14 T1TE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, rORTLAXD. MARCn .1. 1916. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL SELL 20 Shares Coin Machine Mfg. Co. 400 Alaska. Pet. and Coal 124 eta. 60OO ldabt Gold bad Kadium. "Will trade a fine lot in Laurel hurst for Alaska Pet. and Coal. T. P. BROWX, 209 Washington Bids'. OWXER, HAVING OTHER INTERESTS. MUST SELL FINE SUBURBAN GRO (KRV AT ONCE. ABOUT 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND; EXCELLENT LOCA TION AND TRADE; INVOICE ABOUT $1000. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AJDDRESS AL 407. OREGON IAN. XF you want to get into the auto truck business, can furnish enough work; to w irant the investment. Don't answer unless you have S5JU in cash to make first payment. This will guarantee good wages and pay for truck at same time. AC 444, Oregonian. MERCHANDISE BROKERAGES Owner of thin old established business wants a re liable partner able to keep plain ac counts and invest some money in the business: will pay salary 5125 month besides share of the profits. Call room 320 Morgan bldg. GROCERY, nice, clean stock of goods, good fixtures, store buliding in a fine location, right on carlme; doing -a nice business; will sell stock, fixtures and building, all for $1000 ; no trade, cash. Take Mt. Scott car to Clarks station and gee owner. FINE small store for notions, etc.; now oc cupied ; present occupant sick half time; will sell stock or rent store without stock; rent only $15, including 3 fine living rooms, bath. etc. W. H. WEBB, 095 Yeon. Main 4913. ONE-HALF PRICE The best 15-room apartment-house In city; filled with good, steady tenants; never cleared less than $40 per month "and owner occupies one suite; good lease, good furniture and nice building. Fulton, 621 Yeon bldg. STRONG commercial teacher or an experi enced office person can secure good open ing by investing services. Only uhose Witt independent judgment who have made good in the past will be consid ered. S 426, Oregonian. EXCLUSIVE manufacturer auto necessity, plenty orders, 200 per cent profit; have one two-year contract; need $300 to till and carry orders; half interest, with guar antee not less than $50 per month, to party furnishing money. C 43Q. Oregonian WANTED An idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring yo wealth; write for "Needed Inventions"- and "How to Get Your Patent." Randolph A Co., Dept. 3o. Washington, D. C. VOIR opportunity to be an optician and optometrist; best equipped, school in the Northwest; investigation solicited. Port land College of Optometry, 218 Common wealth bldg., Cth and Ankeny. $300, BUSINESS Judgment and executive ability will place you in a good business; handle your own money; state age, busi ness experience and phone, AJ 430, Orego nian. yi RST-CLASS storeroom for grocery. In new brick building, free rent to start with, meat market, drugs and dry goods already there. See owner, J. H, Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. GROCERY STORE Owner wants a reliable partner to help him; must be willing to work and build up a good business; only $375 required. Call room 320 Morgan ljil8r. GOING TO ALASKA. Will make low price on homemade candy shop, retail, and teach you tne business. Holmes Confectionery, Everett, Wash. TWO STORES In Linnton; modern, plate plRss fronts: good opening for bakery, restaurant or tailor shop; rent $10 and $15.. Hammond Mortgage Co., 424 Cham ber of Commerce. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Owner wants a reliable partner to help wait on cus tomers, sell supplies, gasoline, etc.; can make good profits and small investment required. Cull room 320 Morgan bldg. YOUNG or middle-aged man who can invest $2500 in old, well-established mercan tile business in nearby town, good po sition and opportunity for advancement, money well secured. E 434, Oregonian. FOR a term of years, N. E. cor. E. 37th and Hawthorne ave., SoxlOO feet, two-story brick bldg., modern, six storerooms on ground floor, apartments above. Fine op portunlty. See owner on premises. IN V EN HONS developed and perfected ; we make models, patterns; do repairing and manufacturing. Portland Model Works, 112'.; 2d Ft. I'll YSiCIAN wants location or assistanceship. 3 years' hospital work, 6 years' private practice. Can come at once. AV 748, Oregonian. SMALL CASH BUSINESS Owner wants a reliable partner satisfied to make $ lt to 2 w eek; only $250 required, fully se- eiirnd. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE One of the best billiard parlors in Astoria, new equipment, cheap rent, long lease; main business block, good rea son for selling. AM 448. Oregonian. ON ACCOUNT of other business will sell my mercantile business, established 12 years, doing $1200 to $2000 profit annually; $5u cash. A J 428, Oregonian. fiOLID BUSINESS Partner wanted to help in store, etc. ; will pay good profits to energetic man and small investment re gulrtjt;. Call rpom 329 Morgan bldg. DELICATESSEN and grocery, invoice $800, will sell at sacrifice on account of sickness, so tne terms, all cash business. a 420, Oregonian. FOR SALE One of tho best little confec tionary stores in the city. New and up-to-date fixtures and stock; $450. Mrs. N Gilbert, 408 E. Burnside. CAPITAL and services wanted; high-class business proposition, controlling interest lo man of ability investing at least $5000; replies confidential. D 43Q, Oregonian. FOR PALE Lunchroom on Alder St., doing fair business; good reason for selling: rea reasonable if taken at once. Owner, F 420, Oregonian. HOME bakery, restaurant, good location, near school and mills; $100 'takes it. CoJ. 231. PLACER MINE. fully equipped ; dandy , water right; for sale to close partnership; $ j'ltm will handle. I 420. Oregonian. MOVING picture theater, fully equipped with latest modern appliances, located on East St ie. AN 4 35. Oregonian. WANTED PARTNER with $75; business started, solicitor preferred. Call today, 11 to 4. Butto Hotel. t-i'co BUYS 7,-room modem hotel, centrally - located; rent $150, Including lobby. In quire 25 N. 6th st. HAVE a small business, suitable for man and wife, money-maker; small Invest ment. Millership. 724 Chamber of Com. WANTED $1000 to $10,000, invested 9 per cent guaranteed, absolutely safe; secured by good real estate. E 432, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY on Wash, st., doing fine business; owner leaving citv ; will sell at h i If price. 615 Swetiand bldg. HAVE a business proposition for man of - small means; your own boss; good profits; full investigation desired. S 430. Oregonian. $125 CASH for a going profitable business; private trade-mark, wholesale and retail ; ladv can handle. Tabor 73S. $u0 BUYS business paying $40 to $60 month (not partnership).. 431 Chamber of Com merce. COUNTRY hotel and restaurant, doing splendid business; price $550; terms given. Millership. 