The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 26, 1916, SECTION FIVE, Page 14, Image 72

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Prominent Workers at Two-Day Session Will Discuss Problems of Vital Importance to Religious Endeavors Awards for Exhibits and Attendance Are Planned.
SEVERAL hundred Sunday school
workers are expected to gather in
Portland during the week for the
convention to bo held under the aus
pices of the Multnomah County Sunday
School Association at the First Conjre
atlonal Churcn, Park and Madison
streets, Tuesday and Wednesday, March
28 and Addresses on the various
Questions which come up in Sunday
school work will be given by prominent
workers, and there will be conferences
at which general discussions of vital
matters will be taken up.
Miss Olive Clark, executive secretary
or the county Sunday school associa
tion, has arranged a well-balanced and
attractive programme for the two days'
A special feature of the convention
will be the niaking of awards in a
series of exhibits to be shown by the
Sunday schools of the county. Awards,
consisting of a blue ribbon for first
prizo, and a red ribbon for second, will
be given for the best piece of individual
hand work, to the school with the best
exhibit of hand work, for the best ex
hibit of departmental equipment, for
the best exhibit of officers' equipment.
The exhibit of departmental equipment
will be epen to each department of any
Any member of any Sunday school
who has attended some Sunday school
every Sunday during the past seven
years will receive a Robert Raikes di
ploma, provided application is made to
the county secretary not later than
March 23.
Lr. J. XV. McMichael will lead the
tinging during the convention. A nom
inating committee for the selection of
officers to be voted on during the ses
sion has been chosen: TJ. 1C Hall, J. 1".
lowing and C. A. Rice.
The programme of the convention
Tuesday ' afternoon 2:30, temperance
rtemonslratlon. conducted by Mrs. Ward
Roip; 3. "A Sunday School Workers'
T'nion." Mrs. F. It. Cook, president, (a)
blackboard. b andiablc, c) missions;
4:15, conferences. Adult. Charles A, Phipps,
"'Organization, Needs and Mechanics": sec
ondary. Dr. J. I. Springt-ton, "Organization,
Activities"; junior, Airs. .?. Karl Else, "The
Junior Department. Overcoming Difficulties.
Junior "Workers' MeetinTr"; beslnnrrs and
j.rimary. Miss Olive Clark. "Illustrations,
Missions. Cradle Roll Possibilities."
Tuesday evening 7:30, song service, Dr.
J. W. McMichael; 7:4.", pre-ident's address.
D:-. -f. Earl Else, "Departmentalizat inn and
Ciradlng based on experience In Portland
ffchonll"; fc:10. certificates awarded; h:15.
"Parallel crowth." Dr. .1. V. Mtiligan: 8:40.
"Making tho Sunday School Grow," Charles
A. Phipps.
Wednesday afternoon 2:30, lne Chil
dren in Our Midst," arranged by Mrs. c. L.
"Weaver. Rev. Sannella. - Rev. Lee Tong,
Kev. N'ojono. Mrs. DeLong, Mies PeWItt,
leaders; 3. "Spiritual (irowlh in the Sunday
School," lr. J. D. Sprlngston; 3:30. "The
Growth Our Pupils Most Need," E. (.
Knapp; 4:1.". conferences. Adult. Charles A.
Phipps. "Activities. Social Service"; sec
ondary. Dr. J. D". Springston, Materials of
Instruction"; junior, Mrs. J. Earl Else. "A
J.esson Taught": besinner and primary.
IMiss Clark, 'Equipment. Promotion Re
quirements. Model Lesson"; 5:15, business
ffefsion; reports of committees; election of
officers: 6:15, annual banquet, plate. 35
cents; 6:45, officers' and superintendents'
conference, "If I Were a Superintendent
Again." K. C. Knapp.
W ednesday evening 7:30. opening service
led by E. C. Knapp; 7:35. "District Institute-."
c. c. Hessemer; T:v, music. "Carol
r'hoir," led by Mrs. Schmidt. Kose City
Perk Methodist Sunday scltool; 8:05, 'Build
ing Character." Charles A. Phipps; 8:40,
'The Grovvlug Sunday School Teacher," E.
C. Knapp.
Colonel T. "W. Scott will conduct
evangelistic meetings Sunday at the
Salvation Army hall of Corps I, 243
Ash street. The meetings promise to
lie, of interest to all and will Include a
tig rally of young people connected
-with the corps in Sabbath school ana
Jjihle class work.
Colonel Scott is the provincial offi
cer for all corps in Oregon. Washing
Ion and Idaho. He is an able worker
nd a good speaker. Special music
will add interest.
Th men of the Fourth Presbyterian
Church are planning a grand church
sncial for next Friday evening, to be
given in the church parlors. They are
j romising that the good time will be
different from anything ever given in
the church before. The men have
vowed that they will show the women
what they can do. Everything is a
profound secret from the first stunt
pulled off to the last bit of refresh
ment to be served. Former members
and friends of the church will be wel
comed. At a meeting of the Young People's
Society of the Vernon Presbyterian
Church, held at the home of Miss Bes
sie Lee, the following officers were
elected: Kverett Dodson, president;
Miss Dorothy Nichols, vice-president;
Stewart Pratt, secretary: Miss Fern
3'arling, treasurer; Miss Lucille Chil
cot te, pianist. Eight new members
have been received and prospects for
good work by a rejuvenated society are
The annual meeting of the Vernon
Presbyterian Church will be held in
the church auditorium Monday eve
ning. March 27. Reports from all
church societies will be given and
plans for the coming year considered.
