THE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAX, rORIXAST. FEBRTJAHY C. 1916. VALLEYGLUBS UNITE HILL BRIDGE. CROSSING COLUMBIA BELOW VAXVOUVEK. SnOWCNC Y INTLR-BOCMl CONDITION. GAP1TAL IS ENLISTED MABEL NORMAND TO EXPLOIT CROPS Boise Named as Terminal of Proposed New Road. M m mm iFATTY ARBUCKLE Dr. J. H. Rcbnett, cf Albany, Is Elected Chairman and By law Committee Named. ENGINEER MAKES REPORT 1171 ittt ! 'inrl.'i: I Contract for North and South Line f.EW MARKET PLAN SOUGHT May Be Signed Soon Northern Terminal' May lie Extended Ereix Beyond Lewlston. in "-"-a . I 5 ?T :-l-K' NEW II n-raiioa for De-velnntuettt of UilUoM-u i:"oorrra and Ilcc ognlllon la World Mar ket I Dlacnt acd. ALrVUNT. Or. Feb. reUI To imp th fall k.n.f.1 of t' atvr- l iltl iliia IB vViiraett vaiiey at IB ll tigwitlo at a 'iJi:i la take etet is iiia pror-r rare -utioa (or vailar product la lb woruia tuarkat u aeil work co operatively tor t-aJ development, rep resentative ef th Veiiay Cottmtrrul ml County Courts at a meeting Bar this afternoon LeaacheU a Bt meat to af.'evl a parmaaent valley or- canuatlea. rr. J. It Robnett. pre.Mc-et of the Albany Commr-ll Club. Mltli4 licporirr chairman, and Otl II. Lark. secretary of lb tam Commercial Club, temporary secretary. A resolution lOmmiSlM C. If. Staw. ft. A.oaar: J. R I'TOtim to. Cntta- ;rti: L". & 1-atrharv. tha. Us: t:fn Ji. lUHin. McUinavtll. and O. It. ".atem ta rommnlli"iv out lia tha ork tha trtniudoa should a!rtak. fliim 4 faa-tlaaa Dlecaaaad. Ta dirnifa aa t tha protl fn-tin ef IB e-rcattlsatioa occupied ta rrsat.r part of tha afternoon. Tk rMiutlou call for an orcanlia Una l aa know a aa tha Wi.iamett Veliey twveiopmaet ofltiin. a ciearing-hoo.. fir ti Intarrtianca of Maa mn-i Information ta r'H naaaa for coneatretd effort la any lie ef ava.cp man I work. te:rtg tit tia pro.i.iet ef ti Ttfuiameet Valtay r not reicivlne tint actaatioa ta tha world's trtarkete. in reoliiaae ! .marketm ander a nl.'nrn tract. If roaslMe, It la etaa4 ta work oat a system a:;:a ta tar toaatla. aa ta tvanj Cr C KaaV Tt e aaaartaii 15 at l"er waa avarkat for muck ef tba fruit ail r trurk ta tba alia at nuu"i ef tar ana kla4 la predated ta Bias it pro titb.e. Tb f(nj4tlea prop.?! to arc tnfform prediction, ta IB i4 tat a uniform pfttvi mar pLa-a-1 ea tba nnarkat. T'ia lauiac at literature, to sat a tela a common Valla trade. mark aa4 sieaa. r aatoee? tba ether thins Br4 la tha jtlooa. Tba raaialutloaa ai calle4 f o - a kBl farm effort la Unprolfi tha roada e tba ila. promotio fa raloa work aa4 ir eoa-aacri-i efferta cti:nin Kcialatlos i aaaial la altaiatsa; tkeea al. awatMalaaa) Caaaaaltte aaa4. AraoaaT tba apaakara ea tba after en a ? J i. toraatt. b. Aftnur U Martin. MrVlnairt: A. J. Armtrnc. Crt'a ir-a; V. fx faa-ier. IVabaaua. aal J. U WUlt, Al lar. A (omml'taa coaaiaief; ef H. C Iaa ii. rort an.t. aa4 A. I. I'Ukar ae4 . IC. Stewart, waa eppolntatj a pra- aara a coaatjtulloa ao4 lr'l praace4 at tba aa.t raeeetar. wbtck wilt feal4 la A.baar ea faturdar. March It. All tba eoaimerrial ctuba aat Count Court af the elebt al lar aouatiaa wul ta lartta4 la ao4 vapraaaataEtcaa. rellawtaa Ike aftersoea aaaeioa the 'it.r war ruaata ef the Albaa 0aartUI Cluk at a kaaquet at tba Jtetal Albea. - ' w ILD. k .W.a ; . tr- " ' '' .i t .-n al.t i I 4 I I 1a .. atfcaAti a I . I 7 -' . kw " s Tor-iioKM wmr.a mr. mow t i.rrx. ot"5 niRR of ice ti:iow iiit uixk. iun-i;Miuiii to bkiuui. 