramme was an impromptu debate on the question "Resolved. That the study of French Is of more benefit than Ger man." Minara Hilton and Gretchen Taylor upheld the affirmative against the negative, Albert Fane and llemey Cox. Saturday night the Washington High alumni gave a decidedly interesting oriental programme. To the music of ukuleles and piano, Marie Vial. Flor ence Hemmingway. Lydia Huddlestone, Ruth Thayer, Marian Stevenson, and Clara Scharpf danced in oriental cos tume, a Japanese dance. Ckuleles were played by Marguerite Cook. Ava Owen. Gerald Stevens. Hugh Glenn, Holt Ga nong. Gene Vincent. Clara Scharpf. Harry Brubaker and Ruth Thayer and the members or the alumni sang "Alo ha." and "On the Road to Mandalay." Marie Vial has charge of these pro grammes, which will be a feature of the alumni meetings from now on. It was recently decided that all mem bers of the high school who have at tended two years are eligible to the meetings of the organization. The next meeting will be April 11. Kerns Notes. Audubon societies have been formed in 14 rooms with a total membership of 326. Last Wednesday representatives from the upper grades, in the presence of parents and classmates, read their com positions on "The Effects of Tobacco on the Human System." The Kerns baseball team has organ ized with Whitney Gregg captain, and Victor Edwards manager. The boys are small, but they have the enthusiasm and grit to make good players. The eighth grade girls of the do mestic science department served a luncheon to Mrs. Watson and the teach ers last Monday. The menu consisted of corn chowder, tuna fish salad, hot biscuits, chocolate cake and coffee. MOUNT TABOR. W. M. Miller. Principal. Jsrru Jurva Lache! Shciden, Harry Beuton Bertha Boggs Sarah Callan Doris Veit Robert Cormack Rudolph Graay Leonard Sehrumpf Ollie Adams Claude Cunningham. Katr.eritie Short Douglas Burroughs Harry Horton Gladys Sheltus Frances Rugc lima Jurva Ollrer Whltesell Ivabel Iewis Donald Vorpaht Nugant Alenltis Margaret Flury Carl Hansen Arbutus H'e.r Clara Ott . Victor Osgood Sherma Sipe Amelia Sansom Otto Schrieher Henry Shelleday Dwignt Zimmerman Margaret Addis Mayte Lawrence Cura tuincy Raymond Anderson Catherine Hlgham Arthur Carlson Stephen Correy . Hazeldeane Fulton Alexander McLenuol Everett Ma lion Vance Prewitt Frank Wellman Glen Galloway Myrl Miller Kathleen Forte Wilma Heavener Lydia Bell Ruth Hlgglns Lorothy Jones Marguerite Mannaa Ruth Pletcher Ellen Snuffin Beth Wheeler Ernest Able Douglas Baird Dennv Clearwater William Bdmeads Harry Smokoon Fern McChesney Rolsnd Coodheart Burton Murphy Joe Marshall CLIN TO N L. A. Reed, -KELLY. Principal. Oget Nelson Olaf Mathieson William Sauer Rosie Gettuccio Mabel Corbett Frances Nendell Louis Boseo Kate Grant Gladys Noren Emily Woodman Donald Faucett lone Clark Bertha Boeder Alice Holmaren Jennie Montecucoo Naomi Van Gross Margaret Kressman Genevieve Thomas Dorothy Faucett Doris Kerstetler arrie Smith Joe Cereghlno Calvin Hhston Beverley West Christine &chafer George Jsck Anna Howell Audrey Depperman lertrurte Emerson Delia Day Rose DeslovannI Esther Cohen Cecil Woodman Rsmond Torquer Lucille Kropp Mildred Thomas Dale Kincaid Evangeline La see He charlotte Tabor Wiihelm Doern Evardt Gerspach Constantlne Kavam- helaa William Clark Zelina Merchant Caesar Balzarlny Alma Bryan Lois Looney Ruth Bellrood Pessle Delano Hilda Hallwyler Erven Klncald Ruth Osborn George Meeden Evelyn Young Howard Zurcher Amelia Arata Ele-anor Day Evelyn