THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 20. 1916. 16 E OflSTE L River Operators Say Embargo on Lime and Petroleum Hurts Business. REVOCATION IS SOUGHT SVlcgram to Washington Is Signed by Several Lines Dcckloads of Inflammables Not Danger ous, Is Contention. " . i: nn hlr contention OLauuiiig iii 1111 v - - that Columbia and Willamette Elver eteamboats are of a type on wnicn um. and petroleum products can be carried it without danger to passengers, an freight being handled on me deck, where inflammables could ea.sil; v. , - - , v. 11M0 if limited, steam C It,.!, v i b.ii. - ' j - tioat operators yesterday sent a lengthy telegram to Washington asking that the rule be revoked. The law provides that there may be . i : i .. .. wUapA lifTIO find Te- rxrppuyns 111 . troleum products are destined for point nlong the liver not accessible to rai lines, a special permit being given, li : - 1 .... knn t 111 Htl hnV mat connection mtoihi"".. ....... pointed out that if such shipments were billed for points below Kalama. on the Washington siae, tney wuum on at Portland aooara p;iif,ci . o sels and delivered. Between Fortlant i : -.f uhlnmnnts It ;l K ana ueBuimi'"" rengprs would be exposed to the risk alleged Dy ine i.niiea . . . , : inn vnt imripr th noai i n s i ' c i uuii ... .- -. law. steamers may not regularly carry - i . i . ...... . V. ml hv ru i I - MJi: n SIUII lO biatiuua . J roads. , . The telegram forwarded yesterday is signed by the Regulator line. Clat skanie Transportation Company. Ore gon City Transportation Company. America Transportation Company. Port- . i m -inlin, I'n m ti (1 n V Wosford tana i ranafui iaivu .u .. , j , -- - Transportation Company. Harkins Transportation Company. Shaver Trans- . L'Mnf it Tmnsnor- portatlon LUIIInu.i. in no tation Company, People's Navigation Company ana ine uaiiea--ui'"" ...... Following is a copy of the message which is expected to be referred to su pervising inspectors of the service, who are In session at wasningion. Indersis-ned steamboat operators on Co- . mm .... IMi-e r- nrrtliiRt acalnst lumnta ana v inmcfc.c ........ r- existlnr reltulations itovernlng earning 01 . , i . . 1 nn m.mnUT PROTEST IS 1 '. m - ma petruieum i ........... .... , . t.sels. Then boats carry cargo on " only and have no holds. Want right to carry lime anvwhere on the deck and petroleum products' on forward deck in open air. tx Ixtln regulations permitting carrying tnese commodities only where railroad transporta tioi notavallable very burdensome to water carriers and throna great volume of business In railroads. ,. , . Columbia and Willamette Rivers paralleled en both banks by railroads, shippers from up-country ordering general merchandise often :nclude order for petroleum products and when we reply we are not allowed to carry them, we lose the whole shipment, al though only small part of It was P'1'"". and whole shipment Is diverted to the rail roads. Same 'with lime. Shipper orders a hlpment of lime, cement and plaster v reply not able to carry lime: result whole shipment goes to railroad. .,,.,. Cannot understand why millions dollars - spent opaning up river for navigation with Idea of affording competition with railroads and then regulations passed making it im possible for water carriers to compete. Espe cially as these regulations not necessao from safety viewpoint as In whole historj of river traffic, before these rules In force, there is no case of accident arising from lime or petroleum. Recent regulations forbidding use of kero sene In boat lanterns is positively danger ous. No practical substitute. In event of boat running aground or striking rock at right It might be necessary to remove P"?"--rers qulcklv. Lack of kerosene lanterns which could be quickly lighted might result In ac tual loss of life. All these regulation, seem designed for vessels carrying freight In hold under deck. We repeat, we are not that kind and must have relief. I RESHET LOSSES ' NOT HEAVY AVeatlier Bureau Gathers Statistics Bearing on Itecent Freshet. Marine men operating vessels from Portland or maintaining docks are in receipt of blanks issued from the office of District Forecaster Beals, of the Weather Bureau, on which to enter losses sustained through the recent freshet, the department being engaged In gathering statistics of that char acter, but it is believed there will be only nominal loss shown here. Provision is made for including dam age suffered through suspension of business, wages paid employes and the like, little being experienced among the regular lines, except due to the closing of the Oregon City locks and towing concerns were prevented from accomplishing the- full volume of busi ness because of the heavy current The system of checking losses is com plete, even to reaching farming and