The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 16, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 25

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    I rnvi
V'E have had quit a call for furnished
houses the past fw days. If yon wish to
rent yours, phone our rental department
at once. Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 104 5th at.
J1AXTED Completely furnished bucgalo
or houae.. two bedrooms, piano, garage.
adul-.s: references liven. w i.
M"AVIED 5 or (-room cottage, furnished,
or with range or gas itove and built-in
convenience; place muit be clean end
rent very reasonable. Phono East laS3.
COMPLETELY furnished. 3 or 6-room house
within the Hawthorne School district;
must be clean and rent re-sonable. Give
phone number. X Sotf. Oregonian.
WXNTED To rent an unfurnished house
for family two adults: about or I rooms,
sleeping porch and garage preferred. A.
3 4 5. Oregonian.
WANTED A completely furnished 4 or 5
room house: must be clean aud near a
school. Tabor 2018.
MODERN 6-room furnished house by steady
tenant; will not pay over -i a month.
Address H 237, Oregonian.
fclNGLE Japanese would like to hve fur
nished housekeeping room on Weal bide.
aj a is. uregoman.
SAPANESB wanta furnished housekeeping
room on West Bide. AL 33tf, Oregonian.
Kootn. With Board.
EPISCOPALIAN" nurse, employed In doc
tor's office, wouid 'ike board and room
In private family for aelf and 1-year-oM
unn; near Couch school pnef erred. AU
3-9. Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board for school boy
of 17 near the Atkinson School of Trades.
Address letters to lli E. Madison St.,
LADY with little girl wanta board and room
In private family or boarding-house cose
In: Chr:tln science family preferred. Ah.
;0. Oregonian.
IOUNO German wanted, board and room in
private German family. AO 344, Orego
WIDOWER and baby wish room and board
In private family. AH lin. oregonian
YOUNG man attending school will work for
board and room. AF 336. Oregonian.
Busmen Place-.
WANT to rent suitable place in good lo
culltT for cleaning and pressing parlor.
All 330, Oregonian.
JjoN'T shiver in your room these Winter
evenings: move over to HOTEL V EP.NON,
where the rooms are always warm. 'uee
your comfort la the big thing with the
management and where everyone is happy
and contented; choice outside rooms, witn
every convenience, splendidly furnished,
at 1S a month, some for less. 103 1-th,
near Washington.
404 4 Washington at., corner Tenth.
Steam Heat, Hot Water. Baths.
Prices Reasonable. Telephone Main 819X
ROOMS AT Y. M. C. A, .
List of rooma in all parte of city; aisi.
In the Association fireproof building, with
shower baths, at 11.50 to 2.7i per eek;
double, with individual beds; 2.j0 to per week alngle.
rorner 11th and Stark. 3 week anS nP;
elevator, hot and cola water, ateam heat.
tHepnone connection In each room: no
extra cnarge for two In a room; room
and bath. 1 day; transient solicited.
Kleventh. between Morrison and Yamhill
Desirable downtown location ; respectable
and strictly modern: room rates 1 per
dav H per week; with private bath. Il.iO
per day: f3.uv per wee.
Large clean, comfortable rooms, private
bath individual telephone, electric HKh".
neam heat; single rooms 2 per wee k and
up. with batn. ao.ov auu u.
rtspectable: entrance on 12th.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and WashlnK
Ion Fireproof br'.ck. elegantly located, all
outside, clean, well-furnished, steam-heated
rooms, running hot and cold water,
otiorc uul-t homelike: -50 week up.
10th st at Oak. Desirable, downtown loca
tion: respectable and strictly modern, :
proof building; elevator and large lobby,
rooms 3 per week and up.
.. , a. intfc iontral location.
t-ri-.-tT nirlTS Kill, ner day up: week
ly SO up: neat rooms, running water,
free phone and baths: ateam hoau
"HOTEL ROWLAND. S07H-208", "H.
Hares 50c. 75c. tl day; . permanent
cusls. $2.50
tin- few choice suites
vltti connecting baths. 20. l-o montn
Jl.WTON HOTEL, under owner's management-respectable,
clean nous-: steam
heat, hot water, rhone. In every lm
i' -..1 . ..w n 105H 12th. Marshall JiU".
liOTEL EATON. West Park, corner Mor
, r....h'. rnnma. convenient lo
cation, moderate ratea. from 115 month up.
KEWLY renovated, furnished or unfurnished
board if desired: also H. K.. 4. J Morri
in-iTcii. T.ivn.
For comfort "d convenience: modern
1.1T! .,MC lip. .C1 l.
THE BEVERLY, homelike, quiet, lurnlshea
rwm.; reasonable; steam heat: n heart
of city. lvo l-ara. c'J.nei
. . Tm n...Hmnrk Hotel your home
modern outnide rooms $2.30 week ud: easy
w!k!-ir distance, sno numnonii "
. . r. nra- 1 St. fttriCllJ
u,. Main P472. A 47S3.
M ivnr.l.r. HALL. 207 Hth Strictly-mod
ern, use Piano; board if dealred; J up.
Mi-iiicov mnmi
lth bafh. 3: others -
and ti 50 per week.
533i Alder.
HEATED sleeping room. 392 Salmon; price
?7. Phone Jiarsnau twt.
rnfnrtllhfd Rooma.
TWO very large unfurnished housekeeping
rrvoTna 12 Dr montn. rnoue
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
COMFORTABLE, furnished room for one
if two oersons: mniwo -.-7- -
rrlvate family: board It desired; reason
Hbl-e. Woodiawn
. frnliahed roO in9 up
v '.Ji.' nth.n nrlviletes If de-
,r..i vain tits.- Call after t P. M. or
-."v.. . tirinc for Kirm. comfort
' 'ble, honie'like room, lower floor hot . and
old water. in. pl'ise call at 4.5 Mam at.
Phone Marshall 2U81.
. in. nrivate home, t
.' w.ier. Marshall 21W or 0 Lu
cretia St.. near Wash.
SUNNY front room, with family of adults,
modern home; will give breakfast. 1.3
K. 'j-ith et. near Belmont.
..,...--1. . ...,i hii hot water, walk
Ins dutane'e. a.eeping porch If desired.
Ii"El.Y Iurni5hed rooms; modern conven
iences: central: very reasonable. 404 Clay.
MS' 10th St.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms; good
home; Nob Hill. 7is Johnson st. ReXer
encea N'EWLY furnished, large front room, all
modern conveiuelii-ei. uilap lor tw;
h oard If deslned. 7S GUsan. M ain 122.
NIOELY turnished room in modern home,
plenty of heat: reasonable. 4o2 Hill St.,
corner of 12th St. Main 11140
EMPLOYED gentlemsn looking for one In
expensive room, electric l.ehts. furnace
heat 1. 50 per week. 475 Main St.
a WEEK for nice front room in mod
ern home: phone and electricity. 437
Main St.. bet. 11th and 12th sts.
ROOM Private home of adults. S minutes'
walk Postoiflce, new. light, strictly clean.
2.-.0 11th. near Main.
NFWLY furnished front room In modern
' flat- rlenty of hot water. 404 Clay at.
Main l125. :
2X1CE furnished room n steam-heated apt.
Tel Mar. 2316. The Deaendorf Apts.. 2US
S"7 SIXTH st.. large front room. $10;
with fireplace, modern, convenient.
$10 DESIRABLE furnished room Ford-hi-n
nts.. private family. Marshal! 1329.
ONE or two nioe rooms In a beautiful home;
running water, shower bath. 835 Everett.
FRONT aulte and sleeping porch; desirable
location: modern. Marshall 4753. .43 Hoyt,
TWO "comfortable rooms, board If desired,
good location. 77o Lovejoy. Main 21119.
