TITi: SUXDAT OREGOMAX, rORTLAXD, 3IARCIT 26, 1916. 11 FOR SALE. Automobile COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. L'aKD CAK DiSPAKXMEN X. Cadillac touring car, electric starter, xiw tires, real good value... $ 000 Hupmobile 20 2G0 Dodgs touring car, in fine shape WO Etudebaker, S pans 225 Cadillac, S-cylinder, in splendid running condition .... Price right Ford touring car . fi-5 Packard 18, touring car... 500 Cadillac. 20X3. In splendid con cution 8o0 Locomobile 35, a high-grade car. Cadillac touring car .......... 275 Chalmers 30, 5-pass. .......... S00 Stoddard roadster 225 Hudson. 5-pass .......... 375 Continental touring car ...... 150 Also others not lictad. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington. THE W I N'T ON COMPANY'S Used cars are different. They are out of the common class. Their engines and all working parts are thoroughly overhauled. Tnc hign-grade used cars are completely ref inished. are beau tif ully repainted and have that up-to-date- appearance with the smooth running motor of a new car. WE GUARANTEE THEM, as In the cue of new car sales. We own all the uw?d cars offered by saie by this com pany, tnerefore are forced to brin g them to the highest possible sTA.NDAKD OF USED CAK SERVICE. Our high-class cars have run but a small part of the mileage they were built to run. When you consider th exceptional alue offered at a fraction of what these cars are worth, the cheaply constructed, low-grade new cars will not appeal to you. Take advantage of our low prices. BUV NOW. THE WINTON COMPANY, 23d and Washington 6ts. Main 4244. ATTEND THE BIG USED CAR SALE XOW FOR BARGAIN'S. ALL MAKES MODELS PRICES. KEATS ATJTO CO. 31 BROADWAY NORTH. AUTOMOBILE WHEELS. We ar headquarters for new and re built auto wheels. Quick service and guaranteed work at the right price, toce us If you have wheel trouble. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. :i00-211 Front St. $300 Will "buy my 1912 Studebaker, electric ltehta. demountable rlnxs ; rar Just over hauled and In perfect mechanical con dition. AP 409, Oregonian. PI ERCE-ARROW, 7-passenger. first-class mt-chanicai condition; just repainted and new tcp fitted; cost in 1911 o'JOi), and loka the part; would make a dandy ctag-c or rent car; price $10ou, terms, ol N. 13th st. Main WEED CHAINS Size 34x4 or 4H. ud but once and as ?ood as new. J 407, Oresonlan. HONEST work for horvest pay. liclmont Garage under new management. Cash paid ior wrecks or old cars. Storage fire proof bidg. S. W. Bailey, proprietor, Kan. i7M. 1015 DODGE BROS, touring car. driven only 14o miles; will take Ford In trade; give terms on balance. BEN J. E. BOONE A- Co., 514 Alder St. Main 3!'0S. 1W KOHD CAR JJ.;tter than new: en cine in fine workin g order; new transmission bands; body newly painted; if you want to pave monc'v in buying a car, call on Wm. Knig.T. Ttgard. Or. Take O. E. R. R. W E have fine 7-passenge car, 1914 model, in good condition, cost $:iro0: will take $1 ."oo for it on terms. Call Monday after neon. 316 Chamber of Commerce. fc T ( ' TTk B A K E I : 1 0 1 2. Al condition; Just 'lit of paint shop; new tires, 4 passenger, ith extra, roa'iater body; rhean for cash. 11.", Webster st. Woodlawn n.1. 1 5-PASS 1 914 Overland, electric a tarter ar.d lights, good condition; Ji-ton panf-1-tr.p truck ; lill Studebaker. barealn. Ta bor 10SU Sunday and evenings. Tabor 1300. FOR SALE An electric coupe in A-l con dition; will guarantee. Inquire at Mult n mah Gas Electric Garage. HEKH is a Haynes touring car with extra equipment ; it is In splendid shape ; price oniv S'iVi. r.9 23d ft. fcEV EN passenger, in good mechanical con dition; tires practically new; $lso; need the money. 445 Hawthorne ave. 301.-, OVERLAND touring car. cost $12ou. run 4uhj milt-.s. same as new; to be sold for $00. E. 1300. ZV anud seconds-hand Ford bodies, $15 to $75. Benj. E. iioone & Co., 514 Ald-tr Ft. Main gftofl. 301 5 Model Saxon roadster, fully equipped r.nd in A 1 shape; $30 cash. Phone Mar. 26?.0. 1 to 5 P. M. PACKARD 30. 111 roadster, in fine shape; a real automobile. Call at Laher Auto springs Co., Marshall 1452. OAS TRACTOR 14-h. p., on draw-bar. cost $ I. '1 50 ; will i ell cheap for cash ; run very little. A 4M. Oregonip.n. C-PASS Studebaker. DU2 model, in perfect condition. $o0 ; some terma. 520 E. Ste-T-hens st. FOR DELIVERY BODY. Panel bodv in first-r!asa condition $30. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. AUTO for sale, cost new $1000; now $25, for runabout Just overhauled. AK 4SS, "reon!an. "WILL sell my 1012 7-paseenger Packard ; i:i good condition; terms. AP 407, Ore gon ian. AN ABSOLUTELY new 1310 Chevrolet car for sale. 10 per cent off list nrice. Phone Broadway 45. WILL pay cash for late model Fords. Dodge Broa. and Buick autos BEN J. E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder St. HAVE good 11 3 o Ford to lease to respon sible person for cash In advance. A1C 4.. C'reson'.RU. HI" LSON Just like new, at a very low tiKui-. '-r? jii. .vm.u.iDugn, .)', :;d JULY, iyi5. Ford for sale, $325. Call at 03 ;th et. ATTEND the big used car sale. Keats Auto Co., 31 Broadway N. NEVV storage battery, cost JIG, will sell for $9. 273 3d st. ATTEND the b!g used car sale. Keats Auto C. 31 Froadway North. W A NTED Ford rad iator and rar wheels. Marsha!! 2'3f. 109 11th wt. ATTEND the big uspd car sale. Keats Auto Co.. si Broadway N. 1914 O V E RLA XD Run lo.OOO miles; good as new ; $550 : terms. Sell wood 21. ATTEND the big usd car sale. Keats Auto Co., 31 Broadway N. FORD 5-pas., 1914 model, cheap. Phone Tabor 5433. ATTEND the big us- d car sale. Keats Auto Co.. 21 Broadway N. LATE 191" Ford body. 5-psa, like new, cheap. Tabor B0O, or 191 4th st. ATTEND the Mg us'd car sale. Keats Auto Co., SI Broadway N IOR SALE. Automobiles Wanted. BARGAINS In used machines of all makes. On easy terms. EAST SIDE iluTOKCVCLE CO.. 44 liP.AND AVE. Agency for Harley-Davidson and r JiC" rvv. I HADE Launch and boathous?. good lor salmon tromng, value J0 ; one team of .good horses, value i 15u ; will trade for i-ord in good cendiuon. Phone 2;il-M or A -i'j. urerfon City. EX.CH AN GE ur.o solitaire diamond ring, 14-10 of karat; one princess rin, with i it - karat diamonds, lor auto; Ford pre ferred. Phone Main 5020. WANT AUTO in trade for unincumbered va cant 4.x6U corner lot. Mt. Scott d is trie t, including title Insurance policy. GUo TiUe&Trust bidg . WANT AUTO for" lot in Los AngeiesT Want good auto lor good $JoJ second mortgage. Mckenzie & Co., C13 Gerlinger bldg. I HAVE $."00 cah to pay for a late model 5-piss. car; mujit be up to date; give complete detailed description to Post off ice box 21., Portland. A.Woby with Ford chassis and engine In good condition that tney will Bell to responsible party on easy terms, address AM 4iS, Oregonian. WANT EL- To trade J's'.o equity in a 5-room modern house and full lot for auto not older than 314 model Call Woodlawn 771. W ILL. exchange fine brand new $300 talk ing machine out lit. Vl'JTKOLA, G RAK ANOLA OR EDISON, for Ford roadster. