12 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 5, 1016. HELP WAITED MALE. Help Wanted Agent, NEW mighty, repeat money making marvel; strange scientific discovery; eight men or der 47,6-io pkga. first 10 daa. Kaiomite revolutionizes clothes washing ideas; $50 to $130 weekly repeat order business; abolishes rubbing, washboards, washing machines; $1000 guarantiee; absolutely harmless; nature's mighty element work wonders; women astounded; territory pro tection; no experience necessary; credit granted; pocket big profits; hurry! write today; overwhelming proof. Equitable Cor poration, Dept. 7. 215 W. Superior, Chicago. (TaRTSIDE'S IRON KUffT SOAP CO., 4054 Lancaster ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. Gart side's Iron Kust Soap (Trade Mark. Print and Copyright registered in the U. S. Pat ent Ort:ce removes iron rust, ink and ail unwasaaole stains from clothing, marble, etc. Good seiier, big margins. agents wanted. The original, 2."c a tube. Be ware of infringements and the penalty Tor making, selling and using an infringed article. I't'EL SPIRITS mixed with gasoline guar antees 33 1-3 per cent more miles per gallon; removes and prevents carbon for mation; sparks quicker, produces instant pickup and complete lubrication ; lessens smoke, odor and noise. A money-back proposition; sold on approval; sure repeat er; guaranteed territorv to reliable agent. Fuel Spirits Co. of Washington, 2d and Wall. Spokane, Wash. MAKE OR FEMALE wanted everywhere In Oregon. Fountain Shoe Polishing Set; just oat. The biggoat seller of the year. Dauber and blacking in mechanical tube device. Simple- to operate. Turn knob at bottom and blacking feeds dauber. Handsome leather sets with polishers; two kinds. Agents' sample equipment 3Gc. Frown Mfg. Co.. 724 Haight bidg., Seattle. Wash. EARN $100 weekly managing clean, legisi mate mail order business; we furnish everything; right party need not worry about capital; splendid chance for intelli gent, employed person to control inde pendent business on profit-sharing basis, beginning spare time, evenings at home. Particulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. X. Y. $22 FOR $3.86. Biggest value ever given customer; 10-pi-ece aluminum outfit make 15 cooking combinations, enough for a whole kitchen; sells on sight. $100 a week to producers. Start now, write quick for protected territory and free agents' maga zine. Div. 3045, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. B IG Kansas company will start ambitious people in fast-g rowing mail order busi ness; any locality; make $30O0 yearly, spare time, no canvassing, no experience, we furnish everything, new unique sell ing methods free. Eves tone, president, 33 W. 7th, Pittsburg, Kan. AGENTS Sell rich-looking imported 3fixOS rugs, $1 each. Carter, Tenn., sold 115 In 4 days; profit $57. You can do same Write for sample offer selling plan; exclusive ter ritory. Sample rug by parcel post prepaid AS cents. Con-Don, Importer, Stonington, Maine. AGENTS Hustler wanted in every county to sell our 13 up-to-the-minute house hold articles, women delighted, eager to buy; experience not needed; sell like hot cakes; samples furnished, active workers, get busv. Write il. E. Murphy, box 635, Portland, Or. 6T ART you in business, furnishing every thing; men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating "New System Specialty Candy Factories." Home, small room anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime; book let free. Ragsdaie Co., Box S. East Orange, N. J. MAGAZINE solicitors, crew organizers, 5 months' trial Everybody's or Good House keeping for 55c ; also 30c and 48c offers which are red hot sellers. Big commis sions. Postai Subscription Co., Minne apolis, Minn. WITH our soft rubber heel (worn inside shoe) anyone can make big profits. Hutto from sample (50c) sold 77 pairs in 12 hours, 1S7 pairs first week. You can do it also. Exclusive rights. Maupros, Dept. 2, Box 3132, San Francisco. MEXICAN DIAMONDS Exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow fire; stand tests; sell at sight: live agents wanted : profits $7,0 weekly up; write sample cane offer free. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., box A-IO, Laa Oruces, N. M e x. AGENTS Salary or commission. Greatest seller yet. Every user pen and Ink buys on sight. 200 tn 50o per cent profit. One agent's sales $020 in six days; another $32 fn two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44, Ea Crosse, Wis. SUBSCRIPTION solicitors. magazine men everywhere, big 1916 proposition any Btate now ready. Small towns only. Vf. W. It h oacis, Mgr., UOQ Jackson, Topcka, Kans. Help Wanted Salesmen. $Hmjii MONTHLY guaranteed specialty sales man selling one outuoor electric sign daily; can be done; carry complete sign, sensational read exhibition; never done before. No competition. Absolutely new. Exclusive territory. Flashlight Sign Works. Chicago. ADVERTISING MAN OR SALESMAN Di rect advertising business for sale at in voice. Nets $150 per month, besides 8 per cent interest on investment. Equipment inventories about $2500. Some terms. AV 724, Oregonian. VACANCY March 15. experienced any line, to sell general trade. Pacific territory: un excelled specialty proposition ; commission contract; $35 weekly expenses. Continen tal Jewelry Co., fcO-10 Continental bids Cleveland, Ohio. EXPERIENCED pleasure car salesman wanted by oldest automobile dealer in city. Those who are not experienced will not be interviewed. Give references and all information in first letter. D 43-, Orego nian. EASTERN accident Insurance company wishes to meet successful writers looking for liberal contract or policies. Write me in care Portland Hotel. Will arrive about March 6. Correspondence confidential. ii. P. Scott. FOR GENERAL mercantile trade in Oregon, to sell a NEW proposition of MERIT. Va cancy now. Attractive commission con tract. $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. ISixler Co., Y hole-sale J ewelers, 22G-10 'arlin bidg., Cleveland, O. SALESMEN We have an opening with un limited earning possibilities. Every mer chant your customer. .no competition. Weekly advances and permanent connec tion to hustler. Howard Sign Co., 2128 Patterson, Cincinnati. O. TRAVELING SALESMEN: Your clothes made to ln-easuro without cost for placing tailoring iine featuring six special prices: no extra charges, wit h merchants. Write part iculars. j. W . Jones, olfi Mid City liank. Chicago. EXCELLENT permanent position open March 13, capable s;t iesman, Oregon; sta ple line, general retail trade: liberal com missions; .'