The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 13, 1916, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 68

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White Temple Will Be Scene of Many Meclings This Week and Great Willamette Baptists' Insttute Will Be Held Next Week-Delegates Are Here From Most of Cities of Western Oregon
T!t: t. antk-lpt4 Uynn'
V .senary Cenntloa iU cpen
tni afternoon In trie Wh.te Tm
rt. It "HI eoatinu fr four dy llh
auaar raaetia- (mir( lta lnlrt.
Ta Waita Tasnple m he !
ef taaae artlvltlee w aa a. aed
waa .r will lie rl Willam
ette lUptUts' Institute.
t'ttfBCg for la Uvma' sataer
In r are from mt of the elite
ef Westars tT in. ana! other ara
tad l arrive Utr la the -. Th.
Wits the Urge atteadance of I'ortUwd
buina ma and churchmen, are
pc(4 to conetttute ana ef lb larsl
onv.etlon yet hUI by ihu M'aar
Movarcant. a wait a- on ot lh Bol
retlei TX
TSi convention U on of 71 that are
viB htUl in the Urge cltl of th
Volte.! ti to arou Interval ta for
io as I horn missions. aai In ful
Xiiuoc I1" rniMlon th pahra. ho
ara to be heard, have barn brought
from all countrle of lb slob to
pU.a jrn.llr situation a thr
tfcern. Ttf l:acuion wi'.l ui th
sntin- of interval to cit'sena of ry
Ik la
To th rhurrhnva ho I wllttnir to
ivrlfl' t to pueh u( lo other nation
t;i. erlnc:!'! of fbntiAnuy taer
wiit f a given much lo tt
'or lo business man of modem
. th man abo tudi the people
to waorn h la hlpplr; hta gooda. their
tale of prprity and tneir tendencies
a Indication VI ineir cvwroa-n
-rasa.t.-a. there will be muca valuable
a arete OIa e -.
The prrparalion for th convention
tiara hJ Iba uctll aurport of lh
ITottABl thurchaa of tha city. H'
af4la of cr! r otbr p-lrila of
irrrnra bclwn tbarn. th CbrlMaa
r.oMa vf forttaaJ t a ubii In bauail
cf tn U) coBTantlon. ) from
11. Ibay apat. will ra4!ta a trmn
doua aplrttu! foria fr fifX In lb
TU ronrBtion I a tiovrlty In Ita
way. It bm lh rlrt maaliB f tha
rbara. t.r ar bIJ In th city hr
cnlttiona will not t allowad. Tl
ti(,ca.i of Iba coBtrntlun will e
lr' twrai tr promlnant cltuBa of
f ortiABd. bJ. IH from lh rKitra
tiua f-. th-r will t. no at
tb'4 lo altrcdtBjf lh aion.
AHmi.ion lo lb' ranlion b
trt I T by card. To aecur Ibat cr
ntial It la n-ctr to rcsitr b
tha at th t. M. t. A. n4 pro-
cur a aaaaon tubal. wbl b cuata fl.
.lay C lit) May AltaaaV
It l not rrMlrrd that a man aha!l
ba a mmir of a cburvb otiHIMlin
la ordr t- st th prlI of attnd
lr lh oBBnon. II l opn lo any, and a peculiar chari-trlatl-hu
the rut of the ecuiie corn
rultfa la thai rbanbmn h no prl
erarce In -urin tuht. Thy bav
b'n t!ln lhm to Brat comira. ra-jr-i!
of arnuattnn. I
tl i kli.4 that in rra oi m.
rnnBtion will b abl lo lair with
rnrtLnd r"1 a c;r on4-rtndm
ef condition mm thy will praTail IB
tn war in artr pa- ahall b d
clar'4. and that au rt Informalloa will
fe ef trmn.-ua a:u.
It la p..-td that It will b of ralua
tn determining lh part thai the fnitd
9tat mut pUy lo pa- aotiation
a i m krier m ahout a world a(r
m-nt that will ur Paca to th j
lint, far centuite to com.
Mill ... .r fee ak
Th alcht muiou ef th coBrllon
ar lo b fr mn ooir. womn biaaT
adfmtt'4 to lb bIoat at afvrnooa
Mton. A rat pria mtlB for
womn will b btd thla aftrno"n at
tha trt lthdit Oiuirh. t 3 It
ia p-ld that th trtlllr. will b Bl!d
wlta womn. Jiom of th beat r
r from tb corp will b
thr. tothr with Kriit W Naft
i.r. tb world-famoua l-dir of m-
rt TuHjr tbra wilt b dnoml
attoaat cno(rr". mat of which
wi.l bw fcld at 3 o clocfc and will
b tn coal'in.-tion with rlinnrra.
Tb eh I'll of theae tnn(rnrn
f.iUoaa: All Bap't't churchaa tr mart
at th While Trrp!.; all Orlatlan
rnnrlit a", th Tirat Oirltlan: all
t-nlt-rt :B-llcal at the rirt
Cburrft, :! Utccnlh and Popla'
atr:. Krlad at the JinnyM
rrtnl Cborch. IUt Tblrtlrth and
Main atrcatji: atl Iithrn at ft.
Jma i:nillk Lutheran. Wvat I'ara
and JfTr"n trt Mhoit at
th rirat Mrth'Hjt-t Oiur.-h. ITcaby
trriana at th rirt rrbylrua
Ch'iri-h. anal feltad llrathrrn In tb
woman parlor ef th V. M. C. A.
