The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 20, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 29

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gor touring car $200
trie Btarter and lights $7f
6TCDEBAKER 20," touring car; line
condition - Ilio
FOKD delivery car, panel top . ..$3o0
X. i xv. ijw puuuua ...-- ' . , - n
overhauled and repainted ;;'
STLDEBAK.ER "So," touring car 1913
model, electric starter and lights.. S30U
.lucw-wwiiAA-r. au, - ....
In car .
CHALMERS -30," roadster, overhauled
and repainted aou
FOKD touring car. fine coneuuon.
electric lights, shock absorbers two
extra Lilts, i(iwuuis'. x"3
tubes etc .
6TL'DEBAER delivery car, 16oo ids.
capacity. overnauKu u
electric starter and electric lishts. .$a00
Studebaker Building.
Corner Chapman and Alder Sta.
Phones Main 8402. A. 7as.
PACKARD 18. touring car. re-
CADILLAC'." 1913. " ' eiectrie" tarter.
LOCOMOBILE 3R, modern equip
ment, a high-grade car in per
fect condition.
FORD, 1915, a practically new car.
enuippe with Gray & Davis elec
tric starter, demountable rims and
special equipment. Price. $o;;
CADILLAC. 1912. elec. starter. St.-J
FORD touring car. latest stream line
bodv, extra equipment. ..... .-
CADILLAC, roadster, electric starter
just repainted J .".', 2
FTLDESAKER "30." 5-pass. . .$2-0
CADILLAC touring car
CHALMERS 30. 5-pass. -.
R-C-H :ate model "
ii-R b rnanster. dotkiiu .....r,..'-
MA.1 r-LiL, rwuuBici ..
MARION racy roadster
HLFMOBILE. light. 5-pase -
--.- x e- v- T T . ri.nnn
WINTON SIX, self-starter
. .$700
l,Allll.l.A. J - . J, w ' - " -
DODGE, touring ci, "
tion, with extra equipment.
FORD touring car ...ijjw
21st and Washington sts. Main 6244.
Here' your chance to get an eight
eyllnder, 5-passenger touring car. Just
a good as new. at less than the fac
tory price to the dealer. This car
baa been used very little as a dem
onstrator and Is guaranteed to be in
perfect mechanical condition. This
Is not an "orphan" car; it's made by
one of the most responsible companies
In the business. Service and parte
are guaranteed. This la an exceptional
opportunity to get at sacrifice an
np-to-the-mlnute car that will give
you the kind of road service yon
can't get from a "six" or a "four."
Call East 4570.
Apperson-Jsckrabblt, 40 horsepower. In
first-class condition. Just thoroughly over
hauled, equipped with windshield. Prest-o-llte
tank and new top; tires all in good
condition; price $750.
studebaker delivery car, engine ana
trsnsmission Just overhauled; good tires,
Napier, seven passenger, 90 horsepower.
In good running order, wire wheels, good
tires, top and windshield, $O0.
Monitor truck. 1500 lbs., with good tires
engine Just overhauled, good top, in good
running order, $3o0.
White steam car, seven-passenger, Jn
first-class condition. $300.
White steam roadster, 10 horsepower.
In good running order, $300.
Terms to responsible parties.
Motor car repairing and machine works.
Main 2b5S, A 258.
78 Jefferson street, between Chapman and
Nartilla streets.
East Side Branch, East Water and Salmon
WANTED. I want a man who knows Portland
nd vicinity to handle a popular, widely
advertised line of eight-ryilnder motor
cars; I have an excellent proposition for
an Al salesman; an opening that will
enable a thoroughly capable man to make
Mix money; I want a man who knows
himself, a man who can and will stand
on his own feet, a man who can get the
maximum automobile sales out of his
territory; we will give such a man every
posslble assistance In developing hlB busi
ness; he must own his own car and be
able to produce results as our direct rep
resentative; this is an exceptional oppor
tunity for the right man; there Is such a
man here in town. I am sure; I am hope
ful that he will read this advertisement
and then sit right town and write me
ful'.v atout himself and his qualifications;
1 don't want a professional job hunter I
WANT A MAN! Address your letter to
Vnrtorv Representative. S 3S2, Oregonlan.
1914 2-SPEED Harley-Davldson. in splendid
condition. $150.
1914 2-speed Dayton, a dandy $150.
1913 Indian, fully equipped. $115.
1S13 Jefferson, equipped, $85.
1914 X. fine shape, $123.
Many others.
273 Third St.
Bus. hearse and commercial bodies of
every description. We .are headquarters
for this work. Our factory Is the largest
and best equipped on the Pacific Coast.
Slain 2892. 209-511 Front St.
1915 7-passenger, 6-cyL Chalmers.
1914. T-pass., 40 H. P. White.
1913. 5-pass. Hudson.
Terms If desired.
5R-60 23d St.
1813 CADILLAC chassis, completely rebuilt,
suitable for hearse or ambulance.
American underslung roadster at sacri
fice. C B. MINERS CO..
Automobile repairing and rebuilding'.
MS Alder St.
FOR SALE1 High tension D. tT. Bosch mag
neto. $25. Phone Tabor 3392.
Automobile Wanteti.
WANTED Will pay cash for a wrecked or
burned Ford that can be rebuilt. Address
AV 650. Oregonlan.
HAVE 2 lots, well located on East Side,
value $900: want first-class machine. Ep
ton. 4:42 Cham, of Com.
191.-, or 1916 light auto for diamond and
cash: no junk. Tabor 771.
AN old-model car or roadster. Bulck pre
ferred; must be reasonable; state price.
F 400. Oregonlan.
WANTED Ford for delivery, in good Mo
tion. State year and price. AB 403. Ore
gonlan WILL trade good lot for old car or good
motorcycle. Call Columbia 337.
10 ACRES on Lower Columbia Highway for
191. auto. 306 Broadway bldg.
WHAT kind of car have you for $250 spot
cash? AE 392. Oregonlan.
ACRE, worih $1000, for auto. Phone Main
7260 Monday.
WANTED Automobile In exchange for good
lot, clear of Incumbrance. Tabor 4426.
WANT automobile In exchange for good va
cant lot. R SOS, Oronnlan
WANTED Ford roadster;
Phone Woodlawn 33"0.
will pay cash.
WANTED Second-hand Atwater Kent Igni
tion apparatus. Box 92. Sherwood, Or.
HAVE-motorboat and good paper for road
ster or 5-pass car, late model. Main 2S27
WTLL accept good Ford as payment on
good acreage. Owner 1330 E. Taylor.
LA.1GE deadlights wanted; will trade gold
wjlfh. B 39. Oregonlen.
WILL pay cash for late model used Over
land or Ford. C 396. Oregonlan.
WILL pav cash for Ford; condition no ob-J-ct.
-Oliver. 206 Alder St.
BRAND-NEW $10 motorcycle Presto tank,
$6 50. E. B. Hyatt. 3ao Aiaer.
WILL pay cssh for 1915 ford. Feck Garage,
3ofrl ana riawtnome.
WANTED Second-hand roadster; give low.
est cash price. AO 402, Oregonian.
WANTED Automobile or motorboat for a
new 5-room completely furnished bunga
low; new, high-grade furniture, cost $oo0;
house cost $3400. There has been SoO
paid, balance $30 per month, including
Interest. Located in Hawthorne district
Might consider good vacant lot, clear of
incumbrance; must be class A, no junk
considered. Give full description in let
ter. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. .
Chamber of Commerce.
