4... .a. - W 44. 4,4 " . ,. .111 a Ib a ."!.. al lia. o bMiM UKt U ' prvm mr .' "j , ( km. Air laformatl-oa watc ca Sot b louo4 bre ' I ... 4 ft ftbeaia Mug Iti tr A AK.lta.KT A-t TlfLAU n j"V nia;.:: t .a4aaa.i.a .. - . T... A 1 i - v. a.. ; . ' k. ; "A.. -.ilt4... K.illl4, .at .1,. i-w. ntU i p a I h,. a-i.. .1 ... . .at..... .a.-!-.-. .. ... jt.i, ..A. .-, ium t aa i. war... i-t i4 .a M n uj, i ,!.ia mar. - .l . t ll IA A . 4.. r i-aii. i t.ilM T..r ft. fa. "4. I .a -J ; ... AaJ i ... A l T- , ... AIHKUt VnMT7i-k- f'--. r.a I" eH4t4 - U4 ,.4.. . I . ' . . i . I li . u ... r:mt dm 1 1 1 N -1 i tir't I'4.'1 n..i, t-t Will c MimfMitw 1 -t-' :'. Jt' I.. - rJ. i'rtfi-i4T A 1 WIIOLESALLIIS AND tt TO t BH.T Tor. HM. t.K INKAIO At IWl. A i . a - w. fta f" - I.-1M I K.4. Illl . II L1M .1 rilll M jrr OH kl4 ' " vl!ll iTIlii ! .;. , .lunar r .mi. U f - . -. M -t T J. A t ' ' I Iailt .-rjKo-ot4x.CAi. m.ro-T. I ivav r444.i:. A. X I 1 1 rlvini la Kti. JiJt In. I'"- 4l rainfatl ai"' '" . , ,r. - r.n .1 a4. Ktaoir I. I'U or .. . - T-l a I rtintlta . ,,.,n.'' mill'"! . r. i' t J wn.a. K4ttl hmu44tr. . .. ." a !. T W-ATHT.il. i rrT.'. r v . t;ta.4ia ..4 I!- ...... If ...... 44.f t44in..i ....... f U 414 ... I 1. f t I 4raa mrmn . . . (I wna . . . .. II I 11 IK.. ' .. I aa - ... 4 ar.il . ... V..I -rl .... t ra n : .. a.4fa tra.4 a . . v. . r'aada. . ta . . .. . .r-.t ataia-t. .. r.44.(i ...... a"ar. .44I.I 4a l4:-4f ..... tCt.-ra.11.t-.e4a ... a I M ..... la I taaa . . .. 1 t m- ; 'Mi .f i . ; ' - r 2 ; r t T V 1 . .-v I . H ' r , v . . . i 1 M MS f T M att 1 XW 4-'.,... s "ir in li H . t44 f 4 -i taA4 . 44ui n ift It nn.M( .4 .) M ' WUTHtR 0M'IT10. T ?f-e fM'lfT' fcH-Pt! (4. It nf r-i -n'A4 tr tMkiti. A .tf.mw A.r4,t:r r - f(.n i 4jK 1-aM, ia Mr. r C CwTif. ' 'bi . H --it r fi t ror M(Mi?nl :!-. Ooi .T t4 .-'. 1 tn ,t-. A - l.a-r" lu I TtX hiw It IIM r.rtM'-M o C d""- V4 I -44 -". !-. fhl.fT tA rw-r . ;4C4.r W ln,-.a i-Tih.K , t l----.4n iir4-a u4 Wr W4aBi'.. rvfLKCAS'Tf. -trr -ait ntT lvf4ii( r- .nnrfr f r !. f i.an4'-''A'4AV fr ri rw . -u4tftrLT i-4K .ia- A . j U4 frily fr. 4. t.i m.A. .ie-f-e : . tM I4r(l 1 fl' AT aiiaA( . f j t4 o-f ;4t t. if r i i.f-Ai-ti4a4 r -t"v Ia" .'. . '. v4 1 4a.lf M- 4-5 : 4 ' Ft 4. 1 '-4 iIS't Tm Tu. -o r ! c- ti4 T4-At m 4k4 4 (tin tin m troii, m ntw.E. X I' t I 4 .4 ,P" t it t - 1. " vi . n- s T . . rft f- i,, tij: re .i:ir. r-wii, i-'is. r m i rt. V ivif it "I 11 -1 Till HVH MT I H 1 1 4 .-. . 4..T ' ", W i " ft - 4 n- .; -f ' aff V, )'3t v. t .i W -t! j4, a. -.-. fna la iJA, , lh BU.IU, to n 4 fa aa poaalbl '. IIoum ll. A H M1 Li i -- Ml oil Ai. f . . I la our n. I4.U - " . I "XI L " 1 1 7 I ' . .. '-r. a - -" l ...i k t-(Uin. tutu " ' ft r. r n.vrlll A n- i.a-.S I r h o- n i - rltr i I ' -ON r I .ftft- l v. HMf. M.INUFACTUIIER3 " rUlx'U H MAUC Atl. OJLA. I-. ltkUl A i " '- it .-. a-''- --1 i .-'. Tu 7'i ir- JITTINO AM"-LIU, M I. l i ; f-nl tr-l. V 1. n.l 4..-. t'xol . i-UMI (w'amT l-t Bl 1H-At . r w i. . i. a . o.. i.t ia .a "inoi.l ft luHIIWIIN IIK IIAT. r.'lW A , A.. ..i-t-. I' H""' '"- Mill. ANU HIMUMt TIM- ULIV B"K lllM.. iT'mii ' n . ."i- .-. lx Mi K am i.Un r- .i a j.. a !" m ail rtriH. TIM E AT K TO t t AlT. w 1 . -? oflo. tT"trtr . - ( . i k- Hf r-i t' .' rt in w om- to -A ail. 1 b h-r;ofk n4 l .n r"' r 4 In :-.a-l f tnt . r 'U.t, n-.l! - t . - 4 r4 r 4t a-fAnc ; ri-i4. fiai tr J tr on . ( Ar- i4 b .; '.t:0 1- A- r. . yuR4 U m ltt4- A..H.V ft lir r -e-J A M. a,' j; A 1 . - J tl n Ar'-b4 (rUa'O piAWf' .. () f -:a4i T l H . N At r BlUt t t4a'AU. Ai -f 4. i.itiu 4. 'ha A ' ' N f, 'I X 1 r -r 1 4 r-m rut .4 a. f -4l "II V l-tff 4U-. V I 44 CLASSIFIED tftaUy 1 AD. RATES ok- tiM 1 : 4--i a4 m wilt ....... bmI ! W4 lHM4 4 - 4H m- n nrHf ItmM cVW mm dm 9 " X TaA4y ! 44Wr -4 Utv iIIIm44) k Jt4. V M m(. M Mn-i. I'r -! mU(4, tWBt4 mmt mftmm frm9 I ftHBUW. H A- irM-ti i rn 4ailirv. m iA !-- .lfcte4lW4MI--M 1 Cll I 4t -t- W tUtXthWI. (m " ' 4 rt 1 ! Hmti Will It fc-4 44 ll atMOHwr (W Haw-, AiMH4ruc iAWt I pmmm-T rmtttm mi tmm lainwff ( la v-k-ti Iam. Uimummm rtus, ! U44AT. HI mrV lMalrW4 4W. n UkptMM, tlW4 X prV t 111 fr ft4wv4l Ilk ! h i will m rM4r 4 l-Ul-- ( f (CAT. 44tlW 44i-- fi.t f i tn-A-at will arc-fal r M- yAA iH4 I 44ak4r- r py-A-i mi i4-pA -mm vrrlWiMai -MmUhm M4al-H 4 rf44t M -- I mm mm mm vl IW tti--. lr4Wr f't mmm immmwttm mmt- mUt t mmmm4 tf "wmrmk tnrm lr Uu4tu f-pp r mt - $Lmn-1 mJ IImua-h)"" 4 V ft-.! r l I m: t4B) 4 tvj, 4 mtXmm-rmwmim m f-Mmm pmmmV rlt-H fWm m mmmm 1 I r- kM--rv 4 - ! iAr. c lr 4a. 1 w-i mm 1m f t4 aLty Of c . will ft- 3 im --. llArtl-- MtcNI. Tft - HI wvn Mftlil 14 riharft I". M. j4 mm r-4Ml !