THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 16, 1916. 10 X BCSIXESS orPOKTI MTIES. ;;.ACRE ranch in. rich larminB section Willamette Valley; "-room modern house, improvement A-l; 8 acres Bile young or chard creek rum through place, springs. . i . variicn find lawn: tore buildin- on land. 3M00 stock ol aeil-selected aeneral murcnanaise; price i i .. 1 1 mrvrr.rni llveatock. ' grain, hay. store bui:ding and all m Mt i o . .... tiLiHHi firnh or trade . r . i . n .. ... nrnn.rlT notes. bonds, morts-iaea or Willamette vailey land balance payable tlwOo yearly at on.y 5 per cent: first payment not due until IBIS; postoffice in store, receipu ot which will T.-V interest on mortgage; a good paying proposition, worth investigating ,-.c on the buys an old-established millinery business in fine city 10.0UO population- stock and fixtures will involae about o.M; half cash, terms on balance: i I- n.uinv Wall . Fl A Offer. SJ1 inis ouaiut-Ji " r - " --- unusual opportunity. S'JoOO buys a 6-10-15c store In the best town in eastern wasmnsiun. ' " , Is making gooa money; i" - - ..H with thm owner and are za- sisiUr with all details of the business and can recommend it as a, guou uuj. A few hundred dollars will secure an established cigar store in uue .". ., i. . .-AiiahTA oarfv can aet a good deal in regard to terms: this place has a good trarte and is a imraei-iuMw. " -out this at once. We have for sale two complete news- i K t '. In ffOOd tOWnS In Willamette Valley; have large circu;a tion and are paying propositions; prlo of one Is T500. 11M0 cash. bal. terms 9000. $5v00 cash, will buy tneotner vu., both are equipped with modern machinery . run information and invoice of equipment lurnlsneu to iuimre ties. . . i wih . -.nan to ssnoo tooa ary buhuj ...... T ash can secure partnership and manage ment Ot mis ueimiuucm mr - era! store established several years and dome Kood business; Willamette Valley town population. 70c on the $ buys a 200 stock of gen eral merchandise. .mll too. 'n in ne- toe ana xanums get all trade from a very large terri tory; will rent store uuuuw - bouse for only 40. 4 J40.000 Block of hardware, well lo cated, to trade for land of equal value. 10.0OO general mdie. stock to trade for It on tan lano. We have a large list of land and per sonally inspected merchandise tftk8RJ-0J .ale and exchange; If you want fo BL Y or TRADE, it will P Jft" V Sou with us at once. MERCHAN IS, " u want to SELL, all or part of your stock, w$ -vtl? lind you a BUYER. All dealings txictly confidential p WAX SPECIAL. SERVICE, 312-314 Fenton Bldg. Jli MAT MAKE YOU HOO Invest U monthly In co-operative oil enterprise; Interest In land ana snar In co-operative wells to be drilled for oil on provon oil property near hundred of oil wells where millions are being made. The otNer adjacent to itusher oil territory where single wells pay thousands of dol lars daily; new plan; only 1; terms si monthly. Write for free maps and par- ticulars Mary Owens Oil Company, 4t First .National Bank bldg.. Houston, Tex. LACK of capital compels us to ice cream factory, with creamery and ice p. ant; yearly sale about O.ttt0; about 2U0 gala, ice cream per day sold In warm weather; sale for ail tlx butter we can make; will sell all or H in"re8et-na Vtl Invoices SI 7,500; will sacrifice $a000 for a quick sale. Address Puyallup Ice Cream - Co.. PuyaUup, Wash. ' CHOW rich In business of own. Get out of wago-earncra class. Your co-operation with our factory starts you with little capital during spare time in own home. we . manufacture exclusive articles. No cn vassing. Experience unnecessary. Write fnr bouklet and proposition. Address Pease Mfg Co. Dept. D 5o, OS Broadway, Buf falo. N. Y. JOR SALE Unopposed book and stationery store with music warehouse and Singer Sewing Machin agency In good city; large double-fronted store in central location, low rent, favorable lease, good and new stock; receipts for stationery dept last December noarly 50O: stationery business SvO. or the whole. 1100. Wilkinson, Cot tase Grove. Or. OIL. bTOCK advances 15 per cent Jan. -7; bir company ; ground-floor proposition; Oklahoma oil doubled in price; I'm) per tent dividends t0 days possible; quick ac tion on money; limited number shares. tc share; lu buys fit, par value stock, company paid two dividends; remit now. ' Write. Kr"t information. Amalgamated Oil Co 11 rtl Colcord bids., Oklahoma. Ok. t r-l. r.o.- ru" f"""- ... . Confectionery. Ice cream, light lunch, tc in a good live town of .O.OOO pop uU.tlon in Southern Oregon, doing a good business; the -entire wholesale ice cream business of citv; all new eu.ulpn.ent; in voice s.VtOO; will sacrifice for cash; reason for selling, poor health, am going East. fcTOCK of dry gooda. shoes and ladies ready-to-wear. I u voicing- tl2."i, will be old by Lester Perkins, receiver, at Hood River Saturday. Jan. 2. Bids opened at 1 P. M. Right reserved to reject any and alt Dids. Copy of invoice may be seen at offfice of R. L. babin. Portland, or in nanas oi receiver i imuu. BERK is the one best business chance; tho!e wonderful automatic ten-pinnet bowiing alles- no pin boys, no expense except rent; an investment of l5 made :13 in M days: small payment down, balance easy terms. Catalogue free. Ad dress A. U Utl it Co., Coast distributors, Rialto. Cal. MAN' of business ability or knowledge of cold storage and J-itfrt can secure con trolling intt-rest with managing position in going business in small town ; only busi ness of its Rind; pays fair, with splendid future; no traders, schemers or agents need answer. AV &19,OrvgonIan. WANT man of integrity and knowledge of running cold storage plant who can ln est few thousand ; will pay good salary and fair returns on investment; must be willing worker and go to small town. AV PATENTS Write for list of patent buyers and inentions wanted; $1000.000 In prises offered for Inventions. Send sketch for free opinion as to patentability; our four book sent free. Victor J. Evans & Co. iz Ninth. Washington. D. C K A Y 1 N 1 - DELIVERING business, good country town, opening for an energetic mn as partner to attend office, keep plain accounts, etc.: salary $100 month and prohts: $l'0ti required, which is secured, 'all 72 Northwestern Bank bldg. A N ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager. High-class article, snouin pav $7tH0 annually. $30 .to $700 capital, will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want. Sales Manager. 