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., :i.0 Alder. CASH paid for all makes of worthy motor cars. Phone Broadway i0:8. Pacific Auto Co.. 6th .and Burriside sts. WANTED Light five-passenser car; ex change for carpenter work and cash. Main W A N T 1914 er 1915 Ford. Will trade equity iu Errol Heights lot, corner Mil waukie roai ana canine. A iv 4-S7, uregoniaii. WILL trade 5-room bungalow, Sunnyside, value $:;ooO. mortg. $1300. my equity for guod 7-pa.se. auto. Phone Tabor US. WANTED for cash Late model auto,light roadster preferred; must have starier. Main h0. WISH to purchase from private owner late model Ford touring car ior cash. T 451, Oregonian. WANTED Light roadster for cash; also 1 914 5-pass. Buick ; state best cash price and where can be seen. G 47 7, Oregonian. WISH to purchase from private owner late model Ford touring car for cash. T 451, oregonian. WANT small 4-pass auto; have good second mtg., installment contract, or clear lots. Broad-.v ay 1 056. WANT small 4-pass. auto. Have good 2d mortgage Installment contract or clear vacant lots. Broadway 1054. $450 LAW BOOKS for $225, or will trade for auto in good order. A V b2J. Ore gonian. WILL pay cash lor late model light 5 -passenger auto. 50O7 72d St. S. E., Tremont Grocery. CORNER. BKjxIuU, clear, in Fairview, to ex change for god make automobile. Tabor 5397 or AG 4T4, Oregonian. W ILL trade three lots overlooking ocean at New port. or., for used auto ; pay reasonable difference. SL Lewis bldg. WANT late model Ford roadster; will pay cash;must be bargain. P 451, Oregonian. WANT lade model Ford roadster; will pay cash, must be bargaln.P 451, Oregonian. WE PAY cash for old automobiles. Auto Wrecking Co., t7 Columbia st. FOR RENT Garage space for 2 machines. 32d and Morrison. Phone Tabor 5954. WANT Ford automobile for $400 first mortgage- on Portland lot. East 7401. $950 FIRST intg. for automobile. AM 493, Oregonian. CASH for lord car; no dealer; l.so E. 3od st. Tabor ti47b. WILL pay cash for Ford roadster; must be in good condition. 300 E. Morrison. WANTED Delivery body 'for 1910 Ford. Call East 4 4C. AUTO exha,ust whistle wanted; will trade good watch. AK 461, Oregonian. MONEY' loaned on automobiles; cars bought and sold. 505 Alder. WILL trade real estate for Ford. Addres oner, 1295 Hood et. Main 134S. viLL exchange pjaver piano fr auto In good condition. Marshall 53. Mr. Collins. CLE A R lots to trade for 1 or 2-ton auto trucks. AV 825, Oregonian. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOR SA LE 0-horsepower YaTe, good condi tion, $05. 201 North 10th t. Sunday and .wonaay t o'clock. SLIGHTLY us.'Q tires from 93 to $10 eacn. Vulcanized 25c; tire repairing. 20 Madison FOR SALE 1 Gray & Davis starter for Ford, cheap. 393 Rose st. Aciomobilei for Hire. AL'TuS, without drivers, for hire. Long & Se: va, 4 62 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. t;4o 1916 DODGE, $I.2uper hour, touring, calling and shopping. Main 7435. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. 1 1913 Indian, thoroughly over hauled, looks Kood as new; has lamp, presto, and Dream tandem, $125. 1114 2-speed Harley, Al shape, fuliy equipped. Dream tandem, $175. 1 19 3 Twin liarley-Davidrfon, thoroughly rebuilt and overhauled, guaranteed in Al shape, equipped, $125. .Many others from $35 up. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 2i0 Broadway. A FEW BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES ON HAND FMK SALE ON EASY TERMS. Better gret your ordr in for the new power rdtis Indian; delivery can be made in lo days; carload now on th way H . L Y S T U U THE MOTORCYCLE MAN. Indian motorcj clen. t-as, oil, tires, sup plies and repairs. 4&S Union ave. N, cor ner Sacramento Ft. Phone East 1977. READING STANDARD, $100. l:14 2-npeed Dayton, $150. 1 913 Reading, equipped. $100. 1912 Harley, single. $50. Rtl2 7 Thor. $05. 3d car Indians on their way. Indian Agents. -IRFFEKSON CYCLE CO., M a i n 0 1 o 9. 2 7 3 8d S t. DAYTON, 2-speed twin, 1015. in extraiood shape, $2oo; terms. Merkel twin, with tan dem, good order, $75. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington ats. SPLENDID 1913 twin Indian motorcycle, presto tank, tandem, etc., price $70, down, $10 'monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder st. WILL exchange fine new victrola, grafanola or- Edison diamond disc phonograph for motorcycle. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. 1913 SINGLE X motorcycle. In goor con ditlon, $35 cash. 995 Hawthorne. lyl5 DAYTON, fully equipped, bargain. 311 Front st 1914. FULLY" equipped twin motorcycle; Jgavin g city. 117 2 E. 22d st. North. 1914 EXCELSIOR motorcycle, like new fully equipped, $110. 273 3d et. TWIN Harley, Al running condition, $95. Owner, P 480. Qreg o n ian. 1915. 3-SPEED Indian! fully equipped, Nionday. East 1128, 8 to 5:30. Launches and Boats. !! CHEAP !! Four-room houseboat and furniture. See owner today at 48 Willamette Moorage, Between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. ONE of the best 20-foot boatson the river, strictly up-to-date; seat 12 people; 2 cyl inder. 4-cycle. h. p.; Buffalo engine, 0 mile. Phone Marsh. 5601. EVINRUDE rowboat and canoe motors; row boats, canoes, motorboata. Brand-new motorboat and engine for $143. Evinrude Motor Co., Morrison and Front. FOUR-ROOM houseboat, 4-cIoset, good fur niture, modern conveniences, large porch fine shape Price $ loo. Phone Mar. 5001. ' 2S FOOT motorboat and boathouso fine shape. $1.5 cash ; going away; bargain, LF 491. Oregonian. HOUSEBOATS, new and used. J L Gil ham, Sellwood S14, B 2476, Shop "foot Spo kane ave. Open Sunday. CH EAP, for Immediate sale, 3 -room fur nished houseboat. Marshall 00GO room 709. between 12 and 2 P. M. FOR SALE First-class 4-oared rowboat newly painted end varnished; will trade for canoe. Call B 1551. GO to 207 Columbia st. and get an auto tot for your launch; price $3 up. Auu Wrecking Co. MARINE eneines. Kennebec canoes, motor boat accessories. Roy Crandail, 203 Mor rison. MARIN E BROKER Housenoats. launches engines. C. Ray nor, si'9 Spalding bldtr. ' STEAMEit HULL, length 70, breadth 13; t-3'io. Address C 435. Oregonian. LAUNCH hull, 2$ ft. by 10 ft. beam, dory type, cheap for cash. 207 Columbia st. 3 