TnE SUNDAY OltEGONIAX, PORTLAND, 3IARCH 12, 1916. This directory la for the information the different lines of business which the to use. Any information which cannot by phoning Main 7070 or A 60K5. House ABSTRACT AXD TITLKS. PKOilPT SEEVICB at reasonable prices. Pacific Tltie & Trust Co.. 1 Cham, of Com. ACCOKOIOX FLbATDKi. K. STEPHEN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, sido pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. JS plltock blK. Broadway 109!. VLEATIXO, hemstitching, buttons covered. Eastern Xovelty Co., 654 oth. Bdw. IKxl. AKCHITECTS Bl'-VflALOW PLAN IIOOK, 10c; A. i. Kaber, ;jol Ainsworth a.i lawr. 2i4. plans, Jfo. e. Wood- ASSAYEBS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 2d Gold, sliver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. W. J. MAKELIM Probate, real estate, min ing and corporation law'; abstracts and titles examined, written' opinions furnished. 14o4 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 574.S. V GRAHAM. BECK ETT & COOPER General practice; abstracts examined. Piatt bldg. Phone Main 58Sa. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. D. Cancer Treated. 671 Alberta st. WooUiawn 4106. CARPET WEAVERS, NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rues from old car pets, rag rugs. 1SS B. Sth. Both phones. CEICIIDCTTdysTiAlJGES. THE IRWIX-HODSON COMPANY, 8S7 Washington sc. Main 312 and A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. "William. Estelle and William. Jr.. Dsvenjr, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors, 302 Gerllngor bids., southwest corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. C Hill, office Fliedner bids. Main 3473. ' CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. TR. McMAHON Chronic cases, taking time, 31 treatments, $10; worth $50; economy, health, wealth. 2U8-9-1Q-11-12 Macleay bid. COELECTIOJs AiiENCY. - NiiTH & CO., Worcester bide. Main HUB. No colic-ction. no charge. Established ItKtO. ' CONTRACTORS. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. Pians and specifications prepared. Job work carefully done. East 27. W. H. Herdman. DANCING, MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. &u.i Cth st.. bet. Stark and Oak. Sp'l rates, 4 pri vate lessons $2, morning, afternoon, even ing; all latest dances guaranteed; class 'Thurs.. Sat. evenings, 7-8:30. Bdw. 211. HEATH'S SCHOOL, Lessons dally; class Tues., Fri. eve., 8 to lo. 109 2d St., bet. Vash and Stark. Main 3200. Lessons 25c. LA GENE DE RE AC Oriental, Spanish,, toe, nature. Egypt fancy. Russian. Main 3272. MULKEY BLDG., 2d and Morrison 10 les cons, $5: classes Mon., Fri. eve. 'Mar. 313. ' DRESS- SUITS. IjF.ESS SUITS for sale or rent at low prices. We buy dress suits at 51 3d St. EYE. EAR, NOSE A1 THROAT. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 517 Dekum bldg.. 3d A Wn. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. HAIR DRESSING. HATRDRESSING. manicuring. Grace Miller, 2fl0 Morgan bldg. Marshall 841. LAWYERS. II. Y. FREEDMAN, 930 Chamber of Com merce. Consultation free. MACHINISTS. MACHINE SHOP work of any description. Hell & Wildmar, 61ft Upshur St.. Portland. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. TifBRILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 2Q9 20. St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Bapgago & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery At Confec, Inc., 11th & Everett. ' DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. Complete line dry goods, i urnlshinfts, notions. L. Dinkelspiel Co." hirlhecorM2: DRY GOODS, FLEIPCKNER, NOTIONS, FURNISHINGS. MAYER & CO.. SU7 Ash St. GRAIN MERCHANTS. H. HOl'SEH, Board of Trade bldg. GROCERS. CO., 67-75 Fourth St. WADHAMS & HATS AND CAPS. THANTIAfSER HAT CO., u:i-."5 Front St. HIDES, WOOL. CASCAKA BARK. XAHN BROS.. 191 Front St. MILLINERY. BR ADSHAW Bi:OS., Morrison and 7th sts. MEN'S AN D WOMEN ' S N EC K WE.r7" Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., s:i'.i st rair Bather's Scanty Suit Attracts. PALM BEACH, Fla.. March 10. Mme. de Soriano, of Biarritz, had the eyes of the entire throng on the beach fastened on her when she appeared for a dip in the surf clad in a suit such as is worn In Ostend, and without dockings. She is the first to discard hosiery. The opinion expressed by scores of ob servers of both sexes was that she looked exceedingly trim and attractive. When taking a sun bath she wore high bathing sandals, but she took them off before she plunged into the turf. Her knitted suit was black, with one-piece effect, worn over tights. Itihas a broad black and write striped silk sailor collar. