12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rOKTLAND, MARCH 19, 1916. CTTFATIOXS W-VNTKI MALE, Bookkeeper and Clerlf, CITY OP PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts. . EFPICISM MJi.V l-'UH ALL POSITIONS, baksmen, office men, clerks, mechanics, farm hands, house men, cooks, mill men, loggers, luborers, etc. -No fee charged employer or employe. Out-of-town orUeri given prompt atten tion. Main 3505, A 5624. lOUNG unmarried man, stenographer and bookkeeper, wants a position in any line of business; experienced in banking, rail road and mercantile work; am mechan ically inclined ana prefer a position with a manufacturing, machinery or agricul tural implement house. Hay also sales manship ability. Al references. AE 464, Oregonian. TOUNG unmarried, man, stenographer and bookkeeper with 10 years business experi ence, is now available to any (established business firm In the city ; am mechan ically inclined, and prefer a position with a manufacturing, machinery or farm im plement bouse, moderate salary ; A-l ref erences. J 446, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED LL'MJiERilAN. Good correspondent, uses typewriter, un derstands books, can figure material bills, know 3 something- of marketing ; young, energetic, ciean record ; can lend some thing to business besides routine work. Address 715 E. Ash st., Portland. BUS 1 NESS college graduate, age 39, office and salesmanship experience, would like position with lirm where there is chance of advancement; cUy references. All 474, Oregonian. TOUNG man, 8, 4ft years' office experience, reliable, accurate and conscientious, would like to secure a position where there is a chance for advancement; A-l city references. AB -474, Oregonian. BOOK KEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, wide ex perience railroad, lumber, real estate, etc.; best references; high-grade man for very reasonable salary; go anywhere, AF 45, Oregonian. W AN T K L Capable, reliable office man, married, ;.S, bookkeeper, knowledge of stenography, wants work In or out of town; moderate wages to start. BD 469, Oregonian. - YOUNG man, able to operate typewriter, wishes to secure position where there Is a. chance for advancement. "Wood lawn 26Q5. WANTED Bv experienced timekeeper, po sltion with lumber. Jogging or construction firm. Main 2 1 77, or BC 463, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WORTHY MAN in need of employment to support sick wife ; is experienced sta tionary fireman and janitor, but will do any hard labor. Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517. UAN with wife and three children wants work on farm; thoroughly experienced In reneral farming and stock; references. Call londay. Main 7U51, A 1517, 411 Com mercial blk. PRACTICAL farmer. 25, wants position in a poultry farm to learn more about poul try raising on a big- scale. Write or see M. Barrot, 408 Benton St.. Portland, Or. MAN with wife and l-yr.-old baby wants farm work on shares; experienced In poul try also ; ret ere i ices. Oit.il Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. 411 Commercial blk. A FIRST-CLASS mechanic and millwright wants work in saw mill or flour mill; 30 years' experience. 6b4 East 60th. St. JS Portland, Or. Tabor 66. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, bookkeeper and ail-around office man, age 3-, rapid and accurate, good penman, railroad and com mercial experience. Mar. 1050, room 418. MiAT APPEARING elderly man wants work, chores, mow lawns, rough carpenter, etc.; board, room and small wages ; ref erences. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. BRIGHT, energetio boy, 18, wants delivery work (has wheel), must help family; $1 day; references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. YOUNG MAN, 22, desires work clerking and delivering for grocery house ; $30 month ; Al references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. MAX and lady, middle-aged, experienced in dry goods and ladies' furnishings; good references. phone Marshall 52 1 8 WAX TED To take a contract of a mill boarding-house where 60 or more men are to be boarded. AF 456, Oregonian. WAX TED by first-class cook, job in res taurant or hotel. Phone Marshall- 2740. W. A. Whitehead, Blackstone Hotel. JiKFiNED young man, experienced farm hand, wants job on farm; no milking. R 499, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED groceryman, capable of taking charge of store; best of references. S 499, Oregonian. r SALESMAN One who can make good, wants to hear of your proposition. W 471, Oregonian. COLLECTOR Experienced. wLshe position, whole or part of time; have motorcycle. O 4 6 8, Oregonian. MEATCUTTER wants permanent position in city; several years' experience; A-l ref erences. AL 402. Oregonian. ELEVATOR, any work, wanted, circulate petitions, cook, janitor. 911 belling. Alain li''j'J. Drake. LICENSED motorboat operator, four years' experience; can repair; moderate salary to start. AO 47Q, Oregonian. WANTED Work as janitor in rooming house or hotel; can do all kinds of repair work. V 473, Oregonian. GOOD experienced Japanese wants a posi tion as chauffeur or gardener, automobile driver. Tuboi. 3o7 Burnslde st. fcTE WARD and wife, experienced club, re sort or hotel, best references, open for en pagoinem. J 474. Oregonian. POSITION as auto driver or would furnish touring car or light delivery by contract. H 475, Oregonian. WILL exchange work for suit of clothes, painting or repairing for small wages; I need the clothes. BF 472. Oregonian. CALL Woodlawn 4183 for better gardening; lawns and private parks cared for, pruning and spraying; work guaranteed. WANTED (.Management of. manufacturing or other business by a successful busi ness man. AD 471, Oregonian. CARPENTER Remodeling building, small or large jobs; reasonable. East 351, C 2656. AN all-roound printer wants situation; sur roundings more than wages. BF 471, Oregonian. WANTED Private lawn and garden tend ing by experienced gardener and florist. Marshall 304. t PIANO TUNING by an expert: rates very reasonable. Call Hotel Rainier. Mr. Woosley. WAXTED By young married man, pLace in garage; will wash cars and do soma repairing. Woodlawn 3 94. HUG and carpet weaving SO cents per yard; good work done; give me a trial. Call at 917 Mississippi ave, S'hAN E RM A X wants position; capable to take entire charge of same. AV 774, Oregonian. A PRACTICAL engineer wants position In hotel refrigeration or electric light plant. AV 799, Oregonian. WANTED Super in tendency of ranch, large or email, reasonable salary. AN 404, Ore gontan. CHAUFFEUR, clean-cut. A-l driver, private or commercial ; 6 years' experience; re pair; age 26. Meyer, Marshall 1229. WAXTED Contract to log 15 to 40 million ft.; state location and price In first letter. W 472. Oregonian,. COMPETEXT A-l truck driver wishes work In city or out; years' experience and not afraid of work. E. C1G9. WORK wanted by young married man, ex perienced as timekeeper, transit man and resident engineer. E 474, Oregonian. WANTE D O f f i c e . house cleaning (kitchen, c trpenter's, mover's helper). Day work. Keyfitter. Mountjoy 3731. WELL recommended German, care for gar den; can milk. G. Molke, 233ft Burnslde. MAX wants painting, tinting, housecleaning; do work cheap. Marshall 1590. Room 4. WAXTED By ex perienced man lawn tend In g and pruning. Tabor 253S. yOL'Nii man, experienced, wants work as janitor or porter. Tabor 0710. HOY. 16, wants any kind of work; prefer farm. Victor Nelson Lents, Or. GOOD boy, 17, must have work immedi ately. Main 2751, room 27. CARPENTER, good inside finisher, bv day .or contract. Phone Marshall 527S. GOOD Japanese couple wishes position In family. 