THE STTVn A V nT?T7f!nVTIV trvT!TT - - - - - . r m. j i j v I . i . . - laj ii .i i I iii-tr? T Jl-JUtVll li, iifllf, ' , . ' ) 1 BEACH TIME SOOX Here's your chance: 32 ACRES ON NORTH BKACH, fronting on ocean; fine shade trees, about tour acres cultivated, 2 acres wonderful gar den soil and 10 acres cranberry boy; rail road through place; heretofore beld at $..tm0; now $20oo takes it; worth in vestigation. Owner. :1) c hamber of Com- meree. Phono Marshall 1580. TH ko to the trouble and Inconvenience of building a seaside cottar when you can buy a -new and completely furnished cot tage ready for occupancy, situated on the ridge at Gearhart? East 1008 or C 2805. 6IIORE LOT. Neah-Ka-Nin Mountain Mountain and sea view, not far from hotel water piped to lot. H 471. Oregonian. a is a ! to A I N Gearhart Park lot. Second rioge. Some timber. $255. A. 470, Ore- lOR SALE Two collages, all furnished. near Loeksley JIall, Seaside; terms. Mrs. -jjC. Jones. Met2ger, Or. Main 6600. BKACH lot, near Tillamook. What-will you 'give for it? 20 North 6th St. -Houses. THESE XEir, PWEU, HOMELIKE l;l XUALDIVS BECKO.X TO YOU. Five Compiete, Practical, Beautiful Rooms ram Full of Cosiness 1370 AND 1380 E. GRANT ST., NEAR E. r0TH, $1973 and $2150. Very little Down, Then $25 per Month, Including Interest. House open 2 to 4:30 P. M. today. Oak floors, panels and beams, fireplace, built in features. lighting- fixtures, window shades, porcelain plumbing, Dutch kitchen has cooler, wood lift, etc.; laundry trays In cement basement: lots 36 and 4.3 by loo teet Take Hawthorne ave. car or Jitney to E. ,.uth: walk south on r.oth to i. rant, or take Mt Scott car to E. 50th and Grant. PORTLAND -REALTY TRUST CO.. 14 Ry. Exc. Bldg. (Owner). Main 212 Mift -o-room bungalow, beautiful big living and dining-rooms, with plate-glass win dows. Fireplace and built-in bookcases. All large rooms, on double lot set to all kinds of shrubberies: in a short time this will be a park In itself; $:(3."i0, fair amount down, balance $27 or more monthly, in cluding interest. If you admire the beau tiful, go see this today. Door open. If you prefer no elbow room, but prefer to be. crowded in between neighbors, then you don't want this. Second corner north of Rose Citv carline. 007 E. 49th N. Owner next door west. HOME SACRIFICE. CONTRACTOR "DEAD BROKE," HOUSE BUILT TO SELL $220(1 WILL SELL $1300. (THIS IS LESS THAN HOUSE COST). SMALL CASH PAYMENT YOUR OWN TERMS. WILL CONSIDER HALF TRADE AT FAIR PRICE. A GOOD WORKINGMAN'S HOME. (FIVE ROOMS AND BATH). MT. SCOTT CAR CVEAR F1RLAND STATION') SEE OWNER, E. BL'RKITT, 209 SELLING Br.pq. P-HONE MAIN 1800. GO TO 4STH AND ALAMEDA. NO. 601 4STH ST. N. A classy bungalow of 7 pleasant rooms, with hardwood floors, tile fireplace, buffet and bookcases with bevel plate and art- glass, built-in dressers, finished in old ivory with mahogany trimmings, walls artistic ally decorated, mirror doors, dandy kit chen, breakfast nook, clothes chute, built in back porch, cement basement and walks elect location; east front, paved street) -ei. rnce onty .iuu. terms. GORDH BROS., Woodlawn 2012. S2375, J250 CASIL : Absolutely new .'-room modern bunga low, all Duilt-in conveniences, shades and fixtures installed, full cement basement and laundry trays: oak floors in dining and living rooms; In fact, everything that goes '.o make up a modern home; OflxloO lot facing east; price $2375; sidewalk and sewers paid up in full; only 2 blocks from car at 4Sth and Clinton sts. Phone own. " today. Tabor 423. Might accept lot as first payment. HOME FOR SALE. 1 must raise cash at once. Will sell rny $:,.,00 home for J2300. This is $1200 less than cost. House two years old 7 J.?.!,"' Mo,dern. large attic, sleeping porch fireplace, cement floor, fine lawn, cast front, lot 50x100. street improve trfcLS m anti Paid fr" Kestr'cted dis T. F. KEELEY. & E. 70th st.. N. Phone Broadway 165S. ROSE CITY PARK $280 G WITH FINE GARAGE $200 CASH. Oak floors, 6-ft. leaded buffet. Beauti ful bungalow, 5 rooms, attic. 50x100 lot. JJtiteh kitchen, bedrooms and kitchen white enamel. chipped brick fireplace, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, ce ment basement. Phone Tabor 1900. THoiJJ?'STo YET. Am forced to act rV . u . . 6-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, large attic. On Irving street, in Jonesmore. 2 blocks from Glis.m st, car Une'x ?;st $300- My Price. $1000. Mr. Puise. telephone Broadway 1658. SSfh ITT PARK DISTRICT. RESALE, ONLY $2050; TERMS, e rooms and sleeping porch, hardwocrd floors furnace, fireplace, fixtures; must occ us at once, i-iace cost $3600. Sandj &ii.. Road and 02d st. Tabor 2161. SAVE $070. cost S26S0 S"mn hti.V u,,, witn full cement lawn 371 o car-line. Wood 00 cash? My loss your gain This house cost $2440. Mnrlsn T itTrAo x-tln ' f'i Cen.t' Wiu BeI1 my equity for kitchen. On 70th st. way 1008. fireplace. Dutch telephone Broad AM COMPELLED to dispose of mv new" ..-room bungalow. It has all conveniences: JrrV tioors, fireplace all built-in voi, h. " ?.-.,a"lc' near. car ne- If vou I , t i' " Le. surprise V-2SE ?IT- PARK BUNGALOW. t,iJ. - ,?""?' !lme o' ; 5 rooms, com , ..w. Ja ,.llt. noDDlest little ho can show vou and OiQ niA sonable. Hickrnan-Wilson. 45th and Tabor CSiiS, c 212l! a n rl y Rose city; park. " fh;; 1 SireL 4aJn and Sandy. See can hnv , . ',.Just finishing. You d a y. Q ;-ner. Tabo, unclted ai 1 , .i i -1 ' a IV- . - : -'-"V iew, motlern, five-room bun galow in Highland Park; S200 caSi baN or,C'"th' ,r accept ?lear lrlt Oregonian. yment. ae 46: EXTRA SNAP att.e w ys atriotl5r modern 2-story and fort- .V V . r'51 inn and Frank- J-kr-A'JfS.1 Improvements paid. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. A BEAUTIFUX HOME STTE naif-acre. 4 lots. 100 feet, facing paved -treet. Inside of 44th; will sell at bargltn o" r.n onefms" . .... .,, Danit DIClg. SMALL HOUSE AT SACRIFICE ..-room new. modern bungalow. 14-acre, ltliu.-, xi uirea; real har- InJuire 44 Northwestern Bank ouildlng. LESS THAN COST. New 6-room modern house, with all built-lns. hardwood floors, china closet, desk, cabinet kitchen. Owner "IS E. 18th N. Woodlawn 4196. A SNAP Phone "Mrs. B." M KR"?5 it -on.. want bargain in Ladd's Addition, or in- quire 554 Ladd are. ONLY' $S000 WEST SIDE. jr,!,,..,wL'!'' a"d. Bleeping " , "al. iiiusn wnita enamel, floors oak; choice district. Main 1963 6-ROO-M bungalow, lot 4r,tlOO. $1300 $900 Jm5 h- terms on balance. Chas. Barnett, iJA Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST modern hpm. take good lot for equity. 7 rooms; . '-HAS. K1NGLER. 316 Ry. Ex. 6-ROOM modern bungalow In Alberta dls- r'n'v.? sti'-,trS,de' r cheap for cash. allOswego3o3Home phone. ' son FINE corner, 2 lots7 house near voodlawn car; terms. Owner, H 489 Ore gonian. - $soo WILL buy my $1200 eaultv in si7-icti modern 5-room bungalow; must sell at once. Call Tabor 1045. IRVINGTON home for sate; strictly modern. I n n.. T leaving city; no agents. AF FOR PALE 6-room modern house, corner tlirri". cSi condition ; good location; $2600. terms. Phone Woodlawn 197 IRMNGTON Swell 8-room. with ,i -,h C? lte lOIIaJ': Pa"y left town. 415 E. ith st.. head Thomnson ead Thompson. OWNER forced t near 38th and Sell .l.rnnm hnn..lnm Prtcea;f-T-Ha'StrneA 8300 cash Price ?1 ,7o. s 500. Oregonian. down 7-ROOM modern house, close in, fine view of cty and river, for $2900; $S00 cashT balance mortgage. 62 Cook ave -hOOM modern house, lot 40x100 fo.,r- hn,. from carline. 5131)0. Chas. Tlarnoo V.-J Chamber commerce. 