dairying sections ami's ' i" w damage to crops, livestock, buildings ana sucn property. HOSE LAUNCHED AT SEATTLE New Lighthouse Vessel Gets Wet Christening in Dry State. cuiTTr.i? Wash.. Feb. 19. The United States lighthouse tender Rose. built at a cost or jnu.uuu ior me Seventeenth Lighthouse District, head quarters at Portland, was launched to day at the Anderson shipyard. A bottle of champagne was broken on the bow of the boat as it began to descend. Miss Olive M. Bryan, an employe of the shipbuilding company, christened the vessel. The Rose was planned for service in small harbors of Oregon and Washing ton, where the tenders Manzanita and Heather are at times unable to enter and leave because of conditions out ride. She will have a length over ail of 127.6 feet, beam of 24.6 feet and depth of bold of 11 feet. She will have twin screws driven by two verticle triple expansion engines. BELLE MIKKELSON, 91, DIES Aged Spinster, Long III. Dies at Portland Sanitorium. At the advanced age of 91 years. Belle Mikkelson, a single woman, died at the Portland Sanitorium yesterday of cancer of the face. She had been ill for the past year. The only sur viving relative in this country, so far as known, is a niece. Mrs. Julia Ander son, of Gaston. Miss Mikkelson was born in Den mark. She had lived at the sanitorium for the past 13 years, making arrange ments to go there to live because of old age and the lack of family ties. The body is at Finley's undertaking establishment, from which place the funeral will be held tomorrow after noon at 3:30. Interment will be in Multnomah Cemetery. Marion Republicans Plan Kally. " SALEM. Or.. Feb. 19. (Special.) Ma rion County central committee in meet- Ing tonight decided to hold a rally March 18 in the Salem Armory. All Republican candidates for county of fices will be asked to speak. FUGITIVE MUCH WANTED Arrest of L. J. Swift, Believed on AVay to Oakland, Ordered. Leland J. Swift, wanted at Vale, Or., for horse stealing and at many other places for various offenses, is believed to be on his way to Oakland, Cal. Dtective H. H. Hawley found evi dence of his being in Portland. It pointed to the military recruiting of fice, where Swift enlisted on January 22. Until Friday he was in the bar racks at the Vancouver post. By the margin of only a few hours he was spared arrest, for he was ordered to San Francisco yesterday morning. Detective Hawley telegraphed to have him apprehended when trfe train arrived at Oakland.. ECONOMY BUREAU URGED Possible Benefits to City Are Out lined to Civic League. The plan advanced by the Chamber of Commerce for a municipal bureau of public economy was outlined by Franklin T. Griffith in an address be- VESSELS LYING OFF COLUMBIA RIVER IN HEAVY WEATHER EXPERIENCE DECIDEDLY "WET" CONDITIONS. ZS: r" i -9" Tl'ti OIVEOXTA TAKING PEA ABOARD. To landsmen, prospects of life aboard a tug cruising off the Co lumbia in search of vessels to tow inside has few attractions in rough weather, but the view above was obtained by George Philip aboard the tug Oneonta. without any qualms, though the tug was roll ing her rail under the big sea. fore the Civic League at its luncheon at the Chamber ot Commerce yester day. Mr. Griffith nointea out cases wnere such bodies have been formed and have been the cause of saving to the city which thev were thousands of dol- ars in administration. He urged the necessity of such a bureau being in dependent entirely of the municipal au thorities and explained that in most places where the idpa had been carried out the bureau is maintained by sub scriptions from rich citizens who are public-spirited enough to be interested n the economical administration oi ine city's affairs. WILL CLAUSE CAUSES TAX Property, Previously Deeded, Is De clared Part of Estate. Because S. A. Miles, who died April 1913. leavinc an estate valued at :00.000. made mention in a codicil of his will of land worth $6700 previously deeded to a daughter. Mrs. Cora Rupert, ,f Seattle, the state is richer by the in- ioi.itanfA t n -r that nflTPPl. ThlS WaS the decision ot county juuge v-ieeiuu esterday. The executors of the estate, Frank r Vliloe nnrt William A Miles Of Port- lanii hnth u-TIU mainf.linPd that &R the property was deeded to Mrs. Rupert a vonf ffrrt Mr Miles died, it was ex empt from the inheritance tax. The codicil of Mr. Miles' will men tioned that parcel and provided that it be deducted from her share in the es tate, so the judge held that it was a portion of the estate. PERJURY LAID TO WITNESS Arnt Anderson Indicted as Itesult of Testimony in Suit. Perjury in the giving of material testimony in the suit of Arnt Ander son against the Alameda Construction Company, tried in the court of Dis trict Judge Jones. October 16, is the charge made against G. G. Larfield. who has been indicted by