HAVE $ loots first mortgage for 1915 or 191S
i-pass car; will accept other security or
cash or give the eame for difference in
value; might consider Ford. Bell, 540
Morgan blug. Main 2S27. '
WANTED 5-passenger machine iFord pre
ferred) In exchange on good lot and house
at Seaside, - blocks from beach, and on
improved street. Call 509 McKay bids.
Main 1390. -
FORCED sale - lute model Chalmers six
roauster. electric lighter, self-starter, car
In splendid condition and looks almost like
new. See at N"ob' Hill Garage, 704 Kear
ney. j . .
GOOD automobile, standard make for about
$1000 equity; have a 5-room cottage, loox
100 lot. plenty of fruit trees good location
and always reniea. uouu iicuno. v..
Smith . Co.. 432 Chamber of Commerce,
CAN use four or five-passenger auto; win
give $200 W'arrenton lot and balance cash;
state kind of car and value. P 399, Ore
gonlan. WANTED by established transfer company
one Ford delivery inr quicix eiieo
. ... . ,i .. . n. "in" fir,.
also year nauuus Luui.ak... s. - -
ivti t Av,-nva oonftv In close-in $10,000
residence for modern first-class. high-
grade automobile. b1x or more cylinders,
state make and year. AD 393, Oregonian.
WILL TRADE 1911 Cadillac In best of con
dition on an up-to-dato auto and pay cash
riifference. Geo. G. Paterson. Forest
Grove, Or.
WANTED An auto-truck for 2 days for
hauling sand ana gravei.
phor.e F. W. Luke, lildgefteid Hotel,
RiCgefleld. Wash.
w a vTF.n to flcure on your hauling by hour,
dav. month or tonnage basis. We are pre
pared to give A-l motor truck service or
teams. H 393, Oregonlan.
WANT a good roadster: no Junk: will
give a good 11-rnom house, all houseKeep
tng, close in; cheap rent: worth $000.
N 404. Oregonlan.
FINE 1915 two-speed Dayton motorcycle,
elegant condition; cost $340; price S1H5,
$00 down. $15 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, oj0
I HAVE $50 spot casli for the best o
passencer light car offered to me before
Thursday. Allan Metcalf. SU Charles
WANTED Cheap for cash, 5-passenger
Ford, first-class condition, 1913 or 1910
model preferred. State price and particu
lars. G 4O0, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 5 acres In Puyallup Indian Res
ervation, near Tacoma: small payment
down or wlU accept 1915 Ford auto, bal
ance terms. K 402. Oregonlan.
WILL pay cash for a 1914 or 1915 2d-hand,
B-cvllnder Buick, Hudson. Chalmers.
Studebaker or similar make of car. AN
401, Oregonlan.
TO trade for automobile, lot worth $800.
one block to carlin; mortgage $275; has
18 months to run; must be car in good
condition. M 367, Oregonlan.
AUTOMOBILE wanted. Will trade Port
land or Seattle property for light 5-pas-sengcr
car. L 397, oregonlan.
WANTED 1915 Ford roadster In exchange
for unincumbered residence lot, restricted
district. AH 403, Oregonlan,
WANTED A-l Dodge machine or Ford
used car. 5-passenger. 191 r or 1916 model.
Pay cash. Woodlawn 1S04.
WANTED Fori or other make roadster, for
ctsh. J. H. M., 718 Spalding bldg. Mar
shall 4111.
CASH paid for all makts of worthy motor
cars. Phone Broadway Sd98. Pacific Auto
CO.. fi'l anu nunmiuB oia.
WANTED 1918 or late 1915 5-pass. auto;
junk or no agents. X 396. Oregonlan.
$230 spot cash for good roadster. No
Junk. T 394. Oregonian.
WANTED Ford. $10O cash, $25 per mo.;
not necessary to be In running order.
Write full description. R 404, Oregonlan.
Al ADDING mschine and cash for a Ford
auto. Main 4s. 2:ts f ront.
WOULD like to buy a Ford auto. Hyatt
Talking Machine Co., 3."i0 Alder.
Anto Tlree and Accessories.
SLIGHTLY usfd tires from $3 to $10 each.
Vulcanised 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison.
AUTO tire. 36x4, at $15. almost new. Main
6103 or SOI Front Ft.
Automobiles for Hire.
CLEAN classv Hudson car for hire; "your
same old driver." Main 537S.
1916 DODGE, $1.25 per hour, touting, calling
and shopping. Main i43o.
ONE 1915 Dayton, 9 H. P., 2 -speed, electric
equipment, practically new; a real oar
gain; $225; terms.
Two 1913 Indians, equipped. A-l condi
tion, each $115.
One 1911 single Harley. $40.
One 1915 Inuian, 3-speed, equipped, good
condition: $225.
New 1916 Powerplus Indian on display.
H. LYSTUL, "The Motorcycle Man." In
dian motorcycle agency; gas, oil, tires,
supplies and repairing. 48S Union ave. N.
Phor.e East 6977.
1915 7-horsepower. 2-speed Merkel, full
equipment, $150.
Bargains In used machines of all makes
On easy terms.
Agency for Harley-Davldson and
Flying Merkel.
DAYTON 2-speed twin, 1915. In extra good
shape $200; terms. Merkel twin, with
tandem. In good order, $75. Covey Motor
Car Co., 2Tst and Washington.
1913 TWIN Excelsior, equipped. $75.
1913 10-H. P. Monarch, $00.
Single Harley. S2.Y
R. H. BLOCKER. 276 Taylor.
FOR SALE Harley Davidson motorcycle,
single cylinder, belt drive, Prest o' Llt-3.
tandem seat, in good shape. Price $45. D
39 4, Oregonlan.
WILL pay cash for 1914 or 1915 single or
two-speed twin motorcycle. AE 390, Ore
gonian. HARLEY. 1913, recently overhauled, well
equipped; $S5, $23 down, balance $15 per
mon'h. Call at 266 11th St.
IF you want a twin motorcycle at almost
your own price, ans. this ad for appoint
ment. O 396, Oregonian..
TWO-CYLINDER motorcycle, good condi
tion, cheap for cash. 1011 13th '., Al
berta car.
WILL exchange first-class talking machine
for good blcvcle. Hyatt Talking Machine
Co.. 350 Alder.
Io50 llh'TZ motorcycle, 8-H. P. engine, good
condition. $125. or exchange. Main iV6i.
Main 11S6 or Main 6678.
191S TWIN YALE, fully equipped. Just over
hauled, for S5. Call Tabor 4003 or call
at 204 34th St.
USED Harlev, in spenldid condition, cheap.
Owner. 140 N. 16th st.
READING motorcycle. $100: will take dia
mond as part payment. 2S3 13th St., City.
1913 2-SPEED motorcycle: $125 cash: first
class condition. 40 E. 3d. corner Pine.
One 5-ft. power batch concrete mixer,
One 7-foot power batch concrete mixer
on skids, $229.60.
One 10-ft. cone batch concrete mixer on
steel trucks, wltn steam engine and boiler
and side loader, $626.90.
Two six-brick machines, hand tamp,
each. $23.60.
One ten-brick machine, hand tamp,
ejo jts,
One adjustable steel burial vault mould
complete, $126.45.
Three sidewalk Indentation rollers,
nickel each, 1.95.
Five S1. Cub, ft. concrete wheelbarrows,
each $4.4S.
New goods at second-hand prices.