- tc f iwav-r tMA4tiWtAMi will ra i-aUc "-- ttAAM-Aff. J. JAJt0 tl N" T,IK- Irolcur.; , ...-.naai . ..e lutA. Uf- r " . .r if.i J . -HIv.. r. f t - - ' "' . . .'. r t " r - - " ' 1 ' - i 4t : . rt4c f ,: l r. W w u w. l-o?- t- .U 4:, 1 t atn. rv i. AiAa4C aW. Tnn SUNDAY OREGOMAX. rOCTLAXP. FEBRUARY . vr,v TOD4Y I XIW TODAT.' ! REAL EST ATE. I Mfr.TINO NOTICE-. 1 ; KKCT TOD AT. - EU TODAY. -I For M.le-Lo.s. r.inr.KA cou-it.. no t"4 K. AND L. 1K 8 U r k r i P''n ' tikr and !fr trf. -t fit w. u w. H:. Cast ! n4 Aiitar; cDt ORAM) TRIZi: MAfK P At-L trn Jo!M ; l.y M..I:.IiI timp, U. ' ft-4 Mr-rft Um? K .V A. on rC:R otrtbJ-r. T-if lir. Vbrurr r- vl r rf ki, n.4 JKI TlVliff Kv'tRin.lil. CuilF VUCS Ad miajiotl ) a 1 ! Jl OR PEST f-r mlrc. flnf17 gfai td eon an i Ion a: ainmll ! coci ctiB a:tn ianra r!A .,-v!al ra la Jraa.-ot UIU.l.aM. APp.1T II A M anj 1 -. - JA- A. J'1" .r rau a CAt.rilOVt AX ri..-l Tha firoK-li Uaaao ftraa a-ran- r. una Pr. -. - c : anuri.nnaal 4 lai r Ml; knlaa .-.. It jraall ';. in a:. A-i iai-4.ra ani ' 1, r-nxLATn pt ah m.-rnTFAO Nf. i I ;i.l . rtan.a Tnuta- 4.T ill. lit. lata IT. Hall; ii harla. a wl pr.aa. ajnl"! m u a . . yu ..4 . - aia ftanuar a I.I aa Lin-a-n- ----- U-taaA n trrnoT rom-M, no. 4i. w. o w. l an.l al.nra a.,: b giar.il fr! '.-r "" ra-. I. 111 W. O vv i: n - a-aa.a ucvairi rarJa .-. daac.c la) a -l.xk. A-l.aK4- a. Tim rf'Ti.ANL akt ot.rn -! i ltiUI ' narir Tu.a.la (larnnn. Tan aan4-pa:nl.4 ihln pria-a. atlTi-l d'ati.a. aa.tf MUKay f!!nl. tr. AlB l. l' bu.1 a,i:aaT-.y. Ad in 4i a Sa.'. OVIC af tta Wa a-iatlaal. r'mnn n4 h,bi ra-ia aioark of faritura. rua. ic . .a (ait towln cir. I" ur; J-a. al a tmaua (.ia . Miit-una. 114 . i i.x a a.iv - tt r , An taitt wih -Kan al . a. W llai ! llu-a-ll a'raJ. ra Krtlay I'atiullf !. 41 ! la T- Talllr.a rla. -OUTLAND COlil'lM 10T. W. O. V! ia rh.. and Janr4 v-1i.!ar. - - a. . v.- .. i 1 n' 14 Ilia aemai 1 a., aa " v. - " --. aaraai. Hafraa.i nnanta SimS urilaio irmalr. ii.i. ur!1,rr T il ell. Fakraary II. t '. K-ll. .. "U. --I !-. M -! 41 -ra. -.o-'h. II H'.,'"1"'4 t 'a f a. I a ..la W lli"'f. f I if nr. rtf,.til.a- if Ilia 1.1a M". Vir.iral ft.ik It.ftralna ara al Holn.n 4.mrrr. -.r a. att.l aa-ll 1 f.arar.l-r) la I"!"'. in. It imarma-l. laafa aalcaa ai.l IX h. i JIouJiT. ' Ot r-la !! rhtn-r 1 J, -" W t.uaaa-. !a of 4tlT T ; I at K Tla r.ma.ra ara at tHa raa. "v an.r- ,f J. f rit -r A f.n. M"n-ar..mcrr 1 llftft. Not:c of fuoarjl hra-::r. JafH'tavW Al har lata ra-i'li-n-a f Nort"i fla.ra. H- Ana liarv'ay Motla)-. " . .i ra. sl.i.a 4ii:M aif '. an.l fa H-irri.l Al rrow. of tM elty. I'unoral Itot'ra lalar. IIV1.V-I1 tMa ri'r. T'rua-r 13. fr- A ra iam f'-iiin. aJ C: fr. nl S'all.a. Waii. Jl-n.a na ara al ll.ilnnna ;"4. l ari ri Atinwunra iar.t of funeral latar . ITNTKAt. NUTKM. KfTT A If r Id-na-a. 1S lluiaai: '" r-Tar !. im-4 -. Kuia. al I ara. L-'oa.J aiaua itar of Mr anal Mra. tr.l Kuti. al "'a.- tf Arthur KutA Kunaral -.11 l-aa- tha r''t n' ,mr Tr.c.r. r. .ru..-, 1 4. at 1 1 P M I -a i! a h.J al alarm. 14 l.afha-rl " Trilltr Th'ir. o ar.arnar W.; :" "'J ham 'V t S f. M. lr.i-rm.nt Ho.. fit- r.mrta-rr. . MAl:riN Al lh- f-imt' raM--r. air4'd .nu. crtn. lfr--unrY 11. laorMa V.r-ln. .- T ya-n-a. lti-nlri. ' i, 4a. ( t-i Ut- Hrr.ry l irtln. n.rl ,..r., a. h.ld al lh- Holy ry C hjrarla. :! Third and C:.rhm.a atr-aia. at 14 A M. lo.aiorr-w 1 M - n.l. r ). I-.1 rvl ry I Krirnda inaliaal. Itil-nn.nt PI. M-.rya ivmaiatr. tar.ia-.a at tba ta ptl.atA f .- aa Ott lt floa.r- DK'tTIITCK ITi.ata riin.r.l a-r-lr.a of tha ..'tar M l-r.Mrlt 4 II I t. h'ld t ll.lri.tl. I:u.r,l -ir!.-ra al T P. M lo d.T i.-undi. l.!.-uarr I J. Friar..!, al.h. In, to h- r.-,.'na W'-T ' ' .U !.Hun,liv) from 1 J to 3 P Al Th ..,.! a III l t-4-n lo IV!vl.l-ra. for IMi-rm-nl. Frlcada aro raiutralad not to a-fia. fl.