The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 20, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 30

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Help W anted Aa-onta.
where oil lamps are used, need, will buy
wonderful Aladdin mantle lump; burn
common coal oil (kerosene); gives lighl
Jive times bright as eiectric; awarued
gold, medal Fanama-facinc exposition
farmer cleared over iiiilu six weeks: nun
dreds with ri&B making 1M to 30O
montnly acting as asenta. Business meu
huvA crivon mi less nrofituhla lines to take
advantage of money-makius poseibiliies
we offer. Farmers, ministers, teacners, pro
fessional man, men with trades, laborers
no experience selling good ail giateiui
for ooDortunttv w Klve to make money.
Phillips. Ohio, has steady business that
net over 5aot xaunthly; every buyei so
pleased iney neip sen otners. jiaii m
tract Missouri suffering from agricultural,
industrial depression, sold 14i lamps SO
. days, profits $36:1.50: ex-railroad conduc
tor sold 16 three daya, of lo left on trial
took back one lamp. Air. r-oung, snm.;
Oklahoma town, landed church, bank.
verv store, office in town. Back of lamp.
guarding from attacks ot unscrupulous
competitors, manufacturers of unsatisfac
tory lighting devices, is guarantee, which
Is published broadcast, offering to give
reward siuuu gold to person wno can onuw
anv ulhpr nil-burnintr lamD eaual to Alad
din mantle lamp, US Important features, as
strength, quality of light, simplicity of
operation absence of odor, smoke, noise.
.Details of reward offer given circular
which will be sent on request, jiaoe eu hrass: doesn't Eel out of order:
easily cleaned. Many in use after five
yearii constant wear. Aiatie several hljico,
auit all purposes. Written indorsement by
scores satisfied agents. No capital re
quired; sell on time. Selling of Aladdin
mantie lamp has brought financial inde
pendence to thousands of men. women
agents, reliable men (we do not want
gents who will mierepresent) sell on
cpedit, enabling to do business without
Investing money. While selling lamp are
In reality In business for themselves; few
hours' work will satisfy any man or
dinary common senee he can make more
money selling lamp than can be maw in
any other line work. Anyone who sees
lamp in operation will never be satisfied
with old-fashioned oil lamps. "Show and
aell" slogan ot agents; any man with
rig who is willing to work can make 2a
to $100 weekly. Write quick, wholesale
prices, territory, sample lamp free trial.
Mantle Lamp Co., 6J3 Aladdin bldg., Port-
land. Or.
Lancaster ae., Philadelphia. Pa. Gart
1 tie's Iron Rust Soap (Trade Mark. Print
and Copyright registered in the S. Pat
ent Office) removes iron rust. Ink and all
unwashable staina from clothing, marble,
etc. Good seller, big margins, agents
wanted. The . original. 25c a tube. Be
ware of Infringements and the penalty
for making, seeing and using an Infringed
WANTED A life Insurance solicitor, be
tween 30 and 40 years of age. This i an
opportunity for a $100,000 per year writer
to make 300 per month. Character and
record must be flawless. BD 40J, Ore.
CANVASSERS, man or lady In each locality
Is wanted by reliable manufacturer to rep
resent him wun a guarantees "mi "j
did line of ladles aprons: better and
ohoon. fhtiii in stores: good Prodis and
big demand; sell on sight; no talk neces
sary; Sena letter itf' ... -
prices; no postcards answered. I. i
Mfg. Co.. L)epu 1, 6!H Washington St.,
Boston. Mass.
FUEL, spirits; mixed with gasoline guar
antees S3 1-3 per cent more miles per
gallon; removes and prevents carbon form
ation; eparks quicker; produces Instant
pick-up and completes lubrication; les
sens smoke odor and noise: a money
back proposition: sold on approval; sure
repeater; guaranteed territory to reliable
agents. Fuel Spirits Company of Wash
ington Id and Wall, Spokane. Wash.
RN" $100 weekly managing clean, legiti
mate mail ordr business. We furnish
everything; right party need not worry
about capital. Splendid chance for In
telligent, employed person to control in
dependent business on profit-sharing basis
besinning spare lime, evenings at home.
Particulars free. Opportunities Exchange,
Ruffao. N. Y.
111 FOR $3.3ii biggest value ever given cus
tomer, lo-piece aluminum outfit makes l.
rooking combinations, enough for a whole
kitchen sells on sight; lu0 a week to
producers; start now; write quick lor
protected territory and free ag-nts mag
azine. Div. 3U45 American Aluminum Mig.
Co.. lrfmont, 111.
ADJUSTABLE burglar alarm; highly nickol
plated; weighs only seven ounces; fits
any sized door knob; no wires, batteries,
crews; carried In pocket; agents make 100
per cent profit: sells on sight every home;
30 sales day easy; no competition. Wrua
terms, free sample. Keyless Lock Co., 61a
Jackson. Chicago.
START-you In business, furnishing everything-
"men. women. $:10 lo $'2'0 weekly,
operating "new system specialty candy
factories." Home, small room, anywhere:
no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime;
bookKt free. Ragsdale Co., box S, East
Orange. N. J.
BIG Kansas Cimpany will start ambitious
people in fast growing mail order busi
ness; any locality; make $3000 yearly;
spare time; no canvassing; no experience;
we furnish .everything: new unique sell
ing methods free. Kvestone. president, 33
W. 7th. Pittsburg. Kan.
DISTRICT manager to employ and handle
men, take orders, new tri-color convex
portrait with pearl painting, other prem
iums; $-'0O nor week and better to right
partv; experienced men only need apply.
Consolidated Portrait Co.. 1031 W. Adams,
IlMNl'OATS direct from flictory to wearer.
Agents, price, f -.00 ; retail price $6. Our
agents "average 6 coats daily, sample coat
parcel post prepaid $.oU. Write for de
tails. Standard Kaincul Company, Cleve
land. O.
AGENTS Salary or commission. Grealesl
seller yet. Every user pen and ink buys
on sight. 2o0 to 500 per cent profit. One
agent's sales $0-0 in six days; another
in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., N44, La
Crosse, wis.
6ELL rich-looking Imported SGxtiS rugs. 1
each Carter. Tenn., sold 113 4 days, prolit
$:." You can do same. Write lor sample
offer, selling plan; exclusive territory.
Sample rug by parcel post prepaid "JSc.
Kon-Don. Importer, stonington. Me.
A ONE-CENT postcard will put you in touch
with an $S0-a-week proposition selling
aluminum utesils and specialties direct to
the consumer. Don't let one cent stand
between you and prosperity, Div. 40S9,
American Aluminum Mfs. Co., Lemont, Hi.
AGENTS Large manutacturer wants relia
ble men. women, to sell guaranteed hos
iery, underwear, shirts, direct to homes.
Write for free samples. Madison Mills, Sib
Broadway. New York.
AGENTS make $5 to J-5 daily, no experi
ence: free catalogue, samples; new goods;
quick sales; big profits; world's beaters.
Cruer Co., Jackson Campbell, Chicago.
11S'S SENSATION: 11-piece toilet article
set selling like blazes $1; $1 carving set
fnee; enormous profits; tremendous hit;
Engle made -l first week. Write quick.
Pierce Co., 920 Pierce bldg., Chicago.
YOUNG man living on R. F. D. route, would
you accept tailor-made suit for showing it
to friends Then write Banner Tailoring
Co., Dept. Chicago, get beautiful sam
ples, stiles; wonderful offer.
ACT QUICK Autamobile gasoline going up.
Sell Uoso-Tonic. Equals gasoline. oC a gal
ton. Eliminates carbon. Dollar an hour
profit. Sales guaranteed. White Mfg. Co.,
lopt. 10, Cincinnati, O.
IJl KK SALES, good profits, selling hose
couplers and menders: installed without
tools: write now for complete facts free.
