The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 02, 1916, SECTION FIVE, Page 7, Image 67

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Easter wear shows hat and neckpiece,
both made of straw in combination
with navy blue taffeta. The straw,
pliable lisere braided in lattice fashion,
forms a tall choker collar at the top
of a cape-collar with ripples of taffeta.
Cape-collars, by the way, will flutter
conspicuously at Atlantic City on
Kaster, for they are appearing on
frocks as well as on coats, and may be
purchased separately in the neckwear
departments in the guise of neck-pro-tectora.
The cape-collar has succeeded the
feather boa, the tulle ruche and the
knitted silk muffler as a neck-protector,
and this season will see much
of the cape idea.
lany Black Froekn Are Seen.
Black seems as popular as ever this
Spring, and there are many frocks of
black taffeta, very chic with their ruf
fled and corded skirts of widely flaring
lines, and their trim little bodices fit
ted into the figure with f eatherbonei
seams. Most of the silk frocks have
sleeves of Georgette crepe or chiffon,
and sometimes the filmy material forms
a large part of the skirt. The all
black frock is smarter just now than
one brightened with a touch of color
or-relieved with white, and when well
conceived is chic and dashing, in a sea
son when fawns and grays are seen
everywhere. Navy blue is also a. pro
nounced favorite and many are the
combinations of blue taffeta with voile.
Georgette crepe, chiffon and figured
Veils will be an important part at the
Atlantic City parade, as well as para
sols and the floating veils seem tne
favorites where Easter choice is con
cerned for these veils add a note of
formality and elaboration to the cos
tume. iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiniiiitii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiirau
Wonderliff Corsets
Because your
Grandmother '
Sleeves Are Full to Below Elbow, Fluttering Cape Collar. Stiffened Skirt a.nd Plenty of Velvet Ribbon Are Ear
marks of Present-Day Smartness Slate Is Fashionable Color This Season.
wore corsets
S7 I
II. r-,;', - " hi f 'I t& '
NATTIER'S exquisite paintings show
the loveliest tones of blue, rose
pink and gray, and an Easter
frock of Georgette crepe and taffeta
combines these Nattier colors perfectly.
The sheer gray skirt is dropped over
a, petticop.t of rose taffeta, the s;ray
crepe bodice over rose chiffon. Cuffs,
collar, the shaped hem of the skirt
and the embroidered panel on the bod
ice are of Nattier blue tafTeta. of
epectal interest is the embroidered silk
panel which grives quite a new note.
The soft, embroidered silk is mounted
over ligrht. crushless resilient stiffen
ing so that it maintains its shape cor
rectly. One much admired Spring: model has
sleeves full below the elbow. The fluttering-
cape collar, the stiffened skirt
and above all, the yards of velvet rib
bon trimming, all attest this season's
quaint style. Blue and while voile
is combined with plain navy blue
Oeorgrette crepe and the velvet ribbons
are black. Under the gathered skirt
of voile and crepe is a skirt of blue
taffeta, also gathered and faced deeply
with witchtex so that it flares suffi
ciently to hold out the softer skirt of
crepe-trimmed voile.
Rather dark gray taffeta in the new
phade called "slate." is another correct
Kaster tailleur which shows the close
fitting waist and full-flaring skirt
fctlhoutte of the moment. In addi
tion to a facing of resilient lining in
the hem. the skirt is distended by a
eord. The foot of the tunic is also
faced with stiffening and tunic and
cuffs are embroidered with silver and
'gold threads. The coat has a feather
loned lining so that it makes the
waistline trim, and the draped collar
is particularly chic. Smart buttoned
boots with Just a touch of white pip
ing show under the short skirt.
How to Clean a Hottlc Told.
Put some crushed eggshell into a
bottle, then fill half full of strong
Fospsud., and shake thoroughly. After
Jinsing in clean water you wilffind the
bottle looking like new.
Ealmy Air Expected at Atlantic City
Be in Evidence
NEW YORK. April 3. (Special.)