0Ta3EIN warm, suitable for snow-boond
resident's.' 141 13th, at Alder.
NIt'U warm front room, SS a month: small
"room. 35 a month; 414 Salmon at.
TWO furnished rooms In private family. S
t:th si. Phone E. 6407.
WELL furnished room, good location, for
or., or two gentlemen. 2
551 10th.
tl 5' PER week, comfortable room, walking
distance, private home. 340 Montgomery.
Rooms With Board.
14th and Jefferson Sta
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients for permanent guests.
phone Main -S3. A -'.
THE MANITOU. 21 lli si.
Comfortable, attractive rooms, newly reno
vated, walking distance). Splendid board;
r.Anwc mA excellent home cooking.
.t..m brat, shower and tub baths, raiss
isasonabis. S3! Jeff., nax Broadway.
- . f in.tnr- T I " m, 1. 1 FOR REST. BrSIXrSS OPPOKnMT.KS.
Booms With Board.
A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel.
American plan; on carline: 10 minutes
from business center; pri in accord witn
general business conditions.
-td and Hoyt sts. Marshall SSL
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites. Single Rooms. Excellent Table.
A 621L Main 461L
o.iu TO $7 a week, moaern room with home
cooked meals, suitable for one or two;
nice reception hall: free phone and Piano.
3o N. 17th St., just off.Washinglon.
THE ETP.YKER, 054 Couch: family hotel,
rooms, single or en suite, reaaonaule rate.
KowmaWlth Board In Private f amily.
FINE, large room, two outside windows,
suitable for 3 or family, all home Pr,ivl"
leges and all modern conveniences, 3.o'j
each a week. Take Union ave. car, get or.
at Failing St., 1 block west. 3tl railing
Woodiawn 4-90.
nrn-Tivri.7 v r.imfha nmni in refined,
private family, moaern. ateam heat, hot
and cold water in room; auitable for two;
use of piano and home privileges; excellent
... r !.--, M-JT'
LARGE front room, suitable for two. bai
t,at .an h ti ami it sleeping porcn.
best of board, home privileges; all con-
venlencea. West Side, easy aalklng dis
tance, very moderate rates. Marsnall
COMFORTABLE front room with board foi
2 people; ail modern conveniences ana
v,AniA nrivtives. mnti MR:in home cook-
Ing; piano. Phone E IMJli. aiiU E. itn
North. Broadway car.
YOUNG couple have nice room with excel
lent board xor two, very U'
new. atrlctly modern home; furnace, nre
piace, piano; soother boardera. Woodiawn
ZI3i, C 2044. '
NICE rooms, suitable for two, also
parlor; every mouern (onioucui-B, '
excellent board; price very reasonable.
Just a few minutes' walk to West S-de
2S E. 9th North. Phone East golb.
WANTED 3 ladlea or 2 gentlemen for very
nice warm, well-llgntea trout to
runnlng water, electricity and gas. with
best of home cooking: also small front
room, let 10th. cor. Montgomery.
LARGE ROOM Nice new furniture, wen
heated, excellent board, new nou. .
good location; 10 minuter ride Hawthorne
car: ratea reasonable. 304 E. 22d. near
Hawthorne. Phone East 8836.
300 JEFFERSON, formerly the Dolph resi
dence, large, beautifully furnished front
rooma, suitable lor two; eiew.-
heat and good home cooking. Walking
distance. 6. W. cor. Bth at. Main 3o-0.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room.
with ooara, tor young - - -
leges; piano, heat; with young couple.
Eaat "071. 254 fci. 20th, corner Madison.
WELL furnished rooms, with board, 'U"JR'
room suite, with private bath and "'
place, each. 415 Multnomah. East 418.
WELL furnished rooms, with board, furnace
heat, home pnvuegea, ii.9u. ?
room suite, with private bath and fire
place. I2i each. 41S Multnomah, taat 41S.
WILL give best care to two children from
. . em mnnih- larii nleas-
wnie laiuujf i w ... . -
ant home, near car and school. C to. pre
ferred. Phone Woodiawn 4418.
ROOM and board In private home; very
modern convenience; use wi
and cold water in room. 844 Salmon at.
Main 4504.
CHOICE front room; modern, wanting ui-
tance; homelike: Doara oimi,
able. 451 West Park at. Marshall -4.
ATTRACTIVE rooms, board, tine modern
home, reduced rates, wamma
1 Marshall 6151.
PLEASANT steam-heated rooms, fine loca
tion; meals II oesirea; reasouaoiw. -
shall 47BS.
unnu nri bfiaril for one or two In private
family; best location on "et .wv, .
sonable. Phone aargnaii w.
ROOM and board in new modern steam-
heated home; rates very iruno,
home cooking-. 654 E. Madison.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room. moaern
home, private oatn.
Main 3207.
AN attractive room with board for mar
ried Couple or two Keatiemo". ...
distance. Phone M. S503.
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms, steam
heat, with or wiuioui pnte ulm,
lent taMe. cIQ'e in. a4 l-tn st-
ROOM and board In lovely home, close In;
plenty or not water, use 01 ii.iiib-" "
and piano. Main 72tlo. o... Iith.
WALNUT PARK, modern home, good room
and board: nome coraiorw,
carl Woodiawn T025.
LARGE front room, modern conveniences.
close In: board optional, aaaraiia.ii mt.
474 Salmon st-
STEAM-HEATED room with good Board.
w-alklng distance: reasonaoie. -i
277. 470 Columbia st.
FRONT room for two, well heated, nicely
furnished, exclusive ooaraing-nouse .
of bo-trd 309 10th St. Marshall 5475.
LADY, employed, will find congenial quar
ters witn motner anu son. pwueiu
Rose City Park. T 337, Oregonian.
ROOM and board, one or two. In private
family; home privileges; waiauig
Main 1530. 12S N. ISth st
LOOK Only $5 week; first-class board and
room for men: goou nome wu'"a.
West Leavitt, cor. Edison 8L. St. Johns.
NEWLY furnished rooms: good ooara.
strictly modern nome; 10 mm. w. ; w u
up. 5U1 Harrison, near 14th st. Main 638L
WANTED Young lady or young man to
room and boara in wiuower a u"t"
conveniences. Marshall 103tf.
WILL board two children reasonable: near
school: references; k.. . nouio, ouuujiiuo.
Phone Tabor 1761.
NICELY' furnished front room with board,
all home comforts, walking distance, suit
able tor two. Phone East 2460.
WILL board and room 2 young working
me. home. S5 Dor week. Phone
Woodiawn 4025.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room, light
and airy, home cooking, walking distance.
4ti8 MaTKPl Ol. mhi sunn ..n.
private home for baby or children by
week or month: mother's care. Last -Otto.
ROOM AND BOARD near E. 12th and Mar-
net, LHUQ louiwm.
FOR business girls or students. $4 week up.
Anna Lewis nan, oiw r lauuei i
UOOM and boaid tor ono gentleman.
North 10th. cor. Davis.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in modern
hume. suitable tor one or two.
VERY desirable elegant home, walking dis
tance, excellent meals. Marshall tu.
GOOD board and room, walking distance,
520 per montn. raona r.nat .too.
NICELY furnished room and board, reason
able. 430 lam mil St.
Furnished Apartments.
WESTFALL 410 5th st. Elegantly fur-
niKhMd and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apta.
Automatic elevator, easy walking distance.
most reasonable rent. aay, aeea
month, $20 to $30. Main 2078.
ONE 4-room furnished apt., very desirable
arrangement for two bedrooms: 8 blocks
south of Portland Hotel. Sheftield Apts.
