The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 19, 1916, SECTION THREE, Image 37

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NO. 12.
Exclusive Portland Agents for the Celebrated Gossard Front-Lace Corsets New Spring Models Now Ready Corset Salons on Second Floor
Fishing Tackle, Baseball and Tennis Goods, Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags on the Fourth Floor Model Grocery, Bakery and-Delicatessen on the Fourth Floor
Thrifty Shoppers
Never Fail
to Stop at
"THE PIT" in
the Basement.
New Bargains
Appear Every
Alder Entrance.
Showing Spring Lines in
Wheel Goods
Fourth Floor Baby Carriages, Go
Carts, Perambulators, Autos, Coast
ers, Bicycles, Tricycles, Roller Skates,
etc., in dependable makes at reason
able prices. See our line before buying.
Make an
.With Your
Friends to
Take Down - Town
in Our Tea Room.
Olds9 Worttnan King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A 6231
We Give
S. & H. Trading
Save Them and
Choose Valuable
Without One
Cent of
Burbank's, Morse's, May's
Garden Seeds
Fourth Floor Complete stock of
Flower and Garden Seeds of tested
varieties. Now is the time to make
your selections. ROSE LAWN FER
TILIZER, 10-pound pails, at 500
Portland Agents
for Ladies'
Home Journal
and Publications.
. Main Floor.
Spring Silks and Dress Goods in Great Assortment 1st Floor
A Rare Exhibit of Spring Suits
Fashion Salons, Second Floor
There are Suits of every description, from the neat models of wool
jersey cloth for sports wear to the more elaborate styles of silks
and combinations of silks and wool materials. Every authentic
style of the season is represented Norfolks, semi-fitted, Russian
and novelty cuts. Make it a point to see these fashionable Suits
at your first opportunity.
New Suits, $16.50 to S35.0Q
Second Floor Within these prices we have any number of
smart Suits for women and misses. Natty Norfolks with
belts, plaits and patch pockets fashionable belted effects
with flare coats and wide skirts, many are trimmed with
fancy collars and cuffs, buttons, braid Russian styles and
the smart tailored models are also to be seen among the
new arrivals. Plain colors, checks, plaids, pin stripes
and mixtures. All sizes. Prices $10.50 to $35. OO
New Suits, $37.50 to $98.50
Second Floor This range takes in Suits of the better
grades exclusive styles shown only at this store. Strictly
first-class workmanship throughout and distinctive pat
terns and materials Plain tailored, semi-fancy and nov
elty cuts, featuring the latest style touches of the season.
There. are beatuiful models of silk poplins, taffetas and combinations of
silk and wool goods. Others of gabardines, serges, cheviots, etc. Many
are shown in new colored checks, stripes, plaids. Priced $37.50 to $98.50.
in the new colored stripes and combinations. SEE THESE!
ShowingNewSpring Coats
Women's Wool Coats, $15.00 to $52.50
New Silk Coats at $20.00 Up to $48.50
Second Floor NEW COATS of
wool poplins, gabardines, serges,
coverts, tweeds, angora cloth and
homespuns. New cape-collar ef
fects are shown on many of the
new models. Others with belts and
patch pockets. All have the new
full-flare skirts. Whether for street,
sports or dress wear, you are sure
to find a pleasing model here.
Priced - at $15.00 to $52.50
for women and misses in attractive
showing of the latest Spring mod
els. Poplins, taffetas and satins.
Some made up in combination ef
fects. Latest belted and flare
styles with high waistlines. Don't
fail to see these new models. Shown
in black and colors. Many models
for large . women. The . prices
range from $20.00 to $48.50
Silk Petticoats at $3.49 to $9.75
Taffetas, Messalines and Silk Jerseys
Second Floor Silk Petticoats in shades to match the new Spring suit
and dresses. A complete showing of the very newest styles with full
flounces, plain or trimmed with narrow ruffles. Taffeta or messaline
silks also silk jersey tops with silk flounces. Plain colors, changeables
and flowered effects. Several attractive styles have deep accordion
plaited flounces. Great range to select from. Priced $3.4J) to $9.75.
