The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 27, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 34

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"WANTED Competent girls for housework,
tiiays Harbor towns; small family,
and $25 uiunth; wunuin lor general work,
country hotel, $5 week; woiiuin with or
w ithout child for housekeeping in country,
$10 tu $1- mouth. Public Employment
Bureau, City Hall. Phone ilarshull 410
or A 4i-o.
LAHGE manufacturer will establish acilve
lady of good address and ability In per
manent, profitaole business in her home
town; 5 to $100 per month; experience
unnecessary; aU or spare time; occupa
tion congenial to woman of refinement.
Kor particulars, address Parker Mills, 28t
North l-'th at., F it !i a d e 1 p h la. Fa.
"WANTED Educated woman to take train
ing in pruftiiaioual corsetry that she may
b able to nerve the client in the seclu
sion of her home, satisiied to earn $10
or $12 pe week for the lirst three
months. .spirella Corsets. Airs. E. fawan.
city organizer, or3 Everett st. Main 'Ut.
v ANTED Educated woman to take train
ing in professional corsetry that sne may
be aide, to bcrve the client in the seclu
sion of her name, satisiied to earn $10
or $12 per week ior the tirst three
t mumns. pirclia Corsets. Mrs. E- Swan,
tity oranizr, ito'i Everett st. Main -i4.
"WANTED Lady of established social posi
tion, Oregon tun preferred, without busi
ness training but obliged to make good
. income; work suited to person of culture
and opportunity; nothing to sell. Address
ummeaiateiy; 'Box Ail 410, Uregunian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady of education and cul
ture to interview motners on raurw n'"-
ing of children in tne norae; may
will pay a week to those who qualify.
Kor particulars call between and u at 2.
Ainsworth bids.
"WANTED A private telephone operator;
must have some knowledge of shorthand
and tvpe writing; reply in own handwrit
ing, stating age, experience and salary
expected. BC 413, Oregonian.
WANTED Woman about 55 years old to
live with old lady; no family; must be
able to do housework and cooking; Ger
mua preferred. 401 Prescott au Phone
LADY manager wishes a stenographer and
office assistant for a few hours daily; must
e of pleasing appearance; small salary to
begin; chance Ior advancement. -5 Ains
worth. TWO ladies, about 40 years of age; must
be well educated and of pleasing appear
ance, for special work in Portiand and
vicinity; those accustomed to meeting pub
lic preferred. A 4ia. oregonian.
WANTED A woman of refinement and am
bition 'who desires to work to fit herself
lor a good business position; one who
has used Viavi preferred; interview
necessary. A J 415. oregonian.
LADIES I have solved the pin-money prob
lem; for silver quarter I will tell how
I earn $5 weekly besides caring for my
home and children ; no canvassing. Mrs.
E. Emerson, gen. delivery, ir'or.iu.iia. or.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men is now located at room 303 new Po
lice Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance given to women and girl.
Interview confidential.
WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for
general housework; family of two; must
be first-class cook and have city refer
ences. Apply mornings :7l N. 22 d st.
Main 7G15T.
CALIFORNIA 200 motion picture companies.
Easy to write plays; highest prices; no
school. We revise, sell. Send for free de
tails. Photoplay Bureau, 3o5 Sta. C, Los
- Angeles.
LADILs wishing to learn beauty culture,
see me before February y; also one to
learn corset business. 307 Northwest
hldg., fth and Washington sts.
WANTED Reliable girl for general house
work; family of two, with baby; must
!-, good plain cook; references required.
Main 0045.
GOVERNMENT positions open to women,
$75 morfcth. Write immediately free list.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 il, Roches
ter, N. Y. -
LADY partner wanted for commercial photo
graph business; small investment required;
gmid solicitor preferred. Apply BC 40Sf
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
must like children; good wages; refer
ences. Montavllla car. Ill Laurelhurst
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per
week; railroad fare paid. . Goodrich Drug
Company, Dept. 511, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Woman for general housework,
must furnish references; two in family.
Call at 1003 East 10th st. North Sunday
morning. Take Alberta car.
WANTED Girls for outside work; good
pay; call between ! and 10 A. M. Prof.
Marenu's Art School, ol3 V Washington,
ro'm -31!.
WANTED Lady to take charge office and
cash mail orders; must invest $500. Sal
ary $ 100 month, permanent. Address C
4o7, Oregonian.
PRIVATE family, where girl is treated
right, wants general housework girl or
woman. Must understand cooking and
have city references. A 3J7, Oregonian.
$18 WEEK, expenses advanced. Women ta
travel, appoint agents for concentrated
ft od flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co.,
412 Como bidg., Chicago.
WANT girl 5 to S years as companion to
baby on camping trip; will adopt. AM
415. Oregonian.
won't you pleaso write to me? I promise
nt to come near you. Will.
WOMAN to do cooking and housework out
side of Portland; state experience and
wages required. AV .t4, Oregonian!
HINSDALE'S Commercial School. ui Or
pheum bidg. (Empress). Individual In
st rtict ions; position when capable.
EXPERIENCED and apprentice for dress
making and ladies' tailoring. B 410,
WANTED1 School girl for housework, small
family, no children, $5 month. Phone Sell
wuod SO'J.
WANTED Girl to care for one child and
assist with second work. Phone Main 7905.
Call 702 North r up.
A MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework In
country, two people. Clackamas, Or. F.
M. Townsend.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. 51!) East 20th st. North. Call
before 3 o'clock.
WANTED Housekeeper on farm, past mid
dle age, 1 or 2 men. $2 per waek, perma
nent. AV 6S2, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Company, 423
Pittock block. 385 Washington.
WANTED Lady as companion and take
care of girl of 10 years. Board and room
and time off. H 40S, Oregonian.
' CLEAN elderly woman for light house
work; small wages, but good home. Call
Sunday. 10S6 E. Morrison st.
$5 100 FOR collecting names and addresses;
Instructions 12 cents. Mailing service, 210
Holliday bidg., Indianapolis. Ind.
. TRIMMERS, preparers, makers; only ex
perienced hands need apply. Lowengart &
LADIES wanting work, we want demon
strators. $1 to $3 per day made. 502-3
Columbia bidg.
EXPERIENCED law stenographer ; state
. salary, references and experience in detail.
AL 411, Oregonian.
LESSONS in manicuring $1 week, day or
evening; also dein. for wrinkle astringent.
Call week days 397 Eugene.
GIRL to take care of 1 child and assist
with housework. 428 Rodney ave. Apply
any time Sunday.
Sanitary fteautv Parlors College for ladies
onlv; make vourself Independent with good
trade. 400-412 Dekum bidg., 3d and Wash.
AT ONCE Thoroughly competent fitter for
women's suits, coats, skirts, etc. BC 420,
WAN T E D Elderly lady to care for children,
more for home than wages. $22 E. Burr
st.. St. Johns.
A GOOD, healthy, elderly lady can have
good home for light services. Call after
10 A. M. at 41 E. 2Sth st., cor. Pine st.
WANTED Refined lady for housekeeper
and look after small children. -Apply at
173 3d st.
DEMONSTRATORS wnnted. 417-18-19-20
Northwestern Bank bidg.
Typewriter $5 mo. 261) 14th. Main Ssit3.
WOMAN to do chamberwork for husband' j
room and board. 51i N. 21st st.
FANCY clothes ironer; must be experienced.
Pacific Laundry, 231 Arthur.
SCANDINAVIAN girl for general housework,
5-room cottage. $25. Sellwood lS6i.
GIRL wanted for cooking and assist with
housework. 715 Flanders, corner 22d.
LADY companion, assist with housework ;
$!: references. L 423, Oregonian.
ATTEND Miss Decker's PRIVATE Business
College, Commonwealth Mdg. Bdwy. 4258.
