The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 19, 1916, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 38

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RAND OPERA will be the event of
I this week. Society has shown Its
interest by reserving boxes and
eats for line rarties for each of the
three performances. The opening; night.
liant event of tile season, .mong those
who will have box parties will be the
Misses Failing, Colonel and Mrs. 1L.
C. Cabell. Mrs. Charles Edwin Seara,
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbctt, Mrs. Thotoaa
CarricJs Jiurke, ilr, qx Mrg. , o.
Downing and Mrs. Warren E. Thomas.
The early Lenten days have been
marked by a few card parties, but all
have been quite Informal. 1
DurLnsr the past week the exhibition
of the famous Besnard peace painting,
"Xjf P&jx." at the Museum of Art on
Wednesday night called forth an as
semblage of society folk and others
who are appreciative of the best In
art. A musical programme of high
standard was given by l.ient Mowrey
and CJeorge Wilbur Reed and addresses
were delivered by Charles II. Carey on
"Our Debt to France," and by J. Andre
Fouilhoux on "Art. The evening was
planned for the banefit of the families
of French- soldier artists and the spon
sors were the members of LAllianee
The auction of paintings donated by
H. F. WentE, C. E. S. Wood. Carl H.
Walters, Shanna Cumming. Lesley
Smith and an exhibition of loan pic
tures in the upper gallery created
added Interest.
The Besnand picture depicts peace by
arbitration. It ..should be seen by all
who are interested in the fine arts. The
exhibit of loan paintings and minia
tures contains many gems. There is
a Claude Monet loaned by C. F. Ad
ams, a Carot, "A Boy Sketching," loaned
by Miss Failing; a Daublgny, a Michel
and others of equal interest from the
collection of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett.
K. M. Lazarus has added three Dau
bigny miniatures. An attractive paint
ing is the "Tempest," by Jules Dupre,
which is the property of Mrs. A. L.
Among others who have loaned pic
tures for this exhibit are William . D.
Wheelwright, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, C.
F. Adams, I. N. Fleischner, Mrs. Pres
ton C. Smith, W. M. Ladd, Mrs. M. R.
Hampson, Mrs. Roscoe R. Giltner,
Henry Ladd Corbett. W. B. Ayer. Mrs.
H. W. Corbett. Mrs. L. Allen Lewis.
Fred A. Jacobs and Charles Henry
Carey. The exhibition closes today.
An anticipated event Is the mi
careme fete that will be held on March
30. This will be under the auspices of
L'Alliance Franeaise and will be unique
in many features. Special costumes
vll '
The influence of Spring now mani
fests itself throughout our shop In
the attractive novelties displayed.
Of special interest are the importa
tions Just received of
K. S. ERVIN & CO.. Ltd.
Custom Clothing.
Second Floor Selling Building.
Sixth and Alder Streets.
W. G. Smith Sc Co.
xould rLooiw aioaajLx dujq.
O- 777 1
are being planned for the occasion,
which will be a jolly revel of society
folk In the garb of art students and
others of the Latin quarter of Paris.
The committee of arrangements in
cludes Leland L. Smith, Folger John
son. Miss Olive Failing. Mrs. Susie Fen
nell Pipes and Mrs. Ralph Fenton. .
In April there will be the College
fete, which is looked forward to by
the sorority girls, fraternity men and
all who are interested in college life.,
Among the society folk who have
reserved seats for grand opera and
who will entertain groups of friends
at one or at all of the three per
formances will be: Mrs. Everett
Ames, Mrs. W. E. Anderson, of Salem:
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ainsworth, Mr.
and Mrs. II. R. Albee, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Adams. H. F. Biddle. Mrs. Hazel
Blumauer Litt. Dr. and Mrs. D. Bruere.
A. O. Bjelland; Japanese Consul. K.
Kumasaki; Mr. and Mrs Asahel Bush,
of Salem: C. J. Bushnell, of Pacific
University; Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes,
G. E. Beebe, Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong,
A. P. Bateham. F. G. Buffum, Mrs. R.
B. Bain. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John V.
Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lea Barnes,
Elsie Bond Bischoff. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles F. Berg. Mr. and Mrs. George
Knight Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Cookingham. Major William M. Cruik
shank, Vancouver Barracks; Judge and
Mrs. C. H. Carey. Mrs. A. B. Combs, Mr.
and M.-s. Vincent Cook. Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar E. Coursen, Mrs. Lena Chambers,
Judge G. N. Davis, Mrs. G. C. Dickey,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Downard. Miss Ruth
Duniway, R. M. Dooly, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Denton. Miss. Henrietta Eliot, Miss
Failing, Miss May Failing. Mrs. W. B.
Fechheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Eichenlaub, Gordon Forbes, Miss Froh
man, Paul E. Froellch, Miss Joselyn
Foulkes, Edward Ehrman. Mr. and Mrs.