Republic lloso Coupler Corporation, 110
Franklin St.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Help- Wanted Salesmen.
WANTED Salesmen to take orders for
gents' niade-to-m-asure suits at $13. Tat;
most wonderful value in the U. S. $50
week easilv earned. Kroll & Sons, 2102 N.
American bldg.. ( hlcago.
l'KKMIl'M advertising salesmen; men who
have had successfnul experience, to place
our special contract; state experience,
give permanent residence. Address Kirk.
1 729 Republic bldg., Chicago.
SALESMAN Sell our Spring line of dry
goods specialties and white goods to the
retailers in small towns; dt-slrable side
line good commission. F. C. iiollmann &
Co..' Philadelphia. Pa.
SALESMAN WANTED To sell our check
protector. It sells to every person who
writes a check. Circulars and information
free. Sample 25c. Ttrry Mfg. Co., 122 Col
tnn Mile., Toledo. O.
SPECIALTY salesmen, big men satisfied only
with big commissions should read our ad
Saturday Evening Post February 26. Dun
lap Pony Company. Greenfield. O.
fc I" INSCRIPTION solicitors, magazine men
everywhere, big 1P1G proposition, any state
. now'ready; small towns only. A. K. Steph
ens, mgr.. !i."o Jackson. Topeka. Kansas.
TO call on grocers, confectioners, restaur
ants, commission or salary; can be handled
as main or side line. National Beverage
- Co.. St. Louis. Mo.
PAE8MAN can average $75 to $100 per
month; must have 20 for samples. BF
404. Oregonian.
SALESMEN for the retail and consuming
trade; manufacturer's agent. MJ Henry
WANTED An experienced man in business
chance office; must be hustler. AK 401,
i-NETlOETTC salesman visit schools, $100.
salary, liberal commission. It. O. Evans
Co. 1100 Wabash ave., Chicago.
SALESMAN, acquainted with local glove
. Jobbers. C. T. Houhten Sc Co.. Detroit.
- Mich,
k M.FSMKN WANTED Sideline article,
TRlPOLINTv. sell on sight. I'M 10th St.
i!LIYE-WIRE salesmen wanted: goods sell
on, sight. Manufacturers, 104 loth St.
Help Wanted ftsUeumen.
LARGE advertising company has opening
several top-notch salesmen, handle high
grade service proposition for better classes
of business, such as mfrs.. wholesalers, re
tailers, banks, etc.; must prove - earning
capacity )2IOO to $5000 yearly; commis
sion basis, weekly drawing account. Ad
dtess with complete record in confidence.
Adv. Manager, 2410 Jackson, Chicago.
LARGE St. Louis cloak house desires road
salesman for Northwest: man with estab
lished business preferred; however, good
ltv retail man with cloak experience
would be considered; in applying give
full references and experience. Philip Con
main. 13th and Washington ave., St. Louis.
A MAN with executive and salesmanship
ability who can furnish references and
cash security can make a permanent con
nection as manager of branch office of
a large corporation. Guarantee $loo
monthly. Call Broadway 2113 after 10 A.
M. bunday
EXPERIENCE unnecessary; easy work, big
pay. Write for large list of openings offer
ing opportunities to earn from $100 to
$io0 a month while you learn. Address
nearest office. Dept. 311. National Sales
men's Training Association, Chicago, New
lorK, can r ranciacu.
POCKET side line. new. live proposition,
merchants, towns 100.000 and under want
It; pays $3 commission each sale; no col
lecting, no risk to merchant; take back
unsold goods; easiest, biggest, paying side
line onereu. luuciu iui6
TRAVELING salesmen; your clothes made
to measure without cost for placing tailor
ing lines featuring six special prices, no
extra charges, with merchants, vv rite,
particulars, J. W. Jones. 016 Mld-Clty
Bank. Chicago.
WANTED 10 house-to-house canvassers at
once; we have a live proposition and only
want men of experience In house-to-house
work; permanent position to men who are
DUslness geners. .Appiy i. iusw i
711 Union ave. N.
SALESMAN For general mercantile trade
in Oregon to sell a new proposition of
merit. Vacancy now. Attractive commis
sion contract. weeaiy lor
Miles F. Blxler Co., Wholesale Jewelers,
226-S Carlin bldg.. Cleveland, O.
VACANCY March 1; experienced any line to
sell general trade In pacmc territory,
unexcellend specialty proposition; com
mission contract: $35 weekly expenses
Continental Jewelry Co., 80-8 Continental
bldg.. Cleveland. O.
WANTED Live wire, salesman with auto
mobile; Ford prelarreo; mis ijioiiwoiv.v"
is high-class and dignified and is worth
Just as much as you can make it. Write,
giving address and phone. AK 403, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT salesmen or merchants pre
ferred, by well-rated Cleveland concern, to
sell merchants greatest specialty of th
day J300 to $50O per month; commissions
paid weekly; state experience. O. J. Rlnglj.
Uen Mgr.. atation , uocmuu, .
SALESMEN who can qualify, to talk hour
each day to gathering of retailers, demon
strate new novel trade pulling specialty;
very profitable, pleasant work. B. A. F. E.,
, tnT Tnn. CI.v la
SALESMEN for washing tablets; wash
clothes clean. 10 minutes; throw away
washboards; absolutely no rubbing: harm
less sanitary: exclusive territory. Oregon-
EXCELLENT, permanent position open
March 15; capable salesman, Oregon, sta
ple line, general retail trade: liberal com
missions;. $35 weekly advance. Ralph H.
. -tt'iiii., HiHir rtotmir.
DEPUTY organisers wanted for sick and
accident fraternal Insurance for city and
country work: good opportunity for ad
vancement, wan oununj "-r t.i
or 9 to 12 Monday A. M 711 Dekum bldg.
SALES MGR. Something new. Business
necessity. Retails $5 to $lo0. Enormous
profits. No competition. Ex. territory. Free
samples. Sayers Co., 450 Waiawrlsbt, St.
STOCK salesmen to negotiate stock in an
old reliable mfg. concern; excellent op
portunity to make some quick money.
S07 Selling bldg.
THREE women, Alblna. modern house,
want woman for housework, eight hours
a day. sleep at home; give in first letter
age, nationality, experience, wages wanted,
postoflice address or telephone number.
AK 403. Oregonian.
CALIFORNIA, 200 motion picture com
paules; asy to write plays; highest prices:
no school. We revise, sell. Send for free
details. Photoplay Bureau, 335 Sta. C, Los
LADIES A fascinating home business; tint
ing postcards, pictures, etc., spare time:
make $12 weekly, no canvassing; samples
loc; particulars free. ART1NT. S04J. 1M
Manhattan St., New York.
WANTED Stenographer; prefer one ex
perienced in really and Insurance lines.
Apply own hand writing, full particulars,
experience, ability, etc., BF 40., Ore
FOR country home, girl for general house
work; no objection to child; moderate
wages- close to town. Write Mrs. C. 1.
Dewey, vv nite .aintoo, ......
WANTED Gentle, motherly woman, to as
sist in reuneo tiinp.'" .......... ,
wages and good home to right person.
Give phono. B 3S9. Oregonian.
G1KL lor general housework, 3 ndults. 825
Tillamook, corner E. 20th. Broadway car;
WANTED Good Christian woman to help
take care of Invalid lady. Woodlawn
MIDDLE-AGED lady to take care of 2
children while mother Is employed, for
good home; no wages, nr ion, iegoiii.
- --ii.'r s:ainsliriv to demonstrate fire'
less cook stoves: must bo good cook, also
have selling ability. AF 407. Oregonian.
LIGHT housework; business couple; $3 a
week: sleep heme; Hawthorne in the 40s.
