The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 06, 1916, Section One, Image 1

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    Section One
Pages 1 to 16
60 Pages
vt vvvvmi t. PORTLAND. OKEfiO.V,
-t 4 . v m -- kWaWaWa. k-Wa-----J - aa-awa. -e-awa-a-a-a-a-a-a-i .. i .
, : ,
V . I
Woman and Son Pinned
Under Wreckage.
Passing Engine at North Bank
Depot Bumps Structure.
J If-.. T. W. Mr la afd . llrln.
ef Milljartt. U.h-. lajarrtllla
txexi by JitlJ-
rj flartrd la Ikrbrl.
ITHil. of ma and aoroea P -
n(.r .f. h irrvin ! ae.i frew
am T .vo.: lt tk Irala,
i.f tk w!k. l tk N 'fll rVaah
Vp. l Tk nl Ht street for a
i-"v f ! :' ft f I oH.r in
wwigbt f nl caught i,on4
"T. itic tk.ea I I "i Ids
walk. 4 ri"fT niln Mr la
s' :rl .fTi.-i.i' nr that lb
c: 9 f Ik kd w rpil4
kr a ii(ix Mi-i imj) t slf-
i r"
Th lIu'l rc were Mr.. T. VV.
ir.rn. t miiTf. wh.. d her .
i;4cn. a years ell Mr. Il.ttn was
wttk kl f.mltr v4 karrow'y i-p4
r Jumping. Palrolmaa Valk-n-berg
n. a egr porter ballad If.
n I her Con o4'f tke
Crash ea kvltaaat Maratac.
Tit n4 that f!l w. t" 4
f-o IK T.ntk-tr.l ul of t group
f f r hi bum I kltr p.
g.r wkit rr wait for trams. Alt
I sk4 ar ce.r4 with V-s!Sapd
Mf wit tk v. atpi n r upi
About a ll f ? hi pHm.i e IS.
rf. e4 appar.acty low f It k4
no.I4 ff !- ta lt .lorrn.
Jfr. n4 Il.ln as4 ea
' 1fTTIl4 ! t fcatica" Jl
arr..4. Ku4iIy tr a T -I
sti4. T rtiutr r.4 la
a-M.(nnt a a tioa at ta
.14 f.'L
Mr. t.:m an4 lr oa w.r taicht
r ta r-f . Th bar
rl.. tlr.:r. Iur a alt
lrt Iroiat ta r:k.. Van Vat
kaerc n4 ta 1'fr. wr Ka fir. I
ta rvo.r. T-.r kca autliec f'a
l;;r at IS tf&ri.. aa4 la a fw
iroori.ot th t wtim .r ff.
Hlkr .aaty Marc
T o kfi nvO. but I w at
m acar4 ta 4.!h."" ual Xf. ILtm
afi.r-wara. JO itonJ. airic ma44y
n4 4r klf fcdariral uJf
aol.r ef tk kd. Tit bo
cut 2?it!r kit t-i f. but aa
ar. ta k. rtu lalury.
In, a f wa
( to ork !-.-tn as th rL
Lm la kt; f f kJ fII.a
Tk rt w. c.ikai at fi(tMj bf
aa ! tu-k itx4 a lk Irarb. ta
in ..(. Tki. Ik .nio kl
ra.;re! crcta: T 10 rau4) et
la 4auk4.
lUtM I " r -rtaa.
Tn rk r.t4 .lr4 vcaaA
I k4 )44a flar fc
.r"r r:;r TH. lora a
a4r rautnr IrouM ltk ta I kl-
l.vtf - iv. anl bwI f tk lima tfc.i
tac'oa ta 4rk-. ka a J
trail. r riKk a la f k foraia ea
tk wtr. T k.4 k4 fall.a a It'
i.J. tkrarln a bitf b f ao41
a pil af wra Iroa from tka raof axl.
.. tk track. I
Otk.r lr:a boi back 4
ftk. bJ.r. aaJ a imJU f Ik
uJ ar4.r wa aiiataa4. Mj4r4,
a" p. pc4 la a lb
rl.arln II kil waitlac fr Irin4
. 'f '
rO. Hn v-- (AAWVSZ HAv BC OOHss oy -r&z , ZCJKjH '
SOW4&SS r?EQVE'vr XMS To Ts? Co I. VV . ,VA-agp CLr
oj e !
