The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 13, 1916, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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    ' 13
"Maltone" is a liquid cereal
rich In albumen and healthful
sugrar extracts procured from
malt, without any of the alco
holic properties.
"Maltone." has all the nutritious
and wholesome properties of a
fine malt beverage made from
selected material, containing
no alcohol.
pitv cum m h-mif fi n
IU1II UJ1IU IU llllla. ill
a Ka. I I I n IMI l I
Father of Gocd Roads and
Many Other Projects of '
Value Seeks Re-election.
lornmilonrr rmmord IJbrary,
CoarthoB-. Interstate Ilrldjrc,
Cotambla lilchway anj ml
Kanx Tint Paved Xnnrj.
WtttUm I. l.leMaar. chlrtrn of tha
Foard of CouBly Coramiioora of
M.ltnomah CouBly. and a rldBt
Inrtl.rJ tor yaarr, ta bbboubc.4
tla eaBJidar r ?'- w'!1
sack tha Krpubltcan BmInatloa at tha
Irimary auction tl Slay.
It la an lntarstlr. fart tt ht
rr.marr takra p t aimo.l IJ aar a
Iba d.y fr , m Mr- Ut!"""
flr baeama a in.mlwr cf tha Hoard.
waa aDpofrHad l7 -"""'""'
i f-- ixi- is fill tha oipirl
- . . - . a- wttri&m showers. I la
raa ar4 rollot alnra. d"""
at. aot.ra na . - - anJ haa ba t-attc4 It
iara f;i term.
Tha 13 T''B ambraca tha r.o4
of tia a-raaUat presraaa In Iba tutor;
af Maltaoaiaa. County. Mr. Usbtaar
baa baa a'Uvrty .daBilfUd wit avary
av.aC of importanc. la Ua BdvaBca
mnt. durtr. irl lB rr.od. of tba
aouaty'B lr.tart.ata.
tn Kaa4 Ataraya AdvaaaaaV
lla baa br a plon.r la "
a la rrracoa. 'aw paraoaa will rm.Utm
thai U yar BO thra waa not a mac
adam ro t. oolJlJ of l-nrtlaad. In Mull
MRuh ooety. .ra.l waa qu.ta
fira aula of b'iH" im
rad oat of l:u-a-llvllta la May. !.
id. month Mr. UcbtB.r waBi oo tba
Hoard. .
Wk. tba trr-a of tbla aprt
faaatal mIa bad ba d-mooatrat.d. Mr.
I.Jchtar adoaid prmnn naac
aiara a1a tbroutb a county, lla
wa Iri.tramantal lr tf porrha.aa of
tfta pr-rty at K.lty Holla ! yaara
COk sb.ra tb count r Or"d rork.
a tarry. Too tbla quarry era.h.d rock
a appHd ir pria labor at
ma a lr flra ha If Iba rock bad
ba.a botacbt on tba markaU Bad tba
onty aal Uff 'i "va.
(Maty aaa Ktlraalrtlr 1 aadU
ity-fT m!t of coonir roada war
luoiam Ji ith U' from IB la
quarry. Aa t IU tsa comlnc; or bar
urfa.-a roari. Ita aaloa to taa eouBty
laat:Ur..L Arran-mnt haa baaa
wad by tba pranl r.oard of Coramn
a.aa.ra to on-rta It all ta ""
ruarnar to urnia rok fr tba ra
4 r af mita of macadam roia.
Kr(dia prot.!.d a attfctory aya
tm af road for Multnomab Coonty B
t'l trafr o.r thm bad ba mcnopo
1. hr otomo6Ua aad auto tracaa.
Vr Ua-tn.r a ona of IBa flral to
r.l.a t"a B.cait for aootbr d-valu-.
f-an Biacadam la bard aurfaca
road taat wasUi Hbata8d tna baaP
1 . wa i r ' - .
tha firat bard aurfaa coaaty road wa
boitt la tba atata. Tbla aa a to
Tnila atrl oa tba Uoatott roaA Mr.
Ucbtaar a purpoaa a to lat tbtB -artmantal
bit of bard aurfa-a road
saaa for tta-tf la eotilrt wlt "
cadam. And It aa a b. factor la tfta
auccaaa of taa camsa.aa lor tba I
a14 roal bon4 laua racaotty ot4 by
tba paopla t raiaa food, for "-';
farlsa- tba Columbia Iliar ll!bay
aa atb.r BMia artarwa ot Waal la tba
roartao-ao tbaa Ilia Ida a.