D 1 2 i , Monqay
$'0 PER week. new. no competition; hard
"times are good times; we guarantee. Call
at raiata nuin, pom ,.., ... .
WANTED Strong young woman, willing to
anplv herseir in pmce oi ouomeca. .
between 10 and 2, 421 E. Broadway.
FOREIGN girl for general housework; ref
erences required. Apply 745 Hawthorne
MIDDLE-AGED woman, German preferred,
to help with general housework. Inquire
W NTED Lady partner In profitable busi
ness, small amount of capital; costs noth.
Ing to investiBauo. " '
HONEST housekeeper wanted, not over So,
for Italian. 6204 60th ave. S. E. Phone
Sellwood 1233
WANTED Two young, live solicitors for
collection worK. uoou yiuyoo. ....... -.-
C 4o2. Oregonian
MAKE money writing stories or articles.
Bie pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
L.nitea r-res pjimivat. -
canit.r Beauty Parlors College for ladles
on ?;Vakl yourself independent with good
trade. 400-412 DekumbldK..3dandS jmiu.
TED Experience waitress in private
family where ether maids are kept. A ate,
Oregonian. .
WANTED -An elderly lady to assist with
light housework in exchange for a home;
small pay. ". & .
EXCHANGE Course in business collepe
"for piano lessons by professional. AN oif
NEW publication wants saleswomen with
energy wno want i , ,7 .r
day. We train you. Room 24. i4Zh 2a st-
son. Apply Monday A. M. Wonder Milli
nery, cor. Aiaer ana piaui.
WANTED By March 1. at 70 W. Pafk, a
good woman for general work Jn a small
YOUNG lady to distribute cards and take
orders for our pressing department.
Unique Tailoring Co.. Stark st.
WANTED Schoolgirl to assist with care of
children for room and board ; references
exohantred. Tabor V27.
EXPERIENCED pecond Kirl and assist with
bnby. Apply -i N. -i.'un x.
KKLIAPLK girl to asBint with housework.
MUSI ne gQU vwim.. 1"
EXPERIENCED lady ironer. Main Hand
'Eaundry. 7 Washington wt.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
i'lione Main :3-".
F I N I PH ERSon waists and gowns with long
ehon experience. Morrison
WANTED Experienced girl for general
YOUNG girl,, do errands and learn to sew.
407 N. W. bldg
Typewriter IB mo. 29 34th. Main liKflH.
WANTED" Experienced chambermaid wants
work ; go home nights. Marshall 1M."1.
ATTEND Miss Decker's PRIVATE Business
College. 404 Commonwealth bldg.
EXPERIENCED skirt mnker. Apply
Schweitzer & Eagln, 140 10th st.
LADlErf. if you want to earn $1 to $ J.."0
per day. r2:t-4-5 Northwestern Bank bldg.
THREE ladies of ability; $10 week to tiar
340 Morpan bldg., 9-12 A. M.
W VNT to correspond with practical nurse.
Bnx 74. R. 2, Gresham. Or.
WOM AN t do dinine work for husband's
room and hpard. 510 N. 21st st.
GIKL for general housework to assist with
cnkintr. S.'fi Northrup st.
WANTED Woman to help take care of
baby: m 1st st. Main 2fl$i.
EXPERIENCED family cook wanted; must
have references. Phone Main 773S.
YOUNG girl for general housework, assist
with, children. WotdiaWD 3136.
LARGE manufacturer will establish active
lady of good address and ability in per
manent, profitable business in her home
town; 50 to $100 per month; experience
unnecessary; ail or spare . time; occupa
tion congenial to woman of refinement.
For particulars, address Parker Mills, 2788
North 12th bl. Philadelphia, Pa.
ijiroM'AXI opportunity for twp progres
sive, educated and well connected local
women to direct high-class, social enter
prise of National import; situation suited
to persons of refinement and culture only;
state qualifications; no phone numbers
answered. BD ;:i2, Oregonian.
HOUSE-TO-HOUSE demonstrators wanted
for 20-MULE-TEAM PRODUCTS. This is
a regular salary proposition, with carfare
allowed. Experienced demonstrators given
preference. Apply to C. F. Llndquist,
Carlton Hotel, Portland, Or., from to
1:1 A. M. Monday.
the services of thoroughly experienced
MlMwnmn for their Knit. Coat and Mil
linery Departments. Must furnish very
best of references ana must nave uu de
partment store experience. Apply Super
intendent's office, bth floor, ( to 10 A. M.
WANTED A well-educated serious woman
about 30, with some business experience
as a seamstress or dressmaker, for perma
nent position with a business house. Must
be free to leave city at any time, iuum
looking for a pleasure trip need not ay
ply. J 402, Oregonian.
the services of ten young ladies between
it; nd i venrs to act as cashiers and
inspectors. Experience not necessary, but
must furnish best references as to cnarac
ter and bonesty. Apply Superintendent's
Office, 9 to 10 A. M.. Sth floor.
EXPERIENCED girl, about 25, with city
references, for general housework in fam
ily of 5; first-class cook, laundry done at
home. Wages $30. Call before noon today.
Broadway car. 027 E. 21st St. N.
STK.VOCKa?HEU WANTED Position open
with large Portland firm for capable and
efficient stenographer; must have experi
ence In Insurance, real estate and legal
work; state salary wanted, age, experi
ence and references. AN 395, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman who needs good
home and small wages to help with care
of children and housework; leave city;
references. Mornings, 9 to 11. Ml Taylor
St., ask for Mrs. Myers.
A GIRI or middle-aged lady to help with
housework and care for child 4 years old,
for good home and reasonable wages.
Four in family. Address Mrs. Li. B. Allen,
lieaverton. Or. '
MUNICIPAL. Bureau for Protection of Wo
men Is now located at room 303 new Po
lice Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance given to women and girls.
Interview confidential.
WIDOWER wanLs housekeeper, also help
some in store, small wages, but easy place
and good home for honest, steady woman;
prefer unincumbered widow. 25 to Ho.
AJ 400. Oregonian.
WOMEN wanted; full time, salary Slo. sell
ing guaranteed hosiery to w-aarer; 2oc an
hour spare time; permanent; experience
unnecessary. Wearproof Hosiery, Norris
town. Pa.
GOV EKNMENT positions open to women,
$75 month. Write immediately free list.
Frankiln Institute, Dept. 7'J3 M. Roches
ter, N. Y.
if 18 WEEK, expenses advanuced; women to
trael, appoint agents, concentrated fo
flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., 36 1
Como bldg., Chicago.
WANTIiD Experienced man and wife as
porter and chambermaid ; wastes $30 a
month and housekeeping apartments. CaU
after 11, 52 3d st.. near Pine.
A YOUNG, educated woman to keep house
for widower. Have no objection to child.
A good home to right party. AG 396,
Oregon Ian.
GIRL, for general housework in small family.
Must be good cook with references. None
other need apply. Mar. 4U53. Call bet.
8 and 9 A. M. .
WANTED Competent lady bookkeeper.
Must understand stenography and general
office work. Address D. M. Nayberger,
McMinnviJle. Or.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per
week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Company, Oept. 011. uonana, .co.
MAKE money knitting hosiery for us; best
machine furnished either plan; season
now on. Write today. Gleason, S03 Madi
son, Chicago.
WANT help 3 or 4 hours dully, with house
work and care of one child. $10 per mo.
Girl living in own home preferred. G 311,
GIRD for general housework; must be neat
unu eAfierjemvu , is.ns ,
must have references, 449 .Larrabee st.
rail Monday after 11 A, M.
GIRD attending night school to assist In
light housework; one going home nights
preferred; West Sid;; wages. C 39o, Ore
gon ian1
LADIES You furnish me names of partita
desiring music lessons I pay you S:i.;U
cash for each pupil 1 secure. K 3i0, Ore
pnian. .
