The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 02, 1916, SECTION FOUR, Page 12, Image 60

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and a majority of the multi-cyllndered
motors. ;
The importance of lightweight pis
tons to the Ford is understood when it
is realized that at a speed of 1000 crank
shaft revolutions per minute each pis
ton is required to make 2000 trips.
Only one movement in every four is a
power stroke. The other three are in
take, compression and explosion
Reducing the piston weight two
thirds means tremendous saving in the
energy necessary to stopping and start
ing the pistons after each one of these
strokes. The result is a great increase
in the power that actually goes to
turning over the crank shaft. Vibra
tion has been one of the chief com
plaints and troubles of Ford owners.
The lightening of the piston weight
achieved by these Lynite pistons tre-
New Instrument Used in Reo
to Adapt Cheaper Fuel for
Use as Gasoline.
Not Only Greater Speed but Also
More Power Are Rated as Re
sults of mil-Cliiubing and
Endurance Contests.
In these exciting days or wars and
Soaring gasoline prices a modest little
distillate adapter now UB,"s
. In th Orpsron field by F. W. Vog
ler. president of the Northwest Auto
Company, distributors of Reo, Cole and
Marmon automobiles, is quite likely to
Vrove a Godsend to motorists of eco
nomical disposition.
Distillate, you know, sells locally at
about 9 cents a gallon retail, while
gasoline, the stanidard motor fuel, sells
it local filling stations for 18 cents
a gallon. Once a device is perfected
i-m Tprmlt the use of distillate
&0 automobile fuel, those motorists who
sire privileged to use it win nave uo
further terrors 01 me nisa i;uBi. w- ch
oline. .
Tests conducted last week under the
lirection of Mr. Vogler not only indl-
at., that a triven amount of distillate
will drive a motorcar farther than a
like amount of gasoline, but that it
will drive it faster on hills as well as
on the level.
Tests Made With Reo.
A Reo car nourished by a gallon of
18-cent gasoline traveled a distance
of 17.1 miles before coming to a stop,
while the same car using 9-cent distil
late under the adapter arrangement
traveled 20.1 miles before exhausting
the gallon.
"We tried every conceivable test pos
sible and always found that distillate
gave better results than the gasoline,"
eald Mr. Vogler In reporting the re
sults of his tests last week. "When
we approached Upper Washington
Btreet hill at a 25-mile-an-hour gait
we found that our speed at the crest
of the hill was 14 miles an hour when
employing distillate and 17 miles an
hour when employing gasoline.
"In pulling on up Barnes road we
found that distillate would carry the
car SO feet farther than gasoline un
der similar conditions. During a speed
test the Reo made 45 miles an hour
with gasoline and 47 miles an hour with
Use Heretofore Inadvisable.
"Heretofore It has been inadvisable
.to burn distillate as automobile fuel
because it Is not refined and because
It always generates heavy carbon de
posits, but by the use of the simple
piping devices of the new Reo distil
late burner these objections are done
away with and distillate absolutely
gives better results than gasoline."
Under the new process the eteam va
pors that gather at the top of the radl-a-tor
are carried through piping to the
idash, passed from there to the manifold
and then, straight into the engine,
where they serve to break up the sup
ply of distillate coming from the car
buretor directly below the manifold.
The steam vapors automatically close
the cylinders and valves and prevent
the accumulation of carbon, the great
handicap which usually accompanies
the use of distillate.
As a matter of fact the thin piping
is just about all there is to the new
vllstlllate adapter, except for a tiny
auxiliary gasoline tank attached to the
Gasoline Vscd for Start.
This little tank contains about 500
"starts" for the motor and operated
through a button stationed on the dash.
I'uel from this gasoline tank is used
merely to start the motor as a primer
and then the work is placed on the dis
tillate supply.
"The happy thing about the distil
late attachment is. that it allows the
nee of gasoline without changing the
carburetor in any particular," says Mr.
Vogler. "Any car, and even trucks, can
use the adapter, but it is particularly
applicable to the Reo car because the
C. C. Overmire. president of the
Portland Automobile Club, issued
a call last week urging all mem
bers of the club to attend the
annual meeting scheduled to be
held on the fifth floor of the
Oregon (Commercial Club) build
ing at 8 o'clock next Wednesday
evening.- The nominating com
mittee has selected F. A. Nitchey,
W. B. Fechhelmer. W. J. Clem
ens and Charles F. Wright as
candidates to succeed the four di
rectors whose terms expired last
Friday, the last three named
being holdover directors.