3 ROOMS plumbing. onlv $ti7" and pantrv: eleett-ii... doubly constructed: fine loi - 1031 E. gTth st. N. - LOT 00x100. 2 modern houses, on E "Orb between Fast Wash, and Stark. Bargain 8 East 2Qth North. Phone East 4!iii FOR SALE CHEAP Going oTTt of ei'v California bungalows, 4 and 5 rooms' Phone Sellw-ood 2473. rooms. J3EAUTIFUL home, heart of city. Sell at bargain. F 47.1. Oregonian. FREE REALTY BUREAU, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Itl'SIRABLE 6-room house on 30th. near Hawthorne. Owner, 031 Hotel Perkins. $170 10 ROOMS, -nicely furnished, close In Eai.l SMe. Main 934.9. ' J5Y Irvington, moden. 9--nom linuse must pe sold at a ea orifice. Last 4167, OVERLOOKING LAURELHURST PARK. Modern, nearly new, 6-room btingalow. No. llsl East Ash street, near 39th. Re ception hall, with beveled mirror door: living room with fireplace, largo dining """'i with ruilt-ln bullet and window sent; nardwood floors; two bedrooms and bath on 1st floor, sleeping porch room on second floor; floored attic; lull, very light cement basement: fine furnace, station ary tubs. Splendid view iot overlook ing park, size 60x141 ft. This Is a nice home in a desirable homo environment, and a great bargain at $3250. It's worth $4000. and was never offered lor less. Can give very easy terms to re liable purchaser. Will have this house open for inspection all day Sunday. Your rent money will buv this. J. W. CROSSLEY. Mala 1700, or A1010. Sunday or even ings call Main 3738. RAISE TOUR SALARY Just one-half your present rental money by buying this charming 6-room bunga low in LAUKELHUKST. one block east of beautiful Laurelhurst Park, with ar tistic garage to match, having 20-foot paved driveway, located on high, sight ly lot, large living and dining rooms -with French doors between; idea den or music room, elaborate built-in builet. tile bath room -with, shower, three large extra-well veniuaieu bedrooms, hardwood floors, 1 dandy fireplace, full cement basement witu concrete fruit room, cement porch "mi nunc ana sine entrances, good lur n.tce, beautiful electric fixtures, lawn In; this ia one of ttio cosiest homes in the city and was built to sell for $4soo. Own er oungerl to leave clty. and it s yours to day for $3000. on easy terms. No agents "i- commission. uaDor os4o. $1000 PROPERTY FOR $700. SOxllKl, E. Morrison and 44th sis.; small house, small barn, shrubbery and fruit: mortgage $110ti; this has sold for $:;ooo aim now worm i.u; i.o and some terms on this and assume the mortgage; think of it. ANOTHER EQUITY AT AS GREAT A SACRIFICE. Fine home, with SISoO mortgage, worth 3oo0; client says give me $200 for this. R. W. Fisher, 412-413 Stock Exchange. COST $6000. WORTH $0000. SELL AT $.1730. ON SMALL PAY MENTS And sacririce eiegant furniture If want ed: 100x200. A sort of a park with neal 5-room cottage. Garden and garage. A little paradise. Everything artistic. Owner says lots ought to be worth alone from $1000 to $4000, and whole property $6000. On E. 72d st. GEORGE E. WAGGONER, S00 Yeon Bids. BUNGALOWS Exceptional values, moder ate prices, easy terms, new, modern 3 and 5 rooms, electric lights. Bull Run water, oh S. P. electric, at Dosch Station. 17 min , utes from city; he fare: closer than Rose City Park and lias fine view. Let ua show you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg. SOME REAL BARGAINS. 6 rooms, close in, $1200. 0 rooms, lovely view, $1300. 8 rooms, "Hawthorne." $2000. 0 rooms, corner (.new), $170O. Can sell either one of these small pay ment down, bal. straight mortgage. FULTON. 621 YEON BLDG. $30 DOWN, $13 PER MONTH. Dandy 7-room bungalow with 1 V lots, close to car, school, church, good neigh borhood, flowers; lawn, garden, berries, chicken-house and run, , nice home for half price, or will trade for lots or acre age. BADLEY'. 621 Yeon Bldg. LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Beautitul colonial style house of 11 rooms; 4 fireplaces, 5 verandas: lovely view of the whole city; -exceptionally well built; 106x100 corner; must sell at once, and will accept anything in reason; must have part cash. FULTON. 62 1 YEON BLDG. I'LL make you a price that will surprise you on this 5-room bungalow; hardwood i.oore, rurnace, fireplao?, shades and tlx.- tures; take Rose City Park car to 71st st.. first house north of car. See it, the back door is- open. Price less than $2400-; easy terms. i ADington plug. SACRIFICE. $5000. One of the most exquisite homes in irvington: interior in ivory ana manogany. b rencn doors, bookcases, fireplaces, bur fet, etc.: 4 bedrooms. This place should sen ror iooo; Jiou casn. balance terms. FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 0th St. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. My 7-room bunga low, tireplrce, Iurnace, hardwood floors, buffet, full cement basement. Dutch kitch en. Nearly new, latest electric fixtures. Piedmont district. Sacrifice for $3340 (.fiooo less than cost). Terms. Tel. Ta bor 14S3. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. Swell 8-room house, concrete basement, fireplace, furnace, built-in conveniences, etc., Vj-block N. blvd., on 45th st. Really worth 54303... Will sell for SSilOO; $1008 cash. See this home before buyiuff. Own er 1234 N. W. Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE. bungalow. If you are looking for a bungalow with 6 rooms and sleeping-porch, look this one over. Juot ready for you to select the colors you wish. Bet. 41st and 42d on Harrison. Call owner and builder. Tabor 1048 or 2642. 1400 Hawthorne ave. .$1000.00 100x100 corner, bearing fruit trees and berry bushes. 5-room house, not modern but comfortable. Woodstock car, corner 4Sth st. and t3d ave. Terms to suit. Seil wood 20S. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 6 rooms. Come out and look this new and modern bungalow over before you buy; price and terms are right; house unlocked all day; location 063 E. 60th st. N. Owner. Tabor 680. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will build and fi nance your home on easy terms. Large variety of plans to select from. U MB DEN STOCK & LARSON CO. Ground floor 306 Oak st. THIS ia a bargain; modern 5-room house, hardwood floors and fireplace, gas and electric light, linoleum in kitchen and bath, chicken house, lot 42x100. Come and see Sunday and Monday. 805 E. 59th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott carline to 82d at. TAKE A LOOK AT 930 Clinton St.. corner E. 31et. Richmond car; neat 7-room home, absolutely a bar gain at $1000 for owner's equity. Main 452 during day or B 2393 after 6 P. M. Ask for Mr. Voget. BEST BUY IN ROSE CITY PARK. New modern 5-room bungalow; fur nace, fixtures, shades, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, big finished attic: price $21100; see it today at 720 E. 57th st. N., or call Tabor 0445. FOR SALE. Rose City Park. 7-room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, modern in every way; consider some trade. 304 Railway Exchange bldg. 3 I WILL SELL my $20,000 Holladav Addl tion home for $17,000; splendidly located on good street with other good houses; big yard, shrubbery, trees, etc.; big home, big rooms, bin: porches. H 460, Oregonian MANSION for a doctor. 9-room Colonial resi aence. Nob BUI, elegantly turnished, room for garage -and runway; 735 Irving St., near 22d: go and see it and procure a bargain in a tine home; lniormatlon at premises. MODERN BUNGALOW, 1 block from Sandy roaa, close m; a. mur uakualx; a fine home; most any terms. ONLY" $2500: all Improvements in. Jordan, 301-2 Lumber mens DlOg. ONE of the most attractive new homes in irvington for sale by owner at a low price: this is a small six-room, two-story nouse. laeauy piannea ior a small family no agents. O 465, Oregonian. $2500 BUYS 7-room residence, near Brook lyn fccnool and Mllwaukie street; street improvements paid. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. THE best bargain in city. Five-room modern bungalow, Toxioi) lot; sooo; terms to suit; worth 53.. 00. Johnson. Main 8441, Monday Main 6812. WHAT have you for first payment on email nouse and large corner lot. 1 block to car. in tot. Johns, balance of payments $2.00 per uioniu. rnce 4 1 00. a. 401, oregonian. i)vu nuLSEh, o blocks from Tigard on Oregon Electric. For description and price aauress 4 n;. bummers, Tigard, Or, Owner. FOR SALE at a great sacrifice. 10-room' house and two lots. Plenty of fruit. On one of the principal East Side streets. In quire 916 Journal bldg. 3-ROOM rnodern bungalow. 2 V. blocks from ine ousan canine, -j-mlnute ride. A BIG SSAP; only 11600; easy terms. Jordan, 301-2 Lumbermens bldg. ILLNESS Compels sacrifice of nice Murravmead home: northwest corner 34th and Division sts.: $4000. Main 3000. $3900 LAURELHURST. S3900 Go to 217 Floral ave. and see my 6- room bungalow. Must be sold this week It's a bargain. Phone owner. East 6074 ROSE CITY PARIC 5-room modern bungalow, one block off Sandy blvd., corner lot; swell location Q!Kr, 420 E. 46th st. North. NEW Trvingtnn house of six rooms, on a well located lot, with trees; this home can be bought at an attractive price; no agents. BC 440. Oregonian. HOUSES for sale at reasonable prices all parts of city. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. 0- ROOM HOUSE Furnished or not "berries, garden, trees; cheap; terms. Box 134 Easle Point. Or.i ' SACRIFICE Near Hawthorne, modern R room bungalow. East 44th. Owner. BF 463, Oregonian. Sl'tno EQUITY for $400 on $26oO bungalow; also furniture for sale. 44 Ol fit. -roon 174 E. MORTGAGEE SALE. foO.OO down, $10 monthly, -will buv four room house on E. 33th St. N.; in side W. v.. Iol, &oxluo; price $1000. $100.0 down, $15 monthly, will buy four room bungalow, hardwood floors, bath, etc., few feet from car, on illard avenue; price $1000. $200.00 down. $15 monthly, will put vou in possession of five-room bungalow, located on E. Lincoln street; lot oOxl-oo; price $2700, $200.00 down, $13 monthly, nearly new 7 rooin house on Ivon street, one block Irom car; laundry tubs, fire place, etc.; price $2750. ERNEST ZIMMERI.I. 302 Lumbermens .Bldg. T,-.,,-MOiVJj-U-V DUPLEX HOUSE. W 111 sell double house, close In on East ftlJe; each house has 6 Iarj.'e rooms and iuc, cement basement, furna ce; r . j i 'ngea ana roomy; lented; in fine residence district: easily is t,ullK Lur owner living in other.- " Property is near E. 17th st. and con in n!en.t l? E- Morrison cars; free from .v.u..1Wioceo; win sacnlice for SToou Pi . ,y. lernls; might consider good t?- .". iot, as part payment. Address . unrc im.'a owner. H-C Oregonian 1HIS is the best bargain in the city .uuiii nouse. in fine condition; full lot: iik'o; terjns- 100 cash, balance as j ou r..lr00.m. Ylov"s ai"i bath; full Iot and i.7i,.T. . oiocKS irom Mt. Scott car T'r. ' i. j l ' -'-o cash, balance long time; you had bette home. investigate if you want ichanbach Co., &10 Lewis bldg. WE S T SIDE BARGAIN. ci..,, i . .... surpassed view, jut completed for owner. ?itv- Wfo. EacrlficB ?" account of leaving Vi- iT , " icuuuiceu concrete, ex i?n??h rrick ard stucco; artistic interior. ,,1 j """" ." manogany; oak floor. 2 handsome fireplaces. 2 bathrooms. numerous porches, garago. SEE THIS SURE residence, call 703 Lewis bide MaTn ki,t . EASY PAYMENTS ON THESE u-room modern bungalow, large lot. Just w- .u.riimiai, Hitn an uuilt-in ef lects price SlbOo. SlOo c.K, .i ..... Another, ern, built xouins, wiui iurnace. mod place, price $loou; $100 cash, bal. month ly payments. jears, m terrace lark, neat JACOB II A AS. Dckum Bids. $650. ir,TVr room" and small basement, Dutch i ; " tu""nK cnest and built-in iron- UOiu; iiuuse pipea lor gas; buy now and get In your garden; 50x100 lot ad joining this place can be leased er can be bought for $400, ou easy terms. Take Rose City Park car. See Austin, 72d and Sandy Road. . $1200 TERMS. Big sacrifice; 0-room bungalow, partly xurniehvid. including furniture. $210o AllOll Cash Buys beautiful $3200 residence. See lurner at HARTMAN & THOMPSON tCor. 4th- and Stark) J. A. BUNGALOW SNAP. 'ce 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100, on f-' "ear sanay; price a snap, $2100, " cash and $13 per month; actually $2700; stop paying rent. GRUSSI & REIXII1HI1T .tit Hoard of Trade. Main 452. MAKE AN OFFER. New' 5-room house must be sold: wll take in vacant lot; this is modern- on Kenton car. near the beautiful Peninsula lark; see it and make an offer. A R. Johnson. 1100 Northwestern Bank bids ELEGANT, absolutely modern 9-room resi dence in best part of Irvington, and will sacrifice for $7000, and this is $4000 less SAMUEL nnn- 120S Northwestern Bank Bldg. Modern 5-room bungalow, beauti tul location, overlooking the river- will f'e reasonable terms; house No. 630 N. Vvillametba boulevard, Su Johns. Dr. J Y . Scott, owner, phone Columbia 140 or 2 1 4. IRVINGTON BARGAIN A modern 7-room --story house; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace heat, large attic; the owner will sell this excellent home for S4700 onrt uasn in nanaie it. Oregonian. AP 465, BY OWNER Modern 0-room house. Willi ff.arage; 40x100; half block Alberta car. inis was built for a home; must be seen to be appreciated. Part cash. bal. to suit -u. jiariin, woodlawn 11)4 ait.r tixii P. M., or Sunday mornlnes. HOME FOR SlTP DV OTT-.-r-n T'.,maSrn 1-scry house, 36x32, on foundation; 6 rooms and bath, all built-in conveniences, double construction; east front; price $360u; linoleum and gas range Included. 1299 E. 7th st. N. 1 MUsT sacriace 5-room modern bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases buffet and built-in kitchen, full cement basement; terms better than rent; see It today. 1009 E. 28th st N. 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALBERTA Only $18oo; will sell for 2t ca"sh and 5-0 per month, which includes interest; all street improvements paid. Smith-Wag-oner Co.. Stock Ex. 5-ROOM cottage. Rose City, S2300, $100 cash, Jla per month and interest. Lot 50x 120. Fruit, garden. Chicken-house; 1 block south of Sandy on 69th st.; owner 6f2 E. 69th st. North. 1K,Y?-'GTON home, reduced from $6.30.) to o looms, immense living-room, handsome buffet in dining-room, blue and wnlte breakfast room, hardwood floors' price Includes extras. 676 E. 18th st N PIEDMONT 8 rooms, sleeping porch, beau- inuiiy lumisneci; not water heat oak floors; attractive home; $40. Phone Wood- BARGAIN Good 6-room house, full cement basement; 50xl25-ft. lot; six bearing fruit trees, berries, roses and fine lawn 414 Brazee St., near Union ave. Phone E. bJOl BUNGALOW sacrifice, 5 rooms, nearly new Reservoir Park, worth $2o00, will take $lloO, terms $650 cash, balance mortgage Empire Inv. Co., 4ul Bd. of Trade. 5-ROOM- modern house; -built-in convent iences, cement basement, sidewalks two lots beiring fruit trees; 3915 64th st. fc- E-; 1 000. WILL accept lot as first payment on my ar tistic Mt. Tabor bungaiow; complete in every detail; price $350o. Owner. Tabor 286. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW All modern; some thing new interior. Just finished, nicely -. iu ucsiiauie tenants. 