724 Chamber of Commerce. $10,000 WILL get you the best paying re tail store in the state. Phone Marshall 41 5S. PARTNER for wood saw, $20 week guar anteed; small investment. Millership, 724 Chamber of Commerce. W A NT a partner to take H interest in a grocery store, doing good business. B C. Wyatt. S75 E. Stark. $300 required. DRUGSTORE for sale in center of work ing men's district, specially suited for Scandinavian. K 430. Oregonian. BLACKSMITH shop for sale. Good business.' no opposition. H. P. JBranda, Troutdale! Oregon, IF you are looking for a good business of any kind, see DeRose, SIS Cham, of Com. building. GARAGE owner wants partner; take front end. sell machines; good chance for good repa'r man. 204 E. 34th st, RESTAURANT, small placeTcheaprent, big i raur, uusy Direct ; snap. ttn. MOVING picture machines for sale, or rent P. Sabo. 351 H Wash. FOR SALE Grocery, F4 Shaver st. ; $500; rent $10. Owner, AO 439. Oregonian. DANDY grocery for sale, living-rooms; rent . $15: price $500. E. 770. DRUG store for sale or trade: good loca tion. Address T 436. Oregonian. FOR SALE Reasonable, small grocery and confectionery. Call Sellwood 1595. CONFECTIONERY, groceries, lunch, 9-room house, good location. 214 Union ave. N. SMALL restaurant, cheap, basement New Central Market. 4th and Yamhill. FOR SALE 10.000 rail wo v bondsat 6 per cent. A-ddress C 423, Oregonian. TO TRADE 80 acres of good land for meat market. AR 442, Oregonian. NK AT market cheap for quick sale. Monday East 4M. FOR SALE or exchange, old-established book store, real cheap. 2 SO First st. PRINTING OFFICE A good n A' Majestic press, 351 Washing to BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY' with 4 rooms and bath; best buy in city. Business last year $7oo0. Price $1000 cash. Dairy route for sale or half Interest to right man. Grocery stock at invoice, about $750; rent of store and fixtures, $20. Cash grocery, 3 rooms and bath, rent $20. Good business. $05O cash. Dairy to trade for real estate. Fine grocery and confectionery, doing $50 day business. $1100. Terms. We nave restaurants in gsod locations from $200 up. STONE A WE NT WORTH, 431 Cham. Com. FURNITURE STORE at inventory, "for-cash-onl " stock ; will In voire at about '"ten tliou3and tiollars'' (3lu.W0.00 ; stock is in fir-it-class snape, clean and up to date; located in one of the best towns in the Willamette Valley; the town has a Mg future; fine investment for some one wanting a ood business; stock can be reduced it desired; other interests reason for selling. Address v 712, Ore gonian. A SUCCESSFUL sales manager wants a good, all-around inside man to join him in buy ing out an old established manufacturing concern, including factory buildings, land and equipment; the business is on a good, sound basis now and has big possibilities; $3000 cash investment and services re quired; salary and profits $3 GOO to $5000 per year and excellent future; will stand strictest investigation. AM 43ti, Oregonian. NOT SPECULATIVE $100 will purchase one share (par In business now .earning over 4iM per cent net profit per annum. Certified audit. Best of ref erences. Expert organization. Sound management. Unlimited field. Business increasing fast. If more particulars are desired addnass P. O. Box 632. Chicago, 111. WANTED Lady with a few thousand dol lars to invest in general merchandise busi ness with experienced grocery man and gents furnishings; would prefer one with some store experience, 35 to 45 years of age. Location and party wishing partner w ill bear closest Investigation. New In dustries Just starting. Splendid oppor tunlty. Address AV 7oS, Oregonian. GROW RICH in business of your own. Get out of the wage earners' class; co-operation with our factory starts you with little capital during spare time your own hom-e. We manufacture exclusive articles. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Address Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D 6a, s Broadway, Buf falo, N. Y. $15 MAY MAKE YOU $1500. Invest in co-operative oil enterprise; get interest in land and share in wells to be drilled on proven oil property field where millions being made; first 'Well now being drilled; only $15; terms $1 monthly; write free literature. Mary Owens Oil Co., 445 First National Bank, Houston, Tex. FEW AGENCIES OPEN New York com pany wants local, responsible, exclusive agent every town, open office, manage salesmen for phonograph; tone equalling any costing $200 ; wonderful value; guar - anteed; retails $16; plays any size record; ciear $3000 upward annually. Marquise, 108 Worth, N. Y. $12.60 INVESTED MAY MAKE $1000. Get warranty deed, also interest co-operative well to be drilled near big gusher in field; terms $1 cash, $1 monthly; 4-lot combination $4ti; particulars free. Tri angle Oil Co., 621 Carter bldg., Houston, Tex. HALF INTEREST automobile garage and repair shop; old-established place, clear ing $200 to $250 monthly now ; better In Summer months; owner tired of depending on hired help; wants active partner; $12oO required, secured. Call 724 Northwestern Bank bldg. SUCCESSFUL business man of wide experi ence, has reasonable capital. Meritorious mining prospects and inventions developed, patented and financed; bank references. What have you? Give full particulars; principals only. AF 436, Oregonian. BUS I N ESS ch a nets from $125 to$ 125,000; homesteads to right people; we locate you in a good business all your own; town site and ranch ; $1 oO; Investigate. SHORT CUTS CO., 415 Northwest Pldg., cor. oth and Wash. MUST sell immediately on account of wife's health, grocery and light hardware store with living-room, $275 cash, balance at your own terms; will throw in free about $50 worth of fixtures. Call today or even ings. Tabor 60S3. TRANSFER-STORAGE business opening foi reliable, steady partner; experience not necessary; salary $75 and profits, which are large; price $lSOO; good terms to relia ble man. Call 724 Northwestern Bank bldg. 80 ACRES, ail under cultivation and im proved, joining a good live county seat town, clear of incumbrance. Cash price $10,000. Exchange for a business that will bear strict investigation. Lueddemann Company, 1H3 Chamber of Commerce. SALESMAN AG ER, this territory. general agency, motor truck company backed by men financial standing. Exceptional op portunity high-grade business nrcn. In vestment required. Lakeside Motor Truck Co., Westminster bldg., Chicago. 111. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, gat advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec'y. 816 Chamber ol Commerce Bldg. ICE CREAM parlor and confectionery store, up to date In every respect; established 7 years, in big payroll town; no competition, doing $10,000 business; cost price $3200; proposition for an experienced party or candy-maker. Logan A Larsen, Juneau, Alaska. MAKE MONEY with us; Join our co-operative, mail-order organization; new sys tem, wonderful opportunity; booklet and full particuJars free. West Coast Spe cialty Co., Dept. F, 2S8 Wilcox bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. PATENTS Write for list of patent buyers and inventions wanted; $1,000,000 in prizes offered for inventions. Send sketch for free opinion as to patentability; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans A Co., 642 Ninth. Washington, D. C. FOR SALE Old-established ferry business on Columbia Highway; this proposition is a real money-maker and will stand the closest investigation;, let me show you; $12,000. terms; no trades. Sickness com pels a change. AV 707, Oregonian. AN ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager. High-class article, should pay $70oO annually; $300 to $700 capital. Will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want. Sales Manager, 1012 Re public bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE General merchandise business, established 