In the First Congregational Church,
Interest is increasing in Luther R. Ey
ott's series of sermons on "Tho Teach
ings of Jesus," delivered on Sunday
evenings. His special theme today at
7:45 P. M. will be, "What Jesus Taught
lAbout God and Himself." The main
purpose of this sermon will be to show
the present tense value of these teach
ings of the Christ and their possible
worth to men and women in the every
day affairs of life. The theme of Dr.
Jyott's practical message in the morn.
Jug will be, "Tho New Christian."
"Three Months of Prohibition" will
Ihe the subject taken up by E. A. Baker,
president of the Anti-Saloon League,
who will speak before the Current
Kvents Class of tho Westminster Pres
byterian Church Sunday at noon.
Other speakers who have been ob
tained to address the class follow: Dor
Fey B. Smith, of the travel bureau.
How to Increase Portland's Tourist
Crop," Sunday, April 2, and Miss Grace
DcGraff, "The Ford Peace Expedition,"
Sunday, April 9.
The members of the Warren Bible
class, of the First Presbyterian Church,
lield their annual banquet in the ban
cruet hall of the church Tuesday even
ing. One hundred and sixty-six meniT
Tiers and friends of the class were pres
ent. Class songs and yells formed a
feature of the celebration and served
to keep the members In high spirits.
The tables were decorated in the class
colors, yellow and white.
The Mandolin Club of the class gave
several selections and there were many
short speeches, all bearing the ky
note of friendship and fellowship. The
entertainment was under the manage
liitnt of Misses Hattie Billings and Miss
va Ve.'idcrson. Miss Perle Meservey,
j-ecrctary of the class, had charge of
a rrangements for the banquet. As the
result of a membership contest 155
joun; women have joined the .class
since October.
After a successful evangelistic cam
paign with his old parish, at Salem.
Sir. Hutchinson, pastor of Piedmont
Presbyterian Church, has returned and
wiil oceppy his own pulpit on Sun
day morning and evening. The pas
tor's Pible study in connection with the
Suiwday school at noon will be re
sumed and the study of Genesis will
bo continued. In the "every member
canvass" this) church has reached the
largest results ever attained in any elXort o tb, kind. JiVrv fir,
gani.ation is in a healthful condition
and doing good work. The reorganized
young men's club has multiplied its
membership in the past tbree weeks
and is doing splendidly under the joint
leadership of Messi's. Will Robinson
and Guy Philips. They gave a con
cert in tho church on Friday evening'.
assisted by some of the best talent In
the city.
Next week the Phidelis chapter,
Westminster Guild, will give a cafete
ria dinner as a part of their plans
for their "Spring drive."
At the regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Missionary Society of the
Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church,
held at the home of Rev. W. H. Amos
recently, the following officers were
elected: President. Mrs. Ellton Shaw:
first vice-president, Mrs. A. V. Tron
son: second, vice-president. Mrs. Will
iam Lope; recording secretary, Mr9.
Robert A. Borch: literature secretary,
Mrs. B. A. O'Mealy; treasurer, Mrs. W.
H. Amos.
Peace League' Efforts Are
Extolled by Dr. Morrison.
Rector of - Trinity Deelsres Sew
Civilisation Likely to He Result of
Widespread .Movement.
PREDICTING! the birth of a new civ
ilization when war shall be rele
gated to the barbaric ages of the past.
Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity
Church, has issued a message to his
congregation in which he characterizes
the organization of the League to En
force Peace as one of the notable move
ments of the times. He wy s the move
ment is made particularly vital because
of the great conflict now going on in
Europe. He says in part:
"Among the notable movements of
the times is the organization of a
League to Enforce Peace. The Hon.
William H. Taft is president of the
American branch.
"Under ordinary circumstances it
would bo of great interest to those of
human sentiments to have a part in
the propagation of peace on earth, but
in this age of surpassing strife, when
brutality more extensive, efficient and
destructive than the world has ever ex
perienced degrades and disgraces mod
ern civilization, the necessity for a
peace propaganda appeals with com
bating force.
"The agonizing death cry of millions
sacrificed to the present brutal method
of arbitrament derisively mocks a self
destroying civilization as it seeks to
do the impossible; cure the earth of its
moral infirmities by force.
"Despite the growth of greed, lust for
power and wealth, the siiam and hol
low vanity of a prodigal world, there
is increasing evidence that the dream
ers (idealists) in arts, politics, eco
nomics, sociology and ' religion have
not pictured mere phantasy: for that
which was but a hope inspiring the vis
ion of a few is rapidly becoming the
conscious necessity of ever increasing
multitudes under every flag.
"As swift and certain as the flight of
time is the approach of a new and a
passing of the-old civilization, when
the curse and scourge of war shall go
into the barbaric agts of an unadmired
past, and those who made and abetted
it. no matter how valiant their deeds,
shall not compare in achievement with
heroes who fought with the mightier
weapons of justice, mercy and truth for
the salvation of the world, without re
gard to personal cost or self-emolument.
"The humanity left in man cries out
in demand of a saner and juster way
than waste of life and substance in the
blood-letting method for redrcssion of
wrong and enforcement of right. The
highest moral trait of a well-governed
people is justice. Peace is that whole
some state of mind when man is con
tent in the-en joy ment of rights and
opportunities that properly belong to
hint, unhindered and unafraid: it is
only attainable by. according to him,
the ultimate of liberty, consistent with
obligations involved in organized so
ciety in a state."
Sunday School Workers to
Have Three Conventions.
Denominational Conferences Also
Are Arranged and Noted Spenkers
Are on Proicraramea Announced.
THREE big state Sunday school con
ventions are to be held in Oregon
in April and May. Plans for the gath
erings of Sunday school workers have
been arranged by Rev. Charles A.