WorkinTnn Are Invited to
Hear Sermons.
. , K. Wlebardaaa 1)1 ' a ill M-
IVelloa Mb latereala of
aae-llaralntf t laaax.
W OR KINO sien are Invited by !
L. K. Klrhirdjon to bear hi
eerie of ermon refardina; tbelr In-
from bia potpit In Kenilworth lYesy
lerian Churvh h preached laat Sunday
cn "aa:ea and lnunnr." Th re
maindar of tha rt-a of MunJay niaht
npica oH): Kebruary II. "Ti
Worliin Man Sunday": Kebruary :.
Th orbtnx ton Vwion." atereoptt
coo lct'4ra on Ieid jtntne: I'eb
ruary IT. "Th Working Milt trlim
lam: March J. "Th Workine Man and
tie Chur h': March, 2m "Tb Worbln
Man tlaat Krtend."
First Methodist Services To
day Important.
.attewtkea bv -lo 1-a7-iMlrrme
tnleaa WWt
to BV lleM. .!.
TOPAT l lo b a bt day at tb
first Methodist Kptscopal Church.
prlat attention la to b Hn to tb
Layretaa a liaionry rontrenc. two
ef tae leadlBa ro- ef th Methodist
omin.tio In th missionary mev
men ere to occupy lh pu'pit.
It. J. L Trlmbls. educational cr
try of t M-tbodist Kpta.-epl church,
wua kUviarter la .Near York fttr.
wi I d"Uvr lh rmea at ! i e'clo. k
lodar. t'r. TrlmW. on of lh bt
Inai men in tb church. I a lifelong
P-rnat friend of tb (usstor. Lr
Kra I. t-oaeiand-
At J srln. li tb coaven'lon of all tb
women s missionary se.-leti of tb
t'y. will b ai la Klrat rburca.
AI T e'cloek tontBt tb address
sui r nsa by li-rri W. ed-
The PundiT school roll of honor for
Trinity K.i'la:opl parlh include
"harle UfiT. Willi. nillla. Oeorce
'ichhrn. Stewart Hi h horn. Hod
ltrnry. K.hrt Henry. Hunt Lewi.
Jhn A K..le. Jr. Charlea Hra. Van
t'ii-h baum. Ivnill MHirr. K.rlc
f:o6.rt, Jamea I i-ndorf. Cherli Mac.
t-"Oiatl Oeitlll Itoyl. K!lbeth Kelly,
rateii Mo-tlm. Vtrian Jchwnn. Mabel
MrKibbin. Kutn I'erlee. Harriet
d-'rf. l:.lhee Mrluurtll. l:liabt!
VraT. Ana-eUn I'eele. t'arotlne Hot
mil. Jfarion Kelts. .Harsh M Leod. fatly
f'.n.. M-lly ilatOricxr. Anita- Mec-irxr.
Ilor of all tb rollnary movement
publications of tb I'nllrd tital.
Ai U IS lh f:rl araaion of th Hun
day .-h in tbe near temple will b
h. i. ripcial aacrclaca will fratur
tbi aathrinc.
Tnadair (T'tilnr. when th blf
onlnatloMl banqu't are binc hl4.
Ibat of th M'tbvdlat church will b
la f'lrat churh. Th dinner will be
r4 at 1 aharp and will be fol
lowed by a programme of mora tbo
paaatnc totaraat.
a e e
I.t ttondar nlhl the rl"B of
PalcarT I'reabyterlan Church were In
rhars of lh Taunt topl'a Chrlallan
Kndeavor Kocletr. and a clellcbtful pro
vramm In celebration of th Jith an -nlerary
of th fnundlnc of th o
clely waa TlTn. In aplt of tb In
clement weather, there waa a larT
ronereeatlcn. fhort addr wer
mad by th fnllowlna- local mcmbera:
Ki !!. Wla U. Klhar. Hoy Ulo
rer. ! II Jon and Mr. Hoc Ulo
rrr. Th Mil' u finely rendered
by Ml- Metta Uroen. !. ".rc Ailea
and th choir, accompanied by Ml
l. Umbrion. oreaniat; Miaa I'earl
Thomae. plaol-: Andrew Lone', cor
net: Nathan Toroaa. violin.
Thla nlnr Ir. lUum ub)ect will
bo Th Usblcouaa of Abraham
Views on Ideal Women and
Men Invited by Pastor.
Mr. A. I- Crlaa Bexla Today w
Ilia Krriee of 5craa on 1'eaalar
R fid
A. U CRIM. paator of tbe Kajt
today a aerie of ermon on popular
lopUa. Kor tb nlKbt aermona ha ik
an on latrreated lo writ to blm ex
prexlnc view on tbelr Ideala yountr
men to tell of their Ideal woman, and
Ctrl to tell of what tbey think a man
houid be. Tb letter may be an
onymou. Tb aam ort of letter may
be wrltlea tellln- of tb tlealred atan
dard for basbande ad wlva. Anyone,
whether a member or not, may end I'r.
I'rim a letter. Addrea TI7 Uat Madt
aon street. Tbe achedulo of aermon
topic follows:
Sunday. Kebruary 11. 11 A. M. t
lh Hlbl Creditable T: ":J0 V. L "Tbe
Vounic Man lor lb Time."
