4 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POKTLAXD, MARCH. 26, 1916, nrP i SP 01' N.J &r-&a arc dfi &csj-An e.voe, I i ' 1 1 1 1 1 ft I Q l iiiilllii ilj i V Outing and Sports Suits and Coats QPORTS clothes having become, according to Fashion s decree, suita ble for all-da) Toear in Summer, the) have been metamorphosed fcp designers into things of beauty as well as garments of service, and while they remain sturdy enough, all manner of pretty and dainty touches are being added to them each season. Silk woven stuff is especially featured in sports clothes this season, and leather trimmings are being used largely in some types of Summer, sport and outing suits. Everything dainty and lovely may go into the sports suit, except lace, and in the models of this season everything is made available, tvilh the result that there is a ivondrously increased variety of attractive suits such as no previous season has produced. Except for the purely practical mod els, there is a variety of dainty and beautiful effects to be found in this line, almost as great as the variety that can be found in the displays of afternoon gowns and costumes. The retail merchants of the city have gathered and concentrated the brightest, jauntiest and the most utterly up-to-date features of this season into the display that they are offering today, and the next four days should hold more genuine delight for the woman shopper than a whole month or even more in the ordinary run of the seasons events. The broadened sphere of the sports suit in Women's apparel has pro duced a most attractive variety in the models in these lines that are being shown, and will make it one of the exceptionally attractive features in the various displays that the merchants of the city are putting forward for the Spring Styles Exhibit for the next four days. " :jii:iSi-;;S:& . .. A v y ua .-; aw-..,....-.-.j.-w.. - :V , ;:: :: 1 1 '"iwwfaawaMifcyaafca V .e . -r l cr v ' -. i - i S " " 4 - i s. - - I t s y ill- s. - I t - :ff " - t X - " I'" 7f I V 'J ". ' - y , f . V' , -X !Axf7 m ilV-i i -Tl l 4 - ,,-Ml6.- V t?;:' sill. r" rj.j - , i '. . .... v .-.:jfcp-' " ' rfv. s, W""1" TX . .j-w.ftSWrWSo- tJ 'lilt V1 X w V J -til - - s ' rlttMlBiSplllli 1 '