Phipps, of Portland, general Sunday
school secretary for the state.
The conventions are to be held at
Roseburg. April 24 to 26: at Tho Dalles,
April 27. to 29; and at ElgiB May 1 to
May 3. w
Speakers at the three gatherings will
include prominent Sunday school work
ers from all sections of the country.
The conventions are to be mass meet
ings and each school may send as many
delegates as it wishes. All pastors and
their wives will be entertained with
the delegates.
In connection with the conventions
there will be denominational confer
ences and schools of methods. It is
hoped to have at least 900 delegates at
the three conventions.
Among the speakers are: Mrs. Mary
Foster Bryner. of Chicago: Dr. H. A.
Dowling. of Los Angeles; E. C. Knapp,
of- Spokane: Dr. John H. Boyd, Port
land; President Carl G. Doney, Wil
lamette University, Salem: Rev. John
H. Mathews. Seattle: Mrs. Clara G. Es
son. Forest Grove: Dr. J. D. Springston.
Portland; J. V. Milligan, Portland; Rev.
M. B. Parounagian. Salem; President
P. L. Campbell, University of Oregon;
Rev. George T. Pratt, Miss Olive Clark.
George XV. Taylor and Dr. J. Earl Else.
Tho officers of the Millard Avenue
Presbyterian Christian Endeavor So
ciety, recently elected, will be installed
at the close of the " meeting tonight.
The meeting will be conducted by the
missionary committee. Miss Spaulding
has planned an Interesting programme
on home missions. Special maps and
charts will be used in connection with
the talks. The prayer meeting com
mittee has selected the following mem
bers as leaders: April 2. President
Tronson: April 9, Ellton Shaw; April
16. Claire Burch; April 2.1. Rev. XV. H.
Amos; April 30, Essie Strang.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Millard
Avenue Presbyterian Church held its
regular semi-monthly meeting Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C.
Lock wood, 7117 Fifty-fourth avenue
Southeast. The following officers were
elected for the year beginning April 1:
President, Mrs. Otto Pague; vice-president,
Mrs. F. E. Crum; secretary, Mrs.
J. B. Davis, and treasurer, Mrs. Eleanor
La France.
Dr. Albert Hatcher Smith, one of the
popular pastors , of Los Angeles, will
supply the White Temple" pulpit Sun
day morning and evening. He will
take for his morning theme "The Man
on the Outside of the Church" and the
Temple quartet will sing "Christ Is
Knocking," by Oils, and for the offer
tory "We Adore Thee." by Wodell. In
the evening Dr. Smith will preach
from the subject "Will Jesus Christ
Save Our Country," and the quartet
will render the anthems "Art Thou
Weary?" and "Com, "Weary Soul." bv
Gilbert. Dr. Smith will speak at the
afternoon service at the y. M. C. A
taking for his subject "The Reality of
Force ivene 5S."
Methodists Honor Leader
Century After Death.
Work of Itlahop Francis Asbury In
America tu He Commemorated by
Csnrebes and Statue in Capital
t Contemplated.
COMMEMORATING the 100th anni
versary of the death of Francis
Asbury, known ajt the father and
founder of Methodism in America, Ihe
Methodist Episcopal churches of the
city will hold special services next Sun
day. Special sermons on his life and
achievements will be preached and the
day given over particularly l the hon
oring of the first bishop of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church in America.
Plans for the erection of a bronze
statue of Bishop Asbury in Washing
ton. D. C, are now under foot. The
money for the erection of the statue
is to be raised by voluntary contribu
tions from the Methodist churches of
the country.
When Francis Asbury came across
the sea in 1771 he found hero only a
handful of Methodists. When ho died
in 1816 more than half of the Metho
dists of the world were on this conti
nent. What John Wesley accomplished
in Great Britain in a. little more than
50 years Francis Asbury accomplished
in the United States and Canada'in
less than 60 years. What Wesley as
a leader and organizer was to British
Methodists. Bishop Asbury was to
American Methodism.
In a letter written in 1S07 he said
that American Meihodism in a little
more than 36 years had become a body
of 144, 5H0 members and 536 preachers:
while British Methodism in a period
twice as long had gathered 150,974
members and 576 pneachers the for
mer working among a population of
from 2.000.000 to 5,000.000 people: the
latter among 30.000.0oo people. In 180S
tho American daughter had c-utgrown
the British mother by more than 5000
Celebrating the 6&h anniversary of
modern Spiritualism, an all-day mass
meeting will be held in the church,
Sixlh and Montgomery streets, today.
Sessions will be held at 10 A. M. at 2:0
and 7:45 P. M. There will be addresses
and special music "incl udin g selections
by the Utopian Carol Society.
Short taiks by pioneers will be a fea
ture of the morning service. An in
spirational poem will be read by Mrs.
Nora Armstrong.
Among tho speakers t the afternoon
session will be: Rev. J. H. Lucas, Wal
lace Struble. Ira Taylor, W. J. Wirtz
and Mary L. Stevens.
Speakers at the evening session will
include: Mrs. Mary A. Congdon. Rich
mond Bishop and George llyland.
Messasre bearers for the day will in
clude John Slater, Mrs. M. J. Downs,
Mrs. Emma Lambert, Mrs. Tessie. .Part
ridge and Mrs. L. V. W'hite. Several
soloists will sing. Luncheon and din
ner will be served at 1 and 6 P. M.
''Cromwell, the Puritan of England,"
has been selected by Dr. Frank L.