Tea prant M-jJ'.nomaa CoBly
rourtbouji-. -hlrti ro..f. aa ''
block la rortiaai and la et-i by
bul ds aPrt and archltocta aa tba
bast lara bulldln r ccn.trueta4 la
tka la anotbar arhlaaaBwat of
Mr. Llftar r adminiatratioa. Tba lll
t a old Courtoouja Ibat had aarrad tba
- mr -"""
ad4tata for tha nc.d. of trio eomrau-
ity. an tso oelr n..t!oa wbath.r
U ,B.d b. r-P a.d by a rfc-ajx ra-
backlo atructura or by a but d:nc thai
u:d ba a aaafot Jaara la tba
futaro aa to.iy. .
Mr LiJtbtnar bad mora to do w'tn
tba appraaaJ by f
to .iU4 tbo praaaot fina Coarttow
Wttt bo a a caedldata for
faar aa-Ow Mr. Uabtnar ado
caia4 ma altdtaa' of ao Inlaratata
brvdea ttilB l ort.JW dlract eommual
ratloa vita Varxouir.r. '
Sautbwaatam Wa.blactea. Tbla brlda
raaa tao Cotmbta RJtar la aoar ataU
alooc la eoB!ructioo. aftr aptroal by
tha raoPta af Mu'tnoman r ouaty. and
f -:rka Coue'y. WttBIoB. of tba
t iacarr Arao ratkerad.
Xt Caatral Library bu:iJi at
Taa'fc aad taaibi:! ttwf la anoth.r
f tao iaiproamaota broubt about aa
tfar Vr. Ua-btnar'a admSolalralloo.
Wita a: I tkaaa impraniaBta Mr.
Lia-btaay baa aa tnrillt la ap
proTtna' apB.itura of ooetr far pro
paaal prolact. oatu II could ba dm
aatratad Ibat Ibay ara practical aad
( n-fat.
Ita bal ronidrd tba rotorobta
Ri.r li:bar loa bafera Pa bultl
jn it d..-Ul apoa. aad bad mada
aavarat trlpa o.r Iba projoaad routaa.
Af!r bo bat aoma cooiacad that It
.ou.J bo bui't at a raaaonabio cot B4
ttimt mt a IranaaaJoaa ! tor tha
,..ntT ou!d ratura bmt linaaa tba
arta-'.aal laaaatmant. ba,U-a affrd'.o
piaa.ura to taa aialortty of tba cltuaoa
af MiauMMD rtr. ba o?d to a
proprui'.a fuad for bultl.B It. but Bot
aatil IBaa.
tv Baa Mr. Ublnr flrt bacama
rtia'r Com!.ionar tha couoty wa
h.m. ( la rfahL Soar Ita only la'
m4ama rciati af taa Intaratata brUa
aad w4 roat. boa I aat! laauaa
katrj baaa Tot. 4 y Ida poop;a
wa l.rcaty Bl Bta in.taBC a
Waftarrr u hon ot riotwrra
of I til l llrowallt.
Edward tV'ora.t Metar. who 4:a4
jSSMfy waa aaa of tba wall-kaowa
bnaiaaaa tna af no WU.amatta VOr.
baalait baoa with tba lumbar
m4 .kimi laduatry la tha lirawoaalUa
ant AOoay rfi.trlcta llo wa born
4l :J- ti. la nrowaairt ;a. and
waa ta aldaat aoa of Jlr. and Mra.
J M Mayr aad tba raaia of Iluch
t, timwa. founr of BrowaaaKIa aad
a r ioe ' of 1 " -
5, Mtar Biarrl" rraacaa C. Scoll
Vmr'nmtt t . l'. Tb.y baa aa Boa,
y. W. Veyar.
. Marr waa at oaa tlrna tartfd
ira bia brolha-. II K Moyar. la tba
aianulacfira of luaibar. ao.b and
a.r tr iran.tll.. and lalar
,ua.rto'.-aa-l of tho At-anr o-l-n
M l a. Ha mi l l- Tortlaad la It: bla wllow arvl aort. bl
natfttr, 11 ra a. I. auriliaa.
XV x AtyiCsier 1
KoatltltX i:ClItaioX TO IIO
LH.V rrit.r IX ORTHKT.