New Gowns and Wraps
For the Opera
Boston Grand Opera Company, with Pavlowa and
Ballet Russe, will be at the Heilig Theater Fri
day and Saturday, March 24 and 25. In prepara
tion for this event we are featuring a special
showing of Evening Gowns and Wraps in
exclusive models Fashion Salons, Second Floor.
Evening Gowns, $27.50 to $75
Second Floor Beautiful Evening Gowns of ex
quisite soft taffetas, crepes, satins and nets. Par
' ticularly attractive is a dainty model of Dolly
Varden taffeta, made up with Georgette crepe
and trimmed with marabou. Others trimmed
with silver laces, nets, headings, etc. Latest flare
skirts with novelty trimmings $27.50 to $75
New Evening Wraps
$42.50 to $55.00
Second Floor Rich Opera Wraps of Scintilla
Waterfall cloth, satins, broadcloth and other de
sirable fabrics. Beautiful new creations in loose
effects, or models designed with novelty cord
girdles. Black and the wanted evening shades.
Moderately priced at $42.50 on up to $55.00
Garment Salons
Second Floor
INSPECTION Children's Wear Dept., Second Floor.
Women Who Wear
Large Siz2s
will find here a representative
showing of suits, coats, dresses,
waists and petticoats especially
designed for them. We also
make a specialty of garments
for little women and misses.
New Waists
for Milady
Dainty, fluffy styles or the plain
tailored effects in a wonderful as
sortment of models and materials
on display on the Second Floor.
Showing Newest Styles
At $2.49 to $11.50
Second Floor Fancy Waists of
Pussy Willow Taffetas, Crepe de
Chine and Tub Silks in plain colors,
plaids, stripes and floral effects.
Also Georgette Crepe Waists in the
new brilliant colors so much in de
mand. Many of the new Waists
are finished with hemstitching and
tucks, others with plaitings, bead
embroidery, buttons, etc. The rices
rang from $2.49 up to $11.50
NEW Lingerie Waists
At $1.39 to $8.75
Second Floor Of dainty sheer
voiles, lawns, batistes and organ
dies! Attractive new models, made
up in combinations of lace and em
broidery. Some are trimmed with
ruffling. Also smart tailored ef
fects of linen and madras. Shown
in all sizes. Priced $1.39 to $8.75
New Dress Skirts
$5 to $22.50
Second Floor Of corduroy, gab
ardines, serges, tweeds in combi
nation of different materials. Lat
est full-flare and plaited styles.
Models suitable for all occasions.
Spring Needs for Lawn and Garden
Can Best Be Supplied Here!
Third Floor It pays to buy where
you get goods of dependable quali
tiesyou get no other kind here
and you pay no more than you are
asked for inferior grades elsewhere.
Long-handle Shovels 750 to $1.50
Short-handle Shovels 750 t $1.50
Long-handle Spades 750 to $1.50
Garden Rakes priced at 250 to 950
Lawn Rakes priced at 400 to 950
Garden Hoes priced at 250 to 500
Garden Cultivators priced
Lawn Edgers priced at, each
Spading Forks priced at, each
Garden Trowels at t0 up
Pruning Shears priced 300
Lawn Mowers Best Makes
Third Floor With all likelihood of further advance in cost of
steel products, NOW is the time to buy that lawn mower! We
are able to quote you very low prices on dependable makes.
50-Foot Garden Hose (Complete) $3.85
Third Floor Why not take advantage of this bargain? 50-ft. length,
-inch guaranteed Rubber Hose, complete .with nozzle C O Qff
and brass couplings for limited time special at only ?50CJO
March Sale of Dinner Sets Now in Progress on the Third Floor.
Demonstration of O-Cedar Mops and Polish on the Third Floor.
at 750 &P3aK M'ISk
Guaranteed Paints
for inside or outside use. See U3
before you do your Spring Paint
ing. We can save you money.
Of Interest to Men
New Shirts !
Main Floor ARROW full-dress
"Donchester" Shirts in plain or
pique bosom. Correct styles. Priced
at $ 1 .50 and $2.00.
Marquis of Salisbury soft plaited
Dress Shirts. Price, $2.00.