47 First St., Portland. Or.
FOR SALE Refrigerating machinery, du
plex and simplex pumps, all sizes; 4 water
tool grinders, one plate turner, one 54-Inch
planer, fire power plant equipment, feed
water heater, one small planer, etc. AO
326. Oregonlan
500 TYPEWRITERS from $10 to $15. Un-d-erwoods.
Remingtons. Royals, Smiths;
choice of any standard factory rebuilt
typewriter, a bargain; every machine
guaranteed, kept in repair 5 years. Free
circulars. Write today. Dearborn Type
writer Co.. Chicago.
WE can sav2 from SO to 75 per cent on all
makes of typewriters: send for our illus
trated folder Retail department WHOLE
SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, st.
TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for Sr
and up- 6 months' rent applied on pur
chase price Remington Typewriter Com
pany. r0 tjroaaway, rurunuu. .
SPLENDID No. 2 Smith fremler typewriter,
only $17.50. $5 down, $2 monthly. E. B.
Hyatt. 350 Alder.
UNDERWOOD typewriter and table, nearly
new. AO 399. Oregonlan.
WILL sell visible typewriter, almost new,
very reasonable price. AP 403. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Underwjod typewriter, cheap,
for cash. AH 3U9, Oregonlan.
We carry the most complete and best
selected stock of reconstructed type
writers on the Pacific Coast, and can
save you money on any make of writing
machine. - ,n
REMINGTONS as low as v."
Every machine thoroughly rebuilt ana
fullv guaranteed. Call and inspect our
stock before purchasing elsewhere. Mat-nines
sent for three days' examination
to anv point on the Const and If not sat
isfactory may be returned at our expense.
Send for illustrated price list.
Retail Department
3il WaaUingtJU St., Portland, Or.
os-Drir T TVPfcUVHirHH.-i.
Remington, No. 10
. Remington, No. 11
Smith Premiers, No. 10. . .
Remingtons, Nos. ti and 7.
L. C. Smitn. No. 5
Olivers. No. 5....
Densmore, No. 4
Fox Visible
... 3.1.00
. .. 27.50
. .. 12.50
. . . 42.50
... 20.00
. .. 25.M
Underwoods, No. 5
FULL- Gl AK.iSl bci'.
fir, .Broadway. Phone Broadway 621.
WAXTFD Used light delivery car; must
be in good order and snap for cash. See
M.- H. Bauer. Imperial Hotel, Sunday,
12 to 2" o'clock.
I V I I ' 'A' i : I'l X ' . S all makes, $10 to $6... The
Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark st.
Main Sr,2S.
Launches and ISoatn.
CANOES -16-foot Morris, new, complete
with sails, mast, lee boards, 2 paddles; $35.
17-foot Racii.e. good condition. 2 pad
dles and lazy-back; $25. Phone Sellwooi
194. O 392, Oregonlan.
18-FOOT motorboat hull, In good shape,
newly painted. $25. Apply to Mr. Cook.
Von der Werth boat yard, east end Mor
rison bridge.
RUNABOUT launch wanted. Call East 6
daytime or East 226 evenings and Sun
days. -
HAVE you arranged for that houseboat or
launch yet? See C. W. Raynor, Spalding
FOR SALE 5-room bungalow houseboat.
Call Sunday, 12 to 5 P. M.. No. 14 Willam
ette Moorage, or phone Woodlawn lbJij.
30-FT. launch and boathouse. worth $500;
take $200 cash this week. Carroll, 540
Morgan bldg.
LAUNCH, 23-foot, 4-cyllnder engine, fine
condition, electric lights, full equipment;
b bargain. AN 402, Oregonian.
DANDY houseboat, fine for two young men,
$220. Inquire Bundy's.
DAVID'S Jewelers' removal sale, diamonds,
watches, jewelry, etc.; high-grade mer
chandise at convincingly low prices. Inls
is our first sale In years. Everything has
our backing and personal guarantee.
Large selection. Come early to 34 wash-'
Ington st.
ONE dump wagon, 1 large 4-in. axel wagon,
1 platform spring wagon covered top;
7 wheel scrapers, 1 slip scraper. 2 sets ot
double team harness, 2 sets of buggy har
ness Call 5S5 Commercial st. Phone Wood
lawn iizij.
FOR SALE Store fixtures of all kinds, in
cluding cash register, small safe, show
cases, nickel-plated window fixtures,
chairs: all or any part of this lot can be
honirht at very low prices. Apply at
Wright's Shoe Store, 4th and Alder sts.
SINGLE-HOPPER electric Hobart coffee
mill and National caah register; used 1
year: guaranteed good as new. Phone
443W Ore. City. Address box 67. Park
place, Or. .
French dry cleaned, $1. Our autos
everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309
Stark. Broadway 514.
ANTIQUE electric piano lamp. $10. or trade
for late model 1A Ansco or Eastman ko
dak. Manager. 672 Kearney st. Mar
shall 24S7.
F RLY seed potatoes "American wonner.
"Good Yielders." for sale by S l
Park Rose. Fairvlew Or. B. 195. Take
Rose City park car w rjL',"-.
ENCY BRITANNICA (30 vols). Including
American supplements cloth and mprocM;
no reasonable offer refused. Alex Stewart,
Llnnton. Or.
FL.VT-TOP desk, tables, chairs, Dlebold
sate, X- ce r.. mine --yr-
otner office furniture for sale. Call 531
Morgan J) Wg.
FOR SALE 2tfx34 Auto Gratlex camera;
Zeiss Tessar lens, F.4.5. $ will take It.
.... ,, k ti uoC nni.rtn on
good as n-ew. jujv v. ..,u, w.v-a.. .
0x7 VIEW CAMERA, fitted with Goerz-
uayor ino. comiwuu ouui-wu. ,
BEAUTIFUL blue spangled gown, unmade;
cost $100 N. Y. ; take $35. AE 401. Ore
DUOP-HEAD Singer sewing machine, al
most new, $12.50. 191 Park St., near
Yamhill. '
EDISON phonograph and 12 records, good
condition, only $5. Hyatt Talking Ma
chine Co., 350 Aldet
SPLENDID CONN B flat cornet with case,
onlv $25, $3 down. $4 monthly. Hyatt
m . b i rn tr.n Alrior
latKlUK mttciniip -.
FOR SALE-2-chalr barbershop, where dry
law helps, at car barn, with or without
building; good business. 1541 E. 10th st.
WILL DISPOSE of a lot used sewing ma
chines, all makes, and all guaranteed, at
S5.00 each. 319 Morrison.
RECORDS, half price. Record Exchange,
12S 1st st.
FOR SALE Six store counters In good con
dition. 16 ft. long, with hardwood tops.
Address P. O. box 26. Gervals, Or.
A BARGAIN in a brand new small farm
gas tractor if taken at once. AJ 409,
FOR SALE Standard size pool table, full
equipment, cheap for cash; good condi
tion. Main 3836. .
SODA FOUNTAIN with back bar, fully
equipped, for sale cheap. X 402, Orego-
UNDERWOOD typewriter, late model: per
fect condition, cheap. No trades. T 400.
h-nr'ntn. 215 2d St.. corner Salmon.
SLE or trade, professional moving picture
' i ,,,fit- liu-ht car wanted: have
theater. Box 83, Glendale. Or.
BARGAINS In unredeemed guns and re
volvers: all mSKes; Cneap. ceauiegaru s.
708 Main 8t.. Vancouver, wasn.
FOR SALE cheap lumber In building. East
, i tra.t also coon
second anu jnm.
elevator. Marshall 1293 or East 23C3.
