TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 37, 1916. GRIDIRON SEERS PEER INTO FUTURE Candidates' Foibles Satirized in Make-Believe Prelimi - naries to Convention: T. R. RIDES ON G. 0. P. TRAIN "l'Jverj thing la Regular This Year,' Penrose Is Told Member ot Both rurtles Victims of Shafts of Wit. OBEGONIAN- NEWS BUREAU r. Wart- .i..h t ita cornnd dinner of the win' ter projected instelf into the conven tion activities of next June : a nd h elped a distinguished party of makers and candidates board trains for Chicago and St. Louis to bi .i .kr-o Tn a make-believe railway station the actor members of the club satirized tne iu,"" " of their guests and some well-known men who were not present. First off, Senator Burton rushed up. out of breatlr, inquiring n no -You're leading the. parade." said the Chicago gateman. "You won t be too late until you get to jnicaB". Senator Borah came up, and pre sented a ticket to Idaho. "lOU ll nonce, ho -it hai a Chicago stop-over? How long do you figure to stop over' "Well. I'm going to give the boys a fair chance. A ten-day stop-over ought to be enough, hadn I n: As Borah passed to the train, the 6t- "He won't stop no ten days. Bctcha a scalper yets that return coupon. Speaker's Ticket Too Old. Next came along Speaker Clark pre senting a ticket to Baltimore and that four years old. The -ticket was handed hoi-v "I know it." said Champ. "Bill Hearst told me to try to work it off, but the darn ticket never was any rood." Clark then dug up "Missouri milena-e" and passed through the gate, carrying with him "the last surviving piece of the single term plans. Vice-President Marshall rushed up, nd tried to bolt through to the train. He was closely followed by-Senator Jim Ham Lewis, who had been dogging his steps constantly. "He makes me nerv- ous " said the Vice-President. "He fol lowed me up to the rostrum in the Senate today and almost pat in tne chair." Lewis, when admonished, ex plained that he was simply "trying to make things easier for Marshall to perform any little duties he may iind irksome in fact to relieve mm. 'Yea." chimed in the gateman, "to relieve him of his job." Senator Cummins, on presenting his ticket to Chicago, said he was going to be- nominated for President, ana in- nuired the number of his stateroom. "You don't need a stateroom," said the gateman. "What you want is the amok ins car." Arm in arm came Boies Penrose and "Uncle Joe" Cannon. "Is this the regu lar train?" inquired Penrose. He was 'told everything's regular this year. He then inquired if Roosevelt was hanging around. T. K. did me a: great lavor once," said the Senator.. "He made speeches for Pinchot." "Oh, come on. Penrose.", said "Uncle Joe." "What's the use of waiting for him? Did you expect to pay his rarer "I'm willing if he'll use the ticket J buy." ' "They're not making railroad tickets out of asbestos," was Cannon's re' joinder, as the pair disappeared. , In the midst of a great din, T. R., followed by George Perkins, appeared, Perkins carrying a big grip labeled, "T. R." which proved to be filled with "Ephrlam's diet, which the Colonel in tended to feed, to the Republicans." Colonel Allotype" on Train. The Colonel bore a Progressive ticket, but was allowed to travel on the Republican train. Perkins had no ticket, and explained he was Just "go ing to' see the Colonel off." As the two disappeared Bill Barnes came up, . saying, "I'll save Perkins the trouble of seeing the Colonel off. I'll see him off at the first trestle." Barnes was found to be carrying an axe. "What's that?" he was asked. "That's an olive branch." "For whom?" "I'll give you two guesses." "How do you think he'll receive it?" "I haven't quite decided. But I think it'll be somewhere between the third and fourth vertebrae." TO PM PENALTY SEX NOT TO SAVE PERJURERS IX FEDERAL COURT. Sentence of 10 Months In Jail Imposed nd Vigorous Policy of Prose cution Is Decided On. SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 26. Florence Anderson, the irst woman in many years to be tried on a perjury charge In the United States District Court, has before her a sentence of 10 months in the County Jail, she having been found guilty yesterday and sentenced by Judge Dooling today. Following her conviction the District Attorney's office announced a policy of prosecuting all perjurers, without re gard