Sunday. Kebruary II A. M "T
the Chriat and III lfi SurMclent.
or Look W for AnoihcrT"; T:Jtf I", il.
Th Younc ldy for the Time."
.un-lav. Kebruary 57. II A. M. "I
lh Church of th Hlbl bufftrlent. or
Nee. V AnotberT"; T:3 J'. M. "Tbe
lluaband for th Time."
Hun-lay. March i. 1 1 A. M. "Wbt of
th li'iur. lleliKlounlr T , .19 i: M.
"The Wife for the Time."
a a a
l. John J. He-nmldt. for many year
mlaalonary In Northern Chin. Chan-
fun;, wl I preach at lt:3 A. M and
T.l P. M. In th German 7A"n Cohere
catlinal Church, corner tnth and
I'remont alreeta. tedj. II will preach
n Unman. Mr. and Mra. S.-hmldt will
render a few aon; In Chlnea. The
aenrice will b conducted by th pas
tor of lb church, lie v. J. II. Ilopn.
rVTeral muaical ! tl.n will be
Ion under the direction of rrofeor
I. K Laatberman. There wt:l be no
admlaamn chant and the public I
cordially Invited.
Missionary Meeting; Sched
uled for Next Friday.
tbraattaa t rrkra of rertlaadU
.ladatee and laenirr to Have
( wfreae at lal Mae ( harra.
TtIK Women's Federated Mleeionary
.Xocirtirsvr tb Cbrlntlan Churchc.
Portland. Utadaton and Vancouver,
will meet at the Kaat SH Church,
corner of K.aet Twelfth and Ka.t Tay
lor el reel, nest Krlday. at 3 P. M.
Afternoon and evening clona will
be held. Aid from thl being- tb
regular ejuarlerly mrellne of the Fed
eration th taenty-fifth annlteraary
of th openina; of the Chlneae Ml-in.
under th manaa-ement of lh woman
missionary societies, will be celebrated.
Th afternoon will b- passed In ad
dresses by Mra. ICoy I'unn. Utadatone.
-Itecrtitlins; th Miasionary":
Mrs. tv. 1. Mrll.ncr. Woodlawn, "uur
Junior-: Mrs. IC I. lraham. of Klrat
Churcb. "tmr Younc I'eople In Mls
alonary Work."" Ar Interratlnr fea
ture will be tbe rullcail of societies
Th Junior Chrlallan ItndcaTor boy
and Rirla of the Kaat lld will sin;.
Th paatora of th church will r
aond to th rotUall for th societies.
Mra. I. J. Kimmon will ainjr. At ('3
a bannuet will be served. At nlKht
Le Tone. Mr. A. A. K.-:iosc and W.
I. Mellincer will ape.k. Musi" by
th younc people will be as attrac
tion. fr. Kubank. of China, who came over
to assist In th treat mlasion conven
tions now vein- held throuchout tbe
country, will preach In the Whit Tem
pi In tb niotniiif and tbe Temple
quartet will sin;.
la th erenlcty Pr. Herbert S. John
on. of Hoston. will occupy th pulpit
and tha quartet will render anthem.
Universalist Double Anniver
sary Is Today.
rrosrasaaa of Tbelr Maat W Ita Ad
)rwa by Itr. tor by Will Mark
Meaaeeaaaloar srrtlre.
AI"Ot'HLK anniversary will be cele
brated at tb Universalis!. Church.
Kroadwav and Kaat T rnty-fourth
atreel. thl mornln at l.i o'clock.
It will b lh Zit anniversary of the
foundtoc of th parish by I'r. y. II.
fhlnn andatb ninth anniversary of
tb pastoral of I'r. J. P. C"rby.
A proarramm of cholc music wl!l be
ciren and I'r. Corby will clve an Inter,
retina- aJdresa. It I a honta-romlns
service and all member of the cburcn
and friend of the conreallon Bra ex
pected to be present and bear tbe In-
plrlns; m e -a ii a of the day.
At the tunday school service novel
features will be Introduced, amons
otber belnr a violin number br Vern
ITeston snd a piano selection by
fitr. Tllack. The slnKlna at tbis
t school Is a feature and special number
I will be iiuf at tb sunshine noon bour
Church of Cood Shepherd to
Hold Celebration.
Iratry lavtt S'rteod t Meet la
llaasr of rle. Jats Uaaiaa, W aa
Ilea Sets Heevvr 13 leara.
ON THfltfDAT nt. at S o'clock P.
M. lh Kplscopal Church of the
lood Shepherd will celebrate the IZth
annlveraarv of th Rev. John Iawon'
Incumbency as reitor. Tb vestry ex
tends a hearty nt Halloa to be present
lo all friends and persons Interested In
the work of th parish. Itef resli menta
will b ervd. The parish bouse Is lo
cated at Oraham street and Vancouver
avenue on the Wllllam-venue carltne.
-Com and brln your friends." la tbe
lavltalioa Iba I baa been axtcoded. ,
i r: ,,-r'
l i t in ir-i Trr- f- -- - - - a--s--attHak--a- Wt w.'---:-.. v.X' vvW
: 1 1 ;
j i :ii i
First Christian Church to
Give Lincoln Programme.