12 years, enjoying good busi ness in heart of developing dairying sec tion; good reasons for selling. For fur ther particulars inquire AV 6S9, care of Oregonian. AUTO garage and repair shop, full equip ment, machinery. Storage over $200 month. A good business, stand full investigation; pays $3QO month. $1000 will handle. Call 2483 fcftark st. ONE of the best groceries in Portland ; established for years; will sell or exchange for farm; value $400 ; will assume if right. L. L. Blumenthal1. HARTMAN Ac THOMPSON SHOE STORE 1 n main-line town, between Tacoma and Portland; stock new; none over two .years old ; long d Iscount on cost; $2o00 w.ll handle. Address AV 70! t, Orerf'iiikin. $20 BUYS de?d to land, also interest in oil well that shouid pay you $100 for every dollar invested ; payments $1 monthly; complete information free. Address Texas Gulf Co.. 1 1 C2 Union Bank. Houston. Tex. WILL GIVE reliable salesman excellent op portunity to take charge of merchandise brokerage business, several good lines. Poor health necessitates my being away most of the time. AL 435, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in transfer and storage business, has trucks, tennis, storage ware house and is paying line; $1200 will han dle this. Call 24b u stark st. BAK ER Y and confectionery ; ideal West Side apartment district, tine all cash cus tom, no deiivery;a splendid bargain at $050. 310 Lumber Exchange. MOTION picture house in live city near Portland to lease for term of years. Com plete except machine and piano. AK. 420, Oregonian. CLEANING, pressing and suit-order shop for sale, in good valley town; fine loca tion; plenty of work; trouble between partners. AV 713, Oregonian. 25-WORD ADVERTISEMENT "placed all of 30 good monthly magazines once $1.25, three months Ji'.oO. Write list. F. L. Miller, Syracuse. N. Y. UP-TO-DATE grocery, fine suburban loca tion, doing better than MOO daily busi ness; fine stock, light fixtures; invoice proposition. 3i;t Lumber Exchange. SAFE cash business, partner wanted to tend office, show property, stores, etc. ; requires very small investment. Pay good wages. Pa rticularg 24 S Stark St. GOOD up-to-date shoe repair shop; latest machinery; will make this a good buy for you. V 435. Oregonian. GOOD jewelry business 18 miles from city, with or without stock: $100 will handle. '' 1 H Commonwealth bldg. IF YOU WANT to market, develop, finance, promote anything, can help you. Bureau Information. St. Louis, Mo, ESTABLISHED office business $150; splen did opportunity; stand investigation. Own er. AP 433, Oregonian. A GOOD CP AN CE to pet into a going business: managerial ability and $750. Main 1H19. FOR RENT A garatr at 661 Johnson St.; lirht and water furnished ; rent very rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2-05. HAVE state agency for first-class soft drink; waut salesman with $500 to share profits. AO 435, Onegonian. RESTAURANT Good location : reasonable ofCer accepted; must sell at once, C 43S, Oregonian. RELIABLE man wanted as partner in estab. lishod. clenn office business; small invest ment required. 31 Lumber Exchange. BI SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANT two men with few hundred dollars each for grocery business, town outside Portland; this is an exce.lent proposition; want men who can see ahead and who have ability; grocery experience not es sential; this is not to be an ordinary grocery store, but a store to be run on a business basis; sell for cash only; state amount cau invest and address. AP 436, Oregonian. AN OFFER UnusuaJ opportunity for a graduate druggist to start in business for himseif, or one wishing to change to one of the best locations in Portland ; must - have first-class references and sonre cap ital young man. Gentile, preferred. Call or write Mr. Brant, care Morgan-Atchley Furniture Co.. 69 to 75 Grand ave. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS, EASTERN ORE GON Garage and agency. Eastern Oregon town ; one owner retiring offers his in terest for sale or trade for small ranch, price $3000; a rare opportunity to enter the automobile game in a good territory. Call 724 Northwestern Bank bldg. MERRY-GO-ROUND outfit, complete, with motor truck to operate it; we will sell yon this outfit on terms that will enable you to cash in easily on a small investment, we can show you the opportunities for making money with it. AR 4o5. Orego- nian. $250 CAFETERIA ONLY $250. A dandy cafeteria and lunchroom in a busy location, doing $35 per day; rent $40 per month; one-haif interest is offered for only $250 cash. RITTER, LOWE & DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. I HAVE A GOOD BUSINESS in my nice, nev restaurant, in the pest payroll district on the East Side; have low rent, only $21. which includes part of the fixtures ; wi!i sell my interest at $475; see my agent Odgers, 621 Yeon building. Associated In vestment Co. CAFE AND LIQUOR MEN, ATTENTION. An opportunity to get location which is practically a monopoly; wealthy class only; if you are a high-class man and $10,000 cash strong, wire me; no brokers. T. C. Witten, 404 First National Bank bldg., San Francisco. FOR SALE OR LEASE. Creamery in one of the best dairy sec tions in the West ; cheese and ice cream making equipment; all in first-class con dition; golden opportunity for the right party. Address "Creamery," AV 721, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or lease, a 05x12 gas boat; 80 H. P., 4 years old; is good traveler and ex cellent tow boat; good for at least loo passengers anywhere; operates with one man; terms on application. AV 706, Ore gonian. IF YOU are mechanically Inclined and can invest $2oO0, payable in 1 year, with in terest, and your money secured by mortg. on farm property, I can place you in a position that will pay you $5 per and board. See Mr. Williams. 212 Selling bldg. THIS IS A $100-A-DAY BUSINESS, crowded day and night, a waiting line at noon, in big Fourth-street business dis trict; Investigate this money-making lunchroom at 021 Yeon bldg. ASSOCIATED iNVESTMENT COMPANY. $225 BUYS LUNCH ROOM. Right in tha congested downtown busi ness district; rent a snap; only $1 per day; good business. RITTER, LOWE & DE FOREST, ' 205-207 Board- of Trade Bldg. A SNAP Delicatessen and light grocery; bake oven, steam table and other good fixtures, for sale cheap; store and three living rooms; must sell quick on account of sickness. Marshall 3424. AUTO SHOP OPENING An excellent open ing for an all around mechanic with a few hundred dollars or some equipment. In an unopposed locality, to carry on a pub lic garage and repair shop in an Eastern Oregon town. See Dr. Coe, Selling bldg. OPPORTUNITY for inrestment of $10O to $luno or more with active interest or serv ices if preferred; 300 per cent clear profit. Company incoVporated in Oregon. Strictest investigation solicited. 403 Pittock blk. FORS ALE Half "interest in the"-best and cleanest $2o,0U0 stock of gen. mdse. ; b--st business of size In town; surrounded by fine agricultural district ; this will bear investigation. AV 023, Oregonian. INVESTORS. For an Investment in mercantile busi ness in Oregon or Washington, address L. L. Blumenthal, with HARTMAN & THOMPSON HAVE had 15 years experience as success ful manager of general merchandise store; want position in small town or country; have good property to exchange for inter est in paying business. AV 724, Oregonian. GROCERY Confectionery, apt.