Jt .-Stt -e-e- -J? ejr--.
rin; r to hyvmitk indlr
(,i:nt l itoAiw Mi-
Itaara lri In t nlforan Jnl to Had
!) Trrtnlnal tlalldlns 4'all
for rrtMrrttoo I Adiultlrd.
M.W TOl;K. I'tb. pmllca !
i.n aisn.4 lo prnl'rt lk ubr
...t.rn from tk rrk!r trrmir.! t
lh !' t.rmlB.I an4 Ik ll-idn
V.nhtlo lnb oa Ik ptrnh
f rporl Ikal a lkrl
load, lo dyaamH Ik ur4-rroiin4
T ll'broujh IUpi4 Tfn.t
i'onr k a4mtll'4 lkt plr k'lp
k'M k-4
400a ur i form .4 poltrm-n ar
ur4'r Ik Ilu4n Ttriil buil4
k,f .
i.iniinr. from .r iou . Btatlon In
nhlta r ainc4 at II Vine
lo.iM tar.4 ir at !? uploaa
4 aoaialoara atrar la what l
knowa a. tk rrtk-. '"
i ta I'oiwf HUM, la Hrooklm.
Canadian Mllllla Ik-partnwnl A.rd
lo Order Oat Itrclnrnt.
OTTAWA. Oat.. Ik . A rrpoM
lbt Ik Jr4m BvitUion faclnry
lfprr W al.rlon CfinlT. Ontario, h
ba btowa op- ha r-c-n rrrl4 y
Ik miltll 4 A rT4rt I' a
k..a ,.j. la k rlr4 aa
er rttlmrnl ttlortcd In tk
m i b k r kood.
t..pvr U tluat'd In a rctnol Prt
f Wairrtoo t'oonlr n4 tk military
4. p. ka l" unabt tnu far
lo vblaia d'tall rr4in lh atplo-
tea. Th town la 11 mil outkrat
of IWrtin. ahik I. J niiir t '
No Mine I lord ml Ijtnnclilns of
lloapltal hhln.
t I tM I N'lTON. Il.. "k- Tba
kocpital kip C. Jultllar
lauarh.d brr lo4ay at th shipyard of
Jkon A arp. It I t 1
.t. John l.uiid. Nw Vork. It f th
Sift f Mr. It.ln C Jultllard. wlfa OI
Julian Juilllr4. af Nr Tork.
Mr. John l;o.r. ef N"- Jfotb.
chaxt.n.4 lh bo I. No win
!. Th mbotltf cutlom of th Jap
an. .. rnployrd. A tars bakrl
of fl.iwr tl4 vltri rtbbD and fll!4
Ilk 4oa j.frnJ.4 from th
pro-, and th dor rlard at lh
moment af laanchln.
Irrnrlt Alla.k on tamp Declare!
lo Hate IWn Ivrtrmll.
PARI?. . i An official B'4l-
arla rprl. aa forard4 from
Att.n lo lh Tmr. MM lhat
m.rt .r hr.J.d nd mor thn
oin4d durin tk rnl atli". k by
l r-nck a.rorlao.a on Putarln camp.
Th atlark t 14 lo bar ba mad
br IT aropli. Mor than S bomb
art dropped oa Ik HuUaflan ramp
at l.tricb, ta lh. itcramiKa Vallry.
Tk bomkardmanl or ta m!n-
fishers hunting for oil
WI Mo t'al Work to Umg
Car to of ankrt Kairde.
l.ONPoV. l'o. Ror' Crrn
kaa.n corrr.poodsnt lha otlr
KkrtT fiaklKa float bad abandoaod
II rvcutar work to bunt barrola of oil
Jnftlo up from th aoulh. Hi barrtta
ka.m; ba plrk4 UP tklM far.
AJh raarklry fopnh.o" from
UbJr ray th oil ar from
Ik 5 .4 i h (Lamer N.oru. whlrk
m a. runk by a mm in th North Ha
la tvmbr. fh had oa board
brr.l of ell from Kncland-
Another Silver Thaw Is
Feared in Suburbs.
Continued Rain or Snow Are
Indications Today.
Mnrliar. kr-pl Motlng With ltffl
rally and rather I'nreea.l Of
frr but I.tttle i:ncoaracc
menl for Today.