Vrlrrasa' Qeartrt. Mad 1 of Civil
War t asssalaaera, to "Ina Issag
Meaa Claaa I'rrparlaa arHar.
milB blrlh
J. will be
hday of Abrahnm Lincoln
be commemorated today In
some of th TortUnd churches. In the
Klrst LTirlatlan . Church the Kunday
school will have a special Lincoln day
programme at :4S o'clock.
B. F. Mulkey will make the adJres.
It will be ihe same addres that he de
livered at th bis; Lincoln banquet on
Saturday evening.
Th Veterans' quartet, oraranlsed In
!o. will stnir two selection. All th
member of thl quartet are over 70
years of aa-.
The quartet III composed of TV. V
Morris, who was on Shrmn' march
to tb e: N. I'arvln. who lias writ
ten much music for th quartet and
who Is a Civil War veteran: Mr. Hall,
who was In Gettysburg rampalsn: Mr.
Mills, who waa In the Knoxvllle cam
pals: n.
Aruonir other number, th quartet
will sirs; -The Old Fia Hippies In the
Hrreae." written by Samuel jtimi'ion.
with music by Z. N. I'arvln. a
The young men' classes are prepar
ing special features for the programme,
wMch they 'do not want to announce.
They have some bis surprises for the
school. II will be worth coming to
Sunday school Just to re in your)?
men n th platform. Th !. A. It.
will be present to help swell th crowd.
Church service at II A. M. and 7:1')
P. M. will be of special Interest. Rev.
George Parsle will lake a hi morn
ing subject "The Heart of Church
l.lle- and In the evening "Ptlate'a Wash
Ha sin."
tn th mornlnir th quartet will lng;
-Kxalt 11 Ion. All Ye I'eople." by Hans
com. In th venlnc- th quartet will sing
"II Mia'l Come Pown Like Ha In," by
Pudlcy Buck. Mis M !! Orion will
sing "God That Mskelh Karth and
Heaven." by Wilfred Henderson,
a a a
Tier. J. A. Lea will conclude Ms -.
rles of sermon on Michael O'Hallnran
thl evening. Th men of several of
Ihe Lutheran cburche will meet on
Tuesday In the clubroom of Ihe St.
James Lutheran Church fur dinner and
a denominational rally.
a . e
The past week was. an unnaually act
ive one In th First Congregational
Church. On Monday night Ihe brother
hood held their monthly dinner. The
evening waa given to a review of the
work and growth of the local church.
J. B. Winstanler represented with a
chart the Increase In membership and
gifts to benevolence during the past
alx years.
on Tuesday th woman league held
an all-day meeting In the church par
lors. Luncheon wa erved by the com
mittee in. charge and th hour were
lent In sewing for local charity. On
Wr-tneday the l-adles" Aid Society held
an all-day meeting In Ihe church par
lors, sewing for the Good Samaritan
The Young People' Christian Kn-
j ' j III ' II
e I ' w . n ii v f -HOaCn. vtLI
J I . a X . -A -
A. It. Kepler, who will speak
for the laymen's missionary con
vention, ha been a Presbyterian
missionary In China 14 year and
has many Interesting- atorles to
C. V. Vlckery I one of the
strongest men of the missionary
movement. HI addresses are re
garded as stirring pleas for mis
sion. Jamea Wiseman. It. V. Steams
and Melvin Carmen are all elders
of Mlllard-Avenue Presbyterian
Church who ara Interested In tha
great missionary movement and
In all broad church work.
deavor Society gave a -alentlne social
In the church parlors on Friday nicht.
Many of the young people of the church
and congregation enjoyed an excep
tionally unique entertainment. These
sociables are anticipated by the young
people of ths church a most enjoy
able occasions, and welcome all who
are stranger In the city.
Thl morning In the First Congre
gational Church the pulpit will be oc
cupied by ome of the most prominent
speakers of the Laymen's Missionary
movement. Special music will be ren
dered. In the evening Ir. Luther It.
Pyott. the pastor, will speak on "Phy
sician. Nurse and Others." the third
sermon In a series now being delivered
by Ir. Dyott on "Health and Happi
ness." Bishop Sumner Has Special
Message for Parish.
betid ef M. epkeaa Pre-fatae
Oral Plan te t'ealinae Charity Ac
tivities Throes k Lent.
ISIIOP W. T. SUMNKR will preach
the sermon this morning- in St. Ste
phen's Pro-Cathedral. He will have an
especial message for the parish, and
it. Is expected that a large attendance
will mark the 11 o'clock service.
The various organisations at St. Ste
phen's are awakening- to renewed activ
ity. The Guild will continue its meet
ings, sewing for charity and the Good
Samaritan Hospital throughout Lent.
A choir supper on one of the snowy
nights was one of the guild's achieve
ments. The Junior Auxiliary 1 growing; In
number and Interest. Yesterday It
had a Japanese tea and a delightful
afternoon In the parish-house.
a a a
Iter. Abraham Verelde. pastor of the
Vancouver-Avenue Methodist Kpuwopal
Church, corner of Skldmore street, will
begin a new series of sermon lectures
in Ihe English language. A children's
chorus will furnish the music.
The subject tonight will be: "Leo
Tolstoi and His Messap.