Leonard Frances Sundberar Robert Smith Robert Thomas EAST. Emma i. Clayton, Principal. James Coy Marguerite Stark James Schafer Helen Fairley Jarmsl hanev Willis Sexton Ralph Panghorn Laura Earl Philip Stearns a AnnaErickson Harold Kenlson Dorothy Guild James Kete.1 Clara Johnson Mollle Bretthauer Ixmiae Ketel Everett Boltman Letha Burroughs Virginia Trout Grace Coy Howard Heath Money Fletcher Inez Bredeson Watson Fletcher Violet Loar George Heinrlch Samuel Weber Minnie Mclntyre , Ellen Norene Helen Hill Dorothy Calhoun Alice Anderson Viola Root Elinor Berry Nellie Crouch Eva Drake Arthur Gulzow Rex Davenport Robert Anderson Rnth Justice Elza Chles Florence Flnnls Madge Drake Mathilda Helnrlch Elizabeth Berry Mclba Landerholnt Rose Gee Isla Gee KENNEDY. B. T. J altlng. Principal. Martha Jarvis George Hunter Donald Dick Wilma Frederick Peter Enns Helen Boon Fred Stephens Helen Olson Erick EricUson Jake Dietz Gladys Christy Elaf Johnson Blanch Moshberger Arltta Hanson Lucille Friedman Klizaheth Hoars Monica Fitzgerald Ruth DamerOw Waldemar Anderson Fern Gossett Marv Cameron I.orna Hunt Jrwln Boon Nellie Whitsmi Herbert Elsenschmldt George Burnharri Ins Fleckenstein Lawrence Grace - Marr Falling Wlllard Res W'illard Marshall Steve Matuleo AdeTbert Brewer Hans Bestel SaCle Oppal Pearl Ma rre Eleanor WelTs Fdlth-Cowdln Helen Friedman Marv Cromhie Irene Rsuh Pearl Fleckenstein Karl Shearer Chauncy Crumble Edward Sharman LLELLYN. 1'anl T. Eckert. Principal. Florence Capell Dorothy Osgood Margaret Cathcart Kdytlie Peattie Rosabelle Crain Dorothy Renfro Maurine Crawford Stephen Renfro Arthuh Earnshaw Helen Rushlight Johanna Gorter Olga Sadilek Helen Harris Waldermar Seton Zelma Hoyt Mary E. Simpson Oeraldlne Inman Ruth Simpson Canillle Klecker Alice Strauss Marguerite Klug Victor Taggessel Harry Kuehn Beatrice Wood ' Elizabeth Langford Frederick Zlnck . Uuroiliy. ilatvUeli Franklin High School Notes ATvUMBER of Franklin students en Joyed a delightful party given at the home of Everett Barbour, Friday. March 24. The guests participated In games, cards and music, ending with refreshments. Irmond Carlson gave several whistling solos. Those present were: Misses Mora Williams, lone Forte, Mildred Zhrung. Alice Cobb, and Irmond Carlson, Richard Zeisler. Scanland Collins and Everett Barbour. Two of the eecond-term domestic science girls. Miss Katherine Knecht and Miss Thelma Bill, gave a. term luncheon. Thursday, March 30. at the school laboratory. The guests were: Principal Ball. Miss Poulson. Miss Blackmar. Miss Betz, Mrs. Knecht and Miss Claa Knecht. It may be of Interest to know- that the new school building in all proba bility will be in x condition, to be oc cupied in about two months. The boilers and heating plant are installed and the roof is almost complete. The inside finishing work will be rushed immediately after the building is under cover. The girls of Franklin have formed two tennis clubs, one at the department of commerce, under the supervision of Miss Knox, and one at Creston. under the supervision of Miss Betz. As Franklin yet can boast of no tennis court, the girls will nse private courts in the community, except in regular matches, which will be played on the Reed College courts. The girls have also f organized two Indoor baseball teams. Miss Hansen will coach the Creston team and Miss Ross the Department of Commerce team. Complete arrange ments have not been made- as to the girts' track team, but it 18 probable that they will have several