629 E. 51st st. N.. corner Stanton. 3-ROOM plastered house, patent toilet and closets; furnished; $900, small payment down. $10 per month, 6 per cent int. Phone Woodlawn 1961. HAMILTON AVE., So. Portland, near car and school: cottage, cost $20OO; take ,.?C0A Btreet paved; no assessments. AJ 464, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE district home, $2500 $200 cash. $10 monthly; 7 per cent interest. AJ 463. Oregonian. NEW 8-room house, lot 40x100, price $475; $-0 cash, balance easy terms Big re ductlon for all cash. Tabor 13S8 FOR SALE Large lot, with 2 small cot tages, cheap, ia Oswego, corner 3d and B streets. f?OM housa wlth gas. $S50. $250 cash, $10 a month; corner lot; 30 minutes out; no agents. B 437, Oregonian. A REAL bargain: 9 large rooms new and modern, in restricted district, close in- no agents. Sellwood 2080. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 6-room. new. mod ern house, large lot, $2500; also 1 acre $2000. Call Monday. Marshall 1024. ACRE and o-room plastered bungalow on 9c fare; fine location, city conveniences. Price only $990. easy terms, o 4oi, Oregonian $1850 BIG SACRIFICE Modern 5-room bungalow. Rose Park. Call Tabor 2564. City 6-ROOM modern house with 2 or 4 lot cheap, from owner. Mount Scott district Tabor 1234. FOR SALE OR RENT Vi acre. nicelym' proved, 5-room bungalow, barn, well; close to car and school. Sellwood 1861. PIEDMONT bungalow, practically new mod ?awneii49 nt terms' Xo asents. Wood- PORTLAND HEIGHTS. " xv.My ',ne .6-,r,on, bungalow, furnished. Phone Marshall 5073. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, ten- barn, on beautiful loox100 lot, plenty fruit' $1S00; easy terms. 1292 E. 16th at' y. IRVINGTON Beautiful home; quick sale, $3Oo0 below cost bldg. sacrifice; 703 Lewis IRVINGTON ARTISTIC HOMES GREAT BARGAINS. NEUHAUSEN & CO 703 Lewis bldg. FOP. SALE Modern home of seven ronm. and sleeping porch, garage, Portland Heights 445 16th St. Call Main 2.840. $300 CASH will take my $1400 equity in ..-room mooern nouse, good location E 473. Oregonian. EQUITY" $400 in bungalow. West Side: want auio, piano or iot, balance $15 per month T 474, Oregonian. GOOD six-room house and fine lot on car. line. East Side, close in; $1000 below ac tual value; terms. 3S0 E. 11th st. 6-ROOM modern house: near school: a desirable home; corner lot; $1230. Wood lawn 2006. P2OU0 BUYS mod-ern 7-room liouse. near Union ave. and A:berta - fiOCDAIUJ VJ-iaRXCK. 213 Stark. St, SIX rooms, strictly modern, new. hard- sur a,"2 streets, edge Laurelhurst; worth 4o0; chance for some radical prohibi- Po?t'land itk-a hme in P'eressive dry lortland, $J3aO. terms; want to move to wet territory. 021 East Davis. ROSE CITV pani.- New bungalow; music-room, living room 14x20 leet, plate glass doors and windows, two buffets. Dutch kitchen and breakfast-room, two bedrooms and clos ets, atiic and Uasement; good furnace; hardwood floors, bookcases and fireplace. Price $3250. All Improvements paid. 4,18 31st St., between Thompson and Tillamook. J. L. KARNOPP. Ry. Exch. bldg., . Owner. and modern 31-room Irvington resi dence; hardwood fioors throughout, se lected mahogany and oak linish, walls beautifully decorated, largo finished attic, full cement basement, sun parlor, sleeping porch, three artistic tile lireplacts, sta tionary vacuum cleaner, white tile bath rooms, three toilets, latest sanitary plumb ing fixtures, best of materials used in en tire construction; largo and beautiful grounds. This is one of the finest resi dence properties in Portland. For sale by owner. E 471, Oregonian. GOING TO BUILD? Go to an established firm and avoid worry and risk. We. as L. R. BAILEY CO.. contracting architects, have been at 324 Ablngton bldg. five years: hundreds of Jobs to our credit. Sketches and esti mates free. FURNISH THE .MONEY If de sired. Y'ou deal witu ONE PARTY and pay oniy ONE PROFIT; we ACTUALLY SAVE OUT MONEY and guarantee satisfaction. W'e design and build residences, apart ments. stores, factories, anything. IRVINGTON. We have the finest 7-room home in Irv ington at a real bargain; Duich colonial, cut stone first story, garage, street im provements paid, hardwood floors, tile hath, three fireplaces, billiard-room. This home was built aji a speciman house, the workmanship and materials could not be better. It could not be duplicated toaay lor near the price we ask for it F. E. BOWMAN & CO..' 2i2 Stark st- A 1251. Main 3026. SOME CUT PRICE HERE. You can t pass this up if you are In the markot to buy a mouern 7-room house on corner lot. EOxloO. two more vacant lota adjoining this 5oxl0f each, making 3 lots; in garden and fruit; in business center of Woodstock, being the S. E. cor. of Woodstock ave. and 43d st.; price $28.50; about half cash; the lots are worth more than price asked; go eee this. 14?IIAAS. owner, 715 Dckum Bldg. IRVINGTON- DUTCH COLONIAL. 539 E. 24th st. N., the finest 7-room home in Irvington, 1st story stone garage billiard-room, three fireplaces, finest of plumbing. Ruud heater, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, papered, street im provements paid. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 272 Stark st. Main 3026. A 5 251. EAST 12TH STREET. Near Skidmore; modern 2-story, 7-roora residence, nearly new; cost present owner $31100 and he has spent some additional money on the place recently: compelled to sell; price $2700; it's a fine buy at such a figure. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 411S. . ROSE CITY PARK SNAP $3500. EASY TERMS -2 BLKS. SOUTHCAR. 444 E. Q3D NO., NEAR TILLAMOOK ST New, 7 rooms, a beauty, very artistic, music-room. French doors, finest oak iioors. swell u-rt. bevel plato buffet and bookcases, solid brass hardware, furnace, shades, fixtures, screens, fine lawn, etc. owner, -labor 1900. GROVE LAND PARK. ATTKACTIVE LOCATION. J.-o down, balance arrange; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, hardwood floors, mouern in every respect; a real bargain a ;i..o. E. Z1MMERLI, 302 Lumbermens bldg. A GENUINE SACRIFICE The best buy on 1110 -n. ouoii canine; 6-room modern nouse. lireplace. washtrays, good base ment, lot 50x100, fine lawn and roses reduced from $2850 to $2250. $150 cash, uuiance easy terms. 1 ou must see thi: piace to know what it is. J. E. Stepp, MO 1 HE HOME BUYER Biggest bargain t.i uiit-11-u 111 xiviugion; six-room resl oeuce aiiu. reception hall; doubly con structed; modern elegantly furnished umiusmjui; practically new; attractive will sell at half price: all street imr.i-.w.. ments in and paid; full cement basement. rj. uruauway. EXCEPTIONALLY well-loeotert e..i.f,., iot uiree oiocKs south Anabel station, Mt. oil car, easy creston Schoo aim new franklin High; improved with good small house; good neighborhood; $00 cash, 65 monthly payments of $12.00, no miMiesi. no taxes. 110 mortgage to as sume. no WORRY. Owner, 4203 02d st. LAURELHURST HOMES. -oeiure ouyir.g oe sure to look at our list or exquisite homes just completed In Laurelhurst, the addition of beautiful iiomes, irom ijuu up on rent-UKe term i.nLiir.LniiSi' CO.. 2,0 Stark at. Jiam iwd, A 1010. ROSE CITY PARK If you want a real home with its com forts, look this over before buying; large rooms, well lighted, modern in every de tail; hardwood finished, nearly 2 lots ground space. 12SO Sandy blvd.. Tabor O .1-3. NEW Colonial 7-mnni house. llameitn TaU hardwood floors and enameled through out: papered, tiled bath, sunroom, tin- lsnea nasemenl, garage; Hamblet ave. near 26th; also 760 Alameda drive. 