- y SECTION FIVE 'f Woman's Section VOL. XXXV 3'OItTLAND, OKEGOX, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL, 1, 1916. NO. 11. 5HH5HHSI5CBnBHHHnHHHBHHHHHBHHHWHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HRRHRHHB IIHHREgRNHHRBMRIIRBRIIHRBIIIIBIBIIRRIHIIR K!BflHUB9IBQHBBHBHQHyBSH33llll8538S BBHHHHHtf ElUHMUDaSHbHailMHURnHWUSHHaBRRBHBiaNMnHIIBHti mmmm M m m HBIIHMliaiilRinH8nIMMBIiai!IHHaaaHa W M MM CAMPFIRE GIRLS' BAL MASQUE IS DALLAS1 MOST SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Cards and Refreshments Are Enjoyed, Too, and Banquet in Honor of Peace Mission Delegate From University of Oregon Closes Happy Gathering. The Famous J. McNeil Whistler Bedroom Suite Four Pieces in Ivory Enamel Satin Walnut Exactly as Illustrated mm rrf Bed Dresser - Chiffonier Dressing Table Terms $10 Cash, $2 Weekly USUAL PRICE $120 11 II 11 IN I 11 II II II TllBgOfrnil II II II 11 IMJLJJJUUlilll 11 II 11 II II II II II II 11 11 II II CI MB Itl' 1 Wm An Example of Whistler s Genius for Design The manufacturers, in happily choosing the beaded frames for this dainty suite, have obtained the benefit of Whistler's remarkable genius for design. Simple and perfect in execution, the picture frames of James Whistler have become almost as famous as his pictures. This suite is in old ivory or satin walnut, of high-grade construction, yet most exceptionally priced. Here Is Indeed an Unusual Offer Just observe the above illustration study its beautiful design, which is an example of the genius of James Whistler. Note the ele gance and" simplicity of the suite and remem ber to compare it piece for piece with those you have seen in other stores at more than double the price. No Store to Our Knowledge " Ever Made a Similar Offer No store ever offered a suite so distinctive at such a low price. Four splendid pieces of high est quality at $98.50. Choose three pieces of the suite- and pay only $73. S5. " or make your choice of any two pieces at $49.75. Rear in mind you ' have your choice of ivory enamel or satin walnut. $10 Cash Places All Four Pieces in Your Home and $2 weekly for a short time gives you a complete bill of sale. This unusual offering of credit provides a way to own a suite of charac ter and quality at a very special price and gives you all the time you want in which to pay for it. See this suite complete in our special third floor show rooms. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases The special values offered in the big, new Trunk Department will convince you of our ability to undersell on goods of this character. You will find no old or shopworn pieces, but every article new and fresh from the maker. When wanting Trunks or Bags, just come in and learn what we can save you. We Say to You the A-B Sanitary Gas Range Has No Equal If you will spare the time and allow us to demonstrate the A-B Sanitary Gas Range, we can prove to you conclusively that it is not only the most attractive range you have seen, but one that will save you many dollars in fuel ex pense. Just one feature alone the automatic gas valve will convince you of the superiority of this range over all others. $1 a Week Pays for It Go- Carts Carriages A. DISPLAf THAT TVIMi HEIP "VOIT CHKATL.T I. lOIR SKLECTlOJi SO STl tKS. Just take a peep into this wonderful depart ment of Children's Vehicles and you will be sur prised at the number of new things on show sulkies, Go-carts ana carriages or every de scription that are priced In a way that will interest you. The $38 Reed Model r r O By far the best Reed Carriage value procurable. . Both body and running gear aro finished in old ivory. Interior of basket and hood upholstered in corduroy, with full-length sides and wings. The hood is fitted with wind shield. The tubu lar reversible gear permits the body of the cart to be swung around facing the user. Beau tifully finished, newest pattern. A Four-Wheeled. Rubber-Tired, Fold ing Sidewalk Sulky, black enamel frame, usually priced at $3.25, now qn - offered at S7I7C $8.50 Sturgis Collapsible Go-Cart, with three-bow leather cloth hood, luxury springs, 10-inch rubber-tired wheels, 90 $11.75 Orole Go-Baskets, with full reed body, nicely upholstered, very light to CC QC take on car, extra special price OiJ7J The DRAPERY Store That Saves You Money Keep That in Mind 9c White Dotted Swiss, extra good quality, full 27 inches wide, special, the yard..... 40c Cretonne in lengths of three to five yards in a pattern; special close-out price, the yard.......................... $1.35 Oriental Striped Couch Covers, red, green or brown predominating, each $7.50 Tapestry Couch Covers, Oriental or two-tone colorings, small or large Ue- dC nn signs, each.