r 1L P. 20-f t. covered launch for $65 Call Main 7276. NEW l-ft. launch hull, $25; snan; am leav ing city. K. Swnnsn. foot of Nebraska st WAVTKD To OreiOiiiaa, houseboat. L 460, I OR PALE. Launches and Boats. SMALL furnished houseboat, speedboat, boathouse, tools, etc.; A-l outfit. Will take Ford part payment. Nos. 33, 30. Willamette Moorage Club. Phone week daya, Broadway H67. SWELL little houseboat, furnished, canoe, etc.. $210. Inquire Bundy's Hatha Typewriter. ALL MAKES. LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES. EASIEST TERMS. We carry the. most complete and best elected stock of reconstructed typewriters on the Pacii'ic Coast, and can gave you money on any make of writing machine. Every mucnlne thoroughly rebuilt and fully guaranteed; call and Inspect our fitock before purchasing eise where; ma chines sent for three days examination to any point on the Coast and if nut satis factory may be returned at our expense ; tend for illustrated price lint. Machines rented $1 per mo. and up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., INC., Retail Department 321 WasmtiKton fat., Portland, Or. REBUILT REOTTUD PRTCES. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Remington, No. lO $3 Peminton, No. 11 4 Smith Premier. No. 10. . -J Remington. Nos. 0 and 7 3 I- C. Smith, No. 5 .4 Olivers, No. Z, 5.00 O.OO 7.50 2.50 2.50 O.OO underwoods. No. 5 , soi .ii nv piv tct' V c 2.50 F I LEY GL'ARANTK K D. REBUILT DEPARTM KN'T. R EM I NGTON T Y PKW KITKR CO.. SO Broariwav. Phnnn itrnMdu-nv n 1. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on ail makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEVRITERCO..321 Wasn. St. TYPEWRITERS for" rent; 3 months for$5 and up; 6 months rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, ftp Broadway. Portland, Or. ONE Remington No. 10, very little used, a barpain at $:i0. Address 333 East 44th. I'h-.ne D 1224. SPLENDID Smith Premier typewriter, only $17.50, $5 down. $2. 5o monthly, HYATT TALKING M A OH IN E CO. . 350 A LDE R. FOR SALE Remington typewriter. No. 10, , late model, good condition, cheap. Inquire Andrew Smith, 409 Panama bldg. FOR SALE New No. 5 Oliver typewriter, $15. Phone Main 15SS evenings or Sunday morning. I WILL sell my No. lo Remington type writer, back spacer, two-color ribbon, for $:'.5 cash. AH 471. Oregonian. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. ROYAL typewriter, good as new. and Dandy duplicator No. A. Tabor 5228. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, 3 A Graflex 5x7 camera and sale. 94 N. 8th st. .Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES Standard. $14; W heeier & Wiison, $1S ; Singer, $7.50; new Itoyal. $15; Stelllto, $10; Whife, 15 ; Davis, $ i 0. 50 ; New Home. 5 12 ; Favorite, $17. 5o; National Aut., $20; Minnesota, $14; Willamette, $17.50; Damascus. $16; . Bartlett, $15; Minnesota. $7; Singer, $22.50; White, $3; New Home. $16; Avia tor, $22.5o; Domestic, $27. oO; also the best hi ah -i? rad e n-w machines for lees than regular price. Old machines taken in ex change. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d. near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3ti26 ROLLER SKATES. Just received. 200 pair second-hand-ballbearing rolier skates. All sixes and various makes. Giris' skates $1.25 pair Boys' skates 1.50 pair Richardson skates 2.00 pair Aluminum wheeled skates 2.50 pair Ma ke your selection while we have a large variety to choose from. LEVI N H D W. & FUR N. CO. . 221-223-225 Front SL, Cor. Salmon. FOR SALE Gas range. $5 ; gas range, $ .50 ; gas range. $22 ; larpe black leather rocker, $5.25; new $75 combination ga3 and wood range, $47. 5o; oak folding bed, $5 ; white maple dresser. $ 10 ; round oak table, $10.. Geisler & Dorred, 412 Haw thorne ave., cor. E. Oth. COME in and hear the new wonderful EDI SON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH. No needles to change, indestructihle records ; we have just received a large shipment of all new models and finishes. See the new $250 model. HYATT TALKING MA CH1NB CO., 350 ALDER. AM GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. W ill sell any purt or all of my stock of nnllin'e dyes tuffs, feathers, boas, fur niture, etc. ; or will rent house furnished ; no reasonable offer refused. Hartness, 301 Yamhill. FOR SALE Shelving, about 3000 feet; counters, electric fixtures, 5 cash regis ters, on electric -'-drawer machine; a-s good as new; 1 set bar fixtures; all must be sold at once. Brunn 6c Co., 1st and Alder sts. G GOOD wheel scrapers. $25; Watenn dump wagon. $45; rubber-tired buggy, $30; new double set of harness, with collars, ail complete, $17. Phone WooUiawn 1120. 55 Commercial si- TYPEWRITER Oliver. No. 5; practical! y new. A barirafn for quick P.ile; make me an offer. Call Mr. Mains-. Main or A 1433 or Marshall 3373, or address AH 4S1, Ore- gon mn. ENGINEERING LIBRARY. Eight volumes in splendid condition: will trade for encyclopedia of general in formation, or what have you ? AP 408, Onogonian. rult SALE About 30 chairs; 1 10-gal. cof fee urn ; 1 small steam table; 1 small fish box. Inquire Monday P. M., 411 Mor rison st. FURNITURE wasron and team complete to trade; will consider furniture or 1-ton de livery trurk ; will pay difference In cash. T 479, Oregonian. 3-H. P., 3-PHASE motor, complete with Bwitehbox. etc., wired ready to go ; $0o ; fixtures for complete grocery atore, $325. Sellwood 205. FOR SALE Cheap, complete set Dickens, Thackera y, Waverly novels, George Eliot, Grant's Memoirs and others, good English saddle and bridle. Tabor 0223 CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Rvsiater Exchange, 351 -Washington et. Main 006. ONE Barnes footpower lathe, 3 footpower cutoff and ripsaw for sale cheap. Ih8 Madison. M UST sacrifice genuine blue karat diamond ring for I.rH before Wednesday evening. C 42, Oregonian. FOR SALE Wizard R. B. 4x5 In., folding camera, long bellows; 5 plate holders; leather case, $15. M 40, Oregonian. ALCOHOL coffee percolator, never used; only $3; also .22 Winchester rifle, $7.50. Pum. 409 Salmon st. DIAMOND, y K., absolutely perfect, excep tional fine lively stone; bargain. Y 4S0, Oreffouian. SUITS pressed, 35c; French, dry or steam cleaned, $1. Unique Tailoring Co.. 30 Siark. Broadway 514. PLAYER-PIANO. Trade for furniture or 1 ton delivery truck; will pay cash differ ence. T 47S, Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP, rojl-top desk, brass hall tree, clocks and wringers at Roslyn Apt., No. 3, 2Lnt and Flanders. FUR set. finest grade dark Alaskan mink; cost $1P0, will take $75 or $4o for one. Main 5S31. WILL dispose of a lot of used sewing ma chines, all makes, and guarantee, at $5 each. 349 Morrison. 