1012 Repub lic bdg., Chicago. tO FT DRINKS La r pest manufacturer U. S. Incattntc agency hero. t. ants dealers ail Northwest towns; fine $25 dispenser free to those stocking our goods: write quick for part ku lam. Northwestern Sales Co.. hx iu4. Portland. Or. FEED STOKE and poultry business, doing a business of 25.0UO per year; $J000 will handle. MAIN & ARMENTROUT, Grants Pass. Or. t-MAI.l, grocery nJ barber shop located at Battleground. Washington, for sale; good location. Uving-rooms In back of store; .o cash will handle, balance on terms, tail ?4 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE A fine grocery business In a good Valley town of 25"i. Stock and fix tures about $;i'Ho. Will sacrifice lor quick sale, as I have- other business to look after. Address 521. Forest Grove, Or. li a V E up to -S0 and my own services to invest in paying business; will consider partnership; must be gilt-edge; give full particulars; dj agents. AK S-S, Ore ton:an. ONE-HALF interest in first-class general merchandise store; good town, buslnet&j growing rapidly for one man; parties with cash wi:i find out particulars in writing to AV 3 45, Orvgonlan. FIRST-CLA JS general merchandise store in good country town for sale; good rea son for veiling. For particulars, apply to AV 543. Oregonian. jVl'TOilOHIl-K business, owner wants a part ner to attend front end. wait on custom ers, etc.: small investment required. Call 7-4 Northwestern Bank bldg. 5-WORD advertisement placed 30 good monthly rr.agas;ns. once $1.25; three months. $- SO. Write for list. F. L. Mil ler. Syracuse. N. Y. fcALE or rent; hotel at Llnnton; 24 rooms, steam heat, unfurnished; sawml'I town. Apply owner. E, C Frost, o2 Board of Trade bld;..4thant Oak sts. WANTED Honest, reliable man with-$S0 to $0oJ to go in grocery business or would bur interest In any smsH paying business. A 1 d re s E 1 1 . 3 J Morns St. INVENTORS We develop and perfect in ventions, make models, patterns and do manufacturing. Portland Model Works. 142 2d at, WANTED To rent store with fixtures, unable- for grocery. Address Ellis, 3S9 Morrfs St. GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN. Best stand In Portland; only $5t0. P. FUi HS, 4-1 Cham, of Com. Yf you wis, to control exclusively the sale of a first-class automobile specialty, ad dress AM 310. Oregonian. IN EW business with possibilities: price less than stock and equipment; small capital req ulred. K .w, uregnian. FOR SALE Cigar, canA and fruit store. .( vanmgtou st. TAILOR shop for sale, good business; txsa r sick. 10. S WU llama ava. BI SIM-S OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE by trustee of Win, Schilling Company. 421,000 stock of wares and mer chandise consisting of dry goods, ladies' and children's clothing- and furnishings, men's and boys' hats and furnishings, boots and shoes and notions, located at Grants Pass. Oregon. Great business op portunity. Every portion of stock A-l For further particulars Inquire and see In. ventory at 600-605 Commercial block. B. K. KNAPP. Trustee. WANTED. A thoroughly competent man with sell ing ability ccumamge agency in Oregon; ours only faetory in the West manufac turing enameled steel furniture for hos pitals, physicians, etc. One who can make small investment preferred, but the man more essential than the money; must have high-class references as to exper ience and integrity. Address AV 542, Ore gonian. HAVE for sale latest issue official reg ister of the American manufacturers; a S.'uO-page volume containing 70.000 dif ferent hats with a complete Index which enables the utter to instantly find a list of all the manufacturers and primary sources of supply for any article or con ceivable kind of article; ltcovers all lines; no matter what trade you want you wn find the list of manufacturers in this work. Phono Broadway 1840 any day De fore 11 A. M. GROCERYMEN. We have sereral stores from 1 500 to ?.00o; some in the apartment-house dis trict, others in the suburbs. We list noth ing but the best. If vou are In the -mar ket for a grocery, confectionery, big or small, it win pay you to see us oeiore you invest. Call 74 Northwestern Bank bldg. GOOD paying grocery, rooms; 9600. Farm land to trade for grocery. Have client for small restaurant. Want established meat market. Small grocery with living rooms; $300. Choice business locations. STONE WENTWORTH, 431 Cham of Com. GOOD opportunity for steady man; half In terest in country newspaper, xtiw; a part ner needed, or would sell all if desired; would prefer having a good printer part ner, as the present political year means big return; this is a good deal. Near Portland ; good field. Address AV 650, Oregonian. . CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Secy. SI 6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTEL for sale; 30-room hotel, well fur- nisned, nest paying and in nest town in Oregon; will stand full investigation; pent only $i0. including restaurant; also have room ail equipped for soft drink em porium in connection : $0u0 cash takes it. Address AV 5C3, Oregonian. PARTNER-MANAGER wanted; splendid opportunity for man of high character rnd ability take active associate man agement, exceptionally promising, high class business of unusual merit; invest ment $5000 to $10,000 required ; replies strictly confidential. B 38. Oregonian. CAFE and restaurant, heart of San Fran cisco, seats 60, tables, boxes, counter; dancing permit; liquor license; best street for night business; foroed to return to Oregon; $2500 for quick sale; SlaOO cash, balance trade or time. Taicott, owner, 5 Mason St., tian Francisco. A NEAT clean grocery (suburban), making about 5HK per month; must be sola at once, and. if interested, will pay you te Investigate; will inventory ..bout $1000. Adjustment Bureau, Portland Association of Credit Men, GeO Commercial block. OFFICE business, owner desires to meet a steady man to attend the office, meet customers, etc. Will teach you the busi ness and assure of a good income to the rlnht party. $400 required. Call 7J4 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED An Idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? .Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent." Randolph &. Co., Dept. 3?0. Washington. D. C. PARTNER wanted; I have one of the best paying pool hallst in Portland, ana wisn to enlarge my business; located in heart of citv and in popular office bldg.; this is a good opportunity for one desiring to go in business. K 334, Oregonian. WELL-ESTABLISHED pool hall, center of business district, making good money; $2500. Mr, Capes, 401 Board of Trade. BUSINESS OPrOKTCNITIK WANTED. INVESTMENT WANTED. $100O TO $10,000 CASH TO INVEST. STATE NATURE OF BUSINESS. WILL CONSIDER GOOD CITY OR FARM LOANS. WILL FINANCE GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS. DDRESS WITH PARTICULARS AND R K F K K E NCKS. OWNER. K 231, OREGONIAN. QUICK LOANS" $100 TO $1000. ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGE, CONTRACTS OK LIFE INSURANCE; NO DELAY. WILL BUY UFE IXSt UANTR POLICIES OR TONTINE CONTRACTS MATURING BEFORE 1110. WLL HELP FINANCE GOOD BUSINESS (STATE NATURE OF PROPOSITION;. ADDRESS E 27. OREGONIAN. W VNT STOCK GENERAL. MERCHAN DISE. $M"K TG $15,mH I NOT OVER .1in MILES FROM PORTLAND. PAY SOME CASH (OR ASSUME) AND PAY BALANCE CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. WRITE5 FULL 1 Vh-OT'MATION. ADDRESS OWNER. J 200". OREGOXIAN. WANTED Stock of general merchandise In country town: anything up to $20,000 con sidered If price is right; spot cash Will be paid for the stock that meet re quirements. Give full particulars. Address AV 50ii. .Oregonian. BUSINESS MEN We want several people with the money who want to get Into business. If you want to sell your busi ness quick for cash caJl at once. Room S21. M organ bldg. I HAVE business experience and want to buv in a wholesale business: can invest re quired capital; replies strictly conflden- ' tial. Address B 2H6. Oregonian WE have .several parties with cash look ing for legitimate business opportunities. If you want to sell be sure and see us. H aerie Badley. 