A late April Kaster at Atlantic
City this year will mean an un
usual dress parade on the famous
board walk; for if the sun shines and
the air is as. soft and balmy as April
air should be in the salubrious climate
of this Eastern Spa of Americans,
dainty silk frocks, summery hats and
parasols will add themselves to the
procession. Last year it was a chilly
Kaster that greeted those who came to
wear alluring new Spring raiment, and
those who came to see the alluring new
raiment that others wore. Saturday's
howling blizzard, which laid its srip
over the whole North Atlantic Coast,
left a snow-white world 'for Easter
morning; but by noon a warm sun had
melted most of the snow and those
who had smart Easter tailor-mades
were able to wear them, well bundled
up about the throat.
This year, however, there should be
no fear of Kaster blizzards. Given any
Kind of luck., the sun should ehine se
renely and the air should be soft and
LaJmy from the southward.
' Typical Tailleur Described.
So many of the Easter tailored suits
are of silken fabric that it seems
scarcely worth while to speak of wool
woven stuffs in the ICaster connection.
There are, however, a number of smart
models in fawn and the omnipresent
gray, made of fine mohair, or mohaii
and worsted threads the latter having
a high luster much commended by
Paris dressmakers. The silk suits are
verr (IresKy, nd so, also are those of
r .al ' nnri - -ousted with silk trim
,v Ail . r ,. .
r i i - h
w- tK-Aii '''"k
f -
and Handsome Tailleurs, as Well as Smart Spring Costumes, Are Likely to
Collar Sets Only Rivaled by Hat and Parasol Sets.
mings. PossiWjr the most charming
tailleur that will be seen on the board
walk Easter morning: at Atlantic City
is a model of smoke gray taffeta with
embroidery of silver and gold threads,
delicately wrought along the edge of
a gathered tunic on the coat, and also
on the flare cuffs. The coat is shirred
from a shallow yoke and crosses in
surplice fashion at the front: and the
lines of the coat and sleeves are the
new close lines showing the slope of
shoulder and arm and curve of the
bust. There is not a particle of pad
ding or reinforcing under the close lit
tle silk coat-bodice, which must follow
the pretty lines of the figure: but the
flare. cuffs are crisply faced with witch
tex and under the coat, at the waistline,
is a fitted foundation boned with fea
therbone. For the Easter waistline is
dainty : and trim don't overlook the
necessity for a trim waistline when you
are planning to have your new Spring
costume flare well in the skirt!
This gray silk tailleur does flare well
in the skirt, to be sure! The gathered
tunic of the coat, which falls to the
knee, is faced with witchtex like the
cuffs: and more of this light, crushless
stiffening material is used In the skirt
hem, which is turned up' on the right
side and finished with a cord the cord
helping also, of course, to hold our the
skirt crisply. An Easter hat of braided
gray straw with a crown of pleated
gray tulle and some pink roses at the
front, tops this charming Kaster cos
tume: smart boots with gray kid but-tO'-ed
tops form its foundation.
Footwear , is an important consider
ation when one plans for Eatti- at
Atlantic .City, for breezes will surely
blow on the board-walk and breezes
whisking short skirts about will make
boots and stockings, too a conspicu
ous detail of one's cistume. With a
dainty Easter frock or tailleur the
daintiest sort of buttoned boots should
be worn or the effect will he spoiled.
Such hoots now have turned soles
and curved, high heels, and the leather
is so soft and flexible that the boot
shows the line of the foot as a glove
reveals the hand. The buttoned model
is the choice of the best taste, with a
rather high top that will disappear
under the hem of the short skirt of
Spring: and usually this top is of fawn,
gray or white kid. If black, like the
vamp of the boot, there is a line of
white piping between to add dressiness
to the boot. Buckled Colonial-pumps
are coming in again, and some of these
will assuredly trip the boardwalk on
Easter day. For the Easter dances at
the big hotels and for wear with the
dinner costume, satin slippers should
be provided.
Sn-allovra (Jrare Hat and Parnnol.
That Summer is surely coming is
proved by the swallows that, poise on
milady's hat and parasol, as though
they had just paused during swift
flight. A set of hat and parasol from
a Fifth-avenue house shows white silk
swallows appllqued against navy blue
taffeta three swallows on the parasol
and one on the hat. The idea is charm
ing and undoubtedly will have decided
vogue later on. Just now it is so new
that the swallow belongings are rather
-exclusive. Another ars'-iiva -st" for
Answers to Correspondents
PORTLAND, Or., March 18. Will you
please Inform me through your Answers to
Correspondents column how to make the in
closed cake? F. C R.