Booktaca .r Mllh Loas l.laa ;
of ArplKaala Waltlac lo Placa
Ilooklnx for tha curloa of tha
Royal Itoaartaa to Honolulu, which
wttl tall from rorlland on April IS.
war opaaad at tho offica of twracy
Pmltb. at Third and Vab!nloo, y-
larday afrnooa wttb a ltt ot appu-
caata waatioff 10 romp.n. -"
vatlona r'pr.-nllra" naarly half of tbo
aumbar to which tha party wi.i in
Moat Of lhaaa application war ra
c.iv.d by Prima Miniatar Ioao Vlncaot
baforo tha data for Iba aaiilos waa an
aouocad. irra bafor tbo axcurdoo bad
eacoma a cartalaty.
Pinra tba anaouorrmrat of Iba date
baa baaa mada and tha off Ira thrown
op-a for bo klnr. tba lolarct haa bean
radoubiad an4 Ibar la every iniiun
that tba remalnlDa batr of Iba party
will bo mada op with littlo delay.
Tha or.'Uial laaflct annouBclns tha
Roaartan nranlon oo tba ateamer
Dreat Northara wa laaued yeetorday.
la aa edition of eevrral Ibouaand coplea.
rratlmloary lo Iba planoln; of the
4. tall of tha Toyac. E. J. Jaecer ha
baaa appolatcd chairman of tba tuot
Mr. Jaccer bld this poaition on oooro
tha Mlnna.ota when tba Sbrla'ra made
tbalr crulaa lo tbo Orwot a few year
ac a, ol calnad rreat fame thereby.
hick I larsaly reaponalble for hi
bavlac b-aan put In charye of tha (tunl
faalurea of tbo comlnf Ko.arlan roy-
tt'hlla local application for raerra.
Ilona on th "hip are bclna; reclred
Ne!on C Tike, who ervad a alco of tbo Rotary Club for 11V
waa advaacaa to tho preaideBcy by
naelmoa voto at tha aanual meeting
of tbo club Tudy. aeceo!lna" Pred
c. i:
rrin wa elected vtce-prot-
bKh put him In direct tin for
II, .Imuoh lo tba prealdancy In
aa It haa baaa
tha ruitom ach year
. . - i .. w ,A taa vica-Draal
deal of th procala ar to tha preal
4.acy. 'The aacrataryahip wa Blveo lo
J. U Wrlaht acaia. lie baa haid thu Ion f-r a aumbar of year.
W. 1- Wbltln:. altaat aecretary,
waa appolaled lo tho poaltloa for bb
otb.r year, bl wor la behalf of tha
c ab bavins' elicited omphatle pralao
from all cd th offlter In their annual
report.. Tba bu.k of the offica work
for tha club I handled by Mr. WMllnc.
. k . . m in tha r , f a of tha club
r "1
f 1
e"l k
n. new directore rctel are: R- It. Atklnaon.
XL l Jxlii. if. 1U K. ott and Tommy bwlvoi.
la an rotially larica de
- .nmins- fmm outalda of Portland.
Indlcatlne thawnot 1'ortlaad alona, but
tbo whoio Northwoal. will ba "PJ"
arntrd by prominent cltlacoB la tbe
cominff trip.
Journalist Students Kept in
Jail After Interview.
Mta-af aad liaak Prlaoaer Jolaa ta
Plea ta 'Walt I alll
hlrf Helaraa." lie ald. Bad
Malt Two Hear They Ila.
ECUENK. Or. Feb. II. (Special.)
StudcnU of Journa'.iam of Oregon
hereafter will bo mora careful about
their credential when analfned to In
terview prlaoner at tha Cltr Jail.
When tap cf them wera aanlgned to
Interview a "deaf and dumb" Inmate,
ramalninc durln lh period when the
ruard changed, wera prlonrs for two
hour. ,
-Va waht lo a:t out of here, ono of
tho tudent to blm. "Wa wer
Juat la hero ta.klnar to thla man for
tory and want to iro now. Chief
Chrlatextarn let ua la aad ald It would
bo all rla-ht." i
"If tha chief let you In. ba wl.I bay
to lei you out." tbo patrolman replied,
Tha "daf and dumb" man, who aud
denty developed tho power of peech,
joined la their rl'o- H axfuod with
tbo officer la behalf ot tha boy, but
In vain.