30,000 RABBITS KILLED rrsr i tccowito riTicr Jtorr or cow tallct. i af I'd la ta af rvoaaaal Maka Ilala Area tea: latere. Market II WawM O ONTARIO. Or, rb. t (5aUt If tba rkttadatpbta aaaaoarturer wbo U wiaklac a f-U kat fy -Nick" Siaeott. Kapraaaatattae ta Coocraaa. flnda that Orafoa Jackrabbita far ta aoitable for tka earpoae. rair af Mr. Slaaott'a eooautuaota la ilaibaor County will re- ntca al tha aroea-t ef aaarkat for tbalr Bloat prolific Itveatock. Hut thay are aot waltlaa for tbat proapeel tba are LausbtariBa tka rabbita la Im ma bj 'Aatiti wblte the aaoar j ! en4 alaucbtartRa ta ccaxl Tke tataet word froaa Coar Vallay la that lb rabbit la practical: extinct. Kuotine; partia acd aotaoaet bar anua4a kava 4oa Ike bo.lnaaa. A farmaar la I'.oolta, la Co Valt.y. aay can Irararae tke esllre leactA of in aaUey a4 a eotr tbraw or four rabbit. Al OrUlnai time tbay could c b ceaataeL. Tb ftraun around Srecu. ea Wit t-rar Creak, are al rapUllr amt.rtnlnat inx tae paat. A abort wan aa two drii.a ware cni; ii HJ.a Ware ttaa aao) compat a.ooi arraaaaaL Tka Ioir atria 14 ail tb ip.iu.t ef elaace aai rnul. Hack a!4e ka4 Mr tbaa I J. '!) rabbit. artber auutk ao4 wret. Iwar4 the ftarar Covet tin. iratnuMlk effort. ar eaina: aia4 ta comb tie rabbit paat. Al rn:!nx CorJ. UooraniUe. Oowtay. .u.l J-prma. Wal.oa and Kr-r tbr ar aint a bounty ef S caata a a' a en rabbita. DOG'S ALARM SAVES LIVES Aaarhaaai Mrrpa. tal TrrrVrr Hark lira? ttaralas. rtTTSfrfRa Ta.. Jaa. l roraat I n. upia-. t!lraa weak e . ta ar fl.ialit 1 bar axa,atar. fry. a fo tarrlar. proeab' eaa4 34 par.oaa ta a T.rtninti Kit.; (rera auUcallo ta ecaar 4vy. A wattikmaa at t!e b-x.1 la as BpetAi'e ruoea at 1 o'c oi la tba Bioreiaa; f r abort Baft a after clu- ba area .tn. by li. barks f tba (o tarriar ba'k n4 f . trouk Ike a?par bo.:. a-a kio bar maatar. Tb larktaar af tb trrir aakaaa4 lb4M ta tba kot.l. amufir wbona ware It caarv cirta. cial aalr is tbalr kit Tabaav Ail ware rescued, bat Bet until Iss (Irl b4 a mnama by aasoks. I'aatrr) t-lAT ItraJ at lfarrUbar:. iurrr.4i!tT.a v. rab. ,.-.. r U-cr"ir Gr.n l V.troa llaomk ai.i.ia aa effifial I la It. local (oJi. ef Bear It Bint. fit ln.m5.ft ware ! lal ta that roll, lia fr.ita.nK vara srTt4 at tba cioe ef tk taaaOBC. HEW STORM FEARED Thousands of Trees Near Van couver Face Destruction. ORCHARDS ARE HARD HIT ClfT AsbIh IU fftlrr Sapplr and I'liune an J Vomrr -rTlre la IIo InX Itraanwd Attempt Made to Thaw luilwa Ilr)d;. tba corepUallon of tba 191J tairoll an4 It waa turnr4 over to tba Sberlff wdnJay. Tba roll will ba open for collrctton tomorrow. The total of tha IMS roll or approximately f)I than the roil for tha pre Murk of Ibis increase la due to tha additional levy necessary to make up a deficiency In the senaral road tuna, the appropriation for htebway work, tha Astoria road district lery. and the rraatioa of onion hlfh school and dlk Ins- district funds. Clatsop County plana to expend dur Ine the present year tba sura of 1117. 2.7 for roads and brldcrs and 1151.- :l for schools. Tbosa are tha sume provided for by the general and special tax levies as shown, on tha IMS tax rolL KOLSE. Idaho. Fab. S. (Special.) Rolao will ba the southern termlnua of tha North and South Railroad U us financlera behind that projected Una carr out their plana, while the con nectlna link between .North ana souin Idaho will ba extended (axmer norm than Lewlston. This information was contained In a letter received by Gov. ernor Alexander from the engineer who Inxnacted tha route, went back East and Interested capital In It and wbo is now awaltlnsr tha arrival of State ben ator Jerome J. Iay In Chicajro to take up slsnlng- a contract to build the road. Senator Dnr Is a member 01 the norm I South Railroad Commission. lie left at the Governor' request for Chl caco to carry on the negotiations. In tbe last letter received by the Governor from this engineer be says In part: "This Is to confirm my message to you of tbe Itth. to the effect that my self and associates have located the money for securities on the proposed North ac South Railroad, and request ing representatives of this project to coma here Immediately to negotiate a contract for Dnancing with representa tives of the syndicate wbo are here temporarily. "I regret that you are unable to come here personally, but am pleased to have you telegraph stating that the chairman of tha commission having this matter under consideration will leave Tuesday. "It Is fortunate and also