621 Yeon bldg. HOUSES, mortgages, contracts, etc.. tn ex change for a paving business up to about $r-ooo or legs. Address C 257. Oregonian. WANTED. Established dray business: state full particulars, country. M 347. Oregonian. wavt ciiiintrv newsnaner in good live town give particulars in first letter; must be a money-maker. AO 537. Oregonian. AM OPEN to promote a strictly legitimate and meritorious mining proposition. Room 3 J I Seward Hotel HAVE client wishing to get into a well established business where It can be i.. v. t -v r- i'nnm Aiii 13. 1 nf Tmilf SECOND-HAND furniture store for cash ; I am not an agont. BC 229. Oregonian. WANTED To buy small cafe. Address AM 33$. Oregonian. WE tuv general merchandise or shoo stock a any size. cash. D 302. Oregonian. ROOMlXG-HOrSK. APARTMENT-HOUSE, SO rooms, all rented, Wt Side, modern brick, fine furniture, good business and income: price $S0OO, half cash, balance real estate. E J GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce J4-ROOM. up-to-date apartment house. East Side rent $2 2 per room, private bath room with each apartment, all rented; bargain if sold at once- Terms. 518 Abing- ton b.rtg. SAX FRANCISCO First-c'ass transient house, -s:i rooms: rent $250 per month ; price $4O00 Particulars, owner, 55y Va lencia St.. Mtn r raiH i9-u, FOR SALE 5-year lease "o-room hotel with bar and cafe; completely furnished; very cheap rental. Address F. J. Lowell. Red ding. Cal. COME and see my 11 rooms, velvet carpets, strictly modern, all fall: terms or trade. 12:. 14ih St.. cor. Wash. A SVCR1F1CE. 1- rooms good furniture; deal with owner; a bargain. 569 Flan ders St. FOR SALE f-room rooming-house, fur nished complete; will take -good piano as first payment; close in. Main 1031. t A"gOOD ba-galn. 1 1 -room house, all house keeping. chap rent. goM roomers, close in; cost $S"0. $3.'V M .ltf. Oregonian. 40-ROOM apartment-house, clearing $145 per month, cbtap rent; will sacrifice for quick sa. f!".e location, terms. 1S 10th st. 1 KOOMS Jf good furniture In good loca tion, full of roomers, $'05. 10th st. :S ROOMS, $150 will handle, or trade. Call evenings. 1464j First. FOR SALE 72-room hotel ; modern equip ment; ceutrally located. 25 N. Ota st. ROO M IN G- HO t 8 E9. ROOMING-HOUSE, for rent, furniture fot sale: lt rooms, old established house, newly papered and painted, located As toria in heart of elty. Address B 332, Oregonian. MRS. M E- LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Ageney in City. 508-9 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. LOST AND FOUND. ."OLLOW1NG articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street Station. Marshall 5100, A 61-1: January 14 1 butcher's saw and knife, 2 lunchboxcs, 1 sack of laundry, 1 over shoe. 1 miik can, 1 shovel, 1 overcoat, 1 cap. 2 books. 1 umbrella, 1 glove, 1 rule, 1 book school tickets, l oil stove, 2 suit cages, 1 purse, o packages. 1 gaa lamp. LOST Silver mesh bag on East Side, mon agram "Camille." Finder keep money and return hag and keys to -4S Salmon st Phone Main 7 7-4. LOST A gold watch and fob on the 2d. No. 1172334. case 1453; inside name "Ma I in da." Return to Oregonian; liberal re ward LST iFemale Boston brindle bull terrier. Answers to name of Snooks. Reward. Broadway 4n. A LEATHER PURSE In Pantages Theater Friday night. Please return to 505 Cor bett bldg. LOST Lady's black handbag. Thursday ave ning. Owner's name on cards. Return to Mrs. Adams, iiaton notei. rewaru LOST A bunch of keys on silver chain, Tuesday, 11th. Phone Broadway 620. LOST Diamond bar pin. Phone East 3438; reward. LOST Silver purse. Reward. Marshall 1270. , LOST Pocketbook with $7. Reward. Gra velle's Corset Shop, Morgan bldg. LOST Small black purse, containing $4; reward. Return to Oregonian. Proposals Invited. NOTICE-Is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Bandon will receive sealed bids at the first regular meeting day of said board, after the ex piration of four weeks frm the date of the first publication of this notice, for the sale of series A bonds of the Port of Ban don. aggregating $25,000.00, dated Decem ber 1, 1915, in denominations of $1,000.00 each, with semi -annual 6 per cent in terest coupons attached ; further Informa tion can be bad by applying to the sec retary of the Port of Bandon. Coqullle, Or. The right to reject any and all bids is expressly reservd by the Port of Ban don. T. P. HANLY, Treasurer of the Port of Bandon. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, principally dry goods, furn ishings, hats and capd, shoes and rubbers, located at The Dalles. Or., of the in ventoried value of $a777.5a, together with fixtures amounting to $274.20, up to 12:00 o'clock noon on Monday, January 17, 1016. Terms cash, with certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all offers. An inventory may be seen at my office, and the stock may be inspected at The Ualle.. Dated at Portland, Oregon, 10th day of January. 1016. R. L. SABIN. 740-47 Morgan bldg., Portland. Or. I WILL' receive seaied bids at my office. 740 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon, foi ,a stock of merchandise, consisting prin cipally of dry goods, millinery, furnishing -oods, shoes, coats and suits, located at Rose burg, Oregon, of the inventory valua tion of $8361.2.'.. together wtlh fixtures amounting to $2206.72. up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, January 18. 1916. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of "amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected at Roseburg. R. L. SABIN. Dated Portland, Oregon. Jan. 8, ltfltt. SPECIAL NOTICES. MieK-ellaneous. PROCLAMATION Whereas, H. J. Schuld erman. Corporation Commissioner of the State "of Oregon, as required by chapter 50, Laws of Oregon, 111, did, on the 3d day of January, litlti, report to me, as Governor of the State of Oregon, a list of all foreign corporations which for two con secutive years or more next preceding the said ad day of January, liUC. have failed, neglected or refused to furnish him, the said Corporation Commissioner, any an nual statement required to be furnished under any law of this state, or to pay the license f-e required to be paid under any law of this state; ana Whereas, said report of the Corporation Commissioner, so made as aforesaid, contains the names of the following for eign corporations which for two consecu tive years or more n'Xt preceding the date of the report have failed, neglected or re fused to furnish any such statements or to pay any such license fe, to-wit: F-637 Altamont Investment Co. ( Washington.) F-797 American Safety Powder Company. (Washington.) F-931 Bowlder Creek Mining Co. (Washington.) F-526 Cascade Coal Company. (Arizona) F-53S City Public Market. (Washington.) F-1U7 Comptograph Company. ( West Va.) F-352 Columbia Phonograph Company (General) (West Va.) F-010 Dawson Investment Company, The (Washington.) F-1S4 Enterprise Brewing Company. (California.) F-77S Good Roads Incorporated. ( New