EXPERIENCED second girl, adult family;
reference required. Mafn P503.
GIRL for general housework to assist with
rooking. 856 Northrup.
HIGH SCHOOL girl for room and board and
small wages. Phone Tabor 5544.
GIRL for general housework, references re
quired. R30 E. 21st st. N.
WANTED Girt for general housework.
Sellwood 1"44.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
- small family, good wages. 714 Lovejoy.
LADY solicitors wanted. Call at 1015 Broad
way bidg.
GIRL for general housework. No. 2 Grace
Apts.. 24th and Northrup.
GIRL for general housework. Phone Main
72"-: mM after 11 A. M.
C I RL to learn rtressmaklnc In exchange
. for light housework, G 425, Oregonian.
A BL'SLN'ESS woman, living in suburban
home, wants young lady companion, em
ployed, and share household expenses;
give full particulars. F 400, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED demo istrator for a made-to-meusure
corset made in Portland; good
remuneration. Tabor Cl'49. Monday.
WANT E D G i r 1 for general housework,
family of 4. Apply Monday at 1201 Haight
ave., or phone .C 12i3. "
EXPERIENCED ledger clerk; references
required. AE 410, Oregonian.
GIRL, for general housework and cooking.
577-E. 24th st. N,
WANTED An experienced milliner. Call
1106 Burrage st. Peterson.
FIRST-CLASS finishers on waists, gowns.
N (111 iimis ttliuir V A 1'CI It. 1 -v - ..--s- .
GIRL or lady to cook on farm; $S per
month. Main 7015.
A LA D V wishes a refined lady to share
apartment. Mar. 3-S'..
WANTED First-class tailoress. 303 North
western Bank bids'. -
GOOD girl for housework. Apply morning
or evening. 241 2 1st North.
A LADY has a nice home: wants someone
to help share expanses. Phone East 7170.
LADY BARBER wanted at 2S. Burnslde.
female, who will loan employer ior nnri
time about S70o: can have good interest.
security and salary; excellent opportunity
for advancement ; might consider giving
interest in business later, ax -a, ore
and women to 1-earn the trade; tuition re
duced; paid while learning; diplomas Is
sued to graduates; 32 colleges; 22 years
in Dusinesa. v raw i"i Laiamtup -
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, newly or
ganized corporation, with a great future,
reasonable salary to start with; unless
thoroughly experienced ana reierencea,
don't apply. 4U3 Pittock blk.
and women to learn tne oaroer tratre in
weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free:
Daid while learning; modern method
teaching; tuition reduced. -33 Madison
MAN and wife, no children, to work on
farm; man to do general farm work, wife
must be willing housekeeper. Call at room
2ul Hotel Arthur, Sunday and Monday
mornings bet. 10 ana iz.
MvAPV m iittic without a teacher : easiest
note system; send stamp for three sample
piano lessons. jonn jjeioriuge, uauvuiw,
MAN and wife for fruit ranch on shares;
excellent proposition to responsible parties.
51K1 B. 23d st, N. Phone E. 4722.
TEACHERS desiring review work for com
ing examinations call Broadway 4258.
SOL1CITERS Quick saljs. cash daily; call
Sunday or Monday A. M.. 407 4th st.
WHY spend from 7 to 10 months to learn
STENOGRAPHY when you can learn it iu
from 2 to 3 months and for 1-5 the cos;,
bv my SIMPLE METHOD of teaching. ALL
hold you back. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL.
BYE'S S. H. SCHOOL, 211 Stock Ex
chance bltlg.. 3d and Yamhill.
MEN and women for U. S. Government po
sitions; $75 month; steady work; common
education sufficient; pull unnecessary;
write immediately for free list of positions
now obtainable. Franklin Institute, desk
AH, Rochester, N. Y.
WATCHES cleaned,
work guaranteed,
bidg., Gth, Ankeny.
c; mainspring, t;c;
i18 Commonwealth
WANTED Names of men, 18 or over,
wanting railway mall clerk positions; $u
month. Address AV oot, oregmiian.
AMBITIOUS men and women to qualify
for moving pictures. 725 Chamber of
JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A
1670. Jap. Assn. of Or., 218 Henry bidg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
14th and Johnson Sts.
Salesmen, office men. clerks, mechanics,
farm hands, housemen, cooks, mill men,
loggers, laborers, :tc.
No fee charged employer or employe.
Out-of-town orders given prompt atten
tion. Main 2555, A 5624
YOUNG man, 30, business college education,
office and salesmanship experience, would
like position with Arm where there is a
chance of advancement and where honesty
and ambition would be appreciated; city
references. H 4o;i, Oregonian. .
ARE YOUR BOOKS in a tangle? I have
audited books for some of the biggest
concerns in the country; let me straight
en yours. 1 will charge you less than
anyone and do it better than you expect
Mitchell. Main 5753.
COMPETENT, reliable office man. 2S, mar
ried, experienced stenographer and book
keeper, wants work in or out of town;
good executive ability and not afraid of
work. AV 072. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, salesman,
thorough and rapid; experienced ma
chinery, building and real estate; good
correspondent and collector. Salary sec
ond consideration. C 408, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by married man, age 20;
good dresser and mixer; drive machine;
fast on typewriter; references; anything
considered, office work, outside, etc. M
405. Oregonian.
EFFICIENT city salesman with wide ac
quaintance and established trade desires
connection with reliable lirm. Phone East
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, timekeeper and
ail-around mill and lumber man. able to
handle men, desires position. J 411), Ore
COMPETENT, reliable hotel clerk, 28, mar
ried 10 years' experience, desires posi
tion In or out of city; local references. S
417. Oregonian.
WANTED By young, active married man,
a position as . A-l card writer, window
trimmer and advertising man. X 417,
' Oregonian.
TRUSTWORTHY young man, good penman,
wants clerical position, corporation or
w holesale house; local experience; will
begin small salary. Af oregonian.
man, zt. neat, very rapiu, coiupeteuu jui.
Lee. East 53ti0.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier de
sires permanent position; can give beat of
city references. AJ 422, Oregonian.
PRUNING, transplanting, landscape gar
dener, making lawns, guarnntee satisfac
tion or no pay; 40 years' experience.
Main 7170. Hotel Tennessee, 4th and
COPYING and addressing; pen or type
writer; good work, reasonable charges.
Mirshall 3t7.
MAN with machine wishes contract work
or delivering of any kind. Mr, Melvin,
A 3475. .
POSITION wanted by man and wife as cook
and helper in small camp or mill; good
reference. Phone East OS. 132 East 3d st.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as jan
itor; experienced. Phone Main 7170.
WANTED To manage apartment house
for rent of apartment. Call Marshall 133.
PAINTING, papering and tinting by day or
contract." Phone Marshall 3080.
WHEN you want a carpenter, phone East
351, C 2056.
STUDENT wants to work for board and
room: a hustler. al 4i- oregonian.
CARPENTER foreman wants situation, day
or contract. Sellwood 1359
EXPERIENCED camp cooks, man and wife.
34)8 Salmon st. Phone Mar. 42$, room 5.
YOUNG man, 21. wants work of any kind;
must be steady. O 416. Oregonian.
PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling,
cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87.
SALESMAN or solicitor, age .3. r.ober, and
a hustler; references. M 420. Oregonian.
GOOD driver with horse and wagon seeks
position. Marshall 4583.
WANT position as planerman ; can furnish
reference. AG 415, Oregonian.
CARPENTER work .painting, cheap now.
Manny, Sellwood 2421.
PAINTING, papering, knlsomining by day
or contract. Phone Main 4140.
YOUNG man, sheet metalworker, wants any
kind of work. K 414. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants any kind of work, city
or farm. L. Vincent, 502 E. Pine st.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as
schoolboy. S 413, Oregonian.