out-of-town meets. The assembly which was to have been held Friday. March 24. In honor of State School Superintendent Church ill, ha been postponed until further notice. e e Saturday night. March 28. Miss Ca milla Can field gave a home dinner in connection with her domestic science course at school. Miss Blackmar, her instructor. was among the invited guests. The dinner was followed by a card party. The Dramatic Club met Tuesday. March 28. to increase its membership. The pew member will not have to "try out" as before required. Anyone desir ous of Joining must pledge allegiance to the club and promise to participate in the vaudeville which is to be held about May 1. The committee In charge Includes Fern Kieffer. Genevieve Spriggs, Lois Tomllnson, Grace Locke, Mora Will iams, Leah Melvln, Everett Barbour and Clarence Lewis. Woodstock School Notes. The good weather has made it possi ble to plow and harrow the school gar RICHMOND. R. R. Steele, Principal. Thelma Eller Harriet Strauss James Leake Joseph. Kl&rat Dai id Stretch Marjorie Brown Maxine McLeod Margaret Meeker Ruth Niner Helen G. Smith Mildred Turner Hugh Walton Ethel Inwall Muriel Munsan Beatrice Yerex Catherine Mariin Zedoo Parvtn Elsie Brooks Frances McCormack Klngsley Trenholme Barbara Blythe Irene Smith Eiina Peterson Gould Sans Rachel Rolfe Edward DeTemple John Mather Earl Rlchen Ruth Acheson Agnes Alloway Alta Guthrie Elizabeth Mabry Ruth Wtnchell Iva Smith Elvira Steel Jane Price William Carlson Eleanor Wlckersham Faitii Johnson Hugh McGllvra Alexander KerekeS Mary Gingrich Howard Stanley Thelma He!mlt Marie Houquez Madeline Klamt Virginia Mahon Ellouise Morgan Elaine Stokes William Crulkshank; An id Hernor Mil a am Prudhomme Dorothy Rupert Valda Keldman Stella. Flshburn Mary Lu Mallory Olive Mettler Josephine price Evelyn Errcksoa Martha Mahon pearl Thomlinson Marian Tllton Helen Gingrich. Ruth Hlgglns Marv Ieveton Marguerite Rollins Harold Erickson Jack Kline Edwin McKeen Ralph Meyer Robert Rankin Clarke Runyan Curtis Trenholme Helen Smith Nalna Plummer Bernice Huntington, Rosse Mather Laura Semenza Mary Wehner Homer Hartsell Edith Honey Frances McGllvraa Kenr.eth Hall Benedict Leveton Tony Rogers liavld Steel Robert West Alaria Smith Marlon Sullivan Victor Buzelll Florence Twentymaa Charles Cody liOgan Reed Rudolph Rlgottl Glenn Savage Mrls Smith Ann Wade ROSE CITY PARK. Mrs. M. Lemon. PrlnelpaL Rosemary Mahoney Ellen Dahl Iorethy Stahl George Williams Leo Whiting Marjorie Metslaar Elizabeth Titua Helen White Henrietta White Paul Foote Doris Shipman Agnes Conley Lela Bover Mollle Bloom Ruth Mue Anitha Strawn Mildrod Wlngate Walter Anderson Paine Crew William S?ndstrom William Simmons . ?vadln Thompson Edith Boyer Iretv Bloch Lauretta Loewen Winifred Tebben Harrv Mendenha.il . Charles Reed Harvey Conover Rahmel NVison Jack Foley Edith Bader Gordon Schmidt Bvron Clem Janet Huntley Helen Countryman Louise Salzman Robert Oleeon Mary Potts Benjamin Mulkey Thomas Pumfrey Billy Chesman Catherine Hllkbrandt Evelyn Henderson Lucllo Conley Helen Conover Garald Parker Theodore Hew-itt Donald Woodman Elna Hells Ixrralne DeYoung Ruth Glutsch Beatrice Herman Pearl Kenzler June Maddux Juanlta Stafford Roberta Yeney John Bader Robert Chrlstensen .Tat-: Griffith Edward Oerllnger Charles Gillespie Roy Holmes K-?nt Hall Russell Johnsrud Donald Stahl George Steele Gainer Talboy George Nymart MONTA VILLA. L. A. Wiley, PrlnelpaL Myrle ooednough Hazel Bulger Kettha Luce Theodore Mueller Ruby