Main 2508, A 314K.
LEONCE APTS, 22 near Jchnson. Modern,
furnished, steam-heated 3-room aparl
nier.ta. brick building, all large outside
rooma, private phone, $20 and $25.
BONNIB BRAE 3-room apt., newly fur-ni.hfrf-
dressing-room and bath. with
sleeping porch, heat nud phone; rent
127.5Q. 11th and hancocK.
uih and Columbia.
Two and S-room apartments, furnished,
first-Class; rw"" ' "
Park St. at Madison.
Modern 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments. ClOSe 111. II -ee 1.
n l-LAHl'NT COURT. 2Sth and Sandy blvd.
2 and a room;, nicely furnished swell.
122.50. 2. -
GRANDEST A. East stark and Grand ave.
Modern inrco-iw- . .
S.. 115 Va
.cnvcll APTS.. 115 VAYNE ST.
We have 6-r fur. apt. heai. phone, water.
FaVv walking distance. Near King: 40.
.uurHSLKY COURT. 250 12TH ET. By
trii da? week or month: modern, closa to
P O. reasonaoie; ret. iisnaan
vpw HART concrete bldg., steam, lights.
N al Ihones free; 1. 2 tms.. 83 up: Jd.
nr. Morrison; automatic elevator, .in nr.
in every respect: attractive rates..
CLEAN, comfortable furnished 1 and 2 rma.,
814. 30 up; ns"i -"v
r-illAR 704 LOVejOy, S anu s-iwiai iiuui.
apartments, rem -
vtrTv furnished apts.; concrete Mock; iv
and 1182H Union ave. N. Wdln. 512.
SACRAMENTO. -4P2 Union ave X.l-room
comer arts., reasonable. East 5840.
B07AVTA 825. four-room apartm-ents, com
pletely fufnished. 1W N.' 23d. Mar. 2845.
rOT two-room furnished apartment, front,
with piano. 820. SS Hanover. MaJl.
cTmir. 704 "Lovejoy. 2 and- S-room front
,r,S,.nts: rent 820 to S0. Marshall J
OR 7-room apartment flat, at"" heated.
West MCe: rr it: n ui-r- "
fTTg J nicely and comfortably furnished
apt, 4 or 5 rooms. BP S48. Oregonian.
HCRMKNIA. 400 Hall st 2 and 3-room
front apartments; 1 basement at, ls.
I r K lu- '. V.. ' ' nooses. Storw.
. I 1-. . . . I irnmUhed Flats. I Moosea. . I
quiet, retineo. clean, aae,
well known and of the highest
standing. A house of quality, com
fort and service. New features:
10th and Salmon Bta.
Fifth and Columbia Sts.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Tan
store: rood surroundings, strictly modern
a and 3-room furnished apartments, au
outside, with French doors and balconies.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Pacific
Coast furnished complete.
Roof Garden in Connection.
Walking Distance. Reference.
Up-to-date two and three-room furnished
apt.-house; each suite has 2 disappearing
beds and 2 dressing-rooms ; roof garden
and sun parlor; rent $25 up. East 14. Q.
sleeping porch, beautirully lurmsueu,
place, living-room, 3SX15 feet; instaneous
with Winter wood. 4 E. 10th St. Call
Sunday, East 12i)7; weekdays Main 208.
!4 Marshall St. Three carllnea.
T4Miitirnl i.timdi furnished apartments
All 'arge outside rooms. Private bath.
Heat, water, phone. Janitor aervlce. etc.
Hotel and Apartments.
Dining-room in connectloa.
JOth and Kearney. Marshall 784. A 44B8.
FURNISHED 3-room apartment. $15 per
month, light, water, free phone, use of
bath, modern kitchen, stove heat. boo
Flint, between Fags and Russell. Eaat
na imvT ST.
Modern 2. 3 and 4-room apta, fur
nished or unfurnished, $2j to $4o; porcnes
references. Main 2011.
2-room apta, J1S and $23. including prl.
vait nhan. bath, liuhts and steam heat
laundry-room with steam dryer, garage
Ualn 1-17? A aifl2
4-ROOM furnished apartment. 664 Flanders
st. call Main 8261. .
Lnfurnislied Apartments.
thi.' vvivnsna.
For a comfortable, convenient and really
homellaa tiluce. we truly believe there is
HniLInir innHnl tn the Windsor Apart
ments; at least when you consider the
rates- you do not have to pay tax and
interest charges on a high-priced lot. and
yet It Is within easy walking distance;
wa now have a a-room and a 4-room
apartment. East 2907.
Corner 17th and Tillamook; among the
finest homes In lrvlnton: line a-room
apartment, hardwood floora. tile bath.
steam heat electric flreolace. gas rauge,
private front porch, sleeping porch, best
janitor aervice, one oioca. to cauuuv.
Com. Club. Bldg. A 1251. Broadway 3028.
T.nru-RTTl nOTTTtT-
On Lucretla St.. near 23d and Washington
sts.; only one four and one five-room apt.
left in tills oeautnui ipwinitiii-iiui
rents reasonable; reference required.
Manager. Marshall 1513.
.1 . -UtK un.l I.oveinV StS.
i 1 .i..n .inu in enrtlm- new and
modern flrst-clasa In every respect 3 and
4 rooms; best of service, pnono
ci. 1 .... ahiiMb rnnms: heat, water,
nhnnx ianitor. residence location; redu:ed
rentals; new sleeping porch. Main 4008.
te.v. 1 ,.t Marshall 2.IOV. Mod-
r . 1 1 1 . 1 1 a. - 2 4-room unfur
nished apartmenta'with shower baths and
every convenience.
11 iNl a v r oUUT. 18th and Couch 3 and 4-
imrimetiu: all modern conven
lences; walking distance;
J-J2.50. Main 11112.
renta $22.50 to
FOR RENT 2, 3 and C-room apartments.
newly remoaoieu. at in"
will furnish for you; give terms if oe
sired. East G417.
cuv-vi-ipi n 1PTS. 1170 BROADWAY.
...... j..-..,. .unmimL first floor. 30
nntt it. mom anartment. 2d floor; 2 wall
beds. 3 clothes closets. Main 2506.
2. 3 AND 4-room apartments, all modern
.... ...Kt. rains wa KIDS
conveniences, -7.
Distance; also 1 steam-heated, -room ilau
phone Main 124i.
Moving expenses paid; hardwood floors;
ralklng distance. Portnomah. 200 E. ljtn.
a iT Si Inrirn outsiuo rooma.
front, back ana sleeping., j"""".
water, pnone- mi nuuiuuit, -----
Tirc' i-mnvn rorner Broadway and jet-
f erson Elegant uniui-ursueu ii.
flret-class service, private pnoue. ie.
ut.uuciiii.'i' v . i.-
...... t ,vn lOlkTlPA'TS lilll
I'ark l est location iu cii-j , -a
Main 10S.
THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3. 4.
oms. reaaonaoie. Jim
NEATEST five-room apartment in city; all
accommocations. juaia '.
THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders-
Large, iignt. i, o rui a., iw. '
THE OUMOXDE Modern 5-room front apt.
66 Flanaers St., 00 nin.
GRACE APARTMENT. 24th and Northrup
i-room modern apts. Marshall 10tti.
780 IRVING BT. 8unny ouisiu
leenlne oorcnes; rtio. ,iaa
BUCK APTS.. 107 N. 21st St., 3 rooms with
leeping porcn; eievnr
rnt SoT.jO mo
-Fine G-room apartment;
limited time. Main 8'J5t.