-house dls" trict; takes in $22 daily, all cash; low rent; living rooms; see this Monday ; a barg a in. Cai 1 724 Northwestern Bank bldg. RESTAURANT and lunch counter, fine proposition for man and w If e ; too much lor lady owner to handle; $2uo eush takes it. Investigate. 31. Lumber Exchange. WANT to buy equipment for a country newspaper; mi:st be reasonable. Address North Pcrtland Times. Ui ivillingsworth ave., or call V.'ooill::wn 321. SALOON Old prominent transfer cor.; $50 $so ; owner retires: 500o cash, bal. terms. Principals only. 29S Third St., San Fran cisco. WOODWORKING shop, full equipment ma chinery; owner a busy man. wants man used to tools to take half interest. Price ?45li. Money secured. Call 24SVj Stark St. CASH GROCERY Takes in $5i daily; low rent; ideal location; invoice about $30uo; some terms. Call 724 Northwestern Bank bldg. V I Li. KENT restaurant In St. Elmo Hotel, Vancouver, Wash.; hotel being renovated; uiuier new maragemeni. Apply at hotel, or phone. Portland. East 5109. CLASSY little cash grocery. Ideal location, two line furnished living-rooms, rent free; all cash custom; stock, fixtures and furni ture. $(100. 31 Lumber Exchange. I HAVE proposition with tho assurance of making big money; small investment; re lating to townsite. If interested, drop a line. F 435, Oregonian. CLASSY grocery, apartment-houso district, 4 nice living-rooms and bath above; rea sonable rent; price 050. 335 Vancouver ave. Confectionery, restaurant. fancy gro ceries, doing a good business; across from Central School. Call" Columbia 18. RESTAURANT for sale, fully equipped, good growing, established business. grat op portunity; full investigation; Central West " Side. AL 379, Oregonian. OLD established business; will show a profit of $2UO and Up pei month ; takes $JD00 cash to buy it; stands closest investigation. 3)0 Lumber Exchange. SOLID CASH business opening for steady man as partner; salary and share of profits; only $3u0 required. Call 724 North western Bank bldg. MECHANICAL engineer -has fine manufac turing proposition; needs financial assist ance; field not overcrowded, pj per cent guaranteed. AM 442, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted, with or without services, cn a fruit and poultry ranch; good profits assured ; $2500 required. A V 723, Ore gonian. BICV'CTjE and novelty repair shop; 15 years' established trade; $4o cash takes it; a snan for the right man. Call at 3S7 E. Washington pt.. Portland. WANT partner in established office busi ness; $2500 required; talk with the owner. T 427, Oregonian. A LIBERAL offer to handle a well equipped poultry farm to competent par ties. E. L. Snowden, McMmnville. BATHS, treatment and beauty parlors, rich district, doing good bumness. for quick sale 250. Address AV 7 J 6, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, garage and repair shop; well established; state what you have in answering. A 431, Oregonian. CA.SH or terms, cleaning and pressing chop, central location; established business. Mar shall 32S6. CLASSY restaurant, good location; receipts $4". day; rent paid S months in advance; will sacrifice $200. 615 Swetiand bldg CLEANING and pressing shop ; business es tablish ed ; good location ; price reasonable. AD 4 35. Oregonian. STEAM laundry. good Central Oregon town; easy terms. F. Stamey, Palace Ho- teL - POOLROOM and cigar store; dandy loca tion; doing good business; rent $30- sac rifice for $S00. 615 Swetiand bldg. ABSTRACT plant for sale or trade for mort gages or real estate: good location, good Hisiness. AM 441. Oregonian. GOOD grocery, good location, doing cash business; will trade for a Ford as part payment, rnone r-. iro. GARAGE in Tillamook Co. Fine tourist trade: no competition; sale or trade, 5u0. A H 437. Oregon lan. LUNCH COUNTER in good location, $45 day business. Can buy t his for $275. Your money safe. Call 24S Stark st. HAVE large list hotels, groceries, restau rants, pool halls, etc.; owners say sell; your price, 615 Swetiand bldg. RESTAURANT for sale cheap; good loca tion, good business. 311 W ashing ton St., V anco u v er, W ash. CASH meat market ; fixtures worth $70o; will ell for cash at $325. Call at 158 East Broadway. Phone East t316. DRUG STORE for sale; one of the host ones in Eastern Oregon. F 437. Oregonian. RESTAURANT doing good busin: sell at Invoice. L. V. Driscoil. Hood River, Ore. FOR SALE Tailor shop, good proposition. AK 431., oregonian DOCTOR, a good location for you. Call Ta bor 1 562, D 1603. FOR SALE Grocery ; last vear's sales 20.000. BF 41 7i. Oregonian. LUNCHROOM, doing business; small invest ment, low rent. 617 Rothchild. Mam 80S. Bt'SIVKSS OPPORTOTTIES. $1500 CASK handles men's furnishings and tailoring; good town. Implement and seed store. Valley city, ll.Oou; $3009csh or notes. Hardware and furniture, $40O0; Valley; cash deal. $2500 secures large music store. Valley city, ll.Oou; good business. $1100 takes 5-10-15c store. Valley town, 3500 population. SOc on the dollar takes dry goods store. Valley; $S0O0 stock. We have a number of fine farms to trade for merchandise. If you want any kind of, business, write us. Confidential. WAX SPECIAL SERVICE. 312-314 Fenton Bldg. PROSPECTOR'S GRUBSTAKEa Am civil engineer, spending most of my time in the mountains. Have found good gold field and want money to grubstake 2 experienced prospectors. This gold field has not been worked much; years ago one pocket containing $35,OA0 taken out. Best unprospected field I have found from Mexico to Alaska. AC 430, Oregonian. CHANCE TO MAKE $1000. A fine confectionery; will invoice about $2700, stock and fixtures. In order to sell at once will discount Just $1000 and give some terms. Phone me today. 1" il tell you why this is the best snap .ever, or phone C 17 P.. Y 434. Oregonian. INVENTION. Have design of all-metal adding ma chine that can be manufactured for 5 cents each. Big premium fie'd with to bacco and other firms. $12-iO handles half interest and puts machine on mar ket. AB 434. Oregonian BUTCHER SHOP FOR SALE. Well-equipped, up-to-date, now running, good trade. 30 miles from Portland, good town of S00, farming, sawmill and log ging camps. Price $600. Proper party can have good terms if desired. Address AY 725. Oregonian. BAKERY One of the best and neatest bakeries in city; fully equipped, besides a nice stock of confectionery, etc. ; good lease, fine building, cheap rent and do ing a good business; one-half cash, bal ance terms. Fulton. 