!." weekiy advance. Ralph H. Ide. 107l' Williams UKlg.. letroit. S A L E S M E N W ANTE D I have an article with merit; sells for SS.oO; J. commis sion. Some of cur men make 40 sales weekly. Fred A. W alker, olo Barn bidg., Wichita, Kan. WANTED Traveling salesman for our Fall product dress goods and blankets. We s. II the retailer and pay good commission. Dnsi ruble sideline. Schuylkill Mills, Box 1 1 '.. Philadelphia. Pa. HUSTLING salesman, age SO, commercial college education, oft ice and general busi ness experience, w ould like any clerical position; nominal salary to start; city ref erences. AN 432, Oreponian. COM PET?' NT experienced auto truck sales man, producers only; give age. experience, local acquaintance, ability, etc.; full linej all sizes, good commission. Write R 391. Oregonian. W A XTF.D Experienced man to handle rrne of Liquid Glues, Gums and Adhesive Products. Commission basis only. Can be carried as sideline. Furnish references G. M. Simmons, -107 Greenwich st., N. Y". C. SALES MGR. Something new. Business necessity. Retails $5 to $100. Enormous profits. No compel it inn. Esc. territory. Free samples. Sayers Co., 4o0 Wain w right, St. Louis. M I DDLE-AOED woman, house-work and cooking in country: permanent place for plain, sensible woman, $15 per month. AM 40. Oresonian. HUSTLERS $20 to $30 made weekly dis tributing circulars, samples, tacking signs, etc. Advertisers National Agency., Dept. 21, Chicago. E W SIDE LIN E. 5 minutes' time pays $7.5 0. Pocket samples. Prompt commis sions. State territory covered. Elwood Mfg. Co., Inc., 111S Michigan. Chicago. MEN and women to sell made-tn-Portland jipecialtv household, store, garage neces sity ; repeat orders ; big profits, better thaw salary. 100 loth st. $1S WEEK, expenses advanced. Women to travel and appoint agents for concentrated food flavors in tub.-s. Reliable Mfg. Co., 407 Como Bidg., tThlcago IF YOU are a salesman who would be satisfied to earn from $2 to $3 a day, call after S A. M. Monday at 329fe East Morrison. WANTED Salesmen to start not later than April 1. Salary or commission. First-ciass reference must accompany application. United States Whip Co., West fie Id, Mass. ENERGETIC salesman state Oregon, call on retail merchants. Staple line. $:t0 to $."t;0 per month. Commissions paid weekly. Ham- Huchea. Medinah bid p.. Chicago. PERM A NEXT position, salesman with in surance or similar experience; give aga, complete experience, references. AV 72G, Jreeonlan. G-REAT opportunity for stock salesman in Orecon. corporation with great future, ex perience and reference necessary. 403 Pit t irk Mock. X.NERGET1C salesman to visit schools; $100 - saary, 1 bcra! commission. R. O. Evans & Co., 1 1 oo Wabash, Chicago. WANT salesman with established hardware or drwg trade in Willamette Va!ky, Mon tana or Utah. Morgan. Phone East 145. SALESMAN, sell motor f fr apparatus to iaMIes; give references. V 4J. JIELPWAXTED MALE Help Wanted alettmen. OPENING lor live, aggressive, experienced salesman as our exclusive representative in Oregon and Washington to hanale copy righted art advertising calendars and monthly service, coupled with famous Bianchard line of advertising pencils, pen holders, etc.; combination affords excep tional opportunities; liberal commission . paid weekly; give full particulars first letter, covering age, experience, references, etc. Address King H. Gerlach, sales man ager, Bianchard Bros., Inc., luto. st. and Sth ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. City. SALESMEN to sell our Myers quality line of exclusive calendars, every piece copyright ed and made by us exclusively; together with our high-grade line leather goods, memorandum books aid diaries; complete line of siicns of ail kinds and novelties. It is known as diversified line; very lib cral compensation. Get connected direct with manufacturer. El wood Myers Com pany, Springfield, Ohio. SALESMEN to handle nnestlineof "adver tising metal, paraffined cardboard, folded edge fiber, muslin, oilcloth, brass, wood and pa"per signs, 12-sheet business calen dars, De Luxe calendars and auvertising novelties; good territory open ; liberal com mission; references required with appli cation. Write today particulars. Scioto Sign Co., Kenton, Ohio. PROFESSIONAL, JOB HUNTERS DO NOT ANSWER. One high-class salesman (no others need apply; for Portland and adjacent towns ; A-l references and general expe rience required. Writ P. o box 346 Portland, Oregon. FORD OWNERS, demonstrate real Ford starter; turns engine over all four cylin ders ; electric vaporizer makes gas direct from gasolino, places it each cylinder regu lar firing order. Safe, sure, cold-weather etarter; woman can operate. . Sanmles ready. Exclusive territory. Automatic Mfg. Co., 329 Plymouth. Chicago. WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMEN, POS SESSED OF ENGAGING PERSONALITY AND ENERGY TO SELL ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SERVICE TO BANKS AND MERCHANTS; EX CLUSIVE TERRITORY. UNIQUE ILLUS TRATING COMPANY. TRIBUNE BUILD ING, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openinga of fering opportunities to earn from $100 to $5o0 a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 311, National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, New York. San Francisco. POCKET SIDE LINE. New live proposition. an merchants town 100.000 ana under want it. Pays $5 commission each eaka. No collecting, no risk to merchant; take back unsold goods. Easiest, biggest paving side line offered, Canfield Mfg. Co., 208 SigeL Chicago. WE wish to obtain the services of a sales man in every town of 5O0O to 25,000- peo ple to work that town and small ones nearby. p. Q. box 340, Portland TO SELL our check protector. It sells to every person who writes a check. Circu lars and Information free. Sample 25c. Terry Mfg. Co.. 1J.2 Colton bidg., Toledo, O. HELP WANTED FEMALE, MONEY-MAKING opening for wide-awake woman with some local acquaintance atd prestige; business experience not essen tial; culture and pleasing conversational gift most necessary; very high-graae con nection ; nothing to sell or demonstrate, only women of class need apply; give ad dress for letter of appointment. BC 434, Ore g o ni an. WANTED Hairdressers who go to private homes to see my fountain comb for rins ing every trace of soap and dmdruff from the hair; I can triple your income. Call Mr. Foley evenings, East 1006 for appoint ment. Address 130 East 10th at., Port land. Or, LARGE Eastern insurance company wants lady manager for Portland woman's pen sion dept., excellent proposition to righf party; state qualifications first letter. f 420, Oregonian. WOMEN Full time, salary $15, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; 5c an hour spare time; permanent ; experience un necessary. Wearproof Hosiery, Xorris town. Pa. LADIES A fascinating home business; tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare time ; make $12 weekly; no canvassing ; samples lUc; particulars free. Artint, 45 K, 130 Manhtn. at.. New York. PHOTOPLAYS, Plots, wanted. Submit in any form. No instruction school or com mission agency. Well paid for when ac cepted. California Scenario Co., Los An geles, Cal. CALIFORNIA 200 motion picture compa nies. Easy to write plays; highest, prices. No school. We revise, tell. Send for free details. Photoplay Bureau. 335 Sta. C, Los Angeles. REFINED woman who will appreciate good home and its privileges to help with 2 children and do housework in exchange for board and small wages; must be fond of children. Woodlawn 21H.8. LADY solicitors wanted to do house-to-house work, good money easily made; investi gate; call Sunday, 2 to 5 P. M. or Monday morning. 403 Dekum bidg. WANTED 1000- men and women who need glasses now to know that Staples the Jew ekir fits their eyes well and at quite a saving to them. $2.30 DAY paid lady each town to distrib ute free circulars for concentrated flavor ing In tubvjs. Permanent position. F. E. Barr Co.. Chicago. AN unusual opportunity for a high-grade so licitor ; advertising experience helpful: enjoyable work, big money. References re quired. C. B. Rine, 025 Union ave. No. EXPERIENCED office woman, partner; pay ing business; small investment required. H 427. Oregonian. $5 1( 0 FOR collecting names and addresses Instructions 12 cents. Mailing Service, -lo Holliday bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED A girl to care for child and as sist with housework, small wages. 