P lyase let us hear from you as we are
all worried to death and your mother is
almost frantic. WIL.D.
PRIVATE family: where girl is -treated
right, wan is genciiii housework girl or
woman. Must understand cooking and
have citv references. A :i07. Oregonlnn.
$150 SADARY, tH days' work paid women
each town distribute free circulars take
orders White Ribbon Concentrated I lavor
ing. J. S. Ziegler Co., Chicago.
LADY of ability, amiability and adaptability
for high-class traveling position with re
liable concern. Possibilities. $50 weekly.
Apply 25 Alns worth bldg.
NEAT, energetic schoolgirl to live with fam
ily and assist with housework. Call to
day between 10 and 1', 1415 E. Taylor.
Tabor 20SJ.
WANTED Two ladies, experienced in sell
ing tickets for popular concert by sub
scription. X :iU5, Oregonian.
HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 5t2 Or
pheuin bldg. (Empress. Individual in
structions; positions when capable
LEARN massage right, woman M. D., Eu
ropean graduate; reasonable. BO -50, Ore
gonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Company, 423
Plttock block, 385 Washington.
LESSONS In manicuring, $1 week, day or
evening, also demonstrators wanted. Call
weekdays, phone East 70 S3.
WANTED Young lady going to school to
assist with light - housework; wages.
Tabor 67;G.
WILL give manicures, facial or scalp treat
ments in exchange for violin lessons. G
404, Oregonian.
WANTED Neat, reliable girl for-, general
housework; must be good cook,, lOiiS
WANTED Young lady, business ability,
speaking Scandinavian language, for in
surance work. AF 402, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for second work.
S2ti Kearney St., near 25th.
man or woman; single; one ambitious to
learn tho advertising business preferred.
Address In own handwriting, giving ex
perience, references and phone number.
Address AB 39S. Oregonian.
and women to karn the trade; tuition re
duced ; paid while learning; diplomas is
sued to graduates; 32 colleges; 2 '2 years
In business. Write for catalogue A. 48 N. 2d
and women to learn the barber trade in
8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free;
paid while learning ; modern method
teaching; tuition reduced. 233 Madison.
MIDDLE-AGED woman with husband, as
housekeeper for rooming-house, one not
afraid of work, man build fires, could be
employed. Apartment and small salary.
R 40G, Oregonian.
WOULD like several good agents at once
for selling a staple produce of merit ;
will give my agents more than half profit.
320 th st. Mrs. Spencer.
GOOD home for elderly woman to assist
with housework; small wages. 723 Cham
ber of Commerce. J. H. Nash.
LADY or gent to assist In moving picture
proposition; few dollars required. AN
:.!:!. Oregonian.
SOLICITORS wanted, male or female, good
pav, cash daily. Call Sunday or Monday
A.'M. 407 4th st.
WATCHES cleaned 75c, mainspring 75c ;
work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth bldg.
TEACHERS desiring review work for com
ing examinations callJBroadway 4258.
MEN and women for U. S. Government po
sitions: $73 month; steady work: common
education sufficient; pull unnecessary;
write immediately for free list of positions
now obtainable. Franklin Institute, desk
AH, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Names of men, IS or over,
wanting railway mail clerk positions; $75
month. Address AV 657, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A
1670. Jap. Assn. of Or., 218 Henry bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED By young married man, position
in office. Can furnish best of references;
six years in Portland ; salary secondary
consideration to steady employment and
chance of advancement, X 3U7, Orego-niaii.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
14th and Johnson Sts.
Salesmen office men, clerks, mechanics,
farm hands, housemen, cooks, mill men,
loggers, laborers, etc
. No fee charged employer or employe.
Out-of-town orders given prompt atten
tion. Main Saoo, A ot-4,
ininu 1 1 . .v iv i.-'i i
Attending evening lectures, wants posi
tion Ot reSpOnSlUllll . unrmuun, -BO'
slve. young man, aged 80, accustomed to
hard work; clean record, wide acquaint
ance, CAIJCl 1CJIVCU O.llt . . .....
retail lines, advertising, collections, cler
ical wors; -a local icici cm-co.
salary. AL 3u. uregonian
BY an experienced dry goods man, recently
from the East, position as buyer for dry
goods and silks in department store or
manager of large geueral store; satisfac
tory evidence of character and ability fur
nished. B 397, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and corre
suondent desires either permanent posi
tion, work for half day, or substitute
employment; several years experience,
best of reference. C 390. Oregonian.
STORE MANAGER,. 15 years' successful ex
perience, lumber concerns, open for posi
tion; careful buyer, experienced account
ant; can, deliver the goods. Y 403, Ore
gonian. OFFICE man desires position with re
liable firm; 12 years' experience; 5 years
last place; highest references. B 390, Ore
GRADUATE of high school wishes position
as stenographer; reliable, steady, depend
able; worthy of a trial. AR 393, Ore
gonian. EFFICIENT city salesman with wide ac
quaintance and established trade desires
connection with reliable firm. Phone East
A DAW graduate and stenographer seeks
position witn lawyer or in de
partment of a corporation; experienced la
general office work. AF 30i, Oregonian.
BY expert packer, 20 years experience in
glass, merchandise, drugs, etc. Married
man with family, need of work. Main
2B04. 5 ISth st. N., room 2u6.
SINGLE man, experienced in farm imple
ments, general merchandise and accounts,
wishes position; willing to leave city. Ad
dress C 42t E. Harrison st. Phone E. 3704.
WANTED Situation . as salesman, either
city or country; have had several years'
experience; any reasonable proposition will
be considered. Address X 401, Oregonian.
SUCCESSFUL young business man wants
permanent or temporary position. Can
hind'e men, books or office work. Y 303,
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes steady
position with responsible firm. AK 393,
EXPERIENCED accountant wishes small
set books to keep spare time; reasonable.
A 405, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT Will write up your books,
etc. Time suitable to you. Make Govern
ment statement. K 400, Oregonian.
PARTICULAR pruning practically applied
to your fruit, shade trees, roses, orna
mental shrubbery. W. J. Lewis, S77 E.
Flanders st.
MAN and wife, have one boy, waoit position
on farm; a house to themselves. Call or
write to Art Megahey, &4S Northrup St.,
Portland. Or.
EDITOR-PRINTER 15 years experience on
lurge and small papers, wants position,
temporary or permanent. Y 3H-, Ore
gonian. MAN and wife wants position as cook and
helper In. camp or mill. Pnone .mast oa,
room 33. 132 E. 3d St.
ORCHARD 1ST, thoroughly experienced
every hase fruit growing; capable taking
charge. H 40'2, Oregonian.
SINGLE Bulgarian wants steady position on
a farm; experienced and references. R.
No. l. Box JS, Vancouver, Wash.
RAN CH foreman wants charge of ranch ;
wife good cook; best references. B 400,
PRINTER, 35 years' experience, wants job
on country newspaper. Aauress oox 6.4.
Kelso, Wash.
CARPENTER work, painting, repairs, re
modeling, cheap now. Manny, Sellwood
YOUNG boy desires messenger work; can
milk and drive team; helps family. Call
MondaV, Main 7051, A 1517.
ALL-AROUND, handy workman, general
experience. A-i references, uo anywnere.
AM 401, Oregonian.
MAN ANO WIFE want work on a lanch.
No children. Capable of taking cnarge.
K 410, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED. reliable chauffeur will
drive jitney, private car or care ior ciiy
home. Harding. Main 7754!
PAFEKH ANG1NG, 20 cents a bolt; painting
and tinting cheaply aonc. rnono iauoi
-1 "t-
YOUNG man, with knowledge of selling and
atL ertismg, wouia line wors in country
store. AM 391, Oregonian.