-w.ra. arm f'Tr.'t Fan , at tia rtraialaai-a of h-r' d.ucfii-r. 1I4 M.PS'" a al r"iA lilot-r. air-' IA T"f A'un-ral -r-r.a a. II t h' A al l-jnnln A V.. i :m a tnantl lomttr.ar l-unala.i. I'.lv 1.4. at a I , A AJ. II mal-.. will ba ta. an 1 liil .bora. a.r. vl i.r.m .i.r!rl-. ID W A. M. IriT.r-i.rt Waat I nloti l -nrtary. CAT Vi Tra tu-irral oftha lata Tb-mai A l.iYcir WKI la-oo Hi. par.ora or Mif.r A Tiac-n C..nJy. K-r.ru.ra 14. at J.a . Al i-.ni -. ail! I. ha-ij at A M at I awreOa- a nurrn. -.,...-, Third" an 1 hhrrman. Im-rmacl li.ar-4l-w r.mal-rr. M T'ir .H Tha funaral a.rv!cr of tha I-. crava-i of It.. . S Iiunnl'-ar. Inc. r.i.l .- ' rua.ta! Pr.c-t.ara. '' v .'.r XI -.. lajmarr 14. at I JP. M. Kr'-n la ln.lt. d. Iniarmanl Lona ir I r ' I! F 4 V Kit Tha futi.ra! aanr! a of tlaa Jala Ma. C Ilaar.r - .1 b hd ,-u"'!-' ..'' 11 at ; : o-:v p. Al at ti rra.ir-r-a . ab .ah .at of J- P Fin'. ay A a..n Mf"mrrr al Kl.'ih. Fra-nda In lai.tm.ai at lliarvi-w t.m-larr. PAYNE At ll-i-Kl P.tnorllon lliapltal. of ..n'umoti... r. P.'-r J "hun Pavna. at-'l 4i ia.14 b.io -4 huabotlil of J n Itain pa;-". fuoara' ,"', aatarUay . 1 4'ttiv. I'nd.rt.-ma rii"'. l..la. iN Fh. II. Ir. Ihta -I'r. An.tr-w J.-..,-.. .!!, ac-4 TT a-ara. P-;-.a-1 f.'Ti-r .f lira. Alia Hiatal.. KunTal -.r-K.a prlv.ta. nxrva nimrron. -.'- 1 r .1.1 ,! il?TT 4?: t.' ; v a f yf'j $-J-' T-ar. of I'lpa-rl-nc. llaj Kiabtvd Thia A arm to lim PERFECT SERVICE Thla nicaaj-rn eatAbllnrim-ril. with It a 1 .-in mi-n- a. 1 11a-4 o.l 1 n K a ciu l'd Urlvoa, Imuhi ab-:ut prlva. y. riu.u i! In ro way d fiartura Iroin aa alAlHad pul . y cf mo-drrai prlua prla,n-ol Woman Attondant. - J. P. FIN LEY & SON Tho proera-alv n'NtUAU IiJI'.luCTOItS. Jlor.tcom.ry At Klflh. Maid 9. A I '). MR rP-AHD HOI.VAV. tha aa4la fjnaral al.-aa-tair. 1:4 lairas atra.t. ar-ora.( 4. jo. a. A-kUy aaaa asl. A AAlL. AtaiA A.i f. wNxiva the rn t1. lan.raj IMraactora. 414 AT- at AM.r ftr t- li. 1SJA. . a ZK:.t.;i i". II.l.IAVS AVK. r.t 14 ii C ! lAda aitaodaau .y aad a ahl a.rl-a l.l Ni.Nar at KNTFK fun.rai d! ract.ua. Pr..ar and I -a., fnooa uruaoaaj 44a. 44 J an.oajaoa IIiK A TRACFT. Irdapand-Ot fu&ara. r. t..-' r-- a at low aa l:. $4a.l' U aa-MSCtoa and A..A iti. aio a. .11. RREI.7K A "VOOK. SunnyllU parlor. aat. ft"-. 11734 rta.Blool. aaa. 1 -. ", aa. 4 -' " KIE. UNf-RTAKIXO r-!aPANT. d ar.d l.ll. 414J. AiliUtAi i!HlliiL pT LFRi II." tait Itih aad Clay itraii t.4r iM.taBI Faat til. R .' VTRNr-I. wi:;iain an4 aau. Ca.t ill. C ll Laalf att.ndaat. FLORIST. Manriv a rnnEsi co.. frut. if .";. Aaaia !. A t llowars t-r a.i ax r aa! o r.. artlatlcq.:y arranxaal. iFtAfiKr" ITU"11 r:-ai-l.ta ?7 Xoa-rtn at. Mala ar A Hi I'm rtoaar aad floral o:ir.. .N btaaeh a 10 nam. H "ax" XS ITII Mala Till. A Illl. ali io b(. aad Aldar ta fuSM IllI'Li.RAI. Ol 2'I wuilmt t . b.c 4th and Jlth- Maia AlQl. A lj MOXVMrVT. r.'.uTlAvn -akiii.s Wv.nKs. ':-4-is 4tn .1 . .,.1'. t. cur ): Xam .'. 1 hilip A s-ara f.r m4-tr.4rl: OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 74 WFLVIOXT T. -ae a al I4..1. PI ISIS. Opara Day aad Meat. Raport all cui of cruelty lo this office- Lethal cl" amber for small anlina,. Hun. ambulance for l k and UlaableJ ar.irnala at a moment a notice. Anyon AtmitkUt At a&A SOalUII la leaf alAUa UO. Auction Sales At Wilson's Auction House 18A-8 FinST 8T- SKAB MOHfllSOJf. HEUILAR SAI.KSDAVS H3XDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACII DAY AT 10 A. M. Kl llMTt II K. r AHPKTS. JTOVPI. 7TC- , lO.VSIIil-:ll FOR UKTOTIIE AIII.UACST UlULItlU Private Sale Department . a-ll tha karat I. F! R1TIRK ol all aa-a-rlptloaai alaa It " M - f. r. Hi t. . aat.-a-l nnii : II A. UK.. In fuel almocl anyihlntf ou -ant to furnlah A nuxWn homo. -Vou aro cordially Invlt--l to cnll ami look throuch our atocic Vou will rind aomo cry cbolco pieces. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE 1T3 ii:co.o st- m:aia vamhili. Mala 30K. KT.rythln- In the line of nnOfTRIF, fit. III. TliRU'DUi A I. fir MLVK.K A A III; II 1 lilt . . II A H D AV A H K. i.ii.-i. w 4 1. 1. 1 A P K It rami othrr lf III II MilK AT RICKI THAT III: AT 1HKM ALL larr- aaaortni.nt of TORB rlX- TI KW Al.l. M.1HAJ!. . l?-e U brfnrv )'4iiJ huy. It Will D6 MU.AKV I 1OIII 1-OCKIT. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP TIIK STOCK OF E. T. HUGHES' Sheet Metal Works IlKMOVFD TO 1C Fill. IT STnF.ET, AVIIX FK SOLD OX THURSDAY NEXT February 17 at 10 A. M. COMPHISIXJ AS FOLLOWS! Out. lars. aurhla. -Ice. .Iato-iV 44 ll.aa marklar. aaar arrlnaplaa; aaarklnr. ana. arlrr-lar arat llaar o aa alaaar, aria, a- Iro roKrr. one la-are aairaiao. aradlatr anaahlae. oae 4lr-laa- tuarhlae. one aa-ttlnit-diia machine. oae a. Irar nanii i ar i ormina 44 . - alp. 4 la a-a. live alacka and dlca f ram . a awara.. a.a - a w. a . aao alovrplpe man. Ill-, laao plambcra laraarra, at aa a wiwa . a ... . larae beach aalpa. aro Id chlarla, panrhra. rlart acta, kammrrm -rcnchca. aqaarea, linn, Irarra, blla and drllla and all i.ilior nppiiaticva for an up-to-date tiu Hrr'l aliop. . . - .aa . f-t !- "or a aaa i.iwatai ..4- .. ....... ahcef copper. liar and braaa. aral-aalard pipe ana iin.nna. ai.irrip. ... - -ft a aaa. aabeaf aan-eorered furnace pipe aad elboaaa, larse aaaorlmcal of far aaaraa rcal.lrra. -Monarch" opewrlter. ij-cwrllrr drak. Ilrcproof aafe. two kcallas alarra aad othrr off arc ta. J. T. Wll.flOV. AITTIOXFKR. Bargain WEST SIDE CORNER Northf.!. corner 20th mnd Pet- tTgroT; improved, 3 house. Accordinir to the Assessor, this property ia worth $8700 we are authorized, for immedi ate sale, to dispose of this property for $6500; $3250 cash, balance mortgairc. Present in come of this property is $36.00 per month wilh one house va cant. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR. HENRY BLDG. CREMATORIUM MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Nona more modern or coatly la Am-rla-a: equipped with tho rioi-t recent and aelontlflo m-thod of Incineration. A beau tiful chapel and Columbarium. Mot .xt aeon1 r.niK. on!v cemetery In Oregon with rhn'pel on lha -round. Tha orlifinntor and tlwavi tho lead er rf hlKh-cla c-metaTj' and crematorium rlc In Tort land. A Vlalt there will rcadl'y con-lnce you of ihla. "Ita beauty ainatulnrly apiiroprlale; It rare paculiarly auKwa-aiiva of affection nd memory." Lar-e, Prrauaral. l'arkllke. Terma reasonable; price no h I h e r. Call aiiperintendent. day or IilghL BolU telephone. Read This! It la bad enouch 10 have to walk home from four to sis miles In srood weather, but It I fifty times as bad when the streetcars are snowbound and you ar lOrC- o W - I 41. inniu.il 1 11 W . 4JW . wat my ad. another column.' GIBSON'S , HALF ACRES Locatl on Fuburbnn Lln Tht Ha Aovor iiecn pno uuunu. JOHN G. GIBSON, Owner ellwod 47A, Ma .hall FtH3. FUNERALS rtaautifut a d a 1 1 P"-" fX t f mmmt cr broadcloth e a a I. ' jr !. .mba.mlnr. rousn bos. Tq J m TJ haarae. ta- limauaia O aW and ennrlcaa for....... I Mo-a reaaoaabl funerals If daalred for :.t. . 4. Il'.sb.r-pric.d funeral In proportion. v iak. our own raaketa Lady a.a.tQt- viral funeral eh ape L MILLER & TRACEY lod. pendant Funeral Dlraetora. Waar.lriston aad Ella b la. Main till, A Ta. PACIFIC MORTGAGE & INVEST MENT COMPANY Meaey at Carreat llalea Farm aaa I'lty Vmrriy. AM It--'!, (IHI.I.IIM11 LOOK UP LOTS 15 AND I6.EL0CK57 inVlXGTOX. unincuinbera-il. except bomle.I rlty liens, and mnWe pll rush efft-r to Onacr, BAT AUA-alac of IJomxacrca Bids. 13, 1016. ESTABLISHED ISO COSTLY TAPESTRIES, BIUC-A-BIIAC, FVKMTCIIE, Tt RKlSU KIGS, ETC. ON TUESDAY NEXT We hare been Instructed by the owner to aeil me very coaiiy ui ui-uane. hla private home, comprising hand- .1 ,......., va.-ln. Bllita. PflnVfif. aatlonal.sofa. gold-laaf furniture, ma hogany center lane, iwo a.ij a..jni . . French tapeatrlca. five rare old Turkish rug-a. cut-pla electric lamp, freuulne velour portlcrea, library tables and rocker, onk parlor dak, mahogany piano bench, books. brauTiful hand-colored pictures, b-flc-a-brac, several vanes, davenport. Wilton rug-, 12x15; n : . a . . l n . t at. n.plnr earDetS. couches, curtains, dlnlnfr-room Til., quartered oax taDie. ounti anu chairs, also china cabinet with plate mirror back. Maviland chli.a punch set and cut-glass punch set with mirror. electric cnaunff uisn, lauuy ymin. t.., Vernis Martin and enameled steel beds, bent spring and mattresses, pillows. ...in... ...ir -.l . .4 4. tn i i nil dressers. colonial'mahoirany shavlnff stand. Brus sels runs, commnation at" B,m voi range, utensils and other effects. , ACCTIOXEEIfS JfOTE. -a.- ii. ..v ,K-4 Oil. onllartlnn of tapestry, ruRs, furniture, etc.. is well .4. ...... ,4 44 . arrltlt.nl intaneetlnn. 44 VI I II aV4 4 44. w .......... ' whether you purchase or not. lhe ROOUS Will DC On Vltw luiiiiii 4 4j ... our salesrooms. 