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Oaily and Sunday. Per Line. One time 1-c (same ad two connecutlve times Xic ume ad three consecutive times 3c Name ad nix or wven consecutive times. .5c Tiie ahovQ rate apply to advert ihements unrirer "New Toduy" and all other classifi cations except the following: Mluationt Wanted Male. Mt nations Wanted Female. Tor Kent Kooms Private Families. Hoard and Koom Private Families. IIoiiiR'keepinir Jiooms Private Tamilles. Kate on the above clarifications is ? cents B lino each insertion. On "charge" advertujements charges will be hasel on the nnmher of lines appearing in the paper re;ardleN of the mini iter of words iu each line. Minimum charge, tno lines. The Oreonlan will aecept classified ad vertisement, over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. "o price will be quoted over the phone, but hill will be rendered the follow ing day. Whether subsequent advertise ments will be accepted over the phone de pends upon the promptness of payment of telephone advertisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not he ac cepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will he accepted for Furni- t ure for Sale," ".Business Opportunities, 'Ioomic-Hoes,, and "Wanted to Kent." Advertisements to receive proper classi fication must he in The Oreponian office before 8:-i5 clck at nijrht, except Satur oay. losing hour for The Sunday Ore cmian will be 7:30 o'clock Saturday nifrht. The office wiil be open until 10 o'clock P. M. a uMial. and all ads received too late for proper classification will be run under the lieadinsr "Too Iate to Classifv." Telephone? Main "JOTO, A 095. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE TOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS .ND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING VOIR CHECKS AT THE ORKGONIAN OFFICE: A IIS, 430. 443. 431. 432, 453. 401. it 119, 442, 445, 446. 44!), 450, 456, 459. 4 tii I. Ifi-'. C 41" 419, 442, 443, 449, 451. J ;il.2. 410, 419. 430. 434, 439. 440. 442. 448. K 28. 442. 446, 452. 454, 41. 646. 141. 409, 436, 462. 444, 448, 4U3, i US1, 435, 447, 452, 455. R 129. 4S1, 443, 452, 460, 402. 464. I 428. 4;iS. 431), 441. 444, 45. 451. 454. 455. Jv 4 "5, 449, 4 I, 43il, 449. 4," 4T.3, 457. 401, 475. .477. 459, 463. M 374, 3P7, 139. 441. ( 427. 443 i- 4 12, 44 I fl 441. 413 442. 443. 444. 4 45. 448. 458. 459. 442. 443. 449. 454. 457. 458. 461. 447 44S, 4J., 4-9, 4tW. 4iT. 4.V.I. 462, 4'i3. 6'.J7. 44"-. 4 17. J-19, 450. -52, 4',3, 466. f 1'10 420. 432, X 420, 42S. 4J2 4. 445. 455, 465. 463, 464. 529. 437, 43f, 453, 454, 458. 459, 459. 461. 463. 404. V 441. 445. V 127. 429, 4-!, , 433. 437, 438, 439. 441. 442, 447, 460. "461. 448. 454. 45S. X 429, V 41i. 160. 464, 69. 430. 445, 447, 452, 453, 455, 456, 458. 459. 461. AB 13S, 451. 45S. 546, AC SSI. 451, 4r.2, 4.5. Al 114. 445, 449, 4ol, 4 5H. 464. A 455. 454. 455, - 456, 458, of the public, to give as far as possible average person may find occasion be found here will be gladly furnished 40. . MUSICAL. SECURITY STORAGE w ill close out for cash: $375 Wellington. . .05 $350 Kneisely. . .35 $30O Upright. 50 $400 Chickerlns... .$35 $145 Estey Organ.. $23 To first caller. 109 FOURTH ST. Storage 75c monthly. Emil Thlelhorn. violin teacher, pupil Seycifc. '-i7 Fliedner rtldg. A 4160. Marshall lott. SCHOOL OF MUSIC, STAFF of TEACHERS. CONSERVATOR 141 jam t NATUROPATHS. VIRGIL MACMICKLE, Naturopath. Port land's only Bernarr Macfadden graduate, accommodations for out-of-town pauenta. S7 Dckum bldg. Main 3508. OPTOMETRISTS AM) OPT1CIAXS. vnt'D prr3 flt(1 11-irh. best lenses, gold - filled mounts, $1.50 up; torlcs, $2.50 up; . .. ,i .. !: X'2 50 up; lenses duplicated; mall orders. DR. J. D. MEREDITH. 829 Washington St. 7" ECX3NOMIZB Glasses fitted to f V your eyes as low aa $L&0. Services and quality the best. CHARLES "W. GOODMAN, Optometrist. 209 Morrison. PATENTS. PATENTS that protect and pay; advice and books free: highest reference, best re sults, promptness assured: send sketch or model for search. Watson B. Coleman, patent lawyer. 624 F at.. Washington. P. C PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years practice L. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bids- PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO.- Factory and office near 24th and York Bts. Main B4b. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PREiS J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr. . : , ' j , i.irnj. Wont St.. rnniing aim iiuyjij f corner stark. Main or A 1418. " RAO RIGS AND FLUFF RUGS. Ingrains. Brussels. Smyrna, Axmlnster. ras rugs, all sizes: mail orders prompt; booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RLO CO.. 54-5 Union ave. N. East t516. B 1476. REPAIR WORK. REPAIR WORK of all kinds a specialty. Western Com. & Eng. Co.. 654 Plttock blk. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 621 Yeon. BENEDICT BROS., 930 Hawthorne avenue. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pins Sts. Broadway 590, A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates in the eity. MADISON-ST.'DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding-agents, phone Main 7691. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD, blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 3899. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phor.e Main 53, A 2153. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WEINHARD'S GOLDEN AMBER NECTAR. Henry Weinhard Plant. 13th and Burnslde. Phone Main 72, A 1172. PLAIN AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sts. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RAKMCSSEX & CO., 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. r. L. KLINE. 84-8(1 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. PP!MTIMJ VV- BALTES & COMPANY", rnilll lllU First & Oak Sts. Main 1.". A 1165 PRODLCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEHUIXU & FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO., Ib0 4th. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis, sts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 239 2d st. AF 430. 433, 434. 436. 450. 454. 455, 459. Aii i.i-2, 434. 436, 446. 448. 450. AH 3li0. 41 ti, 433. 447, 461. ' AJ i27, 435, 430, 437, 433, 439, 440, 445, .446. 447. 44S. AK 435. 446. 447. 448, 449. AX 112. 414. 415, 426. 427, 431, 434, 443. 445. 460. AM 382. 400, 403, 418, 426, 434, 435. 443, 444. 450, 458. AO 104, 407, 409, 430. 435, 448, 454, 456. AP 218. 219, 421 428, 447, 451. 454, 456. AR 430. 446, 447. BC 413. 434, 44J. 450. 451, 453, 458, 461. BI) 426, 427, 448, 449. 451, 457, 404. BF 440. 450. 456, 45U. 463, 500. If above answer are not called for within six days same will be destroyed. MEETING NOTICES. EUREKA COUNCTI, No. . 204. K. AND L. OF 8. Open meeting Monday eve., March 20. Cards and dan cing. West Side W. O. W. temple, 128 11th st. Mem bers and friends Invited. Admission free. ' THR LADIES' SEW1XQ CIRCLE OF THE MODERN FORESTERS will hold a bazaar and aerve a chicken dinner at the home of Mrs. Courter. 225 Fifth at., Wednesday. March 22. ial6, from 12 to 8 P. M. Dinner o5 cents. KIRKPATRICK COTJMCIU 2227, Knif-hts and Ladlea of Security 'Bie tree open meet ing next Friday. March 24, H:30 sharp. Moose Hall, Morrison and Broadway; cards 500; entertainment, dancing; Hochs' union music; good prizes. Come tor a good time. HOTJSE for rent for meeting or dancing purposes or conventions; small stage in con nection, with dance hall; special rates to fraternal organizations. Apply to superin tendent at 28314-289 8d st.. near Jefferson. MT. HOOD TENT, NO. 17, AND GOLDEN RULE REVIEW. NO. 17. MACCABEES Next dancitig party Wednesday, March 22 at Knights of Pythias Hall All Maccabees and friends welcome. Zurfluh orchestra. PROSPECT COMPANY, "NO. 140. W. O W., will give a 500 party and dance Thurs day, March 23, at 128 11th et. Admission 20c. Union music. Refreshments. GEO, WASHINGTON CASTP BOO at 8:30, dancing at 10 P. M. at W. O. W. Temple, 128 11th st.. Tuesday eve., March 21. Good prizes. Admiasion 15c. MASTICK incomparable dahlias; order now. M. G. Tyler, 1660 Derby at. Kenton car. Phone Woodlawn 175. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pin sew designs. Jaeger Bros.. 1X1-3 Sixth st DIED. CUTTING In this city, at her residence, 4603 09th St. S. E March 18. Orpha Cut ting, aged 58 years 2 months 4 days. De- ittn ib lurvtTeu uy jour caugnters, JUrs. M;tmie Walkau, Mrs. Katie Myers, Mrs. Margaret Goldsworthy and Miss Ruth Cutting, also four sons. Morris B-. Enos L... Wilson and Edward "W. Cutting, also one sister, Mrs. Jack Sennett. and four brothers. L. M.. A. M., O. M. and J. Com mons, and of Levi W. Myers. Re mains are at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner 3d and Clay sts. Funeral notice later. BUFF1NTON At the residence of her son, Herbert A. Bufflnton. 352 Williams ave., March 18. Mrs. Louisa D. Buffinton, aged So years 6 months 31 days. Remains are at Holman's funeral parlors and will be forwarded Monday, March 20. on the 613 P. M. O.