Patrolman Mary ald tho boy moil
watt, and wall they did.
School Inaarance Paid.
TtOSKBlTRQ. Or. Feb. 12. (Special.)
Tha loa roultina from tha deatruc
tloa of tba Lane Hieh School building
bera two week aao waa adjuated to
day. It I undemiood that lb School
I'oard received I1T.JO0. the full amount
of Insurance carried on tbo bulldlns
and equipment.
FOR 1916.
SCfJ-Z. arty.
C 3
(2 Si
v )
now for about four year.
lu urown, j. 'k jujta.
'I. :.!
3k o; .
' 1 " '
" i 1 Jl
Refusal to Adopt Sandstone
From Oregon Quarries for.
Auditorium Resented.
C. W. Hansen Says lxx-ai unnpanj
Han Derelopcd 61nslaw Product
for nomo Market and Would
Kara Spent $25,000.
r- ,.. .r tha City Council
X II bUV - "
iwm.. uinnt nrMon Bandstona tor
tho Auditorium Chester W. Hansen
bollevea another soidbck oaa
Riven to aa entirely homo Industry.
Mr. Hansen Induced the Hercules
c- cAmn.nv to develon
.....hi., iinr, the Klualaw bellevln
It could find a Rood marKci ai
IOr iu prvuueu
II, P. Sctteel, eecretary-treasurer
t. Ika ralinCll
ine COrapU J , 4iAxa ii
jifM .e,atfirBtinfii. riro mi SIC (7
. . Ias nlnnt fat aV
- a. av- lit AAA r 140 000. And
COfl Ul jruW aatw.www
to us TorUand labor in th prepara-
uon or uxa -iion.
In th proposal of Mr. Scheel was
Included the ahlppinff ot mo aiun -
the rough to Portland and tbo em-
T -a IKAa r Wltr If It
r . .m. ai : -a. rrkak ifnim U
into pocuicatjun io. AU
a. - a.l mt ta- fill thO
lO urj aWVCK wv r-jT -
strength testa had been applied by ex-
pens in tUUIUWU, a-wa-
a,faai a siiinniv a suTetT bona
In any amount ctcq up to tha cost of
tho completed Auditorium. -The
Council rejected the proposal of
. a I C ..l.tnaa Pnmntn Oil
ine iirrcui diuiiwub -'---
tne cronua insi it wuuiu "''"-
aai .a tvl. aanaaw A VAft I NaB.fl IHAK
JOCllOn W aswaw --a -
Ins; over of the specification and the
callinr for new bids, a aeries of acts
that would incur a oe.ay 01 'wulu
Mr. Hansen, general Insurance as;en
a w . .u. v-ai iha tnl In win tr State
mnta to snake why the itiercuic.
Sandstone Company, a home company,
.hm.irf rAceiva every consideration and
eneours cement possioie.
lUllw ill Baaaa aw -
ine nine t v. v - - .
postlfflce waa about to be ewarded,
: . ae. t . Britatlon started by
the people of the titate of Oregon for
the use or urejon
cost than that of outaide stone.
irUClUIO. rvcii aawaan.. -
BB.aa 1 .LawJ I. TMbIle BalldlDS.
aaak. - ..,1.1b. a. TS-hltrt And hi
1 H rUCI -
department apparently considered the
II M...kl.. anJ Haltid tO
us Hercules sandstone from the Ten-
Ino auarries. Since mat iime
. i. aa-lfaiinn for the
Dea na nuw . bu -use
of Oregon stone in the Portland
Postornce, ana in inr
The Ktate Lps;islature, at Its last
session. pSKsei wnai is Kvmmwy
ferrcd to as the 6 per cent preferen-
. . . . a. . Ila.lna Iha ft f f I P i A 1 1 OK
iimi Mil " , .