WANT work on farm, man and wife and 2
grown sons. Ralph Mossen. 308 Salmon st.
TWELVE YEARS' experience boomman,
married, want job. X 418. Oregonian.
WANTED A job as a sheep herder.
41 1 . oregonian.
EXPERIENCED janitor desires position;
5od references. S 412. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young man desires perma
nent place on farm. M 41Q. Oregonian.
JANITOR, kitchen work: wide experience:
m-ai, quick., -mux Mic. i --.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants position in 1
tainiiy. Japanese mission.
BAKER Assistant, country shop. 3 b 2d. 1
POSITION by thoroughly experienced dry
goods, ladies' and gents' furnishings, cloth
ing and shoe man; window-trimmer and
card-writer; first-class references as to
ability, honesty and getting results; opuu
for position with good firm; moderate sal
ary with chance for advancement.
Box 340, Pendleton, Oregon.
EXPERIENCED men's clothing, furnishing
and shoe salesman who can trim windows
and write cards, is open for position; good
all-around salesman; wants permanent lo
cation where a hustler can get ahead;
good references. Address AV ti77, Orego
MECHANICAL engineer, at present en
gaged in soiling patent devices, equipped
to go East on a selling tour, would like
to present your invention to Eastern
manufacturers and other Interested par
ties Address G03 Pittock block, Portland,
OPERATOR, machinist of linotype, inter
tvpe or linograph seeks position; speedy,
clean and reliable; practical in all branches
of newspaper production. Address AV 0S4,
BOYS, bright, willing, capable, graduates
and students of Jefferson High School,
wantwork all or part time. Phone Jef
ferson High School Employment Bureau,
Woodlawn 2603.
CAPABLE, reliable young man, married,
experienced chauffeur, wants work; can
driv and keen in repair any car; Al
references; call Monday. Tabor 074 or
A loli. .
ABLE-BODIED, reliable married man, with
four children, wants work on -farm on
shares or -wages; Al references; call Mon
day. Main 7051, A 1517. 411 Commer
cial blk.
ELDERLY American, single, of exemplary
habits, trustworthy, intelligent and handy
presentable In appearance, wishes any kind
POSITION wanted bv A-l refrigerator engi
neer, one that understands ice and cold
storage and all kinds of repair work; can
give best oi references. Auaresa .&ox odo,
Rainier, Or.
PRINTER-EDITOR wants country Job. Good
printer, writer, proofreader and news hus
tler; married, sober, reliable. State wages.
Address "M," room 322, National Realty
bidg., Tacoma, W ash;
SITUATION wanted by young married man
pnmnpfflnt nrehardiat and irardener: trust
worthy and reliable; good references. BF
i (, oregonian
YOUNG MAN. axe So. energetic, sober.
trustworthy, wants work in warehouse or
store; not airaia ot wora; reiereuuea.
419, Oregonian.
MAN and wife. Americans, experienced in
farm work, want work on ranch or where
both can work together. Address C. J.
Johnson,' S05 Grand ave.. Portland.
HOLLANDER, experienced gardener, out
and Indoors, wants work; references;
married, no children; used to farming,
etc. Howell, 42 6th st. N.. Portland.
HOLLANDER, experienced, out and ln-doors,
wants work; references; married, no chil
dren, used to farming, etc. Howell, 423
0th St. N., Portland.
EXPERIENCED, reliable man to do your
spading, pruning, etc.; experienced gar
dener; Al references; call Monday. Main
7051, A 1517.
CAPABLE-, reliable- man wants work; experi
enced elevator operator or night watch
man; Al references; call Monday. Main
70.-.1, A 1517.
DRY' GOODS MAN open for position, is man-
ager or buyer; Best of references. East
ern and Western experience. P 421, Ore
gonian. WANT position as traveling salesman; have
had several years' experience; any rea
sonable proposition will be considered; A-l
references. AL 416. Oregonian.
PRINTER Editor, reliable, 20 yrs.' exp.,
good writer, business getter, wants job
any place, country daily or weekly; rea
sonable wages. AF 417, Oregonian.
ALL-ROUND printer wants work, press
work or typesetting; was manager of job
office In city two years. Answer AV GDI,
CHAUFFEUR wants job; careful driver; any
make car; do own repair work. Answer
AV M)2, Oregonian.
ORCHARDIST Thoroughly experienced
every phase fruitgrowing ; capable taking
charge. AB 414, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, reliable, trust
worthy, desires steady work, any car;
private or commercial. H 418, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED superintendent of construc
tion, civil engineer, solicits correspondence.
Address AV 070, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants a job as general
housework or cook; prefer out of city. AM
419, Oregoniam
MEATCUTTER wants steady position in or
out of city; references. Address Y 41S,
CHAUFFEUR wants position; can drive car
and keep it in good shape. AR 420, Ore
gonian. NEAT, reliable Japanese boy desires gen
eral housework ; good cook ; good refer
ences. N. 8th st. A 3205.
GET my estimate for painting in all
branches; good work, reasonable Main
4003, Mar. 1508. ,
BAKER, experienced all around; married
and steady man; country preferred. Thiel,
392 0th at.
WANTED A relief job, cigar store; 8 years'
experience; live one; bonds and references
if required. V 417, Oregonian.
COMPETENT bass desires place with trio or
quartet;, will travel. Call Oregon City,
41 3M.
RELIABLE JapjMiese boy wants position as
ga rue nor uuu wuauncui. ji -u, "o
nian. KXPKRIEXCED orchard man wants or-
h chard of any kind; give good reference.
Box 317, Portland.
PRINTER, 35 years' experience, w twits job
on country newspaper. Auuress oox i ,
Kelso, Wash. .
ELDERLY' man will cook and care for
bachelor, apt. or small club. H 3iS, Ore
gonian. POSITION wanted by first-class gas or
steam engine mechanic; reference. Jast
RELIABLE, middle-ased man wants work;
experienced houseman ; J 10 month ; ref
erences: call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517.
PRINTER of experience wants situation on
country weekly; reasonable wages, u 40a,
MARRIED, all-round man, best reference.
no smoker, wants worK oc any Kinu;
good teamster. Tabor IOCS.,
ELEVATOR operator (but accept other
work, regular wages). uraKe, uti belling.
Main 3302.
WANTED Position by young man. general
business experience; will accept any kind
of work. J 413, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man, strong, active, well
educated: will work on trial. Phone beu
wood IS 59.
BOY' going to trade school wishes work after
scnool ana &aturaays. Auuress x- no,
EXPERIENCED collecler, with motorcycle,
desires position handling installments or
other accounts. Phone Marshall 25 so.
CAN hustle and get results; 15 years' ex
perience real estate ana outside worK ;
look me up. AE 415, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work on ranch; no
children: capable of taking charge. T
411, Oregonian.
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer, varied experi
ence, including law, desires permanent po
sition or half-day work; reasonable salary.
J 416. Oregonian.
CAPABLE stenographer and office assistant
wants permanent position. I'hone Jeifor
son High School Employment Bureau,
Woodlawn 2603.
HONEST, refined young woman desires po
sition in doctor's or dentist's office, with
opportunity for advancement. G 3)3, Ore
gonian. CIRCULAR lett-srs, manuscripts, etc., type
written at moderate cnarge. At 4is, ore
gonian. YOUNG lady would like position in doc
tor s or dentist s onice; experienced. Main
WANTED By experienced competent ste
nographer temporary or permanent posi
tion. Phone E. 3031.
COMPETENT stenographer wishes any kind
of ortice work; experienced; good refer
ences. Phone Tabor 7077.