-W. R. & N. train to Fall River, Mass.. for interment, where funeral serv ices will be held. HARMON In this city, March 18, at her late residence. 1024 Holgaua street. H Fiorella Harmon, aged 64 years, wife of A. B. Harmon, and mother of Mrs. Laura Vinson, of this city, and Frances Rogers, of Emmett, Idaho. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. p Fin ley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. COUGHLAN At Rochester, Minn.. March 17, William C. Coughlan, aged 38 vears, late of 65 Tenth street. Body will be brought to Portland for interment. Notice of funeral hereaftec BORN. SCtTLACE To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sculace, at 710 East Highland St., city, on March 15, a fine, big boy; mother and babe doing niceijr. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 674 BELMOXT ST. Phones East 1423. ft 2515. Open Day and Xigrht. Report all casesaof cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber tor small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring: pet may communicate with us. NEW TOOA Y. i.1 -y Douse Is located at 229 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis., stands on southwest cor ner of Greanbush and Virginia sts., on south side of city; is large frame house with 13 rooms, basement full size of house and S feet deep, cemented; large furnace for hard coal beats whole house; all modern Improvements. House built about 20 years ajro at a cost of $10,000, is Insured for $6000, occupied by tenant. Lot 50x140 feet, stands about 13 Inches above street level. Property in mortgaged for $4000 at 6 per cent Interest. We are offering this property now for $10,000, or $6U00 subject to the mortgage. Will take city property or land any where In Oregon or Washington. Write or phone 401 K. 50th st. North, Tabor 5805. ilrs. G. C. Etchison. NEW CREMATORIUM AT MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY sNone more modern or costly In America: equipped with the raoat recent and scientific method of Incineration, a beau tiful chapel and Columbarium. MOl'ST SCOTT PARK, only cemetery in Oregon with chapel on the grounds. The originator and always the lead er of higrh-class cemetery and crematorium service in Port land. A. visit there will readily convince you of this. "Its beauty singnlarly appropriate; its care peculiarly eugg-estlv of affection and memory." Large, Permanent, Parklike. Terms reasonable; prices no higher. Call superintendent, day or night. Both telephones. FOR SALE OR LEASE FOR WHOLESALER OR ; RETAILER WITH TRACKAGE 100x100. S. E. corner East Third and Morrison streets, or 100x200. with 200 feet trackage, on East Third street. FRED H. STRONG BIT CHAMBER OF" COMMERCE. BEAUTIFUL -MANSION That beautiful Colonial residence. No. 735 Irvinpr street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third, Nob Hill: strict ly modern, hardwood floor, solid ma hogany diningr-room, etc.; nine rooms; full lot; room for garage. Worth today $15,000. Will sell at a great sacrifice. Come to see it and investigate. You will procure a great bargain. Call at premises. FUNERALS Beautiful adult pluati or broadcloth casket, embalming, rough box, hearse, two llmoualan and services for....... 75 More reasonable funerals If desired for $20. $40, $60. Higher-priced funerals In proportion. We make our own caskets Xdy assistant. Private funeral chapeL MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors, Washington and Ella fits. Main 36B1. A 7885. S3750 HOME BARGATV, MnUlAUIEAD DISTUICT. Well-Ballt, Modern, Eight-Room House on 60-foot lot, between Hawthorne ave nue and East Harrison stieet. Practi cally at bouse value. Only $1250 Cash, Time on Balance. FRED H. STROXG, 517 Chamber of Commcree. SNAP FOR SUB-DIVISION 220 ACRES. IUI.P SIIIE FROM CITY , LIMITS AXD CAKHXE. Lies Very Sightly. Good Neighborhood. ii!ici-: $50,000 $15,000 Cash, Balance Eo7 Terma, 6. JNO. H. GIBSON 912 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. A GOOD BUY - IRTIXGTOX IVEW MODERX ROME, Hot-water heat, hall, mirror door coat closet, front and rear stairs, living-room flre- flace, dining-room paneled. buiK-ln buffet, ibrary bookcase, hardwood floors, plate el ass, kitchen, pass pantry, toilet upstairs, 11 bay windows, 4 beorooms, sleeping porch, tiled bath tub and shower, attic WUlard room, bedroom, sleepingr-porch ; street Im provements 'all paid. Terms. A $10,000 home for $7ii50. Phone owner, Kaftt 214. YAMHILL, Cor. CHAPMAN frO x 68. PRICE $10,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 2-1:5 STARK STREET. CEOnwn 9. MnDDICnW Northwest cor- DLUUXU Ul lilUlliilOUtl ner. two lots. two-story building', continual traffio on both streets, ror lease ror term or years. Rent reasonable. MISS RAY, 205 14th. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment A Mortsrnqre Co. Offices 202-4-17O Third St. FARM LOANS MORTGAGE COMPANYFOR AMERICA Ainsworth Bldg. 22, Portland NEW TODAY. Sales At Wilson's Auction House 160-8 FIRST ST., XEAR MOBRISOS. . REGULAR SALESDATS MONDAY; WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 JU M. LARGE ASSORTMENT OK ALL KINDS OF" SECOND - HAND FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, STOVES, ETC. WE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE. ROOM SIZE RUGS, STEEL RANGES, GAS RANGES. In Fact Anything You Need to Furnish a .Modern Home. You Are Cor dially Invited to Liook Through Our Stock. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE -173 SECOND, NEAR YAMHILL. Main WSZ. WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR GROCERIES, CIGARS AND TOBACCOSl ALSO CUTLER Y, SILVERWARE, MISCELLANEOUS HARD WARE, PAINTS, WALL PAPER, ETC. t ALSO A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS INCLUDING CASH REGISTERS. SCALES, SHOW CASES, SAFES, ETC., Let U Show You What We Have. Auction at Residence TUESDAY NEXT MARCH 21, AT 10 A. M., AT 335 HASSALO STREET, CORNER EAST SECOND STREET. We are favored with instructions from Mrs. Stone to sell the entire con tents of her eight-room house, com prising quartered ok library table, waxed finish; also wicker and oak rockera, center table, bookcase , couches and drapes, lace curtains, pic tures, several good body Brussels rugs, size 9x12; costly dining suite, viz., 54 inch top pedestal extension table, set box-seat chairs, buffet i glassware and crockery, English breakfast table; con tents of four bedrooms, including iron beds, springs, mattresses, pillows, sheets, spreads, comforters, birdseye maple and waxed oak dressers, dressing tables, chiffoniers, sanitary couch, steel cot, large "Acorn" tri range, -'Ruud" water heater, refrigerator, large assort ment of choice canned fruits, lawn mower, garden tools, porch chairs- and other effects. t 3. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. RECEIVER'S SALE STEAMER ."WOODLAND" TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION TUESDAY NEXT, MARCH 21 A l- X X . .11., AT BAJiDALL'S BOATYARD, 1712 Macadam ft bad. Full Particulars at Auction' Of flee, 166-8 First Street. J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale Monday, 2 P. M. 211 First Street We have some very nice, medium grade furniture for this sale and. If you anticipate buying: furniture of any una, li. win pay you well to call and look around. Amonc other Items we will n i-mmH dining- table, with chairs to match; nuiaiy laoie, center siana, rocKers, oalc dressers, metal beds, steel range, gras range, kitchen cabinet, sanitary conch, box couch and other numerous items. FORD AUCTION CO. AUCTION SALES EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 2 f. M. EACH DAY. Base Line Bargain 23 ACRES $150 PER ACRE plVVenf' ,ntere8t 6 To Close an Estate 437 ACRES fronting- on the Willamette River. 300 acres in cultivation, good buildings. This is one of the best Tarms in the Wil lamette V a 1 1 e y. For RC CCD AP0C quick sale the price is P03 rtfl Hunt Owner Wants to Retire 10,000 FEET GLASS, A-NO. 1 GREEN HOUSE J hot - water heat; on carline, good auto road. J1000 worth of stock gSinaantd-- -Btr: $3500, EASY TERMS JNO. H. GIBSON 812 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Pays Over 11! Net ON ENTIRE PURCHASE PRICE. HIGH-GRADE , BRICK APARTMENTS-. ON CORNER LOT IN BEST RfSlDENCfe DISTRICT PRICE S3S.OOO. NO TRADE. GODDARD I WIEDRICK 243 STARK STREET. MUST BE SACRIFICED MOST BEAUTIFUL RESORT ON GARIBALDI BEACH, containing 70 aeTes laid out in lots, streets cut through; pure cold mountain water piped through the property, and 1000 feet of board walks on place. Railroad rims through property, trains stopping at our station. 