1-1 1 1 iota ltlaal kflrl COUntfe tO
allow a & per cent preference for home
w.. . w. i ) aii.l In iarii r in bT
a n cniri u'uiv
Oregon aandstone has been that no
company operating- quarnee n tui i-
. . K.a.aaaw -1 1 1 1 1 -1 al n t ! itrOtir
CaVlliy IlaVa bvwaa w. --
financially to manufacture properly
KM,d..r In mimntlttei
necessary to compete with outside
Qiirrin Betiaht Factory PUnnet.
a.- I a T tiavA Kabdafl Ptitl
r or iuiii9 ."no v
. aha .astilfv fit om con-
II1LCU W Blew iiBvP.j- --
cern. urncieniiy uron nuaut-iau,
lO acveiop pruirn ,
. w.i no atfhf formed here
fl l U IB PlaVIO, uvibb -- v.
or bringing such, people here from the
u. a. ...Mloal 4nn TTae11 1 daft
1 I inaaliy VUll lUVa ' '
Sandstone Company, of Tenlno, one of
the Jarrest mtnuiiciurcn i
it - i-ia,.. ha f HBf A Wl a
Xne ravuiu BJmiB, . i
market for Oregon sione in ,iun v-a-
. ml i a a. w.wa-knf tHdbrrl nffin.
riiory lunit-irui. v "' .
rny ucvciujuub, - - -
a ( J ... a W . alltlfi tl-iai
from all standpoints, and agreed that
tne time w riv w
1 Off 'U 1 VUacu Maa a a a-aa
Siualaw River, where an abundance of
the very highest graao 01
it.wt. Thaw -i r-th a fir1 a. tract
WAS ITaUlnUl' ""-
. . . . . rap ay a 4 aa U-pat.Mrt'a
Of land ZVV DJ 9 iwi au "
a... - rtn tha. Siiml.1.W
o equip ;
a.. a.ea4 tfl I Ft f fl 1 1 (ill ttlA
itiver cuioinc,, " 4
ite In Portland a corapin- uuim
and complete preparation of their
n .lal.. Waasla aTlf-V.
Mawk. ai nnfrart f anv COIII6-
X liaj ill. awaaa-- w
menu had been made vsas tha Portland
Publlo Auditorium. uius navo bwii
11- rrranil. t,rr COttB BUd
Wilkinson sandstone, a Washington
product. H. P. Sheel. secretary-treas-
. . i U.....U. C.ntlnn. rom.
urer or m, nniywi -
pany and William McArthur, Its vice
president, appeared before tn City
Council Friday and made the follow-
lnr proposition.
. . .K..lloatlnn, rkf tha Audi
IBM lua k.iw..wm-
torlum bo modified so as to permit the
. &. 1 j j 1 n ..m. ,j anhmlt
contraciora oiuuma . . . .v
proposals uslna; Oregon sandstone, and
a r reed to submit samples of this stone
with the proposal, at the same time ad.
vlflna; that should the Council see fit
to adopt thair product after havlne;
RIICI tna neceaaaiy i.m - -
trenirth. color and durability, they
would immediately berln operations at
the quarry oa aw cm.i.-.
Bond la Offered.
n 1 7 a .nll .tiiln a In
cal plant on tha alte which they now
. . a.c 11 n a ija nun wmiM
teres In their proposal to ship the
SlOnO lO I OlUKUU u . u u BWwtM.
entirely by Portland labor, and also set
la trie duhqiok oy v.muv.
X ney. in muuauw fc .
furnUh a urety bond In any amount
Up to in enura cp ai o
aUBranteelns; that this product was all
they claimed for It. at a cost lower
than that Ot ouiaiaa
. J . k . I . f a Wolated Oai.
There seamed to be soma doubt In
lb minds of tho City Attorney and
vlsablllty of tatklns; such an action at
this lata date, therefore they declined
to alter their plans so as to permit th
ubmitfaion ox prupvMi, vu ui w rv
1 .m not quastionins; the sincerity
.... a. Iha rnitnrll or tha
. uy mi niui 1 v.
1 in... in tiVInc thla action
iy r .
or are the meraDers 01 id. nrvuir
andstono company, out
lib a company of the financial stand-
latry in tnis limit wmto w -. 1 "
touia jona ! -" -
klnir nothlne In tho way of a bonus
guarantee tor coming nam, aiiuy'7
. privuTH, vfc i, r
.. . i ..til.J . v. .
iual xootinir as iwio vumuag,
, l (ID llllflicft. .w . .
-i n K . . Aiir.lrfak atnn..
r 1 r own amiiu w w
iat there should ba some way of en
uraclnir tharn In -every way Instead
of discouraging. If not now. after the
contract oaa oaan w. .
Mai tone .
A Liquid Cereal
Aids Digestion
Maltone is a food in a liquid form, an invigorating and nutri
tious drink for the home and club. In draught and bottles.