EXPERT office girl for doctor; care for
calls and patients ngnt. axl 4i. ore
gonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer desires
position; 7 years experience, 414, ore
gonian. UNDERWOOD typewriter, late model; per
fect condition, cheap. ro trades, r 40O,
EXPERIENCED stenog. desires permanent
position ; temporary worK accepted. Jiar
shall 4588.
BY" YOUNG woman optician registered in
Oregon, as assistant in a physician s or
oculist's office. H 410, Oregonian.
GIRL wishes position as errand girl in of
fice. East 6i14.
EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper and
stenograpner desires position, iuain 34 s.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, willing to
iegm on smn'i samry. h'none i r ior '''4.
yoL-NG LADY wants reception room work
in doctor's office. J 405, Oregonian.
Bookkeeper-, and feitenog rap hers.
nnvRTv iTinv hnnk keener end stenog
rapher, can handle any set of books, or
would take three or four small sets of
books to keep; highest local reiereuce.
Tabor 0000.
REFINED, educated young woman, with
three years' business experience and some
knowledge of bookkeeping desires oitice
work; physician s ortice preierreu.,
ences. Phone East 6110.
. i.ATn-.v u'OMtn.l vw thorouirhlv com
petent bookkeeper and stenographer, with
lire insurance ana manmacLui iub
ence. BC 417, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, familiar with
lumber and shingie terms, desires posi
tion; can also do mimeograpnmg auu
multigraphlng. Mam J-oi.
Dress maaero.
FASHIONABLE dressmaker, experienced
designer, no patterns; alterations
ready-to-wear; reasonable. Phone appo
San menus, rormeriy walu nmio : , . ' , -Francisco.
471 E. Burnslde. Marshall 200o,
Hte lAfiu, miuuiu-ttfieu u...a,. -
exchange sewing for reasonable room rent
near x . v v . v-. . - .
Aionaay. jiam ivtu, a .
young woman, reliable fitter suits and
dresses, experienced three different cov
tries, wishes position immediately. M
i. A. J n. .ain tvot
NOW is the time to make over that dress;
we show you just now. van uu
gate. 503 Dekum bidg. MainK7oJ.
DRESSMAKING, family sewing, children
work, by cay. East 320S. Ask for dress
nimi)ATr' in v nnmiwtflnt. stvlish dress
Tnb-o. wihq more engagements; city
references, jiam (ow.
. . t-tt- Avnriniirod v. v da.v i refer
ence; designs or copy; price 2.o0. Phone
niitai uio.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable;
home or day; 301 Buchanan bidg.
Main 051 3. ,
x "v- i A-ram airar mid designer,
'best city references, wishes day work.
Main 0170, room -'l.
FASHIONABLE3 dressmaking, at home or
by day; prices reasouauie.
.vain a oo.
ALL kinds of plain family sewing done
cneapiy. jiaiama
EXPERIENCED dressmaker by the day
reasonable. East 2881
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by the day. Tabor oi
COATS, t suits, dresses by reliable dress
maker ; reasonable. E. 6502.
DRESSMAKING $2.50 a day ; satisfaction
guaranteed. labor ioo.
DRESSMAKING, $2.50 per day; good fit.
quick work; references. aiain v.
RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at home or by
day; work guaranteea. iiain uoo.
DRESSMAKING at home or by the day,
reasonabi-e. Marsnau zips
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work
by the day. taoor zji.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
ments; references. Sellwood
FIRST-CLASS tailoress and dressmaker, day
or home. Mrs. Summers, Main ti703.
MAKE-OVER shop, 202 Fleldner, suits,
gowns to order or remodeled. Mar. J2Q1.
DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring, your
home or mine; best reierence. .nam vxw.
PLEASANT home hospital on Powell Valley
road; rheumatic patients a specialty;
chronic invalids; convalescent, maternity;
large airy rooms, attractive home. Phone
27X2 Gresham. Address Gresham, Or., R.
2, box 74.
COTTAGE HOSPITAL, 1234 E. Morrison st.,
medical, maternity patients received;
ideal for convalescents; trained nurses
only; very congenial surroundings; terms,
X10 to $15 per week. Tabor 2087.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes any kind of
nursing, convalescent, sick, aged, invalid
or companion to lady; can travel. Mar
shall 2tfu.
HONEST, reliable girl wishes position as
nurse for small children; private home;
call between 10 and 2 o'clock Sunday.
Tabor 63U8.
WANTED -Babies, from infancy to C years;
given mother's love and care. Box 31,
THOROUGHLY reliable woman wishes ma-
ternicy cases at ner nome; Deist ot care,
reasonable rates. Mar. ilSOD.
MIDDLE-AGED, refined, kind nurse wants
children, invalid. mental; doctor's refer
ences. East 7517.
YOUNG WOMAN having some spare time.
like to care for children arternoons. luain
3384, apt. 27.
FIKST-CI-AS:1 prtctical iiurse; ready now.
East :U18, B 15S7.
SITUATION wanted by reliable nurse for in
fants; best references given. Marsnau
PRACTICAL nurse wishes maternity work or
day work. Marshall 404:t.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for wid
ower or bachelor, or manager of hotel or
rooming-house: would go out of city; by
widow, 35, good appearance, capable
manager and worker. R 411, Oregonian.
SCANDINAVIAN woman with 2 small chil
dren, wants a position as noustKeepor
or assist with work in country during
Summer. Address Mrs. C. Lemaire. Baynes,
B. C, Canada. ,
LADY", good cook, wants housekeeping in
country widower's family ; pleasant and
kind with children; will cook for crew;
state wages and particulars. "L 405,
YOUNG widow of refinement, accomplished
in music and domestic art, with baby girl
of 0, wishes to keep house in widower's
home. B 420, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants housekeeping position
for widower or bachelor, no triflers need
apply. Call after 11 A. M., room 12, Mar
shall 2058.
CAPABLE WIDOW wishes position as
housekeeper, care of furnished rooms, or
as companion and help to lady traveling.
Marshall 5032.
WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper.
good cook ; no tririers neeu appiy. uan
040 Alberta st.
WIDOW, with 2 children, girl 3, boy 7,
wisnes position, city or country, x. nonore,
1539 Vincent ave., Portland.
WANTED By middle-aged lady, good cook.
either bachelor or widower; no objection
to child. Call A 5020.' 302 Columbia.
A REFINED and capable lady o? experience
wants management or rirst-ciass apart
ment house. Phone E 4134.
MIDDLE-AGED refined lady, with boy 13,
wants position os housekeeper tor wiuower
or bachelor, L 402, Oregonian.
WANTED by middle-aged widow, house
keeping tor widower, or wouiu noaru i
or 2 gentlemen. A J 412, Oregonian.
YOUNG widow, unincumbered, wants H. K.
for widower or bachelor; best reference.
R. 218, Marshall 5355.
EXPE RIENCED woman wants position as
housekeeper in good home, fc-nst o.i-i.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants second work
or upstairs work in private tamiiy ; sews
nicely, fond of children. Main 2303 or J
414. Oregonian.
CAPABLE woman-wants day work. laundry.
cleaning or cooking; references. Main
COMPETENT cook wants position cook or
housework; bwedish ; wages not less than
$35. Woodlawn 3307
RELIABLE woman for general housework.
family of 4 adults; gnnrt wages to right
person ; references required. Mar. 3407.
COMPETENT girl with reference desires
housework. Phone Main 24;1 Monday, a
to 3.
EXPERIENCED second girl wishes position.
Telephone Woodlawn 3152.
EXPERIENCED second girl wishes position.
Woodlawn 338. Call from 9 to 11 A. M.
EX 1 ' EKiEN'C E D lad y would like ca teri ng ;
reft-rences; reasonable. East HS2.
NEAT woman wishes position In good fam
ily or as chambermaid. -ast lbofj
WOMAN wishes a place, half time work
or day work of any kind. Call East 6QS5.