SMALL furnished houseboat,
best of con-
ditlon. A J w. legoiiion.
100 YDS brown battleship linoleum cheap.
Oregon Alleys, 86 Broadway.
60-ARM, best rug rack for sale at half
price. EdWarQS company, utu tmu uhk.
PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices.
stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d St. Main 727.
3 POOL TABLES, good shape, cheap. 526
t - ! . . . n NT
MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N.
W. Lead & Machinery Co.. 311 Front st.
Rose City Printery, 3d st.. cor. Taylor.
MULTIGRAFH, complete, $25 cash. Edgar
Stlnau. 202 Stark st.
NO 1 ROYAL typewriter, leather case, $5.
Edgar Stelnau. 262 Stark st.
Mc;TODON pansy plants, large orders filled.
Beaverton, Or.. R. 2, box 182.
BEARING size apple trees, 50c each. Mitch.
ell .N,urser. x-"in. . nan
FOR SALE Completely furnished 5-room
hnn.hnflt Sellwood 1659.
OFFICE fixtures for sale cheap. 203 Wash
ington st. Main vsvt.
FOUR fine stands of bees, hives and supers.
all for rnone mDur oo.
ONE engineer's Wye level, also Gurley tran
sit. H. s. nan, nome vauey, yyasn.
WE DrjLl V bjt. tAPi jf?oi, a x-ti.
GAS RANGE, flrst-class condition, almost
new. $i.;-io, cost -. cast oio.
22-FOOT launch, top electric lights, for
sale cheap. Phone woodlaw-n 3t4.
GENUINE elk tooth, mounted, at bargain.
K 406. oregonian.
BICYCLE, in good condition, new tires, to
trade for groceries. AK 407. Oregonlan.
A-l RANGE, child's bed. folding bed and
Morris chair. 547 Tamhlll st.
OIL paintings, nude figures, gilt frames.
Marshall 813. 167 W. Park St.
'oo-EGG Incubator, cheap, nearly new. Main
3423. 5S8 Pettygrove 8t
GENT'S bicycle for sale, cheap; terms. R. H.
Blocker. 2T rayior
ELECTRIC coffee-grinder,
Foster road. Lents.
cheap. 9139
TWO pooltables very cheap; fine condition.
202 stars: st.
FOR SALE A $60 safe for $23; in good
condition. 94 W. 8th st.
NEW HOME automatic sewing machine and
some furniture. Call Monday. 7 E. 64th st.
2 DONKEY engines, with cable.' 014 Bdwy.
Timely Topics, Equipment Economy.
Published by
the house of a million bargains.
m. barde & sons, owners.
second-hand machinery and
our special price sale now in
This Is an event for which we prepare
MONTHS IN ADVANCE, accumulating a
tremendous stock and giving this sale the
WIDEST PUBLICITY by increased circu
larizing and advertising. We are "OKK
EVER ON OUR PAYROLL, maintaining
our POSITION as LEADERS and pleasing
our customers by shipping out everythnls
on time.
OVER 1.000,000 BARGAINS. Including
and everybody.
Babbitt. Rope, Etc.
in sizes to 24 inches.
for Railroad Contractors, etc.
Our stock is complete.
at ridiculously low prices.
COME NOW while our stock
is complete.
A complete assortment of
and all other fixtures, as well as
of all kinds and sizes.
To save space. and time
From a NAIL to a LOCOMOTrVB.
. We deliver free any order amounting to
$2.50 or more.
The pipe ds going fast, so better be quick
If needing any.
Write or call
240 Front St., Corner Main.
We are unloading our large stock of
hardware, furniture, stoves, ranges, plumb
ing, etc. Our window display epeaks for
Itse'lf. -.
Second-hand cable, good as new, -in.
only 2'c foot; Vi-in. only 3c foot; -in.
only 3c foot; -in. only 4c foot; m-ln.
only 5c foot.
Blacksmiths' anvils, drills and blowers,
priced below the marked price.
A lot of Sherwin-Williams paint to be
closed out at $1.25 per gallon. Atkins
cross-cut saws $1 and up. Hlmonds cross
cut saws $2 and up. Disston's Cougar
cross-cut saws 50c per foot. All the above
saws slightly damaged. Bucksaws, regu
lar 75c, now 45c each. Slmonds handsaws
only 95c each. Carpenter squares, reg. UOc,
only 45c each. One-foot squares only l:c
each. Double-bitted axes on handles only
75c each. Sandpaper only 10c dozen. Still
son pipe wrenches greatly reduced. We
have a complete line of shoemakers' out
fits and extras. All kinds wedges, sledges,
top mauls, mattocks, picks, bars peaveys,
augers, handles and thousands of other
items too numerous to mention at greatly
reduced prices.
A few furniture specials. Many others
too numerous to mention. Roll-top office
desk, cost new $00, now $27.50. Dining
chairs, reg. $2.25. only $!.43 each. Beds
of all descriptions from 50c up. Springs,
mattresses and bedding accordingly. Lin
oleum, res. 00c per yard, now 33c. 9x12
rugs from $2.50 up. We have a complete
line of second-hand hardwood dining
room tables at your own prices. Our
dresser stock is complete, with prices
ranging from $2 up. We have a complete
stock of new and second-hand trunks and
Come and look over our stock.
221-3-5 Front St. Cor. Salmon.
We have a complete line of new and
second-hand plumbing supplies; let us
submit you figures befona you decide on
your plumbing work; attractive prices for
laying sewers; our estimates are free and
all our work is guaranteed.
187 Front St, Main 0631.
Royal, $14; Olympic, $11; Electric, T512;
Davis, $15; White. $14; New Homo. $10;
Howe, $5; Minnesota, $7; Favorite, $0;
Singer buttonhole machine. $75; aiso 6
Singer power machines cheap, for manu
facturing purposes; French embroidery
machine, $20. Sewing Machine Emporium,
190 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431. A 3626.
FOR SALE Walrus soda fountain with ten
foot dispensing counter and back bar,
with mirror 3 V-xS ft.; automatic carbon
ator, glasses and other equipment. Practi
cally new. Correspondence solicited. Pax
son Drue Co.. Central Point. Or.
Cash registers, slightly used, reduced prices;
second-hand and rebuilt National cash
registers low priced, easy monthly paym ts.
352-354 irJurnside St., Cor. 8th.
Phones Broadway 1816. A 1816.
7 H. P. marin-e type engine.
Magnetos, carburetors, sheet lead, lead
wool and machinery repairing.
311 Front St i
PORTABLE houses, garages, hunting cabins,
chicken-houses, woodsheds, etc.
S44 Hood St. m Ialn J,!,'!'
Sundays and evenings Woodlawn 3615.
LEAD wool, lead pipe, sheet lead. 30 II. P.
steam engine, 3, 7, 8 H. P. gas engines.
, carburetors, magnetos, gears, pulleys, ma
chinery and auto repairing. Northwest
Lead & Machinery Co.. 311 Front st.
FOR SALE 1 size 27 Silent meat cutter, 1
size 56 Enterprise meat grinder, 1 60-lb.
upright sausage stuffer; also 1 Prestollte
tank $5. Bay City Market, 4th and Yam-
mil. aiain eui. a aou.
SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly usocl
Bewlng machines, all makes, will be closed
out Dropheads. $5 and up; box tops. 2
and up. S. S. Siegel, two stores, 383 Alder
st. and 242 Alder st.
with motor truck to carry and operate
it; here's a chance for a live man to
make some quick money; liberal terms.