Loveland as the topic of his sermon
lecture Sunday evening at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. The gen
eral subject of the series Dr. Ijoveland
is giving Sunday evenings is, "The
Preachers of Protestantism." Las Sun
day, despite the storm, hundreds were
turned away from the church. In the
morning. Dr. Loveland will preach on
"A Misunderstood Beatitude."
Thursday evening's Lenten address
will be on the fourth words of Christ.
"Lama Sabachthani." I.ast Thursday
the third words, "Thy Mother" was the
Friday evening the District Epworth
U.igue rally will be held in the Sun
day school temple, with all leagues in
Portland In attendance. A special pro
gramme has been prepared.
The First Christian Sunday school
won again last Sunday over the Chris
tian Sunday school of Salem, with an
attendance of 330, an offering of 2.13
and 22 new members. The Salem school
had an attendance of 319, an offering
of $12.23 and 28 new members. Rev.
George Darsie is preparing his churcbJ
for a week of decision service to be
held April 16 to 23. His subject this
morning will bo "Rejected Answers"
and in the evening, "Christ, the Door."
The quartet has planned soino espe
cially good music. In the morning they
will render "Sing Alleulia Forth," by
Dudley Buck, and "God Shall Wipe
Away All Tears." by Combs. The
evening selections will be "There Is a
Green Hill Far Away." by Someset, and
"God Be Merciful," by Mannatt.
Rev. E. S. Bollinger, of tho Highland
Congregational Churcn, closes his nine
and one-half years' pastorate today
with this church. The church was or
ganized about 12 years ago by Rev. D.
B. Gray, at that time superintendent
of city missions. He served as acting
pastor for several months, when Rev.
A. R. Rockwood became the first regu
lar pastor. The church assumed self
support three years agter its organiza
tion and has grown to a membership
of about 200 and has accumulated .a
property value of more than $15,000.
with but a small indebtedness for
street improvements.
The Rev. G. E. Lewis, of Los Ange
les, will become Mr. Bollinger's suc
cessor and takes charge of the work
Immediately. Mr. Bollinger and his
family will not leave the state until
June 1.
The men's Bible class of the "First
Nazarene Church, East Seventh and
Couch streets, has arranged for a meet
ing of men this afternoon af 3 o'clock.
There will be an address by the pas
tor. Rev. C. Howard Davis, and special
musical selections. All men are in
vited. Tho Woodstock Methodist Church re
vival meetings, which are being held In
the Tabernacle, "Woodstock avenuo and
Forty-seventh street Southeast, are
commanding the attention of large
congregations of people and growing
I in inUrvat with, cacb succeeding meet'
I 1 -J r I I
Jojriz'jpeji-t z'n yd u zip
C3Jc, SZas.
77uZZnomsL?i County
Mis Olive Clark, secretary of
tho Multnomah County Sunday
School Association, is in charge
of the preparations for the com
ing county Sunday school con
vention' to be held Tuesday and
Wednesday in the First Congre
gational Church.
Rev.. Father George L. Thomp
son ' is pastor of-the Church of
the Madeline.
Edward C. Cofer is prominent
In young people's work in Port
land churches.
F. J. Schnell is president of the
Mount . Tabor Epworth League
and president of the association
of presidents of Epworth Leagues
of tho city.
If. J. Scott is president of the
Trinity Church Epworth League
and secretary-treasurer of the
Epworth League Presidents' As
sociation. ing. Evangelist J. Wesley MacCallum
is a ane, logical and forceful preacher
of the Gospel.
The music is furnished by a large
chorus choir of adult voices and a large
sunshine chorus of the children.
Through the week there will be spe
cial music in tire nature of solos, duets
and quartets. The Woodstock male
quartet will sing at the services on
Sunday and several times through the
week. The services on Sunday will be
as follows: 10 A. M., Sunday school;
11 A. M., subject. "The Solitary in Fam
ilies." At 3 o'clock there will be a mas3
meeting of men in the Tabernacle, ad
dressed by Dr. MacCallum, and a mass
meeting for women in the Woodstock
Methodist Church, addressed by Rev.
A. L. Hutchinson, D. D, Dr. MacCallum'
will speak to the men on the subject
"The Honest Doubter's Test." At 6:30
the Epworth League will meet in the
Tabernacle and at 7:30 Dr. MacCallum
will speak on the subject, 'Ha the Game
Worth the Chase?"
Tho regular monthly missionary
meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of
Laurelwood Congregational Church was
held at "Luckey" cottage Wednesday
at 12:30. Mrs. Dana Morgan. Mrs. Frank
Walters and Mrs. W. A. Pratten served
a luncheon.
An interesting programme on
woman's missionary work in Japan was
given by Mrs. J. J. Handsaker, Mrs.
Dana Morgan, Mrs. W. A. Pratten and
Mrs. Nelson Lawrence. Mrs. Georgo
Snider reviewed the last month's les
son on China. The programme was
closed by a recitation by Miss Maud
Presbyterians Start Series of
Pre-HEaster Services.
Dr. John II. Boyd Mill Preach Spe
cial Sermona on Timely Subjects.
Church Socletiea Are Active.
fTtrlE special pre - Easter services,
L which are being inaugurated in the
First' Presbyterian Church, corner of
Twelfth and Alder streets, are attract
ing large interest. Sunday night of
this week tho pastor. Rev. John H.
Boyd, will begin another series of talks
to the busy people of Portland.
The subject of the sermon, for this
week Is "Can tho Thinking Man of
Today Bo Sincerely Christian?"
This is tho first of four pertinent
questions which Dr. Boyd will consider
at tho evening services during the
next four weeks. Other subjects will
be: April 2. "What Should an Earnest
Man Do With the Claims of Jesus
Christ?"; April 9. "What Is Really Vi
tal in a True Christion Life?" and
April -16. "Ought a Religious Man Join
the Church?"