1000 feet frontage on beach, which also is 1000 feet wide. Property extends back 2000 feet. Beautiful Bummer homes sur round this place. Can be sold for $65,000 at list price of lots. For quick sale will sacrifice one-fifth value. For further particulars address -416 EAST TWENTY SliTU S'lUEET NORTH. Auction NKW TOI1AT. P-2 ESTABLISHED 1S92. ON TUESDAY NEXT WE SHALL SELL THE FURNITURE, ETC., FROM P It I V A T E H O M E ALSO SE VERAXi CHOICE AND ' RARE PIECES OF MAHOG ANY AND ONYX OF THE LATE MRS. HAMIL- TON'S ESTATE, comprising solid mahogany tirawing room desk of the Napoleon period, with hand-painted fall front, cost at Sloane's of New York $350; onyx Jewel and glove cabinets, with gold mountings beauti fully engraved; French bisque fruit stand, marble pedestal, oil paintings, bric-a-brac, rosewood clock, also onyx mantel clock, davenport, couches and easy chairs and rockers, double parlor Axmlnster carpets, cut-glass electric lamp, massive quartered oak library suite as follows table, rockers, with real leather seats, finished in dull wax; oak hall seat and mirror, drophead sewing machine, electric chafing dish and fry pan, electric table lamps, satin brass beds, very costly mahogany dress ing table and chiffonier (these two pieces are not ordinary furniture, but must be seen to be appreciated); en ameled Iron beds (all beds have good springs, silk floss and cotton mat tresses, feather pillows); quartered oak dressers, bedroom rockers and chairs, Axminster and Brussels carpets, quar tered 6ak dining-room suite, viz., pedes tal table, buffet and'wt of leather-seat chairs; glass and china ware; nearly new steel range, full nickeled and white enameled doors; also A. B. gas range, with glass oven door; kitchen cabinet, inlaid linoleums, utensils, etc. NOTICE! All the Above Goods Will Be on yiew Tomorrow at Our Salehrooms, 166-168 Park Street. If In terested, Kindly Call. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT lO A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT We Shall Sell the Furnishings at Eight Rooms. These Goods Can Be Seen on Wednesday Afternoon. AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. We Pay Cash for Good Furniture. Rugs, Etc. Call Us Up. Thones Main 3332 and A 2567. W. C. BAKER A W. II. DEAN. J-"urniture Dealers and Auctioneers, 166-le.S Park Street. FOR EXCHANGE DOll-IOWfl BUSINESS CORNER NEAR HEART OF TAIL SECTION RE- Free and Clear of Incum brance i 0ME INCOME PRICE $125,000 Want apartment-house or other income property up to $150,000 INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLDG. FREE STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We have just opened our modern, brick warehouse, located on East Sixth street, one block north Burnslde, the most centrally located in city. AVE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. EXPERT PACKING AND MOVING. SECURITY STORAGE AND . TRANSFER CO. 44-46 EAST SIXTH NORTH. PHONES EAST 3.819,- 3867. Beautiful Country Home STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE OF -SEVEN ROOMS WITH LOT lOOxSOO FRONTING ON THREE STREETS, With Fine Shade. Shrubbery and Bear ing Fruit. Fronts on River Road Overlooking- Willamette River, Just Bevond Milwaukle. PRICE ssooo. GODDARD & W IEDRICK 243 STARK STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. CCt LARGE LOANS Cpf O JO BUSINESS PROPERTIES V iO A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwesters Bank nclidlnsr. If You Have the Money- I Have Party That Will Sacrifice a Quarter Block, Close in on West Side, for Cash. J. C. BOLLORE 412 Stork Exchange Bnlldlng. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Onr Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. SO Fuurlh St., Board of Trade Bide. E1DE.GQUDEYC0 ON MORTGAGE. it NOHTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING PAYING 15 PER CENT On Asking Price of EIGHT THREE ROOMS AND BATHS, New Concrete Building. Building, Without Lot, Cost $10,000. Must Be Sold for Ready Cash. TAKE $SOOO SSOOO CASH. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. QregonTifc UOKTGAVE LOANS on improved city prop arty at Lowest R&tss. 817 Corbett Bldg.. 6th Morrison Sts. jntw Ton at. FOR EXCHANGE Business corner near heart of retail district; clear of encum brance; some income; price $125,000. Want apartment-house or other income property up to $150,000. 50x75 ft. corner, down town; clear of encumbrance ; price $75, 000. For apartment-house or other income property up to $100,000. Business lot; close in; clear of encumbrance; price $50,000. For apartment-house or other income property up to $75,000. West Side corner; price $45, 000; mortgag-e $15,000; leased. Want clear city property or Val ley farm for equity. Nob Hill home was offered $10,000 cash two years ago. Will exchange pn basis of $7500; en cumbrance $3500; clear lots for equity. Nob Hill Flats ; price $14.500 ; mortg-ag-e $6500 ; equity of $8000 for clear home. Piedmont home ; practically new; all conveniences. Cost owner $6500. will exchange on basis of $5000; mortgage $3000 3 years. Clear lots for equity. Sixteenth Street corner, lOOx 100 ft. ; price $28,000 ; mortgage $8000. Equity for larger in come or clear property. Pettygrove