BAKER & NORTH. Newport, Or. We Buy. Sell or Trade Timber, Dairy and Stock Ranches. TOO acres, V2 mile to coast, i mile to echool, 3 miles to Waldport, a small town on the Alsea Bay, with sawmill, neaniery, two salmon canneries, stores, P. O., etc., 3 miles to Seal Rocks a fmil summer resort, 13 miles south or New port; this place ia on county road, has a fine location for a shingle mill or small i-awmlJi, 4,000,uK) feet iine cedar and fir timber on the place; also fine out-range for cattle; stood 6-room houi, barn, wood shed, chicken house. ,elc. ; considerable fencing; price $35uo. some terms; no trade. Timber alone worth $5od0. BAKER t .NORTH. .Newport, Or. ' 80 acres, . mile to coast, 1 mile to school, stores" and postoffice, 2 miles to "Waldport, on Alsea .Bay; 5 acres under plow, on county road, 2,000.000 feet cedar and fir timber, also fine location for small mill; feood 6-room house, barn, chicken house and w-oodshed; all good soil and a (food farm wh:n cleared; 1 cow, farm tools and furniture goes; price $2000; timber alone worth more than we ask for the place; migUt consider a small place be tween Portland and Oregon city. BAKElt .NORTH, .Newport. Or. 86 acnes. " on Alsea Bay. u. mile school, stores, postoffice, etc., 2 mlies to Waldport, on county roaa, good 9-room nouse. barn, chicken house, wooasnea etc.: 15 acres firre creek bottom land ail in meadow, 30 acres more nice level tide land; all can be plowed; bal. hill and bench: all stood soil; good out-rantte, place fenced. IS head of cattle. 3 hogs. fine team horses, some chick-ens. all farm tools; price $05oO, terms; might ponBider a small improved place near uayton. Am ity or Bhorldan to the value of $4000. BAKER NORTH, Newport. Or. One of the swvllest little farms in the Valley, 35 acres all under plow, tiled and fenced, swell new 6-room bungalow, hot and cold water, bath and patent toilet, fine fireplace in dining-room, good barn and chiekon-house. 1 JA miles to LDanon food gravel road: price $5000 cash; might ease to responsible parties or trade for clear Portland Income; will consider cheap land. BAKER & NORTH, Newport, Or. SATISFY CREDITORS. This fine stock, dairy and general farm of 160 acres, 00 under cultivation, 23 acres more very easily cleared, balance with exception of about 20 acres good land when cleared, together with 11 milch cows, 1 bull, lrt head of voung cattle, hogs, all manner of farm Implements, etc., for $S00o. $3000 cash, balance to suit. Good 6-room house. 3-room house, large "barn, feed and outhouses, stone dairy, spring water piped to house, and lino trout strean throueh. place: mile from school, i miles from electric carline, 32 miles from cheese factory and country town. All rural advantages. This place sola lor iu,oiio, and at the low price offered Is a sacrilice sale. NO trad;. THOMPSON & SWAN, Agents. 6th and Main Sts. VANCOUVER, WASH. HOMESTEAD-. Cut tip into small tracts, now for sals on easy terms: logged-off many years ago and left in pasture, selected when first choice could be had, well watered, close to river, boat and rail transportation; we are pleased to show tnis land oecause 11 will please you. ARLETA LAND CO., 408-9 Chamber of Commerce. FARM BARGAIN. 700 acres. 400 acres in cultivation, bi ance pasture and timber; good soil, well watered; new woven wire fence, house, 3 new barns and outbuildings; 5 miles from good town south of Portland, on main countv road: mail, phone and milk route. church and school; at the bargain priea of $27.50 an acre; $10,000 can remain on land, balance cash. If you want a farm investigate this one; .it is a real bargain. F. A. Kneeiand, 702 Titio & Trust bidg. Columbia river lairt ranch For sale by owner, 108 acres; 10O acres line land In cultivation; good cattle, horses, hogs and chickens and fine build ings and fences; all kinds of machinery and tools and a creek running through place; 5 miles from town and one mile from good school on a good rock road; only $15,000: good terms and no com mission "-to pay. . ROBliHT E. IRVING Box 34, Cathlamet. Wash. FORCED TO SELL. By owner, my highly improved'7i acres; half in young orchard, 7-year-oid, bear ing; all varit-lies of ferries; finished 6 room bunKalow, harn and other outbuild ings, on hard-surface road; 11 miles from center of city, three-fourths mile south of Linncman Junction, on Estacada Elec tric line; cry sightly and one of the finest places around Portland; a snap for some one; ,5oo0; terms. E. L. BORT. Ore-ham, Or R 3 SOMETHING EXCEPTIONAL. I have one of til-; best, completelv quipped dairy farms you ever saw. About goo acies, all rich bottom land,' in' Clarke County. Wash., only 22 miles from Port land, boatiandlng on the place. Regis tered Holstein cows, my cream check is better than $50o per monf"h. Will eeil 1 no trad for half what it is worth part cash. bal. long time. If you haven't $2-0.000 cash, don't answer. P. O. liox 4;3 25 ACRES bottom land, 1 miles from town and good public school; on good road; small spring runs through place; 17 acres clear, 1 15 acres orchard, new house, 4 rooms; big barn, 1 horse and wagon, 1 cow, 1 heifer, 9 pigs, 24 chick ens; alsc house furniture and 27 cords of wood; will sell cheap on account of sickness, for $.1300. Inquire of Joe Okra sinski. near depot at Jefferson, Or. 1 MILE TUALATIN, 66 ACRES. Only $20O per acre; 1-3 in cultivation, some rich black land similar to beaver dam, balance part cleared, about all ft-nced; S. P. red cars run through place; 150 yards of station; not an acre of waste on entire place; would accept some trado, balance cash or good terms on straight tale. J. G. Rainey, 1)04 Yeon bids, ilar shail 3177. 24o ACRES unimproved land, close to post office and store; land lies well, slightly rolling, some fine oedar limber, sawmill :!oie; on one SO there is a fine stand of ccersi'een blackberries; these berries are In great demand at the cannery not far from this place; $400 worth of berries may be sold from this place every year. Price $15 per acre. Address box 245, Al bany, Or. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCIC RANCH. 200 acres right on railroad at Eadv ville, 5-acre orchard, not much cleared, lots pasture, cneek and springs; a good tract of land; think of it. right at station and priced at only $25 an acre: if you want an ideal stock ranch here is the opportunity. JACOB HAAS, Dekum Bidg. FOR SALE 5 acres mile ron Harris burg. Oregon, on Pacitic Highway; new six-room house, Weil painted, good barn, 3 large henhouses and storehouse; variety fine berries, bearing orchard; land in high state of cultivation; price $2oi, includ ing 100 Leghorn hens and good Jersey cow; some U-rms. Albert Hutchinson, own er, Harrisburg Or. 20-ACRE HOME Near Whito Salmon, Wash., 8 acres In commercial orchard, new -house with fur niture; new barn, new outbldgs., just th place to make a living and a good home; price $2500; worth $4000. See S. Hewey, 20". Stark, at HARTMAN & 'THOMPSON YAMHILL COCXTY. ff acres first-c'ass land, rolling; 50 under cultivation; good barn, orchard, fenced; our client is in position to sell for less than its value and on easy terms; fulRparticu lars apply A. H. BIRREL1, CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bidg Matshall 4114. A 4118. IDEAL DAIRY FARM. One-haalf choice Yamhill river bottom lana, balance nrst-class soil; no hills; 95 acres in cultivation; house and barn; Ideal for clover, grain and pasture. 