PLACE as first-class cook, competent wom
an. Phone Woodlawn 2820.
EXPERIENCED cook, with references,
wants place of same. Woodlawn 310.
LACE CURTAINS, draperies hand laundered.
20c up; called for; experts. Sellwood ltf!6.
GIRL wishes general housework. 2025 E.
Taylor Bt. -
A GOOD cook would like position in or
out of town. Call 312 E. 48th st.
A FEW hours' work each day by capable
person, phone Main 6763.
A FIRST-CLASS ironer in laundry. all
Sellwood 2009.
EXPERT Ironer; only those needing work
done need answer. Marshall 743.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work by day,
hour or week. East 560.
HIGH school graduate wishes office work.
Mar. 3479.
EXPE R I ENCED woman wants chamber
work in hotel. Marshall H43.
HOUSE cleaning, $1.50 per day. carfare.
Phone Tabor 202 S.
GENERAL housework wanted by young
woman, experienced. T 422. Oregonian.
A NEAT colored maid. Call Sellwood 2U09.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
COLORED woman wants cooking or dp.y's
work. Broadway 1040.
RELIABLE lady wants work. A 1075.
EX." GIRL wishes housework. Main 5163."""""
THE Spring Hand Laundry. Phone East
7034. 2 shirt waists, 25c; ladies' dresses,
15c to 80c; children's dresses, 5c to 35c;
skirts, 5c to 20c; combination suits, 10c
to 15c; chemise, 10c to 15c; 2 nightdresses
for loc; corset covers, 5c to 10c; drawers,
Go; aprons, 5c to loc; 5 handkerchiefs Tor
5c; curtains, pair, 10c to 40c; 2 atockings
for 5c; 2-piece underwear for 5c; klmonas,
lOe to 20c; 2 pillow slips for 5c; 10 towels
10c to 15c; plain men's shirts, 10c to 15c;
blankets, 10cto 4uo; rough dry, 5c lb.
Women's Department, City Hall.
Reliable competent help, any line,
promptly supplied. Stenographers, book
keepers, clerks, housekeepers, domestics,
cay workers, etc. Mar. 41U0. A 4125.
REFINED and competent middle-aged lady
will oversee or tend apartment or room
inc.hmicc r .Ast references. Homey room
desired more than high salary. No
triflers need reply. Address xjox. ioo,
Dallas. Polk Co., Or.
WA'TV.n Position for hitch school girl
after school, nights or Saturdays. Under
stands commission, retail and wholesale
bookkeeping. Call East 1220 after 3 :30
P. M.
REFINED lady past 50, capable, nice work
er, wants place as companion, light work,
. good surroundings. Hulda Sutton, Hills
boro. Or, '
K.vpwwrpnh reliable voung woman
wants to go to Alaska as cook where
she can take ner year-oia ubuj ,
erences; call Monday. Main iQal, A 1517.
COMPETENT hairdresser wishes position, 8
years' experience. Have good following
and can give oest oi reiereauen. x
i'auaui ir rnnhi vrmne woman. 25. de
sires housework where she can take her
3-weeks-old baby; io; references; can
Monday. nam ivai, a ijh.
BY middle-aged woman, to assist in small
ramlly; smaa wages, buuu
Phone Marshall 21S8 or address 3.o
-a st., apt. ii.
RELIABLE woman, 35, desires housework
w here she can taKe ner iv-yem -uiu. uw, ,
references; can jiuauaj . -A
YOUNG ladv, experienced, good sight reader,
..QTito -nrir nrinniiiflniaL. vocal teacher,
pianist for quartet; any kind of work in
that line. Af i--, oregoni".
COUPLE (husband employed) will care for
child during day in excnau wi -.
rooms, references exchanged. L 408, Ore
p.pipmaw lnriv wishes noaitlon as lady's
maid or any position of trust; speaks
several languages; excellent reiereuvea.
Tabor &310.
CAPABLE woman with family, two children.
wants to exchange work ior room lent,
Al references; call Monday. Main 051,
A 1517.
REFINED Christian young lady wishes po
sit inn ri governess wlLh cood family;
speaks English, French and German; best
of reterences. t2 xi, oregonian.
vnuva c-iri wants to assist with house
work or care of cl.d in suburban home
or country. Address E 4l. oregonian.
WANTED By two middle-aged women
conks in country hotel, camp or mill; Al
references. AV 073, Oregonian.
TTT UCTi'T . A C4 frinlc WMTltS DOSltlOn in hotel.
city or country, or logging camp; good
reterences. rnone r.a.L qui.
DINNERS, teas, weddings planned, pre
pared, served: will furnish best references.
Sellwood 10H6- '
EXPERIENCED camp cook wishes position;
not afraid of work; references. O 410,
GIRL attending high school desires situa
tion in family, preferably near Jefferson
High School. Woodlawn 518.
WIDOW, well educated, refined English,
wishes work of any kind, daily t to 5.
O. E. H., 503 E. Ankeny.
A CAPABLE young lady wants a position,
furnish best of references. Phone Wood
lawn 1677.
ENGLISH Private lessons given to grown
people. Eastern teacher. JJ' 4uy. orego
EXPERIENCED woman wants cooking or
housekeeping; will leave city. Marshall
RELIABLE experienced woman wishes work
frora 9 to 4; care of invalids or children
preferred. Woodlawn 1757. m
LACE CURTAINS hand laundered and
bundle washing; experienced. 114 N. 15th.
Main 5009.
a fmidoved would like rooms in pri
vate family where she could work for her
board. AC 41, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants day
work; 2oo hour; Al references; call Mon
riav. Main 7051, A 1517.
GRAMMAR grade and high school studies
tauglit; oacicwara pupim epeciuity. inun
STRONG, healthy, willing school girl wants
place to work where she can attend
school; Couch School district. East 5969.
w i 'TKn opneral housework or private
laundry work by experienced colored wom
an; $20 a month. i;aii main u-u.
EXPERIENCED adding machine operator
desires position. Address 103 E. 11th.
East 0247.
DAY or nij;ht work by middle-aged woman;
2."o hour; cood co'jk ; can do anything.
Marshall 5355, room 2I1K
REFINED married lady would like some
thing to do exchange for board and room
for self and husband. O 415, OregonIan.
A YOUNG" WOMAN attending business col
lege wishes work for room, board, carfare;
school hours 9 to 3. X 419, Oregonian.
RELTABLE, capable woman wants 'to take
laundrv home; references; call Monday.
Main 7051, A 1517.
THOROUGHLY experienced laundress and
housecleaner wants work for Thursday.
Broadway 4217.
NEAT young woman wants housework
w Here she can keep little boy. E. 412,
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants posi
ti m. M. 2387. Room IS.
LADY with two children wants housekeep
ing work. East 4012.
WANTED Day work. Call East 1220 alter
3:30 F. M.
COLORED woman wants day work, jflnltor
work or nouseworn io uo. .uam rn.
LACE curtains hand-laundered; work guar
anteed. Sellwood 801.
LACE curtains done; 12 years' experience
Tabor 5933. Miss Scott.
YOUNGlady will care for your babies day
or night. Marshall 5151
BY' MAY 1, about 7-room, modern house,
walking distance from Madeline School,
Trvington, by small family who will take
excellent care house and grounds; rent
reasonable; references given; give loca
tion and rental. AK 412, Oregonian.
WE must have 50 5 and 6-room modern
bungalows at once at moderate prices to
supply the calls. List your property now
wli the Oregon Home Builders rental
department, 1330 N. W. Bank bidg.
WE cnnrent your house, furnished or un
to buv nr sell houses.
WANTED Completely furnished beach
house for season; tiearnan preierrea; noi
less than 4 bedrooms; references. AM 41.