FurnUhed or tnfuralsited Apartments.
186 Vista ave.. nr. 23d and Washington;
large, attractive, sunny outside rooms,
private balconies, modern, superior serv
ice unsurpassed view; special Winter in
ducements; walking dUtance.
THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving
Furnished and unfurnished apartments in
2 U and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing b-eds.
built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty
of closet room; vacuum cleaners free.
Phone Marshall 2961.
20S 16th, near Taylur. Marshall -3-4.
s-room fur. or unfur. apartments; also
3 or 4-room furnished apartments
THE HO use Ufc
ROSENFELD APTS., 14tn ana nasi oiar-v
Brick bldg., strictly modern; 3 and 4-room
apts. all outside rooms, private phones,
Janitor s ervice. reaso c able rent; re is.
FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at
244 Killtngsworth ave.; low rent, close
to car. Pnone Woodiawn 1907.
o , - u v o v Broadway isew,
strict 1 y modern' 3-room apts.; reasonable.
MODERN 3-room furnished or unfurnished
apartment; very desirable and reasonable.
"11 14th st.. near Taylor.
liODERN 3-room furnished or unfurnished
arartment. very desirable and reasonable.
11 I4tn sc.
REV ARMS, 13th and E. Morrison 2 and
3' rooms; reasonable, modern serrloe.
ROOSEVELT. 670 Kearney st. Flvs rooms,
si'5 and $30; attractively arranged.
KTVG-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st. 3 ana f
Hoom?; hlgh-cis;' references. Main 2058.
MKREDITH S and 4-room apts.. very rea
aonaoie. 712 wash., opp. 22d. Main 7184.
" Flats.
MODERN S-room flat, open-air oearoom,
furnace, large ,""". r i,T,k
Ing bed. gas range, Unoteum. tor. E. 10th
and Halsiy. W. L Swank. East 14S. Main
l-ROOM MODERN Large yard, hlgh-ciass
wlghborhood. schools and churches: iu
minutes from business center: save car
fare Apply manager Cariotto Court
Everett ana St.
BEAUTIFULLY located 8-room flat, with
sleeping porch. Reduced rent, now 817.50.
"1st and Hawthorne. East 2417.
110 A MONTH. 4 rooms, desirable location,
close to school and carline. Ogden, 107
Shaver. Woodiawn 202.
.""ROOMS and sleeping porch In Irvlngton,
furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. 412
F 17th st. ". Phone East 2.'i.
-MODERN four-room flat, clean light
oms. R2S E. Main. Phone East 907.
MODERN 5-room flat 5th, near Jackson,
West Sld, 10 mln. walk. East 2377.
6-ROOM modern f:at, furnace, walking dis
tance, 81&- 210 22d, nr. Kearney. Mar. 1097.
FLAT of rooms and bath. "31 Hoyt st
Inquire 130 tth st Phose Main 62 78.
4-ROOM flat every convenience, lowest rent
near 23d. Washington. Main 8888. A 2676.
STRICTLY modern 7-room flat. 1S5
Apply lgl letn. iuwu
10-ROOM modern flat, for roomers, boarders
or private family. Mala 1X
TWO desirable well furnished (lata. 4 and
& rooms, gas, gas su -. -"r
good neighborhood, two caxlines. walk
ing distance, nice yard; very reasonable,
onlv 15 and $13. 772 E. Taylor 1L i..
6-'6l). "
ELEGANTLY furnished, steam heat, phone,
j i i j i.a ''Sii MlLnlULii
water Included.
LOWER furnished flat, 5 rooms and bath 7
blocks from Morrison; muucia
$35. Main 950.
$1S l-ROOM. completely lurnisneu. P"""?-
lights. waUir; wanting umiau'-c.
flat, wall furnisneo.
clean. West Side; refs.
v oooiawn e
STRICTLY modern 4 rooms; sleeping porch,
1 . ....hi. ei- Wearney.
4-ROOM furnished fiat, electric lights and
e free. 2o mast Btn ,wiu. w
Housekeepins; Booms.
t-. irrirv n rnmnlpTv furnished house-
. T i..,i ,tn' every
Keeping suites, ni'"i . Bieht
convenience: single rooms, 5-. itignt
down town. You can keep warm here.
The Cadillac, 3d near jenerson.
Boehnert, manager.
. . . , i - t Bn(i housekeenlng
rooms, paruy turnisneu. at -js
worth ave., cor. Vancouver. 1MW rent.
Phone Woodiawn 147.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, tur-
nished lor housekeeping; gas range,
trie lights, hot water, baths, laundry free,
$S month up; clean place. Phone A 4oo.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2-room suites, also
2-room housekeeping suites. u.ou auw
4135 Washington, cor. 11th. Phone Mar
shall 164.
17 UNFURNISHED rooms at 304
Morrison St. laee flar. strong i-
FURNISHED cosy 2-room suite, kitchenette
$10 per month, oou runt,
and Russell. East 1143
THE ELMS. 1S1 14th st., 1 and 3 rooms,
clean, batn, pnone. tigata. neaw -.
2-ROOM suite, outside, modern, reason-
Die. Mercedea, 2Utn ana amnwou.
THE GILMAN. 1424 1st St. Fur. H. K.
rooms for bachelors ana imuiiei -e
461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and
two-room housekeeping pi.. j.e"'
Housekeeping Booms, rrivate Family.
$12 OR $16 MO. Finely furnished H. K.
- ... .1 . . I,aat loi-trtO
suites, inciuuing iumw. " ,
lights, baths, laundry; very choice loca
tion; easy walking distance. 89 N. 21st
St.. near Washington su Phone Main 3oJ&.
$3 MO. and light services, "a num
basement room, niceiy u....... .
range every convenience, modern resi
dence, close In. 69 N. 21st st.
TWO ground-floor rooms, comfortable, gen
tlemen preierreu, bi .
sink, stove. Hot and cold .w1; private
entrknee; close in. Mam 93t). 181 11th.
', .rw.f-. - o iriirhonPttA. hot and cold
water, heat, g&a, etc.;
rooms U ana o per muiii-iA. w
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms
gas and running, water In rojjm; also un
furnished rooms, cneap. 4to Ul"
ner Sta.
Jl TO 92.59 a week; furnished H. K. r0'??
iree neat, itiuuut), "-"
406 Vancouver, near Broadway.
LARGE front room, kitchenette, convenient.
central; cheap rent. wwusuwo,
Morrison. -
TWO-ROOM front suite; also dandy base
ment; reasoname; wa,.iiins u..o""--.
ao4 SALMON', 2 desirable rooms, furnished
ff.f hnLLseuee-Dinc: aiB -iu"
j7.50 DANDY H. K.- room, compieio iu
business lauy; wtunius
TWO modern furnished h. k. ro9m8.wh '"C"
naca ana stove utiai. f'-
227 Chapman st.
ttottw larea front rooms, furnisnea ior
nouseKeepiny. . -i va 11110..,
cor. Fremont st.
- i.,t,h. l It-Vi ori at 11 n t umiSIieU,
1 L th st. .North.
. ... a n d-i "L-iti-hnt t. on cround
finr: wood stove: one single room, sood
lo.;ition. ai4 Columbia.
ONii or two unfurnished housekeeping
,-.,mc. gr lptnric lights: 4SVa N. lta
st. Phone Mnrshall
TWO well furnished H. K. rooms, closet, gas
range, lignta, natu, iV
Mon tgomery st.
ni"it"rDT ut in n ir and sleeDlng rooms,
modern, reiisonab'le, near Washington. 26
jn. i t in.