-. I0vJLI $10.50 Verdure Couch Covers, soft color- Off Cfl ings of blue, olive or brown, each. wOiOU 25c 98c $45 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 CQfi Oft $5.00 Ca.h-$1.00 a Week J7J VF XI This store is giving values that pimply cannot be ignored. Take this splendid 9x12 Wilton Rug as an example. A high-grade Wilton Rug in 30 distinct patterns in small or medium designs and most any combination of colors named at a price that means a big saving on your purchase. SOc PRINTED LIXOLECM that will im press you with its beauty and quality. Your choice of a dozen different patterns spe cial on your floor 91.00 riUXTED LINOLEUM A very heavy grade of Printed Linoleum made for wear ing qualities, excellent new 1916 patterns, laid on your floor at. the yard tijui ivi.Ain LlOI,RIIM Superior in qual ity and thickness; tile, wood floor and small effects, special the yard, laid 60c 75c $1.17 Take a Year to Pay for This v m irrrn a but n t $86.30 Victrola as Shown Seven Record Albums Eight Ten-Inch Double-Faced Records (Sixteen Selections) 700 Needles Record Cleanser Just a little down and then a little each week brings this splendid Victrola outfit to your home. You may hear all the noted singers and musicians just when and just as often as you wish. There are over 5000 selections in the Victrola cata logue for you to choose from. BRIGHT, AIRY, FIRST-PI.OOR DISPLAY HOOJIS.THR MOST COJIPOUTABLE I.V ALL PORTLAND. This Indestructible Fiber Rocker Big Value at . SlITABLE FOR PORCH OR 1XDOORS, I'IMSUliD BAKO.MAL. Light, lasting and beautifully finished. A fiber rocker comfortable in every line and practically indestructible. A rocker as appropriate for indoors as on the porch. A Splendid New Showing of Reed, Fiber and Crass Furni ture for Porch and Inside Use. Latest Finishes Represented. Pay for Your Furniture at a Rate Your Means Will Allow $ 50 Worth of Furniture, $5 Cash, $1 a Week $100 Worth of Furniture, $10 Cash, $2 a Week $150 Worth of Furniture, $15 Cash, $2.50 a Week && rfgv yz.: iMrt-'. i- Of il It; ' -; 6':Tvi , Hi c VVlf if is P - f. ' s - f!A ft r i: ,ijr . Bark Ron-. I.rft to RlKht. Mm. IT. A. Woodx. Koardian: Ilallic Smith. Prarl Smith, llrlen Case?-. Maude Riirnra, Mlddln Kow, Muriel Cirant, Mnrjorle llolman, iVaoml Scott, tjladyn LooRbury, Kroot Row, Helen ronichiirj, iVonu l"arlcy. DALLAS. Or., April 1. (Special.) One of the best social events of the year was held in this city last Saturday evening when the Canipfire Girls of Dallas grave a bal masque. The ballroom was tastefully decorated, with a perjrola made of green and white, and bowers of ferns and fire adorned the room. In a charmingiy decorated cor ner which was decorated with festoons of green and white and ivy six tables of cards were placed. Punch and ices were served from a charmingly ap pointed corner in which the campfire guardian, Mrs. If. A. Woods, presided. The Campfire Girls proved delightful hostesses, garbed in their ceremonial costumes. They also wore beads and other Indian relics. ( COMtiinaea Are Iluborate. Many elaborate Costumes were in evidence. The patrons and patronesses of the evening were: air. and Mrs. C. I... Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. B. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Ci. O. tirant, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Yoakum and Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Loughary. The hostesses were the Misses Maud Barnes. Xena Farley. Mur iel Grant, Marjorie Holman. " Ilallie Smith, Pearl Smith, Helen and Gladys Loughary, Helen Casev and Naomi Scott. The guests were: The Misses Marv Currin, Barbara Nosley and Klva Lucas, of Corvallis; Mamie Victor and Kdna Townsend. of Salem: Lev-ilia Cooper. Gladys Liveley. Phyllis Hush. Vivian Whitaker and Ora Kenton, of Independ ence; Kdith Johnson and Lueile Tiche nor, of Falls City: Lueile Craven, of Independence: Ruth larrett. of Dallas; Vivian Hargrove, of Salem; Pauline Coad, Delia Viers, Jennie Muscott, Kuena Fisk, Genevieve Coad. Roxana Fisk. Georgianna Fisk, Claudia Coad, Myrtle Hayes. Marie Griffin. Thelma Smith, P.eth Wilson, Miriam Hart, Mar jorie Bennett. Sarah Toeves, Rose Sheridan, Maud McDonald, Erama Skel ton, Dora Elkins, Elms Harris, Winnie Launer, Irene Barrett. Lueile Loughary, Lueile Hamilton. Miss Sterling, Claudia Plank. Miss Smith and Georgia. Ellis, of Dallas. anl Ira Mix, of Corvallis: Sha ler Eldridge, of Independence; Henry Blagg, Jack Eakin. Cash Sibley and Edward Preston, of Corvallis: Laird "Woods and Lamar Too.e, of Eugene; Austin Titus. Judson Foster. Lester Gardner, of Falls City; Mr. Houcks.-of Corvallis: Wilfred Barrett, of Portland; Frank Barrett. Willis McDonald. Joe Helgerson. Earl Bvownlee, Edward Barrett. Ned Shaw, Walter Ballantyne, Harris Ellsworth, Elwyn Craven. Fred Gooch, Eugene Hart, Clyde Gibbs, Ray Boydston, Herman Hawkins, Lynn Mathenv. Mr. Coff. Walter Muir andl Floyd Ellis, of Dallas: Mr. and Mrs. Aw B. Starbuck. Harry Viers, Tracy Staats, Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lloyd Soeliren, P.. F. Butler. K. C. Kil-kpatri.