Box AB :i"2, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Beautiful dark, rich Aiaskan
mink scarf; shawl style; made by G. P.
Rummelin & Sons; cost $S5, will take $40.
Main 5X31.
HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and
shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses
bought, sold and exchanged. Hochfeld's
camera i!.xcnaiigq, qj au pi. men
BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom
and pocket billiard tables and bowling
, allevs and accessories; easy payments. The
Bru'nswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 40-48 5th.
FOR SALE Two genuine goose-feather
beds and three pairs pillows, never have
been used, cheap for cash. O 399, Orego
nlan. FURNISHED houseboat and morforboat with
house, tools, etc., fine outfit; take ord
runabout part payment. AJ 402, Orego
nian. MY $1200 Alaska seal coat, absolutely new,
latest, made this Xmas. size 42. $450;
bring appraiser. Mrs, John Schmidt, 369
N. 23d St.
FOR SALE or trade, one No. 1 Planotype
printing presi, with complete outfit. In
cluding extra type. The J. E. Martin Co.,
83 First st-
STWDARD computing" cheese cutter, new;
meat Baws, enameled meat platters, small
oil stove and scales.; Underwood type
writer and table. AF 396, Oregonlan.
THREE modern showcases, large refriger
ator safe, cash registers and standing
desv 228 Lumber Exchange bldg.
A LOAD for dry Summer wood; haul it
yourseu. uoinci " u"- " J
4 ROLL-TOP, 2 flat-top, 1 T. W. desks. 14
chairs filing cabinets, bookkeeper's desk.
91 Park St.
NEARLY new Perfection oil- heater $3;
electric reading lamp, cost $12, for $3.
Tabor 2so,
$10 THOUSAND for chicken-house and yard
lumber, haul It yourself. Corner Wheeler
and Broadway East
SWAP piano, standard make, for automobile
or victrola or cheap for cash. 3S3 Russell
st.. apt. 1.
FOR SALE Soda fountain, table, chairs,
piano." off Ice partition. 605 Northwest bldg.
327 Washington St.
SEWING machines of all makes Bold and
rented $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium,
190 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431, A 302B.
DESK Flat top, modern, sanitary, ma.iog-
any finish, like new. $18. 601 Journal
bldg. .
CASH REGISTERS. slightly used; our
prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange,
S-.-i l u-,.hln?tnn st. Main 606.
ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent;
expert repairing. Walker Electric Works,
413 Burnslde st. Broadway or A B674.
East 4S32.
Junk Second-hand gdbds.
MENT. Makes no difference what It Is.
Big or Small.
Machinery, Pipe. Belting and anything.
Front st. Main 663, A 1663.
We pay the highest price for ladles'
and gents' cast-off clothing, blcycies aud
everything in merchandise. Call us up.
We need it and pay for It.
Main 20SO. Main 2080.
We buy your second-hand furniture,
stoves and svther household goods.
Highest Prices Paid.
7174 221-3-5 Front st. Call on us when
you have anything in the furniture or
hardware line for sale. Highest cash prices
184 1st. Main 576. 184 1st.
Call on us and get our estimate on your
furniture and household goods before dis
posing of same,
I NEED a lot of second-hand furniture and
carpets to ship out of town; can pay more
than Portland second-hand dealers. Phone
Mever. the tailor, pays you more mi
clothing and shoes. Reliable buyer. Call
Marshall 1229. 220 Madison St.
FURNITURE WANTED Second-hand gold
en oak. wax finish samplecase or lower
office table or double desk, flat top. AG
401, Oregonlan.
WANTED To trade new watch and chain,
any make, for tailor-made suit. F 390,
WILL PAY cash for second-hand typewriter
decks; leg base pattern preferred- F 375,
CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum
. and high-grade ore. II. M. Pickering.
218 Oregonlan bldg.
WANTED To buv second-hand bathroom
outfit In good condition. State price and
. n K .nun Jlld DrflffMltnll
WA KTEn. tv nrivate Dartv. a second-hand
lloor showcase, counter and shelving, for
cash. A 400. Oregonian.
WANTED One billiard table and one pool
table; must be in flrst-class condition and
cheap for cash. Call Sellwood 443.
MARINE engine wanted". 4-cycle preferred,
about 15 to 20 11. P. Call East 2226 day
time or East 226 evenings and Sundays.
WANTED A Peerless check protector for
cash;' state lowest price. W 403, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Late model Auto Graflex cam
era. 3V4x4U or 4x3. Answer with price.
W 376. Oregonlan.
WANTED A second-hand. high-tension
magneto for a 3-cylinder gas engine.
Phone Woodlawn 2201.
WANTED To buy two second-hand refrig
erators: no objections If hinges are worn
out. 9 E. 7th. Phone East 1874
WANTED A 4V.x5 motor with masncto,
no radiator; must be in A-l condition;
cash, s 401, Oregonlan,
WANTED To rent or buy at a reasonable
price, reclining wheel-chair. Woodlawn
WANTED Boathouse In good condition,
cheap for cash. State price In first letter.
Wm. Heffeldon, Oregon. Olty
WANTED Good first-growth flrwood In
carload lots; must be dry. S. Nelson,
Falrview. Or.
WILL PAY cash for S. & H. greon trading
stamps. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg.
WANTED Old lumber; must be In good
condition. C, 2044. E 394, Oregonlan.
WANTED National cash register. Main
6"6. 351 Washington st.
WILL PAY casn for S. & H. green trading
stamps. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg.
ANTED Employes" time registering clock
25 to 50 registrations. D405, Oregonian.
WANTED Baby buggy in good condition;
old English preferred. D 404, Oregonlnn.
WILL buy or trade for .22 special or auto
matic rifle. AH S95, Oregonlan.
WANTED Furniture of residence, cash.
A F 404, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand box ball alleys;
must be cheap. Call Woodlawn 2132.
FARM tractor wanted; no attention unless
details, price given. P. Q. box 105 8.
HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of all
descriptions. Main 309. Kline's. 208 First.
OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for
your furniture 204 1st. Main 462i.
WANTED Canoe, must be in good condition
and cheap, forcash.K 420. Oregonlan.
WANTED Hot water tnnk for ranga. and
small bath tub; cash. 72 West Simpson.
WE PAY the highest price for Junk of all
kinds. Mn. 4GS6. 235 Front. ABC Junk Co.
WANTED Man's f ur pvercoat. O 403, Ore
gonian ;
HIGHEST CASH price paid for phonographs
and records. Main 4495. 128 First st.
EVINRUDE or other motor; must bo cheap
for cash. Box A 402. oregonian.
WILL pay cash for second-hand phono
graph records. S.403. Oregonlan.
WANTED Small portable sawmill; will pay
cash. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg.
SEWING machine; must be In flrst-class
condition and bargain. E 397, Oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand governess pony
cart. HD 39S, Oregonlan.
WANTED Rugs or sewing machine for
dressmaking 4S2 Williams ave.
TEAM of horses, suitable orchard work.
E 395, Oregonlan .
WANTED A Corona typewriter for cash;
state lowest price. W 404, Oregonlan.
WANTED Will pay top prices for men's
used suits. Phone Tabor 61)78.
WAN! ED Will pay $100 cash for second
hand concrete mixer. H 401, Oregonlan.
WANTED To buy large safe, cheap for
cash. I. Holsman, 315 Washington st.