ALL-ROUND A-l barber, city or country.
hotel, caieteria or camp. ".j, o
gonian. EXPERIENCED farmer. 27. with small fam
ily, wants position or take cnarge 01 larm
or ranch. Room 310 Hotel MaUhietsen.
BANDMASTER 15 years' experience, de
sires good location, nox a v ow, urego
nlnn. -
EXPERIENCED aparimetit-hoiiso janitor
wishes position; A-i. reierenues. a
MARIUED man wants carpenter work; rea
sonable:, Al references. can Aionuay
Main 7051, A 1017.
YOUNG man wants any kind of delivery ;
groeerv preferred; Al references. Phone
East .75
PltACTlCA L maie nurse wants position :
will leave citv; best of references; 473
Main st. Marshall 3!01.
AMERICAN wants carpet cleaning, garden
ing, any odd jobs; winaow cleaning, rnone
Tabor 3500.
HOUSE painting, paperhanging. kalsomln-
Ing; all won; cneap ana guaru.111.eeu.
East 1011.
STOV E and hardware salesman with retail
and wholesale experience, nc -oj, uresu
nian. WANTED Ry. man and wife, management
of hotel or apt. nouse; experiencea; oety.
of references. O 397, Oregonian.
MARRIED buttermaker wishes position, 5
years experience, course at aairy scnooi.
A.I 405. Oregonian.
MARRIED man wishes position as chauf
feur or delivery car; best references.
Tabor 115.
EXPERIENCED auto driver wants work;
will take care or auto ana lawn; reter
ences. E 407, Oregonian.
BAKER, first-class all sorts of bread, cakes,
pies and pastries, long experience, mar
ried and steady. 302',- 6th st.
EXPERIENCED houseman, dishwasher,
wants work for room and board.' X 301,
YOUNG man, 30 years old, desires perma
nent position ; references. O 401, Ore
ponian. GOOD repairman and lathe man wants po
sition out of city in small town. P 403,
PRINTER wants country situation; experi
enced workman, steady and reliable. P
4oK, Oregonian.
IN kitchen or as janitor, wide experience
quick, neat. O 400, Oregonian.
CARPENTER work, painting, all repairs,
cheap now. Manny, Sellwood 2421.
EXPERIENCED janitor desires position.
AH 40f,- Oregonian.
MARRIED man, teamster, acquainted with
city work any kind. Phone Tabor 160.
PRIVATE house window cleaner; job or
hour. Thomas Green, Broadway 21H4.
WHEN you want a carpenter, phone East
351. C 2050.
LET me figure that sleeping porch or do
that repair work; a carpenter. Main 4ft.3.
CARPENTER work in exchange for dental
work. W o od 1 a w n5 12.
CARPEIsTER foreman wants work, day or
contract. Phone Sell. 1350.
WANTED Clearing land. 2S N. Turd at.
Fred PaulFon.
PA I N'T ING, carpenter work, remodeling,
rhap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87.
JAPANESE girl wants situation as house
work; sneak English. P 397. Oregonian.
PAINTING, paperhanglng, kalsomining bj
day or contract. Phone Marshall 3QSQ,
MAN wants job traction engineer, expe
rienced. Geo. Misun, Milwaukee, Or.
KALSOMIN1NG. painting, plaster-patching;
reasonable. Woodlawn 2490.
FARMER with team wants work on farm.
Address Claude tiurst, ttstacaaa, rt. a.
A GOOD chauffeur wants a position. Call
Main 1600.
JAPANESE student wants job in small fam
ily. IS. J. avi, uregoniaii.
AN auto mechanic wants driving or shop
work; has references. AB 303. Oregonian.
HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work afternoon!
and Saturdays. East 4026.
BAKER'S assistant, country shop preferred.
314 2nd.
EXPERIENCED gardener or caretaker de
sires position. R 407, Oregonian.
HAVE motorcycle delivery van; want light
delivery. P 404, Oregonian.
STUDENT, young man. wants to work for
board and room. V 403, Oregonian.
WORK in garage machine shop, unexpe
rienced; amU wage. AV titil. Oregonian.
Al HIGH-CLASS, competent man seeks per
manent service in private place, where
trust, ability and faithful service are de
sired; an opportunity to get a strictly de
pendable man; excellent reference as re
gards character and ability as chauffeur.
gardener, etc. au ata, oregonian
MARRIED MAN, middle-age, wants card of
gentleman's home, thoroughly under
stands care of chickens, stock, gardening
and fruit. Wife good cook and house
keeper. Good references. AC 3S5, Orego
nian. WANT some man to stock a ranch with
pure-blood cows, also some mares to do
work for a term of years on shares; ex
perienced; not afraid of work. CaU Mon
day, Main 7051, A 1517. 411 Commercial
PRINTER-EDITOR wants country job, good
printer writer, proofreader and news hust
ler; married, sober, reliable; state was.
Address "M," care room 3-2 Realty bldg.,
Tacoma, Wash.
BOY'S Bright, willing, capable graduates
and students of Jefferson High School
want work full or part time. Phone Jef
ferson High School Employment Bureau,
Woodlawn 2603 or C 2G57.
ABLE-BODIED, reliable young man, mar
ried, 4 children, wants work on farm on
shares or wages; Al references. Call
Monday, Main 7051, A 1517, 411 Commer
cial block. '
WANTED By young man, C. S., posuw
salesman; experienced in clothing and fur
nishing goods; can furnish city reference;
no objection to leaving city. AR 402,
FIRST-CLASS engineer and electrician,
thoroughly capable and reliable, will take
any kind of a Job; go anywhere. BF 4o2,
COOK, first-class worker, expert in dinner
and pastry, wants position in city or coun
try; reference. Phone Main 3402, room 40.
AM 3i7, Oregonian.
MAN with number years' experience in all
branches moving, storage and packing,
desires position with reliable firm; could
Invest if necessary. J 37, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, reliable painter, paper
hanger and kansominer wunts work; rea
sonable: references. Cali Monday, Main
7051, A 1517.
YOUNG married man wants position on
dairy ranch, or will rent; experienced
farmer. C. C. Knowles, Hillsboro, Or., R.
1, box 13S.
FIRST-CLASS chef -cook open for engage
ment: reliable and steady; No. 1 meat cut'
ter and dinner cook; 5 years In last posi
tion. Apply room 44. 4u Ja st.
PiPiRi.K. rpiiiihlA vmine man. experienced
chauffeur, wants work; can drive and keep
In repair any car; Al references. can
Monday, Tabor 674 or A 1517.
EM l'l.OYM EXT bv thoroughly experienced
gardener to ta"ke care of private residence
or ciub grounu ; long lime expei ience n
city; best of references. L HOP, Oregonian.
YOUNG married couple wishes work, to
gether or single; good education; country
work accepted. Marshall 19;2, or write
George, .:im Cay st.
Bookkeeper!, and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher, besl of city references, wishes
employment with firm having small set
of books which require only from two to
three hours each day to Keep in oraer.
Telephone East 003. or AG 3S2, Oregonian:
WANTED Position as stenographer or of
hi. :iKvit m n t hv briirhL. chorIjIo commer
cial graduate. Phone Jefferson High
School Employment Bureau, Woodlawn
2603 or c bof.
EXC ELLEN P stenographer and law clerk
desires position; Kod education and train
ing, familiar with local conditions; can
handle correspondence and manage, of
fice details. V 37, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper
stenographer desires position, experienced
in lumber, insurance, etc., local and San
Francisco references. Tabor 6000.
WILD work reasonably to gain practical
stenographic experience. Have had sev
eral years' general office experience. AB
400, oregonian.
A GIRL with some knowledge of stenog
raphy and bookkeeping wants office work,
doctor's oflice preferred. G 403, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER wishes position in a real
estate office where there is plenty of
work; salary $7 per week. C 405, Ore
gonian. POSITION wanted, permanent or tempor
ary, by competent, experienced stenogra
pher. Phone E. 3031.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; knowledge of bookkeeping; small sal
ary. Taborlti 7. .