THREE furnished II. K. rooms, first oor.
wood ranse. sink, phone, bath, a
wood range, sink, phone.
month. 446 E. Oak.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
SI- 50; with pino. S1'- three blocks from
Broadwav bridge. 400 Ross, cor Dixon gt.
HEAT, free gas. light, bath, phone, laundry,
cheaD: walking distance. 41 Market,
SINGLE housekeeping room, running water,
heat, phone, oatn. z-'i iohidi-
LIGHT semi-basement houseKeeping suite,
sink, phone, etc., lt. lth.
st tkr MONTH Furnishod H. K. suits. 4J0
Clay st. Marshall 870.
CLOSE-IN, first-floor, bay-window si
sink, range. $:t.5Q week. 5o3 Yamhill.
TWO nice clean eunny housekeeping rooms
rich conveniences. 214 l.'ith st.
wn r. fumiahed. heated front room, witn
kitchenette, for rent. 1S9 Park at.
A SUIT of 3 housekeeping rooms, flnt
floor, private entrance. -mam.
4iS YAMHILL ST.. furnished housekeeping
rooms. Alain tiu.
FRONT H. K. room, $7.50. sleeping, $1.25
week, freo phone. 500 Jefferson.
bTEMEN'T room, suitable for bachelor,
"free" gas, $0.50 month. 535 Yamhill st.
TWO good-sized single housekeeping rooms,
$2 per week a room. 324 Jackson.
3 H K. ROOMS: pantry, electric light, tel
ephone; $12. 061 Everett. Main 3o43.
$3 WEEK, lovely front room, heated, kit
chenette, nice place, central. 215 10.
75c PER week, close in, irce puon. ov
East th fft.
SMALL front room, sleeping or housekeep
ing7S2 per week. 535 Couch, corner ltoth.
&-room cottage, modern conveniences,
porches, view of mountains; reduced rent.
H M. Esterly, 1506 Yeon bldg Marshall
5034, A 1040. ites. puoue a
gTROOM modern warm house, close in.
West Side, out of the cold wind; no car
fare to pay; $25.
Other smaller houses as low as $14.
pnone Jionuay, aiam
tTiroT side Nice 7-room - modern house
and corner lot 10th and Clifton sts.
Sara ze $30 per month. Inquire 202 Stock
Exchans bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Marshall
203. A 4144.
NEAR Williams-ave. car, 6-room house, gas,
. ,amBn hiutement. nice yard,
-tVeet. $18. 801 Cleveland. Phone
Woodiawn 157ft
; .-x-t ai modern 5-room cottage
with good yard space, close In. vicinity
of Washington High School; rent $20 per
mo. Phono East 5034.
ttooI V.Rtate and Rentals.
- Grand Ave, at E. Ankeny.
1IODEKN 7-room house witn aiceping porcn.
near E. 15th ana Broadway, some furni
ture for sale; rent Sr,. Phone mornines
or evenings. East 18T9.
s-.rt MOPERX Xob Hill house. 673 Flanders.
rnr -'lst- j:0. 7-rm. modern. VTest Side;
il S-rm. modem. West Side; 3. 7 rma.,
modern. Main nws.
ir RENT 5-room modern house, on East
tsth street, in Sunnyside. Just retlnted;
rent $20- Hammond mortgage -o.
Chamber of Commerce.
T-OR RENT-Nob Hill district one block
1 from both Washington and Morrlson-.t
son st 'Apply at 721 Johnson st.
-..una.- 7-room mouern imuac, ,
F5EE-STORAGE Household Boods stored
free: expert movers, packers and shippers
Mining Warehouse Transfer Co.. th
and Hoyt sts. Broadway 708.
jo v. 10TH NORTH
T-room. modern; easy walking distance.
Smith-Wagoner Co.. stocK r.x.
ii-Hii'TLr modern 8-room house, newly
bxR-tltl , re.nonKlhle nartv.
Jyf37rX-T2iI72-i Hawthorn, ave.
TIO-: S-room house, with garage, at north
west cor. J9th and Hoyt Apply 613 Ore
gon bldg. Main
MODERN 't-room house on Tlbbett st, near
WoSdstock carline; cheap to right party.
Telephone u
garase. 31st and Gliian, 822.50. Phone
Main 1.-1, .m
onnMS corner view, furnace, close la.
M.d'son. nr. Chapman: 822.50. Mar. iu.
8-ROOM modern house, 710 Lovejoy, near
"i Inquire 180 th st Main 8278.
Z- -ottaee. 768 Hoyt: 2 bathrooms.
'T.,:ltr heat. gas. electricity. Main 6.4.
-o. e MAIN 7 beautiful rooms, fireplace,
'"furnace, gas range, water heater: reas'ole
TJTvw prvT New modern i-room Douse,
. . . . r . : ,. ... . . a I1, rlc.
n sna jiaw...
8-ROOM mod house. West side, 812 to
right party, niuuc a, a,.-..
-J AN. 2S,
303 IS.
6-room modern house. ,10-
40th st
114 Haselfern Place, 1-story. 7 large
rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern
with hardwood floors, good furnace and
fireplace, in excellent condition; t, block
to car; $30. Lease If desired.
1177 E. Couch st.. l-story, 7 large rooms
and sleeping porch hardwood floors
throughout, only 2 blocks 10 beautiful
Laurelhurst Park, $25. Lease if desired.
1014 E. Gllsan St.. elaborate 3-story
9-room modern house, located on high,
sightly corner lot on carline; beautifully
decorated, with nice lawn and lots of
flowers and shrubbery; a wonderful lo
cation for a doctor; $40. Lease If desired.
1047 Hassalo St., 1H -story, 7-room
modern bungalow, 2 short blocks to Rose
City Park car. $25. Lease If desired.
t'OM Stark St. Main 1503. A IBIS.
For your convenience there are complete
ana -reliable lists or vacant nouses. lists,
apartments and bungalows In Portland.
This service placea you under no obliga
tion whatever. Newcomers in Portland will
find this bureau especially helpfuL
Real estate dealers and private owners
are requested to list . tneir unoccupieu
property at Meier & Frank's free informa
tion and rental bureau, 7 th floor.
$23 10 rooms, 144 N. 13th at.. Bear
Hoyt: suitable for housekeeping apts.
J25 8 rooms, 392 E. Taylor at., corner
urana ave.; large yard.
S17 7 rooms. 7S! K. JLsh at.
$15 5 rooms. &51 Overton St.. near 16th.
Ja 4 rooms, neat cottage. 4138 4tttli ave.
b. s., vv.-vv. car.
$20 9 rooms, mouern, 84 E. 19th St. N.
near Sandy bivd.. Rose City car.
1. f. i'AL.Mtlti-JUrsiL.H UJ.,
404 Wilcox 131dg. Main 8091.
SIX-ROOM furnished flat, 1042 Grand ave..
ias per montn, including water; o-room
furnished cottage, full lot and shrubbery.
7311 aKcth ave. s. E.. only 512.00 per montn
G-room houa, near Arleta station, $7.50
per montn; 7-room house, lurnace, - etc,
iiuo otn ave. a. only J.z.00; aiso, a o
room cottage. Sli; 4-room cottage, $0; 4-
room cottave. $6 per month. See owner,
J. H. Nash, Ti Chamber of Commerce.
Main Sll'tf.
T A 1 M . C n fi'TDrn T IC.TJTS T?T W,
1- KUM FfcK.N V tKJl BCJtiUUL,
THE most desirable list of rental homes in
the city will be found at our offices. All
sizes and prices, located In all parts of
the city. Also flats. Rental Department,
rne uregon nome .uuuaer, uju w.
janK Diag.
Just think, only $16 Hawthorn Home.