York.) F-837 Harlow Hewett Sc. Company (California.) F-&?7 Hardie Manufacturing Company. The t Michigan.) F-070 Hood River-Green Point Orchards Company (S. Dakota.) F-627 International Contract Company. (Nevada.) F-760 International Mercantile and Bond Company. (California.) F-217 KecU-y Institute of Oregon, The ( S. Dakota. ) F-635i Klamath Realty Company. (California.) F-817 Magic Lubricating Company. ( Washington.) F-607 McKenna Co., Inc.. C. E. (Washington ) F-666 Mlnneapclis-Hood River Orchards company. (Minnesota.) F-S72 Mission Marble Works, The (California.) F-722 Monarch OH Refining Company. (California.) F-904 Mult! type Machine Company. (Washington.) F-018 National Milk Sugar Company. (Vermont.) F-812 Newlon-Koller Company. Inc.. The t Washington.) F-4S6 Norrls Safe and Lock Co. (Washington.) F-506 Oregon and California Lumber Cor poration. (California) F-754 Oregon Central Improvement Com pany. (Washington.) F-7S1 Pennev Stores Company. (Utah.) F-604 Physicians Defense Company. ( Indiana.) F-R3 PurceTl Safe Co. (Washington.) F-W79 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Company. (California.) F-S8S San Francisco Breweries, Limited, The (England.) F-P20 Sand Spur Company. (Washington.) Y-mll Sius'.aw Lumber Company. (California.) F-805 Flick Brothers Construction Company, Ltd. 1 (Idaho.) F-6SS Southern Oregon Water Power Com pany. (Washington.) F-S54 Steinberg Tailoring Company. (Illinois.) F-1S8 Tahoxna Mining &. Milling Company, The (Washington.) F-953 Tacama Wood Pipe Comnany. (Washington.) F-552 Transcontinental Telegraph Company. (New York.) F-662 Union Bridge and Construction com- ?anv (Missouri.) nlted States Metal Products Corn pan v. ( Massachusetts. ) F-Oll Vancouver Packing Co. (Washington.) F-738 Western Building Material Company. (California.) F-41 Weber-Bussell Canning Company. (Washington.) F-0OS Western Lumber & Supply Company. (Nevada.) F-fH2 Whlteway-Lee Construction Company. (Idaho.) F-4S White-Fhebley-Hunt Mining Com panv California.) Now, therefore. I, James WIthycombe, as Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me bv chapter 50. of the Laws of Oregon for 1011. and under nnd pursuant to the terms and provisions thereof, do hereby declare the right of each and all of the foregoing and above-named corporations to transact business in the State of Oregon revoked and repealed, and all powers conferred bv Inw upon euch corporations are hereby declared Inoperative and void. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of state to be hereunto affixed at the City of Salem, tate of Orcetn. this 11th day of .Tanu arv. In the vear of our Ixrd one thousand, nine hundred and sixteen. JAMES WITHYCOMBE. Governor. Bv the Governor: BEN W. OLCOTT. Secretary- of State. (State SeaM PROCLAMATION Whereas, H. J. Schuld erman, corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon, as required by section 6717 title XL IV. of Lord's Oregon Laws, did. on the Sd day of January. 1916. re port to me. as the Governor of the State of Oregon, a list of all of the corporations organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, for gain. hlch, for two consecu tive years or more next preceding the said Sd day of January. 1016. have failed, neg lected or refused to furnish him. the said Corporation Commissioner, any statement required to be furnished under any law of this state, or to pay any license fee re quired jo be paid under any law of this state; and Whereas, taid report of the Corporatlos SPECIAL NOTICE. Commissioner, so made as aforesaid, con tains the names of the following corpor ations, which for two consecutive years or more next preceding the date of the re port have failed, neglected or refused to furnish any such statements or to pay any such license lee, to-wit: 14254 A. F. fc A. M. Mining Company. 1719 Abbey Advertising Agency. 14J74 Advance Construction Company." IK or, 7 Airo Manufacturing Company. 15S81 Akron Gold Mining and Milling Com pany, The 1S047 Albany Gun and Country Club. The 17. un Alberta uaKerj-. 15.5l'0 American Belle Mining Company. 17496 American Millwork & Lumber Com pany. 17r.f3 American Releaser Company. 17893 American Safety Powder Company. 75Mi American Timber Company. 15usS Apple Fair Association of Hood River. Oregon. 17663 Art Amusement Company, The ICoOO Arcade Land Company. 17.'1 1 Armstrong Tow nsite Company. 17270 Aumsville Mercantile Company. 17HC1 Austin Mining Company. Kti6:; Automobile Warehouse Company. 17954 B. B. Lumber Company. 16&27 Baltimore Artistic Furniture Com pany. 15364 Barrett Company, Inc., Frank M. 1557 Bailey Gulch Mining and Milling Company. 15425 Barandun Mining A Milling Company, The 17S9S Baker Baseball Association. .iiMj Bakur City Heal Estate Company, The 12559 Baker Oil and Gas Company. 17619 Bandon and Oregon Eastern Rail road Company. 176C.T Beacom Company, The 154S5 Bear Creek Motor Car Company. l-bui Bel more, MacDougall &. Moores Com pany. 18155 Bennetts Sales Service. 17443 Beaver State Land Company. 6O07 Black Belle Gold Mining and Milling Company. 15071 Blazier Investment Company. 0528 Blue River Consolidated Gold Mining Company. 156S2 Blazier Timber Company. 15645 Bowers Hotel Company, The 17771 Brown Drug Company. 17505 Bungalow Building & Investment Co. 17296 Bumside Fuel & Transfer Company. 17423 Burdlck and Fuller. 17765 Burial Improvement Association. 15759 Buckhorn Ranch Company. 175S1 Callaghan & Flynn Company. 13SS6 California Gold Dredger and Placer Mining Company. The 8729 Cardinal Gold Mining Company. 12146 Campbell Lakin Segar Company. 176S0 Century Auto Company. 18046 Cedar Island Park, inc. 16762 Central Oregon Trucking Co. 17704 Christofferson Aviation Company. 16973 Cherry City Flour mill Co. 13006 Cherry City Grocery Company. 10224 Cherry City Orchard Company. 1356S Chemical Cleaner Company. 14142 Chamorlow. Company. 18317 Cheshire. Dohs Poultry Supply Company. 16533 Cheney-Dresser Comnanv 16861 Chapin-Herlow Mortgage & Trust company. 1307 Chaplow Investment Company. 17773 Chiioquin Lumber Company. 17027 Circle Air.vsement Company. 17192 Circuit Amusement Company. 18:!24 Clark-Snook Produce Company. 18075 Clyde Investment Company. 12047 Clackamas County Fair Association. 17369 Coast Advertising Company. 17M52 Coast Wire Fence Company, The 176G1 Coffman Candy Company 144.'!9 Colton Creamery Company l.Vsi Cow Creek Mill Company. 17178 Cougar Consolidated Mines. I mm commercial Film Company. 1G1R4, Cove Fruit Association. 15666 College Htll Addition, Inc. 105o0 Cosmopolitan Investment & Trust Company. Collins Lumber & Mill Company. 17102 Consumers Lumber & Supply Co. 14i53 Cocoannt Products Company. 101)32 Copper Standard Mines, The 172.I Co- perative Supply House, Inc. 17144 Courtney-Taylcr Company. 16243 Co-operative Trading Company. 16009 Columbia Carbon Paper Manufactur ing Company. 12S14 Columbia Electric Engineering Co. 13."15 Columbia Iaundry company. 17."S." Columbia J'anufacturing Company. 175"pO Columbia Shoe Company.' 1260-J Columbia Valley Orchards Company. 13484 Coop Bay. Oregon & Idaho Railway Company. 1142S Coos Bay Water & Power Company. I?ir77 Ccqullla Lumber Company, The 16745 Crescent Irrigated Land Company, The 15109 Cross Mining Company, Mark. 17703 Cutsforth Dividing Company. 