Thl morning Rer. creido extends a
special Invitation to women. 1IU sub
ject will be "A Woman s Place nnd a
Womnn's Tart-
Interesting Personalities to
Attend Convention.
One of Noted Speakers Mill Be S.
Hall Young;. -Mushing Person" of
Early Alaakan Days.
AMONG those who will participate
In the convention to open today
In the "White Temple are many men of
Interesting personalities.
One of the noted speakers will be S.
Hall Young, of Alaska, who was there
25 or 30 years before the gold rush
started. After many years Mr. Young
became known as a sort or bisnop ior
Alaska, although without that titl
from his church organization. Among
the miners he was known as "the
mushing parson." and it ia probable
that he has waded through more snow
than any other preacher who ever lived.
Hcv. Mr. Young now has neadquar
ters in New York City and is detailed
bv the Presbyterians as -a lecturer.
Portland is particularly interested in
Mr. Young because It was the Testy
terians of this city who sent and sup
ported the tirst missionary ever to visit
Alaska, and it was Portlanders who
sent the first team of horses and
While in Portland Mr. Young will be
the guest of his cousins. Mr. and Mrs.
J. Thorburn Moss. Other relatives resld
ing here are Mrs. W. B. Gilbert, A. A.
Linda lev and G. I Llndxley.
In addressing the convention of lay
men Mr. Young will tell of the com
mercial development of Alaska from
the time that It was known as "Sew
ard's Folly" to the present date.
a a
Music for the convention of laymen
is to be of an exceptional quality and
the singing will be directed by Krneet
W. Naftnger. Mr. Naftzger Joined Ur.
J. Wilbur Chapman, the revivalist, in
the year 1907. The hymnbook which is
to be used during the convention wa
especially compiled by Jlr. Naftzger tor
the occasion.
a e
Revival meetings will begin at ciun-
nylde Methodist Church today. Evan
gelist John Lewtas. of Taconia. win De
In charge and will preach at both serv
ices tjunday. Mr. Iwtas has been In
the evangelistic field for a number of
years and nas naa unusual success.
A chorus choir nas been organised.
Miss Florence Twldwell. a gospel sing
er, will render solos at every serv-
ce. There also will be other special
music each eveninsr. The services will
be held every evening in the week' ex
cept Saturday. Afternoon meetincs also
will be held at 3 o clock, t wo nunarea
new songbooks will be used in the serv
ices. The public is cordially Invited
to attend theee services.
a a a
One speaker who will get a splendid
reception will be Herbert S. Johnson,
of Boston. Hr. is a "native son" of
Oregon, a graduate of the University
of Oregon and a man who has made
good as a pastor of one of America's
foremoBt churches.
J. O. Randall is coming as the repre
sentative of the Board of Home Mis
sions and the commission of evangelism
01 the Methodist Episcopal Church. He
is a man who has planned the work
which recently added 167,000 members
to that church. He will be acccmpa
nied bv J. K. Trimble, a builder of bis
congregations and an exponent of suc
cessful methods-
Bishop James W. Bashford. of Shang
hai. China, is known as one ot tne pow
erful men and great orators of the
Methodist pulpit. He is famous as a
great college president as well.
Henry H. Swartz. Hugh L. Burleson
and Henry H. Kelsey are men whose
names are familiar wherever mission
work is discussed, while Morris H.
Ehnes is an editor.
One of the speakers for the first day
wlll be Thomas Moody, of Africa. His
address will start the convention with
Rev. S. M. Crothers Preaches
at Church of Our Father.
Cambridge Minister Also Will Speak.
Today at Ileed College Vespers.
Rev. Samuel McChord Crothers, V. D.,
of Cambridge. Mass.. will preach at the
morning service today at the Church
of Our Father. In the afternoon serv
ice at 5 o'clock the pastor of the church
will speak on the theme, "Since Lin
coln's Day."
Dr. Crothers is in Portland at the
invitation of Reed College and he will
speak there at the vesper service at
4 o'clock.
At 5 o'clock a vesper service of music
will be held in the Unitarian Church.
a a . a
The sermon at Waverly Heights Con
gregational Church this morning will
be by Rev. Herman F. Swartz, D. D.,
of New York. Dr. Swartz is a secretary
of the Congregational Home Missionary
Society, one of the leaders in the de
nomination, and will be in Portland to
speak at the Laymen's Missionary con
vention. Programme of Laymen's
Missionary Convention.
X FTErtNOON' at 3 Theme.
"The New
J- World Democracy." A servico of song,
led by Ernest W. Naftzger. Mr. Naftzger
will rave charge of the music In the con
vention; come early and share the blessing
of the songs and solos. "Alaska Days With
John Muir." Hall Young. ."India's Silent
Revolution." Kred B. Kisher. "Who Will
Rule Africa Tomorrow," J. E. Crowthi-r.
' 3:u0 H il. Mi's iiK-etlng for women un
der auspices of the Women's Missionary So
cieties of th various churches. First Meth
odist Episcopal Church, Twelfth and Taylor.
Mnrnini at 10 Conference of ministers.
Km nt inMrefit to all dtleuatt-s: theme. "The
Minister's Supremo Opportunity.
Kducatlonal and KeTuitlng Force,"
W. Ehnes. "As a t-'lnaneial Force
Trimble. "As a Spiritual Force," J
As an
' J. B.