Annual reports . will be given
by the club officers and commit
tee chairmen, and various ques
tions of vital importance to every
automobile owner, such as traffic
regulations and touring informa
tion, will be discussed.
latter machine has a long super-heated
"The attachment was invented some
time ago by Q. W. Volz, the agent of
my company at Washtucna, Adams
County, Washington. I have already
submitted It to the engineers at the
Reo factory and they have not only
approved it, but will stand back of it
absolutely. From the start I thought
well enough of the invention to back it
substantially and I would have placed
it actively on the market a long time
ago if it hadn't been for the fact that
there wasn't until a few months ago
much difference between the prices of
gasoline and distillate.
"Mr. Volz has been using it on cars
for nearly three years and has achieved
wonderful results from the start. He
has never been willing to install It on
any but Reo cars and as a result has
Bold more cars in his territory than
all of the other makes combined, in
cluding Fords."
Redaction of Weight of Piston Is of
Vital Importance.
Improvements for the Ford car to
make it look and ride better have been
legion. Now comes an engineering
improvement to make the Ford motor
run better Lynite aluminum pistons
completely equipped with leak-proof
piston rings. These Lynite pistons
actually reduce the piston weight of
the Ford car two-thirds, it Is said.
Reduction of piston weight is the
feature of J916 automobile engineering.
Practloally all of the high-grade cars
shown at the New York and Chicago
shows this year were equipped with
Lynite pistons. They play an impor
tant part in the success of most of the
email-bore, high-speed, motors fox 1315
I 1
1". M. Leeston-Smltn.
At a recent meeting the offi
cers of the Oregon Motor Car
Company, local Studebaker deal
ers, appointed F. M. Leeston
Smith sales manager, to succeed
M. L Gallagher, who has con
cluded an arrangement with W.
C. Garbe, secretary-treasurer of
the company, for handling the
Multnomah County territory out
side of Portland proper.
Mr. Leeston-Smith first began
selling Studebaker cars In Los
Angeles seven years ago, and he
has held to that line continuously
with the motto that "A sales
man's value to his house varies
inversely as the square of his
distance from prospects."
"When I went into the auto
mobile business seven years ago
I gave great thought to all the
different lines, knowing that my
success depended not alone upon
my own efforts, but to a greater
degree upon the solidity and in
tegrity of the house with which
I became connected," said the
new sales manager yesterday.
"In looking back now it is in
teresting to note that over 60
per cent of the cars that were
being manufactured at that time
have since gone out of business.
"I have never- had occasion to
regret my first choice, and It is
but natural that I should wax
enthusiastic when I mention the
house of Studebaker. Sixty-five
years of manufacturing expe
rience and upright dealing has
made the name. Studebaker. a
synonym for quality and service."
mendously reduces this vibration and
greatly increases the riding comfort
of the car as a result, it is said.
Auto Club Notes
PEOPLE touring in Oregon the com
ing season need not depend upon
hotels entirely for sleeping quarters
as a number of enterprising cities
have provided free camp grounds for
the use of parties coming up and down
the highways. Water Is provided for
drinking and car washing purposes.
Electric lights are strung among the
trees, paths built, sheds constructed
for sheltering cars in case of sudden
rains, booths and other conveniences
Ashland was the first to open a free
camping ground for the motorist who
desired to sleep out nights, and live
the outdoor life as much as possible.
Now there are a large number of other
enterprising communities that have
et aside a piece of wooded land for
the use of the automobile traveler,
among the best being Eugene.
It was through the efforts of the
Lane County Automobile Club that the
University City selected a camp site
on the north slope of Skinner's Butte,
facing the beautiful Willamette River,
and also giving an excellent view of
the snow-capped Three Sisters moun
tains, which stand out prominently in
the Cascde range.
The grounds are within the city
limits and easily reached. To facili
tate the finding of the location, signs
nave been placed at prominent Eugene
business corners pointing the direc
tion. A. B. Mflr, chairman of the roads
and highways committee of the Dallas
Commercial Club, has written W. J.