the grand iurv and vesterday was released on his own recognizance on the order ot Circuit Judge McGinn. The sDecific testimony was that Anderson did not pay him $30 to pay to M. Billings &. Co. for a oona ior wnicn 1S2 50 was Daid. He said that he him self Daid the money in question. The books of the Billings Company showed that the amount had been paid, but there was an evident erasure and sub stitution of dates. MOVIES TO AID WOMEN t rVri-entaRC One Day to Be Asked Toward University Building. EUGENE. Or.. Feb. 19. (Special.) The movies In Oregon are to be given an opportunity to aid in raising the fund necessary for the construction of the women's building at the University of Oregon, according to an announce ment made today. The plan is to have as many motion picture shows in the state as possible devote one-half of the gross receipts on some day to be agreed upon by the proprietors, ine members of the women's clubs and other women's organizations to make canvasses for the sale' of tickets. " It is said that there are more than 150 motion picture shows in the state. REGISTRATION HAS SPURT Increased Interest Noted and 18,173 Mark Is Beached. "With the advent of clear skies and warm weather, the registrations at the Courthouse have increased by leaps, yesterday's mark being 740. bringing the total number of voters who have signed up for the primaries to 18.173. Of the total. 13,275 are Republicans and 3727 are Democrats. Women are taking much interest in the political situation, 295 registering yesterday, and 445 men. The registrations yesterday were as follows: Republican, 502: Democratic, 181; Independent, 24; Prohibitionist, 14; Socialist, 11; Progressive, 8. CITY REVENUE FRQtVS OOCKS $28,207.49 Expenditures on Municipal Dock No. 1 Up to January 1 Are $586,625.48. COST OF SITE $965,250 During Has Seven Months This Dock Been Available, Total Tonnage Received Amounts to 31,313 Tons. Tonnage received on Portland's pub lic docks from the time they were ac cepted from the contractors until the ...: .u..:.'J.'.A" A it ,.: WA'aws1. m mwmmmm 111! ,S..-s.::. sMlfililiil "1 x II II expiration of 1915 aggregated 80,103 tons and was productive of revenue nmountin? to $28,209.49. Up to January 31. 1916, the cost of construction and plant installation on Municipal Dock No. 1 proper, the open dock and slip at the north end, also warehouse A. which is completed, ano warehouse B, now under way, had reached $586,625.48. At Municipal Dock No. 2 construction and plant costs were S283.lll.32 and at the Stark-street mu nicipal boatlanding, where a second story is being added, the total nas Deen $32,516.57. In addition the site of dock No. 1 was secured for an expenditure of $965,250. the first parcel of land having been condemned land cost $310,250 and the remainder of the site was negotiated for on the basis established by the condemnation proceedings. The site of dock No. 2 was purchased outright at $350,000. Sites Cost More Than Million. The first unit of dock No. 1, 663 feet In length, was accepted by th& Com mission of Public Docks March 25, 1914, and the second unit was taken over February 15, 1915, while the third unit, comprising the open dock and slip, was turned over by the contractors May 13, 1915. Dock No. 2 was ac cepted May 7, 1915. During seven months of 1914 that dock No. 1 was available tonnage re ceived amounted to 31,312 tons and that delivered was 30,607 tons. In 1915 the total received there reached 43.159 tons and that delivered was 42,183 tons. On dock No. 2 in seven months of 1915 freight received totaled 5632 tons and that delivered 5182 tons. For seven months of 1914 the revenue on dock No. 1 was $11,419.04 and for 1915 it was $14,143.92, while on dock No. 2 revenue for seven months of last year aggre gated $2646.53. Sites of the two docks represent a cost of $1,315,250 and the cost of con struction and plant installation has been $902,253.38. The payroll at dock No. 1 amounts to $492.50 a month and at dock No. 2 it is $362.50. fn 1915 the operating expense at dock No. 1 was $10,749.30 and at dock No. 2 it was $4401.19, ' the latter being for seven months. Both sums include insurance for the period as well as all other ex penses under the head of operation. 