621 Yeon bldg. ADVERTISING MAN OR SALESMAN Di rect advertising business for sale at in voice. Nets $150 per month, besides 8 per cent Interest on investment. Equipment Inventories about $2500. Some terms. AV 724. Oregonian. ABOUT 12 rooms of good furniture, which can be handled for $250 cash; for board ing or housekeeping apartments: must be paving proposition and bargain. East 7371. ON account of loss of my husband must sell my going business ; a business man with $3000 cash can make very substan tial profits and have Investment secured. AK 430. Oregonian. FOR SALE Small confectionery and candy kitchen cheap; good paying business, low rent, good location; will sacrifice: $400, tern N. E. Newton, 336 S. 2d St., Corval 11 . Or. FOR SALE Half interest in sawmill. Com plete double mill, heavy screwhead blocks, planer. It-saw edger, good location, 3 miles from station. BERT OWEN. Newberg, Or. I WILL sacrifice my stock of groceries for cash. Will invoice $1050. $650 will buy the stock this week; low rent and good location. Hoaklin, 507 Williams ave. Phone East 3595. OLD established contracting and store business wants a partner; will be some outside work and can clear $1V) month; requires $450. Call room 320 Morgan bldg. , FOR SALE by owner, a new, first-class garage, central location, full of storage; good stock of supplies; owner leaving town. BC 420, -Oregonian. DEALERS, NOTICE $2 a suit for 30 new young men's suits: good goods and styles. Must be sold altogether and by Tuesday. C. D. Oillett. Hotel Menlo, 10th nnd Stark. FIRST-CLASS automobile business for sale. One of the best locations in city. Owner Is leaving, ns other business requires his attention. AC 443, Oregonian. WILL sell business requiring two hours day. Contracts assure S40 month, better times $100. Fine side line or for young man. BC 426, Oregonian. RESTAURANT Have opening for an en ergetic man In a business that will pay you $1 50 month and your money will be secured. Call room 320 Morgan hldg. WANTED Someone to Invest $100 In min ing proposition; bear close inspection. Phone Main 3530. Mr. Trnthen. SICKNESS compels sale of restaurant; bar gain; terms or cash. AC 434. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED, IN V ESTM E N T WANTED. $1000 TO $10,000 CASH TO INVEST. STATE NATURE OF BUSINE6S. WILL CONSIDER GOOD CITY FARM LOANS. WILL FINANCE GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION. ADDRESS WITH PARTICULARS AND REFERENCES. OWNER. AM 406. OREGONIAN. MERCHANDISE WANTED for valley improved farm, near Eugene; will takn hardw are or mercantile business. L. L. Blumenthal. HARTMAN & THOMPSON WANTED A first-class moving picture the ater In good locality; must be a bargain and doing good business; half of purchase price cash, balance at 6 per cent per an num. B 438, Oregonian. WE have clients who wish to go in business and have cash to invest. If you have a good business we car? sell it for you. RITTER, LOWE DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. INTELLIGENT fellow, 30. unquestioned In tegritv $2oO and services. What have you to offer? City or country. AV OS3, Ore gonian. BUSINESS MEN We have several people who want to buy a business; If you want to sell call at once. Room 329 Morgan bid g. WANT interest in general merchandise, country prefered : have good city prop erty, good securities, some cash. W 441, Oregonian. LIVE MAN of wide experience wishes to in vest few hundred dollars and services in going business: no agents; confidential. S 431 Oregoniaru WISH to rent business with privilege of buying ; extensive, successful business ex perience; highest references; bund. V 439, Oregonian. WANTED Good .-igar store or grocery, have clear city lo and cash to trade for same; will consider any proposition. 42S Lumber Exch. bldg. WANTED Cleaning and pnesslng establish ment, from owner; give full details in letter. AH 4 34, Oregonian. . WILL exchange $3000 equity In modem home, cash value $.fKO0, for business of same value. E 437, Oregonian. WJLL buy moving picture theater. Western Washington or Oregon, AO 443, Orego nian. WE buy stocks of shoes, clothing, dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc.. in small or large Tots. 215 2d. corner Salmon. Main 160. WANTED SmalKbusiness on West Side for A acres good land and some cash. 100 17th st. Ncrth. WANTED To buy or rent blacksmith shop. AV tip), Oregonian. WTLL pay cash for well-established paying fire msnrance agencj". AG 428, Oregonian. WE buy general merchandise or shoe stocks, any size. cash. D 302. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. 12 ROOMS Very - exclusive neighborhood; nil f ull : making money; owner retiring; low rent; price $50; $3KO cash, balance monthly. Call 724 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR RENT Rooming-house, 27 rooms, , thoroughly renovated. N. E. corner of First and Market, near nw Auditorium; good lease, low rent. Inquire 30 Oak st. 30-ROOM hotel, well furnished, good lobby, restaurant In connection, cinso to Port I.Tnd; good mill town: rent only $5: $2000 talcs it. Call room 323 Cornelius Hotel. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel. Apartnvnt-Houie Agent. Oldest Reliable Agencv in Citv. S24 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; select rooming house district; low rent; price $475, which Is a good buy. Call Monday. 724 North western Bank bldg. THIS is no fake. It's only to sell this 15 room boarding-house: $400 takes it. Fine location. 1SS loth st: terms. MUST start East by March 3 5; will sacri fice elegant furniture; a clean house, good income. Owner, 234 10th. 10 NICE rooms, lovely yard, near 3Vh.lt e Tem ple: rent onlv $;tn; big sacrifice, $300, n cash. Call 8S lrtth. near Stark. WANTED IS to 2- rooms, furnaee heat. south of Morrison, west of Third ; rent must he right: cash. AN" 42T. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOI SE. 10 rooms, good furni ture, close in: for quick sale $200, half cash. 1S8 10th st. - SO ROOMS, nice corner, brick; clearing - $75 month: must go at $850; terms. Call t8 imh. near Stark. ROOMING -HOUSE. 7 rooms, nicely ir nisiied, for sale cheap. 240 Madison ROOMING-HOUSKS. MART E. LENT. Leading hotel and apartment-house agent. 524 N. W. Bank blug.. Otii and Morrison. If you want to buy or sei:. come in and talk it over; 6 years in this business Id Portland enables me to locate you right, 70 ROOMS. Lobby, brick buuuing, 13 private baths, rent $20"; money-maker. if you have $2o00 cash, ask to see this 50 ROOMS. One of the best lurmshed houses of this s lie in the city ; his h-c lass patronage; Price $350O; will accept rtal estate. 35 ROOMS. Price $2000; furnished throughout with brass beds, oak furniture', good carpets; terms to reliable parties. IS ROOMS. Residential, beautifully furnished : cost $2000; SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK, only $10oO, easv terms. 2S APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished, very clenn. each apart ment has private bath; corner brick build ing: fine place for man iniid wife. Price $30OO. - 34 APARTMENTS. Near 12th and Jerterson; high-class and exclusive ; never been sold beiore ; if you want a nice place and have $2000 'cash, the balance will take real estate to $3wo0. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg. THREE GENUINE BARGAINS. HOTEL. SPLENDID TRANSIENT HOUSE Fine location in business part of town, corner brick, steam heat, hot and cold water, 75 rooms; rent less than $3 per room; In good condition and making money. For personal reasons will sacri fice for $3000. some terms. A CLEAN, INVITING RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 44 rooms, located in best part of city, filled with desirable, steady roomers; ex ceptionally clean and well furnished ; a consistent money-maker; all ouuide rooms; 8 private baths; will sell at one third cost and give some terms. VERY CLASSY SMALL HOUSE. 11 rooms, beautifully furnished in ma hogany and birdseye maple, dining-rooin furniture, easy chairs, expensive rugs, everything- as good as one would want in his home; reserve 'A rooms for self and has good lncomn from balance; owner going East and will refuse no reasonable offer. E. K. BROWN. 