to sex. Deputy United States Dis trict Attorney Thomas said: "So many women come before the grand Jury and the United States Com missioner and swear falsely that the United States Attorney's office has de cided to prosecute all who commit per jury. I feel that a certain class of women who are identified with white slave cases have combined to defeat justice and have planned . to swear falsely when it becomes necessary. This is but the first case, -but it has been decided to bring all offenders in this regard to Justice." CENSORSHIP IS FIXED PRUSSIA DIET, ADOPTS RESOLU TIONS O.V QUESTION. resolution demanding freedom to dis cuss the aims of the war also was adopted. The two-day debate showed that members of the Diet, like the members of the Reichstag, do not complain of the military censorship, but accuse the political censorship of issuing indefina ble orders, and especially complain of its lack of uniformity. Herr Machmelster, a National Lib eral, declared that one censor struck out sentences from an. address by Em wuiiam onH that, one newspaper had been warned that it might com ment on proceedings in tne neiciisms only along lines laid down in the Chan cellor's speech. The censor, Herr Bachmeister .de clared, undoubtedly followed political lines. He said that a proclamation to . . Dni.a hv thA nommander in Lodz ,. .. j v.AAn nrintAH in nnA newspaper in Berlin September 14 and again on Sep SUBMARINE BASE FOR COLUM BIA TO BE FAVORED. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Washington. Feb. 26. No offi cial recommendation has yet been made to Congress by the Navy Department on the Lane-Haw-ley bill authorizing the estab lishment of a naval base on the Columbia River, but intimation comes from official sources that the department probably will go no further than to recommend the establishment of a submarine base. Such a base forms the head quarters for 10 or 12 submarines and has a complement of 40 offi cers and 380 men. Such a base will cost from J300.000 to 11,000,000. tember 15 by the Vorwaerts, but per- miacinn tn, rnririt it WAR refused September 18 to a paper which did i agree with the Chancellor's policy. THE HAGUE DENIAL OUT THE NETHERLANDS O V E R S E TRUST ANSWERS CHARGES. CON ALARM INERT, IS. RESUSCITATED House and Senate Committees Favor Test of Plan to Establish Reserve. GUARD HELD INSUFFICIENT Harked Restriction of Import Being- Declared to Have Resulted in Serious Complaints. THE HAGUE, via London, Feb. 26. A semi-official statement issued here today refutes in detail assertions of the London Daily Mail's commissioner who. in a series of articles, sought to prove that Great Britain s efforts to prevent goods imported into Holland from finding their way to Germany had failed; that Holland had imported more than she needed, and that supervision bv the controlling body known as the Netherlands Oversea Trust was useless. The statement points out that the functions of the Oversea .Trust were extended gradually as the course of events dictated, and argues that the only fair way to Judge its achieve- ments is to compare the first quarter of 1915, when only contraband goods had been consigned to the trust, win the last quarter of the same year, when the rationing system was tn lorce. A marked restriction of imports is shown by these figures, the restriction being declared to have resulted in seri ous complaints from vairous branches of Dutch industry, notably the land, leather, copper, glass and textile in dustries, which, owing to their con stantly recurring inability to procure raw material, had been compelled to close down periodically. WOMEN'S HOPE DIMMED POOR PROSPECT BEFORE PRESENT CONGRESS ADMITTED. Mrs. Catt Says Campaign Will Go On However, Because It May A room- . plish Something Else. frase advocates that there is no hope of obtaining from it action favorable to National woman suffrage, Mrs. Car rio Chapman Catt, president of the X - .. i : 1 An. inon A " I"! ..1 .1 CllfT-affA Association, said at a conference of iutirage womers vl mis btato tuunj1. Ti.. amnnie-n tn prtnvinrft fnnsTAIS J"D .......J' rT! " ..lit v. nAtTmiA ' ' cha qHHaH "hariniiQA Will ' O LUUUHUtu, ...... 