Mitchell Harry Scrlbner Neil Burdlrk Edgar Moore Willie Kurlta Ernest Farley Judith Biggerstaff Fera Wldestrom Marie Pickering Will Kolh Forrest Norton Helen Huber Howard Klger Ethel Sullivan Clarence Flsk Wesley Von Csmop Dwignt Coffman Clarence Nordstrom Inoia Scott Edith Tone Roy Tuft Ragnat Runntnr Bernard Thorpe Gladys Chrlstensen Robert Oarretteon Jean Lyman May Worthlngtou Karl Kolb Jean Emmerlck Elmer Heacock Margaret Wood Dorothy Jewell Frances Carroll A st rid WMestrom Charles Wldestrom Edward Bredenbeck Edson Misener IRVTN GTON. Elmer Brow Principal. Genevieve Reed Sarah Bomis Wallace Fraaler Helen Jean Randall Janet Edwards Elizabeth O'Brien Elizabeth Pickering- Georre Eisman Donald Nelson William Wlthee Ian MacKay Marian B-trnes Denlson IJawrenre Jennie Edelman Edwina Thompson Catherine Overback Eleanor Wiggins Richard Jenkins CIJBNHAVEN. C. V. Kilgot-e. Principal. Viola Barlow Albert Lasley Everett Davis Rupert Graham Mildred Murphy Mary Owen Loyd Brown Tim Lottrldge Lizzie Bennett Inez Carlberg Mildred Sexton Doris Grahem Catherine Kneeland Emma Cedarlund Edith Olsen jonn Bennett Robert Hardy Herbert Hamilton den this week. Next week 48 boys and girls will be busy planting potatoes for home consumption and for sale in the Fall. The season for building birdhouses is about over. Two of the boys have been particularly active in providing house keeping quarters for our feathered friends. Edward Klaetsch has built 15 and George Miller has built 10. A compilation of scores for the six baseball games played this season shows that Woodstock ha scored 65 runs to its opponents' 48. Alfonso Zoro vich is captain and Joe Nixon is manager. Notes From Polytechnic Girls BY ETHEL PHELPS. LAST term the different classes gave ( a short programme at the end of each month. This term the programmes take up some poet's life. Friday after noon the Juniors entertained the school with recitations, memory verses and a composition from Tennyson's works. Superintendent ,L. R. Alderman ad dressed the teachers at the regular fac ulty meeting Monday night. He talked upon King's "Education for Effi ciency," a book which the teachers have been reading. He also touched upon some of tile 'advantages which the teachers have as industrial teachers. "As You Like If is to be given as the senior class play. All parts will be cast for the girls. Mrs. Clinton is coaching the play, which will be pro duced about the last of May. ... So far the dancing class has proved a success. So many wanted to take les sons that another class will be or ganized in the near future. The freshmen girls of the art class are turning out some beautiful mono grams which are made to fill various shaped spaces. These are to be used for marking linen. Tuesday. April 4, the millinery de partment will hold its exhibition from 9 to 12. An invitation has been issued to all who are Interested in millinery work. The other departments will be open to the visitors. The school dining-room has been strikingly transformed with paneled walls and decorations. The third term luncheon class served a luncheon to themselves to celebrate the openings of the new room. Some of the girls in the dressmaking department have been busy remodeling clothes for some of the poorer girls. Special attention is given to mending and cleaning. The evening class in domestic science has been making cakes. One evening each girl made a cake and took it home with her. Miss Clara Donelson and Miss Par kinson were interesting visitors from the Y. W. C A. on Monday. Friday night the February. 