The serviees'begin at 7:45 P. M. and
immediately following the sermon an
informal reception is given to stran
gers and vitors in the congregation
by tho different societies of young'
people in the chapel of the church.
On Sunday evening of this.week the
young ladies of the Linn chapter of
Westminister Guild will he hostesses.
Special services are also being held
at the morning hour, lO.'HO o'clock, to
which the public is cordially invited.
Dr. Boyd Is presenting a aeries of les
sons from lives that teach. His sub
ject Sunday morning will be "James,
the Son of Alplieus," or the tragedy
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Missionary in India Will
Speak at Y. W. C. A. Today.
Mrs. "William V.. Hopkins "Will Oive
tieneral Idea of Life and Work in
1'ir Kail.
for nine years was a missionary
in India, will speak at the Young
Woman's Christian Association vesper
service today at .4:30. Mrs. Hopkins
traveled through India extensively und
is thus able to give a good general
idea of the life and work there. Miss
Beulah Clark will give a flute solo. The
social hour will be held at 5:30 follow
ing the address. Every girl will be
made welcome.
A missionary convention of the Chris
Sunday Ckurch Services
Spiritual Temple, corner Sixth and Mont
gomery streets Service Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock, Tuesday ev.nlns; at 6
o'clock, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; spe
cial music. Publlo cordially Invited.
Temple of Universal Fellow.hipService
292 levnth street, corner Columbia, at
7:45 P. M. Occult lessone on the Bible,
followed by answering questions. Rev. J. kl.
Xickey, pastor. Public invited.
Advent Christian, 438 Second street, near
Hall street Rev. J. S. Lucas. pastor.
Preaching, lO:S0; Sunday school. IS; Loyal
Workers. 6:30; preaching. 7:S0; prayer meet
ing, Thursday evening, 7:S0.
(Services of this denomination are held on
-Central. East Eleventh and TJverett Hl
tfer P. C. Hlywtrd, pastor. Sabbath school.
10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting. Wednes
day evening. 7:20-8:80; T. P. S., Friday
evening, 7:4..
Montavilla, East Eighteenth and EveretJ
J. P. Beatiy, local elder. Sabbath school.
10; preaching, 11; Y. P. meeting, 4; prayer
meeting, Wednesday, 7:10; Helping Hand
Society, 1:31 Tuesday.
Lenta, Ninety-fourth street and Fifty
eighth avenue Southeast D. J. Chltwood,
DAY. All church announcements and
notices must reach the editorial
rooms of The Oregoniaa before
4:30 o'clock, Thursday, if they are
to appear In the Sunday paper.
local elder. Sabbath school, 10; preaching,
11; prayer meeting, Wedaeaday evening, 8.
St. Johns, Central avenue and Cbarlea
ton street B. 1). Hurlburu local elder. Sab
bath school, 10; preacnlng, 11; prayer
meeting, Wednesday evening, 8.
Mount Tabor. East sixtieth and Belmont
C. J. Cummlngs. pastor.' Sabbath achooi. 10;
preaching 11; prayer meeting. Wednesday
evening, 7:45.
Alblna (German), Skldmore and Mallory
A. C Sen, wel tier, local elder. Sabbath
school, 10:80; preaching. 11:80; Sunday
evening special' services, 8; prayer mealing,
Wednesday evening, 7:48.
Scandinavian, Thirty-ninth avenue and
Sixty-second street Elder O. K. Santlnes,
pastor. Sabbath school, 10; preaching, 11;
prayer meeting. Wedneaday evening 7:4ft.
Tabernacle. West Side, Knights of Pytuias
Hall, Eleventh and Aider streets Elder E.
W. Catlin, pastor. Sabbath school, 10;
preaching 11; Saturday evening, Bible
study at 7:15, Young People's meeting at
S P. .M.
Associated Bible Students (I. B. S. A.)
All meetings in Arcanum Hall, lot Thir
teenth street. between Wamiinglon and
Burn&ide streets. 1:15 P. M., symposium
hour, Clarence Beck and Carlton Yerex;
3 P. M., discourse by William A. Baker;
4::to P. Al.t praise and testimony meeting;
7:il0 P. 1-, public lecture by Stewart Mc
Ki!sick, tuple. "The Eternal Xestiuy of
the Non-Elect."
First (White Temple), Twelfth and Tay
lor streets 4:50. Bible school, classes for
all ages; II. preaching by rr. Albert
Thatcher Smith, theme, "The Man on the
Outside of the Church": 6:1.".. B. Y. P. U. ;
7. preaching by Ur. Smith, theme, "Will
Jesus Christ Save Our Country?"
East Slide, Eaptv Twentieth and Ankeny
streets Itev. W. O. shank, pastor. Sunday
school, 10 A. M.: 11. preaching by the
pastor, theme, "Tho Boy That Counts: Who
Is He?" 6:u0. B. Y. P. IT.; 7::i0, preach
ing I y the pastor, theme, "Jesus, the Slan
of Sorrows."
Glencoc. East Forty-fifth and ' Main
1 UjecUWicv. A. B. Waltz, pastor. Sunday
tian and missionary alliance is being
held in the Gospel Tabernacle, East
Ninth and Clay streets. Rev. A. B.
Eddy, pastor of the Alliance Church in
Seattle, will speak this morning at 1 1
o'clock and this afternoon at 2:30 and 7.
Other speakers are: Rev. W. T. Mac
Arthur, of New York, one of the Alli
ance field evangelists, and Rev. H. H.