13 472, Oregonian. JAPANESE attending- technical school wants job In small family. H 500. Oregonian. DEPENDABLE young man wants work as watchman. Y 470, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener wishes steady po MMnn. Call Tabor 73.1. XATiONEKY engineer and fireman wants position; references. H 457, Oregonian. WANTED Situation by a Chinese boy as cook or baker. AR 459, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor. 357marrled. "wants worn or any Kin a. mono Alain 5030 38-YEAR-OLD hitrh school bov wishes work from S:3Q to 6 P. M. BF 475, Oregonian. WAXTED-Positlon as logging f orema nTu years' experience. O 471. Oregon i a n. BAKKR. all arout'd. experienced man, wanti position. 46S Yamhill. Main 2660. J'AINTING, tinting, by contract, clean work low price. Manny. Sellwood 2421. MAN and wife wish a position of trust- re liable. AP 472. Oregonian. CARPENTER work wanted, building or re pairtng. Tabor 4497. 33 Y in a rrld man with first-class vacuum , a-Aiiiot, cleaner. Et 6171, . . SITUATION'S WANTKD MALE. Miscellaneous. PRINTER-EDITOR wants country job; good printer, writer proofreader and news hust ler, or would like linotype apprentice ship; have had some machine experience. Married, sober, reliable ; state wages. Ad dress ,M." room 322, National Realty bid if., Tatoma, Wash. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, 45 past, married, sober, industrious, wants connec tion good concern ; grocery or specialty . lines preferred; commission basis; sell to dealers or jobbers only ; no "direct to consumer" lines wanted ; references. Ad dress y 471, Oregonian. WHOLESALE grocery ; city salesman must change climate and get to lower altttude on account of sickness in the family would like position in Portland; can make good ; A-l referenmes; would like to change April 1. A V 791, Oregonian. MARRIED man with girl 0 wants work taking charge ranch; 20 years' experience, and will guarantee good returns, or will run a place on shares. Phone or write M r. Gardner, 274 Montgomery. Main 6oS4. POSITION wanted. Eastern man, having 16 years' experience in manufacturing busi ness, 12 years buyer for one of the largest automobile motor builders in the U. S., wants high-class position, where ability is required. BC 404, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN with family desires position ; has had IS years office experience; exec utive ability; no bad habits; not afraid to work.; references given. BF 474, Ore gonian. UOV.S, bright, capable, ambitious, graduates and students of Jefferson High School, want work full time or afternoons and Saturdays. phone Jefferson High School Employment Bureau, Woodlawn 3175. BUSINESS man, first-class, high-grade ex ecutive, rffice and detail work; can take full charge if required and go ahead; rea sonable salary. 29 East 51st st. North. MAN and wife want place on farm, taking charge of a farm preferred; German; not afraid of work, steady, reliable. Bober, honest and Industrious. F 450, Oregonian. BY experienced couple ( Swiss-German), po sition on farm, he as farm hand and wife to do the cooking. Address Ernest Gls ler, Beavefton, Or, YOUNG, strong, German sausage maker, also slaughterhouse man, wants position in or out of town. 381 Yamhill. John Karstensen. TO UNO man, some experience, wants posi tion auttomobiie driving or shop, email wages; out of town preferred. AB 472, Oregonian. BY experienced couple (Swiss-German) , po sition on farm or dairy ranch, he as farm hand and wife to do the cooking. Address Ernest Gisler. Boaverton, Or. COMPETENT Japanese, married, wants po sition as chauffeur and gardener; 5 years' experience; b?st references. East 6023, or AR 401, Oregonian. CH OR EM AX", young man, wants work on farm or private place, chorea, help milk, gardening, housework, $15 to $20 month, B 458, Oregonian. MAN and wife want management of stock ranch or dairy farm; not afraid of work; best of references and a rustler; had life experience. AN 475. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, with 8 years' experience on Fierce-Arrow and Packard cars desires position with private family. First-class city references. Phone Tabor 6655. SITUATION wanted by young man with 2 years' experience as a fireman in U. S. Navy; also some auto experience. AP 473. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor, understands oil burning, has place but would like to change; best of references. Call Main 6SS6, 1 and 3 P. M. ABLE-BODIED man wants housework and gardening, thoroughly experienced; A-l references. Phone Monday, A 1517, Main 7051. COOK The best logging camp cook on the Columbia river wants position; very best references, nothing less than $100. Jack Palmer. Home Phone A 2715. MAN and wife, experienced cooks, want work in camp. Would consider contract job or man would work outside; references furnished.- B 473, Oregonian. MARRIED couple, German, with 14-year-old boy, man has experience in stock and poultry; has good references. H. Kolek, box 393, R. 2. MUwaukie, Or. PRINTER Editor, reliable. 20 years' exp., good writer, business getter, wants job any dept. country dally or weekly; rea sonable wages. AF 417, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants any kind work after 6 P. M. or before 7 :30 A. M. R 50o, Ore gonian. - CARPEXTER will build sleeping-porches or make alterations by contract at low price. Manny. Sellwood 2421. WANTED A job as cook's helper, dish washer or waiter in mill or logging camp. Address I. G., room C3, Amsdon, 208 3d st. COOK, man and wife, good, all-around, economical, sober, city or country. 209 Market st., room 28. Marshall 3492. COMPETENT, reliable, bright young Chinese man cook and general housework. Phone' Main PS35. BAKER, first-class on bread and cakes, long experience, sober and steady; city or country. Thlel. 