STEADY employment, good wages, day and
night claaseB, few months learning, profit
able work. Watchmaking, Engraving and
Optical School, 218 Commonwealth Bldg.,
6th and Ankeny.
CAPABLE specialty salesman for Portland
and vicinity; leads furnished; stale last
- employment and phone address. P 407,
Oregonian. .
WANTED A man to fire furnace in small
apartment-house morning and evening;
good place to sleep, and maybe a little
cash. 300 Williams ave.
WANTED Married man accustomed to gen
eral farm work. Farm about 40 miles
from Portland. Separate house. Address
AV 6S0, Oregonian.
instructor to teach you the barber trade
In 8 weeks; tools free; position guaran
teed; paid while learning. 232 2d. nr. Main.
WANTED Farmer with Implements, team
or gas power to plow and farm large
tract wheat land; wages or share. 02S
Corbett bldg.
SALES manager to take charge of tractor
department of a large concern; salary $75
to start, also commission; $1000 required,
secured. Call 724 Northwestern Bank bldg.
4 YOUNG MEN for magazine proposition.
Salary and commission. Call 8:30 Monday
morning. 430 East Yamhill, Apt. 6. Phone
East 7591.
YOUNG MAN, IS to 21, to learn wholesale
business. Address own handwriting. A
4o3, Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED woodcutters; must have
good team; to cut and haul 3 to 500 cords.
420 Morrison St.
WANTED Drug clerk with experience at
fountain and with kodaks, second man;
state salnrv. Arthur Thayer. Camas. Wash.
MAKE money writing stories or articles.
Big pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
United Press Syndicate, San Francisco.
WANT reliable man who knows produce
business and preferably acquainted on
Front st. D 402, Oregonlnn.
WANTED Amateur boxers and wrestlers.
Great special inducements. See Instructor,
Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Salesman for gasoline station.
Call 1 A. M. to 7 P. M. Wages $45 per
month; state age. J 393. Oregonlan.
W VN'TED Young man who understands
feeding cows, milk and delivery. Phone
Woodlawn 3476
WANT Christian man as partner In a good
business. $300 required. Tabor 4000.
WANTED Partv to take contract to clear
land. W. Schultz, 7S7 Hawthorne.
WANTED Japanese schoolboy to work for
board and room. Call Marshall 2722.
W NTED Roy to learn auto business; no
- salary. 717 Hawthorne ave.
A FEW slightly worn men's clothes for
sale at a bargain. 105 W. Park st.
WANTED Solicitors, house-to-house work.
Call Monday. E. B. Dlmock. 82 Grand ave.
MAN to prune and spray. Marshall 561L
207 N. W. Bank bldg.
TWO men to clear few acres land. 207 N. W.
Bank bldg
MAN to do carpenter work for rent of
apartment. J 390, Oregonian.
A-l SHOE SALESMAN wanted at once. In.
q ti 1 re 215 Second, cor. Salmon.
GOOD r.UNTEIl. Tabor 429.
I want a raan who knows Tortland
and vicinity to handle a popular, widely
advertised line of eight-cylinder motor
cars; 1 have, an excellent proposition f'r
an Al salesman: an opening that will
enable a thoroughly capablu man to make
big money; I want a man who knows
hinisfir, a man who can and will stand
on his own feet, a man who can get the
maximum automobilo soles out of his
territory; we will give such a man every
possible assistance In developing his busi
ness; he must own his-own car and be
able to produce results as our direct rep
resentative; this Is an exceptional oppor
tunity for the right man; tlnre is such a
man here In town, I am sure; I am hope
ful that he will read this advertisement
and then sit right down and write mo
fully about himself and his qualifications;
I don't wan, a professional job hunter I
WANT A MAN! Address your letter to
Frtt-torv Representative, S 3S2, Orei.-niUan.
A FEW YEARS AGO 1 started a small
mall order business In spare time wall
a few dollars capital. I wanted to make
$30 or $40 a month, evenings. The net
profits the first year averaged $200 a
week. Five years work netted me $50,
000. I will show you how to start a
small mail order business. Send today
for my proposition. It's Interesting. No
canvassing. Ueacock, box 807, Lockport,
N Y.
Young men seeking employment in com
mercial, clerical or technical lines are In
vited to consult the Employment Secre
tary. To non-members a special mem
bership is issued, costing $5 per annum,
giving service of the department lor a
year two months' lull privilege and r
fund of membership fee -It atisiiictory em
ployment Is not secured.
EARN $109 weekly managing clean, legiti
mate mall order business. We furnish
everything. Right party need not worry
about capital. Splendid chance for lntPllli
gent, employed person to control Inde
pendent business on profit-sharing bnis,
beginning sparo time, evenings at home.
Particulars free. Opportunities Exchange,
Buffalo. N. Y.
AT ONCE, band sawyer fv., stationary en
gineer $75, sawyer and filler, 2o-M. mill;
planer helper, Ibr. checker, wagon stock
foreman 75, store clerk 75, machinist
42c, millwrights 4oc, stenographer and In
voice clerk $75. blacksml'.Ii $73: openings
different lines occurring dally. Mack's, Lit
tle Rock, Ark.
COMPETENT shop mechanics and chauf
feurs furnished by Y. M. C. A. Auio Scliool.
Main 7005, A 0061.
SCHOOL on Coast. Courses practical and
complete. Expert supervision. Time un
limited. Ratt-a reasonable. Many positions
secured. Room and board whiie learning.
Catalogue free. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF
ENGINEERING (EsL 1905) Los Angeles.
BRIGHT active boy. about 16 years, for
mill and mine supply house, to run -errands
and make himself useful; good start
for right partv; answer in own handwrit
ing, giving lull particulars, age. educa
tion, balary expected, etc. BF 392. ore
gonian. YOUNG man and wife for private home.
Man must be first-class chauffeur, woman
. for general housework; must be good cook;
must be competent, give references, age
and wages expected. Address L 395, Ore
gonian. .
GRADUATES. Instruction on both
TBACKLAl'I.Nfi nnd IVlltliL TYPES.
GOVERNMENT positions In post office, rai
lway mail and other branches are gooil;
prepare for "exams." under former L. -s-Civil
Service, secretary-examiner; booklet
11-35 free. Write today. Patterson Civil
Service School, Rochester, N. Y.
M1DLLE-AGKD and elderly men maUo
mo-'ey soiling our humly. guaranteed orna
mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part
expense p.-ovlded. Washington Nursery
Co., TuDptnish. Wash,
WANTED Man and wife to work on farm
at Coburg. Or., near Eugene. See R. 11.
Camp at Coburg. or H. L. Camp at 4 24 L.
Alder et., Portland, Monday morning ut
9 o'clock.
CUTTER for city tailoring; must be flrst
class, high-grade man and thoroughly un
derstand both cutting and lilting; steady
position open March 1. Apply to J. L. Bow
man, at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store.
SECRET SERVICE; exceptional oppor
tunities Orient. South and North Amer
ica; detectives, alo reli;il-lo inexperienced
persons prepared by leading world's ex
pert. Asiatic-Pacific Agency. San Fran
cisco. .
WANTED 4 young fellows, from 17 to 21
years of age. traveling proposition; trans
portation pnid. Apply between 10 and
11 A. M. Sunday, room :;:;5, New Scutt
WANTED To get In touch with ice cream
maker to go out of city; statu experience
and where you have worked in first letter
with wages expected. Address AV 002,
YOU can learn to be an optician and
optometrist. De Keyser Institute of op
tometry, the mos4 progressive school In
the West. Day and evening classes. In
quire Columbia bldg.