Cose, missionary recently returned
from India. They will speak Monday
night at 1 o'clock: Tuesday. Thursday
and Friday afternoons and nights at
2:30 and 7:30;and at the three services
Sunday, April 2, 11 A. M. and 2:30 and
7 P. M.
Mrs. E. L. Miller, " National field
worker and organizer of the Metho
dist Episcopal Woman's Homo Mis
sionary Society, is spending a week in
and around Portland. She plans to
visit the various local auxiliaries of
the society while here.
The Montavilla auxiliary will give a
reception in Mrs. Miller's honor Tues
day night. This will be preceded by
a get-together supper at 6:30 to which
members and friends of other auxil
iaries will be invited.
St. James' Lutheran Church will em
phasize women's work in the congre
gation this morning when "Mothers'
and Daughters' " day will be celebrat
ed. The young women of the church
will have charge of the ushering. Len
ten services are held every Thursday.
A special service for boys will be
held at the East Side Baptist Church
this morning when the pastor. Rev.
W. O. Shank, will preach a sermon
from the subject, "The Boy That
Counts." He will show the boys the
possibilities in life and tho things that
are really worth while. Following the
service, the boy who can write the best
paper on tho sermon in five minutes
will be given a silver dollar.
Dr. A. C. Gaebelein. of New YorK,
who is to be tho speaker at the Port
land Bible conference, addressed an
audience of 3000 last Sunday in the
First Presbyterian Church, Seattle,
where he conducts a Bible conference
every year at the invitation of the pas
tor. Dr. Mark Matthews.
Dr. Gaebelein for over 20 years has
been editor of "Our Hope." a monthly
maaasine devoted to Bible study, and
especially the prophetic Scriptures.
Tho Portland Bible conference will
open April 2 at 3:30 P. M. in the Sunny
side Congregational Church, East
Thirty-second and Taylor streets, when
Dr. Gaebelein will speak on the sub
ject, "The Meeting of Heaven and
Earth." The conference is to be under
the auspices of the Congregational
state evangelistic committee and will
be interdenominational in character.
The Father Flinn Memorial Society
wlil celebrate the 9th anniversary of
the birth of the late Rev. John Flinn,
pioneer minister, at Centenary Meth
odist Church, this morning. Dr. C. E.
Cline will give a sketch of Rev. Mr.
Flinn's life. This will be followed by
an address by District Attorney Evans,
who will take as his subject, "The Re
lation of Father Flinn to the Moral
and Economic Development of the Pa
cific Northwest." Attorney Robert
Tucker also will speak on "The After
Effects of a Good Life." Jack Godwin,
evangelist, will continue the special
meetings in the evening and also dur
ing tho week. Much interest is being
Special services will be conducted to
day at the hall of Salvation Army Corps
No. 4. 207 Salmon street. There will be
a consecration service at 11 o'clock,
which will be in charge of Mrs. Gale.
Sunday school and adult Bible classes
will meet at 1:30. In the afternoon, at
3 o'clock, a song service will be held.
This will be followed at 6 o'clock by
the Young People's Legion meeting.
Regular services at 8 P. M. will be upon
the topic, "Salvation."
school, 9:43 A. M. ; 11. preaching by the
pastor, theme. "Whai We Carry Into the
Promises"; j::lO. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30, preach
ing by the pastor, theme, "The .Devil s
Biseest Fight." ....
Highland. Alberta and East Sixth streets
North Hev. Charles P. Mielr, pastor. Sun
day school, 10 A. M. ; 11 and 7:3U, preach
ing hy Rev. E. A. Leonard, of Gresham.
Calvary. East Eighth and Grant streets
Rev. Thomas Stephenson, actlnur pastor.
Sunday school. 10 A. M. : 11 and 7::S0,
preaching by Rev. Thos Stephenson; 6:30,
B. Y. P. U.
St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor.
Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; II, preaching
by Lr. C. A. Wooddy: 6:15. B. Y. P. U.;
7 ::10, preaching by the pastor.
Tabernacle. East Forty-sixth and Holgate
Rev Walter Dull, acting pastor 10, Sunday
school; 11, preaching; 7, B. Y. P. U.; 7:b0,
preaching by the pastor.
Swedish Finnish Baptist Mission meets at
7:45 in the lower White Temple, Twelfth
and Ta.vl.r tre-lu
Grace, Montaoilla Rev. H. T. Cash, paa
tor. t:4B, Sundy school; 11 and 7:30,
preaching services; 8:80. B. T. P. U.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, paator. 10.
Sunday school; .11 and 7:30, preaching b
the pastor; :80, B. Y. P. U. "
Third Vancouver avenue and Knott
street Rov W. J. Bven, pastor. 10, Sun
day school; 11 and 7:80. preaching by the
pastor; 6:80, B. Y. P. V.
University Park. Flske and Drew streets
Rev C. L. Haskett, pastor. 8:60, Sunday
school; 11 and 7:80. preaching by the pas
tor; 6:30, B. Y. P. U.
Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets
Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor Services. 11
and 8; Sunday school. 12:30.
First German, Fourth and Mill street
Rev. Jacob Pratt, pastor. :45 Sunday
school; 11 and 7:30, preaching by the pastor.
Second German, Morris and Rodney- 8:4a,
Sunday school; preaching aervicea, 11 and
8; B. T. P. U.. 7-
St. Johns. German ev. P. Bueermann.
pastor. 10, Sunday school: 11 and 7:80.
preaching by the pastor; 6:30, B. Y. P. U.
Chinese Mission. 858 Burnside street
Sunday school, 7; J. O- Malone. superin
tendent. Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tlb
betta atreets Rev. Francesco Sannella. pas
tor. 10, Sunday school; 10:80, short ser
mon for Engliih-Bpeaklng people; 11.
preaching service; 7, pastor's circle (prayer
service); 8. preaching service.