392 Oth st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. te.okke-irr and Stenographers. Bookkeeper-cashier, very capable, 8 years experience wholesale mer chandise, 4 years automobile lines. Main 4371. YOUNG woman, 21, experienced sten ographer and general office work, wants position; can operate adding machine and assist w ith bookkeeping ; mother depen dent upon her; $10 week; references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. EXPERT law stenographer, trained as pri vate secretary, desires position ; flrst-class bookkeeper, university education; also ex perienced in lumber, railroad and com mercial work, excellent references. AK 4G2, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wishes position where Initiative, tact, ability to handle office detail and meet the public are requisite; salary must be good. S 404, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, 15 yrs. experience lumber and other lines. Sell wood 67. BOOKKEEPER, experienced bank and fac tory, references, wants position. Address B 4G0, Oregonian. EDUCATED woman desires a position; gen eral office, or cashier- A No. 1 reference. Can give cash bond. Phone Tabor 0911. STENOGRAPHER with four years' experi ence, wants position; moderate salary. H 472, Oregonian. REFINED girl, 20, wishes offioe work; come knowledge of typewriter. Phone East 15o5, or address J. S., 940 E. Couch. NEAT, competent stenographer, 2 years law experience, wants any kind office work; will start small salary. East 3411. EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator de sires substitute position. Room SOS. Main 1443. BILLER or typist wishes position, 4 years experience in wholesale business. Marshall S75. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 6 years' ex perience, high school graduate, local ref erences. Tabor 6u00. GIRL j ust leaving business college wishes position as stenographer or general office work. AG 462, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED . bookkeeper-cashier wants position. AG 464, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC beginner desires position, small salary. Phone East 6875. Dressmakers. LADY alone would like position as house keeper for bachelor or widower; no triflers 4J5 4th st. WANTED Sewing, home or by day. Call Mrs. Beck, Woodlawn 4452; 17o2 Bran don st. FASHION ABLE dressmaking. reasonable, home or day.- 801 Buchanan bldg. Main 9513. EXPERIEXCED dressmaker wishes day en gagements: gowns, etc., satisfaction guar anteed. Marshall 1947. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress will -sew by the day, reasonable; satisfac tion guaranteea. be 11 wood 1 292. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by day, $1.50. Reference.' Marshall 1757. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by ,1 . . 'I" V. w. -'- 1 FJR-ST-CLASS drf.ssmaklnij at home or by tho day. Call Main 7515. $2.50 per day. DRESSMAKING, suits and dresses by day. East 5461. WANTED Skirt alterations in business house. Tabor 5301. DRESSMAKING, hy day or home, work guaranteed : prices reasonable. Main 7392. DRESSMAKING at home or by day; styl . ish and rapid. Tabor 1160. FIRST-CLASS hemstitching done on short notice. 995 Belmont, near 336N st. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and tailoress Miss R. Fleming. Main 8193. EASTERN dressmaker wants work by the day. Main 4933. DRESSMAKING taken home; Irvington dis trict. East 7C3. DRESSMAK I NG Children s clothes a spe cialty. Tabor 6525. EXPERIENCED steamstress wishes engage ments! $2 50 per day. Main 17S3. remodeling and tailoring. Tabor MAKK-OVEH shop. 202 Fliedner: hh'ik fiowua to order or remodeled. Mar. 301. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALK. DrenstimKe ft. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker desires work at home; references. Mrs. Hagewood, 1145 Albina. corner KJUingsworth. Woodlawn 2243. ., DRESSMAKER wants work ; $1.25 day ; references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. WANTED By reliable and experienced dressmaker, home or day. 051 E. 46th st. North. Tabor 4137. CAPABLE woman wants dressmaking; 1.50 day and carfare; references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A lul7. ALL. KINDS sewing at 422 Fliedner blag. Main 5410. Nurnes. COTTAGE hospital, 1234 E. Morrison st rheumatic, medical, chronic invalids and maternity patients taken. Ideal for con valescents; congenal surroundings, trained nurses ; $10 to $15 per week. Taoor 2Gn7. RELIABLE French nurse wants care of children hospital experience. Call Mon day, Sei Avood 1-72, between 9 A. M. and 2 P. AL COMPETENT trained nurse wUh 2 ft years m hospital training. Institute work, care in valid. Phone East t?49. REFINED, capable nurse s ishes a perma nent position with refined family ; salary $Q to 12 per week. Main 4hS. MEDICAL graduate and .nurse detires care of invalid; salary reasonable. AX 406, Oregonian. INVALIDS, trained nurse has rooms, sleep ing porch ; ref. ; long experience. Tabor 2-U3i WILL take care of Invalids or keep house for elderly couple, reasonable; refs. Call room 222, Main 1443. THOROUGHLY reliable woman wishes ma ternity cases at her home; best of care; rates reasonable. Mar. 399. WILL take patients In my home and give treatments. Phone Main 70bS. NURSE wants Invalid rase; every conve nlence; best of care. Phone Woodl'n 1741. NURSE must have work to support family; doctor's ' references. Phone East 3195. GOOD practical nurse with hospital iraln ins; references. Tabor 4767. TRAINED nurse wants1 medical or ma ternity cases. Marshall 4404. WANTED Care of invalids elderly people or children. AJ 475. Oregonian. HfliiKehecpvrn. A WELL educated young woman of very "pleawinjr personality desires position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor with nice home and of good social and business standing; 1 have a son s years of age and cop Id make an ideal home; references exchanged. AV 7S9, Oregonian. CAPABLE, reliable widow, 2S. desires posi tion In Portland as housekeeper for wid ower with 1 child, where she can take her 15-inos.-old baby ; references ex changed; $15 month. Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517. WANTED Middle-aged woman of refine ment ; wish a position for a housekeeper for widower or bachelor and could make an Ideal home; not younger than 50 years of age; references exchanged. C. B. E., P. O. box 155, Vancouver, Wash. REFINED lady would like position a house keeper for some respectable widower; no triflern need apply; must be good home. Call Broadway 68. New Greene Hotel, room 14. RE FIX ED youn rr woman with 2-year-old girl wishes position as housekeeper in a good, respectable home; excellent cook, city or country; no triflers. AH 457, Ore gonian. POSITION' traveling companion and helper, or position housekeeper for responslbje party, by mil! ie-aged lady, city or coun try. Front room on left. 1SS Park st. Phone Main 2116. RESPECTABLE . unincumbered widow, 37, wishes position as housekeeper for wid ower or bachelor; references exchanged. Box 80S, Astoria, Or. REFINED young foreign lady desires posi tion as housekeeper for widower or aged bachelor with rood home, in town or coun try. Call S 475, Oregnian. WANTED Refined middle-aged lady po sition as housekeeper In home or hotel, city or country. Phone Marshall 22S1 mornings and evenings. GOOD cook and housekeeper wants position. Pleasant home, moderate wages. G 459, Oregonian. WAXTED By refined, middle-aged widow, position as housekeeper or companion. Address box 660 Lents, Or. WIDOW, good cook, wishes position as housekeeper; man with one child pre ferred. Call Monday Mar. 1241. WIDOW with daughter 8 wants place as housekeeper: country preferred. Route 2, box 89, McMinnville. Or. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housekeeping and cooking for men on ranch or city ; plain cook. Woodlawn 1 150. YOUXG lady wants housekeeping or house work, home privileges; wages, $1S or $0 a month. East 3774. LADY, experienced housekeeper, cook, de sires position; references. Main 2275, room 23. POSITIOX as housekeeper by widower with two children. Phone Sell. 23S3. WOMAN wants day work or housework ; day's work, 20c hour. Phone Tabor 3403. WIDOW lady, with child, wants position as housekeeper. AL 474, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER by the day, 9-5. M 471, Oregnian. CAPABLE woman wishes housekeeping in widower's family. Valley Hotel, room 20. Donienticfe. REFINED, well-educated widow, 3S. wants work dally, 9 to 0; experienced with and would like care of children or infant or would do housework. Phono Wood law n 3145 or write C. H., 1157 Williams ave. WANTED Home in Rose City Park for schoolgirl in exchange for care of chil dren or light housework. BC -475, Ore gonian. LADY employed wants to assist In light housework, companion to children eve., for room and board. EJ 457, Oregonian. GERMAN girl, experienced, general house work, desires place with elderly people. K 473, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes to assist morning and evening for room, board and small wages. Good district. East 8028. CAPABLE woman wants work Thursday, Friday ; laundry, cleaning, cooking ; refer ences. Main 8479. EXPERIENCED house girl wants work with family of adults. Monday, Main 7144. GE RM AN girl wants to do general house work. 830 E. 27th st. AN experienced Scotch woman wants posi tion as general servant. Call Main 6:H9. Mince Han eo us. MOTHER and daughter want work in log ging camp or hotel out of town. Write box 24, Troutdale, Or. COMPETENT, good worker wishes cleaning, laundry, housework by day. Phone Broad way 1079. YOUNG lady wishes place to care for chil dren. Can give piano Instruction; refer ences. Y 471, Oregonian. SWEDISH woman wants a few more family washings; will call for and deli vex. Ctl Borthwlch st., city. GRAMMAR grade and high school studies taught; backward pupils specialty. Main 5721. REFINED young dancing teacher willing to coach children or assist in their care. R 475. Oregonian. LACE CURT A I X S laundered; 12 years ex perience. Tabor 5933. Mr. Scott. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day'i work. Phone Main 4309. EXPERIEXCED housework, day or hour: fine ironing. Tabor S17. LACE curtains hand-laundered all work guaranteed. Call Sellwood 801. tudents in English, historv or rates reasonable. Tabor 6140. COLORED woman wants day work or plain cooking. Main S209. LACE CURTAIN'S hand laundered 40 cts. up. Phone Sellwood 173G. I. DeBell. H O tf S EWOR K or d ay si wo r k "wanted by colored woman. Woodlawn 4279. FRENCH and piano. European teacher. Class 2 mo.; rapid progress. M. 6474. COLORED woman, j an I tress, house-cleaning, experienced laundress. Bdwy. 3335. EXPE K1ENCED cook will go out by day. week or month. Woodlawn 310. Bryant. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants 'work by day or hour. East 560. RELIABLE woman will stay with children and help with work. A 103S. w YOUXG lady wishes care of children; ref erences. Phone Sellwood 904. LACE CURTAINS hand laundered; 25c pair calbsl for; experienced. East 7172. ' PRIVATE lessons in English to grown peo ple; Eastern teacher. S 471. Oregonian. TEACHERS desiring review work for June examinations call Broadway 4258. WANTED Days work of any kind or bun dle washing. Call all the week, Tahor 37tiS. GIRL, 18, would like housework; wages. AJ 465, Oregonian. medium WOMAN wants day work of any kind or half-time work. Phone E. 6 i S 5. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Main 5669. RELIABLE woman. 4 to 6 hours day work. Main 2751, room 27. GI RL wishes day work. 1 r.fi i. Phone Marshall Wul-tK. by uay oi' iiour, A 2U'J2. Mrs. Dance, SITUATIONS WAXTKli I K.MAI. K. Mittcellatieou. CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's Department. City Hall. NO FEE CHARGED. Reliable, competent help, any line, promptly supplied. Stenographers, book keepers, clerks, housekeepers, domestics, day workers, etc. Marshall 4100. A 4 1X5. EXGLLSH lady will act as companion and help to lady or gentleman; light house work; good reader, shopper; experienced nursing; go home nights BD 474. Orego nian. POSITION traveling companion and helper or position housekeeper lor responsiule party by middle-aged lady, city or coun try. D 472, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman will tutor in begin ning English or those wishing to im prove their vocabulary; Al references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. WOMAX with child 2 years old would like place in private family to do light work for board and room. Call East 794. 90 East 8th Ft., room is. POSITIOX wanted as experienced office girl or exchange operator; best of ref erences; moderate salary to start. W 473, oregonian. EY young lady, pleasing personality, fine address and rrputablo character, capable saleslady or suittabl-a for reception or office work. R 4 73. Oregonian. RELIABLE w omau. Germau, wants up stairs work, hitwUI family ; sews nicely ; attentive in illness ; speaks several lan guages ; references. Main 7oS2. MIDDLE-AGED woman, German, desires work from 9 to 4, care of Invalid or chil dren preferred ; references. Woodlawn 3757 or A 3517. UNFURNISHED room wanted with place for stove, wish to pay rent with some sewing, ironing or care for children even ings, a 498, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, good cook, laundress, housework. Tabor EXPERIENCED woman cook, position in restaurant or Institution. X 473, Onogo l.Ian. EXPERIEXCED teacher will tutor high school and grade subjects; state certlfi . cate; college graduate. O 472, Oregonian. NEAT, middle-aged woman wants home In email family for room and board, in px changejor light work, V 475, Oregonian. COLORED wman wants work by day wash ing and cleaning, or cook dinners, or serve parties. Phone Marshall 4936. LACE CURTAINS, hand laundered, 20c up. Called for and delivered. Experts. Sell tvo'd 1696. WAXTED Position as companion or nurs ery governess; good reader; refs. W 459, Oregonian. DINNIiRS, teas, weddings, parties planned, prepared, served ; will furnish. Sellwood 1096. REFINED, middle-aged lady wants charge of linen room In first-class hotel. Phone Marshall 2281, mornings and evenings. EXPERIENCED operator wants private ex change in hotel or business house. D 475, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by competent kindergart ner, graduate of training school; good ref erences. AV 790, Oregonian. COM PETENT colored woman wishes day work, call anytime Sundav or alter 11 A. M. Monday.' Marshall 6040. HOUSE cleaning, $1.50 a day and fare. Tabor' 2028, through week, phone even ings. EXPERIENCED woman wants house clean ing or laundry, i!5c per hour. Tabor 3430. HAND LAUNDRY Lace curtainsT" private and fancy laundry. Woodlawn 801, Home C 2S7S. ATTRACTIVE, experienced young girl wants telephone work; Al references. Call Mon day. Main 7051. A 1517. A FIRST-CLASS teacher will give instru mental or vocal lessons In exchange for dentistry. C 472, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress, with Borne experi ence In cafeteria work, wants position at once. D 471 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman social worker and settlement organizer desires position. R. L.. 1815 Grand ave., Chicago. EXPERIENCED woman wants work clean ing, etc., Woodlawn 3772. Reference. WANTED TO KENT YOUNG couple want room and board in Irvington or . East Broadway carllne, Phone East 4256, mornings. HouHes. Phon Mar. 4600 A 6101. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc., in all parts or the city. Avail yourself or tnis i-Ri-Jt; service. Information cheerfully furnished. REFINED lady and daughter desire to cars for furnished or partly furnished home till suitable tenant Is found or owner needs it. p 461. Oregonian. WANTED, by business man, nicely furnished 0-tyom house, Roso City, Irvington Ad dition; have own linen and silver; guar antee take best of care ; references ex changed; must be Reasonable ; cash in ad vance. BD 457, Oregonian. 5 OR 6 -room bungalow or house wth gar age; must be neat and modern. Near Rose City car, not farther than 50th, or near Broadway car. For long term. Will pay about $20. East 1766. THERE is a brisk demand for 5 and 6 room modern houses. Do you want a good tenant for yours? See renting dep' t of HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and stark.) WA AXT nicely furnished 5 or 6-room modern house or bungalow, with rear yard en closed, in good district; 3 adults, per- manently ; rent not to exceed $18. II 458, Oregonian. WAXTED To rent or lease for term of years, attractive modern furnished house; must be up to date in every respect ; on West Side ; rent from $75 to $125. Phone Marshall 1341 Monday. NEAT, desirable, 5-room bungalow, fur nished or unfurnished. In Hawthorne or Richmond district or Rose City Park. Must be cheap. AB 469, Oregonian. WANTED rTo rent, modern 5-room bunga low or houpe south of Hawthorne ave. Rent must be reasonable. AP 474, Ore gonian. BY careful young couple, no children ; 5 room furnished bungalow". , Must be mod ern, good neighborhood, near carllne. State particulars. II 497, Oregonian. HOUSES WANTED ON RENT TERMS. 4, 5 and -room houses. Alberta or Rose City; looking for snaps. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. WAXTED Modern, well-furnished S or 9 room house. West Side, close in; must be reasonable; good references. C 470, Ore gonian. SMALL family wishes ft-room modern house. Holladay or Sunnysid districts. Perma nent and reliable; rent must ba reasonable. D 457, Oregonian. MOTH ER and daughter want f or 6-roora furnished or partly furnished house; Pied mont or Walnut Park vicinity; best of WANTED West Side furnished home, 2 or 3 bedrooms, between $35 and $45. Call East 4707. or Broadway 2119, or write Krebs Logus Co.. 110 10th st. RELIABLE couple, no children, want 4 or 5-room furnished cottage; modern ; rea sonable. Phone Marshall 5249 between 8 and 12 Sunday morning. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room flat or small cottage, south side of Washington st. preferred; reasonable rent. V 474, Ore gonian. A NEW or nearly new 5 to 6-room modern house, by family of 2; will lease. P 475, Oregonian. WANTED Modern furnished bungalow. Rose City Park. Sunnyside or Hawthorne districts. Apply C 457, Oregonian. JAPAN ESE couple with a boy want 3 or 4-room house. East Side, close In ; will pay $10 per month. AE 461. Oregonian. ONE or more acres not too far out, with fruits, garage and comfortably furnished house; lease, F 459, Oregonian. IRVINGTON furnished home, 6 months or longer; desirable tenants. Y 472, Orego nian.. WANTED By young; couple, well-furnished, modern bungalow. MUST BE IN GOOD DISTRICT. J 498, Oregonian. FURNISHED bungalow by young couple. k ' Address AG 457, Oregonian, or call Mar phall 1 080; Dest reierences. G-ROOM modern, unfurnished bungalow ; young gouple; no children; rent $15. D 4fV, Oregonian. WAXTED To rent, 7 or 8-room house with garage, for family of 4 adults; must be in good neighborhood. G 497, Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished house, modern, bv couple; no children; north at Holladay. Phone Ea st 399. i THE Oregon Home Builders can rent your property. 1330 X. W. Bank bldg. I WANT to rent a cheap 6-room house, close In. East Side. East 454, Oregonian. DESK room with use of phone, cheap; cen trally located. O 454, Oregonian. WE handle your rentals for $1.50 per year. 332 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to rent, bungalow. 5 or 6 rooms. Rose City or Beaumont. Main 2827. Bell. BUNG A LOW. Be a u in on t or Rose City Park. . Cali Tabor G4U2 Sunday, WANTED TO KF.NT. Houses. G. G. ROHRER. 301 PANAMA BUILDING. C LI E N TS AG EX TP. VACANT PROPERTY RENTED; REXTS COLLECTED; UPKEEP LOOKED AFTER. Apartments. YOUXG couple want 4 or 5-room unfur. apt. or flat, light, gas, heat, water Included If possible; not over lO blks. from Oregonian bldg. State rates. Permanent tenants. AP 4j3, Oregonian. FOUR or five upper flat, porches, fireplace, outside rooms ; 20 blocks business center. West or East Side; choice neighborhood ; $18 or $20. Marshall 1246. WANTED By married couple, 3 or 4-room furnished flat In private family ; rent reasonable. AO 469, Oregonian. WAX T E D Light, airy, modern, furnished 4-room apartment; give location and price. Cr 4 73, Oregonian. Rooms. BY a young married couple, no children, suite of two or three rooms and bath, electric If srbts, telephone, gas, with in walkintr distance; references. AF 467. Oreconlan. ONE or 2 rooms with kitchenette, suitable for dressmaking ; sewing exchanged for first month's rent ; references. BC 46 1 , Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished housekeeping room for middle-aged lady. West Side, near 110th and Washington. T 472, Oregon i an. Rooms Mith Hoard. WANTED -Board and room about April 1. for Summer, in refined private home on Portland Heights, by young woman not home during day; no boarding-houses. Ref erences. AC 45, Oregonian. THREE young men peek board and lodge, private family, modern conveniences, Hawthorne or Sunnyside districts. C 456, Oregonian. WAN T E D Home in Rose City Park fo"r schoolgirl in exchange for rare of chil dren or light housework. BC 475, Ore gonian. MARRIED couple to share neatly furnishe bungalow with young, congenial couple; refined neighborhood; Hawthorne dist. S 459. Oregonian. WANTED Board for girl of 12 in good home where child's company will be ap preciated ; must be, near school and no i other children. J 4S6, Oregonian. GENTLEM AN wants board, room in small, private family; West Side; must be first class, quiet, modern ; particulars. X 472, Oregonian. WANTED Nice home' in private family for high school girl to room and board ; rea sonable. AF 471. Oregonian. WANTED -By young man, room and boa rd in private family ; East Side only. Sunny side district preferred. O 474. Oregonian. BOARD and room in ref ned Jewish home desired by single young man. AN 4.J, Oreeronian. BOARD and room in West Side home (pri vate only) . wanted by gentleman. AR 475. Oregonian. YOUNG man desires room, board, private home. West Side. PC 471, Oregonian. WANT home near school, in refined family, for 3 children. Y 459. Oregonian. YOUNG lady employed wishes room and board, pleasant home. N 471, Oregonian. 