BY the time the " inclosed cake "
reached me it was so dry and hard
as to be almost impenetrable by
ordinary human teeth. Therefore it is
very difficult for me to guess at Its
original flavor and texture. I should
think that an ordinary baking-powder
sponge cake, with perhaps two table
spoons karo syrup substituted for two
tablespoons of the sugar, with finely
chopped pecans folded in with the flour,
would give something very similar.
Half fill small, fancy . cup-cake pans,
very slightly greased, dusted with
sugar and decorated at the bottom with
one-half pecan nut. Eake in a moder
ate oven. Spread the batter so as to
leave a hollow in the middle in order
to obtain a level surface, since the
cakes will be served upside down. Per
haps some reader may have a recipe
for pecan cakes flavored with karo
syrup, and will come to our rescue.
Vancouver, Wash., March 5. Would you
please pive in The Sunday Oivgonian the
best -way of canning strawberries srrown In
this country? I have had very poor suc
cess since 1 have been out on the Coast,
either by cooking: thorn, or steaming or most
any way for the table. M. M. FI
FO I lowing are directions for canning
strawberries given by the United States
Department of Agriculture. We have
always had good success with berries
put up by this method, both in the
"water bath" (which means the ordi
nary wash-boiler and rack) or in the
steam cooker, or in the pressure cooker.
I give below an easy method for mak
ing Danish strawberry preserves, which
are always well liked. Other straw
berry recipes will be given in this col
umn when the strawberry season comes.
Canned strawberries 1. Can fresh,
sound berries same day picked. Hull
(twist berries off hull), place inj
strainer, pour water over to cleanse
Pack in jar or tin without crushing.
Pour hot syrup over berries to top.
Place rubber and top. partially tighten.
Sterilize 12 minutes in hot--' 'r bath,
six minutes under five pounds of steam,
eight minutes in water-deal outfit, or
five minutes in pressure cooked. (Syrup
I'i quarts sugar to one quart water,
boiled to medium thick.)
Canned strawberries 2. Same aa
above except syrup. Syrup Crush
berries for one quart natural juice, add
one quart sugar, hoi to medium thick
syrup. Add as in No. 1.
Strawberries (Sun preserves.) Se
lect ripe, firm berries. Pick and pre
serve same day. Hull and rinse as in
No. 1. Place in shallow platter in sin
gle layer, sprinkle sugar over them,
pour over them 40-degree syrup (same
as No. 1, boiled thicker.) Cover them
with glass dish or plain window glass.
Allow to cook in hot 'sun eight to 12
hours. Pack in glass jars or cups, tie
paper over tops or cover with paraffin
or sealing wax. Keep in cool, dry
Danish strawberry preserves Use
only clean, ripe berries. Hull, but do
not wash them. Arrange in layers,
in a preserving kettle, with three
fourths pound (1 cups) granulated
sugar to every pound of hulled berries.
Cover and set aside six to 21 hours, ac
cording to the weather or your con
venience. Then bring slowly to boiling
point and simmer 15 minutes. Set
aside over night in the same kettle.'
Next morning reheat and simmer 10
minutes. Finish off or set aside again,
as may be most convenient. To finish,
skim out the berries and place in hot
sterilized jars.
Boil down the syrup so that it thick
ens and tends to jell. Then pour it
over the fruit and seal. The berries
should be whole and -saturated with
syrup, so that they do not tend to float,
but are evenly distributed in the jar.
Texture, color and flavor will' be im
proved by the addition of one pint red
currant juice to eight or 10 pounds of
berries. Failing this, flavor and tex
ture may be improved by the addition,
to taste, of a little strained lemon juice
or dissolved citric acid, the latter in
very small quantity.
Cherry preserves are similarly made
from, pitted cherries, with a small
amount of currant juice.
Baker. Or.. Feb. 20. Will you kindly tell
me what the artist uses to moid his statues
with? I have been practicing; with plas
tercine, but wanted something- that would
harden after a little while and yet give m
time to work with it a while, i.'an T mix
it or make it up myself? Thanking; you
for your trouble I remain, yours trulv,
Artists generally use ordinary "pot
ter's clay" for modeling. It needs con
siderable care and attention and has to
be kept moist with wet cloths, as it
will crack if allowed to dry out.