6-FOOT steam table, new single oven, steel hotel range; half price. Also oak folding bed with springs. $5-00. Main 6953. ROLL-TOP desk, dictaphone, two vertical files, letter eixe. Royal typewriter, set Oregon reports. Marshall 5357. HAVE several books S. & H. green trading stamps for trade. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. TWO-BUKXE R G. E. electric stove, first class condition. Tabor 4313. FOR SALE Ice box and safe, both nearly new. 329ViThird st; TEXTS. A-l condition. 12x34, extra heavy. Marshall 849. 202 Front st. MOVING picture machine electric piano; sell or trade. Tabor 12V.3. BEAUTIFUL brown hair switch for sale. Sellwood 2015. ONE Oriole basket in good condition ; also folding baby buggy. Sellwood 1057. ELK tooth charm; cost $15; price $7 4MJ. Oregonian. OPTIC AT lantern, arc light and rheostat. M aiu 7 03 7. FOR SALE 0 floor showcases; 2 ft feet, 4 5'2 feet; $3.50 per foot 344 H Alder st. MUST sacrifice Columbia Grafonola, and records; value $7S; sell $40. Wdln. 3777. ATTEND the biir used car sale. Keats Auto Co.. 31 Broadway N. BARL'ER shop, 2 chairs, complete, $0oo out fit for $170 cash. BF 491, Oregonian. ADDING machine, first-class condition, well known make, only $65. C 47$, Oregonian. FOR SALE 3-A Eastman kodak$12. K 4S4. Oregonian. WANTED E'.k's charm and pin; must be bargain. AC 499. Oregonian. FOR SALE very cheap, camera, postcard gize. X 4S0, Oregonian. LAW and medical books for sale at a low price. A V 824, Oregonian. FOR SALE Piano, sewing machine. Main 71 15. M ACH IN E tools for sale Lathers, shapers, drills and equipment. 1 75 E. Water st. FOR SALE Gocart in first -class condition. Tabor 5783 GAS ran?e and water hent' r f r r-tle cheap. 533 Lexington, ave. Saiiwood till). 'OR SALE. M isc e lianeous. OUR APEX OF GOOD BUYS IS REACHED BY M. BARDE & SONS. LOGIC Tillamook Machine Shop, Including 1 72-Jn. swing lathe. $200. 1 30-in. swing lathe, $40O. 1 24-in. swing lathe. $200. 3 shaper, $100. nxnit:B. boilers, ahaftlna- mil lavs, srears belting, etc. Ail at prices that astonish. j.n veaiigate. The Fairbanks-Morse fire sale is on Pumps, a.l kinds. Marine goods'. Railway supplies. Farm supplies. .Hardware stock of goods. tBiass fittings and iron fittlncrs. All Fairbanks-Morse goods are new. a iittie smoKeu. with no damage to speak or. iii in on tncM bargains. A Tillamook sawmill consisting of en glnes, boilers, pumps, shaftinc. pulleys. belting, etc.. bouirnt at a small fraction of its original coei. Take advantage of tnese bargains. About 130,000 ft. Roebling plow steel came, almost new. no slivers, no ma terially worn, smooth spots. Luok. 4-ineh ; 4c 4 -inch c -incU lOVfec 1 -inch 12 c lVi-inch 10c 3 U-inch 2Uc In length from 100 to 500O feet. The chance of a lifetime to get genuine plow steel cabie at theso prices. And About 1,000,000 other bargains. Including An y t n ing you want M. BaRDE & SONS, INC. The Houee of a Million Bargains. 240-244 Front St.. cur. Main. 200 ELECTRIC MOTORS AT BARGAIN" PRICES. SAME GUARANTEE AS XEW MOTORS. COAST STEEL A MACHINERY CO.. 3505 Yeon Bldg. Main 6705, A S330, B 2230, East 3143. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. - nave a complete line or new ana second-hand plumbing supplies ; let us your plumbing work ; attractive prices for laying sewers; our estimates are fKee and all our work is Kuarantefd NORTHWEST PIPE CO. 387 Front St. Main 5033. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. - We have a large stock of new and second-hand pipe from -inch to 8-inch. We carry a full line of plumbing supplies at bargain prices PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, Main 6325. 269 Front St. MERRY-GO ROUND, with motor to operate it; this outfit can be bought at a acrif ice ; it offers an oppor tunity for a live wire to cash in on a small Investment. AP 470, Ore- gonian. CASH registers, slightly used, reduced prices, second-hand and rebuilt National cash registers low priced, easy monthly paym'ts. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 332-354 Burnside St., Cor. bth. . Phone Broadway IhlQ. NATIONAL cash register, good as new, total adder from 5c to $1; just the kind for & confectionery or cigar store ; $23 takes it. (jBVL'KTZ FURNITURE CO.. 1S5-1S7 Front, near Yamhill. WE have just received a new shipment of new Columbia grafanulas, leader and mignonette. $5 down and $5 monthly, no Interest. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35o Alder at. SEWING MACHINES of all makes sold for les; no agents employed; old machines taken In exchange ; machines rented, $2 per month. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d. near Taylor. M a in 9431, A 3020. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $5 and up ; box tops, $2 and up. S S. Siegel, two stores, 383 Alder st. and 242 Alder et. MARINE engines ; 30 H. P. steam engine ; 2-4-8 H. P. gas engines; carburetors, mag netos, pulleys, gears, lead pipe, sheet lead, load wool, machinery repairing. North west Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front st. SPECIALS IN PRINTING. 1000 envelopes, notheads, billheads or statements. $1.75. SAMPLES FREE. Main 93Mi, box 082, Portland. WILL sacrifice brand new Campbell Marine motor; never been used; quarter off price. F. W. Skinner, 3oO Plymouth bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shot guns, cameras. kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's Camera Exchange, 5 3d fat. Main 3 5 til. BILLIA (IDS New and second-hand carom and pocKet billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Coilender Co.. 40-4 5th. PORTABLE , GARAGES. houses, hunting cabins, chicken-houses woodshed. etc M il I mado Construction Co., 544 Hood IU Main 1167. Residence phone. Wdln. 3015. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired or re finished by our professional men. Port land Piano Tuning, Repairing & Mfg. Co. 240 Hawthorne. TeL East 10 2. WILL sacrifice an automatic gas heating and light plant; could he used in homes or stores where there Is no gas. Y 452, Orego nian. , FOR SALE 47 varieties home canned fruits, Jellies, preserves and pickles ; also Havi land china dishes. 424 E, bth st. Phone H 1120. IF you want cedar posts, any size or length, call states Wood Tie and Pole Co., Main 7797. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5674. WALRUS tusk cribbage marker and Win chester .22 rifle. R. M. Morgan, 4S0 Clay st., apartment 10. $75 DRESS SUIT and $18 silk vest, worn once, size 38. bargain. 