unusual that we are enabled through our com mendation of this project to obtain as surances of the nature which we have, without the preliminary work having been completed. These parties are able to furnish ail tbe money that Is neces sary lor a Men-grade railroad, and would desire It carried as far as Lewis ton, and probably further north. On the south It may be desirable to reach Boise and southeast directly. LODGERS GO 1,1 NIGHTIES BLrB MOrSTilt IIOTEL. HISTORIC LA CRA.DE STRtCTCRE, BCRX5. Flrw Departaseat Daadlrapaed by Saew, bat Maaaaree I Save All Abattlag Balldlaga. VAXnrt,--:rt. WasJu. reb. fpe- ciaLr Tb storm situation la Vancou ver and vicinity was somewhat relieved today, but late this afternoon It began slaatinc and another storm la feared. Thousand of tree ara Dow at In breaking point and a few more pound Bul4 tnaaa their destructlon. Many prune orchard within a few mt.ea cf Iba C.umbia Klver are from i la Ti pr cent destroyed, the lops having been broken out of tbe tree. Tba arple and cherry trees, however. ware aot Injured, being stronger and able to stand tb strain. Tba orchard Bear liaseideX seven miles out oa lh Main-tret road north, escaped, bu tbe Mill I'lala district suffered fceavy a. In a distance of nine miles from iTune Hill to Vancouver there are only Zi telephone poles alaadlng. Vancouver today started to el'sn up, but a heavy snow fail moat of tba day, nuking progreea uacertala and alow. liiectrio power waa furnished to some downtown district today and probably most of them will have service by Monday If the storm : rows no worse. Tb I'artfle Telephone at Telegraph Company bad li linemen here today to asaist la the work. Klght hundred of linea In Vancouver ara down. Two or three blocks oa Main and Washington streets were lighted up last night and- more will be put lato service tonight. Tbe second pump baa been connected id with electric power. so tha water situation 1 nearly normal again. The North Bank roa1 had two ioco- motivea ea Its big bridge bare today, and with ateamptpae attempted to thaw ce Ice off tbe dratrspan tbat It may be c paced. SCHOOL LOSS $40,000 ft 1II4TORIC ISSTTTtTIOS AT ROSE- ISO TO BB REPLACED. ASTORIA TAX INCREASED Completed It II IIoll Is riaretl la Sheriff Hand. ASTORIA. Or- Feb. r lelnenweber . (Special.) ba corapleted romuAsn wow a called r Uli tTIL t y. I- J I i a "" ara a. It aaapkrey. Mr. Leak Miller Humphrey, wife af At tor-aay a. & Itumpbrey. ti4 at the family reaidanc. It? King street, la tb Hanover Apartment. January IT. follow. Irg an t.Ioea ef aocn week. Mr. Humphrey wa well known la I'ortianl and la Oregon City, where she Iive4 for several year. tae was 3 years e.4 and leave, beelj.e her husband, a mother, let aiatera and a brother. e Arraaa-eaaewto Made far Traaaarary Qaarlera and T3,0oe Balldlag la Preaaeed. ItOSEBCRQ. Or, Feb. (SpeclaL) The Lane High School building, which waa burned here late Thursday nig hi at a loea of approximately S4O.O00. was one of tha pioneer educational Institu tions of tloutbera Oregon. Tbe achool derived Its same from the lata Oeneral Joseph Lane. Oregon first Governor, and one of the early jurists of Hose, a The original school bulldlnir which MILLS occupied the site of the burned struc ture waa erected In the early '(Oa and was known aa the Roaeburg Academy. It waa a rival Institution of the Wil bur Academy, which waa closely con nected with the early educational his tory of Southern Oregon. The members of the School Board met In extraordinary session yesterday and arranged for temporary school quarters. Tbe necessary equipment will be provided soon and It Is believed mat work In tbe high school win ce re umed some time next week. Arrangements ar already under way for the erection of a modern high school budding to cost not leas than StS.OOi). To erect this structure th voters win be called upon to issus bonds. Tba building probably will oo- cupy ue same site as the burned struc ture. LA GRAND