P. ilc-
Afternoon at 3 Theme. "Christ for Every
Man." "Catching Men Alive." J. O. Ran
dall. "The Life That Wine." Henry H. Kei.
sey. "Pioneering on the Congo." Thomas
Moody, Africa. "God's Missionary Vlan for
th World," Bishop J. W. Bashford.
Evening at 7:30 Theme. "Christ the
World's Need. rhe Dawn of a New Day
n,( ininnd the World In Motion Pictures.
William M. Gilbert. "The American city
.nrt ih ritv of God." H. F. Swartz. "War
Experiences In Turkey," J. P. MuNaughton.
Morning at 50 Theme. "Christianizing
American I,ife." "Ourselves and others.
Bishop R. J. Cooke. ".America Democratiz
ing the World." President I. N. Mcl.asn.
"The Test of Dlsclpleshlp." H. .1.. Burleson.
"Making America Christian." J. O. Randall.
Afternoon at 3 Theme, "Putting the
rhiiri-li on a War Footing." "Enlisting and
Training." Morris W. Ehnes. "The Sinews of
War." J. B. Trimble. "The ileu at the
,'r.tiit " Tferhert s. Johnson.
Decominatioual meetings Delegates of
tha following communions will meet at G:3o
for dinner and give the entire evening to a
consideration of their churches' share of
the great world task. Each denomination
will have aa its guest their representative
on the team.
Baptist The "White Temple. Twelfth and
Talor. Dr. Herbert Johnson, Tnomas Moody.
Christian First Christian, Park and Co
lumbia, president 1. .N. MK-asn.
United Evangelical First United
gellcal. East Sixteenth and Poplar,
Morris W. Ehnes.
Friends Sunnysid Friends Church,
Thirty-fifth and East Main (7:Ju,
no din-
Lutheran St. .Tames Lutheran Church,
West Park and Jefferson.
Methodist Episcopal First Methodist,
Twelfth and Taylor. Bishop Bashford, J. E.
C'rowther, J. B. Trimble.
M. E. South First M. E. South, t'nlun
avenue snd Multnomah. Ernest W. Naftzger.
Presbyterian First Preanyterian Church.
Twelfth and Alder, S. Hall Young, A. R.
Kepler (no dinner).
United Brethren Ladles' Parlor, 1. M.
C. A. building. Bishop W. M. Bell.
Congregational first t.ongregatioiiai
Church. Park and Madison. Dr. H. H
sev. Dr. James P. McNaughton,
II. F.
Morning at 10 Theme. "The Battle f
World Forces." "Critics! Elements in the
Missionary Situation," Hugh I.. Burleson.
"The Bible at World in the World." Arthur
R. Ragatz. "Alaska, Our Northwestern Em
pire." S. Hall Young.
Afternoon at S Theme, "Christ. Human
ity's Onlv Hope." "The United of the
People " IT F. Swartr. "Does India Need
Christ?" Fred B. Fisher. "The Urgency
of Our Task in China." A. R. Kepler.
Eveninj at 7:o0 Theme. "The Challenge
of New World Conditions." Two-minute
reports of policies auopteo. at i" 1
inational Conrerence.
rellsm in China," A. I
"Present-Day Evan
Kepler. "Can Amer-
ica Keep Christ
Herbert S. Johnson.
Sunday Church Services
Spiritual Temple, corner Sixth and Mont
gomery streets Service Tuesday afternoon
at 2-30 o'clock, Tuesday evening at s
o'clock. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; spe
cial music, public cordially invited.
Tempi of Universal Fellowship Service
92 Eleventh street, corner Columbia, at
7:15 P. M. Occult lessons on the Bible,
followed by answering questions. Rev. J. H.
Dickey, pastor. Public Invited.
Advent Christian. 438 Second street, near
Hall street Rev. J. S. Lucas, pastor.
Preaching. 10:30; Sunday school. 12: Loyal
Workers. 6:30; preaching. 7:30; prayer meet
ing, Thursday evening, 7:0
'Services of this denomination are held on
Central, East tieventn ana jvrrou i-
der P. C. Hayward, pastor, sabbatn school,
DAY. All church announcements and
notices must reach the editorial
rooms of The Oregonian before
4:30 o'clock, Thursday, If.they are
to appear In tho Sunday paper.
10: preaching, 11; prayer meeting. Wed nee
jay evening. 7:3O-:30; T. P. S.. Friday
evenlnc 7:4a.
Tabernacle West Side. Knights of Pythias
Hall, Eleventh and Alder B. W. Catlln,
pastor. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 11;
lecture, Sunday, 7:45 P. M.
Montavllla, East Eighteenth and Everett
J F Beatly, local elder. Sabbath school,
10; preaching. 11; T. P. meeting. 4: prayer
meeting, Wednesday, 7:30r Helping Hand
Society, 1:30 Tuesday.
Lents, Ninety-fourth street and Fifty
eighth avenue Southeast D. J. Chltwood.
local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preaching.
11; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, g.
8L John. Central avenue and Charles
ton street E. D. Hurlburt. local elder. Sab
bath school, 10; preaching. 11; prayer
meeting. Wednesday evening, 8.