Usually, as soon as the artist has fin
ished working on the clay- model, he
has it cast in plaster. It has been said
that the clay model is the birth, the
plaster is the death, and the bronze or
marble the resurrection of the sculp
tor's work. ,
Portland. Or.. March 21. Would like tn
hav repeated in your Answers to Corre
spondence In The Punday Oreponlan a recin
for salmon salad riven some time last year.
it had hard errss and pickles. I remember,
hut do not know what quantity. Aiso piease
Kiv the recipe for English crumpets and
potato scones. Thanking you for help re
ceived. MRS. B. C. H.
1 hope that the following is the sal
mon salad you mean, but I cannot be
sure. Some chopped celery or cabbage
would be a good addition, or a few
fresh or canned green peas might be
used. Cold potatoes, string beans or
cold boiled cauliflower may also be
used as "fillers" in a salmon salad.
Salmon salad One can salmon (large
size), four sour pickles, minced; three
hard-boiled eggs, one teaspoon mus
tard, one tablespoon sugar, one table
spoon butter, two tablespoons cream or
milk, six tablespoons vinegar or lemon
juice and one raw egg.
. Free salmon from skin and bones.
Flake carefully. Add pickles anJ
boiled eggs and mix thoroughly, but
without breaking the flakes. Stir mus
tard and sugar together, add butter,
the cream or milk, the raw egg and the
vinegar or lemon juice. Cook until
smooth, stirring constantly. When cold
pour over salmon just before serving.
Serve on lettuce. Decorate with small
pickle "fans" if liked. Use as a "main
dish" for a simple luncheon or supper.
Directions ' for English crumpets
were given recently, I think. However,
here is a slightly different recipe.
"Knack" and skill, are important In
crumpet making.
English crumpets with potatoes Make
a soft sponge with one large mealy
boiled potato, mashed perfectly smooth
while hot. a teaspoon of salt, a cake
of fresh compressed yeast and enough
flour to make a batter slightly stiffer
than for ordinary hot cakes. Use half
pastry and linlf btvHd flo'ir fcll'tcfj to
gether. Cover and leave in a warm
place for half an hour or more, or until
full of bubbles. Beat thoroughly with
a wooden spoon and let rise again. Re
peat the beating three times. Have
ready greased crumpet rings on a very
slightly floured griddle. Half fill the
rings with the batter and let bake on
one side until slightly colored and full
of broken bubbles or "eyes." Then turn
and cook on the other side until the
edges are firm. Wrap in a cloth as they
com from the griddle. When wanted
for use. split and toast until crisp.
Use plenty of butter "and serve very
hot. There are several kinds of potato
scones. The following is a Yorkshire
recipe. Write again if it is not what
you wanted.
Potato scones Boil and mash four
medium-size mealy potatoes and while
hot stir in one-third cup oatmeal and
two level teaspoons salt, with two
tablespoons butter. Sift "self-rising"
flour on a board and quickly knead In
enough self-rising flour to roll 'out.
Work very rapidly, as the mixture must
not get cold before baking. Cut or
pat into round cakes, prick over with
a' fork and bake on a hot griddle. Split
and butter and serve at once. If "self
rising" flour is not available, use flour
sifted with level tablespoons baking
power to every (level) cup. The oat
meal may be omitted. The fine meal is
meant, not the rolled oats. The flavor
of course will not be quite the same
without It.
Another kind of potato scone is made
as above, but has mixed into the potato
one slightly beaten egg. a tablespoon
of sugar, one-half cup cleaned and
dried currants and self-rising flour to
make a medium stiff dough. Cut into
rounds, bake on a griddle, split, butter
and serve very hot. '
Portland. Or.. March IT. Will j-ou kindly
R-lve in The Sunday Oreronlan. direction
for baked ham in cider? Thanking; you.
, MRS. S. C. A.
I hope the following is what you
want. Ham is sometimes baked In a
flour-and-water crust, but the method
of boiling first and finishing in the
oven Is much easier.
