THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, TOTITLAND, FEBRUARY C, lfllo. C A NAD LIN r.OVER.N.MENT BUILDING WRECKED BY FIRE THURSDAY. PLANS FOR JETTY New Arrivals for Spring Silk and Wool Worsteds $20 Bankers' Gray .... $25 Knit-Tex Overcoats . $18 House Committee Seeking Ex cuse for Paring Allowance for This dear's Work. UNDER SCRUTINY MR. M;ARTHUR IS HEARD iortarerw ( tltt$ t'urnpjrllow of toorK la Pol nirj Oat Mr. Ham t Jirrj. of a.i.losrtor. !as. at. t.i I h- tl;E';o.l.V NEW URCAf.Wuk n".o(t. Keb. a. ia aa etforl lo hold ,,w in. ..ia of the river asd hareor t! llu committee rtver andi harbors U parin the estimate of lh .m enapaaera wherever aoaatble. end! ee af tne lorn asder close Kfl'"f t. tike MtiMU lr lb nuth ef the 6 In", for wnuh ea t i,a ef li.UI.M't we.e rKow"Mfcli Tin fee rtr mout( ti.ea he r ev jeer, end tha cimtl! I in. eaeia-xr Jwtirntf a r-..i . e ko la t.i tnri4iH la I i." .. Ik una the eatourtl atiet'd lal ' If tk eoatneer east he In lo Ml tnl a mii iaa a half la a'l lT iv4 aa ie aorta y '4t'i - fn.-l jar. ia. epproprlatwa a aL iblnlw lux rail fre ta. riae aa I a-rsr amal'.l ... are;.. Ik. ,-. ( tit ft-l am'a iwnQta'l4i ia L a.eaker e. aaawea) the lesoe,rtaea ef rn..tin Ike Jatty aa e4.:r a p.aa,si,. He a art le tpgot'X t..a a f I tuo4'. imf)l ffr e'kee .-electa eiee? laa c;imbia ai,Umti aat fee Til"-". . far. Im'U aed Creeae.t Viy II left the isamitiM t f4 taal ! a' e-eei would k eenp y eared tr ia ae kill. ak.-'k M t a rpwrtd T .a I' p r.e a t. Hirnohr.v. ef W!. n in. a,mkr af t ka naal'ln. is ;v ;if hakins; the aabr la tkate uta.Jt it-l he rl .ee '. e-l that iva omul arortt lor lha i'i'.a af ta Ce.aiOi- Kit.r every aat. Ik th aestaeer deaea .r. Oeeeweww feeaeade aa faaa'a. If t&a n'a-r ' I r Ikair er! atlnara. ( Itamcftrar loftcala ii.4l Ida f ill iwii wal ka rtaaa4 la tla km. if itr fat.a lhair aatt inataa -4 t lfr will l r-j ilr lh r-jn t t.a.- irii Ika Jraar kin- a ( I aatt. tna ccOTfttteeaa will l irll ! )' amotinl tha ra. um nan t Tka aua af lha ; prprta- li ka ina4a. Ihcr-fora. dpaaa upon ttla r. f INa Armr aaclnaara. Ai t)rt(.) apcroprfatiana la I fa la atlaa kill arara aaraa4 la If Ilka IfO'jaa af rraBtali t4. InclodlB 1 1 1 . i l l fir ISa Olamaaa l-bal. af kia ti. l for rapaira aad . f a war: I :. far Ika Wo4o J'aial lrr ti-'a ijtlta; ka uaual ap aroprtaiiana fr auDrt af Ika arlavia rtrvtthti, b4 t Mnnotl amaad p(rc?fuii"i t .. b-m i tMr4 af Ika rua of ka!.J n l ri!aa ar-o ta t'matllla Hliar aa i,a t'mti; a r-rata. Iha coaaly la aprvf riata lha eibr I&t4. rs:.:fr:7.v4?fe--Tr IIOtkR or rtRLI kklKST AT OTTAW A. RUINS AGAIN AFIRE Ottawa Has Scare as Parlia ment House Blazes Up. TROOPS ARE CALLED OUT DR. CROTHERS TO LECTURE Rrvd tlrlai o4rJ Orjm Wto mil fVcapr ralail ToJay. tV- ftamtal McOoH Crolkara. af rm5rlJa. Maaa.. oaa af Anurkt'i moat aatatt aaaarUta aaj cKiomaji, baa arria. ia !'ortlaa4 la 4ur a aariaa ef litarary !rur at lha Cae- !! Library. uair IA aapi-a af l-aa. Cwllaa. duriaat Ika Dat la ara . THa lr-ttira will ka fraa. ff! na lr. 