291 H Morrison st.. corner 5th. FOR SALE. The most desirable hotel property in Nelson, the center of the mining district of West Kootenay, is offered for sale. 85 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms. V sample-rooms, retail liquor license, modern in every re spect; good reasons for selling; no agents dealt with. Full particulars to bona fide purchaser. P. O. b o x 1U&S, Nelson, B. C. LEASE AND FURNITURE OF 21-Rlh . APARTMENT - HOUSE, WORTH $15?0. AT A BIG SACRIFICE. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE, FILLED AND IN DEMAND. NETTING A GOOD PROFIT. 3-ROOM SUITES, STEAM HEAT. SEE THIS. A SNAP BARGAIN FOR CASH. 301 PANAMA BUILDING. 100-ROOM modern apartment-house consist ing of 34 apartments having all modern conveniences; rent only $'225 per moth ; furnishings; goes for $3000; terms or part trade. RITTER, LOWE & DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bids. PLACE for man and wife. IS rooms, 2 sleep ing porches, best of furniture, rooms all filled except two; lirst-class place, taking in S200 a month; Nob Hill district. Will ' trade for small bungalow; no agents. S 44, Oregonian. TO RENT The best rooming-house and lo cation In the city; 14 rooms and right in the heart of the hlgh-up district"; go and look at this place, 735 Everett St.. at the head of Lucretia Place, phone Marshall 1287 or call on owner, 334 Worcester bldg. 45-ROOM hotel, with private phones and baths, brick building, ail outside rooms, rent $200 per montii ; clears $150; good furniture : price $L'100; terms. RITTER, & DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. $3r ROOMING-HOUSE SNAP $300. 11 rooms, close in. West Side; all furniture good; very desirable place; owner leaving Portland; a rare snap, ee this Monday. t an t Z4 is or tn western uanK Diug. I WANT a good rooming-house from owner; can only pay- half cash. AP 420, Orego nian. IS ROOMS, housekeeping, near White Tem ple. If sold by the 10th will go at a bar gain. 1SS 10th st.; terms. LOST AND FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on . the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company, and owueiu thereof may claim same at the First and Aidr-street station. Marshafl 5100, A tiliil: March 2: H packages. 1 roil paper, 2 purses, 2 mittens, 5 umbrellas, 1 pkg. with luiso hair and note book, 1 battery, 1 pkg. dry goods, 1 sk. wheat 1 pr. mittens, bids, papers, 2 boukti, 1 string of beads, 1 pocketknife. LOST On South Portland Jitney, purse con taining money and locket; party finding same return purse and locket and no ques tions asked, to D. W. W-caL, Kamupo Ho tel. 14th and Washington. LOST At Meier A Frank's, a white Spit dog, "Teddy"; liberal reward. 5ui Rod ney. East 3944. LOST Eyeglasses, on Hoyt st between 23d and Broadway, Feb. J8. Return to OOo Hotel Campbell and receive reward. LoaT Pi Alberta jitney, Wednesday even ing, man's umbrcila. Call Wouuiawn 4132. Reward. REWARD and no questions asked for re turn of Fisher fur neckpiece lost on Washington st. Wednesday. Main 344. LOST Gold pin in form of a key with name and date Jan., 1313, on back. Mar shall 4774. Reward. PACKAGE put in car Saturday evening by mistake ; pheaee plume v. B. Honey man. .Main .'io. LOST Airedale pup, nearly grown; leather couar; rewara. tzj rayior st. Jii. 4ob.i LOST i Main lold cuff links, initial 5011. LOST $10, South Portland, near 21 st- r'tease return 347 Washington. Kewarfl. FOUND Lincoln High pin, Feb., 19P. Call (04 wucox oidg. SPECIAL NOTICE. propofyiU Invited. NOTICE OF SEALED BIDS. The undersigned offers for sale for cash In hand a stock of diamouus. jewelry. watches, clocks, silverware, etc., of the inventory aluatlon of $15,404.40. together vvltn tne store lurniture ana iixturvs ap nertaininir thereto of the inventory valua tion of $317i.lof formerly belonging to the Leffert Jewelry Company and situated at No. 20S Washington street. In the city of portiano, uregon. Sealed bids will be received at the of fice of H. S. McCutchan, attorney. lluS-11 Northwestern Bank building, Portland, Oregon, ud to 12 o'clock noon. March 7. Plo. Separate bids will be received for the siock and for the fixtures. Cafih or a certified check lor 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid as e ldence of good faith and to be forfeited in case the bidder refuses to complete Fho purcnase upon acceptance of his offer. The right is reserved to re ject anv and all bids. t The inventory can be examined at the office of the undersigned. Io0 Post street San Francisco, California, and at the of fice of H. S. McCutchan. 110S-11 North western Bank building, Portland, Oregon, and the stock and fixtures may be ex amined on the premises. No. lit3 Wash ington street, in tne city oi .for nana, Oregon. H. S. M'CUTCHAN. Attornev for Assignee. A. V. DAVIDSON, Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the District of Ore gon. In the matter of the Multnomah Ho tel Company, bankrupt. The trustees in the above estate will receive closed bids on the following property up to noon Wednesday, March fc, at their offices at No. 017-blS Commercial block, Portland. Or: 2 Kranlch & Bach Grand Pianos, sold at not less than $170 each. 2 26-h. p. Auto Buses, sold at not less than sl.0 each. 1 Kranich & Pach Upright Piano, sold at not less than $170. 1 Kranich & Bach Player Piano, sold at 'not kess than $2oo. The closed bids must be accompanied by certified checks in the sum of 10 per cent of the bid made and will be opened at noon on wcunesuay at tne orrice ubov noted. All sales are made subject to the con firmation of tne refere3 in bankruptcy. Goods may be examined at Multnomah Hotel. PI. F. BUSHONG. . W. H. ROWE. Trustees. FINANCIAL. I CAN invest your money in proven East ern industry that will equal Eastman kodak as a pront-maker. if interested. address J. B. Aiyers, 146 Tenth st., ion land. Or. Residence property 6 to 8 per ent Business property 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property 7 to 8 xer cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Fittock blk. FIRST and second mortgage, also seller's Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or wash. ti. . .NODie. jumoermens otcg. We buy mortgages bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. $5000 PORTLAND Home Telephone bonds with $125 interest due April 15; must sell for cash. A 5 439, oregonian. We buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson a fc-wing. oi-sjvw. bank nidg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. purcnaseo. Lewis 4k o. t Lewis Didg. riNANCIA L- QUICK LOAN SERVICE. $1:0.000 CASH READY $3"0 TO 3H0 cN FIRST MORTGAGE AT S PER CENT.;. WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFE INSURANCE: POLICIES. EQUITIES IN ESTATES. ETC.,. UPON LIBERAL TERMS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US UP. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 200 SELLING BLDG. WANTED Small lot of Morgan building bonos. AP 431. Oregonian. Mocks and Uonrit. 2 SHARES Deschutes Water Power stock ; best bid. Mam M n c t Loa n on Kra 1 K t a t e. $20,000 CASH to loan on West Side business income property, half or whole amount or will buy Portland citv bonds; private party. A J 432, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN. $ 2,000 to $ au.OOO, 7rc. $10,000 to $ 4,0OO, 0.. $10,000 to $500,000, 5fr- With repayment privileges. Attractive Installment Farm Loans. Sc. R. H. BLOSSOM, 112 5 Northwestern Bank Building. I HAVE $10,000 TO LOAN. (WILL DIVIDE) AT 7 PER CENT. ON GOOD RESIDENCE PROPERTY. MUST BE GOOD. ADDRESS WM. PATT1SON. 212 SELLING BLDG. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, MAKES MORTGAGE LOANS ON Improved City Property, afe Deposit Boxes lor Rent. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Sixth &. Morrison Sts. MONEY TO LOAN. Straight Loans. Instalment Loans Building Loans. Private Funds. Insurance Co. Funds. Amounts to suit at current rates. FRED H. STRONG 517-519 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $15. wo f( O't: $,vo0 cn farms only. 4.0k if 7'i i,2L'0 lif 7Vo $lf50O tip 7 1,000 'c fcuu (y &Vo '"'00 fci! S'b o50 & b'o 20O S'o ISO hi feyfe M'KE.NIE & CO.. 515 Gerltnger Blag. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repaying privileges., A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEY to loan on strictly flrst-ciass secur- ity at 7 per cent in sums from $1Ou0 to $J50O; $10,000 at 7 per cent; $10,000 to $0,000 at 6 per cent; $50U. JbuO, g per cent; no coramissious; other charges rea sonable. J. H. Middieton, 424 Chain. Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 202 Stevens Bldg. WE have a client who has $1500 to $2000 to loan on Rose City Park property at 7 per cent. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 212. Selling Bldg. WILL LOAN $2800 (OR DIVIDE) AT 8 PER CENT. CITY OR FARM. NO DELAY. LOW EXPENSE. SEE ME AT 209 SELL ING BLDG. E. BUKJUTT. GOOD supply of money to loan on improved Portland realty at 6 to 7 per cent, carin luand 7 and 8 per cent. MALL At VON BORSTEL. 104 2d St.. near stark. oDoo, b per cent- two or three years, on modern 8 -room home, corner ioi 5uxl Ou; full basement, furnace, fireplace, garage; strictiy up to dale. Piedmont; no agent's commission. BL 4 47. Oregonian. bint7o LOANS will be made on central retail business properties, ti and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO Northwestern Bank bldg. MONEY especially to loan on good Portland residence property; lowest rates if secur ity good. 11. L. Archer. Northwestern Bunk bidg. 11 AVE received 10.000 to loan on valley arms; muat be at least part in cultiva ttoii. C 41'., Orettoniau. FIELDS At HONEY MAN MORTGAGE CO. OUR OWN FUNDS. 1U25-1U2U Yeon Bldg. FARM AND CITY LOANS. Paciliu Mortgage A. Investment Co., 5u2 Northwestern Bank Bidg. v.11 Y AND i- AKil LAJA.a. k AKR1NGTON, 60 4t'i st., Portland, Or. SEE us today for loans on improved city property, ti to & per cent; u0 and up. Celiars-Murtou Co.. b25 Yeon bldg. WANT SMALL MORTGAUGE LOANS. $lOO to $ot0, or will buy small mort gages, fcmitn-w ayoner wo., mock ,x. Ssooo OR any Dart to loan; deal with prin cipals only ; no commission. Call before lo mornings, after 0 evenings. East 45uu. Will uy first mortgage jflOoO or less. Marshall j-o. U'. AioimwK bidg. $luu,ooo AT 7 per cent on choice Oregon iarms or city property ; tire insurance. M KENZIE ti CO., Pli Geriinger biug. UNLIMITED Eastern funds, a to 7 per oeat. city and iarm property. DOOLY Ac CO.. 312 Board of Trade bldg HAVE $5ooo to loan at 7 per cent, improved city property ; w ill diviuc. A P 4oy, Ore- Ionian. $20,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans; lowest rates. v. o. hick, S16 Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT OREGON INV. Ac MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stoek fc.xciiange Diug., ana lamniu. WE BUY BONDS AND MORTGAGES. OREGON INVESTMENT Ac MTG. CO.. Suite 202. 170 Third St. 20t $300 $500 $1UI0 $6000 On City ana i- arm rroperty. BOID REALTY COMPANY. Lewis Bldg PRIVATE party will Duy insta liment con tracts or mortgages; give uetails. o 4ol, Oregonian. $500 TO $50o0 on improved city or farm property, oaii t.ast o.j. I HAVE $10(JO for a good mortgage loan; will taae t per cent, 1 4-&, oregonian. $100,000 TO LOAN at 6' to 7 per cent Goddard & Weidrlck. 243 Stark St. FARM AND CI1 Y MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding, 313 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY" TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham; of Com. MONEY to loan at 7 per cent, city or farm. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOAN is. M AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 00 OAK ST. LOANS on improved properties. The Ore gon Home Builders. 1S30 N. W. Bank bldg. TO LOAN, $5500 or less. Improved city or iarm, property. Af zio, oregonian. MONEY Any amount, 6 to S per cenu V. H. Seitx. 310 Spalding. Main 0584. $2uo, $350. $tfoo. $12u0. $1800. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $5oo UP TO $10oo to loan on city property or farm or acreage. Tabor 2520. $uOo UP to $lo. 000 ; city or farm property. AC 8, Oreponlan. $10,000. $15.""0 OR $20,000 to loan. Deskon & riawK. Main $3000 OR any part at 7 per cent on im proved property. AD 414. Oregonian. outi ai t pv.-r cent, improved property; no commission cnargea. Ati. oregonian. IF YOU wish to borrow or loan mon-y. see f- J . oeiser. 40 Liiamher or Commerce. $000 TO loan, 7 per cent, city property. Call ;sio rjoara 01 1 raue. .Main 4.j. I HAVE $2500 to lean on improved cny property. Tabor 6007. $4 o TO $;oo to loan on improved city real 1 y. .va:-n. oiv nenna Diug. HAVE $200 TO LOAN. SMITH-WAG ONE R CO.. STOCK EX. Money to Loan C rtsttteis and Salaries. IMM E.D1ATE LOANS ON DIAMONDp AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jew elry stores In the city ; loan department Is conducted In connection with same, msk'.nsr business STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL; abso'uteiy no sign designating loan business displayed in front of our store all merchandise pledged is held for Derio of 12 months, whether or not Interest Is paid when due; we are licensed and have oeen eiauunea since 1 r-:i ; no connection with any oilier loao establishment in this city. A. & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. U24 Washington fct- SALARIES CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motorcycle, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rates. with t-asy terms or pay men t ; no delay PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC.. Licensed. 311 DKKL'M BLDG. LEGAL rates on household goods; br"krag o- commision charges: ful Cense, Geo. liarte.. Phono East 1172. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan liattclA and MONEY to loan on diamonds ar.d Jewilry at legal rates; all articles beid one year; es tablished since 1:SS. Dan Marx. 74 3d. Loan YY an ted. $J0. WANTED FOR THREE YUAHS ON" ONE OF THE FINEST AND BEST l-O-C ATED HOUSES IN 1 .A U Rthri L'RST; FINISHED IN OAK. STRICTLY MOD ERN AND UP TO DATE; INSURED FOU 52u0: LOT 5Oxl0; MORAL RISK FIRST CLASS. BD 44t;. OREGONIAN. $Im0 ON excellent S-roora house. located, on paved street, one-half blocs: of Rose City Park Clubhouse; occupied by owner; $2500 insurance will be assigned; moral 1 Rood; want private money. BD 445, Oregonian. $30.00 WANTED at onoe at per cent ror high-grade down town mortgage; this will interest any conservative investor. See me on Monday If you can make prompt loan. B. LEE PAGET, 304 Failing Bldg CHOICE MORTGAGE LOAN APPLICA TIONS First-class security, 7 and S'V. OREGON INV. at MORTGAGE CO.. INC.. Stock Exchange bldg., Sd and YamhIU sts. Marshall lla, A 4144. WANTED $1500 on 10 acres timber cruis ing over 6 million, close to Portland; also $1700 on modern 0-room bungalow. AR 431, Oregonian. $75 FOR 4 months on a 1014 model Mets delivery car in good mechanical condi tion. Phone B 212S Monday A. M., bet. 7 and 12. WISH to borrow- $75oO on apartment bulld- Inc, income J2S per month; live in build, ing and manage it myself. AP 4i0, Ore gonian. WANTED To borrow $5500 for 3 years on income property worth about $30,000, on Grand ave. Wi.l pay 0 per cent: no com mission. 