1040 Last Main st. WANTED H igh school girl to exchange services for room and board. Oregonian. AL 430, WANTED--Girl for general housework, small family, good wages ; references required. Phone Main 7920. WANTED Girl to care for. children and assist with housework; wages $10. Mar shall 1&4U. WAITRESSES, out, $25; nurse girl. $15; second girl, $30. Hanson's, 345 Wash ington. WANTED Girl for goneral housework; good East 21st st. North. WANTED Expert sleeve maker; alsp ex perienced finishers; no others need apply. 205 Columbia blvd. GIRL for general housework. 2707, or call 750 Halsey s car; near 2"2d st. Phone East ; Broadway WANTED Girl for general housework; ref erences required: call afternoons, between 2 and 3. 01 S Main st. MIDDLE-AGED lady for light housework, 2 in family; sleeping porch; references. AM 420. Oregonian. WANT a girl fond of children to assist with housework for pood home and small wages. Main 1046. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and care of children. Call 270 Glenn ave. W A N T ED Demo n s t rat o rs. Northwestern Bank bids WANTED Manicurist and hair'dresser. 417 to 420 Norths estern Bank b I d s. GOOD girl for general housework. 6C1 Kear- G1RL to assist with general work. Apply Sunday morning, 79 West Park. WOMAN to keep house; wages $10 month, room and board. 643 1st st. CHAMBERMAID; small wees or 233 Burnside st. WANTED Girl to ass!st In general house work. Phone Marshall P40. BRING this ad and 25c for manicure and face massage. 502-3 Columbia bidg. EXPERIENCED girl foi G4 E. Broadway. eneral housework. WANTED Middle-aged 434. Oregonian. housekeeper. AJ ATTEND Miss Deckers PRIVATE Business College. Commonwealth bidg. Bdwy. 4258. WANTED Lady with c"augh terror" mother to manage delicatessen. Y" 439, Oregonian. LADY" to do housework for good home and $5. 475 E. Everett. WANT lady cook for hotel. Apply Orcdia, St. Helens, Or. State wages. WANTED will pay Schoolgirl to assist witht work; carfare Tabor 500. MILLINER First-class trimmer; week. F 43i, Oregonian. $20 per A GOOD girl for general housework. Flanders st GIRL for cooking. eneral housework to assist with S50 North rup st. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL, typewriting, $5 mo. 200 14th. Shorthand, Main 3i3, GIRL for two hours chamber work daily. Phone after 10 o'clock. Main 71oS. HOM E girl to assist general housework; one who likes chilcfren. Main sri.'O. WANTED Kitchen helper. Call 710 Washington st. family hotel. COMPETENT girl for general housework: small family, good wages. 00 Knott st. GIRL for cooking and washing. Apply 774 Everett st. GIRL to work for room and board and small wages. 763 E. Broadway. WANTED Two lady d iatrlbutors. Room MO Rothchiid Mdg.. 12 to 2 Monday. PHONOGRAPH and records wanted, spot cash, 126 First At, AL&in 44J3. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A bookkeeper and cashier; must have knowledge of stenographic work; sal ary $s5; chance for rapid advancement; must invest $l5uO in the company, which takes place of a bond and draw divi dends; oniy experienced parties need ap ply ; position at Seattle, Wash. Call or write for particulars. 7-4 Northwestern Bank bidg. MAN and wife to take care of country home located on Oregon City carline; man must be familiar w;tii care fruit trees, chickens', gardening, etc., and woman must be good cook and housekeeper; give references, age and wages expecwd. Ad- dress E 42S, oregonian. P O S I T I O X Dictation for stenographers; no beginners; will secure you a position; dic tation given in ail systems by expert law stenographer and court experts; Mon day next; tuition high.; we want strong peuple with convictions. Write 20l Dekum bidg. for information. FOR general housework, girl or woman; small family, washing sent out. good wages for one who is experienced. Call mornings, 615 Chapman st. Take Portland Heights car. get off Laurel st., walk two blocks east, house corner Laurel and Chapman. WANTED Girl companion and helper. East ern Oregon, good home, two in family, $15; woman for kitchen work, country boarding-house, $15; housekeeper with smnll child. Eastern Oregon, $15. Public Em ployment Bureau, City Hall. Marshall 4luO. A 4125, FORMER DIRECTOR of Keystone and Uni versal companies now instructing horn talent in photoplay acting at the Conti nental Photoplayers' Studio. New class starts Monday ; those desirous of joining call today. Tryout free, 725 Chamber of Commerce. BOOKKEEPER with knowledge of stenog raphy to take charge of heavy sets of books; must have experience and natural ability; state detailed particulars and sal ary wanted. Give phone number. AK 43$, Oregonian. EVA. Am In Portland. Write at once. Some thing important. You must know. Will n-.ed not know your address. Write Gen. pel..Portland,Or. MRS. L. T. O. A STRONG commercial teacher or an able ollice lady can secure good opening; must have money to take care of expenses ; must be able to get and hold business; don't overlook this. R 42S, Oregonian. A LADY, not under 25, who is interested in children, for special work under ex pert guidance; possibilities; $40 weekly. Apply between 2 and 5. United States Bank bidg., corner 3d and Oak, room 25. TWO ladies, about 40 years of age; must be well educated and of pleasing appear ance, for special work in Portland and vicinity; those accustomed to meeting pub lic preferred. A 4 IS, Oregonian. MiLLINERY MAKERS Must be thorough ly competent ; none others need apply; call 0 to 10 A. M. Monday. Millinery Salons, second floor, Olds, Wormian & King. GIRL for housework ; one who likes chil dren; good home to right party. Mrs. Halperin, COO 2d St.. cor. Sherman. Call Sunday. WANTED Lady bookkeeper and stenog rapher for country bank. State experience, salary expected, etc. Address AV 720. Oregonian. WANTED Ness: middle-aged woman to do some work mornings and evenings for one person, for room and board; good home. West Side. X 437, Oregonian. LADY learn beauty culture; good opportu nity for one wishing to engage in business; .also one for corset business. 307 North west bidg., Gth and Wash. st. WANTED A competent second girl who has had experience with children; refer ences required. Phone mornings. Main 4532 FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50. week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Com pany. Dept. 511, Omaha, Neb. V ANTED reliable woman for general nousewortc in family of 4 adults; good wages to right person ; references re quired. Marshall 3407. GOVERNMENT positions open to women, $75 month. Write Immediately free list. Franklin Institute. Dept, 703 IS. Roches ter, N. Y. Vv'ILL share nicely furnished housekeeping apartments with neat lady, employed, 7.50 per month. 11 i 7 Williams ave. St. Johns car. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wanted by lady in country town for month; references re quired; 54 day and expenses; electric ma chino. V 4 2im Oregonian. SCHOOL girl wanted to work for room and board, near Washington High, 132 E. 10th. East 05;3. GIRL or woman to assist with children, or light housework; no washing; good home; light wagos. V 442, Oregoman. W ANTE D -A co mpanion, to go to Sil va r to n ; expect them to share living expenses; no charge for rent or fuel. Phone Tabor 7004. W ANTED Refined, sponsible position. Pittock block. 