EL Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.) By leaping from their beds and seek ing safety through atalrways and aoc- story windows, with scanty attire. lodgers In the Blue Mountain Hotel, ooden structure on Jefferson ave nue, escaped in safety when the place mysteriously caught fire this morning. The fire department was handicapped by drifts which stalled the fire true but an emergency boae cart drawn by horeea got the department on band In time to save adjoining frame atruc lures. On lodger sustained severe burns on his hands and neck when cor nered by the flames on the second floor. 11 leaped Into a anowdrlft, striking a onlooker In bis fall. Th place Is more or less a land mark and baa often been on fire In recent year. The loss was complete, all furniture, and equipment beln burned. Tbe origin Is not know When discovered most of the bulldln waa afire. Good fortune attended the rescue of all Inmates. KEYSTONE COMEDY "HE DID and HE DIDN'T" The Green-Eyed Monster Jealousy Has Possession of Fatty! You Will See One of the Greatest Comedies of the Year. Remember, It Is New Absolutely First Time Ever Shown. A Guaran teed Laugh Producer. .-V7? r v t I J v X ' t -in A - I - si ill i 1 A New Courtesy Tea Served Daily in Our Handsomely Appointed Rest Room From 3 t 5 P.M. ORRIN JOHNSON SOON TO RESUME Snow Is Melting- Rapidly In Moan tain Near Monmouth. MONMOUTH. Or, Feb. S. (Special. Owing to the fact that the "Chinook1 winds and warm rain which Is falling are melting the snow In the mountains rapidly, tho mlllmen and loggers in th woods soon will be able to resume op erstlons. Most of the mills in the county were forced to close because tbe loggers could not work. T. 31. C. A. Tax Kxemptlon Void. FIRE LOSS IS 29,109 FORE9TER REPORTS BIG INCREASE OVER PRECEDING TEAR. OLTMP1A. Wash, Feb. 6. The Su prune Court today, in affirming th King County Superior Court, held un constitutional the law of IMS. exempt Ing Y. M. C. A. property from taxa tion, on the ground that it was special legislation. The law specifically ex empted T. M. C A. property used wholly or solely for religious purposes and made no mention of property used for religious purposes by other similar as sociations or organizations. Greater Part ef Damage Deae praveeaeala la Jackaea aad Je aepklae JT1 laeeadlarr. r-F MISSIONARY, WELL K.TOWN Ef OREUOJi, LAI LI TO REST. S (Special.) I J iss Iaat year wa I T with HS.iJS In J SALEM. Or. Feb. Orrgon forest fir toss :V10). as compared 1H. according to the fifth annual re port of Plata Foreatar Elliott, com pleted. Of the total monetary damage during IMS. IIS.7S5SO waa to mprvvement. logs and logging equip ment and lt.JSl.eii to at um page. The greater part of the) damage from fire Iaat year waa to Improvements. moat of this being; In Jackson and Jo sephine counties, Aa area of 109.404 arrea waa burned over Iaat year, but only 2t,?iJ acrea was In merchantable tirrber. Tha sum of llt.J04.Jl was expended during tbe year In fighting forest fires. Timber owners paid 14011.11; patrol associations tll.077.7T and the tat 111(1 :i. of the total of Hit flree during the year til were of Incendiary origin. SI from unknown cause. SS from 'gaining. Its from burning slashing. i were caused by carelea hunters. l by campers. Z I by locomotive. 41 by toe, man and Zi by miscellaneous causes. Springfield Hold Hygiene Meeting. tipRINO FIELD, Or, Feb. S. (Spe claL Three hundred men attended meeting here bald und.r the auspice f th Oregon social Hygiene Society. tr. W. C Heshart presented a paper: M. C Preaaleh talked on tha conditions of eprlngf 114. and IC K. Hamilton, of ugene. also spoke. The local com mute in charge wse continued and Is omroaed of 1L L. Kirk, superintend- nt of school: fx it Kessey. ra.hier or he Commercial Rank, and Dr. J. K L.thcnond- Tha Lerd Varor of Leadoa receitas a sal-1 arr at l.0.