The Young Men's Class (H. Y. M. C. of
the Highland Baptlat Church, East Sixth
and Alberta streets, meets at 8:45 A. M.
Sunday. All young men are urged to attend.
Goodwill Mission, Fifteenth and Boise
streets 3, address.
Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis
atreeta Rev. E. V. O'Hara. Mass, (, 7:15.
8:30, 9:46; high mass, 11; -evening service,
St. Lawrence. Third and Sherman streets
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Mass. 6. 8:30; high
mass, 10:80; evening service. 7:30.
St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savier
streeta Rev. E. P. Murphy. Mass. 8; high
mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
St. Francis' East Eleventh and Oak
streets Rev. J. H. Black. Mass, 6, 8, 9;
high mas. 10:80; evening service. 7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave
nue and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Mass,
6 8, 8; high mass. 10:30; evening service.
Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas
Kev C. J. Olson. Mass. 6. 7, 8. ; high
rasa," 11: evening service. 7:30.
The Madeline. East Twenty-fourth and
Siskiyou Rev. G. F. Thompson. Mass, 7:30.
8; high mass. 10:80; evening service, 7:45.
St- Andrews, East Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev. T. Klernan. Mase, 8; high
masa. 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
Ascension. East Yamhill and East Seventy-sixth
Franciscan Fathers. Mass, 8; high
mass. 10:30: evening service. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament. Maryland avenue and
Biandena street Rev. B. V. Kelly. Mass,
8; high mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:80.
Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and
Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass,
t. 8; high mass 10:30; evening service, 7:30.
St. Ignatius. 3320 Forty-third street South
cast Jesuit Fathers. Mass, 8; high mass,
10:30; evening service, 7:80l
Holy Cross, 774 Bowdoln street Rev. C
Raymond. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; even
ing aervice, 7:30.
Sacred Heart, East Eleventh and Center
Rev. G. Robl. Mass, 8; high mass. 10:30;
evening service, 7:30.
St. Agatha, East Fifteenth and Miller
Rev. J. Cummlsky. Mass, 8; high maaa,
10:30; evening service, 7:30.
St. Joseph (German), Fifteenth and Couch
streets. Rev. B. Durrer Mass, 8; high
mass. 10:20; evening service, 7:30.
St. Clare's, Capitol Hill Franciscan
Fathers. Kev. Father Modestus. Low mass.
7:30 o'clock; high mass and benediction, -8:
JO o'clock; sermon at both masses.
St. Stanislaus (Italian), Maryland avenuo
and Willamette boulevard Kev. T. Mathew
Mass, 8; nigh macs, 10:'.t; evening service,"
St. Clements, Smith and Newton streets
Rev. c. Smith. Mass. 8; high mass, 10:30;
evening service, 7:20.
St. Peter's. Lents Rev. P. Buetgcn. Maaa,
8; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
St. Charles, Thirty-fourth and KUUugs-
or tli Rev. G. Snldernorn. Mass, a; high
mass, 10:30; evening aervice, 7:30.
tft. Hose's Church. Fifty-third and Ala
meda atie'ts Rev. J, M. O'Farrell. pastor.
Masses, 8 and 10 A. m. ; evening devotion.
7.3U 1'. M.
dt. Michael's Church, Fourth and Mill
(Italian). Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8:30;
high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:30. M.
J. Balestra, S. J., pastor.
St.. Stephens, corner East Fifty-second and
Taylor streets Rev. Warren A. Waitt. pas
tor. Sundays, holy masa at 6, S:Zo and
10:30 A. M. ; roeary. sermon and benedic
tion, 7:30 P. M. ; instruction in Christian
doctrine given at school every school dr.
St. Philip Nerl, East Sixteenth and iliok
ory Rev. w. J. Cartwrishu Mass, 7:3'), a;
Bigh mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:3u.
First, Park and Columbia streets Rev.
Ceonte Darsie will preach at 11 o'clock and
at 1:30.
Montavilla J. C. GUormley, pastor. Ded
ication services today, 11 A. M., -J::o and
7:3u P. M. Hev. S. V. Mccash will ieat
at all services.
Woodlawn. corner East Seventh and Lib
erty streets W. L. Mllllnger, minister. Bible
school, 8:45: morning worship, 11; Christian
EnQeavor, 6:30: evening service. 7:30.
Vernon, corner East FKteenth and Wygant
streets A. J. Melton, minister. Bible
school, 10; morning worship. 11; Christian
Endeavor. 6:30; evening services, 7:30.
Advent Christian, 433 Second street, sear
Hall street Rev. J. S. Lucas, pastor. Serv
ices, preaching, 10:30 o'clock; Sunday school.
12, and Loyal Workers, 6:30; preaching,
7:30 o'clock; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.
day school: 11, preaching by lbs pastor;
Kasl side, East Twelfth ami Ta lor
Mlreets lu the aunenco of tho pastor. Rev.
Sawyer, of Vancouver, will occupy the pul
pit at 11 A. M. Kev. Conner, of Portland,
will speak at 7.::o 1". M.
rirat. i-.vereu, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets Serviees, 11 and S; sub
ject of lesion sermon, -"ltealitV; Sunday
school, U:(j and 11; Wednesday evening
meeting at s.
Second. East Sixth street and Holladay
aveuue Services. 11 and b; sui'ject ol les
son sermon, "Reality"; Sunday school, U;45;
Weunesuav evening meeting at s.