Oregonian. ,
MARRIED couple wants a furnished 5 or B-
room bungalow montns or more, irom
March 1 or April 1; will furnish best of
references. AP 414, Oregonian.
4 OR 5-ROOM, modern flat, hi walking
distance of Oregonian: no cnimrenn; nest
of references and permanent. V 424,
STRICTLY modern o or 6-room complet-ely
furnished home, inciuuing piano; give lo
cation and price; three adults. O 407, Ore
gonian. WANTED To rent a six-room, new. mod
ern bungalow wim some grouna ana
garage, not over 20 minutes' motor ride
from Postoffice. N 423, Oregonian.
FOUR or 5-room modern bungalow, fur
nished or unfurnished; no children: prefer
one with garage; will lease. AR 422, Ore
gonian. WANTED 4 or j-room bungalow. W est
Side preferred, warning distance; must oe
reasonable. AE 413, Oregonian.
YOUNG couple desire completely furnished
oungaiow; give ueiuiin, iii cHtca ex
changed. AH 419. Oregonian.
COUPLE want small, completely furnished.
modern bungalow or upper iiat. wun sleep
ing porch, East Side. Phone Main 3G45.
WELL furnished 5-room bungalow by re
fined couple, no cnnaren. ciose m ; state
rent and all particulars. T 400. Oregonian.
WANTED House. 12 to 20 rooms, furnished
or unfurnished, close to at. Vincent h.os
pital. BC 422, Oregonian.
WANTED Modern furnished house, five or
six bedrooms, on west ome, rem reaooii
able. AE 413, Oregonian.
4-ROOM furnished house, about 20 minutes
out Woodlawn a4 Detween tt ana n
A. M. (
I WOULD like to take charge of an up-to-date
home for its care and upkeep; can
give references. Tabor 4289.
WANTED 5-room modern bungalow. Wood
lawn 4460. "
We will rent your house. Kreba-Logus Co..
110 10th st. '
NICELY furnished house in good locality
by refined party. H 4 05, Oregonian.
I WANT 0 six -room noube. close In, lurge
yard, bafieuitut. T 425, Oregonian.
LISTING your vacant house with me
MEANS. BEST EFFORTS to secure you
a TENANT. Special contract. Oiiiie call
only, solicited.
FAMILY. 2 adults, want S or 4-rooin fur
nished house, flat or apartment; Last
Side preferred, where thoiv will be iu
objections to their keeping an excep
tionally well trained dog; must be lea-
sonauie. v no. uivbuihuu.
WANTED To rent 5 or it-room, un
furnished house; prefer lrvington r Rob
Ctty Park addition; must Le nice plae
and rent must be reasonable; cawh In ad
vance; reference exchanged. 1 411, ure-
RESPONSIBLE party wishes rent furnished
house in restricted district for few months
for 3 aduits. M 412. Oregonian.
WANTED for the Summer, about 4 -room
furnished bungalow, except stiver, dishes
and linens; 110 children. V 411, 01 e
gonian. WANTED By married couple, email fur
nished apartment, bath and ranne.
East Side, close in. Address AV till, Oie-
SMALL furnished apartment or room with
kitchenette suitable for dressmaking; sow
ing exchanged for first month's rent; refs.
T 415, Oregonian.
WANTED- Two or three-room furnished
apartment on West Side, within eight or
tm blocks of Courthouse; would consMt-r
two furnished rooms. AO 41.'3, Oregon. an.
SMALL, unfurnished flat in quiet, respect
able location, walking distance; state rent;
West Side. O 412, Ore gonian .
YOUNG couple want small apartment; must
be strictly modern, clean, nieely furnished
and close In. X 413. oregonian
THREE housekeeping rooms, by lady ami
maid, in strictly private family; modern
home; West Side; give all partlculais. lib
411. Oregonian.
WANTED Large room, 2 beds, use of plain
quiet neighborhood. 2 young gentlemen
reasonable. O 418. Oregonian.
WANTED Sleeping-porch with connecting
room, bath, hot water, within 5 Mocks
of 20th and Washington. Mam 5727.
Room With Board.
WANTED By young married couple, room
and board In private family; not homo dur
ing day; close in; reasonable. X 410, ore
A YOUNG woman wants board and room
with sleeping-porch in private lamily',
Portland Heights or Irving tun preferred.
A 410, Oregonian.
WANTED Board, private family, m:m and
0-year girl; no other children considered,
loving and motherly; piano preferred. A.
G. 418. Oregonian.
YOUNG L.VDY. employed, wishes room and
board with private family on West Side.
N 415, Oregonian.
YOUNG business man desires room with
one or two meals a day in private home,
walking distance. K 412, Oregonian.
YOUNG business couplo desire board and
room In refined home, close m, reasonable;
state particulars. O 301. Oregon i an.
JAPANESE gentleman wants a room. Apply
by letter to 72 Wilcox bidg.
YOUNG man attending trades school will
work for room and board. Marshall 40011.
Business P!uee.
DESK ROOM In modern building; have own
phone and typewriter; state services of
fered and rent desired. BD 407, Oregonian.
Furntshed Koumtt.
HOTEL VERNON offers cozy, p!. -as. int.
homelike rooms on a quiet corner in heart
of the downtown district. Happiness rules
here because the management strives m
create a home atmosphere ami has become
famous for Its success in that line. Then
Is a piano In the parlor, und good chew
all over the house. Como and see. 1O0
12th, near Wash,
ARE you fond of music and laughter?
Then this is the placo you are after, tor
here we enjoy the pleasures of home,
and wo know you will like it, no hurry
and come.
Where you get better for less.
103 12th. near Washington.
522 'A "Washington Beautiful, clean, at
tractive rooms, facing street. $1- m"nt 1
up; court rooms. $: month up; suite with
bath, IS month: free phones; best rooms
hi city for the price. .
Large, clean comfortable rooms; pri
vate bath. individual ticphone, electric
lights, steam heat; single n oms 2 per
week and up: with bath. 3.5o and up;
thoroughly n-fprr tai'le; en tiatn-o on 1 - ' "j
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhill
Desirable downtown location; respectable
and strictly modern ; room rates $1 P'r
day, $4 per week; with private bath, i.5U
per day; S3. 50 per week.
corner llth and Stark, $3 week and up.
elevator hot and cold water, steam heat,
telephone connection In each mom; no
extra ch .rge for two in a room; room
and bath fl day; transient solicited.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20in and Washing
ton Fireproof brick, ekgantly located, a I
outBide, clean, well-furnished, steam-heated
rooms, running hot and cold water,
phone quiet hoinlk2.50 week up.
Morrison st., at loth Central location
REDUCED RATES. 6uc per day up; week
ly, $2.50 up; neat rooms, runMin; water.
free phone and oaths; steani "cat.
Rates, 50c. 73c, $1 day; permanent
guests. ..')0 week up; for choice sultts
with connecting bath:o. J2j month.
HOTEL EATON, West Park, corner Mor
rison, comfortable rooms, convenient lo
cation, moderate rates, from month up-
For comfort and convenience: modern
snd clean; 50c up. 44 3d st. Broadway 4ss.
HOTEL CORDOVA. 2lil llth St. MNctlV
modern; private baths en suite; rooms
Up. Main C472. A 473,
NICELY furnished front room, alcove, sleeping-porch,
suitable for on1 or two; walk
ing distance. Marshall 21.
MODERN rooms with bath, $3; others $
and $2. SO per week. ,i33a Aider.