1S. boys entertained the February. 'IS, girls at a party in the girls' gymnasium. Games were played and refreshments served. LENTS. A. P. HeraJmcr. Principal. Frances Johnson Martin I'luylaar Grace; Glese Charles Walsii Edna Peterson Irene Mever Emily Leterver Hazel Mills Myrtle Hummel Edward Butler Berdeua Spearrow Marvin Peck Erwln Kandolt Dorrls King Glen. Ward Willard harzee Mark Mayo Carl Werle Harold Hesse Herbert Wise George Lien kaemper Roland Cutting Mildred Fox RamondPage Clara Koskey Jacob Trust Pa ullne Clarke Ernest Goldbacker Helen Purvlance Viva Wells Esther Mitchell Marguerite Nesset liura Pierce olive Ash Julia Bunch Alma Carlson Niel Garner William Llmbacn. Mahel Kadolph Edgar Rntan Zella Pierce Ethel Wise Violet Johnson Emery Mills Lillia Anderson Francis Allen Evelyn Hogue Mahel Browne Muriel Beadell Alice Holding Carl Hawkins Hilda Holding Irene Wood Kenneth Stlmpsora Russell Drahelm Ruby Ellis Roy Hathaway Julia Leferver Roger McAfee Goldle Locke Oliver Reynolds l.tl Mearle Millard Brsdley Harold Blair Wesley Nadenn Nicknlas Dels C.oethals Brady Van Blair Evelyn Page Charles Speier Augusta Richter Charles Miller Dorothy Thompson Irene Bangs Olive Woodworth Alleen Emery Wllmer Hlnman Merlo Harris Calvin Qulnlan Ruth T.er Wesley Shields Ida Mae Miller Walter Smith Helena Rienecker Norma Brasmer EllaWaMers Clarence Schnelllnger Gordon Kllborn SELLWOOn. L. H. Morgan. PrlnelpaL Glenna Fisher Freddie Meyer Lois Beard James Porter Ruth Elkln . Marian Madsen Mary Mc ullagh Hamilton Slade Herbert slegrlst Lawrence Wills tW,.'. r. Bruce Vandercriff liiiliitd f,owlf. H8Z',, neardoff I w. W n ' Beatrice Perkins . 01gWa'Boh,m0.nn ' Amelia Baker '"J e,f.r" I.oweII Williams c"i ? " T ' a Edna Vandergrlff .arl J1'1 . Lucille Taasart Harold Kester Lillian Soderbtirs J !h".,.', Agnes Peterson i:rra,!d Melnrtl Ruth Bauer i-einla Achenbach Lucille Applegate Arthur Cumpston .1-scoh Hoehn Walter Graham Gustav Hanson Lincoln Lehman Thoo Elklns Juanita Nield Grnco Wade Veda Kidd Helen Achenbach Ruth Nleld Thelma Thomas Claudia Sersanotls Philip Donning Marjorie Thompson CorbW Church Sue Wade Ffnk D.!r Edith BadfVe Elsie Miller Dorothy EllUon Orris Williams Fern Jensen Meredith Pries Alberta Marshall Kenneth Manny Edna Reichen Richard Hocking; Lawrence Bassett Edith Deardorf Joseph Patterson Kenneth Paul Dorothy Field Lois Real Helen Kruger Madelene Meadows Imola Mitchell Kflthryn Shaffer Erllng Bakke Teddy Charles Geary Sundeleaf Harold Charters Glartvs Rozlee Olen Lowe Henrietta Warkenton STEPHENS. H. M. Sherwood. Principal. Vera Pedersen John Vetech Henry Wegner Happy Stelnmeeeti -leanette Treanon Leona Algesheimer Norman Wlllimont Andrew Bastascb. Ernest Wilson Howard Dixou Lilian Wlrrh John Wardle Zella Mclntyre George Wirth Stella Sertrko Christ Strahm Myrtle Aldrf-ad Madeline Perrott Marguerite Butler Alice Poy Rita Drushell Frank Amato Helen McGovern Erwen Fimmell Mathew NaT. Lvie Jackson Ht-len Sanum David Ng. Marguerite Bamraon Alfred Wilson Helen Pay George Weast Alice lloulon Martha Weast Hugo Fimmel Gina Bocci Eugene Warnlck Memphis Hammond Glenn Staenker Ronald Pain Ivd!a Fimmell Romeo Tyler Margaret McCarthy Lena Serlcko Evelyn Sammon Louise Uenriksen, Agnes Peterson CRESTON. Mrs. I. M. Allhandfc. Principal. Wlnnifred Meade Wallace McKenzle Teddy Ober Glenna Miranda Esther Myers Rosalie Talmage Harold Johnson Roberta Walter Mildred Leaver Grace McCulloch Delia Welch Stacy