1 Slump in Shipping Felt.! It was only a few months after the first unit of. dock No. 1 was made available that the influence of the Euro pean war was felt and thereafter little general cargo was handled, cereals be ing the principal commodity moved from -here, and those shipments were from privately controlled docks, the municipal wharves not being equipped with cleaning gear, and would only be attractive in the grain trade in the event additional storage space was wanted other than provided on the reg ular grain docks. The slump in shipping first caused a discontinuance of the Oriental service of the Hamburg-American fleet and that was followed by the withdrawal of the Royal Mail line, while the New York-Portland service of the Grace fleet was carried on until the closing of the' Canal, the latter line having nad a prererentlal berth at dock No. 1 AiasKan business was moved over dock No. 1 while the Portland-Alaska fleet was operating in 1914, and on dock No. 2 some river trade has been drawn and the latter part of last year Australian cargo was assembled there and more is now on the dock waiting shipment to the Antipodes. Plans for construction will end with the completion of warehouse B, at dock No. 1, and the additional story at the Stark-street landing, the latter being an unproductive property. At dock No. 2 much revenue was lost, as track con nections with transcontinental roads i nn:i.Vl. 1 1 .1 I ' , . .1 "iii; . ti i ai i uuic. UULU iiauuary iu, 1916. City Gets St. Johns Dock. It is believed that lines expecting to make Portland from foreign lands and those to resume via the Canal from the Atlantic Coast will utilize the public docks, particularly No. 1. The commis sion became the possessor of the St. Johns municipal dock last year with the annexation of that city to Portland, but other than a lease on a basis of $200 a month, no financial benefit is derived from that property. STEAMER TRAVEL IS HEAVIER Ilea r Sails Willi 105 Passengers for California. More evidence of an improvement In travel between Portland and California points was offered yesterday by the fact that the steamer Bear left Ains- worth dock with 195 passengers. 155 being in the cabin, while a week ago 1 H the steamer Beaver departed with 150 travelers, even the latter being an in crease over former sailings since the opening of the year. The Bear had a full cargo and an unusually large ship ment of flour, 1200 tons being sent to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Mattern, bride and bridegroom, left for the South, and a number of Portlanders were among those to sail. In the way of live freight a chicken made the trip, it having been presented to Ed Florey and R. W. Rau, encased in a paper bag. as they were about to leave, and there was a horse carried below deck, the property of J. D. Far rell, president of the San Francisco & Portland line and the O.-W. R. & N. system. Marine Notes. Captain I Ordronneau. master of the French bark Notre Dame d'Avor, entered that vessel yesterday trom Melbourne. She sailed close to the Hawaiian group on the way and R-as about nine days from the Islands to the river. The bark is at the North Pacific mill to discharge ballast. Having gathered parcels of lumber here, the McCorrnick steamer Wapama left down yesterday afternoon and will take on the remainder of her load at St. Helens, sailing from there today for San Francisco. Drawing 25 feet of water, the American Hawaiian liner Kentueklan made her way up the river Friday without trouble from currents and made time that had been expected of her. She la discharging at Albers dock and on loading cargo for Hon olulu is to sail direct from the river. Mariners here were shocked to learn of the dath at Yokohama January 12 of Captain H. C. Nelson, who died of fever. He was last in command of -the steamer Maverick, now interned in Java. He was well remembered hce because of having been In command of the steitmr Break wtter at times when Captain Macgenn was on leave. To work more lumber for South America, the steamer Tamplco hauled across from the Multnomah mill to Inman-Poulsen's yesterday dfternoon and Is to take on the last of her cargo at Wauna. Wheat exports for the week ending yes terday aggree ited 55.ri-4 bushels. For the preceding wee; cereal exports were con fined to :is.02. barrels of flour. Bound for Portland lo Queenstown with a grain cargo, the British bark Killarney is reported to have passed Lizard FrtdH.v. She -ailed Horn the Columbia River Septem ber 27. It Is reported from San Francisco that the Dollar interests have sold the steamer Melville Dollar. She Is a steel vessel of IIL'l tons net register and was built In 1903. Xeivs l-'rom Northwest Ports. HOQUIAM. Wash.. Feb. 19. (Special.) The steam schooners Norwood and Temple E. Dorr sailed today for San Pedro. The Norwood loaded at I.ytles mill. Hoqulam. and at the Aberdeen Lumber & Shingle Company, at Aberdeen. COOS PAY, Or.. Feb. 1!. (Special.) The steamer Nann Smith sailed for San Fran cisco, carrying lumber and passengers. The steam schooner Yellowstone is due from San Francisco. The steamship F. A. Kllblirn, due to morrow, will leave for Eureka and San Francisco lu the evening. The steam schooner A. M. Simpson Is over dun and should have been hero from San Francisco lliis morninT. Fog has hoiered shipping here for the past J4 hours, but lifted hite in tho after noon. ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 1!). iSpeelal.) Car rying freight and passengers from Astoria and Portland, the steamer F. A. Kilburn sailed today for San Francisco via Eureka and Coos Bay. ' The steamer Coquille arrived during the night from Fandon. She has-been pur chased by the Shaver Transportation Com pany and will be used for towing. The stenm schooner Johan Poulsen fin ished loading lumber at Westport this aft ernoon anil sailed tonight for San Fran cisco. Columbia Klver Bar Keport. NORTH HEAD. Feb. 19. Condition of the bar at r. V, M. fcsca, smooth; wind, north, 12 miles. Tides at Astorii Sunday. H'gh. liOW, . M.. ...S-1 fet':OS A. M l.S foot 1:43 P. M H.2 tt'S:18 P. M. 0.3 foot ROTARY MEN AT SEATTLE 500 MEMBERS ARE PRESENT WHEN NORTHWEST CONFERENCE MEETS. Session Opens AVltn Jollification Fol- lovvins Which Speakers Discuss Aims of Organization. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 19. Five hundred members of Rotary Clubs from cities throughout the Pacific Northwest ttended the Northwest conference ot Rotary Clubs, which met here today. The early part of the session wa de voted to a Jollification meeting, but later addresses were heard on subjects connected with the purposes of the or ganization. Visiting delegates came from Victoria and Vancouver, B. C; Great Falls and Butte, Mont.; Spokane, Tacoma and Portland. Among the addresses were: , Practical or Philosophical Rotary," by Frank Higgins, of Victoria; "Serv ice, an Ideal Discussed Practically," by A. A. Hallander, president of the Spo kane Club; "Should Public Questions Be Discussed in Rotary Meetings," by a R McLean, of Tacoma; "Rotary as a Harmonizer and Co-ordinator of Other Commercial Organizations, ' Dy cnaries E. Cochran, of Portland; "Internation al Rotary's World Obligation," by J. N. Harvey, of Vancouver, B. C. and "Ro tary as Leader or a Follower of Public Opinion." by J. E. Pinkham. of Seattle. The conference ended with a banquet and ball tonight. SOLOIST WILiL, ACCOMPANY PORTLAND ELKS TO TA COMA CELEBRATION. Miss Grace E. Damon. Miss Grace E. Dawson, soprano singer, will accompany the spe cial Elks' excursion party to Ta coma and participate in the ded ication ceremonies attendant upon the opening of the new temple in that city on Washington's birth day. She will participate in two concerts on the nights of Tues day and Wednesday.. Miss Daw son is a Tacoma girl, who has been gaining a musical education here. She is a member of Fred erick W. Goodrich's St. Mary's Cathedral Choir and has won much success as a soloist. The Elks' Band. Guiseppe Tigano, di rector, of 40 pieces, will accom pany the soloist. The Elks' partyv will leave the Union Depot over the O.-W. R. & N. tomorrow at 9:30 A. M. and will arrive at Ta coma at 2:20 P. M. r . J it SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE I Portland Home for Sailors Will Be Located at Second and Alder Streets. SHIPPERS AID MOVEMENT Committee Has $1800 Pledged for Support Furniture," Kitchen Utensils, Decorations and Heading Matter Xeeded. Arrangemcnas have been made to re open the Seamen's Institute March 1. Portland has maintained an institute LATEST CHANNEL DIGGER LEADER OF TYPE TO REOPEN MARCH '. t :";';v...v'--::: v:"-: :-:::: ;-::: - ' y- . :' Jfv : . ' : : !-" s. NEW DIJEDGE TIAI.ATIX. ilcr ladder having been placed last week,' tho new dredco Tuala tin, which has been completed for the Port of Tortland Commission, is about ready for service and will be tested in actual dipping as soon as the present high water in the river is lowered. She is equipped with turbines and the latest gear throughout, with the hull con structed of steel and other parts as substantial as possible. She is much the same as the dredges Willamette and Columbia in a general wav, but is more powerful. With the smaller dredge Portland, the Commission now has a fleet of four diggers with which to keep the channel in shape between this city and the Columbia River. Work below there is looked after by the Government. to care for the sailors visiting this port and many remember the "British Mission," which was maintained for years with local co-operation by chap lains of the Church of England, until the British society withdrew from work in all American ports five years ago. The late Chaplain Bernays and the present JLiora Bruce, are iavorauiy ic membered for their work while sta tioned at this port. About the time of the withdrawal of the British Mis sion, the American Seamen's Friend's Society sent out a chaplain from the East and, with the aid of a local com mittee, carried on the work until April, 1915. After the death of Chaplain Roper in April, the New York society with drew its support, and the local com mittee disbanded, leaving Portland without an institute for sailors. EnKlneer