1 " ' by aiming at Congress we may hit imethlng eise. ti. l . .. ,1 n t- Icuiiorl n null nrw tliA fnl- owers of the suffrage cause through the country to drop social distinction In their ngnt ior tne vme. "There are some women who will not associate with their washerwomen to obtain this great reiorm. mem learn the true spirit of democracy,' she said. Jiiici . i. "rz .... . . . -. . -i ...... Pott t-i H that tViA UUUa BlAlCD iTi . -' ........ . i. state organizations would have to merge men nviwv v ...v.. basis to gain success in the campaign ior a reuttiai on.. ..u.... . C. Bulger's Execution Stayed. t-.TT'-vrr-Tr "Col. C Til A SnnrBitia 1I1..I iJ I V. - . -. ........ - Court of Colorado late today' granted a stay of execution to the week begin ning May 21 to James c jauiger, unaer sentence to be hanged the week be ginning February 27 for killing Lloyd riicoaemus, or uenvci. Cocoanut, Oil Fine for Washing (Hair Restriction to Matters Imposed by Ae ccMltlra of Military Operations Is' View Taken. - . BERLIN, via ' London, Feb. 26. The Prussian Diet ended its consideration of the censorship question by adopting resolutions demanding a restriction of the censorship to matters Imposed by the necessities of military "operations; that it is to be uniformly enforced, and that civilian autboritiefe who fulfill the duties of censorship assume the re eponsibilitj; tor. JUicir, action. Alio tiicr If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaDS and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the caln. makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsified co coanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abundance of rich. creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather inses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex cessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drugstore.- It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enongh to last everyone in the family, for months. Adv. Superfluous Hair - A smooth, hairless skin always fol lows the use of Detnosant. It will not injure or dlsfolor the skin. i easily applied and removes super fluous hair or fuxz in two minutes, a. Mingle application -utf Icing un less the hair is unusually thick. Neither smarts nor disfigures and does not stimulate the growth of new hair.' Demosant is guaranteed to rive entire satisfaction, ttenerous trial aize postpaid In plain wrapper, for 2."c. or Inrse Jar, ?0c or any drutr (tist can obtain either package for you. If he hanu't it in stock. Esben cott Chemical Laboratories, , Port land. Or. - ' VWyyvviAAvvyvvjvvvAj; House Committee Agrees on 143,000 as Peace Basis of Regular Army, With Militia Minimum of v 424,000 In Five Years. "WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. A growing tendency to provide for a Federal Army reserve in addition to the regular Army and Federalized National Guard was manifest today in both the House and Senate military committees. Members of both committees said they favored a practical test of the possibility of forming a Federal volunteer army in peace times on lines somewhat similar to the continental army plan. . The House committee agreed today on the general terms of a bill it ex pects to get before the House within ten days, providing for a regular Army with an authorized peace strength of 143,000 men; a Federalized .National Guard, which would reach ' a fixed minimum strength ' of 424,000 in live years; adequate reserve systems for both of these forces, and organization of civilian training camps, with wide discretion reposed in the War Depart ment as to the terms of enlistment, training and. government. Training Camp Authorised. The Senate committee has agreed tentatively to a plan under which training camps would be authorized in every Congressional District, where sufficient men volunteered for training under an obligation for war service. The maximum force to be thus raised in any district would be a battalion, or substantially the same number as pro posed for the first year" of the Gar rison continental army plan. The camps would be under command of full complements of regular Army officers. Members of both committees, while saying they would support any good plan , for Federalizing the National Guard as a first-line force, frankly ad mitted today that they had doubts whether a requisite force could be en listed in the National Guard, even under the proposed Federal pay and regula tion provisions. Representative Kahn, who has advocated an extension of the business