7-room house. large yard, fruit trees.
garage, best car service in city. Key at
:io Hawthorne ave., Monday.
SUBURBAN modern home, located Oregon
City carline, 7-room house, four acres.
highly improved ; commercial cherry or
chard; desirable location for party wish
Ing cloee-ln suburban home. AM 327, Ore
MODERN 5-room cottage. Call Main B315.
Furnished House.
1H -story, t rooms and steeping porch,
furnished, with piano: 1181 E. Ash St.,
1 block east of Laurelhurst Park; lease
if desired.
2-story. 7 rooma and sleeping porch
strictly modern, elaborately furnished,
piano, Vx block from car; $45 ; lease If
270 Stark St. Main 1503, A 1515.
710 COKBETT, cor. Hooker St., opposite new
rainng .cnooi; -room, wen lurnisnea
house, bath, gas, Iluud heater, furnace.
fireplace, n.ce yard; too per month; rer
erencey exchanged. Apply lr rear. Mrs.
F. J. Polivka, 714 W7ater, cor. Honker.
0-ROOM modern hiuse, completely fur
nished, central Last side location
streetcar line; rent ?33; adults only.
100 Second St.
Eitfht-room house, everv luxury and con
venience. sleenine norch. earase. linen
sliver, etc.. good neighborhood. Phone
.Marshall Jblil or warsiiail luau.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished five-room bunga
low. Diano. firepmce. modern and clean
lights, gas and wood in, near Richmond
car, reasonable rent. -itHu J. 43d st. Jar
shall Ztito.
LUXURIOUS furnished home on lower Port
land Heights, beautiful grounds: unex
celled view; walking distance. AM 326,
$18 NICELY furnished 5-room cottage
$14, 6-room house ; $15, 5-room cottage,
unfurnished. In first-class condition. In
quire 925 E. Stark st.
$40 COZY 5-room cottage; also sewing-
room; completely furnished; also new gar
age; references required; located at 039
hj. uusan. inquire or owner within.
FURNISHED home, Willamette Heights, re-
snonsible nartv. adults only: every con
venience ; references ; to rent to right
tenant. Phone Mam 8311.
j 20 5-ROOM modern bungalow, furnishd,
every convenience. Alberta car. woodiaw;
$12 COMFORTABLE modern 6-room house.
1 run, garaen, cmcKen yara. s t uoenin
st., .rortsmoucn. rnone aeiiwooa xbn.
6-ROOM furnished bouse, with garage. Haw
thorne, $20 per month. Epton, 432 Cham
her or commerce.
MODERN 4-room furnished cottage $15.50.
call woodiawn 2328.
6-ROOM nicely furnished house. 455 13th s
Main &3U
LAURELHURST Modern home, completely
f urnlahec. Cnas. Kingler & Co.. 3IG Ry. Ex
ROTHCHILD BLDG., 4th and Washington
ts. Britrht outside oriices. si mont
others, $10 month; extra large offices, $12
mo u til. r ireprooi DUiiuing. exceiieiii jaii
tor serice. offices decorated to sui
Stanley S. Thompson Co.. Agents, Roth-
child bldg., ZHt ft wasnington sv.
wtt.t. rent small room In Corbett buildln
with phone to party who wishes business
calls, etc., attended to during his absence.
Stenographer services can aiso oe ar
ranged for. V 336. Oregonian.
FOR RENT Rooms for offices or musical
6th and Morrison Sta
OFFICE space and equipment In Plttock
block, reasonable; preier one wno is in
side during day. Phone Broadway 1 bet.
9 and 10 a. .M. p
OFFICE desired In exchange for archl
tectural servicesj references best. BF 345,
offices from J7.50: furnished offices,
desk - room; city's busiest cornr. 303
Swetland bldg.
WELL-FURNISHED ' private office, also
desk room, Jo and f7. 723 Chamber of
DESK room on ground floor, or desirable
section of office, with or without furni
ture. Phone, care of calls, etc, 306 Oak at.
Rothchlld Bldg.,
287 hi, Washington St
8330 month, modern brick warehouse on
railroad, close in. West Side. 40.000 sq. ft,
light attractive bldg. Prominent corner.
$150 month, modern brick warehouse,
4 stories, each 50x100, abundance of nat
ural light, heavy construction.
8123 month, 4-story warehouse on Front
St. elevator, brick and stone bldg.
850 month, frame bldg., 60x100, and
large enclosed yard. West Side, railroad
facilities- suitable for storage.
425 month up. lofts suitable for storage
or light manufacturing, over a dozen
buildings to choose from, located on both
East and West Side.
Agents, Business and Industrial Proper
ties. Rothschild Bldg.. 2S7 Washington
st (No phone Information.)
. .xiircTirR RLDQ.. 5th St.. space for
manufacturer's agents, publishers, or light
manufacturing le
vator fireproof construction. Stanley S.
Thompson Co., agents, 2S7H Washington
street .
PHOENIX BLDG.. light manufacturing
space for rent, fine corner rooms, abun
dance of natural light, low rer.tal. Plan
lev S Thompson Co.. agents, Wash-
ington at., rwn-""n -
WILL LEASE two-story and basement 100x
100 with trackage. S. E. corner East Mor
rison and Third" sta see Mr. Strong at
Hotel Cllrroro.
THREE-STORY and basement store. 4SmS0.
Front St.: will arrange to suit tenant; good
lease 414 Chamber of Commerce.
GOOD store on Third "-.corner or inside;
, . . , mnt tA eult. J. H. Middle-
ton. 434 Lnamaw -""-"J-
BROADWAY, near Morrison 14-foot "ore.
.. prinruy, v,m.... w p-
2714 Waahineton Su
chants National Bank bldg.. auitabls for
broker's frround-f loor
S2O0, store, close to corner TENTH A u
WASHLNlilON STS.. 3x63; steam heat
included, also basement; lease.
30v. Second SI., larse n I
DEK; over 40x100. Including baaement.
balcony. All cars and Jitneys from -ast
Side unload passengers In front of tms
.store; excellent location for doming, urj
goods or furniture business.
Il-'o. sure. HKl feet deep, almost next
door to WOOUWORTHS i, ll and loc
store; steam heat Included. . .
t!50. WASHINGTON ST.. store, between
4th and 0th sts.; wlU lease; steam
included. . . . iti.
iir disulav windows, an. elegant
front and excellent location
$100 MONTH, corner BatOADWAT AND
BURNSIDE. 4 show windows tile toor.
steam heat; this la an excellent show
room In the heart of the anto "'"-"itore
sioy montn. v A.-nnui -.
25 ft, -Ide near 11th st. A snap.
rooms, ueui- i. a... . , -
.kylights. rear entrance .toilet, wash basin,
lonr or snort ieaw, uih-s - ,
$50 month, store and showroom In -eais
auto bids., on EROADWAT: 25x33; will
r. .. niu. Tina, window Included.
S100 " monthi excellent storeroom on
MORRISON, between Is t and 2d sts. . two
display windows, or will build store front
to su't tenant; will lease.
"cb montb,' WASHINGTON ST., corner
-J Tiim reat Included; win
lease: brick 'bldg.. all conveniences.
steam heat Included, basement, fine dis-
V 40 month. WASHINGTON ST.. eJfr
.J ... HUnlsv windows. hSrdWOOQ
floors hiith celling. exceUent opening for
lunch counter; will lease. ......
$23 month, llth St.. near WASHING-
side windows, steam heat included, brlcK
s35 month. SIXTH ST., not far from
Oak st.; good "orerocro; will lease.