Marcus Fleischner, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Gerlinger, Jr.. Alan Green. Mr. and
Mrs. Mark W. Oill, Mr. and Mrs L. C
Oilman, Mrs. W. F. Gratke. Astoria
Miss Frances Gill. Graham Glass, Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Irvine. Dr. and Mrs
Millard C. Holbrook, Miss Katherlne
Holbrook. Mr. and Mrs. C. w. Havhurst
Wholesale Retailers
Evtablialied 190
Oriental Rugs
Spring Cleaning
This is the season to have your
Oriental Rugs wash-cleaned and re
paired to preserve their wear and
restore their rith, natural color-"
ings. Native weavers with lifelong
experience do the work, and abso
lute satisfaction is assured. Prices
rpoderate. Telephone Broadway
Cartozian Bros.
Importers of Oriental Rugs
Pittock Block, Near Tenth Street
Fine Showing of Spring Materials.
Order Now Reduced Prices.
J. IC. Stern
Ladies Tailor.
47 Alder St.
fresh every day.
'Morrison st. bet.
Aih mil Ifh 11
lain or A, 1805,
Charles S. Holbrcolt. Mrs. S. G. Jewett.
James D. Hart. Miss Gertrude Hoebr,
Mrs. Lee Hoffman, Hugh Hume. Mrs.
H. O. Hickox. Mrs. L. H. Hoffman,
Folger Johnson. Mf-s. E. Habersham.
Miss Mary Frances Isom, Mrs. Max S.
Ilirseh. Mr. and Mrs. John Latta. An
toino Lahhi, Isadora Koshland, J. W.
Latimer. Lieutenant E. R. Kimble. 1.
Lowensrart, Mr. and Mrs. James n.
Kerr. M. L. Kline, J. Wesley Ladd. S. B.
Llnthtcum. Mr. and Mrs Kurt Koehler,
C. W. King, Max Loewenson, John A.
Kesting. Mr. snd Mrs. O. Hunt Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lewis. Mr. and
Mrs. Fleicher Linn, Mr. and Mis.
Thomas Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. I'eter Kerr,
Charles T. Ladd. W. M. Knight. Mrs.
Julius Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Alma D.
Kati, F. P. Kendall, Mrs. Hpnry Mc
Craken, Mrs. J. C. Mann, Samuel C.
May. Stuart McGuire. Mr. and Mrs.
C. Mears, Mrs. Julia Marquam, Mrs. R.
C. McDanie, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Malpas, Mrs. G. M. Msgrudoi'. Mr. snd
Mm. John Claire Montieth, Mrs. Del
phine Marx, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mac
Rae, Miss Je in Mackenzie. " Robert
Macgili. Julius L Meier, Roger Mac
Veagh, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.i Montague,
W. F. Ogburn. E. W. Ortmann, Mrs.
Clark Noble. Mrs. 11. J. Ottenheimer.
Mrs. John R. Oatman. Mrs. Ira V.
Powers, Mips Axa Genevieve Paget. L.
I lVkorney. Tr. and Mrs. Paul
Hockey. Frank Branch Riley. Mrs. O.
Rlttenberg. Samuel .Rosenblatt. Mrs.
Kenneth Robertson. George Wilber
Reed. Rose Coursen Reed, Aniedcc M.
Smith. Miss Anne Shogren, Mrs. B. G.
Skulason. Russell E. Sewall. Mrs. C.
rt. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Rntmrt
Strong, Ray Small. Mrs. A. M. Sher
oo. Mrs. J. A. Strowbridge. Mr?. W.
A. Sellwood. Mr.' and Mrs. Preston
Carter Smith. Mrs. Delta Watson
Spence -, Mrs. Loyal B. Stearns, Mr. and
Mrs. B-n Selling. Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Toal. Dr. Krnest T" Tucker, Guy
Webster Talbot. R. M. Tuttle. Mine.
Lucie Valnir. Miss Ksther Tucker. Mr.
nnd Mrs. E. L. Thompson. L. II. Tarplcy,
Mrs. James Twohy. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Woodward. Charles E. Wolverton. .A.
Just Received!
Number of Beautiful
Gray Suits at $37.50 Up
Gray, while one of the prettiest and most popular
colors for Spring, will be one of the hardest to ob
tain. We are now displaying some very lovely suits
in different shades of gray, in the most becoming
Spring models. Step in and see us about your new
suit; while these new grays are priced at $37.50 up,
we have hundreds of other suits marked as low as
$14.50. May we have the pleasure of showing you?
Choice Hats at $5.00
The splendid styles we are showing at
this popular price are drawing hun
dreds of new customers to our millinery
department. You, too, will marvel at our
being able to sell such smart, stylish
creations at only $5.
Novelties in Silk Sweaters
With the coming of Spring the demand for silk
sweaters arises. We now have a very wonderful
line of sweaters in the freshest and brightest of col
ors and styles. Many new effects are in vogue for
the coming season. 4 up.
A Charge
Account ' Your
Washington Street at Tenth
' A. Charge
Account Your