12 TO 1 8-ROOM house, close in. West Side, De Rose. 018 Cham. Com. Business Places. PARTY would like to rent 2 or 3 good-size greenhouses in good condition, or associate with owner. AX 474, Oregonian. FOR KENT. l-'uruihh ed Rooms. HOTEL VERNON You have heard about this nifty little house but really it Is bet ter than all the good thincs vou have , heard. Come and see. Many call this noiei nome, ana say it irom the heart. Why not you? There's a piano in the parior. itw iztn. SAN MARCO HOTEL. 422 Washington. Beautiful, clean, at tractive rooms, facing street, $12 month up; court rooms. $8 month up; suite with bath, $18 month ; free phone ; best rooms in city for the price. HOTEL ARTHUR, Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhill Desirable downtown location ; respectable and strictly modern ; room rates $1 per day, $4 per week; with private bath, $1.50 per day ; $5.50 per week. KARL HOTEL. Broadway and Tailor, Opposite Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. Modern rooms and prices to correspond with the times. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Washing ton Fireproof brick, elegantly located, all outside, clean, weil-f urnished. steam-heat, ed rooms, running hot and coid water, phono, o.uiet. homelike ; $2.50 week up. HOTEL ROWLAXD. 207 Vj, 209 4T1I. Rates, 50c,- 75c, $1 day; permanent guests. $2.50 week up; for choice suites with connecting baths. $20, $25 month. HOTEL O C K L E Y Morrison st. at 10th REDUCED RATES. oOc day up ; weekly, $2.50 up ; running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. HOTEL EATON, West Park, comer Mor rison, comfortable rooms, convenient lo cation, moderate rates, from $15 month up. HOTEL SHARP, 107Va FOURTH STREET Strictly modern; rates 50c to $1 daily; weekly $2 up THE BEVERLY Clean, homelike furnished rooms, reasonable, centrally located. lt5 Park-Yamhill. HOTEL LIXD. For comfort and conveniences; modern and clean; 50c up. 44 3d st. Broadway 4SS. DESIRABLE front sleeping room, very rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2250 or call at 186 N. 2 2d st. HOTEL CORDOVA, 209 llth st. Strictly modern; private baths en. eulte; rooms $3 up. Main 9472. A 47S3. Maxwell Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern, use of parlor; real home. $1.50 up. M. 1153. I'urn foiled Rooms in Private Pamily. LARGE, pleasant room in beautiful home, for business woman : walking distance ; rent reasonable. East 4S43. FOR RENT A very nicely furnished room; rvvill rent reasonable to a gentleman. Call 441 llth st. 3 ROOMS and porch, $15 per month; con veniences and, some furniture, garden, 507 E. Washington st. NICE front room, alcove and sleeping porch, running water, walking distance, very rea sonable. Main 2:u9. 40 S MAIN ST. Two large front sleeping rooms, nicely furnished, $9, $10; one sin pie room, $i'i ; close in. LOVE LY room, use private garage. Nob Hill; home comforts; references. Main 8749. DESIRABLE room for one wanting quiet surroundings, home privileges ; references. Telephone C 2803 or East 2570. LARGE front room downstairs, with sewing machine, suitable for dressmakers and business ladies; reasonable. Majn 2309. CLEAX newly furnished. modern rooms, walking distance. $1.60 per week up. 249 Va Holladay ave. Phone East 7001. FOR REXT Large furnished front room In private family, with or without board. Rates reasonable. Phono Marshall 2290. $H BEAUTIFULLY .furnished large, clean, second floor, front room; strictly modern; use of piano. 332 Harrison. NICELY furnished room, with private fam ily iu modem apartment-house; walking distance; $S per month. East 3703. FURNISHED rooms. $1.50 per week and up. 1S9 West Park. , $1 50 WEEK, furnished front room, heat, bath, phono, close In. 420ft Jefferson. PLEASANT room in an apartment, close In, $10; gentleman. Marshall 3098. 329 wi PARK Nicely furnished room; walking distance: $1.50 per week. FURNISHED room, board if desired, one block of all Steel bridge cars. East 552. ELEGANT room, no other roomers. . 647 Locust. Lndd's Add. Phone E. 2957. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, new home. 2ft blocks from "B" or "I" car. East 1139. ROOMS in modern flat for gentlemen; very reasonaoie. 4m nay, near i'ui. NEATLY furnished rooms In private fam ily. 29 N. 17th st. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, new home. 2ft blocks from "B" or "I" car. East 1139. NICELY furnished rooms in modern Irv inpton home. East 3477. Nicely furnished room, bath, ft block south of Hawthorne. 827 E. S5th st. ELEGANTLY furnished room; Nob Hill home: $7.50 per month. Tel. Main 3043. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home; references; Nob H1IL 738 Johnson. 4G7 WEST BROADWAY Large front room, gas, electric light, $10.50. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet room, nice place; close in. 2.' 5 10th st. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; modern home; 694 ft Everett. Marshall 1Q29. LARGE front room for 1 or 2; also sleeping porch. 414 Salmon. MODERN room, widow's house, for gen tlemen, walking distance. East 3304. NICE furnished rooms with breakfast In Laurelhurst. H 486. Oregonian. ONE or two nice rooms In beautiful home, running water, shower bath. 655 Everett. FRONT room, newly furnished and clean, heat. SS9 Taylor. Main 6634. LA. HUE. nitely furn'shed room, clos In; Nob Hill; private family. Mar. 219. PLEASANT, clea n mom, low rent, close very convenient, 300ft Park st. lOK KENT. I urnished Kimiiiis in Private Family. TWO large front rooms, newly and at tractively furnished in white enamel all modern conveniences, board if desired ; 10 minutes' walk to business center. Mar. 12S2. ti61 Wash, st. WAXTED Congenial young man for room mate; excellent quarters; every conven ience ; walking distance ; housekeeping privileges if desired; $7 ; 050 E. Alder sr. East 3245. OUTSIDE room, with private bath, $S ; car stops in front of house ; ideal Summer location ; use of sitting-room. 52 Dekum nve. Take Woodlawn car. Get off at Fern jft. TWO newly furnished rooms with modern conveniences; one $S.vo and $0.00 ; walk ing distance. 302 1 4 th, near Montgom ery. $6 OR $S GIVES you choice of two very desirable light, airy rooms, with the best of conveniences ; walking distance. West Side ; gentleman only. Phone Main OuS'i. $10 MONTH Gentleman or lady employed, finely furnished front room ; choice loca tion; bath, phone, heat; easv walking distance. ;9 N. 2lst st., near Washington. LA RGE, weli-f urnished front room, 4 win dows, with bath and phone. Trinitv Place Apartments. Phone Main ltiiHi after C P. M. Mar. 1105. $10 FURNISHED room in modern apart ment with private familv; excellent loca tion ; walking distance; both phones. Mar shall 1329. GENTLEMEN wishing pleasant room for Summer call Main 6249 Sunday or even ings; nothing nicer in city ; $s and $10; modern, good location, walking distance. CLE A X. nicely furnished room adjoining bath ; electric light, phono, very reason able; walking distance. 