'akrarT t. Ika aaklart tal'l ka " ttararT 'Ui'.H Tfca atb.r la-tur aa .) -: lit.fu.rr I i. Taa Ckar-a af i:!iar 'a; I'tkraara- . -Joha nan"; 'br jry f. Jak itiHoa": yaruara I Uaak Waits ao4 11 rlaa,J.- Tbla aaaaalna; fr. Oolkara will a. aa iba pu pit at ika I'lrat I'ailartaa. lkura. SHINGLE MILL SHINGLED loaUaa run llrat la Mal V.laj Il Ow rroUacl. f3ft f. . r.kk. I. pa- nmaiaa far a t boof run. n. l. ba ina Urfaaf aUial af Ika klaaj a Ika karkar. la (aaatnartiac Ika Wae-ttawai toiil Ika 4aki4 tka bnatarial Ibay will mantiaccra w aa a;a4 aatack for 'Ull- Tbla ff wir kata Iba f.rat .ta-raafa4 aata: ai I Im Iba atata af wraabtaa-taaw l( s s. Jjt kaaa aa-aantru-a'l. In Iba aaw mill f Uka Vooal law yt'-t A kignTusMtf, aracttea af wkk-lt ia la atari aa atwn aa fa '' ra4i!ioaa aarmil. Tka aar m.:l. wbk-a ia la ka ruaba4 a camp:. tr. will kaa caaactir af il'll tbar a- a kvil :jln-a. of lirpaljr (1r r k I 'ond on Window Mil Ila;sa( llrld for -rr-nr Hoard Xltll llolda MUilarr I o forma I Ion. TTW.. ci.. rb. t. A fla.h af f'.asaaa froaa tka raiaa of Iba caalral axtio of Ika Partlaunaat bulldtr and Ik .Urn of Cr wblca qulcktr (ol lw4 raoaad apprakasaloa throughout lha ntr lon cbl. but tka blaka waa -t-klT attlnculabad. Lit I la aJJillonal 4amaxa waa caoard. Tka alarm waa tumad In from lha Mark la hi-b ara aiiuatad tha uffiraa c I If.mlrr lor4aa. lha flala Papart fia Canadian aarrat bo, and tka uuiii of fia lominton (otrtironl It callad out not on:y lha Bra man bat tr&a orrwl mllttarir forrva. and a craji crowd of apatrtator. Whan Ik era waa out lha troor a war r turned, la lhair nuarl.ra. but " alrancth of tha rordoo of armad inar4i about tha buiuiina oo larlla.'nanl J I til wa a-rat rli-a mn lodar cpan4 trunk I ft in lira of board bill at a hotal hara juat bafora tka outbraak of tha war kr a ma a who rrdatarad Carl .hybrt. Tha hotal raralrad ramlttanra aalarday for lha amount of Iba bill a Kri tha rqu.l that Ika trunk ka forwardad lo lai f'ranciaro. In tha Irork war found carafully drawn katrhaa af tha rklaf ranadlan rltlaa and of many portion of tha boundary brlaatg Mb Pomlnloo and tn I r.!tr-4 Mataa. Tkara alao wara map'a with aotabooka containing descriptions wrtttr ia 'Jarman. TROOPS WANT RELIGION risk Tha club now haa a cood meet las; pla--a, but no louBsins room or commitlaa rooma. A rommlttaa con aiatir.a; of Dr. f. V. iJttlar. C It. Winn. Ittarla II. Wltdar. K. Wa'.wort!l and W. A. I:aa;buin haa unOar ronaidera Hoa tha plan for anlarsad auartar. t. M. Dr.. c. a. kku itkrrknr a:k: orroR- TtlTT I- TniCMra. SWIFT CRAFT IS ORDERED ajr lo I'ae Patrol Doat Wilb 8prcd of 4 .Ml Ira an Hour. NEW TORK. b. I. A manufac lurar of ruotorboa.a annouorad today that a rapraaanlatlv of tba Navy Ix partmant had ordarad lha bulidlna; of a hib-paad. It-cyllnilar. oo-hort-oowar boat for naa In lha coaal patrol aarvlra. Tba boat will fcava a spaad of mora tkan mil. a an hour aod will ba ajulprd wl:b aroall railbar suna and a torpada tutjf. Her ara I boa la of thU t j pa ara b-Hi ud now by tha