7 room, attic, beautiful view. Owner, 763 ittiueua urive. rnone woodlawn 996. FOR SALE by owner, new modern 6-room oungaiuw, narawoocl iioors. fireplace, buffet, furnace, wash trays, fixtures, shades, cabinet kitchen. ironing-board " ' crvi.i.L luniii, w-ieens. uacn porcn, con crete iront porcn, lawn; bargain; easy modern house, bath, toilet, electric lights and gas; lot 50x100, on 27th and Belmont st for a short time; this prop erty can be bought for only J25O0; think of it; right on the best car service In the Cil-V. .T W" (Irairir -1141 TTn v. 1 -j i--in LOI, E. Oith and Stark sts.; one of the finest locations in Mount Tabor; all street and sewer assessments paid- will luminn money ior nouse it aesired. Owner, 910 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mar shall 15S3. TWO-STORY' 7-room house; two toilets. lull cement basement; a nice home; cor- owin aim ouerman sis.; price $2000' terms $500 cash; owner must sell and may do better if you mean business. Richan- bach & Co., 815 Lewis bklg. Mar. 2394. FOR SALE 1-room house, strictly modern furnished. 3 lots 40x120, chicken-houses and runs, 50 laying hens; snap if taken at once; terms, no trades. 5704 58th ave S. K. Marshall 4563. GOOD 8-room house; lot lOvxIOO; adjoins Laurelhurst on west: very best location; paved district; three blocks Bchool and park; room for another house; absolute sacrifice. Owner, East 2042. NEVV Irvington house of six rooms, on a wen located lot, with trees: this home can be bought at an attractive price; no agents. BC 440. Oregonian. $3350- FOR this new 6room house, hard wood floor, fireplace. built-in conveni ences; see If not best close-in buy "uo E. 24th st. N. ' $0 DOWN, balance $15 per-month, buys u-Toom cottage on paved streets. Price $2000. 871 E 44th su So. Phone Main 303 i . WHY continue io rent when about the Dame iiiuutry w-i 1 1 ouy an attractive bunga- low r c-ee air. isenscatiacli, owner 417 B. oi i. oiag. WE will sell you a home or build one ac cording to your ideas, any good district. Rental terms if desired. The Oregon re v.m.ucia. j .ion w . .pans: bldg. MODERN 6-room house; bearing fruit trees (r minutes from two carlines, near Ken ton; $16.50. or trade for St. Paul lots Owner, 1024 Omaha ave. DO YOU want fine, new, 5-room, modern bungalow in excellent district at great sacrifice to present owner? Pay like rent Phone mornings. Tabor 1792. MUST sacrifice modern 8-room house in Irvington on E. Broadway, near 17th st Will give terms. T, E. Dodson, 202 Wil cox bldg. FOR SALE New modern six-room bunga low; beautiful home; must sell- $3100 cash, or will trade .equity for what have you. l'43 Rodney ave. MUST SELL beautiful, new. modern 6-room bungalow, built-in - conveniences, fireplace oak floors, lot 50x126, on carline: 342 e' 54th. Tabor 1923. $20O0 G ROOMS, modern, lot 50x100. sewer" sidewalks in and paid; terms or auto first payment; "WS" car. 790 East 32d. at. Owner, Broadway 656 or Ssll. 247. MAKE AN OFFER 5-room cottage' elec tric light, plumbing, plastered and tinted painted last Summer; lot 44x11214; chick en park, garden; terms. 60 E. 70th st N $2700 EQUITY in $4000 house and two large lots for $500 cash. Owner, 2098 Delano sc., city. FOR SALE Modern 5-r. bungalow, new up-to-date, lot 50x100; no agents. Owner Sellwood 110. IRVINGTON swell and cheap homes easy payments. See Delahurit. Phone East 1275. IRVINGTON. strictly modern, new, 9-room house.$0000; cost $0600. East 2141. HOMES TO ORDER. FULLY FINANCED. CURTIS. 267 OAK. MODERN ..-loom cottage; terms; by owner. Phone Tabor 2410, -ROOM modern home for sale, cheap; nothing down. Wdlwn 811. $1400 EQUITY" In 5-room bungalow for $700 Owner, phone Tabor 4549. LAURELHURST home, 9 rooms, cheap part terms De Rose, 618 Cham. Com. BY owner, 0-room hoouse 'on East Gllsan near 24th: terms Phone E. 1118. 6-ROOM mcdern house on East Broadway; terms or cash. East 4907. lOi'EliN furnished bu nc.-t low, bargain: 1 iiiocis. U cux, Rosa City i'atjt. labor 6180. ' ' I , I ' ' -vr..i-.. , vi OUIL 11 .11 ITaK. I L-n W.k I $3500.00 FOR $3S50.0O RARE LAURELHURST BUNGALOW - BARGAIN. Brand-new, lu-stoiy, 8-room bungalow located on OOxloO lot. No. 1127 Wasco t-treet. two blocks soutn of Sandy blvd and East oith street, third bouse east of cur lier Built by one of Irviugton's best builders and guaranteed throughout. Large reception hall with coat closet dining room with elaborate buffet, Duti li kitchen, all built-in conveniences, extra large bathroom, two large bedrooms downstairs, broad stairs to second floor 011 which are three largo, well-ventilated, badrooms. Finished in old ivory and white enamel. artistically decorated, beautiful view of mountains. Originallv priced S....I), but owner now force! 10 "is 'ouiii wiin massive lireplace, iu. .0. fctreet assessments naiil uown to $300. Owner at house t faunday. Tabor 5845. 5-ROOM modern cottage, full lot. 50x124 garden and fruit. Call 1243 East Madi son, near 42d. l"r Sale- liusiness property. u 59PS?, INVEST MEN TOO MP A nT BIGGE.Vr BARGAIN ON EAST SIDE Business lot, 50x145, In busiest part of the East side business district, for $20oo less than adjoining pro;erty. "This lot has peculiar advantages that make it valu eoie. i am compelled to soli at a sacrl- i.'.J- V," '"""'., A' K- Cann. 207 Panama blog. Main 3S97. $12,000 APARTMENT-HOUSE $12,500. INCLUDING FURNITURE, .l-stoiy ouilding, corner lot, 16 apart ments; 4uoo cash, oalance on terms; nne .. .MiiumiL ior experienced I hamber of Commerce. person. 517 FORCED SACRIFICE. oiT can ell for $13,000 a close-in West f-7ieoJ?r?p'rty for which owner refused S-8.000 few years ago. Mtg. J7000. This is the biggest snap In Portland. See us for particulars. Fred A. Jacobs Co. lo4 tn st. FOR SALE A per cent investment, in-cume-producing business property. Oregon -present rents $10M) per annum; growing city; promising prospects of increasing value: cash price $17,SO0. Address AV 793. Oregonian, ' 1-TrfESTIG'TK tl,is Vnion ave- corner; am offering it at very attractive prioe; price will advance probably about 25 per cent on expiration of present contract. Joseph H. Johnstdn. 559 Union ave. N. C 3073 8 ACRES Excellent factory or warehouse site: over b-.o feet of trackage on main line. E 472 Oregonian. s:sLp $3500 buys apartment site OOvinn west side, close in. with -r.m !,,. Geiser. 4 17 Chamber of Commerce! Suburban Home froperty. SNAP FOR SUBDIVISION. e.??. aCTM mlle from cit' "mils and carline; hes very sightly; good neighbor hood; price $00,000, $15,000 cash, balance easy terms. 6 per cent JOHN H GIBSON 912 Cham, of Com. ii. . ki buiKlow on Oregon City car trie at Sliver Springs. All city conven iences and country comforts. 1 1-6 acres f.roun . ldeal car service. Price $3SO0. will exchange and take auto as part payment, or sell on terms if desired. This is a real bargain and is a wonderfully unique and attractive home. Owner. Y" 4(9. Oregoiiiarf. Phone Oak Grove 26-.I OREGON CITY' CAR. One acre. 6-riu. mod ern bungalow: fruit, berries, fine shade trees fine fishinE: leaving Oregon; will sacrifice; price $3750: terms. Come out Sunday and Investigate. Get off at Jen nings Lodge; fifth house soutn. A. McFar- lane. or see Henderson & Wickman. with i-.tu --v. jattius uo., iu oth St. ""niieii rancn or garden 1 acre v .... .oo ,n cny limits. 4 blocks fro i-..i.e; oc inre; 6-room house. Good ..... unaciiieiu. r run trees. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO iioor. 