men's training camp idea to all classes of citizens who would not enlist In the regulars or the National Guard, said today that with 30,000 men already enrolled for intensive military training this Summer, he had received assur ances that fully 100,000 would be avail able next year under his plan. t Final Decision Non-Partisan. Members of the Senate committee are understood to take a similar view. The tentative plan they are considering is in addition to the regular Army and Federalized National Guard proposals and is intended to reach men who would not be found in either or tnose services.' The . House committee arrived at its regular Army figures today as a com promise, after suggestions of a peace strength of 220,000, 180,000 and 150, 000 had been voted down by narrowing margins. A non-partisan vote finally fixed on 137,000 or 2000 more than recommended by the War Department, with a provision designed to allow a percentage of overenlistment to main tain that strength at an times. With this provision the total strength authorized would be 143,000. To provide officers to carry out work of instruc tion at schools, among militia regiments and for other special duties 1000 addi tional men in the commissioned per sonnel was agreed upon as against an Increase of 786 proposed by the War Department. Sure Way to Get Rid of Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This destroys it entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to . moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most, if not all, of your dandruff -will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and.entirely destroy every sin gle sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stantly ,and your hair Wll be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel, a hundred times better. "i'ou can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive. and ' tour ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. Adv. POISON OAK OR IVY NO LONGER TO BE DREADED AnvotM who has ever experienced the tor tures of poison oak or ivy poisoning will be grateful for the information that this ex tremely irritating annoyance Is no longer to be feared. A camper who was unfortunate enough to sutler irom poisoning 01 mis rhnraitir and was almost insane from pain and Itching found in his medicine kit a Jar of Santiseptlc which he carried along for sunburn ana insect ones, ww luspireu to try a little of this lotion on the eruptiou Ki-nntrht on bv the oolson oak. and to his de light found that the pain and irritation dis appeared almost like magic. The fact that antiseptic healed other kinds of kin irri tations such as sunburn, chaps, fever sores and was a remarkable soothing and healing lotion for the. complexion had been known frtt HnmA time, out tnis new use ior oanu- ontir. hnwpd nthpr nossibllitles. and it Is now nacommenoea rreeiy nu gumouiwu i"i sucb cases of poisoning, in which it la but necessary to apply it but freely. It Is pleasant to use, being neither greasy or Ktir-icv. ana arvinx ouiun.ry. iau u-o i. i .w shaving and everyone should use it to pro tect and beautify the complexion. It only coats 50o and is for sale at all drug stores, or will be sent direct on receipt of the amount by the Esbencott Chemical, Labo ratories. Portland. Or. ECZEMA Alw Tailed Tetter. Bait Rheum, Pruritus, JUlla crust, water roiwn, vvccpws . Skin. Etc w h.ii.Tn ArcMnA can be cured to ntar. I mean Just what I say. C-U-R-B-D and NOT merely patched up to return again. Re member I make this statement after han dling nearly a half million cases of enema and devoting 12 years of my life to Its treat ment. I don't care what all you have used nor hoar many . doctors have told you that you could not be cured. All I ask is Just a chance to prove my claims. Tf you write ma TODAT I will send "you a FREE TRIAL of mild, soothing, guaranteed treatment tnat will surely convince you as It has me. If you are disgusted and discouraged I dare you to give me a chance to prove my claims. By writing me today I believe you will enjoy mono real comfort than you really thought this world held for you. Just try It, and I feel sure you will agree with me. . R. J. B. CAXNADAY. 