385 capable woman f o i V la v I Co r: pan y . Washington. LESSONS in manicuring, facial, scalp, etc.. oay or evening. $1 week; oiicitors wanted. iSW Eugene st.. near Union. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and ste nographer; salary $00. AE 420, Orego nian. INTELLIGENT, tnerg.-tic f--r responsible ; csiticn .'rave city preferred. H woman, over 30. one who could 42'', Oregonian. WANTED Girl small family, nient. 476 E. '. for general modern house 1 2d st. N. housework ; and conve- MAKE money writing stories or articles. Big pay. Free booklet teKs how. Address United Press Syndicate. San Francieco. Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies only; make yourself independent with good trad. 4O0-412 Dekum blK-, 3d and Wash. INDIVIDUAL instructions; start any date. Hinsdale's Commercial School, 502 Or pheum bidg. Positions secured. EXCHANGE business college course for piano lessons by professional. BP 443, Orego nian. STRONG girl for general housework; two V7 E. ' 2Sth st. N.' East G70G. LADIES wanting work; we want demonstra tors ; $1 to $2 per day made. 502-3 Co lumbia bidg. YOUNG woman, good cook and housekeeper, excellent waitress, desires hotel or private worK. .fnone 31 a in i'o. MAKERS, preparers and trimmers; only ex perienced hands need apply. Lowengart Ac Co. WA.MLU A woman to take care of an old lady nights lor her room and board Tabor 0710. GIRL for general housework. 538 East 20th North. HELP WANTED MATE OR FEJLUE. ARE YOU GOING ON THE STAGE? Why give up hundreds of dollars to a theatrical school to instructors who have never even been behind the scenes ? Le?.rn the art from a successful actor, one who knows the came from A to SS. Correspond wiah me. I charge but 50c for each of my letters and give you information that cost me 2h years of ex perience to learn. Ten of these letters will teach you more than you could learn otherwise at 10 times the cost. I will teach you to make up for any part and now to piay it. wnere to buy costumes, wigs, trunks, make-up, etc., and what prices to pay; Indian cost nines and hov to make them, including t he genuine In dtan beadwork. Send P. O. order of 50c ana te'll me wnat you are Interested A sic a few questions. Y'ou'll pet inside inrormation. Carl A damson, McDonald Hotel. 553 Eddy st., San Francisco. Cal. LARGE manufacturer will establish active lady of good address and ability in per manent, profitable business in her home town; $50 to ilOO per month; experience unnecessary; all or spare tim: occupa tion congenial to woman of refinement. For particulars, address Parker Mills 278ti North 12th et.,PhiIaaelphia, Pa. MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of " Wo men Is now located at room 303 new Po lice Headquarters. Information, protection or assistance given to women and girls. Interview confidential. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to I?arn the trade: tuition re duced ; paid while learning ; diplomas is sued to graduates ; 32 colleges ; 22 years in business. Write for catalogue A. 48 N. 2d OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free: paid while learning; modern method teaching; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. WANTED Housekeeper on farm, past mid dle age, 1 or 2 men, $2 per w-eek, perma nent. AV 6S2, Oregonian. SCENARIOS WANTED Featuring home ta!?nt in country towns. Particulars, 725 Chamber of Commerce. SCENARIOS WANTED Featuring home talent in country towns. Particulars, 725 Chamber of Commerce. TEACHERS desiring review work amination call Broadway 4258. OPTBY'S SCHOOL OF STENOGRAPHY. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. MAIN 3595. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 1 FIT you for a position in 2 to 3 months individual instruction; Pitman system $10 a month; nights $. a muth. Mam 33;7. Miss Ost bye's School o stenography, 211 Stock Exchange bidg., N. E. corner 3d and Yamhill sta MEN and women for U. S. Government po sitions; S73 month; steady work; common education sufficient; pull unnecessary; write immediately for free list of positions now obtainable. Franklin Institute, desk AH, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of men, IS or ovr r, wanting railway mail rlerk positions, $70 mo-a1 lit Au.iilcs AV GOT Qrufioniaa. HELP" WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. WATCHES cleaned, 75c; mainspring. 75c; work guaranteed. 21S Commonwealth bidg.. 6th and Ankeny. JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A 1070. Jap. Assn. of Or., 213 Henry bidg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. salesman. age 33. two tears a sales and field engineer with a railroad signal company, cov ering the u. s. and canada, six years in the electrical depart ment of a large interurban railroad on the pacific coast, would like to connect with a company where services will be' profitable to both of us ', salary a secondary consideration; will go anywhere; references, d 4114, oregonian. CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS. Sakismen, office men, clerks, mechanics, farm hands, housemen, cooks, mill men, loggers, laborers, etc. No fee charged employer or employe. Out-of-town orders given prompt atten tion. Main 3555, A 5624. ACCOUNTANT with extensive experience and executive ability wishes position of responsibility with established firm, in or out of the city, wtwre advancement is based on ability ; age 25 years; will not leave present position without giving SO days' notice to present employer; bet of local references. AF 429, Oregonian. YOUNG man 32, 12 years' experience rail road, mercantile, construction, seeks posi tion with local firm where good service would merit advancement; splendid refer ences; resident of Portland over 25 years; here is a chance for some live firm to se civre a good man at a moderate salary. AO 431, Oregonian. YOUNG unmarried man, stenographer and bookkeeper, wants a position in any line of business; experienced in banking, rail road, and mercantile work; A-l references. D 431, Oregonian. DO YOU want your fcooks set straight and made to run smoothly? Let me fix them oetter than you hope, for less than you expect to pay. C. E. Mitchell, expert accountant. Alain o3o. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, bookkeeper and all-around office man, age 32, rapid and nccurate, good penman, railroad and com mercial experience. Mar lOoO, room 4is. SHOE salesman wants to hear from mer chant who wants his shoe dept. put on a paying basis ; correspondence invited. AP 4-4. Oregonian. WANTED Responsible position with live factory; long experience various depart ments Eastern factory; can make good if given trial. M. A. T., 1103 E. 25th N. WANTED Position by experienced book keeper, timekeeper, shipping clerk or com missary agt., with the best of references; willing to leave city. D 423. Oregonian, WANTED A clerical position: would Invest or loan party a email amount on good se curity; might buy a small business. AK 40, oregonian. SALESMAN wants specialty or staple line this territory; able to finance myself. Ay ... urcgumau. MARRIED MAN, 35, experienced clerk and business man, wants steady work in any line; can give references. 