166-168 Park street. Artrriox ox tiesday suit at 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall sell another lot of furni ture, whilst not as costly as above sale, but Is all good and clean. These goods can h- seen Wednesday after noam. AI TTIOX OX TlllHSUAV E.T A T 10 A. 3L. AVAXTED, Fi nXITCRE! We Tay Cash for Oood Furniture. Rugs, Etc. Thones Main 3332. A 2567. W. C. BAKER. A. W. H. DEAX. Fa rail are Dealer and Anetloneer, led-IBS Park Street. fICOl PROPERTY New brick building, West Side comer; clear of encumbrance ; price $S0,000. Client who desires to ex change this property for income up to $125,000; might con sider West Side apartment-house. a . ;- l. 4 INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLDG. Base Line Snap 23 ACRES 11 SO oer acre, half cash, balance one. two and three years, interest 6 percent. To Close an Estate 437 ACRES fYnnttnrr on the Willamette River. 300 acres in cultivation: Rood building's. This la one of the best farms in the Willamette Valley. For quick sale price fOO.UOu. John H. Gibson 13 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS We have insurance money at B. Private funds at 6 and 1. ROBERTSON & EWING, 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bid.. MORTGAGE LOANS 5,6,7 CREGCN LNYESTKLNT & MORTGAGE CO. lock Exehanae llalldlna;. Third aad latuhlll Ittreela. Choice Location FOR WHOI.E..EIl OR RETAILER, Wil li THICK AiiV. FACILITIES. VA ILL M'.Ll. OH LEArK 100x100. with two-story bulldlntr. cor ner -ast Morrison and East Thud Sts. FRED H. STKONG BI7-SI Chamber of Comma-rare BMsr. BEST LITTLE BUY U THE CITY Value established by reeejnt loan on ad joining property Is $13.0u0 for half lot. This is better than a half lot. yet can be had for only 15750. 12760 cash, bal ance mortfrsKe. You will be surprised when you find how close to Broadway and Washington this Is. n. W. HRYA. film Cham, of Com. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Onr Owl Meney at Current Rate. Ml NICIPAL AND COKI-OKA I lOM IHIN. I ARM AND CITY LOAM. S our lb ht.. Board af raale Bid. mil DE.GGUDEYCO rii'r5. . LUlii-i! E5r 6 7 LCJINCD yS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY lrlrav tSTE RN BANK B UILDING INrOMFriNVESTMENT Present Net Income 10- Per Month. I'Rll K SalO.:Utt I tlt'is. An Additional Investment of 12500 Would increase j.ivitiiic . r, 114411, laqalre o. 10 East Math St. North. MONEY WANTED At . 7 and on Bt of Portland fAPi ra r.m THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS in.10 N. W. Bank Ralldln-. FARM LOANS MORTGAGE C0.MPAKY FOR AMERICA inworth Bldg. 22 Portland FARM LOANS r19 RAKEH .MORTGAGE COKPOHATIO.V LapH A bUUAiuu, a'AAAcj A Aat AildA. I WANTED Auction Sale FORD AUCTION CO. 211 First Street Monday, 2 P. hi. We have a nice assortment of medi um furniture for this sale, including such items as round oak dining table, i v. .h.lpB ni a li aic-n n v niarlor set. library table, chiffonier, onk dress ers, heavy metar Deas, aropneau e. ni machine, breakfast table, hand-carved center stand, sanitary couch, gas range, kitchen cabinet, large sideboard, ward robe, carpets, ruers. linoleum, etc., etc. If you are interested in furniture of any kind it will pay you to attend. E. G. FORD, AUCTIONEER. AUCTION SALES EVERY MOXDAY. WEDNESDAY AD FRIDAY AT S P. SI. EACH DAY', AT 211 FIRST ST. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE AT A. Y TI1K. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. oana quickly closed. Call today. 6 Or LARGE LOANS COL O BrSI.ES PROPERTIES . 3 A. H. BIRRELL CO. .17-210 Northwestern Rank. Rulldlng. BGAL ESTATB. For bale Lots. IRVINGTON CORNER 95x100 Will sell corner. P.'