New White Plaited Arrow Shirts,
also plain bosom, $1.50.
New Belmont Shirts, plain white
or plaited bosoms. Also in novelty
patterns. Special, 950.
Boys9 2. Suits
At $5.QO
Main Floor Tailored from
wool serges that will give satis
factory wear. These were made
especially for this store by one of
the largest factories in the coun
try. Novelty Norfolk models with
stitched belts and plaits. Pants
full lined. Ages 5
to 18 years. Priced at
Sale of Hair Goods
Second Floor
Best quality natural wavy Ger
man Hair Switches in separate
stems on sale Monday only at
these very special low prices:
$2.00 and $2.50 Switches at $1.50
$3.50 Wavy Hair Switches, $2.50
$5.00 Wavy Hair Switches, $3.50
$7.00 Wavy Hair Switches, $5.00
Special attention given to the mak
ing up of combings and doll wigs.
Sale of Linens
and Domestics
Main Floor TEA CLOTHS of
pure linen, in natural color. Fancy
Jacquard designs. We have only
a limited number of these, so be
prompt. Sizes 36x36 9 Qg
inches. $1.25 Cloths now Ot
ized damask. Size 64x72 inches.
Gold, pink and blue borders. Ex
cellent $2.00 Cloths.
Priced special at
Extra heavv grade, vard-
best quality sheeting. Size 2x2
yards. A splendid
heavy quality. Each
12 Yds. Fine Nainsook
For $1.90
Main Floor "Pride of the West"
Nainsook, 36 inches wide and fine
silk finish. Put up 12
yards to the box
Moderately Priced
Shoe Department, Main Floor Latest Spring Novelties
in Women's high-grade Footwear now on display. Every
day, almost, we receive new lines direct from makers.
NEW WHITE SHOES of calf, Nu-Buck and Nile
Cloth in lace and button effects.
NEW CHAMPAGNE BOOTS in lace style with neat
pointed toe. Full range of sizes.
NEW WHITE BOOTS of Sea Island Canvas, high-top
lace styles. Very fashionable.
NEW FLAT-BOW PUMPS of White Sea Island Cot
ton, with high or low heels and rubber soles. All sizes.
Announcing a Pre-Faster Showing of
Exclusive New
$15 to $5Q
Women who plan on buying their Easter Hat
early will do well to attend this exhibition of
the newest Spring modes in Millinery Salons.
Tailored, Semi-Dress and Pa t tern Ha ts
From Famous Designers
Charming creations for street and dress wear
Hats that are noticeably smart with the
style treatment and distinctive features of the
very finest millinery to be had. Small, me
dium and large effects in every wanted color
and material. May we expect you to come and
view these new creations?
Millinery Salons 2d Floor
Wr) )
Sale of "Rediplete" Robes
At $6.75 and $10.50
Main Floor SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW ! "Rediplete" Robes, con
taining sufficient material for full dresses. They are plaited and banded,
ready for making up. Shown in two styles. Flouncing and waist to
match in various patterns and colors. Well-executed embroidery on
fine batiste cloth. A splendid opportunity to buy a dress and save!
Rediplete Robes in CJ 7 'ff
choice patterns now P J
Rediplete KobesQl)
in choice patterns P - v -
40c Embroidery Flouncings 25c
$1.00 Voile Flouncings at 5QcYd.
Main Floor Beautiful Embroidery
Flouncines. 17 inches wide. Neat
patterns on fine soft cloth.
Main Floor 45-inch Voile Flounc
ings and 36-inch Voile Allovers in
"discontinued patterns, )
Splendid 40c grade. Yard'-'' Worth to $1. The yard--
10c Embroidery Edges, three inches wide, fine quality, the yard, 70
New Things in the Embroidery Dept.
Main Floor Come and see the new Imported Dress FlouncinRs New
Georgette Crepes, New Chiffons, New Nets, New Laces, New Dress
Trimmings. Every day brings many new novelties of interest. Ask to
see the new satin-striped Georgette Crepe Chiffons in latest plaid effects
rose, maize, white and navy. Priced at, the yard, $2.00 to $2.50
3000 Pieces of Crisp New Under muslins
In a Notable Sale!