-k. C. L Criiler, L. D. Brown, Maurice Dalton4 Harold Rich, Clinton Foster. H. C. Eakin, H. A. Woods, H. A. Lucas. J. It. Craven, D. P. Patterson, I. N". Woods, Mrs. Robey, Miss Rose Parrott, Mrs. Etta Plank, Mrs. B. Lovelace and Wal ter Vassal. I'ilgrlinaKCM Are Made. The Cnmplire Girls of Dallas hav been organized for several years and, each Summer make a pilgrimage to some beach resort or mountain camp ing place. Through dues, donations and social events they" accumulate the necessary "wherewithal" to take their trips. Immediately following the ball a, banquet was given by a number of tha young people at the. Imperial Hotel in honor of Lamar Toozc. University of Oregon student representative with the Ford peace expedition. The table was nicely decorated with. Spring blossoms. An enjoyable four course dinner was served, with Miss Muriel Grant presiding. Following th dinner Mr. Tooze related his expe riences in securing his passports to ac company the Ford expedition. ADVICE GIVEN ON BEST FOODS FOR CHILDREN Comparative Nutrition Values of Edibles Are Set Forth in Bulletin Issued by Department of Agriculture. WASHINGTON", D. C, April 1. What shall school children have to eat at noon in the lunch bas ket, at the home lunch table, or in the lunchroom operated by the Bchool au thorities? To help answer this ques tion, which almost every mother and many of the educational authorities are asking constantly, the United States Department of Agriculture, through the office of home economies, has Just issued Farmers' Bulletin No. 712, "School Lunches." This bulletin was prepared by Miss Caroline L. Hunt and Miss Mabel Ward, under the direction of Dr. C. F. Lang worthy, of the states relations service. The bulletin, after discussing the gen eral principles of feeding school chil dren to provide for activity and de velop them into sturdy manhood and womanhood, gives a number of simple and appetizing menus for the school lunch basket and bills-of-f are and reci pes t.for preparing Inexpensive and nourishing noonday meals or hot dishes for children, either at home, on a school stove, or in the domestic science kitchen. In feeding a child or anyone else, the authors of the bulletin point out. it is not wise to think of any one meal apart'from the other two. It is seldom convenient to provide at one meal all the materials needed by a growing body, and those which are. omitted from one meal should be supplied by one of the other meals. The noon meal for children, however, where food must be prepared at home in.he morning to be eaten elsewhere at noon, or where the children must hurry home, cat quickly, and then rush back to school, offers special difficulties and deserves the careful attention of par ents. Before it is possible to plan a ra tional basket or other luncheon for children, it is necessary for the mother to understand the general essentials of diet for young people. These essen tials in general are an abundance of simple foods, carefully prepared, and of sufficient variety to provide energy, repair wastes, provide elements for building bone and tissue, and stimu late growth. To do this most effectively the three meals each day must supply the child with sufficient food from each of the following classes: 1. Cereal or starchy foods Cereals, eaten principally as bread, supply nearly half of the protein (commonly thought of as tissue-building material) and nearly two-thirds of the fuel or energy in the American diet. The qual ity of the bread, therefore, is extremely important. Its crust should be crisp and deep (indicating thorough baking), at but nOL nara or uunicu. it owoiu wt 4 'light and free from any suggestion of sourness or rancidity, i ne crumD snouia be elastic and yet capable of being easily, broken up. in the mouth vithout forming a sticky mass, or being too dry to taste good. These qualities can be obtained in rolls and biscuit, as well as in ordi nary bread, provided they are cooked thoroughly. The objection to hot bread is due to the fact that undercooking may leave it soggy on the inside rather than because such breads are eaten hot. The child's appetite for bread may be stimulated by using different kinds of bread, zwieback and crackers, by the addition of raisins, currants or nut meats, and sometimes by cutting the slices into fancy shapes. Cereal .mushes and ready-to-eat breakfast foods supply nearly the same nutrients as bread, a half cupful of cooked cereal being about equivalent to a good-sized slice of bread. A ta-ble-spoonful of cream is about equivalent in fat to a liberal spreading of butter. 