Street corner, im proved with three houses; As sessor values this property at $8700. Will exchange on this basis. Mortgage $3000 at 6 per cent. Clear house or lots for equity. Two new Laurelhurst homes, both rented; price for two $10, 000; mortgage $4000. Want two-flat building to $8000. " -a- j."1 iinnisai ii iijsuswsyy&T INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLDG QUICK SALE $300 ASSESSED $400.00 Choice lot 30x100, hard-surface street; clear of incum brance. Waverly. $450 ASSESSED $550.00 46x200. Waverly. Street graded. Clear. Easy pay ments. A. W. LAMBERT AND SON , 404 East Alder Street, Corner Grand avenue. Chattel Mortgage Sale Five good horses, 5 wood wagons, 1 sawdust wagon, 3 wood racks, 1 wagon gear (without body), 1 set double harness, 1 Mosler safe. At barn of UNION TRANSFER CO., 129 N. lltlu Tuesday, March 21,16 AT 2:00 P. M. CROWN POINT OPPORTUNITY IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR THE FINEST VIEW AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY, SEE Dabney Investment Co. 325 CORBETT BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS FOR FARM lOASS AST STTM FROM S2500 TO SIO.OOO CITY LOANS FROM $200 TO $15,000 PR03IPT SERVICE. CEO. H. THOMAS 267 Oalc Street, Room 2 Ainsworth Bids:. RIVERWOOD ADDITION $2j5o SACRIFICE HZso Beautiful Rlverwood tract, about three lots, 760 less than same piece sold for. All Improvements in and paid. Is'o exchange, no a&ents. Terms. K 475, OREGOMAX. FARM LOANS Ur?cnadtR:unla BANKERS MORTGAGE CORPORATION Capital 500,(H0S Title and Trut 131d, NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Wo Have Insurance Honey at 59i. Private Funds at 6 and ROBERTSON & EWING 207 - 8 Korthnestrrn Hank. Bid;-. RKAI. K ST ATE. For hale Lots. TVyO CHEAP LOTS. 50x100 each, half block from car on Kast 4tth st-. for $67f. pay cash, assume unpaid balance on bonded street and sewer assessment of $145. balance two years. 7 per lenu tee K. .M. B ro w n. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAXT. 102 Fourth. SU KVF.HY 0-p A SNAP. 50x100 corner; Kenton car - . . .$ 4P0 OOxliH inside: Kuniun car ... 4t.0 TkixIUO inside, and :-room house. &oxlui corner, 1'a.tton ave. 0x.H( Irvinyton car Otixlou, Irvinyton district tiuxioo, IrviuKton uiMrict for. 4.-i r.7.- 10'txlO, Irvine-tun district lSuO lwxlw corner: Alameda Park; directs paved . . S.'SOO Will mako easy terms. A. K. Johnson, 11W Xoriiiw esiern iJiink bid?. Main l:t7. SOME PARKROSE SNAPS. Fin corner on tandy road, was $000, will sacrlf ioo for $o00 ; easy terms; ce ment walk, paved street, all assessments paid, extra largo Int. SltiuO Buy house, 4 rooms and bath, chicken houses, tract 10Uxl4u; terms. And otner eood buys. See Mrs. Russell at HART M. AN 6z THOMPSON vCor. 4th and Stark) THE OPPORTUNITY' OK THF1 CENTURY, Y EST MO R E IA N O 11 ST K 1 C T N I XE COUNliit LOTS. $14u0. Assessed valuutlou JJ'.-T-O; actual value, jGiyi; street bonds small; some of thesw corners S0xHK; first half liU5 taxes paid; will sell separate, fllfo to $230; beautif ul -location; high-class property. Columbia Realty Investment Co., 01 lioard oC Trade. LOT BARGAIN FOR CASH. Make offer: lot 9, block 70, Fulton Park Addition; near corner Kelley and t'uster sts. ; NO REASONABLE OFFER HKFL'SED. A. E. Peiit, oul E. 5t-h St., l-'S Angeles, Cal. 14TH AND MILL, JSSOO. 40x100, on Mill, loo feet of 14th; small building about takes care of taxes; flat or apartment would pay well; owner sac rifices, $:!uOU; Sluoo rash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. J. G. Kaiuey, tHJ4 Yeon bldg. Marshall ol"7. EASY' terms, 50x100. cement walk, et. in and pd. 2 biks to car. $d-o, 50x100, Impt, pd. Roso City Pit. dist., terms. SEK FRANK L. M'GUIRB. To buy or sell cheap lots. 414 Abington bldg. Main IOCS. $G;u ROSE CITY PARK .V.0. Between 4."ith and 40th and Sandy. 41-foot frontage, with a view that can't te shut off; this extremely low price won' t permit you to wait; of course, it s cash. H iekma,n -Wilson, cor. 40th and Sh ndy. Tahor C 2121 FOR SALE A beautiful east front lot, 4J and Tillamook, one block 'from Sandy blvd., worth $1300; will sell for $800. If you want a bargain do not overlook this. I need the money, you need the lot. See It totfcay. Address owner, AB 470, Orego nian. CORNER 100x100. SULLIVAN'S ADDITION, $2500. J. J. OEDT2R. PEAL ESTATE AND RENTALS. GRAND AVE. AT E. ANKLE NY". RIVERWOOD ADDITION. $2750 Sacrifice $2750. Beautiful Rlverwood tract, about 3 lots, $750 loss than same piece sold for: all improvements in and paid; no exchange; no agents; terms. K 47o. Oregonian. $22:. 