- a yaac. 1 r if i j t -a. Re. Calvta M. Bryaa. ALBA NT. Or, Feb. 5. (Spe claL) Rev. Calvin SI. Bryan, whose death and burial took place here this week, was one of the beat-known missionaries of the state, having resided here approximately Si years, and es tablished churches at scores of towns, white he conducted serv ice in almost every hamlet of the state. Many clergymen who had been Identified with Mr. Bryan In bis ministry attended the funeral services here. He Is survived by a widow and several children. Star of "Ben Hur," Supported by Gladys Brockwell, in D. W. Griffith's Powerful Story of the Cotton Mills. THE PRICE OF POWER A Vital and Absorbing Drama of Capital and Labor COL The Theater of No Disappointments Sixth and Washington" 1 ROSEBUfiG PIONEER DIES EDW7X 31. MOORE ENDS LIXE REVOLCTIOJf ART OFFICER. OF Native of Maine Came Weat Via Istb snas af Panama In IS 19, EBxaxlac in Mining aad BasLneaa. ROSEBURG, Or, Feb. 5. (Special.) Edwin Marshall Moore, one of Rose burg's earliest residents and its oldest citizen, who died here late Thursday night In the dwelling which he erected In'ISSS, wa the last of a family of eight children, and is 'said to end line who trace their ancestry to Major John Moore, who participated in the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. Moore was born in Maine No vember 25. 1824. and left that state in 1349 for California, where he engaged In mining. He made the trip via the Isthmus of Panama. In the Fall of 1850 he came to Ore gon and located at Oregon City, then the metropolis of Oregon. He left there later and went to California, but re turned to Oregon and took up a dona tion land claim at French settlement. In Douglas County. He farmed there until the year 1855, when he moved to Roseburg. He then opened a harness store and furnished tho early settlers of this -vicinity with supplies for a number of years. His store was located near the old Mc- Clallen Hotel, the pioneer hostlery of this locality. Mr. Moore was a charter member of the Fhiletarian Oddfellows' Lodge, of this city. In spite of his 91 years, he spent much of his time in the open. Occasionally he enjoyed a trip to the Coast. Mr. Moore Is survived by his aged wife, a daughter. Miss Lillian, and George Kimball, son-in-law. ery paid during the year for butterfat an average of 30.4 cents a pound. The plant is of concrete. Its pro duct is rated near the top of Washing ton creamery products and the 'Che halls" butter, by which name the out put is branded, is one of tha most pop ular sellers after it has been used once. T. J. Long is president and manager of the company and C. B. Per kins secretary, with W. S. Short treasurer. WOMAN DIES AFTER LODGE Sirs. Seymore Becomes III Suddenly, I Rushed Home, Expires. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 6. (Spe cial.) The funeral services of Mrs. Seymore. wife of M. O. Seymore, were conducted at Knapp's funeral parlors ast Friday by Rev. Templeton, of the First Presbyterian Church, of which he was a member, and by the Ladies of the Grand Army of tbe Republic She walked a long way to the Grand Army of the Republic meeting janu arr 25. but she had never missed a meeting, and took her place in the unlor vices chair. trie oecame ill uddenly. a taxicab was called, a doc tor summoned and she was rushed home, expiring soon after reaching home. Interment waa made in the City Cemetery, beside her son, who died in the Philippine Islands. Centralis Band Elects Officers. CENTRALIA. Wash., Feb. C (Spe cial.) The newly organized Centralia Concert Band last Sunday elected Joe Lucas manager and Robert Houston di rector. The other officers elected in elude Gae Dennis, president: Fred Acker, secretary, and Eli Bannse treasurer. "The Follies of 1916," i home talent musical comedy, was re peated Wednesday night in a local the ater for the benefit of the band. roads committee of the local Commer. cial Club, has appointed several sub committees. One committee will have charge of the Pacific Highway work, another good roads in general, and