Clemens, of the Portland Automobile
Club touring committee, that the new
road from Dallas to Newjiort via Falls
City and Siletz Basin, will be open for
travel about July 1 this year. Much
grading was done on this highway last
year, and more is contemplated this
season. Mr. Mulr says Portland people
going to Newport should try this route,
If for no other season than tr
the view of the ' Coast mountains and
tne nuge uncut timber. The scenio
wonders of this road are great,, says
the Dallas man.
Al Kirkland, president of the newly
reorganized commercial body at New
port, writes the touring committee that
a committee has teen appointed to tour
the roads and send in a log showing
all changes in the road the last year.
Immediate -Attention to Locate
Fault Is ' Necessary.
"Whenever unusual tread wear is de
tected, motorists should at once make
certain that the wheels are true." de
clares f. A. beatnerman, branch man
ager of the Goodyear Tiro & Rubber
Company. "Your tire dealer or garage
man will usually be pleased to examine
them, or if his service does not cover
this, will suggest where it can be done
"As an addition to our own service
and to supplement that of the dealer.
with the purpose of aiding motorists to
ascertain easily and promptly whether
the wheels of their cars are parallel,
each Goodyear branch has been equipped
with an alignment tester of the latest
improved model, an Instrument used in
determining if the wheels are.out of
line. All motorists, whether users of
Goodyear tires, or not. may now have
their wheels tested at any of the vari
ous Goodyear branches, and in a few
minutes learn whether out-of-align-ment
is one of their troubles.
"The teeter used is a simple Instru
ment which registers accurately the
distance between the same relative sec
tions of the felloe band on opposite
wheels. By its use the slightest vari
ation m aeiectea,
The peppery pick-up of this energetic car has
put color and tang into popular-priced motoring
that was never there before.
There's delight in every revolution of her en
gine and there are 3400 revolutions per minute
every time the crankshaft attains its maximum
speed, which is the highest ever developed in an
American stock car.
Her glad, gala going springs from the terrific
speed of an engine that was built, however, for
much more than mere car speed.
Great force unites with obedience. There are
sparkle and response in this 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers
that you'll look for in vain in most cars with
high-speed engines.
By checking the awful kick of her motor down
to a point that corresponds to 60-mile-an-hour
speed, her engineers were able to give you instan
taneous pick-np and 18 miles of fervent flight for
every gallon of gas.
You save $150 to $200 per year in gasoline bills
and add many miles to the life ' of your tires by
driving the 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers.
Her riding comfort matches her economy of
performance and both spring from the same causes.
This is why: her heavy, hardened crankshaft is
100O Employes Offer to Accompany
Transport for Service vrith
Army, Bat 33 Go.
In less than 22 hours after receipt
of an order last week for 27 war
trucks, a special Packard train of 14
steel freight cars and one Pullman
sped away from the factory bearing
33 recruits for the motor transport
service on the Mexican front.
The train was scheduled to make the
trip to the Mexican border in 61 hours,
the fastest time that has ever been
made from border to border. The
Government ordered all tracks cleared
for this train, but refused to state its
exact destination.
A stirring scene was enacted in the
Packard truck shops when officials of
the company called an assembly of the
workers and asked for volunteers to
enter the army for Immediate service
in Mexico. One thousand declared
their willingness to volunteer for ser
vioe. . Xho 33 men finally, selected bad
Gala Going- of the
H. L. Keats. Auto Company
Broadway at Burnside Street, Portland
but six hours to get their effects, set
tle their business affairs and say good
bye. It may be the last farewell for
some of them since the war in Europe
has shown that the transport depart
ment of the army has dangers.
The truck master who accompanied
the expedition carried with him the
detailed instructions of the War De
partment relative to the operation and
maintenance of motor transport.
Copies of this information had been
secured from Washington in anticipa
tion of the call.
The "Americans First" policy origi
nated by the Packard Company has
awakened a deep sense of loyalty
among native and foreign-born work
men as well. Men who had arrived In
Detroit from various European coun
tries competed with the American
born employes for the privilege of go
ing to the front in Mexico.
"Chauffeur's Knee" Is Latest
Affliction to Drivers.
Treatment Prescribed Is 'Cessation
From Driving, Itest for Short Time
and Medical Applications."