306 Oak St. 46 ACRES, all improved on hard-surfaced Base Line Road. Good 6-room house. A UflltiDENSTOCK Xr LARSON CO. Ground floor 306 Oak st. GIBSON HALF ACREsT Good soil, good water, close to carline easy terms; will build to suit purchaser.' Phone Marshall 1080 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. FOR SALE Craig road, carline: all Oregonian. acre at Brainard st. and n Park-rose; one block from city conveniences. w 474 GARDEN HOME, 1 acre with mode i .V, xT ana ko11 "nks; 55000, or take Portland bungalow CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 316 Rv. Ex h CR 2n hard-surfaced Base Line road; good 6-room house; a real bargain; terms. Telephone Broadway 1058 SACRIFICE NEED. MONEY" Acre, is fruit. 15 minutes from Post offlce; oc fare. Box 297. P. O., Portland. AM compelled to sell my Oswego Lake shore lot; only a little cash needed, it 434. Orro nian. . For &ale Acreage. ACREa cultivated, fine soil and home tract 4.) mm. electric ry. ; good com munity; raised fine potatoes past 3 yrs sold for $3oo an acre 4 yrs. ago; must have $.00 cash quick; will sacrifice for $200 an acre and include my share last seasons crop, yet unsold; balance several years; will show Monday. Come early. Parker, owner. 524 N. W. Bank bldir BEAVERTOV 7-AC-PUT !TAiw Only 7 blocks from depot ail in cult best of soli, 5-r. house, barn, 3 big chicken houses, woven wire fences. Price $'"'50 part cash, ternia on balance. See s' Hewey. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and stark) 9 ACRES. IMPROVED. Place right at station and good small town, on Estacada arline; all cultivated; 6-room house, barn, rock road to Port- ,.iu , .viii ten tins at Jouo cash; $o000. JACOB HAAS. Pekum Bldg. worth FOR SALE Or for rent, two and one-third acres at Tigard: new house and barn, elec tric light, running water; 5 minutes to Oregon Electric; price $2000; rent $10 per month. John Zimmerman, - 59th and Madison streets. Phone Tabor 6858. Port land. 17 ACRES FOR $s.0O. Joins small town on railroad. 30 miles from Portland, all tillable except 2 acres, fine soil, good spring water, gravel road, R fine location for a home; only requires $100 down, balance on easy terms at 6 per cent. J. B. Ruley Co., 92S Cham, of Com. AT FELLERS STATION. 12.82 acres, right at station. from Donald. 23 miles from Pnriion -. mlle 1 fcneed and in clover; 5-room house, barn! - veii, eiy oesi deep loam; almost level ;cost owner $4000 cash; price $2200 GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St 10 ACRES within 3 miles of the citv limit" Vancouver, mi,e irom paved road, no cash for three years except the interest aim, me nnest or soil, lcleal loca tion, 12 miles from the heart of Portland. Price $1300. E. F. Gilbert. 112 Washing- ai., v nncouver, vv asn. 2 ACRES ON PAVED Bdin 4 blocks station, Greshatn carline, about an cieareu, ever-running; spring creek. suitaoie for trout ponds. The snap of the year for $950; $250 cash. O 52, Ore gonian. SALMON CREEK. 15 acres. 6 miles from Vancouver ferrv on hard-surfaced road; Salmon Creek runs through: 6-room house, barn 24x36; price iui ijuivn sale ..iiuu. GODDARD z WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. POWELL VALLEY" ACREAGE. 10 acres: 6 acres In crnn- v.,,i It. right at the station Pleasant Home; ori haixi-surfaco road; will sell for one-half price; terms; price siiiio. Jacob Haas, 715 Dekum ble'g. u uvur. in cultivation; good o-room nouse. oarn, acres in orcnard. personal property, machinery complete: $2000. $800 vast!, uaiauce terms. ,pton, 43- Cham, of V-Olll. FIVE acres, Oregon Electric, 5-room bunga low, nam, private water system, pressure and septic tanks, 75 fruit trees, berries 3 chicken-houses, 35 chickens; $3350; $1600 casn. main osu. FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 acres logged- v.ii. mini, lucaieii on rauroaa. near Falls City; good land cheap. Gerllnger, loot'. Northwestern Bank bldg. 5-ACRE sacrifice; best tract in city; fine for suburban home or for platting; high level and all cultivated. Apply owrer' 559 Union ave. N. C 3073. ACRE, good 4-room house, plenty of fruit, fronting on car track, close in; make me an offer. H. G. Epton, 432 Cham of Com. FOR SALE 320 acres Klamath Co. cattle and grazing land, spring; $6 per acre A 469, Oregonian. TWO beautiful acres at Oak Grove, house and fruit, mtg. $900, for lot In good loca tion. AE 475. Onegonian. SMALL tracts with some buildings, city, good road, suitable for dairy. 475, Oregonian. near BD ACREAGE bargains, from 5 to 20-acre tracts between Portland and Oregon City. I. G Davidson. 819 Chamber of Commerce 1 TO 7 ACRES, near Shattuck station on 4th-st. electric line. Inquire at 189 3d st. Owner. 8 ACRES choicest soil, near Milwaukle' price right. Owner, X 467, Oregonian. GET city acre, fine soil, easy terms. 1236 E. 33d St. N., near Ainsworth. $2.00 PER MO. buys 40 acres: S 460. Oregonian. price $600. ACRE ft Multnomah, all improved - make jour owu tei'ni- .Call aUaia Slttr. ' 6$i-ACRE BARGAIN. 8 miles from Portland aM 10 minutes' waik irom station on two electric lilies; laud is all fenced and cultivated; rich biack soil; about one acre beaveruam; 3-room collage, barn, three or four chicken-houses and good well; this piace soid for over $4oOO about there years ago; can be bought now for 2250, With $1000 cash, balance three years, at per ceul.- E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, HKS Fourth St. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY VILLA TRACTS. Best location on the highway, near Sheppaids Dell, about 4 nines east of Crown Point; very accessible by good automobile road from highway. Sheltered from the strong winds, won derful view of river to Portland with view of the Washington side. Tracta 2 to 5 acres, part improved, 3 creeks, will pipe water to every home; $190U to 30uo per tract, dec-ending on size and Improvements. This is the real cream of tue highway. Investigate and you will know it's so. J. G. KAINEY". 904 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3177. 5 ACRES, $20O. $10 down and $5 a month buys 3 acres logged-off land, between Porllaud aniU "v.e:ui alia, on main line of 3 railroads, 1 ia miles irom town of 800 population. Saw mills, shingle mills and otner industries. Some of these tracts are nearlv cleared and have a spring or running stream ou them. price 0o per acre. Many tracts of oifterent sizes to choose from. Good soil, lies well, fine location, perfect title BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY HOME. . acres, good bouee, for Summer home, bearing cherry, piurna and apple trees, never-failing creek of pure moun tain water piped in house: about all In cultivation with an acre practically an ready for a trout pond; magnificent view; siluated in tho most scenic section near Sheppards Dell, price $4uuo. J. G. Rainey, 9U4 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177. BARGAINS IN LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Fine land, no w aste, well watered, close to the Columbia; river and rail transporta tion; right at boat landing: small tracts. $10 PER MONTH. ARLETA LAND CO.. 40S-H Chamber of commerce. SNAPS. 