17253 Curtain Store, The, 1749t Davis Patent Graphited. Trolley Wheel Trolley Harp Company. j 15494 Deschutes Hydro-Electric Company. 1645 Deschutes Rim Rock Powder Co. SS07 Diamond Brick Company. 1074! Digesto Cigar & Tobacco Company. S150 Dit mar-Pet ersen Company. 1702 Direct Realty Company. 16731 Douglas Garden Water Company, The 1730.1 Doan Mining & Developing Company. 1S217 DouE-las-Uir pqua Mining? Company. 17927 Dytzert-Klnhn Company, The 16701 Eastman Bros. I I r.::s Kas; Side Laundry Company. 17613 Electric Engineering Corporation, rne 17S29 Ellsworth Steam Cleaning & Dye Works. The 17361 Empire Machine Works. 17504 Equitable Hotel Association. 17947 Kugerie Coffee Club. 17369 Evans Company, R. L. 1744S Exhibitors" Film Company. ' 17549 Examiner publishing Companv. 7807 Fall Creek Consolidated Gold Min ing & Milling Company. 15541 Parrel 1 Company, R. E. 1S261 Fahy Road Company. 16031 Farmers Implement Company, iso.vt Farmers' Supply House, Inc. 1 901 0 Pa rmers' Trading Company. 17413 Federal Safe Deposit Company. 1771S Fisher Engineering Corporation, The 1552! Flrland Trust Company. 15226 Foott Machinery Company. 12'ISS Fort Stevens Mi nine Company. 17472 French-American Bakery Company. 7409 Frisco Gt-ld Mining Company. 14624 Fruit Land Investment Company, The 172M French Pete Minlmr Company. 16490 Gateway Lumber Company. 16219 General Contracting Company. M79s Geiser-I-Tenc:rTc Investment Company. 17:;vs Cem Jewelry Company. 17271 Germania Iand & Loan Company. S246 Gevurtz & Sons, I. 174l Oihbs-Dahl Company. 15297 Globe Construction Company. Gladstone Mining & Milling Company. 11246 Godfrey & palmer Bros. K271 OoM Beach Lumber Company, The 169ST Gold Hill Mining & Milling Company. shs Golden Star Gold Mines Company. 1777 J Great American Mining Company, The 1S3nr; Great Central Mercantile Institution. 173S0 Gross & Co. S919 Granite Electric Light & Water Co. 1761ft Greeley-Henley Publishing Company. Iti'j32 Great Northern Mining Company. 13S04 Grande Ronde Mining & Power Co. 1."SS3 Grand View Orchards. - 17M5 Great Western Mortgage Company. 17S6 If. & S. Investment Company. 10921. Harlow, Blaser Sr Harlow. I04H2 Harney County Fair Association. 1791S Hardlng-Furbeck Company. 1292- Harding Land Company. W. C. 17.10 Hall A Tyler Construction Company. I702 Hamilton & Van Kuren Market Co. 179S1 Herald Publishing Company of Hous ton. Oregon, The 1747 Hilson Company. The Cleaveland 15219 Hishcroft. Incorporated. 159 Hilllard & Maglnnfs, Inc. 1750. Hillside Orchard Company. 17023 Hined-Sash Company, 171M Hodder Company. The 17891 Home Construction Company of Ore gon. The 14375 Holman Continuous Phonograph Rec ord Company, Frank E. 179S5 Holly Lumber Company. 15.116 Howard Mining Company. 16032 Holmes-Nickerson Construction Com pany. The 17347 Hopping Novelty Manufacturing & Importing Company, C. A. 24!' Hoge & Swift. 136S7 Homestead Towns! te. Realty & In vestment Company. 1304't Hurd Co-operative Packing Company. 17465 Hurlev Hydraulic Power Transmis sion Company. 17S7 Hyjreta Farms Company. 1 sons Td ea 1 Development Company, The I7sri4 lden TTome PniTdine company. 17913 Ideal Sign Printing Co. 17649 Imperial Flour & Milling Company. 17S94 Interior E'ectrlc Light & Power Company, The 17-"? Institute Land Company. 17996 Independent Market & produce Co. 17'.79 Intercontinental Salvage Company. 1739 Interstate Auit Companv. 379S9 Interstate Publishing Company. 11519 Iron Butte Mining Company. 14944 Irvingten plan in e- HII Company. 14S4 Italian Fruit & Produce Association 1 T"i'1 Italian P.estaurant Company. 1716 Jersey Cream Doughnut Company. 1S034 Jos?phIne County Growers' Associa tion. 15021 Josephine County Irrigation Power Com pan y. 1?779 Josephine Investment Company, The 17960 Johnson Lumher Company. Alfred 1"tTTC Jumbo Chief Gold Mining Company. I7:.f jumo-orr joe Mining company. 1H.10 Kauffman. Davidson, Semmel (Inc.). 17"2 Kelley Advertising Company. 12174 Kentner Company. The H. C. 17M9 Keystone Liquor Company. IfirtOS Kellv Manufacturing Company. 1720.-, Kennedy piano Company. K439 Khayyam Copper Company. 16704 King Hill Creamery. 13447 I-afayette Dikfresh Company. 17326 Lawyers Mercantile Company. 11735 Taasswell Timber Company, The 14543 & Co.. J. "W. 7353 Leaclede Consolidated Gold & Cop per Mining Company. 11 S3 Iaevens Hotel Company. Lewis Lewis, inc. 141 $5 Iester Manufacturing Company. lrti6-1 1ee Sing Investment Company. 176::l Liberty Fish Packing Company. IV2l L'ltallco PuMlshlnr Company. 17A75 Lincoln Store Company. 17475 Lonr Timber Lumber Company. 17"V2 Lucerne Creamery Company, Inc. 1R301 Luekey Gold & Mining Company. lc.vwt Lvr.n Canal Mining Company. . 1ft16 'VatTinnN Bm.. Inr. 1532 Marshall-Pacific Oil Company , SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. j.&M4 Alaninery & Supply Compauy. 1744 MuUiclx Xeiiunau Coinptui). The lotJ Aletzler-Hegsttu Luuiucr company. 960i jivlerlin ToMtisite At development CO. 14oJ iiediord Bmiais" Supply Company. lllrt Medtord Coal dc Mining compwii, Tue 16077 Medtord Nursery Company. 17tis9 McFarlana Investment Company. 17932 McKenxie River Gold. Mining Co. 1.4TJ juctvenzio V alley irrigation company. 174US Mitcheii-Buitu irrigation Coinycuiy. 17561 MiUer Ac Co., inc., Ju. W. 1S.0O1 Alii is Coal Company. II Minerva Gold jdining Company. i.i5.J Milton Haruware Company. Tne lMiO AiitcnuU 6z Miiarch Company, Tne 14-J Motor Car .Service Company. ITioS Morrow County Banking 6l Trust Co. l.ot2 jiooae Improvement company. 17112 Mount Jefiersou Power company. The 1706 Multnomah Bakery Company. 1714S Multnomah Central Railway Compny. 17107 Multnomah Keaity & insurance Co. 175-3 Multnomah Scenic Homes Company. 17091 National Liquid Register Company. U94S Newport Buttling House Company, The 12616 Newberg Brick & Tile Company. It 446 Neal Institute, The 14012 Neate & McCarthy, Inc. lotflo Newport, Otter Kuck k Siletz Rail way Company. 13512 Nichodemus Mining Company, The 90S2 Nome consolidated Co., The 11410 North Bend Lumber Company. 17&02 Northern Land Company. 17 60S Northwest Farm Development Co. 1792L Northwest Farmers' Supply Company. 10S12 Northwest Log fc Lumber Company. 17545 Northwest Keaity & Building Asso ciation, The 1433$ Northwest Securities Company. 851 SI Northwestern Alaska Packing Co. 16175 Northwestt-rn Cement Gun Company. I74r.:i nrtKwcRt Information Bureau. 1750J Nuernberg importing Company, The 3Jsui oneonta, juana company. 17618 Or. -Wash. Investment Company. 15146 Oregon Building fc Engineering Co. 17S63 Oregon Chemical &. Disinfecting Co. 17411 Oregon City Produce Co. 18247 Oregon Consolidated Coal Company. 1794 L Oregon-Kentucky Mining Company. 17383 Oregon Keystouo Mining Company. 17339 Oregon Loganberry Company. 18517 Oregon Maintenance Company. 11607 Oregon Marine Company. 9173 Oregon Mining & Irrigating Company. 15801 Oregon Motorcycle Company. 14090 Oregon Oil &. Pipe Line Company. 13359 Oreson paint & Varnish Company. 8JS3 Oregon Rafting Company. 174S6 Oregon Shore Navigation Company. 15143 Oregon Speed Boat Company. 1-S153 Oregon State Mercantile Company. 1 174tii Oregon & Washington No Ice Refrig erator Manutacturisg Company. 