On storm and It attendant Inron-
vrnlmr ar o.r; anothrr on la d
In fart. It already ha mad ub.tan
Hal d'vlopmrnt. It Ihrratrn to tn
rrlop lh city In the Icy embracra of
another llrr thaw.
The Kaat Hid suburb l.t DlRht
war Tlrit.d with a trady fall ef rain.
trrompanird by a freeiln? I.mprralur
and a tron rt wind. The reult I
thai th K-e asaln formed en tree,
wire, lelrphonn po'r. hrubbrjr and
nn alt outdoor tibtlanrea.
taay Mara Wlrea Break.
Many wlrra that already were laden
with all th weight of Ire lht they
could bear brok down early lat tiicht
undr lh atraln of the additional coat
tn formed by th most recent cotd and
Trees and pole broke down In all
oullylnr eetlon.of the city, streetrars
had diffliully In aettlne over the mils)
and th sidewalks became slippery un
dr a thin, wrt costing of newly
formed l-e.
Weather conditions ar farorable for
another silver thaw, with m ac
companrlnr damage.
A tight but cold rain began falling
late yesterday afternoon and the ther
mometer, which never went higher
than II degrees yesterday, began to
drop gradually. , It la hovering around
: I and Z9 and the rain Is growing
Mr ttaaaage la Frarrd.
This, with th heavy mantle of snow
and Ire that already covers the city
and lis environs, says the weather man.
Is certain to bring about further In-
convanlenca and trouble. If not dam-
Prediction for today ar continued
rain or snow, with further southeast
erly winds.
The thrmmtrr will remain below
lh freesing point, says the weather
foreca.t. with no prospect of rising be
for morning.
This gloomy outlook I viewed with
deep disappointment and much distress
by the entire Portland population, who
had Just resumed their accustomed
chrftjna after a four days' battle
with th Wintry elements.
Portland was congratulating Itself
y.nt.rday over the facts that streetcar
service had been restored to nearly all
parts of the cltjr. that the steam rail
road linea had re-established normal
service, that the delayed malls had
been brought Into th city and that ait
branch. of business had completely
recovered from th affects of th re
cent storm.
Ktrvclrara In tba restdince districts
ar baring difficulty In moving over
Ik rail. A heavy coating of lr has
formed on lh troiley wires. rp blu.
and grn fla.hea wer nt high Into
th air last night ai th trolley polea
cam in contact with It. Th sky was
b'avilr with deep gray
t('MK-:wlfcl o.i I'. lo. ralamn 2
TESTKRHAT H VKmiim tmptraiur, 21
dAfr-t; minimum, SO dorr.
TOtTK Rtln or no; mind woitlf
MUt hcaate rtjr.
Another trm dfIop PortUnd recovers
from atlvtr faction 1. p 1.
Arrrsf of Jttnr drivers ordered by Mayor.
fxtioo pce
Car rnlif r-.c rd to all dUtrlcts. &C
lion 1. patye 20.
Tlrrt r.mntrm mmls since Tuesday sniTe.
ietion J. pce l.
Ptowoti ef tormdUred t ruins rolls Into
In ion Ipoc. fiSeKion 1. pse 1. -
Carta drive s;lrm from nowVoUod
pMMvtiScr irmns. trctioo 1. petre l
Ormisny n:i hi Iter, but drslr avoMJnc
a.r vitti lsu4 j"tetr-a. Helton
VofHnf-in pse neoi let Ions off. Section
1. PeT 4.
rsrlutmnt loae ftre el Otlstvm fleshes Up
bciioa 1. pwffs 2
N el keeeL.
Appm'i tutvi tnev nt te ! id ed until
end of r. Section I. tee A.
tnr-o ef houthrrn ietltf from Its
llnre urd hv eltneet. et hrertos".
Iioa 1. s .
flouee corr milM SdN-klnr eiruet lo
Jetty appropriation. bctton I. pas-
fierrtne euhtitate for word lUrer' may
prove actfciory. Sect ion 1. pe 4.
Nevt.1 it)tiar eays Ant'rlr has nmlw of
fneel Davy ot ail. to.tioo J. pace
!-, w4kr.
Mrt, Vohr e-,mtt-d ; .t o tisrors
sotlt. wen., I. pave 1.
(4raliin Ferrer to oe brtde of mevie actor.