SPOKANE HOTEL. 28 N. 2d. Cash. Rea
sonaole. Steam heat. Phono Broadway lojl
Maxwel lHal l" -0 7 1 4th; strictly modern, use
of parlor; real home. $l.i0 up. M
tunnelled U-Miiiis 111 fnvai.' Iiunily1
ONE single room, all modern conveniences
walking distance ; rvMit cheap. -Ud loth
st. Phono Main MS1.
fl W V ruim uiMtn SS tier IllOlUll.
Plint, between 1'age and Russell. Wlll-iams-ave.
NEWLY' furnished, steam-heated front room,
sleeping porch In connection, walking dis
tance ; reasonable. Main 2Q!6.
ONE large front bedroom, suitable lor t"
people, facing Park and 1(111; nem und
cheap; 4."0 Park st. Marshall 4.'.oa.
A NICELY furuislieil mom f'r rent to a
gentleman; all home conveniences. k ilU 411
llth st.
5S 11TH ST Largo room, comfortably fur
nished and homelike, all conveniences,
with or without bri-aliist.
FURNISHED room, reasonable, walking dis
tance. Phone E. 3o4o
$5 MONTlT, front room, modern home, large
lawn. Woodstock ear. 7S Tibbctts.
TWO nice clean rooms for oung
Phono East 1017.
NICELY furnished room, modern conven
iences. Phone East to."l.
CLEAN, cheerful rooms. Rood brat, hot
water, close in ; rcasonauie. nas --.ii num.
modern, walking distance.
room, st rn.L,y
Marsh. loj:t.
WELL furnished housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms. 211 13th st.
ROOMS very reasonable, plenty of light and
air. 6.13 Washlagton st. Main Ntai.
$10 LIGHT, airv room for gentleman :
Lucretia st.. Wash., nenr 23. Mar, ftooo.
NICE furnished rooms in beautiful home
near the Campbell Hotel. 743 Hoyt st.
comfortable room;
12th, nice, dean,
in ; reasonable.
SINGLE ROOMS, $1.50 up; heat, phono and
bath. 13th et.
NICELY furnished heated
s; eonven-
lences. Main o34. Taylor.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in wood
home; references. Noh HiU. 73S Johnson.
HEATED housekeeping room $.1.50 up. 533
Couch st.. near Washington.
WELL furnished corner room J7 per month.
366 12th.
327 BTH ST.. large desirable rooms; modern
ana moderate, .tiartmuu 01
$2 WEEK Attractive front room. 2iS
12th st.
NICELY' furnished rooms in modern liv
ing ton nome. r.asi. 1 ti 1 .
SMALL front room. a month: also larger
front room, SS a nionin. 1 1 .mmm.
IF YOU want a room and a home close In.
call East l-jm. .
$5 MO. Cozy furnishod room, phone, bath.
.i.i.tVa amnm i-
ONE light, clean room, rent reasonable. i'M
Columbia st.
LA ROE, light frontroom. atI ronveni. n
good location. :
ALL or part of nicely furnished Iioum-. mod
em convenience. 2M1 K. 47 ih f;l.
KJSAT sleeping room, ?i per wk. -UO lotU fit.
" l urni-ln d Kirnm In Priva t I 1 J -
'i. ., n..-iv rtiim a t t it
rooms in nty, lm-ing soiitn, rnn.wn
st fa 111, 1 unit; 1; g water, wsl kiug dif -
tum-e; uk- f j-;n. ,ir, with piano, U u-
sired. M;i in lUtie.
PRIVATE fami: : I haw u nicely furnish-d
liout room, hot-water heat hot water nil
the Ume, electric lm!it. ud convenience,
w ,;i be vacant March 4. Phune -Lir
lU'uM to n nt in refined private homo lo
bachelor; ad home prlvwegei. Including
pi 1 no; nieo neighborhood, p.ta"t ur-
loundink: Marnhail '-1
PRiVATE HOME Two trout loom. flrt
and Bccomi Lour, one mnaU luwly-fui-
ii:hcii, strict '. modern ; 1 ior,ttDio rates.
4t;-, 'laVur. Marshall luM.
FREE to fciri. v hoo.u a. lo r or
S'liool mi; nice w ell-1 u r n;.h--d limit room
ior iouiMnloiiship alter working boiu.
TaW 4l'.'J. ,
NIC KEY "lurnlshed room, modern conveu-
IcnceH. 1. icing park; Miltnhly ior "
V mom li , l.uui d it Uetoi ed. 4 1'ai 1.
Marshall 1117.
Co. Y room, o.i kf .irnlturi-, long mliTor m ,
dn-sser. feum machine In h.El. home
i. unions, Miii..ce, blot k suirh .i man ; "
Hospital. v ety reasonable. M a t Mi :M -i-
M.'KLV tura
cm Lat. .
tauc . J.".
4 loom, with bo ml. i
,'l per vsak. M.uii
.H71, ti: ii
TWO well fumiMieU eh an lare room and
kitchenette. i;a Nll.'. CfCtriC J.KhM.
balcony, hath ; in pi i wile lamifj". - L.
'1 a lo: Ka-t ."
LA I :;!: ltnm-tud t.-om in imhio
family; il c---n. n. ... es. home privilege, poi . Ii ; I o.i i a ik'iom C-o t I eel ,
:..7 l.add ae .
ONE lurK", nice
ail con enienc
f uriittdlt d , renin room,
Ciuso HI. li ijtli t-t
r Main.
$lu KLR.MSilKD loom in modem ft.,
excellent locution; u:klnK diH-nee. Miir-
LAl;;i: front room month, ontsldu door,
cioet. freo cook liitf .as. civcti u.; . phone,
baih -llh st.
. i Ii , l I . E
ict iuiik l-oi. h lor two nen
lSl. in ; it 1 1 i dices e' hatih'"!
ii ij.iihin.
FCItXlsiiE!) R.njclw" room, or room wjth
sie, p;n nor m, one or two mi?lu beds, t .
i;;i.-anM. Marshall ii72.
Nl7rEEYfui insht d room, rvcrv convenience,
lino bed hair irating. - month ; l'
da h five to permanent l;JVj.L-- -Fi
i: M.-H El ro. .his. will. hoil. Ueeplli
pnuluc. or Minate kltcnui. phono
Fl K.v 1M1 El i
home mh:
E l!-n i f-o
"'HI. 1" a
. S, ho..l d
t li. a'
Ft LN i.-H KH looms in b '' '"m
luiity of yminu iin-n j-t )"UIik we
ti!i(M!t m ot n i ii a
u-ii .
CLEAN. woil fui lushed room ; wol M-nt
cheap. Rvntleman; inodern. k-hI I-'catu-u.
waikuiif distance, l'luuie Main tiy.
! -li i:xisih:i 1:im. in modem upart
mcm , ev Ih al lo atiru. wa.Uimi ins
tance. Mar-i!;ll J-2,
OK NT L KM KN-"- Iai:e front rooms niclu.i
in ; slnu'lo or en s'llle. 4 hlot ki it oi .M..iiis.-n. I:.-".. li o .dw a V.
TWO nic. lv lurmvhcd rooms, close tn. Meant
beat, ?2' to .V-'.J.. I'-r we.U; a 2 utlic
room, very reasonable. Oh sail
t'lil'EEFI'I., t-t m for table rooms, nil mod
el n convenlen. es. 2 block irmii Ootnl
Sanyritan. I'lmne .Marshall 2. ....
lW'KNISiTT-:!' roonis'm modern flat. M0 tlid
mo., near ITlh und Wash. .Marshall
1 1 1:. , .
ROOM and hoard In modern prlato home.
hot and cold water iu room, use ot plan...
::( 1 Salmon y '!; .
uNK or Uoln,'r ns, tun.lsh-d or un-
furr.htd. If desired, l'lo-no labor
HI call j lti TiiKi'-.
LICKT. ple.ihaut loom, walking dlMant.