This Entire Shipment, Consisting of Gowns, Slips,
Chemise, Combinations and Skirts, Will Be
Department, Second Floor Designers' and salesmen's sample lines high
grade Undermuslins from one of the largest factories in America came to
us at a price which enables us to close out the entire lot at about usual
cost of making. Needless to say, the assortment is so large and varied that
every woman will find garments to suit her fancy. Some are direct copies
of imported garments. There are some pieces which areNa little mussed,
but all are of the finest grade materials. Don't fail to attend this sale.
3 Great Special Lots
T fiS- ' "1 Women's Night Gowns, White Petticoats,
MUl J. Chemise, Straight Chemise and Princess Slips
in various styles. Easily worth $1.50. Priced special at
W A. Q Women's Night Gowns of fine nainsook, trimmed with finest
M-dJu, KM laces and embroidery. Some with hand-
Women's Night Gowns, White Petti-
coats, Envelope Chemise and Straight
Garments worth up to $2.98. Priced at
embroidered yokes.
Chemise and Slips,
White Pettfcoats, Envelope
Worth up to $3.98. Priced at
On Sale 2d Floor
of Wanted Kinds
Main Floor New Ribbons for Mil
linery, Hair Bows, Sashes, Neck
wear and Trimmings. Fashion
calls for ribbons for. many uses
and they can be used to advantage
at little c6st.
Heavy Failles and Taffetas in
colors, maize, green, blues, rose.,
purple, navy, black, white, brown.
Priced, the yard from 350 to 850
New Wide Soft Ribbons in 8 to
10-inch widths, good range of col
ors. 750 to 850 yard.
New Satin Ribbons of exception
ally good quality. Black, white and
staple colors. This is good 50c
grade 380 yard.
Wide Antique Moire in 3 widths,
black, white, pink, Alice, sky blue.
250 to 380 yard.
New narrow Ribbons in gros
grain, satins, plaids, checks, gold,
silver, silk and metal materials. At
100 to 500 yard. , .
Special Factory Purchase and Sale ot
High-Grade Wilton Rugs
$45.00 Wilton Rug Size 9 x 12 -ft. at $35.5Q
$65.00 Wilton Rug9 x 12-ft. Special $50.00
Third Floor A fortunate purchase makes possible this extraordinary sale
of high-grade Wilton Rugs. Those of our customers who are planning on
new floor coverings should take prompt advantage of these prices, for
they will not be duplicated again very soon. Choice range of patterns.
$45.00 Wilton Rug,
size 9x12 ft., at
$56.00 Wilton Rug C?OQ 7 C
size 9x9 feet, at J
$61.00 Wilton Rug P5 CZf
size 8:3x10:6, JfCJ J 1
$65.00 Wilton Rug
size 9x12 feet,
$7.25 Wool Fiber Rugs $5.48
$8.75 Wool Fiber Rugs $6.98
Third Floor Fiber Rugs make ideal floor coverings for bedroom, Sum
mer homes, porches, etc. Shown in attractive patterns, in various colors.
$7.25 Fiber Rugs in r iO I $8.75 Fiber Rugs in J QQ
H size 9x12 ft., special
size 9x9 feet, special
BUNGALOW ART RUGS Reversible size 9x12 2 "J O j Q
feet. Usual selling price $16.50, special now at .K"0
The Sale of
Flowers, Fruit
and Foliage
which created such a stir in the
Basement Underprice M i 1 1 i n e ry
Store Friday and Saturday will be
continued Monday. If you were
unable to attend the sale, don't miss
this last opportunity to share in
one of the most remarkable bar
gains in flowers ever offered in
Portland. Shop in the morning.
Still a Good Assortment
to Select From
In the assortment are American
Beauty Roses, Assorted Small
Roses, Fruits, Foliage, Single
Roses, Flat Roses, Forget-Me-Nots,
New Bronze Flowers, Pansies, etc.
LOT 1 Flowers worth up O
to 25c, specially priced at
LOT 2 Flowers worth up
to 50c, specially priced at
LOT 3 Flowers worth up
to -50c, specially priced at '