Manufactured by the Former
Old German Lager Co.
- Seattle
, G. C. READ, Agt. .
481 to 4S7 Johnson SU Portland, Or.
Phone Main 3755, A 1984
lVet Contents
1 Pint 5 Fluid oa. and OTer.
Wlrelrsa Telegraph and Other Instru
ments Will Be Displayed With
Bis Transformer.
LEGE. Corvallis, Feb. 12. (Special.)
Extensive exhibits by the A. 5. Long
Co.. of Portland; the Westlnghouse
Electric and Manufacturing company,
the Oregon Power Company and the
Pacific Telephone and TelegTaph Com-
f the ivari-
IV.t J all MUU.WVU, w .
ous departments of engineering at the
Oregon Agricultural College, have been
arranged for the annual engineering
show to be held by the associated en
gineering students at Oregon Agricul
tural College. Jr eDruary it ana xa.
The electrical engineers are prepar
ing avhthita wireless teletrraphy in
struments, welding transformers, arc
cutting of metals, a model farm light
ing system ana aemonsirauons 01 ma
Tho 350.000--rolt transformer recently
received from can Francisco win De on
dlKnUv. This is the largest transform
er in the Northwest.
art.. fnr..t.. .Yhthit wilt Include a
model forest and rangers' camps. There
will also be a demonstration 01 ior
"est protection and management and
displays of model donkey engines and
locomotives such as are advocated In
logging engineering courses..
J. O. Hannum to Run Again.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Feb. 12. (Spe
V If
-' - , i b
A , , - I , x 1 j :
Tha Re-Incarnatlon of Shakespear e," written by Harman S; eill, chief
e.hhJ of Lu-LuTVmple of Philadelphia, will be staged by Al Kader talent
a" the Mastic TempTePon Saturday, February 26, for members and visaing
6hrwhl! tha nroduction has a sligh t burlesque undercurrent, it is made up
nihaiieii J E 'Werlein: Shakespeare. Norris R. Cox; Othello, ine Moor.
W Arnold Lind'seyT Macbeth. George W. Stapleton; Hamlet. Jerry E Brcn-T,Vh-
JolletT Robert Krohn. The production is to be staged under direction
ttgL' B. Gottschalk SpoU?ght. and electrical effects are by C. F. We.gand
and F. A. Van Kirk.
South Grand Avenue. St. Louis.
Mo, writes: -Peruna to tho best
friend a sick man can have.
"A few months ago I came here in
a wretched condition. Exposure and
dampness naa rumea
my once robust health.
I had catarrhal affec
tions of the bronchial
tubes, and for a time there was a
doubt as to my recovery.
"My good honest old doctor advised
me to take Peruna, which I did. and in
a short time my health began to im
prove veryrapidly.the bronchial trouble
gradually disappeared, and in three
months my health was fully restored.
"Accept a grateful man's thanks for
his restoration to perfect health."
A Kon-Intoxicatlns
Temperance llrlnk.
cial.) J. O. Hannum, Incumbent, will
be a candidate on the Republican
ticket at tne aiay pnumuco i
1-1 i. Pnmmiaatnnpr. Afp.
Hannum has held office since 1913,
when he was elected at a. reran elec
tion to supersede J. R. Putnam, now
United States Consul at Barcelona,
Union nigh at Sandy May Introduce
New Department.
6A!DY. Or., Feb. 12. (Special.) Tho
Union High School of this place will
probably introduce an elementary
teachers' training course and a depart
ment of domestic science into the school
course In the near future. The Board
of Directors. Messrs. Canning, Ganger,
Meinlg. Wilkins, Warnet and Clerk F.
E. Beckwith met this week. The matter
of Introducing the elementary teachers
training was favorably discussed.
The demand for domestic science was
also discussed, and it was the sense ot
the board that the department should
be added to the school. It was said that
If the Union High School should estab
lish an elementary teachers' training
department it would entitle graduates
to teachers' certiticates after passing
the state examinations.
31111 Is Being Moved.
ESTACADA. Or.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
The Klaetsch Lumber Company, ot
Springwater, is moving Its mill into a
new location, about a mile nearer Es
tacada, whore they expect to start cut
ting a big stand of fine timber by
March 1. The output of the new mill
will be from 36,000 to 40,000 feet per
You'll Feel Like a Boy Again !