Smith Margaret Wolcott EIno Hemmlla Gall Williams Clifford Gannon Robert Shoemaker Dorot h y Cowgill Eugene Simmons A lta Greenleaf David Scott Josephine McCulloch Fannie Weinsteln Gretchen Percy Katherine Gustafson Merwin Mead Brown Metcalf Olive Collinga Sophie McGuire T.ols Meyers Margaret VacGowan Verna Miranda Kennet Fisher Helen Wiley Ruth Whitehead William Bruce Mildred Waltz Robert Gilbert Robert Cowgill Robert McCormick Robert Deaver Albert Dorr Uorothjf Uuna ua... , . Memorial to Mrs. Mundt, of "Lincoln, Is Started. Scholarship Fund Launched Follow ing Impressive- Servirrs Annual Community Sing Set for .Mny 12. June Seniors' Second Party Is Ills; Succesak BY DOROTHY DUXIWAY. MONDAY morning beautiful and ap proprlate services fvere held at Lincoln High School to honor the mem ory of the late Mrs. Henrietta Mundt. Many of Mrs. Mundt's intimate friends were present. T. T. Davis presided. Ha spoke of how highly the school honored Mrs. Mundt as a woman, a teacher, a friend and a citizen. Dr. C. C. Chap man said that progress was the watch word of her life. "Mrs. Mundt was a faithful, uplifting friend." he said, "and the memory of her nobility and courage will be a tower of strength to many." Mr. Swett. representing the Civic League, said that the world was better because she had lived. He told of the many people Mrs. Mundt had tirelessly helped, asking that no record be kept of her services. H. C. Uthoff, spoke of Mrs. Mundt as a humanist in the best sense of the word. "Her re ligion." he said, "might be termed the religion of the open mind." Superin tendent L. R. Alderman told how high ly Mrs. Mundt was appreciated as a, teacher. Dr. T. L. Eliot talked impress ively of the value of Mrs. Mundt's work. CTtarles Sohnabel spoke briefly, representins the German-Speaking So ciety. Simple but impressive exercises werei held in the school auditorium Wednes day afternoon by the German students in honor of their late teacher and friend. Mrs, Mundt- Miss Emma Meier sans "Kin feste Burg" t Luther). . Mis3 Mildred Hawea delivered an address in German. Miss Schneider gave "Per sonal Reminiscences of Mrs. Mundt.' Margaret Mansfield sang "The Bird of Love Divine." Mr. Altman closed with a tribute to Mrs. Mundt, her co-worker and friend. e The faculty of Lincoln High School, at a meeting Friday. March 23. decided to start a lon fund in memory of Mrs. Mundt, o te .called the Henrietta Mundt Memorial loan fund. The fund will be used to help worthy but needy students of the school. The teachers raised a considerable sum and since that time prominent clubs of the city, ',' students and friends of Mrs. Mundt have contributed to the fund. Mrs. Altman is chairman of the committee in charge. e The annual community sing will he given this year May 12 in th-i school auditorium, under the direction of Mr. Boyer. A picked rhoru from the girls' glee club and the boys' glee club will give several numbers. There will be a number of solos. The orchestra, led by Carl Denton, will take a prominent part. A delightful musicale was given by Hartridge Whlpp. accompanied by Mrs. Leonora Fisher Whipp. at the Lincoln High School Wednesday mornin?. under the auspices of the Monday Musical Club. The Athletic Association held Its most important meeting of the term Wednes day to elect officers. The athletic board members are Leslie Carter, Alice Hunter. Joe Lillard. Dorothy Stine and Jack Stubbs. Jack O'Bryan was chosen yell leader and Ralph Smith football manager. The