Rua laa fo'irnmini in lha Baltic oca. ITALY WILL OBTAIN COAL Britain PromlM-n f.camhlja lo Tore-Mall lurl famine. rAItl.". rb. Tha coal famln In Italy I d.acrlhrd aa Iraa critical by tha Rome corrpond.n t of tha Tempa. la aaya that tha firttiah totrronwnt haa rtpraaard wllllnrrvraa to act aalda tavsral alramahlpf for tha csctuvlva purpoaa of carrTna; coal and other lriht bctwacr. Italy and Knuland. Tba prlra of coal In Home. which thre day aco waa III franca a ton. tell yaatarday to tl franca, and. In oma instance, as low aa II. CHOCTAWS MAY GET CASH Ilone Agrees to Distribution of ST, 000,000 Anions Tribesmen. WASHINGTON." .Feb. 5. Tha House In committee of the whole today agreed to a provision In tha Indian bill so as lo make a 1100 distribution to tnoruw tribal funds lo each Choctaw in UKia homa. but declined lo provide that the distribution should not b made until ice Court of Clalme had passed on the claim of the Mississippi Choctaw to -a part of Ihe Choctaw tribal fund. Tha distribution would amount lo about i:.0iM00. t'nal for School Hough!. 0 K NT It A 1. 1 A. Wash Feb. 8 (Fpe rlal.) Tha herds of dairy cattle at Ihe Slat Hnool for Oirla at flrsnd Mound C0L0M3IA CALM AT f.EWS rca Fa. Vnrr k-a 1'rirad ahip la Fal to Trot. a r.iHjrvr. Coto-akia. Tab. I T!ie aawa tial lNo Colomwa treaty kad t-a frorl'l frb:y la iDe fnilad aial. satvWa ky Iba farads relatiaaa .ernm.ttaa rvaii4:nf foe tba parmaal t ll.HMIi'i la i.'ulasBb: la.cead ml t ;.;,...(. be keef) t.. .!i,j kare r;ml. T ie aawtapars point vrt tal tka prafeaataaa ef l'eaAmerU-an friaatab)p ara Bow out lo tfia taal. Tlif .aa.4r lal l.'S.d.e .11 would rer.r aely tie a t jai damasaa dose ta li conatwr. Tka pepar make aa further camim bat epra ragrel ai tia s-t o! 11 u far takes by Ike t. aited state. . OLD KI'D.ESS REWARDED Copfw' MsfssK Venae to tMiu Mho Oor IV friended II Ink. ny.PAUA. M. r.b- Mr. J. T A bartaon. wifa of a paatar af this ritr, baa JJt ra. airal tUtiK for lix froaa Li.iiel C. Jackllos;. known as a .neper rul'.1 of kind na itrn4a ti Mm ra wkaa ka worka-l on tba Abrtj rarrn Bear I.'k!in4r waa taft pennl's when hi parant 4i-f. b-4t be workal Ms way ItraiMb s loal ICa tba wm Weal, as 1. a ai acart m.ala, n nr. ac uma a'el waaltX feaalerlakl Caakeew Faaad Al as Draarted. tablka Drlppl Aa swaHalkaa Teal la Crowded. KANSAS CITT. Kan- Feb. . The soldier la tka treachea la turop are hunsry for reUctoua lasplratloa. said Marry I. Itrlnsmaa. f Cblcaro, sin daal'Sacralary ef tba lalcrnatlonal T. VI. r. A., who spoke before lha biennial coaveatloa of tha tounj M'Dl Cbrta Ilea Aaaorlattone of Kaaaaa bare today. Mr ll.iorruaru told of ki.tta to many r 11 A r.mia at llrlttah boats and romrarad Ika crowds at tha cwir.p wlta t.oaa at tio wat caffkaans" la Ik V" ror4a: ' . l..t4 several T. kf ,C A. camp sear t'aatarbury sd Iken we want oar to tba 'wet raetaen. wkf-b sapvl' liioof and other re'raahmeat lo Ihe eaidiar eary lrltlk cawip. We fou.t la.a lha a doi.n maa In le PLa.