.TlnO. on Thompson St., two blocks from Irv Innon car. for I2..00; this lot Is worlli from IIUu to AoIXai. but l must ralsa money at once anal you can profit Dy my loss. AP 23j, Oregonian. bOAIE OtNl'IXE HAIWAI.NS. K.rMifNT. The best lot below the hill: one block to car; 4."i'; original price tiioov. Avnv iniii.v.vARD. Corner r 4'.th; two lots; liens partly paid; room for two houses; can deliver lor I.Juu; some terrnd. WVsTMIniKI.AXD: 100x10 corner; ; ioi; original price WAVERLY HEIGHTS. Fine lot; lon. COLUMBIA REALTY INVESTMENT CO., till Board of Trade. lOflx-JtlO CORNER. SOUTH PORTLAND Must sell st onre fine sightly one half block on Corbett st., Poiitlt Portland; strfets all paved and paid for; no incumbrance; choap for cash: here's a chance to make somo Quick money. AP -liti. Oregoniao. PAKKROSB SNAPS. $1S00. EASY TERAin, Buys aers tract with small house, ALSO Have lr.OxlOO and small house very cheap and very easy terms. Al.sfi Pome vacant tracts at sacrifice pride. Phone Tabor 254i or see Mr. Russell, 2ti9 Stark. H.VRTMAN & THOMPSON . nKSWIXKIRLR CONTRACTOR WANTED I want an A-l contractor who has a sharp pencil to build a house lor me; one who can furnlah references and Klve bond. so that 1 will not hav to stay up nights trylns to gel what's coming to me; give references ana district ojieratea in uu 1 win sena you piano. 11 jib, uo-biiini., kEMARKABLE UNION AVE. BAROAIN Prominent quarter block; both streets hard-aurfaced and paid. An oiler 3 years ago of Alli.uul) suoj.et to the bonuea im provement taxes was refused. Buy It now at Jitjoo- no trade; 4o0u cash required. UOD1XVRD & V 1EDRICK, 243 Stark Street. ROSE CITY PARK LOTS. ON HL'H-tDKRS" 2D MTG. TERMS. We have ii lots, every one a dandy. We ran make th terms. The prices are right They are all close to the car. Talk quick. Hickman . Wilson, office at 4oth and Httndy Llvd. Tabor 6r6S. C SlU OS SANDY BLVD., BET. 4TH AND -JCTH. unSK CITY PARK. 82 feet frontage, one of the finest build ing sites on th canine, room lor - uun galows. go look at it: price only !."i0. Hickman & Wilson, cor. 4."tli and Sand blvd. Tahor B-os or c 211:1. PlWB C.ITV PARK I5.'i0 CASH Buys fine lot clone to car; another, $750 caeh. on E. 49tn .N-, near car. some Deau tiful trees. Tabor 2545. or see Mrs. Russell, ti Stark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON I SELL, PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Mnt healthful and beautiful residence district In city. Prices will never be lower than right now. free me at once. Marshall 4R.7. BROOKE. A 8S3f. SNAP. LOT, ROSE CITY PARK. A Sandr lot. good homes on both sides, some trees,- paved street. Hickman & Wilson cor. 45th and Sandy. Tabor OSGa, C 21-1. LOTS FOR SALE BT OWNER, dflvliio corner. 1:175: lilllxlu. J tt.fivv arrowth fir on both: Mt. Tabor dis trict ; 2 carlinea. auto bus service : cash or half down and easy notes. A.I jo, ajre- fritmnii. PAKKROSB tract. 300x130 ft., sacrificed for All.lO; this Is worth $1750; 1 blk. to car and pavement, sidewalks and water In. cleared and In cultivation. Hickman 4fc Wilson, cor. 40th and Saady. Tabor CSU8, C 21-1. A'UUP. lots or !- sere on Division street, close to new Frsnklin High School and 4 blocks from Hawthorne car; good garden land, large fruit trees; has an old house, only $ lau'i. easy terms. Call at 1078 Haw thorne. Phone Tahor 2CUS. IVANTEt) Have a cash customer for elthir quarter or nair diock Deiw-een nam ana Ur.i,rv.v bridire and Fifth and Park atrareis; must be a snap. A 3S, Orego- nlsn. ACT QUICK. Corner lot on Union ave., 75x100, with Improvements paid; $J2."i0. JajDDARB- at WIEDRICK, 243 Stark rlreet. I WIL-Lt give you a tenthouse free if you buy my fiOxlOO foot lot on Kenton carline; terms verv easy. A. R. Johnson, 11'iQ Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main H:'.7. $ti,-,0 PAItK Rose tract, nic trees and paved atreet. writer and iewalks in. Bit-kman & Wilson cor. 45th and Sandr Tabor 00U8. C 2121 4 LOTS on E. Onk St., $r.50 each, $101) cash. $10 per mo., 2d mtg. privilege to resionible bullde. J. G. ltainey, P04 A'eoa bldg. ROSE CITY PARK lot $400. worth J750. all Improvements in. Owner. Main 3044, A 1951 ' WESTMORELAND lot. 2 blol-ks from ear and store; cheap. Dalgle, Franklin Ho- teL TWO lots. Arbor Lodge, each 33 1-3x19; a bargain tor $600. 93ui Adeline St., Berke ley. Cal. bWEl.L Beaumont lot: cost $lMi0; must raise money; will take $;!7o cash. Owner, 1234 No-thwesiern i-ians ring OWNER. EAST. SACRIFICE SPOKANE LOTS-Cash buys these third of value. . V 4 .. ft. 1-44-4.44-4111 4 nta A 4-1 41 - 4 , V - . 41 " - THREE Council Crest lots, assessed $21ou; my price $173. Owner 1214 Northwest ern naiiia limy;. 50x100 LOT In Elmhurst; improvemsnts in and paid for; $".".0 cash. Wlckman & Henderson. 