Baked ham with cloves Much de
pends upon the selection of the ham.
there being great differences of qual
ity and flavor. It is usually worth
while to pay a few cents more a pound
for a ham of good, reliable brand.
Scrub it thoroughly and leave it to
soak overnight in. cold water. Put it
on the fire in cold water, just enough
to cover, to which has been added a
cup or more of vinegar, an onion stuck
with six or eight cloves, a small bay
leaf and, if available, a few sprigs of
parsley or celery leaf, let simmer, not
boil, allowing about 20 minutes for
every pound, or a little longer if the
ham is very thick and "chunky." Let
cool in its own liquid, then either re
move the ' outer skin entirely or leave
a small portion of skin, cut in points,
around the shin bone.
The skin, by the way. need not be
thrown away, but may be used to im
part Ioth flavor and nutriment to a
soup of beans, peas or lentils.
Press cloves at regular intervals into
the skinned fat portion of the ham,
and cover the surface rather thickly
with sugar or a mixture of brown sug
ar and dry sifted bread crumbs. Put
the ham into the oven and bake until
tender, basting frequently with cider
or mild vinegar. The ham may be
served hot or cold. In the former case
a good cider sauce can be made with
"pan brownings," which is actually
quite equal to the more famous cham
pagne sauce.
Portland. Or.. March S. Kindly g-lve at
your earliest convenience a recipe for a
mocha cake. Thanking you. MRS. B. R. R.
I should have liked a description of
what you had in mind. Nice little in
dividual mocha cakes may be made of
any good sunshine or sponge cake or
ordinary Genoese pastry mixture baked
in a sheet, cut into fancy shapes, split
and filled with mocha icing, brushed
with apricot paste or caramelized sugar
on the edges, rolled in chopped almonds
and finally decorated on top with
mocha icing pressed through a fancy
Mocha frosting is made like "hard
sauce," with or without egg. that made
with egg being easier to manage. Gen
erally, two parts sifted icing sugar is
beaten with one part creamed butter.
flavored with coffe extract (hence the
name "Mocha"r and a little vanilla. At
little egg yolk or egg white beaten J
with the butter helps to prevent the
"curdling" which sometimes bothers the j
inexperienced cook when sne adds the ,
coffee extract. Following are two other
types of mocha cake sent me by read
ers of this column:
.In the first recipe a little soaked and
dissolved gelatine will be desirable,
mixed wit. the whipped cream, for the
filling, if the cake is made in warm
weather or has to stand any length of
time before being eaten.
The second recipe Is rather for a
chocolate cake than for a "mocha" cake,
and the combination of chocolate and
coffee would not suit some tastes. Three
tablespoons creamed butter might be
used if the cream is not available. In
such a case, add one teaspoon egg white
(saved from the cake). A little more
sugar might be needed..
Mocha cake ( E. A. S.) Five eggs, one
cup powdered sugar, one cup' flour, one
teaspoon baking powder, 1 table
spoons mocha" extract.
Beat the yolks with the sugar and
add the extract, then the flour and
baking powder, previously sifted to
gether, and lastly the whites of eggs,
stiffly beaten. Bake and arrange for
layer cake.
Filling Take one-half pint cream,
whipped to a froth, add 1 V tablespoons
mocha extract and add sugar to taste.
Icing tor fop Take one cup con
fectioner's sugar, mixed with 1 V table
spoons of mocha extract, end add water
enough to make It smooth to spread.
Instead of this Icing, the filling cream
may be used, sprinkled with three
quarters cup chopped nut meats.
Mocha cake (Mrs. G. S.) Cream to
gether three-fourths cup of sugar and
two tablespoons butter, add the yolk of
one egg, three-fourths cup of milk, one
fourth teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon
vanilla, one cup of flour, one teaspoon
of baking powder and two squares of
chocolate, melted. Mix well and add
the beaten white of the egg. Bake In
two cake tins in fairly hot oven. When
cool, ice with one cup of confectioner's
sugar, two tablespoons of rich cream,
one-half teaspoon of vanilla, two tea
spoons of cocoa and two tablespoons
of strong coffee.
Be Cordial, Is Advice.