2. Protein-rich foods While bread and cereals come near to fulfilling one of the important requirements of diet a correct proportion of nutrients pro viding fuel only and those useful for body-building other foods which pro vide protein in larger proportion as compared with fuel should not be neglected. Milk Rich in Mineral. These foods include milk, meat (ex cept the very fattest), fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, dried beans, cowpeas. peas, peanuts and almonds, walnuts and other nuts. Nuts, of course, also contain considerable fat. Milk is an absolute essential, not only because it contains a large number of nourishing substances in forms easily assimilated, but also because, in some way not now fully understood, milk seems to pro mote growth and help the body of a child make good use of other foods. Milk is rich in most kinds of mineral matter, particularly lime, useful in the development of bone and tissue". Milk should never be omitted wholly from the diet of a child. If not used at luncheon it should appear at other meals. For luncheon, however, it has been found that such dishes as milk toast, milk soups made with vege tables, fish or vegetable chowders, and cocoa are valuable foods, easily pre pared at home or in the school, be cause they require no oven and call only for simple utensils. White sauces made of vegetable juices, milk or broth differ from milk soup largely in that they contain more flour. When consid ering milk, the food value of skim milk, which contains a larger percent age of protein, though less fat than full milk, should not be overlooked. Eggs, the next of the protein foods commonly given to children, contain much iron and their yolks are rich in fat. 3. The fatty foods The fatty foods, such as butter, cream, salad oils, ba con and similar foods, are important sources of energy and nourishment for the growing body. Fr.ts are best given in such simple forms rather than in rich, pastries or sweets. it fresh. Vegetables and fruits Be cause ordinary vegetables such as po tatoes, greens, lettuce, green peas and beans, asparagus and others and tl-o ordinary fruits do not contain much fat or protein, their value in the child's diet is frequently underestimated. These things, however, should be con sidered a necessary part of the diet of the child for the very important rea son that they furnish mineral and other materials required to form bono and tissue as well as to repair wast and supply some energy. Green vege tables are valuable particularly be cause they contain iron in forms whicbi the body can utilize. Fruits Contain Sugar. Fruits contain a considerable per centage of sugar, especially when they are dried, and sugar is a quickly ab sorbed fuel food. As things eaten raw transmit disease germs, care should he taken to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly in several waters. Many fruits, especially those with skins, can be dipped safely into boiling water, while those with thick skins, such as oranges, bananas and apples, may b safely washed even with soap. Dried fruit; when washed and put into an oven to dry absorb some of the water and thus are softened and improved in taste. 5. Sweets and desserts Sugar, as has been said, is a quickly absorbed fuel food and simple sweets have their place in the diet of all childreif". If not served between meals or at times when they destroy the appetito for other needed, foods, there is no ob jection to them. They may be served in the form of cake, not rich enough to be classed as pastry, cookies, sweet chocolate, simple candy, honey, dried or preserved fruits, in. i pie. sugar and loaf sugar. In general, fruits, fresh, baked or stewed or raw and simple sweets are much better desserts tor children than rich pastry, which con tains a large amount of fat. NincKfRlrd Mrntii l.intrd. The following suggested menus for the school lunch basket give the child, as nearly as is practicable in such a meal, the proper proportions dinTercnt classes of foods: For the HaKket Lunch. 1. Sandwiches with sliced meat for rilling; baked apples. or a lew lumps ot sugar. 2. Slices of meat loaf or bean loaf: bread-and-butter sandwiches; stewed, fruit; small frosted cake. 3. Crisp rolls, hollowed out and filled with chopped meat or fish, moist ened and seasoned, or mixed with salad dressing; orange, apple, a mixture of sliced fruits, or berries: cake. 4. Lettuce or celery sandwiches; cup custard; Jelly sandwiches. 5. Cottage cheese and chopped green pepper sandwiches, or a pot of cream cheese with bread-and-butter sandwiches; peanut sandwiches; fruit; cake. 6. Hard-boiled eggs; crisp bakiru? powder biscuits; celery or radishes; brown sugar or maple sugar sand wiches. 7. Bottle of milk: thin corn bread! and butter; dates; apple. S. Raisin or nut bread with butter; cheese: orange; maple sugar. !. Baked bean and lettuce sand wiehes; apple sauce: sweet chocolate.-' The provision of a bottle of milk is suggested in one of the menus, but of course taking milk to school in wiu'ia weather would he impracticable unless moans were provided for keeping it chilled, until it is consumed. of tha tender cookies