Starts Move. A. C. Lomer, chief engineer of the Good Samaritan Hospital, and a leading worker in the former institute, induced the directors of the Episcopal Social Service League to undertake the work, provided that the minimum sum for conducting the institute for one year could be pledged before the opening. The superintendent and tnree airec tors of the Social Service League were . tn nKot-o-a r. f thA unclert ft k i n s". W. T T?en hoinir chairman: F. H. V. An- drews, secretary; A. C. Lomer, man w. ' ager. R. W. Hastings was appoiniea treasurer, and Superintendent Howard will take care of the chaplaincy for this year. Pledges to the amount of $1300 were secured from shippers, who are di rectly interested in the welfare of the sailors, also from puDiic spirited per sons. A large hall has been secured at 141, i Second street, corner of Alder. The undertaking has the indorsement of the Chamber of Commerce and its committee on navigation, co-operating with the league's committee to give Portland the best institute on the Pa cific Coast. Furnishings Are Needed. With the help of paint and lumber dealers the hall Is being made attrac tive, and divided into quarters for of ficers and men, and a large assembly hall for sociables, concerts meetings and exercises of all kinds for the en tertainment and instruction of seafar ing men. To put It shipshape and make it homelike for the sailors when in port, the committee in charge asks persons interested to assist in furnishing the room by gifts, or for money to buy fittings. Donations will be sent for If donors will notify Secretary An drews, Main 1S78. or Chaplain Howard, Marshall 332. The institute has a few articles of furniture, one piano, an organ, two tables and a few plain chairs. In addi tion the committee asks for lounges, chairs, tables, including billiard and pool tables, pictures, photographs and drawings, marine views, maps . and flags for adorning the large wall space. Bookcases, books, magazines, papers and periodicals for use in the institute and for sending with depart ing ships on long voyages. Also gas plate, kitchen utensils and dishes for serving refreshments. Chaplain Howard will be assisted in conducting the institute by experienced workers. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Summer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Name. From Date. Breakwater San Dleeo Feb. Beaver. . .Los Angeles. . .Feb. Roanoke San Diego Feb. F. A. Kilburn San Francisco Feb. Bear .Los Angeles. . Mar. Northern Pacific. ..San Francisco w. DUE TO DEPART. Name. For Wapama: San Diego. ... Breakwater San Diego. ... Celllo sn Diego Beaver .Los Angeles. . v a triihnrn San Francisco Date. . . Feb. 20 .. Feb. 23 . . Feb. 24 . . Feb. 2 . . Feb. 2S Roanoke San Diego Mar. Bear Los Angeles Mar. Northern Pacific. . .San Francisco Mar. 1 4 1 Forrland-Atlantic Service, DUB TO ARRIVE. Name. From Date. . New York In port Kentueklan. Honolulan New York Mar. 10 Georgian New York April 1 DUE TO DEPART. Name. For Kentueklan Honolulu Feb 24 Georgian .Honolulu. April 4 Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Feb. 10. Railed Steamer Bear for San Francisco and San Pedro. Vrrlved Steamer Coquille, from Bandon. Astoria, Feb. 1. Sailed at 5 A. M., steamer F. A. Kilburn, for Ban Francisco via Cos Bay and Eureka. Lft up at 8 A. M., steamer Coqullle. San Francisco. Feb. Ill . Arrived at S A. M., steamer Roanoke, from Portland for San Diego via way Ports Arrived at 9 A. M. and sailed at I P. "'"""l.iS Ramon, from Portland for San Pedro. &''d at noon, steamer Shasta, for Portland, leb. 18 Sailed at 3 P. M.. steamer Break water, from San Diego for Portland; at a P. M.. steamer Celllo. for Portland wizard, Feb. 18. Passed British bark Killarnev, from Portland for Queenstown. San Pedro, Feb. 1 8. Arrived steamer Beaver, from Portland via San Vranclsco Sailed vesterday, steamer E. 11. ance, Ior Columbia River. xt Astoria. Feb. IS. Sailed at 10 P. M., steamer Daisy Putnam, for San Franc -o. Seattle. Wash.. Fob. 13. Arrived steam ers Congress, from San Diego: -Pkiie. from Southeastern Alaska: Hawaii Maru (Japanese!, from Hongkong: .1. A. channlor. from Monterey. Sailed Steamers rrora Maru (Japanese), for Hongkong; Red ondo, for Southeastern Alaska; Harry i-uckenbaen, for San Francisco. c... r-i Coronel. Feb. 18. Arrived tenmer Oi sella, from Victoria B. C. for United Klng- ""sh'anghal. Feb. IS. Sailed Steamer China (from Hongkong), for San Fram-lsco. San Francisco. Feb. 111. Arrived Steam ers Roanoke, from Portland; San l.amon. from Columbia River; Senator from Seattle. Sailed Steamers President. for lctorla: Bala California (Norwegian) for Tacoma: l-.l L.obo (British), for Pisagua: Wall una (Brit ish) for Sydney: Seattle Maru (Japanese), for Yokohama; Elizabeth, for Bandon. .Marconi Wireless Kcjsorts. (All positions reported at ft r. M. February 19 unless otherwise designated.) l.urline, Honolulu for San Francisco. Ill miles from San Francisco. February 18 Enterprise, San Francisco for Honolulu. 