50x100 WITH trackase. a full lot on E. 70th. on sidetrack; impt. pd. Price $225. terms. FRANK L, M'GUIRE. 414 ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 106S. ROSE CITY PARK $375; E. 50th St., be tween Broadway and Halsoy ; 50x100 ; will also sa'-rlf ice 80x1 10 corner, Sell wood ; value $000, for $2.;0. BE 4 40, Ore Ronlan. ROFSMERE. Very choice lot, E. 44th St., less than one block to Ii, C. car; owner needs money and will make close prire. Call rm. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Mar. 4114. UNION AVENUE. 75x1 OO corner, no incumbrance except mortgane of $500 ; buy before completion of Interstate Driripe ; price $lloK GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 24 Stark St. LAURELHURST Very desirable corner view lot, S. E- corner E. 30th and Hazel fern ; original list was $160u ; price now $ lono, with part city assessments paid, half cash. It. A. Schramm, owner, 242 Stark st. ROSE CITY' PARK DISTRICT. Corner lot ono block from Sandy road, only $500. HUBBELL & SOX. Sandy Road and iJd st. Tabor 2161. ATTENTION, BUILDERS. 50x1 (r0 corner, Mt. t?cott, Myrtle Park; f!1 for $--.; first mtu. privilege. Smlth Wagoner Co.. Stock Ex. $1h00 LAI' R EI. HURST lot, best location, for $SOO cash ; owner going East. This prir for three days only, Chas. Kingler Co., 316 Railway Exch. bids. MARK an offer. Lots 3 and 4. block 3, Il.irt'thorne Ave. Add., and lot 11, block 2, ford -Sidney Add.; must sell. Owner, stoik Exchange bldg. Main 6774. $tMm FRACTIONAL. LOT. just off "Wash ington st.; a great lit tlo buy. Hart Land Co.. lli Chamber of. Commerce. Mar shall i.-sn. 150x100, 6103 E. 55TH ST. S. E. ; smail house, unfurnished, water In house, electric Wghts, gas and phone; no Incumbrance; block to car; St00, some terms. Sellwood U4i0. SACRIFICE FOR CASH Acre, htfchly cultivated: lr minutes ride ; 3c fare ; leaving. Box -07, r. O., Portland. INSIDE PROPERTY. Oomer lot. ijOxlOO. income bearing, wll located, bargain $-1,500. AG 4ti0, Ore gonian. MUST HAVE CAPHTrvTli sacrifice my tine lot on East 50 th near Rose Cf ty Park car; cement walkd and curbs paid. P 434, Oregonlan. KUSS CITY PARK SECOND MORTGAGE. A corner lot, $440; 2 lots, loO feet to car. $7iH. Hickman-Wilson, cor. 45th and Sandy. Tabor C j1-- FOR SALE Residence lot, cloee to car. ce ment sidewalk a. 30 mln. out, Mt. Scott car. price $450; terms. Inquire 4ti'J0 61st e.E. LADD ADDITION lot on Poplar street. close to Hawthorne car; I want to sell this; if Interested, get particular of JACOB HAAS. Dekum Bldg. h'KSH SALE OR TRADK KKfxbO lot in Irvlngton; Improvements in and paid, will take cheaper lot G 471, ure gonlan. 1 CLIENT forced to sell two lots at East 2Sth and Knott. Valentine Brown, Jr., Atty., bo4 "Worcester bldg. oOx.100 ON E. 4otb, near Hawthorne. $77. for quick sale. Empire lnv. Co., 401 Bd. of Trade. WHAT have you for first payment on lot Woodlawa district; balance payments $2.50 pr mo. Price $500. S 46ft. Oregonlan. luOxlOO. AT LOW figure to ciose esrate or a minor: paved; good rental section. Price $2500. Terms. ro N. Sth st, 75x100 3oth and Yamhill sts. ; improve ments in; $J800. Tabor lbll, W. H. Sawtell. FOR quick sale, $1000, perfect -view lot in Arlington Heights, on Portland Terrace. Marshall 4'.'o7. "WESTMORELAND Two lots by owner; hard surface, sewer, three blocks car. See this ; very reasonable. N 405. Oregonlan. FOR SALE by owner, lot in biat section Irvington; will rfiianc building It pur chaser desires. Phone East 5221. IRVING TON LOTS EXCLUSIVE BAR GAINS. NEUHAUSEN & CO., 7ui LEWIS BLDG. tUO LOT. 40th. near Hawthorne avenue. KITTER, LOWE A: DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. $1000 -QUICK sale, improved lot. E. Wash ington. Thos. M. Small, Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. WEST SIDE 1 OOxlOO apartment site snap ; 15 minutes walk to postoffice. See owner, 517 Chamber of Commerce. EXCELLENT business corner; MUST sell; $250 handles; make ofier. AD 472. Ore gonian. FINE lot. 33 1-3x100, Sunyslde district, good location, 1130 E. Taylor. Ta bor 1923. LAURELHURST lot, .assessed value $600; my price $400; must be a b argai n. 83 10th. LOT 55x170, near Willamette, Oak Grove. Call 32 W. 1HV1NGT O N LOT, south of Klickitat; this week, SS00 cash. Y 473, Oregoniau. TRACT of lots at 4"d and Division, for sale cheap. J. H. McMahon, 20O-8 East 43d st. 3 COUNCIL CREST lota. Grand view; $1375. Owner 1234 N'. W. Bank bldg. LOT 10. Blk 313. Laurelhurst. Make offer. Owner 123 1 N". W. Bank b ld-f. For Sale Beach Property. Lo T on ccran f r nt, (;ara Id i Bach, near Kockawa;. tJ 40S, (jrLyonUin.