-a. ltho"tt It Waa dry and com fortaMa. wbila tbe T. M. C. A. lent. tk h was d-tppms with) rain, waa crowded, la Hvetiand coadit'.ons re tba aama. "Itaadrade of Ihea T. 54. C. A. war ceatare kava bean eetaMi.had. They are I bate i t t wide and about I faa lens, built of plain lum bar. Thr le kttrken for suprlylnc .i.rrlhln Tommy' want except liquor. I aa w keeps of douchnut Ibat re mirwied ana of t bo ausar beate of Colo rado olonl i'.IUnj,r. In charv of all Iba ho-t it a of lb llrlllh srml.a. that n Had Cross was lha only .riifili.lloa IhAl had" aqualied the wore of tha T. VI. C A. la Ita aarklce fur Ike eo:diere Albany flab herk Ilcllrr Home. A LHA XT. fr Fab. . .Special ) Urtr and batter arrant quarters era eo'icM be tka Alhanr CerRrnerrlsl CATARRH LEADS . TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh la aa much a blood disease as scrofula or rha.matism, U may be re ;ied. bat It cannot ba removed by aim pty local r-tront- It caueea headache aad distiaess. Impair lb taste, erne! I and bekrtnsj. effect th voice, derancas the dictation and breaks down the o aral bealtn. It wakaa lha delicate lane lissjes and leads to consumption. Hood e rarsaparilia toes lo tba seal of Iba treabla. purifies tbe bloc J and Is so aacraaafal tiast II Is knew a as tk beet for catarrh. Itood s oaraapaiiila strengthen and tenee l"' who a sTkteia. It build up. Ak your drucciat for Hood's and la- tal aa kavlns It. There k no real utltatc, as "Jat-as-(-od raedlclne. Valentine Party Favors Tahl Decorations. Etc. (Second Floor.) SEE OUR NEW SPECIMENS OF ENGRAVING Announcements, Birth Car it. Calling CarJt, Stationery, Imitation. (Second Floor.) The J. K. Olll Co. Rook seiier. !ationra and Complete i f l-e Outfit ters. Third and Aider. HAYE COLOR IN YDUR CHEEKS He Dettcr Looking Take Olive Tablets. If your skin la yellow -complexion pallid tonrue coated appetite poor ion have a bad taste In your mouth a aiy. Ko-Kood feelins; you should lake Uiive Tablet. Ir. Edwards Olive Tablets sub stitute for calomel were prepared by Ir. LMward after 17 years of study WHO his patients. Dr. Edwards- Olive Tablets ara a purely v salable compound mixed with olive oil. Ion will know tbem by tbrlr olive color. If you want a clear, plnlc skin, brleht eyes, no pimples, a feellny of buoyancy l:k chl.dbood days, you must set at tba causa. ' Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets act on lha liver and bowels Ilka calomel ywt bava no dangerous after effects. They start the hlie and overcome ronetipaUoa. That's why millions of boxes ara sold annually at ltfo and tic par box. Ail druasiaia. Take one or two nightly and not th pl-mir reaulta. The olive Tablet Company, Colum bia. O. Adv. and at the State Training School will be Increased with cows purchased" by tha state at Chlmacum. J. T. Ho Cutchcor. farmer at the Training School, went to Chlmacum Wednesday o Inapeet tha cattle houchl Our "season" is fairly over yours is only well under way. We make it a practice to clean up our stocks at a time when customers can benefit by several months of wear ahead. This