Mount Tabor, East sixtieth and Belmont
C. J. Cummings. pastor. Sabbatb. school. 10;
preaching 11; prayer meeting, Wednesday
evening. 7:43.
lblaa German), SkJdznore and Mallory
A. C. Schweitzer, local elder. Sabbath
school, 10:30; preaching, 11:30; Sunday
evening special Services. S; prayer meeting,
Wednesday evening. 7:45.
Scandinavian, Thirty-ninth avenue and
Sixty-second street E.der O. E. Sandnes.
pastor, sabbath school, 10; preaching. 11; .
prayer meeting, Wednesday evening 7:45.
Meetings in W. O. W. Hall, East Sixth
and Aider streets 1:40 P. M.. symposium: O.
W. Field and Douglas Lawson. ;i:0o P. M..
discourse bv M. A. Baker, subj.-ct. ".Safety
r irsf; 4 -HO P. M-, praise aim testimony
meeting, conducted by F. McKereher. 7:15
P. M. song service. 7:3, public lecture hy
A. A. Yerex, topic. "Israel's Twelve Tribes,
Flesuly and Spiritual."
First (White Temple. Twelfth and Tay
lor streets :M), Bible school, classes for
all ages: H, preaching by Dr. M. D. Eubank,
of China; 0:15. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:o0. preaching
by Dr. Herbert S. Johnson, of Boston.
East Side, East Twentieth and Aukeny
streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10.
Sunday school; 11. preaching by the pastor:
theme, "Does God Care for Jle?" i. :.!!.
B. Y. P. V.; 7::i':, preaching by the pastor;
theme, "The Deposing of Queen Vasnti."
Glencoe, East Forty-fifth and Main streets
Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. 9:45, Sunday
school; 11, preaching by the pastor: theme,
"Morning and Evening Sowing"; ti:30, B. Y.
P. U. ; 7:oii, preaching by theyiastor; theme,
Tabernacle, Holgate snd Forty-second,
streets Southeast Rev. Walter Duff, act
ing pastor. 10, Sunday school: 11, preaching
by the pastor; theme. "The Two Natures":
B 45 B. Y'. P. U. ; 7:30, preaching by tho
pastor; theme, "Non-Prcpareducss Our
Calvary. East Elehth and Grant streets
Rev Thomas Stephenson, acting pastor. 10,
Sunday school, 11 and 7:30, preaching serv
ices: :".o, B. Y. P. U.
Swedish Finnish Baptist Mission meets at
7:45 in the lower Whlto Temple, Twelfth
and Taylor streets. ,.,.
Highland, Alberta and East Sixth streets
North, Rev. Charles F. Meier, pastor 10.
Sunday school; 11. preaching by the Pastor;
0:15. B. V. P. V.: 7:30, preachluif by tho
Grace Montavllla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas
tor. 9:45, Sunday school; 11 and 7:0,
preaching services; 0:30, B. V. P. V.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 10.
Sunday school: 11 and 7:30, preaching by;
the pastor; 6:30, IS. Y. P. V.
St Johns Ke. E. P. Borden, pastor.
10. Sunday school: 11 and 7:30. preachius
by" the pastor; b:30, B. Y. P. U.
Third. Vancouver avenue and Knott
street Rev W. .1. Etven, pastor. 10, Sun
day school: 11 and 7:30. preaching by the
pastor: 6:30, B. Y. P. LT-
University Park. Fiske and Drew streets
Rev C L Haskett, pastor. S:f-0, Sunday
school;' 11 and 7:30. preaching by tho pas
tor; 6:30. B. Y. P. U. ,
Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets
Kov. W. A. Magett, pastor Services, 11
and ii ; Sunday schoot. l-:30.
First German, Fourth and Mill streets
Rev. Jacob Pratt, pastor. 8:45, Sunday
school; 11 and preaching by the pastor.
Second German, Morris and Rodney 9:45,
Sundav school; preaching uerviees. 11 and
6; B. Y. P. V.. 7.
St. Johns, German '"'-. F. Buoermann,
pastor. 10, Sunday school: 11 and 7:3,0,
preaching by the pastor; 6:30, B. Y. P. U.
Chinese Mission. 358 Burnside street -Sunday
school, 7; J. G. Malone. superin
tendent. Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tib
betta streets Rev. Francesco Sannella. pas
tor. 10. Sunday school; 10:30, short ser
mon for English-speaking people; II,
preaching service: 7. pastor's circle tprayer
service: S, preaching service.
The Young Men's Class (H. Y M. C.I of
the Htsrhland Baptist Church, East Sixth
and Alberta streets, meets at 9:45 A. M.
Sunday. All young men are urged to attend.
Goodwill Mission. Fifteenth and Boiso
streets 3. addiss.
Arleta, Rev. W. T. S. Spriggs. pastor 9:4-..
Sunday school; 11. preaching by the pastor:
U:;;o. B. Y. P. L". ; 7:oO, preaching by the
Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis
streets Rev. E. V. O'Hara. M. 6, 7:15,.
8:30, 9:45; high mass, 11; evening service,
St. Lawrence. Third and Sherman street
Kev. .1. C. Hughes. Mass, 6. S:-0; high,
mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:30.
St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savier
streets Rev. E. P. Murphy. Mass, Si high,
mass. 10:3u; evening service, 7:30.
St. Francis' East Eleventh and Oak
streets Uev. J. 11. Black. Mass, 6. S, Hi
high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave
nue and Stanton Kev. W. A. Daly. Mass,
6, S, 9; high mass, 10:30; evening service.