152 acres, $90 per acre, terms. OSCAR ALDERTON, Corner East 80th and Yamhill Pts. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. $48 Per Acre. 2R0 acres, 2oO la cultivation, all tillable: over S50OO worth of improvements; price $12,500: $2000 or over cash, balance at 6 per ctnt, MORGAN" A; WALKER, CORVALLIS, OREGON. FOR SALE: In the sugar beet district. 05 acres, with water; fine location: on railroad: a bargain if taken soon; price S5250. See A. F. Knox. Imperial Hotel, Monday, or address Grants Pass Stock & Grain Co.. Grants Pnss, Or. FOR SALE Ranch, 40 acres; 10 acres In 7 and S-year-o!d apple trees; house, bain and good well; 10 miles from White Sal mon; forced to sell at a sacrifice Particu lars, write W. A. Curtin, 320 E Heron st Aberdeen, Wash. SNAP. CLOSE-IN. 40 acres Improved and equipped, less than 30 minutes' ride from center of city only $6500, terms. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bid g. FOR SALE Fine 320 acres In Fort Rock -Valley, all clear. ISO under cultivation. For particulars write owner, A. Belletable Fleetwood. Or. ' FOR SALE 40-acre farm. 2'4 miles from town, new buildings, rich soil, some tim ber, price $2200. Owner. M. Erickson, Troy, Idaho, routo No. 3. SCR SALE or trade, 100 acres, 70-acre and ::'fc-acre tracts of timber and tillable land, else numerous other bargains. Address '.'has. White, Mulino, Or. BY OWNF.R 10-ncre ranch, near Grants Pass: good buildings; Tokftv vlnevard, pears, grain; $1500. Wm. JeCfers. Murphy, Oregon., $0 ACRES north of Hillsboro, Washington County. $2.00; good substantial payment, balance terms. Epton, 432 Cham, of Com. COWLITZ CO. stump land, $10 sere up! terms; good soil, running water, markets; employment. J. R, Sharp, 4U0 Fittock blk. SOME EXCELLENT BARGAINS. $S5 23 acres near Estacada; neat lit tle house, barn, etc.; (S acres partially cleared, about 17 acres good tillable land when cleared; a fine trout stream flows through the place, rlace ilea 011 a good county road and wouid make a beautiful Sunimor ImnK'. Terms. $10.,0; 4 acres near Woodland, 8 acres under cultivation, balance pasture, 3 acres in young bearing orchard, suia.l house, lair barn, 011 a good road less than 1 mile from .the Pacific Highway; place will be divided to suit purchaser; about V2 cash, balance 2 years at 6 per cent. $1000; 15 acres, ail in a high state of cultivation. 14 mile from station on the Oregon Electric; this is. less than what the place cot the owner 4 years ago; $000 tasa, oaiunce to suit. $1250; 10 acres. J3 mile from Witch Hazel; this land is all lev-el and is worth more money; any reasonable terms. COE A. M'KEN.VA & CO. 727 Chamber of Commerce. TWENTV-acre farm, near Winlockr AVasii.. on Cowlitz Prairie, on Pacific Highway (hard-surfaced), near Catholic school and church, also public school; soil A-L level, no stumps, stones or gravel; new build ings, 2 horses, 3 cows, two heifers, 300 Leghorn hens, all kinds larm machinery, cream separator, incubator, brooders, fur niture and other things too numerous to mention; spring water piped to house and barn; plenty wood. A profitable farm and beautiful home. Will sell the whole thing for $4500 cash, or will take 1 acre with good house in outskirts of Portland as part payment. Owner, o. E. Sand, It. 1 Winlock. Wash. RICH. .DEEP SOIL. Rich land can be , bought direct from owners at $15 to $40 per acre and easy terms, within five to 12 miles from Aber deen and Hoquiam, two prosperous and rapidly growing cities; the soil is rich and produces enormous crops, for which the market is unlimited right here on Grays Harbor; the land is free from rocks, gravel and underbrush. We have schools. stores, postofflces, telephones and splendid roads. Work can be obtained at any time. r or lurtner information write at once. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION CO., ABERDEEN, WASH. 40-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM. Located near Castle Rock and Kelso, Wash.. 14 In cult., bal. seeded to pasture; family orchard, 0-rm. house, big barn, good outbiiigs., milkhoueo with spring water running through, 0 good cows, 4 heifers, reg. Holstein cow cost $275; team hares, colt, 2 wagons, all kinds farm im plements. Sold $30 English walnuts from one tree. Price $3500. cash $20oo, terms on bal. See S. Hewey. 261 Stark st. HARTMAN & THOMPSON FINE SMALL FARM. 31 acres, splendidly located 32 miles from Portland, in a thickly settled sec tion, 18 acres tinder piow, more nearls cleared and enough wood for fuel; an extra good house and barn, both well painted; running water in pasture, twa horses, 2 Jersey cows, 30 chickens, farm machinery and feed, most of the crop now sown; good orchard and berries; on fine auto road; $4too. D. McChesney. Title & Trust bidg. STOCK RANCH. 1400 acres, 2i0 acres in cultivation, 20 million feet good timber, balance pasture; well watered by springs and creeks; good modern house. 4 new barns, fenced; 3 miles from station south of Portland; this is a first-class stock ranch at the bargain price of $22.00 an acre, one-half cash, bal ance mortgage; if you want a stock ranch close to market that is a read snap, in vestigate this. F. A. Kneeiand, 702 Title & Trust bidg. A SACRIFICE. 160-acre dairy farm on, Columbia River, 25 miles from Portland, boatlanding on place. All rich bottom land, 35 head Hoistein cattle. Will sell for less than two-thirds its value. Must have $10,000 cash, long time. Also have S5-acre dairy farm, same kind as above, that I can sell at a great sacri fice, without the stock, for half cash, bal. long time. C. D. STROW, Stock Exchange J36g. ONE-HALF PRICE.. I have to sell this 13-acre garden home this week; in Clarke. County. 10 acrcj cult., bal. In stumps and easy cleared, on a good rock road and mile to town and boatlanding. fare 50c, only 20 miks to Poriand; no rock, fair 5-room house and barn and outbldgs.; creek runs through the place, fenced, orchard, $1500; $000 cash. Bob Conklin. 715 Dekum bidg. GOOD FARM. RIGHT PRICeT 20o acres splendid going Willamette Valley farm, 1 miles from railwaj station; all fit to farm, 10O acres in cul tivation, 50 In clover, rest light clearing and now good pasture; good house and barn; family orchard, complete set ma chinery, team, 6 cows, loo chickens, hay and feed, hojuehold goods, $tjo an aert, terms. D. McChesney, Title A- Trust bidg. 70-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM. On etate highway; good team, wagon, harness. 111 cows, heifers and calves, im plements, 35 a. in clover, kale, grain; balance good pasture; li-rm. house, big barn, fine spring, water piped, famiiy or chard; 40 jn. from P'd ; price $7000; no inc.; part cash; terms on bai. S;e S. Hewey, 200 tturk, at HARTMAN &. THOMPSON bO ACRES Unincumbered : splendid soil: fair buildings; lasting running water; .M...7 ctov.v;u txuo eijuiinjcil, located On good road, in- splendid district; about 11 miles from Portland; this is a place of much merit; a genuine bargain at $300 per acre, and will take good unincum bered Portland residence as part payment, SAMUEL DOAK, 12'2 Northwestern Bank Bidg. 42-ACRE bearing apple orchard at Kenne- nan. . 11 in; 11 ceu ; electricity, tele phone, domestic water under pressure, school bus and R. F. D.. 2 miles from city limits; $40i an acre with perpetual water right. Will sell all or 20 acres. Peculiar condition makes this price possible. Any one Interested should not fail to investi gate. It. H. Nichoson, 2oS E. 30th st S. Tabor 2510. 