February. '17. class met Friday afternoon, March 23. Plans were dis cussed for the entertainment of the June, '16, class. e Lincoln Is always proud to learn of new honors accorded her graduates. l,ouIs P. Brown, a graduate of the June. '14. class, has been chosen captain of the Cincinnati University team. e Friday evening, March 30, the school gymnasium was the scene of a merry party, when the June. '16. class gave its second get-together party. A short pro gramme was enjoyed. Robert Cosgriff opened with an address of welcome. Geravere Fleming sang "The Spring Has Come" (White) and "Can't You Hear Me Calling, Caroline?" Splendid solos were given by Margaret Mansfield and Mr. Marte. Donald Montgomery did some clever clog dancing. After the programme dancing and games were enjoyed. Tee and wafers wern served. The patrons and patronesses were: Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Davis, Miss Marsh. Miss Barnes, Miss Amos. Miss Rounds, Miss Larrabec. Mr. lvoehn and Mr. Maris. The committee in charge was Mary McDonald, chairman: Alan Slade. Mar garet Cundy. John Langley. Gens Geiser, Donald Montgomery. Geravere Fleming and Esther Erickaon. On Tuesday and Wednesday of the past week two 10-cent luncheons were served by four fourth-term domestic science pupils. On Tuesday Margaret Streiff and Anna Gabriel served. Their guests were: Marie Lehmann, Shannon Fettlnger. Mrs. D. Pertz. Mrs. W. Gabriel. Mrs. M. Beieh. Blanche Wal lace. Katie Lehmann. Ethel Goodwin. Miss Kerr and Fay Wright. The Wednesday luncheon was served by Miriam and Adrlanne Pchemanski to the following guests: Florence Bloch. Eloise Loewenson. Mrs. J. Schemanskl. Mrs. J. D. Schemanskl. Marian Sichel,' Katherine Seller. Lucile Langerman. Dorothy Simon, Irnia Rothchild and Miss Bleeg. A new campfire has been organized at IJncoln recently. The officers are: Emily Veazie. president: Jean Wolff, secretary and treasurer: Genevieve Matson. editor. The name of the camp is Washalli. meaning "west wind." The girls enjoyed a hike on Thursday after noon. March 22, out Terwilliger boule vard. Last Thursday they hiked to Council Crest. Iast Thursday the camp studied James Whitcomb Riley. Emily Veazie gave an excellent talk on Julia Ward Howe. The members of the Washalli Camp fire are Genevieve Matson, Lottie and Lula Sparks. Elizabeth Stephenson. Emily Veazie and Jean AVolff. Miss Schneider is the camp's guardian. The Tri-ls had an enjoyable pro gramme at their meeting Monday in room 108. Edith Barton gave a read ing. "An Avalanche of Drugs." An im promptu debate was given on the ques tion. "Resolved. That umbrellas are more useful than Tubbers." Ella Dixon and Fried. Krickesky upheld tn af firmative and Ethel Langley and Helen Dunham the negative. The decision was awarded the negative. Ruby Van Zandt and Helen Wild joined the club. The rhilolexiana at their meeting Thursday afternoon of the past week studied Joaquin Miller. Mary Bullock gave a comprehensive talk on his lifei and Charlotte Roblin gave a splendid interpretation of his poems. ' e Mrs. Altman gave a very Interesting, talk to "the Tologeions Thursday on "Astronomy." e e The Laurel Club met Wednesday afternoon of the past week in room 204. Edna Rice gave a reading, "What Constitutes a Good Plot for a Short Story." by Leslie Quirk, and read to Illustrate it Robert I-ouis Stevenson's "Markhetm." Two new members were voted into the society, Emily McCorkal and Florence Royal. A committee was .tv.onuiuu.$d ou -fskio U. Column. l.Ji .