It is a great mistake to assume a
stiff or formal manner when intro
duced to another, as the latter will be
apt to feel hurt or snubbed. Always
be gracious, not effusive: maintain a
certain reserve when dealing with a
person who is s stranger. When a
man is Introduced to a woman it is
and bad ones at that is one of the reasons
. physicians say, that you now require firm abdonv.
inal support. Of course, there are many reasons,
but the fact is unchanged most women do need
a corset that will firmly support the figure u;irA
out compression.
When you buy your next corset, get one that
exactly suits your requirements. And see the
"Self -Help" Nemo Wonderlift models first. 4
In all the world there are no other corsets like
Wonderlift Corsets. By means of an adjustable
semi-elastic bandlet, they lift up the abdomen and
support the vital internal organs; they stimulate
and encourage the health of the wearer; they are
supremely comfortable.
And for the five types of figure, for which the
six Wonderlift models are made, they are the
most gracetully stylish corsets to be had. Their
beautiful fashion-lines arc pfirfecL
All Good Stores and Shops
$5.00 and $10.00
niitJMiiiiiiifEi;7i:ic:iiTri:Tiiit::(iiiiiii:f iiiiiiiiniiii:iiiuiiiiiiiiiiii:iifi:iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiir?
not necessary for her to rise or to
shake hands unless there Is some spe
cial reason for so doing.
A woman should always rise when
another woman is presented to her. It
is not necessary for her to shake hands,
however, unless she wishes to be very
cordial. It is the woman's privilege to
offer her hand, although, if she sees
that the man has his hand extended,
she usually takes it to save him a
feeling of awkwardness. Older women,
like young persons, usually shake
hands when young girls are presented
to them, and it is kind to do so.
At receptions and balls the hostesses
receive the guests with a smile and
nod. shaking hands only with their
Chilled Bouillon Is Nice at
Spring Luncheons.
Itleh, Hot Koods of Winter Should
He llanlsbed After Middle of
THE rich, hot foods of Winter should
be banished from the luncheon
table after the middle of March and
daintier dishes substituted. It is not
necessary to serve bouillon at the
Spring luncheon, but if it is served, a
chilled bouillon topped with whipped
cream will prove most appetizing. Start
the luncheon with a fruit punch made
of diced grapefruit, oranges, bananas
and apples. Follow, with the chilled
bouillon: then serve one hot entree,
then a salad and end up with a deli
cate iced pudding or tee cream in
Ai this season strawberry short-cake
is always a treat, for everybody wel
comes the strawberry after its long
absence. Do not serve too much of it
however. Bake a biscuit crust in a
square pan: split and spread mashed
berries between the layers. I'our over
some of the strawberry juice and a
few whole berries. Serve a small
square on each dessert plate and pass
very rich cream in a small jug.
An excellent hot dish that may be
prepared early in the day and popped
into the oven half an hour before serv
ing is baked creamed chicken. Season
a thick cream sauce with a drop of
lemon and a dash of nutmeg. Stir in
the minced chicken and set aside. Half
an hour before luncheon, cover with
grated breadcrumbs and dabs of butter
and bake till the crumbs are browned
and crisp. Salmon is delicious prepared
in the same way.
Waxed Dress Goods Are
Now Craze in Paris..
Mlk, Yotlra and Wool and Mobalr
MIxtureM lard With Kacinsr Stif
fening; I'nder Hemn and 1'epluma.
WAXED silks, voiles and wool and
mohair mixtures are the erase
now in. Paris, which is quite mad over
these new "tissue cires." Callot and
Cheruit especially have taken up these
waxed fabrics and in addition to the
stiffness of the muterial there are fac
ings of stiffening under hems and pep
luiiis. Paris flares enormously these
days, Drecoll being the only house tht
does not emphasize crinoline effects.
Premet, whose opening was a pleasant
surprise, promising a ravival of the
old-time importance of tITis establish
ment, is exploiting flare effects extrav
agantly. Not only are the premet
frocks stiffened at the hem and at the
hip. but broad sashes are lined w-ith
resilient fabric and boned at the ends
so that they stand out from the skirts.
AH bodices are snug-fitting and bones
are introduced at the waistline to give
the trim-waisted effect that accords
best with a widely flaring skirt.