the third will confine its efforts to good roads legislation. Douglas Plans 1916 Road Work. ROSEBURG. Or., Feb. 5. (Special.) With a view of taking up the road im provemont work early in the Spring, Henry Harth, chairman of the good CREAMERY' PAYS $55,677 Receipt by Chehalis Plant Year Are $70,647. for CHEIIALIS. Wash., Feb. 5. (Spe- lal.) The annual report of the Lewis County Co-operative Creamery, located In Cbehalis, shows that 248.220 pounds butter were sold. Butter sales rought in S70.647.61. The farmers produced lor the creamery orth of butterfat and for the year a not profit of 2400 is shown. The cream. IMPORTANT EXPERT TREATMENT OF YOUR TEETH ai r F v -J mi Dr. B.L Wright Don't grudge your teeth the best service procurable. You will have only, one set of teeth. Treat them accordingly. My 20 years' experi ence is at your -disposal at mod erate prices. My skill has never been questioned. Painless Extraction of Teeth. DR. B. E. WRIGHT North went Corner Sixth and Wash ington, Northwest Building, l'honea Mala 2119, A Still). Office Hoars, 8 A. 91. to 6 P. M. Consultation Free. CO! OUT MEATS IF KIDNEYS ARE mm YOU Uric Acid in Meat Excites Kid neys and Irritates the Bladder. Noted Authority Says We Must Flush Kidneys With Salts if Back Hurts. We are a nation meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, saya a well-known authority, who warns u to be constantly on guard against kid ney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this Irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the euminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinginS pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief dur ing the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells. sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheuma tism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon! ul in a glass of water before breakfast each morn ing and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and ha3 been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending uri nary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little oc casionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. Adv. PAIN IN BACK, MISERABLE ALL OVER. Dear Mr. Editor: All last Win tar I suffered from a ter rible pain in my back. I felt miserable all over, and could not walk but a short distance. Was unable to work and did not sleep well at night as I was obliged to arise frequently. I learned of Dr. Pierce's Anuric, that cures snclrT troubles, and sent to him for a trial package. This relieved me of getting up at night in a short time, and I have gained considerable. I am better now than I have been for some time; sleep better, have less rheumatism and do quite a lot of work for a woman of my age. I had brick-dust settlings in my water before using "Anuric," now there is none. Kindly print this letter, it may help some one else who buffers as I did, or worse. (Signed) MRS. ELLA A. GARRISON. Note Every man or woman ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy 1 for the headache, backache, languor, nervousness and depression to which, he or she may be subject. When tha kidneys weak or diseased, theso naturai filters do not cleanse the blood sufficiently, and the poisons are car ried to all parts of the body. There fol low depression, aches and pains, heavi ness, drowsiness, irritability, head- aches, chilliness and rheumatism. In some people there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing blad der disorders and sometimes obstinate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes forma into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects the muscles and joints, it causes lumbago, rheumatism, pout or sciatica. This is the time to try "Anuric," the new discovery of Dr. Pierce for kidney trouble and pains in back and all over body! Write Dr. Pierce, send 10c for a large trial pack- age, or ask your druggist now 105 a 50c-ent box of "Anuric"? Adv,