Til. rd. East Twelt'th and Salmon streets
Services. 11 and s: subject of lesson ser
mon, "Reality"; Sunday school, II and
1":1.'; Wednesday evening meeting at S.
Fourth. Vancouver avenue and Emerson
street Services. 11 and S; subject of les
son sermon. Itcality" ; Sunday school. S):45
and 11; "Wednesday evening meeting at S.
Fifth. Myrtle Park Station Services. 11
A. M. ; sui'ject of lesson sermon, "Reality';
Sunday school, 0:30 and 11; Wednesday
evening at K
Christian Science Society, Holbrook block,
St. Johns Services. 11; subject of lesson
sermon, "Kealit ; Wednesday evening meet
ing at 8.
Gospel Tabernacle, corner Eaat Nlntb and
Clay streeta-r-Jortn E. Fee pastor. Sunday
school. 10 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M.
Prayer meeting Tuesday, .7:45. Bible study
en scriptural healing, Friday 2:46 P. M.
First, park and Madison streets Luther
R. tott. minister. D:50 A. M., Bible
school; ii::;u. Y. P. S. C. K. ; Dr. Dyotl's
ineines, ll A. m.. "The New Christian':
7:4."i 1. M., "What Jesus Taught About
God and Himself."
i'ilKi'lm, Shaver street and Missouri ave-
ouc o.c. . Miiiiiirr, minister. v:i,i
A. M.. Sunday achooi: II A, M ., "Some
TliiiiKS Faith can Conquer"; 3 P. M.. Junior
Endeavor; t-.::i) P. M., V'hrlstian Endeavor;
7::io P. M.. "A Young Man Who Kept His
Record Clean." ,
Sunnyslde. East Taylor and East Thirty
second streets Rev. J. .1. Stauh. ). D.,
pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 7:4.". P. M. ;
Sunday school, lu A. M. ; Junior Christian
Endeavor, 3 P. M. : Intermediate Christian
Endeavor, 4:10 P. M. : Senior christian En
deavor. 6:::o P. M.; morning sermon, "The
Cnui-'.h of Tod:iv and the Church of 'Tomorrow-"
; evening, sacred concert.
Laurelwood, Sixty-fifth street and Forty
fifth avenue Southeast C. S. Johnson, min
ister Services, morning. 11; evening, 7:30:
Sunday school, 10; Christian Endeavor. 6:30.
St. Johns Daniel T. Thomas, paator. 10
o'clock. Bible school; 11, service; 6:30,
Christian Endeavor.
East Side, East Twentieth and Ankenv
streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10. Sun
German. Rodney avenue and Stanton
street T. A. Schumann, pastor. Suniiay
:45. B. Y. P. V.; 7:45, preaching by the
Tabernacle 9:45. Sunday achooi: preach
ing at 11 and 7:30 by Rev. A. J. War;
0:30, B. Y. P. TJ.
Rose City Park Community Church, Forty-fifth
and Hancock Rev. J. M. Skinner,
pastor. School of religious education. 8:45;
morning worship, 11; Young People's meet
ing. 6:30; evening worship, 7:80.
University Park. Haven atreet. near Lom
bard Rev. K. J. Me.vor. pastor. It) A. M
Sunday school; 11 A. M., sermon; 6:30 P. M.,
Christian Endeavor services; 7:30. evening
worship; Thursday, 7 P. M.. midweek serv
ice. Highland. East Sixth North and Pres
cott streets Hev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor.
Sunday school. 10; II. "High Thinking"; 8.
Junior Endeavor: 6:30, Y. P. S C. E.;
7:3c. "Our Ways."
Waverly Heights. Woodward avenue at
East Thirty-third street Hev. A. C. Moses,
minister. 11 and 7:."tO, preaching by the
pastor: f:4.-. Sunday school: 6:30. Y. P. S.;
7:30 Thursday, prayer meeting.
First. 131 Twelfth street, corner Alder
Rov. T. M. Mii.ard, pastor. Services, 11
A. M. and 8 P. M. : ex-Rabhl Goldman will,
speak at S P. M., subject, "The Mystle
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen tho Martyr
Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. H.
M. Ramsey, dean. Holy communion, 7:4;
Sunday school, 10; morning aervice, 11; serv
ice fur colored people. 8; evening aervioo.
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services,
8. 11 and 8; Sunday school, u:45; Good Fel
lowship Society, parish house. Nineteenth
and Davis streets. 7 to 7:55.
Church of St. Michael and All Angela,
Broadway and East Forty-third street North.
Sermon, 11; holy communion, first Sunday,
11; third Sunday. 7:30.
Grace Memorial. Weidler and East Seven
teenth streets North Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor, vicar. Holy communion, 8. excepting oa
first Sunday in the month; morning prayer
and sermon. 11; Sunday school, 10. No
evening service.
St. Matthews, Corbet t and Bancroft
streets Rev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. Sun
day school, 10 A. M. ; services and sermon,
11 A. M.
All Saints, Twenty-fifth and Savier streets
Sunday school, 10; morning prayer and
sermon, 11; celebration of the holy com
munion .the first Sunuay in the month at
11 and the third Sunday at 8.
Good Shepherd. Graham street and Van
couver avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector.
Sunday school, t:45; morning service, 11;
evenincr service. 7:30.
St. Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sun
day of month, 8: evening prayer and ser
mon. 4. except the first Sunday of month.
St. John's. Milwaukle Rev. John D. Rioe.
vicar. 8. holy communion, except on first
Sunday of month; 10, Sunday school; 11,
morning prayer; 7:30, evening prayer; hoi
communion, first Sunday of month.
St. John's, Sellwood Rev. John D. Rice
i Concluded on Paue 1.".. Column :. )
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