Fine large corner store In the MASONIC
TEMPLE BLDG., corner W. Park and
Yamhill sts.; low ntal to desirable ten
ant, steam heat, hot and cold water, long
or short lease, excellent diuS.
$U0 month, WASHINGTON ST large,
light store.sityUeht. toilet. - wash basin
cement floor, brick bldg., large plate glass
windows; will lease. , .ewrvn
TON' AND 14TH STS., suitable for stor
age; $20 month. .
$20 month. WASHIXaTON ST.. .tore
room, will leose; good plate glass display
windows; located near 16th st
ETT ST large storeroom, very cheap rent.
$25 month. DAVI3 ST., between N. 6th
and Broadway sts.. large storo in good
brick bldg., two plate glass windows, toilet,
skylight, side entrance.
For kevs and full information regarding
the above stores, see STANLEY S.
THOMPSON CO., 287 H Washington St.,
Rothchlld bldg. (No phon information
Our list of East Side stores is Just as
complete as onr West Side list, and we will
be pleased to motor prospective tenants to
see our offerings. STANLEY S THOMP
SON CO.. Rothchlld bldg., 2S7 Wash
ington St.
ALL or part of Marshall-Wells warehouse
cor. 4th and Mne ana oin iL . w.
sq. ft., sprinkler system, steam heat, elec
tric elevators; Portland's largest vacant
warehouse. Stanley S. Thompson Co., ex
clusive agents, Rothchlld bldg. -!.Mt
Washington st.
FOR LEASE Furnished or unfurnished 34-
rocm apartment, uriLn o"''"'"i' " A,,,'
long lease. Call owner. Main or A 2131.
$50 .
Will give you an interest In one of the
best patent right propositions that has
been put on the market in several years.
Epton, 42 caamoer ql tuu.mcv.
FOR SALE Implement and seed store In
wmTrtt Valley, established 10 years;
have about $3300 stock, new; owner has
other Intereet must look after. Address
owner, box 202. Eugene, Or.
MANUFACTURING business. Have Penn
for steaay man. saiai j j -
share of the profits. $500 required, which
is secured. Call 724 Northwestern Bank
SMALL grocery store, fine location, good
Dtnerinl business, rent only $20 per mo.;
large llvtagjoom BeKRar-
426 Lumber Exchange -pips.
BUYS deed to land, also Interest In 11
dollar invested; payments jtl monthly:
complete information free. Address Texas
Gulf Co. 1H2 Union Bank. Houston, lex.
Good money-maker. East Side; other
business occupies time; low rent; will ln-
volce; part casn. l .ag. vie""-".
SEKVICES and capital of a first-class office
man lor an eswunaneu " ,
stand rigid Investigation. Confidential.
Address J3J a".
BUSINESS opening for two young, wide
awake men witn .ovuu, v""--'-'"
bear closest Investigation. All S37, Ore
gonian. POSITIVELY the best paying pool hall In
the city for sale; situated in a prominent
office building in business uisinti.
3.25, Oregonian.
FOB SALE l-chalr barber shop; good
trade; ieavms tne cny
selling. See 1SS Madison St.. or call Main
CLEANING- and pressing parlor In town of
in iinn n.nnli for sale cheap at Once; do
ing good business; sickness cause of sale.
Address AV 660, Oregonian.
w navw rtnf nf
town. See us at once. Rlchanbach & Co..
HXo Lewis bldg.
IK you want to ouy a nice ousiuo. -
.. i.i ialtA vnn an In
dependent living, address owner, box 1
forest uro, i.
...... mrkvr-Kin moniifdntnHnz business
1 as opening 'for salesman wbota good
reputation auu -v
uracturer, u-s
"'-yT'" ,. isooo cash. bal.
. - nt AMminont tmnsrer corner,
' terms; principals only. 298 Third St.. San
HALF Interest In old-established good pay
ing drug business in valley town of 2500,
A-l proposition and must be sold at onca.
Address AV 5M, Oreeonlan.
ASSAY and refining business, now paying a
profit and capable of increasing; am leav
ing on urgent ousineBB.
N. w. mag., o-1 n "
FOR SALE My half Interest In a paying
office business; easy work; price ,50;
don't answer unless you have the means.
For particulars, write AO 338, Oregonian.
OWtwo theaters, cannot properly attend
to" both; will sell either one at sacrifice
or take reliable partner; good attractive
proposition; owner, o oow, v.s-"".
WOOD and coal business at East Side; with
$950; some cash, balance trade with city
I O tB. Air a -so. "
SAWMILL, good location; will ell Interest
Tor CaDliai IU uyciatv wa s
plant and consider some trade. C 345,
FOR SLE Shoe shop, no machinery,
splendid shop lor right man. AV 659,
t-CHAIR barber shop, Washington st. ; will
sell cheap for cash. For particular, ap
ply 544 Flanders st.
WANTED Man with 8500: must travel;
good paying business; this Is no .exchange.
N 34Z. uresuuiat.
PARTNER wanted in an eating and drlnk-
ing Place: established; must take manage-
ment; siouo renuncn.
LEARN to be an optometrist ami optician,
dav and evening classes De Keyser In
stitute of Optometry. Columbia bldg.
FOR SALE General merchandise store In
oooiwlsh to retire. 'BP 347. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Only bakery In town of iaw,
doing a fine business. 12000 cash, balance
W Sterms1AV 649. Oregonian;
aTcOFFEE HOUSE, 270 Couch st, is for
sale. If any bills to collect please call at
IF YOU want results, list your busines, with
ni ,. Rlchenbach ft Co 81J Lewis bldg.
M.rhall 2384. cor. 4th and Oak.
FOR SALE or exchange, small hair dress
ing parlor in exclusive district, with liv
ing room. East 1156
vrRY central meat market for sale; owner
will show you is doing 830O0 month, sup
cash will nanaie mis. ..n. ...
PARTNER in light manufacturing concern;
splendid future; small Investment secured.
AK. '-' Ill
for SALE Dandy little lunch counter out
fit cheap. AL 346, Oregonian.
WANTED Partner with S20O0, In mfg. busi
ness. rt- JJi. vtcam.
RESTAURANT for sale. Ci
over. AM 317, Oregonian
Call and look It
WANTED Good general mdse. stock; will
g-jve part traue. An a... v -r
POOL table for sale cheap. Call at 203 fc.
16th st Main 1211.
1 riness?" Oregonian!
A. L. LTJI13, $17 Railway Exchange, protects
both buyer and seller; aU get a square
i-tarco mnA onnfactloncrv. West Side;
$1300; u1destabiished, doing good business;
a bargain. . ,
Grocer-. East Side, $850. low rent; sick
ness In family; must seiL
Coffee and lunch stand for $13,
place for man and wife.
Old-established drugstora. roo5 loca
tion, $4000, M cash; good reason for sell
ing. Koomlng-house. close In, rwnt $30; par
tle going away $350 takes this.
FIRST-CLASS location in new brick build
ing tor good grocery ana meat maritet.
Rent. S2S for srocerv and l per month
, for market; I will give good chance to
piari; aiso, nn locaiiua iur
coal and wood, big room on oomer, 40 by
40. with 14-foot colling, rent only $15 per
month for ail. including barn; also, flrst
claas location for barbershop, lights and
lavatory all ready equipped. See owner,
J. H. Nash, 72 Chan-Ier of Commerce.
Main 0129.
GREATEST opportunity for concrete
workers; I will sacrifice my latest Im
proved (1912 patented- cement block and
brick machine for cash snd quick sale;
sell machine alone, or machine and patent
rights, patterns and all; with this ma
chine goes 6 weeks' promised work and a
location where there ts plenty of concrete
work for man that understands business.