Iwrctioej I. pe
Pol I re truard r Tork sahway. folio wins;
threats to blot them up. Section) 1,
pace I.
I porta.
bal outriayid Is ratd best In Coast
lraeta. hM-tion 2, pace 1.
Porlisnd rflf're tbintt that manlrlpal links
U lne UabK. teotlon 2, pf
Makeup of i-itv I.eeue. not yet decided.
-1 ion ?. pa re 2. -
Orefifi t nutrttiv III turn out batch of
taeetall stare, hection r. pace 2.
ftrt-con tsa-oaM r en to ptart work, tomor
row. Hrction U. paej a.
Caldwell defeats mile champions at Boston
mret. txci ton pace J.
Sunhire ere ma to have deserted Jimmy
CoHrolh. iseetloa pace 1.
Mate coif rhampfonahfpe date stilt unde
cided. etlon P4co 3.
Ore --on Arcl fiefeat WaMnctn. S5 to 9.
et baakeiball. bctlun I. (aace 2.
Portland horary team may bo III world's
eeriee. ricUon It, pace 2.
raelflr lbnl.
New definite elew appears In fal.m murder.
tecllnii 1. pas. T.
Thouunrft of trrn and orrharda fare de-
cructtoa st Vanrouver. Herttoo 1, page P.
Capital Is er.ll.ted In Idaho's north and
nutk ratla. le4-tion I, pas V.
Crook t'ounir polltlral races begin. Sec-
IIoq I, pac
r.uf Sflu churckra . unite. Peclloo 1.
pa .
Sdow atom re.ume In place., hut train
hlock.U I. limns. Section I. pac 8.
Ids! Imo-ratic state committee called.
ruction 1. pac .
Wlllam.lf VaMf-r I'omm'rrlil Clura oraan-
ta untoa to eaplott products, bectloa 1.
tamerrlal aad Maria.
Demand from Kaat for wheat, but Iran .por
ta no n is difficult. Pectton 1. pas 13.
bIbs f fools-demand depresses wkeat
at Chicago, rvctlon 1. pas 16.
Wsll-atrret .locks rloae lth gonrrsl bat
Irregular gains. , tiectlon I. paga 19.
Metal .hare, ar swtalned by high market
prtcea. fcctlan 1, psg In.
Columbia River free from eerlon marina
accidents during 191a. hertlon I, peg 14.
Keal t:tat aad BuUdlag.
Laat SI J. projects small Spring. Eeetloa 4.
pas. 1.
Many Isrcs structures to rtae wkea weather
permlta. becllon . page ..
Lars downtown realty dral Is pending. ge-
l.on 4. pax 12.
firm deals show renewed realty activity.
Hcctlon 4. pag lz.
Aalamoblles aad Raad.
Oesl-r recount good business at auto shew.
Mrrtlon 4, pas .
Joy and bardahlpa encountered by motorists
In t alllomta. wcnoo p. aw .
Tlr wear Is snslvied. Section 4. psg 9.
TrlUad aad Vicinity.
North Rank train abed, col'.ap.e and pin
woman and chll unoer wrecaago. occ
tloa 1. ps 1.
Jo Howard aued for by pretty wia-
Mellon 1. tut 2.
Coroner report shows mor meo than wo
men commit aulcltie. Kectlon I. pag .
Laymen to speak In pulpits today. Section
I. pace 1L
Battlefield souvenirs sent lo Portland n1c
of Krltl.b soldier. Mcura i. pag i
pi. hop Kumner rauaes srrert of Charles B.
I'taliler. bectlon J. pag 14. .
New Pacific Coast general manager of
Western U'nloo visits Portland, section
1. pas IX.
Bubbi fountain In caf.t.ria wins wsy. Sec
tion 1. pas I.
Multnomah County lax rolls recovered back
la l-i. Section I. page 1:.
Pred f" cooper o:f.- new Kertlval poet.r.
iectloa 1. pag 1
Toortit aeaaon advanced on month, fi-ec-lloa
I. pas II.
Retail druggist hit bard by war. Section 1.
City face. ItTO.non deficit by and of Febru
ary, rectton I. ps 11.
Profewasr J.fferis on trial en charges
brought be for. School itoard. Section 1.
. Page I.