4 acres, improved and covered with hops. $820; ?25 cash. IO acres. Improved, high state of culti vation. $1800; 3uO cash. 20 acreu stump land, creek through cen ter, $13 per acre, cash. See J. A. Turner at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (.Cor. 4th and Stark) 10 ACRES. near good road, eood soil. hlf mile to electric line, four miies from Port land. $260 per acre. 23 acres, good modern 7-room house, earn, and excellent water, gas and electric connection; half mile from Concord Sta tion, 30 min. car service; $4500 H G STARKWEATHER. Risley Station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOMESITE. From 1 to 10 acres, rich land, well de veloped community; 30 minutes out. witn 10 big red steel trains daily each way through jt- Buy now at our low prices and easy payments. Let us show you THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth Street. BASE LINE ROAD, 6 ACRES. it miles east of city limits, all culti vated, house, garage, outbuildings, close to station on Troutdale electric line; has pumping plant coet $600, water under pressure; price $3000, part cash; bargain in this: no trades on this. JACOB HAAS, Dekum Bldg. $200 DOWN, balance arrange; 10 acres, about." acres cleared. 40 trees all kinds oi oerries, good fences, 4-room log house, barn chicken-house, 2 miles from train: gooa road, about 0 miles from Vancouver new interstate bridge; price Slow ERNEST ZIMMERLI, 302 Lumbermens Bldg;. v.Asu ana ?j per month and price .in.v iuu pe.r acre; right at lonquin Station on Oregon Electric, where acreages of the -same class sold rrom JJ30O to $000 per acre a few year ago; only a few five-acre tracts left: hurry if you want one. E. Zimmerll. 302 Lumbermens bldg. 1-3 ACRE, fenced; fruit trees and berries, with new 4-room house, full cement base ment, electric light, phones, etc.: 3 blocks to car and school; Just outside city rimlts i 1-3 cents fare; good service: for $2000 some trade, some' terms; big discount for cash. Milne. 672 Kearney st Mar 2487 1 ACRE. MELDRUM STATION. Swell 7-room bungalow, strictly mod ern, garage, lots of assorted choice bear ing fruit, close to station. $300 cash will handle this. JACOB HAAS, Dekum Bldg. . A LITTLE PARK. . ,2ft acres east of Parkrose, near Colum bia boulevard, view river and mountains, beautiful grove of native trees, near elec- aiuLiou. spring water piped to $1000. S. P. Osborn, CIO McKay bldg. 13 ACRES. NEAR RunRTavp Oregon City carline, 12 acres cultivated lies level, no better soil, fine bearing or chard, fine road, fair buildings; best buy on market at price of $30oo. JACOB HAAS, Dekum Bide. BEAUTIFUL i acres, unimproved, overlook ing Automobile Club; land lies well run ning water, natural grove of maple and dogwood. This is the place for Summer home or wayside inn. will sacririce for $4..Q. Elliott. 601 Northwest bldg VANCOUVER. 5 ACRES. Close to carline and close in, lots of choice fruit and berries, good building. fine spring water; price $2000; the fare llui Vancouver to mis piace Is 5 cents. JAtua iiaas, Dekum Bldg. SOUND. SURE INVESTMENT. 6.9 acres fronting on paved road and i-amuo at station, near the citv; $3000" $000 cash, $25 per month. Fred H. Strong, -, ua.uuci ui oiumerce. A GOOD BUY". Acre tract, only $20o, close to electric siauon, .10 minutes out. electric lights phones. Terms only $5 per month. Call at 0OO Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark st. -o acres, best soil, nearly all in cultiva tion, no buildings, on good road in sight of .-.! t,- n,.-.. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 10, 15 OR 20 ACRES of uncleared land, two miles from Hilisboro: county seat of Washington County, and 1 mile from New. ton. on S. P. railroad: $80 per acre J S. Steinke. Hilisboro, Or., Route No 3 TWO acres in city. E. 18th and Columbia blvd. Will consider any reasonable offer. Terms. No incumbrance; near car; city water, lights, telephone. Owner on place Woodlawn 769. ' HONEST BUI Look my 24 acres over and make offer: uc fare; improved; best roads; one-fourth mile city; house, barn, fruit; . sacrifice. Phone Sellwood 1851 be fore 0:30 A. M. Clear of incumbrance. STOP I Look and read! My beautiful new country home and 2 1 acres or part of if good barn and chicken-house berries all kinds of fruit. Leaving the citv, will 'sac- rifice. A. C. Moore, Multnomah, Or. ACREAGE in famous Tualatin "Valley ; best of soil, good location, low prices, quantl- auu ma ii. sua purcnaser. . Handy Bros., owners. 201 Stock Exchange bldg. HOTEL SITE. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY 3 acres in Ideal location between La tourelle and Bridal Veil, practically lev! pretty 'trees, running water. Price $33oV S 434, Oregonian. 2 ACRES Willamette River frontage, near Risley Station, $li)50 per acre: also river view acreage, $1200 to $1600. H. U Stark weather. Risley Sta. Phone Oak Grove 1-X $2000 $500 CASH will take this 5 acres i in cultivation, Powell Valley road; land in mis section sells ouo and $700 acre. W 451, Oregonian. per SNAP. One acre at Gilbert station. $600 cash You will have to hurry to get this. y. mile from city limits. 8CH Broadway. 3dfloor '0 ACRES Improved, near Cedar Mills, seven miles from Courthouse; 10 acres unimproved near Cedar Mills; 5 acres improved at Cedar Mills. 318 Fenton bldg CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland, $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. ACRE tracts, near city, on carline and paved road; $5 cash. $5 per mo. Fred H Strong. 517 Chamber of Commerce. 13 ACRES, all cultivated, good soil. 30 minutes' ride. 3 min. to station; only $10 down; can you beat it? R 430, Oregonian. WEST, SIDE ACRE TRACTS CHEAP. Close in, church, school, store. Oregon Electric Railway; terms. 211 Lumber Ex. FOR SALE OR RENT 2 acres of beaver dam land, ready for the plow, 5c fare. Inquire owner. 749 Belmont. East 6136. WILL sell my Osvvego Lake acre; waier. electricity, easy terms; right at station H 400. Oregonian. 10 ACRES. 5c fare, for $2000; over haif in cultivation; fenced 3 sides; $500 cash, no trade. O 403, Oregonian. AM forced to sell my 2-acre tract close to S. P. shop at Beaverton. all in cultivation.' easy payments. K 437, Oregonian. FOR SALE or .exchange, 10 A. bearing ap ple orchard for clear Eugene or Portland modern home. G-".l Oak St., Eugene. i ACRES, cleared, new bungalow u'-cent fare. $2ii')0. P. O. box j20.Lents. Or. .rnP' $0011 'ernis- e'l.-l,. . 7.;7TT7 Cwaw, Grant Barney, uresou City, . ForSale -Acreage. BELLA VISTi " "On the Columbia" ku your. homesite Now in my new Vi,K'",'. B,KL1'A. V 1ST A. overlooking the Columbia River. Sold 14 tracts since Jan. 1st. Tracts U-acre to f. acres; nil command beautiful view- of river New interstate bridge and Columbia Highway m'lkrs within easy reach of busili-ss r u me city. m con-sider gOOU. iieii- i-oii:aiiti property. ERNEST WELLS. Excl. Sales Act 1234 N. W. Bank BUU. - At llt-All cultivated: 0-ronm house, ot.ier buildings; on Willametto River; can irrigate; 2tiH); terms. Also Is acres, all cultivated: on Willamette, River; can irrigate; 1SOO; terms. Two acres, near lortland; on railway; cleared: Slono; your terms one-half acre: 0-room house; . near car; $1000: terms. nne.ihird terms. .. -- .uuiii iuudioH : a..)ti oc tare; "GATEWflon," Hir.ii 4th 20 ACRES. -0 acres, as fine land as can be found in Oregon, all in high state of cultivation; j minutes to electric station. IS minutes into Eugene: eiegant hom.-s all around, on giwa auto road, in tact, one of the nicest places in Oregon: $100 per acre. Wil consider c ear lot or small house as first payment, balance 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5 veais. see owner at once, 42; liy. Ex. bldg. EXTRA FINE4rA"CRE"TRACT. SnZ?''ra 1 i,owell Valley paved roa.l en?- KSsroad,to Action Line. 3 miles from for ra,Ut'!l." lotati and environments for country homesite: fine trees, all level esv; r?, fif10'"'0' terms 500 casn. balance easy monthly payments. J.i r.L.Dlv.UANN COMPANY". 