104 .1th St. $37.1 INCI.CDl.N'i Improvements, buys. 2 lots In Irvlngton Park. Main IOCS. $350 CASH will buy $750 equity In East moreland lot. Box 43, Slaton, Tex. FOR SALE Apartment sHe. 40x100. West side, re-ai snap. 4-144, i- om, ta..uinii. ilOSE CITY PARK lot, $700; snap. P 377, - 1 c a . . CHOICE Westmoreland lot. lilo feet to car. FOR IRVINOTON LOT BARGAINS. il V.,4V,a.iai.n A Pft . 703 Lewis Bldg. BIGGEST bargain in building lot In Port land (must sell). Call Tabor 138S. SNAP Largs lot. Mt. Scott. $10 down, $5 per month. BU a 4 p. uregqniaji. ALAMEDA PARK lot $S0O. Skidmore, near 27th. Owner. Woodlawn 593. SiOO CASH, choice corner, near Broadway - , 1. . i.'.i. car. uwiiar, ..1 41 4 44 FRACTIONATE lot. close in; Main street. Sacrifice. C. Oehler. 51 S Yeori bidg. COltNER lol, 7tn er.d Knot;: lUt'U. ijiuire 1 iHV, (Ulb. AW. Bd. Of aUlai. 1 A GEXl'lNl- SACRIFICE. TKlxluO corner, naif biock from csr'on 46th si. and tilsl avo. s. F... f"r $'". citph, balamo 2 years T Ptr cent; small balance- to be assumed on bonded as. sessment for grailiug street and cement walk. Sewer in and paid. See K. M. Iireiun. THS SHAVV-KKAIt COMPANY, 11'- Fourih St. For Suie Houses. HAWTHOKNE iw., corner of f.Sth. 6-roora modern bungalow, lurnace. fireplacf. screens and awnings on tan windows. This is one of tho beat buys In the city. if you are looKir.s for a home, let us shoiv this to you today There is a tirst mort pilii of li-'ouu at 7 per cent, to run for three years and the lot is '.nixOS. IV e hare this place for a short time only for JoluO. THii Ai ALONE O. HUTCH1NS CO.. To buy or sell houses. -rt.Q .104 Spaldincr b!dK. Sunti.i.i p. l'.tst "-oS. JR. KOMB BCYF.rt, DOES THIS lNTKKEST VuU TOP AY ? (.-. KXTIKtlLV NEW MODE 1: V 2 STORY HOUSE. KHSTKlTED HIST., li Klie.MS AND SLPG. PCH.. FURNACE. "FAKGAIV AT MJOO. . J10.-.0 CASH WILL HANDLE. - 1-4 n v- v? SHI PANAMA BUILDING. I AM compelled to sell my beautiful Ross City i'ark two-storv home: tms is one ot the most beauii.ul homes in this distritai; corner lot r.lxlou. seven rooms, haidwocnt floors, built-in bookcases, buffets, etc plate-Klass wir.d.ms, etc.; price $001.1. inorlgate J'Ji .; will exchange lor smaller .ilaee. L. IW, Ort i?oTii:m. C.UOVELAND PARK BUNGALOW with 7 rooms, beautifully finished, with elegant built-in bufi'at. fireplace ana hardwood floors, lu.l basement, IarKe. light bedrooms, one downstairs. v''s place is well worth S0OO0. , price is f-.."". some terms. liUi Haivthorne ave. labor Lti4 or 2.i4S. $2.'40il. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, a, Ni".RTH SIDE. Will sacrifice my cozv r-ioom home for above pric; paid f-' "'" f"'' It S"13 ago li.rl hav- spent o.T ;;" for im riovementB elnce. Oh p.ived .-(reel, and all improvemonis in; reasonable term.. Anaress r. yj. ivi t-. ljAi,nr,LnLi4.i i..-...-..- $3000 eiiuity for $l.'.)0; balance as ren.; occupied by good tenants nt f (" a montr, this Is a new house, built for my own. home; located In the best ran of LJlurei-hurst- corner lot; one block from car line; would have to be seen to bo ap preciated, r-none .11.1111 41. j- I . .T.-1..T t- 4 .-- ;j I iti . J." LAllit,I.IlLI.3I .-.IV 144. ... Deautiful two-story (i-room house, oniy one block fmm car; larne lot 12JI feet frontaire; harowood floors throughout, large inclosed sleeping porch: built-in et fects; this house must l'e seen to b appreclatt-I; price only futlOO; will faivo terms. o ."5. Oreuoniiin. " C1.1FNT in Calila-rniit instructs us to sac rifice Ir.lncuir. home; seven lartro rooms and reccntlon l-all. furnace, eas. elee tricitv larca cr.mnds coiiiprl.---ing o er two lots, owner refuse! S'J0 for sanjo few sears ago: pr.ee 1 17"; """l balance like rent; intetx-t-t onlj, 4 per rent FH KI A JA.'HS. 101 .'th lir-r. cii 1 t.11414. . If you are looking for a real good buy in a 5-room modern bungalow- in this dis trict, you will find one at t-3 B. a.tn t. N i blk. N. of .andy blvd., brand new srid tip to date. Open today. Owner la. liew1li!..v. Y. M. C. A. bids., or Tahor . . t- If T -A I? TTTT 5-room modern cottage. '" Ea't -Mh st.: hard-surface street In nr'''nJf '2; one block to line school. Mr. Dah at t.:.3. across the street. Sunday, or see me. In 'ofllce Sunday. FLLI 'JS. h- l T eon in".. T AC R T-" I HCHST If vou are l.ioklng lor a L house : in tl. 1. beautiful addition let us ,e.l yon of some of the real bargains that wo 'The malone o. hctchins co.. To buv or sll liotiscs. -(14 Stinldlnir bldg. Main 1.1O-. -" " I AM GOING EAST, and will sacrifice one 10-room bouse and ono room house: will take $J00O for one, $.000 for other: Bive terras. Phone Sellwuod H'40. KOH s.vL.'