190 17th st N. YOUNG man. experienced In R, R. and traffic work, desires position anywhere. Address R 435, Oregonian. YOUNG man stenographer desires work in evenings and Saturday afternoon. AG 43S. Oregonian. AN experienced man wants positon as sales man, city or country ; first-class refer ences. Address C 420, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier de sires permanent position; can give best of city references. AE 442, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT will open or close your books, also make audit, day or niyht. C 421, Oregonian. COPYING and addressing from copy, mss., circular letters, etc. ; good work ; reason able prices. Phone Marshall 3:i7. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, timekeeper, desires position; A-l references of Portland firms. G 420, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk and solicitor. Call Tabor 53S4. Mittrellaneons. WANTED Place for 12-year-old boy, city or country; work for room, board and work clothing; father must leave city to work. B 433. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS salesman, calling on grocers, butchers, hotels and restaurants, wants side line on comrals.,'ion; references pres ent employer. W 420, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced married man to take charge of dairy ranch on shares; best references. S 441, Oregonian JANITOR, married, wishes position in apart- ment-nouse; experienced; a. so first-class painter. Marshall 4732. BOY going to trade school wants work In the afternoons and Saturdays; can furnish wheel for light delivery. X 4 41, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED carpenter desires work; reasonable; A-l references. Call Monday. Main 7",-.l, A 1517. MAN and wife want work on ; children; capable of taking 430, Oregonian. l ranch; ro charge. D FIRST-CLASS mechanical draughtsman de sires position ; references. C 430, Ore gonian. MATHEMATICS Experienced teacher would like a fiw students for private instruc tion. E 430, Oregonian. YOUNG man with some experience want farm work anywhere. Box 163, Camas, Wash. YOUNG Chinese, well educated, unlerstands printing business, desires situation. 437. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED superintendent of construc tion, civil engineer, solicits correspondence. Address AV C7G, Oregonian. BOY. 20. honest, good worker; delivery office ; anything ; references. Sell wood lOOG. CHEF COOK (counter-man. oyster-man), wishes work. 'Lere, 412 Vancouver. East 0039. EXPERIENCED, reliable houseman desires work; also experienced gardener; A-l ref erences. Call Monday. Main 7'51, A 1517 COMPETENT Japanese chauffeur, married, 5 years' experience, high recommendations, wages $75 up. Call Main 2070, A 2'JOO. YOUNG man, second year law student, at tending school evenings, desires position. At 4ii4, uregonian. WANTE D By first-class cook. Job. hotel or rest.; good on dinners, phone Marshall j. t 4H room 2ou. POSITION wanted by experienced married man to take charge of dairy ranch on shares ; best relerences. 4 41. oregonian. PRINTER, 33 years experience, wants job on country newspaper, a a dress J3ox 34, Kelso, Wash. EXPERIENCED tailor and bushelman. city or country; speaks English, German and Spanish. AF 440, Oregonian. HOPlTA j man. experienced, wishes car of mental or sick case; references. Phone E (.1'..:., apt. 4. EXPERIENCED painter wants work; reas onable; A-l references. Call Monday. Main 70.11, A 17317. MARRIED man with team wants work any kind, in or out city. Phone A 7034 or room 14, 301 First st. FIRST-CLASS bread and cake baker, city or country. Phone Mar. 4'J24. 420 Market E. Y. YOUNG man, work, any 22d st. reliable, industrious, wants kind ; references. 150 N. ALL-AROUND workman, wide experience, handy with tools anywhere. R 420, Ore gonian. PAINTING, TINTING I make stained rooms like new; let me give you rea sonable figures. A 4"7, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 19, would like work of any kind; experienced In stockrooms and pack ing. Marshall 5603. PAPER hanging 20c a tinting cheaply cone. holt; painting and Phone Tabor 6213. BAKER, steady experienced,, all around married, country preferred. 300 6th. A YOUNG man wants work in private fam ily; can drive a car. Call Main 10'V. YOUNG man. married, wants steady work, citj-. Phone Marshall 1037, room 1. EXPE RIENCED Janitor desires position; good references. AE 427, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work: will figure small or laree jobs. Phone East 851. STRONG boy, 19 years, wants Job on farm; state wage. Y 440, Oregonian. CARPENTER work, painting, all repairs, cheap now. Manny, Sellwood 2421. WANTED Team work, any kind, big team. Phone Tabor 702. BOY 17 wants work delivering or anything. Sell. 1S06. REED Collece student wants any kind of work for Saturdays. AO 4 J9, Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants plane, private resi dence, city, country. B 432, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED all-around baker wants work in or out-of city. XX SS Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes to work his way East. Phone E. Leslie, Y. M. C. A. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position in small family. B 417, Oregonian. WANTED Situation as flunky or Janitor. Tabor 6T1. CARPENTER or contract. rorem a n want situation, day Sellwood 13733 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. M lceUan-oi. YOUNG MAN, AGE 35. DESIRES POSI TION WITH A CONCERN AT ANY KIND OF WORK AND CONFIDENT THAT HE CAN MAKE GOOD; NOT AFRAID OF ACTUAL WORK; SEVEN YEARS IN PORTLAND- WILL Go ANY WHERE; REFERENCES. . C 422, OREGONIAN. RANCH foreman, married and at present employed, desires to correspond with par ties wanting a thoroughly competent and reliable man; agricultural training; expe rienced with, pure-bred dairy and beef cattle, boss, orchards and farm construc tion. Address, giving full particulars, AV 703, Oregonian. A STRICTLY high-grade machinist, familiar with the manufacture and maintenance of logging and sawmill machinery, will be open lor engagement soon ; would like to hear from some high-efficiency mill com pany, confidence given and cemanded. Address AV 714, Oregoniaji. ENERGETIC, clean-cut oung man with strong personality and having sales experi ence, seeks position with a well-established institution, where by earnest and persistent efforts a successful future will b awarded; first-clas references. W 47, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man, support of Invalid sister, wants small house where there i ground lor garden; handy with tools and will' make improvements for rent; A-l references. Call Monday. Main Tool, A 1517. EXPERT Ford man solicits correspondence from firms or individuals woo are luon ing for good man. Toured Wash., Or. .wm1 fa 1 1 r or-n i in nwn car: wace rea sonable. Phone Mar. 4S7i. Gamble, 26 12th st POSITION wanted by a high school graduate in a wholesale house where there Is chance of advancement for a young man willing and anxious to work. Phone Jefferson High School Employment Bureau, Wood lawn 2to3. YOITN'G man. 12 vears engineering expe rience on construction work, desire per manent work with engineering or con tracting company. Address C 425, Ore- Ionian. CAPABLE, reliable married man, no chll dren, desires position on iarm; expe rienced : can milk some; A-l references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517, 411 Com mercial block. PRINTER-EDITOR wants country Job. Good printer, writer, proof neader and news hus tler; married, sober, reliable, toiaie wages. Address "M." room 322, National Realty bidg., Tacoma, Wash. PRINTER Wants work at moderate salary; 20 years at trade; can do platen press work or feed cylinder; some experience on linotypo; non-union ; make me an offer; in Portland or out. B 43o. Oregonian. a "i .v. a :T hich-class. enersetic. liable salesman wants connection with firm that has a future; v ill get results and can prove his worth. N- 424, orego nian. EXPERIENCED, reliable man, with family, wants to get place on farm; exp. teamster nnl etnek m an A-l references. Call Mon day. Main 7051, A 1517. 