EXPERIENCED allalf.i man with some
means to go on unimproved tract, Irri
gated district, and put in cultivation; can
bo made a paying project for both parties.
For particulars address Y 391.
MECHANICS wanted everywhere. Good
wages. Fit yourself by courses In steam,
gas or electrical engineering, student aid
plan. Free catalogue from Peatilo Engi'
neering School, Roy Btreut, Seattle.
WANTED Hoy of good habits and some
farm experience, to milk and do chores.
State wages wanted.
E. E. WATTS, Ilillshoro, Or.
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to m-en
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
78, Parsons. Kan.
TWO capable to Introduce quality products
direct to consumer; excellent premiums
advanced: permanent work to A-l man.
21-23 S. Grand ave.. Portland.
$100 WEEKLY guaranteed, money-back prop
osition; ellB to business men; repeat or
ders come unsolicited ; samples, prouf free.
Co-Operative Co., Omaha. Neb
2oi'-2;s nth st.
Auto anil Tractor Engineering.
Your thorough InvestUmion solicited.
EXPERIENCED attorney to assist In es
tablished business, state salary, age, ref
erences and experlcnco In detail. X 98,
Oregonlan. ,
PARTNER wanted. A-l proposition In es
tablished manufacturing business; parly
with salesmanship ability preferred. Owner
G 390, Oregonian.
NEWSPAPER man to take charge of Oregon
weekly; must be experienced with all de
partments of front office. A 390, Orego
nian. I WILL pay any honest man up to $r.O
monthly for part of spare time; no can
vassing; no capital. Write today. VoorliK'S,
desk 152, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED City salesman to handle me
chanical line, on salary or commission ;
splendid opening for the right man. K 397,
WANTED Man with automobile and little
money to join in a uuame;-.- ) un
livery, etc., and share profits; better than
jlUiey OUHineSS. Xj 1. t'l.t, tf -mm..
BE A DETECTIVE ir.arn $50-5100 weekly;
travel over world. Experience unnecessary.
American Foreign Detective Institute. 107
Chemical. St. Louis.
MEV for railway mall, clerk Jobs; exams,
soon; $9uO to $1800 yearly; act quickly;
time limited. Pacific States School, Mc
Kay bldg., city.
ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen,
brakemen, $120 monthly: experience un
necessary. Railway, Oregonlan.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced tool and
dlemaker. Hotpolnt Electric Heating Co.,
Ontario, Cal.
LARGE corporation needs man of executive
ability and salesmanship to open branch;
qualified man only. 628 Pittock block.
I WILL give you 1000 cords standing fir
for clearing the land (15 acre.s. West
Woodburn. 502 Gllsan st., pear 17th.
EXPERT pruner; 200 acre 5-year-old ap
ple trees; state experience and price. Ail
292. Oregonlan.
MEN and women, get names, addresses, mull
order houses; particulars for stamp. Di
rect Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind.
EARN$20 weekly writing names, addresses;
no canvassing; Information stamp. G. C.
Smith, Little Rock, Ark.
NEW publication seeks salesmen with en-
. n-h. n-an to unrn n t least S", m. dnv
Room 24. 142 hi. Second st.
ATTORNEY WANTED Young lawyer look
ing for location in Portland. X 403,
4.PPI; ENTICE wanted; good opportunity;
Investigate. Fast Portland Shoe Hospital,
1024 Hawthorne ave.
WANTED A man to work on a farm near
Portland. AC 2t. Orertnnian.
SOLICITOR, experienced, high-grade. Call
after 2 P. M. 433 Wash, st.
yyANT to toy few sllghtls'-w-orn men's
clothes. 1 lift vy. IHiK st. oniM'iway ilia.
PHOTO agents, something new: extra, com
missi o n lidSarojTyJOmhT;Jt
TWO ship-fitters on steel construction
wanted. Call 417 Commercial club bldg.
WANTED Wood cutters. Inquire JameK
George. Yamhill, Or., route 1.
aiX OR BOY for good country boitio;
write wltn nescripuon, .'v oia, wreguiiiHu.
WANTED p-ilntlrg In exchange for fur
n..i,A,i room t:I) 3ij7. Orocuiiian.
Twenty young men for nursery work,
close In.
Ten farmhands and dairymen.
Cut-off man. $2.50.
Married men for lumber mills.
Others too numerous to mention here.
Corner 1-lrst uud Couch sts.
A .MAN of strong pel lay who is a
salesman of le'.oideii ability with a prac
tical knowledge of dv ruMns nnd copy;
tlie Income- is tetter than 2Ueo a ear
and an uutomoblle goes wltli the position
oi manager, in addition to the forego
ing Cfseiiluil quulil .cations a chmIi In
vestment of $lu 'U Is lequiied, the otlur
bail may be laid Irom tue t-aininics ot
too business, tiu attention will bo pm.l 14
replies will, nut full uclai a und tel'ei-
s, but all will !e tr,ait-i very con
fidential. ,L1 ,'.91. I 'retell! a u.
WELL-EDUCATED oung man of nsturul
aptitude wanted in an established finan
cial bouse to learn liie busmen and, rn
tiie course of j'-urs, when competent t.t
become HetUo In a productive capacity,
to invest il-VOOO to $2.i.llu0 therein; sa jii y
first year JfJ.. per month. Answers will bo
considered only if giving evidence of uhtl
Ity to meet these requ.icmeuts. AD o92,
MEN WANTED Tho tunny shlppeis
throughout the country nre in urgent need
of Lamed trafllc managers. liy duvoltlitr
a litliu of our sparo tuim you tun qual
ify for the now prol'essi .ui. If ou havo
tiie Inclination and desire to better ovir
condition wo can assir-i ou. Write or cull
for booklet. Interstate '1 ral'fic School, IMS
lloaid ot: Trade Plug.
MANAGER for Portland lioie; one, that Is
u.-d to handling men and corrt spondence ;
If you are a live wile we have, an opening
that is worth lool.lng up; Invest niont of
J.,iioO required, securid. puys good divi
dends; salary to bta:t $12..; chanco for ad
vancement. Call 724 Northwestern Bank
IF you want to k-urn tlio automobilo busi
ness and start Willi a largo turn where
you can have steady work the year
a.ound. and you can make un Investment
of $300, "call on us. 7-'4 Northwealein
Bank bldg.
PRIVATE secretary wanted us assistant lo
tho manuger of ft I'ort.iind corporation ;
salary 1 1 -o to start; vhuoee for advance
ment; $2300; Investment required; keeiired.
und draws good intermit. Cull 724 Nortli
w estel It Hunk blilt;. ,
WANTED 2 men handy with tools anil inclined, lo vv.itk HI larg,i
factory; men w ho appreciate steady
work n'ed apply; salary and shBin of
the profits; $.uo required. Call 724 North
western l'unk bidgj
CALIFORNIA. 2O0 motion picture com
panies; easy to write plavs; highest prices;
no school. Wo revise, sell. Scud for free
details. Photoplay iiuicail, ;!':; Sta. C ,
Los Ar.ndcs.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced automo
bile mechanic. Must know his business
nnd furnish good references. Apply Super
intendent's Olileo Monday, 9 to 10 A. M.
Mil floor. 1 .t pi tin ti. Wolto At t'ii.
HAMliU Experience. 1 diy goods man, one
who tun u im windows nnd write cards
preferred. State full paruculats and sal
ary expected 111 llist U ll T. Ailtil' il box
Cos. Htllshoro. Or.