12272 Oregon-Washington Timber Company. 11596 Ottei Rock Improvement Company. 8041 Overland Gold Mining Company. 17901 Owl Printing Company. 14369 Oxford Tailors. 17778 Paradise Colonisation Company. 17Sr Paulina Creamery Company. The 1748 Patent Produce Company. 17Stl4 Panama Timber & Investment Co. 18178 Pacific Acreage Trustee Company. 17785 Pacific Coast Auto Kquipmeiit Co. 17412 Pacific Coast E?g Company. 16S36 Pacific Voast Key Registration Co. 17779 Pacific Coast Packing Company. 16294 Pacific Coast paving Company. 15648 Pacific Coast Realty Company of Portland. Oregon. 15215 Pacific Coast Westrumlte Company. 170N7 Pacific-Interior Company. 177S9 Pacific Land & Power Company. 15055 Pacific Motor Supply Company. 166: Pacific Secret Service Corporation. 1723 Pacific Silverware Company. 1S211 Pederson Construction Company, Hans 18163 Pendleton Manufacturing Company. 14084 Peters Manufacturing Company. 12697 Percy & Stricklt r Company, Inc. 13266 Pitchlesa Lumber .Company. 1723.S Platinum & Gold Extraction Co. 15377 Pocket Door Lock Company, Inc. 17749 Potter Land, LivestocK & Power Company. 10911 Portland Collapsible Box Company. 17176 Portland Concrete Burial Vault Co. 17S47 Portland Electric Garage. 16073 Portland Fluff Rue Manufacturing Company. 17365 Portland Racing Association. 1765 Portland Realtv Board. 8381 Portland Reduction & Mining Co. 1812 Portland pemedial Loan Association. 8157 Portland Safe Company. 17S16 Portland & San Francisco Coast Line Railroad Company. 11103 Portland & Sandy River Electric Company. 16702 Portland Social Club. 16315 Portland Temporary Auditorium Co. 17356 Portland Wall Board & plaster Co. 13554 Frotzman-Campbell Shoe Company. 17622 Premier Construction Company. 16962 Price & Co., A. E. l.'-.soo prudhomme Company, Henry C. 17SSWJ Princess Theater Company. 10404 Quartz Gold Mining Company. 1250 Reedville Company of Modern Wood men of America. 1764S Rex International Advertising Com pany, The 1190-s ReynoHs Lumber Company. L. C. 1707:t Republic Machinery Company. 13042 Ready-made House Company, The 17674 Rex Mfg. Company. 144)9 Repairers Supply Manufacturing CO. 17719 Reynolds fc Thalman Company. 1681.; Riddle Airship Company. The 17529 Rigid Lock Bed Company. ' 13714 Rlco-Maglnnls Shoe Company. 16516 Rose City Electric Garage Company. 17727 "Rose City Ice & Cold Storage Co. i iz-i if ose citv Mining company. 16299 Roval Clothing Company. 6S48 Robinson & Co., Hatters. 153 I.-, Rounsevell Corporation, The 1"949 Rosodale Country Club. 16!. ."id Ro?ue River Commission Company. 17174 Rubnomore Washer Manufacturing Company. 17022 Sanitary Closet Company. 17376 Sanitary Concrete Block Company. 18113 Sanitary Cun Company. i054 Sanitary Garbage Company. 1O!."0 Sanitary Milk & Cream Company. 16194 Saturn Mining Company. 16399 Salmon River Mining Company. 1819 Santiam Water Company. 17993 Sandstone &- Wilson Gravel Company. 1747 St. Helens Automobile Company, The 1342 St. Iouis Medical Company. 1233.V Scotia Developing Company. 132-"i7 f chafer Lumber Company. I:t15 Scott. McDoutraM, Goodwin Company. 1813.1 Scio Mercantile Association. 15392 Schacht Motor Car Company of Ore gon. 1R064 ShecM Creamery Company. 1738 Shatiuck Water Company. 16621 Siskiyou Gold Mining Company. 1 7 2 7 Simplex Specialty Company. 1 f22' Slavnninn Bakrv Com nan v. 13475 Smith Fuel Company. V. D. 17441 Snodgrass-Lachancw Auto Company. 1214 Sollss Company. The A. N. 18183 Society of Independent Dotikhobors. 18111 South Oregon Tand & Irrigation Co. 17000 Spalding Amusement Company. 11699 Sparta Mining & Dp vr loping Com pany. The 1410 Springfield Realty Company; 14165 Spray Telephone Company, The 17217 Sterling Companv. The 14427 .Sterilne Gold Quartz Mining & Mill ing Company. 14n3 Stone Lumber Company. C. B. 1822 Stewart Fealty Com nan v. The lOOfi-, Stoddard Water Ditch Company. 17609 Stat Broliers Compp.ny. 17418 State Line Water Company. 171.5 Standard Sanitation Company. 9558 Sugnr TPt Irrigation Company, The 17738 Sugar-Bowl Company. The 1SA1T Sunset Co-operative Association. 121S4 Sunset TImbc-r Comnany. 17324 Swiss-American Milk Products Co. lfi4oj Pwlss Dairy Company. 1S1Hrt Sweek Estnt Company. 1S20 Thurston Hot1 Company. 94 Three Fines Timber Company. IKTfll TlVson '& Co.. Incorporated. 17001 TIme!-Exf miner Publishing Company. 17Rot Timber Townslte Company. 12299 Tillamook Land ft Investment Co. 14593 Troi,tdn1e Fruit & Produce Growers' Association. 17"U Treasure Gold Mining Company. 1S022 Twin Bocks Brldeo & Construction Company. 147.12 Two-States Investment Company. 9307 T"matllla Klectric Power Company, The 16624 Fmatflla Project Orchard Lands Company. 957 T"mnqun Coal Company. irM Trr PV Comnnnv. I76R4 United Block Swivel Company. 1172 PnJted Fruit Company. 1453C T'nl versa 1 Bed & Hospital Supply Company. 1556S Vancouver nd Camas Oil & Land Cnmpinv. The 1559 Vnnora Town site Company. 116H2 Vale Lleht & Water Company. 17795 Vallev Mr.tor & Tractor Company. ISHtR Vinson Lumber Company. 1 jfihi "VTarti Company. L. R. 170'0 Washington Construction Company. 1212 "vTalilnort Improvement Association. M5in7 Washington Northern RMTroad Co. 1191 Walker Warehouse Company. 16794 "vTest Const Development Comnnny. 17S68 West Coast Feature Film Compcnv. 17463 West Coast Lumber Shippers Associa tion. 17563 Western Coast Land Company. 16950 Western College of Music and Fine Arts. nu9 "trestem contracting Company, ITfino Western Glass Company. 17i9 Trptern Grovel Comoanv. 149 Tr-tern Motor Tru'-k Company, irmr "Western Peflnlng Company. 1561 S """estern Stovepipe & Sheet Metal Works. wtiFon P"d Company. 12563 Willow River Land & Irrigation Company. li'?2) WfMwood Springs Company. 176? Williams-Turner Company, Tnc. 12967 Willamette fir Columbia River Ship Tsfisrlne" Company. 11027 Willamette Valley Condensed Milk Companv. 17720 Willamette Valley Toganberry Cul ture A T-nd Company. 1012 "vTorma!'ehyde Company. Worth Drug Company. The 17016 Woman's Industrial Corporation of Oregon. 17318 Wonder Remedy Company. t-ilOO Vamhill Planters. The 17011 Yellow King Mining Company. The lv43 YeJIo-n-itone Mining Companv. CO-OPERATIVE A SSOCT TTONS. 16336 Cottage Grove Co-operative Associa tion. First Mutunlist Association of Port land, Oregon. 1?3 Fru't Growers Mutual Association. 17119 Imbler Frutt Growers' L'nlon of Im bler. Oregon. 17549 ofnr Truck Owners' Protective Association. SPECIAL NOTICE. Miscellaneous. 17907 Itoso Citv Mutualist Association. IRRTGATIOX AND DRA1NAGK. 16370 Crystal District Improvement Com pany. Now, therefore, I, James Withycombe, as Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by Section 6T17, Title XL1V, of Lord s Oregon Laws, and under and pursuant to the terms and provisions thereof; do hereby declare each and all the foregoing and above named corporations dissolved, and their articles of incorporation re voked and repealed, and all powers con ferred by law upon such corporations arc hereby declared inoperative and void. In witness .whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of state to be hereunto affixed at the City of Salem, state of Oregon, this 11th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. JAMES WITHY COM BE. Governor. Bv the Governor: BEN W. OLCOTT, Secretary of State. (State Seal. BARGES for rent. 400 tons' capacity. Main 1410. FINANCIAL. QUICK LOAN SERVICE. $20,000 CASH READY. 