411 Commercial block. MAN AND WIFE in country hotel. Man p-ood chef, wife second cook or any work about hotel or boarding-house. Or will work separately. Best city references. Kelly. 334 4th st. EXPERIENCED clothing salesman, capable of manacinc and bunne tor aeoartment; .will give you one month's time to value my services; out of city preferred. Y 435, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires dining-room work; will accept room, board and small pay ; a-j. references. Call Monday, Alain uoi, 1517. EXPERIENCED mortzajre. loan and insur ance man soon open lor connection; wme acquaintance; repnes contiu-antiai. u a Orefronian. WANTED Chauffeur position, experienced can do my own repairing ; will drive for private or any concern. Call for Nass, phone Marshall 39tL EXPFRI EXCED orchard man to manag married, no children ; best of reference. F. J. Engelke. 230 u Larrabee sc. Port land. RELIABLE man desires position as word ing manager, grain and stock farm; ca pable assuming full charge; 20 years ex perience ; references. A 437, Oregonian. WILL some business man give deserving boy work after school and Saturdays : i'none Jefferson High School Employment Bureau, oodlawn 2t03. PRACTICAL male nurse, middle-aged wishes nosition. invalid or mental case best of references. 4 5 Main fit. Marshall 3901. CAPABLE, reliable young man, married, ex perienced chauffeur, wants work ; can driVA and keen in repair anv car: A-l ref erences. Call Monday. Main 7o51. A 1517. S FIXATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Jttenoicrapliern. BUSINESS woman of more than ordinary ability desires position, A-l stenographer and bookkeeper. unierslty euucation, ex r,irlAnr(l lumber, law railroad and com mercial work ; excellent reference. H 42b, Oregonian. WANTED Position by competent young ladv stenocranher ana Dining -cierK: s era 1 years' experience lumber, insurance and wholesale house; employed at present; would like to make a change. uu, 4io, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC positions wanted ; gradu atrs of our commercial departments, I'none Jefferson High School Employment jiureau. oooiawn -tiuj. BOOKKEEPER of experience and ability, best reference, not so much salary chance to start with reliable company. Main 4371. FEMALE expert stenographer must nave work. Ten years experience Insurance, law, mercantile. Portland firms. Refer ences. East 2131. STENOGRAPHER, rapid and accurate, some experience, reasonable salary to begin. Phone Seliwo; d 2o02 before 10 A, M. or e veiilngs. ANYONE in city or out of town desiring services of first -class bookkeeper and ste nographer or private secretary will do well to adudress E 4iu, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wishes office work; will ing to begin with small (salary. Woodlawn COMPETENT stenographer. 14 years' perlence. desires temporary or permanent work. Main twtiu. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants any kind of office work; reference. Tabor CAPABLE bookkeeper, with 6 years' ex perlence, desires small set of books to be kept evenings. AC 431, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer desires office position; will start small salary. Phone Tabor itsw. COM PE TENT bookkeeper-stenographer de sires position; experience lumber and vari ous other lines. a 43b. oregonian. YOTTNTG lady desires office position, i nography, etc., mornings or afternoons. Phone A 3410 or Box R 431. Oregonian. INTELLIGENT, educated young woman wants work in store or office, city or E. Or. Address AV 020, oregonian YOUNG lady stenographer, bookkeeper and typist, well educated, seeks position; best references. B 436, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER Competent" local refer ences. Can handle any set of books. Tabor G0i 0. YOUNG lady stenographer (beginner), de sires position; rapid and accurate on type writer. Call Marshall 6177. DRESSMAKER wishes a few more en gagements by day; $1.75; references. Mar shall 1777. EXPERIENCED dressmaker engagements; gowns, etc.; guaranteed. Marshall 1047. wishes day satisfaction EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, must have any kind of office work at once. M 429, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, experi enced, wishes position; go anywhere. AG 440, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING stenographic position by experienced young lady. All or part day. Mar. 5S33. STENOGRAPHER Several years experi ence general insurance and Investments. AB 442. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY bookkeeper and stenographer desires position; experienced. Main 7831. STENOGRAPHER, experienced ; references; will work reasonable. Phone Tabor 7077. EXPERIENCED girl wishes office small salary. A 3SSS, mornings. work. STENOGRAPHER wishes position whole or h:iif day; references. Phone Tabor 27330. D rese makers. FTRST-CLASS dressmaker. Summers. Main 6703. talloress. Mrs. RELIABLE, experienced dressmaker wants sewing by day, 2.E.6502. DRESSMAKING Alterations; $2 day, out or home Tahor 4S71. SE Mi TRE?5 wants family sewing, shall 2397. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will go to your home bv the day. Phone East 47i7. DRESSMAKING. $2.50 per day; good quick work, references. Main 94 SI. fit. EXPERIENCED sewer would J!ke plain sewing, neat, reasons pie, r.ast gj&j. DRESSMAKING, S2..V) a day; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 4136-. WANTED by competent dressmaker, sewing tn families; expert in maKing over. ww. DRESSMAKING Children s clothes sl spe cialty. Tabor .2.. EN PER TEN DED, m-at, qui'-k work at home or out, 2 day. Main 81WL. SIT L AT ION S WAN T KO FEM AI.K. Irr- makrfn. WANTED By experienced dressmaker. pia:n or xaiicy sewing, iy cay or at huii.e ; work jjimranieed; special rale tius week. Tabor 211. DRESSMAKER wants work by dav or piece. Can execute most uiff.cult designs in ladies', child rend' wear. Call E 1307 or s? : wood l 2'jl THE Original Make-Over Shop, 42 Fliedner and re- ou;g. ; aressmaking, a.terat:oi;s modeling. FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable. 3ul Buctianan bidg. Main home or day. FIRST-CLASS tailoress. experienced ladies" ana gent coat hand, wisnes position im mediately. Phone Main O034. WANTED Dressmaking In famtlie . $1.50 Phone a aay ; satislaction guaranteed. Tabor 5301. GOWNS made in shop by expert designer a.t very special prices for one month; hignest references. Main 5130. MAKE-OVER SHOP. 202 Fliedner. Suits and gowns to order or remodeled. Wood lawn 3204, DRESSMAKING, work guaranteed. Cyj Com mercial st. Phone WooUiawn 2372. Sewing by day. Pfaone D ltVM. .ure. PLEASANT home hospital on Powell Valley roaa ; rneumatic patients a specialty; chronic invalids: convalescent, maternity; larg, airy rooms, attractive home. Phone 27X2 Gresham, Address U res ham. Or., R. 2. box 74. COTTAGE HOSPITAL. 