-i-rnii ni' rn bungalow in . -Vi,.. Park- coir.pletelv furnished; veniences; prlc.rs2.;ii0; 110 will hamlle. "ROSE- CITY r.P.K $2M0 SNAP. - J'oomt oik floors: ''fireplace, 0-foot bffet?T.re.s. fixtures sliafi. trees. 1H blocks to car. 1 n"ii4i . ,.. - NFW modern -rooiu bungalovv. Rose city Park hardwood floor, tlrepisee. buffet. Owner, 'la nor -i;.i': BKAI-TIKUL view horn-. si t e s w 1 .ere you c a n raise your garden i.'!"-1 ; :; iivlnir which is the greater part of your llvliii,. for onlv J3.-.0; $10 down. J" 0 month, t o best value In Portland. M. E. Lee. &0o -T-- . -v-i . ti rrr.HT-J. Modern 7-room hutiga low best n clgh borhood, close, In; level yar d. fine view of city and mountains; a bargain for ,loli- Inle. All Sit. Oreegonian. NEW 1.1-room house. corner ,01 j.-i a-. ; liot-watrr heat, neaum T---, mahogany and oak; 2 bathrooms hard wood floors, double garage. Olivier, fcall derson. Hi eiuiei ... I IL.U i-444C4 4-1-4. -. 4P4.,,4. 5-room bungalow f Replace Dutch kitchen sleeping porch: coH J.i'ln". hav -y'non equity; will sell tor frOo cash, call 1 :ihfr ---Hi ciinif-p. . - . a -4 T 4 T A DllfllAIV 3 moms, electricity, -rs, double eon-atrur-tion. furniture; terms to rHiablo purty; half block car, trood buy. P o-. Oreeoninn. OCR Portland home. C".,,",11;!;- hii-si Farit. A OIKS. 1 1 " in j. Hotel property In a Washing-ton town, and lot .at Pleasar.t Home. No agents. Phono t., K444. run FOR SALE Irvlngton Home com.p'p,u?; .,'4 tn'lrvi igton; corner lot 75?l-.t) feet; i?0 .) cash will handle, balance long time !.0V-r eent Ow.AL Oregonlan. T 7r. . r -il) OVA 1 4-room cotta.e on Ic'loo on East Morrison, near 2d. price $-0u0. Lmplre i..,- i-o J01 Td. of Trade. M. 'HERN 5-room,. bouse cement basement. Hi f.Vtey.TentrMV.t'.Co.-, 202 Stock Ex. t.l.lg.. 3d ami laiiunn c will build you iho house yon want on vou lot or one we will furnish. Easj terms. Tho Oregon Home Builders. 1..-.D W. Bank ping. 'vn-MHIED pr.VGALOW BARGAIN. "room" modern good district. Pr.ee H0O, $4o0 cash. bal. terms. AL 40. Or"goniar.. ' CORNER lot. .:'x10O..A;nd -rn C"r'.Vo.: 202 w- ex. Mile., ::.t ano n"'" . unnvi house 2 lots, all modern ; will 8"ctke lo contract mortgage first ray. ment. $20 per month bal. Boggess & Co.. ;ei Gernnger num. BK..T -room house In Laurelhur.t. fur nished or untumisneo .a... quire on premises Sunday. S E. ...Hh st. s. Phone Tanor i- - MY 4-room mrnton::J"J' must be ro:n: i- rs ' SEE MR. FLRLO.Mt, Broadway -lt"S. Bk "' T-M Tirl'L modern 7-room bungalow n-r renins, la Park. A" modern c-enien;e nt $1"" less than cost; easy terms. .b4. Oreeonian. jjl.-B 0-room b-'-- good plumbing, o blocks Rose l.U) . r Tnv Co 4ul lot as first payment. Empire Inv. co.. Bd. of Traoe. KO-.M bungalow, hard wood floors, full re-T-itior 771. TOT and modern s-room house 27th and l-c 1 1,111 ....i.-. T,..4-44 s 4 it Commercal Alberta. -;'""""-.. al,4inia Woodlawn I'D. i?rT Sale Ptrlctlv mmlern 6-room bun- r iik .rn... n.-b- tin eTtnhances: galow. nose -. - liergain. i 4i.i"4 il-KOOM HOUSE and sleeping porch 'w a v 1,-io'v cost if taken at once. Call owner isiil- -,o DOWN. $lf a month, fi per cent . .' '' t -m l.4iilrt voti ii n-mom house. interes . rcrb(,,t ld FOP. SAI.r. or trade. -room modern hous.. West Slue. 1" Tmiimcs "X Owner. Must leave. Marshall 1M. HCIME sacrifice. Alameda Park rooms and sleeping porcn. . ntnailii-ai' cnr. Tahor .eel. SNAP East Broadway very ch-np. ,ot and house partia.ia " ' itn H' ' loo.iii'.-.it- ii -- SL-NNYSIDE, 5-room .eottage. I bio k o, a... snap at Jl.ruu. iiin.iie -n.. v.- Trade. MY modern 9-room lrv,:ngt,n " poln : hP!t uiairn t , - Ort?(tonian , . ,, c i p fiq; S4n1n. Income nt rr"t 7 per cent netfno trades. AJ 375. Orego. nian. .,4 ir.OxlOO HOME. GARDEN'. ETC. ? room-- modern Improvements, block lo lrt-,n: terms. Tahor 2!.4rt. . a T--PI-T urRsT home, modern, fine loea LAtr.LLHl.lt. i . .reaiTo lots. Kinder. tion; exenIllI; 4.-4 -4.-. - 310 Railway r.'""f 1RV i'IN'GTON Charming home, corner, near 'B Car. I.U..I1 . uiaa j4:4-.a.4"44. IF. VTNGTOV HOMTJ3. tin- bariraina. 7rt Lewis blrtg. fcitrj . rt'.I-. C- -!" -..-"'f) on ,it,n s-. -.ear Jisiio a. .Cw-or, -1 Kcdei reritiBa. a jt:iAs4 4