433 ACRES, all In cultivation: tbi. la all A No. 1 land; good 10-room house, good barns, all buildings on good cement foun dations The improvements are all of the finest kind; house and barns all lighted with electric lights; situated close to good town in Linn County; no trade con sidered. . Price $127 per acre, and is the best buy in the Willamette Valley. J. V. Pipe. Albany. Or. 40 ACRES. MOLALLA ROAD. 30 acres cultivated, fronting on Mo laila River, S-room good house, barn out buildings, fine 'orchard, telephone in house, located right at station of Wil lamette Valley Southorn, some stock; price $0000, half cash: fine place. JACOB HAAS, Dekum Bidg. SOUTHERN LANDS are iow In price but high in productive value: make two to four crops a year and giv largest profits in grain, vegetables, fruits, livestock and dairying; unsurpassed climate, good mar kets; publications on request. M. V. Rich ards, Commissioner, roum 27 Southern Railway.' Washington.-I. C. 25 ACRES AT SHERIDAN. f acres e-ultivated, bal. open pasture, some timber, fine spring water, fair set buildings. 111. miles from Sheridan, good town; price $llo0; nothing on the Oregon map at this price. JACOB HAAS. Dekum Bidg' COO FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE From 1 to 25.0O0 acres, prices and terms to suit buyer. I am a practical farm man, know the business and can be of assist ance in helping to locate you. See S. Hewey, 20 Stark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 40 ACRES of good land, all improved, fine modern houee, good barn and outbuild ings, good orchard, on good road, gravity water, one of the nicest little homes in Yamhill County. If looking for a farm write for list. K. F. MAGOON, Yamhill. Or. FINE HOME FORSALE, Consisting of 21 A., adjoining the city limits of Oakland, Or; No. 1 8-room hous, good orchard, good barn, all fenced with wire fence, fine water, on good terms price $40oo. Address LEE ARMSTRONG. Oaftland. Or. TWO REAL BARGAINS $20 Per Acre. 415 ncres lij miles from R. R. station on county road; one-third tillable, balance timber and pasture land; 2 small houses and barns; none in cultivation- $1500 cash easy terms, 6 per cent, on balance. ' ' 10 ACRES. 12 miles Portland, rock road electric lines. 1 mile Tualatin. 7 acres onion ranch, all very best soil, no rocks, lavs fine, plenty of water; young orchard, bear ing; 4-room house, fine barn; will sell for much less than worth for cash: no trade. Owner, box 170. route 5, Sherwood. Or. SMALL Missouri farm: $10 cash and $3 monthly; no Interest or taxes: highly pro ductive land: close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full informa tion. Munger. D 108. N. Y. Life Ins. bidg Kansas City. Mo. S0-ACRE FARM. REAL SNAP. Improved CO acres, under high state of ' cultivation. 2 springs, running water, 23 miles from Portland; good road;'$&0 per acre. M. A. Dlehl. 74t3 50th ave i nA-VJ? TOU HEARD OF A BIGGER SNAP ? 6.1 acres of good land, only 1:4 miles to e.ectric station. 25c fare to any part of . Portland, for $3200; $1200 cash, balance on time. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. $2. .10 ACRE, sagebrush latfd, BentorTcountv Tash.. 1- mile Vernita station and Co lumbia River: 1 section 12 miles North Yakima, $5 acre; good terms. AM 4tl3, Ort-gonian. 50 ACRES, well located, near Columbia Highway, partly under cultivation. Team, wagon, harness, farm implements. Will sacrifice for $'-50v and give terms. BD 471. Oregonian. FOR SALE 60 acres of farm land 25 miles west of Portland, one-half mile from R R station: price $150 per acre. AH 475" Oregonian. 5-ACRE farm or city property for small farm. Owner. O 470, Oregonian. FARM BARGAINS. HARGROVE & SONS. If you want a farm, look these over: . ":.! ACRES AT WOODLAWN. - $,'.oo tak-s this fullv equipped farm: one mile from Woodburn: 33 acres; all cultivated; rich soil. well drained; 6 room plastered house, good not buildings : team. 5 cows, heifer, hoes, chickens and nil Implements; price $5500; must sell; make offer. BASE LINE ROAD 4-AfRB SNAP. 10 miles out, perfect road; 'one-half mile Base Line: all cleared ; barn and uutuuiiuings; price only $13rn; snap. 22 ACP.KS FOR S2500. - miles from Portland, southeast of Oregon city: a bargain: 22 acres; 10 tiiimatea; good house, barn and outbuild ings; fine orchard, with lots of personals; only $2.-'0 K0-ACRH SNAP AT MeMINNVIT.T.E. ?ii;iOO takes it:100 acres. 7 rr.iles Mc- M lnnvllle; 00 ncres cultivated, on Capital. Highway: s acres best orchard; good nouse, outbuildings; price $0-VH; easilv Worth $10,000 8 ACRES COPXELL ROAD S2.10O takes it; fully equipped; just 7 miles from Courthouse, out Cornell road: 8 acres. 7 cleared: fishing stream: 4-room house, harn and outbulMlngs; horse, har "''ss. wason, cow, chickens, implements; all for $2,100; used to ask $3r,u0 Our long experience in the farm lino keeps us in touch with the bargains. HARGROVE & SONS, 1 122 N. Bth St. Phone, week days, Broadway 4381- Sun day, Tabor 4058. FARM HUNTERS. WE LEAVE IT SQUARELY UP TO YOU. Why go 50 or 3O0 miles awav from Port land and pay a higher price for land not half as good, where values are not in creased by the growth of a great city, where you and your family have no ac cess to the benefits and advantages of the city, when you ran secure A BEAUTIFUL DO-ACRE HOME, 3n minutes' drive over fine paved rnads from Portland Postoffice, flnelv developed and Improved with large house, big harn. garage, outbuildings, perpetual creek, fam ily orchard, strictly first-class all tillable soli, perfect drainage, with school, stores, postoffice and settlement within 2u0 yards 7 miles east of Portland, a few minutes' drive to the big. growing city of Portland with jts markets and places of entertain ment. $14,000 takes this fine property with all stock and equipment . ST- CHARLES LAND- CO.. St. Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison Sts. IDEAL PROFITABLE DIVERSIFIED HOME. . 49 ACRES. BEAUTIFUL "MOLALLA VALLEY." ABOUT 30 ACRES IN STUBBLE. SOME FREE PASTURE SMALL HOUSE, BARN, ClIICKEN "OJ."s. LIVE RUNNING WATER, CREEK AND SPRING. GOOD R F D ROAD, 2 MILES TO RAILROAD. YOUR OWN TERMS. READY TO MOVE IN. ,V3?0PE.R ACRE. (CLEAR LAND, WORTH $20O). WILL COXSIliER Fa; TRADE. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER PATTERSON. OWNER. 209 SELLING WE WILL, PRESENT THIS FARM ,TO YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE. I? you can equal It at double the price U ACRES, PRICE. $5700 miles east of the litv limits of big. growing Portland. We will drive you to the place from our office in 45 minute.". It is the best offer in farm land we have cut! usteu. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison Sts. UUJJljE' - acres, Oregon's richest land. 10 acres cleared, near rail and river; good roads; $1550; lumber provided for build ings, easy terms. O. Wynn Wilson. 903 01 commerce. For Sale Miscellaneas. WE in have a customer for a house and lot Irvihgton or tToTlriTr A.i.ii,;., irom 4(HJO to SGfhO; must ho modern; In good condition and a bargain; our cus tomer will pay cash. w e also have cash to pay for man who has $1010 Peninsula: will not go further west thy We have, for sale In Rockwood. near the Base Line road; this property has been sold tinder at tachment proceedings and the owner has i. , ""ore time in -which to redeem It ana is willing to sacrifice R. E. MENE-FEM & CO.. 410-41 1 Railway Exchange Bidg - Phone Main 4035 URJ-.H management of business 00- ........... ,,L. u, srowing concern. Won derful future for right partv. Don't reply unless you mean business. Correspondence confidential. AL 45-t. Oregonian. ff.