WANTED Position by lady bookkeeper. S
years' in plumbing saups; good
collector. phone Murshall 22;Ut, apt. 2 lo.
EFFICIENT young lady stenographer de
sires whole or half day position. Tabor
YOUNG widow must have position; experi
enced doctor's office, etc.; stenography.
AB 3S0, Oregonian.
GRADUATE desires stenographic position ;
so mo experience; references. . Woodlawn
1 306.
POSITION wanted by young lady, clerical
work or doctor's office. Phone Tabor 67S5,
H o05, Oregonian.
GJ RL wants work afternoons ; experienced
office work, typewriting. Watson, Mar.
BOOKK KKPING-Stenographic position by
experienced young lady. All or part day.
Mar. 5s:t:;.
STENOG RA PH KM, bookkeeper, experienced,
desires permanent or temporary position.
East 571M.
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de
sires position, moderate salary. G 401,
MAIN 4;t71 Experienced. eapablo book
keeper would take small set half day.
BOOKKE EPER-CASHIER. 5 ears' experi
ence, wishes position. Marshall 572.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires all or
ha If -day position. Marshall 481.
Dtchw makers.
EXPERIENCED fitter desires position;
thoroughly understands alterations on
ladies' suits. and gowns. AK 307, Orego-
SAVE THAT BILL at the Economy Dress
making School; bring your old or new ma
terial; learn while making your dress.
5o3 Dekum bldg. Marshall 000.
FIRST-CLASS seamstress wishes position
for sewing and care of rtiildren or sec
ond work. Address Fairview Or., R. 1,
WHY NOT MAKE your own dresses? We
tearh you how. Have had 15 years ex
perience. For information call 370 Weid
ler at jtTnlon ave., or phone East 4760.
MAKE-OVER shop. 202 Fliedner. Suits,
gowns to order or remoduled. Marshall
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, ladies' tailor
ing, alterations, by day or week. Tabor
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by the da. Tabor 2351.
DRESSMAKING by day or home; work
guaranteed; prices reasonable. Main 739 '2.
DRESSMAKING in family or business want
ed, $1.50 a day. East 341)7.
FIRST-CLASS practical nurse; ready now.
East 3418. BliST.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, very
reasonable. Phone Sell. 2417.
GOWNS, remodeling and tailoring; best ref
erences. Tabor 3331.
DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a spe
cialty, also .crochet. Tabor 6525.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and designer; no
patterns required. $3 day. East 4143.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by the day. Tabor 2351.
DRESSMAKING by d;iy or at homp; refer
ence. 51.75 a day. Marshall 1757.
RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at home or by
day: work guaranteed. Main 5573.
DRESSMAKING nicely and cheaply done at
407 N. W. Mdg.
COTTAGE HOSPITAL,' 12:14 E. Morrison
st.; medical, maternity patients received;
ideal place for convalescents; trained
nurses only; surroundings very congenial;
terms $10 and $13 per week. Tabor 26S7.
UK KM AN ady w ants position as house
keeper and nurse; confinement case. AP
:::U. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY reliable woman wishes ma
ternity cases at her home: best of care;
reasonable rates. Mar. 3S',0.
PRIVATE rooms, sleeping porch, experi
enced traineti nurse; . reasonable; ref.
Tabor 2213.
GOOD nurse will lake care of Invalid and
keep house: reasonable; ref. Call room 4,
Marshall 3010.
UNDERGRADUATE will give her services
reasonable. Tabor 2230. AH 404. Oregonian.
NURSE going Chicago wants charge for part
TP. 53H Spllwnnd irifi&.
PRACTICAL NURSE wishes maternity work
, j r.. -.v, n 1 ifiJO
POSITION by ladv as child's nurse; year's
,-t,a PHatip -vratn 9437.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes care conva-
It'", aged or invaua. juarsnau -uo.
CAPABLE young English woman of edu
cation and reunemeut, with two babies,
wishes position as secretary or house
keeper to widower s family, city or coun
try; references. Call Monday, Main tOol,
A 1517. 411 Commercial block.
REFINED, unincumbered widow wishes po
sition as housekeeper for a refined wid
ower; no objection to small children.
No trifleis. Phone Sellwood 1&51 or write
to M. loo5 Clinton St., Portland, Or. L.
Y. Miner. .
PLACE as housekeeper by responsible wom
an in Christian widower's home, or lor
elderly couple, or will care for honi
while family is abroad; references ex
changed. In city. Ans. one week. A 4u.
POSITION as housekeeper for bachelor or
widower. Must be refined and have good
home. No objection to one child, by wom
an 30 years old, of good appearance, re
fined and fine housekeeper. Mario Lad
man, Gen. Del., Portland, Or.
A LADY of refinement and business abil
ity would like management of first-class
apartment or rooming hotel; might con
aider widower's nonie; references. AC 402,
WANTED By a middle-aged woman lUht
housekeeping, city or country ; nice plain
cook; small wages and nice home ex
pected ; must be permanent. Call or write
215 Monroe t. : take N. S. car. north.
YOUNG woman, very capable housekeeper
and excellent cook, wants housekeeping,
city or country; has child 4 years. Phone
East 0040. 3bl Victoria st.
COMPETENT, middle-aged woman wants
position, housekeeper ior widower with
child or adults employed. Call Mon. yol
Ga.ntenbein. Wan. 1513.
Ki-.r ISKD lady desires position as compan
ion, nurse or housekeeper where she can
take 6-year-old boy, good home more than
big wages. Sfllwood 1541.
NEAT, refined, middle-aged lady desires po
sition with adults as housekeeper; con
sider a good home more than big salary;
no laundry. AJ 407. Oregonian.
UNINCUMBERED middle-aged woman, good
housekeeper, best cook; wants place;
wages not lss than $30. Give phone num
ber. D 397, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING by ludy, 2li; a good care
taker for widower or bachelor, city or
country. Call or address 6703 62d ave.
s. E., city.
VVANTKD Management apai'tment-houe by
a capable, experienced woman. Monday,
Marshall 124.
COMPETENT housekeeper, best references;
can take full charge, where good work is
appreciated. AJ 301. Oregonian.
CAPABLE refined young lady wishes posi
tion as housekeeper for business man. D
4i '3. Oregonian.
POSITION by excellent home cook, residen
tial hotel preferred : would leave city.
Miss Lakin. Mar. 4752.
CAPABLE and trustworthy housekeeper for
bachelor or widower; work, not drudgery;
no trifiers. AB 3!7, Oregonian.
GRAMMAR grade or hig h school studies
taimiit; backward pupils a specialty. Main
A RESPECTABLE! lady with llttlo girl
would like to keep house for a gentleman.
G 397. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by re
fined, settled woman. AK 377, oregonian.
SITUATION a manuring housekeeper by
lady of refinement. Maihajljnsv
YOUNG ladv wants housework position,
family privileges. Marshall 4S54.
REFINED young ladv wants housekeeping
position, family privileges. Marshall 4,s.4.
GERMAN lady wants position as lady's
maid. Speuka French and Knglish, would
like to travel. Best of references. Phone
Tabor 5310.
COMPETENT woman wants general house
work or chamber work. Call Marshall
604b A
COMPETENT young colored woman with
child of 5 wishes place for general house
work; city references. Woodlawn III 37.
SITUATION wanted as house maid by
Swedish young lady. Address John Ovallb
residence. 5-18 Mill st. Marshall 114.
NEAT experienced girl wants general house
work and cooking. No washing. Phone
Main 5112. .
RELIABLE, middle-aged woman wishes
general housework. Wages 2.. Phono
Main 7410.