94 N 16th st. FRo XT room, private family, rent very rea sonable. Phone, bath. 534 Taylor, cor ner 17th. LA RGE front rooms, bay windows, conve nient; $3 weekly; others less. 155 Flan ders. LARGE front room or small room, with use of batli and phone, use of kitchen if de sired. Phone East 2S35, 23 East 6th st. N. NEAT and clean furnished room, private family, walking distance, cheap. 5oS Jef ferson. CLE AX, attractive room in modern home, very reasonable. 54 Lucretia fat., nr. 2id and Wash. Mar. 696. 329 W, PARK -Xicely furnished room; sleeping porch, suitable for one or two; walking distance. SMALL t ron t sleeping room. $1.25 week ; comfortable front room for one or two. 4(8 Taylor st. Rooms Wllh Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel. American plan; on carline ; 10 minutes from business center; price in accord witu general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall SSI. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sla. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phonw Main 92&. A 662S. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 4611. PARKVIEW HOTEL. SS6 Montgomery st., south Parkway; walking distance ; modern family hotel ; rates reasonable. Phone Main 37S3. A VERY pleasant front room, suitable for two or more; home cooking, eteam heat, shower and tub baths, reasonable. 331 Jefferson, near Broadway. LARGE front room, facing east, suitable for two or three persons; very reasonable; walking distance. The Manitou. 261 13th street. AXXA LEWIS HALL, boarding-house for girls. 510 Flanut rs st. Marshall iO . TH EST R Yl ER. 554 Couch ; " f a m ! ly hotel ; rooms, single or en suite; reasonable rates Rooms With Hoiird in Private Family. X1CE room or furnished sleeping porch, with good board, 20 minutes walk from city, for 2 ladies employed during day. 60S E. Belmont. EXCEPTION ALL V wcl 1-f urnished room ; bath in connection; all conveniences of modern home ; excellent board ; walking Distance. Main 32m. FURNISHED room, with fireplace. In Irv ington home, suitable for 1 or 2 people employed; piano and home privileges, 1 or 2 meals. East 3147. EXCEPTIONALLY good board and room In attractive home, ft block from Central Library ; rent reasonable. 209 10th st. Main tuisi. REFINED home for children In educated family, with best musical Instruction If desired, near school. Phone Sellweod loOtt, MODERN home, room for 4 young men, good table board, hoiiie- privileges. 1099 Garfield ave. Woodlawn 2025. LARGE front room with board for, two, also single room: home privileges. 1 23 X. 18th st. Phone Main 1539. TWO pleasant rooms for young men; big closets, bathroom between ; modern ; rea sonable. Main 6726. 263 13th st. LARG E front room for 2 young men that appreciate home cooking. ery reason a b li 712 K. Ta y 1 or. cor. 21 st. ATTRACTIVE, clean room, excellent meals, homelike, modern, piano; very reasonable. Main 9325, 547ft 6th. NICE cosy front room, with or without board, on carline. walking distance. 434 E. 1th, Phone Sellwood 1859. ROOM AXD BOARD for 4 In beautiful pri vate borne. 747 Gllsan, near 23d. Mar shall 5174. NICE front room, good board, home pnvi leges; suitable for 2; $22.50 each. 415 Multnomah st. East 416. GOOD home for baby or small child; mother's special care ; references given. is. -JOOo. ROOM and board in private home, one blk. from Broadwav bridge. Call 373 Benton, Phone East 864. ROOM,, suitable for two, and small room, reasonable; German cooking. 331ft Mont gomery st. , WILL board you 115 working" girl, nice home, reasonable. 469 Emerson st., Woodlawn 4025. TWO exceptionally fine well furnished front rooms; modern, private home; excellent board; very reasonable. E. 416. WILL board two children reasonable, near school ; comfortable home, best refer ences. Sunnyside. Phone Tabor 1761. ROOM and board, free phone and bath ; walking distance. Phone East 5S3. 300 Crosby st. A PLEASANT room, good home cooking, phone and bath and all home comforts, walking distance. $1 H a month. 525 Clay. THREE small rooms; sleeping porch, run ning water, good board: walking dis tance: 515 Morrison. Phone Marshall 4923. TWO suites of rooms; closet, fireplace, near bath; excellent table; alt home privileges; 515 Morrison. M arshall 4923. FURNISHED rooms and breakfast In pri vate familv, 297 Morris st.. near Will lams ave. Phone East 363S. ROOM and board with private family In beautiful modern, quiet home, Waverly Heigh ts ; Richmond car. Sellwood 1506. REFINED, experienced woman will care for children in her own home; board and laundry. $10 per month, phone Tabor 793. BOARD and room for two in pleasant Irv ington home; sleeping porch connecting. East 1593. FI RST-CLASS room and board ; reasonable rates; hot and cold water; steam heat; Pth st. Main 6979. A 2Si5 225 11TH ST.," clean H. K. rooms and other rooms, walking distance, reasonable; board if desired. ROOM with board, in attractive prl ate home; every convenience; home privileges, gentleman only ; reasonable. 291 W. park. LIGHT airy room; all modern conveniences; board optional ; reasonable; close" in ; 474 Saimon. Marshall 441 11. FIRST-CLASS board and room. $22.50 per month. $5 per week, 2 meals. 554 E. Madison and 13th st. Bath and phone. ROOM with breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner; reasonable. 347 13th st. NICELY furnished room, excellent board, by widow with no children. Main 6746. FURNISHED ROOM with board; sleeping porch ; 320 llth st. Phone A 1636. WANTED One or two children to care for. Main 7927. WILL give lady employed nice room and board for normal sum. AL 457, Oregonian. NICE furnished front room ; good heat, hot water, with or without board. 6P1 GHsan. ROOM, board, private home, with sleeping porch. 5 6 Ladd ave. East 2333. FOR young couple, private family, close In, reasonable. Phone A 3S72. PLEASANT rooms, good home cooking; $5 a week. 625 Everett. Mar. 2705. ROOMS with board. 712 Flanders st. Main 1547. 2 ROOMS, private family; board if de sired. Main 2199. 77S Lovejoy. FOR gentleman in modern refined home; al! comforts ; close in. Main 3792. ROOM and board for 2 young men. E. Broadway, close In. E. 2712. ROOM AND BOARD, rates reasonable, walk ing distance. 422 Wasco 6L East 7338. ROOM with or without board for two gentlemen. 54 N. 16th, corner Davis. 2 SUNNY, pleasant rooms, excellent board, private home. East 3151. GOOD care for boy In widow's home. Wood la wn 8442. ATTRACTIVE room, w'th board, walking distance. Phone Main 6503, FOR REST. Room M it n 6;ttfd iu private Family. WOULD like, by April 1, two gentlemen or man and wife to board and room ; single beds It" desired; In very attractive- part of city, walking distance ; modern home of adults; strictly home cooking; reasonable rates to permanent parties. Phone East ;:65. ONE or two young men to room and board iu pleasant home on Mt. Tabor hill, where there are young peorde. AH home con veniences, use of piano, also garage. Mt. Tabor car to 73d st.. one block S., 1N73 E. Salmon st. Tabor 4161. VERY large, light, nicely furnished room, newly tinted, large closet, suitable for two people, in modern home ; lare porch ; walking d (stance ; on West Side. Meals prepared by one who has bad domestic science training. Marshall 39; ;o. BEALTi FULLY furnished rooms; suitable for two or three ; fi replace, large mir rors, furnace heat, hot and cold water; excellent board; also single room: walk ing distance; 30O Jefferson, between 5th and tith. Main 3520. NoB HILL, near Washington s:., very at tractive, large, well furnished front room, with or without meals, in private, modern home. No better location 011 West Side, " Phone Main 5643. TWO very pleasant rooms with excellent board ; every modern convenience ; $1.8 it , two t;harp. room together; few minutes walk to West Side; 2 E. 9th st. N. Phone East 001S. BE AV Tl FU ELY furnished room in refined private family; modern, steam heat, larte parlor, use of piano; home privileges; cl se in : gentlemen only ; references. East 6 122. TWO lovely rooms excellent board; walking distance; very pleasant surroundings; fur nace heat; eevry thing congenial and pleasant. Main S2SQ. ROOM and board in private home for lady with or without child; child can be eared for if mother is employed. 