-VNTKT) RI AL UTATK. ATET A modern 6-room house. Rose city Park. Laurelhuret or Heights I 5avo a,arKO enuity in -room modern house, 3Sth and Hancock St., as first pav ment. I will assume. Owner Tabor 5.NV' LOTS WANTED Can sell your lot In Rose City Park If price is right. See Mm. Russell at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark) WANTED ACREAGE, suburban acreage. 15-mil ralto. Good of Portland ex-chnni.e fnp -, - , south on Belmont west of lbth; some in come. OwnetJ4S7, Oregonian. OR 2 FIXE residence lots, not too far out, as first payment on new modern 0- room sloi.v ana lot In Irvinplnr, ion particulars and address AK 455. Orcgonlam Owner, IF you have a real sacrifice that does not involve too much monev. we will turn It wlthJn 24 hours. The Ma'one O. Hutchins Co. To buy or sell houses. S07-8 Henry bidg. CLIL-N f will buy 7 or 8-room house nrar Brooklyn car shops, not to exceed $2500 can pay cash; best bargain will be bought GODPAR U & W1EDRICK. 2 43 Stark St! TURN a burden into income: build on your vao-int lot. I build an furnish funds if desired: sketches and plans free. N O Eeklunrt, 313 Henry bidg. Main r.Sl" WANT lot or acre with good view as first payment on 6-room modern home. Pied mont, near high school and park. T 471 Oregonian. ' WE WILL buy, for spot cash, anv genuine bargain in farm or citv property ST. CHARLES LAND CO. Ft. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. WILL trflde Improved quarter-block Wet Side, worth $30,000. some incumbrance for timber land, vacant lots, or acreage' W 470, Oregonian. 30 ACRES, 15 cultivation, close to Vancou ver. Wash.; want good home in Walnut Park or Piedmont district to $7000 Ep- ton. 432 Cham, of Com. WANTED ll-room modern home, close to car; will pay cash, but it must be a bar gain. Give full particulars. Owners only AG 472, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE and lot, total value $2500. for modern bungalow. KenrVm or Peninsula Park. Will assume- some. Bell, 540 Morgan bid g. ONEi or two lots In Rose City Park; give lot and bik. number and net cash price. Y 45S. Oregonian. '6-ROOM modern house, not over $2500: good district; few Hundred cash, ba.ance easy term?: bargains only. S 40s, Oregonian. WANT an absolute bargain. -Best house I can buy for $100 cash, balance monthly. Owners only. P 4.15, Oregonian. AV ANTED dear, unimproved land or acre age for modern 7-room house, near Haw thorne ave. Y 475. Oregonian. ' IRVINGTON Big sacrifice. 7 rooms modern. $4500: forced to sell; fine location CHAS. RINGLER, 316 Ry. Ex. WILL trade 1(V1 acres good timber for 5 or 6-room bungalow, not too far out: give particulars first letter. R 4.':l. Oregonian. CLEAR lot at 2Sth and Schuyler for equUy In modern bungalow. Boll. 540 Morgan. WANTED Lot in good district, near car. Give phone. A.T 436, Oregon-kin. LOT near Hawthorne ave.: must be rea sonable. No agents.) Tel. Sell. 110. WILL pay cash for 2 to 5 acres (improved), nearPortland. Address S 472, Oregonian. 6-ROOM. strictly modern; garage, desirable lot-ation. cash bargain. AO 471, Oregonian. WANTED Lot for cash In Rose City Park district. R 407, Oregonian. WANT Laurelhurst snaps; have buyers CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 316 Ry. Ex! WANTED Lot for 1016 model 7-passenger, or for cash. 625 E. 67th N. WANTED improved, unimproved acreage or ranch. Give phone. AJ 440, Oregonian. WANTED Lots or acreage In or near As toria. Bur'.ey. 822 Cham, of Com. bidg. CLEAR property, good Eastern city, to trade on apartment-house. R 4oS. Oregonian. WANT Rose Citv Park lot;.must be cheap. J 493, Oregonian. IF ou want to sell your lot cheap, see A. P.. Johnson. HOP N. W. Bank bblff. WANT cheap small house and lot: give price, terms, etc. AM 40G, Orefronlan. A VACANT lot. must be full particulars. AM 497 sacrifice; give Oregon'an. 4 OR 5-ROOM bungalow in Rose City Park or Mount Tabor. W -P'4. Oregorian. WANTED Acreptre near Portland and car line. Give phone. AJ 431), Oregonian. . INCOME PROPERTY WANTED. Good West Bide trackage and other Portland property worth $70,000, to trade for businesa property. Will put In some cash. . West Side property, worth $20,000, in warehouse district: also $5000 mortgage. Will trade for Income property to $30,000. Ifih1y Improved farm of 150 acres. 30 in hops, near Corvallls; good buildings, stock and equipment. Price $20,000. clear. YVants apartment hotse up to- $3o,000, and will pay cash difference. LEUDDEMAJW COMPANY. I'll! Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LAND WANTED. Will trade Improved quarter block. West Side; worth $30,000. some incumbrance, for timber land, vacant lots or acreage. W 461), Oregonian. -HOUSES LOTS SNAPS. Have cash buyers for some first-class nouses and lots; must be absolute bar gains. A. H. BIRRELb CO.". 217 Northwestern Bank bidg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. WANTED AT oXCE, I want a lot. 50x100. and a corner, be tween . Holladay ave. and Broadway and between 2d and 8th sts.; am a buyer myself and want a bargain. M 469, Ore gonian. FOB RENT FARMS. FINE DAIRY FOR RENT. ' STOCK FOR SALE CHEAP. - 2S0 acres, excellent bottom land, lots of river frontage, good big barn, house, dairy-house, hog and chicken house, and other necessary buildings. Mill lease for 3 years at $75 per month. The personal property consists of 30 of the very best cows on the river, 1 bull, 2 heifers that will soon be fresh, 15 yearling heifers, pony and saddle, plow, rake, mower, cultivator, new separator, cream cooler, 10 cream cans, spring Jtooth harrow, 1 power pump, about 23 tons of hay, wagon, 20 head of hogs, 12-horsepower motorboat and boat house, gas engine, all tools and equip ment and a lot of furniture. This prop erty must be sold .within the next few days, and in order to do so will take $40o0 for everyTfllng. THOMPSON & SWAN. CTH AND MAIN STS., VANCOUVER, WASH. FOR RENT 10-acre poultrv farm, H mile from 3000 pop. Valley, town. It has good 7-room house, with sleeping-porch, also hot-water tank and sink in kitchen; also good barn, brooder house with Petaluma brooder stove, capacity 500 to 700 chicks at a time; 5 late type O. A. C. colony houses. containing 49 trap nests, etc. All equipment for first-class modern poultry plant. I will sell 250 fine trap-nested White Leghorn pullets, good. cow. feed, kale, wood, etc. This is on a good pay ing basis; Income now $60; can be built tip as high as desired. I am a traveling man and find It impossible to depend on hired help, so this must go this weekr as I leave April 1. This Is easily worth S400: first party here with $320 cash thki week takes It. They won't find a aicer little home or better proposition in the state of Oregon. Particulars. R. E. Cowie. 233 Morrison st. Complete city delivery dairy -business near Eugene, doing $300 to $400 monthly. r ine chance to stop Into money-maker. 2. 160-acre ranch. 8 miles from Portland, near Oswego Lake. Horses, cows, heifers, calves, tools, implements, wagons, etc Cheap rent and 5-year lease. $1000 takes stock and lease, rent paid one year in advance. 