Small Hats in Vogue.
The spreading wings of the aeroplane
mutt have been the motif for a smart
little close-fitting hat seen a short
while ago. Its dark velvet brim was
offset with a litrht colored stitched
Now la the Time to Get Rid of Those
i gly soi.
There's no longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of your freckles,
as the prescription othine double
strength is guaranteed to . remove
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce cf othine dou
ble strength from any druggist and
apply a little of It night and morning
and you should soon see that even the
worst freckles have begun to disap
pear, while the lighter ones have van
ished entirely. It is seldom that more
than an ounce is needed to completely
clear the skin and gain a beautiful,
clear complexion.
Be sure and ask for the double
strength othine, as this is sold under
guarantee of money back if It fails to
remove freckles.
crown, which was finished on a point
and lapped over the front in cnve-lopo
fashion. The spreading wings were a.
vivid red. which gave a snappy appear
ance to the hal.
IIIrIi Neck It u fries J.iked
High plaited neck ruffles of tulle are
worn by stylish women at the theater.
CsM.Uly they form a huge tulle butter
fly bow at the back of the neck and
are fastened to the neck of the theater
There is a church in Boston. Mass.. on
which one set of shingles la said to have
ilnrr aprvk for triors tlitn icn vears.
Not a Trace of Gray Shows
After Applying Q-Ban No
Dye or Sticky Mess Harm
less. Eo this Apply like a shampoo Q-Ban
Hair Color Itestorer to hair and scalp,
and dry hair in sunshine. A few appli
cations like this turns all your gray,
faded, prematurely gray, dry or gray
streaked hair to an even, beautiful dark
shade. Q-Ban also makes scalp and en
tire head of hair healthy, so hair is left
soft, fluffy, lustrous, wavy, thick, even
ly dark and fascinating, without even
a trace of gray hair showing (only
beautiful dark hair), making you look
young again. Insist on having Q-Ban,
as it is harmless no dye but guaran
teed to darken all your gray hair or
money returned. Q-Ban also cleanses
the scalp at once of dandruff. Ask for
Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. Only 50c
for a big 7-ox. bottle. Huntley Drug
Store. Out-of-town folks supplied by
mail. Adv.
Why Spring Brings Out
Freckles and Eruptions
The pudrlen appearance of fre'-kles. slight
I eruptions or fine lines at this season is at
tributed by scientists to the "artlnlc r:iv."
which is unusually active during the Sprinc
mouths. "Whrre the skin is so affected hy
thls influence, if one will procure an oum-3
of common mercolizcd wax at any dm;
store. pply a little of it before retiring,
like cold rn-am. shs can easily overcome the
trouble. "Wh-ii the wax Is washed off neit
mornins. flaky skin particles come with it.
The entire outer cuticle is removed in this
way In a week or two, with all its defects.
No bleach could so effectually remove
freckles or blemishes. The new surface is
smooth, clear, fresh lookini;. Xo pain or
inconvenience accompanits this simple treat,
In case of wrinkles which sink beneath
the outer skin, a solution of saxolite, 1 oi..
dissolved in pint witc-h hazel, makes a
fnee bath which is wonderfully effective.
A d v.
You can make a delightful sham
poo with very little effort and for a
very trifling cost if you get front your
druggis'. a package of canthrox and
dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot
water. Your shampoo is now ready.
Just pour a litllu at a time on the scalp
and rub briskly. This creates an abun
dance of thick, white 1-ther that thor
oughly dissolves and removes all dan
druff, excess oil and dirt. After rinsing,
the hair dries quickly, with a fluffi
ness that makes it seem heavier than it
is. and takes on a rich li ster and a
softness that make arranging it a
pleasure. Adv.
To Quickly Remove
Ugly Hairs From Face
(Beauty Notes)
Beauty-destroying hairs are soon
banished from the skin with the aid of
a delatone paste, made by mixing some
water with a litle plain powdered dela
tone. This Is spread upon the hairy sur
face for-2 or 2 minutes, then "-ubbed off
and the skin washed to remove the re
maining delatone. This simple treat
ment banishes every trace of hair and
leaves the skin with ut a blemish. Cau
tion should be used to be certain that It
is delatone you buy. Adv.