30O TO $1000 ON" FIRST MORTGAGE AT Vi; WILL ELY FIRST OK SECOND MORTGAGED Oli CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, EQUITIES IN ESTATES, ETC, UPON LIBERAL TERMS, IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US UP. PATTERSON & BURKITT, 212 SELLING BLDG. "QUICK LOANS" $100 TO $1000. ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGE. CONTRACTS OR LIFE INSURANCE; NO DELAY. WILL BUY LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES OR TONTINE CONTRACTS MATURING BEFORE 1919. WILL HELP FINANCE GOOD BUSINESS (STATE NATURE OF PROPOSITION). ADDRESS E 237, OREGONIAN. HAVE first mortgage, bearing S per cent, on improved and cultivated, Irrigated farm. Will discount 10 per cent. Owner live on the place. See Williams & Hart, 212 Selling bldg. MONEY LOANED, on residence property, 6 to 8 per cent; business property 5 to (i per cent; farm property 7 to 8 per cent. Whitmer-Kelly Co., 711 PIttock block. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumberniena bidg. We buy mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. WANT $800 on $2000 Portland property. Will pay 8 per cent. See Williams &. Hart, 212 Selling bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson it Ewing, N. W. Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracis. miga. purchased. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. SEND farm loan applications to E. J. Rober son, 702 Title & Trust bldg. Money to Loan on lieal Jatate MONEY TO LOAN! $ 1,000 at 7 per cent 1,200 . . . .at i at 7 at 7 per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 3.0O0 4.UO0 j. .oo at 7 40.000 at 7 30,000 al 6 R. H. HLOSiSUAl, 1125 Northwestern Bank bldg. MONEY ON HAND, 7, S PER CENT. NO ATTORNEY FEE. NO DELAY; LIBERAL TERMS. CITY OK FARM LOANS. $500 TO $5000. ADDRESS C. EPPENGER, BOX L'L'J. PORTLAND, OR. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. Prompt service. Reasonable terms. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. Sixth and Morrison Sts. WILL LOAN $2MH fOlt DIVIDE) AT S PER CENT, CITY OR FARM; NO DE LAY; LOW EXPENSE; SEE ME AT 2u0 SELLING BLDG. E. BURKITT. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 202 Stevens Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 217 North western Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. GOOD euppiy of money to loan on improved Portland realty at 6 to 7 per cent. Farm loans 7 and H per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d St., near stark. LOANS will be made on central retail business properties, t and 7 per cent on othor securities. EDWARD E. GO U DEI" CO., Northwestern Bank bldg. $600, $ 100 o7"$ 320 07$ 2 O00,$ 50 07"and8 per cent, to loan on improved city prop erty. Jos. C. Gibson, 306 Gerlinger biui;., rd and Alder. TO LOAN $2000 at S per cent on im proved city real estate; no commission; long loan preferred. Address BF iJ5i, Ore gonlan. FIELDS & HONE YM AN MORTGAGE CO. OUR OWN FUNDS. 1025-102 Yeon .Bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. At MORTGAGE CO., INC., tock Exchange blclg., 3d and Yamhill. $2000 PRIVATE money to loan on good se curity; farm or city; money waiting. D 3;it, Oregonian. t LOAN $4O0.u00 OR LKas. F ARLINGTON, 60 4TH ST., BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. TO LOAN $4500, at 7 per cent on Portland ' residence property or gooa close in rarms, H. L. Archer, Northwestern Bank bldg. TO LOAN, $500. Have two amounts of this size to loan. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. WE BUY BONDS AND MORTGAGES. OREGON INVESTMENT & MTG. CO., Suite 202, 170 Third st. v 5 TO Sfr on city and farm property; mort gages and contracts purchased, ft. H. Blossom. 312."i Northwestern Bk. bldg. $100,000 AT 7 per cent on choice Ore gon farms or city property; fire insurance. M'KENZIE & CO.,515 Gerllnger bldg. $Tuo6r$250o7$56o, $5000, 7 and 8 Percent. W. L. GREEN, 264 Stark Street. $20 000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 314 315 Failing bldg QUICK mortgage loans, can also handle a few building loans this week. Curtis, 2U4 oak. $1000 TO loan on improved Portland real estate, also larger amounts. C 346, Ore gonian. TO LOAN $10,000 at per oent, $5000 at 7 per cent, on Improved city property. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Commerce. $200OON improved city property, 8 per cent, private party. J 315. Oregonian. TO LOAN, $5500 or less. Improved city or farm property. AP 218. Oregonian. $200 $350, $600, $900. $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $100 000 TO LOAN at 5 to 7 per oenc Goddard & Wiedrick, 243 Stark st. TSjT MONEY to loan, city and farm land. J. j cahaiin, 635 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 UP to $3000 to loan on real estate. Tabor 2520. $2000 AND other amounts; no com. Ward, -40I Spalding bldg. LOANS on Improved prepertles. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. MONEY Anv amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W, H. Seitz. 310 Spalding. Main 6084. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding. 313 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 300 OAK ST. MONEY on hand for city mortgage loan. Fred S. Williams. 92 1st et. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham, of Com. $3000 ON improved property, 7 per cent. C 36, Oregonian. MONEY" to loan on city and farm property. F. FUCHS, 420 Cham, of Com. $CW0 TO loan in $2000 lots on close-in res idences. 3.1.1, uie6uumii. ft TO 7 PER CENT PRIVATE FUNDS. 4 t- tit! I iKl llr.nri- Rli4 $'00 TO $10,000 on city and Improved farms. $l-(0 TO $2.V)0 on imrroved. city or acre age property. Call East 6.-,29. $2000 TO LOAN on improved real estate. W. A. Hathaway. 209 Washington bldg. Money to Loan C hat tela and Salaries. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry at legal rat-3s: ail articles held one vear: es tablished since 1SSS, Dan Marx, 74 $d. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salarle IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EAaTERN KATES. We have one of the finest retail Jew e:ry stores in the cliy; loan departmenc is conducted in connection with Barn making business &XKIC i'LY C-N FIDfciN T1AL; absolutely no sign designating los business displayed In iront of our store; all mtrchaiidi&tf pledged Is held for period of 12 months, whether or not Interest is paid when due; we are licensed and have been established since 1SMJ; no connection with .u oihcr luu establishment la this Uty. A, fc W. DELOV AGE. JEWELER 324 Washington St. MONEY TO LOAN. TOU CAN GET IT IV DAY at legal rates ' On Diamonds, Autos. Pianos Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back at $5 per month or mora. Interest 3 per cent. OFFICE AbSOLUlELY fRIVATB. PORTLAND LOAN CO., LICENSED. til Dekum blag- ar.d Washington SALARIED MEN. SALARIED MEN. . START THE NEW VEAR OWING BUT ONE PARTY. WE WILL LOAN iOU MONET TO PAY UP THOSE SMALL BILLS. YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS, STATE SECURITY CO.. . LICENSED. 