91.1 Chamber of Commerce. rlNK country home and 10 from P. w. Side. J 472 acres. 14 miles Oregonian. Ilomest $300. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT $300. J6 "tiles from Mc.MinnvVl' e."m.le and h?f from county road, with road to land guarantee over four million yellow ,,r practically mi ;and can be cult,vat!(j I HLTP U' thin 111 . . 1 r, , w h eared: over "O i .-.,i, i t om land: house nnrl w.W.i, r-.t. . i - - , "mi.uoucii. ruin u tween 9 and 12 A. M. USE your homestead riqiit and get a 3'ti St'k or sru" ranch; can locate;.) parties on good Eastern Oregon home steads; a few Willi springs; line bunca grass range for stock; some line relin-'l.u:snm-'r.'s for sale; location feo $10i. Write the Percy M. Johnson Co. Vale Or BIO INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN 7o0.000 acres tor settlement. Wheat, fruit, general farm lands. $1.50 per acre; open coming Summer; homes for 10 000; -j cents for copies with reliaole informa- i.un. tv-enatcnee i w ash, ) W orld. Dept. H. BARGAIN 80-acre homestead; about 2') acres creek bottom, somo lir, spruce and ce.Iar: also a lot of rine lir piling: w-i:i take $750. part cash, balance easy term, or will consider light five-passenger car. O. . Rnlght. owner. Nehalem, Or. RELINQUISHMENT. ITslI than 40 rITiTe"s from Portland, south: small house and clearing and some timber: will take cl. al lot or 1915 Ford, or mortgage. R 46'.., Oreiontan. HOMESTEAD 320 acres, good wheat and grazing land. 0 miles from R. R. station- good spring water. Call at room 515 Lumbermens Bank b'djr. lOti-ACRK homestead relinquishment in Cen tral -Oregon : level, 'no rocks, deep soil plenty of water: S60O: part trade If de ''red. B 4iis. Oregonian. HARNE County 320-acre homestead re linquishment, 2', miles from good town, spring water. 200 12th St.. apt. 512 Mar shal! 2071. GOOD 320 sagebrush homesteads in Catlow valley, Oregon: location fee $100. Geore. W. Porter. WANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sak.-. O. K. Hawlev Baldwin. Wis. 4 GOOD relinn uishments nnd nvprai crtv" ernment homesteads Just thrown open. C. w. Embody, ui,i Lumbermens bldg. HOMESTEAD locating J0O: black soil good stream, adjoins range; close to Portland. V 4 1 2. Oregonian. to tnose desiring homesteads in siletz. See locators. No. 010 Lumbermens' Exchange bldg. Marshall 4097 ior Sal -Fruit Lands. MR. PRUNE MAN, READ. One o.f the best orchards in Clarke County, with 20 acres of bearing prunes, about 4 acres of apples. 1110 pear trees a line dryer, and located in the best dis trict in the state. If you are Interested in the prune business it will pav vou to investigate this place, nothing better E. F. GILBERT. 112 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. WILL sacrifice for $S00 a J1700 equity in a 4-year-old apple orchard, valued at "$2700 y 44S. Oregonian. For sal. -1 11 rum. IDEAL COUNTRY FARM. 17 ACRES. Close to Carlton, on main road. 12 acres in cultivation, seeded to clover anil vetch, young orchard, largo barn, sweil 5-room bungalow, with fireplace. largo porch, well and spring; Just the place to keep a tew cows and a bunch of chickens and make an easy living. Price $20o0. $miu cash. balance terms. New, up-todat farmers' creamery at Carlton, other good buys. Write tor price list. W. E. KIDDER, Carlton, or. YAMHILL BARGAINS. 40 acres of ns good land as there is in Yamhill County, all in crops. Fall-sown; looks line; close to school, on R. F. D., close to town, good road, only $4000. 40 acres of oak grubs, good land, lies nice for pretty home, one and one-half miies from town, surrounded by fine homes and only $0o per acre. Half cash will handle either one or both of these. Be long to an estate, must be sold. E. F. MAGOON. Yamhill, Or. $1000 SACRIFICE'KQUIPPEP FARM. 30 acres, only 2i) miles out. 1 mile from good town, creamery and highway; can nery near; hall under cultivation: house, barn and other buildings; fine' trout stream; 10 acres rich black bottom land: Some fine timber; 3 cows, 1 heifer, good horse, wagon and all necessary farming implements; price $4500. terms $2oo0 cash balance reasonable. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 98J ACRES, near Newherg. A complete farm for you to move onto and get to work at once. Fine soil; 7 acres beai-inT prun.'i.. Owner unable to work land longer, wilt sell for $12,000 and accept anything rea sonable as first payment. Best of terms on balance. A list of stock, implements, machinery, buildings and all that goes with this farm, furnished on request Rlchanbach & Co.. 810 Lewis bldg GENTLEMAN'S BEAUTIFUL FARM HO.MK. 80 acres on west side S. P. line, large, attractive $00o house, 200 yards Horn station, every acre fine soil, all in cul tivation, large young orchard, part walnut trees about 3 years old: could be subdi vided; price far below value. Inquire -i'! Northwestern Bank bldg. 15 ACRES READY TO MOVE ONTO. Just 28 miles out. near railroad, and Si mile to station, neat 3-room nouse. nice chicken-houses and runs, small barn. 5 acres in bottom land in cult., bal. fine bench land, creek and spring water; on county road. Price $900. J. is. Ruley Co., 928 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 21 acres land, 12 acres of crtek bottom soli, 12 acres cleared, good build ings, well, farm tools, some stock, 3 miles from Elma, Wash., next to road; price $2ooO, JSoo first payment, balance on 6 per cent. Write Eddie Kalets, 46 East 7th st. N., Portland, Or. CANADIAN FARM. If you want a good wheat farm in Cen tral Alberta on crop payments, improve ments, on railroad, near town, 320 acres, write me. $1000 cash. Frank Paskett, Mill -lly, or. 320 ACRES, $12.00 per acre: 30 miles lo Portland, on good county road; accessible to good town, railroad and boat transpor tation; 160 acres timber, no stump lands: terms. Pacific Mortgage & Investment Co., 502 Northwestern Bank bldg. 820 ACRES, Eastern Oregon. 3 miles from county seat; 250 acres in Fall crop, more to put in this. Spring: lots of spring water and trulc; also has milk and cream route fo- city of 3U00. C; 11 724 Northwestern Bank bldg. F. J. McDonald. BEST FARM FOR-LEASTM0NEY" Dandy 10 acres near Hilisboro, highly improved, nice home, worth $30O0. Will sell this week for $2000, small payment down, or will take lot as first payment. BADLEY. 621 Yeon Bldff SNAP 39 acres. Yakima Valle", Irrigated land, highly cultivated, alfalfa and fruit, modern house w-ith bath, $s000, bank ref erence. W. H. Burley, 822 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, 18 miles Portland, 4 acres cleared, w-ater and buildings on place; cow, heifer, hogs, chickens, incubator, separator; 200 yards to school. Price $looo. Newberg. Or.. R. 2. box 36. IF YOU want a farm in the Willamettt Valle or in Southern Oregon, I can fur nish it at right price and terms. I. G. Davidson. 819 Chamber of Commerce. $900 EQUITY for $500: 20 acres, right at station, ready to move into; hens paying living; buy my personal at a low price. Guy C. Griffin, West Stayton, Or. OVER 2000 farmsof all klndsand sizes for sale. If you wish to buy right see or write us; highest references given. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce, I OREGON MAPS Sectional maps showing Sou. Pac. Ry. land grant. 4uc. Hunter Land Co.. SO 4th st.. Portland. WILI.A ME TTE improved 40, SJ12O0 adloin ing 40 $600. Ow ner, Chauncey. ' Barne Oregon City. SA CP. AMEN TO Va:iey. California, improved a. fa fa. rrmt and dairy farms for sale; terms. W :itel-:. R. Waite. Shawnee. Okla. FREE REALTY BUREAU. , 352, cUttiiibcr oi Commerce,