3. Extraordinary opportunity for live wire to secure 160-acre established, equipped dairy business with creamery skim milk contract. Bitf money raising hogs. Near fcilverton. ST. CHARLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison. DANDY LITTLE HOME TO RENT. 32 acres, 20 under cultivation, balance in woods pasture. Place fenced and cross fenced, good 7-roim house, outbuildings, good assorted orchard, running water, mile from country town and 10 miles out. Rent $250 per vear. THOMPSON & SWAN. Glh AND MAIN STS., VANCOUVER, WASH. FOR RENT Maplecroft farm, 10 4 miles from Portland; good car service, on good automobile road, all but V miles paved, balance macadam. Modern house elec tric lights, phone, furnace, fireplace, run ning -water in house, sleeping porch; two streams, running water, beautiful trees lawn, etc. Address owner, K 474 Orego nian. - COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT On the banks of the Willamette. 20 miles from Portland, all furnished, hot and cold water 8 acres all cleared, all kinds of fruit and berries, cow and chickens; $12 per mo ?.r.c?n Jork out rent on place. Call a't V 2,th x- or Phone C 14X2 before 4 o clock today. 9,J?':sT Best dairy farm in Clatsop Co.. 3 , f.res' mor or less, oejtwoen Astoria and Warrenton, on state road, hard sur lace; . miles from Astoria, one and one halt to iVarrenton; good buildings, teams and Implements: want a tenant to stock up with cows, stock, cattlo or both Br Owens-Adair, Astoria, Or BE QUICK MONEY MAKER. 8 acres land, 4-room house, portable coops 5 incubators, all running; 450 hens. 1.100 chicks, 300 more hatching; 1 acre In potatoes, balance in grain; rent $130 year; clearing over $150 mo. Price $1050 MILLERSH1P, 724 Cham, of Com - HOTEL BLACK STONE, corner II th and Stark $3 week and tip; elvator, hot and cold water, steam heat. telephone connection In each room- no extra charge for two in a room; room and bath 1 day; transient solicited. AT SCENIC STATION 26 acres, house, barn, orchard, splendid soil, reasonable for cash. Good opportunity for the right man. Few-rods from station Inquire at First State Bank, Gresham Or Telephone 630. BEAUTIFUL, sightly 10 acres, four-room house, el:ctric trains every two hours; near station. Can pay rent with work on trees. Owner, 717 Board of Trade building. FARM for rent, 2 14 miles east of Gresham; about 60 acres, house and barn; good soil well adapted for dairy; rent reasonable' Apply 1117 Board of Trado bidg. Main WELL-EQUIPPED dairy ranch find cronm ery for lease for term of years, and sell herd of dairy cows and work- Yinra,.a iL-iiiis. inquire lor .vfr. room 6. 8SV6 Third. , Spencer, FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acres bottom land, close to city; barn and small dwelling house. Inquire J. H. Middieton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. 13 ACRES, liouae. barn and chicken-house. 7 miles-from Yamhill market, near Osweg'a 1 acres fine garden land; rent $100r terms. Phone Tabor 6i.7. 75-ACRE farm on Clackamas River- run ning water through place; ideal for 'stock reasonable terms to right party. 430 Cham ber of Commerce bidg. WANTED Renter for-'eo-acre ranch : give proposition to right party; close to electric and railroad, also close to Portland. In qulre 3-llt Jefferson. Mrs. Peterson :00 ACRES for $700 cash in advance with stock and -poultry and farm Implements. Rent for term of years. N Merrill, Clats kanie. Or. FREE RENT for extra good coal ranch, 20O miles from Portland; mile to school and depot. AV 462. Oregonian WAGONER APTS.. Ti WAYNE ST $.16.50. 6- rooms, heat, water, phone, best dtst.; If wanted will furnish. CHICKEN RANCH, 4 acres, to good reliable man; possession immediately. J 499, Ore gonian. 23 ACRES, good soil, improvements 23 miles south on Willamette. Cigar store. Stock Exchange bidg., 3d and Yamhill. FOR RENT 10 acres. 1 'i miles Gresham. on auto road, running water. $5 per "-month. MoKenzie t Co., Gerlinger bld. RENT 9-acre farm, house, plentv of fruit; have to be seen to bo appreciated Call 225 E. Broadway. FOR RENT 120 acres, near Aurora, Or.: P0 acres under cultivation, good soil Phone 7447. 5 ACRES. :: in cultivation, 2-room house, use of same for 2 years free for Improving. Call 300 Ross ft. or East 2360. STOCKED poultry and tlalrv farm, with .".fl acres rich plow land, house, orchard. E. L. fc'nowdon. McMJnnville. FARM. Clarke Co., Wash., 320 Improved with house and barn. 479. or 706 E. Hrrlson. acres, 20 Sell wood GRESHAM farm, no- stock, pasture build ings fruit: $2.10. A 490. Oivgonian. ACRE,' all in bearing apples, nearly new 5-room house. 31 8 Fenton bidg. 10 ACRES, good building, close to station at Beaverton. See Reynolds, 875 E. 7th N. 10 ACRES Improved, fruit, buildings, on S. P. electric near station. Main 9015. FARMS WANTED. HAVE $300 cash and timber- ciaim worth $4000 as first payment on stocked and equipped ranch. M. B. Signs, Walla Walla, Wash. Owners only. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale: send cash price and de scription. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. TO hear from owner of gooC farm or ttnlrT proved land for sale. C. C. Buckingham, Houston, Tex HAVE $S000 free and clear lots, want to exchange for good farm in Tillamook or like district. Epton, 432 Cham, of Com. FARMS: have 3357 buyers; describe your un sold property. 117 Farmers' Exchange, Denv:r, Colo, WANTED 10 to 25 acres, improved or un improved, on a good county road near Portland; price must not exceed $100 per acre; have cash customers waiting. Goe A. McK-snna & Co.. 727 Chamber of Com merce. 1 STOCK and wheat farm. $10,000 to $20,000, in Wallowa County, near R. R. ; have choice land. N'ewbcrg, Or., to exchange. -"- - jtoo. enterprise, or. ABOUT 4 acres With -house, about 10 miles out, near car. W 405, Oregonian. IVAVTED TO RENT FARMS. ANTED To rent stocked farm; will ex change $1100 equity in flnelv furnished bungalow and pay cash difference. S 458, Oregonian. WANT to rent a small place, with chicken h puses- Address N 475, Oregonian. I'B SAI.F TIMBJ.R LA 'DS. TIMBER LANDS FOR EXCHANGE. ' 6 millioa pine, $1, for residence; 41,000. 000 fir.-SI. for income; 8,000,000 fir, 11.25, for farm; . 000.000 pine, $1, for farm; r.0. OOo.OCK) pine. J2, for income; 100.OUO.000 fir, $1, for Income. GOOD .BUYS IN TIMBER. 20 million pine, Deschutes, $1.25; 7.0OO, 000 rir and p. o. cedar. Coos Countv, 40c: fir and pine. Due; 4v0,i00.000 fir and pine. 75c: logging and mill propo sitlons. H. R. Hill. 611 Swetland bidg. A SNAP IN TIMBER. 3.1,000,000 ft. of fine timber, well lo cated, near good stream and near new R. R.. cruising 10 per cent sugar pine, 5 per oent cedar, bal. Douglas fir; price $14,000. Address LEE ARMSTRONG. Oakland. Or. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 100 acres N. E. 14 sec. 13. Tp. 2 N R. 2 W.. being 14 miles from Cham. Com. bidg. H mi. hard, surfaced road. Mtg. foreclos ure. Must go at $50 per m. I. C. Clodfel ter. Bdw. 2278. HALF FREE. HALF CASH. Nineteen million feet timber, 600 per M. Nicest residence lot Sunnyside for $1000. Fine home Walnut Park cheap for cash. Bearing almond orchard half price. BAULKY. 