Kw vaudeville circuit ta reported to ha v.
leased orpheura Theater. Bectlon 1,
tfe T.
Jury Reaches Verdict in
Seven Hours.
Lawyer for Convicted Man
Says Fight Is Just Begun.
Mr. Mohr, In I'ornial Slatrnicnt,
Soya She IlnprM to lie Allowed
to IX-vote Hot of I.lfo in
Tcacc to llcr Children.
PROVIDENCE. R. I., Feb. S. Mrs.
Elizabeth V. Mohr was acquitted to
night by a Jury In tho Superior Court
of a charge of having; Instigated the
murder of her husband. Dr. C. Franklin
Mohr. C. Victor Brown and Henry H.
Spellman. negro..,' who were accued
of the actual killing, were found guilty.
The Jury reported at :07 o'clock after
having been out nince 10:50 o'clock this
Mrs. Mohr swooned while the fore
man waa announcing; the verdicts. Her
head dropped forward and she waa
slipping from her chair waicn her at
torneya grasped and supported her
while a court officer rushed for a glass
of water.
Woman la Released.
"Is there any other charge against
these defendants?" Inquired Justice
"There Is. Tour Honor," replied Attorney-General
Rice, "but Mrs. Mohr is
on ball on the other charge."
"The defendants Brown and Spellman
are committed without bail." said the
court," "and Mrs. Mohr is discharged
from custody on this complaint."
Th other charge against Mrs. Mohr
and tho two negroes is that they com
mitted an, assault on Miss Emily Bur
gcr'wl'th Intent to kill. Miss Burger
was shot while riding with Dr. Mohij
on the night he was attacked.
Jury Change It Mlad.
The first word received from the
Jury after It took the case came at
:I5. when It was announced that' fur
ther Instructions were desired. Half
an hour later the prisoners had been
brought to the courtroom, but a deputy
sheriff Informed the. Judge that the
Jury had decided that the Instructions
asked for were not needed.
Soon came word that the Jury was
ready to report. After each man had
taken his place In the Jury box, the
clerk asked the foreman: "Do you find
the defendant. Cecil Victor Brown,
guilty or not guilty?" '
As the foreman replied. "Guilty," Mrs.
Mohr collapsed. The clerk continued:
Do you find the defendant. Henry
Spellman. guilty or not guiltyr'
"Do you find the defendant, Eliza
beth F. Mohr. guilty or not guilty?"
"Not guilty."
Mra. Mohr Ileeovrrs O, sickly.
Mra. Mohr apparently waa In a
stupor wtven the foreman pronounced
the worda "Not guilty." She recovered
quickly, however.
"The fight 'haa only begun," waa the
comment of William H. Lewis, counsel
for Brown. Mr. Lewis has taken nu
merous exceptions during the trial and
said that he might carry the caae to
the Supreme Court.
The trial began January 10 and the
Jurors had been kept together all that
time. They went to their respective
homes tonight for the first time In
four weeks.
Dr. Mohr. a physician, was fatally
.Concluded on Pa 3. Oilumn 2.
skxator predicts jvx axglo
;ei:m.vx compact ai- ter war.
Trouble Forecast as Result of Mon
roe Doctrine and LTforts to Ex
tend Trade in Orient.
NEW YORK, Fob. 5. United States
Senator Lewis, of Illinois, speaking
here tonight at a banquet of the Hud
son County (New Jersey) Bar Associa
tion, predicted that at the end of the
world war the first important alliance
for commercial purposes would be be
tween Great Britain and Germany.
"As against America and her com
mercial advance in the Orient and
South America." ho said, "Germany
and England will be one united oppo
sition." Senator Lewis declared there was not
one friendly nation in tho world that
would give a Ufe or expend a dollar
out of any spirit of affection or regard
to preserve any interest of ithe United
States. Our future troubles, he de
clared, would result from our attempt
to enforce the Monroe Doctrine.
In the Orient, Senator Lewis said.
Japan and Russia would form an alli
ance against American encroachment
and also to oppose territorial acquisi
tion by Germany, England and France.
Senator Lewis declared it is the duty
of tho lawyers of this country to
preach patriotism to the people.
Ijos Angeles Citizens Decide Disad
vantages Outweigh Uencfits. -
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Feb. 5.