explains why we make such sweeping; price cuts in KIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES SUITS, RAINCOATS, OVERCOATS Lot Lot Lot Lot 1 2 3 4 Formerly sold at $15.00 and $18.00 Formerly sold at $20.00 and $22.50 Formerly sold at $25.00 and $27.50 Formerly sold at $30.00 and $35.00 Now Now Novv Now $11.75 $14.75 $17.75 $21.75 Furnishing Goods and Hats at "Ginger-Up" Prices PHEGLEY & C A VENDER At the Sigrn of the Cherry Tree, CORNER FOURTH AND ALDER" STREETS. - W7m ... Pay Us II " " w y i- r . W -. - r- t-j -tr-f ... as a- 1 wL O Only CENTS f A C 1-1 T And we will send you Ihis beautiful Princess Dresser O CENTS PER'-WEEK - PAYS THE BALANCE We bought these at 60 cents on the dol lar. We offer them for. sale the same way $8.95 Reg. Price $14.50 .Sale "Price THE FINISH , HERE'S A BEAUTIFTJLi DESIGN PRINCESS DRESSER, made of fine selected hard wood. flniehed, by special process a rich grolden color. It has two good-sized drawers, the top one being- gracefully shape serpentine, fitted with wood knobs and strong lock. TUC PnilOTDIIfTinU AXD CABIXET WORK throughout are of very hlgrh order. IHt wllllolnUUIIUri All parts are carefully joined and mortised together. The heavy top is full 21x35 inches. . The Large Mirror In genuine French plate measuring" 18x36 inches and made with bevel edge, the plating of which is guaranteed absolutely the best and set in artfully shaped standards. v " " ; Folks Living Out of Town: Edwards Will Furnish Your Home on Credit by Mail You may take advantage of this wonderful bargain on the same easy terms. On ship orders enclose 50 cents extra for packing. W Will Deliver Every Article Shown in These Two Outfits to Your Home Then pay a little each week . a. -m -l I or month. Edwards' terms are best because they cover everything. One mall pay- I ment will completely furnish your home even to the mop and broom. Everything in one ac countno extras to buy that's the Edwards way. Dining-Room Outfit, $33.00 $3.50 Cash, $3.00 Month Includes solid oak dining table beautifully finished in rich golden oak, dull rubbed. Has 48-inch top and extends to full 8 feet, seating 12 persons. Price $18.00. The six chairs are just as pictured and well-constructed of solid oak, beautifully finish'ed to match table. Price for six, $15.00. ( Sleeping-Room Outfit, $59.85, $6.00 Cash, $4.00 Month Including a guaranteed Simmons brass bed, full 2-inch con tinuous -post, $22; steel coil spring, $6; cotton felt built up mattress, $9.50; solid oak bedroom chair, $2.50, with rocker to match at $3.25; solid oak dull golden stand with , 22-inch top, $3.10, and a full-sized Princess dresser with three good-sized drawers and fitted with French plate bevel mirror, $13.50. Visit Our Exchange Dept. Our entire fourth floor is fitted up for the pur pose of displaying goods which are slightly used and which-are oTfered on easy terms at about one-half regular price. '. , A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE B -6RH0AK5TfiEET 5 t. i EXTENDED CREDIT FOR EVERYBODY-