021 Ycon Bidg. ECTION fir timber. Klickitat Co., esti mated aDout l million ft. Only $1 thousand for quick sale. Sawmill on one Quarter, completely equipped, for sale reasonable Near Ky. AL 451, Orcgon Irtn. FEET capacity saw and planing mill; plenty of timber; good local trade; 20 miles from Portland: $30O0, part cash; several large mill and timber properties that are good buys. 1301 E. Morrison st. Phone Tabor 5S01, p 1121. CEDAR POLES AND POSTS. For sale Lot of cedar suitable for poles and posts, accessible to county road. P R., L. & P. Co.'s line. Inquire at First State Bank. Greshatn, Or. Telephone 636. ilMBER claim in Clatsop Countv, 2,324.000 spruce. 2.0O0.O0O cedar. 2,300.000 hemlock Must have money. Price 50 cents per looo feet. $1S00 will handle this. A J 401, Ore gonian. WANTED A small tracU, 10 to 15 million feet good quality sugar and yellow pine timber, with good mill site, close to trans portation: price muSt be right. Address A V 706. Oregonian. HALF SECTION of timber for saks or trade for improved farm on Columbia River or Pugot Sound country, value $8000. Write E. Byrnes. 1703 14th ave., Seattle, Wash. tTm 3e r-iTand sT" bought and sold, c j mcraken. 804 m' kay bldo. TIMBER FOR SALE. 10,000,000 yellow fir; also wood stump age, cheap. A 500, Oregcrhlan. TIMBER 4oO acres good timber, near Grants Pass for sale by- owner, $35 per acre for ca3h. 804 Wilcox bidg. 243 ACRES. 2.000.000 feet yellow fir; stock. Implements, sawmill and thresher; terms A Harrison. Lebanon, Or. I FOR SALE 18.000.000 ft. saw timber, fir, cedar, good location tor sawmill. O. T Sporth, Sherwood, Or., Route 3. TIMBER claim forsale or-tradeT Y. H McMahon. 2606 East 43d st. WANTED TIMBF.R LANDS. WANT good accessible timber for 5-room -bungalow and two lots. L 473, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. A NEW BUNCH OF ABC EXCHANGES. A. 5-room modern bungalow and two other lots, clear, for Oregon or Washington farm. B. 88 acres, stocked and equipped, finely improved ranch, close to Portland, for modern residence or Income property ud to $20,000. C. 160-acre stock ranch Clackamas Hntintv clear; good buildings. $4000, for clear D. 5-year lease on 160-acre stock and dairy ranch, close to Portland, with stock, tools equipment, for Portland property. E. Extra fine 60-acre farm- close to Port land for Portland property. F. S acres near Orenco station for Port land. a. 5 acres. 2 miles from Vancouver, for land. , H. Splendid 40-acre farm near Vancouver on Paclfio Highway, finely improved and stocked for Portland or country property. S00 and 1500-acre wheat ranches In best part of wheat belt for other property. 3 0 million feet of timber 3 miles from Cottage Grove, fir and cedar, for city property; will assume. K. Unincumbered farms and rltv nmnnrtv to exchange for city and country property of all kinds. ,-L. See us every week. New business com ing in everv dav. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. WANTED CLEAR VACANT LOTS. 8-room. strictly modern Laurel hurst iiottae on 60x100 corner, built for a local physician and no ex pense spared to make it desirable In every way. Don't miss seeing this snap If you are looking for a modern home; r.o reasonable offer refused. Cost $7500. D. F. CLARKFl. 270 Stark st. Main 1700, A1B16. HOME. SACRIFICE SALE OR TRADE "ROSE CITY PARK." (THIRD LESS THA.N VALUE). MAKE OFFER. YOUR PRICE AND TERMS. NEW. MODERN HOUSE V ROOMS. BATH, FINISHED ATTIC. STREET WORK ALL IN. NO. 530 EAST 47TH NORTH. ABOUT 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF ROSE CITY CAR OR EXCHANGE. WILL CONSIDER GOOD CLEAR LOT UP TO ABOUT $100O OX THIS: . BALANCE, TERMS. THIS IS WELL WORTH WHILE. LOOK IT UP AND SEE OWNER. E. BURKITT. 20U SELLING. PHONE MAIN 180O BILLIARD AND POOL HALL. 6 tables and good cigar fixtures, good location, no competition. Price $150O Place clear. What have you to trade? Owner at place 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Mon day. 605 Foster road. Mount Scott car. 120 ACRES near Redmond. 30 acres cleared and in clover. . House. All fenced: $5000; to exchange for good Portland property veil located, alear. and priced right. Wax Special Service. 312-314 Fenton bidg. 20 ACRES unimproved, close to Portland for bungalow in restricted district. ' .T. C. BOLLORE. 412 Stock Exchange Bidg. TO EXCHANGE $2.10O equity In good 7- room house with furnace, g-arage, 50x100 lot in ouiinysiue, ior Clear buildlnc- lots. Owners only. Tabor 651. LOTS In C.oblo, Or., cheap or consider merchandise for same. Phone Broadway j-ROOM modern bungalow and one acre of land at Oak Grove; will trade for land or mortgage. Nelson. 314 Henry bidg. 1ARMS for Portland property, $3700, $10,000 $22. M0. S3,000. what have vou? 20-acre farm. $1oo. 720. Dekum bidg". TO EXCHANGE J-room bungalow. fur nished, corner lot 75xlOO, for unincumbered lots. A. Silvey. 1016E. 11th st. North. FOR SALE OR TRADE $"l300 equity in 5- room house and 2 lots .In Highland; will sacrifice. 098 E. 12th st. N. WANTED $2500. 7 per cent, private party; Income property, value . $5500. AD 464 Oregonian, 6 LOTS on Cornell road for half original price or merchandise. Phone B'way 2167. TO TRADE Hotel for a small ranch. E B Flett. owner. Yamhill, Or. 15-PASSEXGER auto, excellent condition. What have you? A 472. Oregonian. EXCHANGE 2 good city lots for acreage. Owner. AB 473. Oregonian. 10 ACRES 2i miles E. Vancouver. Want Portland property. P 453. Oregonian. WANTED Todging house in exchange for equity In 2 good lots. Phono Tabor 2641. 120-ACRE farm, 2 miles to car, unincum bered ; trade for residence. Main 6800. MODERN house, half-acf'e. Hawthorne car, for smaller place. 200 Mohawk bidg. $1000 EQUITY In a $2200 house, Sunnyside f"r auto. 109 Panama bidg. WILL exchange good properly for three to five-ton ice plant. Allen, 310 Oak st. TO EXCHANOF KEAt ESTATE, WHERE BIG DEALS ARE MADE WE ARE HANDLING THE MOST SELECT EXCHANGE PROPERTY IN THE WEST. COME IN AND SEE. 10 acres just outside of citv limits, city water piped 'o tract, north of Rose City and east of Alameda Park, prico $1500 an acre. Will exchange for Portland houses or one piece. 100x100 Improved with 3 houses, rented at $40 a month, near c.-tr. close in on East Side; price $12,500. Want a stocked place not over 100 miles from Portland to same amount. 5-room modern bungalow on 40x 100 lot, rented at $18.50 a month; also 9-room house on 80x1 00 cor ner; all modern. Price $4500. close . to car and a good buy. Will ex change both for a partly Improved farm and assume a small amount. 20 acres, nearly all in cultivation and all beaver dam, close to sta tion on West Side line of S. P. . Full set of buildings, but the house is small. A beautiful piece of prop erty completely stocked at $5700. WTlil exchange for a Portland home or will accept a larger place farther from Portland, to $7500. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS Oliver K. Jeffery. President. Mar. 8718, 1830 Northwestern Bank Bids. A 6291. IDEAL PROFITABLE DIVERSIFIED HOME. 49 ACRES, BEAUTIFUL "MOLALLA VALLEY." ABOUT 80 ACRES IX STUBBLE. SOME FREE PASTURE SMALL HOUSE. BARN, CHICKEN HOUSES. LIVE RUNNING WATER CREEK AND SPRING. GOOD R. F. D. 2 -V11J.1-.S TO RAILROAD. YOT'U OWN TERMS. READY TO MOVE IN . Si "5 tv:r Ar-n- r-T 1 t- . . -K- r. S,ORTH $200). WILL CONSIDER FAIR . . r- r-r- J.1-11. .V1JL1V1-, OJ-r HK. SI-IK PATTERSON. OWNER, 209 SELLING CHARITY WORfC Want to tlx up some old couple so the wolf won't get 'em. Five acres, fruit, berries. - garden and flowers, with a beautiful 6-room house; also 3, acres of prunes just coming Into Any old couple, if able to potter around some, can make a living on the 5 acres, and the orchard, with reasonable care, This is-all at Sheridan, Or. Price $13, i50. No incumbrance. On bank of river. street paved up to place. Will trade for wneat farm ana assume. PHONE MARSHALL 351. WANTED CLEAR LOTS. 6-room. modern Lnurelhurst house, just completed, with every modem convenience. Interior finished in whle enamel and natural wood. Full lot, largo basement with fur nace, artistic fireplace. This is a dandy snap, and you had better look at it before buying. Price $4500 CLARKE. MAIN 1700. FOR exohange or rent 302 acres on McKen zie river. 