1114 Court Block. Sedalla. Mo. References: Third National Bank, 8e- dalia. Mo. Send this notice tu soma eczema suttee" Phone- 'mW"''-" " ' ' , Phone: Marshall 50S0 The Most in Value, the Best in Quality A 2112 t Fudge Aprons 49c Regular 63c Grade Our Morrison-st. window will give you an idea of the fine as sortment of Fudpe Aprons wo have in stock. They are ready made of good materials nd stamped in many rrcttv do signs. The best 63c vnlu0lQf-. priced this sale at. . . Prudence Should Prompt Immediate Purchases From This Special List of Timely Offerings First Showing of Spring Apparel - i i The exclusive display and the distinctive dis play that greets the woman keen to antici pate the season's su preme smartness in Spring Suits and Coats lends to this gathering an unusual interest and one which is char acteristic of this great value-giving store. Women who wish to take advantage of large advance oppor tunities will come here quickly. Elegant Styles in New Spring Coats at $6.50 to $25.00 Decidedly popular styles in modified belted effects and models that flare at the shoulder finely tailored garments in corduroys, wool poplins, gabardines, serges, chinchillas, Chuddah cloths and Silks all sizes in white, Copenhagen, rose, green, navy, black, etc., as well as the ever-fashionable black and white checks. ttOC flf) Unlimited variety at unmatchable values, $6.50 to P4iJ. vf An Exceptional Showing of New Spring Suits at $12.95 to $35.00 Authoritative models in the season's favored fabrics, poplins, serges, gabardines, etc.; also black and white checked materials the coats come in a variety of belted effects that flare from shoulder or waist and the skirts in every instance, correspond with the new Ideas. All sizes for misses and women in navy, black. Copenhagen, green, etc. You are very welcome to view these handsome new Suits; you'll find them most mod- COC CC erately priced from $12.95 to.'...'....- ,IU.JJ New Spring Waists at 98? and $1.25 Charming and dainty models in fine white voiles attractive new collar and sleeve features shown at this sale for the d-! OC first time unusual values at 98 and px.iic Most Tempting Values in the New Dress Goods & Silks Every woman with an eye to economy will quickly select the materials for the new season's gar ments. You can now have choice from the cream of the Spring stocks of Woolen Dress Goods and Silks and prices are lower than equal qualities can possibly be purchased for on re orders from the mills. There's de pendability with economy in these offerings: - Swiss Taffeta Silks . at $1.25 Yard Yard-wide Swiss Taffeta 'Silks of' exceptionally fine quality and beautiful lustrous finish they come in all wanted plain colors for street or evening wear an unsurpassed quality ttjl JCZ at, yard............ New Crepe de Chines at $1.25 Yard 40-inch Pure Silk Crepe de Chines, firmly woven and of brilliant finish. They come in all the correct new shades and are exceptionally durable. Un matchable in quality d -I Otf at, yard... -1.0 Wide-Wale Corduroys - at $1.00 Yard 30-inch Wide-wale Corduroys one of the most desirable ma terials and one that is very scarce comes in all the best colors; also white corduroys in various styles all ff at, yard.... ........ J1.UU Black and White Checked Materials Two widths and weights1 in the popular black and white Shep herd Checks in all size checks ' a firmly woven, durable ma terial suitable for both women's and children's garments 42 inch width at 50c a yard 7r and 54-inch width jat. . . . JC I Men's New Spring Coat Style Shirts Made With Double French Cuffs, Neaton Colored Stripes Uk, A Ferguson & McKinney Guaranteed $1.25 Shirt Right to the front again with another great underpriced Shirt Sale! A special purchase of Ferguson & McKinney Shirts in the new Spring patterns in assorted stripes. They come in coat style, with double French cuffs and are warranted not to fade and to wear satisfactorily. A Shirt sold regularly at $1.25; this OQ sale at. , - OUC Men's $1.25 White Outing Flannel Gowns at 85? A fine new line of Men's White Outing Flannel Gowns especially underpriced for this sale. They are extra well made and shown, in all sizes in styles with military collar. They come full 60 inches long and are the kind regularly sold at $1.00. Our leader OC at special price of -J Sleepmeter Clocks Si For this sale we offer a fine line of the well-known sleep meter clocks. They are made with heavy nickeled cases and shown with concealed alarm. Guaran- A- rf teed clocks, sold regularly