HOME wanted for a J 3- ear-old girl to go to
school. Call East 1023.
GIRL wants to assist with light housework.
Marshall 3733.
GIRL wants to assist In general work. No
phono number. O 39S. Oregonian.
GOOD COOK, ironer. German, wislios easy
position. Phone vaxht.
YOU NO LA D Y wishes position to unslbt In
light housework. Call Main 3sr:. u. :no.
NTpEiriEN:CEISvedish girl wishes cook-
i n g ami housework. B roa d way U7.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes housework; $:'.0
or $35
Cull Main SS3i Monday.
GIRL wishes to assist with housework und
care of baby. S Oregon Ihiu
EXPERIENCED girl wants housework for
family of ndults. Main 7M1.
VV A N TED Wiisliing. Ironing and cleaning ;
Jrvington; references. Mrs. Able, Main
5827. .
WANT work bv middle-aged woman f""
Tuesdays and Fridays; experienced worker.
PIANO accompaniment for singers; will
te;i-h songs for amateur contests. Mar
shall 37S4.
RELIABLE GIRL wants position, day or
hour. Marshall 1050. Apt. 3d, Berkeley
A p t s.
COLOTtED woman wants siretehine, eui
tatns or ;inv w ..rk, cooking dinners,
eh.miber work. Main si'oO
YOUNG lady wishes day work of any kind;
ivferences. Katie Girard, 2" North 11th st ,
WANTED -Ui.f mulshed rooms; hoiis. kee
ing, private f;imilv: ejip. electricity; Wt
Side. W 305, ( regonitiiK
EX PEIUENCE1 . reliable woman w ;i nts day
Work: 25c hour; Al references. Call Mon
dnv. Main 751. A 1517.
EXPE Rl ENCED girl wants housework.
More for good home than wages. Call Ta
hor35l5. STUDENT attends school three nights week,
assist light work. $10 month. Place Mnrc.i
1; references. X 302. Oregonian.
EX PERIENCED cashier, switchboard oper
ator, desires position ; references. Main
3 s5!. room 3 27.
A YOUNG lady wishes place as companion
to lady or chPd evenings in exchange for
n home. D 4O0,' Oregonian.
COM PE T E N T woinu n w ants day's work f
any kind. 10S5 E. 25th M. X. Wdl. 13.
WILL care for children 4 hours for 50c and
carfare. Tabor 317.
COLORED girl wants day work. Broadway
GIRL. some experience, wants work in
restaurant. East (023
EXPERIENCED woman would like cham
ber work In hotel. Marshall 54 Ml.
YOUNG lady will rare for your babies day
or night. Marshall MjL
LACE curtains, experienced work, no ama
teur; 25c up; miaraiue- d. Sellwood 42.
EXPERIENCED girl wants work by day.
Woodlawn 51S2.
COLORED woman, any kind day work; ex
perienced laundrc5s. Broadway 335.
PRIVATE lessons in English to grown peo
ple; Eastern teacher. D 300, Oregon in nL
NEAT, experienced, caterers parties, wed
dings, dinners. East OS 2.
HOT7SECLE AN ING, hour or day; references.
Tabnr 0.;2.
MANICURIST wants work. Call Monday.
Main 01.
COLORED woman wants parly work, cook
ing or larndry work. Main fiOIO.
WANTED Position by experienced child's
nnrso bv tins hour or day. East 50:..'..
E PERT laundress wants day work ; fine
Vint he- a sp-eifHy. Phone C 17!o.
riTRONCI. experienced woman wants day
work and bund Iew ashing. Main 5flH.
LACE "curtains and bundle washing, hand
blundered; experienced. Main 5i)6'.t.
WOMAN wishes the care of children at her
home near Irvington School. East 1347.
El RST-CLASS laundress wauls day work,
phone East 1 131.
POSITION as companion to lady or maid,
home or traveling. AK 304. Oregonian.
STRONG, experienced woman wants day
work or an Kinas. i. -nam
WANT day work, $1.BS, 8 hours. Mrs. Smith,
East t" room v.
WANTED Position as waitress or chamber
work, out of town. Woodlawn 3004.
W A N T ED Short h o u i s.
px perielieed Opel"
E 4o0. Oregonian
utor. exchange pOMiti
GIRL wants position as nurxMiium, v,
EXPERIENCED laundress wants dav work
"of any kind; reference. Sellwood 2Q'7.
YOUNG LADY wantH position tn ooctor's
or dentist s oriice. w uuunw n mi 1.
HIGH school graduate wishes office work.
Mar. S47W.
LACE curtains hand laundered; work guar
anteed, .enwooa mu.
WANTED Work by day. any kind, 20c per
hour and carrare. 1 onimura "i.
EX PER 1 EN 'ED w omun wants da
houaccltaning, etc; refeeiiccs. East 510T
Wo men's Department. Ci t y Hal!.
Reliable competent help. any tin,
promptly supplied. Stenographer, book -keepers,
clerks, housekeepers, dnmekiUa,
day workers, etc. Mar. 41'0, A 4125
VISITING and con. iiiim; lady grdnei ;
new gardens laid ton, .;d gardens remod
eled and made beautiful; woik personally
superintended, if sired Et Imutea lui -Dished.
V KOti, Or. K"inan.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, , capable and ti
llable, desires cure ot tliiian-n or invalid
by the hour; Al tefci eiictn. Call Monu.t.1.
Mr in 7051, A 1517.
WANTED Posit ion s of f lee k irl in off U
of physician or dent 1st preferred ; cxper. -enced
; can give cay reference. phone
Mar. 1004.
THOROUGHLY experiem e,I la un 1 roji an 1
houser-1 trailer wants work for V end;tv
and Thursday; best of references. iitond
wav 4217.
CAPABLE, it liable woman deur. .01. km.;
on ranch or boarding-bonne; expru n. e.i .
C.ill .Monday. Main 1O..I. A 1 - I T . 411 1.0m
nierch' 1 h.ot k.
SCHOOL girl In Mil grade wndien to wrk
for board and small pay. lu walking '1
tance of Rose City School. Phone 4Lbor
'.M.. Sundav morning from tilt U.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wunto work In unr.t
ing office as t pettier or proofreader lo
to IT. years' experience ; Vl iy rapid. J
J4rt. Independence, ( r.
MIDDLE-AGED wains laundry i
take home. , line a her iul irotier; A '
references. Cad Monday, Main 7001, A
1 1 7.
GIRL emp!oed during iIhv w lubes to ex
change service- for room and boai d ,
would act us companion or rate for child
evening. AN 4v.. Orrtimiiin.
MIDDi,K-AGED ouiaii wut woik f
kitchen uFHiMant in hotel or rr! a u r.1 n 1
can cook or do chamhei woik. C.ili Mon
day. Main 7o.M. A I ." 1 7
YOUNG LADY wlnhew post lion In rin1tt'a
or doctor's office. Neat andj acconnnodat -ing.
Have had some experieuce. L 4ou,
i h egontan.
SWEEPING and cleaning, phone East Ti.V.
IK you have a good hou-o, flat or bunga
low that it X.itaiil. or will be Vacated
soon, list it with us. We liavo far more
calls from desirable prospects than v
call supply. Rental Dept.
( lili Stark ttts. I
THE CALI .S I : HAVE IO 1 1 It E N T A I .
ECS. 1330 N. W. Hank oldg.
WANT to relit by responsible party modern
tl-room furnished and heated Lai or house.
price and give full de.-ei 1 pt Hn , adult.
r ..-..,w... A l WM i , . .. ,11. ! U tl
MODERN :i to .-room cotta-. Mart h J; iui
iiished or unfurnished; mar good carhne,
yard, rent must b reasonable; glo full
particulars and phono number. H 3;.!, 01 c
yonian. OWNER, list our vacant hous.