GOV EUN.MENT positions now open. Spring
examination soon. Civil service, business,
r-alesiiiauatil p courses tiloiouglily taught
by Jiliiil. Enrollment feo $5; tutttou flow.
Address Carnegie, College. Rogers. Ohio.
FUR EM AN for manufacturing p'nnt; man
who hat hud experience in handling men;
salary $lioi to start; chance for advance
ment. $li"ie required, which is secured,
Cuil 721 North vv estui tl Hank b : il g.
! sfiol :SALESM .IN Wa'ntT.K
to carry best lino union made work and
outing shoes. Calitoriiia, nnd other terri
tory; applicant must hiivo established
trade, territory. Mam 3'"' 1 Monday.
HUSTLERS 2t lo $30 ma.lo weekly dis
tributing circulars. samples. lucking
signs, etc. Advertisers .N.inonat Agency,
Dept. M 104. Chit liti't-
Help Wuiited Aiceutn.
Jlouo FOR net li'O days. Spot ciisli. New
monev -making Invention for iwnts, gen
eral ugenls. managers; recently Invented;
l.OuO.UoO nlrcad.v sold; 2nd more uies
li'icti wanted at once; amazing autoniHlio
compressi'-l air washing machine; washes
tub of cloth. 6 minutes; no cranks lo
turn or levers to push; no rubbing; works
like magic; price only xl.oo; mukea fca o
every house; 20u per cent ptorn. !,. l'tn
liior Glen Allen. Ala., put out on trial
los machines sold 17. Profit $107. Wrllu
today. Wendell Co.L l"2fi Oak, l.elpslc. O,
AGENTS WANTED M ti mid women who
can sell to tho vv om en Col k at homo, wu
have the most up-lo-uate Selling forcn
where you can make ?lo dauy; let in
show vou. WntM Pmrl Products. Dept.
HI 2lij llolllllgswortll b'Llg., Los Angeles,
A FEW experienced, successful book sn.l
magazine salesmen for our complete line
standard authors. Harper specialties, is
"Mark Twain," president W ilson ' His
tory of the Amtricnn People." etc. and
our maga.lne-book comhln it ions. ILirpur
i,-.t.i,., :.17 I. umbel- Exchange bldg.
WANTED Hood live, w lile-u wake siieius
to sell III.', accident and health iiisin mice
In city and stale. Something new and illl-ferenl-
every man and woman a piospect.
Up-to-date und low i -OBI . lo st anil oldest
companies. Call or wnlo .No. 51s Morgan
S-ti-S l'rodu. ts No-rub Atilo Body 1 ol
Ish, Radiator Cement. Metal Polishes.
Carbon Remover nnd ninny other articles
.r merit. Exclusive, tciiilory. S-O-S Mfg.
Co , Spoliolio, Wash.
MEXICAN ilia in. lids, exactly resemb.e grn
ulne; rame lainliow tire; t:uid l-ts, sell
at sight; live agents wanted; profits i ..
week.v up: sample enso offer fro. Mex
ican Diamond Importing Co., box A-. Cruces. N. M
HIGH-CLASS agents lo Bell specially used
hy ev-ei v man continually; constant re
peater' good permanent income for ambi
tious worker. Muinctt Laboratories, onk
Park. 111. . .
-1 1 T, wuaiENKiN; com. mil lino.xi
( . '. n i i ; v G . A i . i ' i : i : - i ; i I N" i i refer-
ENCES. W 392. tilt KOl N IAN.
BIG commission; nipnl p-pcaler; very
housewife, needs It: send l"i for ' .staple,
t.rms. Sunnvlilll Supply House, Purl. and.
Of. :
HI VTl Fl; In every county, men nr women;
no experience necessary; :l to $1. per dav.
sellln'; our sp.'cl i.tlis. Economy Sales
Co.. I'. O. I'"X 2. '12, Portland, Or.
WANTED Hellnl.le ngent to handle new
tu'hel.-s! pneumatic nutn tires. Logon Com
mercial Co.. hltl American Hank bldg.,
Seattle, Wash.
"tin pl'll CENT profit: household nnd stnrw
"necessity: free sample; exclusive, t crrl
tory. Chapman Company. 20. DwISht Kansas City. M '
AGENTS, iniike big money. I.e. ml"
mur our goods: fat ofllce seller; f'ne
profit!' Particulars, sample free. One DIP
Pen Co., 7::i DtilTvJllecjipLiiMmo
ADVFRTIERS. 5c word p.iv for o .1 vert la
ment l'HI monthly iiiaganines; rartlcuUH
free. Empire Advertising Syndicate, Chl
cngo, t- tp jve agents, absolutely new, large
"profits' steady income, necessity, repeals,
field unlimited. Particulars free. Ihni'ii
Mfg. Co., '-'2111 Six' h ave . Seult.e. VV "h.
fT'MO NT: V' nn.flots of It for one smart
man or woman It, each locality, .end
name. Frank I'etticot Ac Co., Dept. 4,
Se.lro-Wnolley. X", nsn,
FREE sample no-splnsh w ster st rain-rB, sen
themselves; no talking, experience unneces
sary profits big. Send 2c (mailing cost).
F. A-. Union Filter Co.. N. Y.
OCR goods are used In a million homes;
every housekeeper buys nnd keeps huvlm;
sel's loe; cost 4C. Address A. f. Spencer,
221 Franklin St.. Buffalo, N. 1.
ili MADE first day by 13-year-old boy
with Shomescope; woman made $n first
hour Particulars free, stiomesoope Mfg.
Co MO West 13th St.. Kansas City, Mo.
AGENTS make $7 a day selling our guar
anteed goons. Write today for freo par
ticulars Mackinac Specially Co., Dept. E,
Mackinac Island, Alum
S-VLESMEN for high-gra.lo specialty; quick
seller- big money for salesman: write to
day free instruction In salesmanship. Ore
gon Spcclaltyo.PorjJandJJr.
500-PER CENT profit; free snmples gold
sign letters, store, office windows. Any
one can pul on. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N.
Clark. Chicago.
AGENTS. $15 a day lor you, something new.
For Information pp.y hi "in i. i luiuoins
.unnlies. Ask for V'. Slabl.
AUTO-ZEN E equals gasoline. 5 cents gnl
lon; make il ourseif. Tree-Hole Company,
Areata, Cal.
WANTED 5 live agents for city: sIho bcv-
ern; out-ot-town; ihum utu mu.u. ..a r.
34th st.
NEW laundry nrcesslty, constnnt repeater;
2oo per cent prolit; free samples. Kodo
Products LO- I'lV. lo, riiiin.u-itniui, I n.
LEA KN about profits suppl.vlng p. rf ilmes t -x
families by addressing Lelfier & Co.. 7-P
Walton St.. St. Louis. Mo.
CUT your own hair; remarkable. Invention;
iiend 2.r.c for sample; tuako monev fast.
S'ommerf ield. Us Traders bldg.. Chicago.
cT't"Ni-VE--T. quickest S'-llcis dire.-! ftnirt
mnkors, full list free. Nail. Agents An,
so.' Mtehts'un, Chicago.
JCST out. best v.
particulars, G. 11
r for live agents For
Mallory. Vsder. Wssli.
WHy sell Inferior? Our hosnllsl policy colts
no more. e"i i-on,- ,-i imoe ...
W A N T E 1 1 Agents to sell horseradish, horns
Iny und pickles. 431 1 Washington.