1234 E. Morrison si. .Medical mate-rnity patients received; jneai for convalescents; trained nurses; sur roundings very congenial. Terms $10-$15 per week. 'labor 207. EDUCATED, refined, middle-aged woman -wants practical nurslnp; maternitv or in valid; JIO week; A-l references. Call Mon day. Main 7051, A 1517. YOUNG woman wants practical nursing. or care for Invalid; would assist with housework; hospital training. Phone Mar shall 20S, mornings. N URSE wants work, any kind of nursing; will travel and assist as companion; will work reasonable. R 429. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady as nursy and llOUSrt- Tabor keeper; doctor s references. Call i:4i. PRACTICAL nurse wants work; will do light, housework, $12 week. A-l references. Phone 1 120O. MIDDLE-AGED German woman, nurse, will take patients at hr home or will go out. Syracuse st. PRACTICAL nurse wishing maternity work or a:;y work. Marshall 4040. PHONE East 30SO for experienced, pracU- ei nurse, women ana cnuaren a specialty. lloi i se k per s. YOUNG woman desires gen--al housework; gooa cook, no washing; $2. month; A-l references. Call Monday. Main 7u31. A 17,17. CONGENIAL, neat. refined widow, with nice income, would like position as house keeper for widower or widow. Phone E f5y. AH 433, Oregonian. WANTED By widow, 34, unincumbered. position as housekeeper; economical; lirst class cook and baker; city or country D 440. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work as kitchen-helper in hotel. restaurant boarding house; experienced. AP 440, Ore- ko man. C ARABLE young woman, single, desires light housework for room, board and small wages; employed from 1 to 4: A-l refer ences. Call Monday. Main Toi.l, A !717. YOUNG lady wants housekeeping or house work; family privileges; $13 to $23 a month. East 3 472. CAPABLE, refined young lady wishes posi tion u nouseKeeper ior business mau or widower. F 430, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED respectable lac! v wants housekeeping for widower or bachelor; no objection to child. Call 620 j 1st st. W ANTED Position by lady as housekeeper in widower's family. Amsdou Hotel, room 07. WANTED To take charge of good apart ment house, by man and wife. Experi enced .Y" 443, Oreg"i Ian. REFINED, respectable woman. T.O. wants light housekeeping in widower's home, good, very neat. K 433, Oregonian. HOUSE K EEPING. by competent lad v. city or country. Phone Tabor C71S; references. 7 511 fi.Td ave. S E. LADY. 30. would like position as house keoper. G 4 7.0, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman with bov 7 wants place near school. AB 433. Oregonian. Domestics RELIABLE, expenrnred woman cook, citrf or country; not less than $27; can give good referencts. East 37.03 or F 41.0, Ore gonian. RELIABLE woman. Gorman, wants upstairs work in private family. Sews nicely: at tentive in illness; best of references. Main 70sj. MARRIED lady wishes position rs maid in hotel; board and room; husband erits out small wages; by April 1. AM 430, Ore gonian. MAN, wife, daughter, experienced. No. 1 cooks, want job iu hotel anywhere. E 431, Oregonian. iii.OM t,u woman position house-cleaning r liiunuress ; experienced laundress. Broadway 3373. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants second worK or cooiting. Apply 780 Johnson st. Phone Main 0131. YOUNG woman wants housework; expe rie iced. Address H 43S. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wants light housework; small lamny ; in apartment. Ali 44 u, oregonian. RELIABLE girl wants hswk. home nights. Main 4122. in apts,, go EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work. AK 430, Oregonian. WANTED Place as cook; East liSl. no laundry; $33. CAPABLE woman wants day work, laundry. tuuniiis or cleaning; reiorences. .Main 34 fU. POSITION as office girl in physician's lentist's office. Phone Mar. 1O04. EXPERIENCED sires position. cook. C 427 city references, de Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chambermaid sition. Sellwood 130. wishes po- willing girl wants to assist; state wages. i -i:;o, ore -on lan. COMPETENT woman wants general house work, good cook. W 430, Oregonian. COOK and second giri wish place, country pieierreu. v -?, urfgonian. A LADY wants light housework. Main 7S0Sw NEAT woman wishes position good family; Miscellaneous. lUL.Mi lauy wanes position in centist s or aoctor s orrice; nave iiad experience in general otrice. A WOMAN wants day work Tue., Wed. Thur..: neat and quick. East 2023 Call mornings. EXPERIENCED upstairs and sewing nald or lauy s msia; no oojection to traveling. Phone Monday. Sellwood 2373. ALL-AROUND, capable, middle-aged woman wants work ; 27c nr. ; A-l references. Call Monday. Main 7031. A JM7. as experieucea woman aesires a position as exchange operator for hotel or wholesale nouse. cau seiiwooa l .-i.i. UNINCUMBERED woman good cook wants day work or by week. Woodlawn 310. Bryant. LESSONS given in grammar grade studies. 5Qc; backward pupils specialty. Main 5721. LACE curtains done: 12 years experience Tabor 5933. Miss Scott. RELIABLE girl wants work In bakery store Ma. in 4122. ' EXPERIENCED woman wants washing, fine ironing, by day. Phone D 12oo. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day or hour. Miss Hanna. East 7113. EXPERIENCED chambermaid; can room at home. East 3503. MIDDLE-AGED woman 560. wants work. East PRIVATE lessons In Entrlieh to grown peo ple; Eastern teachsr. BF 4S5, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work or second work. Phone Main 3349. WASHING, ironing, cleaning or sewing by day or hour, 20 cents an hour. Tabor 704. GOOD laundress wants work, Main 40 3. day or hour. LACE curtains, draperies, hand laundered. Called for; 20c up. Experts. Sellwood 10O6. COLORED woman wishes day work or small washing to take home. Main fe209. WOMAN wants work of any kind by day. Woodlawn -705. HOUSEWORK WANTED Woodlawn 4279. by colored girl. COLORED woman wishes chamber work or plain cooking. Main b200. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, wants work. Marshall 241;". GOOD laundress wants washing, ironing, cleaning, all Kinds day work. Main 41K-3. HOUSEWORK 1.S per day, carfare. Tab. 2028 today. Through week phone evening. COLORED girl wants day work. Broadway W ANTE D Day Shall 604. work or catering. Mar- WANTED, by a sit ion of trust. woman of ability, a AB 431, Oregonian. WOMAN wants day work, laundry or clean Ins; experienced. Main S3b0, room 7, S1TI ATION S W AN TKI FEMALE Mi;oelftaneouft. CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC" EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's i-epartmv-nt. Cirv Hall. NO FEE CHARGED. Reliable. competent help. any line, prvmpt-y supplied, srenogra pliers, book keepers, clerks, ho'ifi' keepers, domes; ics, day workers, etc. Marsha. 