114 miles river front, about 100 acres bottom land, mostlv all in cultiva tion. TlflrtlV nerinrl to rlnvar- V- 1 . i m ber and open pasture; mtge. $0o0. long ...uc cciii insurance loan. 111 sell all or part $50 per acre, or trade for acreage n?ar Oregon City. Vill assume. Will rent place this season $150 cash with priv ilege of selling; also 10 acres unimproved at Sll'ton $1000; $350 mtge.. and $100 cash trade for auto; also $3S00 equity in jo-ruum no.'se, mtge., $2200, for acreage una assume. Address A. H. Johnson, 2 nth st. Phono Marshall 30S11. BELLA VISTA. "On the Columbia" Secure your homeslte NOW in mv new subdivision, BELLA VISTA, overlooking the Columbia River. Sold 14 tracts since Jan. 1st. Tracts H-acre to fi acres: alt commnnd beautiful view of river. New Interstate bridge and Columbia Highway mis wiiiiin easv reacn or nuslnesf section of the city. Will consider good, clopr Portland property. ERNEST WELLS. Excl. Sales Agt.. -i-.t in. . fianK tlOff. HOME "PICKUP. 52D NEAR EVERETT. 7 ROOMS, BATH, LARGE CORNER LOT HOUSE NEWLY PAINTED; IN GOOD ORDER: READY TO MOVE IN. WILL CONSIDER GOOD. CLEAR LOT OR SMALL HOME OR ACREAGE UP TO $li0; OR WHAT HAVE YOl' TO OFFER? PRICK NOW $2T,0O (WORTH :i.oO). ADDRESS E. BURKITT, OWNER 20!) SELLING BLDG. . TO EXCHANGE General store with P O and 72-acro stock and fruit farm. 8 ncres bearing young orchard, f irst-clas prop- eny ana money-ma Ker; Tine community; price for ml. $1 0.0110 : ssooo can run Ion time as 5 per cent: $1500 cash and $5500 in good property; property must be clear and price right; would accept mortgage not-s.. stock of goods in Lower Willamette Valley preferred. If you mean business and want something good, give full description iirst letter. v e must change at once. Ad dress Genoral Store. Pleasant Hill, Or. FARM WITH 40 COWS AND CATTLE. 7 mi. from Washougal, Wash.. 01 acres 1s cult, good soil, 7-rm. house, big barn, new silo-, outbldgs., fine spring, water pip-ed to house, barn; 4 horse, 30 hogs, a!l kinds farm Implements, feed for Win ter, good pasture sdlolning this ranch Cream check over $10O per month. Price $12,000. mtg. $2500, long time; exchange for good clear income property, value of equity. Soo s. Hewey. 26'.) stark, nt HARTMAN & THOMPSON HAVE a nice SO-acre stocked farm. 18 miles from Courthouse; value $!3.5o0: will take clear city property or smaller farm up to $10,000. All kinds of farms, city property ana nusiness opportunities to exchange. No schemes or inflated values considered. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce bidg. WILL trade my nice home of 9 rooms witli parage, being usel now as two private nats. at East 12th. cor. Uelmont, with equity in a quarter block with small cottago and parage at East COth. cor, Belmont, for an up-to-date bungalow, un incumbered. A.T 455. Oregonian. 391 ACRES, dairy ranch, for income prop erty In Portland: the ranch is clear of debts: will consider property to $40,000 or 550.000. .T. r. BOLLORE. 412 Stock Exchange Bldie;. COMFY 5-room bungalow, in good restricted district, near car. 5Ox100 ft. lot. fruit, trees. berries, flowers. $120O mortgage. 3 years at 8 per cent. Will trade $1:1011 equity for lot. acreage or first mortgage. Owner, Woodlawn 848. MERCHANTS NOTICE THIS. We have a number of fine farms ami some city prop erty to trade for MERCHANDISE stocks. Some srocd deals. Write us or call nt once. Wax Special Service, 312-314 Fen ton bidg. EQUITY of $70,000 on Income Minneapolis property, paying $8500 a year, for stock ranch in yoming. Idaho or Oregon. J. C. BOLLORE. 412 Stock Exchange Bidg. $2000 EQUITY in 7-room Rossmere house and choice Council Crest lot to trade for acreage; no Infiated values considered. AK 451. Oregonian. 30 ACRES. 16 miles south, some cleared, for city property. i-room modern house for lots, mortgage or automobile. C67 Will iams ave. Phone East 3505. $2000 SEVEN ACRES, improved, no incum brance, one mile from station on S. P.; exchange for cheap acreage. Coast pre ferred. Address Box 12S. Aumsville. Or. 10 ACRES, 314 miles from Terrv Van Couser; good buildings, fine orchard: no better soil in Clarke Co.; trade for Port land home. 304 Railway Exchange. W'ILL trade my $2000 equity in 5-room new modern bungalow-, lot 70x100, for lots, mortgage, land or auto. Y 468, Oregonian. 20 ACRES. North Yakima, incumbrance $200. Trade for what you have. AK 454 Ore gonian. CARPENTER wanted to build bungalow: part cash, part acreage. Phone Albert Welch, Oak Grove 22J. NICE 8-room modern houee, lot 100x100, lots fruit and flowers, for small- farm with stock. Marshall 3502. FOR SALE OR TRADS n-room modern house: corner lot: this must be sacrificed. Tabor 4S73. 4 OR 5 acres, close in. will take motor truck as part payment. F. W. Allen, r oresi orove, Ksr. CHICAGO lots for Portland house, unin cumbered; also 5 ncres Tacoma for clear Portland. Tabor 5778. ROSE CITY PARK house, modern, furnace, fireplace, full cemented basement, for acreage or clear lots. 304 Railway Ex. BEAUTIFUL cultivated acreage, suburbs Hillsboro. $250 acre, for house. 2o9 Mo hawk bidg. - $350 equity In ace on Powell Vallev road, near Gilbert station, to exchange for any thinp of equal value. H 1535. Oregonian, WILL trade dividend-payinc stock, for house and lot or vacant lot In select neighbor hood. F 50A. Oregonian. EXCHANGE 40 acres land. Hood River, in cumbrance $650. for bungalow or automo Mle. "IP Yeon bidg Marshall 2432. WELL improved 25-,-icre f r:n near elec tric station, includes stock: take "i in city property, p 409, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL FSTATE. , If OR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE: 240-acre farm lo cated two and a half miles from Silver ton, Marion County, Oregon. 100 acres farm land. 5o acres in pasture, small house, large barn, will hold 110 tons of bay. IO head horses and 12 cows. Wagon shed, granaries, etc. 57 acres seeded to w-heat, balance ready to sow; well fenced with woven-wire fencing. One of the best farms in this section. Owner getting too old to farm. Exchange lor other prop erty. Price $S3 per acre. FOR EXCHANGE: One residence. 8 rooms, thoroughly modern, lot Soxl67, cor ner lot, located in Eugene. Or., south of the University; prlco $3500 mortgage $1000. Also 2 Laurelhurst lots 5oxl0o, 'm Portland, making . lOOxluO: price $;0oo clear. Trade both for wheat land or home In Portland. FOR EXCHANGE: 320 acres of wheat land, located in Alderson, Alberta. Can ada; wheat went last year 40 bushels to acre: 130 acres 1ft cultivation, and all can be plowed; ail good soil; cash price $2H per acre Will trade for farm in Oregon, .preferably Willamette Valley. Might as sume on good proposition $2500. xtF?R EXCHANGE: 560-acre farm in Marion County, Kansas. Good 7-room house. ,.ra vb?rns- 200-ton silo, toolshed and other buildings. Well-Improved place. JLrl ?nc,e.rt',"u- Consider exchange lor farm in Ylllametle Valley. NORTHWESTERN EXCHANGE ROOM 9. BECKIVITII BLDu: EUGENE. OREGON. EXCHANGES, acres in AUuma County. Washing- S20 ton, v,.,,i, ... r ...... , 'uu-iuni-eil, lair iou .acres in Winter wheat. 