15. miles from San Francisco, February IN Manoa. San Francisco for Honolulu, OJo miles from Sar. Francisco. February IV Northern Pacific, San I'edro for Honolulu, FOR PORT OF PORTLAND IS IN UNITED STATES. - 1424 miles from S'ln Tenro, February IS. rireat Northern, Snn I'edro for Honolulu. 14-J4 miles from San I'edro, Kebruory IS. Bessie Dollar, Orient for San Kranrisco. OS) miles from Sun Kranrlscn. February IS. Thomas. Snn Francisco for Manila, o0 miles west ot Honolulu. February is. Coronado. Aberdeen for San Francisco. 27 miles south of Point Arena. President. San Francisco for Seattle, 10j miles north of San Francisco. lelilo. Sun Francisco for Asloria, 20 miles north of Point Arena. Drake. Richmond for Cordova. 7. miles north of Richmond. San Kamon. San Francisco for San Pedro, 3S miles south of San Francisco. Asuncion, Portland for KIchmond, ISO miles north of Richmond. Speedwell. San Pedro for Snn Francisco, 10O miles south of S:in Francisco. Yosemlte, S:in Francisco for Grays Harbor, 10 miles south of I'olnt Iteyes. Herrln, Unnton for Monterey. .10 miles north of Monterey. Florence T.uckenbach. Snn Francisco for Balboa, la miles south of San Francisco. Beaver. Pan Pedro for San Francisco, miles east of Point Concopclon. San Jose. Balboa fur San Francisco. Jio miles south of San Francisco. Cuzco, San Francisco for Callao, 1323 miles south of San Francisco. Peru, Son Francisco for Balboa, miles south of San Francisco. Mills, Portland for Martinez. 245 miles north of San Francisco. Klamath. Tacoma for San Francisco, south of Blunts R"ef. Porter, Monterey for Portland, 313 miles north of Monterey. Breakwater, San Francisco for Portland, 293 miles north of Kan Francisco. Governor, Victoria for Sun Francisco, orr ! Blanco. Nan" Smith. Coos Bay for San Francisco, , 7ft ,t a B.t) 70 miles south of Coos Bay. Vessels Kntered Yesterday. French bnrk Notre Dame d'Arvor, bal last, from Melbourne. American steamer Kentueklan, general cargo, from yew York. Vessels Cleared Yesterilay. American steamer Benr. -ern-ral cargo, for ban Franeisco and sun Pedro. DAILY METEOKOLOOICAL HKl'OUT. PORTLAND, Feb. lit. Maximum tempera ture," o2 degrees; minimum, 41 decrees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 11.1 feet. Change In last "i hours. 0.0 foot fall, lotnl rain fall (5 P. M. to .1 P. M.), none. Tutal rain, fall since September 1. 1!H".. :;r,..-,2 Inches Normal rainfall since September 1, -!MH inches. Excess of rainfall since September 1. 11113. 5 2 Inches. Total sunshine, 1 hours 3ll minutes. Possible sunshine. 10 hours Sii minutes. Barometer i reduced to sea level) 5 P. M., ao.o:t Inches. Relative humidity, 1 P. M., 53 per cent. THE WEATHER. ."K.trm n.a.fW -a it ""3 1 T 5 3 : : State of Vwather STA l IONS. Baker Boise Boston Calgary ....... Chicago Denver Des Moines. . . . Duluth Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonville . . -Kansas City. . . I.os Angeles. . . . Marshfield .... Med ford Minneapolis Montreal New Orleans. . . New York North Head... North Yakima.. Phoenix Poeatello . ' 4i', U.OU1 . . E jt'lear J SliO.iM .. W iClear ,i 24 O.CM21'W k'lear .1 S-MI.4MI ..'NKii'lear ;ir. o.uo!. . ;SI3 Cloudy . 01 O.lil)'. . .; ot o.ooj. . . I 2L 0.011!. . B lear ;sV Clear Ink cloudy NE ICIoudy JSB 'Clear fsw ICIear I. Cluui 5" 0.00 . . oo'o.oo . . as o.oo: . . fit 0.M! . . i- O.I'HO SV iclear i "s o.oo 10 sv :ctouiv ..! ,12.ti0 .. NW'Cloudy ..I tli o.lio . 'W cloudy . .; ;;:?". (Hi m W 'Cloudy .. 4 O.oo US NW Clear .. 00 0.00. .'W Clcar , . L'O 0.00 :;u NW;Clear . .! 4s'0.o12N il't. cloudy I .is'o. in . . k ( louoy 7S O.OOl. .INE 'Clear .! 4S 0.00 . . S Clear .! .12 0.00110'SE ICIear .; (HI .'" . . NW Ft. cloudy .; itii o.oo . . N 'Cloudy . ru 0.00'. .'W ;Clear . I :tti o.oo . . NW'Cloudy .1 20.00lttSV 'Clear . i .-.4 O.oo . .!N Clear . 48 . . . N ICIear ..' ,K5 O.ihv . .!NW Clear . 4S 0.OO14 NE Pt. cloudy .! .V, O.OO '. . N 'Clear .! .IS O. 0OI . .'NW'Cloudy .! tf O.oo!. .x Iciear Portland Rosebury Sacramento St. Louis Salt I-ake San Francisco. Seattle Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... Washington . . . . Winnipeg WEATHER CONDITION'S. The Northeastern disturbance is central off the New England coast and strong winds to whole gales havo occurred over the Northeast. High pressure obtains over the inter-mountaln and Rocky Mountain dis. tricts and the Southeastern states. The pressure is decreasing over practically the whole country except along the Atlantic Coast. Generally fair weather has ob tained during the last 24 hours except In the lake region, where light snow has fallen. The weather is much colder In the extreme Northeast. It Is 12 degrees cooler at San Francisco and IS degrees cooler at North Head. Higher temperatures obtain In the Central Plains states. Lower Missouri and Upper Mississippi valleys. Tho conditions are favorable for generally fair weather In this district Sunday, except Increasing cloudiness, with occasional rain in Northeastern Washington. V FORECASTS. Portland nnd vicinity Probably fair: easterly winds. Oregon Generally fllr; easterly winds. Washington Generally fair, except in creasing cloui: iness, followed l,y showers northwest poitior, ; southerly winds. Indaho Generally fair. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Assistant Forecaster. 01 mm STARTS - IN APRIL St. Helens Plant Rushing Work to Catch Up and 120 Men Are On Its Payroll.' ORDERS BEING REJECTED Threo Vosm-Is lo Ho I'mlcr Con struction Soon Engines for City of I'ort In nd Arrive in New York I'rom Holland. "Wo have 1-0 men working In tin' yard now, thouKh wr lost nearly it month because of stormy weather ami snow. our newest steamer lor tho McCormtrk line v. ill he mai-tcl t al ly in April." wild II. I' .Mci'orinick. nf tin St. Helens KliipbuildinKT Compiiny, last niRht. "With ilecpwut. r vessels under construction on tlraxs Hiirlmr and oth ers nt North Ilcnd there is tin Increased amount of work for hliipi urpcnlei s ami more will bo employed U our plant, as wo will have three vessels under way at once in nbout 4." 1nyj." .Mr. .M( Coi inick wild lht tin- new strain schooner onlci i d, which Is lo curry I .rmO.noo feel of lumber, will mu lie equipped with pussrlmcr acconinio dstions and with that space a Mi I Lib I' she would le only jo feet Ioniser than the simmer Klamath, of tho .McCoinib k fleet, which lias n tenmh of feci. Tho machinery will bo luineil out Hi San Francisco by tho I'nitccl Kuk tnccr Inu: Works, which built the riimnr of the Klamath, and the new machinery will be virtually a diiplicalo sel, as tho Klamath is classed us Ihc most powerful in tho fleet. The new steamer is intended for the offshore trade, ply Inn to tho llawtiiians, the West Coat and Mexico. The two engines for the auxiliary schooner City of Portland, which is to he finishe,! (he latter part of March, reached .New York from Norway Feb ruary 2 and were shipped by rail for St. Helens February K. Frames aro beinu; cot out for tho second auxiliary schooner, to lie a dupli cate of the City of Portland. Tho steamer will bo started on the ways to be vacate,: by tho first schooner and. with tho second under way and tho Ruby, an auxiliary schooner contiacled for with Captain William Wricjilson, of Mobile, also buildinK, their will bo threo worked on at tho sanm time. The third schooner lor the McCornrick fleet will be be;iin when thy Kuhy I.h fin ished. An inquiry has been received from British Columbia to build an auxiliary schooner, two have been forwarded by New York interests and yesterday a San Francisco firm asked for fiuureH on another for the South Sea trade, but with work already undertaken no addi tional contracts can be f inured on. WOMAN "HUSBAND" FREED "Uohrrf tiaffnoy Nol breaker, Shvs Prosecutor. SHATTI.K, Feb. 1!). "Itobert" Uaff ney, who passed as a man for nearly 20 years, until she admitted her false position whim sin was sentenced yes terday to hard labor under the "lazy husband" law on complaint of a woman she married in Spokane six years ago. was released from the county jail to day. She wore woman's attire and said she would not masquerade as a man ap;ain. The Prosecuting Attorney ruled that she could not be prosecuted for wear- ins men's clothinit, and that as she is not in law tho husband of the woman she married, she could not be prose cuted for failure to support her sup posed wife. RECALL MOVE IS STARTED Klamath Falls Council Assailed for Herniation of I'ireincn. KLAMATH FAL.US. dr.. Feb. fSnccial.) Passage of a drastic oidi- nance reKulatitiK the volunteer lire- men, forbiddinis the annual firemen's dance and placitiK a penalty on tire- men who swear when on amy re sulted today In startliiB circulation or petitions for the recall of Mayor J. H. Mason and Councilmen Mathews. Mil ler, Doty and Mrubcl. Councilman Sheets is the only mem ber of the Council exempted in tho pe titions. Mr. Sheets fuunht the ordi nance. Squinting Indicates Defective Eyesight It is an abnormal condition which, if neglected now, may later mean seriously impaired vision. It is so easy to correct this and other defects, that it never pays to put off wearinpr glasses when you feel you need them. Over 25 years' experience has equipped us with the knowledge necessary accurately to determine and correct the many causes of eyestrain. THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE 209-10-11 Corbett IJldp., 5th and Morrison. jv"- in. r .