If you will only clean up your whole system, relieve it of
the stagnation of blood and the consequent toxins that poison
its action, and aid your breathing and digestion by gently clear
ing the way for their perfect working, -
Colds, coughs and grip are the symptoms not the cause of catarrh,
either acute or chronic, local or systemic. Catarrh is inflammation of the
mucous membrane, that substance through which you breathe the air and
absorb your food. If it is inflamed filled with stagnant blood--whatever it
absorbs must be tainted ; and Nature gives warning and then fights to throw
off the stagnation. ,
When this warning is given, by a cold, a cough, indigestion, or
means the catarrhal process is getting the best of the body. Go to the rescue
with a good, reliable tonic for the membrane, a helping hand that will aid
digestion, restore appetite, overcome . stagnation, relieve inflammaUon and
bring back health.
Peruna Has Done This
Thousandsofpeople who havesuffered long have been healed. Hundreds
of thousands have prevented more serious troubles and been restored. Forty
four years of success have made Peruna the family remedy in the homes of
It invigorates. It clears up the mucous membrane, so that it may re
store the brea thing and tne aigesuon to
normal. These two functions are the body
builders. Build your body to health, and
you will "feel like a boy again."
Experience is the safest guide.
Doe anybody ever question the story of
the many thousands who praise Peruna?
The Parana Company. Columbus, Ohio
Peruna may ba had in tablet form
for convenience. -
No Government License or Bond
Assembled Offenders Are Told That
Law Now "Will Be Enforced and
ao More Excnaes 1Y111 Avail.
The city's new jitney ordinance Is
working smoothly and producing a
grist of disgruntled chauffeurs.
Of 60 caaes heard in Municipal Court
yesterday morning, 25 were for viola
tions of the Jitney ordinance, the en
forcement of which was ordered by
Chief of Police Clark, beginning inura
day. xt1! nairiaxt in riisnlav chauffeurs
badges, seven jitney drivers appeared;
four were on trial ior viomuns i
traffic ordinance; seven explained in
various ways tho absence of lights as
directed; one ran beyond- his trip
terminal; four others were heard on
different infractions of the ordinance.
Judge Langguth imposed light fines
and suspended sentences in most in
stances. In a brief talk to the as
sembled offenders he made it plain,
however, that from now on the law
must be considered as understood, and
plausible excuses are to be of Blight
During the previous evening the
police assisted to the station the usual
squad of vagrants and drunks, the lat
ter invariably declining to confess
where they procured liquor. Jail sen
tences and fines were their portion.
Ah Hing couldn't keep away from
Chinese lottery. Tickets in his pos
session were sufficient proof of guilt,
and a fine of $10 was levied.
Mrs, M. C. Brewer Passes Away at
Another pioneer is lost in the death
of Mrs. Margaret C. Brewer, who re
cently died at the home of her son in
Hoquiam, Wash., at the age of 82. Mrs.
Brewer had a wide circle of friends
among the residents of the -Willamette
Valley, as well as in the vicinity in
which she lived at the time of her
Born in Georgia in 1834, Mrs. Brewer
lived there until she attained woman
hood, moving with her .parents to
Arkansas, and living there until her
marriage to Olive P. Brewer, in 1853.
One month after her marriage to Mr.
Brewer, since deceased, the couple
started West, and. joining an emigrant
party that numbered an approximate
300 persons, they journeyed across the
plains, arriving in the Willamette Val
ley after being lost in the Cascade
Mountains for tbree months.
Eugene was the first place of settle
ment for the Brewer family and they
lived there for a period of six years.
Mound Prairie was the location of a
claim taken by Mr. Brewer and bis
wife in 1859. Washington has been
the home of the couple, with their chil
dren, for many years.
Surviving Mrs. Brewer are Charity
C. Brewer, of Dryad; M. W. Brewer, of
Oakville; A. O. Brewer, of Grandview;
L H. Brewer, of Hoquiam, all in Wash
ington. Pauper Law to Be Tested.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 12.
(Special.) Acting under a state law
which makes relatives responsible for
support of paupers, the Yakima County
Auditor has sent notice to relatives in
one such case. If the demand is re
fused a test suit will be brought to
compel payment of the $30 a month
provided by law.
Women students want a better scholarship
average than men at tho University o Wis
consin laft semester.