0O6 E. Clay. Phone E. 510S. W AN TE1 $25oo from private party for 3 years, ti per cent, on close-in property. East r33ti. WANTED From principal $15,000 on West Side income property, value $45,000; will pay 0 per cent. E 414. Oregonian. WANTED $13,000 fivo years. 6 per cent. lt mortgage, improved property, pnncipa.s only. AB 430, Oregonian. $1200 GILT-EDGE first mortgage for sale; will give reasonable discount. Phone Mar shall .VIS 7, East 2012. $25u0 LOAN wanted from private party; first mortgage, three years, improved city property. y 42, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $1000 oil propeiiy worth $20uO; private money. D 433, Ore gonian. . WANTED To borrow $12,oon on West Sid apartment house; will pay 7 per cent. AB 441, Oregonian. WANTED Loan of $140O on 2 lots in good residence district; improvements in anl paid for. S o!4, OreKonian. MORTGAGE $S00, S per cent, 2 years, se curity 16o acres, well located; very liberal discount. T 434, Oregonian. $1200. ROSE CITY VAUK. S years at 7 ; silt-edge loan ; insurance $1500. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex WANTED To borrow ,$5'.o on West Side house a .d lot. S per cent. Address AD 441 , Oregonian ACRE and 5-room cosy bungalow. only $!H5; 2S minutes out; water, lights, sn.ull first payment. AF 442, Oregonian. LOAN of $1500 on house and two lots. 3 years, S per cent 2'2 Yeon Bldg. WANT $2VO0 on ciose-in business property; ample security. R. F. Bryan, iul Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $."00 at 7 per cent on farm, worth $20,000. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. WANT loan of $1-50 on my modern bunga low worth $2bJ0. N 426, Oregonian. WANTED Loan from private party, farm as security. Owner. I0I6 Brooklyn st. WANT $560. 2 years, first mortgage, pay 10. per cent; no commissioned 43b, Oregonian. $Uo00" AT 7 per ent. good improved city property; no agents. AR 437. Oregonian. . $500 TO loan on first mortgage. Oregonian. BC 435, WANT to borrow $S0O on a modern B-room cottage and lot at once. Y 427. Oregonian. WANTED $2500 mortgage loan, principals only. AR 434. Oregonian. WANT $2000 loan on Mt. Tabor Improved property. Owner, AC. 442, Oregonian. 2oOO 8 PER CENT, on 41-acre improved farm near Portland. East 6329. $400, S PER CENT, on 1O0 acres Umber, 0,000.000 -feet. East 0320. $100O IMPROVED real estate; private party; 7 per cent; no brokers. C 433. Oregonian. $300 WANTED from private party on first mortgage. G 42S, Oregonian. $1100 AT T per cent; bungalow. East 62d and Davis. AB 444, Oregonian. ROSENA TAYLOR, masseuse and scalp spe cialist. 109 Park st. Marshall 8130. I WANT $1500 on A-l farm security; pay 8 per cenL E 43S, Oregonian. V NTED $3200 on good fax in, well Im proved. AL 431, Oregonian. w fERSONAL. TAKE NOTICE The cold, rainy weather brings serious ailments which should not be neglected, such as colds, la grippe, ' rheumatism, asthma, catarrh and other dangerous conditions which certainiy could be relieved or eradicated by our long-established and satistactory mode of treat ment. Come in and have a personal talk. We have testimonials from many grateful patients, the majority of whom reside in Portland and vicinity. Specml rates for course ot treatments. Consultation free. Office, 135 12 ill St.. cor. Alder. Phones, Alain 103. A 2&2U. Dr. N. F. Meleeu. Naturopath. HA1H GOODS. LOWEST PRICKS. 30-ineh wavy awitcn. 3 wp .$1.. 14-inch wavy switch. 3 sep l.ou Ail-around transformation L4a Haird reusing, shampoo, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 2ic. Hair re moved by Electric needle, switch made oc combings, Sc We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 4uO-4la Dekutn biug.. -d. and Wash ing ton. Marshall 17u2. ""EL EC T RO-H YDROPATHIC IN ST ITU T E. Mineral, vapor and electric baths; elec tric treatments and scientific massage; res ident patients also received; competent caie under physician's advice. 25 North 22d st. Fiione Marshall 2 . 1 J. . FEB VET As HANEBUT, Leading w.g and toupe makers; finest Biock numau hair goods, switcnus from up ; halrdressing. maaic unag, face mud scalp treatment, com u my nuiia up to or der. 147 Broauway, nr. Murritua. Main o40. C. FLEURE, mental science healer. Instruc tions in Philosophy o Health, Menial and. Physical class 111 Health Science Tnurs day, 3 end 7 P. M. Interviews daily 1-ti. Jl West Park. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, etc., perma nently removed, electric needle. Pliy siuials reterenees. Specialist (.ladi . room 22, liussel bldg., cor. 4in and Morrison, sts. Phone Mar. -4u43. WANTED Information as to the adores of heirs oi J oseph O. Pierce and Eiiz Hyde to settle the estate of J limed D. Pierce. Adoress Raymond New hail, Auror a, 11 1. TIN A 'must hear from you at once or quit, sell out, travel, and place Georgie wit a strangers; he needs you; let tor not sent. George. A-LADY-from London, Eng., has specially selected cooking recipes which she will gladly forw ard on receipt of 12 cents. A 42S. Oregonian. HATS Ladies' and men's hats cleaned, d ved, biocKed, remodeled and trimmed ; latest styles. Portland Cleaning At Hat WorKS, 4iti Washington st. DR. ETHElTa! SACRY Painless chiropo dist, successfully treats corns, bunions, w rts and in-growing nails. 500 Panama, bldg. ' TH E Vis Vitae Company, Inc.. are now in their new home at 4- Washington at., bet, 13th and 14th. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE givs electric blankets and massage for rheumatism, etc 2 jo 11th st. Marshall 5u33. Open Sunday. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for poor Circula tion. Facial, scalp-manicuring. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bidg. fpTS I cured my daughter by simple dis covery; particulars free. . Lepso, 5 Island ave., Milwaukee. Wis. A&-CAP-SO promptly relieves headache, neuralgia and la grippe, 20c a box. Foi taie o Portland Hotel Pharmacy. MKS.Tt EVENS, 24 years In Portland, will eil her book, "Falmisu-y Made Easy," at e m p le. 375 Taylor st. UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest ktcck ; re-coverings; new handles put oa. Meredith's, '29 Washington st. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Tonlo Tablets. 604 Davis st. Phone Main 23a. MuLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. fc. D. Hill, 4t Filedner bldg. Main 3473. MANICURING and electrical treatment, Ethel Lurk. 1 Lafaettr biog. ELECTRIC treatment for rheumatism. Room 213. S50 Morrison at. N oRW EG 1 AN trained nurse and masseuse. Main 104! 20M 3d, room 2. Hrs. 1. to S. ELKCTRIC vibrations for rheumatism, facial and Sf-aip treatments. Main fr3ul. WANTED Address Ruby Knight or Ray mond. Rilia Duncan. 73ft Eddy st., S. F. U PERFLUOUS hair. .tro e.i. Mile. ! l.onp o,es, warts tio i4 Swetiand bldg. W NT LI Ir.fant baby ; best care. Phone Tn'"r 5I7. (jtNTLKMKN' Manicure, shampoo, fa-e nian.-HKe. 35c. 77 Euthchild. ir-? V Wash. M A N H UH IN' Room 22, i : for 'adir and gentlemen 0', Aidtr EL.