411 Market st.
li n-. ilh Hiiirtl.
formrrlv the III!!. Iia, been thnrmirh V
renoxnied and is now o. n under Iheamn
ma.rmen.e.a as Ho- t 'ami'Lcd 1 1 ' ; ' 1 1
has one of the most aUiadlM .llnlnK
roo.ns in Portland and I lo- i nijs a. o re.i--fimil.le
.i.l and Wa.-h. Main c.
lioTV.L CAMI'Hl-.KK,
A modern FlHKl'KO- '"'Uu u
Amerlean plan, mt ca.llne; to mln
from business center: pile in accord voih
general bnsine-s condition. and Mt M Marshall KM.
laT!ywi!i pay " ,('r """51 r,,r r'!11"..'.!
rooms and board in priMite ivs.dd. e ami
family wuhout between l-i I and
Hth and Market and lm:s Addti
K 41S. t n Kthinin. .
14th and Jeff- rso Ms.
An excellent reidetmal hnt. J; "ttr','Ve
rrites to I rant leiit or per tint in. nt Kiiens.
I'hone Main t'-a. A ti'V
alkx nwua i;r,
;.;t 1:11a ?f .
An American Plan Ilcsnleticc H""
StiIi. s HiikI'J Looms Kvc.-il.-nt 1 1 I
A C.21 I M-'in 1-1 1
LAKtii-: trout room. lac;nc oi-t. snliah.n
for two or three personb; ery iea- oi
..I.I,. ; :l!kl..!t .llsu.,,,0. TI,.. Mliniu, u.
lu , il:rcl ho....- ......k.n.:. , .;..'.
F'.i.vvfi- uti. I ml, ri as,,.ll,i, .
.1. ii. is.,,,, n.-ir l:-.,i,..v.
. r.- v 1 1.-1- 1 1 1 t ,'i
8ft.; M...c'..n...r it. .uth Zi
ral, r. !-.... ill, rii"..u Ml .I.M. .
w'CTi..N.:i AITS. 7ir. WAVNH M".
..-.i-r ii l,is!,.,l "I, I. '"''"
i,h ., . aa-. : '!'-"" 1 "y -"llt"u-'
n.-nr Kl. MiiIh Ml.
'111.' STI'.YKKIi. r.r.l; rnnillv l,"-
K.,.mi' M llhll..r.l Jn l-rlviil Kumllv.
vr. :r Miimv ii"', i ' '" 1 "' .,""'
l 1 1-1 U '.'l
Him.M IU.1 I. ...u. I I"' "
r In i,..,m. Ili'lll.- I'll I'1'
VJ X !. h fl-
.Mi. in I.-:
wu.i. i.ivi-: t., "i i. "ii"
nil. u ,,J.uo
t.i K .1 I "l
if ,.,.-tr.-.i, in, u',j.,!l,.u 1" Mi'-"'
Ca.l Kaht 7.
iTm:';i.: f.,t r f"- vl".-' ''l'"
rail KaM uV.T.
Kl'i; v I 1 1 Kl I" "I" ""'' It. nkf,il In I..".
t:f,il 11.,"' l.aur.Nhui.1 l...;i... '
k-, .nian.
. piVn.-.-iiit r,.., i ., ..iii
it. n, f'.l. u ' 'I '' '
1 ,
hat ll. il ,'tl a" Mil,'
l-'l K.-T-. 'I.A S !). ,111 an. I I r.l .
Vat... Lot nr.. I - ..1.1 at.-. ; -a;;j
THIi .'' Ma, ii i,.i, '. A -s
1 K : K." .-ll-f .i.-ni-l"'l r ' '
.,11,1.- 1 -I !..
kllit. I:,, Hi
ll,".. I -'1. i a.
I..- in. In.l.-.U'i. f'T
I.iVi: won. an wants oM I '''
..'., ,, . ..... i . .nr. Af. .. I .avis'. I.'-'Uft.
( i f. -
l-.. ' r. .ln.'. .l r,-H. .ill- ' ii K n
ta.,, ,. i'-,;.l I.i.v. .1.... Vat'-lnill i.l.M.
LKil-: r.,in In iiltrartHf pmuio
'loiiiL- m iliil.'.' f'T 1 -' u.-iil,-!'"'".
TWU .-v.- t. .Hturtu- I "'"',
in mn.l.-rn pH'"'' I'"'"-: ,'V,V, ,.,"-"t '"
.. ...L r. us,, mil, I". I-""' 4t.ll..
VI. 'I' ul.Mli. 11,'lit '"."li. Mill. i". -J
' .',0 t-arli: ll.'tntt .!-ivll.-i:.-i.. h.tlllt. -.toK
f ,7k. 4 1.". Mtlltnnlili'll- Kant
iTTn".I mill',1 i" utt.a.'tlv.t limn..; ti-n
,,f 'itianu all. I liMiiK-ruutn; Kli-.-i.-im-pni.-n
if , ..s,i-,.(i mil. M.un
KuilM, boar.l. 1i"ip. wltll ii'i'l,M
poroh 67 Ln.1,1 avo. Kt
ROOM" AND HO.Mtn f..r ('.. y'lnf. Itll: '.
Mn :Jil"g.''"'"""'''- b""t - -kT.MAI
AM' lii..fcL r.,r ono K-n tl.-nia n.
, I N l.'.th. rrn, r l'n'l.. .
u!-:m. ik -mi
f.,1- rl.lMi.'S ti l-.."l. ' I
I work Vo..tfiln
nrh with
H'ltXISHKii ru.,m wfth l.oartl. tiwplti
pnr -h. ;iJ,' in" ; .
I.K-.I1T r....m wit It lirvaUr.i.M, I'll."'.'. :i!'v7. clo!e In. -..
WHERN ro.nin. ti ral If rtvlr.'l. I"
,,v'i. I1..11,.-. FO...I :...n. M-T. 4
Gut'I) hotii ft"- fl'IM; I'T"'" r.-aMjiu.!,!...
,, 417. I Ir'-ionlan.
it. ,)M for twS K,-ni;. ni.i. Mu.m rry n.
: 4s:'. I. a li a. inn inn.
EV.' b.tnr.l ..".I In nioilt.rn
"priv'aio ii.H.ic r.'asonnliU-. tabt 5 15 1.
f7l.;HT."alrv rooms with pooil lin-ii conUtni;.
GOOD lioin.. for TilLy or .mall .-lillil , in..; li -or
s ipc.-lal ci.r. : i..r.-1'..tii'. a glvn. K. -
fTn'!.:R pail, ino.l.-rn Iioii.... nri.tly f,r--,
, i - If . I 1 inn". v,' I'.n.t Salmon M
FTJi:rx"ri.v ; -.ii ,is!, . -i i.tom ..-ii, koo.i
iiojuo tool.iiii. ICb Mai I.e..
I,. ,um and b.iar.l; in. tnli-r.-'. M.uM.a l
iv i'i.i:aant. v i 1 -i ' i , i -i ' 'i i.,""
I'., I- 'J. in. ..kill. .';,.- '' ,' i. H -I
in,-,.. M;mi Jj7'J,'. '-''- ' "'
ri.l-:ASNT"i:o. .".Ci " i.T,- . ; " . '; ";
i... .,i.r:.- if ,i . 1,1 '
l'-".v . -
nr..;.M"7,a"i."..t.i - .-.-k:
,-., :',.!,: pi.'in.,. l...l.." ,"" '"
.,"- ,'.,s.. .... Mi" ",'"1' .
...... - fui -
MI.'K 1" it, ll -ill' '"' "I'll""1 '""ii.l. wali.lliU
'li-liill. till K. Ma .' 'Li-H'-liL- -
J;. ,i iMS . ill! l.oal.i. 7 1 J KlalKlcr mt. Mailt
i:, 17.