G. G. ROD It E R,
SPEC I A LIZ ED Rental Agent.
001 l a n a ina uuluiiik.
WANT El Eurnished single outbid e m par' -ment
or tonall cottage with garden, all
convenient t-H and Central location return ed.
R ;i00, oregonian.
U'AV'I'kl) to rent. .'. or ti-room fur
bungalow, clone to car. Aium ne reason -Hole
and in good condition. Adults. Ta
bor ;u;x;.
H Y responsible party, fi-roont modem bun
galow, feou ill of Sandy, Rose City Park
district, March I. Stal rviil. S !' Oic
gonian. WANT to rent 1 -ntoi y bungalow In R. C.
P., bet ween now- ami A prl I K. Jllimt bi
In good condition. Addi chh 00l Daven
port hi.
4 olt .Vrooni f ui niHhecl houe with hro
garden Hpot. Al tenant ; 110 children. .Mii;t
be iHaHonahle, AK 4ol, Oregolila U.
1 WANT to rent a i.-rooin bungalow wlh
modern coiivenU uceM ; mum be 111 go.
condition. A 101, Oregonian.
WANT TO RENT Modern furnished hmi-e.
.' or tt roc in. s. Ku! I parti' u la i'H 111 t r -t
letter. K 4or, Oregonian.
school ; must
V 4'
KERN1SHED complete, modern or r.
ho 11 be. lawn and close 111. oodluw 11 -apt.
WANTED Hy re.spoiisiMc part . mode
and completely lui lilbhed buiiKiuovv. Plio
Main ti.'J'i.
W NT to rent 1 1 ve-i bum
b ase large c;i rdeii,
Ut e 'full parr (
N e
W A NT ED -'I n ""t mod 1 1 11 Gal , t o
room. West Side, I.s slid, parti.-, w i
pay reHMimtb'e rent. G J1P1. " 1 en-ol t .1 11
W VNT to rent modern T. or l room lions-,
furniMied. Went Side. Irvington. U-.e i ity
Park preferred. M o'. 1 tregoin.i n.
STRIi'Tl.Y modern bonne. Imnnnlow. near
nr; reasonable; no chitdicii. GD Jol,
ir-etfon ian
FURNISHED ." or 0-1 00 in bunga low . N "
children. Modern on cub n- es. Willi or garage. Reasonable. Call E.M id'.'l.
SIX Olt 7-room house, vicinity ot l.add s Sd
d it ion preferred. Telephone Mdi d I ; I
UANtTTi. Match I. no cly-luriiMlo d bun
galow. L 0'.'. Oregonian.
We will rent your house. Kiel s Logo 1 .
1 lo loth st.
Apart ment-.
TO RENT 4 or .'.-room
garage; iidulis. AP lo...
W A NT E D- --.'I unfurnished 1 00 ins clom
van! preferred. VP .'. l K-'liUn.
I 1 l 1 L r ns. clean, vv
floor; k I local Ion.
iMm itll liourd.
WANTED Jtv a lad in U private 1.1ml.
duelling without children. well linn
hed rooms v. lib board. In mo.b-rn. Im
proved house, nil nim: water In too-n a'ol
balh connect Ing ; mn-t he r 1 1 t -1 'at.-, lo
ea 1 Ion in v h i 11 It c h-t w n He h and 1 " "
Hiid Mavli' t and Da N Ms. Call or addre:-.
offb e, ;tl;i WiiQK bldg
A YOUNG woman want hoard and i"""i
with sleeping porch in a pt iv ale h-one .
port bind Melt; his. Irvington, .anec.
Park preferr.-d; referemes exeh.ilmed. AD
4no, ( n egtmia n.
W ANTE D Hv t efined "unr lHd . cm
ploved room and board In p'ivare fami'v
w her. in pa n y would be pari pa "unit,
or would May in evenings w ll h en 1 Id 1 en.
H :t:'i, oregonian.
VtilG lail v rin ploved. d. sii . h rre.iu and
board in refined privaia Mmilv. IviM S'd- .
in ; m ut he rcafopa hie ; retei riiCff.
V D .'!?0, ( n etf on tan .
WA N'l'l-'.D Hy hide, room and bo:, id lu 'pri
vate fainitv. fir to Mian room with lady.
Phoit" Sunday afternoon or evening. A-ol.-7.
t.r Marshall L'l. Aid. Jim
YOUNG gentleman desire room and b-.m d
private lamllv. Irvington. Laurel h u 1 M pn -lerred
: relerences. N ;tOI, oiegonmn
LADY. eTiTpiovr,!, wnnt-( 1 11 and bo..i,
prlvato family. West Side. M 40I. ore
-1: r.i J ruxlsHKH r..
man: Vfrt suit! pir
l..i:ir.l. I'v 111 1
a m
V 1 1 i iV Willi chilil wiiIich room nml bom.)
in priv;ilo Limilv. . Iill.l'n cine cvtr.i. Call
Mai-Mhnlt Clu" liinnil n Ki.
MAN' illlfinllim t' M-lli"'! will W"lU f"l
ho.iril nml l-nnni. Mnr. 4iu '
l-'iiniUlit-tl H..m.
rorm-r 11th mp-1 .sunk, :l wr.-k 'h1
rlov.itnr. hut mill ciiti walpr. mIi-.-iiii
t.'U'phono coiiiii-i'liin in Hch ni"-u
-li. i-liarce fur two in a immi;
ami lintli Jl i!h ; IrmiNi.'iit pull, lit -.1.
jiotki. juasroi.. i:tii am stauk
I.HrK'V rli-HTi, 1-iinjfiirtnliitj r'i"ni. .n.ii"
bHtii. Individual toli-phonr. 'li'i-lrn lulu.-.
Ufatil lii at. .hiik!' loonm J pi-r vm-K
lip; Willi bttth. ::..'U ami up; linn ouk n '
r.'spci-tabU-; fiitinini mi l?lli.
Vnrrliion t.. t llllli-lVnlrlll Inoitlnn.
RKM'CHIl RATKHt MK- Pt-r nay "P; ""li
ly, f2..ri0 up; neat morns, runnlni; utr,
free phnn and nothi.; wii-nin lii-al.
HivFloT! HitWl.AXUi FuT,-.--'"8,' TM
R.itu. ."" Tar. ! daj: prrrim nr n t
Rui-st '.'.". ' wo'-k ui: tr ' linn-'" i"inc
with rnniifi-tlnn balhK. t:. ?'-' m-nlh.
HOTKI. C(KIOV.. :!'. 11th 1.1. Slil.-tty
modern; prlvnui liallis on Milus rinmia ii
up. Main 947:. A 4TS3.
HUTKU KATON Vt Prk. rot nor Mur
ri.nn eoinfnrtahlo rnomn. cm v on lonl ,u
ratmn, nnnlrt niton, finm ' month up.
For romfort and i nnvonl. poo; modorti
and clonn; .MK" lip. 44 3 1 l. Hroadway
Maxwoll Hall. 'JUT Hth; htrl.-tly mo.lorn. nsu
of parlor; roal homo. H ..'' up. M. II .::.
MiiDKIlN rooms wi'h h.iih, ?l; olio
and P'-r ivi-.-k. A;dor.
HilnMMATK "li"i. 1 '. ''.
llulei. room "v. s.c M:1. Siiilull.
MopKKN lurnisbeit house, eloso in, A e-t
Side. A D ;;ot, ( U-rgoNUHI.
W V N I E 1 Seven -r- om (loll.-e, E't-t Md- .
slale 1 ric . locution. A E "'H. ''!'
HAVE you bouse or Lais to rent".' We 1'"
tenants'. Main 'nV
U ANTED - An up-lo-tlale. place lor H lib
it - e p. T:i hor 4 -'so.