See or write E. Buschmann, Mllwaukle,
Or. Call before Jan. 23. Location is East
ern Oregon.
ANYBODY who has a patented device that
meets daily needs can secure the services
of an efficient salesman on a commission
basis who Is equipped to travel anywhere;
your improvement will be presented to
manufacturers and others in an intelligent
manner; no fee collected in advance or
at any time; commission to be paid when
patent 1 sold. Call .&$ Pittoclt block,
leortland. Or. '
WELL - ESTABLISHED ' automobile firm
wants a good salesman, prefer one who
can Ijuy his own car for demonstrator;
state your experience, whether ou can
buy your demonstrator, and any other
data to show that you are a live one; our
line is a sensational one, we aid you to
make sales; big advertisers. E 348, Ore
gonlan. M' A LUSTER In this city January 14.
George H. McAllister, aged 22 years,
husband of Berl McAllister, brother of
Miss Margaret McAllister, of this city :
Joseph McAllister, of Salem; Melville Mc
Allister, of Yamhill, and son of Mm. C.
H. Dawson, of Yamhill. The funerul
service will be held at Yamhill at 2 P. M...
Sunday. January 10. Friends Invited.
Sickness .:ompls the immediate sale
of a popular transient hotl, located in
the heart of Portland; this house now
has a majority of the theatrical bills each
week and a "live wire" manager can coin
money; $3500 spot cash takes it, not one
half Its value. For interview, phone A
6U3S, or address M 340, Oregonian.
Wants a partner. Dandy location, center
of West Side, cheap rent, well estab
lished. The right party with little cash
will find this the beat opportunity in the
city. All we ask is chance to tell you
about it. Badley, 6'Jl Yeon bldg. ,
Pacific States Fire Ins. stock.
Alaska Pet. & Coal.
Coin Machine.
Idaho Gold Radium.
209 Washington bldg.
FOR SALE Established wholesale and fam
ily liquor business In best town in Mon
tana; population 6000; only place of its
kind in town; nearest competition 125
miles; small stock; good reason for selling;
snap for quick sale. Box 307, Le-wiaton,
AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop ,
have splendid opening for energetic man
In a solid business; open to your closest
investigation bei'ore you Invest one cent,
large profits guaranteed. Call room 320
Morgan bldg. '
FOR SALE Interest in a filing manufac
turing plant making specialties with no
competition on the Coast; articles are well
introduced and sales can be Increased .
$1."00 to $2000 required. Address AB JiOO.
FOR SALE Woodworking plant, fully
equipped, manufacturing specialties, or
will sell half interest to experienced par
ties and incorporate, business established
and can be increased. AdUrtiss owner, W
3."4, Oregonian.
OLI-ESTABLISHD grocery. Williams ave..
at Invoice, about $4000, $100O cash, balance
good real estate; worthy your invostlKa
tlon. W. L. GKfcKIN,
284 Stark St.
WANTED A steady man to work In a
sulid business as partner; pay salary i.
month besides share of. profits; requires
small Investment, which will be secured.
Call room H2i Morgan bldg.
WE WANT sales manager for Pacific Const
states, $0000 a year: must be able to put
$:1000 into the business; references re
quired as to integrity. Ideal Mtg. Co., 5or
Merchants Trust bldg.
PRINTERS Mergenthaler Jr. linotype.
running metal, b-point roman anu ma'-iv
mats; $400 cash, f4r0 on time: trade to
ward new Ford. Write Fuller. S72 N. Com
mercial. Salem, Oregon.
52 rooms, good profit, very small casn
down, good terms to reliable party. In
vestigate at once. 817-818 N. W. Bank
Within a prosperous farming communi
ty, fine business, splendid location, dis
agreement compels sale. C 11S8 or 6-1
Yeon blalg. Associated Inv. Co.
PARTNER wanted to wait on the custom
ers and help in the store; requires small
investment, fullv secured; large profits can
be made In this growing fcuslness. Call
room 329 Morgan bldg.
PICTURE show, finely equipped and decor
ated, high-class piano. Powers 6-A ma
chine fine operat chairs, etc.. any reas
onable terms. 319 Lumber Exchange.
AUTOMOBILE sales and repair business
want3 active man to attend office, s-ll
supplies, etc.. as partner: rny big wages,
onlv SD.-.0 required. Call 24S1-S Stark St.
EXTRAORDINARY business proposition;
unlimited possibilities: open for reliable
man Including service with $M0 or se
curity for amount. W 34;, Oregonian.
ESTABLISHED transfer and storage busi
ness, fullv equipped for general transfer
work well llned-up business, nnoie or
Interest. 319 Lumber Exchange.
-tt-il.T. trflrie a new modern 5-room noon
c..iri Ctnten TTtre Tn... Stock. AlSSKrv
Pet A Coal, Coin Machine or Idaho f;iTM
& Radium stocks. AO 815. Oregonlnn.
CLASSY confectionery and grocery, ideal
location, no close competition, fine, a.i
cash custom: 3 modern living-rooms, a
dandv for M- 31 ! Lumber Exchange.
nnnrrmEfi butter, eggs, etc.:
this Is
strictly cash store, and the sales average
875 day, all cash and no delivery; a saf-.
solid business. Call room 32 Morgan bint;.
TTIt-.T i.,...,, ebnneea for active, honest
young man to w..l o.. . u-.... ,
mark st.
ESTABLISHED mail-order and apecialtv
blislncJs will net $100 monthly: bears
closest investigation: small Investment re
quired. 319 Lumper r.xcnminc.
FOR bargains In grocery, confectionery, deli
catessen and country also have
fine trades, city and farm properties. See
Mlllership. 724 Chamber of Commerce.
SMALL grocery and confectionery store f'jr
ment-house trade: just right for man and
wife. Call 248 Stark st.
OWNER called East, compeiiea io sen i...
I'SZ supply e,g bVgain.' with
terms. 319 Lumber Exchange.
MECHANIC wanted to take half Interest in
a verv profitable line of business with in.
creaslng trade, $1000 required. Call 24S
Stark st.
WANTED To meet a wide-awake party
with $2500 and a capacity for appreciating
a good sound established business propo
sition. J 20r, Oregonian.
ROOMING-HOUSE for 1300; cigar, candy
and Fhoe-shlne parlor, a money maker.
817-S1S N. W. Bank bldg. .
BEST paying light groceries; across from
school, with living rooms and low rent.
owner. 994 Hancock st.
tTAVR good proposition for salesman with
1W0, money secured. 817-818 N. W. Bank
SMALL cash business wants steady Part"";
good pay and only $275 required. Call
room 329 Morgan bldg.
HAVE good ponlhall In center of town,
will take reliable partner, $S00 will
handle 817-S18 X. W. Bank bldg.
s'i-,0 WILL buy very central restaurant; this
' is a groat bargain 25 day business; owner
leaving city.
vt fat MARKET for sale, complete, with
slaLhterhouse town, about 2500. will do
for Panners Address AV 568, Oregonian.
wTTtaRI E man Wanted as partner in e.
abllVhed office huslne. small Investment
. required. 3i" i""'"
BAKERY foi-salo cheap; fine location. Call
Main 097.
trr.T? kai.E Two good pool tables and out
m complete Phone 9187. 1435 Macadam.
r T.-cE 317 Railway Exchange, protects both
buyer and seller: all get a square deal.
$4500 GENERAL ItDsa.. store, pan ;.....
,lance trade. Owner, Tabor $248.
NICE small butefcer shop for sale cheap;
" cash trade. Call Maln5781. ,
STOCK countrv store, $2'(l cah: rent store
S25.' 431 Chamber of Commerce,