402 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE cheap, gasoline wood saw and horse. Address 1100 Michigan ave. Phone Woodlawn 560. BEST Hood River apples $1 per box and up We cater to family trade; all apples f rashlyrepacked. We d-ellver. Main 7558. SPLENDID Conn cornet and case, hf lat, only $13.50. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aider st- ROLL-TOP desks, flat-top desk, bookkeeper desk, fi'lng cabinets, safe cabinets and chairs, all fine shape. CI Park st. BARGAINS In unredeemed guns and re volvers; all makes; cheap. Beauregard's, 70S Main st., Vancouver, Wash. MERCURY" I have 50 lbs. of mercury, which goes to best price. Address AV 813. Oregonian. SPLENDID Edison phonograph and 50 records only $10.50, $5 down, $2 monthly. Hyatt TalKing Machine Co., 350 Alder. BOOKS and magazines bought! sold, ex changed. Johnson's Book Store. 210 4th. MACIi IN ER Y bought, sold and repaired N. W. Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front at. PLL'MBING supplies at wholesale prices Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 797. BEARING size apple trees. 50c each. Mitch el! Nursery. Tacoma, Wash. BURBANK seed potatoes, n Icely assorted for planting. Fleck, 5629 45th ave. S. E. CASH register, shelving, standing desk, safe. Kaat 4Qc2. m 4 POOL tables for sale very cheap. Wood lawn 2073. 50 BUSINESS CARDS. 50c. Rose City Print ery, Sd st., cor.- Taylor. W ANTKP MlsfFT t. N ECU'S. WILL pay spot cash for rug yxl2 and 12x14. c i-.:, iirnforrpri r r rflriiuf "V -1 w 7 Draan. nlan. WANTED Dining table and ,snme chairs; must be bargain. AK 47S, Oregonian. WILL PAY cash for 8. A H. green trading stamps. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Combings, switches made to or der. 551 E. Yamhill st. East 1710. WANT to buy 3 good pool table. Call Mam 3212 Monday. MAN" S SADDLE. light weight and in good con d it ion. Sell wood 1057. I NEED second-hand furniture; will good pricey Phone Marshall 3721. TEACHER of violin and cornet wishes more pupils; 50c lesson. Woodlawn 434S. ATTEND the i-iv ned car sale. Keats Auto Co. 31 Lroaaway WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. JUNK- JUNK. JUNK, WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES for all kinds of metals, rubber, auto tires. xxiacninery. pipe, belting:, plumbing sup pile;;, burnt plants, plants wrecked and dismantled; makes no difference what H is, big or biuall. get our estimation before you sell ; we caa pay more; we seu uirect in carload lots. ALASKA BAG & METAL CO.. 175 Front St.. Cor. Yamhill. Main 8232. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay the highest price for ladies' and gents cast-otf clothing, bicycles and eveijtning in merchandise, call us up. A e need it and pay for It. GLORE STORE, 285 FIRST. Main 2()80. Main 208a GEVL'RTZ FURNITURE STORE. 207 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. MARSHALL 687. We buy your second-hand furniture, ctoves and other household goods. Highest Prices Paid. WANTED M ovine- nictiir outfit in Al shape, or parts; for desirable lot ($400 incumbrance) ; 1 might pay some diner ence; describe fully in first letter. O 498, Oreconlan. LEVIN HDWR. & FURN. CO. Main 9072, A 71 T.l VH -J X T' . .l i i vj u t n l. v.ii oil us wueu you have anything in the furniture or hardware Hue for saie. Highest cash prices MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S4 First. Main 5768. 184 First. Call on us and get ur estimate on your i urn it ure and houehcld gouda before dis posing of same. WILL EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS TALK- 1AO MACHINE FOR GOOD MEDIUM SIZED FIREPROOF SAFE. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO., 350 ALDER. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER J. Meyer, the tailor, pays you more for clothing and aho-ea. Reliable buyer. Call Jiarsnaii 229 Madison st. WANTED Inexpensive bookcase, about 5 feet wide, feet high; must have opening out glass doors, reasonable. 303 .North western Bank bldg. I NEED a lot of second-hand furniture and carpets to ship out of town; can pay more than Portland second-hand dealers. Phoue J. na.ker, Main 47 73. $1 YOUR watch repaired, no matter how bad 1 y broken, M ; all work guaranteed. HOWARD JEWELRY CO.. 93 ttth. St., corner tark- Brine this ad. WANTED 2 or 3 candy showcases and one counter showcase; all second-hand and 4 or 5 feet long; name lowest price and wuere same can ne seen, ti 4iti, ortgoniau I WILL pay a surprising price for your ?conu-iiana doming. rnone m are nan BILLIARD table wanted ; will pay cash for good second-hand combination table, 4x8. AD 407, Oregonian. 6-HOLE range in good order, with hot water coil. Call Main 518o. room 726 be fore 12 noon, if not in leave number. WANTED 14x3 6 tent and camp cook stove in goon, condition. call up to 2 o'clock. WANTED -One second-hand M. & M. hog. Willing to pay about $150. AV S10 Orego nian. WANTED Some good arrow heads, must be ciieap ana in excellent condition; describe fully in letter. M 470, Oregonian. WA NTED 3 U x4 'i In. plate camera, with extra long bellows; no junk. K 483, Ore- euian. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2567 W AN 1 ED Second-hand Willamette donkey Forest, Wash. WANT to buy a boathouse, suitable for 25 foot launch; must lie in good condition and cheap for cash. Tabor 0ft29. PERFECT speaking classes; wanted, s teacher and desirable pupils; reference ex- cuangea. At 4u:i, Oregonian. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, 218 Oregonian bldg. HONEST DEAL 2d-haad clothing buyers; pay highest prices for all kinds clothes. shoes, etc. 247 Front. Main 4776. WANTED Second-hand print press, type, papercutter and stitching machine. N 4 i 7, Oregonian. WANTED First-class furniture of about 5 rooms, reasonable, b private parties, with small payment down. BP 485, Orego nlan. TINTING Room, $1.50 up, and clean wood work; papering and graining, all work first-class. Woodlawn 3471 WANT a mahogany roll-too sanltarv desk. BC 493, Oregonian. WANTED Combination planer: state urice. condition in first letter. Q 476. Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand English baby car ria se. N 5d O. Ore gonian. WANTED National cash register. Main OQQ. 351 Va Washington at. WILL pay cash for second-hand furniture. 201 Second st. Marshall 4783. WANTED Used gentleman's traveling baa N 4 SO, Oregonian. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of ail descriptions. Main 309. Kline's, 2o8 First. ALASKA Bag & Junk Co., 235 Front, pays iiiBiicBi in n -e jumh. an jtmus. m . 4tWto. SECOND-HAND dragsaw; will pay cash. AE 4d. Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand cushion for Ford, front seat. AD 470, Oregonian. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for jooi luimiuiq .1 Bi. jaain D2Y. WANT wicker baby buggy; must be in Kood condition ami cheap. N 47H, Oregonian. MEDIUM small safe; cash regis tar; j sjze, price, location. L 478, Oregonian. GOOD steel range, cheap for cash. Call Broadway 1058. BINOCULAR wanted; must be reasonable. lf( lilODS st. WANTED Diamond, around 2 K. ; must bt bargain. G 476, Oregonian. TALKING MACHINES and records, bought, oJdajxhangejLMain4415. 128 First. CHEAP rug wanted, also dining chairs, also uresser. Mursnau ttss. WE buy and sell new and second-hand suit- cases anu trunKs. Mam 9072, A 7174. FURNITURE. stoves, wanted. Main 4495. 12 showcases, scales i First, near Alder. WANTED Elk's charm and pin ; must be nnrgam. j u 4tv, oregonian. WE kalsomine rooms for $2.50; guaranteed suuu nouse painting wotk. iiast 002. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Solicitor, cleaning and dyeing es tablishment; salary and commission. Call after 10 A. M. Monday. 343 Washington street. MEN to sell farmers; good money ; experi- trncB no i necessary ; win teacn you how ; home week-ends; start Tuesday; give phone. AL 4S1, Oregonian. MILLWRIGHTS for Klamath Falls, start at once, rate 4"c per nour, rare one way, not advanced, but to be returned on arrival. Call today, 70 1st St., 1 1 A. M. PORTLAND Barber College. Expert instruc tor to teacti you the barber trade in 8 weeKs ; too is rree; eeks; tools free; position guaranteed; aid while learning. 232 2d. nr. Main. pa VOCAL teacher will give lessons in ex- c u Huge ior xi o use wiring. jj 48o, orego nian. TRAVELING salesman for city and country ior manuiactunng company. 701 S wet land bids. SASH and door machine man; must be able to operate an macnines ; no would-be s. 335 East 34th St. YOUNG man to do dishwashing ; must be neat ana ciean. Appiy tonight or In morn ing. lOO West Park. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen. oratcemen; io montn; experience un necessary. Railway, Oregonian. YOUNG man for elevator and switchboard m residential notei. Give phone number. DO 4S1, Oregonian. MAN and wife for a small house, furnished apartment; man can work elsewhere dur ing the day; wages $20. O 4S3. Oreennian. WANTED Apprentice to learn the machin- lst trade. iienry funic Auto Co., 15th and Couch. TWO experienced machinists helpers, log ping camp machine shop, $2.75 a day and up. coiuiriDiiK r.mviujjin:ni k o. YOUNG MAN to work for his room and nnard : a gooa noma to tne right party. 525 Clay WANTED Man to tint and paper a. few rooms; must nave own equipment. B 481, Oregonian. " PANTS prefer on custom pants. 303 Bu chanan Diva. BOY with motorcycle or bicycle. Apply 410 Aiaer. Two young men can make $10 week to start. 340 .Morgan bing., aionaay, 9-12 A. M. WANTED Compositor. Apply James Du- vail, Camas, Wash. WANTED- -Men's used suits; will pay $4.50 Phone Tabor 6976. to $7.a0. SOLICITORS, salary or commission ; $2i 2d st. Room 118. daily. Call PEDDLERS wanted for doughnuts and other food. 288 wemier st. WANTED boys to set pins. Apply Oregon Bowling Alleys. 80 Va Kroaaway. MEN to solicit real estate listings; good pay. i.t 1 na m oer 01 commerce. WANT figures on painting houses. Stout investment t o., - J c hamper or Com. 10 MILK solicitors on commission. AM 494. Orepronmn. WA N TED Shoemaker, first-class. 209 10th. Call room 5. HELP WANTED MALE. FOR A SALESMAN WHO CAN SELL RE Y L ESTATE TO BUSINESS MEN there is a permanent positition waiting. Old, reliable company, big proposition to handle small enough for him to be close to the throne. To qualify, he must be honest, re liable and able to sell real estate in a blg-h-class residence district where prop erty is moving, to business men who aDOw how to buy. Interview granted- if sufficient details are given In first letter. Everything in confidence? Address "Salesman," H 1572, Oregonian. Y. XL C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day nd night classes; training in re pair) nr. driving and machine work, in cluding, forge, lat lie, shaper. drtilpress. etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational office Y. M. C. A. bldj?. to inspect our shops and methods. COM PETE NT CH AU FF EU RS AN D M ECH AN ICS S U P PLIED. Tutition fee includes MEMBER SHIP IN Y M. C A and its EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT use Of 60-ft. swim, ming pool, shower botns. gymnasium, etc. A FEW YEARS AGO I started a small mall order business in spare time with a few dollars capitifl. I wanted to make $30 or $40 a mouth, evenings. The net profits the first year averaged $200 a week. Five years' work netted me $30. 000. I will show you how to start a small mall order business. Send today for my proposition. It's Interesting. No canvassing. Heacock. box bOt. Lockport, N Y. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the Employment Secre tary. To non-members a special member ship is issuea, costing $5 per annum, giving service of the department for a year two months full privileges and re fund of membership fee if saLisiactory em ployment id not secured. WANTED An assistant to superintendent; .party should have knowledge of general farming, dairying and horticulture ; spe cial duties will be care of livestock, over seeing marketing of fruit and clerical work; applicants should write, giving ace, and say if married or single, also names of former employers, length of time with each and work done while in their employ. Addrei-s, W. H. Weber, Mosler, Or. EARN $10O weekly managing clean, legiti mate mail order business ; we f urulsh everything ; right party need not worry about capital ; splendid chance for intel ligent, employed person to control Inde pendent business on profit-sharing basis, beginning spare time, evenings at home. Particulars tree, opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. IN S URANCEMEN ' Reliable company, writing accident and health and all lines of liability, wants man who is thoroughly experienced to take agency for Portland. Will furnish office, telephony eto. ; good opening for one who can prouuee msu Its. Correspondence con fidential. O 478, Oregonian. WANTED Mai of ability and experience io take charge of life and accident depart ment of the fastest growing general in surance office in Portland; must be able to get men and hold them; two of the best companies in America; most attract ive commission contract to one who caa produce resyits. B D 509, oregonian. WANTED For first-class Summer resort, an experienced, all-around farm hand and wife to help around hotel; wages $50 p?r month end board; permanent position if satisfactory ; German, Swiss or Italian couple preferred. Apply by letter to AV M2, Oregonian. OUR line, 500 aluminum cooking utentfils, combined with quick-selling retail and premium plans, offers wonderful oppor tunities, hustlers; protected territory, gen erous commissions; references required. Dept. 38, National Aluminum Works, Ki rn Ira, N. Y. 1 LEARN AUTO TRADE iu most modern school on Coast. Courses practical and complete; expert supervision ; time unlim ited; reasonable rates. Will help you earn your living while learning. Catalogue free. National School of Engineering (Es tablished 1905), Los Angeles. WANTED Young man of good character and good address to- sell well-known line direct to consumer; must be able to fur niidi references aud surety bond ; attrac tive pay to right party.. BF 480, Orego nian. GOVERNMENT positions in postoffice, rail way, mail and other branches are good. Prepare for "exams" under former U. S. Civil Service secretary-examiner; booklet 14-35 free. Write TODAY. Patterson. Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. - - GOOD pay everywhere for trained me chanics; take course in steam, gas or elec trical engineering ; work helps pay tu ition: free catalogue from Seattle En gineering School, Roy st., Seattle. SECRET SERVICE Officers, also Inex porienced persons, prepared for superior foreign and American work by leading officially indorsed world's expert. C. S. Chapin, San Francisco. YOU can learn to be an OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST. The De Keyser Institute of Optometry, Columbia bldg. Day and evening classes and instruction by cor respondence. WANTED For profit department young man with hardware experience, quick at figures; state experience, references and salary expected. Address AV 831, Oregonian. WANTED Foreman for furniture factory who can handle men and understands thoroughly the manufacture and finish ing of furniture in soft and hard woods. , Address AV 804. Oregonian HAWTHORNE AUTO & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 445 Hawthorne Ave. Students can earn board and room while learning. STEADY" emply't, good waes, day and night classes, few months learning; profit able; watchmaking, engraving. Optical School, 218 Common weaith bldg., 6th and Ankeny. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our handy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expense provided. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. CALIFORNIA 200 motion picture compa nies; easy to write plays; highest prices; no school; we revise, sell; send for free de tails. Photoplay Bureau, 335 Sta. C, Los Angeles. EXPERIENCED gardener for country home near Portland ; one cow to care for; wages $:5 a month and board, ('all at room 9 Ainsworth bldg. Monday between 9 and 12. I WILL pay any honest man up to $5(J monthly for part of spare time; no can vassing ; no capital. Write today. "Voor h ies. Desk 152, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men and women, get names and addresses for mail order houses; particu lars for stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, lnd. WANTED -High-grade solicitor for photo graphic directory ; experienced advertising man preferred ; something entirely new. References. M 479, Oregonian. PIANO PLAYER wanted; gentleman piano player for motion picture theater; state experience and give reference. Address Majestic Amusement Co., Council. Idaho. DON T work for others. Buy my ilrst-class one-ton delivery auto and have your own business. I am going East and will sell cheap. Sellwood 205 or AE 478, Oregonian. HUSTLERS $20 to $30 made weeklydi tributing circulars, samples, tacking sljrns, etc. Advertisers National Agency, Dept. C 131, Chicago. ENERGETIC young man, experienced In mercantile lines, for city solicitor; estab lished .business; referenpes. G 500. Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted, out of town position. Investment of $250O required, with experience, good salary. Ap ply 724 Northwestern Dank bidg. WILL GIVE free rent of apts. in exchange ior janitor services oi man and wife. Guild Apts. bet. 23d and 24th, Thurman and Vaughn. WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce poul try compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 7$, Parsons. Kan. PARTY with five or more teams to con tract to haul and bank 2500 cords wood. For particulars, call East 6732, or address AP 500, Oregonian. MEN for railway mall clerk Jobs; exams. soon, ?:iu to itn yeany; act quickly, time limited. Pacific States Schooi Mc Kay bldg., city. WANTED Experienced tailor and fitter for men a and women s clothing: ; state age and Ba'ury expected. . Position perma nent. BK 4S2. Oregonian. WANTED Two advertising solicitors, ex perienced- in special work. 327 Corbett WHY NOT DRESS UP? Uncalled-for men's Spring suits, $3 50 up. Orpheum (Jieaners..ij,) fetark. cor. Park. WANTED Heavy auto trucks to handle cord wood from country. Apply National Fuel Co., East 2d ana Oregon REAL ESTATE salesman. We ha- have the easiest selling proposition in Oregon; come in tomorrow. 620 Nortnwestern Bank bldg. EARN $20 week writing names, addresses. No canvasinn ; Information stamp, o C. Smith. Little Rock, Ark. WANTED Live lot salesman to sell prop erty that is movinar and homes on install ments, like rent; good pay. Main 1743. CUTTER lor mack in aw coats ;nd flan nel shirts. Apply Oregon City Woolen Milis, Oregon City. WANT to buy a few slightly worn men's clothes. 305 W. Park st. Broadway 17l:. WANTED Married man to run auto, work on 7-acre place. Main 4854. BOY wanted with - wheel to deliver $4 per week. Call 2,o N. Ifith st. PHOTO agorr;. Fimctliine new: . xtra corr."- miBsiou paid. Sarouy Studio, Royal bldg. HELP WANTED .MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. OPEN TODAY. COUNTER MAN. cafeteria, $12 -week. Crew of loggers for camp just starting up; ringing men, chasers, buckers. wood buckers, etc., etc. rv.Sawin iands. all kinds. JOBS COM $3 50 THE TIMK' 2 millwrights. 20 white sectlonmen on logging rail roads, -$2.25. Section foreman, $3. Milkers, farm hands, dairymen, etc Man to clear land. $1.25 day and board; 30 woodcutters, first class timber, $1 cord--men to cut wood for logging engines. 80c rick. Men to cut ties and poles, etc . close in. ' todayNDREDS F OTHERS See our lists 20 men for large lumber plant, box fac boayrd planinff miil tc- month and wm" a-7ANCE tour FARE AND ?w h k Y OL K BAGGAGE TO DEPOT PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO Largest in the West. FIRST .ANE COUCH STS. OPEN TOUA1. OPEN TODAY. : W ANTED: BY HANLEY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY N. JL SST -.. Broadway 7T. A 2290. Trimmerman .... Mill fireman Chokernian ' Chaser ."JIT." Whistle boy ...' I" 11 Ill soft-Kiound miners 111 - jOKKlng road laborers .... J'KKiriB roa,i sectionmen. . . 