THERE is a new luxury in the way
of an ailment, to which only those
who drive automobiles are eligible. It
is known as "the chauffeur's knee."
The outward sign of the complaint is
a liht limp; Internally. It 1a brought
Quality FirsZ
3400 r. p. m. Chalmers Will Enchant
to notice by pains In the knee, caused
by operation of the pedals of the auto
mobile. The first indication of a latent
soreness in the knee most commonly
comes when the automobilist is walk
ing upstairs.
"The chauffeur's knee" has already
advanced to the dignity of authorita
tive description in a medical Journal.
Dr. Gustav P. Blehme, neurologist of
the West Side German dispensary. New
York City, writes about this new com
plaint In the current issue of the New
York Medical Journal. The treatment,
he states, consists of "cessation from
driving, rest for a short time, with lo
cal applications of aluminum, subace
tate of lead and opium solution. Pas
sive movements with massage and
baking should be begun early in order
to prevent stiffness of the knee."
A number of physicians have been
consulted recently for a pain in knees.
This gave rise to classification of the
complaint and its designation as
"chauffeur's knee."
TTnited States Has 44 8 Factories.
There are 448 motor factories In the
United States, and of these 86 are in
Michigan, 60 in New York. 52 in Ohio
and 47 in Illinois. The following are
some of the statistics:
Passenger car manufacturers... 236
Commercial car manufacturers.. 257
Dealers, repair shops and supply
stores 27,700
States in which factories are lo
cated ..... .i... . . " " 4 - . ml 34
balanced to the weight of a hair; a perfect balance
of power is required and delivered by each of her
six cylinders ; and finally all useless weight, pressure,
and friction have been removed from all reciprocat
ing parts and bearing surfaces.
There is undreamed-of riding comfort in the
even, pleasant stream of might that flows at any
and every speed to her rear wheels.
One rejuvenating jaunt with your foot on the
accelerator of this ruly, spirited creature, and you'll
know why she has cast her spell over 740 American
Until you know how it feels to release the
delicious rush of power from a 3400 r. p. m. engine,
you'll never know the delight of real motoring.
The performance of this engine gave me the
suprise of my life and I expected a lot from her.
She's ofF like a hare after every crossing stop
with never a sign of effort or hint of fret. She slips
from speed to speed like a dream-car. She hits the
hardest grade with the lightest heart. I know,
because I've put her to every conceivable test.
And what she'll do for me, shel'l do for you.
Touring Car or Roadster, $1050 Detroit.
Colors : Meteor blue, or Oriford maroon with gold strips
Supply of Cars Is Kept Moving De
spite Congestion in Freight
Along: Railway Lines.
If ever the resourcefulness and in
genuity of motor car manufacturers
and dealers were put to the test and
proved, it has been during the past few
months; in fact, ever since the famine
in freight cars hit the country. It is
safe to say that, as strategists, army
generals had nothing on automobile
traffic managers who successfully
coped with the situation.
The story of how motor cars were
moved, despite the freight congestion,
is an interesting one, tinged with ro
mance and adventure, and involving
the matching of wit against wit.
With dealers echoing the clamor of
automobile buyers for Immediate de
livery of their cars, the big problem
bee ime one of how to get those cars
to their destinations. And it was one
of the stiffest problems ever faced by
the builders of motor cars.
A, bis factor, of. course, was the un
precedented ear'y demand for aatomo"
biles, foretelling, as It did. a record
ye&r for the industry. The months of
January and February, dull in former
years, have found the factories work
ing full force this season, and even put
ting In many hours of overtime. Pro
duction schedules have been increased
to take care of the greater demand.
The Studebaker Corporation, for in
stance, contemplates an output of 100,- y
000 cars in 1916, as compared with about
half that number last year.
The task of the sales department was
an easy one alongside that of the man
ufacturing and traffic departments. It
was not a question, as in former years,
of how to sell the cars, but rather of
how to produce them fast enough and
more especially how to provide facili
ties for shipping the cars that wer
Increase in Price of Materials la
Reason Given for Advance.
The advance In prices of material
and labor has caused the Nordyko
Marmon Company, of Indianapolis, t
advance the prices of the Marmon 34.
The new prices, which became ef
fective March 18. are as follows:
Seven-passenger touring car, three and
four-passenger roadsters, $2950; flvsn
passenger toourlng car, 290U