30S FAILING BUILDING. - Loau. Wanted. GOOD chattel notes, one for $175, one for J75, both drawing 10 per cent Interest, each payable moiiLhiy payments $15 and interest; excellent moral risk; need money; will give good discount for caaa. P 547, Oregonian. WANTED On A-l security. $4000 at 7 pel cent, valuation $10,000; $0000 at 7 per cent, valuation $50,000 ; $1000 at 8 per cent, valuation $45uO. W. Side; $1000 at 7 per cent, valuation $0o00. West Side. Mc Kenzie Co., 515 Geriinger bldg. FOR SALE 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT. $1000 lirst mortgage, 8 per cent inter est, good security, good moral risk; note payable monthly; good abstract to date; business debts pressing, must sacrifice. P 540. Oregonian. CHOICE MORTGAGE LOAN APPLICA TIONS First -class security, 7 and s. OREGON INV. &, MORTGAGE CO.. INC.. Slock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill Sts. Marshall 205, A 4144. 750, S PER CENT; $750. 8 PER CENT. Store building. 4 -room cottage and 2 lots, occupied and operated by applicant. Own er's valuation $2500. Fred . German CO., 7:t2 Chamber of Commerce. $4750 AT 7 per cent WitiiieJ ; stctirit new brick bldg. and lot ou prominent corner; easily worth $12,000. Stanley S. Thomp son Co., Rothchild bldg., 2'.., Washing ton st. $15, 0(). on West Side, improved. Income bearing property worth $40,000. Will ac cept a straight loan or 0110 on seml-aiinual payment pian. R. H. Blossom, 1125 Northwestern Bank bldg. $OO0 LOAN wanted for two years; Fortland real estate security, worth $2500; will pay liberal interest and all expenses. Including fee of attorney lor party making the loan. Addiesj owner, box 50, Oregon City, Or. WANTED $3500 at 7 per cent, quarter block corner, close in. East Side; con servative value $1)000; good moral risk. H Oregonian. FOR SALE $S000 firat mortgage on mod ern livington residence, it years at 7 per cent. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. FARM MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Two farm mortgages, $3uo0 and $8000. for sale; good security. O 325, Oregonian. $500 WANTED on $:500 house occupied by owner; no commission. AM 540. Orego nian. WANT $-"Hi0, il yrs., S pr cent, new bunga low and lot. worth $1."00, insurance $7."i0; no brokers, want private party. Main lit.Vt. WANTED ?suo at 8 per cent on city prop erty; good real and moral risk. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. ASSISTANCE given owners desiring farm loans; state amount desired. Too Farmers' Exchange. Denver. Colo. SEE the Oregon Homo Builders if you de sire to loan on pood firat mortgages. 15m N. W Bank fcldg WANTED $500 on proved up homestead, or on u acre at Lents, with small house and chicken yards. J 34ti, Orngonian. TO LOAN $500 to J1500. improved realty; give particulars. BC 54R. Oregonian. $12'o0 WANT 1CD ' 011 city property ; value 4(K10. A. K. HIM, 4 111 Henry bldg. WANTED $1600 or $1700 at 8 per cent on good security. J 33 S, Oregonian. $10O0 WANTED at 8 per cent on modern home. Phono Main 1100. FOR SALE Second mtg. of $225 on house and lot; will discount $."0 for quick sale. .1 u30, Oregonian. WANTED To use $100 for 4 months; good security. Phono Wood lawn 23 &, WANTED $:i.'0. one yenr at s per cent; p-ood security. Phone East 3107. WILL discount $120U,-S per cent farm mort gage; well seen red . East 65 20. $1000 FIRST MORTGAGE. city property; will discount $100. 4:t2 Chamber of Com. $400 ON mv homestead in Montana; value $2500. r.Ot Board of Trade. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. SO-iuch wavy switch, o sep $1.0 24-inch wavy switch, 3 Sep 1.00 All-arouna trausiormatiuu 1.45 Haird ressing, shampoo, fact inassago. hair bobbing, maiiicuiing. 2."c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch m&d of combings, Jie. We buy our con oiags. . bauitaiy Panors, 4u-4l2 Dekum bit.g., .id and Washington. Marshall li02. WANTED A first-class dressmaker to oc cupy space in our etore. Applicant must furnish first-class recommendation and be competent to cater to our best trade; splendid opening to tlio right party. M. WEIL CO.. Baker. Or. FEB VET & HA.NEUUT, Leading w ig and toupo makers; finest stock human hair gooub, swi tenet front Jjc up; haird ressing, manicuring. Jace and scalp treatment, couiuings made up to ur tir. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. Main 546 DROPSY Free trial treatment prepaid : quick relief; herbal remedks; give aye ami describe case. Herb Med. Co., 523 W. btu St., Log Angeka,Cal. MM E. FONEDA, EGYPTIAN PALMIST, clairvoyant and card reader. Foneda lias her office open daily trom 10 A. M. to S P. M. Ot'liee ;'.." Yamhill, eoiiler Jot". WANTED Boy, 1 to 2 y?ars old; have no children; good home; . undivided atten tion and mother's love. AV util, uregu nian. t WANTED Whereabouts of Mrs. Lillian Webber, last heard of at Oregon City, or. Has probably gone to Wasmugton. Ad dress AV 557, Oregonian. ROSEN A TAYLOR, D. A. T., masseuse and scalp specialist, treatments given at your home or lti'J Park St., near Morrison. Mar shall 5150. bUJHIA li. &E1P, mental and hpirltaal scientist, Ol.'; Tourney bldg, 2d and Taylor. Marshull SvUti. tjuesihni Wed., $ P. M. GERMAN TRAINED nurse gives electrio blankets and massage fur rheumatism, etc. 250 11 th st. Mar. 505. Open Sunday. SCALP and facial treatments. Miss Hoppa. late with the Francis Fox Institute. Phone Marshall 1052. The Teasdale, Apt. 1. C FLEL'RE, powerful psychic and healer; "no charge uulss benetited. 221 West Park street, 11-5. FACE and scalp treatments, sors, cold in chest, nervousness, rheumatism. Electric vibrator; renitunable. Main 831). AS-'-J AP-SQ promptly relieves headaeiia. neuralgia and la grippe. For by Portland Hotel Pharmacy MME. KIRON teacher of palmistry; card readingB daily. 10 A. M. to P. M. 122 12th and Washington. Hotel Garnet. CHIN'A painting and water color work done to order; scoro cards, place cards, etc Marahall22bl. . NORWEGIAN TRAINED NURSE, bath and massage. Phone Main 104K. room i. ?0fe 3d st. Hours 12 to 8. DONE at your own home, facial massage or shampoo, 50c, both 75c. Mrs. Set wart, Marshall 5555. UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest mock; re-covering; new handles put on. Meredlth'B, 329 Washington it. (jPTiN Coming until storm is over; al "way's remember my saying; 5 words. Louise. MRS, STEVENS, 24 cars Portlands re nowned palmist aud clairvoyant, has her temple open dally. 575 laylor(, SPIRITUALISM Rv. Mary A. Price; circle Tuesday, 2; Wed. At. d fci-'n. (' M . ; read ings dally. 603 5th st. Manhall SgQ. WANTED Child to care lor; uest ot care. Call Marshall 2107. GENTLEMEN" Manicure, Biiampoo, face masiage, 55c. 707 RotUchlld. 2b7Vj, Wash, at, RAT M OF FIGS COMPOUND, Royal ToniJ TaDleuL604 Davis at. Phone Mala 2332. MOT Es" superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D iHIl""20FliednerbldB.Maln$J7J, M A D M E NONA, palmistry and card read ing's dully. Yamhill st. LAWRENCE Write to us. Send letter to Uncle Andrew. Father. cKAbl'A'fK masseuse, sulphuro baths; ojx n Sundays. 1 70 ' j; 2d. cor. Yamhill. Mar. 24 ELECTRIC treatments for Room 215, U50Vs Morrison at. rheumatism. MANICURING .Ethel .Bur. i.nd et-etrical t-utmsftU IV Lafayette bidg.