100 acres more can be seeded this Spring borne stock and machinery included aV price of $13.0oo. Will trade for ,r?n tie Vancouver or Portland. 5 acres, 3 miles from Vancouver 3 blocks from streetcar, fine land, good buLdmes. spring water, all fenced, chicken tight Mortgage $1000. Will take prop eray in anrouvor or Portland. THOMPSON & SWAN 512 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. HOME SACRIFICE. CONTRACTOR "DEAD BROKE ' HOUSE BUILT To sf.t.i. -s, -F.,'i WILL SELL $1350. (THIS IS LESS THAN v-,',L-;iEJ;.SST'v.SMAI-1' CA.-fl PAYMENT V TERMS. WILL CONSIDER HALF TRADE AT FAIR PRICE. A ijXl WORKING MAN'S HOME. (FIVE vrr -i-F .-iiio. .111. sco (NEAR F1RLAND STATION) OWNER. E. BURKITT, 2ou S BLDG. PHONE MAIN ISno COTT CAR SEE SELLING V V 1 1 t ore building on Kill- Ingsworth, income $62.50. to exchange for timber: value $11,000. . T. acres, 1 block from station, fine new $4000 8 ' W'U CakS lolS or houBe; Pr'ce 25 acres, 14 mile from station, all in cultivation: good new improvements.-team, cows, chickens and all farm tools. Price Main'" 65S4.' "' SCUl' '"10 aPaIdln bidS- !o AC RES on Pacillc Highway. 6 miles from Vancouver ferry, u, jn cultivation, mostly irrigated; some good timber. 2 creeks 7 room house with water and phone. 'aH outbuildings, family orchard 5u trees 75 young walnut trees. 20 cattle. 2 horses, chickens and machinery. $16 000 Will take Portland home and some cash bal ance long time. AV t-oo, Oregonian ,JVoV,Rli:?r,:so fce"or, BO'l: all in cultiva tion; fully stocked and equipped- no house, but nice barn and outbuildings: fine water; plenty of fruit; good road; near station: just outside city limits, and to tratlo for Portland residence , SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bidg ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Finely finished 5-room bungalow, all modern built-in conveniences, hardwoud floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen full ce ment basement, large lot; exchange mv equity for onvs or two good clear lots- si"-- lucai ion. Anuross AO 401, Oregonian. A FINE building containing 4 flats of 6 lr?eT,r?,oms e:ich l-'cafd on corner in Nob Hill district; building lias just been overhauled and repainted. Will exchange Tor East Side income property or West Sid-1 unincumbered lots. 1 R ED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th St. VICTORIA (Oak Bay) home, only a few blocks from sea; two lots and B-room house with sleeping porch, mtg. $2;t50 value $r.lo0; also -clear lot. 50x120. value $1250; will trade for Portland home and assume. E. c. Zimmerii, S02 Lumbermen's bidg. BEARING ALMOND ORCHARD, li acres near Columbia River. sure crops, sura market, big dividend-paver, finest nut orchard in West. Price $".'lo. per acre. All clear. Will trade for Port laud home, Jots or close-in acreage. jjyioi.r. 1, n-L icon ISidg. LARGE 8-room house, modern. 3 lots, l.'lox -ivo, ea-c. ngnis. gas. city water; will trade for 6-room bungalow, all on 0110 floor. See J. A. Turner at HARTMAN ic THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark) SELL OR TRADE for a 00,1 , 3 J acres. 12 miles frnm PnrM.nri 1. 1 fa co road 2 miles of place; on Tualatin River. 2 miles from Tigard; 22 acres cleared, 4 in orchard. bunKalow. barn; no agents. Phones D 1O00. Main 94:11 ALBERTA w-heat land. 327 acres fine lanrl worth $10,000. $2000 incumbrance; want groceries or general stock goods which can be moved, part city property or acre age In Willamette Valley. Address O J. Hull, Pleasant Hill. Or. FOR EXCHANGE Country home of 8 acres. Iruit, i)-rooiu house, 1 mile from Oregon City, on Pacific Highway. Also house in Portland in exchange for "Laurelhurst or Irving-ton. T. Whitney. It. G, Box 04 Ore gon City. Or. ACRE i-room modern house, with bath, electric lights, etc.; close to 5c carfare; will take vacant property as part pay ment, or will lent lor $0 per month- this is a snap. Geo. T. Mooro Co., 5 IS Abing ton bidg. .-u,iror,.iA-uitr.tiU. ' propertlos of all kinds and sizes for n nire ot- u-Oa U. S. MORTGAGE & 1NV. CO., SOUTHERN IDAHO 10. 70 and loo acres exceptionally rich irrigated land railway; water paid for; trade for West near ern Oregon property. Win assume. G. Wynn i'son, '.'03 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE - or exchange for property or aunuroan. xo-room apt., very best loca tion; would consider sale of half interest and management. Applv 62! Wash. st. CONTRACT for $S500 at 7 per cent, pavable '-'00O yearly, well secured: will discount for cash or exchange for clear farm, fully equipped. P. O. box No. 31. Newherg. Or. 0 ACRES Now bungalow. out h uild ings. bearing fruit; $1 l.oi'u. clear: trado for business cornor: 110 acents; own-r C. T. GATES, Rvoadacres. Oi-. HAVE 2-story solid concrete building, busi ness property, $20,000; consider residence, good vacant or stocked farm to $17.o00. Epton, 432 Cham, of Com. WOULD litfo to hear from owner who has unimproved land to exchange for cultivated land or. vacant. Call room 21o Dayton Hotel. 15 ACRES Close to . statfon on Salem Electric Railway, to exchange for city property. Geo. T. Mooro Co., 51 S Abing ton bidg. 5 ACRES. Hood River. miles from depotv atl in commercial orchard; house, barn, irrigation water; part of trees 9 years old; want Portland property. D 474. Oregonian. 160 ACRES and 40 acres, trade for lots. equities in nouse.s, small tarms; assume Boggess. 206 Grlinger bidg. PROPERTY to exchange for auto. Ford pre- lerren; w-111 pay cmerence. iti N. 6th. St. Broadway 1060. MODERN cafeteria, value $1200 will trade ror clear city lots in good district. Main 5727. EXCHANGE Denver for Portland: 4-room Dries: nouse ior nouse in Portland; not over $200o. 2S E. Sth st. EXCHANGE $1500 equi'y modern 5-room bungalow. Long- Beach, Oil., Vur Portland. 1S50 Lime ave, Long Beach. Cal. A GOOD paying business to exchange for unincumbered house and lot. Address box 1, Forest Grove, Or. v $1500 EQUITY' in $3000 home, large house. large 10:. ior binauer nouse or lots-.M 472. Oregonian. WILL trade 1H0 acres No. Dakota wheat ianu. clear, aun lu acres Close to Denver for Portland. Woodlawn 40. GOOD clear property to trade for car. value iov t-v ?tvv, aj. iainitn, iew Ltreeoe Hotel. FOR SALE or exchange for good acreage. equity In fine lot, high-class restricted dis trict. AL 461. Oregonian. SMALL HOUSE and three fine lots. St. nolens, for ;;ood lot Portland. P O. Box 22, Cherry Grove, Or. WANTED To trado apartment-house: In come $50 per month; for farm. 155 Al berta. BEAUTIFUL building lot. Broadway Addi- Liun, ouu casn; balance trade for auto or anything. R 470, Oregonian. 14.000 REAL and personal property, prefer aniornia. owner, 402 fetock Exchange bidg. CLEAR Spokane lots, $1500, for house in .ut. cott district, owner, 402 stock Ex change blug. Assume small amount. o ACRES for sale or trade: house, barn wnu outDunaings. Address isox 12. West Stayton. Oregon. WANTED Property from $2500 to $6000 for "m'KEXZIF. & CO.. Gerlinger Bidg. KOO.M moi; P. O. Box Spokane, for Portland. Cherry Grove. Or.