1 . 1 1 .' 1 1 3D Hand drillers 10 teamsters .... :' extra jran laborers! .' 1 -' railroad laborers 1-j quarry laborers. 8 hours ' mmber rilers j . .( ."( .!( 00 WANTED. A UVH WIRE. of ma of E?cial .efrJ"-"n I' In need catfon r,n?,i Kh s,tanci"i "d Rood ertn work . upa.ylns in a'crdance with work accomplished; must have or develor. sa,.h,p abi,uy. big uture tQ W1VT1.-T1 ' : tike W"nJ - ' married farmer to i ash--: muat kl'v apple busi ness and pruning of trees. To work on shares. furnisltinB own team. Wm put up house and shed for riifht party rVT erenees required. K oreggmanV Vre?il"i?i?Ti'iYe , c"ntWictor or builder or 5VV ee,t,"t.e. dealer ti handle 20 lots nsap WailT,l7rYo,l,r'S man. about is years of bKin -i.V y .to IeIirn automobile bile concerns In the city; state atre refer t; ana Wasc3 "peeled. ak'& J: bllu .. . "e 'ar"st automo Ore- n,en ttZ?1 .everywhere. Tmbl, iii Kubber "cf k"Bness. $loo-.$.-i00 month. . c .t;, vn-e, AKrOll, O. ADCOX AUTOMolii LK BCHOOL .,. .. -.anu Jetrerson. Tult on Fee When ltegi,ne Course. Hoard and lioom Earned. va;i -lo A. .u. or Z . M. cleV mTs? OJ,sw,th wheels and motor thri. hnv ork-, Rood pay; can also use f-on y? aftur "chool and Saturdays nil. Monday. L. Mollcnhour. 24i Oak st. CliJ,tY , Prltuer. all-around man tor ld' Place; young married man pre- MTOrrnlan"""" 'n "cation. AV WATKD An experienced dairyman; mar ried man preferred; good waes and Kood Easf 3s"2" d: '"U" PUt 500 PllSne WANT painter to paint new house: ilbp Monday'' 200 Kaat Kussetf.0sSunda?bo? Melp Warned Agents. . ii Hustler wanted In every county to "r'LiOUr -re1" nn-'o-the-mlnute ho use ho -1 articles. Women delishted. eager to buy Experience not needed. Sell like hot cakes. SamCPI flirr,ih.l ....- " r-.r r, munp(-.ionroe sales lit E. , th St., Portland. Or. Co., AGE.NT.-j Hustlers wa to sell onr ir. . ;. t V"unlv 1 FI1..1 In . hold articles; women de,Thted. en"erU3to l uj . experience not needed; sells like hot cake; sample furnished active workers- pV,Vt?aUnSd'l Or.rU8 M rS, as company will start ambitious E?.e 'ast-,grrowins mail-ordvr busi ness; any locality; make IMOOO yearly; spare time; no canvassing; no experience : we furnish everything; new unique sell V.V1 ???tn.0?s ruu- lestoiie. president. ;'. W. .th, Pittsburg-, Kan. -".. o. , AtnilT3JT,akS ,5,to -5 dally; no exp.i T V!,1X Fr,"e catalog, samples; new goods, 2up ""J bit' profits; world healers! ca"o III ' Jackson Campbell, clti- 2 m everywhere, sell new article S7 dally prolit; valuable premium makes women buy Write for circulars. Secure territory. Emerson-Conrad Co.. Mt. Ver- non, Wash. AOKNTS with ability to handle high-claTs line or household specialties; exclusive territory to producers; do not call unless you mean business. Pacific Coast tales ACT quick; Automobile gasoline going up; bell gaso tonic, equals gasoline. 3c a gal lon: eliminates carbon. Dollar an hour prolit. Sales guaranteed. White Mfg. Co.. Dent. 1f ClnchinnH ."- ' G-o VALUABLE formulas, trade secrets money-making ond Bales plans, etc., con tained In valuable magazine, 2 Issuea loc Grants Magazine, 4J Vlnuenn.es avel hioae;o. 111. AGt-y WANTED Anems make 500 per cent prolit selling -Novelty Sign Carrfs." Merchants buy Hi to 100 on sight. SliO va rieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co.. 12o-4 . an Buren st., Chicago 111 AOENTrt wanted to sell moisture absorb ing salt shakers; will keep salt dry In all climates; sells at sight; big protit. Write for particulars. Amer. Novelty & Spe. Co. C hattanooga, Tenn, SPKINC1 sensation; eleven-piece toilet ar ticle set selling like blazes, tl; Jl carving set free: enormous profits, tremendous hit Engle made .".1 first week. Write qulckl Pierce Co.. Wj'.t Pierre bldg., Chicago. SALESMEN wanted to sell our check -pro-tector; it sells to every person wh -writes a check; circulars and Information free; ., -i. "'6. -o., conon 1) ll? ToUitn r $o0 WEEKLY easily made with fast Belling bnnsebold Rn,lHlif.u tv.n t ficimiuiniiis, good repeaters; send for free sample offer today. Borens Agents- Kupply Co.. box lo. Salt Lake. Vtah. oOO PER CENT profit; free samples cold alffn letters for store, office windows; any one can put on. Metallic Letter Co . 4.15 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS make hg money, become sales m?r. our woods; fast office seller; fine profits. Particulars, sample free. One Dip t'en Co.. 7::i Daily Record, Baltimore, Md. AGENTS Call on best people; fast seller netting you $1.25 on every gale. Send for particulars. The T. R. Moeller Company P.O. box 594, Portland, Or. J 15 MADE first day by 13-year-old boy with tehomescope ; woman made $6 first hour. Particulars free. Shomecope Mis Co.. 640 West 13th Et., Kansas City, Mo AGENTS make ?7 a day selling our guar anteed goods. Write today for free par ticulars. Mackinac Specialty Co., Dept. Mackinac Island, Mich. FREE sample no-splash water strainers, sell themselves no talking; experience in necessary; profits bl: Bend 2c (mailing cost . J. G. Union Filter Co., N. Y. HOME and office specialties; good, clean merchandise; big sellers; liberal terms; get our booklet now. Collier Co., --o Sherlock bldg., Dept. A, Portland, Or. LIVE WIRE book salesmen capable of ean Ing $ii0 weekly; has beens and dubs not wanted. Harper & Broa 6-17 Lum, Kx. bid g. 200 PER CENT profit; household and store necessity ; free sample; exclusive territory. Chiipmaii Company, 2U5 D wight bldg., Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS New game for cigar stores, bax ber shops, etc. Easy, big seller. Particu lars free. United Salesboard Co., Trenton, N. J. WANTED Two young men to work on traJa as news agents. Cash bond required. Ap ply at 160 N. 0th. LIVE agents wanted in each county ; good line. Young-Monroe Sale Co., 17a E. 7th, st., Portland, Or. FOR bargains in acents goods, read "Agents Magazine," 2 issues 10c. Agents Magazine, Chif-ago. NO SAO CLOTHESLINE SUPPORTER." big sales. United Commercial Co., 1ST91 Howard st.. San Francisco. NEW laundry necessity, constant re pea ter ; 200 per cent profit ; free samples. Kodo Products Co.. Div. 10, Philadelphia. Pa. AL'iO-ZKNE equals gasolene at i cents a gallon; make it yourself. Tree-Hold Co., A rcata. Cal. SELL heat lees trouser press: city, country; particulars free. De Witt Jones, Oakland, Cal. LEARN about profits supplying perfumes to families by nddivfcsing Lett'ler & Co., 7.y Walton, St. Louis, Mo. WANTET: Agents to ties. A-Idress A lb 4, t 1 1 household necessi-Oreonian, V