1079 Holgate st. Selld. 92 1 . BEAUTIFUL large front room; modern, fine porch and large yard : excellent table; also sleeping porch suitable for three boys; 369 loth Bt. Marshall 5475. VER V attract ivo room with good board; reaoonable ; fi minutes' walk to post of flee ; 4 blocks from Multnomah Club; 0L"7 Tai lor st. Main 7720. NICELY furnished room with all modern conveniences; piano, phone, homelike, comfortable, furnace heat, board optional. 574 E. Taylor, cor. 14th. Phone East 5iJi'.. 3 2 S TENTH S T. R oc.ins with b oa r d , w " 1 1 lurnished. home coo king, hot and cold w;i ter, walking distance, s'.eepine norch. Main 795. LAKGE corner room; suitable for two; Nob Hill home; parlors, veranda, yard, laun dry, etc. : walking distance; excellent me:iln: Lovejoy Ft. Main 236;. 2 PLEASANT, well-furnished rooms, batii room between; modern, vry reasonable; piano; easy walking distance ; 4 blocks from Morrison st. Main 6726. 263 13fh si. ROOM and board in modern home, 1 block from I.add ave. E 4M2. Furnished Apartment. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet refined clean safe Til E WHEELDON" ANNEX, popular 10th and Salmon Sts. well known of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store ; good surround in gs ; strictly modern 2 and 3 -room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. RATES REASONABLE. DAY WEEK. MONTH. CARMELITA APARTMEXT3. lriTH AXD JEFFERSON. AND 5-ROOM. UNFURNISHED, CALL MAIN SOSti. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12ih and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Facifia Coast, furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. MARSHALL - APARTMENTS, 624 Marshall st. Three carlines. Beaut if ul 3-room furnished apartments. All large, outside rooms. Private batns, bea t. water, phone, janitor service, etc. -n i -v ni 1 .xi. x o. E. 29TH AXD ASH STS. Now three rooms and private bath, completely furnished, very quiet and nlcs location, near car, new bidg. and new furniture; 0110 at $lb. Call at apt. 8. MO.NTGOMER Y APARTME N T S c or! 3d and Montgomery. Brick building and strictly modern; all outside 2-room apart ments, f urnisled complete; good service t private bath, phone and automatic ele vator; rates $18 to $25. Main 9466. CHESTERBURY, Hotel and Apartments. Dining-room in connection. ?nth and Kearney. Marshall 784. A 445S. 4 T H A X D L 1 NC O L X A PA R T M E XT S. 2-room apts., $1S and $25, including pri vate phone, bath, liy iits and steam heat, laundry-roum. with steam dryer, garage convenient. Main 1377. A 4152. WASHINGTON GRAND A PTS. 91ft Grand ave.. cor. E. Wash. Brick bid?;., 2 and 3 room, clean, f urn. housekeeping apts., light, heat, water and bath furn. $lo per month up. 3-ROOM furnished apartment ; clean, desir able ; electricity, gas stove, bath, bal cony; walking distance, two carlines; best Ji tney service ; 772 E. Taylor. East 526". SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway. One 3-room furnished apt.. 2d floor front, 'J wall beds, 2 clothes closets, very desirable. Main 25O0, A 3149. MADISON PAR K A PTS., Park st., at M ad i son. Modem 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close in. by week or month. THE D E 7. E X DO R F. SOS 16 th. near Taylor. Marshall 2324 Newly furnished 5-room apts.; also 3 OC 4-room furnished apartment. CARLOTTA COURT, 17th and Everett; 2 and 3 rooms : new, modern, reasonable ; save carfare; 5 minutes from business ccn ter; steam hat; references. BARON A P A R T M EN T S. 14th and Columbia. Two and 8-room apartments, furnished, f Irst-clcss; reasonable rates. Main 7337. LEOXCE APARTMEXTS. 16 X. 22d st., near Johnson; new management, 3-room apart ment, 520; private phone and bth. Mar shall 2250. NEWLY furnished, 2-room, heated apart ment, $ I 7 month, includ ing 1 iirhts, phone, ,1a ni tor service. 7 17 th, near Yamhill. JEFFERSOXIAN APARTMEXTS. 16th and Jefferson. Two and three-room apartments $12 and up. FURNISHED 4-room apartment: steam lia.t. modern: walking distance; $1S. "ttfl Drug Co. WAGONER APTS.. 715 WAYNE ST. 6-room, furnished ; hen t, phone, water, best dist.. near King; very cheap. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments; steam heat, elect ric light, phone, etc.; rates $11 to $1S. 334 Fifth st. 4-ROOM "APT. Xiceiy furnished; beat, electric liuhts, phone, lawn, garden ; cloue in. Marshall 3214. ELMWOOD APTS.. 10th and Hall Lobby, social hall, modern 2 and 3-room, fur. and unfurnished Apts., reasonable. New Hart, concrete bldg., 12. Steam, lights, gas, phones free; 1, 2 rms., $3 up; 170ft 2d st., nr. Morrison; automatic elevator 4th fir. WENT WORTH APT., 230 12th., well kept and respectable ; 1 and 2 rooms. Popular L prices. $15 4-ROOM apartment, furnished, private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat. 1092ft Hawthorne ave. NICELY furnished 5-room apartment, with iireplace, piano and sleeping porch; first floor; nice yard. Woodlawn 1945. FRONT S-room urnished apartment; water, light, $14; rear apartment. $12.50. 983 Albina ave. Phone Woodlawn 2449. HADDEN HALL, 11TH AND HALL, Nicely furnished apts., modern, private phone, bath, balcony porch, $18 up. HAMMERSLEY COURT, 350 12TH ST. By the day, week or month; modern, close to P. O. ; reasonable; references. Mar. 2032. BOZANTA, $20 3-room apartments, pri vate bath, phone; completely furnished. Marshall 2945. GRANDEST A. East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reducea rates. Phone East 208. 3-ROOM furnished apartments; separate bath and phone. East Side; good location; $17. Tabor 6065. B 1035. GARDNER. 13th and East Ash; 3 large rooms with porch, fine view, everything clean, references. East 2S71. NEWLY furnished 2-room apartment, mod ern, $15 a month, including light and heat. 421ft 6th st., corner Hail. Main 102S. CAMAR APTS.. 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3-room front apts., $29 to $27.50. Marshall 2917. NEW fu-nished apts.; concrete block; $10 and $12. 1162 ft Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12TH First-class in every respect; attractive rates. 4 ROOMS, nicely furnished, cheap. Karnay Apts. Apply mgr. 672 Kearney. Mar. 2487. $10 3-ROOM apt.. furnished, Sunnyside. Smith-Wagoner r., ttocK r-xenange. TH IZ ARCADIA. 706 K er tt. 3-room apt., front, ail outside wJr.uown.