The Chamber of Commerce abandoned
today a vigorous campaign to procure
a Government submarine base. In defer
ence to protests of citizens, who feared
that with a base situated here a hostile
fleet in time of war would blow up the
city. Scores of such protests were re
ceived, principally from wealthy resi
Santa Barbara already has a division
of naval militia. Some aver that even
this fact might prompt a belligerent
power to send warships into the open,
roadstead to bombard the town.
Girl Who Gives Medicine to Wrong
Patient Drowns Herself.
I PITTSBURG. Feb. 5. The body of
Miss Hazel Sclroenfelt, 20 years old, of
Altoona, was found in the Allegheny
River today. Miss Schoenfelt, who was
a student in the school for nurses at
the Allegheny General Hospital, yes
terday gave medicine prescribed by one
of the hospital physicians to the wrong
Miss Schoenfelt admitted her error
and was dismissed. She at once put
on a heavy coat and. hurrying to the
river, walked Into the water until It
covered her head.
Zurich Hears Blonarch's Health Has
Been, Good Throughout War.
ZURICH. Switzerland, via London,
Feb. 5. All rumors of the ill-health
nf Pmiwrnr Francis Joseph of Austria
are unfounded, according to informa
tion received here from wnat is de
clared to be an unimpeachable source.
It is said that he has been remark
ably well all through the war.
Unnamed Citizen Restores S48 7 6 to
Federal Government.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. The Treasury
conscience fund was enriched today by
two contributions. One of $1,876.60 was
from a New York lawyer on befTalf of
a client.' The other was two fO-cent
pieces from an unidentified person in
The New York contribution is one
of the largest ever received.
Professor Jefferis on
Trial Before Board.
English Teacher Prefers ta
Read Stories to Classes, "j
Witnesses, Telling of Vnf itness ot
English' Teacher, Mix Verbs Fiw
joment of l'lowcr Rated as j
Better Than Knowing Name. I
Not the practical education that waa
the rule at Dotheboys Hall, but in-
structlon on a somewhat similar li"1.
it was shown yesterday, was the hobbj
of Professor J. Willis Jefferis. former
teacher of English at Franklin High
School, now under suspension, who
wa placed on trial before the School
Board yesterday as to whether or not
he should be dismissed.
For Professor Jefferis declared his
emancipation from textbooks and from
established, time-honored ' rules of
pedagogy. Instead of having his classes
spend months pursuing the dry " rules
of English composition, he chose rather
to lead them into tho pleasant paths
blazed by popular authors.-
Te it books Called "Tommyrot."
On one occasion, as ho bade the class
lay aside their textbooks and take ur
"The Tale of Two Cities," he was quot
ed as having said:
"We will now turn aside from that
tommyrot and get into gome real Eng
lish." Trofessor Jefferis would have mado
a better artist man a Doiamsi, 101 no
would more enjoy the perfect flower
at its brightest than to dig into dull
books and learn the scientific terms for
stem, leaf and petal.
"Brains were made before textbooks.
We don't need many textbooks but
will get along without ihem," was an
other saying charged against him at
yesterday's hearing, and this, too, was
accounted a heresy.
Magazine Stories Read In Classes,
'rrofessor Jefferis, 'it was charged
by Professor I. A. Melendy, head of the,
English department at Franklin High,
and the accused teacher's superior, had
a penchant for the short story with
human interest, such as fills tho popu
lar magazines. These he read to his
elasses and then had the pupils re
count the essence of the tales to him.
"The teaching of journalism was his
one idea,'! said Professor Melody, "not
Journalism as it is popularly under
stood, but the short story, and he
thought the best way to , teach Eng
lish was to' have them read stories
rather than to pour over rules of
"He. lost much time in his classes,
gave the same instruction to his first,
second, third and fourth-year classes,
and the order in his room was not good.
He once said, T deny the right of an'
principal to tell me what I shall teaolj
or how I shall teach it. I am an exw
pert and am hired for that reason.'""
Speaking colloquially as to the dearthi
of textbooks In the Jefferis scheme oC
education. Professor Melendy said,
"They had got along very well with
out them."
Professor S. F. Ball, principal of
Franklin High, was also guilty of mu
tilating the language when he re
marked, also on the witness stand, "He
was not getting the results that waa
necessary," and "I wanted him to do
Under the stress of testifying as ta
(Concluded on Pace
Column 2.)