1 4 10O. A 4 125. PRACTICAL woman, state's l.u certificate, wishes teaching and tare of chi.dren sev eral hours daily; best references. Sell wood ltk'5. TEACHER wants, iu exchange for rouia or boaru. teaching to do; ail subjects. In cluding stenography or companion. Bi 4 2 7. UTTuonian. YoU NO woman wants work by the day or hour, experienced hand. 720 Mississippi a e. Tel. Wood!. Svl. Nazarene Army of America. KEKIXED woman past $0. neat, capable worker, wants place as companion; light wotk. poou furrounainss. Augusts W o od b u r n , Or. ta Barker. PRACTICAL woman, states life certificate, wishes teaching and care of children, sev eral hour; daily; best references. Sell wood 1005. ACCOMPLISHED p:anist and sincer wants position. Marshall 2206. X 430, Orego nian. ANY" kind of day work wanted by woman in need of work. Phone Marshall 2151. Mrs. Magare. W A N TED Position in general office work or a competent cashier. Address AO 441, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED '.lundrt-ns and houseeleaner w an; s work for Thursday ; references. Rroadway4217. CAPABLE, reliable woman wants laundry to take home, reasonable; A-l references. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1 5 17. DINNEU BtTveu ; 1 0i0. weddings, planned, prepared, t uriiitf h ; references. Sell w ood WANTED Day work, good cook and laun dress. Tabor 4723. GIRL to do housework. Woodlawn 3847 Y A N T E I TO BEST WANTED Room suitable for barber shot; give location and rent. AN 451. Oregonian. Uoosc. GOOD 5 AND 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSES AND HL N G A 1.U W S IN DE M A N D. DUE TO THE SUDDEN Rl'KST (! AC TIVITY IN RENTING VACANT HOUSES, MY LISTINGS HAVE BEEN DEPLETED. WHY NOT G!i.ASP Til E OPPOJITl Nl TV AND LIST YOUR VAC ANT HOUSE WITH ME AND BE BENEFITED. DO NOT TELEPHONE. BUT CALL ON G. G. ROHREK. RENTAL SPECIALIST, 301 PANAMA BUILDING. WANT to rent residence from 2 to 5 years; may purchase Inter; 6-7 rooi s. with den or iun parlor, fine basement, good ar1. garage, on West Side, preference West over Terrace or W ii lame tie Heights. AM 434, Oregonian. WANTED By manager of corporation, un furnished 6 or 7-room hous or bungalow on or near Willamette Heights; must be modern in every respect; will lease if suitable; answer by letter to AH 435, OreKonian. WANT small, modern house, cot t at, or bun galow East or Wet Side; mutt nae elec tricity ciis and bath: near kooc carline; reasonablv close in ; expect to be perma nent if suited; state lowest terms, 1-1 420. Oregonian. WANTED By reliable party, to rent or lease 6-room bungalow, strictly modern and new. small yard. East Side, Haw thorne district preferred; answering state fully terms and location. Address AH 4t. Oreponian. WANTED By family of three. 6-roorn, house in good neighborhood, within 13 minutes car ride of oth and Wash. House wita yard preferred. Good tenants. AD 4 2S, Ore g on i aiu WANTED Small furnished flat or bunga low by 2 adults, modern conveniences, reasonable rent and distance from post- office. L 430, Oresonian. WE HAVE call for all the good five and six-room rental houses you can bring us. List at once. The Oregon Home Builders, HVio N. W. Bank bldy. TO EXCHANGE Bricklaying for rent of furnished house or rooms. Fireplaces a specialty; would furnish material. Phone East 5&49. t SIX TO 8-room modern home, before May 1, east of 17th, north of Broadway; de sirable tenant. State location and rental W 4 30, Oregonian. WANTED By young married couple, mod ern four or five room furnished cottage. East Side, near carline; state rent wanted. BO 40, Oregonian. 5 OR 6-room flat or house, furnished or un furnasheu; new, modern; lirep.ace. sleep ing uorch: Nob Hill or soutawest ciisL preferred. H 4:i0, Oreironian. WANTED A small furnished house or bun galow on Portland Heights or Council Cre-t. dilress AL 4P, Oregonian. 1 WOULD like to take care of a nice place free or for small rent; can give references. Tabor 42VJ. . TWO adults. C. S.. would care home for nominal rent. Mar. 13 Oregonian. for nlo AP 437 WANT furnished district. AO 4 house, good East Side 'S Oregonian. W ANT E 1 Nicely f u r n i h h e location ; ?27. Tabor I'.'M house in go Apartments. WANTED A small furnished apartment or room and board in private family by voung woman; location convenient to M t. Tabor or Broadway car preferred. M 430. Oregonian. BEST location. West Side, or Portland Heights. Fleeplng porch, furnished, for Summer months; reasonable; best of ret erences exchanged. S 43s-, Qreg.nlan. Koonit). WIDOW and son want rooms for light housekeeping, modern coner.lfp.eps, in quiet private family preferred. State rent. L 42S, Oregonian SLEEPING PORCH or part of sleeping porch and room. West Side preferred; best of references. R 438. Oregonian. Room. W it h Board. REF I N" ED young lady of good character who Is employed during the office hours desires board and room, al.o conven iences and privileges of a home, with a private family ; Christian Science family preferred. AN 420, oregonian. LADY will pav $75 per month for sn'-O of rooms and board In private family ' im proved residence, with running wa.'vr and bath connection. Address X 424. Oregonian. GENTLEM AN wishes permanent room and board with private family living on West Side apartment-house. AF 42, Ore gonian. BY BUSINESS gTrl, clean room, board, home privileges, in good location, near Reed College preferred. Give particulars. S 440, Oregoniam ROOM and board, walking distance, gle lady, employed during day. Oregonian. by si n 430, BOARD and room at ranch or country hous-j for lady with young children. AH 4 3 6. Orvgon i'an. REFINED lady wantt with refined family. room and boar 1 A Ii 46, Oregonl.i n. YOUNG lady wishes room and board. AD 429, Oregonian BuMoeHt Places. EXPE RIENCED loan and Insurance man wants office connections with reliable at torney or insurance office. G 427, Orego nian. Or. KENT. i"uruithed Booms, SAN MARCO HOTEL. 5224 Washington Beautiful, clean, at tractive rooms, facing street, $12 month up; court rooms, $6 month up; suite with, bath. $18 month; free phone; best rooms In city for the price. HOTEL B LACKS-TONE, corner 11th and stark, $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two in a room; room and bath- $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Washing ton Fireproof brick, elegantly located, all outside, clean, well-furnished, steam-heated rooms, running hot and cold water, phone, quiet, homelike; $2.50 week up. KARL HOTEL, Broadway and Taylor. Opposite Y W. and Y. M. C. A. Modern rooms and prices to correspond with the times. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st., at loth Central location. REDUCED RATES, rvc per day up; week ly, $2.30 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; Fieam heat. ELTON COURT HOTEL. Yamhill at 11th Street. One vacancy; large room, bath, private phone, elevator service, $2."i. Main 6973. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 W. -09 4TH. Rates. C'Oc, 75c, $1 day; permanent pm-sts, $2.7)0 week up; for choice suites with connecting baths, f20, $25 month. HOTEL EATON. West Park, corner Mor rison, comfortable rooms, convenient lo cation, moderate rates, from $15 month up. HOTEL LIND. For comfort and conveniences; modern and clean: .'0c up. 44 3d st. roadway 4sk. LOVELY" 2 and 3-room suites, rent very reasonable. 700 Flint, near RusselL E. 1147.. Williams ave. car. HOTEL CORDOVA. 209 11th st. Strictlv modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 0472. A 4783. MODERN and J 2.1 rooms with bath, $3: others $2 O per week. liSS1. Alder. SPOKANE HOTEL. 2S - N. 2d. Cash. Rea sonable. S.eam heat. Phone Eroaiway