7 :30.
Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas
Kev C. J. Olson. Mass, 6. 7, S, 9; high
xrasc;, 11; evening service, 7:30.
The Madeline. East Twenty-fourth and
Siskiyou Rev. G. F. Thompson. Mass. 7:30,
9; high mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:46.
St. Andrews. East Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev. T. Kiernau. Mass, 8; high
mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
Ascension. East Yamhill and East Seventy-sixth
Franciscan Fathers. Mass, 8; higu
mass. 10:3o; evening service. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament. Maryland avenue and
Biaudena street Rev. B. V. Kelly. Mass,
8; high inasci. 10:30; evening service, 7:30.
Hoiy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and
Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass,
6, 8; high mass 10:30; evening service. 7:::o.
St. Ig latius. 3-JO Forty-tlird street South
east Jv'suit Fathers. Mass, 8; high mass,
10:30; evening service, 7:30.
Holy Cross. 774 Bowdoin street Rev. C.
Raymond. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:30; even
ing service, 7:30.
St Philip Neri, East Sixteenth and Hick
ory Rev. w. J. Cartwright. Mass, 8; high
mass, 10:30; evening servloe, 7:30.
Sacred Heart, East Eleventh and Center
Kev. G. Itobl. ' Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30;
evening service, 7:30.
St. Agatha. East Fifteenth and Miller
Rev. J. Cummisky. Mass, 8; high mass,
10:30; ewnilig service, 7:80.
St. Joseph (German), Fifteenth and Couell
streets. Kev. B. Durrer Mass. 8; high,
mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:30.
St. Clare's, Capitol Hill Franciscan
Falliers. Rev. Father MoUestuti. Low mass,
"Jr. o'clock; high mass and benediction,
9:JO o'clock; sermon at both masses.
St. Stanislaus (Italian), Maryland avenuo
and Willamette boulevard -Rev. T. Mathew.
Mass, 8; nigh mass, 10:0; evening service,
St. Clements. , Smith and Newton street
Kev. C. Smith. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30;
evening service, 7:-U.
St. Peter's, Lents Rev. P. Buetffen. Mass,
8; high mass, J0:uU; evening service, 7:30.
St. Charles, Thirty-fourth and Killings
worth Rev. G. Sniderhorn. Mass, 8; high,
mass, lu:3o; evening service, 7:30.
St. Rose's Church. Fifty-third and Ala
meda sire.' ts Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, pastor.
Masses. 8 and lo A. M.; eveuing devotion,
i.JO P. M.
St. Michael's Church, Fourth and Mill
(Italian 1. Jesuit Fathers. Low mass. 8:30;
high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. al.
J. Balestra, S. J., pastor.
St. Stephens, corner East Fifty-second and
Taylor streets Rev. Warren A. Waitt, pas
tor. Sundays, holy mass at 6, 8:o and
ll:30 A. M. : rosary, sermon and benedic
tion. 7:30 P. M. : instruction in Christian
doctrine given at school ;very school day.
First. Park and Madison streets Luther
R. Dyutt. minister. .5il A. M.. Bible school;
0:30. Y. V. S. C. F-. ; divine worship at 11
A. M. and 7:45 P. M.
Waverly Heights, Woodward avenue at
East Thirty-third street Rev. A. C. Musis,
minister. Jl. sermon by Kev. Herman K.
Swartz. D. D., of New York; T :;:. sermon
by the pastr; 0:45. Sunday school; 0:::u,
Y. P. S. ; 7:30 Thursday, prayer meelln.
Laurelwood, Sixty-fifth street and Forty
fifth avenue Southeast C. S. Johnson, min
ister Services, morning. 11; evening. 7:30;
Sunday school, 10; Christian Endeavor. 0:3-).
St. Johns Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. 10
o'clock. Bible school; 11, service; 6:30,
Christian Endeavor.
East Sid-e, East Twentieth and Ankeny
streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10. Sun
German, Rodney avenue and Stanton
street T. A. Schumann, pastor. Sunday
6:45. B. Y. P. U.; 7:45, preaching by tha
Tabernacle 9:45. Sunday school; preach
ing at 11 and 7:30 by Rev. A. J. Ware;
6:30. B. Y. P. U.
Rose City Park Community Church, Forty-fifth
and Hancock Rev. J. M. Skinner,
pastor. School of religious education. 9:45;
morning worship. 11; Young l eople's m-eet-Ing.
6:30: evening worship. 7:30.
Woodward Avenue, at Last Thirty-thlr
street Rev. A. C. Moses, minister. Sunday
school, 9:43 A. M. ; morning worship, 11;
Y. P. K , 6:30 P, M. : evening worship, 7:30;
prayer meeting. 7:30 P. M., Thursday.
Atkinson, corner Twenty-ninth and Everett
streets, Eaat side Thomas L. Anderson,
minister. Publi'. worship at 11 and 7:45;
Sabbath school at 0:45 and Y. P. S. C. E.
at f::iO; morning sermon to answer the
question, "What Constituted the Greatness
of Abraham Unroln?" Evening sermon text,
"How Art Thou?" Strangers welcome.
Sunnyside, correr of East Taylor and East
Thirty-second streets Kev. J. J. Staub, D.
(Cuncludcd on Page 11, Column 2.),