at $1.50. - This sale J 1 ,UU ; . A Great Special Showing in Our Window and at the Department Introducing New 1916 Models lADYRUTri,1-0!0 LACED FRONT CORSETS 3)O.UU irr. To the women of this city and vicinity- we extend a cordial invitation to- view and inspect our splendid new stock of the extremely popular Lady Ruth Front Lace Corsets, knowing that you will be agreeably sur prised at the quality, fit and finish of these moderately prictd corsets, particularly calling to your - attention that they are selling at $1 to $3 a pair prices to fit the popular purse. Have your new Spring garments fit over a Lady Ruth Front Lace Corset and there will be no d i s a p p oi ntments. Come, see the smart new 19X6 models in fine coutil and fancy brocades in white and the new flesh color. There are many strong features not found in other Corsets -that our salespeople would be pleased to tell you about. Can't you arrange an early visit? STYLE 580 An ideal corset If jfj pi1 Wvmm STYLE 540 Another excep tional model for the average figure. Medium bust, with two elastic bands at bottom of the back. Made in a beautiful .or...$2.00 broche in pink or white. Price. STYLE 620 This is another model for the average f igui-e. It has a protector under the clasp and an open-mesh back. An ex- pern..v.a.1.u.e:...$1.00 for the large figure. Medium bust, with plenty of fullness over the diaphragm. Made of durable coutil strongly rein forced, with boning well distributed STYLE 600 This is the school girl's corset. Carefully de signed to give necessary sup port to the growing miss, but not to retard her figure devel opment in any way. Price , STYLE 560 A model for the medium figure. Medium bust and long skirt. It comes in exquisite brocade and is priced j0 QQ at only " pJJJ $2.00 $1.00 New White Goods An extensive assortment of the' new weaves in sheer, medium and heavy weights the most attractive White Goods' values we have shown in many a season. Advance orders enable us to quote un matchable offerings at 25, 35cS 40c1, 45?, 75?. Sheer Styles Flake Voiles Rice Voiles Stripe Voiles Crepe Voile Plain Voiles Plain Voiles Splash Voiles Check Voiles Lace Voiles English Voiles Medium-Weight White Goods at 15 to 50 Yard The fashionable white gabardine and poplins in plain weaves and stripes madras in plain, stripe and check styles; also pique in all size cords; linen and Palm Beach Suitings at from CQ the yard 15? to... Heavy-Weight White Goods at 25 to 75 Yard In this great assortment are to be found Pique, Gabardine, Serge, Repp. Poplin, Waffle Cloth, Honeycomb Suitings and many y Cc other popular weaves moderately priced, yard, from 25? to - Most Beautiful Swiss Flouncings Attractively Underpriced $1 !) Yard, to $2.50 Values. ,$1.5 Yard, to $.1.23 Vulucn. $1.98 Yard, to $4.75 Values. $2.tiJ Yard, to $6.50 Values. All high-class 45-inch Embroideries, of fine Swiss, Batiste and Voile, shown in the latest effects, including the beautiful Filet, Motifs and Lace Edge styles and the popular Colonial Embroid eries in rich shades or the soft paste effects. All fine imported Embroideries and all are underpriced at $1.2!, $1.51), $l.i)S and $2.69 the yard. A Special Sale of Women's Fine Iioes In the Best-Known Makes; All Fashionable Leath ers, in Both Button and Lace. Values tfo Q7 to $4.00 at , V&.Vi To really appreciate the importance of this sale you must see the Shoes themselves. They are of such well-known makes as Val Duttenhoffer, Edwin G. Smith, Kridew Shoe Co., etc. All late new models in guimetal, vici kid and patent leather, button and, lace. All styles and sizes. Regularly sold up to $4.00. This j$297 Sale at Misses' and Children's $2.25 Shoes, sizes 11'- to 2, S1.9 Children's Shoes, sizes 82 to 11, priced at Infants' Shoes in sizes 5 to 8, $2.00 grade, at Broken lines of Boys' Shoes, in values to $3.00, at Sl.o Complete New Lines Women's Seamless Side Richelieu Union Suits Perfect Fitting Superweight Garments t 1 flfl in All Styles and Sizes. Great Value at P u V If comfort, fit and quality count in underwear, then these Richelieu Union Suits surpass anything you have ever seen. They are made of the finest super-weight cotton and shown in all sizes and styles for Spring wear. " They come with seamless side and fit perfectly. They are un surpassed in value at SI. 00 Suit " : n JiiE3SiS-5Ki- j T ........ J I u